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Opening Up of Space Sector: Commitment Towards A

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Commitment towards a

reformed space sector

Opening up of
Space Sector
on the path to Atmanirbhar Bharat
“Technology is the
most powerful
weapon the
government has to
utilise, for good
transparency, and

“There should
be no ‘space’
common man
and space

Need for Reforms

07 14
Prime Minister’s Implementation
Vision Strategy

10 15
Guiding Principles Setting up of
of Reforms IN-SPACE

Enhancing the role of
New Space India Ltd

Impact of Reforms

The global space economy is
currently valued at about USD 360 1
billion. Despite being one among a
few spacefaring nations in the world,
India accounts for only about 2% of the
space economy.

Over the last 2 decades, the private

sector has played an increasingly
important role in other spacefaring
countries within the global space
economy. Companies like SpaceX, Blue
Origin, Virgin Galactic, and Arianespace
have revolutionized the space sector
by reducing costs and turnaround
time, with innovation and advanced
technology. In India however, players
within the private space industry
have been limited to being vendors or
suppliers to the government’s space

Thus, there was a need to provide

scope for Non-Governmental Entities
(NGEs) for enhanced participation in
Indian space programme and playing
key roles to boost India’s market share
in Global Space Economy.

Our Honorable Prime Minister has
emphasized the need to promote
private sector activity in all high­
technology areas including space, to
fully unlock the potential of India’s
youth and entrepreneurs.

To realize this vision, it is necessary to

enable private entities within the Indian
space sector to establish themselves as
independent players capable of end-
to-end space activities. Many Indian
private companies and start-ups have
been showing keen interest in space
activities, services, and applications,
and are requesting a conducive policy
environment for this.

Promoting the
private sector will
enable the Indian
space program
to remain cost
competitive within
the global space
market, and thus
create several jobs in
the space and other
related sectors.
Our Honorable Prime Minister is also
convinced of the potential catalytic
role that the space sector could play
for high-technology industries and
start-ups in the country.

The recent reforms have been warmly

welcomed by all stake holders and the
number of space sector players in India
continue to expand.

The guiding light for this reform has
been the vision of our Honorable
Prime Minister. As our talisman, he
asserts that the benefits of space
technology should be made known
to every Indian citizen, who will in
turn become stakeholders in the
development of this sector.

He strongly believes that the optimal

utilization of space technologies can
revolutionize delivery of governance
services and boost developmental

Our Honorable Prime Minister sees

‘outer space’ as an avenue to inspire
scientific cur iosity amongst the
Indian space contribution
youth and to encourage them to look
2% of global market share
towards academic pursuits in STEM.
Potential to capture
Above all, he maintains that the space
9% of global market share by 2030
sector has the potential to incubate
a vibrant ecosystem of startups and
private industr ies. By becoming
a leading contributor to India’s % of global market share
economic growth story, the space US 40%
sector is replicating the success seen
in the IT sector today. This would also UK 7%
increase India’s share in the global
space market significantly. India 2%

It is our Honorable Prime Minister’s

Global space economy
conviction that India also needs to USD 386B
(in 2021)
actively participate in the emergence
of cutting- edge space technology, to India (in 2021) USD 7.6B
ensure national security and aligned
strategic interests. India to grow (by 2025) USD 50B


Open up ISRO
Infrastructure and
The reform also aims to make national
space infrastructure developed over
the years, available for use by the
private industry through a business­
friendly mechanism.

Facilities pertaining
to testing, tracking
and telemetry,
launch-pads, and
laboratories, created
by ISRO, would also
enable the private
Enable and promote space industry to
Non-Governmental climb the value chain.
Entities (NGE) to carry A mechanism has been created, where
in industries can approach IN-SPACe
out independent space for utilizing the ISRO facilities.
Provide a level playing field and
favorable regulatory environment for
players within the Indian private sector, Demand-driven
to allow them to become independent
actors in the space sector instead of approach for
being solely vendors or suppliers to the
government program.
development of space
This can be achieved by enabling ease
of business through single-window Optimizing the utilization of space
mechanisms, with predictable timelines. assets such as satellites and launch
IN-SPACe has been the single window capacity by determining accountability
agency for promoting the NGEs and to amongst various stakeholders.
receive the proposals online at www. Creation of new assets to be made contingent on confirmation of demand
from user agencies/ entities.

Public sector to
enable Transfer Smart India
of Technology to Hackathon
As part of a nationwide initiative
Industries by MHRD, ISRO organized a Smart
India Hackathon 2022 grand
Clear guidance has been provided that
finale software edition during
public sectors in the space domain will
August 25th – 26th, 2022. a 36-hr
focus on enabling transfer of matured
software product development
technologies to industries to avoid re-
competition covering 22 problem
invention of wheel.
statements in space applications.
industry can approach IN-SPACe for 34 teams participated in the event.
obtaining new technologies in the
space domain.

The reforms have also given NSIL

ISRO’s Virtual
an important role in transfer of Museum
technologies/ platforms from the public ISRO has launched virtual museum
to private sector. “SPARK-THE SPACE TECH PARK”,
which showcases information on
Previously developed ISRO’s missions, video’s on space
applications for societal needs.
and already proven
platforms would be
transferred to the non-
governmental entities
through Transfer
of Technology
Inspire youngsters
and dreamers
YUva VIgyani UNNATI (Unispace
KAryakram Nano Satellite
(YUVIKA-2022) Assembly & Training
YUVIKA is a two weeks residential
programme organized at five ISRO by ISRO)
centres which includes teaching and UNNATI is a capacity building
practical exposure to students in the programme, it is a training on
9th standard. 153 nos. of students combination of theoretical course work
from 36 states/UTs participated in the and hands-on training on assembly,
programme. integration and testing of nano
satellites for the foreign participants.
ISRO had trained 60 participants from
33 countries in two batches and third
batch training is in progress.

Space Tutor
Space Tutor is a collaborative
programme between ISRO and
NGOs/Start-ups/Institutions involved
in promoting space education &
STEM activities. 56 space tutors are Atal Tinkering Labs
registered across the country.
ISRO has adopted 100 Atal Tinkering
labs established by Atal Innovation
Mission, Niti Aayog across the country
to promote space education in the
schools. Two interactive sessions
were organized with these schools for
extending the mentorship.

Opening the
Space Sector
A gamut of space activities Establishment of
has been opened for facilities in DOS
private participation, premises
including, inter alia:
Mentorship, Evaluation
& Consultancy

Sharing of ISRO Launch campaign

facilities and launch

Customization &
Delivering of sub-systems
Building of packages to NGEs
launch vehicle
and satellites

Setting up of
To facilitate private sector participation, the government has created the Indian
National Space Promotion and Authorization Centre (IN-SPACe), as a single-
window, independent, nodal agency under Department of Space. Its main
mandate is to promote and enhance the role of Non-Government Entities (NGEs)
in the space sector through hand holding, support, and by providing them with
a level playing field. It will also authorize the use of ISRO facilities by private
companies, development of Indian satellite systems, and launch of rockets/
vehicles developed by the private sector.

Provide a stable
regulatory and policy
The reforms have strengthened the policy-
making capacity of the Department of
Space and an exercise has been initiated
to create new business-friendly policy
framework for Space sector covering
remote­sensing, satellite communication,
navigation, technology transfer, space
transportation, space situational
awareness, human space flight, etc.

The draft space policy has been reviewed

by Space Commission and consultation
with industry & inter-ministries completed.
The updated space policy has been
submitted for approval of government.

The reforms have tasked ISRO with
identifying and announcing future
opportunities in selected science and
Announcement exploration missions for private sector
of future participation.
ISRO will also share best-practices,
opportunities protocols, and other relevant technical
for private expertise with the private sector to
enhance their capacity for space
sector activities.

other assets developed by ISRO or

the private industry. In its role as
a supply aggregator, NSIL will
commercialize assets and services like
transponder capacity, imaging services,
launch capacity etc, on ISRO-developed
satellites and launch vehicles.
Enhancing the
role of New OneWeb India 1
Space India Ltd NSIL has executed
The reforms have authorized the public a dedicated
sector company NSIL to act as the commercial
exclusive public-sector aggregator mission on demand
for both demand and supply of space driven mode for
assets/ services on a commercial basis, placing 36 nos. of
including imaging, communication Oneweb satellites
transponders, launch services etc. In its in LEO using LVM3
role as a demand aggregator, NSIL will launcher.
acquire satellites, launch vehicles, and

IMS-1, an end-to-
end satellite bus
Congratulations @NSIL_India@INSPACeIND technology for
@ISRO on the successful launch of producing 100
our heaviest launch vehicle LVM3 with kg class satellites
36 OneWeb satellites meant for global was announced by
connectivity. LVM3 exemplifies Atmanirbharta NSIL for transfer.
& enhances India’s competitive edge in the 10 Indian industries
global commercial launch service market.
applied for acquiring
9:32 am · 23 Oct 2022·Twitter for iPhone the technology.

Industry Promotions
Bangalore Space Expo Indian Space
(BSX-2022) Association (ISpA)
Bangalore Space Expo (BSX-2022) Conclave
was organized by CII in association
with ISRO, INSPACe and NSIL, during A pivotal agency for connecting space
September 2022. More than 15 start-ups, industry and governmental
technical sessions and 50 speakers has organized a conclave to discuss the
deliberated on current issues in the emerging trends in the space domain.
space domain. 250 space industry and Domain experts from ISRO shared the
startups participated and showcased experience and current developments.
their capability in the exhibition.


India Space Congress (IAC) -2022
Congress 2022 As a member of the International
Astronomical Foundation, ISRO along
First edition of the India Space with NSIL, IN-SPACE participated
Congress 2022, a three-day confluence in the International Astronautical
organised by SatCom Industry Congress (IAC) -2022 at Paris, France
Association (SIA-India) in association during September 18 - 22, 2022.
with ISRO, deliberated on startup Participated in various technical
community, technology & business sessions, participated in bilateral
models, business opportunities, growth discussions with international space
& market access, standardisation, agencies and industry and showcased
policy and regulatory landscape in achievements & future plan Indian
the space sector. It witnessed 650 Space Programme. Six Indian space
delegates, 180 speakers, 35 sessions start-ups also participated in the Indian
over 30 nationalities. space pavilion.

1. Industries, start-ups, and academia
have warmly welcomed the space
sector reforms, and the new IN-SPACe
Small Satellite
2. More than 150 proposals from
start-ups, MSMEs and industries have
Launch Vehicle
already been received for future (SSLV)
consideration by IN-SPACe, illustrating To capture the small satellite
the overwhelming response to the launching market ISRO has
system. developed a Small Satellite
Following the reforms, several Indian Launch Vehicle (SSLV)
space sector startups have been with a view to transfer the
able to raise venture capital for their technology to the industry. The
planned projects. Several new strat-ups first development flight was
entered into space domain, the deep launched. And the technology
tech & application area and started will be transferred to the industry
interacting with Department of Space. after successful qualification.
This depicts the rising confidence
amongst investors in the vibrant Indian
space sector and the expected impact
of this deregulation, as brought about
by the reforms.

One of the major breakthrough
in the commercialization is PSLV
productionisation through Industry.
NSIL and HAL exchanged the MOU
for producing 5 nos. of PSLVs . L&T is
partnering with HAL in the consortium.

Non-Disclosure agreements and MOUs

for transfer of technologies have been
signed between ISRO centers and
several private sector companies.

IFSCA entered into an MoU with DoS
on July 29, 2022, at Ahmedabad in the
presence of the Hon’ble prime minister Private Launch
to promote international investments in
the Space sector.
M/s Skyroot Aerospace, India’s
space tech startup successfully
launched Vikram-S first maiden
flight from Sriharikota on 18th
November,2022. This mission
named as “PRARAMBH”, which
is the first private rocket launch
mission in the country authorised
through IN-SPACe mechanism.
Vikram-S is a single stage
Human Resource solid fueled, sub-orbital rocket
manufactured using advanced
Developement technologies including carbon
composite structures and 3D
ISRO and Ministry of Skill printed components.
Development & Entrepreneurship
(MSDE) has launched a skill
development programme in
the space domain. 40 young
professional from across the
country and 100 ISRO staff were
trained in the last 2 months
at National Skill Training
Institutes (NSTI) under MSDE.
This Programme will continue
every month for imparting skilled As a part of MOU with IN-SPACe,
courses for ISRO Staff. M/s Agnikul Cosmos Pvt. Ltd.
utilised VSSC facilities for testing
Capacity Building Commission (15Sec. hot test) of their Agnilet a
(CBC) in association with STI-CB semi-cryogenic Engine for their
cell, PSA’s office and ISRO has sub-orbital flight Agnibaan.
launched a Leadership Training The test was successfully
Programme for 32 scientists conducted and qualified on
from 8 science ministries. ISRO November 4, 2022 which will
has taken lead in hosting the enable them for their maiden
programme. flight expected to be launched
from Sriharikota soon.

Non Governmental
Entities in the Space
Business in India

Indian Space Research Organisation

Department of Space
Government of India
Antariksh Bhavan, New BEL Road
Bangalore-560094, India

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