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Paminsaran, Patricia Nicole



1.There Is Not Only You

Post Reading Activity

1. Give the message of the poem

The lesson this poem provides is to be positive in life, look for the good and brighter side of
every situation, and being optimistic in this world full of problems and hardships
2. Paraphrase the poem.
In the poem show that in every problem have a solution even this is worst situation you
need to be positive in life, look for the good and brighter side of every situation, and being
optimistic in this world full of problems and hardships
3. Give your interpretation of the poem.
The sustain all of the needs and wants of her children. She is alone in supporting all the
needs of her children. There are also comparison between the life of a widowed and normal
4. What scene in the poem is evoked in the poem?
Imagining when their kids were killed by bombs. They were crying as if they would die.
Those were the most awful time of their lives.
5. To whom was the writer speaking?
The poem's speaker tells a beloved that they "cannot live" together, not because their love is
insufficient, but because it's overpowering
6. What perception does the writer imply on the readers like you?
The writer implies that we should always look on the brighter side of every situation we are
facing, that we should stay positive in life, and be brave to face challenges, and do not be
afraid to stumble, but dare to stand and continue living
7. What mood is aroused in the poem?
The mood aroused in the poem is pessimistic, because of the emotion and actions shown by
the widow by keeping herself down and didn’t acknowledge good things in her.
8. What do you feel while reading the poem? Why do you think these emotions evoke
I feel sad for the widow as she lost her partner. We may not know but maybe it is just very
hard for her to be in her situation, losing her life partner who would help her in her difficulties
and hardships in life. Though as she pities herself, I still feel sad for her.
9. Is the title appropriate? Why or why not? What other title can you give this poem?
The title of the poem is appropriate because the purpose of the author is to make everyone
realize that we have different problems to face in life, wherein there is something inside us
that we always keep fighting with, either you or with others, in which everyone is also
10. What lessons on moral statement does this poem provide?
The lesson this poem provides is to be positive in life, look for the good and brighter side
of every situation, and being optimistic in this world full of problems and hardships.

2. The Bewail Of Mother

Post Reading Activity

1. What picture is formed to your mind by the title “The Bewail of Mother”
A mothers hardships and sacrifices and a mother begging for her daughters love
2. What kind of emotion did you feel in the poem?
As I was reading, I felt sad for the mother being ignored by her daughter I think she
deserves attention and affection from her child for whom she sacrificed a lot of things so that
she could live beautiful life
3. What was used to symbolize the poet’s feeling?
“Depressing Tears” symbolize the bewail of the mother towards her daughter. She was left
clueless about why her child suddenly become ungrateful and cold with her. Tears may mean
different things depending on the mood that prevails. In the poem, tears means sadness and
4. What figures of speech used in the poem? Does it appeal to your senses while
reading the poem? Why or why not?
Metaphor is a figure of speech used in the poem, it appeared in my senses in a way that I
felt the emotions of the author, the words that are used may not be literally true but it helped
me understand the idea.
5. What are the words used to emphasize the grief of the writer?
“Depressing tears,” “sharp knife placed in the mother’s heart,” “mother effort,” “mind-
changing,” “even if she doesn’t care but mother still beg,” - these are the words and phrases
which emphasize the grief of the writer. Incorporating all these words into the poem
highlights its theme.
6. What is the mood of the poem? Does it have effect your mood also?
Sadness is the mood that prevails in this poem. All of us can relate when the topic is about a
mother, and we can quickly put ourselves onto it as we read it
7. In what line can we read the theme of the poem?
“Mothers effort is always assigned to daughter” - this line is the theme of this poem. It
shows the relationship between the mother and her daughter and how she would be willing to
sacrifice herself for daughters sake. Sadly as time passed, the daughter seemed to forget
everything that her mother did for her, which let the mother in deep sorrow.
8. What impact lifted on you throughout reading the entire poem?
It made an impact on me in such a way wherein our mother are selfless, and we shouldn’t
make them feel like they are worthless.A mother’s love for is child is lifetime.
9. Comment on the last two lines of the poem.
The last two lines, “ When I die, I will not be boring. Since the word shown you accept the
deed of your mother.” implies how deeply sorrowed the mother is that she thought death
could change her situation. A simple appreciation is enough for her and for all mothers to
make them feel that they are loved because they are not asking for anything huge or grand.
10. If you are the writer of this poem, craft the new title for it. Cite your reasons.
If I were the writer of this poem I will tittle it “ A Mother Love” because the poem is all
about the sacrifices that he mother made through her life just for her child.

3. The Mosquito

Post Reading Activity

1. Sum up the story explaining why mosquito are small insects.

Mosquitoes are small because just like Nhan Deep, she has no appreciation and love for her
better half, she doesn't appreciate the sacrifice of Ngoe Tam for her. She also has little respect
and gratitude to all that Ngoe Tam did to live again. Her gratitude for Ngoe Tam is almost
unlikely as how much mosquitoes are. It resembles she isn't existing and can't be seen by any
means, since she shows no significance for her better half that she even disappeared with the
rich dealer. That is the reason mosquitoes are little and are scarcely observed because it
mirrors the character of Nhan deep.
2. Summarize the story explaining why mosquito whine and sting
Mosquitoes are whining because, like Nhan deep, she managed to keep her taste and desires
hidden from her better half. She seems to keep everything hidden from her better half, as if
she doesn't want her to know. Furthermore, when Nhan deep finally changed into a mosquito
at the end of the novel she spoke the name of her significant other in a voice that was
gradually becoming smaller.
3. Which is the most interesting part of the story? Why?
The scene in which Ngoe Tam meets the genii of medication on his way to his wizardry
mountain is the most exciting part of the story. I was amazed by the genii's honesty in
offering Ngoe Tam to be his devotee but instead choosing to resurrect his significant other. I
admire the genii's kindness, as well as Ngoe Tam's affection and care for his better half.
4. What virtues are exhibited by Ngoe Tam ?
I was impressed by how loyal, loving, and patient Ngoe Tam is to his better half. I got the
feeling that he deeply cherished Nhan Deep and is willing to offer anything, including his
blood, to bring her back to life. I can also see how distressed and ready to give up Ngoe Tam
is, as seen by his decision to set Nhan deep free, witnessing her happily continuing her life
with the wealthy merchant.
5. Relate any Philippine folktales you know explaining the origin of mosquitoes.
A long time ago, when the world was much quieter and younger than it is now, people told
and believed many strange stories about wonderful things which none of us have ever seen. In
those very early times, in the province of Bohol, there lived a creature called Mangla; he was
king of the crabs. One night, as he was very tired and sleepy, Mangla ordered his old sheriff,
Cagang, leader of the small land-crabs, to call his followers, Bataktak, before him.
Although the sheriff was old, yet he brought them all in in a very short time. Then Mangla
said to the Bataktak, “You must all watch my house while I am sleeping, but do not make any
noise that will waken me.”The Bataktak said, “We are always ready to obey you.” So Mangla
went to sleep.While he was snoring, it began to rain so hard that the guards could not help
laughing. The king awoke very angry but, as he was still very tired and sleepy, he did not
immediately ask the Bataktak why they laughed. He waited till morning came.So, as soon as
the sun shone, he called the Bataktak and said to them, “Why did you laugh last night? Did I
not tell you not to make any noise?”The Bataktak answered softly, “We could not help
laughing, because last night we saw our old friend Hu-man carrying his house on his
shoulder.” On account of this reasonable reply, the king pardoned the Bataktak.Then he called
his sheriff and told him to summon Hu-man. In a short time he came. The king at once said to
him, “What did you do last night?”“Sir,” replied Hu-man humbly, “I was carrying my house,
because Aninipot was bringing fire, and I was afraid that my only dwelling would be burned.”
This answer seemed reasonable to the king, so he pardoned Hu-man.Then he told his sheriff
Cagang to summon Aninipot. When Aninipot appeared, the king, with eyes flashing with
anger, said to the culprit, “Why were you carrying fire last night?” Aninipot was very much
frightened, but he did not lose his wits. In a trembling voice he answered, “Sir, I was carrying
fire, because Lamoc was always trying to bite me. To protect myself, I am going to carry fire
all the time.” The king thought that Aninipot had a good reason, so he pardoned him also.The
king now realized that there was a great deal of trouble brewing in his kingdom of which he
would not have been aware if he had not been awakened by the Bataktak. So he sent his
sheriff to get Lamoc.In a short time Cagang appeared with Lamoc. But Lamoc, before he left
his own house, had told all his companions to follow him, for he expected trouble. Before
Lamoc reached the palace, the king was already shouting with rage, so Lamoc approached the
king and bit his face.Then Mangla cried out, “It is true what I heard from Bataktak, Hu-man,
and Aninipot!” The king at once ordered his sheriff to kill Lamoc but, before Cagang could
carry out the order, the companions of Lamoc rushed at him. He killed Lamoc, however, and
then ran to his home, followed by Lamoc’s friends, who were bent on avenging the murder.
As Cagang’s house was very deep under the ground, Lamoc’s friends could not get in, so they
remained and hummed around the door.
Even today we can see that at the doors of the houses of Cagang and his followers there are
many friends of Lamoc humming and trying to go inside. It is said that the Lamoc mistake the
holes of our ears for the house of Cagang, and that that is the reason mosquitoes hum about
our ears now.

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