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Eye Sight SL

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1. This question is about standing (stationary) waves.

(a) Describe two ways that standing waves are different from travelling waves.

1. ..................................................................................................................................


2. ..................................................................................................................................


(b) An experiment is carried out to measure the speed of sound in air, using the apparatus shown below.

A tube that is open at both ends is placed vertically in a tank of water, until the top of the tube is just at the
surface of the water. A tuning fork of frequency 440 Hz is sounded above the tube. The tube is slowly raised
out of the water until the loudness of the sound reaches a maximum for the first time, due to the formation of
a standing wave.

(i) Explain the formation of a standing wave in the tube.





(ii) State the position in the tube that is always a node.



(iii) The tube is raised a little further. Explain why the loudness of the sound is no longer at a maximum.






(c) The tube is raised until the loudness of the sound reaches a maximum for a second time.
Between the two positions of maximum loudness, the tube has been raised by 36.8 cm.
The frequency of the sound is 440 Hz. Estimate the speed of sound in air.





(Total 10 marks)
2. This question is about the Doppler effect.

The sound emitted by a cars horn has frequency f, as measured by the driver. An observer moves towards the
stationary car at constant speed and measures the frequency of the sound to be f .

(a) Explain, using a diagram, any difference between f and f.





(b) The frequency f is 3.00 10 Hz. An observer moves towards the stationary car at a constant speed of 15.0 m
s . Calculate the observed frequency f of the sound.
2 1
The speed of sound in air is 3.30 10 m s .





(Total 5 marks)
3. This question is about optical resolution and accommodation.

A woman is walking along a straight path, which is at right angles to a telephone line, as shown in the diagram
below. Two birds are perched on the line, 0.40 m apart.
(diagram not to scale)

The diameter of the pupil of the womans eye is 2.5 mm and the average wavelength of visible light is 550 nm.

(a) Use the Rayleigh criterion to estimate the distance D at which the woman will just be able to see two
separate birds.







(b) The woman looks down at her watch and is able to focus on it clearly. Explain how her eyes are able to focus
on near objects as well as far objects.





(Total 5 marks)
4. This question is about standing (stationary) waves.

The diagram represents a standing wave of wavelength set up on a string of length L.

The string is fixed at both ends.

(a) For this standing wave

(i) state the relationship between and L.


(ii) label, on the diagram, two antinodes where the string is vibrating in phase. Label the antinodes with
the letter A.

(b) The standing wave has wavelength and frequency f. State and explain, with respect to a standing wave,
what is represented by the product f .







(Total 6 marks)
5. This question is about the eye and sight.

(a) State, by reference to human vision, what is meant by accommodation.




(b) Explain how accommodation is achieved in the human eye.





(c) The light output from two particular lamps is described as warm-white and as cold-white. Both lamps
emit the full spectrum of colours. State how the visual impression of temperature difference may be




(Total 7 marks)
6. This question is about the Doppler effect.

At one point in an artery, blood cells flow along the axis of the artery with speed v, as shown.
A parallel beam of ultrasound of frequency 4.5 MHz is incident on the artery at an angle of 40.
3 1
The speed of ultrasound in the body tissues is c = 1.5 10 m s .
The ultrasound detected after reflection from the blood cells is found to be Doppler-shifted in frequency by 740 Hz.
The expression for the Doppler shift f of the ultrasound of frequency f may be assumed to be

(2 fv cos )
f = c .

(a) For this stated expression, explain the inclusion of

(i) the factor of 2.



(ii) the factor cos .



(b) Determine a value for the speed of the blood cells in the artery.



(Total 5 marks)
7. This question is about polarization.

(a) State what is meant by polarized light.




(b) Describe and explain how polarization may be used in stress analysis. You may draw a diagram if you wish.






(Total 8 marks)
8. This question is about vision and the eye.

(a) State one function of

(i) cone cells.



(ii) rod cells.



(b) Describe the distribution of cone and rod cells on the retina.





(c) An object is to be viewed in very dim light. With reference to your answer to (b) explain why the object is
most clearly seen when looked at sideways rather than directly.





(Total 6 marks)
9. This question is about standing waves.

A string that is fixed at both ends is made to vibrate in the fundamental (first harmonic) mode.
The fixed ends of the string are at x = 0 and x =L.

Each point on the string oscillates in simple harmonic motion. The displacement y of the string at a point x at time t
is given by the equation

y = Acos(500t)


where A = 12sin 2 .

In these formulae x is in metres and t is in seconds. Using this equation,

(a) explain why the amplitude of the standing wave is not constant.



(b) calculate the frequency of the standing wave.




(c) show that L = 2.0 m.



(Total 4 marks)

10. This question is about diffraction and resolution.

(a) Light from a monochromatic point source S1 is incident on a narrow rectangular slit.
After passing through the slit, the light is incident on a screen some distance away from the slit. The graph
shows how the intensity distribution on the screen varies with the angle shown in the diagram.

(i) The width of the slit is 4.0 10 m. Use data from the graph to calculate the wavelength of the light.




(ii) An identical source S2 is placed close to S1 as shown.

The images of the two sources on the screen are just resolved according to the Rayleigh criterion. On
the graph above, draw the intensity distribution of the second source.

(b) The Very Large Array (VLA) is used to analyse radio signals from distant galaxies.
The combined diameter of the VLA is 36 km. A region of linear size L inside the radio galaxy M87 emits
radio waves with a frequency of 43 GHz. The galaxy is a distance
4.7 10 m from Earth. The VLA can just resolve the radio emitting region.
Estimate the value of L.



(Total 6 marks)
11. This question is about polarization.

(a) A beam of unpolarized light of intensity I0 is incident on a polarizer. The polarization axis of the polarizer is
initially vertical as shown.

The polarizer is then rotated by 180 in the direction shown. On the axes below, sketch a graph to show the
variation with the rotation angle , of the transmitted light intensity I, as varies from 0 to 180. Label your
sketch-graph with the letter U.

(b) The beam in (a) is now replaced with a polarized beam of light of the same intensity.
The plane of polarization of the light is initially parallel to the polarization axis of the polarizer.
The polarizer is then rotated by 180 in the direction shown. On the same axes in (a), sketch a graph to show
the variation with the rotation angle , of the transmitted light intensity I, as varies from 0 to 180. Label
your sketch-graph with the letter P.

(Total 4 marks)
12. This question is about the eye.

(a) State, with reference to the definitions of near point and far point, what is meant by accommodation.




(b) Explain how accommodation is achieved by the eye.





(Total 5 marks)
13. This question is about diffraction and resolution.

(a) A parallel beam of monochromatic light is incident on a narrow rectangular slit. After passing through the
slit, the light is incident on a distant screen.

Point X is the midpoint of the slit.

(i) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show how the intensity of the light on the screen varies with the
angle shown in the diagram.
(ii) The wavelength of the light is 520 nm, the width of the slit is 0.04 mm and the screen is 1.2 m from
the slit. Show that the width of the central maximum of intensity on the screen is about 3 cm.



(b) Points P and Q are on the circumference of a planet as shown.

By considering the two points, outline why diffraction limits the ability of an astronomical telescope to
resolve the image of the planet as a disc.




(Total 8 marks)
14. This question is about standing waves and organ pipes.

(a) State one way in which a standing wave differs from a travelling wave.



(b) An organ pipe of length L is closed at one end. On the diagrams, draw a representation of the displacement of
the air in the pipe when the frequency of the note emitted by the pipe is the

(i) fundamental (first harmonic) frequency f1.

(ii) second harmonic frequency f2.

(c) Use your answer to (b) to deduce an expression for the ratio f 2 .





(d) State, in terms of the boundary conditions of the standing waves that can be formed in the pipe, the reason
why the ratio of the higher frequencies of the harmonics to that of the fundamental must always be an integer



(Total 7 marks)
15. This question is about vision and resolution.

(a) Compare scotopic with photopic vision.



(b) The graph shows the variation with wavelength of the sensitivity I, of the rod and the cone cells of a human
A red piece of paper and a blue piece of paper are both viewed in very low intensity light.
Each piece of paper reflects the same intensity of light.

With reference to the graph, state and explain which one of the two pieces of paper will be more clearly





(c) The diameter of the pupil of a human eye is 1.5 mm.

(i) Calculate the minimum angular separation of two points that can be resolved by the human eye for
light of wavelength 680 nm.



(ii) Two stars, the same distance from Earth, are separated by a distance of
4.0 10 m.
Both stars emit light of wavelength 680 nm.

The two stars are just resolved by an observer on Earth. Estimate the distance to the two stars.




(Total 8 marks)
16. This question is about polarization.

(a) State what is meant by polarized light.



(b) A ray of light is incident on the surface of a lake. The angle of incidence is .

The reflected light is completely polarized horizontally.

The refractive index of water is n.

(i) On the diagram above draw the refracted ray.

(ii) Use the diagram to deduce the relationship between and n.






(iii) The refractive index of the water is 1.3. Calculate the value of .



(Total 6 marks)
17. This question is about the Doppler effect.

(a) State what is meant by the Doppler effect.




(b) Ultrasound of frequency 5.2 MHz is directed from a stationary source towards red blood cells in an artery. A
simplified diagram is shown below in which the blood cells are travelling in the same direction.
The ultrasound is reflected from the cells and is received back at the source.
The measured frequency shift is 3.5 kHz. The speed of ultrasound in blood is
f 2v

3 1
c = 1.5 10 m s . The frequency shift is determined from f c .

(i) State the significance of the factor of 2 in the formula for the frequency shift.



(ii) Determine the speed of the red blood cells.



(iii) State two reasons why, in practice, the frequency shift will have a range of values.



(Total 6 marks)
18. This question is about the eye and sight.

(a) A white object is illuminated with red light and green light at the same time. State the colour that the object
will appear to an observer.


(b) The average wavelength of red light is 650 nm and that of blue light is 488 nm. The refractive index of water
is 1.3. Jim argues that since wavelengths in water compared with those in air are reduced by a factor of 1.3, a
red cricket ball placed under water should appear to be blue to a person with normal sight. Suggest why
Jims reasoning is incorrect.



(Total 3 marks)
19. This question is about standing waves.

A string is attached between two rigid supports and is made to vibrate at its fundamental frequency (first harmonic)

The diagram shows the displacement of the string at t = 0.

(a) Draw the displacement of the string at time

(i) t = 4f

(ii) t = 2f

(b) The distance between the supports is 1.0 m. A wave in the string travels at a speed of
240 m s . Calculate the frequency of the vibration of the string.





(c) An organ pipe that is open at one end has the same fundamental frequency as the string in part (b). The speed
of sound in air is 330 m s . Determine the length of the pipe.



(Total 6 marks)
20. This question is about the Doppler effect.

A stationary loudspeaker emits sound of frequency of 1000 Hz. Nadine attaches the loudspeaker to a string. She
moves the loudspeaker in a horizontal circle above her head at a speed of
1 1
30 m s . The speed of sound in air is 330 m s .

An observer is standing well away from Nadine.

(a) Explain why the sound heard by the observer changes regularly.





(b) Determine the maximum frequency of the sound heard by the observer.



(Total 6 marks)
21. This question is about polarization.
(a) State what is meant by unpolarized light.





(b) A beam of unpolarized light of intensity 1.0 W m is incident on an ideal polarizing filter.
State the value of the intensity of the transmitted light. Explain your answer.



(c) Outline how polarized light may be used to measure the concentration of a sugar solution.





(Total 5 marks)
22. This question is about the human eye.

(a) (i) Label the diagram of the human eye to show the lens, retina and optic nerve.

(ii) Outline the function of the rods and the cones in the retina.





(b) Outline what is meant by accommodation in the eye.




(Total 7 marks)
23. This question is about the Doppler effect.

The wavelength diagram shown represents three lines in the emission spectrum sample of calcium in a laboratory.

A distant star is known to be moving directly away from the Earth at a speed of 0.1c. The light emitted from the
star contains the emission spectra of calcium. On the diagram sketch the emission spectrum of the star as observed
in the laboratory. Label the lines that correspond to A, B, and C with the letters A*, B*, and C*. Numerical values
of the wavelengths are not required.

(Total 3 marks)
24. This question is about optical resolution.

(a) The separation of two objects on the surface of Earth is d. The objects are photographed by a camera in a spy
satellite orbiting Earth. The photographic images of the objects are just resolved. Use the following data to
determine d.

Wavelength of light emitted by the objects = 500 nm

Distance of satellite above surface of Earth = 4.0 10 m
Diameter of camera lens = 0.10 m




(b) State one way in which the resolution of the camera could be improved.



(Total 4 marks)
25. This question is about polarizing filters and sources.

You are given two unlabelled light sources, one of which emits polarized light and the other does not. You are also
given two unlabelled transparent plastic sheets, one of which is a polarizer and the other is not.

(a) Describe how you would determine which one of the sources emits polarized light and which sheet is a
polarizing filter.




(b) You are given a glass tube that contains an optically active solution. Explain how you would use the
apparatus in (a) to measure the concentration of the solution.




(Total 6 marks)
26. The graph below shows the overall relative light absorption curve for the light-sensitive cells involved in scotopic
vision. The relative light absorption is expressed as a percentage of the maximum.

re la tiv e lig h t a b s o rp tio n






400 500 600 700
wavelength / nm

(a) State the name of the cells involved in scotopic vision.


(b) (i) On the axes above, sketch a relative light absorption curve for a cell involved in photopic vision.

(ii) State the colour to which the cell is most sensitive.


(c) Outline how colour blindness may arise from defects in the retinas light sensitive cells.

(Total 7 marks)
27. This question is about the Rayleigh criterion.

(a) Light from two monochromatic distant point sources, S1 and S2, is incident on a narrow slit. After passing
through the slit, the light is incident on a screen.

On the axes below, draw the intensity distribution of the diffracted light on the screen from each source when
the images of S1 and S2 are just resolved according to the Rayleigh criterion.

(b) A woman views an approaching car at night. The apertures of her eyes are each of diameter 3.0 mm. The
headlamps of the car are separated by a distance of 1.2 m and emit light of wavelength 400 nm.

Calculate the distance of the car from the woman at which the images of the two headlamps are just resolved.



(Total 6 marks)
28. This question is about polarization.

(a) State what is meant by polarized light.


(b) Polarized light of intensity I0 is incident on an analyser. The transmission axis of the analyser makes an angle
with the direction of the electric field of the light.

(i) Calculate, in terms of I0, the intensity of light transmitted through the analyser when = 60.



(ii) On the axes below, sketch a graph to show the variation with angle of the intensity of the transmitted
(c) Outline how polarizing sunglasses reduce glare from a reflecting surface.



(Total 7 marks)
1. (a) energy is propagated by travelling waves / energy is not propagated
by standing waves;
amplitude constant for travelling waves / amplitude varies with
position for standing waves;
phase varies with position for travelling waves / phase constant
for standing waves;
travelling waves do not have nodes and antinodes / standing waves
do have nodes and antinodes;
travelling waves can have any wavelength/frequency / standing
waves can only have certain wavelengths/frequencies (to fit
boundary conditions); 2 max
(b) (i) wave from tuning fork travels down tube and is reflected;
incident and reflected waves interfere/superpose/combine/
add together to give a standing wave (that fits the boundary
conditions); 2
(ii) the surface of the water (in/at the bottom of the tube); 1
(iii) the length of the air column has changed;
boundary conditions can no longer be met / the length is no
longer equal to one quarter of a wavelength;
hence a standing wave cannot form / resonance no longer
occurs / natural frequency of air column no longer equal
to frequency of sound; 3

(c) 2 = 0.736 m;
v = f = 440 0.736 = 320 m s ; 2[10]
2. (a) circular wavefronts around source, equally spaced;
moving observer intercepts more wavefronts per unit time / the time
between intercepting successive wavefronts is less;
hence observes a higher frequency / f > f;
circular wavefronts around source, equally spaced;
the velocity of the sound waves with respect to the observer is greater;
since f = , observed frequency is also greater; 3
v u0 330 15
f 300
(b) f= v 330 ;
= 314 Hz;
Award [0] for use of moving source formula.
Award [1] for use of v-uo to give 286 Hz. 2[5]
d 0.40

3. (a) = 1.22 b (Rayleigh criterion) and = D D (with small angle
550 10 9 0.40

equate two expressions to get = 1.22 2.5 10 D ;
D = 1500 m; 3
(b) (ciliary) muscles change the shape of the lens;
for near objects, the lens is thicker/more curved/has shorter focal
length / for far objects, the lens is thinner/less curved/has longer
focal length; 2[5]
4. (a) (i) L = 4 or = 4 ; 1
(ii) two antinodes labelled;
with separation of integral number of wavelengths; 2
(b) f is the speed of the wave;
standing wave formed by interference of an incident and a
reflected progressive wave;
speed is the speed of this progressive wave; 3[6]
5. (a) ability to focus light / see clearly images;
of objects that are at different distances from the eye; 2
(b) (ciliary) muscles;
change shape of lens / change focal length of lens;
thicker lens / more curvature, focus for objects nearer the eye; 3
(c) extra red colour/longer wavelengths gives impression of warmth;
additional blue colour/shorter wavelengths gives impression of cold; 2[7]
6. (a) (i) either
observer sees image of blood cell;
moving at twice speed of blood cell;
Doppler shift observed by blood cell;
superposed on shift when cell acts as moving source; 2
Award [1] if mentioned that Doppler effect occurs twice.
(ii) need component of velocity of cell along direction of ultrasound beam; 1
2 4.5 10 v cos40
(b) 740 = 1.5 103
v = 0.16 m s ;
Award [1] if the speed of light is used. 2[5]
7. (a) light with (electric field vector) vibrating in one direction only;
in plane normal to direction of energy transfer; 2
(b) model made of perspex /polythene etc.;
light passed through crossed polaroids;
with model between the polaroids;
when stressed, either colours seen if white light used
or light & dark regions seen if monochromatic light used;
colour/shade depends on degree of stressing;
stress causes rotation of plane of polarization in perspex; 6[8]
8. (a) (i) used in bright light/day-time;
there are three types of cone cells sensitive to different colours;
few are connected to the same nerve implying greater detail
of the image formed;
used for photopic vision; 1 max
(ii) used in dim light/night-time;
insensitive to colour;
different rod cells are connected to the same nerve implying
loss of detail in the image formed;
used for scotopic vision; 1 max
(b) cone cells: their distribution increases as the principal axis is
approached (reaching a maximum at the fovea) /
maximum in centre, fewer away from principal axis;
rod cells: few, near the principal axis, most on the edges of the
retina / minimum in centre, more away from principal axis; 2
(c) since the light is dim rod cells will be used;
and these are mostly on the edge of the retina/they are far from the
principal axis; 2[6]
9. (a) (comparison with the SHM displacement formula shows that) the
amplitude is A and this depends on x; 1
(b) frequency is 2 ;
f = 250 Hz; 2
(c) at x = 2.0 m, the amplitude is always equal to A = 12 sin = 0
as required for a node; 1[4]
10. (a) (i) angle of first minimum is 0.0014 rad;
4 7
thus = b = 0.0014 4.0 l0 = 5.6 l0 m; 2

as shown above; 1
Accept if second pattern is drawn to the left of the other.
3.0 108

43 10 9
(b) wavelength is = 7.0 103 m;
telescope can resolve an angular separation of
7.0 10 3
1.22 1.22
b 36 10 3
= 2.4 107;
7 23 17
and so L = D = 2.4 10 4.7 10 = 1.1 10 m; 3[6]

(a) horizontal line; (labelled U)

through half the incident intensity; 2
(b) curve starting at I0; (labelled P)
with minima and maxima as shown; 2
12. (a) the near point is the closest position of an object from the eye
that can be clearly focussed / objects placed closer than the near
point cannot be focussed by the eye OWTTE;
the far point is the furthest position of an object from the eye
that can be clearly focussed / OWTTE;
accommodation is the ability of the eye to focus on objects
placed anywhere between the near point and the far point /
Award [1 max] if near and far points are defined in terms of distance.
(b) the (ciliary) muscles (of the eye) alter the shape of the eye lens;
thereby altering its focal length; 2
13. (a) (i)

general correct shape touching axis and symmetric about = 0

(at least one secondary maxima on each side); (judge by eye)
central maximum wider than secondary maxima;
secondary maxima at most one third intensity of central maximum; 3
d D

(ii) 2 b ;
2.0 1.2 5.2 10 7
d= 4.0 10 5 = 3.12 10 m

3 cm 2
(b) Award [2 max] for a sensible argument.
e.g. light from each point forms a diffraction pattern after being focussed
by the eyepiece of the telescope;
if the diffraction patterns are not sufficiently well separated then
the points will not be resolved as separate sources;
Award [1 max] for the conclusion.
e.g. if the points cannot be resolved as separate sources the
planet cannot be seen as a disc; 3
14. (a) no energy propagated in a standing wave;
the amplitude of a standing wave is not constant;
points along a standing wave are either in phase or out of
phase with each other / OWTTE; 1 max
(b) (i) antinode at open end node at closed end; 1

(ii) antinode at open end and node at closed end and one more
node along pipe; 1
(judge by eye)
(c) for 1 = 4L and for 2 = 3 ;
c 3c
f1 = 4 L and f2 = 4 L :
f1 1

f2 3 ; 3
(d) there must always be a node at the closed end and an antinode at

the open end / there must always be an integer number of 4 ; 1
15. (a) Scotopic vision / uses rod cells/is used in low intensity light/does
not distinguish between colours/does not see detail;
Photopic vision / uses cone cells/is used in high intensity
light/distinguishes colours/sees detail; 2
(b) Scotopic vision using rods is to be used;
sensitivity for blue wavelengths is high for rod cells;
and so blue will be seen most clearly;
Award [0] for bald answer, blue only, or incorrect argument. 3
1.22 1.22 680 10 9

d 1. 5 10 3
(c) (i) = 5.5 104 rad; 1
Accept answer missing the factor of 1.22 i.e. 4.5 10 rad.
Do not penalize absence of rad.
s 4.0 10

d = 5.5 10 ;
d = 7.2 10 m; 2
Accept answer that uses rounded answer from (i) i.e.
15 15
d = 7.3 10 m or has missed the factor of 1.22 i.e. d = 8.9 10 m.
16. (a) light in which the electric field is oscillating on only one plane; 1
(b) (i) refracted ray shown at right angles to reflected ray; 1
Judge by eye.

(ii) sin = n sin(90 );
sin = n cos ;
n = tan ; (this marking point must be justified) 3
(iii) = 52 or 0.92 rad; 1
17. (a) the change in the observed frequency;
when there is relative motion between the source and the observer /
when either source or osbserver is moving; 2
(b) (i) Doppler effect occurs twice / moving detector (blood cells)
and moving source (blood cells in reflection) / image
source moves at twice velocity of red blood cells / OWTTE; 1
3.5 2v

(ii) 5.2 10 1.5 10 v = 0.50 m s1;
5 1 8 1
Accept 1.0 10 m s if 3.0 10 m s has been used for c. 1
use of Doppler formulas to give
v v
1 1
f f c 5.2 103 3.5 5.2 10 3 1.5 10 3
v v
1 1
c 1.5 103
v = 0.50 m s1;
(iii) the blood cells have a range of speeds;
the direction at which the ultrasound is incident on the cells
varies / cells are rotating/tumbling / ultrasound reflects
from objects other than blood cells; 2
18. (a) yellow; 1
(b) the eye responds to the frequency (or energy per photon) of the light;
the frequency is unchanged by changes in refractive index; 2
19. (a) (i)


(b) f= ;
to give f = 120Hz; 2

(c) = 4L = 120
= 0.69m; 2
20. (a) when source is moving towards the observer the wavefronts are
compressed/ frequency is increased;
(when source is moving away) the wavefronts are expanded /
frequency is decreased;
(this repeats so) a continuous rise and fall in pitch/frequency is heard; 3
(b) the maximum frequency occurs when the speaker is approaching
the observer;
1000 330
f = 330 30 ;
= 1100 Hz; 3
21. (a) all possible polarization directions are equally represented /
where the direction of polarization is random; 1
(b) 0.50 W m ;
(I cos ) average value is 2
(c) polarizer and analyser separated by sugar solution; Accept a
diagram for this marking point.
measure angle / rotation of plane of polarization;
concentration proportional to angle; 2 max
22. (a) (i) Correct positioning of:
lens, retina and optic nerve; 1
(ii) convert a light signal into an electrical signal;
rods are used for black and white vision/contrast/scotopic;
cones are used for colour vision/photopic; 3
(b) for objects at different distances from the eye;
for the image to be focused;
the (ciliary) muscle changes the shape of the lens; 3
23. The diagram should be as follows:

lines shifted all in the same direction;

shift in B or the shift in C being noticeably larger than the shift in A;
lines shifted right; 3
Award [2 max] if lines are not labelled.
24. (a) = b = 6.1 10 radians;
distance = altitude;
6 3
= 6.1 10 400 10 = 2.4 m; 3
(b) increase the lens diameter; 1
25. (a) hold the sheets one at a time up to each source and rotate them / OWTTE;
the sheet and source which give a variation in intensity upon rotation
are the polarizing/polarized ones / OWTTE; 2
(b) the solution rotates the plane of polarization;
light from polarized source is rotated by the solution;
the degree of rotation is measured by rotating the polarizing filter;
the angle of rotation gives an indication of the solution concentration /
measure angle of rotation for a standard solution; 4 max
26. (a) rods; 1
(b) (i) similar shaped curve with different position of maximum;
lower maximum; 2
(ii) blue, red or green as appropriate to the sketch; 1

(c) three types of cones/cells involved in part (b)/photopic vision;

each has different frequency response;
normally a shortage/defect of one type / OWTTE; 3
27. (a) shape of diffraction pattern acceptable;
central maximum of one pattern falls on first minimum of other;
relative heights of central and first maxima realistic for both patterns; 3

1.22 1.22 400 10 9



1.63 10 4 rad ;
head lamp separation 1.2
woman car distance = tan 1.63 10 3
= 7.4 km
28. (a) light where the direction of the (electric) field is always/predominantly
in the same plane; 1

I I 0 cos2 60
(b) (i) 4 1

general cos shape;
max at = 0 and curve touches horizontal axis at = 90; 2
(c) light is (partially) horizontally polarized by reflection;
sunglasses have a transmission axis at 90 to the plane of reflected light;
intensity of reflected light is reduced; 3
Award full marks for a clearly labelled diagram.

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