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PHILIPPINES Falling Action

Tata Selo by Rogelio Sikat The following day, Tata Selo was told that he
would be moved to the city jail wherein he would serve
his life sentence. Later that day he was visited by his
 Tata Selo daughter Saling but he insisted that she should not visit
 Kabesang Tano him again because of her medical conditions.
 Saling Denouement
 Alkalde
 Hepe The next day, Tata Selo found out from Amang
that Saling went into the the mayor. Tata Selo asked
 Binata
Amang to ask his daughter to leave but they would not
 Amang
let Amang get in. At the end, the hapless man felt that
Settings: everything was taken away from him.

 Prison (Istaked) Literary Approaches

 Municipal
 Farm

 Family Love Moral Lesson

 Discrimination and Inequality
Don’t give in to your emotional anger because it may
Plot cause you undesirable consequences.


Tata Selo mortgaged his land to Kabesang Tano VIETNAM

when his wife got sick. His debt was unpaid therefore THE CHERISHED DAUGHTER
Kabesang Tano wanted him to leave for he found Tata
Selo’s replacement, but the old man insisted that he Lyric and free verse type of poetry.
could still work. They scuffled which lead to Kabesang
It consists of 4 stanzas, where stanzas 1st, 2nd, and 3rd
Tano’s death. Because of this, Tata Selo was then
have 9 lines while the 4th stanza has 4 lines.
brought to the police for murder.
Point of View
Rising Action
1st point of view
Tata Selo recounted his story to a son of a
prominent family in his town. However, his efforts were Theme of the story
in vain since this man only sees the sin he committed
and not his reasons.  Marriage
 mother-and-daughter relationship
The tone of the narrator was unhappy because, at the age
He then retold his story to Amang. Then, the of forty-three, she still lives without a husband. She
mayor came and asked the chief of police to bring Tata doesn’t have the freedom to choose who can be his
Selo to his office so they could speak. The old man was future husband because of that culture.
hushed by the mayor when they talked saying that he
already knew what the poor farmer would say for it The poem is about a mother who cherished her daughter
would not change the fact that he would be imprisoned. by setting the standard for his daughter's soulmates. The
When the mayor left for lunch, Tata Selo was then daughter shows courteousness because she respects her
beaten by the police. mother's decision even though she wants to get married
at legal age.
Literary Approaches Lifetime National Literary Award-winning
writer in Myanmar (Burma) known for his
 Feminist
continuous encouraging of youth to become a
 Reader-Response righteous man. ● He became a tutor at Rangoon
 Historicism approaches. University (University of Yangon) in 1962 but
he refused to join Burma Socialist Programme
BRUNEI Party. ● He worked for Mawlamyaing Degree
College, Defence Services Academy and the
Borneo's Green Heart University of Yangon as a lecturer in the 1960s
and 1970s
 Type of poetry- A free verse poetry
 Stanza- it consists of 1 stanza Literary Approaches
 Lines- the poem has 14 lines  Reader-Response Approach
 Tone- persuasive
o Patriotic/Patriotism
 Narrator
o Beauty
 U Nyan Sein
o Nature
 Students
 Figure of speech
 Crying boy
o Personification
 Daw Aye Thar/Grandmother
o Imagery
 Vocabulary words Settings
o Den- comfortable room or place
 Primary school near pagoda
o Neoclassical- consulting a revival or
adaptation of the classical, especially  University of Yangon
in literature, music, art, or  Taungdwin-Gyi
architecture THEME
o Tranquility- a state of peace or quiet
o Oasis- a pleasant or peaceful area, or  PASSION - The story is all about how
period in the midst of a difficult or passionate the teachers in their job which is to
hectic place or situation teach.
o Comport- to behave in a particular  EDUCATION - It shows how the Myanmar
way, bear or conduct oneself teachers have their unique way of teaching.
o Sultanate- a place ruled by a sultan

Literary Approach  The story was told in the first-person point of

view. The narrator used the term "I" to indicate
 Sociological that he was describing his observations of what
 Reader-Response was going on around him.
THE KINDERGARTEN TEACHER  Man vs. Man Because at the end of story, the
By Aung Thinn narrator questioned himself if he is a good
teacher like U Nyan Sein.
- He was born on 17 April 1927 in Taungdwingyi
Township, Magway Region, British Burma. ● PLOT
He graduated from University of Yangon ● His ● EXPOSITION The story began when he traveled to
first article, Breaking Thayet Prison was printed Taungdwin-gyi, where he had previously taught middle
in Myawaddy Magazine in 1959. ● He was a school. One time, on his way to the museum, he stopped
by the elementary school next to the pagoda to let U plums, teacher U NyanSein praises the plums of the kid,
Nyan Sein, his friend, a teacher there to inform him that so it made the kid really happy with that the kid actively
he is waiting for him to come along the museum show him more of his sweet plums. The next day he
afterwards. U Nyan Sein is an art teacher that also proceeds to the new lesson and and ask the students to
teaches reading and writing to the newest children in state their names as he drew a "Ka" (the first letter in the
school: kindergarten. One day, he noticed that U Nyan alphabet) on the black board.And it went on like that all
Sein has a different way of teaching his students. through the alphabet.


For two or three days watching U Nyan Sein, he noticed After seeing how Uy Nyan Sein teaches he was shaken
that he is just making drawing and telling stories to his as he started questioning his capabilities as a teacher
students. So he asked him why he was not teaching his since all along he believed that he is a quite good
students anything,and he answered "I can teach anytime teacher, and known for being one.
but right now it is important to let the children enjoy
school, so they will love coming to school and not fear
it." Next day there was a boy crying in front, he would THAILAND
not look at drawings nor listen to U NyanSein. U Nyan
Sein look at the young boy with a slight smile on his Friend Zone by Chayanop 'Moo' Boonprakob
face. As a solution he asked his students to cry as well ● a Thai director and screenwriter.
along with the boy and the boy stop crying in
amazement, so the other kids stop crying as well. ● won a few short films contests

CLIMAX ● graduated in Film & Still Photography from Faculty of

Communication Arts, Chulalongkorn University in 2007.
Next day there was a boy crying in front, he would not ● had worked as a flight attendant at Thai Airways for 3
look at drawings nor listen to U NyanSein. U Nyan Sein years.
look at the young boy with a slight smile on his face. As
a solution he asked his students to cry as well along with ● Most of his works are based on his own experience.
the boy and the boy stop crying in amazement, so the ● Has a thing about imperfect characters.
other kids stop crying as well. The next day he went
early to U Nyan Sein’s class again to observe. U Nyan ● Interested in the diversity of Thailand’s neighboring
Sein started the class as he draw plums and pretended to country and this tactic has never been used in a Thai
plucked it and to give it to his students while the students movie before.
also pretended to catch it, and the kids enjoyed their
class. The next day U Nyan Sein still continue with his
plums picking, as a new step was being taken. He drew Character
avery round circle clockwise on the blackboard for sweet
 Gink Father
plums and circle anti-clockwise a rotten plum. So the
kids motion their hands in the air to show him how it is  Gink
done, and they made a drawing of it, and show it to U  Palm
Nyan Sein while the kids checked each others plums.  Ted
 Friend Zone Buddies

Then, he realized what's the plum picking is really all
about, as the the Myanmar alphabet is constructed on
circles and the letters are meant to resemble sweet plum
fruit, a very round small circle.The young boy who
always cry came up to his teacher shyly and show his  KUALA LUMPUR MALAYSIA
 HONGKONG Intercontinental Hotel in Hong Kong, but he never came
 KRABI, THAILAND home. She calls him again and again, but he doesn't
 BANGKOK THAILAND answer. What makes her broken is that when he used
Palm’s phone, he answered. And with so much feeling,
THEME she hangs it on the signage.
● Friendship ● Career ● Love CLIMAX
GENRE After what happened in Hong Kong, they came back at
 The genre used in the film entitled “Friendzone” Thailand, but Palm received another call. He followed
is Rom Com or Romantic Comedy. Gink to a resort and found her in a state of brokenness
and messiness. Palm assists Gink in distracting herself
POINT OF VIEW by doing things like climbing a mountain, visiting a
museum, and relaxing by the sea. And Gink invited Palm
 It is a first-person point of view because he
to drink with them alone. Their emotions became
(Palm) narrates his love story in the film.
intense, but the two tried to hold them back. So it
CONFLICT resulted in a misunderstanding and confrontation
between the two. When everyone calmed down, Palm
 man vs man said that she would only meet with Shwedagon when she
 man vs self and Ted were done. After what happened to them, Gink
Plot went home to Ted. And there she confronted Ted about
what happened in Bangkok. And there, Ted confessed
EXPOSITION that he had cheated on her.
The story begins when Gink is dropped off by his father FALLING ACTION
at Prem Mitr High School. But the father is unaware that
she will follow him. And here she started to introduce Gink still went to Shwedagon to see Palm because the
his caring and supportive best friend, "Palm" . Palm met relationship between them and Ted was over. But when
the Friendzone buddies and asked what and how he they met, Gink still couldn't take the risk of going
endured the 10 years of being in the friendzone. They beyond friendship. Palm respects this and leaves. He
followed his father from the airport until they arrived in consoled himself and met others. And Gink had closure
Chiang Mai, Thailand. And they confirmed that he and became friends with Ted. But Gink and Palm are
would not go to a business meeting but instead meet still looking for their presence and their companionship.
another woman. And this is also the first time Palm DENOUEMENT
shows his first motive by saying "I love you," but he
denies the real meaning of it to Gink. A year later, they Gink went to see Palm in Bangkok, Thailand, and there
graduated; Palm became a flight attendant, while Gink Gink said that he could take a risk with Palm, and she
became a music manager. As time passed, Palm had herself made the proposal. Gink approached Palm and
many girlfriends, and Gink had a boyfriend named the three of them, and they realized that Palm is no
"Ted." longer in the friend zone because he is engaged to Gink.


And in Yangon, Myanmar, Palm followed Gink to Kuala ● Do not cheat! Cheating is not only about being caught.
Lumpur, Malaysia, because she called and said she ● Everything comes at the right time.
thought she was pregnant. In Phnom Penh, Cambodia, ● Be patient and take consistent, persistent actions
Ted is known by many singers as a producer and music toward what you want.
manager. And Gink has many suspicions that he had an
affair. And after one of Ted's departures, they were not Literary Approaches
together, and her suspicion increased. In Hong Kong, she
 Sociological Approach
spied and found he was lying, then took a taxi with a
 Feminist approach
woman. They waited for Ted for several hours at the
 Biography approach

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