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1D Simulation and Experimental Analysis of a Turbocharger Compressor for Automotive

Engines under Unsteady Flow Conditions

Author(s): Fabio Bozza, Vincenzo De Bellis, Silvia Marelli and Massimo Capobianco
Source: SAE International Journal of Engines , Vol. 4, No. 1 (2011), pp. 1365-1384
Published by: SAE International
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International Journal of Engines

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1D Simulation and Experimental Analysis of a 2011-01-1147
Turbocharger Compressor for Automotive Engines 04/12/2011
under Unsteady Flow Conditions

Fabio Bozza and Vincenzo De Bellis

Universita' di Napoli

Silvia Marelli and Massimo Capobianco

Universita' di Genova

Copyright © 2011 SAE International


single components and subassemblies of engine intake and

ABSTRACT exhaust circuit.
Turbocharging technique will play a fundamental role in the
near future not only to improve automotive engine In the paper the results of a preliminary experimental study
performance, but also to reduce fuel consumption and developed on a turbocharger compressor for gasoline engine
exhaust emissions both in Spark Ignition and diesel application under unsteady flow conditions are presented.
automotive applications. To achieve excellent engine Instantaneous inlet and outlet static pressure and mass flow
performance for road application, it is necessary to overcome rate are compared with the corresponding numerical data
some typical turbocharging drawbacks i.e., low end torque supplied by simulation codes. The numerical results showed a
level and transient response. Experimental studies, developed good agreement with experimental data. In addition, the
on dedicated test facilities, can supply a lot of information to comparison between the classical and the refined procedure
optimize the engine-turbocharger matching, especially if tests results highlighted the potential of the performed unsteady
can be extended to the typical engine operating conditions 1D calculation, especially in specific compressor operating
(unsteady flow). Different numerical procedures have been conditions.
developed at the University of Naples to predict automotive
turbocharger compressor performance both under steady and The integration of the experimental activity with the
unsteady flow conditions. A classical 1D approach, based on numerical analysis represents a methodology that can be
the employment of compressor characteristic maps, was helpfully employed during the design process of internal
firstly followed. A different and more refined procedure has combustion engine intake systems.
been recently proposed. The new approach is based on the
solution of the 1D unsteady flow within the stationary and INTRODUCTION
rotating channels constituting the compressor device, starting
Engine downsizing is becoming a successful way of
from a reduced set of geometrical data. The refined
improving fuel consumption in automotive applications. As
methodology can be utilized to directly compute the
regards spark ignition (SI) engines, this technique, associated
stationary map of the compressor but also to reproduce the
with charge boosting and other state-of-the art technologies
unsteady flow behavior of the device.
(such as gasoline direct injection and fully flexible intake
valves control), can help to substantially reduce CO2
A specialized components test rig (particularly suited to study
automotive turbochargers) has been operating since several emissions, thus making this propulsion system competitive
years at the University of Genoa. The test facility also allows with the diesel engine in terms of fuel consumption, while
to develop studies under unsteady flow conditions both on keeping exhaust pollutant emissions very low by using the
three-way catalyst [1, 2].

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Therefore, engine turbocharging, today used in all diesel Different numerical procedures have been developed in order
applications, will be extensively applied also to SI to predict automotive turbocharged engine performance both
automotive units as a way to reach the required performance under steady and unsteady flow conditions. A classical quasi-
level while downsizing the engine [3]. However, an effective steady approach, based on the employment of compressor
management of the turbocharging system to achieve a and turbine characteristic maps (provided by the
suitable engine torque curve and an excellent vehicle manufacturers or directly measured) is usually followed [11,
driveability is a very difficult task [4], especially in the case 12]. Anyway, in many cases, a limited operating domain of
of small SI engines fitted with a reduced number of cylinders the turbocharger device is available, and extrapolation of
(often lower than four in recent units). This is due to the wide maps is commonly required [12, 13]. In addition, due to
load and speed range experienced in road applications and to various phenomena, the actual turbocharger behavior may
the magnitude of unsteady flow effects in the intake and differ from that expressed by the characteristic maps. First of
exhaust circuit. all, performance data refer to a steady operation of the device,
while the turbocharger, due to the pressure pulsations caused
One-dimensional (1D) models are usually employed to by the engine, always operates under unsteady conditions [5,
compute the engine and turbocharger matching conditions. 10]. A first attempt to better take into account the effects of
However, 1D modelling of an automotive turbocharged the pulsating flow, is the discretization of the compressor or
engine requires the availability of several information about turbine in terms of equivalent lengths and volumes, together
the turbine and compressor behavior. A first item is related to with their steady flow characteristics [14]. However, other
available performance maps, that are usually limited to a inaccuracies related to the employment of steady maps can be
reduced range of rotational speed, pressure ratio and mass due to the variation of the flow direction at the compressor or
flow rate: this involves extrapolation of performance curves turbine inlet, depending on the actual packaging of the engine
introducing inaccuracies in the calculation procedure. intake and exhaust circuits [27]. Moreover, heat transfer
Besides, performance maps are generally derived on steady- through the casing and heat radiated by the turbine and the
state test benches, while the turbocharger, when coupled to an engine may considerably affect the map-based values of the
automotive internal combustion engine, typically operates adiabatic efficiency. In addition, in a turbocharged engine
under unsteady flow conditions. with a long-route Exhaust Gas Recirculation device [15], the
compressor operates with a variable mixture of air and
It is therefore apparent that the integration of experimental recycled burned gases, while gas composition effects are
activity with numerical procedures able to take into account usually neglected in a map-based approach.
the unsteady behavior of the turbocharger, represents a
methodology that can be helpfully employed in the design Due to the above considerations, an improvement of the
process of the intake and exhaust systems of turbocharged classical map-based quasi-steady matching calculation is
automotive engines. required [16]. Concerning a small turbocharger compressor, a
different and more refined procedure has been recently
As above mentioned, the extension of turbocharger turbine proposed [17] to characterize its behavior both under steady
and compressor maps to a broad operating range and the and unsteady flow conditions. The new approach is based on
provision of turbocharger behavior when operating under the solution of the 1D unsteady flow within the stationary and
severe unsteady flow conditions are currently fundamental rotating channels constituting the compressor device, starting
requirements for improving the accuracy of turbocharged from a reduced set of geometrical data. A direct modeling of
engine calculations. To this end, the availability of highly main phenomena and losses is performed, also referring to
flexible test rigs can allow all these aspects to be investigated correlations from the literature. A tuning procedure allows a
without the limits imposed by the engine, thus providing better definition of the compressor steady flow map by
more general and transferable information concerning calibrating the constants included in the various loss
turbocharger operation. Since several years, a specialized correlations. Due to the calculation approach, the procedure
components test facility (particularly suited to study allows to reproduce both steady and unsteady flow behavior
automotive turbochargers) has been operating at the of the compressor. In the paper the results of a preliminary
University of Genoa [5]. The test rig is fitted with specific experimental study developed at the University of Genoa on a
devices which allow investigations to be performed under turbocharger compressor for gasoline engine application
unsteady flow operation both on single components and under steady and unsteady flow conditions are presented.
subassemblies of engine intake and exhaust circuit. Several Measured performance are compared with the corresponding
experimental studies on automotive turbocharger turbines, numerical data supplied by the simulation procedure
also fitted with different regulating devices (waste-gate valve developed at the University of Naples.
and variable geometry systems), have been performed using
this facility [6, 7, 8, 9, 10]. In a first step the model was applied to calculate the
compressor steady flow map, referring both to the standard
value of the friction and slip correlation multipliers and to a

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tuning of the same constants. The theoretical procedure was The main feature of the test rig is the availability of two
then used to predict instantaneous levels of inlet and outlet different systems to generate the unsteady flow typically
static pressure and mass flow rate, following both a classical occurring in the intake and exhaust automotive engine circuit.
approach, based on the employment of the tuned steady flow In a first configuration, diametral slot rotating valves are
compressor map, and a more refined procedure, based on the adopted in order to perform parametric studies by properly
direct time integration of model equations. controlling the main characteristics of generated pressure
pulses (i.e. mean value, amplitude, shape and pulse
The numerical results showed a good agreement with frequency). The second layout, including a Variable Valve
experimental data. In addition, the comparison between the Actuation cylinder head (Fiat Multiair system) makes it
classical and the refined procedure results highlighted the possible to analyze the interactions between the engine circuit
advantages of the performed unsteady 1D calculation, and both turbocharger turbine and compressor.
especially in specific engine operating conditions.
Measurement of different parameters under steady and
EXPERIMENTAL ANALYSIS unsteady flow conditions is performed by an automatic data
acquisition system using dedicated procedures developed in
The experimental investigation is carried out on the
Lab VIEW® environment.
University of Genoa (UNIGE) test facility (Fig. 1), fully
described in previous papers [8, 10]. Three electrical screw
The experimental investigation was performed on a small
compressors provide a total mass flow rate of about 0.6 kg/s
automotive turbocharger (IHI RHF3) matched to a small-size
at a maximum pressure of 8 bar. To prevent water from
spark ignition engine. Initially, the reference compressor
condensing and freezing, a 54 kW electrical heater can
steady flow maps, expressed in terms of both total-to-total
increase air temperature up to 400 K. Two independent
pressure ratio and total-to-total efficiency versus corrected
feeding lines allow to supply turbocharger turbine and
mass flow rate, were measured at different corrected
compressor with air at controlled pressure thus allowing to
rotational speed levels. Secondly, the compressor
measure steady flow maps over an extended range.
performance was evaluated under unsteady flow conditions
by integrating the turbocharger in a current production
automotive engine intake circuit (Fig. 2). Results reported in
the paper are referred to a constant level of corrected
compressor rotational speed (about 100000 rpm), taking into
account three different mass flow operating conditions (near
the chocking area, in an intermediate zone and near the surge
line, respectively referred later as CASES A, B and C). The
unsteady flow pulse frequency considered corresponds to an
equivalent engine rotational speed of 1500 rpm (camshaft
speed of 750 rpm).

The average and instantaneous levels of several parameters

were recorded in different measuring section located along
the intake circuit (i.e. at the inlet and outlet section of both
compressor and intercooler, downstream the throttle valve,
etc., see Fig.2). Average and instantaneous static pressure
were measured through strain gauge transducers
characterized by a high frequency response (about 25kHz)
and an accuracy of 0.14% of the full scale. Platinum
resistance thermometers with an uncertainly of ±0.3 °C were
used to measure the average temperature values. The
instantaneous temperature levels were evaluated referring to
an adiabatic process of an ideal gas, starting from measured
mean inlet pressure and temperature and instantaneous static
pressure. Instantaneous mass flow rate was estimated by
using a hot wire fiber film probe, mounted upstream of the
compressor. The sensor was calibrated against a thermal mass
Figure 1. Schematic layout of UNIGE turbocharger test flow meter (with an accuracy of ±0.3% of measured level) in
facility. steady state over the entire operating range experienced under
unsteady flow conditions. The turbocharger rotational speed

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Figure 2. Intake engine circuit and related measuring sections

was evaluated by using an eddy current probe (with a • a short inlet pipe (from section 0 to 1); the end section of
precision of 0.009% of the full scale) mounted close to the the inlet pipe is characterized by a sudden area contraction,
compressor wheel. Two high speed synchronized data taking into account the impeller eye obstruction. This will
acquisition cards were used to record instantaneous signals. A cause some inlet losses, as explained in the following;
Hall sensor mounted on the driving cam shaft of the cylinder
head provided a trigger signal, corresponding to 40 crank • the impeller (from section 1 to 2), consisting of Z rotating
angle degrees after TDC related to cylinder no. 1 overlap. pipes, Z being the number of blades. The profile of the blade-
to-blade duct is assigned in terms of the local blade angle,
All measured signals reported in the paper are an ensemble equivalent and hydraulic diameters and radius. The latter are
average of several complete cycles. estimated perpendicularly to the meanline profile. Since
upstream and downstream conditions are the same, the flow
rate within a single impeller duct is really computed and then
1D COMPRESSOR MODEL multiplied by the number of blades. A numerical procedure
In the following, the 1D compressor model is recalled, has been developed to reproduce the 3D impeller geometry
including a brief description of its geometrical basing on a reduced set of data (inlet and outlet flow angles,
schematization, of the 1D flow equations holding in diameters, number of blades, etc.), which can be measured
stationary and rotating ducts, and of the boundary conditions easily on the impeller wheel. The comparison between the
and flow losses. A more detailed model discussion can be actual impeller geometry and the CAD reproduced
found in [17]. reconstruction is reported in Figure 4. The equivalent 1D
profile of blade-to-blade duct, to be employed in 1D flow
GEOMETRICAL MODEL equations, is then easily derived from the 3D CAD model;
The compressor is schematized as follows (Fig. 3): • the vaneless diffuser (from section 2 to 3). It is considered
as a diverging pipe of constant width in the radial direction;

• the volute (from section 3 to 4), schematized as a constant

equivalent area duct, collecting the flow coming from the
diffuser. An equivalent length is considered as half the
circumference at the radius r3. The volute ends with an outlet
cone of assigned dimensions.

Figure 3. Main compressor stations

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Figure 4. Actual impeller geometry (IHI RHF3 compressor) and related 3D reconstruction


The unsteady 1D flow in the stationary ducts is described by
the following equations:


The terms ρ, c, p, EC=cvT+c2/2, HC=cpT0= cpT+c2/2 in the (2)

system (1) respectively represent density, absolute velocity,
static pressure, total energy and enthalpy per unit mass. The In the above equations, w is the relative velocity, u=ωr is the
source term, SC, accounts for the duct area variation, α = 1/Ω tangential velocity (blade speed) and EW=cvT+w2/2,
dΩ/dx, the friction coefficient, f, and the rate of heat HW=cpT0w=cpT+w2/2 are the total energy and enthalpy in the
exchange, q. relative motion. The source term SW includes additional
contributions arising as a consequence of pipe rotation. They
Impeller Flow Model are related to the centrifugal forces acting on the fluid particle
The system (1) is solved for the inlet pipe, the volute and the and are computed as a function of the radius variation along a
outlet duct, while, within the impeller, the following balance streamline: δ = 1/r dr/ds.
equations apply [18]:
Friction forces are subdivided in two contributions, the first
related to flow interaction with the impeller surface and the
second concerning friction with the case inner surface. Also
heat exchange is subdivided in two terms, the first depending
on impeller/flow interaction and the second arising from heat
exchange on the case.

Diffuser Flow Model

Along a flow streamline in the vaneless diffuser, a variation
of both the radial, cr, and the tangential velocity components,

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cu, occurs, determining a quasi-1D flow. The system of Loss related Mach number is opportunely specified according
equations solved for the vaneless diffuser is hence: to the junction and the considered loss mechanism. Exactly
the same pressure loss correlations are introduced in the
steady and unsteady procedures.

Even under ideal (inviscid) conditions, the flow leaving the
impeller is said to ‘slip’. Secondary flows (relative eddies)
determine an increase of the exit flow angle, respect to the
blade angle. As a consequence, the tangential component
(c2u‘) varies with respect to the ideal value c2u, determining a
decrease of the energy transfer, quantified by the slip factor,

(3) (5)

being ED=cvT+cr2/2 and HD=cpT0=cpT+cr2/2. With this

The evaluation of the slip coefficient was performed through
definition of ED and HD, the energy balance equation shows the correlation proposed in [20]:
an additional term deriving from tangential component of
friction force. In this case, along the radial direction: δ = 1/r.

The numerical solution of the partial derivative systems (1),

(2), (3) is realized through a 2nd order accurate upwind
scheme with a TVD (Total Variation Diminishing) flux (6)
correction technique [19]. Temporal integration follows a
Runge-Kutta 4th order method. csl, s2, Φ2, b2, F, being, respectively, a tuning multiplier, span
at impeller exit, flow coefficient, meridional blade to blade
STEADY FLOW MODEL duct height and shape factor. F is defined as:
In the steady procedure, temporal derivatives in eqs. (1), (2)
and (3) are obviously neglected. Computation starts with a
fixed value of mass flow rate at compressor inlet duct. Flow
equations are discretized in finite differences and numerically (7)
integrated with an iterative procedure.
BOUNDARY CONDITIONS Friction losses are due to the presence of viscous forces in the
The boundary conditions in the nodes of adjacent ducts are boundary layer and are directly taken into account in the flow
specified by applying a classical quasi-steady pipe-to-pipe equations through the definition of a friction coefficient,
junction problem. Mass and energy equations at the junction depending on the local absolute or relative velocity based on
are solved. In the unsteady procedure, in order to preserve the Reynolds Number. The well known Poiseuille, Blasius or
characteristics of wave propagation phenomena, the latter are Nikuradse expressions are employed in both inlet, volute and
coupled to the compatibility relations, properly modified to outlet pipe. Concerning impeller, drag coefficient is evaluated
include the additional source terms. The momentum equation separately for rotating surfaces and fixed ones and it is
is indeed substituted by a total pressure loss relation between corrected according to [21]. As regards the diffuser, the
adjacent sections of the connected pipes. Formally, the total approach proposed in [22] is followed:
pressure loss can be specified as a function of a Mach number
expressing the total head loss.

(4) (8)

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xfat being a tuning constant. The same multiplier is applied to
Poiseuille, Blasius or Nikuradse expressions.


The knowledge of the friction coefficient also allows to
estimate the heat transfer coefficient. A few analogies are Under this hypothesis, and following the formal relationship
reported in the literature and the one here employed has been (4), the relation between the total pressure at the exit section
derived by Gnielinski [23]. In this way, the heat transfer from of the inlet pipe p0w1 and the one at the inducer throat, p0w1t,
the compressed gas is easily modeled once the wall can be written as:
temperature has been assigned. The latter is specified as a
weighted mean between the gas temperature and the external
ambient temperature. An additional constant multiplier, xhw,
is included in the expression of the heat transfer coefficient.

INLET AND INCIDENCE LOSSES cinc being the tuning constant affecting the total incidence
First of all, the absolute velocity c1 is computed in the end loss.
section of the inlet pipe. The flow is assumed to non-
isentropically expand up to the impeller eye section. Part of RECIRCULATION FLOW
the produced kinetic energy is assumed to be dissipated at A recirculating flow from the impeller outlet occurs near the
constant pressure, as a consequence of the impeller eye case tip clearance because of pressure difference. It alters the
obstruction. The absolute and peripheral velocities at the total temperature at the inlet and the related work exchange.
impeller inlet so define the flow angle characterizing the The recirculating flow is computed as a function of the
direction of the approaching flow. When the flow angle φ1 instantaneous pressure difference downstream and upstream
differs from the blade angle φ1c, it is assumed that the kinetic the impeller.
energy associated with the flow component normal to the
blade direction w1n (Fig. 5) is completely dissipated at a ADDITIONAL IMPELLER LOSSES
constant pressure (NASA shock model) [24]. Secondary loss mechanisms are considered in the model, too.
The first concerns the flow separation deriving from a high
blade loading level. Leakage losses due to blades tip
clearance are taken into account. Moreover, losses due to
local sonic flow on the blade surface are evaluated. More
details are reported in [17, 24].

The kinetic energy associated with the radial velocity
component at volute inlet is assumed to be completely
dissipated. The one associated to the tangential velocity
component is indeed assumed to be partly lost at low flow
rate according to [25].


Fig. 5. Velocity triangles in off-design condition, for COMPUTATION OF THE STEADY
incidence losses calculation
The described steady and unsteady numerical procedures are
Looking at the Fig. 5, the velocity component w1n can be completely defined once the whole set of geometrical data
easily determined as: has been specified. However, due to some lack of generality,
each loss correlation also includes a proper multiplier, acting
as a model constant. In [17], a refined tuning methodology
was realized with reference to three different compressors,
(9) through the employment of an optimization code. The main
findings in [17] were that, apart from the slip coefficient
parameters, optimal values of the tuning constants didn't

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Figure 6. Experimental and numerical Pressure Ratio (a) and Efficiency (b) maps

greatly differ from the ‘default’ unity or literature advised

levels. In addition, differences among the tuned values for the
three compressor were often reduced. Basing on the above
study, in the present case the standard value of each tuning
multiplier is firstly considered. The computed iso-speeds
(solid lines in Fig. 6a,b), are in this case somewhat
overestimated with respect to the steady experimental data
(solid lines with circles), in terms of both pressure ratio and
efficiency. The 1D compressor model is in any case able to
give a good approximation of the actual steady map without
any tuning, and simply basing on the knowledge of few
geometrical data of the device. Moreover, the model accuracy (12)
can be greatly improved through a simple tuning of few loss
multipliers. Just a slight modification of the standard unit Nevertheless, a reduced loss of similarity may still be present,
values for the friction and slip correlation multipliers (1.9 and exerting a non negligible influence especially on the
1.4, respectively) was in fact enough to realize a good efficiency (Fig.7b). For this reason the possibility to
agreement (dashed lines) on the whole pressure ratio (Fig. 6a) recompute the map for the specified working fluid can be of
and efficiency (Fig. 6b) maps. interest in particular applications. This may be the case in
two-stage turbocharging systems, with long-route EGR
The direct calculation of the steady map also means that the devices, where the compressor operates with a variable
model, once tuned, can be used to rapidly quantify the effect mixture of air and recycled burned gases. Moreover, a
on the compressor performance of ‘small’ changes in its main different heat transfer through the device may arise in the
geometrical parameters. In addition, the steady procedure high pressure compressor, which can be taken into account in
may be employed to compute extended operating maps, with the recomputed steady map. Figure 7a also highlights that the
a different upstream pressure, temperature, and composition model can be applied to compute further iso-speed lines, in
(Fig. 7). It is well-known in fact that a map is generally order to avoid the need of un-physical maps' extrapolation
applicable only if fluid similarity holds (identity of Mach, techniques, usually included in engine-turbocharger matching
Reynolds, Prandlt Numbers and specific heat ratio) [26]. calculations.
However, it is impossible, in practice, to completely satisfy
similarity constraints and different generalized expressions As a last consideration, due to packaging constraints in the
are used to correct the mass flow rate and the rotational engine bay, the pipe layout upstream the compressor inlet can
speed, like as an example [26]: induce a pre-whirl flow which may substantially modify the
compressor performance reported in the manufacturer map

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Figure 7. Effect of varied inlet conditions and gas composition on the performance maps. Corrected parameters as defined in

Figure 8. Effect of varied inlet flow angle, due to an upstream swirling flow, on the performance maps.

[27, 28]. Experimental data on the pre-whirl flow can be as well, whilst displacing the surge margin to the left. These
obtained introducing a swirl meter in the upstream pipe. This results qualitatively agree with the experimental findings in
information can be utilized in the 1D model to estimate the [27] and [28].
actual inlet flow angle and, correspondingly predict the new
operating conditions. Figure 8 shows an example of the In the present case, the experimental maps in Fig. 6 were
influence of the inlet flow angle on the performance maps. A directly measured coupled to the complete intake system. For
negative pre-whirl (defined as pre-whirl in the same sense of this reason, they reflect the actual compressor behavior on the
the compressor rotation) determines lower inlet flow angles considered engine. In addition, due to the presence of a
and relative velocities at the impeller eye. Consequently, it straight pipe of about 7 diameters length upstream to the
reduces the mass flow rate range and the adiabatic efficiency, compressor, no swirl flow was assumed in the computed data.

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Table 1. Operating conditions for the tested CASES A, B and C

UNSTEADY OPERATION RESULTS • Discharge pressure in the downstream plenum: this value is
imposed as boundary condition for the outlet flow through
The results in Fig. 6 authorize to conclude that a good the valves.
reproduction of the steady operating condition has been
obtained in the tested compressor operating range and the • Throttle opening: both tests and numerical analyses are
model can be hence employed to analyze its unsteady carried out at WOT conditions. The small losses introduced
operation, too. To this aim, a 1D representation of the by the fully opened throttle are however considered in the
upstream and downstream compressor circuit is realized, as model.
shown in Fig. 9. • Valve lift profile and discharge coefficients: actual values of
the valve lift are employed in the calculations. Experimental
values of the discharge coefficient were provided by the
engine manufacturer.

Table 1 summarizes the operating conditions for the three

analyzed cases. Only the discharge pressure is subjected to
the major variation, which induces average compressor
operating points located on a single characteristic line at
about 100200 rpm corrected speed. In particular, point A is
located in a low pressure ratio and efficiency zone, point B
close to the maximum efficiency for the selected iso-speed
and point C is indeed located very close to the compressor
surging. In Fig. 6a the average measured levels in the above
test conditions are plotted on the steady compressor map.

Figure 9. 1D representation of the compressor test In order to verify the capabilities of the model in capturing
bench, for its unsteady analysis the unsteady compressor behavior, two different numerical
procedures are utilized: a classical approach, based on the
employment of the tuned steady map in Fig. 6, and the more
Three different operating conditions (CASES A, B and C) are refined unsteady procedure, based on the direct time
analyzed. They are characterized by different values of the integration of systems (1), (2) and (3). In the following
pressure in the downstream plenum, realizing different values figures, the above approaches are referred as ‘Steady Map
of the average mass flow rate. Apart from the whole Model’ and ‘Unsteady Model’, respectively.
geometrical details of the external circuit, the sole input data
to the model are: Concerning the operating point A, Fig. 10 reports the
• The compressor rotational speed: the experimental analysis comparisons between numerical and experimental pressure
highlighted a negligible variation of this parameter; for this fluctuations in five different measuring stations located along
reason the latter is kept constant in the model. the external circuit (see Fig. 2), namely: the static pressure
signal downstream the throttle valve (a), the intercooler inlet
• The engine crankshaft rotational speed: this parameter (c) and outlet (b), and the total pressure profiles upstream (e)
defines the opening and closing frequency of the intake and downstream (d) the compressor. As expected, a similar
valves and controls the pressure pulsation in the external pressure wave is repeated every 180° crank angles, since the
circuit. pulse shape is related to the valve opening frequency [10],
which was kept constant during the investigation. The
• Ambient pressure and temperature: these values are pressure wave highlights a shape change due to both the
imposed as boundary condition in the first section of the inlet superimposed variation in the pipe geometry, to wave
pipe, A1. reflection phenomena, and to the concentrated or distributed

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losses along the propagation path up to the compressor inlet Despite the ensemble averaging, however, the experimental
section. mass flow rate data doesn't always exhibit the same 180°
periodic behavior previously detected in the experimental
Both map-based and unsteady compressor models accurately pressure profiles. This is probably due to the sensor location
reproduce the above mentioned pressure shapes, thanks to a at the inlet section. In a further step of the investigation, the
refined description of both the 1D pipe network, the friction measurement of mass flow rate will be also performed
and junction losses. In this way, the pressure wave downstream the compressor, where the periodic behavior is
propagation is correctly computed by the model up to the better detectable, also increasing the number of acquired
compressor outlet section (Fig. 10d) in terms of both average cycles. Nevertheless, the agreement is confirmed to be
level and overall form. Major differences between map-based acceptable since the main fluctuations are well reproduced by
model and unsteady approach can be appreciated as regards the model, especially at the lowest mass flow rate level (Fig.
the total compressor inlet pressures (Fig. 10e). In this case, in 13c). In this case, moreover, a clear 180° periodic behavior is
fact, a slight angular shift, , between the two numerical established in the experimental data, too.
methods is clearly evident. The latter is due to the time
required by the pressure wave to travel at the speed of sound, Similarly to compressor inlet pressures, in each operating
a, along the compressor device, characterized by an overall condition a small phase shift between the mass flow rate
meanline length ΔL, at an engine speed of n rpm. In the profiles computed by the two numerical approaches is
present case, the angular shift is in particular: detected. As above mentioned, it depends on the wave
propagation phenomena within the device, only included in
the unsteady compressor model.

(12) Summarizing, the results presented in the paper demonstrate

that both the employed numerical procedures are able to
Many authors try to take into account the above effect by satisfactory reproduce the unsteady compressor behavior in
introducing virtual small length pipes or volumes in the map- the considered operating conditions. The discrepancies
based procedure [14]. However, this correction still requires highlighted are limited to the presence of a slight phase shift
the knowledge of compressor geometrical data. In the in some stations and in particular as regards the inlet pressure
proposed unsteady compressor model the above shift is and mass flow rate. However, even if these differences are
automatically captured, as shown in Fig. 10e, so realizing a very bounded, they should increase at high engine speed, as
better phase agreement with the experimental data. The stated by eq. (12). In this case the employment of the
overall matching has however worsened in this case, due to proposed more refined procedure, or the introduction of a
the difficulties related to the 1D modeling of the upstream virtual pipe for a time-delay correction, is mandatory.
circuit, including a complex 3D shaped air filter box.
To the aim of verifying the above consideration, an additional
Similar considerations can be drawn looking at results analysis is carried out modifying CASE B specifications with
obtained as regards the CASE B (Fig. 11). A slight an engine speed of 4500 rpm and a turbocharger speed of
improvement of pressure wave reproduction can be obtained 140000 rpm. Experimental data were unfortunately
with the unsteady compressor model, especially in terms of unavailable in these conditions. In Fig. 14, the results of a
phase agreement at the compressor outlet section. Regarding corrected map-based approach are reported, too. A small
the CASE C, where a close-to-surge operation is analyzed, length pipe is now added downstream the compressor, with
differences between the results of the map-based and proper length and diameter furnished by the same 1D
unsteady compressor models are more significant (Fig. 12). geometrical schematization of the compressor. The length
The overall agreement between the experimental data and the exactly equals the wave propagation path from the inlet to the
simulation findings seems to be lower than that verified in outlet section (Eq. 12), while the diameter is computed in
previous cases. Unsteady model realizes once again a better order to realize the same overall device volume. Heat transfer
phase agreement, even if the amplitude of pressure and friction losses are deleted in the virtual pipe. As
fluctuations are overestimated in some measuring stations. expected, the standard map-based approach and the unsteady
model now give quite different results in terms of both
Fig. 13 reports the comparison on computed and compressor inlet and outlet pressures (Fig. 14c,b) and mass
experimental mass flow rates at compressor inlet, for the flow rate (Fig. 14a). Not surprisingly, once the proper
three analyzed cases. Experimental data are a result of an correction has been included, results of the map-based model
ensemble average of several complete engine cycles in order with time delay are quite close to the unsteady model ones.
to cut off not physical oscillations due to external Some differences are nevertheless still observable, especially
disturbances and vibrations. on the mass flow rate.

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Figure 10. Experimental and numerical pressure waves in different stations - CASE A

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Figure 11. Experimental and numerical pressure waves in different stations - CASE B

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Figure 12. Experimental and numerical pressure waves in different stations - CASE C

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Figure 13. Experimental and numerical mass flow rate comparison

In order to further underline the consideration here discussed, Fig. 12d. The map-based model (dashed loop) only partly
it should be remembered that, in a two-stage boosting system, describes the above fluctuations. In addition, a further slight
the employment of a classical map-based approach, without increase in the downstream plenum pressure (from 1.303 bar
any correction, may determine substantial errors at the inlet in CASE C to 1.312 bar), induces a reduction of the mass
section of the high pressure compressor, which reflect in a flow rate, beyond the minimum stable value reported in the
different low pressure compressor behavior and overall map (∼58 kg/h) at the considered speed. In this case, the lack
pressure ratio. In a two-stage boosting system, moreover, of experimental data in the unstable zone absolutely requires
when packaging the 2 turbochargers as closely as is necessary a map extrapolation. On the contrary, the unsteady model
to fit in the car, secondary interstage flow structures (swirling allows to describe the operation in the unstable zone, too
flows) may affect overall efficiency and pressure ratio [29]. (dashed loop with circles). At the lowest mass flow rate, a
The latter, as already pointed out, can indeed be introduced in pressure decrease can now be detected, indicating a close-to-
the 1D model in terms of modified inlet flow angles. surge operation. Any additional pressure increase in the
downstream tank will induce a reverse flow through the
Finally, in Fig. 15, with reference to CASE C, the compressor and the beginning of surging loops. Although still
instantaneous inlet mass flow rate is plotted as a function of not ready to handle reverse flow situations, the unsteady
the instantaneous compressor outlet pressure. On the same model shows the potential to account for local surging
graph, both the stable and the unstable branches of the 1D operation, too.
computed characteristic lines are drawn, too. A typical
unsteady pressure loop occurs in counterclockwise direction.
It consists of a ‘Main Loop’, directly related to the pressure
wave traveling upstream as a consequence of valve opening,
and a ‘Secondary Loop’, due to the wave reflections in the
external circuit. The unsteady model is able to reproduce the
experimental main loop, while pressure fluctuations are
slightly overestimated in the secondary one, as also shown in

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Figure 14. Numerical analysis at an increased engine speed of 4500 rpm

Figure 15. Close-to-Surge compressor operation

CONCLUSION pressure and mass flow rate fluctuations occurring when the
compressor is coupled to the intake circuit of a small-size
In the present paper a detailed experimental analysis and an spark-ignition engine. The above data were then employed to
advanced modeling approach to characterize both the steady validate a recently proposed 1D compressor model based on
and the unsteady behavior of a turbocharger compressor have the direct modeling of the work exchange and main losses
been described. The experimental analysis allowed to occurring inside the device.
measure the steady compressor map and the instantaneous

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f x
Friction coefficient Stationary duct abscissa

Total enthalpy per unit mass Number of impeller blades

k Greeks
Specific heat ratio α
Duct area variation term
meanline Length γ
Specific heats ratio
Mach number δ
Radius variation term along the meanline of the
n impeller duct
Engine Speed
p Density
Pressure, pressure difference
q Slip factor
Rate of heat exchange

R Crank angle
Gas constant
r Area of a duct section
S 0
Vector of the source terms Total conditions, Compressor inlet

s 1
Impeller curvilinear abscissa Intake duct outlet, Inducer inlet

T 2
Temperature Impeller outlet, Diffuser inlet

u 3
Tangential blade velocity Diffuser outlet, Volute inlet

w 4
Relative velocity Volute outlet

Vector of the conservative variables for rotating ducts Referred to stationary ducts

SAE Int. J. Engines | Volume 4 | Issue 1 1383

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D w
Referred to the vaneless diffuser Referred to the relative motion

ex Superscripts
Outlet ’
Effective flow condition (after slip)
i Fabio Bozza (Full Professor), Vincenzo De Bellis (PhD
Impeller Student)
(DIME). Università di Napoli “Federico II”.
Via Claudio 21, 80125 Napoli (Italy).
Tel. +39 081 7683274 - 3264
Referred to a generic loss mechanism
Fax: +39 081 2394165
Radial velocity component, spatial derivative for
vaneless diffuser Massimo Capobianco (Full Professor), Silvia Marelli
(Research Assistant)
(DIMSET). Università di Genova.
Via Montallegro 1, 16145 Genova (Italy).
Reference conditions
Tel. +39 010 3532466 - 2454
Fax: +39 010 3532566
Spatial derivative for rotating ducts, Case

Temporal derivative

Tangential velocity component

Spatial derivative for stationary ducts

Referred to rotating ducts

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