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MODULE 4: Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence

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Universidad de Sta.

Isabel | Basic Education Department

MODULE 4: Developmental Stages in Middle and

Late Adolescence
“Every person has a limitless room for growth.” – Abraham Maslow

As an individual, you need to see yourself as competent and autonomous. Desiring to

become everything that you are capable of becoming, it involves being in touch with your
feelings and experiencing a blast of life journeys up to the extent of self-fulfilment, hence,

This module is about the developmental stages in middle and late adolescence. You will
encounter Erik Erikson’s Psychosocial Development and know that internal conflicts
within oneself is normal. As you go on with this module, you will be able to distinguish
the developmental tasks and skills of Filipinos adolescents.


You are given 5 days (September 20- 25, 2021) to complete this module. Every Friday is
a PRIME day. If you encounter difficulty along the way, do not hesitate to message me
through my email or call/text me via my messenger account
Marga Garcia Pabico.

The learner demonstrates understanding of the skills and tasks appropriate for middle
and late adolescence, and preparatory to early adulthood.
The learner is able to make a list of ways to become responsible adolescents
prepared for adult life.
The learner is able to value his/her own responsibility for self-growth.


At the end of this module, you should be able to say, “I can…”
1. Classify various developmental tasks according to developmental stage.
2. Evaluate one’s development in comparison with persons of the same age group.
3. List ways to become a responsible adolescent prepared for adult life.

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

Day 1-2
1. Accomplish Worksheet 1 found on page 5 of this module.
2. Read Chapter 4, Developmental Stages in Middle and Late Adolescence on pages
35-45 and answer the following questions provided on page 4 of this module.

Day 3

1. Read the attachment found on the 3rd and 4th page of this module entitled Erikson’s
Eight Stages of Psychosocial Development. List/highlight the important concepts
that you’ve learned from your readings.

Day 4

1. Accomplish Worksheet 4 found on page 7-8 of this module.

1. Santos, R.R. (2019). Personal development (2nd ed.). Manila: Rex Book Store, Inc.
2. Ramos, M.L. (2017). Personal development: A journey to self-awakening. Quezon:
C&E Publishing, Inc.
3. Serrano, A.C (2016). Personal Development. Manila: Unlimited Books Library
Services & Publishing Inc.
4. Corpuz, B.B. et al (2010). Child and adolescent development. Quezon: Lorimar
Publishing Inc.

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department



 Erik Homburger Erikson (born Erik Salomonsen; 15 June 1902 – 12 May 1994) was a German-
American developmental psychologist and psychoanalyst known for his theory on psychological
development of human beings. He may be most famous for coining the phrase
identity/psychosocial crisis.
 The term psychosocial is derived from two source words namely psychological (relating to
mind, brain, personality, etc) and social (external relationships and environment). The term is
extended to bio psychosocial, in which bio means life.
 The theory is a basis for broad or complex discussion and analysis of personality and
behaviour, and also for understanding and for facilitating personal development.
 Each stage involves a psychosocial crisis of two opposing emotional forces referred as contrary
dispositions. Each crisis relates to corresponding life stage. Erikson used the words syntonic for
the first listed positive disposition in each crisis and dystonic for the second listed negative
disposition. To signify the opposing or conflicting relationship between each pair of forces or
dispositions, Erikson connected them with the word versus.
 If a stage is managed well, we carry a certain virtue or psychosocial strength which will help us
through the rest of the stages of our lives. Successfully passing through each crisis involves
achieving a healthy ratio or balance between the two opposing dispositions that represent each
 On the other hand, if we don’t do so well, we may develop maladaptation’s and malignancies,
as well as endanger our future development. A malignancy involves too little of the positive and
too much of the negative aspect of the task. A maladaptation involves too much of the positive
and too little of the negative.

Stage Psychosocial Virtue Maladaptation Malignancy Key

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department
Crisis Question
Trust vs. Hope Sensory Withdrawal Is my world
Mistrust maladjustment (depression, safe?
(overly trusting, paranoia and
even gullible) possibly
Early Autonomy vs. Will Impulsiveness Compulsiveness Can I do
Childhood Shame and things by
(18 months Doubt myself or
to 3 years) need I always
rely on
Late Initiative vs. Courage Ruthlessness Inhibition Am I good or
Childhood/ Guilt bad?
Play Age
(3 to 5
School Age Industry vs. Competenc Narrow Inertia (includes How can I be
(6 to 12 Inferiority y virtuosity those who suffer good?
years) inferiority
Adolescenc Identity vs. Fidelity Fanaticism Repudiation Who am I?
e Role and where
(12 to 20 Confusion am I going?
Young Intimacy vs. Love Promiscuity Exclusion Am I loved
Adulthood Isolation and wanted?
(20 to 25
Middle Generativity Care Overextension Rejectivity Will I provide
Adulthood vs. Stagnation something of
(25 to 65 real value?
Late Integrity vs. Wisdom Presumption Disdain Have I lived a
Adulthood Despair full life?
(65 years to

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department
Name: ___________________________________________ Section:

Worksheet 1.

INSTRUCTION: Make a collage out of your pictures from infancy, babyhood, childhood and
adolescence. Describe how you changed overtime. What changes did you observed specifically

a. Your body
b. Your feelings and emotions
c. Your socialization with other people
d. Your beliefs, thoughts and cognition
e. Your spiritual core values/beliefs

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

Name: ___________________________________________ Section: _____________________

Worksheet 2.

Instruction: Refer to your Personal Development textbook. Read Chapter 4, Developmental Stages
in Middle and Late Adolescence on pages 35-45 and answer the following questions.

1. Examine your thoughts and behaviour and explain how these are affected by the changes
happening to your physical body and to your brain development.

2. Which developmental task and skill do you want to develop for yourself? How will you
develop them?

3. What other factors, aside from those that were discussed, do you think influence or
determine self-identity or self-concept?

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department

Name: ___________________________________________ Section: _____________________

Worksheet 3.

On Becoming a Responsible Adolescent

Being an adolescent isn’t easy. Adolescents can be put under enormous amounts of stress in
school, at home, and with friends, and the expectation to be perfect can be crippling. Luckily,
adolescents who want to be responsible can find lots of help in different places. Being a
responsible adolescent is all about finding who you are and following a couple of simple rules. On
the space provided, write a journal on how to become a responsible adolescent in preparation for
your adult life. Be guided with the rubrics provided.

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Universidad de Sta. Isabel | Basic Education Department


Organization Information was Information was Information was Information was
presented in a presented in a presented in a not presented in a
logical, interesting, logical, manner which logical, interesting
creative and straightforward does not or creative
engaging sequence which adequately convey sequence. Does
sequence which conveys the the information in a not convey the
conveys the meaning in a manner the reader information in a
meaning in a manner the reader can completely manner the reader
manner the reader can understand. understand. can understand.
can understand.
Content Demonstrated a Demonstrated a Not completely Lack of
knowledge depth firm grasp of the familiar or understanding of
understanding of content. Ability to comfortable with content. Unable to
the content and answer basic content. Limited answer basic
ability to provide questions. ability to answer questions.
explanations and basic questions.
elaborate on
Personal Journal shows Journal shows Journal shows Journal shows
Connection detailed personal clear personal somewhat clear vague personal
experiences with experiences with personal experiences with
the topic. the topic. experiences with the topic.
the topic.
Grammar and Journal is highly Journal is polished; Journal is Inadequate
Mechanics polished; no maximum of one adequate; discussion; more
grammar or grammar or maximum of two than two spelling
spelling errors. spelling error. grammar or or grammar errors.
spelling errors.

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