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Waves 1 QP

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Q1.Small water waves are created in a ripple tank by a wooden bar.

The wooden bar vibrates

up and down hitting the surface of the water.

The figure below shows a cross-section of the ripple tank and water.

(a) Which letter shows the amplitude of a water wave?

Tick one box.


(b) The speed of the wooden bar is changed so that the bar hits the water fewer times
each second.

What happens to the frequency of the waves produced?

Tick one box.


Does not change



(c) Describe how the wavelength of the water waves in a ripple tank can be measured

Page 2





(d) The speed of a wave is calculated using the following equation.

wave speed = frequency × wavelength

The water waves in a ripple tank have a wavelength of 1.2 cm and a frequency of
18.5 Hz.

How does the speed of these water waves compare to the typical speed of a person






(Total 8 marks)

Page 3
Q2. (a) A student uses two pieces of equipment, A and B, to display a sound wave.

(i) Use words from the box to complete the sentence.

a loudspeaker a microphone an oscilloscope a screen

A is ............................................ and B is ....................................................... .


(ii) Use words from the box to complete the sentence.

the amplitude half the amplitude the frequency half the frequency

The distance x marked on the diagram measures ......................................... of

the sound wave.

(iii) Complete the sentence.

The distance x becomes smaller. This is because the sound has

become ............................................................................................................ .

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(b) There is no air in space.

Astronauts in space cannot hear sounds from outside their spacesuits.

Explain this.




(Total 6 marks)

Page 5
Q3. (a) Infra red radiation can be reflected, absorbed and transmitted by glass.

(i) What percentage of infra red is absorbed by the glass?


(ii) Complete the following sentence by drawing a ring around the correct word or


Theabsorbed infra red does not change the temperature of the glass.



(b) Two of the following statements are true. One of the statements is false.

Tick ( ) the boxes next to the two true statements.

All objectsabsorb infra red radiation.

Blacksurfaces are poor emitters of infra red radiation.

A hot objectemits more infra red than a cooler object.


Page 6
(c) The following statement is false.

Blacksurfaces are good reflectors of infra red radiation.

Change one word in this statement to make it true.

Write down your new statement.


(Total 4 marks)

Page 7
Q4.(a) The diagram shows four sound waves, J, K, L and M, represented on an oscilloscope

They are all drawn to the same scale.


(i) Which two of the waves have the same amplitude?

Wave ...................... and wave ......................


(ii) Which of the waves would sound the loudest?

Wave ......................

(iii) Only one of the waves is an ultrasound wave.

Which one is the ultrasound wave?

Wave ......................

Give a reason for your answer.



(b) The diagram shows ultrasound being used to examine the ligament inside the leg of
a horse.

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Use words from the box to complete the following sentences.

computer detector transmitter

The ....................................... sends pulses of ultrasound into the leg. When the

ultrasound meets the ligament, some is reflected back to the ............................

The reflected pulses are converted by a .......................... into an image that can

be seen on the screen.

(Total 6 marks)

Page 9
Q5. Ultrasound waves are very high frequency sound waves. They cannot be heard by

(a) Ultrasound waves can be used to clean jewellery.

The jewellery is put into a container of cleaning fluid.

Complete each sentence to explain how ultrasound can clean jewellery.

The ultrasound generator makes the molecules of the cleaning fluid

............................... . The molecules knock particles of ................................

from the surface of the jewellery.


(b) Give a medical use for ultrasound.


(c) Ultrasound waves can be represented on the screen of a cathode ray oscilloscope

The diagrams show three ultrasound waves.

Each wave is represented on an identical CRO screen, A, B and C.

Page 10
Screen A Screen B Screen C

(i) How many complete waves are shown on screen B? ..........................


(ii) Which screen shows the waves with the highest frequency?

Screen ..............................
(Total 5 marks)

Page 11
Q6.(a) The table gives information about the frequencies in the hearing ranges of six different

Frequencies in
Name of mammal
hearing range

Bat 20 Hz → 160 kHz

Dog 20 Hz → 30 kHz

Dolphin 40 Hz → 110 kHz

Elephant 5 Hz → 10 kHz

Human 20 Hz → 20 kHz

Tiger 30 Hz → 50 kHz

(i) Which mammal in the table can hear the highest frequency?


(ii) Give one example of a frequency which an elephant can hear but which a tiger
cannot hear.

Include the unit in your answer.

Frequency ...........................................................................

(b) A sound wave can be represented as a trace on the screen of an oscilloscope.

The diagrams show five traces, A, B, C, D and E, on the oscilloscope. All the traces
aredrawn to the same scale.

(i) Which three diagrams show traces with the same amplitude?

Diagrams ......................... , ......................... and ......................... .


Page 12
(ii) Which two diagrams show traces with the same frequency?

Diagrams ......................... and ......................... .............................


(c) There is no air in space.

Astronauts in space cannot hear sounds from outside their spacesuits.

Explain this.




(Total 6 marks)

Page 13
Q7.(a) Diagram 1 shows two waves.

Diagram 1

(i) Name one wave quantity that is the same for the two waves.


(ii) Name one wave quantity that is different for the two waves.


(iii) The waves in Diagram 1 are transverse.

Which one of the following types of wave is not a transverse wave?

Draw a ring around the correct answer.

gamma rays sound visible light


(b) Diagram 2 shows water waves in a ripple tank moving towards and passing
through a gap in a barrier.

Diagram 2

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Every second, 8 waves pass through the gap in the barrier. The waves have a
wavelength of 0.015 metres.

Calculate the speed of the water waves and give the unit.




Speed = ......................................................................
(Total 6 marks)

Page 15
Q8.Figure 1 shows a set of tuning forks.

Figure 1

A tuning fork has a handle and two prongs. It is made from metal.

When the prongs are struck on a hard object, the tuning fork makes a sound wave with a
single frequency. The frequency depends on the length of the prongs.

(a) Use the correct answer from the box to complete each sentence.

direction loudness pitch speed

The frequency of a sound wave determines its ......................................... .

The amplitude of a sound wave determines its ......................................... .


(b) Each tuning fork has its frequency engraved on it. A student measured the length of
the prongs for each tuning fork.

Some of her data is shown in the table.

Frequency Length of prongs

in hertz in cm

320 9.5

384 8.7

480 7.8

512 7.5

(i) Describe the pattern shown in the table.

Page 16


(ii) Figure 2 shows a full-size drawing of a tuning fork.

Figure 2

Measure and record the length of the prongs.

Length of prongs = ............................. cm


Use the data in the table above to estimate the frequency of the tuning fork in
Figure 2.

Explain your answer.






Estimated frequency = ............................. Hz


(c) Ultrasound waves are used in hospitals.

(i) Use the correct answer from the box to complete the sentence.

electronic hydraulic radioactive

Ultrasound waves can be produced by ........................................... systems.


Page 17
(ii) The frequency of an ultrasound wave used in a hospital is 2 × 10 6 Hz.

It is not possible to produce ultrasound waves of this frequency using a tuning


Explain why.





(d) Figure 3 shows a tuning fork and a microphone. The microphone is connected to
an oscilloscope.

Figure 3

© Sciencephotos/Alamy

When the tuning fork is struck and then placed in front of the microphone, a trace
appears on the oscilloscope screen.

Figure 4 shows part of the trace on the screen.

Figure 4

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Each horizontal division in Figure 4 represents a time of 0.0005 s.

What is the frequency of the tuning fork?




Frequency = ...................................... Hz
(Total 13 marks)

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