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Prologue - Act I RJ Questions - Answers

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1. What city is used as the setting of the story?

Verona, Italy

2. What is the role of the chorus?

briefly summarize the plot of the play; tells how the play will end

3. Which two families have been feuding for decades? Why?

Montagues & Capulets because of an “ancient grudge”

4. Who is involved in the quarrel in the beginning of Act 1 scene 1?

Gregory, Sampson, Abram, Benvolio, Tybalt

5. What is their interest in the feud?

Gregory & Sampson – servants for Capulets

Abram – servant for Montague
Benvolio – Romeo’s cousin
Tybalt – Juliet’s cousin

6. What final order does Prince Escalus give Lord Montague and Lord Capulet?

to stop fighting in the streets or death will occur

7. Describe Benvolio.

Montague’s nephew, Romeo’s cousin & friend; tries to sweeten the fight between him &
Tybalt; peacemaker; tries to stop fighting between servants

8. How does Benvolio describe Tybalt? Is this an accurate description?

“fiery Tybalt;” Tybalt trying to slay him; full of hate toward Montagues; yes, this is an accurate

9. Describe Romeo’s recent behavior.

acting strangely; goes off by himself for a walk; shuts himself in his room; depressed
10. How does Romeo describe Rosaline?

she does not love him & sworn herself to a life of chastity; beautiful; store of beauty will die
with her because she’ll have no children; Romeo is lovesick over her

11. What is Benvolio’s advice to Romeo?

to forget Rosaline & gaze upon other beauties

12. How does Romeo respond?

says that looking at other women will only remind him of Rosaline’s beauty

13. Who is Paris?

kinsman to Prince Escalus; wants to marry Juliet

14. What does Paris ask of Lord Capulet?

permission to marry Juliet

15. Why does Lord Capulet turn down Paris’ request?

because Paris must win Juliet’s heart; Capulet also has agreed to let Juliet have some degree of
choice in choosing her husband; Juliet is too young to marry

16. What is Juliet’s current age?


17. What advice does Lord Capulet give Paris in regards to Juliet?

advises Paris to wait 2 more years and “woo” her to win her heart

18. Why does Benvolio encourage Romeo to attend the Capulet ball?

so that Romeo can get his mind off Rosaline & see other beautiful women; compare Rosaline
to the other beautiful girls; to recover from his love with Rosaline

19. Why does Romeo agree to go?

because he learns that Rosaline will be there

20. Describe the relationship between Juliet and her mother.

distant relationship
21. Describe the relationship between Juliet and Nurse.

very close relationship; nurse breastfed Juliet; Nurse’s daughter died who would be the same
age as Juliet; thinks of Juliet as her own daughter

22. Describe the character of the Nurse.

takes care of Juliet; vulgar yet sentimental; provides comic relief; a common woman

23. What news does Lady Capulet give Juliet?

that Paris wants to marry her

24. How does Nurse describe Paris? What does this mean?

“a man of wax;” a perfect figure

25. What is Juliet’s reply to her mother’s news?

agrees to look Paris over

26. Describe Mercutio.

Romeo’s friend; has a vivid imagination, witty, satirical, comical; believes to take action on
love and be realistic; clown-like personality

27. How does Romeo feel about attending the party? Why does he feel this way?

doesn’t want to go because he had a dream that something terrible is going to happen

28. Who is Queen Mab?

fairy who is in control of the dream world; causes you to have racy dreams

29. Describe Mercutio’s personality as he reveals it in his soliloquy.

trying to comical & to amuse Romeo & to show the insignificance of his dreams

30. What does Mercutio say about dreams?

that they are the children of an idle brain; they are fantasy

31. What impression has Juliet made on Romeo when he sees her across the room?

a good impression – Romeo instantly falls in love with Juliet

32. What poetic elements are used the first time they talk?

33. Who objects to Romeo’s presence?


34. How does Lord Capulet describe Romeo?

good boy; being a gentleman; Romeo is bragged about in Verona for being a virtuous & well-
groomed young man

35. When Romeo and Juliet discover the identity of each other, what are their reactions?

Romeo is shocked and devastated

Juliet is heart-broken & sad because her only love is that of a loathed enemy

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