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Concerned With Human Relations in The Police Organization

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Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)


Police Personnel Management (Human Resources Management) may be defined as that area of management
concerned with human relations in the police organization. As an overview, Police Personnel Management uses planning,
organizing, directing and controlling of day-to-day activities involved in procuring, developing and motivating them and in
coordinating their activities to achieve the aims of the police.

Efficient management of human resources in any organization can spell the difference between its success and failure
to attain its objectives or goals.

The need for a more efficient management of human resources is very demanding today. The success of every organi-
zation is for the organization to overcome the demands in human response brought about by several factors.

Purpose of Police Personnel Administration

The prime objective of an effective police personnel administration is the establishment and maintenance for the public
service of a competent and well-trained police force, under such conditions of work that this force may be completely loyal to the
interests of the government of all times.
Objectives of Personnel Management

The management of human resources is delegated to the unit of organization, known as Human Resource Department
(HRD). This is to provide services and assistance needed by the organizations’ human resource in their employment relationship
with the organization. An important task of the Human Resource Department is winning employee’s acceptance of organization’s

The objectives are:

1. To assist top and line management achieves the organization’s objective of fostering harmonious relationship with its
human resource.

2. To acquire capable people and provide them with opportunities for advancement in self-development.

3. To assist top management in formulating policies and programs that will serve the requirements of the police
organization and administer the same fairly to all members.

4. To provide technical services and assistance to the operating management in relation to their personnel functions in
promoting satisfactory work environment.

5. To assist management in training and developing the human resources of the organization if it does not have a
separate training department to perform its functions.

6. To see that all police members are treated equally and in the application of policies, rules and regulations and in
rendering services to them.

7. To help effect organization development and institution building effort.

Operative Functions of Police Personnel

The primary function of Personnel Department is commonly Personnel Operative Functions. These are the following:

1. Police Personnel Planning – is a study of the labor supply of jobs, which are composed with the demands for
employees in an organization to determine future personnel requirements, which either increase or decrease. If there
is an expected shortage of personnel the organization may decide to train and develop present employees and/or
recruit from outside sources.
2. Police Recruitment - is the process of encouraging police applicant from outside an organization to seek employment
in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan, recruitment strategy
formulation job applicants search, screening of qualified applicants, and maintaining a waiting list of qualified

3. Police Selections (screening) - is the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given position in
the police organization.

4. Police Placement- is the process of making police officers adjusted and knowledgeable in a new job and or working

5. Police Training and Development – refers to any method used to improve the attitude, knowledge, and skill or behavior
pattern of an employee for adequate performance of a given job. It is a day-to-day, year round task. All police officers
on a new position undergo a learning process given a formal training or not. Learning is made easier for officers when
the organization provides formal training and development. It reduces unnecessary waste of time, materials, man-
hours and equipment.

6. Police Appraisal or Performance Rating - performance rating is the evaluation of the traits, behavior and effectiveness
of a police officer on the job as determined by work standards. It is judgmental if it is made a tool in decision-making for
promotion, transfer, pay increase, termination or disciplinary actions against police officers. It is developmental in
purpose when the evaluation is used to facilitate officer’s improvement in performance or used to improve recruitment,
selection, training and development of personnel.

7. Police Compensation - Financial compensation in the form of wages of salaries constitutes the largest single
expenditure for most organizations. In Metropolitan Manila and other urban centers, wages of salaries represent the
sole source to meet the basic needs of food, clothing and shelter. It also provides the means to attain that standard of
living and economic security that vary in degrees upon a person’s expectations.


Nature of Personnel Programs

Personnel Programs refers to the activities programmed to implement the organization philosophy or creed and the
personnel philosophy of central managers in relation to people so as to accomplish organizational objectives. It serves as a
fundamental guide for personnel practices and personnel policies used in an organization for maintaining harmony between
management and employees. A good personnel program covers all the operative functions of personnel.

Factor to Considered in Personnel Program

The following factors should be taken into consideration in the preparation of a personnel program.

 objectives of the organization

 organizational philosophy of central management in relation to personnel,

 financial conditions and physical facilities of the organization

 cultural background and tradition of the people

 community and employees

 governmental factors.

Police Personnel Policies

1. Acquiring competent personnel - includes human resources planning, job description and job specification, police
recruitment, selection, placement, transfer, layoffs, and separation.

2. Holding and retaining competent police personnel - gives depth and meaning to good management philosophy , and
involves the granting of fair wages, reasonable working hours, and other employee benefits and services. These
activities include the determination of an equitable wage and maintenance of an incentive system. This area also
concerned with securing greater officer participation in activities and with strengthening officer morals and
effectiveness. All these help make the organization a “good place to work in.”

3. Developing and motivating personnel - deals with the education of the police officers, the appraisal of work
performance, their promotion, and the suggestion system, which enables them to develop so they can rise to the police
organization’s desired standards of performance.

4. Labor and human relations - involves the development of harmonious relations between management on one hand
and individual police officer the on the other hand. It also concerns the observance and application of laws and court
decisions affecting human relations, and relationships with other government law enforcement agencies.

5. Efficient administration of the program with adequate budget – this is to achieve a favorable climate for police officers.
Good human relations should be the attitude in the applications, implementation and interpretation of the organization’s
policies, rules and regulations. The important tools in this area are records and reports, personnel research and
statistics, and evaluation of the effects of current policies, activities, and programs.


Nature of Police Policies

Policies are tools of police management, which give life and direction to the police program of activities and set limits
within which action is to be pursued by the personnel concerned. Policies define the authority and the responsibility of
subordinates. They help the personnel understand their mutual relationships. They are ahead to guide the men on the
operational level, authority, and responsibility and to enable them to arrive at sound decisions .
POLICY refers to a general plan of action that serves as a guide in the operation of the organization. It makes up the
basic framework of management decisions that set the course what the organization should follow. It defines the authority and
responsibility of supervisors in their job of directing group efforts and implementing personnel programs.

Policies form a code of procedure in that they broadly indicate the best method of conducting any portion of the work at
hand. They assist police officers in problem solving and decision-making. While policies must be consistent, they must be flexible
enough to permit adjustments when the need for change arises.

Types of Police Policies

According to origin, policies are classified as:

1. Originated Policy - This type of policy comes from top management level and is intended to set up guidelines in the
operation of the police organization.

2. Appealed Policy - This type of policy is born when problems arise at the lower levels of the organization and the man in
charge does not know how to meet the problem. He then appeals to his superiors for guidelines and for guidance.

3. Imposed Policy - This type of policy comes from the government in the forms of laws, administrative orders, and rules
and procedures or contract specifications.

According to their subject matter, policies may be classified into:

1. General Statement of Principles - policies stated in broad terms, such as statement of objectives, philosophy and
creed. Others stress in general terms management traits, such as fairness in dealing with officers, understanding and
humane treatment of the work force.

2. Specific Rules - cover specific situations. They are more direct and are less flexible. They are more rigid in nature.
Dissemination of Policies

To be effective, personnel policies must be understood by all concerned including the managers and supervisors who
are to interpret and implement them to the employees who will be affected by the policies. Various means are used by
communicate personnel policies to employees. The most common are police handbooks, manuals, publications, memoranda,
and circulars, bulletin boards, meetings and conferences.

Police Handbooks - These handbooks are distributed to all personnel, and contain among other things, information
about the benefits and services that the organization grants to its officers, the organization’s history, its organizational structure,
its officers, and other information useful to the officers in understanding their relationship with the organization.

Police Manual - A policy manual covering all police personnel policies and procedures, if made available to managers
and supervisors, will be a great help in their decision-making and employees relationship.

Memoranda and Circulars - Memoranda and circulars are another common means of communicating police policies to
all officers. They can be issued fast and they provide the greatest assurance of reaching every employee. They are built in
means by which every member of the organization is reached.

Bulletin Boards - Organizational policies, rules and regulations, and activities may be typed out of mimeographed and
the posted on bulletin boards. If strategically located and well managed, bulletin boards are an effective medium for transmitting
newly issued policies, rules and regulations to police officers.

Meetings or Conferences - Meeting or conferences are often held to inform officers about new policies, their objectives
and implementation. One advantage of this type of policy dissemination is that it gives the officers the opportunity to ask
questions and request clarification on vague and doubtful points. It is effective to smaller departments, as they accommodate
small groups and allow the scheduling of meeting at very convenient hours.

Police Publications - Communication has gained such importance to and attention by management in recent years. To
meet the needs of communicating with officers, police organizations have been spending amount of money on publications,
internal or external.


After a job is analyzed, the facts about it are gathered, summed up, and recorded in the job description and job

Job description may be defined as an abstract of information derived from the job analysis report, describing the duties
performed, the skills, the training, and experience required the responsibilities involved, the condition under which the job is
done, and relation of the job to the other job in the organization.


On Police Recruitment

The first step in the recruiting procedure, and the one that should receive greatest emphasis, is that of attracting well-
qualified applicants. The best selection devices available are of little value if the recruiting effort has failed to attract candidates of
high caliber. Widespread publicity directed at the particular element of the population which it is hoped will be attracted to the
examination is the best method of seeking outstanding applicants.

Recruitment in the police service is dependent on the availability of national or regional quota of the PNP, which is
determined by the NAPOLCOM.

Standard Policy on Selection and Appointment

There shall be a standard policy for the selection of policy personnel throughout the Philippines in order to strengthen
the police service and lay the groundwork for police professionalization.

The general qualification for initial appointment to the police service shall be based on the provisions of Republic Act
No. 8551, which states:

No person shall be appointed as uniformed member of the PNP unless he or she possesses the following minimum

1. A citizen of the Philippines;

2. A person of good moral conduct;
3. Must have passed the psychiatric or psychological, drug and physical tests to be administered by the PNP or by any
government hospital accredited by the Commission for the purpose of determining physical and mental health;
4. Must possess a formal baccalaureate degree from a recognized institution of learning;
5. Must be eligible in accordance with the standards set by the Commission;
6. Must not have been dishonorably discharged from military employment or dismissed for cause from any civilian
position in the Government;
7. Must not have been convicted by final judgment of an offense or crime involving moral turpitude;
8. Must be at least one meter and sixty-two centimeters (1.62m) in height for male and one meter and fifty-seven
centimeters (1.57m) for female;
9. Must weigh not more or less than five kilograms (5kgs) from the standard weight corresponding to his or her height,
age, and sex; and
10. For a new applicant, must not be less than twenty-one (21) not more than thirty (30) years of age. Except for the last
qualification, the above-enumerated qualifications shall be continuing in character and an absence of any of them at
any given time shall be a ground for separation or retirement from the service: Provided, that PNP members who are
already in the service upon the effectivity of these Implementing Rules and Regulations shall be given five (5) years to
obtain the minimum educational qualification and one (1) year to satisfy the weight requirement.

For the purpose of determining compliance with the requirements on physical and mental health, as well as the non-
use of prohibited or regulated drugs, the PNP by itself or through a government hospital accredited by the Commission shall
conduct regular psychiatric, psychological, drug and physical tests randomly and without notice.
After the lapse of the reglamentary period for the satisfaction of a specific requirement, current members of the PNP
who shall fail to satisfy any of the requirements enumerated under this Section shall be separated from the service if they are
below fifty (50) years of age and have served in Government for less than twenty (20) years or retired if they are from the age of
fifty (50) and above and have served the Government for at least twenty (20) years without prejudice in either case to the
payment of benefits they may be entitled to under existing laws. (Section 14, RA 8551 – IRR)

On Selection Procedures

The purpose of the selection process is to secure these candidates who have the highest potential for developing into
good policemen. The process involves two basic functions. The first function is to measure each candidate’s qualifications
against whose ideal qualification that are established chiefly through job analysis. The second function, because of the
comparative nature of the merit system, is to rank the candidates relatively on the basis of their qualifications.

The Screening Procedures

Preliminary Interview - the applicant shall be interviewed personally by the personnel officer. If the applicant qualifies
with respect to the requirements of citizenship, education and age, he shall be required to present the following:

 Letter of application if none has been submitted

 An information sheet

 A copy of his picture (passport size)

 Birth Certificate

 Transcript of scholastic records and/ or diploma

 Fingerprint card, properly accomplished.

 Clearance papers from the local police department PNP provincial headquarters, city or municipal court and
city or provincial prosecutor’s office and his hometown police department, NBI, and others that may be required.

Physical and Medical Examination - in order to determine whether or not the applicant is in good health, free from any
contagious diseases and physically fit for police service, he shall undergo a thorough physical and medical examination to be
conducted by the police health officer after he qualifies in the preliminary interview.

Physical Agility Test - the Screening Committee shall require the applicant to undergo a physical agility test designed
to determine whether or not he possess the required coordination strength, and speed of movement necessary for police service .
The applicant shall pass the tests like Pull-ups-6 Push-ups-27, Two minutes sit-ups-45, Squat jumps-32, and Squat thrusts-20.
The Police Screening Committee may prescribe additional requirements if facilities are available.

Medical Standards for Police Candidates

1. General Appearance – the applicant must be free from any marked deformity, from all parasite or systematic skin
disease, and from evidence of intemperance in the use of stimulants or drugs. The body must be well proportioned, of
good muscular development, and show careful attention to personal cleanliness: Obesity, muscular weakness or poor
physique must be rejected. Girth of abdomen should not be more than the measurement of chest at rest.

2. Nose, Mouth and Teeth – Obstruction to free breathing, chronic cataract, or very offensive breath must be rejected.
The mouth must be free from deformities in conditions that interfere with distinct speech or that pre-dispose to disease
of the car, nose or throat. There shall be no disease or hypertrophy of tonsil or thyroid enlargement. Teeth must be
clean, well cared for and free from multiple cavities. Missing teeth may be supplied by crown or bridge work, where site
of teeth makes this impossible, rubber denture will be accepted. At least twenty natural teeth must be present.

3. Genitals – must be free from deformities and from varicole, hyrocole, and enlargement of the testicles, stricture of
urine, and retained testicles. Any acute and all venereal diseases of these organs must be rejected.

4. Varicose Veins - a marked tendency to their formation must be rejected.

5. Arms, Legs, Hands and Feet – must be free from infection of the joints, sprains, stiffness or other conditions, such as
flat foot, long nails or hammer toes which would prevent the proper and easy performance of duty. First (index) second
(middle), and third (ring) fingers and thumb must be present in their entirely. The toe must be the same.

6. Eyes – the applicant must be free from color blindness, and be able to read with each eye separately from standard
test type at a distance of twenty feet. Loss of either eye, chronic inflammation of the lids, or permanent abnormalities of
either eye must be rejected, 20/20 or 20/30 in one eye, with binocular vision of 20/30.

7. Respiration – must be full, easy, regular, the respiratory murmur must be clear and distinct over the lungs and no
disease of the respiratory organ is present.

8. Circulation – The action of the heart must be uniform, free and steady, it’s rhythm and the heart from organ changes.
Blood Pressure – systolic maximum 135; diastolic 90; pulse pressure 15 to 50. Brain and nervous system must be free
from defects.

9. Kidneys – must be healthy and urine normal.

Character and Background Investigation - the Screening Committee shall cause a confidential investigation of the
character and from among various sources.

Psychological and/or Neuro-Psychiatric Test - in order to exclude applicants who are emotionally or temperamentally
unstable, psychotic, or suffering from any mental disorder, the applicant shall take a psychological and/or neuro-psychiatric test
to be administered by the NBI, the PNP, or other duly recognized institution offering such test after he has qualified and met all
the requirements above.

The Oral Interview - the Screening Committee shall interview the qualified applicants for suitability for police work. The
interview shall aid in determining appearance, likeableness, and affability, attitude toward work, outside interest, forcefulness,
conversational ability, and disagreeable mannerism.


Any applicant who meets the general qualifications for appointment to police service and who passes the tests
required in the screening procedures shall be recommended for initial appointment and shall be classified as follows:

1. Temporary – if the applicant passes through the waiver program as provided in under R.A 8551.

2. Probationary – if the applicant passes through the regular screening procedures.

3. Permanent – if the applicant able to finish the required field training program for permanency.

Appointment in the PNP shall be affected in the following manner:

A. PO1 to SPO4 – appointed by the PNP Regional Director for regional personnel or by the Chief of the PNP for National
Head Quarter’s personnel and attested by the Civil Service Commission (CSC)

B. INSP to SUPT – appointed by the Chief PNP as recommended by their immediate superiors and attested by the Civil
Service Commission (CSC).

C. SSupt to Dep. Dir. Gen. – Appointed by the President upon the recommendation of the Chief PNP with the
endorsement of the Civil Service Commission (CSC) and with confirmation by the Commission on Appointment (CA).

D. Director General – appointed by the President from among the most senior officers down to the rank of Chief
Superintendent in the service subject to the confirmation of the Commission on Appointment (CA). Provided, that the
C/PNP shall serve a tour of duty not exceeding four (4) years. Provided further, that in times of war or other national
emergency declared by congress, the President may extend such tour of duty.

Waiver for Appointment - Waivers for initial appointment to the police service shall be governed by Section 15 of
Republic Act 8551, IRR.
Appointment by Lateral Entry -In general, all original appointments of Commissioned Officers (CO) in the PNP shall
commenced with the rank of inspector to include those with highly technical qualifications applying for the PNP technical
services, such as dentist, optometrist, nurses, engineers, and graduates of forensic sciences. Doctors of Medicine, members of
the Bar and Chaplains shall be appointed to the rank of Senior Inspector in their particular technical services. Graduates of the
PNPA shall be automatically appointed to the initial rank of Inspector. Licensed Criminologist may be appointed to the rank of
Inspector to fill up any vacancy.


The Need for Police Training

Organized training is the means by which officers are provided with the knowledge and the skills required in the
performance of their multiple, complex duties. In order that the recruit officer may commence his career with a sound foundation
of police knowledge and techniques, it is most important that the entrance level training he soundly conceived, carefully
organized and well-presented.

Training and the Changes in Police Works

During the past decades tremendous changes in police work have occurred. Advances in technology of
communications and equipment, public relations and employee relations as well as total evolution in the whole social structure
have made a law enforcement work more complex and difficult to pursue. The ordinary officer must be briefed and oriented on
new changes and developments that affect his job and the recruit must be given a new solid foundation contemporary with the
needs of the time. Policemen do not stay trained. If they do not forget what they have learned, it is continually made absolute by
improved technology and social changes, and requires frequent renewal to keep it current and useful.

Standards for Police Training

All training programs operated by law enforcement agencies should limit their enrolment to law enforcement officers.
Training courses should be set-up, prescribed units of instruction, and arranged a time schedule. Practical recruit training
subsequent to employment should be provided.

Pre-and-post employment university training.

Responsibility of Training
The training of police officers shall be the responsibility of the PNP in coordination with the Philippine Public Safety
College (PPSC) which shall be the premier educational institution for the training of human resources in the field of law
enforcement (PNP, BFP, BJMP), subject to the supervision of the NAPOLCOM.

Types of Police Training Programs

The following are the training programs in the police service:

 Basic Recruit Training

 Field Training

 In-Service Training programs

 Department In-service training programs

 National and International Conventions on Policing

The Basic Recruit Training – the most basic of all police training. It is a prerequisite for permanency of appointment.

The Basic Recruit Training shall be in accordance with the programs of instructions prescribed by the PPSC and the
NAPOLCOM subject to modifications to suit local conditions. This course is conducted within not less than six (6) months. A
training week shall normally consist of 40 hours of scheduled instructions.

Full time attendance in the Basic Recruit Training – Attendance to this type of training is full time basis. However, in
cases of emergency, recruits maybe required to render service upon certification of the Regional Director or the City or Municipal
Chief of Police the necessity of such service.

Completion and Certification of Training – After the Basic Recruit Training, the Regional Director shall certify that the
police recruits have completed the training and has satisfied all the requirements for police service.

The PNP Field Training – is the process by which an individual police officer who is recruited into the service receives
formal instruction on the job for special and defined purposes and performs actual job functions with periodic appraisal on his
performance and progress.

Under R.A 8551, all uniformed members of the PNP shall undergo a field training program involving actual experience
and assignment in patrol, traffic and investigation as a requirement for permanency of their appointment. The program shall be
for twelve (12) months inclusive of the Basic Recruit Training Course for non-officers and the Officer Orientation Course or
Officer Basic Course for officers. (Section 20, RA 8551 – IRR)
The In-Service Training Programs

 Junior Leadership Training – for PO1 to PO3

 Senior Leadership Training – for SPO1 to SPO4

 Police Basic Course (PBC) – preparatory for OBC – for senior police officers

 Officers Basic Course (OBC) – for Inspectors to Chief Inspectors

 Officers Advance Course (OAC) – for Chief Inspectors to Sr Superintendent

 Officer Senior Education Course (OSEC) – Superintendent and above

 Directorial Staff Course (DSC) – for directors and above.


Appraisal refers to the process of measuring the performance of people in achieving goals and objectives. It is also
known as “performance evaluation system”.

Purposes of Police Appraisal

1. It serves as guide for promotion, salary increase, retirement, and disciplinary actions.

2. It increases productivity and efficiency of police works.

3. It assimilate supervision

4. It informs the officer of the quality of his work for improvements

Uses of Police Appraisal

Police appraisal can be useful for personal decision-making in the following areas:

1. Eligibility to be hired

2. Salary adjustments

3. Determining potential for promotion

4. Evaluation of probationary officers

5. Identification of training needs

6. Isolating supervisory weaknesses

7. Validating selection techniques

8. Reduction in ranks (demotion)

Budgeting – with all that goes of budgeting in the form of fiscal planning accounting and control

The authors expanded the work of fayol by emphasizing on such principles as 1) Adhering to the
unity of command, 2) , Making authority commensurate with responsibility, and 3) Limiting the span of

Coordinating – the all – important duty of interrelating the various part of the work.

Reporting – is keeping those to whom the executive is responsible informed as to what is going
on, which thus includes keeping himself and his subordinates informed through records research and

Recruitment – is the process of encouraging job applicants from an organization to seek

employment in an organization. The process of recruitment consists of developing a recruitment plan,
recruitment strategy formulation job applicant search, screening of qualified job applicants, and
maintaining a waiting list of qualified job applicants.

Planning – is a study of the labor supply, of jobs which are composed with the demands for
employees in those within an organization to determine future personnel requirements which either
increase or decrease. If there is an expected shortage of personnel the company may decide to train and
develop present employees and/ or recruit from outside sources. Work of the DPRM

Selections – are the process of determining the most qualified police applicant for a given
position in the organization, (Board interview, CBI etc.)

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