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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety of Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by the learn about individual formal and informal sources measures to make knowledge of students to
school and/or assessments. students. (9/20/21) to learn about students and adjustments to instruction make ongoing adjustments
guide selection of and meet individual and accommodations in
Some students may engage instructional strategies to identified learning needs. instruction (3/30/2023).
in learning using Students engage in single meet diverse learning needs.
instructional strategies lessons or sequence of (5/6/2022) Students take ownership of
focused on the class as a lessons that include some I feel I am still at this level Students actively utilize a their learning by choosing
knowledge of
whole. (9/20/21) adjustments based on this semester (10/15/2022). variety of instructional from a wide range of methods
students to
assessments. strategies and to further their learning that
engage them in
Student engage in learning technologies in learning are responsive to their
through the use of that ensure equitable learning needs.
adjustments in instruction to access to the curriculum
meet their needs. (3/30/2023).
I feel my students are still at
this level this semester
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students: Students are Teacher: I review student Teacher: I continue to review My students are utilizing I am using more technology
encouraged and offered information in student information from the visual, audio, and tools to increase accessibility
opportunities to engage with school-provided formal students' logs, past classes written resources in live and learning in the classroom
materials and activities, but documents and skills demonstrations, lessons, on the teacher this semester. I am constantly
not all students participate (IEPs/504/teacher formal documents, and logs website, and in the lesson reviewing and revising the
in every activity. Students communication logs). I also (comments and interactions introduction notes much ways I reach out to students
must participate in review previous grades for provided by all teachers and more than last year. I see and provide resources to meet
discussions and activity students, when available, to school employees who have more student success and the needs of all students in my
content in school-provided gauge roughly student skill contact with students). I awareness of the classroom. When I see any
curricula that are designed demonstration in previous speak with both students resources I provide to area of needed support, I
to meet the understanding English classes. and their caretakers/ enhance equity and make on-the-spot and
needs of all students in the Unit 1 assessment is a support team in emails and learning in the classroom behind-the-scenes changes
classroom. Many students do “Getting to Know You” phone calls. I use all of this (3/30/2023). and adaptations to better
utilize additional supports multimedia PowerPoint. data to build assessments, support student learning and
(graphic organizers, Students complete 9 slides supports, resources, and content mastery
interactive PowerPoints, and with information discussing documents to meet the (3/30/2023).
outlines) that the teacher their glows and grows diverse needs and
creates, but this is an area (strengths and areas of preferences of all students in
where I am working to growth) in ELA, discuss my class. As the school year
engage more students in this their favorite book, and begins, I am continuing this
area (9/20/21) select an inspirational quote practice and investing time
to show me a little bit more to learn about my students
about themselves. Students and incorporate this
have the option to select an understanding into my
author from Americal lessons and supports this
Colonial literature to semester I am providing
complete the Multimedia feedback and notes to
project if they want, but they students based on their
are encouraged to complete areas of wanted growth this
the “Getting to Know You” year and incorporating their
option. I also receive data interests and contexts into
from students in a lessons and phone calls
MessageBoard Scavenger (10/15/2022).
Hunt: students located
information about the class Students: Teacher provides
from the MessageBoard resources before completion
(check for understanding of and feedback after
tools provided) and submission to emphasize the
completed two getting to student's glows and grows.
know you questions. Students have the
(9/20/21) opportunity to revise and
resubmit all written work in
my class to apply feedback
and demonstrate higher
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
levels of understanding.
Adjustments and supports
are completed when a need
appears so that all students
are supported to success and
mastery. (5/6/2022)
Students are actively
volunteering details,
understanding, and
connections between classes
and their personal
contexts/understanding in
assessment and activity
responses. Most students are
actively reaching out to
review feedback, grow their
understanding, and connect
their personal experiences to
information and content in
class (10/15/2022).

Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Develops awareness of prior Uses gathered information Uses school resources and family Integrates broad Develops and
knowledge, culture, about students’ prior contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural understanding of students’ prior and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural inform instruction regarding students’
represented among students. experiences, and interest to backgrounds, life experiences, (3/30/2023). cultural backgrounds,
(9/20/21) support student learning. and interests to connect to prior knowledge, life
(9/20/21) student learning. (5/6/2022) experiences, and
Connecting I feel I am still at this level this interests.
learning to semester (10/15/2022).
students’ prior Students participate in single
knowledge, Some students connect lessons or sequences of Students make connections Students are actively Students can articulate
backgrounds, life learning activities to their lessons related to their between curriculum, and their engaged in curriculum, the relevance and impact
experiences, and own lives. (9/20/21) interests and experiences. prior knowledge, backgrounds, which relates their prior of lessons on their lives
interests life experiences, and interests. knowledge, experiences, and society.
(5/6/2022) and interests within and
I feel my students are still at this across learning activities.
level this semester
I feel the majority my students
are still at this level
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students sometimes will Teacher: I feel that I am Teacher: I include this category I work hard to build
connect subject content to currently a mix between because I do have frequent connections and
their own experiences and Emerging and Exploring contact with caretakers for my relationships in my
lives with guidance. I rate because I am actively homeroom students (22 of my classroom to increase
this here because I have working to include this 124 students). I am currently in engagement and
noticed that students tend to information in my lessons. I the process of investigating logs relevance of learning and
make these connections am currently working with a and reaching out in inform instruction. Those
during discussions and small team of teachers (3 of calls/”getting to know you” who attend live lessons
informal writing us in total) to incorporate activities to my ELA only are actively engaged and
assignments, but many do students’ prior knowledge, students to gather a greater connect learning to prior
not make these connections experiences, and interests to understanding of their knowledge, experiences,
in formal writing or engage students in critical background, interests, and prior and interests. Because I
individual assignments. discussions and activities. knowledge. (9/20/21) cannot require
Some do, and I positively We are currently attendance, some do not
reinforce this behavior when implementing a “Getting to I feel I am fully at this level this attend - these students
they do in verbal and written Know You” multimedia semester. As the year continued, struggle to make the deep
feedback. project that students can do I developed working connections that those
Because I teach American as an alternative to the relationships and a better who attend live make;
Literature and my students provided assessment understanding of my students’ however, I feel that I
are also taking US History, focused on an American patterns, trends, and incorporate relevance,
many students will connect Literature author. We are backgrounds. I can easily interests, and
their learning and also including Padlets in identify and discuss students understanding of my
understanding between lessons to increase social and connect their understanding students in my lessons
these two classes. (9/20/21) interaction between and context to support deep and lesson introduction
students and to learn more learning of content. Students notes to increase student
about our students’ interests enjoy the second semester more learning (3/30/2023).
(the images and gifs they than the first semester. They see
select have helped us gain the connections between English
informal information). I have and US History more clearly in
noticed that students are the second semester and share
becoming more comfortable information about context and
sharing details on purpose to demonstrate transfer
assignments, in class, and by and deep understanding.
direct contact after the Students also make connections
implementation of the during The Great Gatsby to
“getting to know you contemporary events and texts.
activities” and Padlets. (5/6/2022)
This semester, I am actively
investigating student data from
both live lesson and assessment
submissions to understand and
build relationships with my
students from day 1. During Unit
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
1, I modeled the Getting To
Know You alternate multimedia
portfolio and provided direct
instruction and support for
students to understand that they
are researching and informing
me (the teacher) of who they are
as a whole and unique person.
Students are providing specific
details and reflections in their
portfolio work and in lesson
activities. (10/15/2022).

Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Uses real-life connections Explore using additional real-life Integrates connections from Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as connections to subject matter in subject matter to meaningful, meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. single lessons or sequence of real-life contexts, including contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons to support those specific to students’ subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
understanding. (9/20/21) family and community and is responsive during contexts throughout
(10/15/2022). instruction to engage subject matter
Connecting I feel I am still here this I feel I am still at this level students in relating to instruction.
subject matter semester. (5/6/2022) (3/30/2023). subject matter.
to meaningful,
real-life contexts Some students relate Students make use of real-life Students actively engage Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. connections provided in single Students utilize real-life in making and using integrate subject matter
(9/20/21) lessons or sequence of lessons to connections regularly to real-life connections to into their own thinking
support understanding of develop understandings of subject matter to extend and make relevant
subject matter. (5/6/2022) subject matter (3/30/2023). their understanding. applications of subject
I feel my students are still at this matter during learning
level (10/15/2022). activities.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students: I am currently Teacher: I work to include This year, I am engaging in
experimenting with polls real-life connections, models, more direct connections and
and collecting “getting to and examples during lessons to real-life experiences in
know you” data from connect content to students’ lessons (both live and digital).
students to employ more lives. Not all connections are I am adding Lesson
student-led (or informed) relevant to every student in Introduction Notes this year
connections. Some students class, but I do try to include to provide additional support
will content to real-life real-life situations and and connection to students
contexts in open-ended connections that span the learning and application of
questions and discussions. various topics students are real-life experiences they have
Some students do this interested in. I have noticed that or will have in future
naturally; I am actively certain content speaks more to classrooms. I am also using
investigating additional my students. For example, many my knowledge of other
strategies to engage students find something to content classes' progression
students to make connect to and share when we and lessons to provide
meaningful real-life discuss the American Dream and cross-curricular support and
connections without otherization in The Great Gatsby, deep understanding in
teacher guidance. but they struggle to connect English 11 (10/15/2022).
(9/20/21) colonial literature to their lives I feel I am still at this level
unless religion is a portion of (3/30/2023).
their self-identity (9/20/21)
Evidence My students are encouraged
Students: While I feel I am still at and more engaged in making
the Exploring level, I feel that I more real-world and
have created a supportive and cross-curricula connections
welcoming environment that this semester. My students
prompted students to join me in will volunteer understanding
this level. My students are from other classes as we
making real-life connections to review literary movements
content and learning to and context in lessons. I am
demonstrate deep also making direct
understanding and support each connections in lessons and
other/peer’s understanding of resources to spark
American Literature and English connections to English,
content and subject matter. personal, and other content
(5/6/2022) Students are (3/30/2023).
volunteering and scheduling
one-on-one and small group
appointments to support the
development and understanding
of lesson content and for
summative assessment revisions
and development (10/15/2022)
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of strategies Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, including culturally integrates a broad range of an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided by resources, and technologies in responsive pedagogy, strategies, resources, and strategies, resources, and
school and/or district. single lessons or sequence of resources, and technologies technologies into technologies to meet
Using a variety (9/20/21) lessons to meet students’ during ongoing instruction to instruction designed to meet students’ diverse learning
of instructional diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse students’ diverse learning needs.
strategies, (9/20/21) learning needs. (10/16/2022) needs.
resources, and I feel I am still here this
technologies to semester. (5/6/2022) Students participate in
meet students’ instruction using strategies, Students actively engage in Students take
diverse learning Some students participate Students participate in single resources, and technologies instruction and make use of responsibilities for using
needs in instructional strategies, lessons or sequence of lessons matched to their learning a variety of targeted a wide range of strategies,
using resources and related to their interests and needs. (10/16/2022) strategies, resources, and resources, and
technologies provided. experiences. (5/6/2022) technologies to meet their technologies that
(9/20/21) individual students needs successfully advance their
(3/30/2023). learning.
Teacher: The majority of my Teacher: Some students elect While my curriculum is I have embedded more
curriculum is to attend lessons live where I school-provided, I am adding alternate and relatable
school-provided. The incorporate various material more extension activities into authentic creation
students that follow the presentation activities and the curriculum in Lesson assignments into my lessons
school-provided curriculum resources. I actively seek out Introduction Notes and in live this year. I have seen
only do well and understand and create additional lessons to meet the diverse increased understanding
the content. There are resources and technologies to community and needs of and engagement with
additional resources and incorporate in lessons to students in my classroom. I modifications and alternates
strategies available, but not promote students’ deep am incorporating different as I have embedded these
all students elect to engage understanding and critical types of activities and additional strategies and
with them. These students thinking, reading, and writing. supports in both spaces to resources into the lesson
are encouraged to do so and (9/20/21) support all students to introduction pages. These
Evidence invited to participate via success and deep additions include various
email and one-on-one Students: As the semester understanding in the resources and learning
phone calls with the teacher. progressed, students became classroom (10/16/2022). preferences (audio, visual,
They are held responsible more willing and written) to increase student
for the material and understanding of available Students actively participate learning and meet the
information; however, they support. Students also worked in instruction and activities learning needs of all
may choose to not engage in to bring relevance and self to this semester. I have seen that students in the class. I also
all activities due to the assessment sections. my attendance has increased update and revise resources
independent study nature of this year from last year. As throughout this year in
my school. (9/20/21) Each portfolio has options for students become comfortable applying the supports that
students to select from for with online learning, most best meet the needs of my
completion. This increases students are actively engaged students in my study guides
willingness to engage with in learning and various and fillable notes
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
additional lessons and activities that increase documents. For example, I
assessments. In doing so, I learning utilizing various have seen an increased need
supported students to access activities and presentation for sentence frames for
learning in both lessons and styles that best support their short answer responses. I
resources to increase learning understanding demonstration have created and added
based on their interests and (10/16/2022). sentence frames into my
style of understanding suggested outlines to
demonstration. (5/6/2022) increase student success
and learning throughout the
year (3/30/2023).

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that focus on Includes questions in single Guide students to think Supports students to initiate Facilitates systematic
factual knowledge and lessons or a sequence of critically through use of critical thinking through opportunities for student
comprehension. lessons that require questioning strategies, independently developing to apply critical thinking
students to recall, interpret, posing/solving problems, and questions, posing problems and by designing structured
and think critically. reflection on issues in reflecting on multiple inquiries into complex
(9/20/21) content. (10/16/2022) perspectives. problems.
Promoting I still I am still at this level. I feel I am still at this level
critical thinking (3/30/2023). Students pose problems and
though inquiry, Some students respond to Students respond to varied construct questions of their Students pose and answer
problem solving, questions regarding facts questions or tasks designed own to support inquiries into a wide-range of complex
and reflection and comprehension to promote comprehension Students respond to content. questions and problems,
.(9/20/21) and critical thinking in questions and problems reflect, and communicate
single lessons or a sequence posed by the teacher and understandings based on
of lessons. (5/6/2022) begin to pose and solve in depth analysis of
I feel my students are still problems of their own related content learning.
here at this time. to the content (3/30/2023).
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students: My students can Teacher: Questions and This year, I am beginning
choose to come to lessons activities are built and used with a foundation in having
live or watch recordings. in lessons that require taught a full year of American
Our culture encourages live students to recall, apply Literature. I am actively
participation, but it is not a understanding, interpret, reflecting on the learning
requirement due to the and think beyond what the activities from last year to
unique circumstances and curriculum tells them. I also revise and enhance questions
lives of our students. Those incorporate academic and activities to extend
that attend lessons live do language in instructions and students' deep content
complete varied activities to models. Example: I do, You understanding and reflection
promote comprehension do activities are used in of the content and context of
and critical thinking, but asynchronous lessons and I the texts (10/16/2022).
other students will follow do, We do, You do activities
the school-provided are used in synchronous My students are using the
curriculum and respond to lessons where the teacher support and guides I provide
test and quiz questions models the first questions more this year. I feel that
based in facts and and informs students “take connecting with my students
comprehension (9/20/21) notes. You will be applying and building meaningful
this understanding relationships in the
independently in a later classroom has increased
activity. Notice how I …” to students' comfortability and
engage students in critical engagement in asking
Evidence application and thought. questions and authentically
(9/20/21) finding solutions / making
I feel I am still at this level. connections that support
(5/6/2022). their inquiry,
problem-solving, and
Students: My students enjoy reflection in the classroom
and engage with the (3/30/2023).
informal and informal
questions that I pose in my
lessons and resources.
While not all students
submit every assessment,
students do engage with the
resources and documents
that I have created to
support them to succeed in
critical thinking and
comprehension. (5/6/2022)

I feel that my students are

still here. As this is the
beginning of a new school
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
year, students are being
exposed to and learning to
navigate English 11
questions and lesson
activities. As students
continue to grow and
become familiar with my
classroom, I believe they
will join me in the Applying
level (10/16/2022).

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Implements lessons Seeks to clarify instruction Makes ongoing adjustments Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
following curriculum and learning activities to to instruction based on instruction based on the extend learning
guidelines. support student observation of student ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
understanding. (9/20/21) engagement and regular individual student needs for provide assistance to
checks for understanding. assistance, support, or challenge students in mastering the
Monitoring (5/6/2022) (10/16/2022). concepts flexibly and
student learning Some students receive Students receive assistance I feel I am still at this level effectively.
and adjusting individual assistance during individually or in small (3/30/2023).
instruction while instruction. (9/20/21) groups during instruction. Students successfully Students monitor their
teaching. participate and stay engaged Students are able to articulate progress in learning and
in learning activities. their level of understanding and provide information to
(5/6/2022) use teacher guidance to meet teacher that informs
I feel that my students are their needs during instruction adjustments in
still at this level (3/30/2023). instruction.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Students: When a lesson Because we are a completely I worked very hard this I am using the time and
utalized breakout rooms, online school, I rely on quick semester to make development I invested last year
students receive assistance checks for understanding in connections and engage to begin the school year at this
in small groups during every lesson. Students select students in small-group, level. Students engage in
instruction. When a lesson reactions to display on their whole-class in attendance in numerous different activities in
does not have a breakout screen so I can make live lessons, and one-on-one my classroom and phone calls. I
room activity, some adjustments as needed to to increase engagement and am also incorporating more
students receive individual better support their monitor student self-assessment and checks for
assistance and support understanding. I am understanding. Because understanding into live lessons
during instruction (via currently working on and attendance at live lessons to evaluate and make real-time
direct message chat or engaged in PLC work to cannot be required, much of adjustments to support all
verbal support in response convert some PowerPoints my in-the-moment students to succeed in the
to student questions or into NearPod so students adjustments come in phone classroom at the beginning of
needed assistance). can interact with a variety of calls. During instructions the school year (10/16/2022).
Individual and small-group activities to expand (both in Zoom and in calls),
assistance is used in my understanding and meet students receive the
phone calls and office hours more learning preferences. I directions and support I feel that I have bolstered my
with students, and I am am excited to implement my needed to be successful and students and built strong
working to include more first Nearpod-based lesson reach deep understanding relationships to bring them to
small group work during next week (9/20/21). and engagement levels. this level with me this semester.
instruction to increase the (5/6/2022). My students participate in
occurrence of on-the-spot, reflection polls and work during
Evidence in-lesson assistance. lessons. After submissions,
(9/20/21) Students: The large majority many reach out by phone or
of my students engage and email for additional support in
participate in some form - meeting their specific learning
Zoom live lessons, calls, text goals and addressing areas of
messages, and/or emails. I need. The majority of my
have successfully connected students come to me with
with each of my students on questions and concerns for
some level to monitor additional support. My students
understanding and check for frequently reach out to me for
comprehension of content revision and understanding
and directions for activities. support (3/30/2023).
Students are beginning this
year with additional
understanding and
experience using Nearpod in
the classroom. Students are
entering the classroom
understanding how to log in
and participate in the
activities which engage them
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
using technology and stay
actively participating
throughout the lesson

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