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CSTP 1 Nehme 4

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Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning

Element 1.1 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Learns about students Gathers additional data to Uses data from a variety Uses data from multiple Uses comprehensive
through data provided by learn about individual of formal and informal measures to make knowledge of students to
the school and/or students. sources to learn about adjustments to make ongoing
assessments. students and guide instruction and meet adjustments and
selection of instructional individual identified accommodations in
strategies to meet diverse learning needs. 4/29/21. instruction.
learning needs. 9/26/20 4/9/22
Using knowledge of
students to engage
Some students may Students engage in single Student engage in Students take ownership
them in learning
engage in learning using lessons or sequence of learning through the use Students actively utilize a of their learning by
instructional strategies lessons that include some of adjustments in variety of instructional choosing from a wide
focused on the class as a adjustments based on instruction to meet their strategies and range of methods to
whole. assessments. 9/26/20 needs. technologies in learning further their learning that
that ensure equitable are responsive to their
access to the curriculum. learning needs.
4/29/21. 4/9/22
I give extended time to The ELD teacher at my Technological tools such
turn in work without school provides all as PearDeck and
penalty as specified on teachers with a list of EL GoFormative have
IEP. With distance students. I then use allowed me to progress
learning, I moved an EL Aeries to check their EL monitor student’s work in
student to another period level and whether they real time. I’m able to give
where I have a bilingual are enrolled in ELD or immediate feedback so
student who is not. Moreover, case students can improve
understands the material managers share each their learning and make
and is already helping student’s IEP with every in-the-moment
another EL student. I teacher this student has. adjustments to my lesson.
now put the three of them I look over the IEP to 4/29/21. 4/9/22
in a breakout room where make sure I provide the
Evidence the bilingual student appropriate Students have become
takes over. 9/26/20 accommodations for each very proficient in the
student. 9/26/20 aforementioned tools and
more importantly feel
comfortable showing
their work so I can give
constructive feedback to
improve their learning.
4/29/21. 4/9/22
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.2 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Develops awareness of Uses gathered Uses school resources and Integrates broad Develops and
prior knowledge, culture, information about family contacts to expand knowledge of students systematically uses
backgrounds, life students’ prior understanding of and their communities to extensive information
experiences, and interests knowledge, cultural students’ prior inform instruction. regarding students’
represented among backgrounds, life knowledge, cultural cultural backgrounds,
students. experiences, and interest backgrounds, life prior knowledge, life
Connecting learning to support student experiences, and interests experiences, and
to students’ prior learning. 9/26/20 to connect to student interests.
knowledge, learning. 4/29/21.
backgrounds, life 4/9/22
experiences, and Some students connect Students participate in Students are actively Students can articulate
interests learning activities to their single lessons or Students make engaged in curriculum, the relevance and impact
own lives. sequences of lessons connections between which relates their prior of lessons on their lives
related to their interests curriculum, and their knowledge, experiences, and society.
and experiences. prior knowledge, and interests within and
backgrounds, life across learning activities.
experiences, and 4/29/21. 4/9/22
interests. 9/26/20
I use student I use many real-life Students often share their
questionnaires, All About examples and exemplify experiences and interests
Me slides, Exit Tickets, as certain careers while which keeps them
well as informal teaching a lesson. Then, I engaged in the
questioning to gather ask students if there is curriculum. I consistently
information about my someone that they know use their knowledge in
students’ interests, who may be in a certain my lessons to make them
backgrounds, families, filed related to the lesson. more relatable. 4/29/21.
and prior knowledge. Students often make the 4/9/22
9/26/20 connection and share
their knowledge and
experience with the class.
Evidence 9/26/20

I pull information I need

from school resources
such as Aeries, IEP
reports, and speaking
with counselors and other
teachers. I also speak
with my students so I can
gain knowledge of their
interest and activities, so I
can incorporate in the
lesson. 4/29/21. 4/9/22
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.3 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses real-life connections Explore using additional Integrates connections Integrates connections to Engages student in
during instruction as real-life connections to from subject matter to meaningful, real-life actively making
identified to curriculum. subject matter in single meaningful, real-life contexts in planning connections to relevant,
lessons or sequence of contexts, including those subject matter instruction meaningful, and real-life
lessons to support specific to students’ and is responsive during contexts throughout
understanding. 9/26/20 family and community. instruction to engage subject matter
Connecting subject 4/29/21. students in relating to instruction. 4/9/21
matter to subject matter. 10/23/21
meaningful, real-life
contexts Some students relate Students make use of Students actively engage Students routinely
subject matter to real-life. real-life connections Students utilize real-life in making and using real- integrate subject matter
provided in single lessons connections regularly to life connections to subject into their own thinking
or sequence of lessons to develop understandings matter to extend their and make relevant
support understanding of of subject matter. understanding. 10/23/21 applications of subject
subject matter. 9/26/20 4/29/21 matter during learning
activities. 4/9/21
Besides my own life and The curriculum I use Besides impromptu In the curriculum I use,
work experience, I includes a consumable verbal discussions during many of the problems in
consider additional real- book for students which teaching, I also the students’ books
life examples connecting leaves me little room on implement real-life include real-life examples
the lesson to help student what I can change. So, I contexts in my lesson that students can connect
grasp a better often add additional plans. For example, I with. 4/9/21
understanding of the examples which include chose this Edpuzzle video
subject matter. 9/26/20 more relatable and real- of pizza slices to Students share life
life context for my introduce equivalent experiences and everyday
I elicit students’ past students. 4/29/21 fractions. 10/23/21 items as examples to help
experiences to relate their understanding in
subject matter to real-life Students feel very Students relate very well the subject matter.
Evidence situations. I also use their comfortable sharing their to pizza slices when 4/9/22
interests to create personal and family discussing equivalent
connections to the experiences to help them fractions. Some students
curriculum. 9/26/20 better understand a new even gave examples using
concept. The more candy bars. 10/23/21
relatable a concept is to
them, the deeper the level
of understanding.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
Element 1.4 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating
Uses instructional Explores additional Utilizes a variety of Creates, adapts, and Refines the flexible use of
strategies, resources, and instructional strategies, strategies including integrates a broad range an extensive repertoire of
technologies as provided resources, and culturally responsive of strategies, resources, strategies, resources, and
by school and/or district. technologies in single pedagogy, resources, and and technologies into technologies to meet
lessons or sequence of technologies during instruction designed to students’ diverse learning
lessons to meet students’ ongoing instruction to meet students’ diverse needs.
Using a variety of
diverse learning needs. meet students’ diverse learning needs. 10/23/21
9/26/20 learning needs. 4/29/21 . 4/9/22
strategies, resources,
and technologies to
Some students participate Students participate in Students take
meet students’
in instructional strategies, Students participate in instruction using Students actively engage responsibilities for using
diverse learning
using resources and single lessons or strategies, resources, and in instruction and make a wide range of strategies,
technologies provided. sequence of lessons technologies matched to use of a variety of resources, and
9/26/20 related to their interests their learning needs. targeted strategies, technologies that
and experiences. 4/29/21 resources, and successfully advance their
technologies to meet their learning.
individual students
needs. 10/23/21 4/9/22
Students use I use a multitude of I present my lessons in I use many technological
Chromebooks and online resources to meet the many forms in order to tools for instruction and
platforms provided by the learning needs of my reach students’ diverse assessments in order to
district to access my students. I provide learning needs. I teach meet students’ diverse
lessons. I teach my Edpuzzle videos with live using PearDeck learning needs.
students how to use these questions designed to where I have the context Currently, I am using
platforms to optimize check for understanding translated in Spanish to ALEKS, GoFormative,
their learning while being and keep the students help my ELs. I also pre- Quizizz, and Kahoot for
efficient. 9/26/20 engage. Based on the record lessons on informative and
Edpuzzle data, I reteach Edpuzzle and provide formative assessments.
parts of the lesson live on Spanish subtitles. Not 10/23/21 4/9/22
Zoom. I give written and only does this help my
Evidence verbal feedback to each Els, but it is also Students are very
student on work beneficial to those who engaged when I
submitted to help them need to see the material implement Quizizz and
better understand the at their own pace or Kahoot to review for a
areas they need several times in order to quiz to a unit test. This is
improvement. 9/26/20 comprehend a new evident in a live game as
concept. 4/29/21. well as in an assigned
review. 10/23/21 4/9/22
Students use PearDeck to
demonstrate their
understanding by writing
out a solution to a posted
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
problem, answering
assessment questions,
and also informing me of
their level of
understanding. They feel
very comfortable on
PearDeck because other
students cannot see their
name. 4/29/21

Element 1.5 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Asks questions that focus Includes questions in Guide students to think Supports students to Facilitates systematic
on factual knowledge and single lessons or a critically through use of initiate critical thinking opportunities for student
comprehension. sequence of lessons that questioning strategies, through independently to apply critical thinking
require students to recall, posing/solving problems, developing questions, by designing structured
interpret, and think and reflection on issues in posing problems and inquiries into complex
critically. content. 9/26/20 reflecting on multiple problems.
Promoting critical
4/29/21 4/9/22 perspectives.
thinking though
inquiry, problem
Some students respond to Students respond to Students pose problems Students pose and
solving, and
questions regarding facts varied questions or tasks Students respond to and construct questions answer a wide-range of
and comprehension. designed to promote questions and problems of their own to support complex questions and
comprehension and posed by the teacher and inquiries into content. problems, reflect, and
critical thinking in single begin to pose and solve communicate
lessons or a sequence of problems of their own understandings based on
lessons. 9/26/20 related to the content. in depth analysis of
4/29/21 4/9/22 content learning.
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
While most students I practice Socratic
respond to factual questioning often during
questions, few currently a lesson to help promote
respond to critical and initiate critical
thinking ones. Many thinking. I also ask “why”
times I give them a hint regardless if a student
just to get the thinking answered a question right
process and or wrong. I emphasize
conversations started. that I am far more
9/26/20 interested in their
thinking process than the
answer itself. 9/26/20

In addition to Socratic
questioning, I also make
Evidence adjustments to my
questions based on
students’ understanding
of the current lesson and
data from previous data
related to current
content. 4/29/21. 4/9/22

Students answer the

questions I ask but also
demonstrate how they
arrived to a solution by
showing their solutions
and methods used.
4/29/21. 4/9/22

Element 1.6 Emerging Exploring Applying Integrating Innovating

Monitoring student Implements lessons Seeks to clarify Makes ongoing Adjusts strategies during Makes adjustments to
learning and following curriculum instruction and learning adjustments to instruction based on the extend learning
adjusting instruction guidelines. activities to support instruction based on ongoing monitoring of opportunities and
while teaching. student understanding. observation of student individual student needs provide assistance to
engagement and regular for assistance, support, or students in mastering the
checks for understanding. challenge. 4/29/21 concepts flexibly and
9/26/20 10/23/21 effectively. 4/9/22

Some students receive Students receive Students are able to Students monitor their
individual assistance assistance individually or Students successfully articulate their level of progress in learning and
during instruction. in small groups during participate and stay understanding and use provide information to
Standard 1 CSTP: Engaging and Supporting All Students in Learning
instruction. 9/26/20 engaged in learning teacher guidance to meet teacher that informs
activities. their needs during adjustments in
instruction. 4/29/21 instruction. 4/9/22
As a former math tutor, I I regularly and promptly The use of Technology The curriculum I use
tend to give quite a bit of review students’ work so such as PearDeck and suggests that I rotate
individual or small I can make adjustments GoGuardian provides me students where I teach
groups assistance to to next day’s lesson. I pay the opportunity to half of the class new
students in need. I find close attention to their monitor and give material while the others
this to be easier after engagement level and the feedback to several work on math problems
flipping my classroom. reasons given for answers students in a short span online independently.
This way I don’t lose too in order to fill in any gaps. of time. Furthermore, I However, I noticed many
much instructional time. 9/26/20 am able to see which students were struggling
9/26/20 students are excelling and when working alone. So I
which are struggling. I switched using a whole
am then able to make in- period to teach the entire
the-moment adjustments class, then giving a full
Evidence to my lesson and period for the online
pedagogy based on these portion where I am able
observations. 4/29/21. to walk around and assist
those who need
Students use GoGuardian additional help. 4/9/22
and/or Zoom to
communicate with me Using the online
directly for guidance on a curriculum, students can
problem. I can also give monitor their progress
students guiding through the Learn Zone. I
feedback through am also able to see how
PearDeck as I monitor much time each student
their progress. 4/29/21. spent during a class
working online. 4/9/22

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