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Angron, a Primarch, was found on the planet Nuceria where he was enslaved and had the Butcher's Nails implanted in his brain. He led several rebellions against his slavers but was eventually taken by the Emperor to lead the World Eaters legion. Under the influence of the Butcher's Nails, Angron turned increasingly violent and bloodthirsty, eventually pledging himself and the World Eaters to the Chaos God Khorne during the Horus Heresy.

Angron was found as a child on the planet Nuceria and was enslaved. He was implanted with the Butcher's Nails psycho-surgery which made him extremely aggressive. He led several rebellions as a gladiator but was eventually taken by the Emperor to lead the World Eaters legion.

After initially refusing to have anything to do with his legion, Captain Kharn convinced Angron of the World Eaters' worthiness. Angron then took control of the legion, renaming them the World Eaters and forging new traditions with them that focused on bloodshed and violence.

Pre-Heresy During the Scattering, Angron was thrown to the Civilised World of Nuceria, far from Terra.

He plummeted into the icy mountains of that planet, and not long aft er a slaver found him, and a scene of carnage. Surrounding the wounded young Pri march were the corpses of numerous Xenos. Imperial scholars would later theorise that they were Eldar who had foreseen the great bloodshed that Angron would cau se and had tried unsuccessfully to stop him. After being enslaved and nursed bac k to health, Angron was brought to the planet's capital[1] called Desh ea.[2] Ther e, he was modified with the psycho-surgery known as the Butcher's Nails[8] and f orced into the techno-gladiatorial arenas, where he proved to be undefeatable an d a fan-favorite. Several times he tried to lead his fellow gladiators in revolt , and each time failed. Yet once, he succeeded and after butchering his way thro ugh the crowd he led his rag-tag army into the mountains of the planet, where he lived for several years. The civilized cities sent armies to destroy Angron, bu t they were all obliterated. Nonetheless, the issue was never in doubt. His forc es had little to eat in the barren mountains, and were exhausted from the consta nt battling[Needs Citation]. His fate seemed sealed when seven well equipped armies surrounded Angron and his starving forces. Just as the battle was about to begin, the Emperor of Mankind' s Fleet arrived in orbit over the planet. The Emperor teleported directly to Ang ron's point of deployment with a few trusted Adeptus Custodes. The Emperor promi sed Angron a legion made in his image, limitless power, and life-times spent per fecting the Art of Conquest. But, to his surprise, Angron refused. He chose inst ead to die amongst his comrades while fighting his oppressors. Reluctantly, the Emperor returned to his flagship above. Yet just as the battle was about to begi n, the Emperor teleported Angron against his will back up to the fleet. He could only watch in anguish as those he regarded as his brothers and comrades were qu ickly annihilated[Needs Citation]. Angron was eventually taken to the fleet of the XII Legion, the War Hounds. Tele ported to the War Hounds flagship, Angron initially refused to have anything to do with his Legion, and when several Captains tried to talk to him, he brutally killed them, as they had been ordered by the Emperor to not raise a hand against Angron. Eventually, Captain Khrn of the 8th Assault Company managed to form a ra pport with Angron, talking about the rituals of Angron's gladiators and the trad itions of the War Hounds. Now convinced of their worthiness, Angron took full co ntrol over his legion, which he renamed the World Eaters, saying they would form new traditions together.[2] During the course of the Great Crusade, he reaped m any victories, although some criticized the extreme and bloodthirsty tactics he used to ensure the destruction of his opponents. Horus Heresy Angron during the Horus Heresy The Emperor himself criticized Angron for the changes he made to his recruits. L ike all other gladiators on his homeworld, Angron had received special nerve-imp lants known as the Butcher's Nails which tremendously heightened his aggressiven ess, but also had the side effect of uncontrollable rages outside of battle. Ang ron ordered his Techmarines to duplicate the technology and that all recruits un dergo the process that would turn them into aggressive and fearless warriors. De spite the obvious advantages, the Emperor was displeased, and ordered him to sto p. Angron paid him no heed and continued the unsavory practice secretly[Needs Ci tation]. This led to the World Eaters being criticized for their general bloodlust and ba rbarity by their fellow Legionnaires. They were known for blood rituals when not in combat, and competed with each other for the number of enemy heads they coul d take in battle. Eventually the Emperor dispatched the Space Wolves and Leman R uss to deal with Angron and demand an end to both the Butcher's Nail surgeries a

nd massacres carried out by the World Eaters. A tense standoff between the Wolve s and World Eaters resulted, with all-out warfare eventually breaking out in a b rief but bloody battle. Angron engages Russ in single combat, defeating Russ but allowing himself to become encircled by Russ' bodyguards in the process. Angron failed to understand that his bloodlust and disregard for both his life and his legionaries had allowed him to become encircled. Disappointed that his brother had not learned this lesson, Russ ordered a retreat. Nonetheless Angron saw this as a victory, for while he would have fallen had Russ gave the order to open fi re, he had bested the Wolf and the World Eaters suffered less casualties than th eir enemies.[11] The Red Angel and his Legion. After this debacle, the Emperor dispatched Horus to bring Angron back in line a fatal error, as Horus was already corrupted by the forces of Chaos. A master p sychologist, he told Angron exactly what he wanted to hear: that the Emperor was a weakling devoid of honour and that there was a place for him in a new order, along with revenge against the brother Primarchs that had criticized his legion. Angron needed no further convincing, throwing his legion on Horus' side when th e Horus Heresy broke out[Needs Citation]. During the Heresy Angron would team up with Lorgar and his Word Bearers to strik e at Ultramar in an attempt to rectify the traitor failure at the Battle of Calt h. However Lorgar, recognizing Angron's instability and hidden sorrow over his f orced departure from Nuceria, recommended that Angron return to his adopted home world to find a sense of closure as well as possibly overcome the Butcher's Nail s, which were slowly killing him. When the two Primarchs arrived however they di scovered that the slave-lords of Nuceria had massacred Angron's comrades and tol d the population that he had fled during their last stand. Infuriated, Angron or dered that the World Eaters and Word Bearers purge Nuceria of its population.[11 ] During the battle, the Ultramarines led by Guilliman arrived, determined to ex act vengeance on the traitors for the Battle of Calth. Angron went on to duel Gu illiman himself during the battle, defeating the Primarch in a furious rage. But while Guilliman managed to escape thanks to an intervention by nearby Ultramari nes, this was precisely what Lorgar had wanted and the Word Bearers Primarch beg an a Khornate ritual. Using Angron's rage as a conduit, Lorgar channeled the pow er of Khorne and surged the Red Angel with the powers of Chaos. Angron was trans formed into a hulking, even more bloodthirsty avatar of violence and rage that h ad overcome the debilitating effects of the Butcher's Nails.[11] Later, Angron t ook part in the Battle of Terra, causing destruction wherever he appeared and fa mously issuing Horus' terms of surrender to Sanguinius as he stood atop the Impe rial Palace's walls. Unsurprisingly, the Blood Angels' primarch refused.[13] Angron and Lorgar carve a bloody swathe through the Ultramarines during the Here sy. Already savage and brutal, the World Eaters quickly found a new master in the fo rm of the Blood God Khorne, eternally demanding sacrifice and skulls. Angron led his legion into their worship, his form mutated to a twisted red monstrosity wi elding a glowing runesword. Following their arrival in the Eye of Terror, Khorne elevated Angron to the role of Daemon Prince and gave him command of a Daemon w orld. Angron took up his Black Blade, a mighty Daemonic Sword, and left behind h is twin chainaxes Gorefather and Gorechild, the latter of which is now wielded b y Kharn the Betrayer [Needs Citation]. Post-Heresy Angron, Daemon Prince of Khorne[12] The Dominion of Fire During the middle of the 38th millennium, Angron and fifty thousand Khorne Berze rkers slaughtered their way through Imperial space for over two centuries. This incident became known as the Dominion of Fire. The wars and rebellions the force s of Khorne sparked ravaged over seventy sectors. In the end it took four Space

Marine chapters, two Titan legions and more than thirty Imperial Guard regiments to retake what the Imperium had lost. Ninety percent of the area has since been recovered by the forces of Mankind.[3] The First War for Armageddon Main article: First War for Armageddon In 444.M41, Angron invaded the Imperial hive world Armageddon. He led four World Eaters companies and a daemonic host against the local defenders and their Spac e Wolves allies. Angron's forces ravaged the planet, but he was continually forc ed to slow his advance to erect monuments to Khorne in order to sustain his Daem onic form in the Materium. In the end however he was defeated when he was confro nted by a force of 109 Grey Knights. Angron and his escort of twelve Bloodthirst ers, the Cruor Praetoria, initially decimated the Grey Knights sent before him u ntil a newer recruit and extraordinarily powerful Psyker Hyperion managed to fir st snap, then break the Black Blade at the height of the struggle. Now at a disa dvantage, Angron was banished back to the Warp by Brother-Captain Taremar Aurell ian in a battle that only thirteen Grey Knights survived.[9] Description and Abilities Kharn, Captain of the 8th Assault Company of the War Hounds, was struck by his p rimarch's visage when he first saw it: Wiry, copper-red hair curled away from a high brow, pale eyes sat deep behind ch eekbones that angled down like axe-strokes to an aquiline nose and a broad, thin -lipped mouth. It was the face of a general to follow unto death, the face of a teacher at whos e feet the wise would fight to sit, the face of a king made for the adoration of worlds: the face of a primarch. And rage made it the face of a beast. Rage pulsed and distorted the features lik e a tumour breaking out from the skull beneath. It made the eyes into yellow, em pty pits, debased the proud lines of brow and jaw, peeled the lips back from the teeth.[2] According to the custom of the gladiators he was raised among, Angron cut scars into his torso after each of his battles, in a continuing length known as the Tr iumph Rope. For every victory, the scar would be left to heal normally, while fo r every defeat the warrior would work some dirt into the wound and cause the sca r to turn black. Angron was the only gladiator in his world's history without an y black scars.[2] Corax believed that no other Primarch could have bested Angron in single combat save for Horus and perhaps Sanguinius[4]; Rogal Dorn, on the other hand, believe d that he could defeat Angron easily, and feared him much less as an adversary t han he did Horus.[14]

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