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Avadhesh Yadav


Media 1: Reach= 75, Frequency= 10, TPC 8, 00,000, AEC= 40,000

Media 2: Reach =20, Frequency=20, TPC=6, 00,000, AEC= 70,000

Find the % TA, GRP and CPRP for media1 and media2

Media 1

• GRP = R X F = 75 X 10 = 750

• CPRP = TPC/GRP=800000/750= 1066.66

• % OF TA = AEC/CPRP = 40000/1066.66 = 37.50

Media 2

• GRP = R X F = 20 X 20 = 400

• CPRP = TPC/GRP=600000/400= 1500

• % OF TA = AEC/CPRP = 70000/1500 = 46.66

Q.2 Find the average frequency of the advertisement in the magazines using the data given below:


Magazine Readership Magazine A Magazine B Magazine C Insertions

A 40,000 10000 3

B 50,000 5000 - - 2

C 45,000 3750 - 2


Average frequency = OTS/ Net readership

Net readership = Readership – Duplication

M- 7738307681

Prof. Avadhesh Yadav

OTS = Readership x Insertions

Net readership

A= 40000- 10,000= 30,000

B= 50,000-5000= 45000

C= 45,000-3750= 41250

Net readership = 1, 16,250

OTS = Readership x Insertions

A= 40,000 X 3= 120000

B=50,000 X 2 = 100000

C= 45,000 X 2= 90,000

OTS= 3, 10,000

AF= 310000/116250

AF = 2.66

Formulae for GVT numerical

1. GRPs = Reach % x Frequency
2. GVT = Reach (000’s) x Frequency
3. CPT = Total Cost
GVT (000’S)

4. Reach % = No of People Reached/Universe

5. Reach 000’s = (No of People Reached)/1,000


1. GRPS & CPRS are in percentages. GRPs are Gross Rating Points. CPRPS are Cost Per Rating

M- 7738307681

Prof. Avadhesh Yadav

2. GVT & CPT are numbers in 000’s. GVT is Gross Viewership in 000’s. CPT is Cost Per Thousand

Q.3. 15,000 people see an advertisement 6 times, 35,000 see an advertisement 4 times and 10,000
people see an advertisement 2 times. Universe is 120,000. Total Cost of Advertising is 45,000.

Find Reach%, GVT & CPT


Step 1

Reach % = No of People Reached/Universe

= (15,000+35,000+10,000)/120,000

= 50%

Step 2

Frequency = No of People x No of times

Total No of People

= (15,000 x 6) + (35,000 x 4) + (10,000 x 2)


= 250,000 = 4.16

Step 3

GVT = Reach (000s) x Frequency

Reach 000’s = (15,000+35,000+10,000)/1,000 = 60

GVT = 60 x 4.16 = 249.6

Step 4

M- 7738307681

Prof. Avadhesh Yadav

CPT = Total Budget

GVT (000’s)

= 45,000/249.6

= 180.2884

M- 7738307681

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