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AGI Newsletter Jan-Feb 2022

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Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

In this Issue
From the President’s Desk President’s Message 1
Land has always had a dynamic relationship with mankind,
governing cultural, social, and economic development. This Interview
relationship is defined by the land policies and regulations Shri Sunil Kumar
of the time, which act as essential tools for allocating and Surveyor General of India
controlling land rights, restrictions and responsibilities. (Additional Charge) and 2
Establishing and maintaining these tools effectively requires a Joint Secretary, Department
sound spatial framework built upon reliable, accurate data. of Science and Technology,
Government of India
As the core of the land administration system in India, land records have a long
but marred history. Challenges such as multiplicity of records across departments,
inconsistency in updates, inaccuracy and/or complete lack of data have troubled all Interview
stakeholders for years on end.
Sanjiv Jha
The present situation demands more focus on data quality, accuracy and speed in creating Principal Solution Architect –
a central online database for land records. A forward-looking vision to integrate aspects Smart Infrastructure, Amazon 4
of 4IR, IoT, Blockchain, BIM 3D and 4D for improved data collection, analysis, and Internet Services Pvt. Ltd,
visualization is also vital. This is where the ‘Fit-for-Purpose’ approach steps in – deploying AWS India and South Asia
scalable solutions considering both the urgencies of today and the developments of
Special Feature
The answer lies in a convergence of policymakers, private companies, scientists and field
workers leveraging Geospatial technologies to build a single solid ecosystem that can be
Geospatial Data Revolution 6
is the Pillar for a Digitized
value-added upon. Digitalization of land administration on the shoulders of Geospatial
Land Administration
technology will ensure scalability, inclusivity, community involvement, reliability, accuracy,
and updates while maintaining cost and time effectiveness, irrespective of land use, System in India
occupation or geography.
The Association of Geospatial Industries (AGI) appreciates the liberalization of Land Records, Registry
Geospatial data, setting up of countrywide CORS infrastructure, and increased
government-private collaborations, which are steps in the right direction. Moving forward,
and Revenue: Indian 9
Experience and Way
we need to sustain this momentum, promote awareness about value creation through
investments in Geospatial technologies and content, and work cohesively in the spirit of Forward
betterment of the industry.
As a forum for exchange of ideas, techniques, approaches, and experiences by those who Case Study 12
design, implement and use Geospatial technology solutions, AGI calls for a sustainable, IIC Technologies
systemic transformation in the context of Indian land administration. An accelerated
adoption of Geospatial technologies will ensure faster, reusable, optimized outcomes. We Article
proudly present this edition of AGI’s newsletter as a comprehensive document on the
increasing relevance of Geospatial for Land Administration for all stakeholders from the
Roter Group of 14
government, industry, academia, and society as a whole. Companies

We hope this edition comes across as insightful and enjoyable. Stay tuned for more
insights, stories, and analyses from AGI in the coming months. Case Study
Secon Pvt Ltd
Enjoy Reading,
Agendra Kumar
President, AGI Updates from AGI 16

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 1


Policy changes are opening more

opportunities for contribution by the
Indian Geospatial industry
SoI would like to act as a facilitator in building a better
Geospatial ecosystem in the country, remarks Shri Sunil
Kumar, Surveyor General of India (Additional Charge) and
Joint Secretary, Department of Science and Technology,
Government of India.

For an initiative of such a vast SoI also conducted multiple workshops covering the surveying and mapping
scale as SVAMITVA, there are and seminars with the industry to aspect of the scheme implementation,
understand the bottlenecks involved and focusing on using the best available
bound to be some challenges, one strategize the timely completion of targets technologies for cadastral surveying and
of which is data collection and under the scheme.. mapping.
processing due to lack of a robust
IT infrastructure, inadequate Presently we are empaneling private For example, SoI had presented for
number of drones, disruption firms to undertake future work execution inclusion of the CORS technology
activities. This was recommended by under the DILRMP in 2015-16 itself,
because of the pandemic, and the industry itself to determine the acknowledging the long-term significance
so on. How has the Survey of best suited business model for scheme and widespread application of
India planned to address these implementation. Geospatial infrastructure in land records
challenges and complete the management.
ambitious project by 2024? As of date, SOI has already completed
drone flying for more than 100,000 villages. DILRMP has three major components,
Survey of India (SoI) has planned for This is a huge number considering the out of which Resurvey of Revision
the execution of surveying and mapping impact of the COVID-19 pandemic and Survey has been covered under the third
works under the SVAMITVA scheme other challenges. SoI is also learning from component. The other two components
with a multi pronged strategy. The idea the villages covered so far in different focus on digitization of the existing
is to cater to timely augmentation of States and is now more stable in terms of revenue records and creation of the
key resources, including manpower resources and workflow. physical, it and Geospatial infrastructure
or material resources essentially at state, district and tehsil level for
required for the execution. However, For the land administration sector modernization of land records in their
with the scheme involving multiple in India, the other key component respective state.
stakeholders, the effective translation is the DILRMP project of the
of any execution plan into tangible We believe that Geospatial companies
Department of Land Resources and other commercial industry players
ground actions is a tough challenge. All
stakeholders must demonstrate the same [DoLR]. What initiatives and have been engaged quite successfully so
tenacity, commitment and vigour for collaborations has SoI been far in the scheme implementation for all
accomplishing their targets. involved with for this program? components of powering resurvey. The
prescribed business models stipulates
How can industry increase its that execution will be done by respective
Anticipating the resource gaps, SoI had engagement for fulfilling the
started direct and indirect engagement State Governments only, who have been
with all Geospatial and drone related objectives of DILRMP? focusing almost entirely on components
professional bodies, drone and Geospatial other than resurvey, as it involves
(product and service) companies and DILRMP program has been going on in serious technical challenges and deeper
drone training institutes as early as the country for past 15 to 16 years and technical understanding of surveying
March-April 2021, aiming to gauge the SoI has been associated with this program methodologies.
expertise and capacity available in the ever since its formulation as NLRMP (now
country. engagement activities included DILRMP). Some states like Bihar Odisha, and
tendering under different business models Gujarat, however, have executed works
SoI is a key player in the Core Technical under resurvey component of dilrmp
[procurement of survey grid drones Advisory Group (CTAG) as well as
and data processing software], drone as through outsourcing and by engaging
Project Monitoring & Sanctioning Group with Geospatial companies, and must be
a service on turnkey basis, end to end (PM&SG) at DoLR. We have been
outsourcing, and engagement with GIS lauded.
extending technical expertise primarily

2 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022


Do you have a timeline in mind SoI has indeed made considerable

to complete implementation of progress under the SVAMITVA scheme.
CORS projects for the entire About 40% of the country An exercise of this scale has never even
been thought of anywhere in the world,
country? Are there any plans to has already been let alone undertaken or accomplished.
further densify the network, which covered. Tenders have
is currently pegged at a 60- 70 km The Geospatial Guidelines Issued in
grid? been finalised for the February 2021 were announced at an
opportune time, facilitating multiple
SoI had chalked out a clear road map remaining parts of the industry engagements there on. Drone
rules have also seen a revamp. these
for establishing a countrywide CORS
network to modernize the National
country for which work policy changes do have a bearing on
Spatial Reference Frame of the country orders will be placed by the execution of this scheme, besides
opening more opportunities for
(NSRF). About 40% of the country has
already been covered. Tenders have been mid February 2022. The contribution by the Indian Geospatial
finalised for the remaining parts of the
country for which work orders will be
entire country is likely
placed by mid February 2022. The entire to be covered before SoI has already started outsourcing
country is likely to be covered before the Data Acquisition (Drone Flying)
December 2022. December 2022. activity, and more such activities are in
the pipeline. Empanelment of Firms
Almost all geographical areas in for Drone Services is under way, which
the country are being covered and would bring many firms on the list of SoI
ensure optimum cost effectiveness of the service providers.
outsourcing packages have been prepared infrastructure we would like to explore
considering the common challenges all feasible collaborative participatory
related to access terrain weather mechanisms for development, operation,
What more can the industry
challenges etc. CORS is a positioning management of this key infrastructure of expect from SoI in the days to
infrastructure, with its present density the country. come?
being worked out as a cost effective
“Fit for Purpose” solution to meet the SoI has witnessed a significant The Department of Science and
objectives of modernizing the existing Technology, GoI, issued the new
NSRF and facilitating the foundation change in leadership, with an
Geospatial Guidelines with a motive to
data generation, supporting on land and exciting year in the backdrop. liberalize the Geospatial ecosystem and
topographical surveying project works There have been multiple on democratize Geospatial data generation
executed for various sectors by SoI field and online initiatives, and map making in the country. Keeping
or other agencies, facilitating the land industry engagements, as well this spirit and the long-felt need to make
records modernization and management SoI data/services available to all in view,
in the country, and so on. as commendable progress with
SoI has planned more interactions with
schemes like SVAMITVA together industry members to assess their potential
Further densification of this position with conducive policy changes. and readiness for providing platforms
infrastructure and promotion for What will be the collective vision and solutions for effective utilization of
widespread users in the future will be from this point on that SoI wishes SoI data. SoI being a national mapping
the primary focus of SoI. However, agency would like to take a leadership role
such future augmentations would be to work towards?
and act as a facilitator in building a better
strictly in line with user requirements to Geospatial ecosystem in the country.

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 3


Unavailability of the right software and

skilled cloud architects is hindering
adoption of Cloud Computing in the
Geospatial segment
Technology innovation is outpacing skill development,
reflects Sanjiv Jha, Principal Solution Architect – Smart
Infrastructure, Amazon Internet Services Private Limited,
AWS India and South Asia

With the huge volume of Big graduate degree programs at scale across
Geospatial Data and vast number states in India, training faculty and
of stakeholders involved in the providing students industry-recognized
cloud curriculum and access to AWS
A public cloud has the
digitization of land administration, certifications through the AWS Academy advantage of economy
the “cloud” appears to be the program, and offering the AWS re/Start
much-needed solution. And yet, program. of scale, and over time,
Geospatial cloud computing is still
Talking about various cloud
it has evolved as the
in its infancy in India. Where is the
gap? deployment models (public, one stop solution for
private, hybrid, multi-cloud, security, accessibility,
There are two major challenges facing the community), is there a single
faster adoption of cloud computing in the solution that offers advantages control, affordability
geospatial segment, and preventing it to
scale. The first reason is the unavailability
of security, accessibility, control, and compatibility.
of the right software to process geospatial affordability, and compatibility at
data on the cloud. The software to the same time?
process these data are decades old and types of datasets mandatory for
mostly desktop based. Vendors are now A public cloud has the advantage of
building cloud-optimized versions of economy of scale, and over time, it has moving them to the cloud? If yes,
the software, but this is still in a very evolved as the one stop solution for how can organizations ensure
early stage. One can still deploy the security, accessibility, control, affordability this?
software but they are yet to evolve to take and compatibility. AWS has been the
advantage of native cloud benefits of world’s most comprehensive and broadly Compatibility/ interoperability is not
elasticity and dynamic scaling. So, the true adopted cloud offering for over 15 years the blocker for cloud adoption; there are
value of cloud transformation is yet to be and is serving millions of customers emerging standards which make storing
realized. globally. these large datasets on cloud efficient.
One of the evolving standards is COG
The second reason is general awareness At AWS, security is always our top (Cloud Optimized GeoTIFF). A COG
and lack of availability of skilled cloud priority. AWS has been architected to is simply a GeoTIFF (a public domain
architects in the industry. Doing a lift be the most flexible and secure cloud metadata standard) that has an internal
and shift of the workloads from an on- computing environment available today. organization that supports efficient access
premise deployment does not achieve the Our core infrastructure is built to satisfy via HTTP, i.e., it is formatted to work on
full value of cloud transformation, we the security requirements for military, the cloud.
need to have cloud optimized architecture global banks, and other high-sensitivity
to fully realize the potential, and skilled organizations. This internal organization is combined
cloud talent is important here. The reality with an HTTP feature called ‘GET range
is that technology innovation is outpacing In contrast to the past, where request’ that allows only the portion of
skills development. AWS understands data was scarce, today we have a the file that is needed to be retrieved.
this, and we are deeply committed and multitude of resources offering Similarly, the Spatio Temporal Asset
invested to developing a skilled talent Catalog (STAC) specification provides a
Geospatial data in various common language to describe a range of
pool in the country. We are doing
this by – collaborating with education formats, resolutions, and quality geospatial information, so it can more
institutions to offer integrated computing standards. Is the compatibility/ easily be indexed and discovered. While
curriculum in undergraduate and post- interoperability of these different moving data to cloud, it is advantageous

4 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022


to think in terms of cloud optimized environment for them to flourish. Cloud

data formats for ease of discovery and services are incredibly cost-effective
sharing. Startups need to look at and can quickly give startups access to
computing resources as they need them
The AWS cloud platform itself moving from capex model on a pay-as-you go basis. Second, cloud is
includes a variety of cloud-based for infrastructure inherently meant for dynamic scaling, this
isn’t a challenge.
data storage options which
companies have to choose from.
to the opex model. We At AWS, we offer a broad range of
Which of these solutions come believe the cloud is programs and initiatives to support
across as the most befitting for startups at every stage of their lifecycle,
Geospatial imagery processing
the best place to build from early-stage through to maturity.
and analytics, considering the startups, and that the These programs provide startups with a
host of benefits, including AWS credits,
dynamic mosaicking and on-the- AWS Cloud is the best technical support, and training. We also
fly processing requirements of offer extensive cost optimisation services
land imagery? possible environment for to our customers. We’ve reduced prices

AWS has many storage options which

them to flourish. 111 times since AWS launched in 2006.
Our team members are actually tasked
one can choose to architect their with reducing a startup customer’s cloud
solution. We recommend a multi-tier be witnessing a new era of bill, ensuring startups make the most
storage pattern for geospatial image business development powered economically efficient use of our services.
processing. While Amazon Simple by innovative Geospatial
Storage Service (Amazon S3) is the ideal mobile applications, but Cloud infrastructure costs can represent
choice for storing and building geo-data a large portion of a startup’s regular
challenges around scalability expenditure, and our team has been able
lake for large scale data, customers also
can use Amazon Elastic File System and infrastructure management to achieve savings for customers of up
(Amazon EFS) or Amazon Elastic of these applications continue to 40%. We do this by offering a range
Block Store (Amazon EBS) for storing to hinder startups and small of pricing models, including spot pricing
and gaining faster access to operational businesses. Is there an affordable for Amazon EC2 Spot Instances, which
and transactional data. This approach startups particularly appreciate because
way forward for them? they can deliver up to 90% discounts over
gives the most cost-effective storage
strategy for large scale geospatial image On-Demand pricing.
Startups need to look at moving from
processing. capex model for infrastructure to the
opex model. We believe the cloud is
With a conducive policy the best place to build startups, and
environment liberalizing the that the AWS Cloud is the best possible
Geospatial sector, we will

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 5

Article | Sakshi Singh

Geospatial Data Revolution is the Pillar for a

Digitized Land Administration System in India
By Sakshi Singh
Land has held immense socioeconomic database on land-related data. This  Land Valuation & Taxation: the
relevance throughout the history of database can then be used for reforming gathering of revenues through forms
humankind. In modern-day India the revenue, planning, service delivery, of land valuation and taxation, and
access, ownership and documentation infrastructure development, and beyond. the adjudication of land valuation and
of agricultural and non-agricultural land taxation disputes.
impact a large majority of rural and tribal Interestingly, it is the wave of Geospatial
areas. At the same time, land policy and technologies and information that is Effective land administration caters to
administration have a crucial role to play fueling this paradigm shift. all, developing confidence and trust,
in residential and business developments, promoting safety and security, and
and management of natural resources. The Meaning and Need for facilitating equitability and transparency
Effective Land Administration in land value capture. It serves to make
Having said that, India has been both rural and urban societies smart and
struggling with complicated and Land administration systems provide resilient, while enabling multi-disciplinary
inefficient land administration for countries with the infrastructure and multi-sectoral involvement of all
decades. This has become especially for implementing land policies and stakeholders.
relevant in the aftermath of the management strategies aligned with the
COVID-19 pandemic, as India awaits principles of sustainable development. It The United Nations Framework for
global manufacturers and businesses to comprises an extensive range of systems Effective Land Administration (FELA)
set up shops on its soil. While the Central and processes to administer: describes how land administration relates
and State Governments attempt to people to the land, informing on the
reform laws and processes governing the  Land Records: the allocation of “’how, the ‘what’, the ‘who’, the ‘when’,
land market, there is greater demand for rights in land, Records of Rights and the ‘where’ of land tenure, land
secure land and property rights for all – a (RoR), delimitation of parcel use, land value and land development.
critical component for achieving the UN boundaries for which rights are It is an umbrella term covering the
Sustainable Development Goals by 2030. allocated, the transfer from one entire spectrum of rights, restrictions,
party to another through sale, lease, responsibilities and relationships tying
Establishing an effective and efficient loan, gift, or inheritance, and the together people, policies, and places.
land administration in the country will adjudication of doubts and disputes
have to be based, however, on the pillars regarding rights and parcel boundaries. Needless to say, these relationships are
of accurate land information. India, ever-changing, calling for adaptability and
like many other developing countries,  Land-Use Regulation: land-use dynamism when designing an efficient
is computerizing its cadastral records, planning and enforcement and the land administration system. This requires
paving the way for an exhaustive national adjudication of land-use conflicts. data on the many millions of parcels,
spatial units, persons, and parties that

6 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

Article | Sakshi Singh

Figure 1: Sustainable Development and Land Administration scanning, and LiDAR for achieving
greater accuracy and faster data collection
for land parcels.
No wonder the volume of data collected
is humongous. It is here that a robust
Land Land cloud GIS architecture can power
Policy Tenure applications for data storage, transfer,
analytics and visualization, besides
offering easy scalability for evolving
data types and volumes. Land registry
information can be objectively monitored
because Geospatial technologies are
Integrated helping organize the so-far chaotic and
Effective scattered datasets.
Land Geospatial
Development Information Land Use Regulation
Geospatial platforms can prove valuable
for local governance. Data collected,
analyzed and interpreted on GIS can
help authorities ascertain whether
developments are in line with regulatory
frameworks. Integrated spatial modelling
Land Land using Remote Sensing data, GIS
Use Value databases and positioning infrastructure
can also help realize and predict spatial
development and changing urban land
use patterns.
Information on key aspects of land
Illustration Source: Author; Inspired from UN FELA document administration can be made publicly
available for citizens and private sector
are a part of the ecosystem, data on One, this will help unlock the economic participation, performance comparisons
ownership and transfers, data on market value of finite resources like land across units and sub-units, facilitating
trends from one location to another, assets, especially in rural areas. Two, suggestions for improvement.
data on utilities and land use, data on the it will usher in a new era for effective
environment, soil and agriculture - data implementation of government initiatives Land Valuation and Taxation
that is accurate, interlinked and updated and welfare schemes in the agriculture The determination of accurate property
from time to time. sector. Together, they can spur enormous tax and value depends on relevant up-
growth in rural India and positively to-date information on the land parcel
Where Geospatial Fits In impact almost 65% of the population of concerned. Land ownership information
our country.” is of little use if not spatially referenced
Revamping obsolete and ineffective
land administration systems, Geospatial Land Records or when transactions such as mortgages
technologies are enabling faster, more and tax liabilities are not recorded.
reliable, and manageable collection, The complicated system of maintaining Geospatial technology helps fill such gaps
update and distribution of land-related land records in India dated back to in recordkeeping.
data – a much-needed transformation. colonial times until recently, required
to be updated every 30 years through At the same time, it provides a reliable
Geospatial technologies like satellite survey and settlement operations. Most framework for precise identification and
imaging and mapping, drone imagery, of the data existing with authorities are verification of data from multiple sources
positioning and GIS can help manage all inaccurate, sometimes completely far for accurate valuation.
aspects of land information and records, from reality.
including land tenure, value, management Challenges to Effective Land
and use. With such extensive information Geospatial technologies have Administration in India
collated, stored and analyzed on easy-to- revolutionized conventional surveying The failure to realize an effective land
interpret visual platforms, Governments methods. GNSS is being used in administration system in the country so
can improve land information topographic surveys to determine precise far needs to be viewed from a systemic,
management, property valuation and locations in any weather conditions at besides a technological perspective.
analysis as well as public communications any time of the day. Geodetic survey
from head to toe. equipments have become smaller, faster Data Quality is not Uniform
and more accurate.
Deven Laheru, President, Scanpoint In the absence of any standardization for
Geomatics Ltd, remarks, “Geo-enabled The SVAMITVA scheme has shown how data collected by various stakeholders, it
digital land records that accurately lightweight, easy to handle drones can be is difficult to assure expected outcomes.
mirror the ground scenario, along with used to obtain aerial imagery for accurate Most of the land-related data in India
systemic interventions using Geospatial mapping of property boundaries, ages back by decades. Conducting surveys
technologies for recording changes in corroborated with manual inspection. and re-surveys of these datasets is not
revenue records in real-time have far- Traditional land surveys are now being happening at a uniform pace throughout
reaching impact on two fronts. combined with advanced tools like the country for the preparation of a
3D modelling, HD imagery, terrestrial comprehensive database.

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 7

Article | Sakshi Singh

Different Types of Land to be matter, as an unnecessarily expensive Quality and Adoption of Standards have
Administrated affair. While such misconceptions either been eradicated or minimized.
have prevented them from gauging The result is that more data has become
In India, land administration can be the true return on investment that available in digital format, and the use of
categorized into that for urban, rural these technologies can offer, they GIS for integrating land-related data has
and tribal areas. Each of these categories have also resulted in lesser awareness become more opportune.”
demands a unique perspective of and participation of Geospatial in the
administration, rooted in unique mapping mainstream. Existing land administration systems
technologies. While urban areas abound in the country require extensions into
in vertical developments and multiple Geospatial tools and technologies have 3D and 4D functionality to better
owners of the same piece of land, rural become widely indigenous, and their capture both horizontal and vertical
areas have different issues for agricultural cost of implementation has reduced developments on land parcels. The
and non-agricultural lands. The tribal significantly. The ongoing SVAMITVA concept of the ‘digital twin’ holds
areas demand an entirely different scheme by the Ministry of Panchayati Raj, tremendous potential for redefining
flavor interlaced with cultural, political Government of India, is a vivid example, the conventional land administration
and privacy concerns. A broad-based using modern Geospatial technology on approach, enabling the integration of
comprehensive policy keeping different a countrywide scale to benefit millions of real-time data, reports, analyses, and user
regulatory approaches in view needs to be rural property owners. The investments experiences for past evaluations, present
developed. are sizable, but the scheme is completely observations and future predictions.
transforming India’s decades-old rural
Corruption hindering Administrative land administration system. Advanced technologies like blockchain
Modernization can be leveraged in tandem with
What next? Geospatial technologies for land
Most countries around the world are administration in the future, for ensuring
grappling with the issue of corruption Raghavendra Boyapally, Founder transparency and organization of
that stems from institutional opacity. & Managing Director, Marvel transactions on a single, decentralized,
While land administration needs to be Geospatial Solutions, notes, “Until corruption-free framework. A ‘Fit for
modernized on the pillars of a digital now, GIS technology was considered too Purpose’ approach must be adopted for
transformation, there has also been sophisticated, required specialist users, addressing the most pressing needs at the
tremendous resistance against it because and seemed difficult to integrate into moment through adaptable tools that can
of the transparency it will bring about in mainstream information technology. be gradually scaled up based on evolving
terms of land records, ownerships, sales This severely restricted its widespread needs.
and purchases. adoption by those involved in land
administration.” Substantial work is being undertaken and
Misconceptions about Geospatial completed on these lines by governments,
Technology abound “As GIS and associated technologies have private sector companies, global
been liberated with the implementation organizations and NGOs, and yet more
For a long time, governments and of the new Geospatial Guidelines, the needs to be done to realize the vision
authorities have been viewing Geospatial traditional challenges around Data for an effective and sustainable land
technologies or even digitization, for that Ownership, Data Protection, Data administration system in the country.

8 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

Article | Megha Datta

Land Records, Registry and Revenue:

Indian Experience and Way Forward
By Megha Datta
With insights from Pankaj Mishra, Deputy Surveyor General, Survey of India
Land registration is one of the biggest Framework for Geospatial Information up to 2019-20. The funding model was
sources of revenue collection for a Management at the country level. changed from a sharing basis (between
majority of States and Union Territories Centre and State) to a 100% centrally
(UTs) in India, and yet one of the most The principle behind the “Fit for assisted model with the primary objective
complicated administrative areas that Purpose” (FFP) concept is designing a of promoting and encouraging States for
authorities have been handling for years. framework of land administration system active participation without any funding
to meet the motive of tenure security constraints.
The Digital India Land Records using tools and techniques for addressing
Programme (DILRMP) has been the most pressing needs at the moment, The chief components of DILRMP are
conceptualized as a major system and and then gradually scaling them up based as follows:
reform initiative by the Department on evolving needs. FFP has three chief
of Land Resources, Ministry of Rural components – time, costs, and accuracy a) Computerization of land records
Development, Government of India. – of which you can focus on any two at
The scheme has been brought under a time. b) Survey/resurvey and updating of the
the ‘Digital India’ flagship programme survey and settlement records
to build on the commonalities existing Land administration in India has
in the arena of land records in various continuously fallen behind because of c) Computerization of registration
States/UTs for state-specific yet unified the failure to realize an integration of
frameworks, data and attributes with d) Modern record rooms and/or land
solutions. management centres at Tehsil/
technical and conceptual accuracy in line
While the scheme is currently under with such global best practices. Taluka/ Circle/ Block levels
implementation, there are some e) Training and capacity building for
challenges that have prevented The Digital India Land Records core GIS
accomplishment of all its broad Modernization Programme
objectives. (DILRMP) f) Legal changes
Land Administration in India: A DILRMP was launched as a centrally g) Programme management
Complex Affair sponsored scheme for the modernization
of the land records system in the country. While the computerization of land
An insight into global developments The ultimate goal of the programme records has progressed well, survey/
in cadastral mapping and land is to usher in conclusive titling system re-survey work has not shown relatively
administration in the recent past shows with title guarantee, replacing the current significant progress down the years. As
greater emphasis placed on adopting presumptive title system in the country. per the DILRMP-MIS, survey/re-survey
the “Fit for Purpose” approach. The work has been completed in only 11.5%
same approach finds mention in Earlier known as NLRMP (National (75,135) villages out of 6,56,141, whereas
the Framework for Effective Land Land Records Monetization Programme), computerization of land records has been
Administration (FELA) Report prepared the scheme was revamped and renamed completed in 93% of the total 6,56,141
by the UN-GGIM Working Group for as DILRMP in April 2016 as a central villages so far.
Land Administration and the UN-IGIF sector scheme, and its validity extended

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 9

Article | Megha Datta

Why Survey/Resurvey is a Critical The Context and Challenges first two phases, particularly in QA/QC
Requirement and acceptances stages at state/UT level.
It would be prudent to analyze the
Survey/resurvey has a pivotal role to DILRMP progress in three phases for The result is in the form of preparation
play in terms of achieving the ultimate better clarity of context and associated of georeferenced cadastral records using
objective of GIS-based programme developments. HRSI (high-resolution satellite imagery),
management – the integration of all with no rigorous ground validation
verticals in revenue administration • First phase (2009-2016): Primary surveys to determine data absoluteness.
for conclusive titling and for ensuring focus was on the creation of HRSI-rectified and geo-referenced
transparent, effective land transactions. requisite infrastructure, training, and maps were to be used solely as village
computerization of land records index maps for purposes other than
Cadastral maps in India are very old, whether in-house or through land transactions. Only ground-verified
dating back from 30 to 100 years, and outsourcing. No focus or progress in Geospatial data prepared as per existing/
were originally prepared in a different the survey/resurvey component. modified State/UT-specific revenue
spatial reference frame. No physical codes and laws had to be used for the
reference points or survey monuments • Second phase (2016-2019): Similar core GIS for final planimetric accuracy.
representing the old spatial reference focus as above, with sole emphasis
frames exist today for cross-checks or on land records and registration The unavailability of the right kind of
resurvey work. None of the past survey computerization. Notable attempts data, therefore, is the primary bottleneck,
records or ancillary traverse records are from a few states like Gujarat, and not unavailability of technology.
available either. This makes the task of Haryana, Bihar, Kerala, Maharashtra, This leads to negative developments
geo-referencing existing records without and Tamil Nadu, which never got like non-payments, delayed execution,
resurvey a daunting challenge. concluded as per planned output arbitration proceedings, non-completion
delivery and timelines. of contracts, etc. in various outsourcing
Original survey work will also be required cases under the project.
in areas with no existing revenue records, • Third phase (2019 onwards):
either because those areas were not Currently under progress; but Existing Institutional Structures
covered, or their revenue records were hampered significantly due to the
lost, damaged, or destroyed in the past. unprecedented COVID-19 situation State-specific institutional systems for
And yet, for more than five decades after in the country. The diversion in revenue administration have been in
independence, there has been absolutely the Government’s focus from core existence for a long time in the country,
no focus on resurveys or modernization survey/resurvey work in year 2016 but their role and importance have seen
of revenue processes, barring sporadic has finally been recognized, along significant change post-independence,
efforts by some states at a much smaller with restoration of special focus with in the light of administrative reshuffles
scale. funds for survey/resurvey in 2019. and policy changes. The capacity and
expertise available in present revenue
To be able to critically analyze the Indian Associated Technicalities institutions across a majority of the
experience with land records, registry, and states/UTs has seen considerable
revenue, one must acknowledge that the Survey/resurvey component requires depletion over the last four to five
situation in the country is quite complex. detailed and accurate understanding of decades.
It demands a thorough understanding technologies for better decision-making.
of the context and challenges, associated However, the programme suffered due to The gradual deterioration of work
technicalities, existing institutional adoption of shortcuts against surveying processes, capacities, expertise and
structures, policy scenario and, most best practices and inadequate knowledge attitude of revenue institutions has
importantly, stakeholder accountability. about correct surveying approaches in the affected both data maintenance and net

10 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

Article | Megha Datta

land revenue collection across the country. There is also a major gap in awareness 1. Expertise and capacity-building at
Huge volumes of datasets of all types and among Government officials about global revenue institutions
forms are lying with revenue institutions developments and examples such as
in the country left to be duly incorporated. FELA or the Fit-for-Purpose approach, Timely execution of target activities
Poorly maintained, outdated and erroneous or the latest technological advancements for modernization of various facets
revenue records abound. in cadastral mapping and revenue system of land revenue system in the country
modernization. Revenue laws of most can be achieved only when revenue
It seems the biggest reason for this gap states are also yet to be updated in institutions are strengthened with
is the lack of intent, focus, prioritization purview of such developments. skilled manpower as per revised roles
and will for modernization, updation and and mandates.
management of land revenue systems Central agencies like Survey of India
across the country. had been there as part of monitoring 2. Policy-level interventions
mechanism to extend the technical
Procedural Stipulations expertise of surveying and mapping in The approach adopted for the
DILRMP scheme implementation, but implementation of the programme
Since independence, land revenue real technology infusion using latest requires changes in terms of more
collection has been majorly limited to surveying and mapping technologies clarity at Centre/State Government
the registration of sale/purchase of have not been easy in the rigid project level about the strategic issues
commercial land transactions through structure. witnessed during the past 10-12 years
a mutually exclusive process. There was of its implementation.
never any compulsion for completing The Bright Side: Positive
inherently associated revenue processes Developments in the Field 3. Capacity Building
like ROR entries, or timely updates to
mutation records and cadastral maps in Over the last few years and especially Various stakeholders at various levels
sync with land-related transactions. in the current and third phase of the including Centre, State and Private
DILRMP, several positive developments agencies need to be equipped with
Component-wise costing worked out for have been witnessed on the land skills in sync with proposed targets,
the 1st phase of the scheme was found administration front. Textual or Records technologies, and processes at large.
to be very unattractive to private firms, of Right (ROR) data is presently being
as evident from the feeble response integrated with the registration process 4. Deeper engagement of the private
to outsourcing tenders of the states/ across all states at a commendable pace sector
UTs. In states/UTs with the capacity under DILRMP.
and determination to absorb additional Technology approaches like use
financial burden over and above the States/UTs are also facilitating quality of CORS network infrastructure
DILRMP, funds allocation could really citizen services with web-based access combined with aerial data capturing
start survey/resurvey activities. These rates to mutation and land records to view for resurvey with realistic timelines
were enhanced in the second phase but and certify non-encumbrances, ensure considering the available capacity
there was no focus on the survey/resurvey time-bound auto-mutation, and seeding in the country and planned
component. Therefore, real advantage of registration processes with biometric augmentation in partnership with the
could never be leveraged in tangible terms. Aadhar records to eliminate fraudulent industry.
transactions, for instance. 5. A novel approach
Further, there were other procedural
stipulations on the release of funds to SoI’s advocacy for inclusion of CORS New frameworks and processes
states under the scheme as Centrally technology 2015-16 onwards has based on global land administration
Sponsored Scheme, corrected later when also finally been realized, with the standards, best practices and available
the scheme was made a Central Sector establishment of the CORS network frameworks like FELA, IGIF, WB
Scheme by the Central Government in the and use of Network RTK-based survey reports need to be implemented. Due
year 2016. methodology for cadastral level record focus should be paid to the larger
generation. This was introduced under public interest, with open involvement
Stakeholder Accountability the prestigious SVAMITVA scheme of of subject experts to formulate a FFP
the Ministry of Panchayati Raj launched approach.
The prescribed DILRMP implementation in the year 2020.
model stipulates survey/resurvey execution
by respective state/UTs only. Funds The availability of financial
In the recent past, SoI had taken up resources, flexibility for use of latest
are directly provided to them by DoLR survey/resurvey-related large scale
primarily based on their project proposals technology options in programme
mapping work using drone-based implementation, technology adoption
approved by PM&SG under the scheme. photogrammetry survey technology initiatives at revenue institution level
for various states/UTs like Haryana, for new roles, strong will and push
Now, there was no scope for direct Karnataka, Andhra Pradesh, Andaman &
involvement of any central agency like SoI for requisite policy changes by the
Nicobar, etc, including establishment of Government and readiness to adopt
in the project, which resulted in execution CORS network infrastructure.
of the scheme as per state/UT-specific practical Public-Private Partnerships
focus alone. No priority was placed for What Can be Done Better? The mode of industry engagement for
any changes in technical methodology. Way Forward technology and technical expertise
Most states/UTs were not equipped will help us achieve expeditious
with a deeper technical understanding of The modernization of Indian revenue implementation of the programme in
surveying methodologies and mapping system essentially entails rectification and future.
processes. amendments to:

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 11

Case Study | IIC Technologies

Land Administration for Nagpur

Municipal Corporation
The Nagpur Municipal Council Project Objective HT & LT Power lines, OFC cable etc.) or
(NMC) was established in 1864, existing water bodies, existing structures,
with a population of 82,000 and The main objective of the project was slum, religious structures, industrial area,
jurisdictional area at 15.5 sq. km, to develop a detailed GIS Base map on a height of structures etc.
which was expanded to 227.37 scale of 1:1,000 for entire NMC area in
as per the Government Resolution stereo mode. All features like Buildings, The collected data was also used for
dated 14th May 2013. Vacant Plots, Roads (National Highways, slope analysis and finding out
State Highways, City Roads and Streets), catchment area of given location/
The key responsibility for providing Bridges (Flyovers, Railway Bridges, etc.), spot/ village/ river etc. with the help
Nagpur’s citizens basic urban Railway Tracks, Parks, Gardens, Stadiums, of 0.5m contours and Digital Elevation
services lies with the NMC, including Slums, Traffic Squares, Water Bodies Model (DEM) generated. It was also
water supply, sewerage, waste (Reservoirs, River, Lake, Pond, Drainage, useful for analysis of structure density,
management, slum improvement, Canal etc), Over Head Tanks, etc. to be type of structures, use of structure,
land use planning, construction and extracted from Aerial imagery through area under structure as per its use
maintenance of internal roads, street stereo mode. area under defense, industry etc. The
lighting, maintenance of parks and ground surveys and collected attribute
gardens, providing primary health Scope of work information were linked to the Final
and education facilities, etc. NMC Base Map to create a comprehensive GIS
co-ordinates with various other The project involved Desktop study, database.
government organizations like NIT, establishing precise Ground Control
MHADA, MSRTC, the Traffic Police, Network using Dual frequency GNSS/ Deliverables
MPCB, etc. for delivering these basic GPS in relative static positioning
urban services. method, Digital Aerial Photography ≤ The Generation of Spatial Database
10cm GSD using fixed wing Aircraft, Infrastructure includes the Inception
It was soon identified that there was Geo referencing & Creation of DEM, Report, Ground Control Network
a need to link resource mobilization Contour generation and \Ortho Photo, (.shp), Aerial Imagery (Geo Tiff), Geo
with spatial development planning Geo Referenced Existing Land Use Map, referencing & Creation of DEM \
focusing on credit enhancement Geo referenced Land Records System, Ortho Photo for entire NMC region,
mechanisms. This made the Development & installation of EGIS Index Plan, Key Plan on 1:50,000 Scale,
preparation of land use maps the first system, Creation of Base map for entire Detailed Survey Plan on 1:5000 Scale,
step towards city development. NMC and Training. Existing Land Use Plan on 1:5000
Scale, Existing Land Use Report, Geo
NMC assigned this task to IIC Data collected during preparation of Base Referenced Existing Land Use Map &
Technologies, India, based on the map was used for planning purpose of Report, Geo referenced Land Records
competitive merits for the preparation all infrastructure projects for NMC and System, Base map for entire NMC region,
of Development Plan as per MRTP other government departments. Maps/ Development & installation of GIS
Act 1966 for NMC Area. data set/ information was prepared for software, All created Maps and Training.
existing Utility (such as Road, Railway,

12 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

Case Study | IIC Technologies

Geo Referencing: All distributed ground external stakeholders of NMC through from catalogue for spatial and non-spatial
controls used for Geo referencing of the EGIS GeoPortal Solution via Web, views, and export the dataset into required
Aerial imagery, made with polynomial Mobile, Tablets Access. formats where needed.
order 2 with suitable transformation
method. The above diagram depicts the overall Innovation Techniques Adopted
proposed logical technical Solution
DEM Compilation: All architecture for NMC EGIS web-enabled • Pre-Flight Panelling: Performed to save
photogrammetric Digital Elevation GeoPortal System with Mobile Client time and costs of aerial mapping and
Model (DEM) collection carried out access. It displays accurate Surveyed surveying for saving time and costs.
using Z/I ImageStation to meet the ortho outputs in various Spatial layers and Panels visible in photographs were
photo standards. IIC converted final supporting Integrations with current reduced, runtime errors nullified, nearly
DEM (after the QA/QC steps) into 3D IT systems, Data and Spatial systems in 100% accurate datasets and permanent
ASCII XYZ format. Cell sizes were 20m scope of EGIS Project. markers obtained.
for 10m for rural and urban respectively.
Layer 1: Outputs of all approved spatial • Ground Control Points: Obtaining
Generation of Contours: High-accuracy surveyed datasets, collection of any/ GCPs usually consumes a lot of time,
contours generated at 5m thoroughly all spatial datasets, access to documents affecting final project delivery. A
checked and corrected with the help of from servers, integration of existing simplified technique was used instead
DTM/TIN. Systems in NMC with integration to both for establishing GCPs in project areas
spatial and non-spatial information of while obtaining permissions.
Surface/DEM Generation: Surface respective land systems.
generated using final DTM used for • Base Map preparation: Tasks and
orthophoto and DEM generation. Layer 2: Application Data and requests with NMC’s requirements kept
Integration Layer - usage of verified in mind, rather than creating a generic
Pre-Processing: Project setup to Spatial Data files and approved for usage Base map.
be done to define coordinate system in the geoportal solution.
information, rotation angle, ISPM project • Tool Development: Focus was on
and its Orthorectification settings, Layer 3: Data Storage Layer - centralized automation of work and avoiding
seamlines, mosaic parameters etc. distributed storage where PostgreSQl manual errors. Data Migration played
PostGIS RDBMS server is proposed an important role for transferring of
Orthorectification: Performed to to be used for storing both spatial and data into the Database.
correct relief and tilt errors. Outputs non-spatial data and the centralized file
from this task are ortho-photographs. storage server. • Auto Migration of data into the
Feature Extraction: Digital Aerial Layer 4: Data Analytics Layer - static and
imagery analysed under high zoom to dynamic report generation and dynamic • Auto QC using spatial tools
identify features listed in data model dashboard with statistical computations
using heads on digitization technique. All as needed for the Nagpur NMC EGIS • Robust Architecture: Focus on website
features extracted from imagery through Geo Portal Solution. efficiency. Highly scalable and reliable
on screen / Heads on digitization web-portal established that was flexible,
technique. Layer 5: Business Layer - Geospatial easily integrable with third-party.
server and QGIS server-side
Digitization: Data capturing carried computational layer. Both spatial and • Knowledge Transfer: Multiple levels
out by attaching input imagery from non-spatial functionality like User, of knowledge transfer to NMC staff
the server as a reference in the CAD Roles, Security single sign on, spatial conducted for better understanding
environment. Base Map in geodatabase. layers access, OGC compliant access of the usage and process of the
of attributes, etc. are supported in this application, making them become self-
About the NMC EGIS Geo Portal server-side layer. sustainable.
Layer 6 and Layer 7: Presentation • Project Management: Tools developed
The respective department’s surveyed Actual UI Access Layers. Users can login, to monitor online progress of the
datasets are made available to internal and query and retrieve the respective datasets application using Mobile application
for easy navigation access by citizens as
Indicative NMC EGIS Geoportal Screen showing the list of Illegal Constructions in selected AOI

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 13

Case Study | SECON

Land Administration Modernization for

Rajasthan under DILRMP Scheme
Land administration management use of High-Resolution Stereo Satellite Post Re-Survey Challenges
is the process of managing the use Images (HRSI) followed by Ground
and development (in both urban Survey using Differential GPS (DGPS) Post implementation of the project, the
and rural settings) of land resources. and Electronic Total Survey Station biggest challenge being faced by the State’s
Multiple sectors require effective land (ETGS) for rural and urban areas in the Revenue Department was facilitating
administration and management, country. and updating revenue records at regular
including survey/resurvey projects intervals on a day-to-day basis. This
for urban and rural development, The RBAAS & Settlement Commissioner was because of frequent changes in the
national highways, expressways, and – Jaipur, Government of Rajasthan, has field/charge of ownership, along with
road projects, canals, water resources awarded the work of Establishment of other technical aspects related to land
projects, riverfront management, Ground Control Network, Conducting administration.
public health engineering, sewerage Survey/Re-survey, and Updation of
and wastewater management projects, Survey & Settlement (Records) operations The State Government of Rajasthan and
pipeline/oil & gas, and other under the DILRMP for Ajmer and Kota the Government of India are seeking
infrastructure projects, to name a few. zones to SECON Pvt Ltd, Bengaluru. solutions to overcome these challenges in
land management for handling enormous
Despite its crucial role, land Scope of work revenue records. The development of an
administration has struggled with efficient land management software will
several challenges across regimes. The project involves pre-survey activities help resolve a majority of these challenges
These include the lack of uniform and establishment of control points such as digital records of change of
land and revenue records, many across the state in Ajmer and Kota zones. ownership, generation and updating of
of which presently date back to This is followed by the preparation of land records, mutation entries, and property
the 1950s-60s. Urban planning and up-to-date GIS-compatible land parcel survey records with the objective of
revenue administration objectives maps for districts through hybrid method providing employment at every District
are greatly undermined. Data – HRSI, DGPS and ETGS – including Revenue Records office.
collection and sharing are still facing various attributes/metadata. A dedicated
complications, while linking between module was also to be prepared for land
text records and maps through robust records, settlement operations
Geographic Information Systems is and project management
lacking in many places. progress updation.

Project Objective Solution

Considering the above challenges To generate the automated
and gaps, the need of the hour is land records, the team at
to upgrade, enhance and update SECON developed a robust
land records all over India through GIS-based land management
modernization and digitization of the software application that
entire system. The Government of enables generation of various
India’s flagship programme, Digital forms/revenue records as
India Land Records Modernization per the State Revenue Portal.
(DILRMP) has initiated the The following modules
conversion of old land records into were created to support
a new digital format using modern the comprehensive GIS
hybrid survey methodologies, such as application.

14 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

Article | Roter Group of Companies

Zoomed View of a Small Portion from the above orthophoto

Empowering our ‘Gramas’ with High-Resolution

Geospatial Data using Drones
Inching for an Atmanirbhar Bharat
The drone industry was in a nascent manner. It provides a flexible, transparent Future of Drone Data for Land
phase until the end of first decade of methodology for collecting data for a Administration and Management
2000s. Today, it is one of the trendiest range of applications including village
topics when talking about technologies boundaries, land cover, infrastructure, High resolution orthophotos collected
of the future and has managed to catch utilities, public facilities, etc. for SVAMITVA can be used for many
the attention of the common man with other purposes by the village authorities.,
its myriad applications. Also termed as Drones in India for Land Records including as a base map for checking and
‘Unmanned Aerial Vehicles’ (UAVs), – SVAMITVA Scheme approving any new building construction,
drones have been used widely in military calculating building areas and accurate
operations for long. In recent times, Survey of Village Abadi and Mapping building taxes, detecting illegal
they have forayed into other fields like with Improvised Technology in Village construction/encroachment to public
inspection, law enforcement, shipping, Areas (SVAMITVA) is a property survey property, and so on. DEM or 3D terrain
surveying and geographic mapping, and programme launched nation-wide by the prepared through SVAMITVA scheme
even aerial photography and videography. Hon’ble Prime Minister on the National can be used for infrastructure scheme
Panchayati Raj Day, 24th April 2020. A planning, such as new road construction,
Why UAV in Surveying? Central Sector Scheme of Ministry of water flow regulation structures, and so
Panchayati Raj, it is an antidotal step on.
Survey-grade drones, also called mapping towards establishing a clear property
drones, provide real time data of the ownership in rural inhabited (Abadi) In addition to better planning and
land area under concern. Using mapping areas. sustainable habitats, SVAMITVA is
drones like Trinity F90+ specifically also paving the way for reformed
designed for the surveying and mapping To establish property ownership, land governance and socio-economic
industry can produce topographical surveying, and mapping of the defined upliftment, thereby reinforcing economic
survey results of the same quality as the area of land is done using survey drones. growth. The backbone of this entire
accurate measurements collected using This is followed by providing ‘Record process is the data collected via drones.
traditional methods. of Rights’ to the village household
owners. High resolution orthophotos are The recent liberalization of Geospatial
Further, Trinity F90+ drones can collect generated using drone photogrammetry and Drone policies is set to give a great
data of over 700 hectares in less than 90 surveys by Survey of India (SoI) for boost to technology-based surveying and
minutes, in a single flight. In other words, demarcating property boundaries in this mapping. Drones play a critical role in
the time consumed is only a fraction of manner. the field of Geospatial data collection for
the time utilised in case of conventional large scale topographic mapping, urban
surveying methods. Drones supply Professional survey grade drones, such as and rural planning, infrastructure, etc.
high-resolution imagery and an accurate TrinityF90+ are the main work horse for Drone survey has transfigured the area
input for land information. The cost field data collection. Property boundaries of surveying and mapping, aiding in the
of site survey as well as workloads are extracted by SoI (with the help of planning of topographic settlements,
automatically reduced. chuna markings) are verified by village and studying the land relief features with
authorities and villagers. Further, legal better clarity and precision across the
Using professional survey grade UAVs ownership cards/Title deeds/property world. It has found profound application
like Trinity F90+ is fast becoming a cards are issued to the property owners. in land administration through the
preferred method of collecting high The SVAMITVA scheme is indeed a SVAMITIVA scheme which is a giant
resolution, quality geospatial data and milestone towards achieving Gram leap towards India’s goal of ‘Atmanirbhar
information in a very cost-effective Swaraj. Bharat’.

Volume V | January-February 2022 AGI Newsletter | 15

Updates from AGI
Commemoration of One Year of Geospatial Guidelines
On 15th Feb 2022, a year after the release of the Geospatial Guidelines, the Association of Geospatial Industries (AGI) in
association with the Department of Science and Technology (DST) co-hosted an interactive session to reflect upon how the
Geospatial Guidelines have made a difference to the Geospatial industry and the users, whether the intended changes have indeed
taken effect and what more can be expected from each stakeholder given the reformed outlook.
The session was graced by Hon’ble Union Minister Dr. Jitendra Singh, Secretary, DST, Dr. Sivari Chandrasekhar, Surveyor General
of India (SGI) and Joint Secretary, DST, Shri Sunil Kumar, IFS, Smt Anju Bhalla, Joint Secretary, DST, among other notable
dignitaries from the Government, private sector, and academia.

Impact of Guidelines Industry Expectations and Collaborative Environment: Innovative

Atmanirbharta: Many companies like Recommendations business models need to be thought of
MapMyIndia, Genesys International and and presented for the purpose, such as
Geospatial Impact Study: A Public-Private Partnership (PPP) for
Esri India have increased investments in comprehensive study about the socio-
developing 3D data, street-view, real-view bigger projects. Startup ecosystem must
economic impact of the technology be invested into.
content and locally developed GIS-based is needed to understand growth
solution products. opportunities and build a roadmap Geospatial Education and Awareness:
for proper utilization of Geospatial Industry requests to develop a National
Boost to Indian industry ecosystem: technology.
Confidence of users and Indian citizens Geospatial University, or Indian Institute
has seen a massive boost, for instance Industrial Development Strategy for of Geospatial Technology for developing
MapmyIndia’s successful IPO that was the Geospatial Sector: A Board or a core professionals along with more
oversubscribed by 150 times. Think Tank can be set up for coordinating Bachelor level courses.
and monitoring the implementation of Policy Integration: There is a need to
SVAMITVA Scheme: SoI opened a an Industrial Development Strategy, and
call for empanelment of Geospatial update policies such that compliances can
formulation of a National Geospatial be met with, both remote sensing and
companies to finish the entire 6 lakh Master Plan.
village mapping within the challenging geospatial data. The apprehensions of
timeframe because of liberalization of Data Sharing and Improvement: foreign companies need to be addressed,
Geospatial data regulations Greater government and industry giving more clarity for working in the
collaboration is required to set up systems Indian environment.
Large-Scale Mapping (LSM) Projects: for sharing data and content with different
Several state governments are now users to ensure effective use across sectors, Mark your Calendar for
looking at undertaking LSM projects for greater economic and social value, time AGI’s Annual Industry Conclave!
generating high-resolution maps of entire and costs savings.
state regions.
Data Creation Efforts: With the
Urban Mapping Projects: Opening of establishment of a positive policy India Geospatial Leadership
regulations and liberalization of Drone environment, data creation efforts need to Summit 2022
Rules have given a boost to Masterplan be strengthened by the industry as well as
creation projects using Geospatial government entities. April 25-26, 2022
technology. Eros Hotel, Nehru Place, New Delhi
Data Availability and Accessibility:
Geo Portal: SOI has started discussions Data should be made available to users For details contact:
with leading commercial companies and the industry for maximum value
realization. Access must be a mix of free
to develop a comprehensive geoportal
that maintains and disseminates all data and paid depending on the value of the
available with the national mapping data, just like some roads are free to access
agency at present. and some carry a toll.

16 | AGI Newsletter Volume V | January-February 2022

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