AFFIDAVIT - Attachment "A", DEFINITIONS: Virginia Territory Portsmouth County To Wit
AFFIDAVIT - Attachment "A", DEFINITIONS: Virginia Territory Portsmouth County To Wit
AFFIDAVIT - Attachment "A", DEFINITIONS: Virginia Territory Portsmouth County To Wit
For I, One, Maurice-Edward: Dyson, bound to truth, sure to the Constitution and
the Republic, have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein and if called as
a witness, could testify completely to the same. I have no legal disabilities and
declare these facts to be true. Attachment "A", Definitions is attached.
Affiant, Maurice-Edward: Dyson, erga omnes, a Natural Man of the Land, in its dejure
capacity as a Republic and as one of the several States of the union created by the
Constitution for the united States of America 1777/1789. (This incidentally makes me an
Indigenous Native of the Land, a Private Person of International Law and a Common
Man of the Sovereign People), does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read
the foregoing facts, and in accordance with the best of Affiant's firsthand knowledge and
conviction, such are true, correct, complete and not misleading the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth.
State:___________________________ City/County_____________________________
Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public in and for Virginia, personally
appeared the above-signed, known or proven to me, to be, the one whose name is
signed on this instrument, and has acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Printed Name:_____________________________
Signed:___________________________________ SEAL: