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IAS Physics SB1 Assessment 3A

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Topic 3A Basic waves

1 The speed of sound at sea level is 340 ms−1. Humans can hear sounds in the
range 20 Hz to 20 000 kHz.
(a) Calculate the wavelengths of sounds at 20 Hz and 20 000 kHz.




(b) A gun is fired from a ship lying 400 m from some cliffs. A sailor standing
close to the gun hears the gun fire and hears the echo from the cliffs a short
time later. Calculate the time between these two sounds being heard.



(Total for Question 1 = 4 marks)

2 Explain why it is impossible to hear an explosion in space but it is possible to

see it.





(Total for Question 2 = 4 marks)

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3 A microphone is connected to an oscilloscope. The diagram below shows an
oscilloscope trace obtained when the microphone detects sound from a
loudspeaker connected to a signal generator. The oscilloscope settings are
0.2 V cm−1 (y-axis) and 2.0 ms−1 cm (x-axis).

(a) What is the amplitude of this signal?



(b) What is the frequency of this signal?





(Total for Question 3 = 4 marks)

: © Pearson Education Ltd 2018. Copying permitted for purchasing institution only. This material is not copyright free
4 When an earthquake occurs P-waves (longitudinal) and S-waves (transverse)
are created at the epicentre of the quake and travel outwards in all directions at
different speeds. The P-waves have a speed of about 5.0 kms−1 and the S-
waves have a speed of about 3.5 kms−1. Seismic stations detect both types of
wave and measure the time interval between the arrival of the P-waves and
then the arrival of the S-waves.
(a) Use diagrams to explain the difference between longitudinal and transverse

(b) Calculate the time interval between the arrival of P- and S-waves at a
seismic station 200 km from the epicentre of the earthquake.



(c) Another station measures a time interval of 72 s between the arrival of the
P-waves and the S-waves. How far is this station from the epicentre of the



(Total for Question 4 = 8 marks)

= 20 MARKS

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