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Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

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The effect of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on post-acute sequelae of COVID-

19 (PASC): A prospective cohort study
Elke Wynberg a,b,⇑, Alvin X. Han b, Anders Boyd a,c, Hugo D.G. van Willigen b,d,**, Anouk Verveen e,**,
Romy Lebbink f, Karlijn van der Straten b,d, Neeltje Kootstra g, Marit J. van Gils b, Colin Russell b,
Tjalling Leenstra a, Menno D. de Jong b,**, Godelieve J. de Bree d,**, Maria Prins a,d,**,
the RECoVERED Study Group 1
Department of Infectious Diseases, Public Health Service of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Medical Microbiology & Infection Prevention, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam,
the Netherlands
Stichting HIV Monitoring, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Infectious Diseases, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Medical Psychology, Amsterdam UMC, Amsterdam Public Health Research Institute, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Faculty of Medicine, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam, the Netherlands
Department of Experimental Immunology, Amsterdam UMC, University of Amsterdam, Amsterdam Institute for Infection and Immunity, Amsterdam, the Netherlands

a r t i c l e i n f o a b s t r a c t

Article history: Background: Symptoms of post-acute sequelae of COVID-19 (PASC) may improve following SARS-CoV-2
Received 7 March 2022 vaccination. However few prospective data that also explore the underlying biological mechanism are
Received in revised form 25 May 2022 available. We assessed the effect of vaccination on symptomatology of participants with PASC, and com-
Accepted 31 May 2022
pared antibody dynamics between those with and without PASC.
Available online 7 June 2022
Methods: RECoVERED is a prospective cohort study of adult patients with mild to critical COVID-19,
enrolled from illness onset. Among participants with PASC, vaccinated participants were exact-
matched 1:1 on age, sex, obesity status and time since illness onset to unvaccinated participants.
Between matched pairs, we compared the monthly mean numbers of symptoms over a 3-month
Vaccination follow-up period, and, using exact logistic regression, the proportion of participants who fully recovered
Long COVID from PASC. Finally, we assessed the association between PACS status and rate of decay of spike- and RBD-
Post-acute sequelae binding IgG titers up to 9 months after illness onset using Bayesian hierarchical linear regression.
Therapeutic vaccine Findings: Of 349 enrolled participants, 316 (90.5%) had 3 months of follow-up, of whom 186 (58.9%)
developed PASC. Among 36 matched pairs with PASC, the mean number of symptoms reported each
month during 3 months of follow-up were comparable between vaccinated and unvaccinated groups.
Odds of full recovery from PASC also did not differ between matched pairs (OR 1.57 [95%CI 0.46–5.84])
within 3 months after the matched time-point. The median half-life of spike- and RBD-binding IgG levels
were, in days (95%CrI), 233 (183–324) and 181 (147–230) among participants with PASC, and 170 (125–
252) and 144 (113–196) among those without PASC, respectively.
Interpretation: Our study found no strong evidence to suggest that vaccination improves symptoms of
PASC. This was corroborated by comparable spike- and RBD-binding IgG waning trajectories between
those with and without PASC, refuting any immunological basis for a therapeutic effect of vaccination
on PASC.
Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://

1. Introduction

It is now well-recognised that the symptoms of coronavirus dis-

⇑ Corresponding authors at: Nieuwe Achtergracht 100, 1018 XT Amsterdam, the ease 2019 (COVID-19), caused by infection with severe acute respi-
ratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2), can persist beyond
E-mail address: (E. Wynberg).
** the acute phase of infection [1,2]. The World Health Organisation
These authors contributed equally.
Listed under acknowledgements. (WHO) recently defined this complex syndrome, usually called
0264-410X/Ó 2022 The Authors. Published by Elsevier Ltd.
This is an open access article under the CC BY license (
E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

‘long COVID’ or ‘post-acute COVID-19 syndrome’ (PASC), as the talised participants were identified from admissions to the COVID-
presence of COVID-19 symptoms that occurs within three months 19 wards and enrolled within 7 days of hospital admission at the
after illness onset and persists for at least 2 months [3]. An accu- Amsterdam University Medical Centres (UMC) by means of a bed-
rate estimate of the proportion of COVID-19 patients who develop side visit on the hospital ward or a telephone call, if already dis-
PASC is still lacking, largely due to the substantial heterogeneity in charged from hospital. Eligibility criteria included laboratory
study design and lack of uniform definition [2]. The aetiology of confirmation of SARS-CoV-2 infection by reverse transcriptase
PASC also remains unclear and no treatment options currently polymerase chain reaction (RT-PCR), age 16–85 years, residing in
exist. the municipal region of Amsterdam, and adequate understanding
As SARS-CoV-2 vaccination programmes are rolled out in many of Dutch or English. Individuals residing in a nursing home and
countries, a number of anecdotal reports and case-series from those with mental disorders deemed likely to interfere to adher-
high-income countries have suggested that PASC symptoms can ence to study procedures were excluded.
be alleviated after vaccination [4]. An online survey among 900 For the current analysis, we included RECoVERED participants
PASC patients in the United Kingdom found that over half with at least 3 months of follow-up after illness onset and used
(57.9%) of respondents reported improvement of symptoms fol- follow-up data collected up to 1 November 2021.
lowing vaccination. Although these findings should be interpreted RECoVERED was approved by the medical ethical review board
with caution due to selection bias and lack of a control group, the of the Amsterdam University Medical Centres (NL73759.018.20).
hypothesis that SARS-CoV-2 could act as a therapeutic vaccine in All participants provided written informed consent.
PASC patients gained traction due to the urgent need for treatment
options for PASC. In a recent cohort study of self-referred partici- 2.2. Study procedures
pants with established PASC, the cumulative rate of complete
remission from PASC was higher among vaccinated participants During the first month of follow-up, trained study staff inter-
compared to propensity-score matched unvaccinated participants viewed participants on the presence, severity, and start and stop
over a 120 day follow-up period [5]. Given that randomised clinical dates of 20 different COVID-19 symptoms, took physical measure-
trials in which controls would be prevented from being vaccinated ments (respiratory rate [RR], heart rate [HR] and oxygen saturation
are unethical given the overwhelming benefits of vaccination for [SpO2]), collected biological specimens (nasopharyngeal swab for
both individual and public health, robust clinical data from PCR, blood samples, saliva) and recorded participants’ past medical
prospective observational studies are required to confirm or refute history and socio-demographic characteristics. Symptoms were
these early findings. based a validated questionnaire [7] and included: fatigue, cough,
In addition, complementing clinical data with immunological fever, rhinorrhoea, sore throat, dyspnoea, loss of smell and/or taste,
findings is crucial to examining the possible biological mechanism chest pain, headache, abdominal pain, confusion, arthralgia, myal-
by which vaccination would contribute to improvement of PASC gia, loss of appetite, wheeze, skin rash, nausea and/or vomiting,
symptoms. Evaluating antibody kinetics among patients with PASC diarrhoea, ear ache, spontaneous bleeding. Between months 3 to
and those without could help to support any observed beneficial 12 of follow-up, quarterly biological sampling took place and par-
effect of vaccination or lack thereof. For example, a recent prospec- ticipants completed monthly online questionnaires on the pres-
tive cohort study of COVID-19 patients found that IgM and IgG3 ence of the same 20 COVID-19 symptoms within the past month
levels during primary infection and at 6 months follow-up were (yes/no). Finally, participants with PASC at first vaccination were
lower among patients with PASC compared to those without PASC asked at one month following first COVID-19 vaccination whether
[6]. Assuming a clinical benefit of vaccination, these findings imply they had experienced an overall subjective change in their PASC
that an effect could be mediated by boosting IgM and IgG3 anti- symptoms.
body titers. However, no study to date has explored, within the From 6 January 2021, study participants were invited for SARS-
same cohort, both the clinical effect of vaccination on PASC symp- CoV-2 vaccination through the national Dutch SARS-CoV-2 vacci-
tomatology and antibody kinetics between those with and without nation campaign [8]. Study participants who had not yet been vac-
PASC over time. cinated by 4 April 2021 were invited to receive two doses as part of
Using longitudinal data from a prospective cohort study of our study, administered 28 days apart, of the BNT162b2 mRNA
COVID-19 patients enrolled at disease onset, we assessed the effect (Pfizer/BioNTech) vaccine [9], which were made available to
of vaccination on recovery from PASC symptoms. This analysis is RECoVERED by the Dutch Ministry of Health, Wellbeing and Sport
complemented by immunological investigations to assess possible (RIVM).
associations between antibody kinetics prior to vaccination and
development of PASC. 2.3. Definitions

Illness onset was defined as the earliest date upon which

2. Methods COVID-19 symptoms were experienced for symptomatic patients,
or the date of SARS-CoV-2 diagnosis for asymptomatic patients.
2.1. Study population The definition of PASC was based on the WHO criteria as reporting
at least one COVID-19 symptom that started within one month of
RECoVERED is a cohort study of individuals with SARS-CoV-2 overall illness onset and lasted beyond 3 months after illness onset.
infection in the municipal region of Amsterdam, the Netherlands. We thus considered any symptom occurring one month after the
The aims of this cohort are to describe the immunological, clinical onset of COVID-19 illness unlikely to be due to COVID-19 and
and psychosocial sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection across the full hence these symptoms were not deemed to be PACS symptoms
spectrum of COVID-19 severity. Enrolment of study participants [3]. Full recovery took place when all PASC symptoms had resolved
occurred between 11 May 2020 and 21 June 2021. Study design (i.e., were reported as being absent). COVID-19 clinical severity
and procedures have been described in detail elsewhere [1]. was categorised according to WHO COVID-19 disease severity cri-
Briefly, non-hospitalised patients were selected from notified cases teria [10]: mild disease as having a RR < 20/min and SpO2 > 94% on
of SARS-CoV-2 infection at the Public Health Service of Amsterdam, room air at both day 0 (D0) and day 7 (D7) study visits; moderate
and invited to participate within 7 days of diagnosis by means of a disease as having a RR 20–30/min and/or SpO2 90–94% or receiving
telephone call by trained study staff. Prospectively-enrolled hospi- oxygen therapy at D0 or D7; severe disease as having a RR > 30/min
E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

and/or SpO2 < 90% or receiving oxygen therapy at D0 or D7; critical of PASC symptoms at each time-point. Secondly, we used exact
disease as ICU admission due to COVID-19 at any point. BMI was logistic regression to compare the odds of having recovered fully
defined in kg/m2 as: <25, underweight or normal weight; 25–29, from PASC by the end of matched follow-up intervals between
overweight; 30, obese. matched pairs of vaccinated and unvaccinated individuals.
We then explored the association between early antibody titers
2.4. SARS-CoV-2 binding IgG antibody levels and consequent development of PASC. Among participants with at
least 3 months of follow-up after illness onset, we used a Bayesian
Levels of Immunoglobulin G (IgG) binding to SARS-CoV-2 multilevel model to compare IgG antibody neutralising and bind-
receptor-binding domain (RBD) and spike (S) proteins of wild type ing titers (to WT-D614G spike [S] and receptor binding domain
virus (Wu-1) were determined using a custom luminex assay as [RBD]) measured 30–60 days after illness onset between those
described previously [11,12]. In summary, proteins were produced who did and did not develop PASC. This model estimates the abso-
in HEK293F cells (Invitrogen) and purified from the cell culture lute difference in means between groups, while pooling estimates
supernatant using affinity chromatography with NiNTA agarose across study participants. Differences in posterior means were
beads (Qiagen). Proteins were covalently coupled to luminex mag- mean-centred such that effect sizes shown could be compared on
plex beads using a two-step carbodiimide reaction. Beads were a common scale. To assess the effect of COVID-19 severity, the
then incubated overnight with 1:100,000 diluted serum followed analysis was repeated, this time stratifying by clinical severity
by detection with goat-anti-human IgG-PE (Southern Biotech) on group.
a Magpix (Luminex) as the mean fluorescent intensity (MFI). To assess the association between antibody kinetics and PASC
status, we stratified individuals with and without PASC at 3 months
2.5. Neutralisation assays after illness onset and fitted patients with at least two datapoints
where spike/RBD-binding IgG measurements were made to a con-
Pseudovirus neutralization assay was performed as previously stant decay model. We performed Bayesian hierarchical linear
described [13]. Briefly, HEK293T/ACE2 cells [14] were seeded in regression of the log response variable (Y) against time since symp-
poly-L-lysine pre-coated 96-well plates. The next day, heat- tom onset (t), partially pooling decay rates across participants (i):
inactivated 1:100 diluted sera were 3-fold serially diluted and
mixed in a 1:1 ratio with pseudovirus Wu-1 D614G (WT) [14].
Y ¼ bi t þ ci
After 1-hour incubation at 37 °C the mixtures were added to the where bi and ci are the participant-specific decay rate and intercept.
cells and incubated for 48 h at 37 °C. The luciferase activity in cell All Bayesian models were fitted using Markov Chain Monte
lysates was measured using the Nano-Glo Luciferase Assay System Carlo (MCMC) with PyMC3 [16], implementing a no-u-turn sam-
(Promega) and GloMax system (Turner BioSystems). The 50% inhi- pler. Four MCMC chains were run with at least 4000 burn-in steps
bitory dilution (ID50) titers were determined as the serum dilution and 2000 saved posterior samples. This procedure resulted in a
at which infectivity was inhibited by 50% using a non-linear regres- posteriori distribution, from which its mode defined the parameter
sion curve fit (GraphPad Prism software version 8.3). estimate and its 2.5% and 97.5 quantiles defined the 95% credible
interval (CrI). If 1 was not included in the 95%CrI, the parameter
2.6. Statistical analysis estimate was considered statistically significant. Convergence for
all parameters were verified by checking trace plots, ensuring their
Baseline socio-demographic and clinical characteristics of par- R-hat values were < 1.05 with sufficient effective sample size
ticipants with at least 3 months of follow-up were compared (>200). Full formulations of the models used are listed in the Sup-
between those who developed PASC and those who recovered from plementary Materials.
all COVID-19 symptoms within 3 months of illness onset. Statistical analyses were performed using Stata (v.15.1, Stata-
We first evaluated the effect of COVID-19 vaccination on the Corp LLC, College Station, TX, USA) and the Python PyMC3 pro-
mean numbers of PASC symptoms reported. Among participants gramme described above.
with PASC, we matched vaccinated and unvaccinated follow-up
intervals according to participants’ age group (<45 years; 45–
65 years; 65+ years), sex (male/female), BMI (obese or not) and 3. Results
time since illness onset (in months). This was achieved by 1:1
exact matching the month in which a participant received their 3.1. Study population
first vaccination to a participant who remained unvaccinated for
at least one month following the matched time-point, using a Of 349 enrolled participants by 1 November 2021, 316 had at
coarsened exact matching (CEM) approach [15]. Follow-up was least 3 months of follow-up, of whom 186 (58.9%) developed PASC
then censored at lost to follow-up, last cohort visit or at 3 months (Table 1). Those with PASC were older (p < 0.001) and more fre-
following matched time-point, whichever occurred first. Partici- quently had moderate or severe/critical COVID-19 (p < 0.001),
pants were allowed to contribute multiple periods of unvaccinated higher BMI (p = 0.002) and were more likely to have a lower edu-
follow-up and could contribute to both vaccinated and unvacci- cational level (p < 0.001) compared to those who fully recovered
nated time intervals, provided that symptom data were available from symptoms within 3 months of illness onset (Table 1). Whilst
for at least one follow-up time-point after the matched time- all participants were unvaccinated for COVID-19 prior to enrol-
point. In order to ensure that symptom data were measured from ment, the majority of participants had been vaccinated against
the same baseline for each participant, we divided follow-up in SARS-CoV-2 by 1 November 2021.
monthly intervals since illness onset according to the date on
which surveys were completed. We modelled the mean total num- 3.2. Changes to PASC symptoms following vaccination
ber of symptoms at each time-point using linear regression, which
was compared between the matched vaccinated and unvaccinated Among participants with at least 3 months of follow-up after ill-
individuals using Wald v2 tests. We bootstrapped variance esti- ness onset who developed PASC (n = 186), 36 follow-up period
mates to ensure that variance was independent and identically dis- pairs were exact matched, originating from 36 vaccinated cases
tributed across participants. These variance estimates were used to and 32 unvaccinated controls (4 participants contributed two
calculate 95% confidence intervals (CIs) around the mean number unvaccinated follow-up periods) (Supplementary Table S1; Supple-
E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

Table 1
Socio-demographic, clinical and study features of RECoVERED study participants with at least 3 months of follow-up, stratified by those who did and did not develop PASC.

Total PASC status p-value

N = 316 N = 130 N = 186
Sex 0.20
Male 181 (57%) 80 (62%) 101 (54%)
Female 135 (43%) 50 (38%) 85 (46%)
Age, years 51.0 (36.0–62.0) 46.0 (32.0–57.0) 53.5 (41.0–64.0) <0.001
Clinical severity score <0.001
Mild 92 (29%) 61 (47%) 31 (17%)
Moderate 142 (45%) 52 (40%) 90 (48%)
Severe/critical 82 (26%) 17 (13%) 65 (35%)
BMI, kg/m2 26.0 (23.2–29.4) 25.1 (22.9–27.7) 26.8 (23.7–31.0) 0.0020
BMI category 0.027
Normal weight 130 (41%) 62 (48%) 68 (37%)
Overweight 105 (33%) 43 (33%) 62 (33%)
Obese 71 (22%) 20 (15%) 51 (27%)
Missing 10 (3%) 5 (4%) 5 (3%)
Migration background 0.25
Dutch 187 (59%) 78 (60%) 109 (59%)
Non-Dutch, OECD high-income 39 (12%) 20 (15%) 19 (10%)
Non-Dutch, OECD low/middle income 74 (23%) 26 (20%) 48 (26%)
Missing 16 (5%) 6 (5%) 10 (5%)
Highest level of education <0.001
None, primary or secondary education 42 (13%) 8 (6%) 34 (18%)
Vocational training 73 (23%) 24 (18%) 49 (26%)
University education 181 (57%) 93 (72%) 88 (47%)
Missing 20 (6%) 5 (4%) 15 (8%)
Number of COVID-19 high-risk comorbidities 0.035
0 178 (56%) 85 (65%) 93 (50%)
1 73 (23%) 27 (21%) 46 (25%)
2 37 (12%) 10 (8%) 27 (15%)
3 or more 28 (9%) 8 (6%) 20 (11%)
PASC status
Total No PASC PASC p-value
N = 316 N = 130 N = 186
Place of recruitment <0.001
Non-hospital (PHSA) 156 (49%) 93 (72%) 63 (34%)
Hospital 160 (51%) 37 (28%) 123 (66%)
Days from illness onset to COVID-19 diagnosis 5 (2–10) 4 (2–8) 6 (2–11) 0.064
Days from illness onset to inclusion in study 12 (6–42) 9 (5–17) 17 (9–80) <0.001
Follow-up time from enrolment in study 369.5 (238.5–496.0) 363.0 (287.0–482.0) 375.5 (216.0–502.0) 0.65
Admitted to hospital for COVID-19 153 (48%) 36 (28%) 117 (63%) <0.001
Days from illness onset to hospitalisation 9 (7–14) 10 (7–13) 9 (7–14) 0.98
Admitted to ICU for COVID-19 42 (13%) 9 (7%) 33 (18%) 0.005
Days from illness onset to ICU admission 10 (8–12) 10 (9–12) 10 (7–12) 0.86
Vaccinated during follow-up 217 (69%) 97 (75%) 120 (65%) 0.076
Vaccine type 0.67
Pfizer/BioNTech (BNT162b2) mRNA 197 (62%) 86 (66%) 111 (60%)
Moderna mRNA 9 (3%) 5 (4%) 4 (2%)
AstraZeneca 8 (3%) 5 (4%) 3 (2%)
Janssen (Johnson & Johnson) 2 (1%) 1 (1%) 1 (1%)
Unvaccinated 99 (32%) 33 (25%) 66 (35%)
Missing 1 (0%) 0 (0%) 1 (1%)
Time from illness onset to first vaccination, days 247 (144–364) 194 (130–301) 271 (158–387) NA
Lost to follow-up 55 23 32 NA

BMI = Body mass index; HIC = high-income country; HR = heart rate; LMIC = low- or middle income country; ICU = Intensive Care Unit; NA = Not applicable;
OECD = Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development; PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19; PHSA = Public Health Service of Amsterdam; RR = respiratory
rate; SpO2 = oxygen saturation; UMC = University Medical Centres.
Continuous variables presented as median (IQR) and compared using the Kruskal-Wallis test; categorical and binary variables presented as n (%) and compared using the
Pearson v2 test (or Fisher exact test if n < 5).
Clinical severity groups defined as: mild as having a RR < 20/min and SpO2 on room air >94% at both D0 and D7 study visits; moderate disease as having a RR 20–30/min, SpO2
90–94% and/or receiving oxygen therapy at D0 or D7; severe disease as having a RR > 30/min or SpO2 < 90% at D0 or D7; critical disease as requiring ICU admission.
BMI categories defined as: <25 kg/m2 normal or underweight; 25–29 kg/m2 overweight; 30 kg/m2 obese.
Migration background was defined as Dutch and non-Dutch based on the country of birth of the participant and their parents; those of non-Dutch background were further
classified as originating from a high-income (HIC) or low-/middle-income country (LMIC), according to the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD).
High-risk COVID-19 comorbidities are defined as listed by the WHO Clinical Management Guidelines and include: cardiovascular disease (including hypertension), chronic
pulmonary disease (excluding asthma), renal disease, liver disease, cancer, immunosuppression (excluding HIV, including previous organ transplantation), previous psy-
chiatric illness and dementia.

E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

Fig. 1. Mean number of symptoms during exposure-matched unvaccinated and vaccinated follow-up intervals, among participants with PASC Black vertical bands
represent 95% CIs, which were calculated from bootstrapped variance estimates to ensure that variance was independent and identically distributed across participants. Time
represents nearest month since first vaccination (for vaccinated participants) or matched time-point (for unvaccinated participants) that symptom survey was completed. P-
values were obtained from the Wald v2 test comparing the mean number of symptoms in unvaccinated and vaccinated time-intervals at each month of follow-up, with
bootstrapped variance estimates. PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

Fig. 2. IgG binding and spike neutralisation at 30–60 days following illness onset among all participants who did (N = 56) and did not (N = 72) develop PASC, by COVID-
19 clinical severity Difference in 30–60 day WT-D614G spike protein neutralising IgG titers and anti-spike and anti-RBD IgG binding titers between those who did and did
not develop PASC. The mean effects on neutralising and IgG titers from those who did and did not develop PASC were estimated using a Bayesian multilevel model.
Differences in posterior means were mean-centred such that effect sizes shown can be compared on a common scale (top row). Distributions of serum spike protein
neutralising IgG titers (bottom left), spike binding (bottom middle) and RBD binding (bottom right) displayed such that each dot represents one participant, coloured
according to COVID-19 clinical severity. RBD = Receptor binding domain. PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

mentary Figure S1a). Median length of follow-up after matching each month during the 3 months following the matched time-
did not differ between vaccinated (3 months [IQR = 3–3]) and point (Fig. 1). The odds of recovery from PASC did not differ
unvaccinated (3 months [IQR 1–3]) groups. There was no statisti- between vaccinated (6 recovery events) and unvaccinated partici-
cally significant difference in the mean total number of symptoms pants (4 recovery events) (OR 1.57 [95%CI 0.46–5.84], p = 0.596) in
reported between unvaccinated and vaccinated participants at the follow-up period up to 3 months following the matched time-

E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

Fig. 3. IgG binding and spike neutralisation at 30–60 days following illness onset among participants with mild COVID-19 who did (N = 16) and did not (N = 36)
develop PASC Difference in 30–60 day WT-D614G spike protein neutralising IgG titers and anti-spike and anti-RBD IgG binding titers between those who did and did not
develop PASC with mild COVID-19. The mean effects on neutralising and IgG titers from those who did and did not develop PASC were estimated using a Bayesian multilevel
model. Differences in posterior means were mean-centred such that effect sizes shown can be compared on a common scale (top row). Distributions of serum spike protein
neutralising IgG titers (bottom left), spike binding (bottom middle) and RBD binding (bottom right) displayed such that each dot represents one participant. RBD = Receptor
binding domain. PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

Fig. 4. Rate of spike- and RBD-binding IgG decay after illness onset, by PASC status at 3 months after illness onset Figures show results of a Bayesian hierarchical linear
regression of the log response variable (Y) against time since symptom onset (t), pooling decay rates across participants. Each connected line represents one study
participants, coloured by COVID-19 severity. PASC groups were defined as to whether the participant continued to experience one or more symptoms at 3 months after illness

onset. Estimated median half-life t1=2 and the corresponding 95% credible interval (95CrI) of spike- and RBD-binding IgG levels are computed from the median (black line)
and posterior distribution (gray region) of regressed lines. PASC = Post-acute sequelae of COVID-19.

point. Overall, among all participants with PASC at first vaccina- 3.3. Association between early antibody titers and development of
tion, the vast majority reported that they had the feeling that their PASC
PASC symptoms had not changed within a month after first vacci-
nation, regardless of initial COVID-19 severity (Supplementary Among participants with at least 3 months of follow-up after ill-
Figure S3). ness onset (n = 316), no differences were observed in levels of anti-

E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

spike or anti-RBD binding IgG antibodies measured at 30–60 days all, these conflicting results highlight the importance of prospec-
after illness onset between those who developed PASC (n = 186) tive population-based cohorts that follow COVID-19 patients at
and those who did not (n = 130) (median difference in posterior all levels of disease severity from illness onset onwards. Vaccina-
means: 0.109 [95%CrI 0.101–0.343] and 0.093 [95%CrI 0.082– tion remains one of the most important public health tools to avert
0.321], respectively) (Fig. 2). Levels of neutralising antibodies both short- and long-term COVID-19 morbidity, and care should be
detected 30–60 days of illness onset were also comparable taken to ensure any lack of therapeutic effect does not fuel vaccine
between those who developed PASC and those who did not (me- hesitancy among PASC patients [20,21].
dian difference in posterior means: 0.168 [95%CrI 0.05–0.395]). Our observed lack of association between vaccination and PASC
The stratified analysis was only performed in those who experi- is further underscored by our neutralizing antibody analysis and
enced mild and moderate COVID-19 as numbers in the severe/crit- the mostly lacking role of SARS-CoV-2 specific humoral responses
ical group were too low for a meaningful analysis. Results in PASC. We did not observe an association between early (30–
remained unchanged among those with moderate COVID-19 (Sup- 60 days post-illness onset) virus binding and neutralising antibody
plementary Figure S2). However, among participants with mild titers and the development of PASC overall, nor among PASC par-
COVID-19, higher RBD-binding titers were observed among those ticipants who experienced moderate COVID-19. When restricting
who developed PASC compared to those who did not (0.324 [95% our analyses to those with mild COVID-19, however, participants
CrI 0.091–0.549]; Fig. 3), yet no difference in neutralising IgG levels who developed PASC exhibited higher early RBD-binding antibody
was observed (0.147 [95%CrI 0.113–0.450]). titers than those who did not. Importantly, neutralising IgG levels
remained unchanged between PASC and non-PASC participants
with mild COVID-19. These results seem to conflict with a recent
3.4. Association between PASC and antibody decay over time
report suggesting lower early IgM and IgG3 titers in PASC patients
[6] but mirror a recent prospective Norwegian study of mainly
The estimated median half-life of spike- and RBD-binding IgG
non-hospitalised, mild COVID-19 patients [22]. Similar to our find-
levels appeared to be slightly greater for participants with PASC
ings, the latter study found that spike-binding IgG titers 2 months
at 3 months after illness onset, however, 95%CrI were largely over-
after infection were associated with a higher number of symptoms
lapping for both spike- and RBD-binding IgG titers (Fig. 4) and
at 6 months (aHR 1.25 [1.01–1.56], p = 0.037) [22], also when
therefore this difference was not statistically significant.
adjusting for confounding factors such as COVID-19 severity. These
higher IgG levels might be explained by residual confounding due
4. Discussion to variation in clinical severity (ranging from minimal to more sub-
stantial symptomatology) within the group classified as having
We assessed the effect of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on symptoms mild disease, given that both antibody titers and PASC are associ-
PASC within a well-characterised prospective cohort of partici- ated with illness severity. Moreover, when we assessed longitudi-
pants with PASC who had mild to critical COVID-19. We found nal serological data, there was also no statistically significant
no clear evidence of a beneficial effect of vaccination on PASC difference in spike- and RBD-binding IgG decay over time between
symptoms. These findings were corroborated by serological data, participants with and without PASC. Together, our findings suggest
in which there was no overall difference in early neutralising anti- that patients with PASC do not have clearly distinct antibody kinet-
body titers between participants with and without PASC at ics during either the acute or convalescent phase, findings which
3 months after illness onset, nor in antibody decay up to 9 months are in line with the lack of effect of vaccination on symptomatology
after illness onset. in our study. Future research may wish to investigate potential dif-
Despite initial optimism arising from studies reporting ferences in cell-mediated immunity, also induced by COVID-19
improvement or even full recovery of PASC symptoms following vaccination, between those with and without PASC.
SARS-CoV-2 vaccination, evidence to date is conflicting. Our study Our study’s strengths are its prospective design, hence avoiding
supports the evidence base that points to a lack of effect: we found bias through self-referral of PASC patients, detailed prospective
no difference in the mean number of PASC symptoms reported up symptom data, which minimises recall bias, long follow-up time
to 3 months after first vaccination between vaccinated cases and and representation of the full spectrum of COVID-19 severity.
unvaccinated controls matched by age, sex, obesity status and However, our study also has limitations. Although we used a
months since illness onset. Additionally, vaccination had no effect robust statistical method to match cases and controls, vaccination
on the odds of full recovery from PASC within 3 months from vac- was not randomly assigned and therefore residual confounding
cination or matched time-point. Given the limited sample size of may still exist. In addition, a large proportion of our cohort was
our matched analysis, these findings do not fully exclude a benefi- vaccinated around 12 months after illness onset after which symp-
cial effect but do suggest that such an effect is unlikely to be sub- tom questionnaires were no longer completed. This greatly
stantial. Larger studies of different designs demonstrate reduced the number of participants available for matching, limit-
inconsistent results, which may in part be due to differences in ing statistical power. Another limitation faced by all PASC studies
selection of study participants. For example, a large study (more without SARS-CoV-2-negative controls is that we cannot be sure
than 450 matched pairs) reported a doubling in remission rate to what extent the symptoms recorded were causally related to
among vaccinated cases compared to unvaccinated controls within SARS-CoV-2 infection as opposed to either underlying comorbidi-
120 days of follow-up [5]. However, this study suffers from selec- ties (i.e., symptoms were already present before COVID-19) or
tion bias, having recruited self-referred patients with PASC, and the psychological and physical effects of the pandemic. This may
non-hospitalised patients (91.1% of participants) and women have resulted in misclassification bias and overestimation of the
(80.5% of participants) were overrepresented, limiting generalis- proportion of participants with PASC. However, there is no reason
ability of these results. Similarly, a large nationwide survey from to believe that this misclassification would be more likely to occur
the UK, which also included almost exclusively non-hospitalised among participants contributing to either the vaccinated or unvac-
participants with PASC, reported a small but statistically significant cinated matched follow-up data. Finally, as all participants in our
reduction in the odds of reporting PASC symptoms following each cohort were infected with wild-type or Alpha SARS-CoV-2, results
vaccination [17]. In contrast, other large studies corroborated the may not be generalisable to those infected with other variants.
findings in our study, reporting no difference in PASC symptoms In summary, we found no evidence of a strong therapeutic
between unvaccinated and vaccinated participants [18,19]. Over- effect of SARS-CoV-2 vaccination on the mean number of symp-
E. Wynberg, A.X. Han, A. Boyd et al. Vaccine 40 (2022) 4424–4431

toms among those with PASC over time, nor on odds of full recov- Patient consent statement
ery from PASC following first vaccination. Our findings on early and
longitudinal serology among those with and without PASC at Written informed consent was obtained from each study partic-
3 months after illness onset are consistent with our clinical find- ipant. The study design was approved by the local ethics commit-
ings, refuting any immunological basis for a therapeutic effect. tee of the Amsterdam UMC (Medisch Ethische Toetsingscommissie
There remains a pressing need to understand the underlying bio- [METC]; NL73759.018.20).
logical mechanism of PASC in order to inform effective preventa-
tive measures and treatment options. Appendix A. Supplementary material

Supplementary data to this article can be found online at

Declaration of Competing Interest

The authors declare the following financial interests/personal References

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