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Affidavit of Truth Sovereign Declaration Male James Adam Doe

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The author declares independence from the United States and its political subdivisions and claims sovereignty and rights to self-determination.

The document appears to be an affidavit by which the author declares independence from the United States and withdraws consent to be governed by its laws and jurisdictions.

The author declares independence from the US, refuses commercial contracts with the US, and invokes protections of international law regarding self-determination of colonial peoples.


James Adams Doe 613 Apostolic Lane Grovetown, GA 30813

Dated: March 02, 2011


United States Department of State ATTN: Mr. Michael H. Posner, Assistant Secretary Bureau of Democracy, Human Rights, and Labor 2201 C Street NW Washington D.C. 20520-6810 NORTH CAROLINA DEPARTMENT OF TRANSPORTATION Division of Motor Vehicles 3148 Mail Service Center Raleigh, NC 27699-3148

North Carolina County of Dogg

) ) ss )

Affidavit of Truth Notice of Withdrawal of USA Citizenship and Declaration of Independence and Repudiation of Presumption of Jurisdiction by USA or any entity operating under its authority and a Declaration of Peace Treaty. NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL IS NOTICE TO AGENT NOTICE TO AGENT IS NOTICE TO PRINCIPAL FOR AND ON THE RECORD, TAKE NOTICE: 1. Sovereign Affiant is competent to state to the matters included in these declarations and Notices and has knowledge of the facts, and hereby declares that to the best of

Affiant's knowledge and belief that the statements made in this affidavit are true, correct, complete, and not meant to mislead. 2. Sovereign Affiant's gives actual and constructive notice of his Sovereign status and states that he is a Sovereign habitant living on lands settled by his ancestors and that by virtue of that status and authorities arising from customary and treaty based international law, including international human rights law, he is exercising his fundamental human right to self determination and is identifying himself as Sovereign and demanding that he be recognized as such. This Sovereign Affiant declares his independence from the USA, Inc., which is the colonial authority that you are operating under and makes the demand that the USA, Inc., fulfill its obligations to promote and protect affiants right to self determination and other universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms. 3. I, James Adams Doe declare my independence from the USA, Inc., STATE OF NORTH CAROLINA , and all political sub-corporations thereof, and heretofore, herein and hereafter claim absolute power, authority and control over myself, and my progeny, without limitation, and herein state, for the record, that we are free, Sovereign peoples that are entitled to all rights, protections and freedoms accorded by or found in the United Nations Declaration on Principles of International Law Concerning Friendly Relations and Co-Operation among States in Accordance with the Charter of the United Nations, including the Right to identify ourselves as Sovereign peoples and to be recognized as such. 4. I invoke, as a matter of Right the protections accorded to me by virtue of my former colonial status and as one of the people identified in and granted independence by, and recognized in, the provisions of the United Nations Declaration on the Granting of Independence to Colonial Countries and Peoples, in its entirety, and specifically at Article 5, which provides that immediate steps shall be taken to transfer all power to those designated as colonial peoples, [13th & 14th Amendments]. I claim this power and herein require you to transfer to me all power or presumptive authority that you have over me and all files containing information, or whatever nature, that identifies me or that contains identifiers that relate to me, over to me at the location provided below and I restate my claim of independence from the USA or its designees, and I require that Respondents comply with their obligations arising there from; and, I refuse for fraud and without dishonor and without recourse to myself, or members of my family, all commercial contracts, agreements and/or claims made by the USA, its sub-corporations, agents or designees, over me, my children, or other members of the Sovereign family unit that I am a member of. 5. Please take note of the Maxim of Law that provides that all are equal before the law and that no one is above the law. Respondent(s) are not above the law, have a duty to obey the law, and have sworn a solemn oath to obey the law and are required to promote and protect human rights recognized in the international law instruments cited herein.

6. You are hereby notified that any exercise of power that is not specifically delegated to the respondents that infringes on my rights or the rights of my family members leaves those engaging in such infringements personally liable at commercial law and that I/We will use all commercial modalities available to us, individually or severally, to extract procurement of amounts incurred as a result of your failure to comply with the Maxims of Law, the Bankruptcy Code, the UCC, or international law as set forth in the list of instruments that we have accepted for value and consideration and which impart to all agents of the USA and obligation to perform there under and for sums you owe us for violating civil and criminal laws. 7. Affiant declares that at no time during the course of his life, through his words, actions, or inactions, has he willingly, knowingly, intentionally, or voluntarily requested or accepted extraordinary benefits from the United States, Inc., or its subdivisions. including but not necessarily limited to, United States citizenship, State of Tennessee residency, State of NORTH CAROLINA residency, or State of Alabama residency.

8. Affiant hereby timely withdraws each and every mistaken or presumed request or acceptance of extraordinary benefits granted by the United States or its subdivisions, to James Adams Doe. 9. Affiant hereby gives Notice of withdrawal of actual or constructive national citizenship of Affiant and his family. 10. Affiant hereby gives Notice that Affiant is a Sovereign individual and part of a Sovereign community living on the Lands claimed by the USA, Inc. 11. Affiant hereby gives Notice of' Withdrawal of State of Tennessee Residency. 12. Affiant hereby gives Notice of' Withdrawal of State of NORTH CAROLINA Residency. 13. Affiant hereby gives Notice of' Withdrawal of State of Alabama Residency.. 14. Affiant hereby demands Proof of Claims of Jurisdiction, Power or control over this Sovereign human Being, His Children, or his immediate or extended families that is consistent with obligations incurred by you under the dpil. 15. Please take Notice that we will hereafter use, cultivate, sell and distribute any Sovereign mineral, flora or fauna in our medicinal, spiritual or religious practices and we require that no agent or agency of the USA engage in any activity that infringes upon or restricts our right to do so or to provide written proof of the individuals authorizations permitting derogation from this universal requirement prior to infringements.

16. Reservation of Rights as per UCC 1-207/1-308 or other applicable statutes, rules or regulations existing in domestic, customary and/or treaty based international law, including international human rights law: a. I reserve my right not to be compelled to comply with the provisions of any regulation, rule, statute, resolution or other regulatory pronouncement or edict, from any colonial source that assigns any power or authority to the USA or other alien creature, and I refuse to honor or to accept the compelled liability arising out of any commercial contract or agreement I did not enter knowingly, willingly, and intentionally. 17. This Commercial Affidavit is an expression of the truth made under the rules of law that govern commercial transactions. The Maxims of Law: a. A workman is worthy of his hire. I claim this rights as the workman that provides for his family b. All are equal before the law, permits me to make this affidavit and to require a response from the respondent(s) in affidavit. I claim this right. c. In Commerce Truth is sovereign. I acknowledge that truth is sovereign and I claim the right to require that the USA and those claiming authority over me act in accordance with this Maxim and respond, truthfully, to this Demand for proof of authority, jurisdiction, power or control over me and my family, and, for a Full Accounting of all accounts that use or include the ssn# __________. d. Truth is expressed in the form of an affidavit. I claim the right to express this truth and I require the respondent(s) to accept this truth or to rebut it by affidavit or to accept commercial liability for failing to do so.

Truth and Full Disclosure shall be the prevailing law governing this Affidavit that is made on My commercial liability, and is the new Contract between myself, the USA, Inc., and its political sub-divisions, and its provisions shall govern in any claim that is made against me/us and is an invalidation of any prior or existing claim or presumption of claim and is a repudiation of all claims of authority or jurisdiction, power and control over Me and/or other members of the Sovereign family unit to which I belong and constitutes a Demand for A Bill of Particulars which Contains a Full Accounting of all Accounts held by the USA, or entity operating under its authority or subject to its jurisdiction, that contains SSN#___________________. 18. Your Bill of Particulars, Demand for a Full Accounting, of all above referenced accounts must be documented, and you must provide proof of claims for each exercise of jurisdiction that has occurred, is occurring, or which will occur in the future: a. proof of your personal authority to derogate from customary international law or the provisions of Treaties and/or other international human rights instruments that the USA is party to and which obligate the USA and its creatures and requires them to promote and protect my universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including, but not limited to, my Right to Self Determination.

b. Proof that you are operating under a valid authority that the Affiant is subject to and that complies with the provisions of the dpil c. Proof in the form of a certified, signed copy of the Delegation of Authority Order that identifies the claimant sub-corporation, agent, representative or other creature of the USA, or the USA, by name and title, that authorizes the claimant to exercise jurisdiction, power or control, over this Sovereign Affiant or members of his family, or, other Sovereign peoples. d. A Certified Copy of the proof that claimant is permitted to deny the Affiant and his family the equal protection of the laws of the USA or to use force and/or the threat of force, to compel me to enter into commercial contracts or agreements that deny me the free exercise of, and the full and effective enjoyment of, universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms, including but not limited the fundamental human right to travel, freely and unencumbered, throughout this Land or my right to privacy which includes within its scope the right to be free of undue and unlawful interference with such rights and that support your claim that you can compel me to comply with statutory or other regulatory provisions that govern corporate entities despite my non corporate status. e. An affidavit rebutting the claims made in this affidavit. Your affidavit must be made according to the Rules of Commercial Law, as Stated in the Maxims of Law, and, must be signed by the man/woman making any claim of jurisdiction, power or control over me, and, must be subscribed and sworn to on the claimants personal commercial liability and witnessed by a competent third party public witness such as a County Notary, Notary Public, or Other. f. Proof that you are authorized to maintain records on me or my family without our prior and informed consent. 19. Denial of corporate Status I deny that any creature of the USA, or other alien entity, is vested with power to interfere with my life or to infringe on the free exercise of universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms recognized in international law and I require that the respondents comply with the Maxims of Law and the general rules of commercial law, the Bankruptcy Rules provided for by and in the Bankruptcy Code, 11 USC, and I require that all claims of power over me or other members of my family be supported by commercial affidavit that is sworn on the commercial liability of the person or persons making any claim against us that substantiates the authority of the claimant to make any claims over us because we are non-corporate peoples and not subject to regulation by any commercial agreement and we conditionally accept the presumption that you are acting under a valid power and that Sovereign peoples are subject to the jurisdiction of the Agency or entity making a claim against us. 20. Notice of obligation of all persons holding an office of trust or profit under the USA to obey the law, including, but not limited to, jus cogens and treaty based international law, including, but not limited to, international human rights law.

The USA is bound by the terms of the United Nations Charter, Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Executive Order 13107, and the Charter of the OAS, and is bound by the specific terms of these instruments to promote and protect the rights of Sovereign peoples that are enumerated in the declarations, resolutions and agreements arising from those bodies. 21. Notice to executive agencies and executive agents or others making claim against a debtor. a. You are required to submit to the Affiant a Response/cross-claim to this Affidavit of Truth that rebuts the claims herein, categorically, and on a point for point basis, and are collaterally estopped from proceeding in any matter regarding my family members or myself without our prior written and informed consent, prior to the adjudication or disposition of this Affidavit/Counter-claim as mandated by 11 USC 7013, see Rule 13(a) where this Affidavit constitutes a counterclaim and a rebuttal of the presumption that you are authorized by any law, rule, resolution, or other, to maintain records on me/us/ Sovereign peoples or to interfere with my privacy. b. You must cite, for the official record, the authority that allows you, the Executive Agency or Agent, to regulate the conduct and activities of Sovereign peoples, and you must also offer proof that demonstrates that the Affiant is one of the persons found or included within the scope of persons that the executive authority, that empowers you, is empowered to regulate, and you must swear on your commercial liability that the information is true and your affidavit must be witnessed by a third party public witness. c. You may not interfere with, monitor us or interfere with my/our privacy and you are required to inform all persons seeking information about us that there is no basis for such exchange and that transmittal of same constitutes a violation of this familys Fundamental Human Right to Privacy and a criminal conspiracy to deny equal rights and deprive rights as described in 18 USC 241 and 242. d. Rule 8(d) of the Civil Rules of Procedure and a Maxim of Law provides that an unrebutted affidavit is presumed to be true in commerce. If you fail to answer this affidavit with a rebuttal affidavit, then you and Your Principal shall be deemed to be in Commercial Dishonor and this Affidavit shall constitute a judgment against you. 22. This Affidavit specifically rebuts any presumption that you may interfere with human rights or that you are immune when you fail to honor your obligations under Executive Order 13107, Implementation of Human Rights Treaties, or international law instruments, including human rights instruments which specifically deny to you any power to interfere with my/our individual or collective rights as Sovereign peoples. 23. Please Note the limitations to your power. The USA and all of its sub-corporations are Bankrupt, and the provisions of the Bankruptcy prevent you from requiring me to place myself under your authority and any attempt to do so is considered an act of

genocide and a violation of the Rules of the Bankruptcy. I am not a slave and you do not own or control me. I dont volunteer and you are hereby notified that pursuant to the provisions of 11 USC 502, I object to any presumption of jurisdiction arising out of 11 USC 501 or 105(a) and I inform you that there are no grants of power that allow you to interfere with my rights and that under 11 USC 106(a) the USA and all governmental units have made a waiver of sovereign immunity which means that the person or persons seeking to interfere with my rights or to disseminate private info or information that I have not specifically authorized which violates My Copyrights shall be deemed a commercial infraction and just restitution will be demanded for unlawful use or publication, by any medium, do so in their individual capacities, without official sanctions and incur civil and commercial liability for all acts of commission or omission that damage us. 24. Affiant is a Sovereign man, as that term is defined in international law, including, but not limited to, international human rights law, and is the secured party, superior claimant, holder in due course, and principal creditor having priority lien hold interest to all property held in the name of JAMES ADAMS DOE, previous Organization [#UCC1] evidenced by this Affidavit and Notice, the provisions of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights, and the Vienna Declaration and Programme of Action, and ILO Convention 169 this, and all subsequent assertions made relating to claims made by the USA or any of its sub-corporations, or any agent of the USA. 25. Affiant is not a sub corporation of the USA and does not voluntarily surrender to the USA or any sub corporation thereof, the power to classify him as a corporate entity or to use such classification as a pretext for interfering with his free exercise of, and full enjoyment of, any of the universally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms found in customary and treaty based international law, including human rights law. 26. NOTICE OF NON-COMMERCIAL STATUS Affiant is not a CORPORATE ENTITY, and herein rebukes, repudiates and revokes all claims or presumptions that he is a corporate entity or that he has voluntarily, intentionally or knowingly sought corporate status and where such status was sought or acquired repudiates all such acceptances because of lack of full disclosure and fraud in the factum. 27. Please take Notice that you do not have any power over me and you are operating under grants of power emanating from the Commerce Clause of the cfusa and are therefore bound by its provisions and by the provisions of international law, and by Title 11 of the USC, cited as the Bankruptcy Code, which has required you to relinquish any claim that you might wish to resort to asserting that you have sovereign immunity or that you are not commercially liable when engaging in any act of commission or omission that deprives me/us of any Right or Freedom. I will not argue with you or dishonor you in any way and I am submitting this affidavit as proof that I have apprised you of my non corporate status and inform you that you must

submit proof of claim that authorizes you to derogate from the provisions of international law. Notice of Copyright 28. Fact: The person known as JAMES ADAMS DOE (and all derivatives thereof) is a fiction (hereinafter Fiction) without form or substance, and any resemblance to any natural born body living or dead is entirely intentional in commercial fraud by acts of Genocide of We the People by the alleged Government officials and Agents of the Commercial Corporation and Commercial Courts for the purpose of disfranchising We the People of from our Life, Liberty, Property, and Pursuit of Happiness for their selfenrichment using their Commercial Rules of Civil Procedure, outside the authority of law and the Constitutional Courts of original jurisdiction. 29. Fact: I have placed a counter-claim/copyright on the Fiction known as JAMES ADAMS DOE and it is now my private property and cannot be used by government entities and agents for their personal gain, without my prior written consent and then only under the terms set out in this contract. 30. Fact: The Fiction is my perfected security and registered by contract with me (and with the Secretary of State of North Carolina as such for five years)) and is my recorded copyright Fiction by this declaration under original common law jurisdiction for onehundred (100) years and is the private property of me, the Secured Party, for the protection of my Estate, my Life, and Liberty. 31. Fact: Use of the Fiction on any document associated in any manner with my Estate or me, the holder in due course, Secured Party, without my written prior consent is strictly forbidden and chargeable to each user and issuer in the amount of the sum certain of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars of silver specie in lawful coinage of the United States per user and per issuer per Fiction. 32. Fact: Use of the Fiction for the intent of gains for themselves (the issuers or users) or for others of any of my Rights, my private property or any part of my Estate without full disclosure and my written prior consent is strictly forbidden and chargeable to each of the users and issuers in the amount of the sum certain of one million ($1,000,000.00) dollars of silver specie in lawful coinage of the United States as defined under Article I, Section 10 of We the Peoples Contract/Constitution for the United States per use per Fiction including any past, present or future use. 33. Fact: Use of the Fiction on any document associated in any manner with my Estate or me, the holder in due course, Secured Party, without my written prior consent is all of the evidence required for enforcement of this agreement/contract and evidence that any and all users and issuers are in full agreement and have accepted this agreement/contract under the condition and terms so stated and set forth herein and is due and payable under the terms and conditions set forth herein this agreement/contract.

34. Notice of Personal Liability You are required to file this document and to report to all inquirers that I am not a corporate entity and that I am not subject to the rules that regulate corporations and that each inquiry that uses a copyrighted name violates copyright law and is an unlawful interference with my internationally recognized human rights and fundamental freedoms. If you fail to comply with this demand and continue to disseminate information relating to me, or to members of his family then you agree to accept personal commercial liability in the amount of $1,000,000.00 for each use of the Copyrighted name(s), or other violation, including but not limited, to wire fraud and/or mail fraud, extortion of rights, conspiracy to deprive rights, or other infringement upon or interference with my rights, or to pay the actual amounts provided for at law, including international criminal law, whichever sum is the greater, for every individual act, singly and multiple payments when more than one act is committed or omitted, and, each state actor or person acting with, conspiring in the commission of, aiding, or abetting or in way complicit in the interference with my rights and each of you, publicly and privately, agree that [irs cid agent] as the settler and permit me to require you to settle the commercial liability/ obligation by filing a UCC 1, Financing Statement and commercial lien against the perpetrator, or to bring a Chapter 7 involuntary bankruptcy action against you in a foreign jurisdiction. 35. You are given a time which is 14 days following the date of service to submit an answer; this is your opportunity to respond to rebut this Affidavit or to accede to it provisions; and a place to post your response to. Your response must be posted to me at this location: c/o 231 Leftover Place NE Mydeathtrap, Ga. PZ [30067] A failure to rebut the claims made herein shall constitute your tacit agreement that the claims are true, and is your acknowledgment that you agree that the claims made herein are true and correct and valid and that you: a. have no authority over me or any member of my Sovereign family, that we are not obligated to recognize or perform under your codes, statutes, rules, and ordinances. b. are required to fulfill your commercial obligation to cease and desist from interfering with the free exercise and full and effective enjoyment of any universally recognized human right or fundamental freedoms, and, c. that you will promote and protect these rights. 36. Sovereign Standing in Law - Free From Slavery and Colonial Rule

This Affidavit of Truth speaks about a Sovereign Woman who is FREE from the physical and financial slavery imposed by Executive Order 100, The Lieber Codes of 1863, The Civil War 1861 1865, The Federal Reserve Act of December 1913, The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1933,The New Deal of 1933, The United States Bankruptcy 1933 per Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260 by FDR President of The United States, The Social Security Act of 1935, The Federal Unemployment Tax Act of 1939, Executive Order 13037, and all Executive Orders with Declarations of War on Drugs, War on Terrorist, War on anything that did not include a physical invasion of foreign forces on the Soil of North America and the Western Hemisphere, and I am not a Residence of any part of the Corporate United States or any of its political sub-divisions.

Declaration of Peace Treaty by Affidavit I, ________________ hereby make this Declaration of Peace Treaty by Affidavit to the United States, Inc., and the International Communities/Families of my new-birth with liberty onto the land of my Forefathers conquered as follows; To insure that the USA, Inc., and its agents, agencies, departments, commissions, political sub-divisions, [i.e. alleged state, county, parish, township, city, municipal governments; hereinafter United States, Inc.] understand that I am not a combatant as alleged in the Executive Order 100, The Lieber Codes of 1863, The Civil War 1861 1865, The Federal Reserve Act of December 1913, The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1917, The Trading With the Enemy Act of 1933, The New Deal of 1933, The United States Bankruptcy 1933 per Executive Orders 6073, 6102, 6111, and 6260 by FDR President of The United States, The Social Security Act of 1935, The Federal Unemployment Tax Act of 1939, Executive Order 13037, and all Executive Orders declaring a War on Drugs, Terrorist, or anything else] without provocation and/or an invading army from another country. 37. I am a free sovereign man as proclaimed in the Constitution for the united States of America, republic and many Rulings by the Constitutional Supreme Court of the united States of America, republic and hereby Demand to be treated as such without the laws, codes, statutes, rules, regulations, policies, and bylaws of the United States, Inc. Since the United States of America, republic was never reconvened by a Constitutional Congress under the laws and restrictions of its Constitution after the walkout of the Southern States March 27, 1861 after the Civil War, I have no intention of being kept a financial/political slave by the United States, Inc., and its international keepers. 38. This Treaty of Peace will be sent not only to the United States, Inc., but to the International Communities as well to ensure that I am not made a political/financial slave/prisoner for this declaration. If the United States, Inc., its agents, agencies, and political sub-divisions believe that I am wrong in my Declaration by Affidavit, I only ask

that they respond by Affidavit, sworn by a third party witness not a party to the Corporation, under penalty of perjury, with written proof that the documents mentioned here were repealed by the lawful Constitutional Congress of the United States of America, republic. 39. I hereby offer this Declaration of Peace Treaty by Affidavit to show the United States, Inc., [its political sub-divisions, elected/appointed officials, agents, agencies, contractors] and the entire World that I am not at war with the United States, Inc., even though the United States, Inc., has declared war against me [The New Deal/Trading With the Enemy Act of 1933, and all Executive Orders declaring a War on Drugs, Terrorist, or anything else] without provocation. 40. 35. I am forced to use federal reserve notes [a private taxable use script] as a means of exchange in commerce under duress, threat, and coercion of the occupying forces [habitants of European Nations in offices of alleged government] on the soil of North America by the intentional theft of gold, silver, diamond, coal, oil, other precious metals, natural resources, by owners and enforcers of the federal reserve act of 1913. 41. Sovereign Habitants are forced to use a zip code (adhesion contract of federal territory) whenever an attempt is made to exchange information, or letters to love-ones, that places you in a class of slavery to the USA, INC., and no chance to establish our own post road and/or office. Failure to use their systems only means you have no way to communicate in writing anywhere Should you consider my position in error Further Affiant sayeth not. Dated this ___ day of March 2011 James Adams Doe c/o 231 Leftover Place NE Mydeathtrap, Ga. territory NORTH CAROLINA ) ss County of Cobb ) ) ACKNOWLEDGEMENT

I, ______________________________, a Notary Public for said County and State, do hereby state that on this day James Adams Doe personally appeared before me and executed the foregoing. Witness my hand and seal this ___ day of March, 2011. Notary Public My Commission expires

I. James Adams Doe hereby certify that a complete, true and certified copy was sent to each of the following with Certificate of Service and sufficient postage paid for delivery by the United States Postal Services and Private Courier Service: Office of the Secretary of State United States Hilary Rodham Clinton, Secretary U.S. Department of State

220I C. Street NW Washington, DC 20520 Office of the Secretary of State Karen C. Handel, Secretary of State State of NORTH CAROLINA ____________________________ ____________________________ Office of the Secretary of State ______________________, Secretary Kentucky Secretary of State ___________________________ ___________________________ Office of the Secretary of State ______________________, Secretary Tennessee Secretary of State ___________________________ ___________________________ Office of the Secretary of state ______________________, Secretary Alabama Secretary of State ____________________________ ____________________________

Office of the High Commissioner of Human Rights Navanethem Pillay, High Commissioner Office of the High Commissioner Palais des Nations CH-1211 Geneva 10, Switzerland

__________________________ James Adams Doe, Sovereign Man

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