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CLASE 5 - Revisión de Vacunas Contra COVID 19 Examen Final Julio 2021

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Received: 11 October 2020 | Accepted: 29 November 2020

DOI: 10.1002/jmv.26709


Interpretative immune targets and contemporary position for

vaccine development against SARS‐CoV‐2: A systematic

Nidhi Chauhan1 | Shringika Soni1 | Abhinandan Gupta1 | Mohammad Aslam2 |

Utkarsh Jain1

Amity Institute of Nanotechnology (AINT),
Amity University Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), Abstract
Noida, India
The year 2020 started with the emergence of novel coronavirus, severe acute
Rahat Hospital and Research Centre, Noor
Mahal, AVAS Vikas, Rampur, India
respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2 (SARS‐CoV‐2), which causes COVID‐19
infection. Soon after the first evidence was reported in Wuhan, China, the World
Health Organization declared global public health emergency and imminent need to
Utkarsh Jain, Amity Institute of
Nanotechnology (AINT), Amity University understand the pathogenicity of the virus was required in limited time. Once the
Uttar Pradesh (AUUP), 201313 Noida, India. genome sequence of the virus was delineated, scientists across the world started
working on the development of vaccines. Although, some laboratories have
Funding information been using previously developed vaccine platforms from severe acute respiratory
Science and Engineering Research Board, syndrome coronavirus (SARS) and middle east respiratory syndrome‐related
Grant/Award Number: EMR/2016/007564;
Department Of Science & Technology, India,
coronavirus and apply them in COVID‐19 vaccines due to genetic similarities be-
Grant/Award Number: TDP/BDTD/33/2019; tween coronaviruses. We have conducted a literature review to assess the back-
Biotechnology Industry Research Assistance
Council, Grant/Award Number:
ground and current status of COVID‐19 vaccines. The worldwide implementation
BT/IIPME0211/02/16 and strategies for COVID‐19 vaccine development are summarized from studies
reported in years 2015–2020. While discussing the vaccine candidates, we have
also explained interpretative immune responses of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. There are
several vaccine candidates at preclinical and clinical stages; however, only 42 vac-
cines are under clinical trials. Therefore, more industry collaborations and financial
supports to COVID‐19 studies are needed for mass‐scale vaccine development. To
develop effective vaccine platforms against SARS‐CoV‐2, the genetic resemblance
with other coronaviruses are being evaluated which may further promote fast‐track
trials on previously developed SARS‐CoV vaccines.

Antiviral agents, Coronavirus, Immnopathology, Immunodulators, Pandemic, Respiratory

1 | INTRODUCTION countries was emanated causing a global public health emergency on

January 30, 2020, declared by the World Health Organization (WHO).1
With the emergence of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus‐2 Subsequently, in the first emergency meeting of WHO, an estimated 4%
(SARS‐CoV‐2) outbreak, after the first case was reported at Wuhan fatality rate,2 2.2% of reproductive rate, and an incubation period of
China in late December 2019, a rapid transmission to 210 other 5.8–14 days of COVID‐19 were noticed.3 To date, 36.4 million active

J Med Virol. 2020;1–16. © 2020 Wiley Periodicals LLC | 1


cases and more than 1.06 million deaths due to COVID‐19 are reported the other hand, convalescent plasma or immunoglobulins based
in more than 210 countries and territories.4 The collaborative efforts of treatment therapy was also provided to COVID‐19 patients. It
WHO and scientist's community across various countries are evaluating has been previously prescribed in H1N1, HIV‐1, and Ebola viral in-
the pathogenesis of COVID‐19 and their signaling pathways to target fections.22 However, plasma therapy is not efficient in end‐stage
biomarkers for controlling, preventing, and developing new therapeutics COVID‐19 patients.23 In considering forgoing passive antibodies, a
against SARS‐CoV‐2 infection. short period of time and their regulatory and logistical challenges limit
The SARS‐CoV‐2 is positive‐sense single‐strand RNA (26–32 kb) their use in the current situation.24 Contemplating various challenges
coronavirus belonging to Coronaviridae family, Coronvirinae subfamily, and associated with treatment therapies against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus,
Nidovirales order.5,6 On the basis of their genetic structure, the cor- while investigating cross‐resistance of other vaccines with COVID‐19,
onavirus have been classified into alpha (α), beta (β), gamma (γ), and delta the new candidates for vaccines have been evaluated.25–28 Presently,
(δ) genera. Among these genera, only α‐ and β‐ coronavirus infect over a dozen potential candidates including recombinant protein
mammals.7 By evaluating the complete genome sequence of SARS‐CoV‐2 subunits, oligonucleotides, and live viruses are being evaluated against
coronavirus, it was reported that the virus posses a genetic similarity of SARS‐CoV‐2. Besides, more than 100 preclinical studies, 42 clinical
96.2% with bat CoV RaTG13 and 70% with SARS‐CoV. Furthermore, trials are being analyzed to develop new and effective vaccine
similar to other coronaviruses, SARS‐CoV‐2 also encodes structural therapy.29 However, formal testing toxicology study, additional man-
proteins, namely nucleocapsid protein (N), envelope protein (E), ufacturing steps, and finding volunteers to study COVID‐19 specific
membrane protein (M), and spike protein (S).7 The immunopathogenicity vaccine are continuously delaying the development. The funds from
of SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus was studied on the basis of genetic manufacturers who were previously developing vaccines for SARS and
similarity with SARS‐CoV causing protective immune responses against Zika viruses were reallocated by federal funding agencies since the
SARS‐CoV‐2.7,10–12 These studies facilitate the understanding of immune pandemic associated with these viruses were ended before vaccine
responses against SARS‐CoV‐2 which are potentially leveraged for vac- development was completed.25 Therefore, to understand the accurate
cine development. Epidemiological, clinical, laboratory, and radiological pathogenesis and discovery of potential targets for effective ther-
outcomes of confirmed 2019‐Novel coronavirus (2019‐nCoV) infection apeutic intervention, extensive and rapid research is required for
in patients were analyzed by Huang et al.13 and the symptomatic simi- vaccine development against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. In this
larity among hospitalized and nonhospitalized COVID‐19 patients were systematic review, the immune responses against SARS‐CoV‐2
confirmed. In this study, ICU patients demonstrated higher plasma level coronavirus and their potential targets for vaccine development are
of proinflammatory cytokines, namely IL2, IL7, IL10, GSCF, IP10, MCP1, covered. Furthermore, emerging vaccine development technologies
MIP1A, and TNF‐α. Moreover, humoral immune response in 208 clinical and the current status of major vaccines in clinical and preclinical
subjects against recombinant viral N‐proteins was evaluated confirming studies for COVID‐19 are discussed.
the generation of detectable IgM and IgA within 5 days and IgG within
14 days of infection.14 The detection efficiency of IgM‐Enzyme‐Linked
Immunosorbent Assay (IgM‐ELISA) was found higher in comparison to 2 | MA T ER I A L S A N D M ET H O D S
quantitative Polymerase Chain Reaction (qPCR); however, combining
IgM‐ELISA with qPCR significantly improved the positive detection rate To investigate the relevant studies on vaccine development for
(98.6%). Similar to SARS‐CoV and middle east respiratory syndrome‐ COVID‐19, a literature search for the last 5 years was conducted in
related coronavirus (MERS) coronaviruses, antibody response in databases including PubMed, Google Scholar, and online web
COVID‐19 patients was also short‐termed as compare to T‐cell response, resources. The search keywords were SARS‐CoV‐2, coronavirus,
therefore, developing an effective epitope‐based vaccine against NCoV, 2019‐CoV, COVID‐19, 2019‐nCoV, etiology, pathogenicity,
SARS‐CoV‐2 infection was recommended. immunogenicity, humoral‐ and cell‐mediated immune signaling,
Initially, the combination of antiviral drugs, such as chloroquine, antibodies, drug treatment, antiviral drugs, immunotherapy, vaccine,
remdesivir, favipiravir, and arbidol, along with antibiotics were pre- vaccine market, preclinical study, and clinical trials. However,
scribed for SARS‐CoV‐2 infection in clinical patients.15–17 Randomized unpublished data, thesis work, articles published in languages other
clinical trials were studied by administering lopinavir‐ritonavir than English, and press releases were excluded. Furthermore, to
(1:1 ratio) in COVID‐19 patients twice a day for 14 days. A similar provide additional relevant information, review articles evaluating
mortality rate between treated and standard care groups was vaccines against COVID‐19 treatment were profoundly studied.
reported.18 Severe gastrointestinal adverse effects in the standard
care group were noticed, and therefore, treatment was stopped in
13.8% patients. Furthermore, irregular heartbeats and cardiac arrest 3 | RES ULTS
in patients prescribed with hydroxychloroquine (HCQ) and antibiotic
azithromycin against SARS‐CoV‐2 pneumonia were also reported.19,20 This review assimilates the search results of 1789 articles after
Therefore, HCQ was approved by the food and drug administration preliminary screening conducted on PubMed, Google scholar, and
(FDA) on March 30, 2020, for only hospitalized suspected or con- web resources. Abstract and methodology screening were then
firmed COVID‐19 patients under emergency use authorization.21 On performed and 1137 articles and documents were shortlisted. The
| 3

FIGURE 1 Flow diagram to illustrate selection criteria for the systematic review on COVID‐19 vaccines

flowchart of the final articles selection is illustrated in Figure 1. subunit of S‐protein resulting in a protease activity which allows
Furthermore, 424 articles and documents were excluded after the fusion of the virus to the host cell membrane.12,30–32 Most viral
full‐text screening, among them 49 articles were also in languages, RNA act as pathogen‐associated molecular patterns and detected
other than English and 189 articles did not specify relevant results by pattern recognition receptors, namely toll‐like receptor (TLR)
for a vaccine against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. types 3, 7, 8, and 9 in the endosome.12,14,33 Furthermore, RNA
receptor retinoic‐acid inducible gene I, cytosolic receptor melano-
ma differentiation‐associated gene 5, and nucleotidyltransferase
4 | DI SCUSSION cyclic GMP‐AMP synthase facilitate the cytosolic recognition of the
virus. These complex signaling triggers downstream cascade mole-
First step toward vaccine development for COVID‐19 is to under- cules and activates NF‐κB, IFN‐α/β, and few proinflammatory
stand the mechanism and functionality of immune response against cytokines.12,14,34 Cytokines storm and dysregulated immune re-
SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. However, there is no cellular‐based study sponses further induce respiratory disease pathogenesis caused by
on evaluating the complete cycle of COVID‐19 induced immune re- SARS‐CoV‐2 which is similar to SARS‐CoV and MERS. In addition,
sponse in an infected person is performed. Although, considering the imbalances in levels of interleukins, GCSF, macrophages,
genetic and proteomics similarity of SARS‐CoV‐2 with other cor- colony‐stimulating factor, interferons, and the complement system
onaviruses including SARS‐CoV and MERS, the potential immune are reported in patients suffering from COVID‐19.8,13,35,36 Large
signaling pathways against SARS‐CoV‐2 can be predicted, as number of SARS‐CoV‐2 specific CD4+ and CD8+ T‐cells subtypes
shown in Figure 2. On the basis of numerous studies, the possible were reported in COVID‐19 convalescent patients.37–39 However
potential immune responses in COVID‐19 patients are determined. to envisage a larger perspective, cohort studies are needed to
During the process of SARS‐CoV‐2 infection, proteolytic pro- perform to examine whether the excess of T cells are protection or
cessing of S‐protein is occurred once host cell receptor protein conversely associated with the pathogenesis of SARS‐CoV‐2 cor-
angiotensin‐converting enzyme 2 binds with C‐terminus of S1‐ onavirus. Therefore, these studies in understanding mechanistic

FIGURE 2 Potential immune system response against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus infection

insights of COVID‐19 pathogenesis, the outcome attributed to new for COVID‐19 vaccine development are being assessed in various
vaccine intervention will be promising. research institutions and industrial R&D laboratories in numerous
countries. The antibody‐based neutralization has been a major target
for traditional vaccines since receptor‐mediated cell‐binding assists
4.1 | Potential targets of vaccine development for in modulating pathogenicity by administering specific toxins and
COVID‐19 thereby promoting protective antibody production. Newer vaccines
for complex pathogens are designed to target antibodies, CD4+, and
The vaccines are immune boosters against invading viruses by re- CD8+ T cells as immunotherapy of persistent or recurrent infections.
cognizing unique molecular candidates found on their surface or in Structural and nuclear proteins of SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus along
the genome. Ideally, the human immune system responds against with receptor‐binding domain (RBD) and N terminal domain of
viral antigens by secreting proteins or special immune cells that S‐protein are targeted for currently developing vaccines.42,43 Several
either directly attacks the pathogen or indirectly via inducing other studies are being performed using chemical and immunoinformatic
immune cells to destroy the virus. Therefore, knowledge of viral approaches to design epitope vaccine against COVID‐19. Im-
target is very much required in vaccine development to improve munoinformatic tools to identify SARS‐CoV‐2 specific S‐ and N‐
the immunogenicity and prevention against COVID‐19. However, proteins derived B‐ and T‐cell epitopes which could help in devel-
scientists are focusing on available data of SARS‐CoV‐2 oping immunogen to prevent the COVID‐19 was developed.11
immunogenicity and genetic similarity of coronaviruses to develop Homogeneity of 23% and 16% of T‐cell and B‐cell epitopes between
associated vaccines. SARS‐CoV and SARS‐CoV‐2 coronaviruses were identified respec-
Studies on immune responses against SARS‐CoV‐2 epitopes, tively which may further facilitate our studies on the development of
viral nucleotide, viral structural and nonstructural proteins, which a new vaccine against SARS‐CoV coronavirus. In addition, im-
may act as a target in vaccine development, are expeditiously munoinformatic strategies on B‐ and T‐cell epitopes demonstrating
effectuated.15,40–42 On the basis of genetic and proteomics simila- binding to antigenic human leukocyte antigen alleles and inducing
rities between SARS‐CoV and SARS‐CoV‐2, potential immune targets immune responses were performed.44–47 B‐cell epitopes (n = 34) and
| 5

MHC‐I and MHC‐II bounded T‐cell epitopes44 (29 and 8 epitopes, Another LNP encapsulated self‐amplifying ribonucleic acid
respectively) were analyzed which can be the target for vaccine (saRNA) vaccine for COVID‐19, namely nCoVsaRNA is developed by
development against COVID‐19. Thus, genetic similarities in epi- Imperial College of London and is recently undergoing in phase I
topes among SARS family coronaviruses can promote next‐ clinical trial (ISRCTN17072692). The manufacturing license of
generation vaccine development that will target future pandemic of saRNA vaccine is transferred to TriLink BioTechnologies, San Diego,
other coronaviruses as well. for large scale vaccine production for upcoming clinical trials. In
addition, the CVnCoV COVID‐19 LNP based mRNA vaccine pro-
duced by CureVac AG, Germany, has completed phase I clinical trial
4.2 | Current status of vaccine development for and recently entered in phase II clinical trial (NCT04515147) to
COVID‐19 evaluate effective vaccine multi‐dosage along with Pneumococcal
and Hepatitis A vaccines as control. In continuation, nanoparticle‐
Once identifying the genetic sequences of SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus, based nonviral delivery system, LUNAR® based self‐replicating RNA
effective vaccine development against the disease has been prior- was combined with STARR™ (Self‐Transcribing And Replicating RNA)
itized since March, 2020. As per Coalition for Epidemic Pre- Technology platform and adopted by Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings
paredness Innovations database, total of 180 vaccine candidates Inc., San Diego and Duke‐NUS Medical School (Duke‐NUS), Singa-
were selected against COVID‐19 by September 2020, among them pore to develop COVID‐19 vaccine candidate. This vaccine was
only 42 vaccines are under clinical trials.29 More fast‐track processes named ARCT‐021 and recently entered in phase I/II clinical trial
for vaccine development are encouraged which can rapidly promote (NCT04480957).
the commercialization of vaccine candidates. The catatonic outer membranes of LNPs have reported
previously and have advantages over conventional delivery system
including targeted drug delivery, improved biocompatibility, less
4.2.1 | Nucleic acid vaccine adverse events, and protection of oligonucleotide‐based therapeutics
from cellular metabolism.52–54
The nucleic acid vaccines are determined by the functioning of in-
serted nucleic acid into viral or nonviral vectors and thereby sti- Other nucleic acid‐based vaccines
mulate immune response against pathogen.40,48–50 These vaccines Recently, a DNA vaccine candidate INO4800 which is designed by
are safe and still have significant therapeutic potential without the Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Pennsylvania, can be delivered to human
use of adjuvants. Nucleic acid vaccines are able to induce both B and cells and induce an immune response against SARS‐CoV‐2 cor-
T‐cell responses and targeted immunogenicity and can easily be onavirus. It is administered intradermally by CELLECTRA 2000
implemented in generic manufacturing processes for effective and electroporation method (NCT04336410) and is still in phase I clinical
rapid responses. trial. Electroporation technique can cause higher pain and discomfort
in comparison to the conventional vaccine delivery methods at the
Nanocarrier based nucleic acid vaccine site of injection. Two DNA vaccines, GX‐19 (Genexine Inc., South
At the initial stage, the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Korea) and ZyCov‐D (Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmadabad, India), and
Diseases (NIAID) and Moderna Inc., were the first to get FDA ap- one mRNA vaccine, ARCoV (People's Liberation Army [PLA] Acad-
proval to use mRNA vaccine (mRNA‐1273) in fast track designation emy of Military Sciences and Walvax Biotech Co. Ltd., China) are
and completed clinical trial phase II (NCT04405076). This mRNA‐ designed recently. These vaccines against SARS‐CoV‐2 infection
1273 is lipid nanoparticle (LNP)–encapsulated mRNA‐based vaccine have entered in clinical trial, NCT04445389 (phase I), CTRI/2020/
that encodes SARS‐CoV‐2 S‐proteins and recently entered in phase 07/026352 (phase I/II), and ChiCTR2000034112 (phase I), respec-
III clinical trial (NCT04470427). Two doses of this vaccine reported tively. Another attempt is made by Takara Bio Inc., Japan, together
enhanced neutralization activity and binding of IgG geometric mean with Osaka University and AnGes, Inc. Japan group to prepare the
titers (GMTs) against S2‐P and CD4 T‐cell responses against Th1 AG0301‐COVID19 vaccine. This vaccine is combined with adjuvant
cytokines in healthy participants. Furthermore, BioNTech SE and and entered in phase I/II clinical trial (NCT04463472).
Pfizer Inc. have collectively developed four candidates of LNP‐
encapsulated mRNA vaccine named BNT162 against COVID‐19. The Preclinical studies on nucleic acid vaccine against SARS‐CoV‐2
LNP covered vaccine candidates have two nucleosides modified and In addition to these clinical trials, 17 and 12 preclinical studies on
one single uridine containing and one self‐amplifying mRNA vaccine RNA and DNA SARS‐CoV‐2 vaccines are still undergoing across
candidates; among them, two vaccine candidates have included lar- various countries. The LNP‐based non‐viral vector exhibits en-
ger spike sequences and the other two have smaller RBD domain of hanced antigen expression and easy cellular uptake along
S‐protein. The two vaccine candidates, namely BNT162b1 and with protecting mRNA from degradation.55,56 Therefore, CanSino
BNT162b2, from this multistage study have been registered for III Biologics Inc. and Precision NanoSystems, Fudan University,
clinical trial later in April 2020 (NCT04368728) against COVID‐19 Shanghai, JiaoTong University, Shanghai and RNACure Biopharma,
infection. and University of Tokyo and Daiichi‐Sankyo companies have

started developing LNP encapsulated mRNA vaccine candidates demonstrated increased immune responses, yet rAd26 did not neu-
targeted against COVID‐19 infection. tralize proteins adeno virus specific proteins, therefore, it was used
for priming, and rAd26‐S was used for boosting after 28 days. This is
an excellent method to overcome the immune response generated
4.2.2 | Non‐replicating viral vector vaccine against components of the viral vector. These vaccines have been
already registered by the Government of the Russian Federation
For developing a vaccine against COVID‐19 infection, a non‐ (registration no: LP‐006395 [Gam‐COVID‐Vac] and LP‐006423
replicating viral vector technology that is encoded by the process of [Gam‐COVID‐Vac‐Lyo]) without publishing phase III clinical trial
antigen delivery through an unrelated vector shuttle is developed. (NCT04530396) results of the vaccines.
This is a promising approach to induce immune response against the Vaxart Inc., USA has also initiated a new program, namely VAAST
antigen non‐replicating property of the vector. This process allows oral vaccine platform in which vaccine may induce immunization in
the vector to reproduce multiple copies causing vector to infect SARS‐CoV‐2 patients, though this vaccine is still in clinical trial phase I
single cell, transmitting viral immunogens without causing viral in- (NCT04563702). In another attempt, Janssen Pharmaceutical used
fection. WHO has reported 20 non‐replicating viral vector Janssen AdVac technology to develop the Ad26COVS1, non‐replicating
platforms for COVID‐19 vaccine development with eight vectors are Ad5 vector vaccine against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. This vaccine
progressive toward clinical trials.29 candidate has already demonstrated an enhanced immune response by
neutralizing antibodies based infection diminishing in non‐human pri-
Adenovirus type 5 vector‐based vaccines mate SARS‐CoV‐2 virus model.67 Similarly, the Academy of Military
CanSino Biological Inc., China, in collaboration with the Beijing In- Medical Sciences, PLA of China has also designed Ad5 vector–based
stitute of Biotechnology has developed non‐replicating adenovirus non‐replicating vaccine candidate, namely Ad5‐nCoV, and currently
type 5 (Ad5) vector‐based vaccine against COVID‐19. The studies of under phase I clinical trial (NCT04552366). The detailed information on
these clinical trials (NCT04313127) are reported by analyzing the this vaccine is not available to date. The Ad5 vector vaccine does not
safety and tolerability of vaccine in healthy volunteers. The healthy integrate with the host genome after entering the nucleus,68 thus
subjects were administrated with 5 × 10 viral particles per 0.5 ml, avoids risk of insertional mutagenesis and is safe to use in human. The
1 × 1011 viral particles per ml, and 1.5 × 1011 viral particles per 1.5 ml quiescent and actively dividing cells were transduced to give high titers
vaccine dose in phase I clinical trial. The outcomes illustrated that and thereby allowing high protein expression. These advantages make
high‐dose subjects reported adverse events including muscle or joint the Ad5 vector an efficient target as vaccine candidate vector for
pain, fatigue, and high fever, whereas low doses of vaccine boosted COVID‐19 treatment. However, ReiThera Srl, Italy has designed
neutralizing and anti‐RBD antibodies in test subjects. Therefore, low replication‐defective gorilla adenoviral (GRAd) vector‐based COVID‐19
and middle vaccine dose is selected for phase II clinical trial to target vaccine, namely GRAd‐CoV2. This vector is closely related to human
full‐length S‐protein of SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus (NCT04341389) species C adenovirus virus, thus it can be highly significant in SARS‐
and reported 5 × 1010 viral particles as safe dose along with high CoV‐2 infection prevention. In another study, Ludwig‐Maximilians‐
immune responses in 508 health volunteers.64 University, Munich, Germany designed a modified vaccinia virus Ankara
Another non‐replicating Ad5 vector‐based vaccine is developed (MVA) based non‐replicating viral vector vaccine against SARS‐CoV‐2
by the University of Oxford in collaboration with AstraZeneca Plc, and under clinical trial phase I (NCT04569383).
Cambridge, and has further licensed to Serum Institute of India,
Pune, for large scale manufacturing of AZD1222 (ChAdOx1) vaccine. Preclinical studies on non‐replicating viral vector vaccines
The ChAdOx1 is a chimpanzee‐based adenovirus vector vaccine that Besides, 18 preclinical studies from various companies and organi-
stimulated both humoral and cytotoxic T‐cell responses with respect zations to develop non‐replicating viral vector‐based vaccine against
to SARS‐CoV‐2 S‐protein in animal models.65 The clinical trial study COVID‐19 are currently going on namely GeoVax Inc. and BravoVax
of the developed vaccine reported positive outcomes against SARS‐ Co. Ltd.; Altimmune; Greffex Inc.; Stabilitech Biopharma Ltd.; Valo
CoV‐2 infection.66 The single dose of 5 × 1010 viral particles gener- Therapeutics Ltd.; Vaxart Inc.; and research institutions such as
ated antibodies against S‐protein in ChAdOx1 nCoV group and DZIF‐German Center for Infection Research, Germany; Centro Na-
gradually increased from day 28 to 56. Though, the proposed vaccine cional Biotecnología (CNB‐CSIC), Spain; University of Manitoba,
has completed phase III clinical trial (ISRCTN89951424) and paused Manitoba; the University of Georgia and the University of Iowa;
in several countries due to neurological complications in volunteers. Bharat Biotech International Ltd., Hyderabad; Thomas Jefferson
Recently, Russia based Gamaleya Research Institute has identi- University, Pennsylvania.29 Among them, GeoVax Inc. and BravoVax
fied another adeno‐based vaccine against COVID‐19 infection and Co. Ltd.; DZIF, and CNB‐CSIC use MVA vector, whereas Janssen
completed the phase I clinical trial (NCT04436471; NCT04437875). Companies, Altimmune, Greffex Inc., Stabilitech Biopharma Ltd., and
These vaccines, Gam‐COVID‐Vac Lyo and Gam‐COVID‐Vac (re- Valo Therapeutics Ltd. use Ad5 vector to report SARS‐CoV‐2 specific
combinant Ad26 [rAd26] and recombinant Ad5 [rAd5]) are present in S‐protein. Considering their preliminary success, non‐replicating viral
lyophilized and frozen formulations respectively and can be ad- vector vaccines may have considered as safe and highly immunogenic
ministered intramuscularly. Phase I/II study of the above vaccines against SARS‐CoV‐2 infection.
| 7

4.2.3 | Replicating viral vector vaccine COVID‐19 prevention are carried out. The attenuated influenza virus
backbone based live viral vectored vaccine (BiOCAD Global, Russia
The replicating viral vector vaccine exploits the potential of vectors and I.E.M., Malaysia), Influenza A virus–based recombinant vaccine
to continuously replicate and facilitate persistent immune response (FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor), attenuated Influenza
in the host cell.68–70 Because of the properties of persistent re- vector expressing S‐protein (Fundação Oswaldo Cruz and Instituto
sponses through replicating viral vector vaccine, as compared with Buntantan, Brazil) and Influenza vector vaccine expressing RBD
non‐replicating viral vector vaccine, the viral vector vaccines pro- (University of Hong Kong [HKU]) are presently in preclinical study
mote longer and higher expression of immune cells even at lower against SARS‐CoV‐2. The vaccine developed by HKU is developed on
immunization doses.69–71 Though, similar to live attenuated vaccine, the concept of flu‐based DelNS1 live attenuated influenza virus
replicating viral vector vaccine can also revert to their virulence platform, in which SARS‐CoV‐2 RBD domain–containing flu‐vector
state. Therefore, utilization of replicating viral vector vaccine is still a may stimulate the immune system against COVID‐19.
major concern over regulatory guidelines considering their potential Vesicular stomatitis virus (VSV) vector‐based vaccines are
risks and kind of possible safety issues associated with replicating separately developed by International AIDS Vaccine Initiative (IAVI)
viral vector vaccine. with Batavia Biosciences and University of Western Ontario and
FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor.29 The preclinical studies of
Clinical trials on replicating viral vector vaccines replicating VSV chimeric virus technology presenting SARS‐CoV‐2
To date, only two vaccine candidates are designed on the concept of S‐protein against COVID‐19 prevention are performed by IAVI and
replicating viral vectors. One of them is measles virus (MV) Batavia Biosciences.
vector–based vaccine, namely TMV‐083 by Institut Pasteur, Paris in
collaboration with Themis, Australia, and University of Pittsburgh,
Pennsylvania. This vaccine recently entered in phase I clinical trial 4.2.4 | Inactivated vaccine
(NCT04497298) and safety and immunogenicity are under evalua-
tion in health volunteers. On another hand, collaborative effort The inactivated vaccine consists of virus‐like particles that have lost
of Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Co. Ltd. and their pathogenicity but are still able to stimulate the human immune
Xiamen University, China developed an intranasal flu vector–based response.73–75 The major advantage of the inactivated vaccines is
vaccine for COVID‐19 therapy. This vaccine, namely DelNS1‐2019‐ their ability of retention to non‐pathogenic phenotype after in-
nCoV‐RBD‐OPT1 recently entered in phase I clinical trial activation. Currently, 15 inactivated vaccines are under process
(ChiCTR2000037782) to prove their safety and efficacy in healthy against SARS‐CoV‐2, among them only 6 inactivated vaccines are
volunteers. under clinical trials.29
The China National Pharmaceutical Group, Sinopharm, have
Preclinical studies on replicating viral vector vaccines produced two inactivated vaccines in collaboration with Wuhan In-
To develop COVID‐19 vaccines, 17 replicating viral vector vaccines stitute of Biological Products and CNBG‐Beijing Institute of Biolo-
are under preclinical trials to date.29 The MV vector vaccines are gical Products Co. Ltd. Both inactivated vaccines, namely sIPV and
reported to stimulate memory B‐cells and T‐cells to induce both DTaP have completed phase I/II after approval from Chinese Medical
humoral and cellular mediated immune responses and provide long‐ Authorities and recently entered in phase IV clinical trial. The first
term immunity against viral pathogens.72 Similar to Ad5, MV vector vaccine was developed by β‐propiolactone induced inactivation of
vaccine also replicates in the cytoplasm, therefore, no integration coronavirus cells and incubated with alum adjuvant against SARS‐
between viral and host genome occurs and vector may be safe to use CoV‐2 infection. The phase I/II study demonstrated significant‐high
in lethal diseases, such as COVID‐19. Reverse genetics is used to GMT of neutralizing antibodies and TH2 cell response against the
prepare rMV vector by Zydus Cadila Ltd., Ahmedabad, India and has virus at very low dose.76 They have recently entered in phase IV
incorporated codon‐optimized protein to stimulate long‐term gen- clinical trial (NCT04053010) to evaluate the protective efficacy of
eration of neutralizing antibodies. Depending upon the success in the designed vaccine after full course of immunization. Besides, an
stimulating long‐lasting immune response in preclinical studies, the inactivated vaccine is developed after studying safety and im-
vaccine may enter in clinical phase I by the end of the year 2020. munogenicity under phase I clinical trial (NCT04412538) by the In-
In collaboration with the University of Wisconsin–Madison, stitute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences.
Wisconsin with FluGen Inc. and Bharat Biotech International Ltd., The collaboration of Sinovac Research and Development Co. Ltd.,
CoroFlu live vaccine is currently under evaluation in preclinical China, with several laboratories within China have demonstrated
model. The CoroFlu is similar to the influenza vaccine M2‐deficient positive responses of PiCoVacc, an inactivated vaccine in a combi-
single replication which is FluGen's flu vaccine candidate and nation of adjuvant on an animal model for COVID‐19.77 The Pi-
administrated intranasally to boast immune response against CoVacc has shown to generate RBD‐ and N‐protein based specific
SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. Moreover, various research and develop- antibodies and thereby inducing an immune response in mice and
ment on a wide range of antigenic genome insertion and strong S‐specific IgG and consequently neutralize antibodies in COVID‐19
immune response of influenza virus vector‐based vaccines for animal model rhesus macaques. These immune responses may

be indicative for developing vaccines for humans, therefore, cur- 19 on COVID‐19 patients along with AS03 and CpG 1018 adjuvants,
rently the effect of vaccine completed phase I/II clinical trials the vaccine is in phase I clinical trial (NCT04405908). Similarly, the
(NCT04383574; NCT04352608) and entered in phase III clinical trial collaborative effort of Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp., Taiwan, and
(NCT04456595). An India‐based industry, Bharat Biotech has also Dynavax Technologies Corp., USA, resulted in the development of
developed a whole‐virion inactivated vaccine, BBV152 (COVAXIN), another protein subunit vaccine. This vaccine candidate contains
and approved for phase I/II clinical trial (NCT04471519). The SARS‐CoV‐2 S‐protein along with CpG 1018 adjuvant and recently
QAZCOVID‐IN is another inactivated COVID‐19 vaccine developed entered in phase I clinical trial to evaluate safety and immunogenicity
by the Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, Republic of in healthy volunteers (NCT04487210).
Kazakhstan in August 2020. The detail of this vaccine is still un- In an attempt to generate S‐protein specific antibodies, Ken-
available yet it has entered phase I/II clinical trial (NCT04530357). tucky Bioprocessing Inc., USA (NCT04473690) and Anhui Zhifei
A collaboration of Anges Inc. and Osaka University, Japan leads Longcom Biopharmaceutical Inc., China, along with the Institute of
to the design and development of target binding domain–based in- Microbiology, Chinese Academy of Sciences (NCT04466085) have
activated vaccine against COVID‐19. The vaccine is under preclinical also designed RBD based protein subunit vaccine against COVID‐19
study however Anges Inc. expects to launch the vaccine in a clinical and recently entered in clinical trials. Furthermore, the University of
trial by later in the year 2020. Other preclinical studies on in- Queensland, Australia used a novel approach of the molecular clamp
activated virus along with adjuvant, CpG 1018 are undergoing de- to developed a stabilized S‐protein MF59 adjuvant‐based vaccine
velopment by Dynavax Technologies Corporation, California in against COVID‐19. The research team partner with CSL Ltd. for mass
collaboration with Valneva SE, France, and Sinovac Biotech Ltd., production in phase I clinical trial (1ACTRN12620000674932p). The
China. The CpG 1018 is TLR9 agonist to induce TH cells resulting in Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, Cuba has also designed a protein subunit
immune response and have previously demonstrated positive effects vaccine, namely FINLAY‐FR‐1 along with adjuvant to target RBD
on hepatitis B patients,78 thus, it could be a potential target for the domain of SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus and recently entered in phase
TLR9 receptors in COVID‐19 patients and can be utilized as pre- I/II clinical trial (IVF/COR/04) to evaluate the safety profile and
ventive measurements. immune responses. The FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor is
moving forward with peptide subunit vaccine, namely EpiVacCorona
against SARS‐CoV‐2, and recently registered for phase I clinical trial
4.2.5 | Protein subunit vaccine (NCT04527575). Other than DelNS1‐2019‐nCoV‐RBD‐OPT1, a re-
plicating vector–based COVID vaccine, almost every vaccine is in-
Protein subunit vaccines stimulate human immune response while tramuscularly administered. Therefore, University Hospital
presenting viral proteins, as a whole or otherwise, without any in- Tuebingen designed a protein subunit vaccine, namely CoVac‐1,
troducing viral vector.79,80 Similar to inactivated vaccines, subunit which is subcutically administered and recently entered in phase I
vaccines are also safe, do not risk for disease revert, however, good clinical trial (NCT04546841). Though recently COVAXX, United
adjuvant need to be added for high immunogenicity.79,81,82 Biomedical Inc. has developed a unique multitope peptide‐based
vaccine, namely UB‐612 which is a genetic fusion of RBD to single‐
Protein subunit and adjuvant based vaccine chain Fc domain of IgG1. This promising protein subunit vaccine is
A protein subunit vaccine NVX‑CoV2373 developed by Novavax Inc., still under clinical trial phase I (NCT04545749).
USA, is in clinical trial phase III (2020‐004123‐16). This subunit
vaccine is designed on the basis of a full‐length recombinant SARS‐ Baculovirus based vaccine
CoV‐2 S‐protein nanoparticle along with Matrix M adjuvant. The At first, West China Hospital, Sichuan University developed SARS‐CoV‐2
Matrix M adjuvant has previously reported for generating high RBD protein‐specific vaccine candidate in baculovirus based vector. This
antibodies–based positive immune response in H5N183 and H7N9 is the first study to use insect cell culture for vaccine production and got
(NCT02078674) pathogens, thus it could be a potential adjuvant approval for a clinical trial in China (ChiCTR2000037518). The non-
mediator in SARS‐CoV‐2 therapeutic intervention. The COVAX is an pathogenicity and large scale cloning characteristics of baculovirus may
Advax‐CpG55.2 adjuvant platform‐based vaccine for COVID‐19, show an effective result of the developed vaccine in COVID‐19 patients.
which is developed by Vaxine Pty Ltd., Adelaide, and Medytox Inc., Similarly, another baculovirus based vaccine candidate is developed by
Korea. The immunogenic response of this vaccine is under evaluation Sanofi S.A., France, and novel adjuvant technology of GlaxoSmithKline
and recently entered in phase I clinical trial (NCT04453852). The Plc., England, and currently is under phase I clinical trial (NCT04537208).
Advax is delta inulin, a high‐temperature tolerant polysaccharide Their 2 × 2 study to evaluate immunogenicity has incorporated two
isoform that has previously reported in inactivated Japanese En- different formulations of vaccines with two adjuvants in healthy young
cephalitis virus and influenza vaccines.84 (<18 years) and old volunteers.
An innovative approach, Trimer‐Tag technology–based SARS‐
CoV‐2 S‐protein subunit‐trimer vaccine (S‐trimer), SCB 19 has been Preclinical studies on protein subunit–based COVID‐19 vaccines
developed by Clover Biopharmaceuticals, USA, in collaboration with The studies on the strong binding of the RBD domain of S‐protein
Dynavax Technologies Corp., USA. After studying the effect of SCB and ACE‐2 receptor encourage the development of RBD‐based
| 9

vaccine for COVID‐19. In this direction, a Switzerland‐based NEOVII these trials will not predict the accurate safety and efficacy of the
Biotech Inc., together with Tel Aviv University, Israel, has performed interventions in a short period of time. Therefore, it is inevitable to
preclinical study to check the efficacy of RBD based protein subunit find accurate target proteins or respective biomarkers for rapid and
vaccine on SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. The collaborations of Chula- correct treatment after conducting large scale clinical trials. In the
longkorn University and Government Pharmaceutical Organization, present scenario, structural, or nuclear proteins of viruses are primary
Thailand; Biological E Ltd.; Baylor College of Medicine, Texas; targets for COVID‐19 treatment. Moreover, similarity among cor-
NEOVII, Switzerland and Tel Aviv University, Israel; Baiya Phyto- onavirus family facilitates the identification of new potential targets
pharm and Chula Vaccine Research Center, Thailand lead to the for therapeutic advancement. The global R&D efforts against SARS‐
design and development of RBD based vaccines against SARS‐CoV‐2 CoV‐2 coronavirus are unprecedented in terms of speed and scale;
coronavirus. however, continuous and careful monitoring of associated risks and
EpiVax Inc. in collaboration with Generex Biotechnology effectiveness of novel technology for vaccine platforms at each step is
Corporation has been investigating unique li‐key immune system necessary. Furthermore, COVID‐19 specific animal models including
activation technology where the segment of li‐protein acts at the ACE‐2 transgenic mice, hamsters, or non‐human primates are being
allosteric site on antigen‐binding site of MHC‐II molecule enhan- examined for the efficacy of new vaccine candidates. Besides, main-
cing the immune response in COVID‐19 animal model. Besides, taining biosafety level‐III measures and coordination for sufficient
OncoGen Pharma and MIGAL Galilee Research Institute, Israel laboratory practices are required for handling live‐virus challenges.
have been studying efficacy and immunity of long peptide vaccine Recently, there is a gradual increase in active cases of COVID‐19
of synthetic origin for M and S proteins and oral E. coli–based infection, and phase I clinical trial requires healthy subjects to check
protein expression system for S and N proteins of SARS‐CoV‐2 the safety of the drugs or vaccine therapy. As compared to large
coronavirus, respectively. In addition, more than 30 vaccines are research institutions, small academics and R&D research laboratories
currently in preclinical studies and positive results are expected may have developed potential vaccines for COVID‐19 with positive
for effective clinical trials. results at preclinical level. However, due to a lack of large‐scale
manufacturer or appropriate funding, the therapy might have not
entered into clinical phases.
4.2.6 | Live attenuated vaccine Vaccine development is a long and complex process despite the
active participation of the public and private sectors. The efficacy of
The live attenuated vaccines contain live fragments of virus or pa- the vaccine can be evaluated on the basis of disease prevention,
thogen while virulence property is attenuated as compared to live pathogen infection prevention, and production of associated immune
complete pathogen, and thereby stimulating the human immune cells. However, in the case of COVID‐19, there is a requirement of
response. However, in some cases, the virulence reversion of developing vaccines, checking their efficacy, and manufacture at a
live attenuated vaccine can cause tissue damage and infection in mass‐scale in a shorter period of time since COVID‐19 cases are
immunocompromised hosts.87,88 Only three live attenuated vaccines increasing very rapidly across the globe. Therefore, managing these
are under investigation in preclinical studies for COVID‐19 infection, conditions to develop an effective vaccine against COVID‐19 will be
none has entered in the clinical trial due to their virulence nature. difficult for scientists as well as manufacturers.
The very first and effective preclinical study of live attenuated vac- The current approach of vaccine development is a stepwise
cine is performing by Codagenix Inc. and Serum Institute of India, process where manufacturers keep records of toxicology and effi-
Pune. A codon deoptimized live attenuated vaccine to promote an cacy of proposed vaccine candidates. These safety measurements are
immune response against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus is developed. The mandatory for authorized agencies such as FDA or WHO to give
potential positive results will be declared in the upcoming months. approval for clinical trials. Though, rapid mutation–induced genetic
Furthermore, Indian Immunologicals Ltd. and Griffith University, variability and evolution in RNA virus can be an additional barrier to
Queensland have been studying codon deoptimized live attenuated the under development of COVID‐19 vaccines. Hence, the scientific
vaccine at preclinical stage and have promised long‐lasting protec- community needs to focus on more research on personalized
tion within single‐dose administration. vaccines on the basis of geographical and genetic similarity.
The summaries of developed COVID‐19 vaccines with their To date, DNA plasmid‐based vaccine, INO4800 (Inovio
current status in clinical trials are discussed in Table 1. Pharmaceuticals, Pennsylvania), non‐replicating vaccine, inactivated
vaccine, PiCoVacc (Sinovac Research and Development Co. Ltd.,
China), mRNA‐1273 vaccine (Moderna Inc., USA and NIAID), and
5 | C L O S U R E A N D O P I N I O N O N V AC C I N E BNT162 (BioNTech SE, Germany; Pfizer Inc., New York; and Fosun
D E V E LO P M E N T ST R AT E G I E S Pharmaceutical, China) continuously entering in next steps of
COVID‐19 clinical trials. Whereas, Gam‐COVID‐Vac Lyo and Gam‐
The unavailability of effective treatment therapy for COVID‐19 in- COVID‐Vac (Gamaleya Research Institute, Russia) are registered for
fection promotes the rapid development of several antiviral drugs clinical use and AZD1222 (the University of Oxford and AstraZeneca
which are still under clinical trials for potential outcomes. However, Plc, Cambridge) is withdrawn over the globe due to neurological

TABLE 1 Current status of vaccines against COVID‐19 under clinical trials


No. of Mode of
SN Vaccine name Vaccine platform doses administration Manufacturer/collaborator Current status

1. mRNA‐1273 LNP‐encapsulated mRNA vaccine 2 Intramuscular Moderna Inc. and National Institute of Allergy Clinical trial phase III (NCT04470427)
targeting whole S‐protein and Infectious Diseases (NIAID)

2. BNT162 LNP‐encapsulated mRNA vaccine 2 Intramuscular BioNTech SE, Germany, Pfizer Inc., New York, Clinical trial phase III (NCT04368728)
targeting whole S‐protein and RBD and Fosun Pharmaceutical, China

3. nCoVsaRNA LNP‐encapsulated saRNA 2 Intramuscular Imperial College of London and TriLink Clinical trial phase I (ISRCTN17072692)
BioTechnologies, San Diego

4. CvnCoV LNP‐encapsulated mRNA 2 Intramuscular CureVac AG, Germany Clinical trial phase II (NCT04515147)

5. ARCT‐021 mRNA NA Intramuscular Arcturus Therapeutics Holdings Inc., San Diego Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04480957)
and Duke‐NUS Medical School (Duke‐NUS),

6. ARCoV mRNA 2 Intramuscular People's Liberation Army (PLA) Academy of Clinical trial phase I (ChiCTR2000034112)
Military Sciences and Walvax Biotech Co. Ltd.,

7. GX‐19 DNA 2 Intramuscular Genexine, Inc., South Korea Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04445389)

8. ZyCov‐D DNA 3 Intradermal Cadila Healthcare Ltd., Ahmadabad, India Clinical trial phase I/II (CTRI/2020/07/

9. INO4800 DNA plasmid vaccine with 2 Intradermal Inovio Pharmaceuticals, Pennsylvania Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04447781;
electroporation NCT04336410)

10. AG0301 DNA vaccine with adjuvant 2 Intramuscular Takara Bio Inc., Japan, Osaka University and Phase I/II clinical trial (NCT04463472)
AnGes, Inc. group

11. NA Non‐ replicating adenovirus type5 (Ad5) 1 Intramuscular CanSino Biologics Inc., China and Beijing Institute Clinical trial‐ II (ChiCTR200003178)
vector of Biotechnology

12. AZD1222 (ChAdOx1) Non‐ replicating chimpanzee based Ad5 1 Intramuscular University of Oxford, Oxford and AstraZeneca Paused
vector vaccine targeting S‐protein Plc, Cambridge

13. Gam‐COVID‐Vac Lyo and Non‐ replicating Ad5 vector 1 Intramuscular Gamaleya Research Institute, Russia Registered for clinical use.

14. Ad26COVS1 Non‐replicating Ad5 vector 2 Intramuscular Janssen Pharmaceutical Companies Clinical trial phase I/IIa (NCT04436276)

15. Ad5‐nCoV Non‐replicating Ad5 vector 2 Intramuscular/ Institute of Biotechnology, Academy of Military Clinical trial phase I (NCT04552366)
mucosal Medical Sciences, PLA of China

16. VXA‐CoV2‐1 Non‐replicating Ad5 adjuvanted Oral 2 Oral Vaxart Inc., USA Clinical trial phase I (NCT04563702)
Vaccine platform

17. GRAd‐CoV2 1 Intramuscular ReiThera Srl, Italy Clinical trial phase I (2020‐002835‐31)
TABLE 1 (Continued)

No. of Mode of

SN Vaccine name Vaccine platform doses administration Manufacturer/collaborator Current status


Replication‐defective gorilla adenoviral

(GRAd) vector

18. NA Non‐replicating MVA‐SARS‐2‐S vector 2 Intramuscular Ludwig‐Maximilians ‐ University of Munich, Clinical trial phase I (NCT04569383)
vaccine Germany

19. TMV‐083 Measles‐vector based replicating 1 or 2 Intramuscular Institut Pasteur, Paris, Themis, Australia and Clinical trial phase I (NCT04497298)
vaccine University of Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania

20. DelNS1‐2019‐nCoV‐ Flu‐vector based replicating vaccine 1 Intranasal Beijing Wantai Biological Pharmacy Enterprise Clinical trial phase I (ChiCTR2000037782)
RBD‐OPT1 Co. Ltd., China and Xiamen University, China

21. NA Inactivated virus 2 Intramuscular China National Pharmaceutical Group, Sinopharm Clinical trial phase IV (NCT04053010)
and Wuhan Institute of Biological Products

22. NA Inactivated virus 2 Intramuscular China National Pharmaceutical Group, Sinopharm Clinical trial phase IV (NCT04053010)
and CNBG‐Beijing Institute of Biological
Products Co. Ltd., Beijing

23. NA Inactivated virus 2 Intramuscular Institute of Medical Biology, Chinese Academy of Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04470609)
Medical Sciences

24. PiCoVacc Inactivated virus vaccine targeting N‐ 2 Intramuscular Sinovac Research and Development Co. Ltd., Clinical trial phase III (NCT04456595)
and RBD‐ domain proteins China

25. BBV152 (COVAXIN) Inactivated virus 2 Intramuscular Bharat Biotech, Hyderabad, India Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04471519)

26. QAZCOVID‐IN Inactivated virus 2 Intramuscular Research Institute for Biological Safety Problems, Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04530357)
Rep of Kazakhstan

27 NVX‑CoV2373 SARS‐CoV‐2 S‐protein nanoparticle 2 Intramuscular Novavax Inc., USA Clinical trial phase III (2020‐004123‐16)
along with Matrix M adjuvant
vaccine targeting S‐protein

28. COVAX Advax‐CpG55.2 adjuvant platform 1 Intramuscular Vaxine Pty Ltd., Adelaide and Medytox Inc., Korea Clinical trial phase I (NCT04453852)

29. SCB 19 S‐Trimer 2 Intramuscular Clover Biopharmaceuticals and Dynavax, USA Clinical trial phase I (NCT04405908)

30. MVC‐COV1901 S‐2P protein and CpG 1018 based 2 Intramuscular Medigen Vaccine Biologics Corp., Taiwan and Clinical trial phase I (NCT04487210)
vaccine Dynavax Technologies Corp., USA

31. NA Subunit vaccine targeting RBD domain 2 or 3 Intramuscular Anhui Zhifei Longcom Biopharmaceutical Inc. and Clinical trial phase III (NCT04466085)
proteins Institute of Microbiology, Chinese Academy
of Sciences

32. NA S‐protein MF59 adjuvant‐based vaccine 2 Intramuscular University of Queensland, Australia and CSL Ltd., Clinical trial phase I
Melbourne (ACTRN12620000674932p)


complications for unknown reason. The Sputnik V (Gam‐COVID‐Vac

Clinical trial phase I (ChiCTR2000037518)

Lyo and Gam‐COVID‐Vac) are registered on August 12, 2020, for

Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04473690)

Clinical trial phase I/II (NCT04537208)

Clinical trial phase I (NCT04527575)

Clinical trial phase I (NCT04545749)

Clinical trial phase I (NCT04546841)

Clinical trial phase I/II (IFV/COR/04)
clinical use, this vaccine was in late III clinical trial at the time of
registration and no data published to date, therefore efficacy and
safety of this therapy was questioned by the scientists all over the
globe. In summary, the COVID‐19 vaccine development and trials to
materialize quickly and provide an effective vaccine against COVID‐
19 is one of the major concerns in every country under the global
Current status

pandemic situation.
Vaccinations are one of the most successful forms of prophy-
lactic approach for disease prevention. Since the burden of the in-
fectious viral epidemic situation of COVID‐19 remains high,
especially in developing countries; therefore, future strategies need
Sanofi S.A., France, and GlaxoSmithKline Plc.

to meet the challenges of extending the use of the existing vaccines,

FBRI SRC VB VECTOR, Rospotrebnadzor,

West China Hospital, Sichuan University

invent new technology for vaccine delivery, and developing new

COVAXX, United Biomedical Inc., Asia

vaccines. Future vaccines also need to present more or multiple

Instituto Finlay de Vacunas, Cuba
Kentucky Bioprocessing Inc., USA

targets for better and long‐lasting immunization even in a single

University Hospital Tuebingen

dose. Moreover, working on edible vaccine materials, needle‐free


skin patches and microneedle injection technologies to get the vac-

cine through the skin without discomfort will be an additional chal-
lenge associated with vaccine formulation. Recently, the PittCoVac
vaccine against COVID‐19 infection is developed by the University


of Pittsburgh which utilizes a microneedle vaccine platform for skin

dissolvable patches and insertion of S‐protein. This type of vaccine
platform will assist in multidose administration without any dis-
comfort. The frequent genetic evolutions of the pathogen will also
open doors for personalized vaccines requiring well equipped man-







ufacturing unit at low cost and is easily assessable. The peptide‐

Mode of

based immunotherapy has also enhanced future study in multi-


epitope peptide–based vaccines development against SARS‐CoV‐2

exhibiting higher immunogenicity with appropriate adjuvants com-
pare to conventional peptide vaccines. The immunoinformatic ap-
No. of

proaches of epitope vaccines synthesis promoted the generation of


RBD (baculovirus production expressed 2

S‐protein (RBD (baculovirus production) 2

laboratory free, biologically safe, and highly selective multiple vac-

Subunit vaccine targeting RBD domain

SARS‐CoV‐2 HLA‐DR peptide; Protein

cine candidates against SARS‐CoV‐2,89,90 yet future studies are re-

commended to justify the efficacy and therapeutic intervention of
RBD + Adjuvant based vaccine

predicted epitopes for COVID‐19 treatment.

There are no effective treatment therapies that are available for
SARS‐CoV‐2 infection and social distancing and lockdown are eco-
subunit vaccine

nomically irrational, unfeasible, and costly. Therefore, it is indis-

Vaccine platform

Peptide subunit

in Sf9 cells)

pensable to implement immune‐enhancing strategies and developing


effective vaccines against COVID‐19. The priority for vaccine de-

velopment on the basis of previously reported vaccine platforms
would further facilitate rapid progression towards vaccine formula-
tion; however, bringing successful vaccines against SARS‐CoV‐2 for
public health is still a long way to go.

SN Vaccine name

34. EpiVacCorona


6 | CO N C L U D I N G R E M AR KS
39. CoVac‐1
38. UB‐162

This review article provides an outline of global research and

33. NA

35. NA

37. NA

development on COVID‐19‐related preventive vaccines based on

WHO database collection and focused on current pharmaceutical
| 13

market status in concern of SARS‐CoV‐2. An overview of probable geography and genetic homogeneity. The key issue of vaccine de-
immunogenic pathways is discussed with a particular focus on velopment is time consuming clinical trials and recruiting volun-
vaccine strategies targeting complex molecular interactions in- teers for mega‐scale trials are always a hurdle for the authorities.
duced by immune cells against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. The The difficulty in shortening the time of vaccine discovery, pro-
vaccine‐repurposing efforts are summarized in the review sug- duction, and clinical development while maintaining the efficacy of
gesting the development of potential vaccine platforms that are the vaccine for positive results are still the major challenges. The
previously prescribed and found effective in SARS‐CoV, MERS, reverse and synthetic vaccinology also require sophisticated
Ebola, influenza, and hepatitis C virus infections. The information equipment which is very expensive and will increase the price for
given in this report is an excellent intellectual summary to pro- the formulated vaccines. The development of personalized vaccines
mote future research in prophylaxis and prevention through new will also be very time‐consuming since the genetic analysis of each
vaccine discovery for COVID‐19. Due to less published data on the person in a pandemic situation is very difficult. A new coronavirus
development of vaccines against COVID‐19, this study needs epidemic in every decade in 21st century has already occurred
major attention toward significant efforts to be made in advancing including SARS in the 2000s, MERS in the 2010s, and recently
efficient and accurate vaccine development. COVID‐19. This frequent outbreak suggests manufacturing and
Over the period of the first 6 months in 2020, a concerted storing advanced coronavirus vaccines at a mass level and target-
effort to develop reliable vaccines against the COVID‐19 outbreak ing new alternates in vaccine development with global priority. As
has been made and it is very necessary in terms of reducing a matter of fact, the current situation of the COVID‐19 pandemic is
overwhelming impacts on the worldwide healthcare system. serving as a beacon to react faster and prepare for the next wave
Therefore, on the basis of SARS‐CoV and MERS vaccines, COVID‐ of the virus across humans.
19 vaccine development was commenced immediately disease
outbreak. Currently, more than 100 vaccine candidates are under ACKNOWLEDGM E NTS
trials where viral nucleic acids, inactivated viruses, and protein The work is financially supported through Extramural Research grant
subunits vectors‐based vaccines are offering effective and pre- (file no. EMR/2016/007564) by Science and Engineering Research
ventive measurements against COVID‐19. Multiple vaccination Board, Government of India and Technology Development Program
strategies are proposed to date, targeting S‐protein as an ideal (TDP) (TDP/BDTD/33/2019), DST, Government of India and Bio-
candidate to stimulate immune response and elicit cross‐protective technology Industry Research Assistance Council (BIRAC) (File No.
immunity against SARS‐CoV‐2 coronavirus. Though, development BT/IIPME0211/02/16) which are highly acknowledged.
of inactivated or live attenuated vaccines take longer time and
further to evaluate their efficacy and safety in human is a time‐ CO N FLI CT O F I N TER E S TS
consuming process. But the scenario of COVID‐19 pandemic, col- The authors declare that there are no conflict of interests.
laborative efforts of academia and industry ambitiously ac-
celerated the timeline of vaccine development and thereby A U T H OR C O N T R I B U T I ON S
generating safety data in clinical trials. Utkarsh Jain, Nidhi Chauhan and Shringika Soni wrote the original
However, each of these multistage vaccine developments re- draft, performed formal analysis, conceptualization, and literature
quires precautionary measures incorporating additional manu- investigation. Abhinandan Gupta performed the literature in-
facturing steps with toxicological studies. Furthermore, the efficacy vestigation and designed the images. Mohammad Aslam provided
of data collection before handing over to regulatory agencies to clinical insight of the COVID‐19 vaccine and performed formal
commence clinical development is important. The upcoming analysis. Nidhi Chauhan and Utkarsh Jain conceptualized and re-
months are a critical period to determine whether a warmer en- viewed, edited the manuscript, supervised, and acquired the funding.
vironment in the Northern hemispheres will reduce COVID‐19
transmission or its independent nature of virus incubation. The DATA A VAILABILITY STA TEMENT
former situations have already called for rapid vaccine develop- Data sharing not applicable to this article as no datasets were gen-
ment, however, the challenges remain the same. The major hurdle erated or analyzed during the current study.
for COVID‐19 vaccine development can be the frequent mutation
rate in RNA virus, as of now asymptomatic COVID‐19 patients also OR C ID
reported positive tests. If the mutation rate continues in cor- Utkarsh Jain
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