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“A Review on Industrial Augmented Reality Systems for the

Industry 4.0 Shipyard”

B. Tech.





Mr. Gagandeep Singh Prashant Chauhan

Asstt. Prof. ECE Department 1602731091

​ECE 4​th​ Year

Ajay Kumar Garg Engineering College, Ghaziabad

27​ Km Stone, Delhi-Hapur Bypass Road, Adhyatmik Nagar, Ghaziabad-201009

Dr. A. P. J. Abdul Kalam Technical University, Lucknow

Table of Contents 
CHAPTER Ⅰ: ​Technical Paper 
CHAPTER Ⅱ: Details of the Presentation  
ARCore working  

Physical environments  
Virtual environment  
Continuous discovery  
Environmental limitations  
Experience size  
Responsive Playspace  
Types of movement  


Safety & Comfort  


Audio exploration  
Multiplayer Experience  

A​dvantages of AR technology  

Disadvantages of AR technology  

2. Sun-Seeker  
3. ARGON4  
4. AR Browser SDK  
5. Pokémon Go:  
7. AR GPS Drive/Walk Navigation  
8. AR GPS Compass Map 3D  


Received December 28, 2017, accepted February 11, 2018, date of publication February 21, 2018, date of current version March 28, 2018.
Digital Object Identifier 10.1109/ACCESS.2018.2808326

A Review on Industrial Augmented Reality

Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard
1 Unidad Mixta de Investigación Navantia-UDC, Universidade da Coruña, Edificio de Talleres Tecnológicos, Mendizábal, 15403 Ferrol, Spain
2 Navantia S. A., Unidad de Producción de Ferrol, Taxonera, 15403 Ferrol, Spain
Corresponding authors: Paula Fraga-Lamas ( and Tiago M. Fernández-Caramés (
This work was supported by the Plant Information and Augmented Reality research line of the Navantia-UDC Joint Research Unit.

ABSTRACT Shipbuilding companies are upgrading their inner workings in order to create Shipyards 4.0,
where the principles of Industry 4.0 are paving the way to further digitalized and optimized processes in an
integrated network. Among the different Industry 4.0 technologies, this paper focuses on augmented reality,
whose application in the industrial field has led to the concept of industrial augmented reality (IAR). This
paper first describes the basics of IAR and then carries out a thorough analysis of the latest IAR systems
for industrial and shipbuilding applications. Then, in order to build a practical IAR system for shipyard
workers, the main hardware and software solutions are compared. Finally, as a conclusion after reviewing
all the aspects related to IAR for shipbuilding, it proposed an IAR system architecture that combines cloudlets
and fog computing, which reduce latency response and accelerate rendering tasks while offloading compute
intensive tasks from the cloud.

INDEX TERMS Industry 4.0, augmented reality, industrial augmented reality, Internet of Things,
cyber-physical systems, industrial operator support, smart factory, task execution, cloudlet, edge computing.

I. INTRODUCTION that provide powerful tools that support the operators that
The shipbuilding industry is aimed at providing integral undertake tasks, helping them in assembly tasks, context-
solutions for delivering fully operational vessels together aware assistance, data visualization and interaction (acting
with their life-cycle maintenance. Shipbuilding main working as a Human-Machine Interface (HMI)), indoor localization,
areas include, among others, the design and construction of maintenance applications, quality control or material man-
hi-tech vessels, the development of naval control and com- agement. Specifically, AR technology is expected to grow
bat systems, overhauls of military and civil vessels, ships significantly in the next years together with Virtual Reality
repairs, and diesel engine and turbine manufacturing. In all (VR), creating a market of US $80 bn in 2025 [1].
those areas, most companies are transferring the Industry IAR is one of the technologies analyzed by Navantia, one
4.0 principles to their shipyards in order to build Ship- of world’s largest shipbuilders. At the end of 2015 Navantia
yards 4.0, seeking to apply the newest technologies related created together with the University of A Coruña (UDC)
to ubiquitous sensing, Internet of Things (IoT), robotics, the Joint Research Unit Navantia-UDC, which studies the
Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), 3D printing or Big Data to application of different Industry 4.0 technologies to ship-
improve the efficiency of the many processes that occur in a yards through various research lines. One of such lines is
shipyard. called ‘‘Plant Information and Augmented Reality’’ and has
This paradigm shift will change the way that operators among its objectives to evaluate the feasibility of using
perform their daily tasks. Therefore, they must be equipped IAR to provide information to operators about shipyard
with devices that act as an interface for human-machine processes.
communication and collaboration, and even as a Decision The present paper is aimed at analyzing the latest research
Support System (DSS) that would help to optimize their and the best technologies to build an IAR system for a ship-
actions. Augmented Reality (AR), and specifically Indus- yard. Specifically, its main contributions are the following,
trial Augmented Reality (IAR), is one of the technologies which, as of writing, have not been found together in the

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

• The article reviews the main characteristics of the most
recent IAR systems for industrial and shipbuilding appli-
• It provides thorough comparisons on the latest hardware
and software technologies for creating IAR solutions.
• This article also identifies and discusses different use
cases where IAR can be useful for shipbuilding.
• It proposes a novel IAR architecture that makes use of
Edge Computing to reduce latency response and accel-
erate rendering tasks.
The remainder of this paper is organized as follows.
Section II reviews the main IAR concepts to provide a
basic understanding of the underlying technology. Section III
summarizes the main industrial applications of IAR, while FIGURE 1. Example of video-mixed display.
Section IV analyzes the main academic and commercial
IAR developments for the shipbuilding industry. Section V technological giants have been actively developing AR pro-
describes the most relevant use cases of IAR for a ship- totypes and products [12]. Moreover, ABI Research [13]
yard. Section VI compares the main IAR hardware and soft- anticipates a fast-growing market with shipments forecast to
ware technologies for developing shipbuilding applications. expand from just over one million units in 2016 to more
Section VII analyzes the traditional IAR architecture and then than 460 million by 2021 [14]. In addition, according to
proposes the ideal architecture for a Shipyard 4.0. Finally, IDC [15], worldwide spending on AR and VR is forecast to
Section VIII is devoted to the conclusions. reach US$ 17.8 billion in 2018 [16]. Furthermore, products
and services will continue to grow at a similar rate through-
II. IAR BASICS out the remainder of the 2017-2021 forecast period, achiev-
A. ORIGINS, CURRENT TRENDS AND PROSPECTS OF IAR ing a five-year Compound Annual Growth Rate (CAGR)
The term IAR can be defined as the application of AR in of 98.8%. Nevertheless, according to numerous sources
order to support an industrial process [2]. This definition is [17]–[19], it will take a few years until IAR reaches the
broader than the one given by other researchers [3], who maturity level to be fully deployed in industrial applications.
disregarded photo-based augmentations, which have proved
to be effective in industrial environments. B. ESSENTIAL PARTS OF AN AR SYSTEM
Although the origins of AR can be traced back to the AR involves a set of technologies that make use of an elec-
1960s, when Ivan Sutherland performed his visionary exper- tronic device to view, directly or indirectly, a real-world
iments [4], [5], the concept of IAR actually emerged in the physical environment that is combined with virtual elements.
early 1990s, when Caudell and Mizell [6], from Boeing, The elements that make up an AR system are:
presented a head-up see-through display used to augment • An element to capture images (i.e., a Charge-Coupled
the visual field of an operator with information related to Device (CCD), stereo, or depth-sensing camera).
the task she/he was carrying out. It was not until the end of • A display to project the virtual information on the
the 1990s when IAR started to gain some traction, mainly images acquired by the capture element. Display tech-
thanks to the German government, who funded the ARVIKA nologies are divided basically into two types: video-
project [7], [8]. In such a project companies like Airbus, mixed (example in Figure 1) and optical see-through
EADS, BMW or Ford participated in the development of displays [20] (e.g., projection-based systems). There is
mobile IAR applications [9]. Such a project represented an also a growing interest in retinal projection, but its use
important milestone and promoted diverse IAR initiatives. is currently very rare in industrial environments. In a
The research efforts of ARVIKA derived in 2006 in the video-mixed display, the virtual and real information
ARTESAS (Advanced Augmented Reality Technologies for previously acquired with a camera are digitally merged
Industrial Service Applications) project [10], which focused and represented on a display. This technology presents,
on the development of IAR technologies for automotive and among others, the disadvantages of providing limited
aerospace maintenance. fields of vision and reduced resolutions. In contrast,
The first IAR systems were mostly experimental, but in the in an optical see-through display, virtual information is
last years they started to move away from research and sev- superimposed on the user’s field of view by means of an
eral relevant commercial initiatives have been launched. For optical projection system. The hardware used by these
instance, in 2013 Google Glasses [11] caught the attention of two display technologies can be classified as:
a broad audience that was not familiarized with AR or IAR – Hand-Held Displays (HHD). They embed a screen
and gained the enthusiasm of certain industries. Since then, that fits in a user’s hand (e.g., tablets, smartphones).

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FIGURE 2. Simplified AR pipeline.

– Spatial Displays. They use digital projectors to • Techniques based on sensors (e.g., Inertial Measuring
show graphic information about physical objects. Unit (IMU), GPS, infrared, ultrasounds).
These displays ease collaborative tasks among • Image-based techniques that make use of markers,
users, since they are not associated with a single which can be synthetic or natural.
user. • Sensor and image fusion techniques.
– Head-Mounted Displays (HMD). They are the dis- In addition, there are different techniques for image recog-
plays included in devices like smart glasses and nition. Some are based in traditional AR markers, which
smart helmets, which allow users to see the entire usually are square or rectangular markers that contain a high-
environment that surrounds them. contrast figure similar to a QR code. These type of mark-
• A processing unit that outputs the virtual information to ers are usually framework-dependent and the software is,
be projected. in most cases, optimized to recognize them by means of spe-
• Activating elements (e.g., images, GPS positions, QR cific algorithms. On the contrary, Natural Feature Tracking
markers, or sensor values from accelerometers, gyro- (NFT) techniques [22], [23] extract characteristic points from
scopes, compasses, altimeters or thermal sensors) that images. Such points are then used to train the AR system to
trigger the display of virtual information. detect them in real time. NFT techniques have the disadvan-
Regarding the internal logic of an AR system, it is essen- tage of being more computationally intensive and slower than
tially composed by the functional modules shown in Figure 2. other alternatives, and less effective at long distances, but they
In such a Figure it is represented a pipeline where, first, provide a seamless integration of the augmented information
the device camera captures a frame, which is then processed with the real world, since there is no need for placing an
by the AR software to estimate the camera position regarding artificial marker visible in the scene [24]. In order to mitigate
to a reference object (e.g., an AR marker). Such an estimation the disadvantages of NFT, small artificial markers called
can also make use of internal sensors, which also help to track fiducial markers are often added to the scene to accelerate the
the reference object. Accurate camera positioning is essential initial recognition, improving the performance of the system
while displaying AR content, since it has to be rotated and and reducing the algorithm computational requirements.
scaled according to the scenario. Usually, the image is ren-
dered for the appropriate perspective and it is presented to III. IAR FOR INDUSTRIAL APPLICATIONS
the user on the display of a device. Note also that interaction The combination of the latest advances in electronics, sen-
with the image is possible through the Interaction Handling sors, networking, and robotics, together with paradigms like
module and that, when certain local or remote information IoT, enable the development of advanced applications for
is required, the Information Management module is the one industrial systems [25], energy efficiency [26], [27], home
responsible for obtaining it. automation [28], precision agriculture [29], high-security IoT
In this pipeline, the major technological challenges are the applications [30]–[34], transportation [35] or for defense and
internal registration of the objects displayed by the system, public safety [36], [37].
the tracking of visual elements and features, and the devel- Among the enabling technologies, IAR has proven to be a
opment of the information display system [21]. In addition, suitable tool for the manufacturing strategies proposed by dif-
rendering (i.e., photometric registration, comprehensive visu- ferent countries (e.g., Industry 4.0 [38], Industrial Internet of
alization techniques, or view-management techniques) and Things [39], Made in China 2025 [40] or smart factories [41]),
real-time data processing are also challenging, since their allowing workers to collaborate among them, to interact with
performance is key when superimposing graphic elements in real-time information and to monitor and control systems.
the environment in a rapid, consistent and realistic way. Thus, Figure 3 summarizes the most relevant industrial tasks and
accurate, fast and robust registration and tracking are required sectors where IAR can bring value.
to develop AR techniques that allow for determining the One of the IAR most common applications is the assis-
position and orientation of the observer and the real/virtual tance to workers in maintenance/repair/control tasks through
objects. Such techniques can be classified into: instructions with textual, visual, or auditory information [42].

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FIGURE 3. Value of IAR across Industry 4.0.

Such an information is rendered ubiquitously, so that the Another area where IAR can help is marketing and sales,
worker perceives the instructions with less effort, thus avoid- since AR demos are usually really attractive when show-
ing the change from a real context to a virtual one where the ing other people a certain scenario or the capabilities of a
relevant data is accessed. product. Therefore, AR has the ability to transform the cus-
Remote assistance is also key when companies have tomer experience, enabling the inclusion of different parame-
machines installed in remote locations. Such machines need ters, options, settings or configurations [54]–[57]. Moreover,
to be monitored, operated and repaired with the minimum an improved customer experience is able to reduce the levels
amount of people on-site. IAR can help by easing remote col- of uncertainty about their choices shortening the sales cycle.
laboration between workers [43], [44]. Augmented commu- Furthermore, it can also be used to collect data about product
nications can also be used for collaborative visualization in preferences. A good marketing and sales example was created
engineering processes during stages related to design or man- by BMW [58] for a campaign for selling its latest electric
ufacturing [45]. vehicles.
Likewise, IAR is helpful for assisting workers in the deci- After-sales service to the customers can be also enhanced
sion making in real scenarios, combining the physical expe- through IAR, since it can guide them through repairs and
rience together with the display of information extracted in can connect them with remote experts [59], [60]. Feedback
real time from databases [46]. Furthermore, IAR can provide can be also obtained by using an IAR interface, either by
quick access to documentation like manuals, drawings or 3D receiving it directly from the customers, or by analyzing how
models [47]–[49]. such consumers have used the product [61], [62].
Well-trained operators are also essential for productive The 3D models provided by IAR are a useful tool for
factories. IAR can help during the training process by giving engineers while creating and evaluating designs and products
step-by-step instructions to develop specific tasks. This is [19], [63]. IAR makes it possible to place a virtual object
especially useful when training workers to operate machinery anywhere and observe at full scale whether it fits or not in
like the one used for assembly in sequence, what reduces the a specific scenario. Moreover, IAR enables providing on-site
time and effort dedicated to check manuals [50]. Thus, IAR CAD model corrections, thus improving accuracy, alignment
can reduce the training time for new employees and lower and other details of the model [64], [65]. In addition, during
the skill requirements for new hires. In addition, it is possible product the different product manufacturing stages, IAR can
to adjust the instructions to the experience of the worker, help during the quality assurance controls and show perfor-
what accelerates the learning process by focusing more on mance dashboards [66].
acquiring skills. Manufacturing can also be benefited from IAR, which IAR
IAR training systems are also useful for preserving certain can deliver the right information at the right time to avoid mis-
practical knowledge acquired by the most skilled (and usually takes and increase productivity [67]. This is especially criti-
aged) workers. What happens in different industries is that cal in dangerous manufacturing tasks, where a mistake may
during the 1960s and 1970s there were massive hirings of mean that a worker gets injured or that a costly equipment
workers that are currently retiring [51]. Such workers take is damaged. In addition, in such situations an IAR solution
with them a lot of experience, knowledge and skills that are could be used as a monitoring and diagnosis tool capturing the
difficult to reproduce in traditional ways. Therefore, IAR information provided by control and management systems,
solutions can include such a knowledge in applications to and sensors [68]. For example, Frigo et al. [69] show some
train new hirings [52], [53]. use cases in aerospace manufacturing processes.

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Assembly is one of the processes whose performance can Another relevant welding system is presented in [78],
be improved dramatically by IAR [70]. For example, some which is aimed at training welders. Such a system consists
researchers have studied different methodologies for develop- in a torch, a pair of AR glasses, a motion tracking system and
ing CAD model-based systems for assembly simulation [71]. external speakers. Welding is simulated in real time and uses
In addition, it has already been evaluated the performance a neural network to determine the quality and shape of the
of Microsoft HoloLens for assembly processes [72]. Fur- weld based on the speed and orientation of the torch.
thermore, a comprehensive review of AR-based assembly Another activity that takes place in a shipyard is spray
processes can be found in [73]. painting. To simulate the working environment, in [79] it is
Regarding logistics, IAR can enhance the efficiency of the proposed a system that uses a paint gun as user interface.
picking process in warehouse by providing an indoor guid- Such a gun features force feedback and emits painting sound.
ance system [74]. Note that picking items represents from During training, the student uses this gun to paint on virtual
55 % to 65 % of the total cost of warehousing operations [75], models of steel structures that are shown on the screen of the
which are still mostly carried out through a pick-by-paper AR glasses, showing the results immediately, just upon the
approach. Thus, IAR can give instructions to the workers and completion of the exercise.
guide them using the best route. A system potentially applicable to the shipyard is the one
Finally, after reviewing the state of the art, the following proposed in [80]. It provides AR functionalities on a tablet,
aspects can be pointed out as essential in order to develop a allowing the operator to place virtual geo-referenced notes in
successful IAR application: production modules as a method of communication between
• The use cases and applications selected must provide workers. The central element of the system adds and pro-
added-value services. cesses data from different sources, while the applications run-
• Functional discontinuities or gaps in the operating ning on the tablets retrieve and display such an information
modes that can affect the functionality should be for maintenance and for helping in plant processes.
avoided. Regarding maintenance in industrial processes of the ship-
• Reduce cognitive discontinuities or differences between yard, many of them are described in paper or electronic
old and new work practices. Learning new procedures documents that the operator must read and memorize to apply
may hinder the adoption of the technology. on the ongoing maintenance operations. This task is usually
• Reduce physical side-effects caused by the devices on prone to human errors. To avoid them, the system described
users in the short and long term (e.g., headaches, nau- in [81] presents an IAR-based assistant that makes uses of
sea, or loss of visual acuity). a tablet to indicate step-by-step instructions that include the
• Avoid unpredicted effects of the devices on users necessary information for carrying out an operation. Simi-
unfamiliar with the technology, like distractions, sur- larly, in [48] it is detailed an IAR application that provides
prises or shocks. assistance to military mechanics when performing repair and
• Take into consideration the user perception regarding maintenance tasks on the field, inside an armored vehicle. The
ergonomic and aesthetic issues. prototype proposed uses a wrist control panel and an HMD
• Make user interaction as natural and user-friendly as to augment the mechanic’s natural vision with animated text,
possible, avoiding lapses or inconsistencies. labels, arrows and sequences to facilitate the understanding,
localization and execution of tasks, which include installing
IV. IAR FOR SHIPBUILDING and removing locks and warning lights, or connecting wires.
In the last years, several IAR solutions have been presented Note that, since all those tasks have to be performed in the
to help in the accomplishment of daily tasks in a shipyard and reduced interior space of an armored vehicle, the IAR pro-
in the shipbuilding industry. Some examples are the systems totype makes it easier for the mechanics to locate elements,
presented in [76]–[78], which facilitate welding processes. which is also carried out faster than when making use of
In particular, in [76] it is detailed a system that replaces the traditional documentation systems.
traditional welder’s screen with a helmet that incorporates a Specific issues arise when building ships for the first time.
display where useful information is projected. Through the A common situation is that construction and production pro-
screen, a virtual assistant actively suggests corrections during cesses often overlap over time. When discrepancies between
the welding process and indicates possible errors. the construction data and the actual ship happen, it is nec-
Similarly, in [77] it is described a system to control a essary to modify the CAD models. To solve this problem,
welding robot inside a ship. The proposed system uses an the AR system detailed in [82] allows the user to visual-
interface that allows operators to interact with the workspace: ize the pipe construction data and modify them in the case
the operator receives visual information from a projec- of misalignment or collision. The modified pipe geometry
tion system mounted on the robot and controls the robot can be saved and used as an input for bending machines.
using a wireless controller. Thus, the system is designed To ensure the fitting of a pipe, the system integrates an optical
to increase the operator concentration on the actual task, measurement tool into the alignment process. All these tasks
avoiding the distractions related to the use of a traditional are performed by using an IAR application in a tablet with
screen. a built-in camera that, before the actual installation, allows

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

for visualizing, modifying and verifying pipe segments vir-

tually, being able to interact with them through a touch
Another problem in the naval industry is related to the
diagrams used to help managers and engineers to identify
the technical requirements and to understand what is going
to be built. The correct interpretation of such diagrams is
complicated, since they are expressed numerically when they
are created during the design stage. In order to overcome this
issue, the system detailed in [83] proposes an AR application
based on mobile devices that is able to visualize 3D models
created from design diagrams. The application does not make
FIGURE 4. Localization of products inside a workshop using an IAR
use of markers and augments every diagram with a 3D model system.
that is shown through the display of the mobile device. The
scanned designs are uploaded to the server with their charac- visualize the 2D-location of products and tools in portable
teristic points and are stored in databases along with the 3D devices such as tablets or IAR glasses (illustrated in Figure 4).
model. For the recognition of the designs, a picture is taken This system would make use of sensor values and artificial
with the camera of the mobile device and then it is performed tags distributed throughout the workshop that allow for deter-
a search in the database to locate a match. In the case of mining the positioning of the user in the shipyard.
finding a match, the 3D model, together with its characteristic
points, is transmitted to the mobile device for its interactive
This use case is intended to assist warehouse operators in the
Finally, it is worth mentioning that companies like Newport
processes of storage, localization, relocation and collection
News Shipbuilding [84], Index AR Solutions [85] or BAE
of parts. The immediate advantage of displaying information
Systems [86] have already marketed AR solutions focused
on IAR devices is a decrease in human errors and in the
on specific applications for the naval industry.
time associated with the different processes involved in the
management of the warehouse.
After analyzing the state of the art and the processes carried
out in workshops and in a ship, the following use cases were 5) PREDICTIVE MAINTENANCE USING DATA MINING
selected as the most promising in terms of possible efficiency The purpose of this use case is to carry out predictive main-
improvements achieved through the application of IAR: tenance actions using data mining techniques. To this end,
information related to the quality control of the processes
1) QUALITY CONTROL is collected as well as data from sensors in machines and
Its objective is the automation of the quality control pro- throughout a workshop. Then, the information can be ana-
cesses through the use of computer vision techniques. Product lyzed and shown through IAR devices to the operators.
modeling would be carried out by using 3D cameras and
reconstruction software. Once the actual model of the product 6) AUGMENTED COMMUNICATION
is obtained, it would be possible to detect deviations from the IAR facilitates augmented communication between opera-
CAD model. tors and controllers/experts through portable IAR devices.
It enables guidance or resolution of incidents on the spot,
2) ASSISTANCE IN THE MANUFACTURING PROCESS sharing the Point of View (POV) of the operator regardless
This use case is intended to assist operators in the manufac- of location, enabling the superposition of information over
turing process inside a workshop by visualizing 3D models the actual image seen by the operator, recording annotations
on tangible interfaces located on the workbench. The use and audio/video communications.
of tangible interfaces involves introducing a visual marker/i-
dentifier on the working environment that acts as a spatial 7) VISUALIZATION OF INSTALLATIONS IN HIDDEN AREAS
reference for the IAR system. The marker can be printed This use case consists in the visualization of hidden instal-
on a fixed surface placed on the table of the manufacturing lations behind bulkheads, roofs or ceilings, by overlapping
station or on a mobile support that allows for its manipulation 3D virtual elements over the real environment. The ideal IAR
by the operator. system would assist operators during the assembly processes,
both during the pre-assembly and the block assembly, in order
3) VISUALIZATION OF THE LOCATION to reveal internal elements that would be difficult to see
OF PRODUCTS AND TOOLS otherwise. In addition, such a system would ease mainte-
Thanks to an already developed system based on RFID tags nance or fault repairs. An example of scenario would be one
[87]–[89], in Navantia’s shipyard in Ferrol it is possible to in which, after the detection of a failure in a ship, the operator

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TABLE 1. Characteristics of the most relevant HMD devices for IAR (first part).

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TABLE 1. (Continued.) Characteristics of the most relevant HMD devices for IAR (second part).

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

characteristics of these devices are:

• The price of the devices ranges from $ 500 to $ 4,900
(the price of the Daqri helmet is still unknown, but
presumably more expensive).
• The average autonomy of these devices in full operation
is about 4 hours.
FIGURE 5. a) Real visualization b) Augmented visualization of hidden • All devices include 3-axis gyroscopes and IMUs with
areas. accelerometers with several DOF (Degrees of Freedom).
• The most commonly embedded sensors measure alti-
uses the proposed system to inspect the installations that are tude, humidity, ambient light, pressure, infrared and
invisible to the naked eye in the affected area, deciding in a proximity sensors. In addition, GPS receivers and com-
more agile and fast way the repair operation (Figure 5). passes are also common.
• They include up to 1-2 GB of RAM and up to 128 GB
8) REMOTE OPERATION OF IIoT AND SMART CONNECTED of ROM. Some models support external memory expan-
PRODUCTS/DEVICES sion cards. All devices support Wi-Fi and Bluetooth
A virtual control panel (digital user interface) can be super- connectivity. Other models, additionally, support LTE.
imposed on the smart product to be operated directly using • All devices except for the FUJITSU Ubiquitousware
an IAR headset, hand gestures, voice commands, or even HMD embed optical see-through displays, whose field
through another smart product. of vision, resolution and color depth differ from one
model to another.
• The quality of the embedded camera also varies remark-
ably depending on the model. It should be noted that:
– The Epson Moverio BT-2000 glasses include a
Traditionally, assembly and other industrial tasks were con-
deep-focus camera.
strained due to computational and hardware limitations, thus
– The Daqri smart helmet includes an additional ther-
requiring the use of cumbersome machinery. Tablets and
mal camera and an Intel RealSense camera (which
smartphones were an improvement, but they can distract the
is a combination of three cameras: a traditional one
worker’s attention, needing their hands to operate the device
and two infrared stereo cameras).
when switching between instructions and the industrial pro-
– Some models have built-in microphone and a head-
cess itself. Head-Mounted Display (HMD) devices overcome
set. Others support such connections via an audio
such distractions by allowing users to view the information
in a hands-free manner whilst simultaneously performing an
– Depending on the model, the navigation can be
operation. In addition, the glasses can make use of gestures,
performed via buttons or gestures, or by using voice
touch and voice recognition. In fact, the evolution of these
latter devices will contribute to increase sales, which are
expected to grow from 114,000 units shipped in 2015 to It is worth mentioning that other authors [106], after per-
5.4 million units in 2020 [105]. forming a systematic review, point out five key characteristics
Another approach would consist in utilizing projectors to that smart glasses should have when implementing applica-
display graphical information onto physical objects, known tions for smart factories:
as Spatial Augmented Reality (SAR). SAR detaches the tech- • The field of view should be as wide as possible, being
nology from the operators and enables seamless collaboration 30◦ (horizontally) the recommended minimum for a
among them. However, the large extension of a shipyard good user experience.
makes it really difficult and expensive to deploy an effective • Since smart glasses are meant to be worn during the
system that covers most of the production areas, whereas an whole day, they should be as light as possible.
HMD device can be carried by the operator throughout the • Batteries should last through the working day.
shipyard. In addition, recent improvements in HMDs and see- • The video-based display technologies should be
through displays provide appealing features that generate an avoided, since they incur in delays that harm the user
immersive and personalized user experience that cannot be experience. Optical and retinal projection are then rec-
currently obtained through SAR. ommended.
This section is aimed at providing an insight into the cur- • Voice-based interaction is recommended to free
rent state of IAR technology as far as hardware is concerned. the operator hands, but it is currently a chal-
To this end, it has been carried out a comparison of the lenge to make it work properly in noisy industrial
latest HMD devices, either commercially available or that environments.
are scheduled to be launched for sale to the public soon. Furthermore, some additional constraints regarding the
Table 1 shows a summary of the characteristics of the selected implementation of applications for a shipyard environment
models. Such a table allows for concluding that the general should be remarked:

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

• Due to the limited memory of current IAR hardware Gesture recognition is also useful when ambient noise
devices, their use tends to be limited to reduced areas, prevents voice recognition.
which have to be mapped (usually on-the-fly) by using • Reconstruction of 3D environments to get an under-
different sensors. It is possible to load data dynamically, standing of the surroundings.
as the operator enters a new production area, but that • Overlapping 3D virtual elements (with or without AR
complicates the development and requires fast storage markers).
and processing hardware.
All these features should be addressed by the different
• Since IAR algorithms make use of computer vision
pieces of an IAR Software Development Kit (SDK), which
techniques based in thresholding and color measurement
is responsible for interacting with the hardware of the device
metrics, the lighting characteristics (light of the environ-
to obtain data from the environment in order to show con-
ment, type of light, light temperature) can impact the
textual information to the user depending on the surrounding
system performance significantly.
• Most IAR systems are based on detecting physical char-
The most relevant SDKs for developing IAR applications
acteristics of an object or a place. Such a detection is
are shown in Table 2. They are compared according to sev-
complex and compute intensive and, therefore, powerful
eral requirements. First, their license type: open-source (i.e.,
hardware is required. Moreover, the detection of physi-
ARToolkit, ArUco, BazAr, UART, OpenSpace3D), free (i.e.,
cal patterns is also influenced by ambient light, being
ALVAR, Armedia, Vuforia, Wikitude), or commercial ver-
often even more sensitive to changes in the environment
sions (i.e., Armedia, Vuforia, Wikitude, ZappCode Creator).
than other marker-based detection techniques.
Other criteria are the platforms supported (i.e., Android, iOS,
• Electrical interference produced by the industrial
Linux or Windows) and requirements about the marker gen-
machinery inside the shipyard may affect sensor read-
eration, tracking or the overlaying capabilities.
ings and their accuracy. There are IAR systems that
Beyond the general requirements explained, the SDK
complement visual pattern recognition with embedded
should be compatible with the chosen HMD device (i.e.,
sensor measurements. A problem may occur in a ship-
Vuforia is compatible with Epson Moverio, ODG R-7 and
yard when a system relies on a GPS receiver or in Wi-Fi
signals to locate a user or a room, since in certain envi-
Moreover, the compatibility with Unity should be con-
ronments (for instance, indoors or inside a ship under
sidered. Unity is currently one of the most advanced game
construction) such positioning techniques may not work
engines in the market and it is possible to use it for developing
and deploying IAR applications. Examples of SDKs with this
• Some IAR systems rely on incremental tracking, com-
feature are UART, Vuforia, ARKit or ARCore. Additionally,
bining information collected from different sensors and
the SDK chosen should consider geo-location support for
from the camera. Nonetheless, a dynamic environment
creating location-based IAR applications, and Simultaneous
like a shipyard workshop or a ship that is being built,
Localization and Mapping (SLAM) to map an environment
where the geometrical structure of the place changes
and track movements in order to enable indoor navigation.
through time, can mislead the IAR system.
Examples of this feature can be seen in ARKit or Instant Real-
Finally, it should be mentioned that the vast majority of ity. Cloud services and text recognition features should be
current IAR hardware devices can be still considered exper- also taken into account in scenarios where they are required.
imental developments, what makes it difficult their integra- At the time of writing this article (December 2017), all
tion with existing IAR frameworks and the implementation of the referred SDKs are available. Nevertheless, the IAR
of new features. An open-source framework would make landscape is constantly evolving and many SDKs available
it possible to develop modifications to work with different in the last years have gone away, changed (e.g., different
platforms. license type) due to the shifting commercial priorities or have
been overridden by newer projects (e.g., ARToolkit has been
B. SOFTWARE DEVELOPMENT TOOLS FOR IAR recently acquired by Daqri).
Nowadays, there are many libraries for the development of
IAR applications, each implementing certain functionalities VII. IAR ARCHITECTURE FOR A SHIPYARD 4.0
required in a specific scenario. In general, for the develop- A. TRADITIONAL COMMUNICATIONS ARCHITECTURE
ment of an IAR application it is necessary: The traditional IAR architecture is composed by the three
• 2D and 3D graphic libraries, which should enable real- different layers depicted on the left in Figure 6, which are
time visualization and overlapping of virtual elements in responsible for data acquisition, data transport, and visual-
the field of view. ization and interaction with the user.
• Recognition mechanisms to be able to follow objects or The Visualization and Interaction System (VIS) layer
to superimpose information on them. is composed by HMD, HHD and spatial display devices,
• Speech recognition, which is very useful when the as well as by human-interaction interfaces through which
user is not able to interact with physical controls. the operator, located in the ship under construction,

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TABLE 2. Most relevant SDKs for developing IAR applications (first part).

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TABLE 2. (Continued.) Most relevant SDKs for developing IAR applications (second part).

the workshop or the shipyard, is able to interact with the Power Line Communication (PLC) technology can be used
system. to transmit information, although it should be noted that the
The Data Transport System (DTS) is responsible for col- network speed could be influenced by the electrical inter-
lecting the information obtained by the Data Acquisition Sys- ference coming from electric circular saws and other tools
tem (DAS) and transmitting it from the cloud infrastructure to that demand high-current peaks. Thus, a PLC system would
the location where operators are using the IAR system. This consist of two modules connected electrically to the same
process involves certain difficulties due to the environmental power phase. The first module would have direct connection
conditions: the shipyard’s structural barriers and the large to the DAS via Ethernet. The second PLC module would be
number of metal parts that impact wireless communications in the area of limited connectivity and would be coupled with
performance. Moreover, it has to be taken into account the a high-speed Wi-Fi access point to which the VIS can be
electrical interference produced by the industrial machinery connected to.
used for the different production processes. Regarding the DAS layer, which is hosted in the shipyard’s
It is worth mentioning that the communications between cloud infrastructure, it can obtain from the Manufacturing
each IAR device and the cloud layer can be performed Execution System (MES) data about work orders and the
through Wi-Fi connections considering that many shipyards elements to be installed.
have already deployed an IEEE 802.11 b/g/n/ac infrastruc- Note that the described IAR architecture, although it
ture. However, note that communications inside a ship sup- has been previously implemented by making use of a cen-
pose a challenge for electro-magnetic propagation due to tral server, a cloud or a PC-cluster [43], [130], [131],
the presence of numerous large metal elements, so other it has certain limitations when applied to IAR systems.
technologies would need to be further studied in such Since IAR devices project information dynamically on a
environments. Considering that electrical wiring is usually display, they require it to be loaded and rendered as fast as
deployed for temporary lighting during the ship construction, possible to provide a good user experience. For this reason,

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

ing, Cloudlets and Mobile Edge Computing [134]. All these

variants have the same objective: to move the cloud process-
ing power to the edge of the network, as close as possible to
the IAR devices. In the case of IAR Fog Computing based
solutions, they make use of nodes scattered throughout a
factory or industrial environment that process and store the
information received from IAR devices before forwarding it
to a Cloud. In the same way, the data received from the Cloud
can be cached locally and then delivered to IAR devices on
demand. The Mobile Edge Computing paradigm is similar,
but the nodes are deployed in cellular network base stations.
Regarding Cloudlets, they use similar hardware to Cloud
Computing servers, but at a low scale and close to the user
IAR devices.
There are not many examples of IAR Edge Computing
based systems, being currently the most relevant approach
the one presented in [45]. In such a paper it is proposed an
FIGURE 6. Traditional IAR architecture.
architecture that offloads the demanding real-time IAR algo-
rithms to a high-end PC, which enables for decreasing end-to-
the content to be displayed is usually stored locally, either in end latency for video transmissions. Nonetheless, the authors
static or dynamic memory, which guarantees in most cases conclude that their system works fine for handheld IAR
low-latency responses when loading data. However, although devices, but that higher bit-rate communication interfaces
the local-storage approximation works fine in certain scenar- and smaller network latencies are required for most HMD
ios that only need static content, the information that flows solutions. Therefore, the use of IAR Edge Computing still
through smart factories and other Industry 4.0 environments has to be further studied.
is dynamic, especially in cases when showing data that is
collected from IIoT networks or other third-party systems C. PROPOSED ARCHITECTURE FOR FUTURE
(e.g., from the Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) or the SHIPBUILDING IAR APPLICATIONS
Product Lifecycle Management (PLM)). Taking into account the considerations mentioned in the pre-
In addition, this traditional architecture can be enhanced vious subsections, it can be proposed an IAR architecture
by adding a proxy server that caches dynamically IAR infor- that both reduces latency response and on-line rendering
mation. Thus, when the IAR solution predicts that certain time. The architecture, depicted in Figure 7, makes use of
content will be required soon, a parallel process of the IAR Fog Computing nodes and Cloudlets. Fog computing nodes
device can download the data in the background. Nonethe- are ideal for providing IAR services thanks to its ability to
less, such an approximation has several drawbacks. First, IAR support physically distributed, low-latency and QoS-aware
mobile devices are usually limited in terms of computational applications that decrease the network traffic and the com-
power and battery life, so multi-thread or multi-process appli- putational load of traditional Cloud computing systems.
cations may reduce the overall performance and derive into Cloudlets offload the rendering from resource-constraint IAR
increasing energy consumption. Second, caching algorithms devices and also reduce latency response with respect to a
involve certain degree of complexity, since content has to be Cloud. Such an Edge Computing architecture is composed
synchronized periodically to guarantee that the latest version by three layers.
is the one loaded. And third, the prediction algorithm has to be The layer at the bottom is the Node Layer, which includes
accurate enough because unnecessary file exchanges imply all the IAR devices that interact with the services provided by
wasting resources and energy. the Edge Computing Layer. The Edge Computing Layer also
exchanges data with the shipyard’s IIoT ecosystem, which is
B. ADVANCED COMMUNICATIONS ARCHITECTURES composed by all the elements that can be monitored and/or
Due to the constraints introduced by cloud-centered architec- controlled remotely, like sensors, actuators, robots or additive
tures in IAR applications, several researchers have studied manufacturing devices.
alternatives that improve latency response and rendering per- It is worth emphasizing that the architecture connects IAR
formance. The most common approximation involves the use devices with the Edge Computing Layer through a WiFi
of local high-end PCs that store content and process video AP because it is already deployed in many industries and
information [132], [133]. thus it is highly likely that an IEEE 802.11 standard (i.e.,
In the last years it has been proposed the use of the Edge IEEE 802.11 a/b/g/n/ac/ad) would be used. However, any
Computing paradigm to enhance IAR systems [17], [45]. other wireless communication technology could be used in
Such a paradigm can be implemented through the architecture and further research should be performed
different approximations, including basically Fog Comput- about this topic in shipyards, especially inside ships that are

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P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

FIGURE 7. Architecture of the IAR system proposed.

being built, since electro-magnetic propagation is a challenge tasks. Note that shipbuilding requires handling sophisticated
in such environments with so many metal elements. One 3D CAD models that may be too complex for resource-
alternative that is currently being evaluated by Navantia is constrained IAR devices, so, instead of rendering the objects
PLC, but its application still has to be studied in detail in locally in every IAR device, the tasks are delegated to a
situations where electric interference from saws and other cloudlet that then delivers the resulting image to the IAR
tools occur. device faster than the cloud. In addition, cloudlets can also
The Edge Computing Layer is in the middle of the archi- perform other processing tasks that are too heavy to be per-
tecture, and it is actually divided into two sub-layers that formed in an SBC and that require a fast response.
can interact with each other, but whose objective is different. The cloud is at the top of the architecture. It receives,
The Fog Computing sub-layer is composed by one or several processes and stores data from the Edge Computing Layer.
Single-Board Computers (SBCs) that are installed in fixed The cloud also provides third-party services to IAR devices.
positions throughout the shipyard workshops and in a ship. For instance, in the case of a shipbuilder like Navantia, such
Each SBC acts as a gateway and provides fog services. In the services include the access to the content of the ERP (SAP
case of the IAR service, it supplies IAR devices with localized ERP), the CAD models (through FORAN), the information of
data and responds faster than the cloud, thus acting as a the PLM (Windchill) and to the IIoT platform (ThingWorx).
proxy caching server for IAR data. The second sub-layer is Finally, note that a modern IAR architectures have
composed by Cloudlets, which are local high-end computers also to take security into account. This aspect is often
specialized in rendering and performing compute intensive neglected, but the future dependency on IAR systems make

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13374 VOLUME 6, 2018

P. Fraga-Lamas et al.: Review on IAR Systems for the Industry 4.0 Shipyard

PAULA FRAGA-LAMAS (M’17) received the ÓSCAR BLANCO-NOVOA received the B.Sc.
M.Sc. degree in computer science from the Uni- degree in computer science with mention in com-
versity of A Coruña (UDC), in 2008, and the M.Sc. puter engineering and information technology
and Ph.D. degrees in the joint program Mobile from the University of A Coruña (UDC), in 2016,
Network Information and Communication Tech- where he is currently pursuing the master’s degree
nologies from five Spanish universities: the Uni- in computer science with the Group of Electronic
versity of the Basque Country, the University of Technology and Communications, Department of
Cantabria, the University of Zaragoza, the Uni- Computer Engineering. During the last years in
versity of Oviedo, and the UDC, in 2011 and college, he combined his studies with a job as
2017, respectively. Since 2009, she has been with a Software Engineer at a private company. His
the Group of Electronic Technology and Communications, Department of current research interests include energy control smart systems, augmented
Computer Engineering, UDC. She has co-authored over 30 peer-reviewed reality, and Industry 4.0.
indexed journals, international conferences, and book chapters. She has also
been participating in over 20 research projects funded by the regional and
national government as well as well as research and development contracts
with private companies. Her current research interests include wireless com-
munications in mission-critical scenarios, Industry 4.0, Internet of Things
(IoT), augmented reality, RFID, and cyber-physical systems.


M.Sc. degree in electrical engineering from the
University of Vigo in 1992. He started his profes-
TIAGO M. FERNÁNDEZ-CARAMÉS (S’08– sional career as an Electrical Engineer at Astano,
M’12–SM’15) received the M.Sc. and Ph.D. subsequently leading to Information Technologies.
degrees in computer science from the University of For the last 12 years, he was responsible for engi-
A Coruña, Spain, in 2005 and 2011, respectively. neering systems at Navantia, where he is cur-
Since 2005, he has been with the Department of rently the Head of the Department of Digitalization
Computer Engineering, University of A Coruña. Projects. Due to his position, he collaborates with
His current research interests include IoT systems, the University of A Coruña. His current research
Industry 4.0, augmented reality, RFID, wireless interests include Industry 4.0, augmented reality, Internet of Things, and
sensor networks, embedded systems, and wireless RFID systems.

VOLUME 6, 2018 13375

CHAPTER Ⅱ: Details of the Presentation 
Augmented  reality  (AR)  lets  you  add  virtual  content  to  the  real  world.  You  can  use 
AR  to  create  experiences  that  enhance  the  way  people  see  and  interact  with  the 
world. ARCore is a platform for building AR apps. It harnesses the power of Android 
phones using these key technologies: 
● Motion tracking 
● Environmental understanding 
● Light estimation 
ARCore  collects  that  information  and  uses  it to integrate virtual content with the real 
ARCore working 
It  tracks  the  position  of  your  phone  in  the  real  world,  and  it  builds  an understanding 
of your surroundings by identifying walls and floors in the environment. 
This  spec  was  created  using  internal  research  and  analysis  of  AR  experiences  in 
education,  shopping,  creativity,  and  gaming.  You  can  use  this  spec  to  design 
practical, innovative, and magical mobile AR experiences. 
Physical environments 
Give  users  a  clear  understanding  of  the  amount  of  space  they’ll  need  for  your  app. 
Can  you  use  it  on  your  lap,  a  kitchen  table,  or  a  football  stadium?  Show  them  the 
ideal  conditions  for  using  it.  You  can  include  preview  graphics  in  the  Play  Store,  or 
instructions in the app itself. 
It’s  still  helpful  to  consider  all  the  places  that  your  app  might  be  used,  from  a  small 
apartment  to  a vast field. Prepare for large and small spaces, real-world obstacles like 
furniture or traffic, and physical challenges. 
Virtual environment 

Fig 2.1: Virtual Environment 

An  augmented  environment  combines  a  real-world  image  captured  from  a  device’s 
camera  with  virtual  content,  such  as  digital  objects  or  information.  As  your  phone 
moves  through  the  world,  ARCore  tracks  the  phone’s  position  relative  to  the  world 
around it. This process is called concurrent odometry and mapping, or COM. 
ARCore  looks  at  a  camera  image  and detects visually distinct features, called feature 
points.  Then  it  uses  these  points  to  figure  out  its  change  in  position.  The  visual 
information  is  combined  with  inertial  measurements  from  the  device  to  estimate  the 
pose (position and orientation) of the camera relative to the world over time. 
By  aligning  the  pose  of  the  virtual  camera  that  renders  3D  content  with  the  pose  of 
the  device's  camera,  ARCore  renders  virtual  content  from  the  correct  perspective. 
That  virtual  image  is  overlaid  on  top  of  a  live  camera  image,  making  the  virtual 
content appear as part of the real world. 
Continuous discovery 
ARCore is constantly improving its understanding of the real-world environment. 
It builds a model of your space, adding to that information as the phone moves around and 
the camera picks up new parts of the space, and new details about it. ARCore recognizes and 
clusters feature points that appear to lie on common horizontal and angled surfaces, and 
makes these surfaces available to your app as planes. 
Environmental limitations 
For now, limitations that may hinder accurate understanding of surfaces include: 
● Flat surfaces without texture, such as a white desk 
● Environments with dim lighting 
● Extremely bright environments 
● Transparent or reflective surfaces like glass 
● Dynamic or moving surfaces, such as blades of grass or ripples in the water 
Experience size 
When  you  start  to  design  your app, decide the size of the playspace. Is it the size of a 
tabletop, a bedroom, or as big as the world? 
The  experience  should  fit  the  environment.  For  example,  a  board  game  might  work 
best  at  the  table  scale.  On  the  other  hand,  a  scavenger  hunt  will  need  a  much bigger 
Show  users  the  ideal  size  and  the  perfect  conditions  for  your  experience.  Set  their 
expectations  right  away.  You  can  still  surprise  them,  but  let  them  know where those 
surprises might happen. 

Tabletop size  Room size  World size 

Fig 2.2: Sizing the object 
Responsive Playspace 
If  you’re  creating  a  tabletop  experience,  make  sure  it  fits  on  every  tabletop.  Design 
the  experience  size  to  be responsive. Some users might play on a large banquet table. 
Others might set up the experience on a small desk. 
Types of movement 
In AR experiences, there are four different ways that a user can move. 
● Seated, with hands fixed 
● Seated, with hands moving 
● Standing still, with hands fixed 
● Moving around in a real-world space 
For each user case, try to: 
● Let users know what movements will trigger the app. 
● Guide them through the types and range of movement possible. 
● Make easy transitions from one pose or movement to another. 
● Design  for  comfort.  Try  to  avoid  making  the  user  do  anything  that’s 
physically demanding, uncomfortable, or too sudden. 
● Try  not  to  require  movement  until  it’s  necessary.  Getting  users  to  move  is  a 
great way to engage them, but let them ease into the experience. 

If  a  user  isn't  able  to  move around, give them an alternative way to use your app. For 

example,  when  the  user  is  supposed  to  move  closer  to  a  target,  give  another  way  to 
access  the  target.  Whenever  it’s  possible,  let  users tap objects and move them closer, 
or  offer  a  reticle  to  help  users  reach  faraway  objects.  Place  text  and  instructions  so 
they’re  visible  from  every  angle.  As  users  fatigue,  they’ll  want  to  move around less. 
Let the user move and rotate an object in case they can’t physically move around it 
Safety & Comfort 
Sometimes,  users  can  get  too  immersed  in  an  AR  experience.  When  they  pay 
attention  to  the  phone’s  camera  and  ignore  the  real  world,  users  can  bump  into 
objects,  people,  and  might  not  notice  the  hazards  around  them.  Think  about  where 
your  app  is  directing  the  user’s  attention.  Build-in  reminders  to  look  around,  and 
sporadically remind them to check their surroundings. Get comfortable 
All  types  of  content  can  be  used  in  AR experiences, from 3D furniture models to 2D 
text and stickers. 
In  any  AR  experience,  try  to  blend  your  AR  world  into  the  user’s  physical 
environment.  Whether  the  goal  is  realism  or  wackiness,  your  AR  objects  should 
engage  with  and  reflect  their  environment.  Use  shadows,  lighting,  occlusion, 
reflection, and collision to help your objects take up space in the real world. 

When you create 3D objects, create them to be life-size. Full-size objects are easier to 
drop  straight  into  your  experience.  All  objects  should  face  the  same  direction. Use a 
right-handed  coordinate  space,  where  +Y  is  up,  +X  is  right,  and  -Z  points  forward 
from  the  origin.  When  you  model  an  object  for  your  scene,  make  sure  to  place  it on 
the  ground  plane  at  the  geometric  center  of  the  object  base.  Remember,  3D  objects 
can  be  viewed  from  all  sides.  Use  complete  objects,  and  be  sure  to  render  all 
surfaces,  even  those  that  a  user  might  not  immediately see, like the back surface of a 
curtain, or the bottom of a couch. 

Fig 2.3: Modeling of the 3D object in Virtual Environment 

Use  visuals  to  let  users  know  they’re  about  to  transition  from  a  2D  screen  into  AR. 
You  can  dim  the  phone  display  or  use  effects  to  blur  the  screen  when  a  transition  is 
about  to  take  place.  In  some  apps,  only  one  part  of  the  experience  will  take  place in 
AR.  Try  to  give  the  user  a  seamless  transition  to  AR.  Let  the  user  launch  the 
transition  from  a  2D interface to AR. It’s less jarring when the user is in control. You 
can  include  a  button,  such  as  an  AR  icon,  to  let  users  trigger  the  launch  themselves. 
Send the user gently into your AR environment. 
Audio exploration 

Use audio cues to enhance the user’s experience and encourage engagement. 
Audio  encourages  users  to  engage  with  the  app  and  explore  the  360-degree 
environment.  Ensure  that  your  audio  adds  to  the  experience  rather  than  distracting 
from it. 
If  you’re  using  audio  for  3D  objects  or  the  360  environments,  be  mindful  of  a  few 
● Avoid playing sounds simultaneously 
● Add attenuation to moderate sound effects 
● Set the audio to fade or stop if the user is not interacting with the object 
● Allow users to manually turn off the audio for individual objects 

Fig 2.4: User Experience Enhancement
Multiplayer Experience 

A  multiplayer  experience  lets  different  users  share  the  same  AR  environment.  An 
object that appears on one user’s device will appear to all users. 
● Player 1 detects a surface 
● Players 2, 3, and 4 detect the same surface by moving closer to Player 1 
● The  app  recognizes  all  the  players  and  connects  them!  Everyone  now  shares 
the same AR environment. 
Multiplayer  experiences  can  require  more  hand-holding  than  single-user  journeys. 
Guide  your  users  through  each  step.  Try  to  make  the  moment  of  connection  as 
seamless as possible. 

Fig 2.5: Multiplayer Mode in the virtual space 

Create a world that’s immersive and easy to use Immerse users, don’t distract them. 
Try  to  interrupt your AR world as little as you can. Get users into the experience, and 
then  get  out  of  the  way.  Avoid  pop-ups  and  full-screen  takeovers  unless  the  user 
explicitly  selects  it.  Buttons,  2D  alerts,  and  notifications  can  distract  the  user  from 
the  3D  world  that  you’re  creating  around  them.  Instead,  let  users  focus  on  the  scene 
itself.  Persistent  2D  overlays  can  also  disrupt  the  user’s  immersion.  It’s  a  constant 
reminder that the world they’re looking at isn’t completely real. 

Help users easily recover from missteps and errors. 

Whether  the  error  came  from the system or the user, make it easy to get back into the 
experience.  Use  a  combination  of  visual  cues,  animation,  and  text  to  show  a  clear 
path to resolution. 
You  can  communicate  what  went  wrong,  especially  if  it  helps  avoid  that error in the 
future. Avoid blaming the user. Focus on getting the user to take the right action. 
The advantages of AR technology 

● Through AR technology users can interact with the real-world in real-time. 

● ​AR technology also enhances the perceptive power of humans. 

● AR technology facilitates the users to ubiquitously and timely access 

● It  saves  the  time  of  users  (doctors,  surgeons,  students,  etc.)  on  searching  for 
information about a particular topic. 
● AR  technology  recognizes  user’s  freehand  gestures  and  saves  electricity  to  a 
large extent. 
● Due to AR technology, information becomes more realistic. 

Disadvantages of AR technology 

● Many  of  the  smartphones  do  not  possess  the capability of feeing the external 


camera in real-time. 
● AR  technology  could  lead  to  people  becoming  more  dependent  on  devices 
this may cause a large number of health-related issues. 
● AR  technology  is  not  equipped  with  security  policies.  An  intruder  can  hack 
the  AR-based  devices  and  can  manipulate  the  devices  according  to  their 
● It  is  expensive  to  develop  AR-based  systems  and its maintenance is also very 


Augment  allows  its  users to see their products in 3D in a real-life environment and in 
real-time through tablets or smartphones to drive sales and improve user engagement. 
This  app  is  available  on  both,  iOS  and  Android  platforms.  This  app  can  be  used  for 
Retail,  E-Commerce,  Architecture, and other purposes also. Augment allows retailers 
and  manufacturers  to  connect  with  each  other  and  thereby  enable  online  shoppers to 
experience  the  products  sitting  at  home  before  buying.  Customers  can  view  the 
images  in  3D  by  rotating  them  and  viewing  all  the  augmented  content  before 
deciding  to  buy.  It  has  plenty  of  customers,  companies  such  as Coca-Cola, Siemens, 
Nokia, Nestle, and Boeing are using this application. 
2. Sun-Seeker 

Sun-Seeker is an AR app which provides a flat compass view and a 3D view showing 
the  solar  path,  its  hour  intervals,  its  equinox,  winter  and  summer  solstice  paths, 
sunrise  and  sunset  times,  twilight  times,  magic  hours  and  also  a  Map  view  showing 
solar  direction  for  each  daylight  hour.  The  app  runs  on  both  the  mediums  i.e., 
Android and iOS. The app has got 3+ ratings from its users 
3. ARGON4 
This  is  a  fully-featured  web  browser  that  has  the  ability to display augmented reality 
content  created  with  the  argon.js  Javascript  framework.  argon.js  makes  it  easier  for 
adding  augmented  reality  content  to  the  web  applications  in  a  platform  and 
technology-independent  way  and  supports  the  real-time  AR  capabilities  of  the 
Argon4  Browser.  The  Argon4  browser is available on both the iTunes App Store and 
Google Play Store. 
4. AR Browser SDK 

This  is  a  browser  created  by  Arabs.  This  browser  allows  the  users  to  add  an 
augmented  reality  geolocation  view  to  the  Android  and  or  iOS  application  in  less 
than  5  minutes.  With  user-friendly  API  (Application  Programming  Interface),  it  can 
be  fully  customized.  The  framework  takes  care  of  all  the  complex  functions  of  the 
augmented reality browser. 
Features : 
● It provides video support. 
● It adds and removes single POIs in real-time. 
● It can run on any device. 
● It offers great performance and memory management. 
● It has an exceptionally light view, smooth and accurate movements. 
5. Pokémon Go: 
The  most  popular  AR  game  to  date  is  Pokémon  Go  which  allows  users  to  catch 
virtual  Pokémon  that  are  hidden  throughout  the  map  of  the  real  world.  It  uses  real 
locations  to  encourage players to far and wide in the real world to discover Pokemon. 
The  game  enables  the  players  to  search  and  catch  more  than  a  hundred  species  of 
Pokemon  as  they  move  in  their  surroundings.  The  app  works  on  both  the  mediums 
i.e., Android and iOS. 

This  is  a  popular  shooting  AR  game  which  is  available  only  on  iOS. The users get a 
real-life  shooting  experience  in  this  game  and  can  record  their  fights  and  also create 
their  own  videos.  There is a pool that has been polluted by nuclear waste and a group 
of  pests  is  just  around  the  corner  so  players  have  to  stop  them  infecting  the  earth. 
Users  use  their  phones  to  scan  the  mark.  The  game  offers  night  and  thermal  vision 
goggles to get a clear view even in the evening to complete your mission. 
7. AR GPS Drive/Walk Navigation 

The  application  makes  use  of  the  smartphone’s  GPS  and  camera  to  execute  a  car 
navigation  system  with  an  augmented  reality-powered  technology.  It  is  easier  and 
safer  than  the  normal  navigation  system  for  the  driver.  This  application  is  available 
only on Android. 
This  app  guides  the  drivers  directly  by  the  virtual  path  of  the  camera  preview  video 
which  makes  it  easy  for  them  to  understand. The drivers do not need to map the path 
and  the  road  while  using  this  app.  The  driver  can  see  the  real-time  camera  preview 
navigation screen to get driving conditions without hindering his safety. 
8. AR GPS Compass Map 3D 

The  app  shows  a  3D  compass  that  gets  fused  with the camera image and shows your 

current  location  from  GPS  on  a  separate  map  with  adjustable  size.  The app can only 
run  on  the  Android  interface.  The  compass  uses  a  very  effective  amalgamation  and 
filtering  algorithm  to  combine  the  values  of  the  magnetic  field  sensor,  the 
accelerometer,  and the gyroscope to get the maximum accuracy and stability which is 
a different feature as compared to other apps. 
Users  can  define  their  own  waypoints  if  they  want.  The  app  also  allows  the  users  to 
share  their  current  location  and  the  locations  of  their  waypoints  with  their  friends. 
The  app  also  features  a  3D  stereoscopic  view  of  the  compass  and  the  camera  image 
on devices that have LG’s Real 3D technology. 

Augmented  Reality  is a technology that has changed the face of smartphone apps and 

gaming.  AR  adds  digital  images  and  data  to  amplify  views  of  the  real  world,  giving 
users  more  information  about  their  environments.  This  step  is  beyond virtual reality, 
which  attempts  to  simulate  reality.  AR  apps  are  growing  at  a  tremendous  speed  as 
they give businesses a different edge which attracts the customers. 

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