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Guia Examen de Recuperacion Cuarto Bimestre Segundo Grado

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House and Home

Second Grade

S ome people live in an apartment. Some people live in

a house. Some people live in one room. Where do you
live? Think about your home. How many rooms are there?
What is in each room?

Student: _________________________________
Group: __________________________________
I Gettin Started
A Useful vocabulary
Follow these steps to study words and phrases to use when you write about homes.
Talk about the words in the Vocabulary Pool. Together, check (3) the words
you both know, and highlight the ones you don’t know.

Vocabulary Pool
apartment counter mirror
apartment building curtains nightstand
bathroom desk refrigerator
bathtub dining room room
bed dishwasher rug
bedroom dresser shelf
blinds dryer shower
bookcase fireplace sink
bookshelf hall stove
carpet home table
chair house toilet
closet kitchen towel racks
coffee table laundry room washing machine
couch living room yard

With your partner, complete the chart with words from the Vocabulary Pool. Some
words can go into more than one room.

Living Room Dining Room Kitchen Bedroom Bathroom

couch table table mirror towel racks
B Vocabulary in context
Follow these steps to use and read words and phrases from the Vocabulary Pool.

• Read about each home. Now find the picture that matches each description.
Write the letter on the line.
• Reread the descriptions. Underline the words that helped you find the answer.

a b

c d

1 My dream home is a house in a nice neighborhood. The house has

a living room, a dining room, a kitchen, two bathrooms, and three
bedrooms. All the rooms are very big and bright. The rooms have
comfortable furniture. There are trees in the yard.
2 My place is very small. There are two beds. There are two desks and
two chairs. There is no closet. Clothes and shoes are everywhere. There
are books and papers on the desks. There is one bookshelf. There are
some DVDs and books on the bookshelf. The bookshelf is behind an
old dresser.
3 The Greens’ home is very nice. For example, the living room has a
couch, two chairs, a big bookcase, and a coffee table in the middle of
the room. There’s also a fireplace. There are a lot of books and
pictures in the bookcase. There are flowers on the coffee table.
4 Tony and Lynn’s building isn’t very nice. The apartments are tiny.
They only have two rooms. The apartments are also very dark. There is
only one window in each room. The building isn’t in a very nice
neighborhood. It’s on a noisy street with a lot of traffic, but it’s
near school.
C Get ideas

Follow these steps to get ideas to write about homes.

Look at this drawing of a small apartment. Answer the questions that follow
you can use there is and there are




• What’s in the bathroom?

• What’s in the kitchen?
• What’s in the living room?
• What’s in the bedroom?
A Learn about there is / there are
We often use there is (there’s) and there are to talk about things that are in places.
• Use there is when the noun after it is singular.
here is a couch in the living room.
• Use there are when the noun after it is plural.
here are two beds in the bedroom.
• In sentences with more than one noun, the first noun that follows there is or
there are tells you which form of be to use.
here is a couch and chairs in the living room.

here are two beds and a dresser in the bedroom.

• Use no after the verb to make the sentence negative.
here’s no fireplace.
here are no chairs.

Note: There is and there are usually come at the beginning of a sentence.

Practice 1
Read the following sentences. Circle is or are.

In my dream house, there is / are a big living room. There is / are lots
of windows, and there is / are a big fireplace. There is / are a big TV over the
fireplace. There is / are a soft couch and chairs in front of the fireplace, and
there is / are tall bookshelves to the right and to the left of the fireplace. There
is / are lots of books on the bookshelves. There is / are beautiful floors, and
there is / are a beautiful rug on the floor. There is / are a lot of windows. There
is / are no curtains on the windows, so there is / are a nice view of the yard.
The yard is very beautiful. There is / are lots of flowers in the yard.
Practice 2
Read about American dormitories. Then answer the following questions. Use there is
or there are in your answers.

Many American college students live in dormitories. For example, at Marin

University, a typical dorm room has two beds and two dressers. There are
also two closets. There’s a sink and two towel racks. There’s a mirror, too.
There are two desks and two chairs. There are no couches. There are lots
of shelves for textbooks and televisions. There’s one window in each room.
There are no blinds on the windows. There’s a kitchen on the first floor. In the
kitchen, there’s a stove and two large sinks. There are no tables or chairs in
the kitchen.

1 How many closets are there in each dorm room?

2 Are there couches in the dorm rooms?

3 Are there any windows?

4 What’s on the first floor?

5 What’s in the kitchen?

6 Why is it difficult to eat a meal in the kitchen?

B Learn about has / have

You can also use has or have to talk about the number of rooms in a home, or to
describe what is in a room.
• Use has after singular noun subjects
My apartment has two bedrooms and one bathroom.
• Use have after plural noun subjects
They have a beautiful home near the city.
Practice 3
Match the two parts of the sentences. Write the letter in the blank.
1 My kitchen a have two beds.
2 These bathrooms b has a gray carpet.
3 The front door c have no shelves.
4 Both bedrooms d has a big refrigerator and a stove.
5 The yard e has apartments and houses.
6 My sister and I f have four apartments in them.
7 The hall g have big bathtubs.
8 These buildings h has a lot of trees.
9 Our neighborhood i has big black numbers on it.
10 The closets j have one window in our bedroom.

Practice 4
Read the sentences. Circle the subjects in the numbered sentences. Draw an arrow
from the subject to has or have. Circle has or have.

I live in an apartment building on Stratford Street in Hillspoint, Connecticut.

There are many apartment buildings on my street. My building has / have 12
apartments and a big yard. All of the apartments has / have three rooms. In
my apartment, there’s one bedroom, one living room, and a kitchen. There’s no
dining room. There’s a bathroom, too. My bedroom has / have two beds. The
living room has / have two chairs and a comfortable couch. The living room
has / have a dining table in it, too. All of the rooms has / have lots of big
windows. The kitchen has / have a great view of the yard.
It is good to use different types of sentences when you write.
Don’t use there is / there are all the time. Use has / have sometimes.
here’s a bathtub in my bathroom.  ➔  My bathroom has a bathtub.
here are big windows in the bedrooms.  ➔  The bedrooms have big windows.

Remember: The verb be in there is / there are agrees with the noun that comes
right after it. The verb has / have agrees with the subject that comes before it.
There are no desks in the bedrooms.  ➔  The bedrooms have no desks.

Practice 5
Read the a sentences. Then complete the b sentences. Use has or have.
1 a There are three windows in the living room.
b The living room has three windows .

2 a There’s a coffee table in the living room.

b The living room .

3 a In both bathrooms, there’s a bathtub and a shower.

b Both bathrooms .

4 a There are blue walls in the living room and the kitchen.
b The living room and kitchen .

5 a There’s a mirror on the closet door.

b The closet door .

6 a There are two nightstands in the bedroom.

b The bedroom .

7 a There are three apartment buildings in my neighborhood.

b My neighborhood .

8 a There’s a table and chairs in the yard.

b The yard .
Practice 6
Read the description of a house. Cross out each mistake and write the correction
above it. There are six more mistakes.

1My family lives in a big house in the country. 2 There is lots of rooms in this
house. 3 The house have five bedrooms. 4 I has five brothers and three sisters. 5 I
share a bedroom with two brothers. 6My bedroom has three beds. 7 There are a
dresser and a big closet, too. 8 There are two desks in my bedroom. 9My three
sisters has one bedroom, too. 10 The house have a big yard. 11 There is a chair in
the yard. 12 There is also a lot of apple trees in the yard.

Practice 7
Read this description of apartment buildings in New York City. On a separate piece
of paper, rewrite the description, and change sentences 1, 3, 5, 7, 9, and 11. In these
sentences, use has / have instead of there is (there’s) / there are.

1 There are some very old apartment buildings in New York City. 2 There
are five or six floors in these buildings. 3 There’s one apartment on each floor.
4 There’s a very long hall in each apartment. 5 There’s a kitchen and small
bathroom in each apartment. 6 There is a very small refrigerator, sink, and stove
in the kitchen. 7 There’s no oven in the kitchen. 8 There is a bathtub and a
shower in the bathroom. 9 There are one or two bedrooms in these apartments.
10 There is no living room. 11 There’s no dining room in these apartments, either.
A xpand your vocabulary
You can use prepositions of place to talk about where things are. Look at these
pictures to see some common prepositions.

in on

above under

behind next to opposite

in the corner of in the middle of to the right of

Practice 8
Read the sentences below. On a separate piece of paper, draw each room.
1 Draw a kitchen. The kitchen has a sink. There is a window above the sink. There is
a stove next to the sink. There is a pot on the stove.
2 Draw a living room. The living room has a couch. There is a coffee table in the
middle of the room with a vase on it. There are flowers in the vase. There is a TV in
the corner of the room.
3 Draw a bathroom. The bathroom has a bathtub. There is a window to the right
of the bathtub. There is a shelf under the window. There is a door opposite the
window. There are more shelves behind the door.
Practice 9
Look at the picture. Complete the sentences. Then write the number of the sentence
in the correct place in the picture.

1 The dresser is to the left of the beds.

2 is above the dresser.
3 is next to the door to the hall.
4 is to the right of the beds.
5 is on the nightstand.

Practice 10
Look at the picture in Practice 9. Fill in the blanks with the prepositions from the box
Prepositions of Place.
1 The flowers are the dresser.
2 The rug is the room.
3 The desk is the beds.
4 The shoes are the bed.
5 The backpack is of the closet.
A Focus on mechanics
A and an mean one. A or an often goes before singular nouns. Don’t use a or an
before plural nouns.
• A goes before words that start with consonants or consonant sounds.
b  c  d  f  g  h  j  k  l  m  n  p  q  r  s  t  v  w  x  y  z
There’s a couch in my living room.
I live in a small apartment.
The laundry room has a useful sink.
• An goes before words that start with vowels or vowel sounds.
a  e  i  o  u
I live in an apartment.
Ken lives in an old house.
Seil lives an hour away from work.

Practice 12
Read about Raul’s apartment. Find eight more mistakes with a and an. Cross out each
mistake and write the correction above it.

1Raul lives in a apartment building in an noisy neighborhood. 2 It isn’t in an
very good location. 3 It’s a hour away from school. 4 It’s also a old building. 5 The
apartment is small, but it has a large windows in the living room. 6 Raul also
has an nice kitchen. 7 The kitchen has a long counters and a electric stove.
B Check for common mistakes
Many students confuse there is and there are. Remember that the first noun that
follows there is and there are tells you which form of be to use.
Look at these corrected mistakes.
There are a bathroom and a kitchen.
There are
There’s three chairs in the living room.

Practice 13
Read about someone’s dream home. Find five more mistakes. Cross out each mistake
and write the correction above it.

1My dream home is a small house in the country. 2 There are a living room
and a dining room. 3 There’s also two bedrooms. 4 In the living room, there
are a couch and two chairs. 5 Opposite the couch, there are a fireplace and a
bookshelf. 6 There’s two beds and a dresser in one bedroom. 7 There is a desk
and a big chair in the other bedroom. 8 There are also a sunny kitchen and a
big bathroom.

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