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Leasem9 Chapter 5 Part 2

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Definition of Terms:

1. Management- Pertains to the utilization of available resources in an organization.

2. Productivity - means the summary of measures of the quantity and quality of police work
performance achieved, with resource utilization considered.

3. Good police managers - establish and support the conditions needed to ensure high
productivity for themselves, for individual contributors, for their work units, and for the
organization as a whole.

4. Police Effectiveness - which measures whether important task goals are being attained

5. Police Efficiency - which measures how well resources are being utilized

6. Planning – is the process of setting performance objectives and identifying the actions
needed to accomplish them.

7. Organizing – is the process of dividing the work to be done and coordinating results to
achieve a desired purpose.

8. Leading – is the process of directing and coordinating the work efforts of other people to help
them accomplish important task.

9. Controlling – is the process of monitoring performance, comparing results to objectives and

taking corrective action as necessary.

10. Interpersonal Roles – working directly with other people

11. Figurehead – hosting and attending official ceremonies

12. Leadership – creating enthusiasm and serving people’s needs

13. Liaison – maintaining contacts with important people and groups

14. Informational Roles –exchange information with other people

15. Monitor – seeking out relevant information

16. Disseminator – sharing information with insiders

17. Spokesperson – sharing information with outsiders

18. Decisional Roles – make decisions that affect other people

19. Entrepreneur – seeking problems to solve and opportunities to explore

20. Disturbance handler – helping to resolve conflicts

21. Resource Allocator – allocating resources to various uses

22. Negotiator – negotiating with other parties

23. Division of Work - work specialization can increase efficiency with the same amount of

24. Authority and Responsibility – authority includes the right to command and the power to
require obedience; one cannot have authority without responsibility.

25. Discipline – Discipline is necessary for an organization to function effectively, however, the
state of the disciplinary process depends upon the quality of its leaders.

26. Unity of Command - employee should receive orders from one superior only.

27. Unity of Direction – there should be one manager and one plan for a group of activities that
have the same objective.

28. Subordination of individual interest to general interest – the interest of one employee or
group of employees should not take precedence over those of the organization as a whole.

29. Remuneration of Personnel – compensation should be fair to both the employee and the

30. Centralization – the proper amount of centralization depends on the situation.

31. Scalar Chain – the hierarchy of authority is the order of ranks from the highest to the lowest
levels of the organization. Besides this vertical communication should also be encourage as
long as the managers is in the chain are kept informed.

32. Order – materials and human resources should be in the right place at the right time;
individuals should be in jobs or position that suits them.

33. Equity – employees should be treated with kindness and justice

34. Stability of personnel tenure - an employee needs time to adjust to a new job and reach a
point of satisfactory performance; high turnover should be avoided.

35. Initiative – the ability to conceive and execute a plan (through initiative and freedom) should
be encouraged and developed throughout all levels of the organization.

36. Esprit de Corps –“union” Unity is strength; Harmony and teamwork are essential to effective

37. Planning – working out in broad outline the things that need to be done and the methods for
doing them to accomplish the purpose set for the enterprise
38.. Organizing – establishment of the formal structure of authority through which work
subdivisions are arranged, defined, and coordinated for the define objective.

39. Staffing – personnel function of bringing in and out training the staff and maintaining the staff
the favorable conditions of work. Filling the organization with the right people and right position.

40. Directing – task of making decisions and embodying them in specific and general orders and
instructions and serving as the leader of the enterprise

41. Coordinating - the all-important duty of interrelating the various parts of the work.

42. Reporting – is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is
going on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records
research and inspection.

43. Budgeting – with all that goes of budgeting in the form of fiscal planning, accounting, and

44.the Hawthorne study - The results of Hawthorne experiment contradicted the traditional
views of management emphasized by the classical theorists and led to the behavioral approach
emphasizing concern for the workers.

45. Biological or Physiological Needs – these motives include the need for food, water, oxygen,
activity, and sleep.

46.Safety Needs – these pertain to the motives of being cared for and being secured such as in
income and place to live.

47. Love/Belongingness – Belongingness is integration into various kinds of social groups or

social organizations. Love needs means need for affection.

48. Cognitive Needs – our motivation for learning and exploration

49. Esteem Needs – our motivation for an honest, fundamental respect for a person as a useful
and honorable human being.

50. Aesthetic Needs - our motivation for beauty and order


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area
of management concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview,

Personnel Management uses planning, organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day

activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in coordinating their
activities to achieve the aims of the police.
• Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference
between its success and failure to attain its objectives or goals.

• The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The
success of every organization is for the organization to overcome the demands in human
response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and
maintenance for the public service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such
conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the interests of the government of
all times.

 Objectives of Personnel Management

 The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as
Human Resource
 Department (HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the
organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship with the organization.
An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s
acceptance of organization’s objectives.

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering
harmonious relationship with its human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the
requirements of the police organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their
personnel functions in promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if
it does not have a separate training department to perform its functions

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and
regulations and in rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort Operative Functions of
Police Personnel


 Aside from higher police management levels that can impose disciplinary actions against
subordinates, the following also serves as disciplinary mechanisms in the police service:
 Administrative Disciplinary Powers of the Local Chief Executive (LCE) The City and
Municipal Mayors shall have the power to impose, after due notice and summary
hearings, disciplinary penalties for minor offenses committed by members of the PNP
assigned to their respective jurisdictions as provided in Section 41 of
 Republic Act No. 6975, as amended by Section 52 of Republic Act No. 8551.
 PLEB - the PLEB (People's Law Enforcement Board) is the central receiving entity for
any citizen's complaint against PNP members. As such, every citizen's complaint,
regardless of the imposable penalty for the offense alleged, shall be filed with the PLEB
of the city or municipality where the offense was allegedly committed.
 Upon receipt and docketing of the complaint, the PLEB shall immediately determine
whether the offense alleged therein is grave, less grave or minor.
 Should the PLEB find that the offense alleged is grave or less grave, the Board shall
assume jurisdiction to hear and decide the complaint by serving summons upon the
respondent within three (3) days from receipt of the complaint. If the PLEB finds that the
offense alleged is minor, it shall refer the complaint to the Mayor or Chief of Police, as
the case may be, of the city or municipality where the PNP member is assigned within
three (3) days upon the filing thereof.

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