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Aerodynamics For Formula SAE A Numerical Wind Tunn

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Aerodynamics for Formula SAE: A Numerical, Wind Tunnel and On-Track Study

Article · April 2006

DOI: 10.4271/2006-01-0808

28 2,272

2 authors, including:

Scott Wordley
Monash University (Australia)


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PAPER SERIES 2006-01-0808

Aerodynamics for Formula SAE: A Numerical,

Wind Tunnel and On-Track Study
Scott Wordley and Jeff Saunders
Monash Wind Tunnel, Mechanical Engineering
Monash University

Reprinted From: Vehicle Aerodynamics 2006


2006 SAE World Congress

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Aerodynamics for Formula SAE: A Numerical, Wind Tunnel

and On-Track Study
Scott Wordley and Jeff Saunders
Monash Wind Tunnel, Mechanical Engineering
Monash University

Copyright © 2006 SAE International

ABSTRACT The prototype wings were then tested using a number of

different methods in the Monash Full Scale Wind Tunnel.
The detail design and development of a high downforce ‘Free-stream’ testing of both wings was used to correlate
aerodynamics package for a Formula SAE car is with CFD data and allow fine tuning of slot gap
described. Numerical methods are first used to develop geometry. A study of the height sensitivity of the rear
multi-element wing profiles which conform to FSAE rules wing on the car was completed to determine the best
while still generating high negative lift coefficients. A compromise between increased downforce (high mount)
range of full scale wind tunnel testing data is presented and low centre of gravity height (low mounting).
for these designs, demonstrating their performance, both
in isolation (free-stream), and on the car. Three different Due to the lack of an existing ‘moving-ground’ simulation
techniques are also developed for measuring the in the wind tunnel, techniques were developed to
performance of a front wing in ground effect. quantify and tune the performance of the front wing in
‘ground effect’.
A pressure tapped front wing was constructed and
This work is the second in a series of papers which pressures logged at a total of 128 points on the wing.
summarize the four year design and development of a This data was used to develop surface pressure contour
high downforce aerodynamics package for the 2003 plots, which, when integrated, gave an estimate of the
Monash University Formula SAE car. A companion resultant forces for download and drag. A validation
paper by the same authors [1] covers rule study was conducted in the wind tunnel to document the
considerations and the process of initial design accuracy of the procedure, with a view to using it for on-
specification. An aerodynamically balance wing package track tests of the wing in ground effect.
was designed to produce maximum downforce within the
stated acceptable limits of increased drag and reduced A ‘symmetrical plane’ test method was also trialed,
top speed. The net effect of these wings on the car’s where the front half of the Formula SAE car was
performance in the Formula SAE Dynamic Events was mirrored in full scale, in a horizontal plane 1.5 m above
then predicted. The addition of the wing package the ground. This allowed the effect of a ‘moving ground’
described showed the potential for significantly improved to be approximated by the development of a flow
cornering and braking with only slightly diminished streamline in this plane.
straight line acceleration.
Finally, a strain gauged, unsprung mounting system was
This paper will document the detail design and testing built to log the downforce generated by the front wing
process for this wing package. whilst driving on track. These mounts also allowed
considerable adjustment of the wing ride height and
A computational fluid dynamics (CFD) package was first wing angle of attack. A pitot tube was used to account
used to develop 2-dimensional wing profiles to achieve for variations in the natural wind.
the target lift and drag coefficients specified in [1]. A
range of profiles from the literature were trialed and then CFD ANALYSIS
modified to comply with Formula SAE leading and
trailing edge rules. Studies of slot gap geometry, angle Formula SAE rules [2] state that all ‘wings’ and wing
of attack and ground effect were used to decide on the elements must feature leading edge radii of at least
front and rear wing profiles which were then built for 12.7mm (1/2”) and trailing edge radii of at least 3mm
wind tunnel testing. (1/8”); a criteria which eliminates virtually all pre-existing
wing profiles [3] which sensibly make use of a sharp
trailing edge to maximize pressure recovery. This rule
has serious implications for slot gap geometry which is
crucial for the performance of a multi-element, high-lift
wing. In order to comply with these rules while
maintaining high lift coefficients, new profiles were
designed and tested using the Fluent CFD package.


The accuracy of this two dimensional CFD package for

predicting the performance of wings was first validated
against the wind tunnel data of Zhang and Zerihan [7] for
an isolated two element wing in ground effect. These
profiles and an example of the two dimensional mesh is
shown in Figure 1 below. The results of these CFD tests
are given in Figure 2, where the lift and drag coefficients
are plotted as a function of ground clearance, which is
expressed as a proportion of chord length.

The closeness of this comparison gave an acceptable

level of confidence in the accuracy of the numerical

Figure 2: 2D CFD versus 3D wind tunnel measurements for a two

element wing in ground effect (CFD chord length: 420 mm, Re: 0.50 x
10 , experimental data from [7]).

Figure 1: Wing profiles (after Zhang and Zerihan [7]) and example
mesh for moving ground 2D CFD validation study.


Figure 3: Rear wing profiles and mesh for free-stream 2D CFD
Wordley and Saunders [1] identify target lift coefficients
of 3.4 and 3.5 for front and rear wings respectively. A
review of the literature [3, 4, 5] suggested that such high
coefficients are only achievable with multi-element
profiles. Following the multi-element design
recommendations of McBeath [4], a three-element front
wing and five-element rear wing was specified. To
simplify the manufacturing process, both wings were
designed to make use of the same flap profile. Gurney
flaps (3% front and 4% rear chord) are used on the rear
most flaps of both wings. These profiles along with the
two dimensional CFD meshes used are shown in
Figures 3 and 4 below.

Figure 4: Front wing profiles and mesh for ground effect 2D CFD,
2D CFD FRONT WING ANALYSIS Compared to the profiles tested by Zhang (which do not
comply with FSAE rules), this design incurs a much
Front Wing in ‘Free-stream’ Results higher drag penalty but is able to achieve the higher
target lift coefficients specified in the initial design.
The performance of the front wing in free-stream air flow
was predicted using two dimensional CFD. The force
coefficients versus angle of attack determined from
numerical modelling are shown below (Fig. 5).

Figure 5: 2D CFD predicted force coefficients for the 3 element front

wing in free-stream flow versus angle of attack (chord length: 420 mm, Figure 6: Front wing in ground effect force coefficients for a range of
Re: 0.50 x 10 ) angles of attack, versus ground clearance (chord length: 420 mm, Re:
0.50 x 10 ).

Beyond 22 degrees angle of attack a gradual trailing

edge stall was predicted, starting at the rear most flap. 2D CFD REAR WING ANALYSIS
By 32 degrees, the CFD predicted separated flow on the
underside of both flap elements, but attached flow for The performance of the rear wing in free-stream air flow
the underside of the main plane. was also predicted using 2D CFD. The force coefficients
versus angle of attack determined from numerical
Front Wing in ‘Ground Effect’ Results modelling are shown in Figure 7.

Using two-dimensional CFD, the same wing was then The CFD results predicted that this wing would achieve
numerically modeled with a simulated moving ground the target lift coefficient of 3.5 at an angle of attack of 31
plane for a range of different ground clearance heights degrees. At higher angles of attack a gradual trailing
and angles of attack. A graph of the force coefficients edge separation on the rear most flap was predicted,
obtained from these tests is shown in Figure 6. with downforce steadily decreasing and drag increasing
beyond this angle.
These results show how the lift coefficient achieved by
this profile is dependant on a complicated interaction
between ground clearance and angle of attack. Larger
wing angles of attack appear more sensitive to ground
clearance. Drag is seen to stay reasonably constant with
change in ground clearance, but increases significantly
with higher angles of attack. While it would have been
interesting to model larger ground clearances, they were
neglected in this study because of packaging
Figure 8: Full car 3D CFD example results for the 2002 Monash
vehicle, underside view, shaded for pressure (Best grey scale picture

Figure 7: 2D CFD predicted rear wing in free stream force coefficients

versus angle of attack (chord length: 815 mm, Re: 0.5 x 10 ).


Some time ago (in 2002), a post-graduate team member

(Shaun Johnson) performed a small number of 3-
dimensional, full-car, CFD tests. These tests were used
to make a preliminary assessment of wing and car
interactions and to design cooling ducts and underbody
diffusers for the 2002 Monash FSAE vehicle.

The 3D CFD model used symmetry along the car

centerline, in order to reduce the total grid count by half.
The flow inlet plane was located two car lengths
upstream of the model and the outlet plane four car Figure 9: Full car 3D CFD example results for the 2002 Monash
lengths downstream of the model. The side boundaries vehicle, car shaded for pressure, streamlines shaded for velocity.
were located sufficiently far from the model to minimize
blockage effects. A moving ground plane and rolling
wheels were simulated. A hybrid mesh was employed,
which used prisms on the critical surfaces and
tetrahedrals to fill out the rest of the domain. In total, This limited study suggested that:
around 2 million cells were used.
• The performance of the front wing was
The Gambit software package was used to pre-process adversely affected by the nose and front wheel
the model geometry. A Kω-SST turbulence model was interaction, with down force reduced by around
used, and the lift and drag forces on the body were set 35%.
as convergence criterions. Running on a single
workstation and using a commercial Fluent license, each • The performance of the rear wing was adversely
case took several days to solve. affected by the car and the driver helmet, with
downforce reduced by around 30%.
A sample of the results is shown in Figures 8 and 9
below. • The majority of the cooling airflow was deflected
above the inlets to the side mounted heat
exchangers. This finding prompted further
investigation of cooling system performance
using the specific dissipation technique [10], and
resulted in an eventual relocation of the heat
exchanger to the rear of the car (in 2005).

• Underbody diffusers could be used to generate

additional down force, but not significant enough
amounts to justify their inclusion on this car.
Wings were found to be more efficient on a
weight / downforce basis and less sensitive to
the expected variations in ride height. It should
be noted that this finding is highly dependant on
the dimensions and specifications of the
particular car (including wheelbase, track,
chassis size, wheel and roll rates etc).

The difficultly in setting up running a full car, 3D CFD

model meant that it was not an efficient use of human
resources for the Monash team, given our access to a
full scale tunnel. For this reason it was decided to
generally limit our CFD research to 2D wing profile work
and concentrate on the experimental testing described
later in this paper. However, the steady improvement
CFD programs and computer processing power is
Figure 7: Front wing in free-stream, measured wind tunnel force
making full car simulations increasingly attractive. The coefficients versus angle of attack, AR: 3.33 (2D CFD results shown for
Monash team is already planning on resuming 3D CFD comparison).
analysis in 2006, particularly for the front half of the car.


FACILITY AND TESTING METHOD The wind tunnel tests achieved a similar maximum lift
coefficient (2.7) to that predicted by CFD but at a higher
The Monash Full Scale Wind Tunnel is closed return, angle of attack. This was attributed to the effect of the
open jet wind tunnel, located in Melbourne, Australia. small aspect ratio (3.33) compared to the 2D CFD which
The flow properties of this tunnel are well described by assumes an infinite aspect ratio. In the wind tunnel, the
Gilhome [24], and a schematic diagram of the tunnel is front wing was found to begin stalling at 29 degrees
provided in the Appendix. The nozzle of the automotive angle of attack. Smoke visualisation at this setting
working section is 2.6m by 4.0m and is capable of indicated that the flow had separated on the underside
speeds up to 180 km/h. of the rear-most flap. Further increasing this angle of
attack resulted in a leading edge separation at 32
A specialized rig was constructed to allow the small degrees, and a corresponding large decrease in
wheelbase and track Formula SAE car to be mounted to downforce. The measured drag was substantially higher
the tunnel balance. This rig was also designed to allow than that predicted by 2D CFD, most likely due to
wings to be held and tested (with endplates) in ‘free- induced drag which is not accounted for in the CFD
stream’ flow with no car in place. These tests were used results.
to understand and tune the performance of the wings in
isolation from the car, and will be examined first. The Rear Wing Tests
minor amount of drag and lift generated by the rig itself
was subtracted from all results. The lift and drag coefficients, measured in the wind
tunnel, for the rear wing in free-stream are shown in
WINGS IN ‘FREE-STREAM’ TESTING Figure 8 below. The CFD predictions are provided on
the same graph for comparison.
Front Wing Tests
The wind tunnel results showed a trailing edge
The lift and drag coefficients, measured in the wind separation on the rear most flap beginning at 38
tunnel, for the front wing in free-stream are shown in degrees. By 40 degrees the underside of this flap was
Figure 7 below. The CFD predictions are provided on fully separated, resulting in a plateau in the CL curve.
the same graph for comparison. The flow on the underside of the main plane remained
attached until 48 degrees, beyond which a complete
leading edge separation was observed. The
considerable difference between the stall angles
predicted by CFD and measured in the wind tunnel was
most likely due to the extremely small aspect ratio of the
wind tunnel tested wing (1.72). Again, the wind tunnel
drag is believed to be higher than predicted from CFD
due to induced drag. It is interesting to note that further
testing showed that removal of the leading edge slat
reduced the maximum CL angle of attack of this wing by
8 degrees and decreased the maximum lift coefficient by
0.2 CL.

Figure 9: Rear wing in free-stream, measured wind tunnel force

coefficients versus yaw angle attack, AR: 1.72. Endplate size 0.8m
wide by 0.7m high.

• In general, increasing endplate size increases

the downforce generated by a wing, improving
both the vehicle’s yaw acceleration and steady
Figure 8: Rear wing in free-stream, measured wind tunnel force
coefficients versus angle of attack, AR: 1.72 (2D CFD results shown for
state cornering.
• For a rear wing, the endplates will develop a
side force and yawing moment which will have
a stabilizing effect on the car, in that the side
force generated will oppose the prevailing
Because the downforce is needed most when a race car attitude of the car, be it over-steer or under-
is turning a corner it is important to check the sensitivity steer.
of a wing to yaw angle. A graph of force coefficients for
the rear wing only, versus wind yaw angle is shown in • For a front wing, the endplates will develop a
Figure 9. Around 90% of the maximum downforce is side force and yawing moment which will have
retained out to a yaw angle of 20 degrees, which is an a destabilizing effect on the car, in that the side
excessive amount of yaw for most formulas, but likely to force generated will act to increase the
be experienced by Formula SAE cars which negotiate prevailing attitude of the car, be it over-steer or
tight tracks with very low speed corners. In order to under-steer.
increase the amount of downforce retained at high yaw
angles, the leading edge of the endplate was radiused • All endplates are sensitive to gusts and side
(12mm radius) to try and keep the flow attached on the winds which may make the handling of the car
leeward side of the endplate at high yaw angles. The unpredictable.
resulting change in CL due to this modification is shown
in Figure 9, with a significant increase in downforce For this reason the Monash FSAE team has gathered a
between 25 and 40 degrees yaw. On-track, cobra-probe large set of wind tunnel data specifically relating to rear
logging of wind yaw angle will be used to document a wing endplate size and shape. On-track testing and
realistic yaw angle operating range to determine if this data logging with different size and shaped rear wing
modification is warranted. endplates will be used to determine the best
compromise between high downforce and reduced
The coefficient of side force for the rear wing is also yawing moment.
plotted versus yaw in Figure 9. The wing endplate,
which presents an increasingly bluff surface when
yawed, is the major source of this force. Given design
freedom (as in this formula), endplate sizing is therefore
a complicated task given that:
WINGS ‘ON-CAR’ TESTING The rear wing height sensitivity study showed major
reductions in rear wing downforce due to the flow
Base Car Tests blockage and flow angularity caused by the car and
driver. At the lowest tested rear wing height of 1.070 m,
The table below lists the wind tunnel measured values of downforce was reduced by 48% compared with the free
drag and lift for both the base car (with driver) and also stream value, which can be considered the maximum
the car and driver with the front wing fitted. The front value at infinite ground height. At the greatest height
wing was seen to increase the drag of the base car by tested (1470mm) the rear wing achieved the same CL
around 14%. The wind tunnel measured downforce for as in free-stream. It is interesting to observe how the
the car with the front wing was around 40% less than drag of the wing plateaus much earlier than the
expected on-track due to the lack of a moving ground downforce, and how the lift-to-drag ratio increases
simulation. steadily with rear wing height. These results would
suggest that the simplest way to increase the
Frontal performance of a rear wing on a FSAE car is to increase
Car its height above the car. They also suggest that a
CL CD Area
Configuration smaller, more efficient wing mounted high should
provide both more downforce and less drag than a large
Base Car wing mounted low. It should also be remembered that
0.15 0.83 0.9 the size and height of the rear wing is ultimately limited
(with Driver)
by the amount of downforce that can be generated by
Car + the front wing for aerodynamic balance as described in
-1.00 0.95 0.9 [1].
Front Wing
(with Driver)

Due to the lack of a moving ground simulation in the

Rear Wing Height Sensitivity Monash Wind Tunnel, a range of different methods were
trialed to quantify and tune the performance of the front
To measure the effect that the front wing, vehicle and wing in ground effect. A brief description of these
driver has on the performance of the rear wing, the car methods and some sample results will be presented
was correctly positioned with respect to the rear wing but here.
isolated from the force balance system. Using this set-
up, the rear wing was tested at a range of different WING PRESSURE TAPPING TESTING
heights to understand this interaction (See Fig. 10).
A pressure tapped front wing was constructed to record
pressure contours over the upper and lower surfaces of
the wing, and to provide a graphic and qualitative
understanding of the wing’s performance. Using
software developed by Gilhome [25], the pressure point
data is used to generate pressure contours which were
then resolved into net drag and down forces. These
resolved forces were correlated with measurements
made simultaneously by the wind tunnel balance. The
results presented here were used to benchmark the
performance and accuracy of the system before on-track
testing of the front wing in ground effect was

The pressure tapped wing was constructed with a total

of 128 internal pressure taps. 120 of these taps were
distributed over just one side of the wing (the right) for
improved resolution. Tapping density was increased in
regions of high expected pressure gradients in order to
reduce interpolation errors. A further 8 taps were placed
at strategic points on the left side of the wing to check
that the assumption of symmetry was valid.

The experimental method and equipment used is

Figure 10: Rear wing (only) measured force coefficients (and lift to drag
described in detail by Gilhome [25]. A 128-channel
ratio) with car and driver in place versus rear wing height above ground
(Dashed lines indicate measured free stream coefficients, representing
Scannivalve system (ZOCENCL2100) was used to
infinite ground clearance), 30 degrees angle of attack. record 30 second samples at a rate of 200 Hz. The time
averaged data was then used to develop full surface
pressure contours within the specified wing geometry,
from which, downforce and drag forces were resolved.
The tubing was routed back to the Scannivalve via the
left hand side inner end plate to minimise interference
with the flow on the right hand side where the vast
majority of taps were located.

This system of pressure measurement and force

interpolation was trialed in the wind tunnel using the free
stream rig and compared with values measured
simultaneously by the tunnel force balance. An example
of the pressure contours are shown below (Fig. 11).

Figure 12: Correlation of pressure tapping interpolated downforce with

wind tunnel measured downforce. Line of best fit (Dashed) shown, line
of best fit equation and R value provided on graph.

The slightly higher forces predicted by the pressure

tapping (evidenced by the formula for the line of best fit
shown on the graph) can be partially attributed to effect
of the tubing on the wind tunnel measured values. The
128 tubes which exit on the left side of the wing would
result in increased drag and reduced downforce as
measured by the tunnel balance.

The scatter in the results indicated that further

refinement and testing of the system was required to be
able to choose the optimum wing setting from data
recorded on track. Even still, the pressure tapping
method is the only experimental method trialed which
returns a qualitative understanding of the how the
different regions of wing are performing and which areas
are contributing to the generation of downforce. For this
Figure 11: Example front wing pressure contour, free-stream flow, 16.7
reason on-track, ground effect testing with this pressure
m/s: Top – Right side, upper surface of the wing, Lower – Right side, tapped wing is planned for the near future.
bottom surface of the wing. Measurement locations and pressures (Pa)
shown. ‘X’ marks force centroid. FULL CAR ‘SYMMETRY PLANE’ TESTING

A full car ‘symmetry plane’ testing technique was

another method used to investigate the performance of
the front wing in ground effect. The principle of
A correlation plot featuring comparison of all the wind symmetrical testing has been proposed as a means of
tunnel measured downforce, and pressure interpolated simulating a moving ground condition [5, pg 76]. It
downforce, is shown below (Fig. 12). The four groups of requires the test vehicle is effectively ‘mirrored’ in a
dots correspond to different measurement speeds (20, plane of symmetry about the ground (Fig. 13).
40, 60, 80 km/h). Different overall wing angle of attack
settings provide the variations within each group.
mounts for the upper wing were attached to load cells on
the floor of the tunnel to enable the download from this
wing to be recorded. These load cells were calibrated
using weights stacked on the wing. The effect of drag on
the wing, which results in a bending moment at the load
cells was also checked and found to be minimal.
Photographs of the rig are shown in Figure 14.

Figure 13: Example ‘symmetry plane’ test configuration, after Katz [5].

With reference to this technique Katz [5] states that;

“The basic idea here is that the symmetry line dividing

the two identical models is a streamline. Therefore, the
ground simulation is automatically obtained. Of course
both models should be exactly the same (including the
changes during the test)...”

Further analysis of this technique reveals that it is not

quite so simple. Unlike a true moving ground simulation,
the streamline created by the symmetry plane is not
constrained to move at ground speed, which means that
it may actually speed up or slow down due to the
influence of the car or wing geometry. Depending on the
relationship between the ground speed and the local
flow field, this could result in a considerable change in
the velocity profile, and hence the forces generated at
the wing or vehicle surface.

Secondly, this technique assumes the existence of a

streamline, which in turn assumes smooth, attached air
flow. In practice, race cars have many turbulent regions
with separated flow, for example, the wake behind the
front wheels. Other parts of the car such as the front
wing endplates may be designed specifically to induce
strong vortices which may interact across the imagined
plane of symmetry in a non-realistic and
Figure 14: Full scale ‘symmetry plane’ test rig. Top: Front view, Bottom:
unrepresentative manner.
Side view.

With these factors in mind, it was decided to construct a

symmetry plane test rig to specifically look at
performance of the front wing. The Monash 2004 car
was used in this test because a near identical, carbon
tub outer skin was available for use as the ‘mirrored’ car. Achieving acceptable levels of symmetry between the
The pressure tapped wing was used to ‘mirror’ the two front wings proved difficult and limited the amount of
existing front wing. Stands were made to lift the 2004 car quality data gathered from this test. An example of the
1.5 meters in the air, below which the ‘mirror’ body work results from this testing are shown below (Fig. 15). 2D
and ‘mirror’ front wheels were positioned. Because the CFD predictions for the same wing operating in ground
force acting on only one of the front wings was to be effect (with no wheels or car) are provided for
measured, modeling of downstream components comparison.
including the driver, engine bay and rear wing was

Both the upper and lower wings were fitted with

specialized endplates allowing height adjustment in 15
mm increments and 2.5 degree angular increments. The

A strain-gauged front wing mount was constructed to log

front wing downforce on the track. This mount consists
of two 4-bar linkages in parallel with long, equal length
upper and lower links. This allowed the wing one
degree of freedom, vertical translation. Wing angle of
attack was adjusted by substituting pre-made inner
endplates. The forward vertical links on the 4-bar were
connected to the outboard end of the top wishbone by a
tie rod, so that wing movement was directly proportional
to the displacement of the front wheels. Using this
linkage the wing did not significantly change incidence
angle or ride height during straight line acceleration or
braking. The tie rod was designed to operate in tension
only and was constructed from a turnbuckle in series
with a wire cable and a strain gauged aluminium tube
that acted as a load cell. The slender cable prevented
the tie rod from reacting compressive loads, and acted
to mechanically filter the downforce during cornering by
removing the force couple. The turnbuckle also allowed
ride height adjustment. The aluminum tubes in the tie
rod were instrumented with 350ohm strain gauges and
inclined in two planes to give the best practical
Figure 15: Wind tunnel symmetry rig measured front wing lift downforce resolution. The strain gauges were in full
coefficients versus ground clearance for wing angle of attack 22 deg bridge configuration to cancel any bending moments and
(Moving ground 2D CFD predictions provided for comparison). to compensate for temperature effects. A pitot tube,
connected to a Honeywell differential pressure sensor
was used to log the air speed and account for
differences in the atmospheric wind.

As expected, these results were lower than predicted by A CAD drawing and photograph of the final design is
the two dimensional CFD analysis due to: shown below (Figs. 16 and 17).

• The shortened second flap, the centre third of During testing calibration weights were added at the
which is permanently removed to enable the beginning and end of each run to allow offset and
wing to clear the nose cone (Fig. 14); and scaling errors to be compensated for, in post analysis. A
reference plane was used to set the ride height and
• The blockage and interference effects caused each test run was repeated four times, against and with
by the vehicle and, in this case, the stationary the wind (if any). Each calibration and run was exported
front wheels. to a spreadsheet for analysis and correction of the
individual offsets by linear interpolation. The scaling
Further testing using the symmetry rig examined the from the calibration runs was then applied to correct the
effect of adding a 45 mm foot plate to the outside lower logged data. The corrected data was then plotted
edge of the endplates. Such a flap is designed to help against air speed squared and a linear regression
prevent flow migrating from the outside of the endplate, performed on the data set. The least squares fit
underneath into the low pressure region developed by returned the v2 coefficient for each angle of attack and
the wing. Tests at a range of ground heights and wing ride height setting, allowing lift coefficients to be
angles of attack showed significantly improved calculated.
downforce (8%) from the use of such a flap.
Unfortunately, because such a flap is considered part of
the wing, it must be located within the maximum
allowable envelope for wings defined by the rules [2],
and illustrated in [1]. This means that wing span must
be reduced by a corresponding amount. Tests using
different span wings suggested that a 13% loss in
downforce would result from the required 90 mm
reduction in wing span, and result in a net loss in
downforce for this sized foot plate. Although not tested,
it is thought that a smaller foot plate, in the order of 20
mm, might result in a net downforce gain.
Figure 18: Front wing down force measured on-track, plotted against
Figure 16: CAD design of the parallel linkage system for measuring air speed squared, 27 deg AOA, ground clearance: 0.07 chord.
downforce on the front wing. Tie rod links attach to outboard wishbone 2
Average v coefficient of 0.76 yields a CL of 2.42.

Front wing lift coefficients for all tested angles of attack

and ground clearances are plotted in Figure 19 below.

Figure 19: Front wing on-track measured coefficients of lift versus

ground clearance for a range of angles of attack.
Figure 17: Photo of the parallel linkage system for measuring
downforce on the front wing. A: strain gauged link shown attached to
the outboard top wishbone, B: turnbuckle for adjustable ride height, C:
parallel linkages.

These results showed a small amount of variation in the

front wing lift coefficients with changing angle of attack
and ground clearance. These values were also slightly
lower than those measured using the symmetry plane
An example of the raw data for a single wing setting, testing, possibly due to the effect of rotating wheels and
plotted against the air speed squared is shown in Figure slight differences in the car bodies (2003 car was used
18 below. Equations and R2 values are given for the for on-track testing, 2004 for symmetry rig). The trends
linear regressions of each of the four runs. The observed also differed considerably compared to the
coefficient of variation (standard deviation divided by initial two-dimensional CFD study, most likely because
mean) between the four separate runs was 3%. of the front wheel and nose cone interactions which
were not accounted for in the 2D CFD.
FINAL RESULTS an attractive option for the study of wings (and
other devices) in ground effect and complex
The net measured downforce and drag of the 2003 aerodynamic environments.
Monash Formula SAE car was:
• The method of full-scale symmetry testing was
• Car Coefficient of Lift: -2.57 found to be a viable (but labor intensive) method
of simulating a moving ground in scenarios
• Car Coefficient of Drag: 1.33 where the airflow is generally smooth and
attached. Extreme care must be taken to ensure
2 that symmetry is satisfied.
• Car Frontal Area: 1.35 m
• The method of strain gauging a front wing mount
This result uses the downforce values measured on- was found to be successful provided that the
track for the front wing in ground effect, in combination ambient wind speed is logged. Of the three
with the downforce and drag of the car and rear wing as methods tested for measuring the performance
measured in the wind tunnel. of a front wing in ground effect, this appeared to
be the easiest and most accurate.

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Schematic of the Monash Wind Tunnel:

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