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Course Code: BA JMC 202

Unit I [Introduction]

1. Definition & Meaning of Advertising

2. Role and functions of Advertising
3. Nature & Scope of Advertising
4. Growth & Development of Advertising in India & World
5. Global Scenario of Advertising
6. Ethical & Regulatory Aspects of Advertising

Unit II [Advertising as a tool & process]

1. Advertising as communication tool, communication process & advertising

2. Models of Advertising Communication
i AIDA model
ii DAGMAR model
iii Maslow’s Hierarchy Model
3. Advertising as a social process- consumer welfare, standard of living and cultural values

Unit III [Classification & Aspects]

1. Classification of Advertising on the basis of

i. Target Audience
ii. Geographical Area
iii. Medium
iv. Purpose
2. Advertising Creativity- Definition & importance.
3. Elements of Print advertising - Copy, slogan, identification mark, clashing illustrations.
4. Characteristics, Advantages & Disadvantages of
i. Broadcast media – Television, Radio, Audio-Video Cassettes & CD’s, Cyber
ii. Print Media – Newspaper, Magazines
iii. Support Media – Out-of–home, in-store, transit, yellow pages, Movie theatre, in-flight
iv. Direct marketing

Unit IV [Ad Agency Structure & Functions]

1. Concept of advertising agencies

2. Ad agency-Role, Types, Structure & functions
3. The advertisers; client –agency relationship
4. Criteria to select an ad agency
Unit I [Introduction]

Definition & Meaning of Advertising

Advertising or advertizing is a form of communication for marketing and used to encourage,

persuade, or manipulate an audience (viewers, readers or listeners; sometimes a specific group)
to continue or take some new action. Most commonly, the desired result is to drive consumer
behavior with respect to a commercial offering, although political and ideological advertising is
also common. This type of work belongs to a category called affective labor.

The purpose of advertising may also be to reassure employees or shareholders that a company is
viable or successful. Advertising messages are usually paid for by sponsors and viewed via
various traditional media; including mass media such as newspaper, magazines, television
commercial, radio advertisement, outdoor advertising or direct mail; or new media such as blogs,
websites or text messages.

Commercial advertisers often seek to generate increased consumption of their products or

services through "branding," which involves associating a product name or image with certain
qualities in the minds of consumers. Non-commercial advertisers who spend money to advertise
items other than a consumer product or service include political parties, interest groups, religious
organizations and governmental agencies. Nonprofit organizations may rely on free modes of
persuasion, such as a public service announcement (PSA).

Role of Advertising

Promoting a brand is more important than opening a store. It is essential to create brand
awareness for the customers to know about the brand’s existence. The retailer must strive hard
to communicate the USPs (Unique selling Proposition) of the brand to influence the buying
behaviour of the customers. In simpler words, advertisements help the end-users to know to
which brand a particular product belongs.

Advertisements play a crucial role in promoting a brand and creating its awareness
amongst the masses.

They help in creating an image of a particular product or brand in the minds of the potential
customers. Such a mechanism is also called Brand Positioning.
Nature of Advertising

Media content is everything from film, to news articles, blogs to television exposes. Advertising
differs. Although it uses these mediums and platforms to sell, inform, shape opinion etc, an
audience normally picks and chooses what media content to absorb. Audiences do not generally
pick what adverts to expose themselves too. Instead advertising buys media space to break up
the media content. Whether this is banner adverts on a blog, television adverts or print
campaigns. Advertising also uses a number of other available platforms, not necessarily
associated with media content, eg bus stops, tube posters etc. However, by placing adverts in
certain places (integrated campaigns, ambient, events), these raise awareness of brands, which
are then featured in media content. (news articles, television programmes, at the start of films

2. Advertising fits into the media landscape by using platforms and outlets for advertising. As
the media landscape has gone largely digital in the past decade or so, advertising has adapted to
this by using online, digital and integrated campaigns for effective marketing. Advertising has
explicitly used every possible platform, making the media landscape full of adverts. By buying
media space, adverts are pushed into the public realm, using the rich media landscape.

3. In the wider economic growth cycle, advertising plays a very large role. Adverts shape
opinion, change behaviour and above all things sell. By selling they contribute to the economic
growth cycle, pushing consumers towards buying a product. Fluctuations and booms in the
economy can be linked to product purchase.

Scope of Advertising

Advertising world has led to the emergence of many new roles within the advertising profession.
In the new edge of ad world, advertising goes beyond its conventional approach. For the non-
conventional and conventional advertising approach, Industry requires well groomed people
who can develop innovative and creative new idea. Flexibility and competence is must for the
industry as the Ad World is highly creative as well as dynamic.

Advertising careers are diverse and can run across a variety of departments, offering positions in
the fields of creative departments, production, media, and research. The ultimate goal is to meet
the client’s goals of increasing sales as much as possible. Public relations services are often
involved with businesses, governments, and institutions and can help them make effective
decisions. Students of an advertising school may choose to pursue a career as a:

 Advertising Media Planner

 Media Researcher
 Copywriter/Illustrator
 Account Planning
 Creative Department
 Production Manager
 Director of Advertising
 Director of Public Relations
 Public Relations Specialist
 Artists

Role of Advertising in Retail

 The retailer through various ways of advertising strives hard to promote his brand amongst the
masses for them to visit the store more often.
 Advertisements attract the customers into the store. They act as a catalyst in bringing the
customers to the stores.

The advertisement must effectively communicate the right message and click on the customers.
It should be a visual treat and appeal the end-users.

Advertisements have taglines to create awareness of a product or service in the most

effective way.

 The tagline has to be crisp and impressive to create the desired impact.
 The tagline should not be lengthy else the effect gets nullified.
 It has to be catchy.
 It should be simple to memorize.

The moment an individual hears ―Just Do it‖, he knows he has to visit a ―Nike Store‖. That’s the
importance of a tagline.

Modes of Advertising

1. Nothing works better than promoting a brand through signboards, billboards, hoardings and
banners intelligently placed at strategic locations like railway stations, crowded areas, heavy
traffic crossings, bus stands, near cinema halls, residential areas and so on. Such advertising is
also called as out of home advertising.

Out of home advertising is a way to influence the individuals when they are out of their
homes. The hoarding must be installed at a height visible to all even from a distance.

Make sure it catches the attention of the passing individuals and influences them to visit
the store.

Keep it simple and make sure it doesn’t confuse the customers; instead it should convey
the information in its desired form.

2. Print media is also one of the most effective ways to promote a brand. Newspapers, magazines,
catalogues, journals make the brand popular amongst the individuals. Retailers can buy a small
space in any of the leading newspapers or magazines; give their ads for the individuals to read
and get influenced.
3. Television also helps the brand reach a wider audience. Now a day’s retailers also use celebrities
to endorse their products for that extra zing. Celebrities are shown using the particular brand and
thus making it a hit amongst the masses.

Sachin Tendulkar - the famous Indian cricketer endorses Castrol India, MRF tyres,
Adidas, Boost etc. A child gets influenced to drink Boost because his favorite cricketer
drinks the same.

4. Radio Advertisements also help in creating brand awareness.

5. Social networking sites have also emerged as one of the easiest and economical ways to
promote a product or brand

Functions and Effects of Advertising

Advertising permeates the Internet, network television, daily newspapers and roadside
billboards. Products, services and ideas are sold through advertising, enabling businesses to
attract customers for their wares. Internet advertising is rapidly displacing print advertising, due
its convenience of use, cost effectiveness, and ease of distribution.

Identifying Brands

Products, services and ideas are sold through businesses that are differentiated by their brand
identities. Brand identity is communicated to the public via advertising. Consumers build
emotional relationships with certain brands with which they become increasingly familiar
through the years, thanks to advertising.


Advertising supplies the necessary information to consumers so that they know what is available
and where to buy it. It broadcasts information on products, services and ideas sold on the open
market through a variety of media portals. It reveals the special features being sold, what color
and size the product is and which stores carry it.


Powerful, visual advertising presentations compel consumers to purchase goods, services and
ideas as a way to achieve emotional fulfillment. Persuasion is the core mission of advertising.
Advertising tells you how the product, service or idea you are considering will improve your life.
According to Jeremiah O'Sullivan R, author of "The Social and Cultural Effects of Advertising,"
advertising feeds on the concepts of ideology, myth, art, sexual attraction and religion.
Advertising infuses images and ideas into products and services, just as the meanings of products
and services are infused into images and ideas, notes O'Sullivan.

Previewing New Trends

Previews about the virtues of new products, services and ideas motivate consumers to obtain
them because they don't want to be left out. Advertising lets consumers in on up-and-coming
trends and new markets. They offer coupons, rebates and trial offers on new products, services or
ideas to recruit new customers and induce existing customers to try things. Advertisers preview
new or improved products, services and ideas to consumers in order to appeal to their sense of
wanting to be in the know about leading edge trends. Previewing new trends is a technique
employed by advertisers that capitalizes on consumers' desires to "keep up with the Jones" by
owning the latest and greatest product, service or idea.


The demand generated by advertising, public relations, and sales promotion "pulls" the goods or
services through channels of distribution, notes "Reference for Business." One of the powerful
functions of advertising is to generate consumer demand for specific products, services and ideas
through ad campaigns that target the audiences that are most likely to buy them." Products,
services and concepts are sold in volume, according to the consumer demand for them.

Customer Base

Consistent quality advertising increases consumer loyalty for a product, service or idea.
Advertising seeks to maintain the current customer base by reinforcing purchasing behavior with
additional information about the benefits of brands. The goal of advertising is to build and
reinforce relationships with customers, prospects, retailers and important stakeholders.


Advertising displays consumer goods with competitive prices relative to the current market, thus
educating consumers about what things should cost. Advertising lets you know what the
competition is doing, when the next sale is, and how you can receive the latest coupon or rebate
and seeks to assure you that you are receiving the best value for your money.

Growth & Development of Advertising in India & World

Advertising in India has created an incredible awareness among the people in the past decade
growing in to big industry. It has grown along with the press and today it has found its way into
the other two media - Radio and Television.

Advertising, which was an American concept originally, has found its place in a country like
India, so much so that the number of commercials has doubled in the media.

Advertising in India grew with the Indian press. In the initial period, to advertise meant to
inform. The early newspapers and magazines announced births, deaths, arrivals of ships from
England, sale of household furniture etc.
In the beginning of the nineteenth century new products, discounts and special services got their
place in advertisements. Thus, gradually advertising started gaining power. It increased with the
growth of trade and commerce.

The leading newspapers like The Times of India and the statesman had their own advertising
departments which prepared layouts for advertisements.

In early 20th century the advertising agencies such as Indian Advertising Agency and Calcutta
Advertising Agency were started. During Second World War, press advertising was used
extensively to raise funds for the war.

The Indian professionals also learnt how to motivate the masses through advertising. Between
1922 -1939 many advertising agencies came up such as New India Publicity Co., Paradise
advertising Agency of Calcutta, and National Advertising Agency and so on.

The Advertising Agencies Association of India (AAAI) was established in 1945, training an
authority to represent the interests and problems of advertising profession. At the time of
independence, advertising business was expanding.

It grew technically also with the introduction of multi-colour printing, and improved printing
machines. Commercial art also grew as a profession which boosted the advertising business. In
1951, the Indian society of Advertisers was formed and in May 1958, the society of Advertising
Practitioners was formed.

During pre-independence era, Indian advertisements were mostly about clothes, travelling, eating
and entertainment places, India, hotels, four-wheelers, tea, gramophones and tailoring shops for
Britishers in India and the princely families.

In the post independence period, the focus of advertisements shifted from luxury goods to
consumer goods bought mainly for time and labour saving purposes. In 1976, first commercial
spot appeared on Television and in 1980, the first advertisement sponsors were allowed.

Advertising in India has urban image, i.e. the urban products are advertised by urban models in
urban living styles.

Many factors contributed to the advertising industry's growth and expansion in India. The sharp
increase in the media options in all spheres made it easy to reach the audience. This offered new
advertising opportunities of media planning.

Many companies were keen on encasing the innovations of the media and trying to be the first to
catch the fascination and attention of the target audience and advertising agencies readily offered
their skills.

With the policy of liberalization, the business culture improved all around. This led advertising
agencies to raise their creative standards and improvements in functioning of the ad agencies.

Moreover, many specializations came up in advertising. Such as, financial advertising, direct
marketing, social advertising etc. This resulted in the growth in number and size of the in-house
Mudra Communications was promoted by Reliance Industries, Shristi was set up by Lohia
Machines, Ambience by Garden Silk Mills and Govan Advertising was parented by Golden
Tobacco. Later, these agencies grew in to fully fledge professional agencies, servicing several
outside clients besides the owner company.

Global Scenario of Advertising

Advertising business is undergoing a paradigm shift in recent times as most companies rely on
female models for their products. MARKETING THROUGH advertising is considered an
important variable in the global business. Advertising is second only to films as far as its
influence on the society is concerned. History bears testimony to the fact that the great Romans
practiced advertising. Their surnames indicated their occupation. The potentialities of advertising
multiplied when manual press was invented in the 15th century. After that the demand has been
Advertising is, in fact, the most influential and powerful medium in the present commercial
society. It creates an entire worldview, shaping our attitude and beliefs. Advertisements pervade
every aspect of our life and most of us are hardly aware of it. In the movement for equal status
and fair treatment to women, an important part is attributed to the mass media, particularly to
electronic media.

The central position of media in daily life ensures its role in advertising business. The meanings
that are created by media are not fixed, but they vary according to cultural, historical and social
context of the people concerned. The common man judges the products on the basis of the
understanding his society and culture has inculcated into them.

Symbolism is one of the major aspects of advertisement and it is to be noted that a change has
occurred in this context. Use of women to promote a concept or product is increasing day by day.
In the advertisement world, advertisers have picked up women for advertising of consumer
commodities. Women are used in TV commercials as weapon of persuasion.

Women in many cultures make the majority of consumption decisions; hence they are important
target of these advertisers. So the advertisers find it easier to sell the product by using the same
gender. But most of these ads hardly need women as models. For example, there is no need to
ask females to do an ad for a men’s shaving cream. The list is uncountable. Most of the
companies want to attract the consumers by using the physical look of the models. They have
created a world of fantasy. And we are drawn towards that world without realizing much about
the realities of life. We try to imitate whatever is shown on the Television. The media must play
the role of a watchdog in such a situation
Ethical & Regulatory Aspects of Advertising

Advertising is any paid form of non-personal presentation and promotion of ideas, goods, or
services by an identified sponsor . In today's fast-paced, high-tech age businesses use advertising
to make prospects aware of their products and services and to earn profits through increasing
their sales and sales turnover. Advertising reflects contemporary society. The making of an ad
copy, its message, its illustrations, the product advertised, the appeal-used all these have a social
flavour. Advertising affects society and gets affected by it. It is therefore, necessary to use this
weapon with caution to avoid a corrosive effect on social values.

Can we escape ourselves from advertisements? Consumers are bombarded with more than 1500
commercial messages a day . For most companies, the question is not whether to communicate
but rather what to say, how to say it, to whom and how often. To reach target markets and build
brand equity in this cluttered market advertisers sometimes overstep social and legal norms. This
paper attempts to explore the ethical concerns in advertising. Ethical norms deal with character,
norms, morals and ideals. They give an idea of what is fair or unfair or what is right and wrong.
The ethical principles underlie social policies and are dictated by the society we live in. Like any
other profession, the advertising field is governed by the laws and enactment governing the mass
media. By citing live cases the paper discusses the nature of problems faced by the consumers
through misleading advertisements and evaluates the relative efficacies of institutional
mechanisms, laws and regulations available for easy redressal of consumers. Outdated laws, poor
enforcement of them are some of the lacunas in order to control advertising.

When is advertising deceptive-

The Constitution of India guarantees freedom of speech. Special restraint is needed in

commercial speech including advertising. An advertisement is called deceptive when it misleads
people, alters the reality and affects buying behaviour. According to Federal Trade Commission
(USA) deception occurs when -

1. There is misrepresentation, omission, or a practice that is likely to mislead.

2. The consumer is acting responsibly in given circumstances

3. The practice is material and consumer injury is possible because consumers are likely to have
chosen differently if there is no deception.

Deception exists when an advertisement is introduced into the perceptual process of the audience
in such a way that the output of that perceptual process differs from the reality of the situation. It
includes a misrepresentation, omission or a practice that is likely to mislead. These may include
the following:

1. Violates Consumers' Right to Information: Use of untrue paid testimonials to convince

buyers, quoting misleading prices, disparaging a rival product in a misleading manner are some
examples of misleading. Advertisers of anti- aging creams, complexion improving creams,
weight loss programs, anti-dandruff shampoos, and manufacturers of vitamins or dietary
supplements are usually guilty of making exaggerated product claims. Some of the examples of
advertisements in this category are:

" A fairness cream is advertised with the claim that its user will get a fair complexion within a

" Parle G Original Gluco Biscuits puts a tall claim of being 'the World's largest selling biscuits'
on its package on the basis of the results of a survey done in the Year 2003 by A. C. Nielsen.

" Advertisements by some financial companies such as doubling money in a given time without
base to justify claim are deceptive in nature.

" Many colleges misrepresent in their prospectus that the institution is affiliated to a particular
university and an accredited one. In one of the cases decided in 2004 the complainant took
admission believing representations made in prospectus that college was recognized by the
government of Punjab and was also approved by the Central Council of Indian Medicine for the
whole course of five and a half years . The complainant deposited Rs.1,00,000/- as donation and
Rs. 65,000 as admission fees. Four years after 1996-97 no exams were being held. The Punjab
University, CCIM and Baba Farid University did not grant any affiliation for want of requisite
infrastructure. It was held to be a case of unfair trade practice and deficiency in service.

In the case of Bhupesh Khurana vs Vishwa Buddha Parishad a class action suit was filed by
twelve students who had joined the BDS course offered by the Buddhist Mission Dental College
run by Vishwa Buddha Parishad. The students' complaint was that the college, in its
advertisement and prospectus inviting applications for the course, had given the impression that
it was affiliated to Magadh University, Bodh Gaya and recognized by the Dental Council of
India and was fully equipped to give the degree of Bachelor of Dental Science. However, after
joining the college and attending classes, the students found to their dismay that the annual
examinations were not being held because the college was neither affiliated to Magadh
University, Bodh Gaya and nor recognized by the Dental Council of India. As a result the
students lost two precious academic years, but also spent money on fees, hostel charges, etc.
holding the college to be deficient the National Commission directed it to refund the admission
expenses of all the twelve students along with interest of 12 percent .

2. Violates Consumers' Right to Safety When an advertisement for cooking oil says that using
the said oil frees the user from heart problems, then such an advertisement is misrepresenting the
facts. Companies advertise products highlighting health cures and drugs of questionable efficacy
and health gadgets of unknown values. Tempted by an advertisement, claiming to increase a
person's height, Nadiya,a Class VIII student having a height of 135 cms got admitted to Fathima
Hospital for surgery, on 24-7-1996, for increasing her height. The surgery was conducted and a
ring fixator was fixed on the legs which had to be adjusted every six hours. To her dismay
Nadiya found her left leg shorter by ½ inches, and therefore she could not walk. By September
1996, the pain had increased and the complainant was bed-ridden till March, 1998. the
Commission held the hospital and the doctors negligent and deficient in their service and
directed them to pay Rs. 5,00,000 with costs amounting to Rs. 2,000 to the complainant.
Many of the juice, sharbat, wafer manufacturing companies do not mention the ingredients used
in it. For example, Haldiram offers many types of sharbats which are artificially flavoured but
the front side of the package has big and attractive pictures of the fruit itself, creating
misunderstanding amongst the consumers.

3. Violates Consumers' Right to Choice: When material facts which are likely to influence
buying decisions are not disclosed the advertisement becomes deceptive. In several
advertisements it is stated that 'conditions apply' but these conditions are not stated. Not
disclosing material facts amounts to deception. For example, the recent print ad for Videocon
mentions a 1-ton split-AC available for Rs. 15,990/, a very attractive offer. But there is a small
asterisk which mentions three things in small font. They are:


―Prices valid in Delhi and NCR under exchange only

" Actual products may differ from those displayed in the offer.

Such ads not only mislead consumers by concealing important information from them.
Advertisements for general medicines available over the counter, never talk of the side effects
that may result from their frequent use.

4. Advertisements directed at children

Children in India constitute 18.7 per cent of the World kids population and one-third of our
country's population is under the age of 15 years. Thus in India, children form a massive 30per
cent of the total population and this segment is growing at a rate of 4 per cent per annum. This
means a huge target market of 300 million is available to advertisers and they are already
focusing on the kid channels.

A survey by A C Nielsen UTV's research partner showed that an average child watches TV for
about three hours on week days and 3.7 hours on weekends, the time spent on television goes up
with age, and the preferred language of viewing is Hindi across all age groups. Apart from the
programmes children also view a lot of the advertisements.

In India the advertising expenditure per year on products meant for children but purchased by
parents, like health drinks, is 12 to 15 per cent of the total Rs. 38,000 million. Ad expenditure per
year on products meant for children and also bought by them such as chocolates is seven to eight
per cent. The advertisers rely on the children's pester power on their parents. The ethical issues
involved are advertisers try to exploit Young children by advertising products that are not
conducive to their health.

5. Puffery

It means the use of harmless superlatives. The advertisers use them to boast of the merits of their
products (best, finest, number one, etc.). Even law permits trade puffing or exaggeration. But
subjective statements of opinion about a product's quality are so untrue that it becomes an
outright spoof and which is not true. In 1997 MRTP Commission asked Hindustan Lever
company to stop its campaign that its Pepsodent toothpaste was 102 per cent better than the
Colgate toothpaste. Hindustan Lever was restrained from "referring to any Colgate Toothpaste in
any manner, either directly or indirectly, by means of any allusion or hint in its TV commercials
or newspaper advertisements or hoardings, by comparison of its New Pepsodent with any
product of Colgate in general, and Colgate Dental cream in particular .

Advertising Standards Council of India


Like other countries around the world, India too has a self regulatory organization (SRO) for
advertising content – The Advertising Standards Council of India, ASCI founded in 1985. The
three main constituents of advertising industry via advertisers, advertising agencies and media
came together to form this independent NGO. The aim of ASCI is to maintain and enhance the
public's confidence in advertising. Their mandate is that all advertising material must be truthful,
legal and honest, decent and not objectify women, safe for consumers - especially children and
last but not the least, fair to their competitors.[4]

Members of ASCI

ASCI’s team consists of the Board of Governors the Consumer Complaints Council (CCC) and
its Secretariat. ASCI has 12 members in its the Board of Governors, four each representing the
key sectors such as Advertisers, advertising agencies, media and allied professions such as
market research, consulting, business education etc. The CCC currently has about 21 members: 9
are from within the industry and 12 are from the civil society like well-known doctors, lawyers,
journalists, academicians, consumer activists, etc. The CCC’s decision on complaint against any
ad is final. ASCI also have its own independent Secretariat of 5 members which is headed by the
Secretary General.

There is no other non governmental body in India which regulates the advertising content that is
released in India. If an ad that is released in India seems objectionable, a person can write to
ASCI with their complaint. This complaint will be deliberated on by the CCC after providing due
process to advertiser to defend the ad against the complaint and depending on whether the ad is
in alignment with the ASCI code and law of the land, the complaint is upheld or not upheld and
if upheld then the ad is voluntarily either withdrawn or modified.

In 2007, the Government of India amended the Cable TV Network Rules’ Advertising Code by
which ads which violate ASCI code cannot be permitted on TV.

Almost all professional fields have self regulatory bodies governing their activities. For the
advertising fraternity, until 1985 there was none. Due to this there was a lot of false, misleading
and offensive advertising. This led to consumers losing faith in advertising and hence resenting
it. It was decided that if this continued it would not take time for statutory regulations such as
censorship to be imposed on advertising content.

In 1985, ASCI to be imposed on advertisers and advertising agencies. This would make fair,
truthful and decent advertising almost impossible which would in turn hinder the industry’s
ability to compete and grow.

In 1985, the ASCI adopted a Code for Self-Regulation in Advertising. With the introduction of
the code, the aim is to promote honest and decent advertising and fair competition in the
industry. It will also ensure the protection of consumer interests and the all concerned with the ad
industry - advertisers, media, advertising agencies and others who help in the creation or
placement of advertisements.

As the fraternity starts accepting the code, it will result in fewer false claims, fewer unfair
advertisements and increased respect for advertisers.

Need for ASCI

When an advertiser is creating an ad, the consumer is his audience. The feedback from a
consumer is important to the advertiser so he can be assured if his message has been correctly
conveyed. If a consumer feels that a particular advertisement is in bad taste or is false in its
claims, they need a body or council to whom they can air their grievances and who will take any
appropriate action, if necessary. ASCI as a self regulatory body governing advertising content is
the ideal medium as its purpose is to serve both the advertisers as well as the consumers.

Unit II [Advertising as a tool & process]

1. Advertising as communication tool, communication process & advertising

Advertising is just one of the four pillars of communication, but it is often seen as the primary
tool to develop business. Advertising is a paid for major communication mix- tool/discipline
used by companies to communicate with a target audience. It’s non personal, and offers a high
degree of control for those responsible for the design and delivery of the advertised message.
For example the PG Tips advert - Monkey outlines the virtues of the brand, their partners and
ethical working policy towards the 3rd world farmers who grow their tea for sale. In this way, a
captive audience is given information on the product, where it’s grown and by whom without
interference, the company is able to create a positive image of it to the consumer, and hopes that
this will help influence their behaviour and convince them to buy their product. Advertising
though easily controlled by message writers is difficult to measure and its ability to achieve the
desired result remains suspect.

Advertising is more than just the means of disseminating product information. It is a primary
communications tool of our economic system. Moreover, aside from its diverse role as a
persuasive communication tool, it is also part of the everyday culture of virtually everyone.
Actually advertising is a part of our social, cultural, and business environment.
Regarding new product launch, advertising is considered of vital importance as it can provide the
necessary information to the targeted audiences and
increase their awareness levels. It moreover can act as an Awareness-Identification-Desire-
Action tool since it can provide all the incentives needed for a trial. As far as the action stage is
concerned, advertising can become the element through which a prospect will decide upon
purchasing the product or service.
Penetrating any market is a matter of well-planned integrated marketing program and in order for
a new products or service launch to be successful, advertising can serve as a valuable tool for the
company's future goals and current sales increase.
Regarding new product launch, advertising is valuable only to companies if it creates consumer
identification, is differentiated from, and in the long run its success is measured by repeat

2. Models of Advertising Communication

AIDA model

AIDA is an acronym used in marketing and advertising that describes a common list of events
that may occur when a consumer engages with an advertisement. The base of brand promotion

 A - Attention (Awareness): attract the attention of the customer.

 I - Interest: raise customer interest by focusing on and demonstrating advantages and benefits
(instead of focusing on features, as in traditional advertising).
 D - Desire: convince customers that they want and desire the product or service and that it will
satisfy their needs.
 A - Action: lead customers towards taking action and/or purchasing.

Using a system like this gives one a general understanding of how to target a market effectively.
Moving from step to step, one loses some percent of prospects.

AIDA is a historical model, rather than representing current thinking in the methods of
advertising effectiveness.
DAGMAR model

According to DAGMAR, each purchase prospect goes through 4 steps:

1. Awareness

2. Comprehension

3. Conviction

4. Action

These steps are also known as ACCA advertising formula. ACCA/DAGMAR is a descendant of
AIDA advertising formula and considered to be more popular and comprehensive than AIDA.
Developed for the measurement of advertising effectiveness it maps the states of mind that a
consumer passes through.

Important parts of the DAGMAR model are definitions of target audience, (people whom the
advertising message is addressed to) and objectives (goals of advertising message).
Maslow’s Hierarchy Model

3. Advertising as a social process- consumer welfare, standard of living and cultural values

Advertising is praised but also criticized by critics in their own ways. Advertising has many
positive impacts along with its negative pictures. As the President of American Association of
Advertising Agencies, John O’ Toole has described advertise is something else. It is not related
to studies, but it educates. It is not a journalist but gives all information. And it is not an
entertaining device but entertains everyone.

Now let’s go through the economic and social aspects of advertising.

Economic role of Advertising

Value of Products:

The advertised products are not always the best products in the market. There are some
unadvertised products also present which are good enough. But advertising helps increase value
for the products by showing the positive image of the product which in turn helps convincing
customers to buy it. Advertising educates consumers about the uses of the products hence
increasing its value in minds of the consumers. For e.g. mobile phones were first considered as
necessity but nowadays the cell phones come with number of features which makes them mode
of convenience for consumers.

Effect on Prices:

Some advertised products do cost more than unadvertised products but the vice versa is also true.
But if there is more competition in the market for those products, the prices have to come down,
for e.g., canned juices from various brands. Thus some professional like chartered accountants
and doctors are not allowed to advertise.

But some products do not advertise much, and they don’t need much of it and even their prices
are high but they are still the leaders in market as they have their brand name. e.g., Porsche cars

Effect on consumer demand and choices:

Even if the product is heavily advertised, it does not mean that the demand or say consumption
rates will also increase. The product has to be different with better quality, and more variety than
others. For E.g., Kellogg’s cornflakes have variety of flavors with different ranges to offer for
different age groups and now also for people who want to lose weight thus giving consumers
different choices to select from.

Effect on business cycle:

Advertising no doubt helps in employing more number of people. It increases the pay rolls of
people working in this field. It helps collecting more revenues for sellers which they use for
betterment of product and services. But there are some bad effects of advertisements on business
cycle also. Sometimes, consumer may find the foreign product better than going for the national
brand. This will definitely effect the production which may in turn affect the GDP of the country.

The economic aspects are supported by the Abundance Principle which says producing more
products and services than the consumption rate which helps firstly keeping consumers informed
about the options they have and secondly helps sellers for playing in healthy and competitive
atmosphere with their self interest.
Social role of Advertising:

There are some positive and some negative aspects of advertising on the social ground. They are
as follows.

Deception in Advertising:

The relation between the buyers and sellers is maintained if the buyers are satisfied with what
they saw in advertise and what they got after buying that product. If seller shows a false or
deceptive image and an exaggerated image of the product in the advertisement, then the relation
between the seller and buyers can’t be healthy. These problems can be overcome if the seller
keep their ads clean and displays right image of the product.

The Subliminal Advertising:

Capturing the Minds of the consumers is the main intention of these ads. The ads are made in
such a way that the consumers don’t even realizes that the ad has made an impact on their minds
and this results in buying the product which they don’t even need. But ―All ads don’t impress all
consumers at all times‖, because majority of consumers buy products on basis of the price and

Effect on Our Value System:

The advertisers use puffing tactics, endorsements from celebrities, and play emotionally, which
makes ads so powerful that the consumers like helpless preys buy those products.

These ads make poor people buy products which they can’t afford, people picking up bad habits
like smoking and drinking, and buy products just because their favorite actor endorsed that
product. This affects in increased the cost of whole society and loss of values of our own selves.


Some ads are so offensive that they are not acceptable by the buyers. For example, the ads of
denim jeans showed girls wearing very less clothes and making a sex appeal. These kinds of ads
are irrelevant to the actual product. Btu then there is some ads which are educative also and now
accepted by people. Earlier ads giving information about birth control pills was considered
offensive but now the same ads are considered educative and important.

But at the last, there are some great positive aspects which help

 Development of society and growth of technologies

 Employment
 Gives choices to buyers with self interest
 Welcomes healthy competition
 Improving standard of living.
 Give information on social, economical and health issues.
Unit III [Classification & Aspects]

Classification of the advertising:-

The objective of advertising differs under different situations. One advertiser may seek to generate
immediate response from the customer; another may seek to develop awareness or positive image for its
product over a longer period. So they need different types of advertisements. Now a day’s service
advertisements are also very common, like financial advertisements, banking advertisement etc.

Geographical Area
1) Advertising on the basis of Geographical Area.
a) Local/ regional
c) Global/ International

Target Audience
2) Advertising on the basis of Target Audience.
a) Consumer Advertising
b) Industrial Advertising
c) Professional Advertising
d) Trade Advertising

3) Advertising on the basis of Demand Influence Level.
a) Primary demand creation Ads.
b) Selective demand Stimulation Ads.

4) Advertising to promote Institution Image or Brand Image.

a) Institutional Ads/ Corporate Advertising.
b) Product Advertising.

5) Advertising on the basis of different stages of Product Life Cycle.

a) Informative/ Pioneering Advertising.
b) Persuasive Advertising
c) Reminder Adv erotizing

6) Advertising on the basis of Timing of Response.

a) Direct Action Advertising
b)Indirect Action Advertising

7) Advertising on the basis o f Media Used.

a) Emotional Advertising
b) Rational Advertising

8) Advertising on the basis o f Nature of Appeal Made.

a) Print Ads
b)Audio - Visual Ads.
c) Audio

Other Type of Advertising

a) Classified Advertising
b) Social Advertising
c) Cooperative Advertising
d) Re-enforcement Advertising
e) Defensive e Advertisement
f) Service Advertising
g) Push and pull Advertisement
h) In-store Advertising

Advertising Creativity- Definition

Creativity is a very subjective term. Who can really say what is creative, for we all have different
opinions on what we individually think is creative. Some people believe creativity is an engrained concept
that you are born with it. Other people believe it is a talent that can be learned and taught. We personally
believe it is a little of both. The essential elements of creativity are really imagination and inventiveness
disciplined by routine skills. Your imagination is something you are born with, it can be large and wild or
it can be small and constrained. Inventiveness is something that can be disciplined; it can be taught and
learned with practice and skill. Put those two concepts together and anything is possible.

In advertising, agencies live and die by creative communications. Creativity is one of the reasons clients
justify advertising and their choice of agencies so what exactly is creative in advertising? Some creative
commercials are effective, some effective ads are creative, and other ads are neither creative nor effective.
Creativity and effectiveness ultimately join in the consumer's minds rather than remain separate. We must
then ask, what is efficiency? Well, efficiency of an ad is determined by the correct combination of its
impact and retention.

Impact being the ability of an ad to attract attention and retention being the ability of an ad to stay on
viewers' minds. We can thus say with certainty that an advertisement needs to be creative to succeed. Its
creativity needs to be effective in both its impact and retention. I found the quote at the beginning of the
page and thought it was just great. Although creativity in advertising is an important factor, one must
remember to not be creative just for creative sake. The creativity must also be effective. Successful
creative strategies result from pinpointing an idea, a nuance, an insight, or a nugget of information
gleaned from research or sometime from an intuitive understanding or quickness of human nature. The
true role of the strategy is to make that intuitive leap which defines the relationship between the brand and
its user.
Elements of Print advertising - Copy, slogan, identification mark, clashing illustrations.

Elements/Component of print Advertising Copy:-

Advertising-Copy is prepared after combining various components or elements of Ad-copy
(AC). Elements/ Components of ad-copy made for different media are different. In the future
discussion, Elements/components of print AC and broadcast ad copy are discussed. Components
of print-AC are headlines, subheads, body-copy, slogans, blurbs, boxes & panels, Illustrations,
Identification- marks, closing ideas etc.

1) Headline:-
It refers to words which are in leading positions of advertisement. These words are
read first by the audience. These are given in larger type size. Headline is the most important part
print ad- copy. Headlines attract the attention of audience and arouse the interest of readers in
rest part of ad- copy. It should be simple, clear, short and should attract/hold attention of the
audience. It must be shown in a prominent manner in the advertisement copy. It can be about
important feature of the product, manufacturer's achievement, Special offers or special news etc.

Functions of Headlines:
-to attract attention of audience
-to highlight main features of the product
-to give main message of the ad in brief
-to arouse interest for further reading of AC

Essentials of Headlines:-

-It should be attractive.

-It should be brief.
-It should be easy to memories.
-It should narrate the whole of message in nutshell
-It should arouse the interest to read further ad-copy.
-It should be original, unique, different, innovative and specific.
-Its type-size should be large enough to contrast from rest of AC.
-It must be linked with rest of ad-copy.

Different Forms of Headlines:-

-Direct Benefit Headlines

-Question Headlines
-Announcement Headlines.
-Provocative Headlines
-Selective Headlines
-Label Headlines
-Negative Headlines

It is the visual elements of print-ad-copy. It may be in the form of attractive photo of the product,
drawing, cartoons, pictures, symbols graphs, paintings. It is often a dominant part of print-ad and
plays an important role in increasing the effectiveness. Illustration attracts attention;
communicate an idea or image of advertising message.

Types of Illustration:-
-Photo of Product.
-Photo of Product in use.
-Photos from different angle.
-Photo highlighting product results.
-Photo of message source person/ model.
-Symbolic photos.
-Photo of product Mix.

Purposes of Illustration:

-Illustration helps in attracting attention and arousing desire/ interest in advertisement.

-It helps the buyer in identifying product, Brand-name and successive ads by simply having a
look on illustrations. Thus, use of illustrations help the viewer to memories the ad
-It helps the buyers in understanding the ad-message given in ad-copy.
-Illustration helps to improve the design and look of advertisement copy.
- Through illustration, even illiterate customers can receive the message given in ad-py.

Design and production of advertisement involves a number of activities, among them are writing
copy, Developing illustrations, developing other visual elements of advertisement and bringing
all pieces together to create effective ad-copy. Copy-writing is different for print ads, Broadcast
ads and T.V. commercials. The Basic components of print- ad are: headlines, sub-heads, body-
copy, illustrations, slogan, logo, identification-marks, blurbs, boxes or panels, colors, closing
ideas, layout etc.

Requisites of Effective Advertisement Copy:-

Retention Value

Matching to consumer's Requirements Entertainment.

Types of advertisement copy:
Advertisement Copy may be of various types based on functions, Appeal, Purpose, Media of
advertising. Mainly advertising copies are of following types:

1) Descriptive Copy 8) Technical Copy

2) Questioning Copy 9) Reason-why-Copy
3) Comparative AC 10) Dramatization Copy
4) Announcement Copy 11) Prestige Copy
5) Institutional Copy 12) Reminder-ad-copy
6) Topical Copy 13) Test-ad-copy
7) Personality Copy 14) Animation-ad-copy

i. Broadcast media: Television, Radio, Audio-Video Cassettes & CD’s, Cyber Media

ii. Print Media – Newspaper, Magazines

iii. Support Media – Out-of–home, in-store, transit, yellow pages, Movie theatre, in-flight

iv.Support Media


Characteristics Broadcast media: The mass media are diversified media technologies that are
intended to reach a large audience by mass communication. The technology through which this
communication takes place varies. Broadcast media such as radio, recorded music, film and
television transmit their information electronically. Print media use a physical object such as a
newspaper, book, pamphlet or comics, to distribute their information. Outdoor media is a form of
mass media that comprises billboards, signs or placards placed inside and outside of commercial
buildings, sports stadiums, shops and buses. Other outdoor media include flying billboards (signs
in tow of airplanes), blimps, and skywriting. Public speaking and event organising can also be
considered as forms of mass media. The digital media comprises both Internet and mobile mass
communication. Internet media provides many mass media services, such as email, websites,
blogs, and internet based radio and television. Many other mass media outlets have a presence on
the web, by such things as having TV ads that link to a website, or distributing a QR Code in
print or outdoor media to direct a mobile user to a website. In this way, they can utilise the easy
accessibility that the Internet has, and the outreach that Internet affords, as information can easily
be broadcast to many different regions of the world simultaneously and cost-efficiently.

Characteristics Print media: Well-worded print material, designed with the needs and interests
of the reader in mind, is one of the most common methods used to educate. The type of print
material you choose will depend on the quantity and style of information you wish to convey. A
distribution mechanism is essential to ensure this material gets into the hands of the target group.
The variety of print material provides flexibility to meet individual need e.g. it can be a one-off,
awareness-raising publication such as a poster; a series of theme-based periodic releases such as
a newsletter (which can be packaged in a folder format for updates and future reference); or can
be personalized, such as in direct-mail letter format.

Why is it used?

 Create Awareness
 Get Attention
 Enhance Retention (memory for your Product)

Promotional Products Marketing

 Ad specialties
 Premiums
 Business Gifts
 Awards
 Prizes
 Commemoratives

Support Media
 Outdoor
 In-store
 Transit
 Advertising in Movie Theaters
 Yellow Pages
 Place-based Media
 POP – Point of Purchase
 Aerial Advertising
 Sky Banners
 Sky Writing
 Blimps
 Mobile Billboards
 Trucks
 Vans
 Trailers
 In-Store Media
 Signs
 Video
 Kiosks
 Parking meters
 ATM displays
 Trash cans
 Ski lift poles
 Car top signs
 Sidewalk signs
 Garden plantings
 Wall drawings

 Mass coverage
 High reach
 Impact of sight,
 Sound, and motion
 High prestige
 Low cost per
 Exposure
 Attention getting
 Favorable image

 Low selectivity
 Short message life
 High absolute cost
 High production
 Costs
 Clutter

 Local coverage
 Low cost
 High frequency
 Flexible
 Low production costs
 Well-segmented audiences
 Audio only
 Clutter
 Low attention getting
 Fleeting message

 Segmentation potential
 Quality reproduction
 High information content
 Longevity
 Multiple readers

 long lead time for ad Placement
 Visual only
 Lack of flexibility

 High coverage
 Low cost
 Short lead time for placing ads
 Ads can placed in interest sections
 Timely (current ads)
 Reader controls exposure
 Can be used for coupons

 Short life
 Clutter
 Low attention-getting
 Capabilities
 Poor reproduction quality
 Selective reader exposure

 Location specific
 High resolution
 easily noticed
 Short exposure time requires simple ad
 Poor image
 Local restrictions

Outdoor Advantages
 High selectivity
 Reader controls exposure
 High information content
 Opportunities for repeat exposures

 High cost/contact
 Poor image (junk mail)
 Clutter

Direct Mail
 User selects product information
 User attention and involvement
 Interactive relationship
 Direct selling potential
 Flexible message platform

 Limited creative capabilities
 Web snarl (crowded access)
 Technology limitations
 Few valid measurement techniques
 Limited reach

Direct marketing
Direct marketing is a channel-agnostic form of advertising that allows businesses and
nonprofits organizations to communicate straight to the customer, with advertising techniques
that can include Cell Phone Text messaging, email, interactive consumer websites, online display
ads, fliers, catalog distribution, promotional letters, and outdoor advertising.

Direct marketing messages emphasize a focus on the customer, data, and accountability.
Characteristics that distinguish direct marketing are:

1. Marketing messages are addressed directly to the customer and/or customers. Direct
marketing relies on being able to address the members of a target market. Addressability
comes in a variety of forms including email addresses, mobile phone numbers, Web
browser cookies, fax numbers and postal addresses.
2. Direct marketing seeks to drive a specific "call to action." For example, an advertisement
may ask the prospect to call a free phone number or click on a link to a website.
3. Direct marketing emphasizes tractable, measurable responses from customers —
regardless of medium.

Unit IV [Ad Agency Structure & Functions]

Concept of advertising agencies

An advertising agency or advert agency is a service business dedicated to creating, planning,

and handling advertising (and sometimes other forms of promotion) for its clients. An ad agency
is independent from the client and provides an outside point of view to the effort of selling the
client's products or services. An agency can also handle overall marketing and branding
strategies and sales promotions for its clients. Typical ad agency clients include businesses and
corporations, non-profit organizations and government agencies. Agencies may be hired to
produce television commercials and radio commercials as part of an advertising campaign.

Structure of advertising agencies

Ad agency-Role and Functions

 Account Management – Within an advertising agency the account manager or account

executive is tasked with handling all major decisions related to a specific client. These
responsibilities include locating and negotiating to acquire clients. Once the client has agreed
to work with the agency, the account manager works closely with the client to develop an
advertising strategy. For very large clients, such as large consumer products companies, an
advertising agency may assign an account manager to work full-time with only one client
and, possibly, with only one of the client’s product lines. For smaller accounts an account
manager may simultaneously manage several different, though non-competing, accounts.
 Creative Team –The principle role of account managers is to manage the overall
advertising campaign for a client, which often includes delegating selective tasks to
specialists. For large accounts one task account managers routinely delegate involves
generating ideas, designing concepts and creating the final advertisement, which generally
becomes the responsibility of the agency’s creative team. An agency’s creative team consists
of specialists in graphic design, film and audio production, copywriting, computer
programming, and much more.
 Researchers – Full-service advertising agencies employ market researchers who assess a
client’s market situation, including understanding customers and competitors, and also are
used to test creative ideas. For instance, in the early stages of an advertising campaign
researchers may run focus group sessions with selected members of the client’s target market
in order to get their reaction to several advertising concepts. Researchers are also used
following the completion of an advertising campaign to measure whether the campaign
reached its objectives.
 Media Planners – Once an advertisement is created, it must be placed through an
appropriate advertising media. Each advertising media, of which there are thousands, has its
own unique methods for accepting advertisements, such as different advertising cost
structures (i.e., what it costs marketers to place an ad), different requirements for accepting
ad designs (e.g., size of ad), different ways placements can be purchased (e.g., direct contact
with media or through third-party seller), and different time schedules (i.e., when ad will be
run). Understanding the nuances of different media is the role of a media planner, who looks
for the best media match for a client and also
The advertisers; client –agency relationship

Agency Relationship Sustainability: A look at industry trends and relationship behaviors

Relationships permeate every aspect of our lives – both personal and professional. There are
good relations, which we look forward to, and poor ones, which we tolerate. The advertising
business is essentially a people business. In a world that revolves around things as abstract as
brands, perceptions and ideas, and where judgments are largely subjective, relationships are
bound to be highly volatile and emotionally charged.
A client’s relationship with its communications firm is one of the most complex in the business
environment and requires a substantial level of collaboration from both parties to make it
effective and sustainable, especially in these trying times where patience is thinner, loyalty is
weaker and understanding is more shallow.
This paper provides some insights into industry trends and behavior patterns that affect agency
relationships and seeks to outline best practices to build successful business partnerships that are
based on trust, confidence, understanding and open communication.

Why Clients Terminate Agency Relationships

Clients continue to cite the same reasons for terminating their relationship with their agency.
Most of the time, these issues might have been resolved if they were acknowledged and
addressed earlier.

 Turnover – new management on one or both sides

 Lack of interest/understanding of client’s business
 Strategy and creative linkage unhinged
 ―Outgrown‖ the agency
 Understaffing and inexperienced personnel on the agency team
 Research scores consistently below norms
 Creative intransigence and arrogance
 Mandated consolidation
 Loose attention to budgets

How to Get the Most Out of the Relationship – A Client Perspective

Obviously, sustaining a successful relationship is a two-way street. Neither just the client nor the
agency can exert all the effort. On the client-side, there are a number of simple attitudes and
behaviors that foster communication and create a long-term, successful agency relationship.

 Install a spirit of partnership in the relationship. The best advertising can only be
created in absence of fear. Lack of respect for agency’s expertise, threats of canceling the
contract and other undercurrents of intimidation will only create an atmosphere of mutual
distrust and aversion.
 Establish clear expectations. Define your goals unambiguously and let the agency
people know what you want to accomplish with the campaign. Provide all the relevant
information they need to soak in your product, people and corporate culture and formulate
a satisfying strategy that best achieves the intended results.

 Provide a well-written and effective brief. An agency is more effective if clients are
clear about what is needed, provide the critical information necessary to complete the task
in an agreeable manner and motivate the people to do their best. In the advertising world
the end product is less tangible and failure to define the precise purpose of advertising
dooms the creative process from the very beginning.

 Treat the agency people well. You are in for a very complex and inter-connected
relationship and you need to do everything possible to make your agency see that they are
working with you, not for you. Approaching your agency as just another vendor hinders
the collaboration and disrupts the synergy. Create an environment of friendship and
teamwork to get the best out of them.

 Keep the approval process simple. Limit the points of contact when it comes to
approving or rejecting the campaigns. Be honest. If you don’t like something, say so. Be
specific. Don’t ask for a new execution simply because this one ―doesn’t work‖. Great
clients state precisely why they disagree, then challenge the agency to find a solution both
parties can agree upon. Be kind. Think of the commentary as if you are evaluating the

 Establish clear paths for integration. Set clear expectations on scope and
responsibility and give them the authority they need to succeed. Be sure they have an
open and productive working relationship with partners from other disciplines if they
exist. Be collaborative and share responsibility for the end result.

 Regularly schedule assessments and evaluate the progress. Having a formal agency
assessment process is a great way to make course corrections. Develop metrics to increase
accountability and put in place the means to gather the necessary and relevant data to
analyze and evaluate the effectiveness of the advertising programs.

 Make sure the agency makes a fair profit. At the end of the day, both the advertisers
and the marketers look for the same thing – profitable growth in their businesses. Have
wide-ranging discussions to align the client’s needs and agency interests and priorities.
Have a mutually agreed upon remuneration contract and a well-defined State of Work both
of which are easy to understand, simple to administer and flexible enough to accommodate
possible changes in the future.
Types of Ad Agencies

There are basically 5 types of advertising agencies.

1. Full service Agencies

 Large size agencies.
 Deals with all stages of advertisement.
 Different expert people for different departments.
 Starts work from gathering data and analyzing and ends on payment of bills to the
media people.
2. Interactive Agencies
 Modernized modes of communication are used.
 Uses online advertisements, sending personal messages on mobile phones, etc.
 The ads produced are very interactive, having very new concepts, and very
3. Creative Boutiques
 Very creative and innovative ads.
 No other function is performed other than creating actual ads.
 Small sized agencies with their own copywriters, directors, and creative people.
4. Media Buying Agencies
 Buys place for advertise and sells it to the advertisers.
 Sells time in which advertisement will be placed.
 Schedules slots at different television channels and radio stations.
 Finally supervises or checks whether the ad has been telecasted at opted time and
place or not.
5. In-House Agencies
 As good as the full service agencies.
 Big organization prefers these type of agencies which are in built and work only for
 These agencies work as per the requirements of the organizations.

Criteria to select an ad agency

1-Decide what services you need. Before you hire an ad agency, determine why you're hiring
them. Do you only need a few marketing materials produced, such as a sales letter or postcard? If
so, you may simply need a freelance copywriter or graphic designer, not a full-scale advertising
agency. If, however, you need an extensive marketing campaign, with everything from print ads
to radio spots, you'll probably need the aid of an agency. You'll likely also want an agency if you
need help deciding what kind of advertising campaign to launch, or if you need someone to place
ads for you. Knowing what you need also helps you decide what kind of agency to choose. Some
agencies specialize in certain formats, such as radio or television commercials, while others offer
a wider variety of services. Also, some agencies focus mainly on creating specific advertising
materials; while others will help you define your marketing goals and needs.

2-Determine your advertising budget. Larger agencies often charge more than smaller
agencies, especially if they offer more services. While you may want to hire a prominent agency,
their fees may exceed what you can afford. As a result, you may only be able to afford limited
services from them, but could afford a more comprehensive plan at a smaller agency.

3-Decide if you want someone local. With tools like e-mail, videoconferencing and instant
messaging, it's easier than ever to communicate in real-time with people across the country and
even the world. You're no longer limited to choosing an agency in your city. Before you choose
an agency, decide if you want someone located in the community you serve, especially if you're
a small business that serves a specific city or region. While you can hire an agency in any
location, do you want one that you can visit in-person? Or is proximity less important than the
company's quality of work or reputation, for example.

4-Match the size of your company to the size of the ad agency. If you run a small business,
you'll probably be better served by a small agency. Larger agencies may offer more services, but
they may assign their top talent to more high-profile clients. With smaller agencies, however,
you're more likely to receive personalized attention, and have access to their most talented
employees, which often include the president or CEO. Also, if you're a small company, you
probably don't need all of the services offered by a larger agency. If you run a large corporation,
however, you'll probably need to work with a larger agency that can handle a wider variety of
advertising services.

5-Take a closer look at agencies you're interested in. Ask if you can visit the agency and
observe employees on a typical work day. You'll get a better idea of how the agency works, how
well its employees work together and if you feel comfortable with the company's style and its
employees. Also, request samples of work produced for other clients, and ask for 2 or 3
references from current or former clients.


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