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Task 2:

a. Survey Findings
3 main key findings from the survey and its essentialities

1. 33% are satisfied with their training and development opportunities;

2. 54% are actively seeking alternative employment.
3. 90% say that they 'sometimes feel stressed when they are at work;

Survey .1 – arguments

 In order to increase everyone's skill set, training and development programs should be
prioritized, however many workers find these programs too costly. The time the
worker spends in training also takes away from their regular work hours, which slows
down their productivity and ultimately causes the project to be finished later than
 It's important to remember that the benefits you bring to the business and to yourself
as an individual employee more than outweigh the time and money spent on training
and development. Leadership, motivation, loyalty, and positive attitudes are just few
of the numerous facets of an employee or manager that may benefit from training and
 It stands to reason that worker output will rise if problems and vulnerabilities are
resolved. Training and development, on the other hand, serves to bolster your
capabilities by allowing you to learn and use new information.
 Companies that put effort into their workers' growth and education tend to have happy
staff members. However, it is important that the exercise be relevant to the workers so
that they may learn something and regain some of the necessary skills.
 People who have received training and development are more likely to feel satisfied
with the contribution they made to the success of the firm or organization. All this is
motivated by the extraordinary skill they develop as they carry out their

Survey .2 – argument
 Businesses need to be wary of the danger that workers may depart for better chances
elsewhere in the labor market. An employee's degree of engagement may be gauged
by how committed they are to their work and how eager they are to go above and
beyond in their duties. Among the many advantages of the tried-and-true employee
survey is its adaptability, allowing you to probe workers' sentiments about certain
facets of your company.
 It is not the pressures of the outside world that push them on; rather, it is an insatiable
need to see their business flourish. Having a genuine interest in one's profession is
crucial, and this interest develops when one feels valued by both their employer and
their peers. Positive morale among workers may have a trickle-down effect on the
whole company. People are more likely to get things done and less likely to complain
about it (management study guide 2015)
 Job satisfaction is a key aspect in retaining valuable staff. Companies that wish to
grow and succeed over time need to hang on to their most precious resources: their
loyal, diligent, and talented employees. Your company would be in disarray if
certified personnel suddenly decided to depart after obtaining training. It's true that
you can always bring in new people, but you can't ignore the worth of seasoned
veterans. It's essential for businesses to have seasoned workers who can advise and
teach new personnel (management study guide 2015).

Survey .3 – arguments

 Constant exposure to high stress levels may have unintended consequences, including
a negative impact on one's ability to perform at work and a host of other health issues.
Self-regulating your stress level and improving your performance at work are both
possible with the help of stress management techniques. Staff training is crucial in
high-stress occupations because it teaches workers effective techniques for dealing
with the pressures of their employment.
 Workplace stress may lead to indifference and a negative outlook on the job, therefore
it's important to help employees learn effective coping mechanisms. As with cynicism
and a dispassionate outlook on the job, burnout is a normal reaction to stress that may
have far-reaching consequences for the health and happiness of employees at home
and in their communities.
 The organizational culture is heavily influenced by the employees. When workers are
able to keep their stress levels in check and focus on their job, everyone benefits. This
leads to a more happy and productive work environment.
 Workplace absenteeism is often linked to stress. In addition to reducing the number of
"mental health days" taken by workers, a reduction in workplace stress will also lower
the number of sick days taken by employees who are less likely to become sick as a
consequence of their compromised immune systems.

b. Identification of the strategic initiatives

The following surveys will be used to inform the organization's development of the following
strategic initiatives: 33% are satisfied with their training and development opportunities;

It is important to look out over these strategic initiatives as Training and development
provides a catalytic platform for workers to share their ideas with management and
demonstrate that they are the finest in the business. The majority of software development
organizations neglect the undiscovered potential of their employees. Training and
development programs that are effectively-run provide workers with both the information and
the experience that they need to do their jobs properly. It is possible for all of the workers to
maintain their level of expertise and knowledge as long as they have access to regular
training and development opportunities.

Workers benefit from the training and development process because it serves to inculcate in
them a feeling of cooperation, team spirit, and team collaboration. This, in turn, helps to
lessen the likelihood of employees becoming inured to the desire to learn in the foreseeable
future. Training and development both contribute significantly to offering an opportunity and
a broad structure for the development of HR technical and behavioral skills within an
organization, which ultimately results in optimal resource utilization. This is the case because
both training and development help to offer these opportunities.

It is possible that developing countries will learn something from these examples. Investing
in the creation of a contemporary and effective labor market can significantly improve an
economy's competitiveness, which in turn can have a positive impact on the economy's
overall growth. Because of the steady stream of technological advancements, training has
evolved into an unavoidable prerequisite for any company that has aspirations of competing
in the modern-day international market.
c. Draft Mail
The staff
Date: 30-11-22
Subject: ‘You Said, We Listened’,
Dear all,
Better Futures Multi-Academy Trust is in the process of sending an email to all of its
present and former employees informing them of the results of an internal survey that
was conducted to determine how management and upper-level executives perceive
their overall performance.
Because the management of the firm understand that contented workers are directly
correlated to financial success, they have adopted a leadership strategy that
emphasizes employee growth. We thought it would be helpful to let you know that the
results of the survey show a wealth of information about how your employees feel
about working for the firm, so we thought we'd send you a little letter about it. The
following information has been uncovered: 33% are satisfied with their training and
development opportunities; 54% are actively seeking alternative employment and
90% say that they 'sometimes feel stressed when they are at work.
Following an analysis of the data, we have arrived at the conclusion that the
organization in question need to make an effort to find solutions to the issues that
were brought up in the survey. The following is a list of some of the strategic actions
that the corporation ought to take:
To increase training and development opportunities
 Managers need to know their workers' motivations and aspirations in order to
provide them the training they need.
 Instead of using a blanket approach that may not apply to certain members of
the team, managers may tailor training to the specific needs of those
 At all stages of an employee's growth and training, they should be provided
with clear and positive feedback. An good feedback communication plan is a
must for every manager.

To reduce stress management

o Ensure a content and effective staff
o Make sure everyone is healthy and happy at work, and take into
account their input.

The organization plans to implement these specific actions in order to enhance the survey
result in the areas in which it falls short.

Thank you,

Better Futures Multi-Academy Trust

Part B: Personal Account and Professional Account

Task 3: Reflective Personal and Professional Account

For this reason, I have chosen leadership as one of my Professional areas in the CMI code of
conduct, despite the fact that the democratic method places an emphasis on group equality
and the free exchange of ideas. Those who join a group and those who have a say in group
choices are both the leader's responsibility in a democratic environment. This kind of
leadership is often used in corporations since it has the potential to bring about many
beneficial effects. That's why I decided to run my business in this particular way.

This kind of leadership helps everyone in an organization feel like they have a voice and are
valued for their ideas. When team members are included in decision-making and given
opportunities to contribute, they feel more appreciated. Employees' contributions to the
business improve when they are told their ideas are being considered.

When more individuals are consulted, more perspectives may be taken into account. My team
and I may reach better-informed judgments thanks to our candid discussions and the wide
range of viewpoints we're able to draw from. True, not every recommendation can be
implemented, but showing that all ideas are seriously considered is an essential aspect of
democratic leadership. When more people are working on a problem at once, more ideas are
generated and more individuals are exposed to the problem. Authoritarian leadership, despite
the fact that it may slow down the decision-making process, frequently yields superior
outcomes in the long term.

Building trust amongst coworkers may be done by fostering an environment that welcomes
open dialogue, free sharing of ideas, and robust discussion. When a country is governed in a
democratic fashion, citizens are free to voice their opinions and arguments. Regular
communication with colleagues, especially on matters that have an immediate effect on one's
employment, may help build stronger professional (and personal) ties quickly. The likelihood
of employees being pleased and invested in their job is increased when the two criteria
mentioned above are combined. If team members think their ideas and input are valued and,
on occasion, put into action, they are more likely to report high levels of work satisfaction.

Everyone has experienced being ordered about by someone who doesn't value their opinion
and treats them like a mere tool. However, whereas certain styles of leadership, like
bureaucratic control, are only useful in particular situations, democratic leadership has the
potential to thrive in a wide range of organizational settings. Collaborative decision making
may be beneficial in any workplace with teams, while it may be more challenging to adopt in
settings with strong procedural features, such as manufacturing or the military.
This project has presented the idea of principles for leading and developing people as well as
the concepts of equality, diversity, and inclusion at the strategic level; it has also studied the
fact of how to construct strategic priorities for these concepts. This action may be taken as a
suggestion of the notion. The goal of this post was to learn about and practice the skills
needed to be a successful leader in a variety of cultural settings, with an eye toward the
potential impact of such knowledge and practice on more ethical, inclusive approaches to
leadership and diversity in the workplace.
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