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Guia Examen de Recuperacion 1 y 2 Segundo Grado 2015-2016

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ENGLISH 2º ______________________________________________________

4. We go to the cinema.
Completa las expresiones.
5. He reads magazines.
1. g_ sh_pp_ng ______________________________________________________
2. g_ t_ th_ c_n_ m_
3. l_st_n t_ m_s_c Completa las frases con Do o Does.
4. m__t fr__nds
5. pl_y c_mp_t_r g_m_s 1. they go shopping?
6. r__d m_g_z_n_s 2. she play volleyball?
7. s_rf th_ I_t_rn_t 3. dad read books?
4. Andrew play computer games?
Busca los deportes. 5. you do gymnastics?

B A S K E T B A L L B A Match a verb from box A with a noun from box B. Then complete the sentences.
E E A D N O L D A L C C go go to listen to meet plays play reads surf
I Y E S K A R A T E C L computer games friends magazines music shopping the cinema the Internet
S U W P H A I F O B A I volleyball
Y E S W I M M I N G G G 1 I always ____________ ____________ at the gym on a Saturday morning.
2 We always use Google when we ____________ ____________ .
Completa las expresiones con las palabras del recuadro.
3 My brother never ____________ ____________ at the school computer club.
4 Ana and Beth usually ____________ ____________ in town on a Saturday
do go play go play
5 Do you ____________ ____________ on your mp3 player before you go to
1. ______________ basketball
2. ______________ swimming bed?
3. ______________ cycling 6 My sister often ____________ ____________ about fashion and shopping.
4. ______________ karate 7 I hardly ever ____________ ____________ for new clothes.
5. ______________ tennis
Choose a verb from the box and write an affirmative and a negative sentence.
Present simple affirmative
go finish have read start watch
Completa las frases con la forma correcta de los verbos entre paréntesis.
1. He ______________ (go) shopping. school / 9 a.m. (cross) 9.15 a.m. (tick)
2. They ______________ (do) gymnastics.
3. She ______________ (read) books. School doesn’t start at 9 a.m. School starts at 9.15 a.m.
4. We______________ (play) football.
5. You ______________ (go) to the cinema. 1 we / books (cross) magazines (tick)
Transforma las frases en negativas. 2 my brother / lunch at school (cross) at home (tick)
1. I play football. 3 volleyball club / four o’clock (cross) at five o’clock (tick)
______________________________________________________ ________________________________________________
4 Ana / shopping on Sundays (cross) shopping on Saturdays (tick)
2. They meet friends. ________________________________________________
______________________________________________________ 5 Emy / TV before breakfast (cross) TV after school (tick)
3. She plays computer games.
6 Joe and Sam / football every day (cross) football twice a week
3 (A) You (B) do your homework in the mornings. (always)
4 He (A) plays (B) football in the park with his friends. (sometimes)
Complete the email. Use the correct present simple form of the verbs in the
box. 5 (A) They are (B) late. (hardly ever)
be do go like live meet not like not live play watch work
Write the words in the correct order.

Hi Jamie, always / o’clock / bed / I / go / nine / to / at / .

I'm your new penfriend. I live in London with my mum and dad. My mum and dad (1) ______________ I always go to bed at nine o’clock.
in a bank. What (2) _______ your parents ________ ? I’ve got one brother called Harry. He (3)
___________ with us. He (4) _________ at university in Manchester.
1 weekend / you / do / shopping / go / usually / the / at / ?
In my free time, I often (5) ____________ my friends. We sometimes (6) ____________ to the cinema 2 late / my / school / never / sister / for / is / .
but usually we (7) ___________ football or volleyball in the park. My best friend Amy (8) ________________________________________
____________ football so she just (9) __________ us. What sports (10) _____ you ______ ? 3 summer / we / at home / in / hardly ever / summer / the / are / .
Write soon! ________________________________________
Love, 4 surf / brother / school / does / before / sometimes / your / the Internet / ?
Katie ________________________________________
5 teacher / class / your / late / often / for / is / ?
Write questions for the answers. ________________________________________
Where does Jana live?
Correct the mistakes in the sentences. One sentence is correct.
Jana lives in Barcelona. 1 I see she every day in my English class.
1 _________________________ ? 2 Rachel walks home with we every day after school.
My favourite pop star is Eminem. ________________________________________
2 _____________? 3 Do you like he?
My birthday is on June 29th. ________________________________________
3 _____________________________ ? 4 My brother often plays football with I in the garden.
No, I don’t like pizza, but I love pasta. ________________________________________
4 _____________________________ ? 5 I see you every day in the park.
I play football once a week, on Saturday mornings. ________________________________________
5 _________________________________ ? 6 Do you meet they in town when you go shopping?
My favourite sport is skiing – it’s great! ________________________________________
6 _________________________________ ?
Yes, I often go to the cinema. Read the text. Answer the questions. Write complete sentences.
7 ___________________________________ ?
I like Sam because he’s nice and friendly. My brothers

Choose the correct position for the adverbs of frequency. I’ve got two brothers. One is called Ben and the other is called Harry. Ben is fifteen
years old and his birthday is on 4th February. He’s tall and thin, and he’s got brown hair
We (A) go to bed at (B) ten o’clock on a Friday night. (often) and grey eyes. Harry is eleven years old and it’s his birthday tomorrow! Harry’s got
We often go to bed at ten o’clock on a Friday night. A black hair and blue eyes. He’s not very tall and he’s very thin.

1 Jane (A) meets her friends in (B) town. (usually) Ben likes sport. His favourite sport is cycling. I sometimes go cycling with Ben at the
________________________________________ weekend or sometimes he goes cycling with his best friends, Jack and Francis. He likes
football too. He plays in the school team. Harry doesn’t like sport at all and he never
2 (A) I (B) watch football on TV. (never)
does anything like that. He often plays computer games when he comes home from guitar er
school and he always surfs the Internet when he’s on the computer.
Busca nueve palabras del vocabulario de la ropa.
We all go to the same school, but we aren’t in the same class. Ben likes art and P.E. but
Harry doesn’t like P.E. at all. Harry loves computer lessons! I like music and drama. tocaperdressshijacketinejeanspotsweatshirtaptopdrstrainersantrouserseatsT-shirtap
We all spend time together at the weekend and we often go out with my parents as a __________________________
family. __________________________
Jane (age 13) __________________________
1 How many brothers has Jane got? __________________________
__________________________________________ __________________________
2 What colour are Ben’s eyes?
Present continuous
3 How old is Harry?
____________________________________________ Completa las frases afirmativas y negativas con las palabras del recuadro.
4 In what ways are Harry and Ben similar? is not playing am not wearing are wearing are playing is wearing
5 When do Jane and Ben go cycling? 1. They ______________ jeans. ()
2. She ______________ the guitar. ()
3. You ______________ the drums. ()
6 Who are Jack and Francis?
4. He ______________ a T-shirt. ()
____________________________________________ 5. I ______________ a cap. ()
7 What does Harry do after school?
____________________________________________ Escribe bien las preguntas.
8 What are Ben’s favourite school lessons?
1. Areyouwearingacap?
______________________________________________________ ?
9 Which lessons does Jane like? 2. Issheplayingthebassguitar?
____________________________________________ ______________________________________________________ ?
10 What does Jane’s family do at the weekend? 3. Aretheyplayingthedrums?
______________________________________________________ ?
4. AmIwearingblacktrousers?
______________________________________________________ ?
UNIT 2 5. Arewesinging?
______________________________________________________ ?
Instruments and musicians
can / cannot
Completa las palabras.
Ordena las palabras para formar frases.
1. b_ss g__t_r
2. dr_m_ 1. I / play / can / trumpet. / the
3. g__ta_
4. k_yb__rd 2. sing. / can / They / not
5. p__n_
6. tr_m__t 3. pianist / The / play / keyboard. / the / can

Une las partes de las palabras. 4. not / You / can / play / drums. / the

bass guitar er 5. trumpeter / can / The / not / the / play / piano.

keyboard play ist
sing ist
trumpet er 5 6
Complete the sentences with the present continuous affirmative form of the verbs Complete the email. Use the present continuous form of the verbs in the box.
in the box.
do go meet not go not play play stay travel visit watch
cook dance do practise run study swim watch wear write Hi, Deb!
What (1) _____ you _______ this weekend? I (2) _______ Sara on Saturday and (3) we _______ to the
1 Eva is in her bedroom. She ____________ a letter to her penfriend. School Football League final match. They (4) _______ in a place called Chester, it’s twenty-five miles
2 We ____________ in the competition at the outdoor pool after school today. away! We (5) ____ all _______ by bus. We (6) _______ football, of course, but we (7) ______ . After
the football match, we (8) _______ home, we (9) _______ at a youth hostel. On Sunday morning we
3 Look! Mark ____________ with Anita. They both like this song. (10) _______ Chester Zoo, it’s really famous apparently.
4 My parents ____________ English at evening classes this year. Do you want to come?
5 I ____________ the piano at the moment because I’ve got an exam tomorrow. Emma
6 You ____________ that awful T-shirt again. Why?
7 Stefan is in the kitchen. He ____________ a meal. Correct the sentences. One sentence is correct.
8 They ____________ for the bus because they’re late.
9 I ____________ my homework at the moment. It’s so boring! 1 What you wearing to the party tonight?
10 Sssh! We ____________ this programme. ______________________________________
2 She isn’t have fun on the school trip.
Make the sentences negative. ______________________________________
3 I’m sending Maribel a text on my new phone.
1 I’m chatting to Celia on the Internet.
4 We is eating in a restaurant tonight.
2 She’s having breakfast now. 5 You are doing gymnastics after school today?
_____________________________________________________________ ______________________________________
3 My parents are listening to a famous saxophonist at a concert.
_____________________________________________________________ Write sentences. Use can or can’t and the pairs of verbs in the box.
4 Our team are winning at half-time in the match.
_____________________________________________________________ play/cook run/dance play/sing speak/understand swim/ski use/write
5 We’re sitting in our English class at the moment.
_____________________________________________________________ My mum can’t sing but she can play the piano.

Choose one verb from each pair in the box and complete the present continuous 1 I _____________ Japanese but I _____________ it.
questions. Then write short answers. 2 David Beckham _____________ a tortilla but he _____________ football.
3 My sister _____________ but she _____________ really fast.
do/go eat/drink listen to/watch sit/stand talk to/shout wait/wear 4 My parents _____________ because they don’t like water, but they_____________ .
5 You _____________ a computer program but you _____________ a computer.
Are you doing your homework?
Read the text. Answer the questions in your own words. Write complete sentences.
(X) No, I’m not.
15th August
1 _____ Alex _____________ for Sharon? Hi Joanne!
(X) _____________ I’m on holiday this week with my family in Fuengirola. I’m writing this postcard on the
2 _______ they ____________ pizza? beach! I’m lying in the sunshine and I’m not thinking about school or exams or anything like
(√) _____________ that! It’s great!
3 _______ your parents ____________ in the car? We’re staying in a really nice hotel next to the beach. It’s huge: there are ten floors. It’s
(X) _____________ got a swimming pool, a bar, a restaurant and entertainment every night. There’s a disco too
4 _______ Ana ____________ Steve on the phone? every evening – it’s really cool and they play some great music. I’m going tonight and I’m
(√) _____________ singing in the karaoke at 10pm. Oh no! I’m feeling a bit nervous.
5 _______ you _____________ the radio? At the moment my dad is swimming in the sea. He’s a terrible swimmer but he’s having fun
(√) _____________ and he’s relaxing, so that’s good. My mum isn’t swimming with him (she’s too embarrassed!)
7 8
but she’s wearing her new bikini and she’s reading a magazine. My brother’s playing football
on the beach with some new friends. There’s one boy there called Pablo and he’s gorgeous.
I hope it isn’t raining in Scotland and that you’re having a good holiday too. NAME:________________________________________________
Send me a postcard!
Love, GRADE:_______________________________________________
1 Where is Zoe writing her postcard?
2 What’s the weather like?
3 Why is Zoe feeling happy at the moment?
4 Where is she staying?
5 What is Zoe doing tonight?
6 How is she feeling about it?
7 Why isn’t Zoe’s mum swimming with her dad?
8 What is Joanne’s mum doing?
9 What does Zoe think of one of her brother’s friends?
10 Why does Zoe mention the weather in Scotland to Joanne?


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