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Characterization of DIdiesel Sprays Payri 96

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Characterization of D.I. Diesel Sprays

in High Density Conditions

F. Payri, J. M. Desantes, and J. Arrégle

CMT - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia

Reprinted from: Fuel Spray Technology and Applications


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Characterization of D.I. Diesel Sprays

in High Density Conditions
F. Payri, J. M. Desantes, and J. Arrégle
CMT - Universidad Politécnica de Valencia
Copyright 1996 Society of Automotive Engineers, Inc.

ABSTRACT On the other hand, the behaviour and experimental results

of single shot injections are known to be different from the
The characteristic parameters and the evolution of case of continuous Diesel injection [3].
continuous Diesel sprays injected against a high density gas To overcome some of these limitations, a test rig
have been investigated using high speed photography and was designed and constructed, that allows continuous Diesel
phase Doppler anemometry. The injector used for these tests injection, with actual injection systems, against gas
was a two-spring one providing different injection densities up to 30 kg/m3, usual values at TDC for highly
conditions. Three test sections were analyzed at 10, 20 and supercharged HSDI Diesel engines. At the stage of the work
30 mm from the injector with several radial measurements reported in this paper, the temperature of the gas was the
for each one. The obtained results provided qualitative and room temperature, so that no vaporization is present.
quantitative information about the macroscopic evolution of
the spray, but also about the drop velocity distribution and EXPERIMENTAL FACILITIES
drop size evolution.
In order to analyze the influence of the non-steady
INTRODUCTION character of a spray on the penetration of the droplets and
the atomization and coalescence processes, the experimental
The effort to improve the efficiency of small work carried out was based in three main points.
automotive engines has led in the last years to the • The generation of Diesel sprays with an actual injection
development of the high speed direct injection (HSDI) system operating in actual conditions with a double spring
Diesel engines. These engines, with single cylinder injector. The spray will develop in a chamber with a high
displacements of 0.5 - 0.65 liters, will be highly density gas (any way the conditions are isothermal and no
supercharged and will use flexible injection systems to evaporation is present).
achieve low emission levels with the required efficiency. • A close control of the hydrodynamic conditions at the
Experimental data about the spray behaviour and injector exit.
the combustion development are needed to better • The sprays were characterized by means of high speed
understand the processes and to isolate the controlling visualization and PDA.
parameters, and also to provide initial data and comparative
values for the actual spray models.
Diesel sprays have been studied during decades by HIGH DENSITY GAS INJECTION RIG - This test rig
many researchers with different measurement techniques was developed attending to three main objectives: To
and for different injection conditions but usually very far reproduce the same air density of the engine at the end of
from engine-like conditions, either because the injection compression, to allow optical access compatible with both
conditions themselves were not a continuous non steady PDA measurements and visualization and to allow the use
process or because the atmosphere in which the fuel was of standard Diesel injection systems.
injected was very different from that of the engine. The most important parameters to ensure the
The atomization process is known to be very similarity between test rig and engine from the point of
different at atmospheric density and at high density [1] [2]. view of the gas are the density and the viscosity [4][5][6].

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Several gases have been used and are reported in the

literature being common CO2 [7], N2 [2][8][10] and SF6[9].
The last one has the advantage of its high molecular weight
while its viscosity is very similar to that of the air at room
temperature. The relevant characteristics of SF6 and air are
summarized in the following table.

SF6 Air
Dynamic viscosity 1.5*10-5Ns/m2 1.8*10-5 Ns/m2
Density at atm. 6.2 kg/M3 1. 17 kg/M3
Density in engine - 15 - 35 kg/m3

Table 1 - Characteristics of SF6

At room temperature, SF6 allows to perform

experiments at a density of 30 kg/m3 with a relatively low
pressure of less than 0.5 MPa. In addition, SF6 is an inert
gas, avoiding corrosive effects on the rig and its optical
properties are very similar to those of the air.
Figure 1 shows a drawing of the experimental 1 – Injection chamber. 7 – Heat exchanger
facility. The injection chamber has three optical accesses for 2 – Centrifugal droplets filter. 8 – Laser.
3 – Ceramic droplets filter. 9 – Emitting optics.
visualization and measurement. Two opposite windows 4 – Roots compressor. 10 – Valves.
allow shadowgraphy visualization while a third one placed 5 – PDA optics. 11 – Flow straightener.
at 90° allows PDA measurements (110° between emitting 6 – 3D displacement table. 12 – Injector.
and receiving optics).
An important requirement of the rig is to ensure Figure 1 - High density gas injection rig. a) Layout of the
the scavenging of all the atomized fuel between two experimental facility. b) Injection chamber.
consecutive injections and to avoid as much as possible the
fuel deposition on the windows. Some works reported in the HIGH-SPEED SHADOWGRAPHY - For the acquisition
literature [2][3][7][10] were performed in closed vessels of spray images, a conventional photographic camera with
with strong limitations in the possible injection events Macro objective and 60 mm lens has been used with films
before removing the charge of the vessel. In order to of sensitivity ISO 100/21. The camera is manually operated
perform the experiments with actual injection systems and and the exposition time is fixed by an EG&G Microflash
to make easier measurement, a closed system with SF6 device allowing 0.5 µs light pulses. The flash is located in
circulation was designed and built. The gas velocity in the front of the camera while a set of light diffusers ensures
test chamber, of about 4 m/s, is low enough to assume that homogeneous illumination.
the fuel is injected in stagnant conditions but high enough The flash is synchronized by means of a TTL
to scavenge the test chamber during the time between two signal generated each revolution of the injection pump. This
consecutive injections. Just upstream of the place where the signal is time-delayed to freeze the spray at different
fuel is injected, a flow straightener of the honeycomb type instants. A photodiode allows the temporal location of the
has been used to force a coaxial velocity of gas and fuel and flash pulse with an uncertainty of less than 2.5 µs. Images
to avoid recirculation zones in the chamber. A Roots were taken each 200 µs along the entire injection process
compressor ensures a controlled gas velocity inside the test showing a very high repetitivity and very low cyclic
rig while the gas temperature is kept constant by means of a dispersion. That makes this simple technique very suitable
heat exchanger placed at the exit of the compressor and to follow the development of the macroscopic parameters of
controlled by a temperature sensor and a PID system. The the spray, such as spray angle and tip penetration.
design of the system is very flexible allowing different
geometries of the test chamber, different relative positions of PHASE DOPPLER ANEMOMETRY - The emitting
the spray with respect to the gas stream and the control of optic of the PDA system includes a 4 W water cooled Ar+
gas velocities from 0 to 80 m/s to study spray-gas Laser source operated at 400 mW, a 40 MHz Bragg cell as
interactions. frequency shifter and a TSI 15 mm Laser probe linked by

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10 m length fiber optics. A lens with a focal length of 100

mm was placed after the probe in order to increase the
range of velocities allowed by the system. Collecting optics
and electronics are those of a standard Dantec I-component
system. PDA measurements were performed without
temporal gating. The 1 x cycle signal given by the injection
pump bench was used as a trigger for the system. The PDA
optics were mounted vertically on a X-Y-Z table which
permits measuring at any point of the spray. Measurements
were performed in three sections of the spray at distances of
10, 20 and 30 mm from the injector nozzle. 9 to 15 points
with 20000 samples each were considered for each section.

PRELIMINARY TESTS ON THE INFLUENCE Figure 3 - Tip penetration with different gas densities.

A first set of preliminary tests was carried out with

the only objective of validating all the test facilities and
check the influence of the gas density on the spray
development The injection system for these preliminary
tests was different from that used in the main work reported
later. A single hole pintle nozzle injector was used providing
a two step injection rate. Figure 2 shows the spray
tip penetration versus time. Penetration curves show two
different parts.

Figure 4 - Modified tip penetration.

with air and SF6 and modifying the gas density. Figure 4
shows the same results but with modified axes, being now
the horizontal axis t0.5 while the vertical one is S*ρg0-25. All
the four curves are almost superimposed with a linear
behaviour and different slopes for the first injection step and
the main injection, showing a good agreement with
previous reported data [2][4][12][13] and theoretical
considerations [4] [11] according to which:

Figure 2 - Tip penetration with air and SF6. S (t ) = K ⋅ ρ − 0 .25 ⋅ t 0 .5


The first one with a lower tip velocity corresponds where K is only function of the injection parameters.
to the first injection step with low injection rate. At 0.4 - 0.5
ms after injection beginning, a sudden increase in the tip INJECTION CONDITIONS
velocity can be observed due to the main injection that
overtakes the fuel injected in the first step. The plotted lines After the preliminary tests, a new injection system
were obtained with air and SF6 at a density of 5.5 kg/m3. was installed in the test rig whose main components are
Both curves are nearly super-imposed showing that the summarized in table 3. A double spring injector with open
similarity hypothesis previously discussed are correct. hole nozzle was used. In conventional DI injectors, the
Figure 3 shows results for the same injection conditions injection rate is mainly controlled by the injection pressure

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for a given nozzle bore. Double spring injectors for two step drop across the needle seat, that becomes comparatively
injection behave in a different manner and the injection rate important for low needle lifts. For these reasons, the fuel
is controlled by the needle position. The global effective injection process in double spring injectors can be very
injection section is determined by two serial restrictions, the different when modifying the operating conditions of the
area between the needle cone and its seat in the injector pump and even very different along a single injection when
housing (variable) and the overall nozzle section in multi- the two step injection principle is under operation.
hole injectors (constant).
r.p.m. (pump) 400 800 500
load Low full fill

pump Bosch VE
nozzle Bosch DSLA-PV - 5 * φ 0.23 mm

Table 2 - Injection operating conditions

Three operating conditions, summarized in the

Table 2, were chosen to have three different behaviours
during injection.

Figure 6 - Needle lift vs time for the three test conditions.

Figure 5 - Effective section area for the tested double
spring injector.

Figure 5 shows the measured effective section of

the injector used in the experiments. The global effective
section of the nozzle was obtained by means of a Bosch
Injection Rate Meter [25] following the methodology
proposed in [26]. The second spring starts to be compressed
for a needle lift of about 25% of the maximum lift. From the
figure it is clear that, during the first injection step, the
needle seat controls the effective area while the holes area
controls it for high needle lifts in the second step. The exit
Weber number and the exit spray characteristics [1][5] are a
function of the hole geometry and the effective injection
pressure or sack pressure. The relationship between the sack Figure 7 - Injection rate vs time for the three test
pressure and the line pressure is determined by the pressure conditions.

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Figures 6, 7 and 8 show the needle lift, the values of Ta2ρ1/ ρg are lower than 1. A nearly constant spray
injection rate given by the Bosch method and the pressure opening angle was measured for very different injection
drop across the injection nozzle for the three operating conditions, and a reduction of the spray angle proportional
conditions labeled A, B and C. Condition A corresponds to to ρg0.4 was observed, as explained later. It is also note
idle in real engine operation and only the first spring is worthy that the spray opening starts immediately after the
compressed with an injection pressure of the order of 2 injection nozzle exit. From the previous observations it can
MPa. Condition B corresponds to a fall load condition with be concluded that in all three operating conditions the spray
almost all the injection process occurring at high needle is completely developed. The atomization process is very
lifts, with injection pressures of the order of 20 Mpa. fast at the exit of the injector nozzle due to the strong
Finally, test condition C is a two step injection process with aerodynamical interaction with the high density gas, even
a first step similar to condition A and a main injection for low pressure drops across the nozzle (case A). Liquid
similar to condition B. core outside the injector is very short, typically of the order
of the nozzle diameter [19], with short break-up lengths [1].
Phenomena associated with the primary atomization process
and father spray development seem to be similar for the
three cases tested despite the different injection conditions.

Figure 8 - Pressure drop across injection nozzle vs time for

the three test conditions.


SPRAY CONE ANGLE - Figure 9 shows a digitized

picture obtained from the high speed shadowgraphy for all
the three operating conditions tested. The spray cone is very
similar for the three frames and was evaluated between 14
and 16 degrees and independent from operating conditions
as well as spray penetration. The spray exit Weber number
We (definitions can be found in the list of symbol) changes
from a value of the order of 4*104 to 4*105 when comparing Figure 9 - Spray visualization - Test cases A, B and C
conditions A and B. The non-dimensional group Ta2ρ1/ ρg
lies between 1 and 0.1 for such injection conditions.
Theoretical considerations [14][15] and experimental data SPRAY TIP PENETRATION - Figure 10 shows the
reported in the literature [1][5][6] show that the spray cone influence of the exit velocity on the spray tip penetration. In
angle is essentially a function of the density ratio ρ1/ ρg and test condition B the spray decelerates much more than in
the nozzle geometry, showing a very little dependence on test conditions A. For instance, at the end of the injection
the injection parameters when Ta2 ρ1/ ρg >1. For different (1.75 ms), the tip penetration of spray B has shown be only
injection conditions and nozzle geometries reported in [5], about 1.5 times higher than for spray A while the exit
an increase of the spray angle proportional to (ρ1/ ρg)0.5 is velocity was more than 3 times higher. These values suggest
expected for gas densities lower than 30 kg/m3. Beyond this that the penetration is proportional to ∆PO.22 in agreement
value, a constant spray angle is obtained for given nozzle with reference [20] and very close to the values suggested in
geometry. The results obtained in this study are in [10][12][21]. The penetration pattern in test case C shows a
agreement with these previous observations, despite the clear discontinuity when the fuel injected during the main

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injection overtakes the fuel injected during the first step, Compared with the initial injection velocity, the
2.25 ms after injection beginning. velocity profile at 10 mm from the injector shows an abrupt
During the first 2.25 ms, tip penetration of test velocity increase up to 35 m/s, a peak velocity of about 40
case C is only a little higher due to a higher pressure m/s at 0.1 ms and a slow decrease arriving to the gas
injection. After this instant, tip velocity of test case C is convection velocity at 0.8 ms. The velocity versus time
higher than for test case B, in spite of the lower injection profile suffers a clear deformation with a concentration of
pressure. This observation suggest that, for Diesel spray high velocity droplets just after the spray tip. The leading
conditions, the fuel droplets at the spray tip have a different droplets are suddenly decelerated due to the aerodynamical
behaviour those in the main spray, due to different drag of the nearly stagnant air. Droplets behind those in the
aerodynamic interactions with the surrounding gas. spray tip interact with entrained air traveling at nearly
These phenomena, together with the non-steady character of droplet velocity, so the aerodynamic interaction is different.
the injection conditions, make Diesel sprays highly When these droplets arrive to the front of the spray,
unsteady, influencing penetration and atomization of fuel as different phenomena may occur. On the one hand, an
explained later. overtaking and acceleration of the previous spray tip; this
means that the fuel concentration of the leading edge of the
spray increases when moving away from the injector. On
the other hand, a "pushing" of the previously decelerated
droplets occurs which generates a vortex in the leading edge
of the spray. These displaced droplets are further entrained
together with air by the spray behind its tip [22]. Both
assumptions, which are not mutually exclusive, lead to the
conclusion that high droplet concentration in the leading
edge of the spray must exist when it moves away from the
injector. Atomization phenomena are controlled by the
droplet Weber number (Wed) and so they are very sensitive
to the difference between droplet velocity and surrounding
gas velocity. Coalescence phenomena are mainly controlled
by the droplet concentration. As discussed before, these two
processes are unsteady and variable along the spray due to
different conditions found by the traveling droplets or fuel
Figure 10 - Tip penetration vs time. portions. The balance between atomization and coalescence
provides the droplet characteristic diameter.
DROP VELOCITIES - Figure 11 shows for test case A the
fuel velocity at the nozzle exit calculated from the injection DROP SIZE - PDA measurements become more difficult
rate together with the averaged drop velocity in the spray with dense spray. In our experiments it was not possible to
axis at a distance of 10 mm from the injector. Time equal to take confident measurements at distances from the injector
zero corresponds to injection start for the first curve and much lower than 10 mm. Validation rates between 20% and
spray arrival to the measuring point for the second one. 60% were obtained, depending on the distance and the
injection conditions. With these validation rates, a bias
towards larger droplet sizes is expected. The effect of this
bias will be larger on the average diameter than on the
Sauter mean diameter. Figure 12 shows as an example the
time evolution of the droplet velocities and Sauter mean
diameter (SMD) for test condition A at a distance of 20 min
from the injector nozzle, on the spray axis.
The velocity plot is qualitatively coincident with
that of figure 11, with lower averaged velocities, as
expected. In what concerns the SMD, the smallest values of
22 gm are obtained in the tip of the spray. After that, an
increase of the SMD has been measured up to a value of 30
mm which remains constant for all the spray trailing edge.
This behaviour is qualitatively similar to that found in
references [17][20][23], and differs from measurements
taken at atmospheric density (for instance [18] ) where the
Figure 11 - Nozzle exit velocity and droplet velocities on SMD in the leading edge is very similar to the SMD in the
the spray axis, at 10 mm from the injector (test case A). trailing edge, or even higher.

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Figure 13 - Evolution of SMD with penetration (Test case

Figure 12 - Droplets velocity and SMD at 20 mm from the A).
injector (test case A).

The behaviour of the SMD of the fuel droplets at a

measuring point versus time has been analyzed for the three
tests cases at distances of 10, 20 and 30 min from the
injector nozzle, on the spray axis. Figures 13, 14 and 15
show the evolution of the characteristic droplet size at the
leading edge and at the trailing edge for the three test cases.
Dashed lines in the figures are just extrapolated lines
without experimental evidence. For the three cases tested,
the trends shown in the figures for the SMD in the spray tip
are the same. After the primary atomization process, a SMD
of about 22 µm was measured at a distance of 10 mm from
the injector. At 20 mm, despite the deceleration of the spray
tip, the measured SMD is still of about 22µm, while at 30
mm from the injector, an increase of the characteristic
diameter is observed, making the measured SMD different Figure 14 - Evolution of SMD with penetration (Test case
for each case. B)
It is noteworthy that the spray tip velocity was
different for each test condition and for each measuring
distance from the injector. Figure 16 shows the SMD of the
spray leading edge versus the velocity of the spray tip for all
the test cases and measuring points. The characteristic
diameter seems to be insensitive to the velocity of the
leading drops for values in the range of 25 - 50 m/s. For
lower velocity values, an increase of SMD can be noticed
arriving to 40µm for less than 10 m/s.
The experimental results of SMD for tip velocities
in the range of 25 to 50 m/s cannot be explained only with
the usually assumed atomization process, taking into
account that with a velocity ratio of 2, the diameter ratio for
a given critical Weber number should be of the order of 4.
So coalescence is important even in the spray tip and
atomization and coalescence processes are approximately
balanced for different spray conditions and at different
distances from the injector. Only far away from the injector Figure 15 - Evolution of SMD with penetration (Test case
(about 30 mm), and for low tip velocities, coalescence C)
becomes more important, increasing the SMD.

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a dependence with ρg0-4. In complete atomized sprays, an

increases in the gas density increases the SMD due to the
higher droplets concentration of the shorter sprays as
explained in [2] and [20].


Velocity and diameter of the droplets were measured at
distances of 10, 20 and 30 mm downstream of the injector
for the three test cases at different radial distances from the
spray axis. From these data, radial distributions were
Figures 18 and 19 show the velocity and diameter
distribution for test case B at a distance of 20 mm and at
different instants, ranging from the spray arrival to the end
Figure 16 - Evolution of SMD as a function of tip droplets of the spray. In Figure 18, the drop averaged velocity has
velocity. been nondimensionalized with the averaged velocity at the
spray axis, Vc, for each instant, while the radial distance is
The spatial evolution of the characteristic diameter divided by the distance from the injector. In figure 19, the
in the trailing edge shows also a similar behaviour for the SMD at any radial distance and any instant is divided by the
three test cases. Lower fuel - gas aerodynamic interaction value measured at the spray axis.
explains the increase in SMD with the lowest values of the
order of 30 µm at 10 mm from the injector and a small
increase for longer distances.
The results obtained in these experiments showed
that the minimal characteristic diameter of the droplets is
very insensitive to the injection conditions for the complete
spray. Experimental results reported by Hiroyasu [3][24]
showed similar trends. SMD is a function of the upstream
conditions for incomplete sprays but it's almost independent
in the case of complete sprays. For this last case, the gas
density is the most important controlling parameter.

Figure 18 - Velocity radial distribution.

Figure 17 - Evolution of SMD with penetration (Test case

B and gas density reduced to 11 kglm3).

Figure 17 shows the experimental results obtained

for test condition B but with a gas density reduced to 11
kg/m3. The trend of the SMD versus penetration is quite
similar to that of figure 16, but smaller characteristic
diameters can be noticed in the tip as well as in the trailing
edge. The reduction of SMD is of the order of 40% showing Figure 19 - SMD radial distribution

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The velocity radial distributions for the four

consecutive times lie reasonably on the same line, taking
• After the primary atomization process, the measured
values of SMD are very independent on the exit
into account the uncertainties and the scatter of this type of injection conditions and the distance from the injector.
measurements. Half the centerline velocity is obtained at a Only for very low tip velocities, lower than 25 m/s, an
radial nondimensionalized value of about 0.1. A further increase of SMD is present. On the other hand, a clear
decay to one quarter of the centerline velocity is obtained at effect of the gas density on the SMD was detected.
a distance of about 0.15.
Droplets size and velocity are not correlated [9] as • Radial velocity distributions at fixed distances from the
shown in Figure 19. The characteristic. SMD has a time injector are very similar along time despite the highly
dependence as explained before but a very weak radial non steady characteristics of the injection process.
dependence. A first approximation to all the cases measured • Drop size is very little dependent on the radial distance
shows a nearly constant value of the SMD along the spray to the spray axis. Almost constant SMD values
radius or a reduction of less than 15% for a radial distance distributions were obtained for all the cases tested.
of 0.15. These results are in agreement with results in
similar conditions obtained by Coghe et al. [9] under non • Despite the fact that more measurements are needed to
vaporization conditions. explain the behaviour and development of engine-like
Droplets concentration distributions were not sprays, the spatial and temporal evolution of the drop
estimated in this measurements, but larger droplets size seems to be mainly dependent on the gas density,
concentrations are expected in the spray axis with a decay and very little on the injection conditions. Some kind of
as the radial distance increases. A constant SMD along a balance between atomization and coalescence appears
spray radius implies a new balance between the atomization in the spray leading to nearly constant axial and radial
and the coalescence processes. While aerodynamic forces SMD distributions.
decrease for increasing radial distance, coalescence effects
increase near the spray axis due to the higher droplets
concentration. ACKNOWLEDGMENTS
The behaviour discussed in these paragraphs for
test case B at 20 mm from the injector was also qualitatively The authors acknowledge that part of the research
found for test cases A and C and at all the three distances work has been performed in the frame of the Joule project
measured. JOU2-CT93-0330 and wish to thank PSA Peugeot-Citroën
for supporting the experimental work and for permission to
publish this study.

The spray evolution and development was LIST OF SYMBOLS

experimentally studied for three very different injection
conditions, at three distances from the injector of a HSDI φ : characteristic diameter.
Diesel engine. The experimental setup allows the use of ρ : density (ρl=820 kg/m3).
actual injection systems in actual operating conditions with σ : surface tension (σl=0.024 kg(s2).
maximum gas densities of the order of 30 kg/m3. The v : viscosity (ν l =2.25 10-6 m2/s).
results obtained in this study are summarized as follows. ∆P : pressure drop across injection nozzle.
• With gas density like that of a supercharged HSDI K : function of the injection conditions.
Diesel engine at the end of compression, the spray L : axial distance.
behaves as a "complete atomized spray", even for very R : radial distance.
low injection pressures corresponding to that in idle S : spray tip penetration.
conditions. SMD : Sauter mean diameter.
t : time.
• Spray angle for complete atomized sprays was found Ta : Taylor number : Ta = σl / (ρ1 ν1 v)
independent on injection conditions and only v : velocity.
dependent on the gas density, in agreement with We : spray Weber number : We = (ρl φn ν2) / σl.
previous works reported in the literature.
Wed : droplet Weber number : We = (ρg φd ν2) / σl.
• Lowest drop sizes were measured at the leading edge of
the spray, showing the capital importance of Subscript :
aerodynamic forces in the tip. Largest drop sizes were c : spray centerline
measured at the trailing edge of the spray. Coalescence d : droplet.
and weaker aerodynamic interaction are responsible for g : gas.
this behaviour l : liquid fuel.
n : nozzle.

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