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The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics by Rajesh Thakur 260820173117

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the essentials of


Rajesh Kumar Thakur currently works as a director at the

National Vedic Maths Academy, a branch of the All India
Ramanujan Maths Club, Gujarat. He has postgraduate
degrees in three diverse subjects: mathematics, operations
research and education. He has been teaching secondary
and senior secondary school students for the past twelve
years and has written over twenty books and around 100
articles on mathematics. To popularize Vedic mathematics,
he has conducted over 180 nationwide seminars and
trained more than 40,000 students. He has conducted
several talks on All India Radio and at the National
Level Maths Quiz Show. He has also written many
poems, dozens of which have been published in various
magazines of repute. Thakur has received many awards,
including the National Best Teacher Award from AlRMC
in 2010.
the essentials of


Rajesh Kumar Thakur

Published by
Rupa Publications India Pvt. Ltd. 2013
7/16, Ansari Road, Daryaganj
New Delhi 110002

Sales centres:
Allahabad Bengaluru Chennai
Hyderabad Jaipur Kathmandu
Kolkata Mumbai

Copyright © Rajesh Kumar Thakur 2013

The views and opinions expressed in this book are the author’s
own and the facts are as reported by him/her which have been
verified to the extent possible, and the publishers are not in any
way liable for the same.

All rights reserved.

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ISBN: 978-81-291-2374-9

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To My Son
Nilabh Thakur

Foreword xi-xii
Preface xiii-xiv
What is Vedic Mathematics? xv–xvii
Why is Vedic Mathematics Essential? xix–xxi
Vedic Sutras xxiii–xxiv
Vedic Sub-sutra xxv–xxvi

1. Addition: Introduction, Vedic sutras for 1–8

addition – Purna puranabhyam, Sankalan
Vyavkalanabhyam and Ekadhikena Purvena.
Meaning of Vedic Sutras and their applications.
2. Subtraction: Introduction, Vedic Sutra for 9–24
subtraction – Nikhilam Navatascaramam
Dastatah and Vinculum. Meaning and
application, Digit Separator Method for
3. Multiplication: Introduction, Vedic sutras:- 25–77
Antyayor dasakepi, Nikhilam Navatascaramam
Dastatah, Anurupyena, Ekanyuena Purvena ,
Antyayoshatakepi, Vamanlvavoh Dasake api,
Vamanlyayoh Dasake Gunijah Api and Urdhva-
Tiryak, their meanaings and applications.
Dot and Stick Method of Multiplication,
Multiplication of three numbers, Multiplication
of four numbers.
4. Multiplication through Observation: 78–91
Introduction, Multiplication of a number
through 11, 111, 1111, 25, 125, 625, 5, 50,
51 etc.
5. Multiplication in Algebra: Introduction, 92–102
Urdhva Tiryagbyama sutra of multiplication
of Binomial and Trinomials. Multiplication of
polynomials having unequal number of terms.
6. Division: Introduction, Vedic sutra- Nikhilam, 103–127
Paravartya Yojayet, Urdhva Tiryag and
Dhwajanka method – their meanings and
7. Square: Introduction, Vedic Method for 128–142
squaring: Ekadhikena Purvena, Yavadunam
Tavduni kritya Vargena Yojayet, Duplex method
and Urdhva Tiryagbhyam, its meaning and
8. Square Root: Introduction, Vilokanam and 143–157
Duplex Vedic Method of finding square root.
9. Square Root of Irrational Number: Introduction, 158–160
Vedic method Vilokanam and use of Differential
Calculus in extracting square root.
10. Cube: Introduction, Vedic Sutras: Yavadunam, 161–171
Anurupyena and Nikhilam, theirs meanings
and applications.
11. Cube Root: Introduction, Vedic Method 172–185
Vilokanam and Beejank for finding the cube
root of any number.
12. Fourth Power of a Number: Introduction, 186–195
Pascal Triangle, the method of finding the
fourth power of a number.

viii  Contents
13. Fourth Root of a Number: Introduction, Vedic 196–202
sutra –Vilokanam, its meaning and application.
14. Simultaneous Equation: Introduction, Vedic 203–211
Method – Paravartya Yojayet, Anurupye Sunyam
anyat, Sankalana- Vyavkalana bhyam, theirts
meanings and applications.
15. Cubic Factorization: Introduction, Vedic method 212–217
– Gunit Samucchaye Samuccaye Gunita, their
meanings and applications.
16. Quadratic Equation: Introduction, different 218–227
Vedic sutras- Vilokanam, Sunyam Samya
samuccaya, Anurupye and Sunyam anyat –
their meanings and applications.
17. Casting Out Nines: Introduction, Fundamental 228–239
Rule of Navasesh, Vedic method of checking
the accuracy of addition, subtraction,
multiplication, division, square, and cube.
18. Trigonometry: Introduction, How to compute 240–249
Pythagorean Triplets, Computing trigonometric
ratio of Sin A, Sin 2A, Sin 3A, Sin A/2 Sum
and Difference of Compound Angles, etc.
19. Questions for Practice 250–260
20. Feedback from Students 261–263
21. Bibliography 265–667

Contents ix

Vedic mathematics is now a popular name amongst students

preparing for competitive examinations like CAT, XAT, Olympiad,
and Engineering etc. The brainchild of Sri Bharti Krishna Tirtha Ji
Maharaj, Vedic mathematics has scaled heights since its inception.
It is being taught in some of the most prestigious institutions in
England, America and Australia. NASA scientists are said to have
applied its principles in the area of artificial intelligence. Swamiji
himself has impressed the world with his unique techniques and
in a talk in 1958 in America, Sri Krishnaji said:– ‘People who
have practical knowledge of the application of the sutras, need
not go in for the theory side of it all.’
The importance of Vedic mathematics can be understood with
the fact that it has been adopted in the curriculums of secondary
boards in states like Rajasthan, Gujrat and Maharastra. Moreover,
medical research has proved that Vedic mathematics keeps both
sides of our brain fit. In cut-throat competition where time is
the only constraint, we need to train our brain in such a way
that it is able to do fast calculations in a fraction of a minute,
and that too without using pen and pencil. Vedic mathematics,
in my opinion, does the same. It helps in saving time almost
one-tenth of what we do in the traditional approach of solving a
problem. It has wider application and even subjects like Geometry,
Calculus, Algebra, Arithmetic, and Trigonometry can be handled
well with the Vedic techniques.
A recent survey of NCERT shows that more than 50 % of
students passing their primary school examination are unable to
do simple arithmetical calculations. The reason behind it is the old
mathematical technique being followed by schools for centuries.
I personally feel that fear of mathematics can be removed if the
application of Vedic mathematics is taught to students from the
primary level onwards.
The present book written by Mr Rajesh Thakur will not only
help students preparing for competitive examinations, but it will
also serve the needs of students who want to excel in their
Board examination as the syllabus covered in the secondary
level in different state boards has also been included. I have
witnessed the technique of Mr Rajesh Thakur and his unique
style of presenting mathematical problems in the simplest way.
This made me feel that Vedic mathematics should be made a
compulsory subject in India.
This book is a ready reference as the presentation of the
book makes it easy to learn. The language of the book is very
simple, and ample examples given in each chapter will make the
understanding of the concept easy. The manner in which this
book has been written to cater the need of even a lay man, will
make it popular in the market. I am hopeful that this book will
bring a change in the thinking style of students and they will
enjoy doing mathematical calculations. A day will come when
India will again rule the world and prove to be a spiritual and
Vedic guru to the world. I congratulate Mr Rajesh Thakur and
wish the publisher of the book all the very best for the success
of this book.

Dr J.J. Rawal
Indian Planetary Society, Mumbai

xii  Foreword

The noted mathematician Carl Fredric Gauss writes, ‘Mathematics

is the queen of all subjects.’ This quotation can’t be said to be
100% true in the present scenario, as a recent survey by NCERT
says that more than 50% of class V students don’t know how to
do simple arithmetical operations like addition and subtraction.
The Annual Status of Education (ASER) 2011 pointed out that the
situation is something more alarming. The ASER report produced
by a coalition of non-government organizations has found that
less than a third of class III students in rural Indian schools can
solve two-digit subtraction problems.
The situation is so because the traditional method has
no room for the practical method. The methods of addition,
subtraction, multiplication and division taught in our primary
schools are lengthy and time-consuming. The methods don’t
allow counter-checking in-between to confirm whether the result
obtained is right or wrong. Vedic mathematics brings a change in
the attitude of students as there are ample methods of solving
a single sum and the student is the best judge of which method
to use in a particular situation. Moreover, the operation is so
simple that hardly anyone falls in the wrong line. The best part
of Vedic mathematics is that you can check your calculation and
know whether you are right or wrong in a few seconds.
The sixteen Vedic sutras open a new horizon for students
and these sutras can allow you to practice the eight fundamental
arithmetic operations (Addition, Subtraction, Multiplication,
Division, Square, Square root, Cube and Cube root) in a few
seconds. This method helps you to calculate fast in your class
room, school exams, and also help you to compete in competitive
examinations as it saves almost one-tenth of the time taken by
the traditional long method.
I have been teaching Vedic mathematics since the past ten
years, conducted 180 workshops in ten states and trained around
40,000 students. I have discovered that even a common man
with little knowledge of mathematics enjoys learning the Vedic
way of calculation.
I have tried to include the maximum number of topics in this
book to cater to the need of students preparing for competitive
examinations. The presentation of the book is simple and
self-explanatory. I hope the reader will love to learn the Vedic
method of calculation and enjoy it.
I would like to extend my thanks to my parents who always
supported me in popularizing this ancient technique amongst the
masses. I can’t forget the tremendous effort of my wife, brothers
and friend, Dr Piyush Kumar, who encouraged me to write this
book and provided every help they could in completing it.
Despite all efforts, however, some errors might have crept
in. I shall be grateful to all my readers if the same are brought
to my notice. Any suggestion towards improvement of the book
will be gratefully acknowledged.

Rajesh Kumar Thakur


xiv  Preface
What is Vedic Mathematics?

;Fkk f’k[kk e;wjk.kka ukxkuka e.k;ks ;Fkk A

r}}s³x&’kkL=k.kka] xf.kra ew/kkZfu fLFkre~ AA
(Like the crest on the heads of peacocks, like the gems on the
hoods of cobras, mathematics is at the top of Vedanga Jyotisha.)
Vedic Mathematics has its origin in the Vedas. The word Veda
literally means the ‘fountain head and illimitable storehouse of
all knowledge.’ Therefore, the Vedas contain all knowledge that
is essential for mankind. Vedic mathematics is a collection of
sixteen beautiful formulae from the Vedas, discovered by His
Holiness, Jagadguru Sankaracharya Sri Bharati Krishna Tirthaji
Maharaj. It is a gift to the world by Swamiji, who himself was
a great scholar. The original source of Vedic mathematics is the
Atharva Veda and all the sutras and sub-sutras were rediscovered
by Swamiji between 1911 and 1918. Though you can’t find all
the sixteen formulae in the Vedas, as they don’t appear in them,it
is the ultimate discovery of Swamiji, after extensive research
of the Vedas and Upaveda. It is not important for us to know
whether the origin of these sixteen sutras is from the Vedas or
not, as long as it is handy in saving our precious time. As our
scriptures say:-

;qfDr;qDra opks xzkáa ckyknfi 'kqdknfi A

;qfDrghua opLR;kT;a o`)knfi 'kqdknfi AA
( Whatever is consistent with right reasoning should be accepted,
even if it comes from a boy, or even from a parrot; and whatever
is inconsistent therewith ought to be rejected, whether emanating
from an old man, or even from the great sage, Shree Shuka
Vedic mathematics is the name of the wind that has created
revolutionary changes in fast calculations. It is a super-fast way
of making all mathematical calculations easier and faster than
the traditional one. Nowadays, it has become a must-learn tool
for students who want to perform faster and flawless calculations
in a few seconds. Students preparing for CAT, XAT, UPSC, SSC,
NTSE, and banking exams have now started adopting the Vedic
mathematics technique in solving arithmetical problems involving
addition, subtraction, multiplication, division, and square, square
root, cube, cube root etc., thus saving a lot of time.
All the sixteen formulae deal with the different branches
of mathematics. The sutras being one-line phrases, are easy to
understand and remember. They speak for the subject’s coherence
and simplicity in handling mathematical problems. These sixteen
formulae can be used to solve problems ranging from arithmetic to
algebra and geometry to calculus and trigonometry. The importance
of Vedic mathematics can be understood by the fact that complex
mathematical questions which otherwise take numerous steps to
solve can be solved through Vedic mathematics mentally or in
only a few seconds. These sutras are so beautifully interrelated
that a single formula can be used to perform different arithmetical
operations. Moreover, the beauty of Vedic mathematics can be
judged by the fact that it provides ample room for experimentation.
All the fundamental operations can be performed by various
methods and the learner has a choice to use the method he/she
feels comfort with. Even a layman after being equipped with
the Vedic Method can multiply any 5 x 5 digit multiplication in
less than 20 seconds and that too, in a single line. This process
boosts confidence in one’s ability and keeps fear away. Vedic
mathematics is an important tool for all because:

• It is truly unconventional and lucid in its methodology.

• Within second it helps to carry out tedious and

xvi  What is Vedic Mathematics

cumbersome mathematical calculations from different
branches of mathematics.
• It converts dry and insipid maths into a playful and
joyful activity.
• It reduces the “maths-phobia” many suffer from.
• The accuracy of a problem can be judged in seconds.
• It is ten times faster than the traditional method taught
in our classrooms.
• In the Vedic system, difficult problems can often be solved
very quickly, and calculations can be carried out mentally
involving minimal paper calculations.

What is Vedic Mathematics xvii

Why is Vedic Mathematics

Vedic mathematics is an ancient technique consisting of sixteen

sutras and sixteen sub-sutras, which simplifies not only the eight
fundamental arithmetical operations, but also handles algebraic
concepts like simultaneous equation, simple equation, quadratic
equation, factorization of cubic equations etc., more effectively
than the traditional approach. Apart from this, Vedic mathematics
works faster in areas of Trigonometry, Co-ordinate Geometry and
Calculus, in the same effective manner. In fact, there is no part
of mathematics, pure or applied, that is beyond its jurisdiction.
Dr LM Singhvi, former High Commissioner of India in the UK
writes – ‘A single sutra would generally encompass a varied and
wide range of particular applications and may be likened to a
programmed chip of our computer age.’

What is the speciality of Vedic Mathematics?

Vedic mathematics helps students in minimising careless

mistakes. It is simple and a one-line approach. Moreover, it has
an inbuilt system of a series of checks. The danger-prone areas
like addition, subtraction, multiplication and division can be
checked in a fraction of minutes by using the Vedic technique.
Even cubic factorization, square, square root, quadratic equation
and trigonometry can be checked through the Vedic sutra, and
that too without using pen and paper. Vedic maths systems are
much easier and are time and space savers when compared
with the conventional method. The Vedic mathematical formula
might appear difficult at first sight but with practise, you will
be attracted towards its beauty and simplicity. In a talk in 1958
at the Institute of Technology, Pasadena, California, Sri Bharti
Krishna Tirthaji said, ‘People who have practical knowledge of
the application of the sutras, need not go in for the theory side
of it at all.’

To whom is Vedic mathematics beneficial?

Vedic mathematics is an emerging tool for students appearing

in various competitive examinations like CAT, MAT, XAT, SAT,
engineering, banking examinations where speed and accuracy
play a vital role. Even students of IIT are said to be using
this ancient technique for quick calculation. It is being taught
in some of the most prestigious institutions in England and
America. NASA scientists are said to have applied its principles
in the area of artificial intelligence. Students, competitive exam
aspirants, engineers, professionals, teachers and businessman are
all reaping its benefits. Vedic mathematics is helpful to software
developers in coding and programming too.

What is the use of Vedic Mathematics when calculators

and computers are available?

Vedic mathematics can speed up mathematical calculations such

as arithmetic, algebra, trigonometry and geometry. Calculations
are carried out mentally and students have the freedom to choose
the best method for any particular situation. It reduces the time to
solve a mathematical problem and boosts the student’s confidence.
In the present cut-throat competitive era, Vedic mathematics plays
an important role in performing fast and effective calculations.

xx  Why is Vedic Mathematics Essential

While calculating with a calculator, our involvement in the process
in nil. This is highly dangerous in the long run, as we lose our
ability to calculate in our daily life and our ability to think is also
affected. Vedic mathematics emphasises on mental calculations
and this keeps our brain fit and sensitive. Medical research has
proved that our brain weight may increase by five percent if we
do not have mental exercise. And brain weight once increased,
cannot be reduced. According to a study conducted some years
ago by a university in America, the constant use of calculators
for more than twenty years by a person atrophies his brain
significantly. Through Vedic mathematics we use both parts of
our brain, thereby, keeping us mentally fit.

Why is Vedic Mathematics Essential xxi

Vedic Sutras

• Ekadhikena Purvena (,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k) – By one more than

the previous one.

• Nikhilam Navatascaramam Dasatah (fuf[kye~ uor’pjea

n’kr%) – All from nine and last from ten.
• Urdhva Tiryagbhyam (m/oZfr;ZH;ke~) – Vertically and crosswise.

• Paravartya Yojayet (ijkorZ;kst;sr) – Transpose and Apply.

• Sunyam Samyasamuccaye (‘kwU;a lkE; leqPp;s) – The

summation is equal to zero.

• Anurupye Sunyamanyat (vkuq:I;s ‘kwU;eU;r~) – If one is in

ratio, other one is zero.

• Sankalana-Vyavakalanabhyam (ladyu&O;odyukH;ke~) – By
addition and subtraction.

• Puranapuranabhyam (iwj.kkiwj.kkH;ke~) – By completion and


• Calana-Kalanabhyam (pyudyukH;ke~) – Sequential motion.

• Yavadunam (;konwue~) – The deficiency.

• Vyastisamastih (C;f”V lef”V) – Whole as one and one as


• Sesanyankena Caramena (‘ks”kk.;adsu pjes.k) – Remainder

by last digit.
• Sopantyadvayamantyam (lksikUR; };eUR;e~) – Ultimate and
twice the penultimate.

• Ekanyunena Purvena (,dU;wusu iwosZ.k) – By one less than

the previous one.

• Gunitasamuccayah ( leqPp;%) – The whole product is

sameGunakasamuccayah (xq.kd leqPp;%) – Collectivity of

xxiv  Vedic Sutras

Vedic Sub-sutras

• Anurupyena (vkuq:I;s.k) – Proportionately.

• Sisyate Sesasamjnah (f’k”;rs ‘ks”klaK) – Knowing remainder

from remainder.

• Adyamadyenantya-mantyena (vk|ek|sukUR;eUR;su) – First by

first and last by last.

• Kevalaih Saptakam Gunyat (dsoyS% lIrda xq.;kr) – Only

multiple of seven.

• Vestanam (os”Vue~) – Osculation.

• Yavadunam-Tavadunam (;konwue rkonwue) – Whatever be the

deficiency, lessen it further.

• Yavadunam Tavadunikrtya Varganaca Yojayet (;konwue

rkonwue d`R; oxZ p ;kst;sr~) – Whatever the extent of its
deficiency, lessen it further to that extent and set up the
square of deficiency.

• Antyayotdasakepi (vUR;;ksnZ’kds·fi) – When the sum of the

last digits is ten.

• Antyayoreva (vUR;;ksjso) – Only the last term.

• Samuccayagunitah (lkeqPp; – Sum of the coefficients

in the product.

• Lopanasthapanabhyam (yksiLFkkiukH;ke~) – By Elimination and

• Vilokanam (foyksdue~) – The product of the sum of coefficient.

• Gunitasamuccayah Samuccaya gunitah ( leqPp;%

leqPp; – The product of the sum of the coefficients
in the factor is equal to the sum of the coefficients in the

• Dwandwayogah (}a} ;ksx) – Duplex combination.

• Shuddah (‘kq)%) – Dot.

• Dhwajankam (/otkada) – Flag digit.

xxvi  Vedic Sub-sutras




The conventional method of mathematics taught in our schools

for a long time, lacks speed and there is a greater chance of
mistakes. The main problem is in transferring the carry-over
digit from one column to another. Generally, in simple addition,
whenever we get the sum of the digit in a particular column
exceeding in the multiples of ten, we write the unit digit in the
answer column and carry-over the remaining digit to the next
column. The Vedic method discussed here avoids carrying over
the digit to the next column and thus saves time.

Vedic Method for Addition:

iwj.kk iwj.kkH;ke~

ladyu O;odyukH;ke~
(Sankalan Vyavkalanabhyam)

,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k
(Ekadhikena Purvena)
Meaning of Vedic Sutra:

1. iwj.kk iwj.kkH;ke~ (Puranapuranabhyam): Completion of a

base number in the multiple of 10. This formula helps
the reader to form a group of two or more numbers in
such a way that their unit digits add up to the multiple
of 10.
2. ladyu O;odyukH;ke~ (Sankalan Vyavkalanabhyam): This
formula consists of two Sanskrit words-ladyu (Addition)
and O;odyu (Subtraction).This sutra is applicable when
the pair of numbers doesn’t form a base (multiple of 10).
3. ,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k (Ekadhikena Purvena): This sutra literally
means one more than the previous one.

Addition by Vedic Sutra

iwj.kk iwj.kkH;ke~ (Puranapuranabhyam)

This method is useful for large calculations. The Vedic sutra
is based on completion or non-completion of a base number
that is the multiple of 10. The calculation (large calculations in
particular) is made easier by pairing numbers which complete a
base (i.e. in multiples of 10). The pairing becomes easier if you
remember the complement of the digits. Here is a list of pairs
that complement each other.

Complementary (ijefe= la[;k) numbers

Two numbers are said to complement one another if their sum is 10.

0 and 10 are complementary to each other as 0 + 10 = 10

1 and 9 are complementary to each other as 1 + 9 = 10
2 and 8 are complementary to each other as 2 + 8 = 10
3 and 7 are complementary to each other as 3 + 7 = 10
4 and 6 are complementary to each other as 4 + 6 = 10
5 is complementary to 5 as 5 + 5 = 10

2  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Complement 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1


• Spot those numbers which if paired would result in a

rounded result. The above complement table will help
you in making such pairs immediately.
• Rearrange the numbers and add as per the pairing of

Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi


Example: Add: 26 + 59 + 394 + 66 + 11 + 14 = ?


Step 1: Here, the complete observation shows us that 26 + 14

are likely to yield a rounded result. The same would be the case
if 59 and 11 were paired. Moreover, the pair 394 and 66 yield
a rounded result.

26 + 59 + 394 + 66 + 11 + 14

Step 2: Rearrange the pair and add as per the pairing done above.

= (26 + 14) + (59 + 11) + (394 + 66)

= 40 + 70 + 460
= 40 + 70 + 460

= (40 + 460) + 70
= 500 + 70
= 570

Addition 3
Example 2: Add: 456 + 361 + 244 + 119 + 11 = ?


Step 1: Here the unit digit of 456 and 244 makes a rounded result.
The same complement rule applies for 361 and 119. Arrange
these pairs.

= 456 + 361 + 244 + 119 + 11

= (456 + 244 ) + (361 + 119) + 11

= (400 + 56 + 200 + 44) + (300 + 61 + 100 + 19) + 11

[Split into smaller parts for easier calculation]

= (600 + 100) + (400 + 80) +11
= 700 + 480 + 11
= 1191

Example: Add: 36 + 5 + 23 + 2 + 14

Solution: Here 36 and 14 makes a rounded pair just as 23, 2

and 5 altogether makes a rounded figure. Arrange these pairs
and add.

36 + (5 + 23 + 2) + 14

= 50 + 30
= 80

ladyu O;odyukH;ke~ (Sankalan Vyavkalanabhyam)

This formula consists of two Sanskrit words – ladyu (Addition)
and O;odyu (Subtraction). This sutra is applicable when the
pair of numbers doesn’t form a base (i.e.multiple of 10). In this
method we reach rounded off figures which logically make our

4  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

calculation easier. The purpose of this sutra is to visualise and
split a number as a function of two or more numbers that make
the entire calculation easy.

Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi

of this method.

a) 24 = 20 + 4
b) 39 = 40 – 1
c) 543 = 550 – 7 = 500 + 40 +3
d) 793 = 700+ 90 +3 = 800 – 7

The above splitting is done by choice and you are the best judge
to decide what splitting will work for you. The splitting may be
breaking a number as the sum of two/more numbers or difference
of two numbers.

Now let us take a few examples of addition.

Example: Add 74 + 69

Solution: 74 + 69
= 70 + 4 + 70 – 1
= (70 + 70) + (4 – 1)
= 140 + 3
= 143

Explanation: First decompose each number into small parts;

keeping in mind that at least one of the decomposed pairs is a
multiple of 10.

Example: Add 324 + 296 + 159 + 43

Solution: (300 + 20 + 4) + (300 – 4) + (150 + 9) + (50 – 7)

= (300 + 300 + 150 + 50) + (20 + 4 – 4 + 9 – 7)
= 800 + 22
= 822

Addition 5
Example: Add 596 + 498 + 345 + 765

Solution: (600 – 4) + (500 – 2) + (350 – 5) + (750 + 15)

= (600 + 500) + (350 + 750) + (15 – 4 – 2 – 5)
= 1100 + 1100 + 4
= 2204

,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k (Ekadhikena Purvena)

The whole procedure of adding can be summarized in the following

a) Add the unit digits column-wise.

b) When the running total becomes greater than 10, put a
dot or tick on that number.
c) Move ahead with the excess of ten and add it to the
next digit of the column.
d) Lastly, count the number of dots or ticks and note it
down to the number next to the unit place figure and
add the two.

Example: 486 + 654 + 987 = ?


4 8 6
– – –
6 5 4

+ 9 8 7
Running total 9 1 7


In the first column: 6 + 4 = 10, so take away the excess 0 (10

– 10 = 0) and add it with the next digit 7 of the first column.
i.e. 0 + 7 = 7. Write the final sum 7 in the remainder column.
Put a bar over 4.

In the second column: 8 + 5 = 13 , so write the excess

3 (15- 10 = 5) in the remainder column. Put a dot over 5. The

6  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

excess will be further added to 8, making it equal to 11. Hence
mark on 8 and write 1 in the answer column.

In the third column: 4 + 6 = 10, so mark on 6 and move with

the excess 0 (10 – 10) to be added to the next number of the
remainder column. Write 0 + 9 = 9 in the total column. Now
count the number of bars in each column and place it down to
the number next to the unit place as done in the first example
and add the two to get the final result.

Running total 9 1 7
Dots 1 2 1
Sum 2 1 2 7

Example: 6489 + 5642 + 3241 = ?

6 4 8 9
– – – –
5 6 4 2
3 2 4 1
4 2 6 2


In the first column: 9 + 2 = 11, so place a dot over 2 and add

the excess 1 (11-10 = 1) to the next figure of the first column.
i. e. 1 + 1 = 2.
In the second column: 8 + 4 = 12, so place a dot over 4 and
add the excess 2 (12 – 10 = 2) to the next digit of the second
column. i. e. 2 + 4 = 6
In the third column: 4 + 6 = 10, so place a dot over 6 and
add the excess 0 (10 – 10) to the next digit of the column.
i. e. 0 + 2 = 2
In the fourth column: 6 + 5 = 11, so place a dot over 5 and
add the excess 1 (11 – 10 = 1) to the next digit of the column.
i. e 1 + 3 = 4

Addition 7
Now count the number of dots in each column and place it down
to the number next to the unit place as done in the first example
and add the two to get the final result.

Running total 4 2 6 2
Dots 1 1 1 1
Sum 1 5 3 7 2

8  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics




The general meaning of subtraction is to remove certain things

from a certain group. In other words, it is the process of finding
a quantity which when added to one of the two given quantities
will give the other. These quantities are respectively known as the
subtrahend and minuend. The final result is called the remainder.


9 2 7 8 Minuend
– 3 0 4 1 Subtrahend
6 2 3 7 Remainder

Subtraction is considered a difficult mathematical operation

and the subtraction operation would be slow and tiring with a
carry-over at almost every step. Let us take a simple example
to understand the process.

Example 1: Subtract 4768 from 8436

Solution: 7 13
3 12
2 16
8 4 3 6
– 4 7 6 8
3 6 6 8
The general look of a copy will be the same. The number of steps
involved in this operation obviously makes it a time consuming
process. The operation can be simplified by either of the following

• Decompose both the numbers for easy calculation.

• Convert the subtraction to addition of a number.
• Carry out a digit-by-digit subtraction, without any

Decomposition Method:

Example 2: Subtract 365 from 632


632 = 600 + 30 + 2 = 500 + 120 + 12

−365 = 300 + 60 + 5 = –(300 +  60 + 5)
= 200 + 60 + 7

This method is simple for a kindergarten student, but can’t be used

in the long run. The traditional method of borrowing as shown
in Example 1 is tedious and cumbersome. Let us understand
what method Vedic mathematics offers us to tackle this problem.

Vedic Method for Subtraction:

Vidic Method for Subtraction

fuf[kya uor'pjea n'kr% feJkad
(Nikhilam Navatascaraman (Vinculum)

10  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here we shall discuss the two Vedic methods that will be of
immense use in solving subtraction in a few seconds and saving
a lot of our time. Besides that, I shall lay emphasis on a special
method that I have named the Digit Separator Method.

Meaning of Vedic Sutras:

1. Nikhilam Navatascaramam Dasatah (fuf[kya uor’pjea

n’kr%): The literal meaning of this Vedic Sutra is – All
from nine and last from ten.
2. Vinculum (feJkad) : In order to make the operation very
simple and fast, we convert digits in a number,which
are greater than 5, to the digits less than 5. After the
conversion, the arithmetical operation becomes child’s
Let us understand this further with a few examples—

Nikhilam Navatascaramam Dasatah (fuf[kya uor’pjea n’kr%)

This method works faster when subtraction is done from multiples

of 10. The examples will give a clear understanding of the modus
operandi to the readers. Let us first look at the given examples–


10000   40000 5900000

−482 −1172 −48965

While calculating the above, several carry-overs are needed, which

wastes time and confusion about accuracy still remains, The Vedic
method helps you in this regard and saves your precious time.


• Start moving from right to left. Replace every zero from

the left with a 9 and the last zero with a 10. The extreme
left digit before zero will get reduced by 1. Now do the
simple subtracting without worrying about mistakes.

Subtraction 11
Example: Subtract 10000 – 462

Solution: 10000    will 9 9 9 10

– 462 become − 4 6 2
9    5 3 8

Example: Subtract 40000 − 1172

Solution: 40000    will  3 9   9     9 10

– 1172 become − 1 1 7 2
3  8 8 2 8

Here, the extreme left digit i.e. 4, will get diminished by 1, and
all the zeros thereafter will change into 9, except the last one.
The last zero on the extreme right will be changed to 10.

Before we take a few more examples based on the above sutra,

let me introduce to you the concept of the Complementary (ijefe=
la[;k) Method.

Two numbers are said to be complement to one another if their

sum is 10.

0 and 10 are complementary to each other as 0 + 10 = 10

1 and 9 are complementary to each other as 1 + 9 = 10
2 and 8 are complementary to each other as 2 + 8 = 10
3 and 7 are complementary to each other as 3 + 7 = 10
4 and 6 are complementary to each other as 4 + 6 = 10
5 is complementary to 5 as 5 + 5 = 10

Number 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Complement 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

• When the digit at minuend (upper digit) > subtrahend
digit (lower digit), normal subtraction is done.
• In case the upper digit < lower digit, we take the
complement of the difference as shown in the complement

12  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

table. The complement of the last digit is taken from 10
and the complements of the rest of the digits are taken
from 9.
• When you arrive at a stage where there is no need to
take the complement, subtract 1 extra from that column.

Let us take an example to understand this basic concept more


Example: 854 – 569 = ?

Solution:              From 10
8 5 4
– 5 6 9
Step 1: Since 4< 9, we take the complement of the difference of
the digits. This complement will be taken from 10. The difference
of 9 and 4 is 5. From the complement table it is evident that the
complement of 5 is 5, so write 5 at the unit place.

Step 2: Again, 5 < 6, so we take the complement of the difference

of two digits, but this time the complement is taken from 9
instead of 10. As the sutra suggests all from 9 and last from
10. The difference of 6 − 5 = 1 and its complement from 9 is
9 – 1 = 8. So write 8 at the ten’s place.

From 9
8 5 4
– 5 6 9
8 5
Step 3: The difference of the digits at the hundred’s place can
easily be carried out as 8 > 5. So we don’t need to take the
complement for the third column. As we are now out of the
complement, subtract 1 more in this column. Hence, instead of
subtracting 8 − 5, we subtract 8 − 5 − 1 = 2.

Subtraction 13
8 5 4
– 5 6 9
2 8 5
Example: 8745 – 4599 = ?

Solution: From 10
8 7 4 5
– 4 5 9 9
Step 1: Since, 5 < 9, take the complement of the difference.
9− 5 = 4. The complement of 4 is 6.

Step 2: Again 4 < 9, so take the complement of the difference.

The complement this time will be taken from 9.

Difference = 9 – 4 = 5 and complement of 5 from 9 is 9 – 5 = 4.

From 9
8 7 4 5
– 4 5 9 9
4 6
Step 3: Now, 7 – 5 is easy to carry out and since we applied the
complement in the next digit so subtract 1 more in this column.
Hence, the digit at the hundred’s place will be 7 − 5−1 = 1

8 7 4 5
− 4 5 9 9
1 4 6

Step 4: Here, 8 – 4 = 4

8 7 4 5
− 4 5 9 9
4 1 4 6

14  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: 87652 – 40269 = ?
From 10
8 7 6 5 2
– 4 0 2 6 9
Step 1: 2 < 9, so take the complement of the difference from
10. Unit digit = 10 – (9 – 2) = 3

Step 2: 5 < 6, so take the complement of the difference from 9.

Ten’s digit = 9 – (6 – 5) = 8

From 10
8 7 6 5 2
– 4 0 2 6 9
8 3
Step 3: In the third column, we are out of complement as 6 > 2,
so we subtract 1 more in that column and now the digit at the
hundred’s place = 6 – 2 – 1 = 3
8 7 6 5 2
– 4 0 2 6 9
3 8 3
Step 4: Since 7 > 0, write 7 – 0 = 7 in the fourth column.
Moreover, 8 > 4, so write 8 – 4 = 4 in the fifth column.
8 7 6 5 2
– 4 0 2 6 9
4 7 3 8 3
Example: 459876 – 389924 = ?

4 5 9 8 7 6
– 3 8 9 9 2 4
5 2

Subtraction 15
Step 1: 6 > 4 and 7 > 2, so normal subtraction will take place
here. Hence,
Unit digit = 6 – 4 = 2 and
Ten’s digit = 7 – 2 = 5

Step 2: Here, 8 < 9, so the Vedic sutra “All from 9 and last
from 10” will be applied here. Now take the complement of the
difference of the two numbers. The complement will be taken
from 10.

The digit at the hundred place = 10 – (9 – 8) = 9

From 10
4 5 9 8 7 6
– 3 8 9 9 2 4
9 5 2
Step 3: Here, in the fourth column, 9 – 9 = 0; subtract the
difference from 9.

The digit at the thousand’s place = 9 – (9 – 9) = 9

4 5 9 8 7 6
– 3 8 9 9 2 4
9 9 5 2

Step 4: Again, 5 < 8, so subtract the difference from 9.

The digit at the ten thousand’s place = 9 – (8 – 5) = 6

4 5 9 8 7 6
– 3 8 9 9 2 4
6 9 9 5 2

Step 5: In the sixth column, 4 > 3, which is easy to subtract

but we had used the complement in the very next column so
subtract one more in the sixth column.

i.e. 4 – 3 – 1 = 0

16  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

4 5 9 8 7 6
– 3 8 9 9 2 4
6 9 9 5 2

feJkad fof/k (Vinculum method)

In order to convert a digit into a mishrank digit, the following

steps are used:

• Subtract the given digit from 10 and place a bar over it.
• Apply Ekanyunena Purvena and add 1 to the digit on
the left.

Example: 1. 438, on conversion to mishrank, will become 4 4 2.
2. 4213883, on conversion, will become 42141 23.

Explanation: In the first example, the unit digit is more than

5 so in order to change 438 into mishrank, subtract 8 from 10
and put a bar on 2. Add 1 to the previous digit, 3, to get 4.

In the second example, subtract 8 in the ten’s place from 10

and put a bar over 2. Add 1 to the previous digit 8, making it
9. Since it is again greater than 5, subtract 9 from 10 and put
a bar over 1. Finally, the previous digit, 3, will become 4 on
adding 1 to it.

Before I proceed with the examples on subtraction, let me first tell

you how to convert a mishrank digit back to the original value.

• Subtract the mishrank digit marked with a bar from 10.

• Subtract 1 from the non-mishrank digit to the immediate
left of the mishrank digit.

Example: 1. 442 will become 438
2. 42141 23 will become 4213883

Subtraction 17
Explanation: In the first example, the mishrank digit 2 will be
subtracted from 10 (10 – 2 = 8)and its previous digit, 4, will
get reduced by 1.

In the second example, the mishrank digit 2 will get subtracted

from 10, making the digit at the ten’s place = 10 – 2 = 8, and
the mishrank digit to its immediate left, 1, will get subtracted
from 9 (All from 9 and last from 10), making it 9 – 1 = 8.
Now the digit at the thousand’s place will get reduced by 1, i.e.
4 – 1 = 3.

Subtraction by Mishrank Method

Example: Subtract 389 from 567

Solution: Place a bar over each digit on the subtrahend to signify

that it is a negative number.

5 6 7
– – –
+ 3 8 9
– –
2 2 2
– –
Here, 7 + 9 = 7 – 9 = 2
– –
6 + 8 = 6 – 8 = 2
– –
5 + 3 = 5 – 3 = 2
– –
Now, convert 2 2 2 = 1 7 8

Apply, fuf[kya uor’pjea n’kr% (All from 9 and last from 10).
Here the mishrank digit 2 at the unit place will get subtracted

from 10 i.e. 10 – 2 = 8 and the 2 on the immediate left will
be subtracted from 9 i.e. 9 – 2 = 7. The digit at the hundred’s
place will get reduced by 1 making the 2 at hundred’s place 1.

Example: Subtract 3699 from 4589

Solution: Place a bar over each digit on the subtrahend to signify

that it is a negative number.

18  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

4 5 8 9
– – – –
+ 3 6 9 9
– –
1 1 1 0

Here 9 + 9 = 0
– –
8 +9 =1
– –
5 +6 =1

4 +3 = 1

Now, convert the mishrank digit back to original digit. Hence

– –
1 1 1 0 = 890

Here, the mishrank digit 1 at the ten’s place will be subtracted

from 10, making it 10 – 1 = 9, and the immediate left mishrank
digit, 1, will be subtracted from 9, i.e. 9 – 1 = 8. The digit at
the thousand’s place will get reduced by 1. i. e. = 1 – 1 = 0.

Example: Subtract 4568568 – 3478989

Solution: Place a bar over each digit on the subtrahend to signify

that it is a negative number.

4 5 6 8 5 6 8
– – – – – – –
+ 3 4 7 8 9 8 9
– – – –
Mishrank digit 1 1 1 0 4 2 1
Original digit 1 0 8 9 5 7 9

Here, the All from 9 and last from 10 formulas is used to

convert the mishrank digit to a non mishrank digit.

In the unit place, 1 = 10 – 1 = 9

Ten’s place 2 = 9 – 2 = 7
Hundred’s place 4 = 9 – 4 = 5
Thousand’s place 0 = 9 – 0 = 9

Ten thousand’s place 1 = 9 – 1 = 8
(Since at this stage we are out of complement; 1 is subtracted
from immediate left 1.)

Subtraction 19
Digit Separator Method

The digit separator method is effective and works better for all
types of subtraction problems. Before I take a few examples, let
me introduce the modus operandi of this method.


• Draw as many vertical separator lines as the number of

• Whenever the minuend at the top is less than the
subtrahend at the bottom, put (–1) in the remainder
column of each digit separator.
• Subtract algebraically, putting the sign of the larger
number in the remainder column.
• Write the complement of the negative remainder.
• Club the digit and its next encircled digit from left to
right to reach the final result.

Example: Subtract 254 – 168


• Draw as many vertical digit separators

1st 2nd 3rd
2 5 4
–1 6 8

• Whenever the minuend at the top is less than the

subtrahend at the bottom, put (–1) in the remainder
column of each digit separator
1st 2nd 3rd
2 5 4 --------- Minuend
–1 6 8 --------- Subtrahend
--------- Remainder
-1 -1

20  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here 4 < 8 and 5 < 6, so the (-1) encircled is placed in 2nd
and 3rd column.

• Subtract algebraically, putting the sign of larger number

in the remainder column.
1st 2nd 3rd
 2 5 4 --------- Minuend
–1 6 8 --------- Subtrahend
 1 --------- Remainder
-1 –1 -1 –4

• Write the complement of the negative remainder in the

2nd and 3rd column. Here the complement of -1 and -4
is 9 and 6.
1st 2nd 3rd
 2  5 4 --------- Minuend
–1  6 8 --------- Subtrahend
 1 --------- Remainder
-1 9 -1 6

• Now subtract from left to right in the direction of the


1 –1 9 –1 6

= 086
Example: Subtract 5428 – 3765

• Draw as many vertical digit separator lines as the number
of digits.
1st 2nd 3rd 4rd
5 4 2 8
– 3 7 6 5

Subtraction 21
• Whenever the minuend at the top is less than the
subtrahend at the bottom, put (–1) in the remainder
column of each digit separator.

1st 2nd 3rd 4rd

5 4 2 8 --------- Minuend
– 3 7 6 5 --------- Subtrahend
2 –1 –1 3 --------- Remainder

Here, 2 < 6 and 4 < 7 in the 3rd and 2nd columns,

which means that the minuend < subtrahend. Hence –1
encircled is placed in the respective remainder column.

• Now subtract as you do in algebra. i.e. put the sign of

the larger number in the remainder column e.g. 4 – 7 =
–3 in the 2nd column and 2 – 6 = −4 in the 3rd column.
1st 2nd 3rd 4rd
5 4 2 8
– 3 7 6 5
2 –1 –3 –1 –4 3

• Write the complement of the negative remainder written

in the 2nd and 3rd column. Here the complement of –3
and –4 are respectively 7 and 6.
1st 2nd 3rd 4rd
5 4 2 8
– 3 7 6 5
2 –1 7 –1 6 3

• Now subtract from right to left as in the direction of the


22  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

2 –1 7 –1 3 ----Remainder Column
= 1 6 6 3.

Example: Subtract 3 7 5 9 8 8 from 8 2 3 4 7 9.


• Draw a digit separator vertical line.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

8 2 3 4 7 9 --- Minuend
–3 7 5 9 8 8 --- Subtrahend

• Subtract algebraically and write the remainder in the

remainder column.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

8 2 3 4 7 9 --- Minuend
–3 7 5 9 8 8 --- Subtrahend
5 –5 –2 –5 –1 1 --- Remainder

• In each of the remainder columns with negative sign,

write –1 encircled. Here the 2nd, 3rd, 4th and 5th column
has negative remainder.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

8 2 3 4 7 9 ----- Minuend
–3 7 5 9 8 8 ------ Subtrahend

–1 –1 –1 –1
5      -5  -2  -5  -1 1 ------ Remainder

Subtraction 23
• Write the complement of each digit with negative sign.
Here the complement of -5, -2, -5, and -1 in the 2nd, 3rd,
4th and 5th column are respectively 5, 8, 5 and 9.

1st 2nd 3rd 4th 5th 6th

8 2 3 4 7 9 ----- Minuend
–3 7 5 9 8 8 ------ Subtrahend

–1 –1 –1 –1
5 5 8 5 9 1 ------ Remainder

• Subtract from left to right in the direction of the arrows

to get the required result. For the convenience of the
reader, the remainder column is written here with an
arrow sign.

= 5 –1 5 –1 8 –1 5 –1 9 1
= 5-1 / 5-1 / 8-1 / 5-1 / 9 / 1
= 4 4 7 4 9 1

24  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics




Multiplication is repeated addition. When we say 3 multiplied by 4,

we simply say 3 + 3 + 3 + 3. The century-old method practiced
all over the world has the unique pattern of multiplication that
involves: Multiplicand x Multiplier = Product

4 2 3 5 Multiplicand
X 2 5 Multiplier
2 1 1 7 5
+ 8 4 7 0 X
1 0 5 8 7 5 Product
This method is good, but there is no room for experimentation.
We are bound to do the same in all types of multiplication. The
process involves multiple stages and is error prone. A simple
mistake is sufficient to make the calculation faulty. This is not
all; a multiplication of 5 x 5 digits is bound to take at least
3-4 minutes. The best advantage of the Vedic Method over the
present day calculation is that Vedic mathematics has ample fruit
in its basket. You have different choices and you can choose
the best possible method in the best situation. There are many
special sutras that help you to find the answer of a special type
of multiplication even in seconds and the Urdhva Tiryagbhyam
method helps you to encounter all types of multiplication. So
friends, jump into the ocean of Vedic sutras and gather the pearls
of your own choice
Vedic Sutras for Multiplication

vUR;;ksnZ’kds·fi (Antyayordashakepi)

fuf[kye~ uor’pjea n’kr%

(Nikhilam Navatascaramam Dasatah)
Vedic Method of Multiplication

vuw:I;s.k (Anurupyen)

,dU;w.k iwosZ.k (Ekanyunena Purvena)

vUR;;ks’krds·fi (Antyayoshatakepi)

okeuY;k;ksg n’kd% ·fi

(Vamanlyayoh Dasake api)

okeuY;k;ksg n’kd% xqf.kt%·fi

(Vamanlyayoh Dasake Gunijah Api)

m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~ (Urdhava Tiryagbhyam)

Meaning of Vedic Sutra:

1. vUR;;ksnZ’kds·fi (Antyayordashakepi): The Vedic sutra is

applicable when the sum of unit digit at multiplicand
and multiplier is 10 and the remaining digits in the
multiplicand as well as in the multiplier are the same.
2. fuf[kye~ uor’pjea n’kr% (Nikhilam Navatascaramam

26  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Dasatah): The literal meaning is – All from 9 and last
from ten. This sutra works better when the numbers
to be multiplied are very close to the base number. The
base number should be the multiple of 10.
3. vuw:I;s.k (Anurupyen): This Vedic sub-sutra literally
means “to proportionately”. This sub- sutra is applicable
when either the multiplicand or multipliers is sufficiently
very far from the power of 10.
4. ,dU;w.k iwosZ.k (Ekanyunena Purvena): It literally means
“one less than the previous”. This sutra has limited
applications. It is used for multiplication wherein the
multiplier digits consist entirely of nines. It comes up
under three types.
a. When the multiplicand and multipliers each consist
of equal number of digits
b. When the multiplier has more digits than the
c. When the multiplicand has more digits than the
5. vUR;;ks’krds·fi (Antyayoshatakepi): The literal meaning is
– the sum of unit and ten’s digit at multiplicand and
multiplier is 100. This sutra is valid as long as the sum
of the last two digits is 100 and the remaining digits in
multiplicand and multiplier are the same.
6. okeuY;k;ksg n’kd%·fi (Vamanlyayoh Dasake Api): This sutra
is not taken from the original Vedic Text available, but is
equally valuable as far as speedy calculation is concerned.
The literal meaning is – Sum of left two digits is equal
to 10. This sutra is valid if the digit at the unit place in
both multiplicand and multiplier is equal and the sum
of the left two digits is 10.
7. okeuY;k;ksg n’kd% xqf.kt%·fi (Vamanlyayoh Dasake Gunijah
Api): The literal meaning of this sutra is – Sum of left
two digits other than unit is a multiple of ten and

Multiplication 27
unit digits are the same. This is also not a Vedic Sutra
and is not taken from the Original Vedic Text.
8. m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~ (Urdhava Tiryagbhyam): It is a general
formulae applicable to all cases of multiplication. It is
a process of vertical and cross-wise multiplication. This
method has been further simplified and dealt with Dot
and Cross method in this book. A better understanding
of this formula will also help you in multiplying two
numbers with the other formulae mentioned above.

Vedic Multiplication

vUR;;ksnZ’kds·fi (Antyayordashakepi)


• This formula has limited application and is valid as long

as the sum of the unit digit at multiplicand and multiplier
is 10 and the remaining digits are the same. The final
product will consist of two parts – in the right hand
part, the product of unit digit is to be written and in
the left hand part, the product of remaining digits is to
be written.
• Multiply the unit digits and write it in the RHS (Right
Hands Side) .
• In the LHS (Left Hand Side), write the product of
(Remaining Digit at Ten’s/Hundred place) x (Remaining
digit at Ten’s /Hundred place + 1)

Example 1: Multiply 24 by 26


2 4
x 2 6 } Here 4 + 6 = 10

28  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here the sum of the unit digit is 4 + 6 = 10 and the ten’s digit
in multiplicand and multiplier are the same. Put 4 x 6 = 24 in
RHS and 2 x (2+1) = 6 in LHS

Hence, 24 x 26 = 624

Example 2: Multiply 62 by 68

Solution: Sum of unit digit = 2 + 8 = 10

Ten’s digit in Multiplicand and Multiplier = 2
LHS = 2 x 8 = 16
RHS = 6 x (6 + 1) = 42
Result = 4216

Example 3: Multiply 93 by 97

Solution: Sum of unit digit = 3 +7 = 10

Ten’s digit in Multiplicand and Multiplier = 9
LHS = 3 x 7 = 21
RHS = 9 x (9 + 1) = 90
Result = 9021

fuf[kye~ uor’pjea n’kr% (Nikhilam Navatascaramam


This sutra works better when both the multiplicand and multiplier
are very close to the base. The base should be in the form of
10n, where n is a natural number.


• Write the two numbers to be multiplied above and below

at the right side of your notebook.
• Write the deviation of multiplicand and multiplier from
the base and place them next to the digit to be multiplied.
• The final result will have two parts.

Multiplication 29
a) The left hand part will be obtained by cross operation
of two numbers written diagonally.
b) The right side of the answer will be obtained by
multiplying the deviations.
• The number of digits in the right hand part will be in
accordance to the number of zeros in the base number.
In simple words, if the base is 100, the right hand part
will have two digits and if the base is 1000, the right
hand part will have three digits.
• In case there is lesser number of digits in the right side,
accommodate as many zeros before the right hand part
so that the total number of digits in that part is equal
to the number of zeros in the base.
• Here is the table that will guide you in deciding the
number of digits to be placed on the right hand side.

Base Number of digits at the right side

of vertical line.
10 1 0
100 2 00
1000 3 000
10000 4 0000
100000 5 00000
1000000 6 000000
10000000 7 0000000

Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi

of the above Vedic Sutra.

Case 1: When both numbers are below the base.

Example 4: Multiply 8 by 7


(a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

30  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

x 7
(b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 10, so take Base
= 10.
Deviation of 8 = 8 – 10 = – 2
Deviation of 7 = 7 – 10 = – 3
(c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
8 – 2
x 7 – 3
(d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of
two diagonal. Here 8 – 3 = 5 and 7 – 2 = 5
8 – 2
x 7 – 3
5 /
(e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
deviation. The product of deviation is (−2) x (−3) = 6.
8 – 2
7 – 3
5 / 6

Example 5: Multiply 95 by 91


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 91

b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 100, so take

Base = 100.
Deviation of 95 = 95 – 100 = – 5
Deviation of 91 = 91 – 100 = – 9
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.

Multiplication 31
95 – 5
x 91 – 9
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of
the two diagonals. Here 95 – 9 = 86 or 91 – 5 = 86 is
written in the left hand part.
95 – 5
x 91 – 9
86 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
95 – 5
x 91 – 9
86 /45

Case 2: When both the numbers are above the base.

Example 6: Multiply 15 by 11


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 11
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 10, so take Base
= 10.
Deviation of 15 = 15 – 10 = 5
Deviation of 11 = 11 – 10 = 1
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
15 + 5
x 11 + 1
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
15 +5
x 11 +1
16 /

32  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
15 + 5
x 11 + 1
16 / 5

Example 7: Multiply 105 by 104


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 104
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 100, so take Base =
Deviation of 105 = 105 – 100 = +5
Deviation of 104 = 104 – 100 = + 4
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number to
be multiplied.
105 + 5
x 104 + 4
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the two
105 + 5
x 104 + 4
109 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the deviation.
105 + 5
104 + 4
109 / 20

Case 3: When one number is above the base and another is

less than the base.

Example 8: Multiply 12 by 8

Multiplication 33

a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 8
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 10, so take Base
= 10.
Deviation of 12 = 12 – 10 = +2
Deviation of 8 = 8 – 10 = −2
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
12 + 2
x 8 − 2
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
12 + 2
x 8 − 2
10 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
deviation. The product of (+2) x ( −2) = −4 is written
in the RHS.
12 + 2
x 8 − 2
10 / −4
e) When there is a minus (–) sign at the right hand product,
use the Nilhilam formulae which states, “All from 9 and
the last from 10.” Hence subtract the right hand digit
(–4) from 10 and left hand part will get diminished by
1. i.e. 10 – 1 = 9
12 + 2
x 8 − 2
10 / −4
= 9 / 10 – 4
= 9 / 6

34  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 9: Multiply 122 by 98


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 98
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 100, so take
Base = 100.
Deviation of 122 = 122 – 120 = +22
Deviation of 98 = 98 – 100 = −2
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
122 + 22
x 98 − 2
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
122 + 22
X98 − 2
120 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
122 + 22
x 98 − 2
120 / −44
f) When there is a minus (–) sign at the right hand product,
use the Nilhilam formulae which states, “All from 9 and
the last from 10.” Hence subtract the right hand digit
(–44) from 100 and left hand part 120 will get diminished
by 1. i.e. 120 – 1 =119
122 + 22
x 98 − 2
119 / 100 – 44
= 119 / 56

Multiplication 35
Case 4: Adjustment of right side digit of the product.

Two sub-cases may arise here:

a) When the number of digits on the right hand side is

more than the permissible limit.
b) When the number of digits on the right hand side is less
than the permissible limit.

Sub case (a): When the number of digits on the right hand side
is more than the permissible limit.

Example 10: Multiply 16 by 15


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 15
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 10, so take Base
= 10.
Deviation of 16 = 16 – 10 = +6
Deviation of 15 = 15 – 10 = +5
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
16 + 6
x 15 + 5
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
16 +6
x 15 +5
21 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
16 + 6
x 15 + 5
21 / 30

36  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here, the number of digit in RHS is two, which is more than the
permissible number of digits in RHS (See Table 1). The number
of permissible digits in RHS should be in accordance with the
base number. Since, the base is 10, the number placed at the
right side should be of one digit. In such a case, we transfer the
extreme left digit of RHS to the LHS and add them.

16 + 6
x 15 + 5
21 / 30
= 240

Example 11: Multiply 13 by 18


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 18
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 10, so take Base
= 10.
Deviation of 13 = 13 – 10 = +3
Deviation of 18 = 18 – 10 = +8
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
13 + 3
x 18 + 8
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
13 + 3
x 18 + 8
21 /
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the

Multiplication 37
13 + 3
18 + 8
21 / 24

Since, the base is 10, the number placed at the right side should
be of one digit, so transfer the extreme left digit of RHS to the
LHS and add them.

13 + 3
x 18 + 8
21 / 24
= 234

Sub case (b): When the number of digits on the right hand side
is less than the permissible limit.

Example 12: Multiply 96 by 98


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 98
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 100, so take
Base = 100.
Deviation of 96 = 96 – 100 = – 4
Deviation of 98 = 98 – 100 = – 2
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
96 − 4
x 98 − 2
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
96 − 4
x 98 − 2
94 /

38  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
96 − 4
98 − 2
94 / 8

Since, the base is 100, the number placed at the right side should
consist of two digits. But there is a single digit in the RHS. In
such a case, we place the zero to the left in RHS so that the
total number of digits in RHS is equal to the permissible number
of digits. See Table 1 for better understanding.

96 − 4
98 − 2
94 / 08

Example 13: Multiply 989 by 995


a) Put the multiplicand and multiplier as shown here.

x 995
b) Both the numbers are closer to the base 1000, so take
Base = 1000.
Deviation of 989 = 989 – 1000 = –11
Deviation of 995 = 995 – 1000 = – 5
c) Put the deviation at the right side along with the number
to be multiplied.
989 − 11
x 995 − 5
d) Write the left hand digit by cross operation of any of the
two diagonals.
989 − 11
x 995 − 5
984 /

Multiplication 39
e) The right hand digit will be the multiplication of the
989 − 11
x 995 − 5
984 / 55

Since the base is 1000, the number placed at the right side should
consist of three digits. So in order to meet the requirement of
permissible digit in RHS, we place the zero to the left in the RHS

(Refer Table 1).

989 − 11
995 − 5
984 / 055

Till now, we have seen examples in which both the numbers were
closer to the base. Now let us consider a case where the two
numbers are nearer to a different base. Hey, are you worried?
Don’t panic, the problem will be solved in a similar fashion with
a slight change in the LHS.

• Write the numbers with their respective deviations from

the base as done earlier.
• Write the base of each number in a bracket and cancel
an equal number of zeros in the bracket.
• The RHS will be calculated as done above by placing
the product of deviations, and will have the number of
digits equal to the number of zeros cancelled.
• In the LHS, write the sum of the cross product of the
first diagonal and the deviation of second number.

Example 14: Multiply 107 by 1008

Solution: Here, the two numbers are of different base. 107 is

closer to base 100 and 1008 is closer to base 1000. Hence, the
respective deviations of the numbers are +7 (107 – 100) and
+8 (1008 – 1000).

40  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Deviation Base
107 +
7 (100)
1008 +
8 (1000)

• Cancel equal number of zeros of the different bases.

Deviation Base
107 +
7 (100)
1008 +
8 (1000)

• LHS = 107 x 10 + 8 = 1078

RHS = 7 x 8 = 56

• Hence, 1008 x 107 = 107856

Anurupyena Sutra (vkuq:I;s.k)

The word Anurupyena simply means “Proportionately.” This

method is applicable only when the multiplicand and multipliers
are very far from the theoretical base. In other words, when the
multiplicand and multipliers are distant from the power of 10,
we use this sutra.
Let us understand the modus operandi of the Anurupyena
sutra. In order to avoid a tragic situation, we take two types of
bases:– one is a theoretical base and other is a working base.
The theoretical base is taken in the power of 10 and the working
base is taken as the multiple of 10. Let us see this example to
make the modus operandi clear.

Sub-case 1: When the left hand figure is completely divisible by

the divisor of the working base.

Example 15: Multiply 48 by 42


Theoretical base = 100

Working base = 100 | 2 = 50

Multiplication 41
Deviation of 48 from the working base = 48 – 50 = – 2
Deviation of 42 from the working base = 42 – 50 = – 8

48 – 2
x 42 – 8

The working procedure is almost the same except for the fact
that the left hand side figure will be divided by 2 as our working
base is half of the theoretical base. As far as the right hand
figure is concerned, it will remain unaffected.

48 – 2
x 42 – 8
40 | 16
= ½ x 40 | 16
= 2016

Example 16: Multiply 494 by 488


Theoretical Base = 1000

Working Base = 500 = 1000/2
Deviation of 494 from the working base = 494 – 500 = – 6
Deviation of 42 from the working base = 488 – 500 = – 12

Do the operation as described in Nikhilam method, with a slight

difference that the left hand figure will be divided by 2 as our
working base is half of the theoretical base.

494 – 6
x 488 – 12
482 | 72

Since the theoretical base is 1000, the number of digits in the

RHS will be 3, therefore put a zero behind 72.

494 – 6
x 488 – 12
482 | 072
42  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics
Now, divide the LHS by 2

494 – 6
x 488 – 12
2 ) 482 | 072
= 241 / 072

Sub-case 2: When the left hand figure, on division by the divisor

of working base gives a fractional quotient.

Example 17: Multiply 48 by 49


Theoretical base = 100

Working base = 50 = (100 | 2)

Step 1: Write the deviation (–2) and (–1) against the number 48
and 49 taken from its working base.

48 – 50 = –2 and 49 – 50 = – 1.

48 – 2
x 49 – 1

Step 2: Do the required operation by taking any diagonal and

writing the result at the left side of the vertical line. Multiply
the right hand figure vertically.

48 – 2
x 49 – 1
47 | 02

Step 3: Divide the left hand figure by 2. Here, 47, on dividing

by 2, give us a fractional quotient. i.e. 23 ½ .

Step 4: The fractional part ½ (i.e. ½ of the theoretical base 100=

50) is taken over to the right hand side.

Multiplication 43
48 – 2
x 49 – 1
2 ) 47 | 02
= 23 ½ | 02
= 23 | 50+ 2
= 2352

Example 18: Multiply 251 by 252?


Theoretical base = 1000

Working base = 250= (1000 | 4)

Step 1: Deviation of 251 = 251 – 250 = + 1

Deviation of 252 = 252 – 250 = + 2

Write the deviation + 2 and +1 against the numbers 251 and

252 taken from its working base.

251 + 2
x 252 + 1

Step 2: Take any diagonal and do the required operation. Write

the result in LHS. Multiply the right hand figure vertically.
251 + 1
x 252 + 2
253 | 2

Step 3: Divide the left hand figure by 4. Here, 253, on dividing

by 4, give us a fractional quotient. i.e. 63 ¼.

Step 4: The fractional part ¼ (i.e. ¼ of the theoretical base

1000 = 250) is taken over to the right hand side. Moreover, the
number of digits in the RHS should be re-written according to
the theoretical base. Since there are three zeros in the theoretical
base,place two zeros before 2 in RHS so that the number of digits
in RHS is equal to the number of zeros in the theoretical base.

44  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

251 +1
x 252 +2
4 ) 253 | 002
= 63 ¼ | 002
= 63 | 250+002
= 63252

Sub-case 3: When the right hand vertical product is negative.

Example 19: Multiply 52 by 48

Solution: Theoretical base = 100

Working base = 50 = (100 | 2)

As discussed earlier, the excess or the deficiency from the working

base is written against the number.
52 = 50 + 2 and 48 = 50 – 2

52 + 2
x 48 – 2

Step 1: Perform the desired operation diagonally and vertically.

52 + 2
x 48 – 2
50 | –04

Step 2: Divide the left hand figure by 2. Here 2 is the divisor

of the theoretical base.

52 +2
x 48 –2
) 50 | –04
= 25 | –04
24 | 96

When the right hand figure is negative, the “Nikhilam Navatas

caramam dasatah” formulae will be used. This simply directs
us to subtract 1 from the left hand figure and to subtract the
right hand figure from the theoretical base.

Multiplication 45
Example 20: Multiply 512 by 494

Solution: Theoretical base = 1000

Working base = 500 = (1000 | 2)

As discussed earlier, the excess or the deficiency from the working

base is written against the number.
512 = 500 + 12 and 494 = 500 – 6

512 + 12
x 494 – 6

Step 1: Perform the desired operation diagonally and vertically.

512 + 12
x 494 – 6
506 | –072

Step 2: Divide the left hand figure by 2

512 +12
x 494 −6
2 ) 506 | − 072
= 253 | − 072
= 252 | 1000 – 72
= 252 | 928

This sutra works equally well when the base is the multiple of
10 (20, 30, 40, 60, 70...), multiple of 100 (200, 300, 400,) etc.
The modus operandi of such multiplication is slightly different.
Instead of dividing the LHS figure by 2, 4, 6, or 8, multiply the
LHS by the sub-base number. If you are taking the base = 20
= 2 x 10; then base = 10 and sub- base = 2.

Example 21: Multiply 41 by 48?


46  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

41 + 1
x 48 + 8 (Working base: 10 X 4 =40)
49 | 8
= 49 | 8
x 4
= 196| 8

Example 22: Multiply 252 by 298


252 – 4 8
x 299 – 0 1 (Working base: 100 X 3 =300)
251 | 48
x 3
= 753 | 48
= 75348

Example 23: Multiply 687 by 695


687 – 013
x 695 – 005 (Working base: 100 X 7 =700)
682 | 65
x 7
= 4774 | 65
= 477465

Example 24: Multiply 889 by 895


889 – 011
x 895 – 005
(Working Base = 900= 9 x 100)
884 | 055
x 9
7956 | 055
= 7956055

Multiplication 47
Ekanyuena Purvena

This one liner multiplication technique is a perfect beauty of

Vedic Mathematics. A few months ago, I had gone to Ahmedabad
to attend a Vedic Mathematics seminar. While addressing the
gathering of students and teachers, I wrote a 9 digit number on
the blackboard and asked the audience to multiply the written
digit with 9 times 9.

569876943 x 999999999 = ?

I had even allowed them to use the calculator, but the

calculator showed an error message. I asked the audience to
multiply the numbers manually and in the mean time, I wrote
569876942430123057 on the blackboard. The audience took more
than 5 minutes and I had taken less than 15 seconds to write
down the answer. The audience was amazed to see that the result
I had written in less than 15 seconds was absolutely correct.
The Vedic Sutra – Ekanyuena Purvena is simply an awesome
method of multiplying two numbers but this has limited
application. This sutra work only under three conditions:

1) When the number of digits in the multiplicand and

number of 9s in multipliers is the same.
2) When the number of 9s in the multipliers are more than
the number of digits in the multiplicand.
3) When there is less number of 9s in the multiplier than
the number of digits in the multiplicand.

Now let us take each case one by one.

Case 1: When the number of digits in the multiplicand and

the number of 9s in the multipliers is the same.


• Subtract 1 from the multiplicand and write the result in


48  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Subtract the multiplicand by applying Nikhilam
Navatascaramam Dasatah Vedic sutra and write the result
in RHS.

Example 25: Multiply 6543 by 9999

Solution: Here, the number of digits in the multiplicand is equal

to the number of 9s in the multipliers. As the rule suggests, the
answer will have two parts.
LHS = Multiplicand – 1 = 6543 – 1 = 6542
RHS = Apply the Nikhilam method of subtraction and subtract
the unit digit from 10 and the rest of the digits from 9. We get,
9 – 6 = 3, 9 – 5 = 4, 9 – 4 = 5 and, 10 – 3 = 7. Thus RHS
will have 3457.
In order to simplify the calculation in RHS, we may subtract
the result obtained in LHS from the multiplier.
RHS = 9999 – 6542 = 3457
Hence, 6543 x 9999 = 65423457

Example 26: Multiply 89654876 by 99999999

LHS = 89654876 – 1 = 89654875
RHS = 99999999 – 89654875 = 10345124
Hence, 89654876 x 99999999 = 8965487510345124

Example 27: Multiply 83465087629 by 99999999999

LHS = 83465087629 – 1 = 83465087628
RHS = 99999999999 – 83465087628 = 16534912371
Hence, 83465087629 x 99999999999 =

Example 28: Multiply 45682 by 99999

LHS = 45682 – 1 = 45681

Multiplication 49
RHS = 99999 – 45681 = 54318
Hence, 45682 x 99999 = 4568154318

With a little practice, you can write the RHS manually in no

time. Subtract each digit of LHS from 9. If LHS = 23, then RHS
will be 76.

Case 2: When the number of 9s in the multipliers is more

than the number of digits in the multiplicand.

Rule: In case 2, the same procedure will be applied as in case 1.

Let us take a few examples.

Example 29: Multiply 456 by 9999

LHS = 456 – 1 = 455
RHS = 9999 – 455 = 9544
Hence, 456 x 9999 = 4559544

Example 30: Multiply 56892 by 9999999

LHS = 56892 – 1 = 56891
RHS = 9999999 – 56891 = 9943108
Hence, 56892 x 9999999 = 568919943108

Example 31: Multiply 13324 by 99999999

LHS = 13324 – 1 = 13323
RHS = 99999999 – 13323 = 99986676
Hence, 13324 x 99999999 = 1332399986676

Case 3: When there is less number of 9s in the multiplier

than the number of digits in the multiplicand.

This case is a little bit different from the last two cases discussed
so far under Ekanyena Purvena. In order to get the result you
have to –
50  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics
a) Add as many zero as the numbers of 9s to the
b) Subtract the original multiplicand from the figure
obtained in Step 1.

Example 32: Multiply 1564 by 99

The multiplicand 1564 has 4 digits, whereas there are two 9s
in the multiplier.
1 5 6 4
X 9 9

1) Since there are two 9s, put two zeros at the end of 1564,
making it 156400.
2) Subtract (1564 original multiplicand) from 156400
i.e. 1 5 6 4 0 0
–1 5 6 4
1 5 4 8 3 6
Hence, 1564 x 99 = 154836

Example 33: Multiply 783459 by 9999

1) Since there are four 9s, put four zeros at the end of
783459, making it 7834590000
2) Subtract the original number 783459 from 7834590000.
7 8 3 4 5 9 0 0 0 0
– 7 8 3 4 5 9
7 8 3 3 8 0 6 5 4 1
Hence, 783459 x 9999 = 7833806541

Example 34: Multiply 45678 by 999

1) Since there are three 9s, put three zeros at the end of
45678, making it 45678000.
2) Subtract the original number from 45678000.

Multiplication 51
4 5 6 7 8 0 0 0
– 4 5 6 7 7 8
Hence, 45678 x 999 = 45632322
This can be done by the Eknyuenane Purvena method effortlessly
after a little practice. Let’s see how it works. In this method:
a) Subtract 1 from the original number and place it in LHS.
b) Write as many digits from right to left equal to the number
of 9s that of multiplicand in RHS. Suppose you have to
multiply 147 by 99 so RHS part of answer should contain
2 digits 47 taken from right, equal to the number of 9
in the multiplier.
c) The remaining digits in the original number, after
removing the digits from the right to left, placed in the
RHS should be subtracted in the LHS.
d) Write the complement of the digits placed in the RHS
by applying the Nikhilam sutra.
Example: Multiply 147 by 99
Solution: Since there are two 9s in the multiplier, two digits
from right to left of the multiplicand will be placed in the RHS.
In the LHS, subtract 1 from the original number.
LHS = 147 – 1 = 146
RHS = Complement of 47
Now subtract the remaining digits i.e. 1 from LHS and write the
complement of 47 in RHS.
LHS = 146 – 1 = 145
RHS = 100 – 47 = 53
Hence, 147 x 99 = 14553
Example: Multiply 259648 by 9999.
Solution: Since there are four 9s in the multiplier, four digits
from right to left of multiplicand i.e. 9648 will be placed in the
RHS. In LHS, subtract 1 from the original number.

52  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

LHS = 259648 – 1 = 259647
RHS = Complement of 9648

Now subtract the remaining digits i.e. 25 from LHS and write
the complement of 9648 in RHS.

LHS = 259647 – 25 = 259622

RHS = 10000 – 9648 =0352
Hence, 259648 x 9999 = 2596220352

Example: Multiply 52876 by 99

Solution: Since there are two 9s in the multiplier, two digits

from right to left of the multiplicand i.e. 76 will be placed in
the RHS. In LHS, subtract 1 from the original number.
LHS = 52876 – 1 = 52875
RHS = Complement of 76

Now subtract the remaining digits i.e. 528 from LHS and write
the complement of 76 in RHS.

LHS = 52875 – 528 = 52347

RHS = 100 – 76 = 24
Hence, 52876 x 99 = 5234724

vUR;;ks’krds·fi (Antyayoshatakepi):

• This sutra is applicable when the sum of the last two
digits (unit and ten’s) in the multiplicand and multiplier
is 100 and the rest of the digits are the same.
• Multiply the last two digits and write the product in RHS
• Multiply the remaining digits that are the same, with
the next digit i.e digit + 1 and write the product in
the LHS. In simple word, if the digit at the hundred’s
place is 7, multiply it with the next digit 8 and write
the product in LHS.

Multiplication 53
Example 35: Multiply 782 by 718
Solution: Here the sum of the last two digit of the multiplicand
and multiplier is 100 (82 + 18 = 100) and the digit at the
hundred’s place in both multiplicand and multiplier are the same.
7 82
x 7 18
LHS = 7 x 8 = 56
RHS = 82 x 18 = 1476
Hence, 782 x 718 = 561476
(NB:– Multiplication of right hand digits 82 x 18 can easily be
done by the Vedic sutra, Urdhva Tiryagbhyam.
Example 36: Multiply 978 by 922
Solution: Here the sum of the last two digits of the multiplicand
and multiplier is 100 (78 + 22 = 100) and the digit at the
hundred’s place in both multiplicand and multiplier are same.
9 78
x 9 22
LHS = 9 x 10 = 90
RHS = 78 x 22 = 1716
Hence, 978 x 922 = 901716
(NB:– Multiplication of right hand digits 78 x 22 can easily be
done by the Vedic sutra, Urdhva Tiryagbhyam.

Example 37: Multiply 811 by 889

Solution: Here the sum of the last two digits of the multiplicand
and multiplier is 100 (11 + 89 = 100) and the digits at the
hundred’s place in both multiplicand and multiplier are the same.
8 11
x 8 89

LHS = 8 x 9 = 72
RHS = 11 x 89 = 979

54  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

The RHS should consist of 4 digits, so put one zero before
979, making it 0979
Hence, 811 x 889 = 720979
(NB:– Multiplication of the right hand digits, 11 x 89, can easily
be done. Please learn the multiplication by 11 given in the chapter,
Multiplication through observation).

Example 38: Multiply 891 by 809

Solution: Here the sum of the last two digit of the multiplicand
and multiplier is 100 (91 + 09 = 100) and the digit at the
hundred’s place in both multiplicand and multiplier are the same.

8 91
x 8 09

LHS = 8 x 9 = 72
RHS = 91 x 9 = 819
The RHS should consist of 4 digits, so put one zero before
819, making it 0819
Hence, 891 x 809 = 720819

okeuY;k;ksg n’kd%·fi (Vamanlyayoh Dasake Api)

This sutra is not taken from the Vedic Mathematics book written
by Jagad guru Bharti Krishna Tirtha ji Maharaj and the original
source of this sutra is not known to me. While writing this
book, I had gone through more than 50 books and hundreds
of websites and I noticed that this sutra serves the purpose of
faster calculation and I could not stop myself from introducing
this sutra for my avid readers.
This sutra is applicable when the sum of digits placed at the
tens’ place in the multiplicand and multiplier is 10 and the unit
digit of both multiplicand and multiplier is the same.

Multiplication 55

• The answer of such questions consists of two parts.

• LHS = Product of two left digits whose sum is 10 +
Unit digit
• RHS = Square of Unit digit

Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi

more clearly.

Example 39: Multiply 68 by 48

Solution: Here the sum of the tens’ digit of multiplicand and

multiplier is 10 (6 + 4 = 10).

6 8
x 4 8

LHS = Product of digits at ten’s place + unit digit

= 6 x 4 + 8 = 32
RHS = Square of unit digit
= 8 x 8 = 64
Hence, 68 x 48 = 3264

Example 40: Multiply 72 by 32

Solution: Here the sum of tens’ digit of multiplicand and

multiplier is 10 (7 + 3 = 10).
7 2
x 3 2

LHS = Product of digits at ten’s place + unit digit

= 7 x 3 + 2 = 23
RHS = Square of unit digit
= 2 x 2 = 04
RHS should contain 2 digits so a zero is added before 4.
Hence, 72 x 32 = 2304

56  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 41: Multiply 86 by 26?

Solution: Here the sum of tens’ digit of multiplicand and

multiplier is 10 (8 + 2 = 10).
8 6
x 2 6

LHS = Product of digits at ten’s place + unit digit

= 8 x 2 + 6 = 22
RHS = Square of unit digit
= 6 x 6 = 36
Hence, 86 x 26 = 2236

Example 42: Multiply 97 by 17?

Solution: Here the sum of tens’ digit of multiplicand and

multiplier is 10 (9 + 1 = 10).

9 7
x 1 7

LHS = Product of digits at ten’s place + unit digit

= 9 x 1 + 7 = 16
RHS = Square of unit digit
= 7 x 7 = 49
Hence, 97 x 17 = 1649

okeuY;k;ksg n’kd% xqf.kt%·fi (Vamanlyayoh Dasake

Gunijah Api)

Like the previous sutra, this sutra is not taken from the original
Vedic Mathematics book available in the market. The origin of this
sutra is not known to me, but again it is one of the interesting
sutras that will make our calculations easier and that is my
purpose of writing this book.
This sutra is applicable when the sum of the left two digits,
other than the unit, is a multiple of ten and the unit digits
are the same.

Multiplication 57

• The result consists of two parts.

• LHS = Product of two left digits whose sum is a multiple
of 10 + sub base x unit digit
• RHS = square of unit digit

Let us see its working with the help of these examples.

Example 43: Multiply 136 by 76

Solution: Here the sum of the left digits in multiplicand and

multiplier, other than the unit digit, is 13 + 7 = 20. This sum
is absolutely the multiple of 10.

20 = 2 x 10

Sub-base Base

13 6
x 7 6

LHS = Product of two left digits whose sum is a multiple

of 10 + sub base x unit digit
= 13 x 7 + 2 x 6 = 103
RHS = Square of Unit digit
= 6 x 6 = 36
Hence, 136 x 76 = 10336

Example 44: Multiply 278 by 238

Solution: Here the sum of the left digits in multiplicand and

multiplier, other than the unit digit, is 27 + 23 = 50. This sum
is absolutely the multiple of 10.
50 = 5 x 10

Sub-base Base

58  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

27 8
x 23 8

LHS = Product of two left digits whose sum is a multiple

of 10 + sub base x unit digit
= 27 x 23 + 5 x 8 = 661
(The multiplication of 27 x 23 can be done easily by Antyayoh
Dasake api sutra)
RHS = Square of Unit digit
= 8 x 8 = 64
Hence, 278 x 238 = 66164

Example 45: Multiply 459 by 159

Solution: Here the sum of the left digits in multiplicand and

multiplier, other than the unit digit, is 45 + 15 = 60. This sum
is absolutely the multiple of 10.
60 = 6 x 10

Sub-base Base

45 9
x 15 9

LHS = Product of two left digits whose sum is a multiple

of 10 + sub base x unit digit
= 45 x 15 + 6 x 9 = 729
RHS = Square of Unit digit
= 9 x 9 = 81
Hence, 459 x 159 = 72981

Urdhva Tiryagbhyam (m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~)

So far we have discussed seven Vedic sutras, but all of them

have limited applicability. We shall now proceed to deal with a
general formula of multiplication which is applicable in all the
cases. This sutra is widely known as Urdhva Tiryag sutra, which

Multiplication 59
means “Vertically and Cross-wise”. Once you get mastery over
this method you can multiply a 5 digit multiplication of any
number in 15 seconds. Initially this method will seem tough to
work out, but believe me; I have seen the change in calculating
power of students after learning this sutra. The best feature of
this method is:
a) With practice, you can multiply any digits of number and
obtain the result in one line.
b) You are free to multiply from both ends due to the
flexibility of Vedic Sutra..
A further simplification can be understood by the Dot and
Stick Method..

Dot and Stick Method

Multiplication of 2 digits number

(1) (2) (1)

Multiplication of 3 digits number

(1) (2) (3) (2) (1)

Multiplication of 4 digits number

(1) (2) (3) (4) (3) (2) (1)

60  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Multiplication of 5 digits number

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5) (4) (3) (2) (1)

The above pictorial representation may be extended upon need.

The dot and stick method may bring some amount of discomfort
initially, but the more you practice, the more comfortable you will
feel with it. At the very beginning you might get puzzled over
the multiplication by dot and cross as shown above pictorially,
but here is an interesting technique to learn the dot and cross
method. See this unique pattern of multiplication:

11 X 11 = 121
111 X 111 = 12321
1111 X 1111 = 1234321
11111 X 11111 = 123454321
Looking upon the multiplication of 11 x 11, 111 x 111 …and
the dot multiplication shown pictorially, you may find a very
special clue. Did you notice the clue?
If you are multiplying a two-digit number, see the product
of 11 X 11 i.e. 121 and now notice the number written below
the dots of 2 digit multiplication.
Did you find any similarity?
Yes, the same 121 is written there. This process can be
summed up in three points.
• First multiply vertically the number placed at unit digits.
• Find the sum of the cross product of the two figures.
• Finally, multiply vertically the remaining digits.
Similarly, if you are multiplying a three-digit number, look
at the product of 111 X111 = 12321, this is the same number

Multiplication 61
written at the bottom of the dot multiplication.
Let us take a few examples to clarify the dot and cross
product technique.

A. Multiplication of two-digit numbers

Example 46: Multiply 76 by 42

7 6 7 6 7 6

4 2 4 2 4 2
28 14 + 24 12

Arranging the number and adding them from right to left, taking
only one digit at a time, we get the final result.

= 28 | 38 | 12
+ +
= 3192

Example 47: 92 X 18 = ?

Solution: Arranging the number on the dots.

9 2 9 2 9 2

1 8 1 8 1 8
9 72 + 2 16

Arranging the number and adding them from right to left, taking
only one digit at a time, we get the final result.

= 9 | 74 | 16
+   +
= 1656

62  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 48: Multiply 56 by 34

Solution: Arranging the number on the dots.

5 6 5 6 5 6

3 4 3 4 3 4
15 20 + 18 24

Arranging the number and adding them from right to left, taking
only one digit at a time, we get the final result.

= 15 | 38 | 24
   +    +
= 1904

Once the concept is clear, the whole process can be done mentally
in one line.

Example 49: Multiply 77 by 39.

Solution: I do hope the concept of dot and cross technique is

clearly understood by you. Here is the one liner method. The
sum of the cross multiplication of dots in the second stage has
to be done mentally.
7 7
x 3 9
= 21 | 84 | 63
  +    +
= 3003

In the 1st vertical separator 7 x 9 = 63 is written, in the second

vertical separator the sum of the cross product of 7 x 9 and 3 x 7
is written directly i.e. 7 x 9 + 3 x 7 = 6 3 + 2 1 = 8 4. In the
third vertical separator, 7 X 3 = 21 is placed. As told earlier, take
only one digit in each separator and add the remaining digit to
the next digit separator as shown, in the direction of the arrow.

Multiplication 63
B. Multiplication of three- digit numbers

Example 50: Multiply 566 by 281


Arrange the number on the dots as shown below.

5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6 5 6 6

2 8 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 2 8 1 2 8 1
10 40 +12 5 + 48 +12 6 + 48 6

Arrange each product with vertical separator as shown below.

10 | 5 2 | 6 5 | 5 4 | 6
+ +  +
= 159046

Example 51: Multiply 659 by 898

Solution: Arranging the numbers on the dots.

6 5 9 6 5 9 6 5 9 6 5 9 6 5 9

8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8 8 9 8
48 54+40 48+72+45 40+81 72

Arranging the product with vertical separator as shown below:

= 4 8 | 9 4 | 1 6 5 | 1 2 1 | 7 2
= 48 | 94 | 165 | 121 + 7 | 2
= 48 | 94 | 165 | 12 8 | 2

64  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

= 48 | 94 |165+ 12 | 8 | 2
= 48 | 94 | 17 7 | 8 | 2
= 48 | 94 + 17 | 7 | 8 | 2
= 4 8 | 11 1 | 7 | 8 | 2
= 4 8 + 1 1 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 2
= 5 9 | 1 | 7 | 8 | 2
= 5 9 1 7 8 2
Hence 6 5 9 x 8 9 8 = 5 9 1 7 8 2

The above steps are written for the sake of readers to understand
the concept more vividly, though it is unnecessary to write all
these steps. Keep only one thing in your mind that after one
stage of operation is over, keep a single digit in each block and
move the remaining to the next. Readers are expected to do these
operations involving the addition of two or three number mentally.

Example 52: Multiply 247 by 989.

Solution: The whole operation of dot and cross method is done

here in one line.
2 4 7
X 9 8 9
8 | 52 | 113 | 92 | 63
8 2 3 2 3
+ 1 5 11 9 6
2 4 4 2 8 3

In the very beginning, I had mentioned the fact that once the
multiplication of every digit is completed, you have to add the
digits from right to left, taking only one digit in each separator.
Here the extra digits, leaving the unit digit in each separator, have
been written in sub-script so that further addition becomes easy.

Multiplication 65
Example 53: Multiply 467 by 598.


4 6 7
X 5 9 8
0 | 66 | 121 | 1 11 | 56
0 6 1 1 6
+ 2 6 12 11 5
2 7 9 2 6 6

Example 54: Multiply 526 by 43

Solution: This is a 3 x 2 digit multiplication so put a zero in front

of 43, making it 043 and now apply the above 3 x 3 operation
technique. Arrange the numbers on the dots as shown below.

5 2 6 5 2 6 5 2 6 5 2 6 5 2 6

0 4 3 0 4 3 0 4 3 0 4 3 0 4 3
0 20+0 15+8+8 6+24 18
0 | 20 | 23 | 30 | 18

= 22618

C. Multiplication of 4 digits number

The first example here is done in detail with each operation

illustrated clearly, but the next example onwards is done in a
single line with the hope that readers are well acquainted with
the process of multiplication.

Example 55: Multiply 6234 by 1235

Solution: Arranging the numbers on the dots.

66  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4 6 2 3 4

1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 5
6 14 25 46 27 27 20

Arrange the numbers in vertical separators.

6 | 1 4 | 2 5 | 4 6 | 2 7 | 2 7 | 2 0
+ + + + + +
= 7698990

Example 56: Multiply 8989 with 8892.


8 9 8 9
x 8 8 9 2
64 | 1 3 6 | 2 0 8 | 2 3 3 | 1 6 2 | 9 7 | 1 8
+ + + + + +
= 6 4 6 8 3 2 7 8
+ 13 20 23 16 9 1
7 9 9 3 0 1 8 8

Example 57: Multiply 2134 by 3261


2 1 3 4
x 3 2 6 1
6 | 7 | 23 | 26 | 27 | 4
= 6958974

Example 58: Multiply 4382 by 235

Solution: This is a 4 x 3 digit multiplication. The 4 x 4 method

as explained above can be used here, provided we put a zero in
front of 235, making it 0235. Arrangement of dots in this case
is shown here.

Multiplication 67
4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2

0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5 0 2 3 5
6 8 18 45 43 46 10
= 0 | 8 | 18 | 45 | 43 | 46 | 10
+ + + + +
= 1029770

Example 59: Multiply 4382 by 35

Solution: This is a 4 x 2 digit multiplication, so two zeros have

been placed behind 35 to make the calculation by 4 x 4 techniques
as described above. Arrangement of dots is shown here for the
convenience of readers.

4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2 4 3 8 2

0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5 0 0 3 5
0 0 12 29 39 46 10
= 0 | 0 | 12 | 29 | 39 | 46 | 10
+ + + + +

Multiplication of 5 digits

Example 60: Multiply 34567 by 12345


3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7 3 4 5 6 7

1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5 1 2 3 4 5

= 3 | 10 | 22 | 40 | 65 | 72 | 70 | 58 | 35
+ + + + + + + +
= 426729615

68  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Readers can extend the multiplication of 6 or 7 digits by their
own by dot and cross method.

Multiplication of 3 numbers by Vedic method

The traditional multiplication can’t do the multiplication of three

numbers in one go, but Vedic Mathematics can, in no time, do
the multiplication of three-digit numbers closer to the base and
sub-base with ease. For the convenient of readers, the modus
operandi of the whole process is illustrated with the help of
some examples.

Case 1: When the numbers to be multiplied are nearer to the

power of 10.

Example 61: Multiply 1 2 x 1 3 x 1 5


Step 1: Write the deviation of each number from its base. Place
it against each number. For the above multiplication, the working
base = 10, and their deviations from the base are 2, 3 and 5
Number Deviation from the Base
12 + 2
13 + 3
15 + 5
Step 2: Add all the deviations to the working base.
10 + 2 + 3+ 5 = 20
Step 3: Make all possible permutations of the deviation, taking two
at a time and add them. For example, the possible permutation
of abc is ab, bc and ac.
2 x 3 + 2 x 5 + 3 x 5 = 31
Step 4: Multiply the deviations
2 x 3 x 5 = 30
Step 5: Arrange the result obtained in above steps as shown here.
20 | 31 | 30

Multiplication 69
Adding the result from right to left in the direction of the arrows
we can find the result.
20 | 31 | 30
 + +
= 2340

Example 62: Multiply 105 x 104 x 109

Solution: The working base = 100

Step 1: Find the deviation of each number from its base. Write
it against each number.
Number Deviation
105 + 5
104 + 4
109 + 9
Step 2: Find the sum of base and deviations.
Base + deviations = 100 + 5 + 4 + 9 = 118
Step 3: Multiply the deviations in pairs of two and sum up the
results so obtained
5 x 4 + 4 x 9 + 5 x 9 = 101
Step 4: Multiply the deviations.
5 x 4 x 9 = 180
Step 5: Arrange the result of all the above steps in a vertical
separator and add them up, from right to left as done previously.
But never forget to keep two digits in each separator as constant
because the base taken here is 100.
118 | 101 | 180
    + +
= 1190280

Example 63: 989 x 995 x 1012 = ?

Solution: The working base for the above number = 1000

Step 1: Find the deviation of each number from its base. Write
it against each number.

70  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Number Deviation
989 – 11
995 –5
1012 + 12
Step 2: Find the sum of base and deviations.
Base+ deviations = 1000 – 11 – 5 + 12 = 996
Step 3: Multiply the deviations in pair of two and sum up the
result so obtained.
(– 11 ) x (– 5 ) + 5 x (– 12 ) + (– 11 ) x (+ 12 )
= 5 5 – 6 0 – 1 3 2 = – 1 3 7
Step 4: Multiply the deviations
– 11 x – 5 x 12 = 660
Step 5: Arrange the result of all the above steps in a vertical
= 9 9 6 | ( – 1 3 7 ) | 6 6 0
= 9 9 5 | 1 0 0 0 – 1 3 7 | 6 6 0
= 9 9 5 | 8 6 3 | 6 6 0
= 9 9 5 8 6 3 6 6 0

Case 2: When the working base is 50, 500, 5000…

The working rule of case 2 is same as that of case 1, except

for the following:
• Write the last result in column.
• Keep the right hand figure of column 3 intact and divide
the figure in the 2nd column by ½ and the figure in the
1st column by ¼.
• Add the digits of each column as shown in the example.

Example 64: Multiply 54 x 56 x 51


Step 1: Write the deviation of each number from its base. Place
it against each number.

Multiplication 71
Number Deviation
54 + 4
56 + 6
51 + 1
Step 2: Find the sum of base and deviations.
50 + 4 + 6 + 1 = 61
Step 3: Multiply the deviations in pairs of two and sum up the
results so obtained
4 x 6 + 4 x 1 + 6 x 1 = 34
Step 4: Multiply the deviations
4 x 6 x 1 = 24
Arrange the result obtained above in a vertical separator.
61 | 34 | 24
Make three columns and write the result accordingly, as shown here.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

61 34 24
= 61 x ¼ 34 x ½ 24
= 15 + ¼ 17 24
= 15 25 + 17 24
= 15 42 24

Here the theoretical base = 100 and working base = 50 =

100|2, so ½ = 50 and ¼ = 25 is taken.

Example 65: Multiply 54 x 48 x 61

Solution: The working base = 50 = 100 | 2 and Theoretical

base = 100

Step 1: Find the deviation of each number from its base. Write
it against each number.
Number Deviation
54 +4
48 –2
61 +11

72  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 2: Find the sum of base and deviations.
Base + deviations = 50+ 4 – 2 + 11 = 63
Step 3: Multiply the deviations in pairs of two and sum up the
results so obtained
4 x (– 2) + 4 x 11 + 11 x (– 2) = 14
Step 4: Multiply the deviations.
4 x (– 2) x 11 = – 88
The final result is 63 | 14 | – 88

Write the result in columns.

Column 1 Column 2 Column 3

63 x ¼ 14 x ½ –88
= 15 + ¾ 7 –88
= 15 75 + 7 –88
= 15 82 –88
= 15 81 100 –88
= 15 81 12
Hence, 54 x 56 x 61 = 158112
Multiplication of four numbers by Vedic Method
If you are asked to multiply four numbers the first thing that will
strike you is to multiply the first two numbers and then multiply
the product with the third number and finally the product with
the fourth number. Don’t you think that even multiplication of
4 two-digit numbers will take 5 minutes of your time? On the
contrary, multiplication of four numbers near the same base or
sub-base can be done through the Vedic method quite easily and
that too in a few seconds. Are you ready to ride on the chariot
of Vedic Sutra?
The answer of such multiplication will consist of 4 parts.
• First, write the deviation of numbers from its base against
the number.

Multiplication 73
Suppose you have to multiply a x b x c x d if the
deviation of these numbers from its base is d1 d2 d3 and
d4, then we will write–

a d1
b d2
c d3
d d4

• 1st part = Sum of any number and other three deviations.

= a + ( d2 + d3 + d4 ) or b + (d1 + d3 + d4) ,or c
+ ( d1 + d2 + d4) or d + (d2 + d3 + d4)

• 2nd part = Sum of the product of two deviations

d2 d4
= d1d2 + d1d3 +d1d4 +d2d3 +d2d4 +d3d4

• 3rd part = Sum of the product of three numbers at a time

= d1d2d3 + d1d2d4 + d1d3d4 + d2d3d4

• 4th part = Product of all deviations

= d1d2d3d4

Example 66: Multiply 102 x 103 x 104 x 105

Solution: Here all the numbers are near the base 100 and their
deviations are respectively 2, 3, 4 and 5.

102 + 2
103 + 3
104 + 4
105 + 5

• 1st part = Sum of any number and other three deviations.

= 102 + 3 + 4 + 5= 114

74  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• 2nd part = Sum of the product of two deviations
= 2 x 3 + 2 x 4 + 2 x 5 + 3 x 4 + 3 x 5 + 4 x 5 =71

• 3rd part = Sum of the product of three numbers at a time

= 2 x 3 x 4 + 2 x 3 x 5 + 2 x 4 x 5 + 3 x 4 x 5
= 154

• 4th part = Product of all deviations

= 2 x 3 x 4 x 5= 120
Hence, 102 x 103 x 104 x 105 = 114 | 71 | 154 | 120

= 114 | 72 | 55 | 20 = 114725520

Since the base is 100, each part will contain a maximum of two
digits and the excess digits will be transferred to the next part.

Example 67: Multiply 995 x 996 x 997 x 998

Solution: Here all numbers are near the base 100 and their
deviations are respectively 2, 3, 4 and 5.

995 −5
996 −4
997 −3
998 −2

• 1st part = Sum of any number and other three deviations.

= 995 – 4 – 3 – 2 = 986

• 2nd part = Sum of the product of two deviations

= (–5) x (–4) + (–5) x (–3) + (–5 ) x (–2) + (–4) x (–3)
+ (–4) x (–2) + (–3) x(–2)
= 20 + 15 + 10 + 12 + 8 + 6 = 71

• 3rd part = Sum of the product of three numbers at a time

= (–5) x (–4) x (–3) + (–5) x (–4) x (–2) + (–4) x (–3)
x (–2) + (–5) x (–3) x (–2)
= − 60 – 40 – 24 – 30
= −154

Multiplication 75
• 4th part = Product of all deviations
= − 2 x − 3 x− 4 x− 5= 120

Hence, 995 x 996 x 997 x 998 = 986 | 71 | −154 | 120

Here, the base is taken as 1000, so each part will consist of three
digits. In the 2nd part, we have a two-digit number, so put a zero
in front of it, making it 071. In the 3rd part, we have a negative
number, so subtract 1 from the 2nd part and the negative number
of part 3 from the base 1000. Our answer will now look like–

995 x 996 x 997 x 998 = 986 | 071 | −154 | 120

= 986 | 070 | 1000 – 154 | 120
= 986 | 070 | 846 | 120
= 986070846120

Case 2: When the base is the multiple of 100, 1000... etc.

Suppose the four numbers to be multiplied are closer to 200,

then we shall first write 200 = 2 x 100. Here Base = 100
and sub- base = 2. In such a case, the above process will be
applied with a slight change. In the 1st part, multiply the result
with (sub-base)3, 2nd part with (sub-base)2 and 3rd part will be
multiplied by the sub-base. The number of zeros in the base
will decide the number of digits to be kept in each part while
writing the final answer.

Example 68: Multiply 506 x 507 x 508 x 509


Here all the numbers to be multiplied are near to 500 = 5 x 100,

hence Base = 100 and sub-base = 5. Deviations of the number
from 500 are 6, 7, 8 and 9 respectively

506 + 6
507 + 7
508 + 8
509 + 9

76  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• 1st part = (Sum of any number and other three deviations)
x (Sub-base)3
= (506+7+8+9) x 53= 530 x 125 = 66250
(Refer Multiplication through observation for
multiplying a number by 125)

• 2nd part = (Sum of product of two deviations) x (Sub-

= (6 x 7 + 6 x 8 + 6 x 9 + 7 x 8 + 7 x 9 + 8 x 9)
x 52 = 335 x 25 = 8375
(Refer Multiplication through observation for
multiplying a number by 25)

• 3rd part = (Sum of product of three numbers at a time)

x (Sub-base)
= (6 x 7 x 8 + 6 x 7 x 9 + 6 x 8 x 9 + 7 x 8 x 9 )
x 5 = 1650 x 5 = 8250

• 4th part = Product of all deviations

= 6 x 7 x 8 x 9 = 3024

Hence, 506 x 507 x 508 x 509 = 66250 | 83

75 | 82
50 | 30

Since the base = 100, each part will contain maximum two digits
and the rest will be transferred to the next part. The excess digit
is written in subscript.
506 x 507 x 508 x 509 = 66250 | 8375 | 8250 | 3024
= 66334578024

Multiplication 77

Multiplication through


The best part of Vedic maths is that you can do calculations in

a few seconds and sometimes, orally. In this chapter we shall
learn how to do quick and flawless calculations and that too
by mere observation. Once the techniques for such special cases
are mastered, you will feel enthusiastic enough to do some more
tricks of your own.

Mental Multiplication

A: Multiplication by 11
Multiplication of any number with 11 can be done orally in a
single line. Once the technique for multiplication of a number
with 11 is mastered, it can be further extended for a number
such as 22, 33, 44 etc by simply splitting the multiplicand as
11 x 2, 11 x 3 or 11 x 4. In mensuration, you need to calculate
the volume and surface area of three-dimensional objects such
as cylinder, sphere, cone, pyramid, frustum etc and there you
need to multiply the number by 22 (π =22/7). This method will
help you immensely here.
• Place the number to be multiplied by 11 in a bracket
and put zeros on either side.
• Start adding the two numbers at a time from right to
left. If the sum of two numbers in any case exceeds 10,
the digit at the tenth place shall be carried over to the
next sum, as is usually done in simple addition.

Example 1: Multiply 3251 by 11


Place the number in a bracket and put zeros on either side.

0 3 2 5 1 0

Add the digit from the right to left as shown above.

0+ 3 | 3+2 | 2 + 5 | 5 + 1 | 1 + 0
= 3 5 7 6 1
Hence 3251 x 11 = 35761

Example 2: Multiply 4876254 by 11


Place the number in a bracket and put zeros on either side.

0 4 8 7 6 2 5 4 0

Add the digit from the right to left as shown above.

= 0+4| 4+8 | 8+7 | 7+6 | 6+2 | 2+5 | 5+4 | 4+0

= 4 | 12 | 15 | 13 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 4

= 4 | 12 | 16 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 4

= 4 | 13 | 6 | 3 | 8 | 7 | 9 | 4

= 5 3 6 3 8 7 9 4

Hence, 4876254 x 11 = 53638794

Multiplication through Observation 79

Example: Multiply 384 by 11

Solution: Place the number in a bracket and put zeros on either


0 3 8 4 0

Add the digit from the right to left as shown above.

0+3 | 3+8 | 8+4 | 4+0

= 3 | 11 | 12 | 4

= 3 | 12 | 2 | 4

= 4 2 2 4

Hence, 384 x 11 = 4224

B: Multiplication by 111

Rule:- Multiplication with 111 involves the same pattern with a

slight difference.
• Place the number to be multiplied inside a bracket and
two zeros on either sides of the bracket.
• Add from right to left, taking the sum of three digits at
a time.
• If the sum of the digits exceeds 10, the digit at the ten’s
place will be carried over to the next sum.

Example: Multiply 34 by 111

Solution: Place the number in a bracket and put 2 zeros on

either side.

0 3 4 0 0

Keep adding three digits from the right at a time as shown above.
= 0 + 0 + 3 | 0 + 3 + 4 | 3 + 4 +0 | 4 + 0 + 0
= 3774

80  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 2: Multiply 497 by 111

Solution: Place the number in a bracket and put zeros on either


0 0 4 9 7 0 0

Keep adding from right to left, taking the sum of three digits
at a time.

0 4 9 7 0 0

= 0+0+4 | 0+4+9 | 4+9+7 | 9+7+0 | 7+0+0

= 4 | 13 | 20 | 16 | 7

= 4 | 13 | 21 | 6 | 7

= 4 | 15 | 1 | 6 | 7

= 5 5 1 6 7

C: Multiplication with 1111

Rule: Multiplication with 1111 involves the same sort of

operations as discussed above.
• Place the number to be multiplied inside a bracket and
three zeros on either side of the bracket.
• Add from right to left, taking the sum of four digits at
a time.
• If the sum of the digits exceeds 10, the digit at the ten’s
place will be carried over to the next sum.

Example: Multiply 2172 by 1111

Solution: Place the number in a bracket and put 3 zeros on

either side.

0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

Multiplication through Observation 81

Keep adding from right to left, taking 4 digits at a time.

Step 1: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 2

Step 2: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 0 + 2 + 7 = 9

Step 3: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 2 + 7 + 1 = 10

Step 4 : 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

2 + 7 + 1 + 2 = 12

Step 5: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 2 + 1 + 7 = 10

Step 6: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 0 + 2 + 1 = 3

Step 7: 0 0 0 2 1 7 2 0 0 0

0 + 0 + 0 + 2 = 2

Arranging all the steps in one line, we get—

= 2 | 3 | 10 | 12 | 10 | 9 | 2

= 2| 3 | 10 | 13 | 0 | 9 | 2

= 2 | 3 | 11 | 13| 0 | 9 | 2

= 2 | 4 | 1 | 3| 0 | 9 | 2
Hence, 2172 x 1111 = 2413092

82  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

D: Multiplication by 25

Rule: This is a very simple technique. When you are multiplying a

number by 25, put two zeros (00) to the right of the multiplicand
and divide it by 4.

Example 1: Multiply 16 by 25

Solution: Put two zeros to the right of 16, i.e. 1600

Divide it by 4 = 1600 / 4 = 400
25 x 16 = 400

Example 2: Multiply 98 by 25

Solution: Put two zeros to the right making it 9800

Divide it by 4, 9800 / 4 = 2450
98 x 25 = 2450

Example 3: Multiply 428764 by 25

Solution: Put two zeros to the right of 428764, i.e. 42876400

Divide it by 4 = 42876400 / 4 = 10719100
428764 x 25 = 10719100

Example 4: Multiply 82456 by 25

Solution: Put two zeros to the right of 82456, i.e. 8245600

Divide it by 4 = 8245600 / 4 = 2061400
82456 x 25 = 2061400

E: Multiplication by 125

Rule: Put three zeros to the right of the multiplicand and divide
it by 8.

Example 1: Multiply 624 by 125

Solution: Place 3 zeros after 624, making it 624000.

Divide it by 8= 624000/8 = 78000
Hence, 624 x 125 = 78000

Multiplication through Observation 83

Example 2: Multiply 48 by 125

Solution: Place 3 zeros after 48, making it 48000

Divide it by 8= 48000/8 = 6000
Hence, 48 x 125 = 6000

Example 3: Multiply 24376 by 125

Solution: Place 3 zeros after 24376, making it 24376000

Divide it by 8= 24376000/8 = 3047000
Hence, 24376 x 125 = 3047000

F: Multiplying with 625

Rule: Put 4 zeros (0000) to the right of the number and divide
it by 16.

Example 1: Multiply 428 by 625

Solution: Place 4 zeros after 428, making it 4280000

Divide it by 16 = 4280000/16 = 267500
Hence, 428 x 625 = 267500

Example 2: Multiply 246284 by 625

Solution: Place 4 zeros after 246284, making it 2462840000

Divide it by 16 = 2462840000/16 = 153927500
Hence, 246284 x 625 = 153927500

Example 3: Multiply 144 by 625

Solution: Place 4 zeros after 144, making it 1440000

Divide it by 16 =1440000/16 = 90000
Hence, 144 x 625 = 90000
G: Multiply by 5
Rule: Put one zero to the right of the number and divide it by 2.

Example 1: Multiply 42 by 5
Solution: Place 1 zero after 42, making it 420

84  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Divide it by 2 = 420/2 = 210
Hence, 42 x 5 = 210
Example 2: Multiply 5986 by 5
Solution: Place 1 zero after 5986, making it 59860
Divide it by 2 = 59860/2 = 29930
Hence, 5986 x 625 = 29930
H: Multiply by 50
Rule: Put two zeros to the right of the number and divide it by 2.

Example 1: Multiply 47 by 50

Solution: Place 2 zero after 47, making it 4700

Divide it by 2 = 4700/2 = 2350
Hence, 47 x 50 = 2350

Example 2: Multiply 62876 by 50

Solution: Place 2 zeros after 62876, making it 6287600

Divide it by 2 = 6287600/2 = 3143800
Hence, 62876 x 50 = 3143800

I: When the sum of the unit’s place digit is 10 and the rest
of the digits are the same


• Multiply the unit digit whose sum is 10 and place it on

the right side.
• Increase the multiplicand by 1 and then multiply it with
the original multiplier. Put this result to the left.
Example: Multiply 46 by 44
Solution: Here the sum of the unit digit is 10 and the digit at
the ten’s place in the multiplier and multiplicand are also same.

4 6
X 4 4

Multiplication through Observation 85

Multiply the encircled digit and write it to the right side.

4 6
x 4 4
/ 24

Increase the multiplicand by 1 and then multiply it with the

original multiplier.

(4+1)= 5 6
x 4 4
20/ 24

Hence, 46 x 44 = 2024

Example: Multiply 113 by 117

Solution: Here the sum of the unit digit is 10 and the digit at
the ten’s place in the multiplier and multiplicand are also same.
11 3
x 11 7

Multiply the encircled digit and write it to the right side.

11 3
x 11 7
/ 21

Increase the multiplicand by 1 and then multiply it with the

original multiplier.

(11+1) = 12 3
x 11 7
132/ 21

Hence, 113 x 117 = 13221

(Multiplication of 12 and 11 can be done as discussed in part
A in this chapter itself.)

Example: Multiply 168 by162

86  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Solution: Here the sum of the unit digit is 10 and the digit at
the ten’s place in the multiplier and multiplicand are also same.

16 8
x 16 2
Multiply the encircled digit and write it to the right side.
16 8
x 16 2
Increase the multiplicand by 1 and then multiply it with the
original multiplier.
(16+1) = 17 8
x 16 2
272/ 16

Hence, 168 x 162 = 27216

(The multiplication of 17 x 16 can be done through the Vedic

sutra Urdhyagtiryagbhyam)
J: When the sum of the last two digits is 100 and the rest
of the digits at the hundred’s places are the same).
This method is applicable when the sum of the unit‘s and
ten’s place digits of the multiplicand and multiplier is 100 and
hundred’s place digit is the same.
1 0 3
x 1 9 7
Example: Multiply 103 by 197
• Multiply the number (unit and ten’s place digit) of the
multiplicand and multiplier whose sum is 100. The
product should be of 4 digits. If the product in RHS is
less than four digits, place zero at the extreme left.

Multiplication through Observation 87

1 0 3
X 1 9 7

(Since 03 x 97 = 297 contains only 3 digits, one zero

has been placed at the extreme left, making it 0297. As
explained above, the right side of the product should
contain 4 digits. )
• Increase the multiplicand (digit at hundred’s place) by 1
and multiply it with the number placed at the hundred’s
place in the multiplier.

(1 + 1)=
2 0
X 1 9
2 /0291

Hence, 103 x 197 = 20291

Example: Multiply 425 by 475


Multiply the number (unit and ten’s place digit) of the multiplicand
and the multiplier whose sum is 100.
4 2
X 4 7 5

(Here the sum of the encircled number is 100 (25 +75 =100).
For multiplication of 25 x 75, see Rule D.

• Increase the multiplicand (digit at hundred’s place) by 1

and multiply it with the number placed at the hundred’s
place in the multiplier.

88  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

(4 + 1)= 5 2
X 4 7
2 0 /1875
Hence, 425 x 475 =201875
Example: Multiply 211 by 289
Multiply the number (unit and ten’s place digit) of the multiplicand
and the multiplier whose sum is 100.
2 1
X 4 8 9
[Here the sum of the encircled numbers is 100 (25 +75 =100).
For multiplication of 25 x 75, see Rule A. ]
• Increase the multiplicand (digit at the hundred’s place) by
1 and multiply it with the number placed at the hundred’s
place in the multiplier.
(2 + 1) = 3 1 1
X 2 8 9
6 /0979
Hence, 2 1 1 x 2 8 9 = 60979
K: Multiply any number by 51
• Place the multiplicand on the right side. The right side
should contain only two digits. If the number of digits
at the right side is more than 2, the left- most digit will
be carried to the next column on the left side.
• On the left, place half of the multiplicand.
• In case the half of the multiplicand is fractional, add 50
to the digit placed on the right side. This case will occur
if the digit of the multiplicand is odd.
Multiplication through Observation 89
Example: Multiply 42 by 51

Solution: 42
x 51
• Place 42 at the right side
x 51
• Place half of the multiplicand to the left, i.e. 42/2 = 21
x 51
21 /42
Hence, 42 x 51 = 2142

Example: Multiply 124 by 51

Solution: 124
x 51
• Place 124 at the right side
x 51
• Place half of the multiplicand to the left, i.e. 124/2 = 62.
The excess digit from the right side will get transferred
to the left side.
x 51

= 63/24
Hence, 124 x 51 = 6324

Example: Multiply 41 by 51

Solution: 41
x 51

90  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Place 41 at the right side
x 51
• Place half of the multiplicand to the left, i.e. 41/2 = 20½.
x 51
20 ½ /41
= 20 / 50 + 41= 91
Since, the left most part is fractional, add 50 to the right side
and remove the fractional part from the left.
Hence, 41 x 51 = 2091

Example: Multiply 23 by 51

Solution: 23
x 51
• Place 23 at the right side
x 51
• Place half of the multiplicand to the left, i.e. 23/2 = 11½.
x 51
= 11 / 50 + 23= 73
Since, the left most part is fractional, add 50 to the right side
and remove the fractional part from the left.
Hence, 23 x 51 = 1173

Multiplication through Observation 91


Multiplication in Algebra


In the Multiplication chapter, we had discussed various Vedic

sutras of multiplying two-digit numbers and three digits number
under different conditions.
The Urdhva Tiryagbhyam m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~ formula is also
applicable to multiplication of algebraic equations. The present
chapter will deal with the following types of equations:–
• Multiplication of Binomials
• Multiplication of Polynomials with equal number of terms
• Multiplication of Polynomials with unequal number of

Vedic Method of Multiplying Polynomials

In the present chapter, I will just focus on Urdhva Tiryagbhyam

(m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~) formula. The meaning and its working has been
explicitly discussed in the multiplication chapter. The Urdhva
Tiryagbhyam (m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~) formula literally means, “Vertical
and Cross- wise multiplication”. Let me remind you of its working
through one example.

Multiplication of Binomial equations

(1) (2) (3)

Multiplication of Trinomials

(1) (2) (3) (2) (1)

The above arrows will help you to recall what you have done
previously and ease the understanding process even in Algebraic
Case 1: Multiplication of Binomial equations.
Example: Multiply x + 2y and 3x + 4y

Let us first understand it in the traditional way.

x + 2y
x 3x + 4y
= 4y (x + 2y) + 3x (x + 2y) (Distributive law)
2 2
= 4xy + 8 y + 3 x + 6 xy
= 3 x2 + 10 xy + 8 y2

Vedic Method

Before I proceed with the Vedic way, let me explain to you the
steps involved in solving.
Step 1: First, write the two variables on the top and put the
coefficients from each equation below. Apply the Urdhya
tiryagbhyam Vedic sutra. Remember, the carry-over to the
preceding column as done in multiplication will not be
executed here.
x y
1 2
3 4
3 | 4+6 | 8
Vertical | sum of cross wise | vertical
1 x 3 | 1 x 4 + 2 x 3 | 2 x 4
3 | 10 | 8

Multiplication in Algebra 93
Step 2: Starting from the right, add the variables to these
coefficients in the following manner.

(a) The vertical multiplication of y x y is 8. So add y2 to 8

as this is the coefficient of y2.
(b) The crosswise multiplication of x and y , yields result
10, so add xy to 10.
(c) The vertical multiplication of x and x yields 3 as a result
so this is the coefficient of x2.
Hence our answer is 3x2 + 10xy + 8y2

Example: Multiply (8x – 3 y) by (2x + 4y)


Step 1: Write the two variables on top and their coefficients along
their respective signs below them.
x y
8 –3
2 4

Step 2: Do vertical and crosswise multiplication from the right.

The multiplication will have the following steps–

a) 4 x – 3 = – 12 (Vertical product)
b) 8 x 4 + 2 x ( – 3 ) = 32 – 6 = 26 (sum of cross wise
c) 8 x 2 = 16 (Vertical product of extreme left)
x y
8 –3
2 4
16 | 26 | –12

Step 3: Place the respective variables to the above coefficient, i.e.

Place y2 to – 12
xy to 26
and x2 to 16.

94  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Hence the result is–
(8 x – 3y ) x (2 x + 4 y) = 16 x2 + 26 xy – 16 y2

Example 3: Multiply 3x – 7 y by 2 x − 5 y

Solution: The multiplication of Vedic involves the following steps.

Step 1: Write down the variable on the top and their respective
coefficient below, with the proper sign.
x y
3 –7
2 –5

Step 2: Do vertical and cross wise multiplication from the right

and place the proper variables to the coefficients.

(a) −7 x −5 = 35 (Vertical product and coefficient of y2)

(b) 3 x −5 + 2 x−7 = −29 (Crosswise product and coefficient
of xy)
(c) 3 x 2 = 6 (Vertical Product of extreme left and coefficient
of x2)
Hence the product is–

(3x – 7 y ) x ( 2 x −5 y ) = 6 x2 – 29 xy + 35 y2

Let me remind you the rule before writing the one line answer
to the next few examples that can be done with a little practice.


• Write down the variable at the top

• Place the coefficients below the variable with the
respective sign (+ or −).
• Multiply the number by the vertical and cross-wise method
as shown above and also discussed in the Multiplication
chapter. Remember one thing – don’t take forward any
carry-over as done in usual multiplication.
• Place the respective variables to the coefficients to get
the one line answer.

Multiplication in Algebra 95
Let me take you through a interesting tour of algebraic
multiplication on a ride on the very interesting Vedic Chariot
called – m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~ (Urdhva Tiryagbhyam).

Example: Multiply ( 2 x + 3 y )by ( 11x + 5 y)

x y
2 3
11 5
22 |43 | 15
= 22 x2 + 43 xy + 15 y2

Example: Multiply 2x – 5 y and 3 x – 7 y

x y
2 –5
3 –7
6 | −29 | 35
= 6 x 2 – 29 xy + 35 y2

Example: Multiply 2y2 + 4z by 3y2 – 7z

y2 z
2 4
3 –7
6|−14 +12|−28
= 6 y4 −2y2 z −28 z2
Since y2 x y2 = y4, 6 is obviously the coefficient of y4. Moreover,
the crosswise multiplication gives the coefficient – 2 and it is the
coefficient of y2z. The extreme right vertical multiplication – 28
is the coefficient of z x z = z2.

96  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Multiplication of Algebraic Polynomial

What is a polynomial?
The general equation for a polynomial in the variable x is
a0xn + a1xn–1 + a2xn–2 +… where a0, a1, etc., are constants and
n is the highest power of x, called the degree of the polynomial.
The multiplication of Algebriac polynomial by the traditional
method taught in our classrooms is a little bit confusing and
one needs to club variables of the same degree before coming
to an answer. Let us take an example and try to solve it by the
traditional method.

Multiply x2 + 2x + 3 by 3 x2 + 2x + 4
Solution: (x2 + 2x + 3) x (3 x2 + 2x + 4)
= x2 (3 x2 + 2x + 4) + 2x (3 x2 + 2x + 4)+ 3 (3 x2 + 2x + 4)
[Distributive Property]
= 3 x4 + 2 x3 + 4 x2 + 6 x3 + 4 x2 + 8x + 9 x2 + 6 x + 12
= 3 x4 +8 x3 +17 x2 + 14 x + 12
[on clubbing the power of like terms]

Vedic Method Urdhvatiryagabhyam is equally applicable to the

polynomial involving different power of x.


1. Write the variable above the horizontal line and then

list the coefficients of the variable with respective signs
below them.
2. Perform the vertical and cross-wise multiplication from
the coefficients.
3. Add the variables to the coefficient in respective order.

Example: Multiply (x2 + 2x + 3) by (3x2 + 2x + 4)

Solution: This polynomial of 2nd degree involves two variables,

namely x2, x and one independent term. Place x0 for the
independent term. Write the variables at the top and put down

Multiplication in Algebra 97
the coefficient below the variable shown here.
x2 x x0
1 2 3
3 2 4

Let me remind you about the three-digit multiplication with

this example to assist you in understanding the concept more

Example: Multiply 548 by 159.

5 4 8 5 4 8 5 4 8 5 4 8 5 4 8

1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9 1 5 9

I am hopeful that the above arrow diagram as discussed in the

multiplication chapter under Urdhva Tiryagbhyam sutra will help
you a lot in understanding the algebraic multiplication effortlessly.
I am also listing the step by step procedure for easy understanding.

x2 x x0
1 2 3
3 2 4

Step 1: Do the vertical and cross-wise multiplication from the

right as shown in the above diagram. The method has been
explicitly explained below.

a) 3 x 4 = 12
b) 2 x 4 + 2 x 3 = 14
c) 1 x 4 + 3 x 3 + 2 x 2 = 17
d) 1 x 2 + 3 x 2 = 8
e) 1 x 3 = 3

98  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 2: Place these coefficients below in the answer line column.

x2 x x0
1 2 3
3 2 4
3 | 8 | 17 | 14 | 12

Starting from the extreme right; place the variable to each

coefficient in increasing order, i.e. Place x0 to 12, x1 to 14, x2 to
17, x3to 8 and x4 to 3.
Hence, (x2 + 2x + 3) x (3x2 + 2x + 4) = 3 x4 + 8x3 + 17x2
+ 14x + 12

Example: Multiply 2x2 – 4x + 6 by 3 x2 – 7 x – 2


Step 1: Put the variable x2 , x and x0 at the top and place the
coefficient of the polynomials below it along with the respective

x2 x x0
2 −4 6
3 −7 −2

Step 2: Do the vertical and cross-wise multiplication from the right.

The steps are shown here for clarity and better understanding.

x2 x x0
2 –4 6
3 –7 –2

a) 6 x – 2 = −12
b) −4 x −2 + 6 x −7 = −34
c) 2 x −2 + 3 x 6 + (−4)x (−7) = 42
d) 2 x −7 + 3 x −4 = −26
e) 2 x 3 = 6

Multiplication in Algebra 99
Step 3: Place the coefficient obtained in step 2 below in the
answer line. Starting from the extreme right i.e (–12), place the
variable to each successive coefficient in increasing order.

x2 x x0
2 –4 6
3 –7 –2
6 | –26 | 42 | –34 | –12

The variables placed to the coefficients are shown here.

x0 or no variable to – 12
x to – 34
x2 to 42
x3 to – 26
x4 to 6
Hence ( 2x2 – 4x + 6 ) x ( 3 x2 – 7 x – 2) = 6 x4 – 26 x3 +
42 x 2 – 34 x – 12

Case 3: Multiplication of equations having unequal number

of terms.

Rule: While multiplying two polynomials with unequal terms,

we follow the same method discussed so far, with only a simple
difference that we place a zero as the coefficients for the variables
missing. Let us understand this with an example.

Example: Multiply 7x2 + 6 x + 5 by x + 9

Since the second equation involves only two terms i.e. x and 9
and the first equation has three terms, namely 7 x2, 6x and 5,
this gives us a clue that the x2 term is missing in the second
equation. Hence we shall write the second equation as –

x + 9 = 0 x2 + x + 9

Now the multiplication of the above equations will be done like

the previous case.

100  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 1: Put the variable x2 , x and x0 at the top and the coefficient
of the variable with respective sign below it.

x2 x x0
7 6 5
0 1 9

Step 2: Do the vertical and cross-wise multiplication.

x2 x x0
7 6 5
0 1 9
0 | 7 | 69 | 59 | 45

Step 3: Place the respective sign and start placing variables

from right to left, increasing the power of the variables in each
preceding term,

i.e. x0 to 45,
x1 to 59,
x2 to 69
and x3 to 7.
Hence, (7x2 + 6 x + 5) x (x + 9) = 7 x3 + 69 x2 + 59 x + 45

Example: Multiply 2 x2 – 7 by 3 x2 + 4 x

Step 1: Place the variables and their corresponding coefficients

with respective sign as shown here.

x2 x x0
2 0 –7
3 4 0

Step 2: Do the vertical and crosswise multiplication.

x2 x x0
2 0 –7
3 4 0
6 | 8 | –21 | –28 | 0

Multiplication in Algebra 101
Step 3: Place the variables in ascending order from the right to left.

x2 x x0
2 0 –7
3 4 0
6 x4 + 8 x3 − 21 x2 −28 x

Hence, (2 x2 – 7) x (3 x2 + 4 x) = 6 x4 + 8 x3 − 21 x2 −28 x

102  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics




Division is the reverse process of multiplication. If we say 12 ÷

3 = 4, it means 3 x 4 = 12. Division basically means repeated
subtraction. Let us take an example: 12 ÷ 3 = ?

1st stage = 12 – 3 = 9
2nd stage = 9 – 3 = 6
3rd stage = 6 – 3 = 3
4th stage = 3 – 3 = 0
Since at the 4th stage, we get a remainder of 0, 12 ÷ 3 = 4.
The conventional method is lengthy and time-consuming as it
is based on a hit and trial method. This method is effective as
long as the divisor is a single digit, but when the divisor is a
bigger number we are at loss because we keep multiplying the
dividend by different numbers from 1 to 9. On the other hand, in
the Vedic system, we get the quotient and remainder in one line.

Conventional Method

54 4 3 8 5 4 8 1 2
–4 3 2 Rough area
6 5 54 x 6 = 324
–5 4 54 x 7 = 378
1 1
4 54 x 8 = 432
– 1 0 8
Vedic one-line Dhwajak method

54 4 3 3
8 1
5 1
8 1 2 6

The conventional method is a fixed stereotypical method where

there is no room for experiment, while there are various simple
methods of division in Vedic mathematics, where readers have a
choice of the best method fitted to that very situation.
In this chapter we shall deal with three Vedic sutras.
In the Nikhilam Method, there is no subtraction to be done
at all. The second method, Paravartya Yojyet is based on simple
algebraic division and the last method popularly known as
Dhwajanka method of Division is based on the long established
Vedic process of mathematical calculations. The Dhwajank method
is popularly known as Urdhva Tiryagbhyam. Different from the
NIkhilam and Paravartya methods, the Dhwajanka method is
capable of immediate application to all cases and can be described
as the “crowning gem of all”for the universality of its application.

Vedic Method for Division


Nikhilam (fuf[kye~) Urdhva- Tiryakgbhyam

(m/oZ fr;ZxH;ke~)

Paravartya Yojayet (ijkorZ;kst;sr)

104  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Meaning of Vedic Sutra:

Nikhiam (fuf[kye~): You must be acquainted with this sutra,

Nikhilam Navataha Charmam Dastah. We have used this Vedic
sutra in subtraction and multiplication earlier. The meaning of
this sutra has been explained in Subtraction – “All from nine and
last from 10”. This sutra has limited application and is useful
when every digit of the divisor is greater than 5. The best part
of this sutra is that there is no subtraction process to be carried
out at all.

Paravartya Yojyet (ijkorZ;kst;sr~): This sutra has an upper hand

in comparison with the Nikhilam method. The basic meaning
of this sutra is “Transpose and Apply.” The well-known rule
relating to transposition is to invariably change the sign with
every change of side. This method like the Nikhilam method has
limited application.

Urdhya-Tiryag bhyam (m/oZfr;ZxH;ke~): This Vedic sutra is called

the crowning gem of all due to its applicability in all types
of division. The meaning is self-explanatory as this method is
discussed well in detail in the chapter on Multiplication. This is
also called the Dhwajank method of division. The word “dhwaj”
means flag and “anka” means digit. Hence, the literal meaning
of the word “Dhwajank” is to place a digit or two of the divisor
at the top and division is then carried out with the remaining
digits of the divisor.

The Nikhilam method

Working Rule

1. Take a base (in the power of 10) nearest to the divisor

and write its complement below the original divisor, in
the divisor column. Complement = Base – Divisor. The
complement can be carried out easily by the Nikhilam

Division 105
Navataha Charmam Dastah method as explained in the
Subtraction chapter. Write the complement of the divisor
below it.
2. Separate the extreme right digit of the dividend by
drawing a slash equal to the number of digits in the
divisor. This block is known as the remainder block and
the left block is known as the quotient block.
3. The number of digits to be placed in the remainder column
should be equal to the number of zeros in the base.
4. Carry down the first digit of divisor in the first nd column.
This gives you the first digit of the quotient. Multiply
the quotient digit by the complement, and place it in the
dividend column; next to the first digit of the dividend.
5. Write mechanically the sum of the digits of the second
column to get the second digit of the quotient.
6. Repeat the process until you get a number in the
remainder column. If the remainder is greater than the
divisor, continue the same process in the remainder block
until the digit in the reminder column is less than that
of the original divisor.
Case 1: When the remainder is less than the divisor.
Example 1: Divide 22 by 8

Divisor 8) 2 / 2
Complement 2 4 (Quotient x Complement)
2 / 6
Here the divisor is nearer to the base 10.
Complement = 10 – 8 = 2
• Since the base has one zero, one digit will be separated by
a slash for the remainder column. In the above example,
the right-most 2 is separated by a slash.
• Carry down the first digit (2) of the dividend. This is the
first digit of the quotient.

106  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Multiply the first digit of the quotient by the complement
and place it in the dividend column, next to the first
digit of the dividend. Here the first digit of the quotient
is 2 and the complement is also 2 hence 2 x 2 = 4 is
placed below 2 as shown above.
• Write the sum of the two digits of the remainder column.
Since the remainder 6 is less than the divisor,we have
completed the division.
• Hence, Quotient = 2 ; Remainder = 6
Example 2: Divide 213 by 9
Divisor 9) 2 1/ 3
Complement 1 2 3 (Quotient x Complement)
2 3 / 6
Here, the divisor is nearer to the base 10.
Complement = 10 – 9 = 1
• Since the base has one zero, one digit will be separated
by a slash for th remainder column. In the above example,
the right-most 3 is separated by a slash.
• Carry down the first digit (2) of the dividend. This is the
first digit of the quotient.
• Multiply the first digit of the quotient by the complement
and place it in the dividend column; next to the first
digit of the dividend. i.e. 2 x 1 = 2
• Write mechanically the sum of the digits of the second
column to get the second digit of the quotient. Here 1
+ 2 = 3 is the second digit of the quotient.
• Multiply the second digit of the quotient by the
complement and write it next to the second digit of the
quotient. Place 3 x 1 = 3 in the remainder column.
• Write the sum of the two digits of the remainder column.
Since the remainder 6 is less than the divisor, we have
completed the division.
• Hence, Quotient = 2 3; Remainder = 6

Division 107
Example 3: Divide 10025 by 88

Solution: Base = 100

Complement = 100 – 8 8 = 1 2

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

Divisor 8 8 1 0 0 2 5
Complement = 1 2 1 2 – –
2 –
3 6

1 1 3 8 1

Quotient = 113
Remainder = 81

1. Here Divisor = 88
Nearest base in power of 10 = 100
Complement = Base – Divisor
= 100–88 = 12
2. Arrange the digits in the columns as shown above,
separating quotient and remainder. Since there are two
zeros in the base, the remainder column will have the
two right-most digits of the dividend.
3. Carry down 1 of column 2 (the first digit of the dividend).
This is the first digit of the quotient.
4. Multiply the first digit of the quotient with the complement
and place it in the dividend column, next to the first digit
of the dividend. 12 X 1 = 12 is placed below 0.

108  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)
8 8 1 0 0 2 5
C = 1 2 1 2 – –

1 1
5. Carry down the sum of the circled digits; this will give
you the second digit of the quotient. The second digit
of quotient is 0 + 1 = 1
6. Multiply the second digit of the quotient with the
complement and place it in the dividend column, next
to the second digit of the dividend. 12 x 1 = 12 is
placed below the second zero.

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

8 8 1 0 0 2 5
C 1 2 1 2 – –
1 2
1 1 3
7. Carry down the sum of the second circled digits; this will
give you the third digit of the quotient. The third digit
of the quotient is 0 + 2 + 1 = 3
8. Multiply the complement 12 with the third quotient (3)
and write it below the fourth digit of the remainder. 12
x 3 = 36 is placed below 2 in the column 3.

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

8 8 1 0 0 2 5
C = 1 2 1 2 – –
1 2 –
3 6
1 1 3

Division 109
9. Sum up the digits of Column 3 to get the remainder. The
above process repeats until the digit thus obtained in the
remainder column is less than the original divisor. Here
the sum of the digits of Column 3 = 81 and 81< 88
(Divisor), hence Quotient = 113 and Remainder = 81

Example 4: Divide 1121134 by 8988


Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

Divisor 8 9 8 8 1 1 2 1 1 3 4
Complement = 1 0 1 2 – – – –

1. Here Divisor = 8988
Nearest base in power of 10 = 10000
Complement = Base – Divisor
= 10000 – 8988 = 1012
2. Arrange the digits in the columns as shown above,
separating quotient and remainder. Since there are four
zeros in the base, the remainder column will contain 4
3. Carry 1 of column 2 (the first digit of the dividend) down.
This is the first digit of the quotient.
4. Multiply the first digit of the quotient with the complement
and place it in the dividend column, next to the first digit
of the dividend. 1012 x 1 = 1012 is placed below 1.

110  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)
Divisor 8 9 8 8 1 1 2 1 1 3 4
Complement = 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2

1 2

5. Add the second digit of column 2; this will give you

the second digit of the quotient. The second digit of the
quotient is 1 + 1 = 2
6. Multiply the second digit of the quotient with the
complement and place it in the dividend column, next
to the second digit of the dividend. 1012 x 2 = 2024
is placed below the second zero.

Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

Divisor 8 9 8 8 1 1 2 1 1 3 4
Complement = 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2
2 0 2 4

1 2 4

7. Carry down the sum of the third digit to the quotient

column; this will give you the third digit of the quotient.
The third digit of the quotient is 2 + 0 + 2 = 4
8. Multiply the complement 1012 with the third quotient (4)
and write it below 0 in the remainder column as shown
below. 1012 x 4 = 4048.

Division 111
Column 1 Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)
Divisor 8 9 8 8 1 1 2 1 1 3 4
Complement = 1 0 1 2 1 0 1 2
2 0 2 4
4 0 4 8

1 2 4 6 6 2 2

9. Add the digits of Column 3 to get the remainder. The

sum here is 6622, which is less than the divisor, hence
the division process is complete.
10. Quotient = 124 and Remainder = 6622

Case 2: When the remainder is more than the divisor.

Example 5: Divide 10312 by 87?

Solution: Base = 100

Complement = 100 – 8 7 = 13
Number of digits to be placed in remainder column = 2
Follow the same method of calculation until you get the
Remainder > Dividend

Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)

8 7 1 0 3 1 2
C= 1 3 1 3 – – (13 X 1 = 13)
1 3 (13 x 1 = 13)
9 1 (13 x 7 = 91)
1 1 7 13 3

Since the remainder 133 > 87, add the complement 13 in the
remainder column.

112  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)
8 7 1 0 3 1 2
C= 1 3 1 3 – – (13 X 1 = 13)
1 3 (13 x 1 = 13)
9 1 (13 x 7 = 91)
1 1 7 1 33
+ 13
1 1 7 1 46

1 1 8 46

Since the base is 100, the number in the remainder column should
be less than 100; therefore the left-most 1 of the remainder
column will be transferred to the quotient column. Thus Quotient
= 117 and Remainder = 46.

The importance of zero in the complement of divisor

While taking the complement from the base, we need to be very

careful. If the base is 100, the complement should have two
digits and if the base is taken as 1000, the complement will
have three digits. Suppose the divisor is 9, then its complement
from the base will be written as 1. For 99 and 999 as divisor,
the complement from their respective bases 100 and 1000, will
be written as 01 and 001. Let us take an example to understand
the modus operandi.

Example 6: Divide 11199171 by 99979

Solution: Base = 100000

Complement = 00021
Number of digits to be placed in Remainder column = 5

Division 113
Column 2 (Q) Column 3 (R)
99979 1 1 1 99171
00021 0 0 0 2 1 – –
0 0 0 2 1 –
0 0 0 2 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 5 0 2
+ 0 0 0 2 1
1 1 1 1 0 1 5 2 3

Hence, Quotient = 112

Remainder = 0 1 5 2 3

Paravartya Yojyet (ijkorZ;kst;sr)

The literal meaning of this sutra is Transpose and Apply. There

is a very small difference between the Nikhilam and Paravartya
Yojyet methods. This sutra works effectively when the first digit
of the divisor is 1. First, find the complement from the base as
done in Nikhilam. This complement will be revised by Paravartya
sutra by writing each digit of the complement with a changed
sign separately. For example, if the divisor is 87, the nearest
base = 100 and complement = 100 – 87 = 13 and revised
complement = – 1 – 3. This revised complement will now be
the basis of division.

Example 7: Divide 1358 by 113

Solution: Base = 100

Complement = 113 – 100 = 13
Complement with changed sign for each digit = – 1 – 3

114  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Column 1 Column 2(Q) Column 3(R)
1 1 3 1 3 5 8
Complement = 1 3 –1 –3 –
Revised Complement= –1 –3 –2 –6
1 2 0 2

1. Base =100
Complement = 113 – 100 = 13
Writing each digits of complement with the changed sign
= – 1– 3.
Since the number of zeros in the base is 2, the number
of digits in the remainder column is 2.
2. Carry 1 (the fist digit of Column 2) down; this will give
you the first digit of the quotient.

Column 1 Column 2(Q) Column 3(R)

1 1 3 1 3 5 8
Complement = 1 3
Revised Complement= –1 –3

3. Multiply the first digit of the quotient with the revised

complement and write it next to the first digit of the
–1 – 3 x 1 = – 1 – 3
Now, add each digit of Column 2 and Column 3 to get
the Quotient and Remainder. Here, the sum of the digits
of the second column is 3 – 1 = 2. Now multiply the
revised complement with the second digit of the quotient
and write it next to the second digit of the quotient.
–1 – 3 x 2 = – 2 – 6
Add the digits of column 3 to get the remainder.

Division 115
Column 1 Column 2(Q) Column 3(R)
1 1 3 1 3 5 8
Complement = 1 3 –1 –3
Revised Complement= –1 –3 + –2 –6
1 2 0 2

Example 8: Divide 239479 by 11213

Solution: Base = 10000

Complement = 11213 – 10000 = 1213
Complement with changed sign for each digit = – 1 – 2 – 1 – 3
Since the base has 4 zeros, arrange the digits in the quotient
and remainder columns accordingly.

Column 1 Column Column

2 (Q) 3 (R)
Divisor 1 1 2 1 3 2 3 9 4 7 9
Complement = 1 2 1 3 –2 –4 –2 –6 –0 (Revised
complement x 2)
Revised –1 –2 –1 –3 (Revised
Complement= –1 –2 –1 –3 complement x 1)
2 1 4 0 0 6

Quatient = 21
Remainder = 4 0 0 6

Urdhva – Tiryagbhyam (m/oZ fr;ZxH;ke~)

The division method studied so far has limited application and

is useful when the divisor is near the base. The division method
we are going to study now is a mix of the Vedic sutra, Urdhva
Tiryagbhyam and sub-sutra, Dhwajanka. This is also known as
straight division because we get the answer as a quotient and

116  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

remainder in one line. Thus we save time and space. In straight
division; divisor is bifurcated as operator and Dhwajank so that
we go on dividing not by the whole divisor, but by the small
operator and go on modifying the sub dividend portions using
the dhwajank and quotient by the Urdhva Tiryak sutra.


• Irrespective of the number of digits in the divisor, our

divisor is of one digit or two digits, depending upon the
situation. The remaining digits of the divisor are placed
at the top of that number. For example – If we are to
divide x y z p q r by a b c, then we shall write
abc x y z p q r
Quotient / Remainder
Here our new divisor is a and bc is called the flag
(Dhwajank) digit.
• The number of digits on the right side of the slash will
depend on the number of flag digits on the top.
• Divide the first digit of the dividend by the divisor
and write the quotient in the quotient column and the
remainder is placed before the next dividend digit to give
gross dividend.
• Subtract the product of the flagged digit and the first
quotient digit from the gross dividend to get the net
• Now this net dividend is to be divided by the divisor.
The net dividend should always be positive. In case you
obtain a negative net dividend, make an adjustment by
reducing the quotient and recalculating the remainder
• The process of getting gross dividend and net dividend
is to be repeated till you reach the desired result.
• The main problematic area in this straight division is
subtraction from the gross dividend the product of the

Division 117
quotient and flagged digits. The steps written here will
help you in this regard.
• When there is a single flagged digit, we subtract the
product of the last quotient digit and the flagged digit
at each step.
• When there are two flag digits, in the first step product
of the first flagged digit and the first quotient digit is
subtracted and from the second step onwards, the cross
product of the two flagged digits and the last two quotient
digits is subtracted.
• When there are three flagged digits: – first subtract the
product of the first flagged digit and the first quotient
digit. In the second stage, the cross product of the first
two flagged digits and first two quotient digits will be
subtracted from the gross dividend. In the third stage,
the cross product of the three flagged digits and the
three quotients will be subtracted. After the third stage,
the subtraction of the cross product of the three flagged
digits and the three quotients will be continued.
• Let us take some examples to understand the modus
operandi more clearly.

Example 9: Divide 1764 by 42


Step 1: Take 4 as the main divisor and 2 as the flag digit. Arrange
the divisor, flag digit, quotient and digit for remainder, if any,
according to the rule explained above. Since we have taken only
one digit as the flagged digit, the unit digit will be put in the
remainder column.

42 1 7 6 4
Quotient Remainder

118  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 2: Divide 17 by 4
First digit of quotient = 4
Remainder = 1
Put the quotient 4 in quotient column and the remainder
1 will be place before 6 in the dividend column.
42 1 7 1
6 4
Gross Dividend = 16
Net Dividend = Gross Dividend – First digit of quotient
x Flag digit
=16 – 2 x 4 = 8

Step 3: Divide 8 by 2
Quotient = 2
Remainder = 0
42 1 7 1
6 0

Now our calculation has moved in remainder part. Here

Gross Dividend = 4
Net Dividend = 4 – 2 x 2 = 0
Since, we are in the remainder part of division, our
division process is completed.

Hence 1764 ÷ 42, Q = 42 R = 0

Example 10: Divide 387 by 32


Step 1: Here, we have a double-digit divisor, so 3 is taken

as the main divisor for the whole operation and 2 is the flag
digit (Dhwajank). Since the flag digit is a single digit, so is the
remainder. Hence the remainder digit is 1

32 3 8 7

Division 119
Step 2: Divide 3 by 3. Quotient = 1 and Remainder = 0
Put the quotient in thequotient column and remainder 0
before 8 in the dividend column.
32 3 0
8 7
Gross Dividend = 08
Net Dividend = 08 – first digit of quotient x flag digit
= 08 – 1 x 2 = 6

Step 3: Divide 6 by 3
Quotient = 2 and Remainder = 0.
0 is now placed before 7 in the dividend column, making
it 07, the next dividend.
32 3 0
8 0
1 2
Gross Dividend = 07
Net Dividend = 07 – second digit of quotient x flag digit
= 07 – 2 x 2 = 3
Since,our calculation has moved inare in remainder side,
we do not do the division.
32 3 0
8 0
1 2 3
Hence, 387 ÷32, Quotient = 12, Remainder = 3

Example 11: Divide 38982 by 73


The first step in the Dhvajanka method is to make the column

as shown below.

Step 1: Out of the divisor 73, we put down only the first digit
i.e. 7 in the divisor- column and put the other digit i.e. 3 on
the top of the flag.

120  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here main divisor =7
Dhvajanka =3 (one digit)

73 3 8 9 8 2

Hence, a line is drawn vertically from the right, leaving one digit
at the end in the remainder column as shown above. Now the
entire division is to be carried out by 7.

Step 2: As the first digit from the left of dividend (3) is less than
7, we take 38 as our first dividend. Divide 38 by 7
Q1=5 R1=3
Q1 = The first quotient
R1 = The first remainder.
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the remainder
3 below the digit 9.

73 3 8 3
9 8 2

Step 3:
New gross dividend = 39
Subtract the product of dhvajanka 3 and the first quotient
(5) i.e. 3 x 5 =15 from 39.
Net divided = 39 – 3 x 5 = 24
Divide 24 by 7
Q2=3 R2=3
Q2 = The second quotient
R2 = The second Remainder
Prefix the remainder 3 below 8 above the horizontal line

73 3 8 3
9 3
8 2
Step 4:
New gross dividend =38
Net Dividend = Gross Dividend – product of 2nd quotient
and dhvajanka
= 38 – 3 x 3 =29

Division 121
Net dividend =29
Divide it by 7
Q3 =4 R3 =1
Q3 = The third digit of quotient
R3 = The third digit of remainder
Place 4and 1 as discussed above.
73 3 8 3
9 3
8 1
5 3 4
Step 5:
New Gross dividend =12
73 3 8 3
9 3
8 1
5 3 4 0
Net Dividend = Gross Dividend - product of dhvajanka
and third quotient
= 12 – 3 x 4 =0
Since, we are in remainder part so we stop division
Hence, Quotient = 534 and Remainder =0
Example 12: Divide 72 38 761 by 524?
Solution: If we take two digits as dhvajanka, then the remainder
column will certainly have two digits. See the arrangement below.

524 7 2 3 8 7 6 1

Step 1: Divide 7 by 5
Q1 = 1 and R1 = 2

524 7 2
2 3 8 7 6 1
Step 2: Gross dividend = 22
Net dividend = Gross Dividend – Product of the first quotient
and the first flag digit
= 22 –1 x 2 = 20

122  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 3: Divide 20 by 5

Q2 = 4 and R2 = 0
Since R2 = 0, we have to take the quotient below 4 i.e. New
quotient = 4 – 1 =3. This is because we cannot consider the
remainder zero in the middle of the division. The same process
will be applicable in case the net divisor in the middle is either
zero or negative.
Hence, Revised Quotient ( Q2 ) = 3 and R2 = 5

524 7 2
2 5
3 8 7 6 1
1 3

Step 4: Gross dividend =53

Net dividend = 53 – (sum of cross product of two flag digits
and two quotients)
= 53 – (2 x 3+ 1 x 4) 2 4
= 43
Divide 43 by 5 1 3
Q3 = 8 and R3 = 3

524 7 2
2 5
3 3
8 7 6 1
1 3 8

Step 5: Gross dividend =38

Net dividend = 38 – (sum of cross product of 38 and 24)
= 38 – (3 x 4 + 2 x 8)
2 8
= 38–28 = 10
Divide 10 by 5 1 4
Q4 = 2 and R4 = 0
Since R4 = 0 so we have to take Q4 = 1(discussed above)
For Q4 = 1 and R4 = 5

524 7 2
2 5
3 3
8 5
7 6 1
1 3 8 1

Division 123
Step 6: Gross dividend =57
Net dividend = 57 – (sum of cross product of 24 and 81)
= 57 – (2 x 1 + 4 x 8)
= 57–34 2 4
= 23
Divide 23 by 5 8 1
Q5 = 4 and R5 = 3
Remainder = 361 – (sum of cross product of 24 and 14) x 10
– (last flag digit x last quotient)
= 361 – (8 +4) x 10 – (4 x 4) 2 4
= 361–120-16= 225
1 4
524 7 22 53 38 57 36 1
1 3 8 1 4 225

Hence Quotient = 13814 and R = 225

Example 13: Divide 9862145 by 20132

Solution: Arrange the dividend, divisor and remainder digit as

discussed in the above examples.

20132 9 8 6 2 1 4 5

Step 1: For convenience, we have taken the dividend of two digits

and flag digit of three digits.
Divide 98 by 20
Q = 4 , R = 18
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the
remainder 18 below the digit 6.
20132 9 8 18
6 2 1 4 5
Gross Dividend = 186
Net Dividend = 186 – 1 x 4
= 182

124  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Step 2: Divide 182 by 20
Q = 8 , R = 22
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the remainder
22 below the digit 2.
20132 9 8 6 2 1 4 5 1 3
18 22
4 8
4 8
Gross Dividend = 222
Net Dividend = 222 – Cross product of 13 and 48
= 202

Step 3: Divide 202 by 20

Q = 9 , R = 22
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the remainder
22 below the digit 1 in the remainder column.
20132 9 8 18
6 22
2 1 4 5 1 3 2
4 8 9
Gross Dividend = 221 4 8 9
Net Dividend = 221 – Cross product of 132 and 489
= 221 – 41 1 3 2

Step 4: Divide 180 by 20

Q = 8 , R = 20
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the
remainder 20 below the digit 4 in the remainder column.
20132 9 8 18
6 22
2 22
1 20
4 5
1 3 2
4 8 9 8
Gross Dividend = 204 8 9 8
Net Dividend = 204 – Cross product of 132 and 898
= 204 – 51 8 9 8
= 153

Step 5: Divide 153 by 20

Q = 7 , R = 13
Put the quotient below the horizontal line and prefix the remainder
13 below the digit 5 in the remainder column.

Division 125
20132 9 8 18
6 22
2 22
1 20
4 13
4 8 9 8 7

Since, we are left with two digits in the remainder column,we

can stop working.
Hence, 9862145 ÷ 20132 = 489.87

Example 14: Divide 5362968527 by 9213649875

Solution: At first look,this sum seems horrible as the number

of digits in the divisor is 10. The conventional method will take
much of your time in the hit and trial method of multiplication,
but the Vedic method of division makes this sum child’s play.
For convenience, we will take the actual divisor of one digit and
the dhwajank of the rest of the 9 digits. As discussed earlier,
the number of digits with the flag decides the number of digits
to be kept in the remainder.

9213649875 5 3 6 2 9 6 8 5 2 7

Step 1: Here, 5 < 9, so we put a decimal at the beginning.

Now divide 53 by 9
Q = 5, R = 8
Gross Dividend = 86
Net Dividend = 86 – first flagged digit x quotient
= 86 – 5 x 2

9213649875 5 3 8
6 2 9 6 8 5 2 7

Step 2: Divide 76 by 9 2 1
Q = 8 , R = 4
5 8
Gross Dividend = 42
Net Dividend = 42 – cross product of 21 and 58

126  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

= 42 – 21
= 21
9213649875 5 3 8
6 4
2 9 6 8 5 2 7
0.5 8

Step 3: Divide 21 by 9 2 1 3
Q = 2, R = 3
5 8 2
Gross Dividend = 39
Net Dividend = 39 – cross product of 213 and 582
= 39 – 27
= 12
9213649875 5 3 8
6 4
2 3
9 6 8 5 2 7
0.5 8 2

Step 4: Divide 12 by 9
Q = 1, R = 3
9213649875 5 3 8
6 4
2 3
9 3
6 8 5 2 7
0.5 8 2 1

Since we have reached upto 4 decimal places, there is no need

to move any further.

Division 127


Squaring a number means multiplication of the number by itself.
Mathematically, a x a = a2. Here is the geometrical representation
of first five square numbers.

1 2 x 2 3 x 3 4 x 4 5 x 5

The school curriculum follows only two methods for finding the
square of a number.
• By multiplying the number by itself through long
multiplication process.
Example: (12)2 = 12 x 12 = 144
• By Algebraic Expansion:
Here, we generally use either of the two formulae—
i) (a+b)2 = a2 + 2ab + b2
ii) (a− b)2 = a2 − 2ab + b2

Example (a): (13)2 = (10 + 3)2

= 102 + 2 x 10 x 3 + 32
= 100 + 60 + 9 = 169
Example (b): (96)2 = (100 − 4)2
= 1002 − 2 x 100 x 4 + 42
= 10000 − 800 + 16
= 9216
But in Vedic mathematics, there are around 5 methods to find
the square of a number. Moreover, the Vedic method is 10 times
faster than the traditional method. Some of these methods have
limited application but there is a special method called the Duplex
method which is said to be the gem of all methods.

Vedic Method


,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k (EKADHIKENA PURVENA)

;konwue rkonwuhd`R; oxsZa.k ;kst;sr~


}a} ;ksx (DWANDA YOGA)


Meaning of Vedic Sutra

1. Ekadhikena Purvena (,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k): This Vedic method of finding

a square has limited application and is valid only when the unit
digit of any number is 5. The answer comes into two parts. The
RHS part of the answer is the square of 5 and LHS part of the
answer is the product of the remaining digit and its Ekadhikena.
In case the number before 5 is bigger, the multiplication of the
number and its Ekadhikena can be carried out by the long method
of multiplication.

Square 129
2. Yavadunam Tavaduni kritya vargena yojayet (;konwue rkonwuh d`R;
oxsZ.k ;kst;sr): This Vedic sub-sutra is used for squaring numbers
which are closer to the base (10n). With a little practice, though,
you can extend it to numbers which are farther from the base using
the sub-base provided the sub-base is a multiple of 10n.
This Vedic-sutra simply says –
(a) Find the extent or deficiency of a number to be squared
with respect to its base. This extent or deficiency is termed
here as the deviation.
(b) Set up the square of the deviation at the end.
3. Dwanda-Yoga or Duplex Mehod (}a} ;ksx): The two Vedic methods
discussed above have limited application. So the question is – what
will you do if the number that is to be squared does not satisfy
either of the above condition?
The Duplex combination is applicable in all the cases. The term
Dwanda-Yoga is used in two different senses– The first one
is by squaring and the second one is by cross multiplication.
i) In the case of a single central digit a, the duplex is its
square. i.e. a2
ii) In the case of an even number of digits (say a and b)
equidistant from the two ends, the duplex is taken as
double the cross product of a and b (i.e.2ab)
4. Urdhva–Tiryak (m/oZ fr;Zd): Squaring a number means multiplying
a number twice by itself. This method of squaring is nothing new
but it is the same as that of the multiplication of two numbers in the
Cross and Dot method discussed in the chapter on Multiplication. It
is therefore expected from readers to do the squaring of any number
by Urdhva-Tiryak Method, which is nothing but the multiplication
of a single number twice.

Ekadhikena Purvena (,dkf/kdsu iwosZ.k)

As discussed above, this Vedic sutra is applicable when the number
to be squared has 5 as its unit digit. Mathematically,
(A 5)2 = A x (A+1) / 52

130  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Here, the Ekadhikena of A is A+1. Let us understand the modus
operandi of this method as discussed above, with the help of
some examples.

Example 1: Find the square of 85

Solution: At the beginning, I said that the answer is split into

two parts.

RHS = Square of 5 = 25
LHS = Remaining digit x Next digit
= 8 x 9 = 72
Hence, (85)2 = 7225

Example 2: Find the square of 55


RHS = Square of 5 = 25
LHS = Remaining digit x Next digit
= 5 x 6 = 30
Hence, (55) = 3025

Example 3: Find the square of 125


RHS = Square of 5 = 25
LHS = Remaining digit x Next digit
= 12 x13 = 156
Multiplication of 12 x 13 can be done by the Nikhilam method.
12 + 2
13 + 3
15 / 6
Moreover, multiplication in such a case can be done by the Urdhva-
Tiryak method.
1 2
x 1 3

Square 131
1 x 1 / 1 x 3 + 1 x 2 / 2 x 3
= 1 5 6
Hence, (125)2 = 15625

Example 4: Find the square of 165


RHS = Square of 5 = 25
LHS = Remaining digit x Next digit
= 16 x17 = 156
Multiplication of 12 x 13 can be done by the Nikhilam method.
16 + 6
17 + 7
23 / 42

= 272

Moreover, multiplication in such case can be done by the Urdhva-

Tiryak method.
1 6
x 1 7
1 x 1 / 1 x 6 + 1 x 7 / 6 x 7
= 1 / 13 / 42

= 2 7 2

Hence, (165)2 = 27225

Example 5: Find the square of 245


RHS = Square of 5 = 25
LHS = Remaining digit x Next digit
= 24 x 25 = 600
(See special method of multiplication by 25 in Multiplication
through Observation.)
Hence, (245)2 = 60025

132  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Yavadunam Tavaduni kritya vargena yojayet
(;konwue rkonwuh d`R; oxsZ.k ;kst;sr)

This sutra works better when the number to be squared is near

the base 10, 100, 1000 ... or is the multiple of the base i.e.
20, 30, 40, --- 200, 300, 400--- etc. Let us divide the squaring
concept through this Vedic sub-sutra in two parts.

Case 1: When the number is near the base 10, 100, 1000...... 10n

The answer is arrived at in two parts.

LHS = Number + Deviation
(Deviation may be positive or negative, depending on the
RHS = Square of deviation
The RHS will contain the same number of digits as the number
of zeros in the base. The excess digit if any will be carried over
to LHS and the deficit digit, if any, will be filled up by putting
the zeros to the left of the RHS.

Example 6: Find the square of 13

Solution: Number 13 is closer to base 10.

Deviation = 13 – 10 = 3.
(13)2 = 13 + 3 / 32
= 169

Example 7: Find the square of 16

Solution: Number 16 is closer to base 10.

Deviation = 16 – 10 = 6.
(16)2 = 16 + 6 / 62
= 22 / 36

= 256

Since Base = 10, the RHS will contain single digit.

Square 133
Example 8: Find the square of 91?

Solution: Number 91 is closer to base 100.

Deviation = 91 – 100 = −9
(91)2 = 91 – 9 / (−9)2
= 82/ 81

Example 9: Find the square of 97

Solution: Number 97 is closer to base 100.

Deviation = 97 – 100 = −3
(97)2 = 97 – 3 / (−3)2
= 94/ 9
Since the Base =100, the RHS should have 2 digits, so one
additional zero will be placed before 9.
(97)2 = 9409

Case 2: When the base is not in the form of 10n, but the
multiple of 10.

If the number to be squared is near the base 20, 30, 40, ---- or
200, 300, 400, ---- or 2000, 3000, 4000, --- the Yavadunam
Tavduni sub-sutra will work with a slight change.
The answer will be arrived at in two parts.
The RHS part of the answer will be the square of the deviation
from the base. The LHS part of the answer should be written
with utmost care. LHS = (Number to be squared + Deviation)
x sub-base.

Example 10: Find the square of 32

Solution: Number 32 is closer to base 30.

Deviation = 32 – 30 = 2
30 = 3 x 10
Sub-base = 3
Actual base =10

134  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

(32)2 = (32 +2) x 3 / (2)2
= 102/ 4
= 1024
Example 11: Find the square of 47
Solution: Number 47 is closer to base 50.
Deviation = 47 – 50 = −3
50 = 5 x 10
Sub-base = 5
Actual base =10
(47)2 = (47−3) x 5 / (−3)2
= 220/ 9
= 2209
Example 12: Find the square of 204
Solution: 204 is closer to base 200.
Deviation = 204 – 200 = 4
200 = 2 x 100
Sub-base = 2
Actual base =100
(204) = (204 +4) x 2 / (4)2

= 416/ 16
= 41616

Example 13: Find the square of 482

Solution: 482 is closer to base 500.

Deviation = 482 – 500 = −18

500 = 5 x 100
Sub-base = 5
Actual base =100
(482) = (482 −18) x 5 / (−18)2

= 5 x 464/ 324
= 232 0/3 24
= 232324

Square 135
Let us take the base 500 and find the square of 482 in another
500 = 1000/2
Hence, Base = 1000 and sub-base = ½
Deviation = 482 −500 = −18
(482)2 = (482 −18) x ½ / (−18)2
= 232 / 324
= 232324

Example 14: Find the square of 709

Solution: 709 is closer to base 700.

Deviation = 709 – 700 = 9

700 = 7 x 100
Sub-base = 7
Actual base =100
(709) = (709 + 9) x 7 / (9)2

= 7 x 718/ 81
= 502681

Example 15: Find the square of 8989

Solution: 8989 is closer to base 9000.

Deviation = 8989 – 9000 = −11

9000 = 9 x 1000
Sub-base = 9
Actual base =1000
(8989) = (8989 −11) x 9 / (−11)2

= 9 x 8978/ 121
= 80802 /121
= 80802121

Duplex or Dwanda yoga (}a} ;ksx)

The Dwandwa-Yoga or Duplex method of squaring is one of the
best squaring methods in Vedic Mathematics. By using this sutra,

136  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

we can find the square of any number, of any length, with comfort
and ease in one line. After a little practice, you can find the
square of any number mentally. This is unique in the sense
that it has universal application. Let us denote the duplex of a
number by D.

• Duplex of 1 digit number = Square of that number

D(a) = a2
Duplex of 2 = 22 = 4 Duplex of 6 = 62 = 36

• Duplex of 2 digit number = 2 X ( Product of digits)

D(ab) = 2ab
Duplex of 24 = 2 x ( 2 x 4) = 16
Duplex of 76 = 2 x ( 7 x 6) = 84

• Duplex of 3 digit number = 2 x ( 1st digit x 3rd digit)

+ (square of middle digit)
D(abc) = 2ac + b2
Duplex of 126 = 2 x (1 x 6 ) + 22 = 16
Duplex of 478 = 2 x (4 x 8 ) + 72 = 113

• Duplex of 4 digit number = 2 x ( 1st digit x 4th digit)

+ 2 x ( 2nd digit x 3rd digit ).
D(abcd) = 2ad + 2bc
Duplex of 2468 = 2 x ( 2 x 8 ) + 2 x ( 4 x 6 ) = 80
Duplex of 4567 = 2 x ( 4 x 7 ) + 2 x ( 5 x 6 ) = 116

• Duplex of 5 digit number = 2 x (1st digit x 5th digit)

+ 2 x ( 2nd digit x 4th digit) + (middle digit)2
D(abcde) = 2ae +2bd + c2
Duplex of 16289 = 2 x (1 x 9) + 2 x (6 x 8) + 22 =
Duplex of 50406 = 2 x (5 x 6) + 2x (0 x 0) + 42 = 76

• Duplex of 6 digit number = 2 x (1st digit x 6th digit)

+ 2 x (2nd digit x 5th digit) +2 x (3rd digit x 4th digit)
D(abcdef) = 2af +2be +2cd

Square 137
Duplex of 320416 = 2 x (3 x 6 ) + 2 x (2 x 1) + 2 x
(0 x 4) = 40
Duplex of 125673 = 2 x (1 x 3 ) + 2 x (2 x 7) + 2 x
(5 x 6) = 94

• Duplex of 7 digit number = 2 x (1st x 7th digit) + 2 x

(2nd x 6th digit) + 2 x (3rd x 5th digit) + (4th digit)2

D (abcdefg) = 2ag +2bf + 2ce + d2
Duplex of 2356214 = 2 x (2 x 4) + 2 x (3 x 1) + 2 x
(5 x 2) + 62 =78
Duplex of 1025962 = 2 x (1 x 2) + 2 x (0 x 6) + 2 x
(2 x 9) + 52 =65

Once you learn to find the duplex of a number, you need to

write the number in groups. The following pattern will help you
in grouping the numbers.

( 11) 2 = 1 2 1
( 1 1 1 ) 2= 1 2 3 2 1
(1 1 1 1 )2 = 1 2 3 4 3 2 1
(1 1 1 1 1 )2 = 1 2 3 4 5 4 3 2 1
( 1 1 1 1 1 1)2 = 1 2 3 4 5 6 5 4 3 2 1
(1 1 1 1 1 1 1)2 = 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 5 4 3 2 1

Grouping of a number

The grouping of (24)2 will follow the pattern of 1 2 1 of (11)2

The groups for 24 are–

4 4 4
D(2) D(24) D(4)

1 digit 2 digit 1 digit

The grouping of (245)2 will follow the pattern of 1 2 3 2 1 of (111)2.

The groups of numbers for 245 are-

4 4 4
D(2) D(24) D(245) 4 4
D(45) D(5)
1 digit 2 digit 3 digit 2 digit 1 digit

138  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

The grouping of (2456)2 will follow the pattern of 1 2 34 3 2 1 of

The groups of numbers for 2456 are–

4 4 4 4 4 4 4
D(2) D(24) D(245)
D(456) D(56) D(6)
1 digit 2 digit 3 digit 4 digit 3 digit 2 digit 1 digit

Summary of the Duplex Method

1 D(a) = a2
2 D(ab) = 2ab
3 D(abc) = 2ac + b2
4 D(abcd) = 2ad +2bc
5 D(abcde) = 2ae + 2bd + c2
6 D(abcdef) = 2af + 2be +2cd
7 D(abcdefg) = 2ag +2bf + 2ce + d2

How does the Duplex Method work?

• Form the groups of numbers to be squared as shown

• Write the duplex of each group
• Once the duplex value for each group is written, add the
figures from right to left, keeping only one digit in each

Example 16: Find the square of 32

Solution: The groups for 32 are

4 4 4
D(32) D(2)

= 3 | 2 x 3 x 2 | 22
= 9 | 1 2 | 4
= 1024

Square 139
Example 17: Find the square of 49

Solution: The groups for 49 are

4 4 4
D(4) D(49) D(9)

= 42 | 2 x 4 x 9 | 92

= 16 | 7 2 | 8 1
  + +

= 16 / 80 / 1
= 2401

Example 18: Find the square of 465

Solution: The groups of numbers for 465 are–

4 4
D(46) 4
4 4
D(65) D(5)
= 4 2 x 4 x 6 2 x 4 x 5 + 6 2 x 6 x 5 52
= 16 | 4 8 | 7 6 | 6 0 | 2 5
  +  +  +  +
= 20 / 1 5/1 2/2/5
= 216225

Example 19: Find the square of 687

Solution: The groups of numbers for 687 are–

D(6) / D(68) / D(687) / D(87) / D(7)

= 62 / 2 x 6 x 8 / 2 x 6 x 7 + 82 / 2 x 8 x 7 / 72
= 36 / 96 / 148 /112 / 49
= 45/20/19/6/9
= 471969

Example 20: Find the square of 8254

Solution: The groups of numbers for 8254 are

8, 82, 825, 8254, 254, 54 and 4.

Duplex of 8 = 82 = 64
Duplex of 82 = 2 x 8 x 2 = 32

140  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Duplex of 825 = 2 x 8 x 5 + 22 = 84
Duplex of 8254 = 2 x 8 x 4 + 2 x 2 x 5 = 84
Duplex of 254 = 2 x 2 x 4 + 32 = 41
Duplex of 54 = 2 x 5 x 4 = 40
Duplex of 4 = 42 = 16
Arrange the value of duplex as follows–
64 | 32 | 84 | 84 | 41 | 40 | 16
= 6 8 1 2 8 5 1 6

Hence (8254)2 = 68128516

Example 21: Find the square of 4856

Solution: The groups for 4856 are:

4, 48, 485, 4856, 856, 56, and 6

Duplex of 4 = 42 = 16
Duplex of 48 = 2 x 4 x 8 = 64
Duplex of 485 = 2 x 5 x 4 + 82 =104
Duplex of 4856 = 2 x 4 x 6 + 2 x 8 x 5 =128
Duplex of 856 = 2 x 8 x 6 + 52 =121
Duplex of 56 = 2 x 5 x 6 = 60
Duplex of 6 = 62 = 36

Arrange the duplex of each number in digit separator.

= 16 / 64 / 104 / 128 /121 / 60 / 36
= 23580736

Example 22: Find the square of 45612

Solution: The groups for 45612 are:

4, 45, 456, 4561 , 45612, 5612, 612, 12 and 2

Duplex of 4 = 42 = 16
Duplex of 45 = 2 x 4 x 5 = 40
Duplex of 456 = 2 x 4 x 6 + 52 =73
Duplex of 4561 = 2 x 4 x 1 + 2 x 5 x 6 = 68
Duplex of 45612 = 2 x 4 x 2 + 2 x 5 x 1 + 62 =62

Square 141
Duplex of 5612 = 2x 5 x 2 + 2 x 6 x 1 = 32
Duplex of 612 = 2 x 6 x 2 + 12 = 25
Duplex of 12 = 2 x 1 x 2 = 4
Duplex of 2 = 22 = 4

Arrange the duplex of each number in digit separator.

= 16 / 40 / 73 / 68 / 62 / 32 / 25 / 4 / 4
= 2080454544

Proceeding in the same fashion, readers can find the square of

any number of their choice by using the Duplex Method. All
the methods discussed above have their own beauty and it is
now the readers who have to decide which method is the best
according to a particular situation. The squaring of a number by
the Urdhva-Tiryak sutra is the simple multiplication of a number
twice; therefore it is left upto the readers to decide which method
they want to adopt.

142  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics


Square Root


In mathematics, a square root of a number x is a number r

such that r2 = x, or, in other words, a number r whose square
(the result of multiplying the number by itself, or r × r) is x.
For example, 4 is a square root of 16 because 42 = 16.
Mathematically, if x2 = y then x = y1/2 = ± √y
If you square 2, you get 4, and if you “take the square root
of 4”, you get 2; if you square 3, you get 9, and if you “take
the square root of 9”, you get 3.

22 = 4, so √ 4 = 2

32 = 9, so √ 9 = 3

Generally, extracting the square root of a number is considered

a tedious job. We do have two sets of methods taught in our
present day classroom:
a) Factor Method
b) Long Division Method.
Both the methods are lengthy and time consuming. The Vedic
sutra helps us to find the square root of an exact square, merely
by observation. Before we move to the Vedic Methodology to find
the square root of a number, let us understand the following
fundamental rule.
• A perfect square ends in 0, 1, 4, 5, 6 and 9
• A number is not a perfect square if it ends with 2, 3,7
or 8
• If the given number has n digits then its square root
will have n/2 digits if n is even else (n + 1)/ 2 digits if
n is odd
Let us study the following square root table

Table 1

N N2 Last digit of N2 Digit sum of square

1 1 1 1
2 4 4 4
3 9 9 9
4 16 6 7
5 25 5 7
6 36 6 9
7 49 9 4
8 64 4 1
9 81 1 9
10 100 0 1

From the above table we conclude that –

1. A Complete square ending in 1 must have either 1 or 9
as the last digit of the square root.
2. A square ending in 4 must have 2 or 8 as the last digit
of the square root.
3. A square ending in 6 must have 4 or 6 as the last digit
of the square root.
4. A square ending in 5 will have 5 as the last digit of the
square root.
5. A square ending in 9 must have 3 or 7 as the last digit
of the square root.
6. A square ending in 00 will have 0 as the last digit of
the square root.

144  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

7. Apart from the above, let us look at the following nearest
square root table that will help us to find the square
root of a number instantly.

Table 2

Number Nearest Number Nearest Square Root

Square Root
1–3 1 4–8 2
9–15 3 16–24 4
25–35 5 36–48 6
49–63 7 64–80 8
81–99 9

Vedic Method

Vedic Method of
Extracting Square

foyksdue~ }a} ;ksx

(Vilokanam) (Duplex Method)

Meaning of Vedic Sutra:

1. foyksdue~ (Vilokanam): It means, “by mere observation”.

This Vedic sutra will help you to find the square root

Square Root 145
of 3–4 digits in 2–3 seconds, merely by observing the
above two tables. The first table will help you to find
the unit digit of the exact square root, whereas Table 2
will help you to find the ten’s digit.
2. }a}&;ksx (Duplex method): A detailed description of this
method can be found in this book itself in the chapter
on Squares. This Vedic sutra is applicable to all, whether
the given number is a perfect square root or not.

Exact square root of 3–4 digits by Vilokanam (foyksdue~)


• Make a group of two starting from the right
• Look at the unit digit of the number and observe your
answer in Table 1. This will help you to decide the digit
at the unit place
• Now move to the second group and find the ten’s digit
of your square root

Example 1: Find the square root of 2116.


• Make a group of two from right.

21 16

2nd group 1st group

• The unit digit of the1st pair is 6, so the square root ends

in 4 or 6 (see Table 1)
• Now look at the second group. Since 16 < 21 < 25, the
digit at the ten’s place = 4 (see Table 2)
• Now we have two options √ 2116 = 44 or 46

146  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

We know that 452 = 2025, since 2116 > 2025, therefore the
desired square root will be more than 45.

Hence, √ 2116 = 46
Example 2: Find the square root of 5184.


• Make a group of two from the right.

51 84

2nd group 1st group

• The unit digit of the 1st pair is 4, so the square root

ends in 2 or 8 (see Table 1)
• Now look at the second group. Since 49 < 51 < 84, the
digit at the ten’s place = 7 (see Table 2)
• Now we have two options √ 5184 = 72 or 78
We know that 752 = 5625, since 5184 <5625, therefore the
desired square root will be less than 75

Hence, √ 5184 = 72
Example 3: Find the square root of 9216.


• Make a group of two from the right.

92 16

2nd group 1st group

• The unit digit of 1st pair is 6, so the square root ends

in 4 or 6 (see Table 1)
• Now look at the second group. Since 81 < 92 < 100,
the digit at the ten’s place = 9 (see Table 2).
• Now we have two options √ 9216 = 94 or 96

Square Root 147
We know that 952 = 9025, since 9216 > 9025, therefore the
desired square root will be more than 95.

Hence, √ 9216 = 96.

Example 4: Find the square root of 676.


• Make a group of two from the right.

06 76

2nd group 1st group

• The unit digit of 1st pair is 6, so the square root ends

in 4 or 6 (see Table 1)
• Now look at the second group. Since 4 < 6 < 9, the
digit at the ten’s place = 2 (see Table 2)
• Now we have two options √ 676 = 24 or 26
We know that 252 = 625, since 676 > 625 therefore the desired
square root will be more than 25

Hence, √ 676 = 26.

Square Root of 5–6 digits by the Vilokanam Method

• Make a group of two digits starting from the right. Here
we will have three groups. Denote the left digit by L, the
middle digit by M and the right digit by R
• The first (L) and third (R) group will give us the hundred’s
place digit and the unit place digit. These two can be
written only through observation, with the help of Table
1 and Table 2.
• Subtract L2 from the 1st pair and carry down the next
digit from the dividend, as done in simple division.

148  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Compare the new dividend by 2 L M. Put different value
of M in 2LM and select the best possible digit, so that
2 L M ≤ new dividend.
• In order to avoid confusion over the choice of the number,
use the Casting out Nines rule.
• Exact square root = L M R

Example 1: Find the square root of 692224.


Make a group of two digits, starting from the right.

69 22 24


• Since the unit digit of the given number ends with 4,

therefore the square root ends in 2 or 8 (Table 1).
• 69 in the left group lies between 82 < 64 < 92, hence,
L = 8 (Table 2).
• Now subtract L2 from the given number and carry down
the next digit from the dividend as shown here –

69 22 24
– 82 carry down the next digit from the dividend
5 2 new dividend

• Compare the new dividend by 2 L M = 2 x 8 x M = 16 M.

Put different values of M.
For M = 3, 16 x 3 = 48 < 52
and For M = 4 , 64 > 52. Hence, M = 3
• Now we are left with two options:
√ 69 22 24 = 8 3 2 or 8 3 8
• Apply the Casting out Nines method to overcome the
confusion in selecting the correct answer.

Square Root 149
Digit sum of 69 22 24 Digit sum Digit sum
of (832)2 of (838)2
6 + 9 + 2 + 2 + 2 + 4 = 7 7 1
Hence, √ 69 22 24 = 832
Example 1: Find the square root of 103041.


• Make a group of two digits, starting from the right.

10 30 41


• Since the unit digit of the given number ends with 1,

the square root ends in 1 or 9 (Table 1)
• 10 in the left group lies between 32 < 10 < 42, hence,
L = 3 (Table 2)
• Now subtract L2 from the given number and carry down
the next digit from the dividend as shown here –

10 30 41
– 32 carry down the next digit from the dividend
1 3 new dividend

• Compare the new dividend by 2 L M = 2 x 3 x M = 6

M. Put different values of M.
For M = 2, 6 x 2 = 12 < 13
and For M = 3 , 18 > 13. Hence, M = 2
• Now we are left with two options:–
√ 10 30 41 = 321 or 329
• Apply the Casting out Nines method to overcome the
confusion in selecting the correct answer.

150  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Digit sum of 10 Digit sum of (321)2 Digit sum of (329)2
30 41
0 0 7
Hence, √ 10 30 41 = 321

}a}&;ksx fof/k (Duplex Method)

• The given number is first arranged in two-digit groups
from right to left, and a single digit if any left over at
the left hand end, is counted as a simple group by itself.
• The number of digits in the square root will be the same
as the number of digit-groups in the given number itself
including a single digit if any such there is.
• If a square root contains n digits, the square must consist
of 2n or 2n–1 digits.
• And conversely, if the given number has n digits, the
square root will contain n| 2 or (n+1)|2 digits.
• Group the number by placing a bar and put them in
between the horizontal and vertical line bar, as shown
in the given examples.
Working procedure of the Duplex Method
The working of the Duplex method is as simple as straight division.
Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi
of this method.

Example: Find the square root of 529 by using the Duplex method.

– —
• Group the number 5 29 by placing a bar over it.
• Put a horizontal and vertical line as shown below.

5 29

Square Root 151
• Since 22 < 5 < 32, the first digit of the square root in
the quotient column is 2. Double the quotient and set
this down as divisor

4 5 29
Q 2

Remainder = 5 – 22 = 1

• Put this remainder below the next dividend digit. Hence

the next gross dividend = 12

4 5 1
Q 2 3

• Divide 12 by 4 and put the quotient 3 in the quotient

12 ÷ 4 =3
• Next dividend = 9
Subtract the square of the quotient from the next dividend.
Net dividend = 9 – 32 = 0
Since no more digits are left, the square root of 529 is

Example: Find the square root of 4225

— —
Group the number 42 25 by placing a bar over it.
Put a horizontal and vertical line as shown below.

42 25

• Since 62 < 12 < 72, the first digit of the square root in
the quotient column is 6. Double the quotient and set
this down as divisor.

152  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

12 42 25
Q 6

Remainder = 42 – 62 = 6

• Put this remainder below the next dividend digit. Hence

the next gross dividend = 62.

12 42 6
Q 6

• Divide 62 by 12 and put the quotient 5 in the quotient

column and the remainder 2 below 5.

12 42 6
2 2
Q 6 5
• Next dividend = 25 Subtract the square of the
quotient from the next dividend.
Net dividend = 25 – 52 = 0
Since no more digits are left, the square root of 4225 is
Example: Find the square root of 20736
• Group the number 2 07 36, by placing a bar over it.
• Put horizontal and vertical line as shown below.

2 07 36
• Since 12 < 2 < 22 , the first digit of the square root in
the quotient column is 1. Double the quotient and set
this down as divisor.

2 2 07 36
Q 1 4
Remainder = 2 – 12 = 1.

Square Root 153
• Put this remainder below the next dividend digit. Hence
the next gross dividend = 10

2 2 1
07 36
Q 1

• Divide 10 by 2
10÷2 = 5, Q = 5 and R = 0

Since the remainder cannot be taken as 0 until the whole operation

is completed, we need to take the quotient as less than 5. This
is because we cannot consider the remainder zero in the middle
of division.
Hence the Revised Quotient = 4 and Revised Remainder = 2

2 2 1
0 27 36
Q 1 4

• Next dividend = 27
Subtract the square of quotient from the next dividend.
Net dividend = 27 – 42 = 11
Divide 11 by 2 and write the quotient ( Q = 5) and
remainder (R = 1) at their respective places.

2 2 1
0 27 1
Q 1 4 5

• Gross dividend = 13
Net dividend = 13 – (Duplex of 45)
= 13 − 2 x 4 x 5
= 13 – 40 = − 27 < 0
(Since Net dividend is less than zero, we can’t take the
quotient (Q= 5) as taken above. Now for 11÷ 2, Revised
Q = 4 and Revised R = 3.)

2 2 1
0 27 3
Q 1 4 4

154  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Gross dividend = 33
Net dividend = 33 – (Duplex of 44)
= 33 – 2 x 4 x 4
= 33 – 32
= 1
Divide 1 by 2 and put the quotient Q = 0 and remainder
R = 1 in its proper place.

2 2 1
0 27 1
3 1
Q 1 4 4.0

• Next gross dividend = 16

• Net dividend = 16 – duplex of 4
= 16 – 42
= 0
Since no more digits are left, the square root of 20736
is 144
Example: Find the square root of 25747576

10 25 7
4 45 54 57 1 6
Q 5 0 7 4.000

A step by step illustration has been done here for your convenient.

• Number of digits in the square root = 4

• The first digit of the square root = 5
• Remainder = 25 – 52 = 0, place it below 7.
• Next Dividend = 07 and Divisor = 2 x 5 = 10
• For 07 ÷10 , Q = 0 and R = 7, place it at proper place.
• Next dividend = 74 and corrected dividend
= 74 – 02 = 74
• For 74 ÷10 , Q = 7 and R = 4
• Next dividend = 45 and corrected dividend
= 45 – 2 x 0 x7 = 45
• For 45÷10 , Q= 4 and R = 5

Square Root 155
• Since we have so far got 4 digits in the quotient column,
the perfect square root is obtained. The next digit in the
quotient column will give the remainder, if any.
• Remainder= 54 – 2 x 0 x 4 − 72 = 5
• Next dividend = 57 and remainder
= 57 – 2 x 4 x 7 =1
• Next dividend =16 and the last remainder
= 16 – 42 = 0
• I think you have understood the Duplex method, therefore
the next two examples given below are without much
detail, though a brief description is provided here for
your convenience.

Example: Find the square root of 45 31 98 24


12 45 9
3 91 69 38 12 4
Q 6 7 3 2 .000

A step by step illustration is done here for your convenient.

• Number of digits in the square root = 4

• The first digit of square root = 6
• Remainder = 45 – 62 = 9, place it below 3.
• Next Dividend = 93 and Divisor = 2 x 6 = 12
• For 93 ÷12, Q = 7 and R = 9, place it at the proper
• Next dividend = 91 and corrected dividend
= 91 – 72 = 42
• For 42 ÷12 , Q = 3 and R = 6
• Next dividend = 69 and corrected dividend
= 69 – 2 x7 x 3 = 27
• For 27÷12 , Q= 2 and R = 3
• Since we have so far got 4 digits in the quotient column,
the perfect square root is obtained. The next digit in the
quotient column will give the remainder if any.

156  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Remainder= 38 – 2 x 7 x 2 − 32 = 1
• Next dividend = 12 and remainder
= 12 – 2 x 3 x 2 =0
• Next dividend = 4 and the last remainder
= 4 – 22 = 0

Example: Find the square root of 52443907 up to 1 decimal place.


14 52 3
4 64 43 13
9 70 7
Q 7 2 4 1. 8

A step by step illustration is done here for your convenient.

• Number of digits in the square root = 4

• The first digit of square root = 7
• Remainder = 52 – 72 = 3, place it below 4.
• Next Dividend = 34 and Divisor = 2 x 7 = 14
• For 34 ÷14, Q = 2 and R = 6, place it at proper place.
• Next dividend = 64 and corrected dividend
= 64 – 22 = 60
• For 60 ÷14, Q = 4 and R = 4
• Next dividend = 43 and corrected dividend
= 43 – 2 x 2 x 4 = 27
• For 27 ÷14 , Q= 1 and R = 13
• Since we have so far got 4 digits in the quotient column,
the perfect square root is obtained. The next digit in the
quotient column will give the digit after decimal.
• Remainder= 139 – 2 x 2 x 1 − 42 = 119
• Next dividend = 119 and Quotient = 119÷14 = 8 and
Remainder = 119 –112= 7

Square Root 157

Square Root of Irrational



In the previous chapter we learnt the square root of a perfect

number, but suppose you are in a situation where you need
to find the square root of an irrational number? Now the big
question is – how will you extract the square root of such a
number? You may find yourself in such a situation while solving
the problem of surds in arithmetic, mensuration or trigonometry.
The conventional method of finding the square root of such a
number is possible only through Long Division method and this
method is time consuming and error prone in this case. Here is
a method that helps you to find the square root of the irrational
by mere observation, and with a little practice; you will be able
to find the square root of such numbers mentally.

Vedic Method

There is no such reference of this method in the Vedic mathematics

book written by Bharti Krishna Tirthaji Maharaj, but I have used
the theory of Differential Calculus and the Vedic sutra, Vilokanam
(foyksdue~) in extracting the square root of such a number. The
best part of this method is that we are free to choose the number
of digits after the decimal. Generally, in competitive examinations,
we use the technique of approximation in finding the square
root of such numbers and take a maximum of two digits after
the decimal place.

Square root of Irrational Number =

Nearest Perfect square + Deviation from Irrational number
2 x Nearest Perfect square

Let us take few examples to understand the modus operandi of

extracting the square root of a number that is not a perfect square.

Example 1: Find the square root of 79

Solution: Perfect square approaching 79 is 81.

Deviation = 79 – 81 = – 2
79 = 81 − 2
2 x 81

= 9 – 1/9 = 9 – 0.999 = 8.001

Example 2: Find the square root of 174

Solution: Perfect square approaching 174 is 169

Deviation = 174 − 169 =5

174 = 169 + 5
2 x 169
= 13 + 5/26

= 13. 192

Example 3: Find the square root of 474

Solution: Perfect square approaching 474 is 484.

Deviation = 474 –484 = −10

474 = 484 − 10
2 x 484
= 22 − 5/22

= 22 – 0.227 = 21.773

Square Root of Irrational Number 159

Example 4: Find the square root of 187
Solution: Perfect square approaching 187 is 196.
Deviation = 187 –196 = – 9
187 = 196 – 9
2 x 196
= 14 – 9/28

= 14 – 0.32
= 13.67
Example 5: Find the square root of 28
Solution: Perfect square approaching 28 is 25.
Deviation = 28 –25 = 3
28 = 25 + 3
2 x 25
= 5 + 3/10

= 5.3

Example 6: Find the square root of 34

Solution: Perfect square approaching 34 is 36.

Deviation = 34 –36 = −2
34 = 36 − 2
2 x 36
= 6 − 1/6

= 6 – 0.166 = 5.844
Example 7: Find the square root of 204
Solution: Perfect square approaching 204 is 196.
Deviation = 204 – 196 = 8
204 = 196 + 8
2 x 196
= 14+ 8/28

= 14 + 0.285
= 14. 285

160  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics




When a number is multiplied by itself three times, the number

so obtained is called the cube of that number. In general, a x a x
a = a3. Here is the cube of the first ten numbers.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
Cube 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729 1000

Cubes of large numbers are not useful as far as the syllabus

of CBSE, ICSE are concerned, though many questions based
on cubing a number are asked in competitive examinations. In
arithmetic too, while solving the problem of mensuration, we
can’t escape the tiring process of cubing the numbers. Cubing
a large number is a tough task, as the traditional method only
allows us to multiply the particular number three times or use the
formula for binomial expansion. There is no room to experiment
in the traditional method.
Traditional method of cubing:

(988)3 = 988 x 988 x 988

9 8 8
X 9 8 8
7 9 0 4
7 9 0 4 x
8 8 9 2 x x
9 7 6 1 4 4
X 9 8 8
7 8 0 9 1 5 2
7 8 0 9 1 5 2 x
8 7 8 5 2 9 6 x x
9 6 4 4 3 0 2 7 2
There is another traditional method which can be termed as better
than the above method. The binomial expansion of (a + b)3 and
(a – b)3 will reduce calculation time a bit but this method is still
not suitable as far as its application in competitive examinations
is concerned.
• (988)3 = (1000 – 12 )3 = (1000)3 – 3 (1000)2 x 12 + 3
x 1000 x (12)2 − (12)3
= 1000000000 – 36000000 +432000 −1728
= 964430272
[Note: Applying the binomial expansion
(a−b)3 = a3 – 3a2b + 3ab2 – b 3 ]
• (108 )3 = (100 + 8 )3 = (100)3 + 3 x (100)2 x 8 + 3 x
100 x (8)2 + (8)3
= 1000000 + 240000 + 19200 + 512
= 1259712
[Applying binomial expansion
(a−b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b 3]
Vedic mathematics presents several very interesting methods
to find the cube of any number in a few seconds. Unlike the
traditional method, it is easy, interesting and short. It reduces the

162  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

time by 1/10th and that’s why the Vedic method is far superior
to the traditional method of finding cubes.

Vedic Sutra for cubing a number


Vedic Method
For Cubing a

vuq:I;s.k fuf[kye~
(Anurupyen) (Nikhilam)

1. Yavadunam (;kcnwue)
This formula works better when the number to be cubed is near
the base. The base should be in the form of 10n, where n is a
natural number. This formula has limited application.
Working Rule
• Check whether the number is near the base 10, 100,
1000... or not
• Find the excess or deficit number from the base.
• The whole operation is to be performed in three parts. In
the 1st part, add twice the excess/ deficit to the original
• 2nd part = New Excess (Number obtained in 1st part –
base) x original excess/deficit
• 3rd part = cube of excess.

Cube 163
Mathematically, if a = original number and d = deviation (Excess/
Deficit from the Base) then the whole operation can be summed
up as —

a3 = a+2d / [ (a + 2d ) – base ] x d / d3
let us take some example.

Example: Find the cube of 12

Solution: Here, in (12)3 ; a = 12 (original number) is nearer to

the base 10. Hence, base = 10 and Excess = + 2.

1st part = a + 2d = 12 + 2 x 2 = 16
2nd part = (16 – 10) x 2 = 12
3rd part = 23
Combining all the three parts we get,
(12)3 = 16 | 12 | 8
= 17 | 2 | 8
= 1728

Example: Find the cube of 96

Solution: Here, in (96)3 ; a = 96 (original number) is nearer to

the base 100. Hence, base = 100 and deficit = – 4

1st part = a + 2d = 96 − 2 x 4 = 88
2nd part = (88 – 100) x −4 = 48
3rd part = (–4)3 = – 64
Combining all three parts we get,
(96)3 = 8 8 | 4 8 | −64
= 88 |47 + 1 | −64
= 88 | 47 | 100 – 64
= 88 | 47 | 36
(3 part is negative, so add 100 to the negative part to make it
100 – 64 = 36. Subtract 1 from the previous part, thus making
48 to 47.)

164  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Find the cube of 105
Solution: a = 105, Base = 100. Excess = 5
1st part = a + 2d = 105 + 2 x 5 = 115
2nd part = (115 – 105) x 5 = 50
3rd part = 53 = 125
Combining all three parts, we get,
(105)3 = 115 | 7 5 | 1 25
= 115| 75 + 1 | 25
= 115 | 76 | 25
(The number of digits in each part depends on the number of
zeros in the base digit. If the base is taken as 100, the number
of digits permissible in each part is 2.)

2. Anurupyen (vuq:I;s.k):

Anurupyen Vedic sutra is based on the concept of Geometric

Progression. In a geometric series, every next number is the
multiple of some constant ratio called r, or the common ratio.
If a = first term, r = common ratio, then the nth term (tn ) =
a rn−1.
If a, b, c are in Geometric series then,
Second term/ first term = third term/ second term = r
b / a = c / b
or, b2 = ac
Here are a few examples of geometric series.
i) 2, 8, 32 …
ii) 5, 25, 125, 625,...
In the first example (i), a = first term and r = common ratio
= 8/2 = 4
Tn = 2 ( 4 ) n–1 = 2. 2 2 ( n – 1)
In the second example, a = 5 and r = 5, hence Tn = 5 (5)n – 1
• First, take the cube of the first digit (a) and multiply it
with the common ratio (b/a), in a row of 4 figures

Cube 165
• Double the second and the third number and put it down,
under the second and third numbers. Finally add up the
two rows

This can be further clarified with the help of this table

1st 2nd 3rd 4th

(ab)3 = a3 a 2b ab2 b3
+ 2a2b 2ab2
a3 3a2 b 3 a b2 b3
In the binomial expansion we know,
(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b + 3ab2 + b3 .

The Anurupyen method is just an extension of the above

expansion. This can be simplified again if we take the help of
geometric progression.

(ab)3 = a ar ar2 ar3

+ 2ar 2ar2 (Where r = b/a)
2 3
a 3 ar 3ar a r
Let us take a few examples to understand the basic modus

Example: Find the cube of 12?

Solution: (12)3 = ?

Here, say a = 1 and b = 2

r = common ratio = b/a = 2/ 1 = 2
Hence the table arrangement will be as follows:–
(12)3 = 1 2 4 8
+ 4 8
1 7 2 8

Important points:

1. If you start with the cube of the first digit and multiply
with the geometric ratio up to the next three numbers,

166  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

the 4th number of the series will be the cube of the 2nd
2. Addition should be done from right to left, keeping only
a single digit at a time and the remaining digit will be
carried-over to the next column, and so on.

Example: Find the cube of 15

Solution: ( 15 )3 = ?

Here say a = 1 and b = 5

r = common ratio = b/a = 5 / 1 = 5
Hence the table arrangement will be as follows

(15)3 = 1 5 25 125
+ 10 50
1 1 5 7 5 1 2 5
+ + +
= 3 3 75
The excess digit, leaving the unit digit from each column (from
right to left) is transferred to the next column. In the above
example, the excess digit is underlined.

Example: Find the cube of 19

Solution: ( 19 )3 = ?

Here say a = 1 and b = 9

r = common ratio = b/a = 9/ 1 = 9
Hence the table arrangement will be as follows:-
1 9 81 729
18 162
1 2 7 24 3 72 9
+ + +
= 6 8 5 9

Cube 167
Example: Find the cube of 32

Solution: (32)3 = ?

Here, say a = 3 and b = 2

r = common ratio = b/a = 2/3
Hence the first line of the table arrangement will be as follows:-

(32)3 = 33 (27) 27 x 2 / 3 (18) 18 x 2 / 3 (12) 12 x 2 / 3 (8)

= 27 18 12 8
36 24
= 2 7 5 4 3 6 8

= 3 2 7 6 8

Example: Find the cube of 46

Solution: ( 46 )3 = ?

Here say a = 4 and b = 6

r = common ratio = b/a = 6 / 4
Hence ,the table arrangement will be as follows:-

(46)3 = 43 (=64) 64 x 6/4 (=96) 96 x 6/4 (=144)

144 x 8/9 (=512)

64 96 144 216
192 288
64 288 432 216
= 64 288 432 216

= 64 288 453 6

= 64 333 3 6

= 97336

168  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Find the cube of 105

Solution: (105)3 = ?

Here a = 10 and b = 5, hence common ratio = 5 / 10 = 1/ 2

(105)3 = 1000 500 250 125
+ 1000 500
1000 1500 750 125
Simple addition as done in the above example will give you
wrong answer. Now the big question is what next?-
The answer is very simple. If the number is between
100 – 999, put 1, 2, and 3 zeros after each digit as shown here-
1000000 + 150000 +7500 +125 = 1157625
In case the number is above 1000, you need to put 2, 4
and 6 zeros after each digit. Let us find the cube of a number
above 1000.

Example: Find the cube of 1001

Solution: (1001)3 = ?
Here, a = 10 and b =01, hence common ratio = 01 / 10 = 1/ 10
(1001)3 = 1000 100 10 1
+ 200 20
1000 300 30 1
Since the number is above 1000, start putting 6, 4 and 2 zeros
from the extreme left before adding. Once the process of putting
zeros get complete, you can simply add to get the result.
(1001)3 =1000000000 + 3000000 +3000 + 1 = 1003003001
3. Nikhilam (fuf[kye~) Vedic Sutra

The modus operandi of the Nikhilam Sutra can be described in

the following steps:-
• First, take the deviation of the number to be cubed from
its base. The base should be the multiple of 10. If the
base is 10 , 100,1000------- then sub-base = 1; on

Cube 169
the other hand, if the base = 40, then the sub- base =
4, because 40 = 4 x 10,
• The whole cubing process then involves 3 steps.
A) (Number to be cubed + 2 x deviation from the base)
x (sub-base)2
B) {3 x (deviation)2} x sub-base
C) (Deviation)3
• If there is no sub-base, then the calculation becomes
very easy.

Let us take some example to understand the modus-operandi

of this method.
Example: Find the cube of 25 using Nikhilam Sutra
Solution: 25 is nearer to the base 20 ( 2 x 10), hence–
Deviation = 25 – 10 = 5, sub- base = 2
= (25 + 2 x 5) x 22 | (3 X 52) X 2 | 53
= 140 | 150 | 125
= 140 | 162 | 5
= 15625
Example: Find the cube of 58 by using Nikhilam Sutra
Solution: 58 = 5 x 10 + 8
base = 10 sub- base = 10 and excess = 8

: 2
(58) =[ 58 + 2 x (8) ] x 5 | 3 x ( 8) x 5 | (8)3
3 2

st nd
1 term 2 term 3rd term
= 1850 | 960 | 512

= 1850 | 1011 | 2

= 1951 | 1 | 2
Hence (58)3 = 195112

170  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Find the cube of 98 by using Nikhilam Sutra?
Solution: 98 is nearer to the base 100
Deviation = 98–100 = –2
: : 2
Hence (98) = 98 + 2 x (–2) | 3 x ( –2) | (–2)

1st term 2nd term 3rd term

= 94 | 12 | –8
= 94 | 11 | 100–8
= 94 | 11 | 92
Hence (98)3 = 941192
Example: Find the cube of 104 by using Nikhilam Sutra
Solution: Working base = 100
Deviation = 104 − 100 = 4
(104) = 104 + 4 x 2 | 3 x 42 | 43

= 112 | 48 | 64
= 1124864
(Since the base =100, there should be 2 digits in each digit
Example: Find the cube of 997 by using Nikhilam Sutra
Solution: Working base = 1000
Deviation = 997 − 1000 = − 3
: : :
= 997 + (−3) x 2 | 3 x (−3)2 | (−3)3
1 part 2nd part 3rd part

= 991 | 27 | −27
= 991 | 026 | 1000 – 27
= 991 026 973
Since the base is 1000, there should be 3 digits in each digit
separator. Therefore, 26 in the second part should be changed to
026. In the 3rd part, there is a negative sign, so subtract it from
the base 1000. Hence in the 3rd part, we will have, 1000 – 27
= 973.This change will be adjusted by reducing 1 from the 2nd
part. Thus, 27 in the second part now become 27 – 1 = 26.
(997)3 = 991026973
Cube 171

Cube Root


The cube of a number is that number raised to the power 3.

Thus, the cube of a is a3 .
Suppose a3 = x

⇒ a = x1/3

The present curriculum taught in our school uses only Factorization

of a number and thus is a cumbersome technique. Moreover, it
is a time consuming process and thus not fit for the competitive
examinations. Suppose you are asked to find the cube root of
a number having 10 digits, the present method taught in our
school curriculum will take you 5–10 minutes, but if you are
familiar with the Vedic method, it will take only 20–25 seconds
to extract the cube root of even 8–9 digits. There are around 4
or 5 Vedic methods written in the original work of Sri Swami
Krisna Tirthaji Maharaj.

Let us see one example.

Example: Find the cube root of 830584


2 592704
2 296352
2 148176
2 74088
2 37044
2 18522
3 9261
3 3087
3 1029
7 343
7 49
7 7


: : : :
592704 = 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 2 x 3 x 3 x 3 x 7 x 7 x 7
= 2 x 2 x 3 x 7
= 84
The Vedic method will instantly give you the answer 84 by mere
The great Indian Astronomer and Mathematician Aryabhatta
has also mentioned in his book, Ganita Pada, a method to extract
the cube root of any number, but the method is too complex to
understand. The fifth sloka of Aryabhatta’s book Ganita-Pada
reads as follows.

v?kukn Hktsn f}rh;kr f=xq.ksu ?kuL; ewyoxsZ.k A

oxZ fL=iwoZ ‘kks/;% izFkekn /kuL; ?kukr~ AA
Before Aryabhatta’s, there was no proper method to extract
the cube root of any number. All the mathematicians after him
followed his method with some modifications here or there. This

Cube Root 173
elegant method described by Aryabhatta has more symmetry
with the Vedic Method used by Swami Bharathi Krishna Tirtathji
Before we move further, look at the following table carefully.
This table will help you to determine the unit digit of a cube root.

Table 1

If a cube ends in The unit digit of a cube root will be

0 0
1 1
2 8
3 7
4 4
5 5
6 6
7 3
8 2
9 9

From the above table, we can conclude the following facts:-
1, 4, 5, 6, 9, and 0 repeat themselves in the cube ending.
2, 3, 7 and 8 have an inter–play of complements from 10.

The Left digit of a cube root having more than 7 digits, or

the ten’s digit of a cube root having less than 7 digits, can be
extracted with the help of the following table.

Table 2

Left-most pair of the cube root Nearest cube root

1 – 7 1
8– 26 2
27 – 63 3

174  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

64 – 124 4
125 – 215 5
216 – 342 6
343 – 511 7
512 – 728 8
729 – 999 9

There is another very important table that will help you to find the
cube in ambiguous cases. The details will follow the next table.

Table 3

Number Cube Beejank of cube

1 1 1
2 8 8
3 27 0
4 64 1
5 125 8
6 216 0
7 343 1
8 512 8
9 729 0

The beejank (chtkad) of a number is determined through the

Casting out Nines (uo’ks”k) method described in the book. The
Vedic method described here is effective as long as the number
whose cube root is to be extracted is a perfect cube.
Now the bigger question is – How will you determine that
the given number is a perfect cube or not?
The Vedic method has the answer of your question. Find the
digit sum of that number by using the Casting out Nines method.
If the digit sum of that number is found to be 0, 1 or 8 then
the given number is a perfect cube.

Cube Root 175
Example: Is 1729 a perfect cube?

Solution: The digit sum of 1729 is 1 + 7 + 2 + 9 = 1

Hence, it is a perfect cube

Example: Is 9528127 a perfect cube?

Solution: The digit sum of 9528127 is

9 +5 +2 + 8 +1 +2 + 7 = 7

Hence, it is not a perfect cube.

Vedic Method

Vedic Method of finding

Cube Root

Vilokanam Beejank
(foyksdue~) (chtkad)

Meaning of Vedic Sutra:

1. Vilokanam (foyksdue~): The literal meaning of this sutra

is – by inspection or observation. This sutra helps you
to determine the unit digit and ten’s digit of a perfect
cube root in a few seconds, if the number whose cube
root is to be extracted is less than 7 digits. Moreover, if
the number whose cube root is to be extracted is more
than 7 digits, this sutra will help you to find the L(Left
digit) and R(Right digit) of the cube root.

176  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

2. Beejank method (chtkad fof/k): Many a time, while
extracting the cube root of a number having more than
7 digits, you will get two results for M (Middle term)
and will be little confused in deciding which one is the
suitable value for M and the Beejank method will be there
to help you out. The beejank of a number is extracted
using the Casting out Nines method.

Let us now start with the Vedic method of finding cube root.
For the convenience of readers, this chapter has been divided
into two segments.

Case 1: Cube Root of a number having less than 7 digits

Case 2: Cube Root of a number having more than 7 digits, but
less than 10 digits
Case 3: Cube Root of a number greater than 7 digits, but ending
with even numbers.

General rule to follow in all the three cases:

1. Form the groups of three digits from right to left. The

number of groups thus formed will give you an idea of
the number of digits in its cube root.
i. A number having 4, 5 or 6 digits will have a cube
root of 2 digits number.
ii. A number having 7, 8 or 9 digits will have a cube
root of 3 digits number.
iii. A number having 10, 11 or 12 digits will have a
cube root of 4 digit numbers.
Example: a) 3 4 3 1 3 3 1 has three groups, hence its
cube root will contain 3 digits.
b) 3 9 3 0 4 has two groups, hence its cube root will
have 2 digits.
2. Find the digit of the unit place by observing the ght-most
pair and the left digit of the cube root by observing the
left-most pair. Table 1 will help you to determine the

Cube Root 177
unit digit of cube root and Table 2 will give you the Left
digit of the cube root.
Case 1: Cube Root of a number having less than 7 digits.
The Vedic method of extracting the cube root of a number having
less than 7 digits is done by the Vilokanam ( foyksdue~) method.
Form the group of three digits from right to left as discussed
above and find the unit digit and ten’s digit with the help of
Table 1 and Table 2.

Example 1: Find the cube root of 3375

Solution: The Vedic method as described above will have the
following steps.
1. Place the bar over the number making the group
3 375
2. Since the bar is placed on two numbers, the cube root
of this number contains two digits.
3. The first bar falls on unit digit 5, and with the help of
Table 1 we can say that the unit digit of the cube root
is 5.
4. The next bar falls on 3, and looking upon the Table 2
we see that the left digit of the cube root will be 1.
Hence 3375 = 15.

Example 2: Find the cube root of 97336

1. Place the bar over the number from right to left.
9 7 3 3 6
2. The cube ends with 6 hence the unit digit of cube root
is 6 (see Table 1 for the reference)
3. The ten’s digit of the cube root is 4, because
43 < 97 < 53
Hence, 9 7 3 3 6 = 4 6

178  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 3: Find the cube root of 941192


1. Place the bar over the number from left to right, leaving
two digits at a time.
9 4 1 1 9 2
2. Since the bar is placed on two numbers, the cube root
will contain only two digits.
3. Since the unit digit of this number is 2, the unit digit
of cube root is 8.
4. For the ten’s digit, take the least of
93 < 941 < 103
Ten’s digit = 9
Hence, 941192 = 98

Case 2: Cube root of a number having more than 7 digits

but less than 10 digits.

The cube root of a number having more than 7 digits through

the Vedic method needs a little practice and patience initially.
A little practice and understanding of the fundamental concepts
will help you to extract the cube root of much bigger number in
less than 10 seconds. As discussed above, the cube root of more
than 7 digit numbers will involve three digits, the unit digit (R)
and the digit at the hundred’s place (L) can be obtained quite
easily with the help of Vilokanam (foyksdue~) method, whereas
the middle digit (M) will be determined with the help of the
Beejank (chtkad ;k uo’ks”k) method.


1. Denote the left digit by L, the middle digit by M and the

right digit by R.
2. Subtract R3 from the number and cancel the last zero.
3. The Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2M.
Place a different value of M so that we may reach to the

Cube Root 179
unit digit of the number obtained in the previous step.
In case you obtain more than one value of M, check by
theBeejank method (Refer Table 3) which value of M is
best suited in this case.
4. The cube root of such a number = L M R.
Example 4: Find the cube root of 76765625
1. Group the number from right to left by placing the bar.
7 6 7 6 5 6 2 5

2. The unit digit of the cube root is 5 (Refer Table 1). Hence
R = 5.
3. Moreover 43 < 76 < 53 , so L = 4 (Refer Table 2)
4. Subtract R3 from the number and forget the last digit (0)
obtained after subtraction.

7 6 7 6 5 6 2 5
–1 2 5
7 6 7 6 5 5 0 0

5. Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2 M.

3 R2 M. = 3 x 52 x M = 75 M
6. Now, the bigger question is what value of M should be
put in 75 M, so that the unit digit of the result obtained
is equal to the unit digit of 767550 obtained in step 3.
We find here 4 options – they are 2, 4, 6 and 8. Hence,
M = 2, 4, 6 or 8. M = 8 can be ruled out as 75 x 8 =
600 > 550. Still, we are left with 3 options.
7. This situation can be handled by applying the Beejank
Beejank of 76765625 = 8
Beejank of (425 )3 = 8
Beejank of (445 )3 = 1
Beejank of (465 )3 = 0
This clearly shows that our answer is 425.

180  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 5: Find the cube root of 84604519
1. Group the number by placing the bar as shown below.
Since there are three groups,the cube root will have three
8 4 6 0 4 5 1 9

2. The unit digit of the cube root is 9. Hence R = 9 (Refer

Table 1)
3. Moreover 43 < 84 < 53, so L = 4 (Refer Table 2)
4. Subtract R3 from the number and forget the last digit
(0) obtained after subtraction.

8 4 6 0 4 5 1 9
–7 2 9
8 4 6 0 3 7 9 0

5. Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2 M.

R2 M. = 3 x 92 x M = 243M
6. The unit digit of the number obtained in step 5 is 9 so
put M = 3 to obtain the Middle digit.
7. We have thus got
L = 4 M = 3 and R = 9
8 4 6 0 4 5 1 9 = 4 3 9
Example 6: Find the cube root of 279726264


1. Placing the bar over the number we find that there are
three groups of numbers, so the cube root will have three
2 7 9 7 2 6 2 6 4

2. From the Table 1, we can say that the unit digit of the
cube root is 4. Hence R = 4.

Cube Root 181
3. Moreover, 63 < 33 < 73 , so L = 6 (Refer Table 2)
4. Subtract R3 from the number and cancel out the last

2 7 9 7 2 6 2 6 4
– 6 4
2 7 9 7 2 6 2 0 0

5. Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2 M. Here,

3 R2 M. = 3 x 42 x M = 48 M.
6. We are now looking for a suitable value of M so that
the unit digit of 48 M becomes equal to the unit digit
of the number obtained in step 4. Thus M = 5.
7. We have thus got
L = 6 M = 5 and R = 4
2 7 9 7 2 6 2 6 4 = 6 5 4.

Case 3: Cube Root of a number greater than 7 digits, but

ending with even number.

Many a time, while extracting the cube root of a number having

its unit digit, even you may get two values of M and it becomes
difficult to ascertain the exact value of M. In such a case, you
may reach to the exact answer by two ways.
• Divide the number whose cube root has to be extracted
by 8, until an odd cube emanates
• Use the Beejank (chtkad) method to reach the exact value
of M
Let us take some examples to understand this case.

Example 7: Find the cube root of 1906624

Solution: Since this is an even number, to avoid the ambiguous

case in extracting the cube root, we need to divide the number
by 8 until an odd cube emanates.

182  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

8 1 9 0 6 6 2 4
8 2 3 8 3 2 8
2 9 7 9 1

The cube root of 29761 can be extracted merely by the Vilokanam

(foyksdue~) method using Table 1 and Table 2. You may refer to

Group the number

2 9 7 9 1
Since there are two groups, the cube root of 29791 contains a
two digit number.
Unit digit = 1
Ten’s digit = 3
Hence, the cube root of 29791 = 31
We have,
3 3
1906624 = 8 x 8 x 29791

= 2 x 2 x 31 = 124

Example 8: Find the cube root of 51478848?

Solution: Since this is an even number, to avoid the ambiguous

case in extracting the cube root, we need to divide the number
by 8 until an odd cube emanates.

8 51478848
8 6434856

The cube root of 804357 can be extracted merely by the Vilokanam

(foyksdue~) method using Table 1 and Table 2. You may refer to
case 1.

Group the number

804 357

Cube Root 183
Since there are two groups, the cube root of 804357 contains a
two digit number.
Unit digit = 3 (Refer Table 1)
Since, 93 < 804 < 103
Hence, Ten’s digit = 9 (Refer Table 2)
We have,
3 3
51478848 = 8 x 8 x 804357

= 2 x 2 x 93 = 372
Let us extract the cube root by the Beejank method.
Here the method is slightly changed. In case 2, we have subtracted
R3 from the number and neglected the last zero but here L3 is
subtracted. You may consider either of these cases.

1. Group the number from right to left by placing the bar.

5 1 4 7 8 8 4 8
2. The unit digit of the cube root is 8 (Refer Table 1). Hence
R = 2.
3. More over 33 < 51 < 43 , so L = 3 (Refer Table 2)
4. Subtract L3 from the number.
5 1 4 7 8 8 4 8
– 2 7
1 4 4
5. Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2 M.
3 R2 M. = 3 x 22 x M = 12 M
6. Now, the bigger question is what value of M should be
put in 12 M so that the unit digit ends with 4. We find
here 2 options they are 2, and 7.
7. This situation can be handled by applying the Beejank
Beejank of 51478848 =0
Beejank of ( 322 ) 3 = 1
Beejank of ( 372 ) 3 = 0
This clearly shows that our answer is 372.

184  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 9: Find the cube root of 7738893352

Solution: Since this is an even number, to avoid the ambiguous

case in extracting the cube root, we need to divide the number
by 8 until an odd cube emanates.

8 7738893352

The cube root of 967361669 can be extracted by the Beejank


1. Group the number from right to left by placing the bar

967 361 669

2. The unit digit of the cube root is 9 (Refer Table 1). Hence
R = 9
3. Moreover 93 < 967 < 103, so L = 9 (Refer Table 2)
4. Subtract R3 from the number and neglect the last zero.

9 6 7 3 6 1 6 6 9
– 7 2 9
9 6 7 3 6 0 9 4 0

5. Middle digit of the cube root is obtained by 3 R2 M.

3 R2 M. = 3 x 92 x M = 243 M
6. Now, the bigger question is what value of M should be
put in 243 M, so that the unit digit ends with 4.
This clearly shows that M = 8


967 361 669 = 9 8 9

3 3
7738893352 = 8 x 967361669 = 2 x 989 = 1978

Cube Root 185

Fourth Power of a Number


In the previous chapter, we learnt to find the cube of a number.

Likewise, we can find the fourth power of any two-digit number
with the same technique and extend it for a higher power. Before
we move to the Vedic method, I would like to introduce here a
very special method called the Pascal Triangle that will be of
immense use for students who want to learn the formula of
binomials having any number of powers.

Pascal Triangle:

A triangular array of numbers is composed of the coefficients in

the expansion of (x + y)n for n = 0, 1, 2, 3, .. etc. The triangle
extends down infinitely, the coefficients in the expansion of (x
+ y )n, being in the (n + 1)th row. The array described below
is bordered by 1s and the sum of two adjacent numbers in one
row is equal to the number in the next row between the two
numbers. This array is symmetrical about the vertical line through
the vertex.

N=1 1
N=2 1 2 1
N=3 1 3 3 1
N=4 1 4 6 4 1
N= 5 1 5 10 10 5 1
Blaise Pascal was born on 19 Jun 1823 in France. He was a
true genius. At the age of 12, he discovered that the sum of the
angles of a triangle is 180 degrees. He invented the first digital
calculator to help his father, who was a tax collector. He laid the
foundation of the theory of Probability. His work on the topic in
Tratise on the Arithmetical Traingle carried the most interesting
triangle called the Pascal Triangle.

How does the Pascal Triangle method work?

1. Look at the power of the binomial and move that many
steps down. Note down the coefficients of that particular
row and write it.
2. Write the maximum power of a and minimum power of
b as first coefficient.
3. Decrease the power of a by 1 and increase the power of
b by 1 in each of the coefficients staring from the left-
most coefficient.
4. Continue the process until every coefficient is taken into
Example: Find (a + b)3

Solution: Here, the power of the binomial expansion is 3 so

move 3 step down and note down the coefficients from the above
triangle. As you can see that the coefficients are – 1, 3, 3,and 1.
Assign the maximum power of a (i.e. 3)and minimum power
to b (i.e. 0) in the first coefficient and keep decreasing the power
of a by 1 and increasing the power of b by 1, until all coefficients
are taken into account.
1 a3b0 3a2b1 3a1b2 a0 b 3

Since we are expanding the binomial with (+) sign, put the (+)
sign in between each assigned value in the above line. Replace
the value of a0 and b0 by 1. Now the formula is–

(a + b)3 = a3 + 3a2b1 + 3a1b2 + b 3

Fourth Power of a Number 187

Example 2: Expand (a + b)4

Solution: Here the power of the binomial is 4, so write down the

coefficient of the fourth row. Assign the power as done above.

Coefficients are– 1 4 6 4 1
Assign the value of a and b
1 a4b0 4a3b1 6a2b2 4a1b3 1a0b4

Place the (+) sign in between to get the formula.

(a+b)4 = 1 a4b0 + 4a3b1 + 6a2b2 + 4a1b3 + 1a0b4

= a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 + 4ab3 + b4

In case, there is a minus sign in between a and b place (+) and

(−) sign alternatively.

Example: Expand (a –b)4

Solution: Apply the above method and write down the coefficients
and assign the value of a and b thereafter. Lastly, place the (+)
and (−) sign alternatively.

(a+b)4 = 1 a4b0 − 4a3b1 + 6a2b2 − 4a1b3 + 1a0b4

= a4 − 4a3b + 6a2b2 − 4ab3 + b4

Vedic Method:

From the above explanation, you must have learnt to find the
expansion of any binomial. The above Pascal Triangle is for n
=5, but you can extend it for more values of n.
Now, let’s return to our business. The above expansion of
(a+b)4 can be re-written as-

= a4 + a3b + a2b2 + ab3 + b4

3 a3b + 5a2b2 + 3ab3

Hence, (a+b)4 = a4 + 4a3b + 6a2b2 +4ab3 + b4

188  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

If we consider,
a = first term (Digit at ten’s place)
b = second term (Digit at unit place)
Hence, ratio = b/a
Looking upon the above explanation, we can notice that
subsequent to the first term, each of the remaining terms is
obtained by multiplying the previous term by the ratio (b/a).
• If you are to find the fourth power of any two digit
number, first find the ratio as explained above. Ratio =
unit digit/ ten’s digit
• Raise the fourth power to the first term (i.e., the digit
at ten’s place), call it a.
• Multiply each subsequent term by the ratio and obtain
the remaining 4 terms.
a4 a4 x b/a a3b x b/a a2b2 x b/a ab3 x b/a
a a b a b ab b4
4 3 2 2 3

• Multiply the second term by 3, the third term with 5 and

fourth term with 3 and write it in the second row.
• Add each column (from right to left)
• No column (except the first) should contain more than 1
digit. If the sum of any column has more than 1 digit,
transfer it to the preceding column.
Example: Find the fourth power of 12.
Solution: In (12)4, a = 1 and b = 2. Hence, ratio = b/a = 2/1 = 2
• Make a box having 5 columns.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column

• Raise fourth power of a and place it in 1st column. Fill the

rest column by multiplying the digit in the first column
with ratio 2.

Fourth Power of a Number 189

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
14 = 1 1 x 2 = 2 2 x 2 = 4 4 x 2 = 8 8 x 2 =16

• Multiply the digit at second column with 3, the third

column digit with 5 and fourth column digit with 3 and
place it in 2nd row of the table.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 2 4 8 16
2 x 3 =6 4 x 5 =20 8 x 3 = 24

• Add each column separately.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 2 4 8 16
6 20 24
1 8 24 32 16

• Transfer the exceeding digit from each column to its

preceding column.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 2 4 8 16
6 20 24
1 8 24 32 16

1 8 24 33(32 +1) 6

1 8 27(24 +3) 3 6

1 10(8 +2) 7 3 6

2 (1 +1) 0 7 3 6

Hence, (12)4 = 20736

190  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 2: Find the fourth power of 21

Solution: Here, in (21)4, a = 2 and b = 1 and ratio = b/a =1/ 2

Make a box having 5 columns.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column

• Raise fourth power of a and place it in 1st column. Fill the

rest column by multiplying the digit in the first column
with ratio 2.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
24 = 16 16 x 1/2 8 x 1/ 2 4 x 1/2 2 x 1/ 2
= 8 = 4 = 2 =1

• Multiply the digit in the second column with 3, the third

column digit with 5 and fourth column digit with 3 and
place it in the 2nd row of the table.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
16 8 4 2 1
8 x 3 =24 4 x 5 =20 2 x 3 = 6

• Add each column separately.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
16 8 4 2 1
24 20 6
16 32 24 8 1

• Transfer the exceeding digit from each column to its

preceding column.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
16 8 4 2 1
24 20 6

Fourth Power of a Number 191

16 32 24 8 1

16 34(32+2) 4 8 1

19(16+3) 4 4 8 1

Hence (21)4 =194481

Example 3: Find the fourth power of 11

Solution: In (11)4, a = 1 and b = 1. Here ratio = b/a = 1

Write the fourth power of a in the 1st column and the remaining
4 terms in the rest of the columns as done in the previous two
example. The table will look like

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
14 = 1 1 x 1 = 1 1 x 1 = 1 1 x 1 = 1 1 x 1 = 1

• Multiply the digit at second column with 3, the third

column digit with 5 and fourth column digit with 3 and
place it in 2nd row of the table.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 1 1 1 1
1 x3 =3 1 x 5 = 5 1 x 3 = 3

• Add each column separately.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 1 1 1 1
3 5 3
1 4 6 4 1

Since, each column contains only single digit therefore this is

the answer.

192  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 4: Find the fourth power of 14?

Solution: Here , a = 1 and b = 4 in (14)4 . Ratio = 4/1 = 4

Make a table of 5 column and place the value in each column

accordingly. Multiply the digit at second column with 3, the third
column digit with the 5 and fourth column digit with 3 and place
it in 2nd row of the table. The table will now look as–

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 4 16 64 256
4 x 3 = 12 16 x 5 64 x 3
= 80 = 192

• Add each column separately

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 4 16 64 256
4 x3 =12 16 x 5 64 x 3
= 80 = 192
1 16 96 256 256

• Transfer the exceeding digit from each column to its

preceding column.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 4 16 64 256
4 x 3 =12 16 x 5 64 x 3
= 80 = 192
1 16 96 256 256

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
1 4 16 64 256
12 80 192

Fourth Power of a Number 193

1 16 96 256+25 6
= 281

1 16 96+ 28 1 6
= 124

1 16 +12 4 1 6
= 28

1+2 =3 8 4 1 6

Hence, (14)4 = 38416

Example: Find the fourth power of 45?

Solution: Here, a = 4 and b = 5 in (45)4 . Ratio = 5/4

• Make a table of 5 column and place the value in each

column accordingly. Multiply the digit at second column
with 3, the third column digit with 5 and fourth column
digit with 3 and place it in 2nd row of the table. The
table will now look as–

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
256 320 400 500 625
960 2000 1500

• Add each column separately

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
256 320 400 500 625
960 2000 1500
256 1280 2400 2000 625

194  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

• Transfer the exceeding digit from each column to its
preceding column.

1st column 2nd column 3rd column 4th column 5th column
256 320 400 500 625
960 2000 1500
256 1280 2400 2000 625

256 1280 2400 2062 5

256 1280 2606 2 5

256 1540 6 2 5

410 0 6 2 5

Hence, (45)4 = 4100625

I do hope the above method with a little practice will reduce

calculation time by 1/10th of the actual time taken in calculating
the same by traditional method.

Fourth Power of a Number 195


Fourth Root of a Number


If, x4 = 16 so, x = 4 16

= 4 2 x 2 x 2 x 2
= 2

The above example clearly shows that in order to get the fourth
power of a desired number, we break it into 4 equal factors and
take one factor out of four.
In general, there is no traditional method taught in our
curriculum that helps us to find the fourth root of a number,
except the labyrinth Prime Factor Method. The traditional method
is too clumsy and time-consuming. As long as the number is
2–4 digits, the prime factor method works effectively, but if the
number is more than 4 digits, this method takes more than 5
minutes to arrive at an answer.
Let us understand it with an example;-

Example: Find the fourth power of 1679616

Solution: The calculation in the traditional method looks like-
4 1679616
4 419904
4 104976
4 26244
3 6561
3 2187
3 729
3 243
3 81
3 27
3 9
3 3

4 4
Hence, 1679616 = 4x4x4x4 x 3x3x3x3 x 3x3x3x3

= 4 x 3 x 3 = 36

The total time taken in prime factorization and to extract the

fourth root is more than 5 minutes and it is not the right process
that you can rely upon. Don’t worry – here is an easy and fantastic
method to reduce your timing from 5 minutes to 5 seconds.

Vedic Sutra for extracting fourth power

Vilokanam (foyksdue~)

Meaning of Vedic Sutra: The word Vilokanam means,“by mere

observation”. The first table will help you to find the unit digit
of the exact square root, whereas Table 2 will help you to find
the ten’s digit.

Fourth Root of a Number 197

Let us first look at the following table:

Table 1

Digit Fourth power Single sum digit

1 1 1
2 16 7
3 81 9
4 256 4
5 625 4
6 1296 9
7 2401 7
8 4096 1
9 6561 9
10 10000 1

From the above table, we conclude:-

• Any number whose unit digit is 1, will have 1, 3, 7 ,or
9 at the unit digit of the fourth power
• Any number whose unit digit is 6, will have 2, 4, 6, or
8 at the unit digit of the fourth power.
• Any number whose unit digit is 5, will have 5 at the
unit digit of the fourth power.
• If a number ends with 0000, it will have 0 at the unit
digit in the fourth power.

Let us summarise the above facts in a table.

Table 2

Number Nearest fourth Root

1 – 15 1
16 – 80 2
81 – 255 3
256 – 624 4

198  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

625 – 1295 5
1296 – 2400 6
2401 – 4095 7
4096 – 6560 8
6561 – 9999 9

Fundamental rule for extracting the fourth root of a number

• Make groups of 4 digits from the right.

• The 1st pair containing the unit digit will give you the
unit place of the fourth root of a number (see Table 1).
Let us denote the unit pair by A.
• Look at the value of the second pair in the Table 2 to
identify the ten’s digit of the fourth root of a number.
Let us call the ten’s digit of the fourth root by B.
• If you are having a different set of options, subtract B4
from the 2nd pair and carry down the next digit from
the number as done in simple division.
• Now compare the new dividend with 4 B3A. Put different
values of A and select the best possible digit, so that
the product 4 B3A ≤ the new dividend
• These two digits together give the fourth root of a number.

Example 1: Find the fourth root of 6765201


• Make groups of 4 digits from the right.

676 5201
2nd Pair (B) 1st Pair (A)

• Since the unit digit of the number is 1, possible digits

at the unit place of the fourth root are 1, 3, 7, or 9 (See
Table 1).

Fourth Root of a Number 199

• Look at the value of the 2nd pair in Table 2 to determine
the value of B. Here 625 < 676 < 1295, so B = 5.
• Hence, the possible set of answers are – 51, 53, 57 or 59.
• Subtract B4 from the given number and carry down the
next digit from the number to get the new dividend.
676 5 2 0 1
−54 Carry down the next digit from the number
51 5 new dividend
• Compare the new dividend by 4 B3A
• We have A = 1 , 3, 7, or 9 and B = 5

A B 4 B3 A
1 5 500
3 5 1500
7 5 3500
9 5 4500

• Since our new dividend = 515 and the above table shows
that only A = 1 satisfies the result, we reject the other
option and take A = 1. This might seem lengthy to you,
but with a little practice, you will be able to guess the
result quite comfortably, without setting different values
of A. From the above table, it is clear that you could
have saved time without calculating the value of A =
3, 5 or 7.
• Hence, the fourth root of 6765201 = 51

Example 2: Find the fourth root of 25411681


Make groups of 4 digits from the right.

2541 1681
2nd Pair (B) 1st Pair (A)

• Since the unit digit of the number is 1, possible digits

200  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

at the unit place of the fourth root are 1, 3, 7, or 9 (See
Table 1).
• Look at the value of 2nd pair in the Table 2 to determine
the value of B. Here 2401 < 2541 <4095 so B = 7.
• Hence, the possible set of answers are – 71, 73, 77 or
• Subtract B4 from the given number and carry down the
next digit from the number to get the new dividend.

2541 1 6 8 1
−74 Carry down the next digit from the number
140 1 new dividend

• Compare the new dividend by 4 B3A

• We have, A = 1 , 3, 7, or 9 and B = 7

A B 4 B3 4 B3 A
1 7 1372 1372
3 7 ------------- -----------
7 7 ------------ ------------
9 7 ----------- -----------

• Since our new dividend = 1401 and the above table

shows that only A = 1 satisfies the result, we reject the
other option and take A = 1. As 1372 x 3 > 1401, we
stop taking other options for A. Hence, the fourth root
of 25411681 = 71

Example 3: Find the fourth root of 5308416


• Make groups of 4 digits from the right.

530 8416
2nd Pair (B) 1st Pair (A)

Fourth Root of a Number 201

• Since the unit digit of the number is 6, possible digits
at the unit place of the fourth root are 2, 4, 6, or 8 (See
Table 1).
• Look at the value of the 2nd pair in the Table 2 to determine
the value of B. Here 256 < 530 < 624 so B = 4.
• Hence, the possible sets of answers are– 42, 44, 46, or
• Subtract B4 from the given number and carry down the
next digit from the number to get the new dividend.
530 8 4 1 6
−44 Carry down the next digit from the number
274 8 new dividend

• Compare the new dividend by 4 B3A

• We have A = 2 , 4, 6, or 8 and B = 4

A B 4 B3 4 B3 A
2 4 256 512
4 4 256 1024
6 4 256 1536
8 4 256 2048

• Since our new dividend = 2748 and the above table

shows that only A = 8 satisfies the result, the fourth
root of 53088416 = 48.

202  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics


Simultaneous Equation


Two linear equations in two unknown x and y are said to form

a system of simultaneous equations if each of them is satisfied
by the same pair of value of x and y.

Example: x + y = 4 and x – y = 3 is an example of simultaneous


In our school curriculum, there are various methods taught to

solve the linear simultaneous equation, but none of them are
time saving.

• Method of Elimination
• Method of Comparison
• Method of Substitution
• Method of Cross Multiplication

The cross multiplication method is fast, but its main drawback is

its confusing nature; and the important fact is that even teachers
get confused regarding the plus or minus sign. The Vedic method
on the other hand, is fast and simple. It makes calculation easy
and far-quicker than the traditional method. The most important
feature of Vedic Mathematics is its various techniques to solve
the problem in no time, using easy and convenient methods.
Vedic Sutras for solving Simultaneous Equation

Vedic Method

ijkoR;Z ;kst;sr
(Paravartya Yojayet)

vkuq:I;s 'kwU;etU;r~
(Anurupye Sunyamanyat)

ladyu &O;kodyukH;ke
(Sankalana -Vyavakalana-bhyam)

Meaning of Vedic Sutra

1. Paravartya Yojayet (ijkoR;Z ;kst;sr): The literal meaning of

this sutra is – Transpose and Apply. The well known rule
relating to transposition enjoins an invariable change of
sign with every change in side.
2. Anurupye Sunyamanyat (vuw:I;s 'kwU;eU;r): The sutra says
– If one is in ratio, the other one is zero. The detailed
explanation with examples is given below.
3. Sankalana – Vyavakalana- bhyam (ladyu O;odyukH;ke~):
This sutra has also been used in the chapter on Subtraction.
The simple meaning is Addition and Subtraction.

Paravartya Yojayet

This method is applicable for all sorts of linear simultaneous

equations. The cross multiplication method taught in our present

204  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

day curriculum is somewhat akin to the Paravartya sutra. The
Vedic Sutra moves in a cyclic order.
For x, we start with the y coefficient and the independent
terms and cross multiply them in the forward direction. The sign
between the two cross multiplications is minus (−).
For y, we start with the independent term and x coefficients
and cross multiply them in the backward direction. The sign
between the cross multiplication result is minus (−).
For the result of the denominator, we take the coefficient of
variables only and cross multiply them in backward direction.
Suppose we have the following set of simultaneous equations:-
a1x + b1y = c1
a2x + b2y = c2
In order to get the numerator of x, we leave the coefficients of
x and write the coefficient of y and the independent term and
cross multiply them with a minus sign in between the cross
product in the rightward direction as shown here.
b1 c1 (2)
b c2 (1)
= b1 c2 – b2 c1
Again, to get the numerator of y, we leave the coefficient of y
and take only the coefficient of x and the independent term
into consideration. As you know, the sutra moves in a cyclic
order, so we have to start with the independent term first. Cross
multiplication of the independent term and coefficient of x will
give the numerator of y.
c1 a1 (1)
c2 a2 (2)
c1 a2 − a1 c2
The denominator of both the variables x and y will remain same.
The cross product of the coefficient of the variable in the backward
direction gives us the result:
a1 b1 (1)
a b2 (2)

Simultaneous Equation 205
To make the concept more clear let us put the whole thing in a
simple diagrammatical structure.

Nr of x Nr of y Denominator (For x and y)

b1 c1 a1 b1
b2 c2 a2 b2
Let us take a few examples to understand the modus operandi.
Here Nr defines Numerator.

Example 1: Solve for x and y: 2x + 3y = 7 ; 3x + 7y = 13.


Coefficient of y Independent Term

3 7
x = 7 13
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
2 3
3 7

Independent Term Coefficient of x

7 2
y = 13 3
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
2 3
3 7
Hence, x = 39 – 49 = −10 = 2
9 – 14 −5
y = 21 – 26 = −5 = 1
9 – 14 −5

206  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example 1: Solve for x and y: 11 x + 6y = 21 ; 8x −5y = 34.


Coefficient of y Independent Term

6 21
x = −5 34
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
11 6
8 −5

Independent Term Coefficient of x

21 11
y = 34 8
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
11 6
8 −5
Hence, x = 204 +105 = 309 = 3
48 + 55 103
y = 168 – 374 = −206 = −2
48 + 55 103

Example 1: Solve for x and y: 4x + 7y = 29 ; 12x + 3y = −3.


Coefficient of y Independent Term

7 29
x = 3 −3
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
4 7
12 3

Simultaneous Equation 207
Independent Term Coefficient of x
29 4
y = −3 12
Coefficient of x Coefficient of y
4 7
12 3
Hence, x = −21 −87 = −108 = −3
84 – 12 −72 2
y = 348 + 12 = 360 = 5
84 – 12 72

Anurupye Sunyamanyat (vuq:I;s lwU;eU;r~)

This is a special type of simultaneous equation, which at the very

first instance looks very hard due to the involvement of large
numbers, but the Vedic Method makes it child’s play. The Vedic
Sutra says – If one is in ratio, the other one is zero. In simple
language, whenever the ratio of x or y is equal to that of the
independent term, put the ratio of y or x = 0.
Let me take one example to make the modus operandi
understandable to you.

Example: Solve for x and y:

5x + 8y = 40
10x + 11 y = 80

Solution: In the above example, the ratio of the coefficients of

x is 1: 2 and the ratio of the independent term is also 1: 2.
The Vedic sutra in this special case says – If one is in ratio,
the other one is zero.
Since the ratio of x is equal to the ratio of the independent
term, y = 0. Put y = 0 in either of the equations to get the
value of x.
For y = 0, 10 x = 80 hence x = 8
x = 8 and y = 0 is the solution.

208  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Solve for x and y:

12 x + 78 y = 12
16 x + 96 y = 16

Solution: Here the ratio of x = 12: 16 = ratio of independent term

Hence, y = 0
Put y = 0 in either of the two equations to get x = 1

Example: Solve for x and y:

44x + 178 y = 22
132 x + 243 y = 66

Solution: Here the ratio of coefficient of x = 44: 132 = 1: 3

The ratio of independent term = 22: 66 = 1: 3

Hence, y = 0
Put y = 0 to get x = ½.

Example: Solve for x and y:

27 x + 144 y = 720
42 x + 72 y = 360

Solution: Here the ratio of coefficient of y = 144: 72 = 2: 1

The ratio of independent term = 720: 360 =2:1

Hence, x = 0
Put x = 0 in any of the above equation to get y = 5.

Sankalana Vyavakalanam (ladyu~ O;odyukH;ke~)

As said earlier, this sutra simply means – Addition and

Subtraction. Whenever the coefficient of x in the 1st equation is
equal to the coefficient of y in the 2nd equation and vice versa,
this sutra works better.
Let us take an example and see its modus operandi.

Simultaneous Equation 209
Example: Solve for x and y

23 x + 31 y = 18
31 x + 23 y = 90

Solution: In the above example

The coefficient of x in 1st equation = Coefficient of y in 2nd

equation = 23
The coefficient of y in 1st equation = coefficient of x in 2nd
equation = 31

Let us apply the Sankalana Vyavkalanam Vedic sutra to

get a quick answer.
Adding the two equations we get,
54 x + 54 y = 108 ⇒ x + y = 2 ------(A)
On subtracting we get,
−8x + 8y = −72, ⇒ –x + y = −9 -------(B)
Add equation (A) and (B) to get y = −7/2
On subtracting equations (A) and (B) again we get,
x = 1/2

Example: Solve for x and y:

45 x – 23 y = 113
23 x – 45 y = 91

Solution: We have,

45 x – 23 y = 113 ----- (1)

23 x – 45 y = 91 ------(2)

Adding (1) and (2) we get,

68 x – 68 y = 204 ⇒ x – y = 3 -------(3)
Subtracting (2) from (1) we get,
22 x + 22 y = 22 ⇒ x + y = 1 -------(4)
Again on adding equation (3) and (4) we get, x = 2
And on subtracting (4) from (3) we get, y = –1

210  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Solve for x and y :

699 x + 845 y = 5477

845 x + 699 y = 5331

Solution: We have,

699 x + 845 y = 5477 ----(1)

845 x + 699 y = 5331 ----(2)
Add (1) and (2)
⇒ 1544 x + 1544 y = 10808 ⇒ x + y = 7 --(3)
Subtract (2) from (1) we get,
− 146 x + 146 y = 146 ⇒ −x + y = 1 --(4)
Add (3) and (4) we get, y = 4
Subtract (4) from (3) we get, x = 3

Example: Solve for x and y:

23 x – 29 y = 98
29 x – 23 y = 110

Solution: We have,

23 x – 29 y = 98 ---(1)
29 x – 23 y = 110 --(2)

Adding (1) and (2) we get,

52 x – 52 y = 208 ⇒ x – y = 4 ---- (3)
Subtracting (2) from (1) we have,
− 6 x – 6 y = − 12 ⇒ x + y = 2 ---- (4)
Add (3) and (4) again to get x = 3
Subtract (4) from (3) and get, y = 1

I do hope the journey of linear simultaneous equation with Vedic

sutras has been entertaining and solving these equations with
the help of Vedic sutra will undoubtedly save your precious time
and energy.

Simultaneous Equation 211

Cubic Factorization


In NCERT text books of class 9, students encounter Cubic

Factorization and do solve it by means of the Factor Theorem. The
factor theorem method is easy, but is a time-consuming process.
For some of you who are not aware of the factor theorem, let
me first describe its definition and working.
Factor Theorem: If p(x) is a polynomial, then if p(r) = 0,
then (x – r) is a factor of p(x).
Let us take an example to understand the tediousness of
the Factor theorem.

Example: Factorize x3 + 6 x2 + 11x + 6.


Let P(x) = x3 + 6 x2 + 11x + 6.

Since 6 has the factor ± 1, ±2, ±3, and ±6, we invariably put
these values in the polynomial p(x) until we get the remainder
0. Let us see how it works.

P(x) = x3 + 6 x2 + 11x + 6.
P(1) = (1)3 + 6. (1)2 + 11(1) + 6 ≠ 0
P(–1) = (−1)3 + 6. (−1)2 + 11( − 1) + 6
= – 1 + 6 – 11 + 6 = 0

Hence x + 1 is a factor of the polynomial P(x).

Now we divide P(x) by x +1 by long division method.
x + 1 x3 + 6 x2 + 11x + 6 x2 + 5x + 6
x3 + x2
– –
5x2 + 11x
5x2 + 5x
− −
6x + 6
6x + 6
− –
Hence, P(x) = x + 6 x2 + 11x + 6 = (x + 1) (x2+ 5x + 6)

Now let us factorize the polynomials x2+ 5x + 6 by splitting

the middle term.

Q(x) = x2+ 5x + 6
= x2 + 2x + 3 x + 6
= x (x + 2) + 3 ( x + 2)
= (x + 2) (x + 3).

So, P(x) = x3 + 6 x2 + 11x + 6

= (x + 1) (x2+ 5x + 6)
= (x+1) (x + 2) (x + 3)

Though the discussed method is easy but isn’t it a labyrinth-like

method to use?

Formation of Cubic Polynomial

Standard form: ax3 +bx2 + cx + d

By the fundamental theorem of Algebra - Every polynomial of n

degree has n roots. This is a cubic polynomial, so it will have
three roots. Let us understand the structure of cubic polynomials.

Let the three roots be namely α, β and γ.

α + β + γ = sum of roots = Σα = −b / a

Cubic Factorization 213
αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of product of two = Σαβ = c / a
αβγ = Product of three roots = −d / a

Now let us see how Vedic Mathematics is handy in solving the

cubic polynomials.

Vedic Method

We first begin with the sub-sutra- Gunita Samuccaye Samuccaye

Gunita ( leqPp;% leqPp; which means –
The product of the sum of the coefficients in the factors is
equal to the sum of the coefficients in the product.
In symbols,

Se of Product = Product of Se (in the factor)

This sub-sutra is of immense utility for the purpose of verifying the

correctness of our answer.

Example: P(x) = x3 + ax2+ bx + c

Solution: If the polynomial is cubic, it will have three roots -

call it be α, β and γ.

a = α + β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2
b = αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of the product of two roots = coefficient of x
c = αβγ = Product of three roots

Let us take a few examples to understand the concept of the Vedic

Method to solve the factorization of cubic polynomials. You will be
astonished to know that the Vedic method takes just 3–4 seconds
to reach the answer, whereas the traditional methods taught in
the classroom take at least 10 minutes. Moreover, there is little or
no chance of faulty calculation. The present day textbook, though,
uses Factor theorem and you can’t use the Vedic method in your
classroom as this method is not applicable in the traditional way,
but at least you can use it to check your answer. Within a few

214  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

seconds you can know the exact factor and thereafter can put
only those values of x and apply the Factor Theorem method to
reach the answer in half the time you presently devote.

Example: Factorize x3 + 6x2 + 11x + 6

Solution: The last term 6 has the factors 1, 2, 3 and 6. Our

aim is to find α, β and γ in such a way that it satisfies the
following two conditions.

c = αβγ = Product of three roots = 1 x 2 x 3

a = α+β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2 = 1 + 2 + 3
Hence the factor is --- (x + 1) (x + 2) (x + 3)


Put the value of α, β and γ in b and check whether the coefficient

of x in the polynomial is the same as the result you obtained
or not.

b= αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of product of two = coefficient of x

= 1 x 2 + 2 x 3 + 1 x 3
= 2 + 6 + 3
= 11
It is obvious from the result that the factor is absolutely correct.

Example: Factorize x3 + 12x2 + 44x + 48

Solution: Here the factor of 48 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 12, 16, 24

and 48.

Our aim is to choose three factors whose product is 48 and their

sum is 12. In other words -

a = α+β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2 = 12

c = αβγ = Product of three roots = 48
On mere inspection, we see–
αβγ = Product of three roots = 2 x 4 x 6 = 48

Cubic Factorization 215
And α + β + γ = sum of roots = 2 + 4 + 6 = 12
Hence, the factors are–
x3 + 12x2 + 44x + 48 = (x + 2) (x +4) (x + 6)


b = αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of the product of two = coefficient of x

= 2 x 4 + 4 x 6 + 2 x 6
= 8 + 24 + 12
= 44

Since, it is equal to the coefficient of x in the given polynomial,

the factor thus obtained is correct.

Example: Factorize x3 + 8 x2 + 19 x + 12

Solution: The factors of 12 are– 1, 2, 3, 4, 6and 12.

a = α+β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2 = 8

c = αβγ = Product of three roots = 12
On mere inspection, we see -
αβγ = Product of three roots = 1 x 3 x 4 = 12
And α+β + γ = sum of roots = 1 +3 + 4 = 8
Hence, the factors are-
x3 + 8 x2 + 19 x + 12 = (x + 1) (x +3) (x + 4)


b = αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of the product of two = coefficient of x

= 1 x 3 + 3 x 4 + 1 x 4
= 3 + 12 + 4
= 19

Example: Factorize x3 −2 x2 −33 x + 60

Solution: The possible factors of 60 are 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 10, 12,

15, 20, 30 and 60.

a = α+β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2 = −2

c = αβγ = Product of three roots = 60

216  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

On mere inspection, we see-
α+β + γ = sum of roots = −3 −4 +5 = −2
αβγ = Product of three roots = −3 x −4 x 5 = 60
Hence, the factors are -
x3 −2 x2 −23 x + 60 = (x −3)(x−4)(x + 5)


b = αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of the product of two = coefficient of x

= (−3 )x( −4) + (− 4) x 5 + (−3 x 5) = −23

Example: Factorize x3 – 7x + 6

Solution: This polynomial involves no term of x2, so we re-write

the equation in the standard format as discussed above.

x3 – 7x + 6 = x3 + 0 x2 – 7 x + 6

Now the factors of 6 are 1, 2, 3 and 6. On inspection, we can locate

the exact value of α, β and γ that suits the value of a, b and c.

a = α+β + γ = sum of roots = coefficient of x2 = 0 = −1

−2 + 3
c = αβγ = Product of three roots = −1 x −2 x 3 = 6
Hence, x3 – 7x + 6 = (x – 1) (x – 2 ) ( x + 3 )


b = αβ + βγ + αγ = sum of product of two = coefficient of x

= −1 x (−2 ) + (− 2) x 3 +(−1 ) x 3
= 2 – 6 – 3
= − 7
Hence, result verified.

The above example illustrates that the Vedic Method to solve the
cubic factor is not only easy to understand but a time saving
technique because it involves no tedious or lengthy calculation,
but merely inspection, which helps you to reach the result in no
time. Always bear in mind, however, that this is valid as long
as the cubic polynomial is factorizable.
Cubic Factorization 217

Quadratic Equations


An equation in the form of ax2+ bx + c = 0 is called quadratic equation

where a ≠ 0. The Fundamental theorem of Algebra says that – Every
polynomial of m degree has m roots. Since the degree of quadratic
equation is 2, it will have two roots. The quadratic equation ax2+ b x
+ c = 0 is solved by the formula –
x = – b ± b2 −4ac
where D = b2 – 4ac, is called the Discriminant. This
Discriminant also helps us to decide the nature of roots of the
The solution of Quadratic equations is a part of secondary
school syllabus of every secondary board in India and this is not
all, even in almost 90 % of competitive examination, 1– 2 questions
based on quadratic equations are asked. The traditional method
works well, but it takes a lot of time. In some special cases, the
solution is arrived at in 5–10 minutes, whereas the Vedic method
instantly gives you the answer in 5 –10 seconds and that too
without the help of pen and paper. I have decided to leave the
simple type of quadratic equation for readers as they can solve it
by any of the following methods taught in Secondary Curriculum.
The method described in CBSE/ ICSE syllabus of class X are--
a) Mid Term factorization
b) Completing the Square method
c) Quadratic formula
Vedic method to solve Quadratic Equation

Vedic Method of Solving Quadratic Equation


'kwU;a lkE; leqPp;s

(Shunyam Sama samuchchaye)

vkuq:I;s 'kwU;eU;r~
( Anurupye Sunyamanyat)

Meaning of Vedic Sutras:

1. Vilokanam (foyksdue~): The literal meaning of this Vedic Sutra

is Merely by Observation.
2. Sunyam Samya Samuccaye (‘kwU;a lkE; leqPp;s): This sutra
is applicable to a large number of different cases. It literally
means –when the samuchchaya is the same, equal it to zero.
Samuchchaya is a technical term which has several meanings
under different contexts; and we shall explain them, one at
a time.
3. Anurupye Sunyamanyat (vkuq:I;s ‘kwU;eU;r~): This sutra is
useful in finding one root of a quadratic equation of special
type. The literal meaning is – If one is in ratio, the other one
is zero. It has many other applications in Vedic Mathematics

Quadratic Equations 219
Vilokanam (foyksdue~) Sutra

We usually come across such equations in examination and the

traditional method takes almost 5 minutes to solve, but the Vedic
Method will let you solve such questions in less than a minute.

Example: x + 2 + x + 1 = 37
x + 1 x + 2 6

Traditional Method:

Put x + 2 = a
x + 1
a + 1/a = 37/6
or, a2 + 1 = 37
a 6
or, 6 a2 + 6 = 37 a
or, 6 a2 – 37 a + 6 = 0
or, 6 a2 – 36 a – a + 6 = 0
or, 6 a(a – 6) – 1 (a – 6) = 0
or, (6 a – 1) ( a – 6) = 0
or, a = 6 or 1/6
x + 2 = 6 or, x + 2 = 1
x + 1 x + 1 6

⇒ 6x + 6 = x + 2 ⇒ 6x + 12 = x + 1
⇒ 6x – x = 2 – 6 ⇒ 6x – x = 1 – 12
⇒ 5x = – 4 ⇒ 5x = – 11
⇒ x = – 4/5 ⇒ x = – 11/5

Vedic Method:

Look at the LHS; you observe that the LHS is the sum of two
reciprocals. The Vilokanam Vedic Sutra simply tells us to break the

220  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

RHS in such a way that they become the sum of two reciprocals
and equate the RHS with any part of LHS. Let us understand
the modus operandi with these examples.

Example: Solve, x + 2 + x + 1 = 37
x + 1 x + 2 6

Solution: The LHS is the sum of two reciprocals, so we break

the RHS into two such fractions so that it also becomes the sum
of two reciprocal fractions.

x + 2 + x + 1 = 37 = 6 + 1
x + 1 x + 2 6 6

Now, equate either of the LHS parts to both the term of RHS
and solve them to find the value of x.

x + 2 = 6 or, x + 2 = 1
x + 1 x + 1 6
⇒ 6 x + 6 = x + 2 ⇒ 6x + 12 = x + 1
⇒ 6x – x = 2 – 6 ⇒ 6x – x = 1 – 12
⇒ 5x = – 4 ⇒ 5 x = – 11
⇒ x = −4/5 ⇒ x = −11/5

Example: Solve, x + 2 − x + 3 = 15
x + 3 x + 2 4

Solution: The LHS is the difference of two reciprocals, so we

break the RHS into two such fractions so that it also becomes
the difference of two reciprocal fractions.

x + 2 − x + 3 = 15 = 4 − 1
x + 3 x + 2 4 4

Now, equate either of the LHS part to both the term of the RHS
and solve them to find the value of x.

Quadratic Equations 221
x + 2 = 4 or, x + 2 = 1
x + 3 x + 3 4
⇒ 4 x + 12 = x + 2 ⇒ 4x + 8 = x + 3
⇒ 4x – x = 2 – 12 ⇒ 4x – x = 3 – 8
⇒ 3x = − 10 ⇒ 3 x =− 5
⇒ x = −10/3 ⇒ x = − 5/3

Example: Solve, x + x + 1 = 169

x + 1 x 60

Solution: The LHS is the sum of two reciprocals, so we break

the RHS in two such fractions so that it also becomes the sum
of two reciprocal fractions. At first look, the RHS doesn’t seem
to be the sum of any such fraction. Now split the denominator
in two parts.

60 = 2 x 30
= 3 x 20
= 4 x 15
= 5 x 12
= 6 x 10

Now, find the sum of the squares of these factors and check
when the sum is 169, the value of the numerator.

22 + 302 > 169

32 + 202 > 169
42 + 152 > 169
52 + 122 = 169 (Numerator)
Hence, 169/ 60 = 12/ 5 + 5 / 12
x + x + 1 = 169 = 12 + 5
x + 1 x 60 5 12

Now, equate either of the LHS parts to both the term of the RHS
and solve them to find the value of x.

222  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

x = 12 or, x = 5
x + 1 5 x + 1 12
⇒ 12 x + 12 = 5 x ⇒ 12 x = 5 x + 5
⇒ 12 x – 5 x = – 12 ⇒ 12 x – 5x = 5
⇒ 7x = − 12 ⇒7 x = 5
⇒ x = −12/7 ⇒ x = 5/7

Example: Solve, 3 x + 7 − 2x −9 = 56
2 x − 9 3x + 7 45

Solution: The LHS is the difference of two reciprocals, so we

brea the RHS into two such fractions so that it also becomes
the difference of two reciprocal fractions. At first look, the RHS
doesn’t seem to be the sum of any such fraction. Now split the
denominator in two parts.

45 = 3 x 15
= 9 x 5

Now, find the difference of squares of these factors and check

when the difference is found to be 56, the value of the numerator.

152 − 32 > 56
92 −52 = 56 (Numerator)
Hence, 56 = 9 − 5
45 = 5 9

The question now becomes–

3 x + 7 − 2x −9 = 56 = 9 – 5
2 x − 9 3x + 7 45 5 9

Now, equate either of the LHS parts to both the terms of the
RHS and solve them to find the value of x.

Quadratic Equations 223
3 x + 7 = 9 or, 3 x + 7 = 5
2 x −9 5 2 x −9 9
⇒ 15 x + 35 = 18 x – 81 ⇒ 27 x + 63 = 10 x −45
⇒ 15 x – 18 x = – 81– 35 ⇒ 27 x – 10x = −45 −63
⇒ −3x = − 116 ⇒ 17 x = −108
⇒ x = 116/3 ⇒ x = −108/17

Sunyam Anyat ('kwU;e~ vU;r) and Sunyam sama samuchaye

('kwU;e lkE; leqPp;s)

Look at the following examples:

a) 2 + 3 = 4 + 1
x+2 x+3 x+4 x+ 1
b) a + b + b + c = 2b + a + c
x+ a+ b x + b + c x + 2b x + a + c

Minute observation proves the above equation to be a kind of

Quadratic Equation, so it will certainly have two roots. The above
type of equation can be solved by using two Vedic Sutras.
Let us take each example and solve it by using Vedic Sutras.

2 + 3 = 4 + 1
x+2 x+3 x+4 x+ 1

Now let us inspect it by using Sunyam Anyat Vedic sutra which

was earlier used in solving a special type of simultaneous equation.

The formula says – if one is in ratio, the other one is zero.

Ratio of the constant term in LHS = 2/2 + 3/3 = 1 + 1 = 2
Ratio of the constant term in RHS = 4/4 + 1/1 = 1 + 1 = 2
Since the ratios of the constant term in both sides are equal, by
Sunyam Anyat sutra x = 0.

Now what about the second root?

The second root will be extracted by using another Vedic Sutra

called Sunyam Sam samucchaye. The sutra says – if sum of

224  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

numerator on both the sides are the same, equate the sum of
the denominator equal to zero.

N1 + N2 in LHS = 2 + 3 = 5
N1 + N2 in RHS = 4 + 1 = 5
Since they are equal, we have to equate the sum of the
denominator equal to zero.
D1 + D2 = 0
⇒x + 2 + x + 3 = 0
⇒ 2 x + 5 = 0
⇒ x = −5/2
Therefore, two roots are x = 0 and x = −5/2
Example 2: a + b + b + c = 2b + a + c
x+ a+ b x + b + c x + 2b x + a + c
Solution: Ratio of constant term in LHS =
a + b + b + c = 1 + 1 = 2
a + b b + c
Ratio of constant term in RHS =
2b + a + c = 1 + 1 = 2
2b a + c
Since the ratio of LHS and RHS are the same, x = 0 (By Sunyam
Anyat Vedic Sutra). The second root will be extracted using another
Vedic Sutra – Sunyam Sam samuccaye.
N1 + N2 in LHS = a + b + b + c = a + 2b + c
N1 + N2 in RHS = 2b + a + c = a + 2b + c
Since they are equal, we have to equate the sum of the
denominator equal to zero.
D1 + D2 = 0
⇒x + a + b + x + b + c = 0
⇒ 2 x + a + 2b + c = 0
⇒ x = − (a + 2b + c)/2
Hence, two roots are– x = 0 and x = − (a + 2b + c)/2

Quadratic Equations 225
Sunyam Sam Samuchchaye ('kwU;e lkE; leqPp;s)

The third case is an example of simple quadratic equation. The

traditional method is cumbersome but the Vedic Method is a one-
line solution and does not even require pen and paper. You will
be amazed to see how effective Vedic method is in such a special
type of Quadratic equation. It is well known that a quadratic
equation has two roots. This special type of equation can be
identified by summing up the numerators and denominators of
both the sides. If they are ound to be equal, then Sunyam Sam
Samuchchaye Vedic sutra will be applicable in such a case.

N1 + N2 = D1 + D2 = 0, gives the first root of the equation

And, N1 – D1 = N2 – D2 = 0, gives the second root of the equation

Example: Solve 3x+ 4 = 5x + 6

6x + 7 2x + 3

Solution: The minute observation of the question helps us to

identify that this question falls in a special category of quadratic
equations, where the sum of the numerator and denominator is
found to be equal to 8x + 10.

For the first root

N1 + N2 = D1 + D2 = 0
N1 + N2 = 3x+4 + 5x + 6 = 8x + 10
D1 + D2 = 6x + 7 + 2x + 3 = 8x + 10

⇒ 8x + 10 = 0
or, x = –5/4

For the second root

N1 – D1 = N2 – D2 = 0
⇒ N1 – D1 = 3x + 4 – 6x – 7 = 0
⇒ –3x – 3 = 0
⇒x = 1

226  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

or, N2 – D2 = 5x + 6 – 2x – 3 =0
⇒ 3x + 3 = 0
⇒x = – 1

Hence, the two roots of the above equation are x = –5/4 and -1.

Example: Solve 3x+ 6 = 5x + 4

6x + 3 2x + 7

Solution: On simple observation, it is evident that the above

equation is a quadratic equation and here the sum of numerator
and denominator is found to be equal to 8x + 10. We now apply
the Sunyam sam Samuchchaya sutra to obtain the two roots of
the quadratic equation.

For the first root

N1 + N2 = D1 + D2 = 0
N1 + N2 = 3x+ 6 + 5x + 4 = 8x + 10
D1 + D2 = 6x + 3 + 2x + 7 = 8x + 10

⇒ 8x + 10 = 0
⇒ or, x = –5/4

For the second root

N1 – D1 = N2 –D2 = 0
⇒ N1 – D1 = 3x + 6 – 6x – 3= 0
⇒ – 3x + 3 = 0
⇒x = 1

or, N2 – D2 = 5x + 4 – 2x – 7 =0
⇒ 3x – 3 = 0
⇒ x = 1

Hence the two roots of the above equation are x = –5/4 and 1.

Quadratic Equations 227

Casting Out Nines


Nine is a wonderful number in mathematics. It is the largest

one digit number in the Hindu-Arabic system. Besides that, it
has many other features too–
• It is the least number that can be expressed as the sum
of cubes of the first two numbers 13 + 23 = 9.
• 9 is the maximum number of cubes that one needs to
sum to any positive integer.
• If the sum of the digits of a number is the multiple of
nine, it is divisible by nine.
Example: 34521426 is divisible by 9 because the sum
of digits (3 + 4 + 5 + 2 + 1 + 4 + 2 +6 = 27) is
divisible by 9.
• Multiply any number by 9 – however big it is, the sum
of the digits of the number will always result in 9.
Example: a) 123 x 9 = 1107
Sum of the digit = 1 + 1 + 0 + 7 = 9
b) 459873 x 9 = 4138857
Sum of the digit = 4 + 1 + 3 + 8 + 8 + 5 + 7 = 36
= 3 + 6 = 9
• See another pattern of 9
1/ 9 = 0.1111.... 2/9 = 0.222..... 3/9 = 0.3333.....
4/9 = 0.4444..... 5/9 = 0.555..... 6/9 = 0.6666....
7/9 = 0.7777..... 8/9 = 0.888.....
Casting out nines is one of the easiest mathematical methods to check
the accuracy of arithmetical operations like – Addition, Subtraction,
Multiplication, Division, Square, Cube etc.  It is a way to quickly check
your mathematical operation, which will tell you that you have got a
sum wrong, or that it is probably right. This method is also known as
Chinese Remainder Theorem. In Vedic Mathematics, it is popularly
known as uo’ks”k

Fundamental rules of Vedic Sutra Navasesh (uo’ks'k):

Casting out Nines literally means to throw nines. Now let us focus
on its working.
• Add the digits of a number across, dropping out 9, to
get a single figure. If it is not a single figure, add the
digits obtained so as to get a single figure less than 9.
• 9 is not taken into account in this process, as a digit
sum of 9 is the same as a digit sum of zero.
• If the number is made up of all 9’s and/or all sub-additions
of 9’s, then its number digit is zero.
• In subtraction, while applying this rule for verification,
you may encounter a negative number. Add 9 to the
negative number to make it positive. Example – if your
answer is – 5 , convert it to positive integer by adding
9, i.e. – 5 = – 5 + 9 = 4

How does this method work?

Example: Find the digit sum of 4954653


Digit sum of 4954653= 4+ 9+ 5 + 4 + 6 + 5 +3 = 36

Since 36 is a double figure number, to get a single figure,
we have to add it again.
Digit sum of 36 = 3+ 6 = 9 =0

Casting Out Nines 229

(As the rule discussed above says that the digit sum of 9 is
the same as the digit sum of zero)
The digit sum of 4954653 can be done in other way very
easily. As discussed above, we need not take 9 into account.
Digit sum of 4954653 = 4 + 9 + 5 + 4 + 6 + 5 + 3

The two group of number 5+ 4 and 6 +3 can easily be left out

while finding the digit sum of 4954653, as their sum is equal to 9.

Example: Find the digit sum of 4379348568219

Solution: Add all the digits

4 3 7 9 3 4 8 5 6 8 2 1 9
The four groups of numbers have the digit sum 9 which need
not taken into account.

Hence the final sum = digits left out

= 4 + 3 + 8 = 15

Digit sum of 15 = 1 + 5 = 6

Example: Find the digit sum of 2345689

Solution: Add the digits, removing the pairs whose sum is 9.

2 3 4 5 6 8 9

Checking for Addition


Find the digit sum (DS) of all numbers to be added individually

and also the digit sum (DS) of the result/ answer you get at the
end. If the digit sum (DS) for both is found to be equal, then it
is time to cheer as your calculations are right!

230  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Verify 347385 + 569384 + 258769+ 381730 + 429464
= 1986732

Verification: Digit sum of number

347385 3
569384 8
258769 1
381730 4
+ 429464 2
1986732 ?

LH.S. = Digit sum of 1986732 = 1+9+8+6+7+3+2 = 0

R.H.S. = Sum of the Digit sum of number = 3+8+1+4+2 = 0
Since LHS = RHS
Result Verified

Example: Verify 5087643 + 8432397+ 3854009 + 2197565 =


Verification: Digit sum of number

5087643 6
8432397 0
3854009 2
+ 2197565 8
19571614 ?

LH.S. = Digit sum of 19571614 = 1+9+5+7+1+6+1+4 = 7

R.H.S. = Sum of the Digit sum of number = 6+0+2+8 = 7
Result verified

Example: 10045 + 34567 + 88888 + 234 = 145734

Verification: Digit Sum of number

10045 1
34567 7
88888 4
+ 234 0
145734 ?

Casting Out Nines 231

LH.S. = Digit sum of 145734 = 1 + 4 + 5 + 7 + 3 + 4 = 6
R.H.S. = Sum of the Digit sum of number = 1 + 7 + 4 + 0 = 3
Since, LHS ≠ RHS
Result Incorrect

Check for Subtraction


The process of subtraction is the same as applied in addition.

Remember that the value of the digit sum of minuend should
be greater than that of the subtrahend. In case the digit sum
of the minuend is less than that of the subtrahend, don’t panic
and do the simple arithmetic calculation and the answer in this
case will be negative one. Add 9 to the result to make it positive.

Example: Verify 42587 − 35769 = 6818

Verification: Digit Sum of number

42587 8
− 35769 3
6818 ?

LHS = Digit sum of 6818 = 5

RHS = 8 – 3 = 5
Since LHS =RHS

Hence Result Verified

Example: Verify 3456928734 −1958762087 = 1498166647

Verification: Digit Sum of number

3456928734 6
−1958762087 8
1498166647 ?

LHS = Digit sum of 1498166647 = 1+4+9+8+1+6+6+6+4+7

RHS = 6 – 8 = −2

232  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Since, the result is negative,add 9 to it to make it positive. Hence,
RHS = −2 + 9 = 7
Hence, result verified

Example: Verify 502568 – 369876 = 138692

Verification: Digit Sum of number

502568 8
369876 −3
138692 ?

LHS = Digit sum of 138692 = 1 + 3 + 8 + 6 + 9 + 2 = 2

RHS = 8 – 3 = 5
Since, LHS ≠ RHS
Hence result is incorrect.

Check for Multiplication

Multiplication is one of the most error-prone areas amongst the

eight fundamental arithmetical operations. Students spend much
of their precious time in checking and rechecking the result as
they are not sure about getting the result 100 % correct. The
casting out nines method will undoubtedly boost your level of
confidence and prove a panacea. Once you are good enough to
apply this method, you will love to see the tremendous change
in your calculating ability as you are now equipped to fight the
menace of calculation errors. In a fraction of a minute, you would
be able to check whether you are wrong or right. Let us enjoy
this beauty in Multiplication with the help of some examples.


We know that Multiplicand X Multiplier = Result. First, find the

digital roots of Multiplicand, multiplier and product. If the result
in LHS and RHS comes out to be equal, then you are correct,
else you need to multiply it again.

Casting Out Nines 233

Example: Verify; 3456 x 9999 = 34556544

Solution: Digital sum of Multiplicand = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 0

Digital sum of Multiplier = 9 + 9 + 9 + 9 = 0
Digital sum of Result = 3 + 4 + 5 + 5 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 4 = 0

LHS = DS of Multiplicand x DS of Multiplier = 0 x 0 = 0

RHS = DS of Result = 0
Result verified

Example: Verify, 8 5 9 4 2 x 3 0 5 4 = 2 6 2 4 6 0 8 6 8

Solution: Digital sum of Multiplicand = 8 + 5 + 9 + 4 + 2 = 1

Digital sum of Multiplier = 3 + 0 + 5 + 4 = 3
Digital sum of Result = 2 + 6 + 2 + 4 + 6 + 0 + 8 + 6 +
8 = 6

LHS = DS of Multiplicand x DS of Multiplier = 1 x 3 = 3

RHS = DS of Result = 6
Result Incorrect

Example: Verify, 28762 x 65490 = 1883623380

Solution: Digital sum of Multiplicand = 2 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 2 = 7

Digital sum of Multiplier = 6 +5 + 4 + 9 + 0 = 6
Digital sum of Result = 1 + 8 + 8 + 3 + 6 + 2 + 3 + 3 +8
+ 0 = 6

LHS = DS of Multiplicand x DS of Multiplier = 7 x 6 = 42 =

4 + 2 = 6
RHS = DS of Result = 6
Result verified

234  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Check for Division

The casting out nines method described in the very beginning will
suffice to check the division operation effectively.


We know that Dividend = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder

To verify whether the Quotient and Remainder obtained on
dividing a certain number by another number is correct or not,
find the digit sum of Dividend, Divisor, Quotient and Remainder
and put the value of digits sum in LHS and RHS. If the same
digit sum is obtained on both the sides, it ultimately tells you
that you have performed the right operation. Let us take some
examples to understand how effectively this method works for

Example: Verify 876543 ÷ 123, Q = 7126 and R = 45


Here, Dividend = 876543

Digit sum of Dividend = 8 + 7 + 6 + 5 + 4 + 3 = 6
Divisor = 123
Digit sum of Divisor = 1 + 2 + 3 = 6
Quotient = 7126
Digit sum of quotient = 7 + 1 + 2 + 6= 7
Remainder = 45
Digit sum of Remainder = 4 + 5 = 0
Putting the digit sum value in the given formulae, we get,

L.H.S = Digit sum of Dividend = 6

R.H.S = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
= 6 x 7 + 0 = 42
Digit sum of 42 = 6

Hence LHS = RHS

Result Verified

Casting Out Nines 235

Example: Verify 287695 ÷ 3456, Q = 83 and R = 847


Here, Dividend = 287695

Digit sum of Dividend = 2 + 8 + 7 +6 + 9 + 5 = 1
Divisor = 3456
Digit sum of Divisor = 3 + 4 + 5 + 6 = 0
Quotient = 83
Digit sum of quotient = 8 + 3 = 2
Remainder = 847
Digit sum of Remainder = 8 + 4 + 7 = 1
Putting the digit sum value in the given formulae, we get,

L.H.S = Digit sum of Dividend = 1

R.H.S = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
= 0 x 2 + 1 = 1
Hence LHS = RHS
Result Verified

Example: Verify 8240376287 ÷ 58769, Q = 140216 and R = 22183


Here Dividend = 8240376287

Digit sum of Dividend = 8 + 2 + 4 + 0 + 3+7 + 6
+ 2 + 8 + 7 = 2
Divisor = 58769
Digit sum of Divisor = 5 + 8 + 7 + 6 + 9 = 8
Quotient = 140216
Digit sum of Quotient = 1 + 4 + 0 + 2 + 1 + 6= 5
Remainder = 22183
Digit sum of Remainder = 2 + 2 + 1 + 8 + 3 = 7
Putting the digit sum value in the given formulae, we get,

L.H.S = Digit sum of Dividend = 2

R.H.S = Divisor x Quotient + Remainder
= 8 x 5 + 7 = 47

236  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Digit sum of 47 = 2
Hence LHS = RHS
Result Verified

Check for Square


Square of any number can be verified by means of the Casting

out Nines technique very easily. It is a proven fact that the square
of a number is the multiplication of the same number by itself,
so the process of multiplication can also be used to check the
square of a number. For fast calculation, readers are advised to
go through this chart and if possible, keep the chart in mind.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Square 1 4 9 16 25 36 49 64 81
DS 1 4 0 7 7 0 4 1 0

Example: Verify (42)2 = 1764


LHS = Digital sum of (42)2 = (4 + 2)2 = 0

RHS = Digital sum of 1764 = 1 + 7 + 6 + 4 = 0
Result verified

Example: Verify (106)2 = 12336


LHS = Digital sum of (106)2 = (1 +0 + 6)2 = 4

RHS = Digital sum of 12336 = 1 + 2 + 3 + 3+ 6 = 7
Result Incorrect

Casting Out Nines 237

Example: Verify (938)2 = 879834


LHS = Digital sum of (938)2 = (9 +3 + 8)2 = 4

RHS = Digital sum of 879834 = 8 + 7 + 9 + 8 + 3 + 4 = 3
Result Incorrect.

Example: Verify (2345)2 = 5499025


LHS = Digital sum of (2345)2 = (2 + 3 + 4 + 5) 2 = 7

RHS = Digital sum of 5499025 = 5 + 4 + 9 + 9 + 0 +2 +5 = 7
Result verified

Check for Cube


Find the DS of the cube of the number and check whether the result
obtained after cubing the number is the same as the result you
have extracted. Always remember that the final Digit Sum of the
LHS and RHS should be of one digit. Moreover, the combination
of 9 and multiples of 9 should be discarded at very first sight,
so that the journey to reach the final digit sum becomes easier.
For the convenience of readers, the digit sum of cubes from 1
to 9 is given here.

Number 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Cube 1 8 27 64 125 216 343 512 729
Digit Sum 1 8 0 1 8 0 1 8 0

Let us understand the concept with some examples.

238  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Example: Verify (13)3 = 2197

LHS = Digital sum of (13)3 = (1 + 3) 3 = 1
RHS = Digital sum of 2197 = 2 + 1 + 9 + 7 = 1
Result verified

Example: Verify (96)3 = 884736


LHS = Digital sum of (96)3 = (9 + 6) 3 = 0

RHS = Digital sum of 884736 = 8 + 8 + 4 +7 +3 +6 = 0
Result verified

Example: Verify (928)3 = 799168552


LHS = Digital sum of (928)2 = (9 + 2 + 8) 3 = (10)3 = 1

RHS = Digital sum of 799168552 = 7 + 9 + 9 + 1 + 6 +8
+5 + 5 + 2 = 7
Result Incorrect

Casting Out Nines 239




The word Trigonometry deals with the ratio of sides in a right-

angled triangle. The basic concepts of trigonometry which are
taught today in our school curriculum are to find–

• At secondary level – Sin, cos(ine), tan(gent), cot(angent),

sec(ant) and cosec(ant)
• However, at the senior secondary level, we learn to find
the value of multiple and sub-multiple angle and in doing
this, we are forced to memorize scores of formula.

Let me remind you of the following concepts of trigonometry,

which you have learnt at the secondary level. In a right-angled
triangle ABC with angle C = 900, the various trigonometric ratios
are defined as follows:

a c

C b A
Sin A a / c 1st value / 3rd value
Cos A b/c 2nd value / 3rd value
Tan A a/ b 1st value / 2nd value
Cot A b /a 2nd value / 1st value
Sec A c / b 3rd value / 2nd value
Cosec A c / a 3rd value / 1st value

In the above table, the side a, b and c are taken as triplet. You
must be remembering the famous Pythagoras theorem which
states – ‘In a right angle triangle the square of hypotenuse is
equal to the sum of square of other two sides.’
2 2
Hypotenuse = Perpendicular + Base2

c2 = a2 + b2

It means all the three sides are related to a special condition. In

order to get faster calculation in Vedic Mathematics, you need to
memorise the Pythagorean triplet. Here is a table to help you.

a b c
3 4 5
5 12 13
6 8 10
7 24 25
8 15 17
9 40 41
9 12 15
10 24 26
11 60 61
12 15 18
3n 4n 5n

Let us understand the benefit of this table. Suppose in a right

Trigonometry 241
angle triangle, two of its legs are given as 3 and 4 and you need
to find its largest leg i.e. Hypotenuse. Traditionally, what will
you do? You will use Pythagoras’ theorem to find the third side.
On the other hand, if you are familiar with the above triplets,
then in a fraction of a second you can say that the length of
the third side is 5.

How to compute Pythagorean Triplet

Case 1: When one of the numbers is odd.

We know that the square of an odd number is odd. This square

is the sum of two consecutive numbers. If you know one value
of the triplet the other two can be easily traced.
See the following example and guess what I am trying to say–
32 = 9 = 4 + 5
52 = 25 = 12 + 13
92 = 81 = 40 + 41

The above examples show that when we break the square of an

odd number into two consecutive numbers, they form a triplet.
(3, 4, 5) , (5, 12, 13), (9, 40, 41)... are the triplet.
Now the question is –How do we find the consecutive pairs
of numbers? The answer is very simple. Divide the square of a
number by 2 and round it off.
In the first example, the square of 3 is 9, i.e. 32 = 9. On
dividing it by 2, we get 4.5. When 4.5 is rounded off to its next
higher and lower numbers, we get 5 and 4. Thus (3– 4 – 5) form
a triplet where the square of the highest number is the sum of
the square of other two numbers.
In the second example, the square of 5 is 25. When 25 is
divided by 2, we get 12.5. The next lower and higher round off
number to 12.5 is obviously 12 and 13. Interestingly, 5–12–13
forms a triplet.
The third example has been left for the reader.

242  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Case 2: When one of the numbers is even.

Rule: Divide the number by 2, 4, 8 etc. to get an odd number.

Once you get the odd number, follow the rule explained above
in case 1. If you have divided the even number by 2, 4, 8, etc.,
the final answer will have to be multiplied by the same number
to get the triplet.

Example: One value of the triplet is 6, find the other two.

Solution: Divide 6 by 2 to get an odd number. The triplet as

explained above for 3 is 4 and 5. Since we have divided the
number by 2, we have to multiply all the values by 2 to form
the triplet. Hence our triplet containing 6 is – (6 – 8 – 10)

Computing Trigonometric Ratio

Suppose you are given the following example to solve.

Example: If Tan A = 8 /15, find the value of other trigonometric


The traditional method will use different formula to arrive at

the result.

Cot A = 1 / tan A = 15/8

Sec2A = 1 + tan2A = 1 + 64/225 = 289/225 , so Sec A = 17/15
Cos A = 1 / sec A = 15 /17
Sin2A = 1 – cos2A = 1 – 225 /289 = 64 / 289 so, Sin A = 8 / 17
Cosec A = 1/ sin A = 17 / 8.

Now let us see how the triplet helps us to compute the values
of other trigonometric ratios. From the above table on triplets,
you can find t if–

a = 8 b = 15 then c = 17.

Now move to the trigonometric table and find the value of other
trigonometric ratios in no time.

Trigonometry 243
Sin A = a / c = 8 / 17
Cos A = b / c = 15 / 17

The other ratios can be easily found as cosec A is the inverse

of sin A and sec A is the inverse of cos A.
Take another example.

Example: If cosec A = 61/11 find tan A?

By Pythagorean triplet, the third number in the series of 11, 61

is obviously 60.
Since, sin A = 1/ cosec A = 11/ 61 = first value / third value

i.e. a = 11, c = 61 then b = 60

Now from the trigonometric table given above,

Tan A = first value/ second value = a/ b = 11 / 60

The above example are enough to prove that the triplet method
of Vedic mathematics is interesting, easy to understand and time
saving. Now, let us extend the value to twice the angle.

Computing trigonometric ratio of twice the angle (2A)

As discussed above, the triplet for angle A is – a, b and c. On

extending the result for twice the angle i.e. 2A, we can find the
triplets for the angle 2A are 2ab , b2 –a2 and c2.

Take an example.

If sin A = 3/5, find tan 2A?

Traditional method–

We have cos2 A = 1 – sin2 A

= 1 – 9 /25 = 16 / 25
cos A = 4 / 5.
Moreover, tan A = sin A / cos A.
⇒ tan A = 3 / 4.

244  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Hence tan 2A = 2 tan A / 1 + tan2A
= 2 x ¾ = 24/7
1 − (3/4)2
Now let’s view the problem by the Vedic triplet method.
We have, sin A = 3/5
Here a = 3 and c = 5, so obviously b = 4 (see triplet table).
Now make the triplet for twice the angle, i.e. for 2 A.
The triplets are– 2ab , b2 –a2 and c2
2 x 3 x 4 42 – 32 52
24 7 25
Tan 2 A = 1st value / 2nd value = 24 / 7.

Example: if cos A = 9 / 41, find cos 2A

Solution: First find the triplet for angle A.

Cos A = 2nd value/ 3rd value = b / c

Hence, the missing triplet a = 40.
So we have, a = 40, b = 9 and c = 41.
Now the triplets for 2A are–
2ab b2 –a2 and c2
2 x 40 x9 40 – 9 412
2 2

720 1519 1681
Cos2A = 2nd value / 3rd value = 1519 /1681

Computing trigonometric relation for thrice the angle (3 A)

We have so far seen the triplets for angle A and 2A – let’s extend
it for 3A to find the value of Sin 3A, cos 3A and tan 3A.

The triplets for 3A is–

3ac2 – 4 a3 4b3 – 3 bc2 and c3
Let me make it clear with an example.

Trigonometry 245
Example: If tan A = 7/ 24 find sin 3A and cos 3A ?
Solution: The triplet for angle A –
Tan A = 7/24 = 1st value / 2nd value

Hence the missing part of the triplet

= 25 = 3rd value, i.e. a = 7, b = 24 and c = 25
Let us find the value of triplet for angle 3A.
The triplets are
3ac2 – 4 a3 4b3 – 3 bc2 and c3
3 x 7 x 252 – 4 x 73 4 x 243 – 3 x 24 x 252 253
11753 10296 15625
(For square and cube of a number refer the respective chapter)
Hence sin 3A = 1st value/ 3rd value = 11753 / 15625
Cos 3A = 2nd value/ 3rd value = 10296 / 15625

Computing trigonometric relation for half the angle(A/2)

If the triplet for the angle A is a b and c then the triplets for
A/2 is–

a b + c and (b + c)2 + a2

Example: If sin A = 12/13 find the value of tan A/2.

Solution: We have, sin A = 1st value / 3rd value

Here, a = 12 c = 13 therefore from the triplet table b = 5.

Now find the triplet for A/2.

a b + c and (b + c)2 + a2

12 5 + 13 182 + 122

12 18 468

12 18 6√13

Hence tan A/2 = 1st value/ 2nd value = 12/18 = 2/3

246  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Now let us summarise the triplet in the given table.

Angle a b c
A a b c
2A 2 ab b – a2
3A 3ac2 – 4 a3 4b3 – 3 bc2 c3
A/2. a b+c (b + c)2 + a2

The above table will help you immensely to find the different
trigonometric ratios with ease and thus save your precious time.
Once you are well equipped with the method of finding square
and cube you can find the calculation involved in sin 3A, cos
2A etc quite easily. Now let us extend the concept of triplets in
finding the value of compound angles.

Computing Trigonometric ratio of (A+ B):

If you are given the trigonometric ratio of two of the angles,

then using the concept of triplets you can find the ratio of the
sum of these angles.
Suppose you are given sin A = 3/5 and sin B = 8/17 and
asked to find the value of sin (A +B) or cos (A+B), you will
have to apply the following formula in order to find the value
of compound angle A+ B of different trigonometric ratios–

Sin (A +B) = sin A · cos B + cos A · sin B

cos (A + B ) = cos A · cos B − sin A · sin B

But before that, you have to find cos A and cos B and put these
values in the desired formula. Now let us see how the Vedic
method helps you to find the value of compound angle.
If the triplets of angle A is x, y, z and triplet for B is X, Y
and Z, then the triplet for the angle A+B is given by:

Trigonometry 247
A x y z
A+ B yX + x Y yY – xX z Z

Example: If sin A = 3/5 and sin B = 8/17, then find the value
of Sin (A+B) and cos (A+B)

Solution: Let us first draw the triplet table for the angle A and B

A 3 4 5
B 8 15 17
A + B 3 x 15 + 4 x 8 4 x 15 – 3 x 85 x 17
= 77 = 36 = 85

Hence, sin (A+ B) = 77/85

Cos (A + B) = 36 /85

Example: If sin A = 7/25 and sin B = 8/17 then find the value
of Sin (A+B) and cos (A+B)

Solution: Let us first draw the triplet table for the angle A and B

A 7 24 25
B 8 15 17
A + B 7 x 15 + 24 x 8 24 x 15 – 7 x 8 25 x 17
= 297 = 304 = 425

Hence, sin (A+ B) = 297/425

Cos (A + B) = 304 /425

Computing Trigonometric ratio of A – B

Computing trigonometric ratio of difference of angle can be

computed with the help of triplet in a few seconds and that is
the beauty of the Vedic method of calculation. I am not describing

248  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

here the traditional method used in our classroom. Let us first
learn how to compute the triplets fro difference of angles.
If the triplets of angle A is x, y, z and triplet for B is X, Y
and Z then the triplet for the angle A+B is given by:

A x y z
A − B xY −Xy xX + yY z Z
Example: If sin A = 7/25 and sin B = 8/17 then find the value
of Sin (A −B) and cos (A−B)
Solution: Let us first draw the triplet table for the angle A and B

A 7 24 25
B 8 15 17
A − B 7 x 15 −24 x 8 24 x 15 + 7 x 8 25 x 17
= −77 = 416 = 425

Hence, sin (A − B) = −77/425

Cos (A − B) = 416 /425

Example: If sin A = 3/5 and sin B = 8/17 then find the value
of Sin (A−B) and cos (A−B)?

Solution: Let us first draw the triplet table for the angle A and B

A 3 4 5
B 8 15 17
A − B 3 x 15 − 4 x 8 4 x 15 + 3 x 8 5 x 17
= 13 = 84 = 85
Hence, sin (A− B) = 13/85
Cos (A − B) = 84 /85
Hope you have enjoyed the journey of Trigonometry using the
triplet method and the traditional method. A little practice and
memorization of the triplet will ease the process of calculation
almost one tenth that of the traditional method.

Trigonometry 249
Questions for Practice

1. Addition

Add the following by using the appropriate method–

1. 75934 + 87628 + 34879 + 14093 + 256

2. 876549762 + 345982769 + 470154897 + 284579657
+ 145469885
3. 762874 +3476928 + 593487 + 8752546 + 274039
4. 4876 + 8752684 + 187049 + 48998
5. 6938789159689 + 5248792300000 + 7895248301554
+ 8736200145932 + 5260148530489
6. Km m 7. Kg g
256 145 87 958
253 874 11 025
326 099 05 652
+ 2 450 + 1 006
8. Rs P 9. Rs P
325 25 659 38
625 32 968 15
325 62 159 64
2 06 6 98
+ 28 65 + 98 36
2. Subtraction

Subtract the following

1)   6 6 6  2)   6 9 8 0 
– 4 8 2  – 5 7 9 8 
3)   9 8 6 7 9 8 5 4 6  4)   8 7 0 5 6 9 7 6 9 
– 6 8 9 7 9 7 9 7 9  – 8 2 4 8 9 3 9 8 7 
5)   4 7 9 8 6 7  6)   7 5 6 2 7 9 
– 3 6 4 7 8 0  – 2 9 8 7 0 5 
7)   9 2 6 7 9 9 8 2 5  8)   4 6 8 7 9 3 
– 5 4 9 8 9 9 9 9 9  – 3 5 9 7 0 2 
9)   4 0 0 0 0 0 0 0  10)   7 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 
– 7 8 8 9 6 3 2        – 8 8 8 8 8 8 

3. Multiplication

Multiply the following

a) 36 x 34 b) 87 x 83 c) 128 x 122
d) 112 x 998 e) 688 x 988 f) 107 x 95
g) 9997 x 9998 h) 252 x 248 i) 148 x 149
j) 506 x 494 k) 2487 x 9999 l) 87904 x 99999
m) 8284 x 99 n) 43427 x 9999 o) 144x 9999
p) 279 x 331 q) 7628 x 4287 r) 144 x 66
s) 248 x 128 t) 82765 x 42897 u) 5628 x 3047
v) 983 x 994 x 1005 w) 1003 x 1007 x 1009
x) 876 x 602 y) 56 x 66 x 65 x 64
z) 992 x 994 x 996 x 998

4. Multiply through Observation

a) 8247 x 11 b) 24876 x 11 c) 987204 x 11

d) 576 3 x 11 e) 24076 x 111 f) 4213x 1111
g) 24076 x 11 h) 4217 x 111 i) 928764 x 25

Questions for Practice 251

j) 428 x 25 k) 24376 x 25 l) 4876 x 50
m) 7654 x 50 n) 82765 x 125 o) 87 x 125
p) 34 x 51 q) 89 x 51 r) 82 x 51
s) 765 x 75 t) 654 x 51 u) 98764 x 75
v) 982 x 1111 w) 87 x 83 x) 76 x 25
y) 843 x 51 z) 9652 x 50

5. Multiplication in Algebra

a) (2x +3y) x (4x + 7y)

b) (a +7z) x ( 2a + 11z)
c) (x2 + 4z) x ( 9x2 + 7z)
d) (2x2 + 4x + 7 ) x ( x2 + 7x – 9 )
e) (5x2 – 9 x – 8 ) x ( 4x2 – 7x + 8)
f) (7x2 – 6 x) x ( x2 – 3 x + 4 )
g) (12x2 – 7 x) x (3x + 4)
h) (8x2 + 4) x (7x2 + 2x + 5)
i) (4x + 7y ) x ( 2x + 6y )
j) (2a + 4c ) x (a + c)

6. Division

Divide by using the appropriate method

a) 4532 ÷ 854 b) 2101532 ÷ 879 c) 12345 ÷ 8888

d) 11203 ÷ 8999 e) 2100012 ÷ 8997 f) 2002002 ÷ 89997
g) 13999 ÷ 112 h) 11329 ÷1132 i) 239479÷ 11203
j) 39999 ÷ 1812 k) 2112÷ 87 l) 46823564 ÷ 3542
m) 5362968527 ÷ 9213649875
n) 111038972168 ÷ 895475582

252  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

7. Square

Find the square of the following by using the appropriate method.

a) 15 b) 25 c) 35 d) 65 e) 85 f) 95
g) 105 h) 115 i) 125 j) 44 k)76 l) 54
m) 29 n) 168 o) 185 p) 97 q) 99 r) 109
s) 168 t) 2356 u) 6254 v) 2591

8. Square Root

Find the square root of the following by using the appropriate


a) 4473225 b) 10329796 c) 14047504 d) 2116

e) 4225 f) 6889 g) 59049 h) 125316
i) 169744 j) 1265625 k) 99920016 l) 931225
m) 45369 n) 790321 o) 78978769 p) 45319824
q) 69906321 r) 41254929

9. Square Root of Irrational

Find the square root of the following

a) 37 b) 164 c) 175 d) 43 e) 231 f) 198

g) 69 h) 287 i) 631 j) 259 k) 599 l)1221

10. Cube

Find the cube of the following by using the appropriate Vedic Sutra.

a) 13 b) 19 c) 25 d) 36 e) 46 f) 54 g) 69
h) 87 i) 104 j) 113 k) 208 l) 315 m) 86 n) 97
o) 98 p) 16 q) 94 r) 96 s) 97 t) 102

Questions for Practice 253

11. Cube Root

Find the cube root of the following numbers.

a) 6892 b) 636056 c) 314432

d) 8365427 e) 1061208 f) 8489664
g) 143055667 h) 9800344 i) 8615125
j) 33076161 k) 2196 l) 83453453
m) 143877824 n) 830584 o) 300763

12. Fourth Power

Find the fourth power of the following

a) 23 b) 17 c) 14 d) 98 e) 42
f) 21 g) 24 h) 73 i) 76 j) 55

13. Fourth Roots of a Number

Find the fourth root of the following numbers

a) 50625 b) 14776336 c) 1048576

d) 20736 e) 4879681 f) 279841
g) 83521 h) 37015056

14. Simultaneous Equation

Solve for x and y

a) 23x + 29y = 42; 46x+ 14y = 84

b) 7y – 2x = 5; 8y + 7x = 15
c) 30u + 44 v = 10; 40u + 55 v = 13
d) 152x – 378y = –74; –378x + 152y = – 604
e) x + 3y = 6; 2x – 3y = 12
f) x + y = 9; 8x – y = 0
g) 217x + 131y = 913; 131x + 217y = 827

254  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

h) 2x + 5y = 13; 2x + 3y = 4
i) 5x + 3y = 19xy; 7x – 2x = 8xy
j) x +y = 63; 3x – 4y = 0

15. Cubic Factorization Factorize

a) x3 + 13x2 + 31x – 45
b) x3 – 2x2 – x + 2
c) x3 – 3x2 – 9x – 5
d) y3 – 2y2 –29y – 42
e) x3 – 10x2 – 53x – 42
f) x3 – 23x2 + 142x – 120
g) y3 – 7y + 6

16. Quadratic Equation

Solve for x

a) (x– 2/x +2)2 + 6 = 5 (x–2 / x +2)

b) (7x – 1 /x)2 + 3(7x–1/x) = 18
c) 6(y–3 /2y+1) + 1 = 5(y – 3/2y + 1)2
d) 1/x– 4 − 1 / x – 7 = 11/30
e) x / x+ 1 + x+1/x = 13/6
f) 3/x–1 − 1/x–2 – 1/x–3 = 0
g) 2x –3 / x– 1 − 4( x – 1/ 2x – 3) = 3
h) x/ x+1 + x+1/x = 25/12
i) 2x+ 3 / x + 4(x / 2x +3 ) = 13/3
j) (2x + 1) + 3 / 2x + 1 = 4

17. Casting out Nines

Verify the following result

a) 112065+ 360085+ 289872 + 156345 = 918367

b) 4998 + 6789 + 5715 +4837 + 8976 = 31315

Questions for Practice 255

c) 7534 + 2459 + 1932 + 6547 = 16472
d) 37467 + 35647 + 285 +10085 =82876
e) 3746735 − 2837546 = 909189
f) 876542 − 32548 – 698547= 145447
g) 658723 + 154639 − 369847 +367 = 443882
h) 588 X 512 = 301056
i) 842 X 858 = 722536
j) 966 X 973 = 939918
k) 13579 ÷ 975, Q = 13, R = 904
l) 7238761 ÷524, Q=13184, R=225
m) 11199171 ÷99979, Q= 112, R = 1523
n) 87265 X 32117 = 2802690005
o) 6471 X 6212 = 40197852
p) (207)2 = 42849
q) (2134)2 = 4553856
r) (3247)2 = 10542169
s) (12)3 = 1729
t) (65)3 = 98002

18. Trigonometry

a) If sin A = 8/17, find the value of other five trigonometric ratio.

b) If tan A= 9/40, find the value of sin2A, cos2A, tan2A and sec2A
c) If cos A = 3/5, find the value of sin3A, cos3A and tan3A
d) If sin A = 8/10, find the value of sin A/2, cos A/2 and tan A/2
e) If sin A = 3/5, sin B = 8/17 find sin (A+B), cos (A+B)
f) If sin A = 12/13, sin B = 8/17 find sin (A – B), cos (A– B)


Chapter 1: Addition

1. 212790 2. 212276970 3. 13859874

4. 8993607 5. 34079178437664 6. 838.568 Km
7. 105.641Kg 8. Rs 1306.90 9. Rs 1892.51

256  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Chapter 2: Subtraction

1. 184 2. 1182 3. 297000567 4. 45675782

5. 115087 6. 457574 7. 376899826
8. 109091 9. 32110368 10. 699111112

Chapter 3: Multiplication

a) 1224 b) 7221 c) 15616 d) 111776

e) 679744 f) 10165 g) 99950006 h) 62496
i) 22052 j)249964 k) 24867513 l) 8790372096
m) 820116 n) 424226573 o) 1439856 p) 92349
q) 2701236 r) 13824 s) 31744 t) 3550370205
u) 17148516 v) 981987510 w) 1019111189
x) 527352 y) 15375360 z) 980139600384

Chapter 4: Multiplication through observation

a) 90717 b) 273636 c) 10859244 d) 63393

e) 2672436 f) 4680643 g) 264836 h) 468087
i) 23219100 j) 10700 k) 609400 l) 243800
m) 382700 n) 10345625 o) 10875 p) 1734
q) 4539 r) 4182 s) 57375 t) 33354
u) 7407300 v) 1091002 w) 7221 x) 1900
y) 42933 z) 482600

Chapter 5: Multiplication in Algebra

a) 8x2 + 26xy + 21y2

b) 2a2 + 25az + 77z2
c) 9x4 + 43 x2z + 28z2
d) 2x4 + 18x3 + 17x2 + 13x – 63
e) 20x4 – 71x3 + 71x2 – 135x – 64
f) 7x4+ 27x3+46x2 – 24x
g) 36x3 + 27x2 – 28x
h) 56x4 + 16x3 + 68x2 +8x +26
i) 8x2 +38xy + 42x2
j) 2a2+ 6ac + 4c2

Questions for Practice 257

Chapter 6: Division

Quotient Remainder

a) 5 262
b) 2390 722
c) 1 3457
d) 1 2204
e) 233 3711
f) 22 22068
g) 124 111
h) 10 9
i) 21 4216
j) 22 135
k) 24 24
l) 13219 1866
m) 5 8207
n) 124 0

Chapter 7: Square

a) 225 b) 625 c)1225 d) 4225 e)7225 f) 9025

g) 11025 h) 13225 i) 15625 j) 1936 k)5776 l) 2916
m) 841 n) 28224 o) 34225 p) 9409 q)9801 r) 11881
s) 28224 t) 5550736 u) 39112516 v) 6713281

Chapter 8: Square Root

a) 2115 b) 3214 c) 3748 d) 46 e) 65 f) 83

g) 243 h) 354 i) 412 j) 1125 k) 9956 l) 965
m) 213 n) 889 o) 8887 p) 6732 q) 8361 r) 6423

Chapter 9: Square root of Irrational

a) 6.08 b) 12.8 c) 13.23 d) 6.57 e) 15.7 f) 14.07

g) 8.06 h) 16.94 i) 25.12 j) 16.09 k) 24.47 l) 34.94

258  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Chapter 10: Cube

a) 2197 b) 6859 c) 15625 d) 46656 e) 97336

f) 157464 g) 328509 h) 658503 i) 1124864 j) 1442897
k) 8998912 l) 31255875 m)636056 n) 912673 o) 941192
p) 4096 q) 830584 r) 884736 s) 912673 t) 1061208

Chapter 11: Cube Root

a) 18 b) 86 c) 68 d) 203 e) 102 f) 204

g) 523 h) 214 i) 205 j) 321 k) 21 l) 437
m) 524 n) 94 o) 67

Chapter 12: Fourth Power

a) 279841 b) 83521 c) 38416 d) 92236816 e) 3111696

f) 194481 g) 331776 h) 28398241 i) 33362176 j) 9150625

Chapter 13: Fourth Root

a) 15 b) 62 c) 32 d) 12 e) 47 f) 23 g) 17 h) 78

Chapter 14: Simultaneous Equation

a) x = 42/13, y = 0
b) x = 1; y = 1
c) u = 1/5; v = ¼
d) x = 2; y = 1
e) x = 6; y = 0
f) x = 1; y = 8
g) x = 3; y = 2
h) x = –19/4;y = 9/2
i) x = 1/3; y = ½
j) x = 36; y = 27

Chapter 15: Cubic Factorization

a) (x – 1) (x + 5 ) (x + 9)
b) (x – 2) (x – 1) ( x +1)

Questions for Practice 259

c) (x – 1) ( x +1)(x – 5)
d) (y+2) (y+3) (y – 7)
e) (x + 1) ( x +3) (x – 14)
f) (x – 1) ( x – 10 )(x – 12)
g) (y – 1) (y +3)(y – 2)

Chapter 16: Quadratic Equation

a) x = –6, –4
b) x = ¼, 1/13
c) x = 4, 13/2
d) x =3, –1/2
e) x = 2; y = –3
f) x = 4±√3
g) x = ½, 4/3
h) x = 3, −4
i) x = 3, –9/2
j) x = 0, 1

Chapter 17: Casting Out Nines

a) Correct b) Correct c) Incorrect d) Incorrect

e) Correct f) Correct g) Correct h) Correct
i) Incorrect j) Correct k) Correct l) Incorrect
m) Correct n) Correct o) Correct p) Correct
q) Incorrect r) Incorrect

Chapter 18: Trigonometry

a) Cos A = 15/17, Tan A = 8/15 etc.

b) Sin 2A = 720/1681, cos 2A = 1519/1681; tan 2A = 720/1519
c) Sin 3A = 236/125; cos 3A = –117 / 125; tan 3A = –236/117
d) Sin A/2 = √2 /√5; cos A/2 = 2/√5; tan A/2 = 1/√2
e) Sin (A+B) = 77/85; cos (A+B) = 36/85
f) Sin (A – B) = 140/221; cos (A – B ) = 171/221

260  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

Feedback from Students

1. Vedic mathematics reduces problem-solving time by almost

one–tenth. A wonderful method to enjoy mathematical
—Monika Chauhan, Kendriya Vidyalaya Tiruananthpuram

2. Easy-to-learn technique. It has revolutionized mathematical

—Rajeev Ranjan, BCA

3. Vedic mathematics has helped me to improve my calculating

ability. I enjoy calculating even bigger sums in seconds.
—Soumya Vishwakarma, Class 10, St. Xavier’s
School Raj Niwas Marg, Delhi.

4. I attended the Vedic maths class by Mr Rajesh Thakur

and learnt the art of fast calculations. It is a superb and
mind-blowing technique. It has increased the speed of my
—Shivam Maggo, Class 11, Montfort School, Ashok Vihar

5. A unique method to solve multiplication, square, square root

and cube root. Superb technique for speedy calculations.
— Pawan Bharti, Ganga International School, New Delhi

6. An ancient method of solving modern mathematics. Wonderful

method to boost my calculating ability.
—Pooja Singh, DAV School, Rohini
7. I met Mr Rajesh Thakur when he came for a lecture on Vedic
mathematics to our Innovative School in Rajkot (Gujarat).
His method of teaching Vedic mathematics is superb. I have
witnessed the change in the mindset of my students and
seen their improvement in calculations.
—Dr. Atul K Vyas, Director, Innovative School, Rajkot

8. Fantastic, superb, awesome, mind blowing—and many more

such words describe the beauty of Vedic mathematics.
—Riya Chanda, Hakim Para Senior
Secondary Balika Vidyalaya, Siliguri

9. Vedic mathematics is a superb method of intelligently

guessing answers without using pen and paper. It has given
me the potential to do my arithmetic calculations faster than
my friends.
—Simran Ghosh, Ram Krisha Sardamani Vidyapeeth
(Senior Secondary), Ashram Para, Siliguri

10. I first learnt the art of faster calculation from Mr Rajesh

Thakur when I was in Kendriya Vidyalaya, AFS, Suratgarh.
This technique has changed my calculating ability and speed,
and now I can boast of being able to multiply a 5-digit
multiplication in my head and that too in 20 seconds!
—Satyam Thakur, Kendriya Vidyalaya, Pune

11. Mathematical calculations now seem easier and enjoyable. I

could qualify for the MBA test due to my understanding of
Vedic mathematics
—Er. Akshay Bahal, Shalimar Bagh

12. An ancient method to encounter present day mathematical

calculations in smarter ways, and that too mentally, in no
time at all. I have witnessed the change in my calculating
speed, and my success in the MBA entrance is due to the
technique of Vedic mathematics.
—Nilesh Dey, Manager, LG company, Noida.

262  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

13. A few months ago, I joined the Vedic maths class and learnt
the art of faster calculations. Besides calculation, Vedic
mathematics also teaches the unique method of checking
the calculations—and this helps me a lot in the subject of
—Megha Agarwal, Queen Mary Schoo, l Model Town, Delhi

14. Vedic mathematics has changed my calculating ability

—Anmol Chadda, Heritage School, Rohini.

15. Vedic mathematics is a must-learn-tool for every student.

Sixteen years ago, Rajesh Thakur had visited St Xavier’s
school, Sahebganj to teach the Vedic technique of calculation
to class 9-10 students, when he himself was a student! His
innovative and simple way of teaching mathematics made a
long-lasting impression on my mind.
—D. Srivastava, Sr Teacher, St Xavier School, Sahebganj

16. Mr Rajesh Thakur has made an outstanding impact through

his mathematical tricks on the minds of students. I have
seen an enormous change in the attitude of students towards
mathematics, after attending the Vedic maths seminar.
—Mr. K A Sorte, Principal, GBSSS Nithari

17. I got the chance to observe Mr Rajesh Thakur conducting

a Vedic mathematics class for teachers in Palanpur, Gujrat.
That’s when I saw the strength of Vedic mathematics. It is a
powerful technique to perform swift mental calculations and
I suggest that every student be trained in this technique.
—Dr Deepak Sinha, Principal, DAVPS, NTPC Dadri

Feedback from Students 263


1. Krisna, Tirtha Ji, Swami Bharti. Vedic Mathematics, Delhi:

Motilal Banarsi Das Publishers, 1965.
2. Rao, Balachandra, S. Indian Mathematics and Astronomy,
Bangalore: Jnana Deep Publication, 1996.
3. Topic on Vedic mathematics taken from Mathematics Course
book, Rajasthan Board, (Class IX and X), 2007.
4. Muthy, Bhanu, T.S. A Modern Introduction to Ancient Indian
Mathematics, New Age International Publisher,1992.
5. Williams, Kenneth. Triples, New Delhi: Motilal Banarsidass,
6. Gupta, Atul. The Power of Vedic Mathematics, New Delhi:
Jaico Books, 2004.
7. Singhal, Vandana. Vedic Mathematics for all ages, Motilal
Banarsidass Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2008.
8. Bathia, Dhaval. Vedic Mathematics Made Easy, Jaico Books,
9. Thakur, Rajesh Kumar. Mathematical Magic (With Vedic
Sutra), Rising Publishers, 2007.
10. Sikri, Ashima. Vedic Mathematics for Entrance Exam, Oswal
Books, 2009.
11. Handley, Bill. Speed Mathematics, John Wiley & Sons, Inc.,
12. Glover, James. Vedic Mathematics for School (Part 1, 2 and
3), Motilal Banarsidass,1995.
13. Cutler, Ann and Mc Shane, Rudolph. The Trachtenberg Speed
System of Basic Arithmetic, Rupa Publications, 1985.
14. fogaxe n`f”V (Hkkx 1] 2] o 3)-- Mk- dSyk’k
fo’odekZ - f’k{kk LakLd`fr mRFkku U;kl, 2010.
15. Singhal, Aditi. How to Become a Human Calculator, S.Chand
Publishing, 2011.
16. Tyra, M. Magical Book on Quicker Maths, Banking Service
Chronicle Publication, 1999.
17. Thakur, Rajesh Kumar. Vedic Mathematics, Unicorn Books,
18. Bhushan, S; Gupta, B.S. Calculation without Tears, Ocean
Books Pvt. Ltd., 2010.
19. Naseer, Vali. Speed Mathematics Using the Vedic System, Lulu
Press, 2004.
20. Kapoor, S.K. Dr. Glimpses of Vedic Mathematics, New Delhi:
Arya Book Depot, 2003.
21. Nicholas, A.P; Williams, K; Pickles, J. Vertically and Crosswise,
New Delhi, 2010.
22. Devi, Shakuntala. Figuring: The Joy of Numbers, New Delhi:
Orient Paperbacks,1986.
23. Kumar, Pradeep. Vedic Mathematics, New Delhi: Sterling
Publishers Pvt. Ltd., 2002.
24. Sastri, Ramanand Pt. Vedic Mathematics, New Delhi: Arihant
Publisher , 2011.
25. Benjamin, Arthur; Shermer, Michael; Nye, Bill. Secret of Mental
Maths, New Delhi: Crown Publishing Group, 2006.
26. Kapoor, S.K. Dr. Vedic Maths for All, New Delhi: Lotus Press,
27. Unkalkar, V.G. Magical World of Mathematics (Vedic Maths),
Bangalore: Vandana Publisher, 2005.
28. Vadhanam, Ganita; Rao, M. Seeta Rama, ISERVE, Hyderabad,
29. Unkalkar, V.G. Excel with Vedic Mathematics, Bangalore:
Vandana Publisher, 2008.
30. Prakash, Vijay. Essence of Vedic Mathematics, Vasan
Publication, 2008.

266  The Essentials of Vedic Mathematics

31. Kapoor, S.K. Dr. Vedic Maths for All, New Delhi: Lotus Press,
33. Chauthaiwale, Shriram M; Kolluru, Ramesh. Enjoy Vedic
Mathematics, Sri Sri Publication Trust, 2010.

Bibliography 267

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