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AFFIDAVIT - Attachment "A", DEFINITIONS: Virginia Territory Portsmouth County To Wit

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Prepared By and Return To:

Maurice-Edward: Dyson, erga omnes

All Rights Reserved*
Title 11 USC, UCC 1-308/1-207
℅ Taft Drive
Portsmouth, Virginia (near) 23701
Non-Domestic Without the U.S.



"COMES NOW: Maurice-Edward: Dyson, in Propria Persona, bound to truth, with an

Oath and states:"

1. That I, One, Maurice-Edward of the Dyson Family am a Spiritual Being; a Creation of

The Most High, God Almighty; An Israelite of The Tribe of Judah, by birthright; and a
freeborn, Natural Man of The Land; a Private Person of International Law; Sovereign
Personam Sojourn, without subjects; and a State Citizen of the Dejure American
Republic, by Declaration. I am neither subject to any entity anywhere, nor is any entity
subject to me. I neither dominate anyone, nor am I dominated. Nonetheless, carrying
with me Exclusive Original Sovereign Jurisdiction and Venue.
2. The party now tendering this document is not a surety under your Jurisdiction, or
subject under your corporate veil, "color of law" venue; Also I deny any presumption or
assumption that I am a debtor to the "UNITED STATES" or any of its agencies or
sub-divisions, now and forevermore.
3. Furthermore, I am not a "person", as defined by "statutes", when such definition
includes artificial entities. I refuse to be treated as a "federally" or "state" created entity
which is only capable of exercising certain rights, privileges, or immunities as specifically
granted by "federal" or "state" governments. Also, I am not a "Legal" or "Corporate"
Entity, nor am I a "Citizen", as defined by statutes, the 14th Amendment, the
Naturalization Act of 1790, or Title 8, Subsection 1401 of the United States Code
"Nationals and Citizens of the United States at Birth", nor a Surety within, or Subject for,
or Allegiance to your Corporate UNITED STATES and/or to ANY Defacto Compact
Corporate States contracting therein. I declare that any and all presumptions that I am a
citizen, subject, resident, participant, legal entity, strawman, fiction, or any such thing of
any and all jurisdictions of the UNITED STATES OR ANY OF ITS SUBDIVISIONS,
4. As such, take notice that I reserve and retain All of my rights and liberties protected
and guaranteed by the Constitution for the united States of America and the
Constitution for the State of Virginia, at all times and in all places, nunc pro tunc, now
for then; from the time of my birth and forevermore.
5. Thus, be it known that I reserve my natural right not to be compelled to perform
under any contract that I did not enter into knowingly, voluntarily, willingly, and
intentionally. From my age of consent, to the present date, I have never signed a
contract knowingly, willingly, intelligently, voluntarily and/or intentionally whereby I
have waived ANY of my natural, inherent rights, and as such, take notice that I revoke,
cancel and make void, from the beginning, my signature on ANY and ALL "contracts",
agreements", "forms", or any "instrument" which may be construed in any way, to give
an agency or department of any "government" ANY Authority, Venue or Jurisdiction
over me. I am not in ANY Jurisdiction, for I am not of Subject Status!
6. By virtue of my declared Autochthonous Status and International Law, I have
determined and hereby affirm that I have secured the Unalienable and Fundamental,
Unrestricted and Unregulated Right to Travel upon the public walkways, roads and
highways and to transport myself and my personal property, duly conveyed, unhindered
by any private, corporate or statutory law, code, regulation or "so-called", requirement.
I will be granted the status and treatment of a foreign Sovereign, a foreign diplomat, by
all customs officials. This document or the deposited copy becomes an evidentiary
document certified herein, as if now fully reproduced, should any court action be taken
upon the undersigned as caused by your act(s) under color of law with you, your
officers, and employees. Take note; you are now monetarily liable in your personal and
corporate capacity. Maurice-Edward: Dyson [Natural Man of The Land; I AM], a
sovereign, notwithstanding anything contrary, abides by all laws in accord with the
aforementioned "Bill of Rights" and applicable to Sovereigns, and wishes no harm to any
7. Additionally, I do not consent to any warrantless search(s), or searches that are not
compliant with the "Constitution for the united States of America" and/or all of the
Amendments of the Honorable "Bill of Rights" whether of my dwelling(s), car(s), land
craft, watercraft, aircraft, me, mine, current location, property, hotel room(s),
apartment(s), business records, business(es), machinery, vehicle(s), ground(s), land in
my private possession or control, past, present, and future, now and forevermore, so
help you GOD.
8. By this record, let it be known, that I, One , Maurice- Edward of the Dyson family, am
a Spiritual Being; a Creation of The Almighty God, Creator and Sustainer of the Universe
and Everything that dwells therein; an Israelite of The Tribe of Judah; a Private People
of Posterity; an Indigenous Natural Man of the Land; a Private Person of International
Law; a State Citizen of the Dejure American Republic by declaration; and a Common
Man of the Sovereign People of Virginia.
9. This Instrument is not set forth to threaten, delay, hinder, harass, or obstruct, but
to protect guaranteed Rights and Protections assuring that at no time my Unalienable
Rights are ever waived or taken from the undersigned against my will by threats, duress,
coercion, fraud, or without my express written consent of waiver. None of the
statements contained herein intend to threaten or cause any type of physical or other
harm to anyone. The statements contained herein are to notice any persons, whether
real or corporate, of their potential personal, civil and criminal liability, if and when they
violate my Unalienable Rights as protected by the original constitution of (1776)
adopted circa (1791) and/or "Bill of Rights". A bona fide duplicate of this paperwork is
safely archived with those who testify Under Oath that it is my standard policy to
ALWAYS present this NOTICE to any public or private officer attempting to violate me or
my rights.
10. Should you move against me in defiance of this presentment, there is
no immunity from prosecution available to you, or any of your fellow (public)
officers, who participate in any action(s) or any officials of government,
judge, magistrate, district attorney, clerk or any other person who becomes
involved in the instant action(s) or any future action(s) by way of aiding and
abetting. Take due heed and govern yourself accordingly. Any or all
documents tendered upon the undersigned party lacking bona-fide ink
signatures or dates per Title 18 U.S.C.A., sections 513-514 are counterfeit
security instrument(s) causing you to be liable in your corporate and
individual capacity(s) by fraudulent conveyance now and forevermore. If and
when you cause any injury and/or damages to the Natural Man or Woman
Secured Party, by violating any of the rights, civil rights, privileges, or any
terms herein, you agree to willingly, with no reservation of rights and
defenses, at the written request of the Natural Man or Woman Secured Party,
surrender, including but not limited to, any and all bonds; public and/or
corporate insurance policies; CAFRA funds as needed to satisfy any and all
claims as filed against you by the Natural Man or Woman Secured Party. This
applies to any and all agents, or representatives, severally and individually,
of the UNITED STATES or any of the subdivisions thereof, as described
11. For ANY breach of my Liberty, there will be a cost of $250,000 (Two Hundred Fifty
Thousand) U.S. Dollars per 15 minutes or any part thereof, per officer or/and per agent
at the site of the breach, to be paid by the felon(s), within 90 days of the crime to the
undersigned at a place and in a manner to be determined by the undersigned. Wherefore
ALL have undeniable knowledge.
12. The aforementioned charges are billing costs deriving from, but not limited to,
Uniform Commercial Code(s) and Fair Debt Collection Act and this contract. They shall
be assessed against persons, government bodies, and corporate entities supra, or any
combination(s) therein by collectively and individually ignoring my natural and/or civil
rights as American by declaration. The aforementioned Honorable "Bill of Rights"
and/or Constitution establishes jurisdiction for you in your normal course of business.
All violations against me, the undersigned, will be assessed per occurrence, per officer,
representative or agent, of any agency that is involved in any unlawful action against me,
each individually.
13. By your actions, you shall lack recourse for all claims of immunity in any forum.
Your officer's knowing consent and admission of perpetrating known act(s) by your
continued enterprise is a violation of my rights. This Instrument protects my Article III
court remedies including, but not limited to, Title 42 U.S.C.A, Title 18 U.S.C.A., and Title
28 U.S.C.A., exhausting all state maritime article I administrative jurisdiction(s), and
Title 18 U.S.C. section, 242. IGNORANCE OF THE LAW IS NO EXCUSE!
14. This instrument shall serve as Due Notice that we have reclaimed our birthright
political status upon the land and soil jurisdiction of our native states of the united
States formed in 1776 and resumed operation of the united States of America,
[Unincorporated]. Additionally, We have acknowledged, accepted, and retained the
Delegated Powers and all properties, trusts, assets, and material interests owed to the
American People without exception.
15. This instrument shall serve as Due Notice to all Virginian and US and UN Port
Authorities, Police Authorities, Civil Officials, Contractors, and Agency Personnel of our
return to the Land and Soil Jurisdiction of the actual, factual united States and our In
Full Life Competency and Standing.

For I, One, Maurice-Edward: Dyson, bound to truth, sure to the Constitution and
the Republic, have personal knowledge of the facts contained herein and if called as
a witness, could testify completely to the same. I have no legal disabilities and
declare these facts to be true. Attachment "A", Definitions is attached.

Affiant, Maurice-Edward: Dyson, erga omnes, a Natural Man of the Land, in its dejure
capacity as a Republic and as one of the several States of the union created by the
Constitution for the united States of America 1777/1789. (This incidentally makes me an
Indigenous Native of the Land, a Private Person of International Law and a Common
Man of the Sovereign People), does swear and affirm that Affiant has scribed and read
the foregoing facts, and in accordance with the best of Affiant's firsthand knowledge and
conviction, such are true, correct, complete and not misleading the truth, the whole
truth, and nothing but the truth.

Signed By:______________________,erga omnes, This Affidavit is dated ___________.


State:___________________________ City/County_____________________________

Subscribed and sworn before me, a Notary Public in and for Virginia, personally
appeared the above-signed, known or proven to me, to be, the one whose name is
signed on this instrument, and has acknowledged to me that he executed the same.
Printed Name:_____________________________

Signed:___________________________________ SEAL:



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