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Famine (फैमन / फैमिन) अकाल (a severe shortage of food)

In 1958 there was a famine (locally called Mautam - meaning bamboo death in Mizo) in the Lushai Hills area of Assam (now Mizoram). In 1959, the
region (Mizoram) saw a famine which claimed thousands of lives.

Secessionist Movement (सिसेशनिस्ट) अलगाववादी आंदोलन

In 1961 Mizo National Front (MNF) waged a secessionist movement against the Indian state.

Separatist (सेपरटिस्ट) पृथकतावादी, विमुख, विरुद्ध

The United Liberation Front of Asom (ULFA) is a separatist group from Assam, among many other such groups in North-East India.

Sovereign (साव्रिन)-स्वतन्त्र, मुख्य, स्वायत्त, श्रेष्ठ, autonomous, independent, self-governing

Aim of ULFA to establish a sovereign Assam via an armed struggle (सशस्त्र स
ं घर्ष).

Rebel (रिबेल)-राज विरोधी, बागी, विद्रोही, insurgent

In the past two decades many people have died in the clash between the rebels and the government.

Crackdown (क्रैक्डाउन)-कानूनी कार्यवाही, कड़ी कर्रवाई, severely repressive actions

There has recently been a large ULFA crackdown in Bangladesh, which has significantly improved (काफी सुधार) Bangladesh-India relations.

Streak (स्ट्रीक) दौर, प्रवृत्ति, लहर, an unbroken series of events

Trouncing (ट्राउन्सिंग) - भारी हार, पिटाई, beating, a sound defeat, thrashing
The Trinamool Congress maintained its winning streak in West Bengal, trouncing the Left Front in the elections.

Idiom: Burning The Midnight Oil (up late at night working hard)

You are "burning the midnight oil" when you are working hard late into the night.

I could see the light in your window last night. It looks like you have been burning the midnight oil.

U.S. Ambassador to India Timothy Roemer said that India and the U.S. have been “burning the midnight oil” and working hard on the David Headley

Subsidy (सब्सिडी) अनुदान, सहायता, आर्थिक सहायता (A grant paid by a government to an enterprise that benefits the public)
Modern agriculture equipment worth Rs. 60 crore will be given to farmers this year on 100 per cent subsidy.

Artillery (आर्टिलरी) - तोपखाना, तोपची सैनिक

Winning the war against Maoists does not need combat jets (लड़ाकू जेट विमानों) or artillery.

Insurgency (इन्सर्जन्सी) - विद्रोह, बग़ावत, बलवा

India's use of the massive military force — including air strikes (हवाई हमलों सहित) - in Mizoram ended up engendering (पैदा होना, जमना) an
insurgency that festered(फोड़ा) for decades.
It needs police forces with Counter-insurgency (आतंकवाद विरोधी) capacities and training.

Vulnerable (वल्नरबल) - असुरक्षित, अतिस ं वेदनशील, आघात योग्य

Lacking effective local intelligence, unfamiliar with the terrain, and forced to rely on a vulnerable road network for logistical support, the Army lost 95
men between March and December 1966 
Scrupulously (स्क्रूप्यलस्ली)-निष्ठापूर्वक, ईमानदारी से
Intensive (गहन) and focused approach (ध्यान केंद्रित दृष्टिकोण) built on analysis, (विश्लेषण) needs to be scrupulously adhered (पालन करना) to.

Synoptic (सिनाप्टिक) - स
ं क्षिप्त
Make synoptic notes for all the topics. These help in final revision. One can recall points for a certain topic easily when writing the exam.

Quotes: Victory can be had by winning hearts and minds, rather than the application of force. 
Colonel (कर्नल) – सेनादलाध्यक्ष, पलटन का बड़ा अफसर
A Colonel has been removed from his command for their alleged involvement in fake encounter in Kupwara district of Jammu and Kashmir.

Apprehend (ऐप्रिहेन्ड) - पकड़ना, गिरफ्तार

The Coast Guard on Saturday apprehended five Sri Lankan fishermen and seized a trawler (महाजाल से मछली मारने वाला जहाज) with fishing gear for
straying (भटक जाना) into Indian waters.

Slight (स्लाइट) - महत्वहीन समझना, तिरस्कार, अपमान करना, उपेक्षा करना, तुच्छ जानना, भूल जाना
Adore (अडॉर) - बहुत ही पसं द करना, पर श्रद्धा रखना, आराधना करना, आदर सत्कार करना
For God and the soldier we adore, in time of danger, not before! The danger passed, and all things righted, God is forgotten and the soldier slighted.

Agony (ऐगनी) - कष्ट,वेदना, intense feelings of suffering, acute mental or physical pain
Endeavour (इन्डेवर)-प्रयत्न, प्रयास, दौड़ धूप करना, attempt, effort, try, strive
Endeavour should be given good education.

Confluence (कान्फ्लूअन्स) - मेल, स

ं गम, मिल कर बहना ,a place where things merge or flow together
The Chenab river originates from the confluence of two rivers, the Chandra and the Bhaga, It is also known as the Chandrabhaga in Himachal Pradesh.

Unleash (अन्लीश)-खड़ा कर दे ना,खोलना,let loose(खुला छोड़ दे ना)

Last month, Noorjehan Baba left her home in Srinagar's Dal Gate area to start a new life across the Line of Control with the man who unleashed a war
which claimed her first husband's life.

Low-key (लो की)- कम महत्वपूर्ण,शांत

Illustrate (इलस्ट्रैट) - सचित्र व्याख्या करना,व्याख्याकरना,समझाना
Prime Minister Manmohan Singh's low-key visit to Srinagar this week illustrates (दर्शाता) the rise of a new caution in New Delhi's policy on Jammu and

Pessimism (पेसमिज़म) - निराशावाद, दुःखवाद, निराशावृत्ति

The Prime Minister's language illustrates the rise of a new pessimism in New Delhi on the prospects ( स
ं भावनाओं) of a breakthrough in the peace
process (शांति प्रक्रिया में सफलता).

Envoy (एन्वॉइ) - प्रतिनिधि, उपराजदूत, दूत

From 2006, New Delhi's envoy Satinder Lambah and his Pakistani counterpart Tariq Aziz started working to close a deal on Jammu and Kashmir's future.
In Mahabharata Sanjay was the envoy of Dhritrastra.

Pakistan's all-powerful military establishment has since made clear that it has no desire to make concessions (रियायत, छूट) on Jammu and Kashmir. 

Idioms: A Drop In The Bucket (not important)

"I'd like to do something to change the world but whatever I do seems like a drop in the bucket."

Idioms: A Piece Of Cake (easy to do)

"How was your test today?" Reply: "It was a piece of cake." 

Idioms: Against The Clock (working hard to finish by a certain time)

 "We worked against the clock all day to get that report done by five."
Idioms: All Bark And No Bite (acting aggressive but not willing to fight)
"That new manager threatened to fire me again, but I know he won't do it. He's all bark and no bite."

Humdrum (हम्ड्रम) -आनंदहीन,नीरस,मन्द,सुस्त

Ruskin Bond latest book Mr. Oliver's Diary takes us away from the routine humdrum lives we lead and takes us on a journey that is not only
adventurous but also humorous.

Riveting (रिवटिंग) - दिलचस्प

The story begins with a rather horrific entry is totally riveting.

Quotes: A winner is not one, who never fails, but one who never quits.
Quitters don't win, and winners don't quit.
Considerably (कन्सिडरब्ली) - काफी, अत्याधिक, बहुत अधिकता से, विशेष रूप से, substantially, well
“Things have improved considerably, but much more remains to be done.”

“Things have improved considerably, fund utilisation is better, but much more remains to be done.”

“I am complimenting the Jammu and Kashmir Chief Minister for such a detailed and comprehensive presentation and he has presented a well-reasoned
out case for developmental needs of the State.”

Rein (रेन)् – लगाम (any means of control)

“You are not only the youngest but also the most impressive Chief Minister,” the delegates at the meeting quoted Dr. Singh as telling Mr. Abdullah, who
took over the reins of the State at the age of 38.

Criticism (क्रिटिसिज़म) - आलोचना

The former Chief Justice of India, A.H. Ahmadi, on Tuesday rejected criticism over dilution (weakening) of charges against Union Carbide executives in
the Bhopal gas tragedy case.

Petition (पिटिशन) - अर्जी, प्रार्थना पत्र, याचिका

During patient hearing, Collector receives a petition from an aged woman.

Thatch (थैच) – छप्पर, Thatched roof (a house roof made with a plant material (as straw))
We need simple houses to live in, we don't want posh toilets. We need immediate replacement of the thatched roofs which leaks during rain, said, a Sri
Lankan refugee.

Amenities (अमेनिटीज़) -सुख-सुविधाएं, सुविधाएँ , things that make you comfortable

Chief Minister M. Karunanidhi announced Rs. 100 crore to improve the basic amenities in the Lankan Refugee Camps in the State.

Extradition (एक्स्ट्रडिशन) - प्रत्यर्पण, वापसी, दे श को लौटना, the surrender of an accused person by one state or country to another (usually under the
provisions of a statute or treaty)
U.S. rejected Anderson extradition plea (प्रत्यर्पण याचिका), wanted more evidence.

Devolution (डेवलूशन)-न्यागमन,हस्तांतरण,राज्यों को केन्द्र द्वारा दिया गया अधिकार,अ

ं तरण
India and Sri Lanka on Wednesday signed seven agreements and discussed devolution of powers to the provinces and opening of negotiations with
Tamil groups.

Delegation (डेलगेशन) - प्रतिनिधि मंडल,प्रतिनिधित्व, a group of representatives or

Delegates (प्रतिनिधि)
In delegation level talks led by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh and visiting Sri Lankan President Mahinda Rajapaksa, the two sides also touched upon
ensuring livelihood to Sri Lankan Tamils and steps to ensure the speedy resettlement of those still in makeshift (थोड़े समय के लिए उपाय या साधन) camps
over a year after the war ended with the LTTE.

Counter-terrorism (a strategy intended to prevent or counter terrorism)

Strive (स्ट्राइव) - के लिए प्रयास करना, परिश्रम करना, प्रयत्न करना, स
ं घर्ष करना, to exert much effort
Our schools constantly strive to provide the best possible opportunities for all young people.

I will continue to strive for excellence (उत्कृष्टता) in knowledge delivery.

Offender (अफेन्डर) - अपराधी,दोषी,उल्ल

ं घन करने वाला ,a person who transgresses(उल्ल
ं घन करना) moral or civil law
Pact (पैक्ट) - वचन-पत्र, स
ं विदा, समझौता, अनुबंध, a written agreement between two states
A minister was declared a proclaimed (घोषित करना) offender by a Chennai court on charges of murder & rioting. A minister was declared a proclaimed
offender by a Chennai court on charges of murder & rioting. Minister says all political leaders pardoned as per pact.

Ritual (रिचूअल)-रिवाज़,विधिशास्त्र,स
ं स्कार,रस्मों की किताब
Sect (सेक्ट)-पंथ,स
ं प्रदाय,सम्प्रदाय,a subdivision of a larger religious group
I know of someone who sleeps with a bag of coins under her pillow. Not because she likes to dream about money, but because it is part of a ritual
ordained by the sect she is a part of.

Impoverished (इम्पाव्रिश्ट) -क
ं गाल, दरिद्र, कम उपजाऊ, आर्थिक रूप से नष्ट, poor enough to need help from others, destroyed financially
Impoverished parents are putting their children for sale for a few thousand rupees in Karnataka villages a short distance from Bangalore the country's
glitzy IT hub.

Abject (ऐब्जेक्ट)-दयनीय, अधम, कमीना, घृणित, दीन-हीन, नीच, पतित

The tragic sale of children has brought the focus on another tragedy (त्रासदी, दुखान्त घटना) -- abject poverty (घोर गरीबी).

Infant (इन्फन्ट)-बच्चा,शिशु,नाबालिग,baby, a very young child (birth to 1 year) who has not yet begun to walk or talk
Incidents of selling infants are on the rise in Tumkur in southern Karnataka, where many families have become jobless due to the economic
downturn (आर्थिक मंदी).

The Paramilitary Forces (अर्द्धसैनिक बलों) of India (PMF) are those agencies of the Government of India which aid the operations of the law
enforcement agencies of India and the Indian Armed Forces.

Furthermore (फर्दर्मोर) - साथ ही साथ, इसके अलावा, ऊपर से

According to the latest figures, essential items that have become dearer. Furthermore, the prices of metal, textiles and plywood prices have also gone

It is always a matter of concern.

Confined (कन्फाइन्ड) – सीमित

Inflation (इन्फ्लैशन)-मुद्रा स्फीति, a general and progressive increase in prices
Inflation, which remained confined to food items for some time, has now spreads to manufactured goods.

Provisional (प्रविश
़ नल) - अल्पकालीन, अस्थायी, तत्कालिक, probationary, tentative
The Petroleum & Natural Gas Regulatory Board (P&NGRB) has approved the provisional tariff for gas pipeline networks operated by RGTIL and GAIL
(India) Ltd.

Assessment (असेस्मन्ट) -आंकलन, मूल्यांकन, निर्धारण

Curb (कर्ब) - नियंत्रण रखना, प्रतिबंध, रोक
Our assessment is that inflation is going to come down towards the end of the year. I completely agree with Mr. Rangarajan for policy action by the
central bank to curb inflation.

The National Commission for Protection of Child Rights (NCPCR) will recommend stricter implementation of its policy against corporal punishment
(शारीरिक दंड, दै हिक सज़ा) in schools across the country.
Plight (प्लाइट) - हालत, गंभीर स्थिति, दशा, दुर्दशा
Worsened (वर्सन्ड) - बिगड़ा हुआ, बदतर होता
The plight of the common man, reeling under the impact of rising prices, worsened with the surging (तेज़ी से चढ़ना) inflation rate.

Intensify इन्टेन्सफाइ (बढ़ा दे ना, बढ़ जाना, प्रचण्ड होना, तेज करना)
Posco Pratirodh Sangram Samiti said it was planning to take various steps to intensify its agitation against establishment of the proposed steel project of

After forming a consensus (कन्सेन्सस) - सर्वसम्मति

(एक आम सहमति बनाने के बाद)

Prominent (प्रामनन्ट)-विशिष्ट,प्रख्यात,महत्वपूर्ण,मुख्य
The uncompromising King of Indian Music Kishore Kumar (The Everlasting Voice) was the India's most prominent singer.

Onset (ऑन्सेट) - आक्रमण, चढ़ाई, धावा, हमला, the beginning or early stages
Revel (रेवल) - आनंद लेना, आनंदोत्सव, मौज मनाना, आमोद प्रमोद करना, मस्त फिरना, रंगरेलियां
The heat of May has been cooled off by the onset of the monsoon (मानसून की शुरुआत). We can now revel in the cool air and the pleasant showers
(सुखद बारिश) and watch the greening of the earth.

Yesteryear (येस्टर्यिर) - गत वर्ष, पिछला साल

The first rain reminds me Of the rising summer dust. The rain doesn't remember the rain of yesteryear. With rain comes the hope of new life, new
Delightful (डिलाइट्फल) - दिलचस्प, मनोहर, रुचिकर, सुखद, आनन्ददायक
Temptation (टेम्प्टेशन) - प्रलोभन, लुभाव, फुसलाव, has the quality to seduce
Stun (स्टन) - सुन्न करना, अचेत कर दे ना, सिर पर मारना, आश्चर्यचकित कर दे ना, अत्यधिक प्रभावित कर दे ना, make senseless, Nugget(नगेट)-अ
ं श ,टु कड़ा ,सोने का
डला,कच्चे सोने का डला
The Usborne Little Book of Chocolate is a delightful guide to temptation. This book begins with the history of chocolate and the nuggets of
information that will stun (आश्चर्यचकित कर दे ना) you.

Notable (नोटबल)- महत्वपूर्ण व्यक्ति,उल्लेखनीय,ख्यातिप्राप्त,विशिष्ट,स्मरणीय

Mentioned (मेन्शन्ड)- उल्लिखित,कथित,चर्चित

Evidence (एविडन्स) - सबूत, साक्ष्य, गवाह

Acquitted (अक्विटड) - विमुक्त,बरी
Shibu Soren acquitted in murder case, in absense of evidence.

Constrained (कन्स्ट्रेन्ड) - मजबूर, विवश

Impoverished parents constrained to sell their children.

Why should I stop when I still have so much to deliver?

Dev Anand the legendary(प्रसिद्ध) actor, producer, writer and director, to talk about his forthcoming(आगामी) ventures(साहसिक कार्य,उद्यम,उपक्रम) and
his work.

Disinvestment (डिसिन्वेस्ट्मन्ट)- विनिवेश,the withdrawal of capital from a country or corporation

Cabinet approves 10 percent disinvestment in Coal India and Hindustan Copper Limited.

Buoyancy (बॉइअन्सी) -उछाल

Industrial buoyancy (औद्योगिक उछाल) and higher rates have pushed-up the collection of indirect taxes.
औद्योगिक क्षेत्र के अच्छे कामकाज और दरों में वृद्धि के कारण अप्रत्यक्ष करों की कुल वसूली बढ़ गई है।

Customs, central excise and service tax have registered an increase of 49 per cent during April-May this fiscal.
मौजूदा वित्तवर्ष में अप्रैल-मई के दौरान सीमा शुल्क, केंद्रीय उत्पाद कर और सेवा करों की कुल वसूली में उनचास प्रतिशत की वृद्धि हुई।

Speaking to reporters on the sidelines of conference

सम्मेलन के मौके पर स
ं वाददाताओं से बात करते हुए

The decision was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs.
यह फैसला आर्थिक मामलों की मंत्रिमंडल समिति की बैठक में किया गया।

Abscond- (ऐब्स्कान्ड) फ़रार हो जाना

The Truck driver has been absconding since the incident.
ट्रक चालक घटना के बाद से फरार है

Recede (रिसीड)- धु
ँ धला पड़ना,घटना,कम होना,पीछे हटना
In Assam, the flood situation in Barak Valley is fast improving. AIR correspondent reports that the flood water is now receding fast.
असम में बराक घाटी में बाढ़ की स्थिति में काफी सुधार हुआ है। आकाशवाणी के स
ं वाददाता ने खबर दी है कि बाढ़ का पानी तेजी से कम हो रहा है।

Silhouette (सिलूएट) - छाया-आकृति, छायाचित्र, छाया की तरह लगना, रूपरेखा बनाना, an outline of a solid object (as cast by its shadow)
It's also probably the most graphic collection I've ever done . I was interested in the idea of a silhouette.

Toblerone is a chocolate-company from Bern, Switzerland . Bern is sometimes called The City Of Bears .In the Toblerone logo, if you look closely, you'll
see the silhouette of a bear.

Authoritative (अथॉरटैटिव) - आधिकारिक

Only a Court can give an authoritative interpretation (व्याख्या) of the law.

Doctrine (डाक्ट्रन)- सिद्धांत, मत , philosophy

Synergy (सिनर्जी) - तालमेल
Government releases joint operational doctrines to create synergy among the army, navy and air force.
सरकार ने स
ं युक्त परिचालन के लिये तीनों सेनाओं के बीच बेहतर तालमेल का सिद्धान्त बनाया।

Election Commission expresses concern over the paid news issue; directs district electoral officers to monitor closely the media.
निर्वाचन आयोग ने पैसा दे कर खबर छपवाने की प्रवृत्ति पर चिंता जताई। निर्वाचन अधिकारियों से मीडिया पर नजर रखने को कहा।

Compensation (काम्पन्सेशन)-मुआवजा
Announce (अनाउन्स) - घोषित करना,उद्घोषणा करना,जोर से कहना
Deceased (डिसीस्ट) - मृतक,दिवंगत,स्वर्गवासी,dead person
Heavy rains in Maharashtra have claimed 46 lives so far (अब तक). The state government has announced a compensation of one lakh rupees each for
the deceased, 50,000 rupees each for the seriously injured and 25,000 rupees each to those who sustained minor injuries.

Incessant (इन्सेसन्ट)-लगातार, अनवरत, ceaseless (सीस्लिस)-निरन्तर

Incessant rains continuing (जारी) to lash the city since last night.

Convoy (कान्वॉइ) - काफिला, पथरक्षक, पथरक्षा, रक्षदल

The Center today said it is committed to ensure free movement of traffic through the highways connecting Manipur and the first convoy of trucks will
ply on Saturday.
सरकार मणिपुर जाने वाले राजमार्गों पर यातायात सुचारू रखने के लिए प्रतिबद्ध है। मणिपुर के लिए सामान के ट्रकों का पहला काफिला शनिवार को इम्फाल रवाना होने
की उम्मीद है।

Security forces recovered eight dead bodies including three women ultras (उग्रवादी) from the dense forest area and arrested one person in an injured
condition from the spot.
सुरक्षा बलों ने वन क्षेत्र से आठ नक्सलियों के शव बरामद किये हैं। जिनमें तीन महिलाओं के हैं एक व्यक्ति घायल अवस्था में गिरफ्तार किया गया है।

Manhunt (मैन्हन्ट) - खोज बीन, अपराधी की खोज, तलाशी

Massive manhunt has also been launched to nab other ultras (उग्रवादी).

Hideout (हाइडाउट)-ठिकाना, अड्डा, गुप्त स्थान, छिपने का स्थान

Eight Maoists were killed in an encounter (मुठभेड़ ). When security force personnel raided hideout in Medinipur district of West Bengal.

Flee (फ्ली) -भाग जाना, भागना, फरार होना, run away quickly
It is suspected that the rebels carried away four bodies while fleeing. There was no casualty (हताहत) among the security forces.

Intelligence Inputs -खुफिया जानकारी

The sources said that based on intelligence inputs received from the Jharkhand police, it was suspected that top Maoist leader was also killed during the

Verge (वर्ज) - कगार, किनारा, a region marking a boundary

The blockade has pushed Manipur to the verge of a breakdown with stocks of all essentials commodities, including food and life-saving drugs, almost
drying up.

Utmost (अट्मोस्ट) -अत्यन्त, परम, अधिकतम, पराकाष्ठा

Planning Commission releases Rs.982 crore for victims; Victims will receive the utmost sympathy.

Comprehensive काम्प्रिहेन्सिव - विस्तृत,व्यापक,broad in scope,including all or everything

It is intended that the web site will become more comprehensive over time.

The Law Ministry prepared a note suggesting to the GoM that a curative (उपचारात्मक) petition be filed with the object of enhancing the punishment
for the guilty.

Acquaint अक्वेन्ट - परिचित कराना, अवगत करना, familiarise, familiarize, introduce, present
Union Health Minister Ghulam Nabi Azad called a series of meetings with health officials and Indian Council of Medical Research (ICMR) representatives
to acquaint himself with the studies done so far on the impact of toxic gases on children, pregnant women and the increased incidence of cancer in
Bhopal, following the December 3, 1984 tragedy, as well as the current status of hospitals treating gas victims.

Contaminated -कन्टैमनैटड - दूषित, स ं दूषित, स

ं सर्गित, polluted
The virus can survive in landfill (a low area that has been filled in) sites and could contaminate groundwater.

Incinerate -इन्सिनरेट - भस्म करना, राख करना, जलना, burn

350 MT of toxic waste which was to be transported and incinerated at Ankleshwar in Gujarat, was still lying in Bhopal as the Gujarat government had
refused permission.

Urgency अर्जन्सी - अविल

ं बिता, अति-आवश्यकता, the state of being urgent
Matter of extreme urgency (अत्य
ं त आवश्यक मामला)
Urgency certificate (अविल
ं बिता प्रमाणपत्र)

Reconsideration (रीकन्सिडरैशन) - पुनर्विचार

Supreme Court should seek reconsideration of the 1996 judgment.
Culpable - कल्पबल - दोषपूर्ण, आपराधिक, सदोष, blamable
Homicide - हामिसाइड - नरहत्या, मानवहत्या
In 1996, a Person was charged (आरोप लगाया) with the culpable homicide of his young assistant.

Culpability - कल्पबिलिटी - दोषी,अभियोज्यता,a state of guilt

Public outrage (जनता के आक्रोश) against the low compensation for the victims forced the Commission to review (समीक्षा) its stand (रुख) and release
the more funds.

Abandoned -अबैन्डन्ड- परित्यक्त, छोड़ा हुआ, दुश्चरित्र, बुरे व्यसनों वाला, deserted - डिज़र्टिड - (वीरान)
"You are not alone, and you will not be abandoned," he said. "We are on your side, and we will see this through."

Assert (असर्ट) -दृढतापूर्वक कहना, अधिकार जताना, दृढ़ता से कहना

Legislation (लेजिस्लेशन) - कानून,विधान
Asserting that the last word would be Parliament's, Finance Minister Pranab Mukherjee on Friday said the government would take a final view on the
new tax slabs under new legislation.

Retain (रिटेन) - बनाये रखना,कायम रखना,बरकरार,रोक रखना

They improve the soil with organic matter instead to help retain the moisture.

Levy लीवी - कर लगाना, उगाही, a charge imposed and collected,

Levied (लगाया)
At present, 10 per cent tax is levied on income between Rs. 1.6 lakh and 5 lakh, 20 per cent on Rs. 5 lakh-8 lakh and 30 per cent beyond Rs. 8 lakh.

Proposal (प्रपोज़ल) -प्रस्ताव, विचार, सुझाव, मनोरथ, विवाह का प्रस्ताव

Students who register in this way must submit a proposal to the Department Office by Monday 20 November 2011.

Monetary (मानिटेरी) - आर्थिक, मुद्रा, वित्तीय

Exemptions (इग्ज़ेम्प्शन) - छूट
Calibrated (कैलब्रैटड) - अ
ं शशोघित, अ
ं शांकित
The indicative tax slabs and rates and monetary limits (मौद्रिक सीमा) for exemptions and deductions (कटौती) proposed in the DTC will, therefore, be
calibrated accordingly while finalising the legislation.

Deficit (डेफिसिट) - कमी, घाटा, टोटा, आय की कमी

Embark (एम्बार्क ) - जहाज़ पर चढ़ना, सम्मिलित होना, किसी काम में लगना, आरंभ करना
Aimed at reducing the “trust deficit'' (विश्वास की कमी) between them, India and Pakistan will embark on a set of meetings, beginning with the Foreign
Secretary-level talks in Islamabad on June 24.

Commence (कमेन्स) -शुरू करना, आरम्भ होना, अनुष्ठान करना, begin, start out
The governments of India and Pakistan announced Tuesday that they will “commence the process” of a “composite dialogue (समग्र वार्ता)”.

Likelihood (लाइक्लीहुड) -आसार, स ं भावना, गुमान, likeliness, the probability of a specified outcome
There is a likelihood of a meeting between Mr. Chidambaram and his Pakistan counterpart Rehman Malik.

Dossier (डॉसीऐ) - फ़ाइल, usually a person's record

Deputy High Commissioner of Pakistan Riffat Masood was called in on Friday afternoon and handed over a set of responses to the six dossiers received
from Pakistan.
Fatality (फटैलटी) - मृत्यु, human death, a death resulting from an accident or a disaster
A 30-year-old man from the Old Jail Road area died of swine flu on Friday, the first fatality after a gap of eight months.

Amir said that he is a film buff (फिल्म के कीड़े).

Thrilled (थ्रिल्ड) - बहुत खुश

Amitabh Bachchan, to watch the premiere of his son and daughter-in-law's latest film Raavan in London he was thrilled.

Keen (कीन) -उग्र, उत्सुक,व्यग्र

I was keen to attend the premiere but had to come back to India because of my mother's birthday.

Deceitful (डसीट्फल) - कपटपूर्ण, कपटी, धोखेबाज

Imposter (इम्पास्टर) - ढोंगी, ठग, fake, fraud, pseudo, deceitful pretenses (धोखेबाज दावों)
The accuracy of a biometric system could be defined as its combined ability to reject impostors and accept valid users.

Burglar (बर्ग्लर) - चोर, सेंध लगानेवाला

Decamp (डिकैम्प) - चम्पत हो जाना, भाग जाना, पड़ाव उठाना
Burglars struck at a house here on thursday and allegedly decamped with cash.

Assailant (असैलन्ट) -हमलावरों, आक्रमणकारी, someone who attacks

Accomplices (अकाम्प्लस) -साथी,अपराध में साझी, जुर्म में साथी
Some assailant shot him dead. Police arrested them. Their accomplices are absconding.

Lieutenant (लूटेनन्ट) - प्रतिनिधि, प्रतिपुरुष, लेफ़्टिनेंट, उपसेनापति विशेष

The son had been a lieutenant colonel in the army.

Impersonator (इम्पर्सनैटर) - बहरूपिया, someone who (fraudulently) assumes the appearance of another
Proctor (प्राक्टर) - निरीक्षक,प्रबन्धकर्ता, विश्वविद्यालय का एक कार्याध्यक्ष
Yet another impersonator caught at Jamia Millia Islamia. Proctor has been informed about the matter.

Gruesome (ग्रूसम)- कुरूप, डरावना, भयानक, वीभत्स

He quickly read the articles describing the gruesome murder of a young mother.

Onus (ओनस) - दायित्व, भार, प्रमाणित करने का भार

Fiscal (फिस्कल) - राजस्व स
ं बंधी, राजकोष सम्बन्धी
The onus is on me and my team to deliver development in the light of funds and resources made available to us,” Mr. Abdullah told journalists. Mr.
Abdullah said his government would create an investment-friendly environment (निवेश के अनुकूल वातावरण) and maintain fiscal discipline
(राजकोषीय अनुशासन) to make the process of development more sustainable (दीर्घकालिक, कायम रहने वाला). 

Canard (कनार्ड)-झूठी अफ़वाह

It was unfortunate and in bad taste, that a small section of the anti-India media tried to spread the canard that Prime Minister Sk. Hasina will be
insulted in India.

Gimmick (गिमिक) -चाल, तिकड़म, हथक ं डा

Lok Jan Shakti Party chief Ram Vilas Paswan on Saturday accused Bihar Chief Minister Nitish Kumar of indulging in gimmicks by returning the flood relief
money donated by his Gujarat counterpart Narendra Modi.
Decimation (डेसमैशन) - विनाश, Destroying or killing a large part of the population
A single disease or pest could easily decimate the crop of an entire country.

Avert (अवर्ट) - बचा लेना

Catastrophe (कटैस्ट्रफी) - तबाही, विभीषिका, आपदा, दुर्गति, प्रलय, disaster
At the eleventh hour they managed to avert the catastrophe.

Rift (रिफ्ट) - अनबन, दरार

In Bihar, the rift between the ruling alliance JDU-BJP (सत्तारूढ़ जनतादल यू-भाजपा गठबंधन) is widening.

Speculation (स्पेक्यलैशन)-अटकलबाज़ी, सट्टेबाज़ी, a message expressing an opinion based on incomplete evidence

Rife (राइफ) -फैला हुआ,व्याप्त,परिपूर्ण,प्रचण्ड,प्रचलित
Speculation about the future of the National Democratic Alliance in Bihar are rife after Chief Minister, Nitish Kumar returned the money provided by the
BJP led Gujarat government for Kosi flood.

Seasoned (सीज़न्ड) परिपक्व, पक्का, पूर्ण अनुभवी, अभ्यस्त, experienced

Terming the incident as unfortunate, he said that the NDA is a seasoned coalition and will continue to be one.

The Group of Ministers on the Bhopal gas tragedy discussed environmental and remedial issues in its fourth and final session held in New Delhi today.
भोपाल गैस त्रासदी पर मंत्रियों के दल ने आज नई दिल्ली में अपने चौथे और अ
ं तिम सत्र में पर्यावरण स
ं बंधी मुद्दों और सुधार के उपायों के बारे में विचार किया।

Agitated (ऐजटैटड) - उत्तेजित, क्षुब्ध, व्यथित, troubled emotionally and usually deeply
Mob (माब)-भीड़, जन समूह, शोर मचाने वालों की भीड़, जमघट,टोली, a disorderly crowd of people
In the Kashmir valley, violence broke out in old Srinagar city as an agitated mob (उत्तेजित भीड़) tried to set on fire a mobile bunker of the CRPF in
Noorbagh locality.
श्रीनगर के पुराने इलाके में स्थित केन्द्रीय रिजर्व पुलिस बल के एक मोबाईल बंकर में उत्तेजित भीड़ द्वारा आग लगाने के प्रयास में पुराने शहर में हिंसा भड़क उठी।

Accusatory (अक्यूज़टॉरी) - आरोप प्रत्यारोप, आरोपात्मक भाषा, अभियोगात्मक, इल्ज़ाम लगाता

Exploratory (इक्स्प्लॉरटॉरी) - शुरुआती दौर में, अन्वेषी, समन्वेशी, अनुस
ं धानमूलक, प्रारम्भिक
Sources said that India is not going in an accusatory mode but exploratory mode to discuss all matters with the genuine (यथार्थ, वास्तविक) and sincere
(निष्कपट,निष्ठावान) aspiration to reduce the trust deficit between the two countries.
सूत्रों ने बताया कि दोनों दे शों के बीच विश्वास बहाली के लिए भारत आरोप प्रत्यारोप की बजाय सकारात्मक रूख अपनाएगा।

Infiltration (इन्फिल्ट्रेशन) - घुसपैठ, a process in which individuals (or small groups) penetrate (घुसना) an area
Cease fire - युद्धविराम, A ceasefire (or truce) is a temporary stoppage of a war in which each side agrees with the other to suspend aggressive
(आक्रामक) actions.
The issue of cross border terrorism (सीमा पार आतंकवाद), infiltration (घुसपैठ) and cease fire violations (स
ं घर्ष विराम उल्ल
ं घन) will be raised at the
Foreign secretary level meeting.
सीमा पार आतंकवाद, घुसपैठ और स
ं घर्ष विराम उल्ल
ं घन के मुद्दे को विदे श सचिव स्तर की बैठक में उठाया जाएगा।

Soar (सॉर) उड़ान,ऊ

ं ची उड़ान,बहु
ँ तऊ
ँ चा होना,चढ़ना,बहुत ऊपर जाना,बहुत वृद्धि होना,upwards, surge, the act of rising upward into the air
Blistering (ब्लिस्टरिंग) -कटु , बहुत तेज़
Blistering heat continued its surge across north India today affecting normal life in Rajasthan which was the hottest with the mercury soaring above 48
degrees Celsius at many places.
In blistering heat I had felt we had to bat.

Unabated (अनबेटिड) - ज्यों का त्यों पूरा, निरंतर प्रचण्ड, बिना कमी के, continuing at full strength or intensity
Dry weather remained unabated driving mercury beyond bearable levels at many places in Rajasthan.

Scorched (स्कॉर्च्ट) - झुलसा हुआ, dried out by heat or excessive exposure to sunlight
Soaring heat scorched Punjab and Haryana also with Hisar being the hottest at 47.6 degrees Celsius.

Torment (टॉर्मेन्ट) - यातना, पीड़ा,यंत्रणा दे ना,यातना दे ना

In Uttar Pradesh,there is no sign of onset of the monsoon in the state the humid heat is tormenting the people.
उत्तर प्रदे श में मानसून आने के कोई आसार नजर नहीं आ रहे हैं। लोग गर्मी से बेहाल हैं।

Lok Sabha Speaker Mrs. Meira Kumar has stressed the need for evolving (विकसित, work out) an effective solution (प्रभावी समाधान) to prevent
frequent disruption (विघ्न) of the question hour in Parliament and state legislatures. Inaugurating 75th conference of the presiding officers ( पीठासीन
अधिकारियों) in Srinagar today.
इस सम्मेलन में प्रश्नकाल में रुकावट की बढ़ती प्रवृत्ति और उसे रोकने की जरूरत पर विचार दिया जा रहा है। (not exact)

Idioms:Turn a blind eye (refuse to acknowledge;स्वीकार करने के लिए मना)

"He turns a blind eye to the injustices in his office"

Exemption (इग्ज़ेम्प्शन) -छूट, छुटकारा, immunity (मुक्ति) from an obligation or duty (एक दायित्व या कर्तव्य से उन्मुक्ति)
Obligation (आब्लगैशन) -दायित्व, मेहरबानी, एहसान, कर्तव्य, responsibility
Once approved, an exemption certificate is issued to clients.

Wary (वेरी) - सावधान, होशियार, सजग, चौकन्ना, चौकस

Be wary of emails claiming that you've won a prize.

Plenary (प्लीनरी) -परिपूर्ण, पूर्ण, , full in all respects

NSG's plenary meeting in New Zealand beginning on Monday.

At the plenary session of the G-20 summit in Seoul this morning, Dr. Manmohan Singh said that advance deficit countries (अग्रिम घाटे वाले दे शों) must
follow an appropriate fiscal policy (वित्तीय नीति).

Enrichment (एन्रिच्मन्ट) - स
ं वर्धन, act of making fuller or more meaningful or rewarding
The Nuclear Suppliers Group's (परमाणु आपूर्तिकर्ता समूह) NSG is also likely to adopt fresh restrictions on the transfer of Enrichment and
Reprocessing (ENR, स
ं वर्धन और पुन: प्रस
ं स्करण) equipment and technology, thereby diluting New Delhi's hard won ‘clean' waiver.

Pursuant (पर्सूअन्ट) - के आधार पर, मुआफिक, अनुरूप

Repatriate (रीपैट्रीएट) - प्रत्यावर्तित, स्वदे श भेजना,स्वदे श लौटना,स्वदे श भेजना या लौट,a person who has returned to the country of origin
Trustee (ट्रस्टी) - न्यायधारी, members of a governing board
The trusts appeared to work when the foreign trustee refused to repatriate the assets pursuant to the courts ' orders.

Conceding (कन्सीडिंग) - स्वीकृति, the act of conceding or yielding

Either way (किसी भी तरह से), even when we lose a battle we should not concede defeat in the war.

Consensus (कन्सेन्सस) - सर्वसम्मति, अनुकूलता, ऐक्य, सामंजस्य

We have been trying very hard to forge a consensus that no nuclear weapons should be allowed on the Pakistan.

Elusive (इलूसिव) - दुशप्राप्य, problematic, tough, subtle, difficult to describe

As a runner I was efficient and smooth and that is what I wanted, but found elusive, in swimming.

Collaboration (कलैबरेशन) - सहयोग, co-action, act of working jointly

In exploring these ideas, designers collaborated with choreographers, directors and performers.

Premises (प्रेमसज़) - परिसर, अहाता

These are operations, which target licensed premises (लाइसेंस प्राप्त परिसर) with children trying to buy alcohol.

Acquisition (ऐक्वज़िशन) - अधिग्रहण, अभिग्रहण, अर्जन

However, the acquisition (अर्जन) of knowledge is only the beginning.

Ace Indian shuttler (बैडमिंटन) Saina Nehwal wins the Singapore Open Super Series title.

Humanitarian (ह्यूमैनटेरीअन)-मानवतावादी, लोकोपकारी

The humanitarian crisis of the tsunami is not yet over. सूनामी के मानवीय स
ं कट अभी खत्म नहीं है.

He has called a special Cabinet meeting for June 25 to discuss the report.

Kin (किन) - कुल, वंश, स

ं बंधी, blood-related, related by blood
The GoM, headed by Home Minister P. Chidambaram have recommended payment of Rs 10 lakh to the next of kin of the dead (मृतकों के परिजन) in the
world’s worst industrial disaster nearly 26 years ago.

Stricken (स्ट्रिकन) - पीड़ित, से आक्रांत, व्यथित, struck, afflicted, grievously (ग्रीवस्ली- कष्टदायक ढंग से) affected especially by disease.
Stricken with cancer (कैंसर से पीड़ित)
He was injured whilst parachuting from the stricken aircraft.

Ailments (एल्मन्ट)-कष्ट, पीड़ा, बीमारी, रोग, विकार, व्याधि

Those permanently disabled or suffering from critical ailments (गंभीर रोगों) arising out of the deadly methyl isocyanate gas leak are likely to get Rs
five lakh while those partially debilitated will get Rs 3 lakh.

Colossus (कलासस) -विशालमूर्ति, बड़ी भारी मूर्ति, विशालकाय व्यक्ति, someone or something that is abnormally large and powerful
The Colossus of Rhodes was a huge statue of the god Helios in Rhodes, Greece, in the 3rd century BC. It was one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient
World. Colossus of Rhodes was felled by an earthquake that snapped the statue off at the knees a mere 56 years later.

Beacon (बीकन) - स
ं केत-दीप, रात के समय रास्ता बतलाने के लिये प्रकाश, दिया दिखाना, a fire (usually on a hill or tower) that can be seen from a distance
The Lighthouse of Alexandra, Egypt. The lighthouse was the only ancient wonder that had a practical use, serving as a beacon for ships in the
dangerous waters off the Egyptian port city of Alexandria, now called El Iskandarîya.

Deliberation (डिलिबरैशन)-विचार, विचार-विमर्श, सोच समझ कर, Discussion of all sides of a question, careful consideration
We will make our deliberations on the more general issue of missile defense once we have a specific proposal from the American Administration.

Controversy (कान्ट्रवर्सी) - विवाद, वादविवाद, वितर्क , बहस, झगड़ा, a dispute where there is strong disagreement
Provoke (प्रवोक) - उकसाना, ललकारना, छेड़ना, उत्तेजित करना, कुपित करना
Religion, by its very nature, provokes controversy.

Contemporary (कन्टेम्परेरी)-समकालीन, समकालीन व्यक्ति, समसामयिक, आधुनिक

Several contemporary groups, collectively termed Hindu reform movements (हिंदू सुधार आंदोलन), strive to introduce regeneration and reform to

Cite (साइट)- दृष्टान्त दे ना, बुलावाना, उल्लेख करना, हवाला दे ना, प्रमाण दे ना, तलब करना, उदधृत करना, उद्धरण दे ना,to refer to or mention as by way of
example, proof, or precedent, to summon to appear before a court of law
Here are two of the relevant paragraphs (स ं बंधित अनुच्छेदों) from the cited article.
He was cited for his outstanding achievements.

Campaign (कैम्पैन)-मुहिम, अभियान, आंदोलन, युद्ध

Propaganda (प्रापगैन्ड) - प्रचार, मत प्रचार, Information that is spread for the purpose of promoting some cause - कुछ कारणों को बढ़ावा दे ने के उद्देश्य से
सूचना फैलाना
'Save The Hindu' Campaign is an attempt to save the newspaper and also to expose Xinhua - Chinese government's propaganda agency to its readers.
One tree makes 1 Lakh matchsticks. But one matchstick can burn 1 Lakh trees. Similarly one negative thought or doubt can burn
thousands of dreams…
Be Positive Always!!!
Recommendation (रेकमन्डैशन) - सिफारिश, अनुशंसा, सं स्तुति
The Planning Service did not make any recommendations about the location of a new hospital.

Oversight (ओवर्साइट)-चूक, चौकसी, जिम्मेदारी, निगरानी, निरीक्षण, Oversight usually means something that has been forgotten or overlooked
Due to a clerical oversight, he suddenly had an extra thousand Rupees in his bank account.
There will be strengthened oversight by a single commissioner to ensure information is not abused (सूचना का दुरुपयोग नहीं किया गया है).

Malnourished (मैल्नरिश्ट)-कुपोषित, Not being provided with adequate nourishment.

Children in Gaza, according to UNICEF figures, are now as seriously malnourished as children in Congo and Zimbabwe.
In a Picture I saw, A woman with her malnourished baby at an intensive nutritional rehabilitation centre (गहन पोषण पुनर्वास केंद्र).

Starve (स्टार्व) - भूखों मरना, be hungry; go without food, die of food deprivation
Starving people in drought-stricken (सूखे से त्रस्त) west Africa are being forced to eat leaves and collect grain from ant hills, say aid agencies, warning
that 10 million people face starvation across the region.

Exhaustion (इग्ज़ॉस्चन)-थकावट, समापन, खाली करना, extreme fatigue (फटीग-थकावट), serious weakening and loss of energy
People here depend on livestock to support themselves, but animals are being killed on the edge of exhaustion, and that means they are being sold for
far less money.

Gravel (ग्रावल)-क
ं कड़, रोड़ी, बजरी, pebble
Yesterday I saw women sifting through gravel at the side of the road, trying to find some grains that may have been blown from aid trucks.

Trucker (ट्रकर)-ट्रक चालक

Manipur truckers still keep off NH 39, landslips disrupt the other lifeline.

Verdant (वर्डन्ट) - हरा भरा, ताजा, unripe, Green with vegetation; covered with green growth
Pasture (पैस्चर)-चारा, चारागाह
Teeming (टीमिंग)-भरा, abundantly filled with especially living things
Abundantly (अबन्डन्ट् ली)-प्रचुरतापूर्वक, बहुत मात्रा में
Cicada (सिकेड) – झींगुर
Trove (ट्रोव)-खज़ाना, गुप्त कोष, treasure of unknown ownership found hidden (usually in the earth)
Green, verdant and teeming with life, the Silent Valley is a treasure trove (कलाकृति भण्डार) of flora and fauna. You will not hear the song of the
cicadas in this valley — all around is quiet.
The verdant pasture was perfect for grazing the sheep in the spring.

Legend (लेजन्ड) - कहावत, दन्तकथा, पौराणिक कथा, a story about mythical or supernatural beings or events
The Mahabharata tells the story of the Pandavas losing a game of dice, and being sent into exile for 13 years. Legend has it that the Pandavas had
spent the better part of these years in the Silent Valley.

Clamour (क्लैमर)-शोर, शोर-शराबा, कोलाहल

Conspicuously (कन्स्पिक्यूअस्ली) -प्रधान रूप से, सुस्पष्ट रूप से
The clamour of the cicadas is conspicuously absent here. It is this silence that made the British name ‘Silent Valley' in 1847.

"Do not Count what you have lost, Just see what you have now; Because past never comes back but sometimes Future can give you
back your lost things" Try to implement it in "Your" life to enhance "Your" life…

A leaf which falls from the tree is at the mercy of wind, it goes wherever wind takes it…
Be the wind 2 drive others, not the leaf to be driven by others.

Denizen (डेनिज़न)-वासी, निवासी, habitant, inhabitant

The breathtaking (असाधारण, विस्मयकारी) journey from Mukkali to Sairandhri takes about an hour.
The denizens of the Silent Valley National Park include the lion-tailed macaque (one of the most endangered primates of the country), the Nilgiri Tahr,
barking deer, elephant, tiger and over a 100 species of birds.

Perennial (परेनीअल) - शाश्वत, सदाबहार, बारहमासी, स्थायी, सदाबहार वृक्ष

Shallow (शैलो) - कम गहरा, हल्की, छिछला पानी, उथला
Meander (मीऐन्डर) -घुमाव, घुमावदार मार्ग से बहना,इधर-उधर करते हुए आगे बढ़ना
Kuntipuzha is a perennial river and the waters run crystal clear. The river is uniformly shallow, with no flood plains or meanders.

Resurface (रीसर्फ स) -पुनः प्रकट होना, पुनः सतह पर आना

What happens to Hanuman after Ramayana? What was he doing in that period between Ramayana and the time he resurfaces in Mahabaratha? What if
he lived in the mountains, meditating and also interacted with two mortal kids?

Reincarnation (रीइन्कार्नेशन)-पुनर्जन्म, मृत्यु उपरांत जन्म, अवतरण, दे हधारण

Moksha Comices shows Karna's reincarnation in the present times as a business tycoon.

The doctrine of reincarnation is absent in the Vedas, which are generally considered the oldest of the Hindu scriptures.

Relevant (रेलवन्ट) - प्रास

ं गिक, योग्य, स
ं गत, सम्बद्ध, उचित, उपयुक्त
The values and philosophy that our mythological stories teach are relevant (प्रास
ं गिक) even today and hence its importance in present times.

Hectic (हेक्टिक) - उत्तेजित, जोरशोर का, तेज़ी का, जोशभरा, प्रचंड, very busy with activity and confusion
Modern life is becoming more hectic by the minute.

Ceremonial (सेरमोनीअल) - रस्म, रीति, दस्तूर, रीति स

ं बंधी, आनुष्ठानिक, औपचारिक
Dignitary (डिग्निटेरी)-उच्च पदाधिकारी, उच्च पदवी वाला, बड़ा पादरी
A guard of honour is a ceremonial military practice (औपचारिक सैन्य अभ्यास) to honour the fallen in war, or to honour visiting foreign dignitaries. A
guard of honour is also a ceremony for public figures who have died.

Secular (सेक्यलर) -सांसारिक, चिरकालिक, धर्मनिरपेक्ष, लौकिक, सौ बरस में एक बार आनेवाला, गृहस्थ पादरी, relating to the doctrine that rejects religion
and religious considerations, not concerned with or devoted to religion;
A secular (धर्मनिरपेक्ष) prayer to the rain God, Kashmir strike enters second day, and Russia salutes World War veterans; Lots of images.

In his opinion it is a violation of the spirit of the Constitution of India, and later, race-based separatism and hostility will increase.
उनकी राय में यह भारत के स
ं विधान की आत्मा का हनन है और आगे जाकर जाति आधारित अलगाववाद तथा द्वे ष को बढ़ाएगा।

Stigma (स्टिग्म)-कलं क, धब्बा, बट्टा

There is no doubt that the racist is the stigma on the forehead of our society.
इसमें कोई शक नहीं है कि जातिवाद हमारे समाज के माथे पर कल
ं क है.

Ironically (आइरानिक्ली) - विडम्‍बना से, व्‍यंग्‍यात्‍मक ढंग से, ताने के तौर पर, व्‍यंग्‍यपूर्वक
Drizzle (ड्रिज़ल) - बूंदा बांदी, हल्की बारिशना, बूंदा बांदी होना
Ironically, both the defense counsel (बचाव पक्ष के वकील) and the prosecutor (अभियोक्ता) graduated from Same Law School.
It all seems rather ironic now, standing here, in the drizzle (बूंदा बांदी), waiting for the bus.

Perpetrator (पर्पट्रैटर) -अपराधकर्ता, culprit

India demands credible action (ठोस कार्रवाई) by Pakistan against the perpetrators of Mumbai terror attacks.
भारत ने मुंबई आतंकी हमले के अपराधियों के खिलाफ पाकिस्तान से ठोस कार्रवाई की मांग की ।

In World Cup Football, Host South Africa and the last times runner up France make an early exit; Uruguay, Mexico, Argentina and South Korea advance
to the second round.
विश्वकप फुटबॉल में दक्षिण अफ्रीका और फ्रांस प्रतियोगिता से बाहर, उरूग्वे, मैक्सिको, अर्जेंटीना और दक्षिण कोरिया दूसरे दौर में पहुंचे।

Capsize (कैप्साइज़)-उलट जाना, पलटना, उलट-पुलट जाना, turn turtle, overturn accidentally
Police said, the ill-fated (मनहूस, अशुभ) boat was carrying 35 passengers when it capsized. 15 people were rescued yesterday.

After passing to more than twelve hours in Bahraich Boat tragedy there is no hope for any survivor.

Demise (डिमाइज़)-दे हान्त, अ

ं त, निधन, मृत्यु

Compensate (काम्पन्सेट) - मुआवजा दे ना, क्षतिपूर्ति करना, कमी पूरी करना, पूर्ति करना, प्रतिफल दे ना
Insurance has meant that you pay a certain amount of money so that if there is damage or demise, there is a cash payout to compensate. If nothing
happens, you lose the 'premium' paid.

Agile (ऐजल)-फुर्तीला, स्फूर्तिमान, मुस्तैद, कुशल, चपल, चालाक, चुस्त, तेज, दक्ष, फुरतीला
He appears to be faster and more agile than normal humans, and knows some variety of martial arts.

Sapling (सैप्लिंग) - पौधा,बालवृक्ष,किशोर,young tree

Feat (फीट) - कमाल, करतब, वीरता का काम, अद्भुत कर्म, a notable achievement
Planting lakhs of trees, designing hundreds of check dams (रोधक बांध), and evolving new techniques of irrigating tree saplings in dry regions are feats
of an out-of-the-box thinker named Mr. Premjibhai Patel, Rajkot, Gujarat.

Tamarind (टैमरीन्ड) - इमली

Spade (स्पेड) -कुदाल, हुकुम, (ताश में ईंट का रंग)
Every morning, carrying a bagful seeds of tamarind and a small spade, the farmer planted seeds on field along road sides, and vacant lands.

Idioms: Think on your feet (to think and react quickly, especially in a situation where things are happening very fast)
Yet, "I have to think on my feet while interacting with the whole family on the sets. It is exhausting but exciting, and in a way, an opportunity to reach
out to so many people.”

Deliberation (डिलिबरैशन)-विचार-विमर्श, समझ बूझ, सोच समझ कर, सावधानी

Across-the-board (अक्रॉस्द बोर्ड)-व्यापक, broad in scope or content
After much deliberation, the Centre on Friday announced an across-the-board fuel price hike.

Intervene (इन्टर्वीन) -हस्तक्षेप करना,आड़े आना,बीच में आना या पड़ना,हाथ डालना,interfere

The government should intervene to prevent banks ruining (विनाश) the industry.

Deplorable (डिप्लॉरबल)-निंदनीय,शोकमय,खेदजनक,दुःखद,bad; unfortunate

I also hope that such a deplorable situation does not have to arise again.

Tip-off (टिप ऑफ)-गुप्त सूचना, अग्रिम सूचना, स

ं केत, इशारा, tap-off, inside information that something is going to happen
In Patna, A Special Auxiliary Police (विशेष सहायक पुलिस) (SAP) raided the village following a tip-off.

Vessel (वेसल) -जल यान, पात्र, बर्तन, जहाज, watercraft

A Karachi-bound cargo vessel from Bangladesh carrying heavy military supplies was detained (हिरासत में) at Diamond Harbour in West Bengal.

Dazed (डैज़्ड) - स्तब्ध, stunned

Shaken (शैकन) - विचलित
People are shaken & dazed by hike in petrol, diesel prices.

Arbitration (आर्बिट्रेशन)-पंच फैसला, पञ्चायत, मध्यस्थता, Arbitration is a dispute resolution process in which the disputing parties present their case
to a third party intermediary
Pakistan has decided to approach the International Court of Arbitration against the construction of the controversial Kishanganga Hydropower Project by
India in alleged violation of the 1960 Indus Waters Treaty.

Lure (लुर)-प्रलोभन, लुभाना, प्रलोभन दे ना, लालच दे ना,फुसलाना

Shopper (शापर) - ग्राहक, खरीददार, खरीदार
For retailers the challenge is how to lure the shoppers into their stores.

Instigate (इन्स्टगैट) - भड़काना, बहकाना, बुराई की ओर बहकाना, provoke or stir up

Domestic Violence Act 2005 could encourage men to instigate women members of a family to commit violence.

Sacred (सेक्रिड)-पवित्र, पावन, धार्मिक, पूज्य, सम्मानजनक

Which is greater: the gold, or the temple that makes the gold sacred?

Endorse (एन्डॉर्स) -समर्थन करना,पुष्टि करना,अनुमति दे ना,अनुमोदान करना,पृष्ठांकित करना,पृष्ठांकन करना

The final report was endorsed by the assembly on 12th July 2006.
While I wholeheartedly endorse this book, I want to offer two cautionary remarks.

Pulverize (पल्वराइज़)-चूर-चूर करना, चूर्ण करना, बुकनी बनाना, चूर-चूर होना, पीसना
Germany pulverizes England, and booked a place in the quarterfinals of the 2010 World Cup with a 4-1 pre-quarterfinal win.

Smashing (स्मैशिंग)-बहुत आकर्षक, बढ़िया, तोड़-फोड़

Smashing success: Saina Nehwal kisses her gold medal after winning the women's singles final at the Indonesia Open Super Series badminton title in
Jakarta on Sunday.

Commute (कम्यूट) -रुपान्तरित करना, भारी दण्ड के स्थान पर हल्का दण्ड दे ना, बदलना, का स्थान लेना, हेर फेर करना, convert, exchange
President Pratibha Patil has commuted the death sentence awarded to eight murder convicts in two separate cases to life imprisonment.

Resumption (रिज़म्प्शन) - पुनर्ग्रहण,पुनरारंभ,recommencement, beginning again

Welcoming the resumption of dialogue between India and Pakistan, the G-8 countries on Sunday appealed to all nations in the region to work together
“actively” in the interests of regional peace and stability.

Shadowy (शैडोई)-रहस्यपूर्ण,अस्पष्ट,धु
ँ धला,छायादार,filled with shade Informant (इन्फॉर्मन्ट)-सूचना दे नेवाला,गुप्तचर,गुप्तदूत,भेदिया,मुखबिर,समाचार दे ने
वाला,witness, witnesser, a person who supplies information
Handler (हैन्ड्लर)-स
ं चालन करने वाला, प्रबंधकर्ता, दे खभाल करने वाला व्यक्ति, coach, manager
In the shadowy world of informants and handlers, there are no ‘right people' or ‘wrong people,' but only dead people.

Assessment (असेस्मन्ट) -निर्धारण,आंकलन,कर निर्धारण,मूल्यांकन,judgement,appraisal

Arson (आर्सन)-आगज़नी, आग लगाना,जान बूझ कर घर आदि में आग लगाने का अपराध,fire-raising, malicious burning to destroy property
Salvage (सैल्वज)-डू बते हुए जहाज या माल को बचाने का प्रतिफल या इनाम,बचाया हुआ माल,बचाना,रक्षा करना,save, property or goods saved from damage or
Muslims trying to salvage whatever remains of their shops destroyed in the arson and rioting.Some had received Rs.50,000 each from the
administration, while the survey for assessment of loss of other properties was in progress.

Fragile (फ्रै जल)-दुर्बल,भुरभुरा,मुलायम,सुकुमार,कमज़ोर,सहज में टू ट जाने वाला,delicate, frail,easily broken or damaged or destroyed
British economic growth is fragile. Our economy is still very fragile.

Prematurely (प्रीमचुर्ली)-समय से पूर्व, असमय में, Occurring before the proper time, early, too young
The Committee felt it premature to draw conclusions without further data.

CAUGHT IN CROSS-FIRE: Dugga Sunkuram of Pudga, Rajnandgaon, waits for his son Mehruram, who will never return home. Mehrum spent three
years in jail on suspicion of being a Maoist, but the Maoists executed him on May 16 this year terming him a police informers.

Corpse (कॉर्प्स)-लाश, शव, cadaver, clay, the dead body of a human being
Thoroughfare (थरोफेर)-सार्वजनिक मार्ग, पथ, राजमार्ग,रास्ता,आम रास्ता
Adivasis attending the Sunday bazaar found six corpses stretched out on the main thoroughfare of the village.

Mistimed and insensitive (गलत समय पर और अस ं वेदनशील)Succumb (सकम)-दबना, झुक जाना, सिर झुकाना, अधीन होना, वशीभूत होना
Maoist took responsibility for executing the six villagers for succumbing to “the lure of money” and serving as “police informers.

Escalation (एस्कलैशन)-वृद्धि,प्रसार,बढ़त,विशालीकरण
Manifestation (मैनफेस्टेशन)-अभिव्यक्ति,प्रचार,प्रदर्शन,प्रत्यक्षीकरण,demonstration
Confrontation (कान्फ्रन्टेशन)-मुकाबला,सामना,विरोध,आमना - सामना
The Rajnandgaon killings are a manifestation of the escalation of the confrontation between Maoists and the security forces in Chhattisgarh.

Renew (रिनू)-नवीकरण करना, नवीकृत करना, दुबारा शुरू करना

The G-8 has renewed for another year its ban on the sale of enrichment and reprocessing (ENR) technology and equipment to countries like India that
have not signed the Nuclear Non-proliferation Treaty (NPT).

Solemn (सालम)-पवित्र, महान, धर्म स

ं बंधी, गम्भीर, सत्यनिष्ठ
We're gathered here for a solemn occasion (पवित्र अवसर).

Callous (कैलस)-निर्दयी, कठोर, स

ं वेदनाहीन, कठोर ह्रदय, emotionally hardened
In a move that some describe as bold and others as callous, the central government has substantially raised the prices of petrol, diesel, kerosene, and

Oversee (ओवर्सी)-का निरीक्षण करना,प्रबन्ध करना,manage

Overseen (दे खरेख)-watch and direct;
Who is overseeing this project?

Populous (पाप्यलस)-घनी आबादी वाला, आबाद, बसा हुआ, thickly settled, densely populated
The former term, G6, is now frequently applied to the six most populous countries within the European Union.

Divergence (डाइवर्जन्स)-असहमति, भिन्नता, विरोध, छितराव, भेद, विचलन

There was also a clear divergence of views among young people.
With so much of divergence over the issue, the G20 was hardly in a position to agree on anything tangible to guide the global economy.

Apparently (अपेरन्ट् ली)-बिल्कुल,स्पष्टतया,प्रकट रूप से,ऊपरी तौर से,स्पष्ट रूप से

Outset (आउट्सेट)-आदि, आरंभ, प्रारंभ, शुरु, शुरुवात से ही
Beautiful and stunning (तेजस्वी) classically designed wristwatch, whose quality and appeal is immediately apparent from the outset.
Suddenly, for no apparent reason, our enemies began to fire on our lines.This is particularly apparent among female learners, very few of whom
complete their formal education.

Undermine (अन्डर्माइन)-खोखला कर दे ना,सुरंग खोदना,गुप्त रूप से हानि पहुंचाना

And we know that Iraq is continuing to finance terror and gives assistance to groups that use terrorism to undermine Middle East peace.

Stipulate (स्टिप्यलेट)-सौदा तय करना,गारंटी दे ना,निर्धारित ,शर्त लगाना,अपेक्षा करना,अनुबंध करना

You will need to stipulate a minimum quantity you will collect from any one office.
We need to hit the target by the stipulated time (निर्धारित समय, नियत समय).
All countries to follow “growth-friendly (विकास के अनुकूल) fiscal plans,” halving their deficits by 2013 and stabilising the ratio of debt to gross
domestic product by 2016.

Merely (मीर्ली) - मात्र, केवल, बिल्कुल, सिर्फ , but, just, only, simply
Success is merely a question of time सफलता कभी न कभी अवश्य प्राप्त होगी
This merely is a means of getting more people the help they need," she said.

Vivid (विविड)-सुस्पष्ट, उज्‍जवल, सजीव, जीवंत, विशद, शोख, चमकदार

Vivid account -विशद वृत्तांत
Vivid description (विशद वर्णन, जीवंत वर्णन)
I vividly remember the letters written by my elder brother, who had so many afterthoughts (पुनर्विचार, उत्तर चिंतन) to pen that he would make use of
the margins.

On the face of it (पहली नज़र में)

World's major industrialized democracies (विश्व के प्रमुख औद्योगिक लोकतांत्रिक दे शों)

Frugal (फ्रू गल)-अल्पव्ययी, मितव्ययी, मिताहारी, बचाने वाला, economical, avoiding waste
Artist (आर्टस्ट)-कलाकार, गुणी, चतुर, चित्रकार, सुघड़, creative person
Men want 3 qualities in wives: Frugal in kitchen, artist in home & devil in bed. But they get artist in kitchen, devil in home & Frugal in Bed.

But analysts believe apart from law and order measures, the on going crisis leaders political response.
पर्यवेक्षक मानते हैं कि कानून व्यवस्था से जुड़ी उपायों के साथ-साथ घाटी में हाल में उभरी स्थिति और राजनीतिक उपायों की आवश्यकता को दर्शाती है।

Prime minister Dr. Manmohan Singh arrived in New Delhi last night concluding his successful visit to the G-20 Summit at Toronto in Canada.
प्रधानमंत्री डॉक्टर मनमोहन सिंह कनाडा में टोरंटो में जी-२० शिखर सम्मेलन के अपने सफल दौरे के बाद कल रात नई दिल्ली लौट आए।

Dr. Singh’s visit set the priorities for maintaining sustainable and balanced growth in response to the fragile and uneven recovery from the
global economic crises.
डॉक्टर सिंह की यात्रा से वैश्विक आर्थिक स
ं कट से उबरने की असमान और कमजोर प्रक्रिया के स्थान पर सतत और स
ं तुलित विकास की प्राथमिकता को बल मिला है।

Speaking to reporters on board the special aircraft while returning to Delhi, Dr. Manmohan Sigh said the decision to free petrol and diesel prices was
taken as the government thought it is manageable.
He said, due care is taken not to hurt the interest of the poorer sections and that is why the prices of kerosene and LPG are kept under regulation.
हमारे स
ं वाददाता का कहना है कि स्वदे श वापसी के दौरान विशेष विमान में मीडिया के साथ बातचीत में डॉक्टर सिंह ने कहा कि पेट्रोल और डीजल की कीमतों में बढ़ोतरी
करते समय इस बात का ध्यान रखा गया है कि गरीब तबकों के हितों को नुकसान न पहुंचे।

Mr. Abdullah sent a tough message declaring that wherever curfew has been imposed it will be enforced strictly.
श्री उमर अब्दुल्ला ने कहा कि जिन इलाकों में कफ्‌र्यू लगाया जाएगा, उसे वहां सख्ती से लागू किया जाएगा।

Incite (इन्साइट) -उकसाना, भड़काना, उत्तेजित करना

Talking to reporters in Srinagar Mr Omar Abdullah said it is extremely unfortunate that vulnerable youth are being incited and brought to the forefront
resulting in tragic incidents.
श्री अब्दुल्ला ने जम्मू -कश्मीर के राज्यपाल एन एन वोहरा के साथ बैठक में स्थिति की समीक्षा करने के बाद कल शाम श्रीनगर में बताया यह बहुत दुर्भाग्यपूर्ण है कि असहाय
युवकों को उकसाया और आगे लगाया जा रहा है जिससे यह दुखद घटनायें हो रही हैं।

In a statement released yesterday, the Union Home Minister Mr. P. Chidambaram said that there are reliable reports about anti-national elements
trying to exploit the situation.
नई दिल्ली में कल शाम जारी एक बयान में केन्द्रीय गृह मंत्री पी चिदम्बरम ने कहा कि इस बात की पुख्ता खबर है कि कुछ राष्ट्रविरोधी तत्व हालात का फायदा उठाने की
कोशिश कर रहे हैं।

The Centre has assured the J&K Government of full support in its efforts to put an end to violations of curfew, stone pelting and rioting.
केन्द्र ने जम्मू-कश्मीर सरकार को कफ्‌र्यू के उल्ल
ं घन, पथराव और दंगों पर काबू पाने के लिए पूरी तरह सहयोग दे ने का भरोसा दिलाया है।
Stash (स्टैश)-गुप्त कोष, छुपा कर रखना, a secret store of valuables or money
India to have access to information about black money stashed abroad as it becomes a member of an International Task Force.

ं तरराष्ट्रीय टास्क फोर्स का सदस्य बनने के बाद भारत को विदे शों में जमा काले धन की जानकारी मिल सकेगी।

India will now have access to information about Black Money stashed in Swiss and other foreign Banks. This follows New Delhi getting full fledged
membership (स
ं पूर्ण सदस्यता) to the Financial Action Task Force (FATF), established to counter (विरुद्ध, प्रत्युत्तर दे ना, खण्डन करना) financial frauds.
भारत के लिए अब स्विस बैंक और अन्य विदे शी बैंकों में जमा काले धन की जानकारी हासिल करना आसान होगा। भारत को अ
ं तर्राष्ट्रीय वित्तीय स
ं स्था फाइनेंशियल
एक्शन टास्क फोर्स- एफ ए टी एफ की सदस्यता मिलने से, ऐसा स
ं भव हुआ है।

Mahesh Bhupathi crashes out of Wimbledon Tennis.

विम्बलडन टेनिस प्रतियोगिता से महेश भूपति बाहर।

Circumcision (सर्क म्स)-खतना, परिच्छेदन, सुन्नत, ख़तना

Congratulations (कन्ग्रैचलैशन्ज़) - बधाई
Restraint (रीस्ट्रैन्ट)-स
ं यम, अवरोध, नियंत्रण, restriction, reserve, limitation, control; the act of controlling by restraining someone or something;
Child marriage restraint act, 1929-बालक विवाह अवरोध अधिनियम, १९२९
Expenditure restraint-व्यय नियंत्रण
Restraint by court-न्यायालय द्वारा रोक
Self restraint-आत्मस
ं यम
Restraint measures-नियंत्रण उपाय
Credit restraint-ऋण स
ं बंधी अवरोध
Combination in restraint of trade-व्यापार-स्पर्धा-रोक गुटबंदी
Chidambaram reiterated that CRPF must exercise the maximum restraint in dealing with stone pelters and rioters.
चिदंबरम ने दोहराया कि पथराव करने वालों और दंगाइयों से निपटते समय सीआरपीएफ को ज्यादा से ज्यादा स
ं यम से काम लेना चाहिए।

The range of topics includes health, law enforcement, labor, economic and social development, energy, environment, foreign affairs, justice and interior,
terrorism, and trade.
विषयों की श्रेणी में स्वास्थ्य, कानून प्रवर्तन, श्रम, आर्थिक और सामाजिक विकास , ऊर्जा, पर्यावरण , विदे शी मामलों , न्याय और इंटीरियर , आतंकवाद, और व्यापार शामिल

Slump (स्लम्प)-गिरावट, ढेर, मंदी, मूल्यों में एकाएक घटती, कीमतों में कमी आना, भारी गिरावट आना
Sensex slumps 240 points.
सेंसेक्स 240 अ
ं क लुढ़का।

Decontrol (डीकन्ट्रोल) -विनियन्त्रण, नियन्त्रण हटाना, relax or remove controls of

In the next Parliament we shall take no further action to decontrol rents.
Aggravation (ऐग्रवेशन)-अपवृद्धि, क्रोध, क्षोभ, परेशानी, irritation,
Facts: 1 in 7 children now suffer from asthma, which is aggravated by traffic pollution.

Entrust (एन्ट्रस्ट)-सौंपना,सौंप दे ना,दूसरे व्यक्ति के भरोसे किसी कार्य को छोड़ दे ना,confer a trust upon
It is a mission entrusted to me by the people.
The messenger was entrusted with the general's secret.

Elite (ऐलीट)-कुलीन,विशिष्ट वर्ग,स ं भ्रांत,उच्च वर्ग,selected as the best

Elite athletes balance their diet by ensuring they take in enough calories to fuel their bodies.

Multinational (मल्टिनैशनल)-बहुराष्ट्रीय,बहुराष्ट्रीय क
ं पनी,involving or operating in several nations or nationalities
National governments such as that of India, and within them, states such as Kerala, are desperate to attract multinationals.

Emerge (इमर्ज)-उभर कर आना, उभरना, निकलना, प्रकट होना, come forth, come out, come out into view
In emerging markets where fixed line communications are scarce (अपर्याप्त,दुर्लभ), analysts predict wireless will be the communication channel of

Senior financial officials (वरिष्ठ वित्तीय अधिकारी)

Anniversary (ऐनवर्सरी)-वर्षगाँठ, प्रतिवार्षिक तिथि, वार्षिकोत्सव, बरसी

In spring of 2001 we shall celebrate the 40th anniversary of the first flight of man to the outer space.

Stimulus (स्टिम्यलस) - प्रेरणा,प्रोत्साहन,उत्तेजना,उद्दीपन,acts to arouse action

Leaders of the G-20 group of nations endorse India's views and decide against immediate withdrawal of economic stimulus to preserve the fragile global
जी-20 दे शों के नेताओं ने भारत के दृष्टिकोण का समर्थन किया और वैश्विक आर्थिक मंदी से निपटने के लिए दिए गए आर्थिक प्रोत्साहनों को तुरन्त वापस न लेने का
फैसला किया।

India and Canada sign civil nuclear agreement.

भारत और कनाडा ने असैन्य परमाणु समझौते पर हस्ताक्षर किए।

Moderate (माडेरट)-स ं यत, सामान्य, नियंत्रित, मध्यम, मन्दा, शान्त, हलका, औसत दर्जे का
Finance Minister says hike in prices of petroleum products will have some inflationary effect in the short term but pressure on prices will moderate from
वित्त मंत्री ने कहा- पेट्रोलियम उत्पादों की कीमतों में बढ़ोत्तरी से मुद्रास्फीति की दर अल्पावधि के लिए कुछ बढ़ेगी, लेकिन अगले महीने के अ
ं त से मूल्यों पर दबाव सामान्य
हो जाएगा।

Two more deaths reported in clashes in Kashmir today; CRPF denies allegations of high-handedness in tackling protestors.
आज कश्मीर में झड़पों में दो और लोगों के मरने की खबर। सी.आर.पी.एफ. ने प्रदर्शनकारियों से निपटने में अधिक बल प्रयोग के आरोप का ख
ं डन किया।

Amass (अमैस)-स ं ग्रह करना, स

ं चय करना, इकठ्ठा करना, ढेर लगाना, स
ं चित करना
Election Commission issues notices to 3 Karnataka Ministers on a petition seeking their disqualification as MLAs on grounds of alleged amassing of
wealth and misuse of power.
निर्वाचन आयोग ने अधिक सम्पत्ति अर्जित करने और सत्ता के दुरूपयोग के आरोपों के आधार पर कर्नाटक के तीन मंत्रियों को विधायक के रूप में अयोग्य घोषित करने के
लिए नोटिस जारी किये।

The Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh has said, India would like to see continued and concerted efforts from all countries to further consolidate the
global economic recovery process.
प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा है कि भारत चाहता है कि वैश्विक आर्थिक स
ं कट से उबरने के उपायों को और प्रभावी बनाने के लिए सभी दे श मिलकर सतत प्रयास करें।

Dr. Singh, who held a separate bilateral meeting with his British counterpart David Cameron on the sidelines of the G20 Summit in Toronto, said, the
slack in private expenditure, can be compensated by stimulus measures and increasing public expenditure.
डॉ. मनमोहन सिंह ने टोरन्टों में जी-20 सम्मेलन से अलग ब्रिटेन के प्रधानमंत्री डेविड केमरून से आपसी मुद्दों पर बातचीत की। उन्होंने कहा कि निजी क्षेत्र के खर्च में आई कमी
की भरपाई सार्वजनिक खर्च बढ़ाकर और प्रोत्साहन उपायों से की जा सकती है।

Joint Secretary in the External Affairs Ministry, Mr. Vishnu Prakash said, both Britain and France have voiced their support for India's case for
permanent membership of the UN Security Council.
विदे श मंत्रालय में स
ं युक्त सचिव विष्णु प्रकाश ने बताया कि ब्रिटेन और फ्रांस दोनों ने स
ं युक्त राष्ट्र सुरक्षा परिषद में भारत की स्थाई सदस्यता के दावे का समर्थन किया है।

The group of eight developed nations has called upon all countries, particularly those possessing nuclear weapons, to join disarmament efforts to
promote global stability and undiminished security.
आठ विकसित दे शों के समूह-जी-8 ने सभी दे शों, विशेषकर परमाणु हथियार सम्पन्न दे शों से कहा है कि वे वैश्विक स्थिरता और सुरक्षा को बढ़ावा दे ने के लिए निरस्त्रीकरण
के प्रयासों में शामिल हों।

In a joint declaration after hectic deliberations in Toronto, the G-8 countries said the group is committed to a safer world for all and to create conditions
for a world without nuclear weapons, in accordance with the goals of the Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty.
टोरन्टों में आज इस बारे में व्यापक विचार विमर्श के बाद, स
ं युक्त घोषणा में जी-8 दे शों ने कहा है कि यह समूह, विश्व को, सभी के लिए सुरक्षित और परमाणु अप्रसार स
ं धि
के उद्देश्यों के अनुरुप परमाणु हथियारो से मुक्त बनाने के प्रति वचनबद्ध है।
Welcoming the resumption of dialogue between India and Pakistan, the G-8 countries appealed to all nations in the region to work together actively in
the interest of regional peace and stability.
इन दे शों ने भारत और पाकिस्तान के बीच वार्ता फिर शुरू होने का स्वागत करते हुए क्षेत्र के सभी दे शों से अपील की कि वे क्षेत्रीय शांति और स्थिरता के लिए मिलकर काम

Pre-monsoon rains lashed the southern part of Rajasthan, today even as the north-western region of the state reeled under hot and humid conditions.
राजस्थान का दक्षिणी हिस्सा आज मानसून पूर्व की बरसात से सराबोर रहा जबकि उत्तर-पश्चिम हिस्से में गर्मी और उमस से लोगों की हालत खराब रही।

Spectacular (स्पेक्टैक्यलर)-भव्य, शानदार, असाधारण, भव्य प्रदर्शन, प्रभावशाली

Ace Indian shuttler Saina Nehwal continued her rampaging form as she completed a spectacular hat-trick of titles by clinching the Indonesia Open
Super Series with a straight-game triumph over Japan's Sayaka Sato in Jakarta today. In his message, Dr Manmohan Singh said, Saina had shown
spirit, determination and skill in winning the Championship.
इधर, सायना नेहवाल ने खिताबी जीत की हैट्रिक लगाते हुए लगातार दूसरी बार इंडोनेशिया सुपर सीरीज बैडमिंटन टू र्नामेंट जीत लिया है। कल फाइनल में शीर्ष वरीयता
प्राप्त सायना ने जापान की सयाका सातो को शिकस्त दी। प्रधानमंत्री मनमोहन सिंह ने साइना की सफलता पर उन्हें बधाई दी है।

Excavation (एक्स्कवेशन)-खुदाई, खोदना, mining, dig, the act of digging

The much awaited excavation work of the Rohtang Tunnel begins today.
रोहतांग सुरंग की खुदाई का काम आज से शुरू हो रहा है।

The National Advisory Council Chairperson, Mrs. Sonia Gandhi will lay the foundation stone of the 8.8 kilometer long horse shoe shaped (घोड़े की नाल
के आकार) tunnel at its southern portal, 25 kilometers from Manali in Himachal Pradesh.
राष्ट्रीय सलाहकार परिषद की अध्यक्ष सोनिया गांधी, रक्षा मंत्री ए .के एंटनी के साथ इसकी आधारशिला रखेंगी। हिमाचल प्रदे श में मनाली से २५ किलोमीटर दूरी पर पीर
पंजाल रेंज में बन रही रोहतांग सुरंग पांगी घाटी और लाहौल-स्पीति के जन-जातीय इलाकों को सीधे जोड़ेगी।

Curtains came down on the First World Tamil Classical conference at Coimbatore.
कोयम्बतूर में पहले विश्व तमिल शास्त्रीय सम्मेलन का समापन हो गया है।

Obsessed (अब्सेस्ट)-धुन में, आसक्त, मनोग्रहीत, showing excessive concern with something
Legacy (लेगसी) -पैतक ृ सम्पत्ति, विरासत
Just follow my instructions and you will not only lose weight but stop obsessing about food for ever.
He was also a man obsessed with his own legacy.

Jargon (जार्गन) -शब्दजाल, खास बोली, शब्दावली, विशिष्ट शब्दावली, अपरिचित भाषा, वर्ग विशेष की शब्दावली, अपरिचित वाक्यांशों से भरी बातचीत
The medical world is obsessed with jargon.
Often people do not make a will because they are confused by the lengthy legal jargon.
A tutor will teach you how to use the internet without confusing jargon or technical details.

Prescription (प्रस्क्रिप्शन)-निर्देश, नुस्खा, विधि, औषध विधि

A doctor's prescription cannot be easily read even by the educated. The better the doctor, the worse is his hand-writing. However, doctors easily
understand someone else's prescriptions due to their familiarity with the medical terms.

How we will use "Have had" together in a sentence?

"Have had" is the present perfect of "to have."

The first use of the "have" is as an auxiliary verb. The second use is the past participle of the verb "to have" meaning "to own, to possess"

Simple past
"I had a dog when I was a kid."
-- past tense of the verb "to have (to own)"
-- Same as: "I owned a dog when I was a kid."

Present perfect
"I have had many dogs since then."
-- auxiliary verb is "have"
-- main verb is "had" - past participle of 'to have (to own)"
-- Same as: "I have owned many dogs since then."
We have had many major problems while working on this project.
I have had four quizzes and five tests so far this semester.

Envisage (एन्विज़िज) - विचार करना,स

ं भावना का ध्यान करना, imagine
Our Constitution envisages a casteless society. But our social order is basically caste-ridden (जाति ग्रस्त).
Liberalization (लिब्रलिज़ैशन) - उदारीकरण, relaxation, the act of making less strict
Minister of State for External Affairs Shashi Tharoor on Saturday favoured liberalisation of the visa system to attract more foreign students, but said
security issues contributed to making the regime restrictive.

Addendum (अडेन्डम) – परिशिष्ट, जो कुछ जोड़ा गया हो, addition, appendix, supplement, a thing added or to be added

This second addendum is appended below in plain text.

Democracy (डिमाक्रसी) - जनतन्त्र, प्रजातंत्र, लोकतन्त्र, स

ं चालन, समानता, स्वराज्य, प्रजातंत्र राज्य,प्रजातांत्रिक दे श
The Prime Minister, recently, while returning from a G-20 meet expressed his concerns about the future of our parliamentary democracy.

Journalism (जर्नलिज़म) - पत्रकारिता, स

ं पादक कार्य या व्यवसाय,स
ं पादन कला
With few exceptions, investigative journalism has died here.

Prevalent (प्रेवलन्ट)-प्रचलित, प्रबल, व्याप्त, स

ं प्रभाव
Rationale (रैशनैल) -मूल कारण, औचित्य, मुख्य हेतु, principle
The rationale for subsidised pricing of kerosene was to provide cheap fuel where electrification was not prevalent.

Commemorate (कमेमरैट) - कीर्तिगान करना, श्रद्धांजलि दे ना,उत्सव मनाना, गुणगान करना, किसी उत्सव द्वारा स्मरण करना,
Diverse (डाइवर्स) - विविध, विभिन्न, विविधतापूर्ण, भिन्न भिन्न
India’s Republic Day celebrations provide an occasion to commemorate its diverse culture, achievements and ambition.

Friction (फ्रिक्शन)-घर्षण, रगड़, वैमनस्य, clash, a state of conflict between persons

As the friction between his government and Governor H. R. Bhardwaj intensified, Chief Minister B. S. Yeddyurappa is holding a meeting of its Core
Committee and State level executive today to chart out its future course of plans.

Stature (स्टैचर) - उ
ँ चाई, कद, महत्ता, महिमा, लम्बाई, तन की प्राकृतिक लम्बाई, क्षमता या उपलब्धि से कमाई हुई इज्जत और रूतबा
Attire (अटाइअर) - आभूषण, पहनावा, पोशाक, वस्त्र पहनना, dress up
The moral of the story is - just do not conclude that you know everything and do not judge people by mere looks/attire stature or academic

Bizarre (बिज़ार) - विचित्र, अजीब, अनोखा

In the meanwhile, somewhere in London, Simon Quinn, a freelance crime reporter, is researching a series of pointless and bizarre killings.

Loathe (लोद) - नफरत करना, घृणा करना, अनिच्छा प्रकट करना, नफ़रत करना, abhor, abominate, execrate
She abhors cats. She loathes celery (सेलरी-अजवाइन)

Prognosticate (प्राग्नास्टकेट)-पूर्व स
ं केत करना
Lack of facilities like flow cytometry and cytogenetics used for prognostication are not available in most hospitals.

Actuate (ऐक्चूएट) - प्रेरित करना, सक्रिय करना, put in motion or move to act
The GSLV-F06 flight on Saturday has also ended in failure because a command to control the vehicle did not reach the actuator in the first stage of the

Abreast (अब्रेस्ट) - समान रूप से अग्रसर या उन्नत, एक दूसरे के बगल में, साथ साथ, के प्रति सचेत, के प्रति होशियार
We'll also try to keep you abreast with news from the thin client and server based computing world.

Swell (स्वेल) - वृद्धि, आकार या ध्वनि की वृद्धि, स्फीति, तरंग, चढाव, लहर
Well hello there. Hope you're doing well. We're all doing swell here at CRIS.

Ubiquitous (यूबिक्विटस) - सर्वत्र, सर्वव्यापक

It is our mission to make computing simpler, cheaper and ubiquitous.

Perceive (पर्सीव) - दे खना, बूझना, समझना, महसूस करना

We're the company that's changing the way people perceive and use computers.

Household (हाउस्होल्ड) - कुल, गृहस्थी, परिवार, घर के सभी लोग, कुटुं ब, परिवार स

ं बन्धी
Unlike in the elections where casting of vote is not compulsory, the Census Act has provisions under which those who refuse entry of enumerators into
the households or to provide answers could be imprisoned up to three months.

Mortality (मॉर्टैलटी) - मृत्यु स

ं ख्या, नश्वरता, मरणाधीनता, मृत्यु का अनुपात
Only a month ago, a comprehensive report of the Elephant Task Force of the Ministry of Environment and Forests titled “Gajah: Securing the Future for
Elephants in India” presented a road map to reduce elephant mortality in train accidents.

Imbue (इम्ब्यू) - व्याप्त होना, गहरे रंग से रंगना, दिल पर असर डालना, दिल में बैठा दे ना
CANDID COMMENT: The context and situation have to be imbued in political cartoons in a self-explanatory yet humorous way, says Surendra, whose
exhibition is currently on in the city.

Precept (प्रीसेप्ट) -निर्देश,नियम,आज्ञा-पत्र,समादे श,teaching, principle,rule of personal conduct

I find many of Ghalib's couplets imbued with such Buddhist precepts.

Contingent (कन्टिन्जन्ट) - टु कड़ी, दल, सैन्यदल,

With the 2012 Olympics little more than a year away, the focus will now shift to athletes' efforts to secure qualification, and be part of the national

Commuter (कम्यूटर) - नियमित आने-जाने वाला

Mr. Stalin said the total length of the two corridors would be 45 km and an estimated six lakh commuters are expected to use the train services daily.

Earmark (इर्मार्क ) - रक्षित करना, अलग करना, निर्धारित करना, तय करना, चिन्हित करना
The spokesman of the corporation Anuj Dayal said that the DMRC will earmark one bogey for ladies in each train.

Spectator (स्पेक्टेटर) - दर्शक, दे खने वाला, तमाशबीन, अधिप्रेक्षक

The CPI leader was here on Saturday to condole the killing of a Pushpavanam-based fisherman. “The Indian Navy is a silent spectator, even as the Sri
Lankan Navy entered the Indian waters to attack our fisher folk,” he said.

Accumulate (अक्यूम्यलेट) - सं चय करना, ढेर लगना, इकठ्ठा करना, स

ं ग्रह करना, स
ं चित होना
Accumulated wisdom of parents, gained over many years, is completely overlooked.

Subtle (सटल) – सूक्ष्म, तीव्र बुद्धि, कठिन, कपटी, गूढ़, धूर्त, difficult to detect or grasp by the mind or analyze
Underlying (अन्डर्लाइइंग) - मूलभूत,अ
ं तर्निहित,आधारभूत,सतह के नीचे का,fundamental, rudimentary
It’s subtle, but the underlying attitude (मूल रवैया) is that men feel they are better at analytical technology than women.
It is important that the children enjoy the story and remember it. So that when they later recall the story, they can reflect upon the subtle message
conveyed through it, like how they should not pluck leaves from plants while passing by, because plants have feelings too.

Consideration (कन्सिडरेशन) - मनन, विचार, thoughtfulness, the process of giving careful thought to something Provision (प्रविश
़ न) -
प्रावधान,व्यवस्था,प्रबन्धित करना
The provision of these facilities requires careful consideration to ensure they do not create environmental problems.
Sheepishly (शीपिश्ली)- स
ं कोचपूर्वक,लज्जित ढंग से , in a sheepish (शीपिश) manner
Farmers, though complaining of getting poor prices, when actually confronted with the question – ‘what price do YOU want’ – often sheepishly never
give an answer. They are always used to having the middlemen set the price for them – which is why the dependence on the middlemen is so high.

Exploit (इक्स्प्लॉइट) - शोषण करना, काम में लगाना, अपने काम में लाना, use or manipulate to one's advantage
My husband and family were very supportive. My job is very demanding and tension filled. But I feel a deep sense of achievement and satisfaction, my
profession gives me a chance to serve and protect the poor and the exploited.

Comply (कम्प्लाइ) - पालन करना, मानना, स्वीकार करना, आज्ञापालन करना, आदे श या कानून के अनुसार करना
Preliminary (प्रिलिमनेरी) - प्रारंभिक,प्रारंभिक तैयारी,प्रारंभिक दौर,प्राथमिक
TRAI, which has been monitoring the implementation of MNP in the country, has processed preliminary consumer feedback (प्रारंभिक उपभोक्ता
प्रतिक्रिया) to instruct service providers to strictly comply with the provisions (प्रावधान) of MNP Regulations (विनियम).

Exclusive (इक्स्क्लूसिव) - विशिष्ट, एकमात्र कथा, अख

ं डित, छोड़ कर, निकाल कर, scoop, not divided or shared with others
Muslim settlements (मुस्लिम बस्तियों) have few government schools, and those that exists lack facilities and staff. They also require for older girls
exclusively girls' schools, and residential hostels for both boys and girls.

Consistency (कन्सिस्टन्सी) - सामंजस्य, सादृश्य, अविरोध, the property of holding together and retaining its shape
World No. 5 Saina Nehwal says her focus will mainly be on achieving consistency throughout the tournament in next week's All-England championship.

Tamper (टैम्पर) - छेड़ना, हाथ लगाना, हाथ डालना

Jeopardy (जेपर्डी) - खतरा, जोखिम, स
ं कट
Do not modify or tamper with these files! It could cause the load to fail and put the database in jeopardy.

Interrogate (इन्टेरगेट) - पूछना, प्रश्न करना, पूछताछ करना, जानकारी प्राप्त करना
Arson (आर्सन) - आगज़नी, आग लगाना,जान बूझ कर घर आदि में आग लगाने का अपराध,malicious burning to destroy property
Meanwhile, SP D K Shekhar said that four persons have been arrested and interrogated in this connection and 40 others have been nabbed for arson.

Deferred (डिफर्ड) - आस्थगित, विलम्बित, to put off to a future time; postpone; delay
A decision on removing the stay on the export of five lakh tonnes of sugar was deferred.
चीनी के पांच लाख टन के निर्यात पर रहने को हटाने के बारे में एक फैसला टाल दिया था.

Crucial (क्रूशल) - अत्य

ं त महत्वपूर्ण, स
ं कटकालीन, important, all-important
Crucial to understand why a given program works or does not work.

Unforeseen (अन्फॉर्सीन) - अनपेक्षित, अप्रत्याशित, आकस्मिक, प्रत्याशित, unanticipated, not anticipated

We are ready for any unforeseen event that may or may not occur.

Outage (आउटज) - बिजली के बिना कालावधि, कटौती का समय, the amount of something lost in storage
The quake’s epicenter was in Shiming Village, just over a mile (two kilometers) from the county seat, but triggered a power outage across Yingjiang,
which has a population of about 300,000 people, Xinhua said.
The town was facing the prospect of food shortages, power outages and sewage-contaminated floodwaters, county mayor Peter Maguire said. Three
evacuation centres have been set up to help displaced residents.

Likelihood (लाइक्लीहुड) - आसार, गुमान, स ं भावना, likeliness, the probability of a specified outcome
However, officials in the Petroleum Ministry said that even after the Parliament session, in all likelihood the price of petrol could be hiked, but ruled out
any hike in diesel and LPG prices.

Mishap (मिस्हैप) - आपत्ति, दुर्घटना, दुर्भाग्य, bad luck, mischance, misadventure

The sorry side of the Sabarimala affairs is that the Government and TDB are yet to learn lessons from the stampede tragedies of 1999 and 2011 and
take prgagmatic steps to check such mishaps, atleast, in future.

Deprecate (डेप्रकेट) - अवमानित करना, निन्दा करना, अनुचित समझना, express strong disapproval of
The Supreme Court has strongly deprecated the practice of High Courts summoning senior officials for not obeying their orders.

Retention (रिटेन्शन) - रखवाली, रोक रखने की शक्ति, स्मरण, याददाश्त, holding, keeping, the act of retaining something
For instance, instead of sticking to one study location, simply alternating the room where a person studies improves retention.

Commencement (कमेन्स्मन्ट)-श्रीगणेश, अनुष्ठान, आरम्भ, अमरीकी दीक्षांत समारोह, beginning, start

The commencement date of the Commonwealth Games was on Sunday 3 October 2010.

Cumbersome (कम्बर्सम) - दुखदायक, बोझीला, भारी, भारी-भरकम, awkward, clumsy

Making provisions for them from your limited salary becomes cumbersome.

Awkward (आक्वर्ड)-तकलीफ़दे ह, अनुपयुक्त, चिन्ताजनक, अनाड़ी, भद्दा

Also, she's standing in a slightly awkward position, putting her weight on her knees.

Leverage (लेव्रज)-लाभ उठाना, अपनी परिस्थिति का फायदा उठाना,फायदा उठाना

In this way, the IT administrator can leverage the single sign-on capabilities of the network.

Employ (एम्प्लॉइ)-प्रयोग में लेना, काम में लेना, नौकरी

People who engaged in services of contract workers are employed by someone else.

Ceremonious (सेरमोनीअस)-औपचारिक
On November 1, a unique journey will come to a ceremonious end in Delhi.

Adapt (अडैप्ट)-रूपान्तरित करना, बदलना, अनुकूल बनाना, उपयोगी या योग्य बनाना, to make fit or suitable by changing or adjusting
United States recognises the significance of looking at ways to adapt international architecture, including the U.N. Security Council, to reflect the
realities of the 21st century.

During the course of time (समय के दौरान)

An HR Manager, his Assistant, an old woman and her young daughter are traveling in a train and during the course of time get themselves introduced to
each other and become temporary friends.

Inseparable (इन्सेपरबल)-अभिन्न, जो अलग न हो सके, हमेशा शाथ रहने वाल्

Lakshmana is specially attached to Rama, and the duo are inseparable.

Solemn (सालम) - पवित्र, गम्भीर, महान, औपचारिक

It was his solemn duty to obey his mother’s wishes and follow her orders.

Grudge (ग्रज) - ईर्ष्या रखना, दुश्मनी, शत्रुता, शिकायत, पुराना झगड़ा, grievance
Rama told him that he (Rama) bore no grudge against Kaikeyi.

Embrace (एम्ब्रेस) - गले से लगाना, आलिंगन करना, छाती से लगाना, hug

Bharat found Rama, touched his feet, embraced both his brothers and expressed his desire that the trio should return with him.

Cajole (कजोल) - खुशामद करना, मीठी-मीठी बातें करना, चापलूसी करना, फुसलाना, भुलवाना
Bharat intended to request, cajole, force, whatever it took, to bring Rama, Sita and Laxman back to Ayodhya and for Rama to accept the throne and
look after the kingdom.

Obeisance (ओबेसन्स)-सम्मान, अभिवादन, obedience, bow

While writing the epic of Ramanaya, Tulsidas, after paying obeisance to various gods and goddesses, bows his head to Bharat first, not to Rama, not to
Sita, not to Laxman, around whom the entire tale of Ramanaya is woven.

Orator (ऑरटर)-वक्ता, सुवक्ता, निवेदन कर्ता, वक्तृता दे ने वाला, public speaker, speechmaker
He was now becoming well known as a powerful orator.

Hinder (हाइन्डर) - बाधा पहुंचाना, अड़चन डालना, अटकाना

Is environmental planning hindered by a lack of resources? Progress was hindered by bad weather - despite the season.

Compelled (कम्पेल्ड)-मज़बूर
I am compelled by circumstance to go, whether I wish it or not.

Penance (पेनन्स)-तपस्या, प्रायश्चित

Parvati's penance was rigorous (कठोर). In the summer of sweltering heat she lighted fire on all four sides and did her penance amidst five fires.

Vow (वाउ)-वचन दे ना,प्रतिज्ञा करना,मन्नत करना,व्रत,शपथ,स

ं कल्प,a solemn pledge (पवित्र प्रतिज्ञा)
Seeta ji concerned about Sri Rama's vow to kill demons.

Womanizer (वुमनाइज़र)-व्यभिचारी
Lecherous (लेचरस)-कामुक
Ravana was not a womanizer or a lecherous person.

Jitters (जिटर्ज़)-घबराहट, परेशानी, हड़बड़ी

The recent announcement of the new syllabus for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2011 by the Union Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions is likely to create jitters among aspirants.

Disposition (डिस्पज़िशन) -स्वभाव, चाह,प्रवृत्ति,रुचि

Sunny (सनी) - ह
ँ समुख, खुशमिजाज़, सूर्य सा चमकीला, उजला
She has a sunny disposition.

Contemplation (कान्टम्प्लेशन)-मनन, चिंतन, अवलोकन, ध्यान, ध्यानप्रार्थना

Contemplation, thinking and problem solving are unique features of human species.

Cessation (सेसेशन)-समाप्ति, अ
ं त, a stopping
Encashment (एन्काश्मेंट)-नकदीकरण
On Cessation of service, employees will be entitled for encashment of LAP available at credit-calculated upto the last working day of his service, subject
to maximum of 300 days.

Gratuity (ग्रटू इटी)-इनाम, भेंट, आनुतोषिक, उपदान

An employee on completing continuous service of five years becomes eligible for gratuity which is paid as per the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.

Devaluation (डिवैल्यूऐशन)-अवमूल्यन, a decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to that of foreign countries, the reduction of
something's value or worth
Resurgence (रीसर्जन्स)-पुनरुत्थान, bringing again into activity and prominence
Protectionism (प्रटेक्शनिज़म)-सं रक्षणवाद, the policy of imposing duties (शुल्क लगाने की नीति)
The Prime Minister has called upon G-20 countries to avoid competitive devaluation of currencies at all cost and resists any resurgence of protectionism.
प्रधानमंत्री ने जी-२० दे शों से मुद्राओं के अवमूल्यन की होड़ से बचने और स
ं रक्षणवाद की प्रवृत्ति का विरोध करने का आग्रह किया है।

Facade (फसाड)-गृह-मुख, the face or front of a building

The powerful blast destroyed the facade of the office and reduced the nearby Civil Lines police station to rubble.
विस्फोट इतना शक्तिशाली था कि इस कार्यालय के साथ-साथ पास में मौजूद सिविल लाइन पुलिस थाना भी मलवे के ढेर में बदल गया।
Sworn (स्वॉर्न)-शपथबद्ध
Ajit Pawar of the NCP was sworn in as Deputy Chief Minister at Raj Bhawan yesterday. Nine Ministers from the Nationalist Congress Party were also
sworn-in by the Governor.

Oblation (आब्लेशन)-आहुति,दयादान,धर्मदान,हव्य,offering
During Chhath Puja celebrations devotees pay oblations to the rising Sun as well as the setting Sun.

Sedition (सिडिशन)-दे शद्रोह, विद्रोह, राजद्रोह, दंगा, बलवा

Delhi Police registers case of sedition against Geelani, Arundhati Roy and others for making anti-India speeches.

Fervor (फर्वर)-जोश
Gaiety (गेइटी)-उल्लास,खुशी,प्रसन्नता,हर्षोल्लास का वातावरण
Reverberating (रिवर्बरैटिंग)-गुंजायमान
In Bihar, Chhath Puja is being celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety. Our correspondent reports that the whole atmosphere is reverberating with
devotional folk (लोक स
ं गीत) songs.

Torrential (टॉरेन्शल)-प्रचण्ड, मूसलाधार

Torrent (टॉरन्ट)-प्रचंड धारा, मूसलाधार वर्षा
Rain continued to lash various parts of Karnataka. Davangere, Chickmagalur and Chitradurga districts were most affected by torrential rain.Met
department forecast says that moderate to rather heavy rain would occur at many places over all the districts of Coastal Karnataka and South Interior

Stand-off (स्टैन्ड ऑफ)-गतिरोध

The Lok Sabha Speaker, Mrs. Meira Kumar has called a meeting of the leaders of all political parties today afternoon in an effort to resolve the stand-off
in Parliament over the issue of the Opposition demand for a JPC probe into 2G spectrum issue.

Revelation (रेवलैशन)-रहस्योद्घाटन, प्रकटीकरण, आकाशवाणी, ईश्वरावेश

The Pamban Bridge collapsed with a train full of passengers in it. Until then, I had only seen the beauty of the sea, now its uncotrollable energy came
as a revelation to me. - A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"

पंबन पुल यात्रियों से लदी एक रेलगाड़ी के साथ ढह गया. तब तक, मैंने समुद्र के केवल सौंदर्य को ही दे खा था, लेकिन अब इसके अदम्य आवेग की मुझे श्रुति हुई. - ए पी जे
अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Tolerate (टालरैट) - सहन करना, बर्दाश्त करना

You must tolerate that which you cannot change.

Amateur (ऐमचर) -अप्रवीण, अव्यवसायी

Every artist was first an amateur.

Emulate (एम्यलैट) -अनुकरण करना, बराबरी करना, की तरह काम करना

I have throughout my life tried to emulate my father in my own world of science and technology. - A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"
मैंने जीवनपर्यंत अपनी विज्ञान और प्रौद्योगिकी की दुनिया में अपने पिता का अनुकरण करने का प्रयास किया है. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Austere (ऑस्टिर) - सादगीपसन्द, आडंबरहीन, सीधा सादा, कट्टर

My austere father used to avoid all inessential comforts and luxuries. - A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"
मेरे सादगीपसन्द पिता सभी अनावश्यक सुविधाओं और सुखसाधनों से बचते थे. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Reminiscence (रेमनिसन्स) - स ं स्मरण,स्मरण,स्मृति,सुध,याद करना,recall

When I first began the reminiscences that have gone into this book, I was uncertain about which of my memories were worth narrating or were of any
relevance at all. -- A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"
जब मैंने इस पुस्तक में लिखे स
ं स्मरणों को याद करना शुरू किया तो मैं इस बारे में अनिश्चित था कि मेरी कौन सी यादें वर्णन करने योग्य या किसी भी महत्त्व की हैं -- ए पी जे
अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Unflagging (अन्फ्लैगिंग) - अथक, अविरत, tireless, unfailing

It is also a tribute to the unflagging enthusiasm and efforts of my young colleagues who helped to realise our collective dreams. - A P J Abdul Kalam,
"Wings of Fire"
यह मेरे उन युवा सहयोगियों के अविरत उत्साह और प्रयासों को भी एक श्रद्धांजलि है जिन्होंने हमारे सामूहिक सपनों को साकार करने में मदद की. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम,
"विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Solitary (सालिटेरी) - अकेला, एकान्तवासी, निर्जन,कालकोठरी की सज़ा

A solitary cyclist was coming towards us. His head was down and his shoulders rounded, as he put every ounce of energy that he possessed on to the
pedals. - Arthur Conan Doyle, "The Return of Sherlock Holmes".
एक अकेला साइकिल सवार हमारी ओर आ रहा था. उसका सिर झुका और क
ं धे मुड़े हुए थे, और लग रहा था जैसे वह अपने शरीर का सारा जोर पैडलों में डाल रहा हो. -
आर्थर कोनन डोयल, "द रिटर्न ऑफ शरलॉक होम्स"

Curious (क्युरीअस)-जिज्ञासु, जानने का अभिलाषी

Curiosity (क्युरीआसटी) - जिज्ञासा, कौतुहल, जानने की अभिलाषा
“We keep moving forward, opening new doors, and doing new things, because we are curious and curiosity keeps leading us down new paths.”- Walt
“हम आगे बढ़ते हैं, नए रास्ते बनाते हैं, और नई योजनाएं बनाते हैं, क्योंकि हम जिज्ञासु है और जिज्ञासा हमें नई राहों पर ले जाती है। ”- वाल्ट डिज़्नी

Furtive (फर्टिव) - चोरी छिपे, छिपाते हुए, लुके छिपे, backstairs

The thieves were furtive, but not furtive enough; the alert policeman grabbed them as they carried the TV through the back door.
चोर छिपाते हुए जा रहे थे, लेकिन यह काफ़ी नहीं था; मुस्तैद पुलिसवाले ने उन्हें पीछे के दरवाजे से टीवी ले जाते हुए धर लिया.

Momentum (मोमेन्टम) - आवेग, गति

A judo fighter uses the opponent's weight and momentum to throw him or her to the floor. - Thomas Streeissguth, "Vladimir Putin"
जूडो का लड़ाका अपने विरोधी के ही वजन और आवेग के प्रयोग से उसे चित्त कर दे ता है. - थॉमस स्ट्राइसगुथ,"व्लाडिमिर पुटिन"

Boondocks -a remote and undeveloped area,A very rural location or town,usually brushy rural area We got lost out in the boondocks, miles from
anywhere. Sparkler from boondocks.

Disruption (डिस्रप्शन)- टू टना, भंग , विघ्न ,हंगामा

In February 2000 road and rail traffic was badly disrupted when one supporting wall was demolished by a lorry.

Soothe (सूद) - आराम पहु ँ चाना, सांत्वना दे ना, मीठी बातों से प्रसन्न करना, खुशामद या चापलूसी करना
If the rash persists, a mild steroid cream may soothe the irritation.

Contention (कन्टेन्शन) - दावा, प्रतिस्पर्धा, प्रतिद्वंद्विता, competition

However, RWJ Honda's James Noble is definitely still in contention for the championship.

Apparently (अपेरन्ट् ली) - स्पष्ट रूप से, ऊपरी तौर से

Outset (आउट्सेट) - शुरुवात से ही, आरंभ, आदि
Beautiful and stunning classically designed wristwatch, whose quality and appeal is immediately apparent from the outset.

Pathetic (पथेटिक) - दिल पर असर करने वाला, करुणाजनक, दयनीय, शोचनीय

He said: “I think their music is pretty pathetic.
She offers pathetic excuses for not staying in touch with her friend.

Perfidy (पर्फिडी) -विश्वासघात, दगा, नमकहरामी

Betrayal (बिट्रैअल) -विश्वासघात, विश्वास घात
It was the dacoits' natural perfidy that finally landed them in jail, as each one became an informant on the other.
यह तो डकैतों का स्वाभाविक विश्वासघात था जिससे वे जेल में पहुंचे, हर डकैत ने किसी दूसरे डकैत का भेद उगला.
You betrayed me (तुमने मेरे साथ विश्वासघात किया).

Frenetic (फ्रनेटिक) -अत्यधिक उत्तेजित, अतिउत्तेजित, excessively agitated

The bird's frenetic attempt to free itself from the thorn bush finally exhausted it.

ं टीली झाड़ी से मुक्त होने की अतिउत्तेजित कोशिश ने उस चिड़िया को अ
ं ततः थका डाला.

Stratified (स्ट्रैटफाइड) -सतरीभूत, arranged in a sequence of grades, ranked

On the whole, the small society of Rameswaram was highly stratified and very rigid in terms of segregation of different social groups.
कुल मिलाकर, रामेश्वरम का छोटा सा समुदाय काफी सतरीभूत और विभिन्न सामाजिक वर्गों के पृथक्करण के प्रति अत्य
ं त कठोर था. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़
ऑफ फायर"

Self-realisation -आत्मानुभूति, आत्मबोध, the fulfillment of your capacities

For me, science has always been the path to spiritual enrichment and self-realisation. - A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"
मेरे लिए विज्ञान सदै व ही आध्यात्मिक स
ं पन्नता और आत्मानुभूति का मार्ग रहा है. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Environs (एन्वाइरन्ज़)-पड़ोस, नगरोपान्त, परिप्रदे श

In the humble environs of my boyhood, books were a scarce commodity. - A P J Abdul Kalam, "Wings of Fire"
मेरे बचपन के सादगीपूर्ण पड़ोस में पुस्तकें तो दुर्लभ वस्तुएं थी. - ए पी जे अब्दुल कलाम, "विंग्ज़ ऑफ फायर"

Paucity (पॉसिटी) - अभाव, कमी, कोताही, लघुता, dearth (डर्थ)

There is no plaucity of investment in today's growing Indian economy.
आज की प्रगतिशील भारतीय अर्थव्यवस्था में पूंजीनिवेश का कोई अभाव नहीं है.

Sanctions (सैंगक्शन्ज़) - प्रतिबंध

United Nations ends sanctions on Iraq which were imposed during Saddam era .

ं युक्त राष्ट्र ने सद्दाम हुसैन के शासन के दौरान इराक पर लगे प्रतिबंद्ध हटाए

Mist (मिस्ट) - कुहासा, धुन्ध, फुहारा, कुहासे की तरह ढकना

Haze (हेज़) - कुहरा, धुंध, daze, fog
Weather condition remained cold with mist across the state today.

Blasphemy (ब्लैस्फमी)-ईश-निन्दा, ईश्वर निन्दा

The outspoken Governor of Pakistan's Punjab province, Salman Taseer, was gunned down, allegedly by one of his own security guards here on Tuesday
afternoon.The guard, who surrendered to the police soon after, is said to have been upset with Taseer for his support to a Christian woman charged
with blasphemy.

Stab (स्टैब)-छुरा भोंकना, छुरी मारना

The ruling Bharatiya Janata Party's MLA from Purnia, Raj Kishore Kesri, was on Tuesday stabbed to death at his residence here in full public view by a
woman who had earlier accused him of sexual harassment.

Enigma (इनिग्म)-पहेली, गूढ़ प्रश्न, पेचदार बात, riddles

She is an enigma; she scores good grades without ever doing her homework.
वह एक पहेली ही है; कभी गृहकार्य नहीं करने के बाद भी परीक्षा में अच्छे अ
ं क ले लाती है.

Libel (लाइबल)-मानहानि, दोष लगाना, बदनाम करना, निंदात्मक लेख लिखना

The politician accused the newspaper of committing libel but the court disagreed at the trial.
राजनीतिज्ञ ने समाचार पत्र पर मानहानि का आरोप लगाया लेकिन अदालत ने मुकदमे के दौरान असहमति जताई
Indigenous (इन्डिजनस) - स्वदे शी, दे शी, दे शज, मूल निवासी
Fast food restaurants are indigenous to America; they originated here in early 20th century.
अमरीका के लिए फास्ट फ़ूड रेस्तरां एकदम स्वदे शी हैं; इनकी शुरुआत यहीं बीसवीं सदी के आरम्भ में हुई.

Parley (पार्ली) - बातचीत, परस्पर वार्तालाप, जबानी बहस करना, A negotiation between enemies
In Andhra Pradesh, hectic political parleys are underway in the wake of all party meeting convened by Home minister P Chidambaram tomorrow.
आंध्रप्रदे श में श्रीकृष्ण समिति की रिपोर्ट के बारे में कल होने वाली सर्वदलीय बैठक को लेकर तेज राजनीतिक गतिविधियां चल रही हैं।

Hamper (हैम्पर) - रुकावट पैदा करना, डलिया, डिब्बा, बेड़ी डालना, उलझाना, A basket usually with a cover, prevent the progress or free movement of
Rain hampers rescue work.

Repent (रिपेन्ट) -पछताना, पश्चाताप करना, प्रायश्चित्त करना, दुख के साथ स्मरण करना, regret
What is right and what is wrong? Who decides what is morally correct? How does one act so that one does not repent afterwards?

Dilemma (डिलेम) -दुविधा, असमंजस, कश्मकश

This moral dilemma has been the subject of discussion. यह नैतिक दुविधा चर्चा का विषय रहा है

Convene (कन्वीन)-आयोजित करना

Prime Minister Dr. Manmohan Singh convenes a meeting in New Delhi today to discuss the high food prices.
प्रधानमंत्री ने खाने-पीने की चीजें महंगी होने से उत्पन्न स्थिति पर चर्चा के लिए आज नई दिल्ली में बैठक बुलाई।

Anxiety (ऐंगज़ाइअटी) - फिक्र, चिन्ता, सोच, उत्कण्ठा

Aching (ऐकिंग) - दुखता हुआ, दर्द
Anxiety is very common. Fear, worry, anxiety, unease are all very common feelings. Anxiety attacks are not very common, but many of us suffer from
anxiety attacks.
Relaxing in warm water and being gently massaged relieves anxiety and relaxes tense and aching muscles.

Fierce (फीर्स) - भयानक, ज

ं गली, अति क्रूर,तीव्र, आग बबूला
Our ancestors were taught by nature to save themselves by running away from any danger if they could not fight it. We have inherited those genes,
though we don’t face fierce animals in jungles.

Streamline (स्ट्रीम्लाइन) -सरल एवं कारगर बना दे ना, कारगर बनाना, सरल बनाना
DB2 V9.7 introduced local indexes to streamline the data roll-in operation. Local indexes streamline data roll-in and roll-out.

Juxtapose (जक्स्टपोज़) -पास-पास रखना, निकट रखना, place side by side

Counterfeit (काउन्टर्फिट)-जालसाजी, जाली, नकली, प्रतिरूप करना, भेष बदलना, forgery, fake, forge, imitative
It was possible to tell the difference only when the genuine and counterfeit paintings were placed together.
असली और नकली कलाकृतियों को पास-पास रखने के बाद ही उनमें फर्क का पता चल पाया.

Alleged (अलेज्ड) - कथित, so-called, supposed, declared but not proved, doubtful or suspect
Callous (कैलस) - स
ं वेदनाहीन, निर्दयी, बेदर्द, कठोर ह्रदय, कठोर, emotionally hardened
Plight (प्लाइट) -दुर्दशा, दशा, हालत, रहन या गिरवी रखना
Groan (ग्रोन) - कराहना, आह, moan
Spiral (स्पाइरल) - उत्तरोत्तर वृद्धि, उत्तरोत्तर घटती, क
ं ु डली, सर्पिल रेखा
Nine political parties, including four Left parties alleged that The United Progressive Alliance government was callous to the plight of people groaning
under spiralling prices of food items.

Hoarding (हॉर्डिंग) - जमाखोरी, सड़क किनारे लगे विज्ञापन पट

Besides demanding immediate steps to check the price rise, the parties would press the government to take steps such as ending forward trading in
food and essential commodities, universalising the public distribution system, taking firm measures against hoarding, paying remunerative prices to
farmers and giving inputs at reasonable cost, ending deregulation of petroleum products and rolling back the budgetary hikes on petro products and not
allowing foreign capital in retail trade.

Malinger (मलिंगगर) - जी चुराना, छद्मरोगी बनना, बीमारी का बहाना करना, avoid responsibilities and duties
When mentally ill employees fall sick they need time off due to medical reasons that are not directly visible. This causes suspicion of, among other
things, malingering and feigning illness.

Oppressed (अप्रेस्ट) -उत्पीड़ित,दबा हुआ,दलित,burdened psychologically or mentally

We know of many countries around the world which still oppress their people and deny them their rights.

Unrest (अन्रेस्ट) -अशांति,व्यस्तता,a state of agitation

After anti-government unrest spread to the Libyan capital and protesters seized military bases and weapons on Sunday, Muammar Gaddafi’s son went
on state television to proclaim that his father remained in charge with the army’s backing (सेना के समर्थन के साथ) and would “fight until the last man,
the last woman, the last bullet.”

Intervening (इन्टर्वीनिंग) - मध्यवर्ती, बीच में आने वाला, अन्तःस्थ, occurring or falling between events or points in time
Both Houses of Parliament has been adjourned till tomorrow after paying tributes to former members who died in the intervening period of the last
session and the new one.

Pace (पेस) - रफ्तार,प्रगति,गति,stride, tread, rate,tempo,the rate of moving (especially walking or running)
Supreme Court, unhappy with the pace of Hasan Ali’s probe.

Lame duck (लेम डक) - दिवालिया, निर्वाचित अधिकारी, अन्तिम अवधि वाला, A person or thing that isn't properly able to function, especially one that
was previously proficient.
Sobriquet (सोब्रके -सब्रकेट) - उपाधि
Goose (गूस) -बत्तख, बेवकूफ़, मूर्ख, हंस, हंसिनी

"Whatever some people may say, that we are a lame-duck government, that I am a lame-duck prime minister, we take our job very seriously," Singh
said. Cooked goose (हंस) seems the more appropriate soubriquet.

"Is Blair a 'lame-duck' Prime Minister?"

"Do you know what a Bull, and a Bear, and a Lame Duck are?"

Nimbus (निम्बस) - प्रभामंडल, aura, aureole, gloriole (an indication of radiant light drawn around the head of a saint)
Aura (ऑर) - दिव्यज्योति, प्रभामंडल
Aureole (ऑरीओल) - प्रभामंडल, प्रभावशाली, the outermost region of the sun's atmosphere; visible as a white halo during a solar eclipse
Sometimes when she stood in front of a lamp, the highlights on her hair made a nimbus.

Accountable (अकाउन्टबल) - उत्तरदायी,जिम्मेदार,जिम्मेवार,जिसे हिसाब या लेखा दे ना पड़े

Responsible (रिस्पान्सबल) - नैतिक रूप से उत्तरदायी,व्यक्तिगत जिम्मेदारी,किसी काम के लिये जिम्मेदार होना
Erroneous (एरोनीअस) - गलत,मिथ्या,अशुद्ध,भ्रमात्मक
While Mr. Jaitley too stopped short of asking for the Prime Minister's resignation, he did make Dr. Singh acknowledge that he was “accountable” and
“responsible” for the “erroneous” appointment of a charge-sheeted CVC that was later quashed by the Supreme Court.

Forgo (फॉर्गो) - से परहेज करना,दूर रहना,परित्याग करना,छोड़ दे ना,न लेना, give up

In the wedding reception, we had some ice-cream, then we had gulab-jamun, and some doodh-jalebi, but we were worried about our weight so we
decided to forgo the delicious looking kheer.
विवाह के उत्सव में हमने आइसक्रीम खाई, फिर कुछ गुलाब-जामुन खाए, और उसके बाद थोड़ी दूध-जलेबी, लेकिन हम अपने वजन के प्रति चिंतित थे इसलिए स्वादिष्ट दिख
रही खीर से परहेज करने का निर्णय लिया।

Downside (डाउन्साइड)-नकारात्मक पहलू

Ethnically (एथ्निक्ली) - जातीय आधार पर
Horrendous (हॉरेन्डस) - विकट, भीषण, भयानक
Inflation will remain a priority for the government which projected over 9 per cent economic growth in the next fiscal even as downside risks emerge
from rising oil prices due to turmoil in the Middle-East.
“The good thing is that Bangalore is getting to be a perfect metropolitan city. It is developing each day, more construction of buildings, roads etc is
going on, all adding to this look and feel. On the downside, I think this city is getting dirtier by the day, its population is increasing and so is the
pollution! The traffic situation is horrendous and Bangalore has become a very expensive city to live in.” The thing that appeals to Neeta the most about
Bangalore is that it's “an ethnically diverse city”.

Illusory (इलूसरी) - अवास्तविक, भ्रामक, illusive

The tax saving for senior citizens may look significant. For many, however, it will be illusory.

Revamp (रीवैम्प) - पैबंद लगाना,मरम्मत करना,नया करना,पुनर्निर्माण करना, to patch up or renovate; repair or restore
The Direct Tax Code (DTC), which aims to revamp the existing direct tax structure, will come into effect on April 1, 2012.

Holistic (होलिस्टिक) -अख ं ड रूप से, पूर्णतावादी, सम्पूर्ण रूप से, समग्र रूप से, atomistic
The agriculture research system in the country has always neglected an eco-friendly means of soil nutrition and never approached it in a holistic way.

Threshold (थ्रेशोल्ड) - दहलीज़,चौखट,दे हली,द्वार,सीमा रेखा,doorsill, doorstep,verge,the starting point for a new state or experience
Substantial (सब्स्टैन्चल) - आवश्यक पदार्थ, मूल, वास्तविक, significant, material, real
The substantial beneficiaries (वास्तविक लाभार्थियों) are those super-senior citizens who have completed 80 years on any day before or during the
financial year, who will be eligible for the threshold exemption limit of Rs.5 lakh.

Streamline (स्ट्रीम्लाइन) - सरल एवं कारगर बना दे ना, सरल बनाना,कारगर बनाना
Electronic voting machines have streamlined Indian elections.
Do smart cards have the potential to streamline the PDS? (क्या स्मार्ट कार्ड में सार्वजनिक वितरण प्रणाली को कारगर बनाने की क्षमता है?)

Arable (एरबल) - कृषि-योग्य,जोतने बोने योग्य,cultivable (कल्टवबल), cultivatable

Except for United States of America, India has the largest amount of arable land; still there is routine occurrence of food shortage due to excessive
dependence on rainfall.

ं युक्त राष्ट्र अमरीका को छोड़ कर भारत के पास सर्वाधिक कृषि योग्य भूमि है ; लेकिन बरसात पर अत्यधिक निर्भरता के कारण किसी न किसी खाद्य पदार्थ की कमी
लगातार बनी ही रहती है।

Step down (स्टेप डाउन) - स्तीफा दे ना, पद छोड़ दे ना,छोड़ दे ना,क्रमवार घटाना,give up or retire from a position
Meaningful (मीनिंगफल) - सार्थक,बोधगम्य,अर्थपूर्ण,महत्वपूर्ण
Autonomy (ऑटानमी) - स्वराज्य,स्वायत्तता,स्वत्व अधिकार,स्वयं शासन,personal independence

The Dalai Lama announced on Thursday that he would step down as "political head" of the so-called Tibetan government-in-exile but would remain as
religious leader and continue to advocate "meaningful autonomy" for Tibet.
तिब्बतियों के धर्मगुरु दलाईलामा ने वीरवार को अपने राजनीतिक पद से त्यागपत्र का ऐलान कर दिया।

Equitable (एक्वटबल) - निष्पक्ष,ठीक,निष्पक्ष,न्यायस

ं गत,यथार्थ, fair to all parties as dictated by reason
To avoid any quarrel, the teacher did an equitable distribution of toys among the children.
लड़ाई झगड़ा नहीं होने दे ने हेतु अध्यापिका ने खिलौने सब बच्चों में निष्पक्ष तरीके से बांट दिए.

Souvenir (सूव नीर)-स्मृति चिन्ह,निशानी,यादगार,स्मारिका,memento

The Mughal Gardens will be thrown open to public on Tuesday. Visitors would be able to take home the souvenirs and gifts from the Gardens for the
first time this year.
मुगल गार्डन मंगलवार को जनता के लिए खोल दिया जाएगा.

Withhold (विथ्होल्ड) - रोक कर रखना,स्वीकृति न दे ना, hold back; refuse to hand over or share
Rahat Fateh Ali Khan released.While their passports have been withheld.
Annul (ऐनल) - अमान्य घोषित करना, रद्द करना, निरस्त करना, declare invalid, quash
The decision to annul the deal was taken at a meeting of the Cabinet Committee on Security (CCS) chaired by Prime Minister Manmohan Singh on the
basis of a recommendation from the Space Commission.
Antrix and Devas deal annulled.

Forthwith (फॉर्थ्विथ) -तत्काल, फौरन, अभी, instantly

The Contract between Antrix- the commercial arm of ISRO and Devas a private company stands annulled forthwith.

Kickback (किक्बैक) -रिश्वत, रिश्वत पाना

Bribe (ब्राइब) - घूस, प्रलोभन,रिश्वत
Indian politician said that’s a flyover and the area below the flyover is a playground. And he got the kickback and bribe of 100%.

Peerless (पिर्लिस)-अद्वितीय,बेजोड़,लाजवाब,Matchless
The peerless Pandit Bhimsen Joshi needs no introduction. Who had sung for many films including ‘Mile Sur Mera Tumhara’.

Demeanour (डिमीनर) - आचरण, ढंग, बर्ताव, व्यवहार, चाल चलन

Her friendly demeanour charms (सम्मोहित करना) the people present there.
His deep voice and noble demeanour brought out the character.

Facade (फसाड)-गृह-मुख,the face or front of a building

The powerful blast destroyed the facade of the office and reduced the nearby Civil Lines police station to rubble.
विस्फोट इतना शक्तिशाली था कि इस कार्यालय के साथ-साथ पास में मौजूद सिविल लाइन पुलिस थाना भी मलवे के ढेर में बदल गया।

A Birbhum court awards life imprisonment to 44 CPI(M) workers in West Bengal for killing 11 Trinamool Congress activists.
पश्चिम बंगाल में बीरभूम की एक अदालत ने तृणमूल कांगेर् स के ११ कार्यकर्ताओं की हत्या के लिए मार्क्सवादी कम्युनिस्ट पार्टी के ४४ लोगों को आजीवन कारावास की

सजा सुनाई।

Sworn (स्वॉर्न)-शपथबद्ध
Ajit Pawar of the NCP was sworn in as Deputy Chief Minister at Raj Bhawan yesterday. Nine Ministers from the Nationalist Congress Party were also
sworn-in by the Governor.

Fervor (फर्वर)-जोश

Gaiety (गेइटी)-उल्लास,खुशी,प्रसन्नता,हर्षोल्लास का वातावरण

Reverberating (रिवर्बरैटिंग)-गुंजायमान
In Bihar, Chhath Puja is being celebrated with religious fervor and gaiety.
ur correspondent reports that the whole atmosphere is reverberating with devotional folk(लोक स
ं गीत) songs.

Oblation (आब्लेशन)-आहुति,दयादान,धर्मदान,हव्य,offering
During Chhath Puja celebrations devotees pay oblations to the rising Sun as well as the setting Sun.

Torrential (टॉरेन्शल)-प्रचण्ड,मूसलाधार

Torrent (टॉरन्ट)-प्रचंड धारा,मूसलाधार वर्षा

Rain continued to lash various parts of Karnataka. Davangere, Chickmagalur and Chitradurga districts were most affected by torrential rain.Met
department forecast says that moderate to rather heavy rain would occur at many places over all the districts of Coastal Karnataka and South Interior

Devaluation (डिवैल्यूऐशन)-अवमूल्यन,a decrease in the value of a country's currency relative to that of foreign countries,the reduction of
something's value or worth

Resurgence (रीसर्जन्स)-पुनरुत्थान,bringing again into activity and prominence

Protectionism (प्रटेक्शनिज़म)-स
ं रक्षणवाद,the policy of imposing duties (शुल्क लगाने की नीति)
The Prime Minister has called upon G-20 countries to avoid competitive devaluation of currencies at all cost and resists any resurgence of protectionism.
प्रधानमंत्री ने जी-२० दे शों से मुद्राओं के अवमूल्यन की होड़ से बचने और स
ं रक्षणवाद की प्रवृत्ति का विरोध करने का आग्रह किया है।

Plenary (प्लीनरी)-पूर्ण,परिपूर्ण, full in all respects

At the plenary session of the G-20 summit in Seoul this morning, Dr. Manmohan Singh said that advance deficit countries ( अग्रिम घाटे वाले दे शों) must

follow an appropriate fiscal policy (समुचित वित्तीय नीति).

Adapt (अडैप्ट)-रूपान्तरित करना,बदलना,अनुकूल बनाना,उपयोगी या योग्य बनाना,to make fit or suitable by changing or adjusting
United States recognises the significance of looking at ways to adapt international architecture, including the U.N. Security Council, to reflect the
realities of the 21st century.

Inseparable (इन्सेपरबल)-अभिन्न,जो अलग न हो सके,हमेशा शाथ रहने वाल्

Lakshmana is specially attached to Rama, and the duo are inseparable.

Solemn (सालम)- पवित्र,गम्भीर,महान,औपचारिक

It was his solemn duty to obey his mother’s wishes and follow her orders.

Grudge (ग्रज)- ईर्ष्या रखना,दुश्मनी ,शत्रुता ,शिकायत ,पुराना झगड़ा, grievance

Rama told him that he (Rama) bore no grudge against Kaikeyi.

Embrace (एम्ब्रेस)-आलिंगन करना,छाती से लगाना,गले से लगाना,hug

Bharat found Rama, touched his feet, embraced both his brothers and expressed his desire that the trio should return with him.

Cajole (कजोल)- खुशामद करना,मीठी-मीठी बातें करना,चापलूसी करना,फुसलाना,भुलवाना

Bharat intended to request, cajole, force, whatever it took, to bring Rama , Sita and Laxman back to Ayodhya and for Rama to accept the throne and
look after the kingdom.

Obeisance (ओबेसन्स)-सम्मान,अभिवादन,obedience,bow
While writing the epic of Ramanaya, Tulsidas, after paying obeisance to various gods and goddesses, bows his head to Bharat first, not to Rama, not to
Sita, not to Laxman, around whom the entire tale of Ramanaya is woven.

Orator (ऑरटर)-वक्ता,सुवक्ता,निवेदन कर्ता,वक्तृता दे ने वाला,public speaker,speechmaker

He was now becoming well known as a powerful orator.

Hinder (हाइन्डर)- बाधा पहुंचाना,अड़चन डालना,अटकाना

Is environmental planning hindered by a lack of resources.
Progress was hindered by bad weather - despite the season.

During the course of time(समय के दौरान)

An HR Manager, his Assistant, an old woman and her young daughter are traveling in a train and during the course of time get themselves introduced to
each other and become temporary friends.

Dr. Singh said, while structural reforms are necessary, these should increase the efficiency and competitiveness in deficit countries while expanding
internal demand in surplus countries.
प्रधानमंत्री ने कहा कि अर्थव्यवस्था में ढांचागत सुधार आवश्यक है , लेकिन घाटे में चल रहे दे शों को अन्य दे शों में अपनी आंतरिक मांग बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ प्रभावशीलता

और प्रतिस्पर्धा बढ़ानी चाहिए।

He said, exchange rate flexibility is an important instrument for achieving a sustainable current account position and the policies must reflect these
उन्होंने कहा कि वर्तमान खातों को तर्क स
ं गत बनाने का लक्ष्य हासिल करने के लिए विनिमय दर में लचीलापन लाना बहुत महत्वपूर्ण है और हमें अपनी नीतियों को इसी के

अनुसार सुदृढ़ करना चाहिए।

He expressed confidence that G-20 will be able to translate the rich agenda before the summit into tangible outcome under the forthcoming Presidency
of France.
प्रधानमंत्री ने आशा व्यक्त की कि फ्रांस की अध्यक्षता में होने वाले आगामी जी-२० शिखर सम्मेलन से पहले इस सम्मेलन के एजेण्डे पर सहमति बन जाएगी।

The attackers initially exchanged fire with guards.

आतंकवादियों ने पहले सुरक्षा गार्ड पर गोली चलाई

Cessation (सेसेशन)-समाप्ति,अ
ं त,a stopping

On Cessation of service, employees will be entitled for encashment of LAP available at credit-calculated upto the last working day of his service, subject
to maximum of 300 days.

Gratuity (ग्रटू इटी)-इनाम,भेंट ,आनुतोषिक,उपदान

An employee on completing continuous service of five years become eligible for gratuity which is paid as per the Payment of Gratuity Act 1972.

Compelled (कम्पेल्ड)-मज़बूर
I am compelled by circumstance to go, whether I wish it or not.

Penance (पेनन्स)-तपस्या,प्रायश्चित

Parvati's penance was rigorous(कठोर). In the summer of sweltering heat she lighted fire on all four sides and did her penance amidst five fires.

Vow (वाउ)-वचन दे ना,प्रतिज्ञा करना,मन्नत करना,व्रत,शपथ,स

ं कल्प,a solemn pledge (पवित्र प्रतिज्ञा)
Seeta ji concerned about Sri Rama's vow to kill demons.

Womanizer (वुमनाइज़र)-व्यभिचारी

Lecherous (लेचरस)-कामुक
Ravana was not a womanizer or a lecherous person.

Jitters (जिटर्ज़)-घबराहट, परेशानी, हड़बड़ी

The recent announcement of the new syllabus for Civil Services Preliminary Examination 2011 by the Union Ministry of Personnel, Public Grievances and
Pensions is likely to create jitters among aspirants.

Disposition (डिस्पज़िशन) -स्वभाव ,चाह,प्रवृत्ति,रुचि

Sunny (सनी)- ह
ँ समुख, खुशमिजाज़, सूर्य सा चमकीला,उजला
She has a sunny disposition.

Contemplation (कान्टम्प्लेशन)-मनन ,चिंतन ,अवलोकन ,ध्यान ,ध्यानप्रार्थना

Contemplation, thinking and problem solving are unique features of human species.

Ceremonious (सेरमोनीअस)-औपचारिक
On November 1, a unique journey will come to a ceremonious end in Delhi.

Urbane (अर्बेन) - सुस

ं स्कृत,भद्र,शिष्ट,सुसभ्य,विनीत,
Many of the new magazines and television programs are far too urbane to appeal to a wide audience that resides outside of the big cities in India.
आजकल की कुछ नई पत्रिकाएं और टीवी के कार्यक्रम इतने ज्यादा सुस
ं स्कृत होते हैं कि वे भारत के बड़े शहरों से दूर रहनेवाले लोगों को मुश्किल से ही भाते हैं।
Usurp (यूसर्प) - हड़पना,छीन लेना,दबा लेना,अन्याय से ले लेना,दबा बैठना,की जगह ले लेना,arrogate, assume, seize, take over
The nephew of the founder of the company was so scheming that he usurped the control of the entire company when the founder was away for just a
few days.

ं स्थापक का भतीजा इतना चालाक था कि कुछ ही दिनों के लिए जब वे कम्पनी से दूर गए तो उसने पीछे से पूरी कम्पनी का अधिकार हड़प लिया.

Evasive (इवेसिव) - अस्पष्ट, कपटी,कुटिल,गोलमाल,छली,टालने वाला

Evasiveness (इवेसिव्नेस) - बहानेबाज़ी

Tata group chairman Ratan Tata, who appeared before the Public Accounts Committee on Monday, was quite direct and frank in his response to
questions from the panel members. On the other hand, corporate lobbyist Niira Radia, who also held the Tata Teleservices account for public relations,
was evasive.

Untoward (अन्टू ऑर्ड) - अशुभ,कठिन,प्रतिकूल,विमुख,अनुपयुक्त,adverse,indecent

No untoward incident reported from any constituency (निर्वाचन-क्षेत्र,चुनाव-क्षेत्र)

Utopia (युटोपीअ) -राम-राज्य,आदर्श राज्य,कल्पना-लोक,आदर्श लोक

The village we used to live in was very scenic, had great weather and there was lot of time to relax and nothing to worry about; for me it was utopia.
जिस गाँव में हम रहते थे वह बहुत ही रमणीय था, उसका मौसम एकदम सुहावना था, आराम के लिए खूब समय और फिक्र करने के लिए ज्यादा कुछ नहीं था; मेरे लिए तो वह

बिलकुल राम-राज्य में रहने जैसा था.

Asleep (अस्लीप) - सोया हुआ,अचेत,निद्रा में,at peace, at rest, deceased,numb,in a state of sleep
“Weeks before the elections agents of the parties come to the neighborhood with cash carried in rice sacks. They have copies of the voter lists and they
distribute the money based on who is on the list.” The agents come in the middle of the night, “between two and four in the morning, when the Election
Commission is asleep.”

Overshadow (ओवर्शैडो) - फीका कर दे ना,निष्प्रभ कर दे ना,दबा दे ना,निष्प्रभ कर दे ना,make appear small by comparison
The nuclear crisis has triggered international alarm and partly overshadowed the human tragedy caused by Friday’s double disaster (earthquake and
tsunami), which pulverized Japan’s north-eastern coastline, killing an estimated 10,000 people.

Croons (क्रून) - गुनगुनाना, गुनगुनाहट, sing softly

The festival of colours has been immortalised (अमर कर दे ना) in films like Silsila where Amitabh croons Rang Barse Bheege Chunar Vaali…

Epitome (इपिटमी) - निष्कर्ष,निचोड़,भावार्थ,सार,सारस

ं ग्रह,सारांश ,साक्षात् उदाहरण,प्रतिमान,लब्बालुआब,a standard or typical example
The first page of the new novel is the epitome of the entire book; I could read it and understand what the author would say in the remainder of the
इस नए उपन्यास का पहला पृष्ठ पूरी किताब का निचोड़ है; मैं इसे पढ़ कर समझ सकता था की लेखक बाकी की कहानी में क्या कहने वाला है।

Sublime (सब्लाइम) -विस्मयकारी,उत्कृष्ट,उत्तम,अवर्णनीय,inspiring awe

My friend is a sublime thinker; after pondering a difficult problem for just a few minutes, he would arrive at a concise and elegant solution.
मेरा दोस्त अत्य
ं त विस्मयकारी चिंतक है; कठिन समस्या के बारे में भी थोड़ी ही दे र ध्यान लगाने के बाद भी वह एक स
ं क्षिप्त और सटीक हल बता दे ता है.

Ethereal (इथिरीअल) - अलौकिक

The ethereal music that we heard and admired turned out to be not angels plucking on their harps but the wind blowing past the dish antennas on the
roof of our house.
जो अलौकिक स
ं गीत हमने सुना और सराहा वह कोई परियों का राग नहीं बल्कि हमारे घर की छत पर लगे डिश-एन्टेना के पास से गुजरती हवा की आवाज़ थी।

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