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Operating Instructions: Demagnetizing Equipment

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Operating Instructions


Demagnetizing equipment

 english 

Elma Schmidbauer GmbH Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 17 D-78224 Singen Phone +49 (0)7731 / 882-0 Fax +49 (0)7731 / 882-266

1 General....................................................................... 2
2 Important safety warnings .......................................... 3
3 Product description ..................................................... 3
3.1 CE conformity ............................................................. 3
3.2 Description of the unit ................................................. 4
3.3 Technical details ......................................................... 4

4 Putting into Operations ............................................... 5

5 Demagnetizing ........................................................... 5
6 Upkeep of the Machine .............................................. 6
7 Putting out of action and waste disposal .................... 6
8 Manufacturer's contact address ................................. 6

1 General
The present Operating Instructions are part of the delivered
equipment. They must be ready for use at any time and remain
with the unit in case of resale.
Reprints, translations and copying of any kind, including of parts
of the document, must be authorized by the editor.
The copyright remains with the editor.
These Operating Instructions are not automatically revised. For
the latest revised issue please contact the manufacturer and
editor of these Operating Instructions.
The manufacturer's address is indicated on the last page of the
Operating Instructions.

2 BA_Antimag_EN_Vers.01.2014 © Elma Schmidbauer GmbH

Important safety warnings

2 Important safety warnings

To be read before initial operation!

Intended use The equipment is intended for demagnetises from clockworks

and tools.
Transport damages Check the unit and mains cable for transport damages. In case
of visible damages do not put the unit into operation.
Mains connection The technical details indicated on the nameplate must
correspond with the available mains connection details, in
particular those of the mains voltage.
Placement Place the unit onto a stable surface. Keep the unit dry!
Prevention of In order to prevent electrical accidents keep the working
electrical accidents surface, the unit and the mains plug dry! Do not put the unit
under water!
In case of damages on the Super Elite or the mains cable do
not connect the unit to the mains!
The unit must be opened by authorized and specialized
personnel only! Unplug the mains cable before opening the unit!

3 Product description
Electronic demagnetising unit with large support surface for
watches and fine mechanical tools. Very easy handling by one-
button operation.

3.1 CE conformity
The present Elma device complies with the CE criteria.
The declaration of conformity is available from the

© Elma Schmidbauer GmbH BA_Antimag_EN_Vers.01.2014 3

Product description

3.2 Description of the unit

A mounting surface for objects to be demagnetized

B LED display
C operating button

3.3 Technical details

Mains voltage (as per version) (Vac) 100-120 or 240-240

Mains frequency (Hz) 50 / 60

Outer dimensions of unit W / D / H (mm) 160 / 130 / 60

Weight (kg) 1,0

Material of housing Plastic

4 BA_Antimag_EN_Vers.01.2014 © Elma Schmidbauer GmbH

Putting into Operations

4 Putting into Operations

Preparation Compare voltage on type-plate with the voltage in your
Place the unit onto a stable and dry surface

5 Demagnetizing
1. Connect the unit to the mains.
2. Place parts to be demagnetized on mounting surface.
Place small watch parts only in closed plastic bags on
mounting surface.
3. Press operating button for approx. 1 second.
The red LED display lights up for a short moment.
The unit demagnetizes now in a fraction of a second the
parts to be demagnetized.
ATTENTION: Do not place electrical or electronical watches on
the Antimag for demagnetizing as this will affect the function of
the watches.
Round objects should be placed in the centre of the field, whilst
long objects, such as pincers, pliers, etc. should be Iaid in the
centre of the rectangle parallel to its longest sides. Objects
which are longer than the operating area must be
demagnetized in sections. The demagnetizing power of the
instrument is limited to only the maximum permissible weight
and thickness of the object. The weight must not exceed 250
grams, and pliers etc. must not be thicker than 10 mm
Very small objects with a diameter smaller than 0,5 mm,
particularly when the lengths is much greater than the
thickness, e. g. needles, give a force flow which is too small
when demagnetized individually. Either several such pieces
should be demagnetized together or held individually in
pincers.This way these pieces can be completely
demagnetized. It is advisable to hold the objects firmly in the
field as (especially in the case of small pieces) they tend to be
pushed away by the impact of the magnet force, the magnetic
object can also turn out of the alternating field, if this happens
the demagnetization cannot be completed.
The best way of testing whether the tools have been completely
demagnetized is to use small washers which must be
previously demagnetized.
Testing by means of a magnetic needle or compass, as is tried
sometimes, gives erroneous results because these can also be
deflected by non-magnetic iron. Magnets or magnetic steels
cannot be demagnetized with this instrument.

© Elma Schmidbauer GmbH BA_Antimag_EN_Vers.01.2014 5

Upkeep of the Machine

6 Upkeep of the Machine

The equipment is generally maintenance-free!
Mains cable and For your own safety, we recommend that you check the mains
mains connection cable and the mains connection jack at the unit for damage at
regular intervals.
Repair In case of technical faults please contact your supplier or the
manufacturer of the unit.
Please give/state the motor serial number when contacting your
Opening by Repair and maintenance works which require the unit to be
authorized connected and opened must be carried out by authorized and
specialized specialized personnel only.
personnel only
Separate the unit from the mains before opening up the
housing. The manufacturer cannot be held responsible for any
damage caused by unauthorized repair works.
In case of damage please contact the manufacturer or your

7 Putting out of action and waste disposal

The unit can be taken to plastics and electronics recycling
stations or returned to the manufacturer.

8 Manufacturer's contact address

Elma Schmidbauer GmbH
Gottlieb-Daimler-Str. 17, D-78224 Singen
Phone +49 (0) 7731 / 882-0
Fax +49 (0) 7731 / 882-266
Subject to technical and visual modifications. Elma_ch_0905

Technical Support
Phone +49 (0) 7731 / 882-280
Fax +49 (0) 7731 / 882-253

6 BA_Antimag_EN_Vers.01.2014 © Elma Schmidbauer GmbH

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