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Grammar Diagnostic Test

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The document provides a diagnostic test to identify strengths and weaknesses in grammar. It analyzes errors in sentences and completes questions in grammar, modifiers, pronouns, verbs, basic patterns and style.

Some common errors identified include issues with modifiers like adjectives, adverbs, negation; pronouns like number, reference; verbs like tense, voice; and stylistic areas like wordiness, usage, prepositions.

Areas of grammar that are assessed include modifiers, pronouns, verbs, basic patterns involving clauses, and questions of style. Specific topics span adjectives, adverbs, numbers, tense, agreement, word choice and more.

Practice Test 1:


practice test 1


Directions: For the Error Identification questions, each sentence

contains four underlined words or phrases. Select the one word or phrase
that must be changed in order for the sentence to be correct. Mark your
answer on the answer sheet provided.

1. Beautiful is in the eye of the 5. The young girl dreamed a dream

(A) (B) (C) (A)
beholder. that she was being carried
(D) (B) (C)
away by monsters.
2. The baby showed a noticeable (D)
distaste for these kind of pre- 6. If it will rain this afternoon, we
(B) (C) (A) (B)
pared baby food. will have to cancel the picnic.
(D) (C) (D)

3. They cannot go camping right 7. Are you familiar of the latest

(A) (A) (B) (C)
now because they are scientific developments in
(B) (D)
taking care of a three-weeks-old the field?
(C) (D)
8. Henry is the sort of a man who
(A) (B)
4. They went into the Superstition will give you the shirt off
(A) (C) (D)
Mountains in search for the his back.
Lost Dutchman’s Mine and were
9. Give the package to whomever
never heard from again. (A)
(C) (D) has the authority to sign for it.
(B) (C) (D)

16 PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses

10. When he visited the doctor, the doctor 18. The children were surprised when the
(A) (A)
told John that he should gone to the teacher had them to close their books
(B) (C) (B) (C)
hospital immediately. unexpectedly.
(D) (D)

11. Robert often wishes he was better 19. Do you think you could lend me
(A) (B) (A)
prepared for his exams, but he will good pair of gloves to wear to the
(B) (C) (D)
probably never change his poor study wedding?
(C) (D)
20. His speech was a careful worded at-
(A) (B)
12. This refrigerator is very old to keep tempt to evade his responsibility in the
(A) (B) (C) (D)
things at a proper temperature. matter.
(C) (D)

13. The meeting was so length that many 21. The Joneses have visited Hawaii and
(A) (B) (A)
people had to leave before it concluded. Alaska, and they assure me that they
(C) (D) (B) (C)
like Alaska the best.
14. John was quick to inform us that his (D)
(A) (B) (C)
friend Vicky was most popular, intelli- 22. We must have a exact count of the
(D) (A) (B)
gent girl in his class. number of people expected to attend
the closing ceremonies.
15. The director of the program advised (D)
the students to avoid to waste time 23. The stage production that we saw in
(B) (A) (B)
reading material that was so out-of- New York was very much as the one we
(C) (D) (C)
date. had previously seen in London.

16. There was not enough time 24. Did you hear many news about the
(A) (A)
to completely fill out the form before political situation while you were in
(B) (C) (B) (C) (D)
the bell rang. that country?

17. Margie and Mary must have ate some 25. Both John, Bob and Tom are outstanding
(A) (B) (A) (B)
bad food in the restaurant because they golfers and reasonably good tennis
(C) (C) (D)
were very ill shortly after they left. players.
Chapter 2: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 17

diagnostic test
26. Kathy was definitely a faster swimmer 33. By the time Robert will finish writing
(A) (A) (B)
than anyone on her team and appeared the first draft of his paper, most of the
(B) (C) (C)
headed for the state championship. other students will be completing their
(D) (D)
final draft.
27. The article suggests that when a person
is under unusual stress you should be 34. Some members of the committee were
(B) (A)
especially careful to eat a well-balanced opposed to use the club members’
(C) (D) (B) (C)
diet. money to redecorate the meeting hall.

28. Economics, with their widespread range 35. I was very shocked to see how much my
(A) (B) (A) (B)
of practical application, is of great inter- grandmother she had aged since the
(C) (C) (D)
est to government leaders throughout the last time we visited.
36. Our supervisor finally noticed that it

29. The Tyrrels had such warm welcome was we, Diana and me, who always
(A) (A) (B) (C)
from their family that they were turned in our reports on time.
overwhelmed and could not speak for a
(B) (C) 37. In our opinion that girl is enough
few minutes. (A) (B)
(D) beautiful to be a movie star.
(C) (D)
30. Even though he was exhausted, John
(A) 38. The report that Karl wrote on the
wrote to his parents a letter explaining (A)
(B) (C) (D) mating behavior of the bees in this area
the situation. (B)
was definitely better than Bob.
(C) (D)
31. Since I have so many letters to write, I
(A) (B) 39. We were pleased to have the opportu-
am going to buy several boxes of
(C) nity to watch such talented dancers
stationary. (A)
(D) to perform a highly acclaimed new
(B) (C) (D)
32. Our friends got a bank loan for to buy ballet.
(A) (B) (C)
a new car.
(D) 40. The flag is risen at 6:30 every morning
(A) (B) (C)
without fail.
18 PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses

41. When the Claybornes bought their new 49. They who are willing to spend the
(A) (B) (C)
home, they painted every room, laid necessary time will find this workshop
(A) (B)
carpet in the living room and hall, and to be a rewarding experience.
had refinished the kitchen cabinets.
(C) (D) 50. Please see if you can repair the
(A) (B)
42. That student from Mexico who is rooming door’s knob before Saturday morning.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
with Bill Smith reminds me to my uncle.
(C) (D) 51. The passenger only had a five-dollar
43. When they travel to Europe, the bill with him when he boarded the bus.
(A) (B) (C) (D)
Harrises like to stay in Paris and
52. It is not longer necessary for all employ-
visiting as many art galleries as possible. (A) (B)
(B) (C) (D) ees to wear an identification badge
44. She never is diligent about practicing in order to work in the vault.
(A) (B) (C) (D) (D)
the piano.
53. In the chapter one of that book there is
(A) (B)
45. During that terrible snowstorm, the a really good explanation of photosyn-
(A) (C)
police demanded that people stayed off thesis, complete with illustrations.
(B) (C) (D)
Highway 101 except in cases of emer-
(D) 54. The salesman told me that a good set of
gency. (A)
tires were supposed to last at least
(B) (C) (D)
46. He refused to tell us why was he crying. twenty thousand miles.
(A) (B) (C) (D)

47. Please be sure that everybody has their 55. Sitting under an umbrella at a tiny
(A) (B) (A)
ticket ready to give to the man at the table in a sidewalk cafe, Bob was
(C) (D)
door. startled when a gust of wind suddenly
(B) (C)
carried it away.
48. We believe that he already feels very (D)

badly about his mistake and we

have decided to take no further action.
(B) (C) (D)
Chapter 2: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 19

diagnostic test

Directions: In the Sentence Completion questions, one or more words are left out of
each sentence. Under each sentence, you will see four words or phrases. Select the one
word or phrase that completes the sentence correctly, and mark your answer on the
answer sheet provided.

56. Riding my bicycle home from school, 61. John does not swim as ________.
________ as I went around the corner.
(A) fastly as Fred
(A) a car hit me (B) fast than Fred
(B) I was striked by a car (C) fast as Fred
(C) I was struck by a car (D) fast like Fred
(D) I was struck with a car
62. Shakespeare wrote many plays, but
57. Doctor Martin is the kind of doctor
in my opinion The Merchant of
_______ will take pains to be thorough.
Venice was the ________.
(A) which
(B) who (A) better
(C) whom (B) best
(D) what (C) goodest
(D) most good
58. The two doctors received an award
of several thousand dollars ________. 63. ________ that the president’s
economic policy will help curb
(A) to be divided equally between
(B) which was supposed to be (A) The hope
divided in an equal way (B) It is hoped
between them (C) Hoping
(C) to be divided equally among them (D) To hope
(D) which was to be divided between
them in such a way that they 64. ________ your helpful suggestions,
would each receive an equal share we are sending you a copy of our
latest book.
59. ________, he was able to answer all
the questions on the examination. (A) In consideration of
(A) Reading all the required (B) For consideration of
material (C) With consideration for
(B) Having reading all the required (D) In consideration with
65. John studied accounting and
(C) Having read all the required
material ________ while he was at Yale.
(D) As it was the case that he had (A) also pursued economics
read all the required material (B) economics
(C) he also studied economics
60. Exhausted, we went directly to bed
and ________. (D) economics was also studied
by him
(A) ignored him knocking on our door
(B) ignored his knocking on our door
(C) his knocking on our door was
ignored by us
(D) ignored his knocking with our
20 PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses


Error Identification

1. A 12. A 23. C 34. B 45. C

2. C 13. A 24. A 35. C 46. D
3. D 14. D 25. A 36. C 47. B
4. B 15. B 26. C 37. B 48. A
5. A 16. B 27. B 38. D 49. A
6. B 17. B 28. B 39. B 50. C
7. B 18. C 29. A 40. A 51. A
8. A 19. B 30. B 41. C 52. A
9. A 20. A 31. D 42. D 53. A
10. C 21. D 32. C 43. B 54. B
11. B 22. B 33. A 44. A 55. D

1. The correct answer is (A). (Beauty). 10. The correct answer is (C). (should
See Chapter 7, “Style”—Parts of Speech, go). Chapter 4, “Verbs”—See Modals,
page 162. page 75.
2. The correct answer is (C). (this 11. The correct answer is (B). (were
kind). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— better prepared). See Chapter 4,
Demonstratives, page 38. “Verbs”—Wishes, page 71.
3. The correct answer is (D). (three- 12. The correct answer is (A). (too old).
week-old). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—Too, Very,
Hyphenated or Compound Adjectives, and Enough, page 55.
page 37.
13. The correct answer is (A). (so long
4. The correct answer is (B). (in that). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—
search of). See Chapter 7, “Style”— Cause and Result, page 50.
Prepositions in Combinations, page
14. The correct answer is (D). (the most
popular). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—
5. The correct answer is (A). (dreamed Superlatives, page 48.
that). See Chapter 7, “Style”—Wordi-
15. The correct answer is (B). (to avoid
ness, page 136.
wasting). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
6. The correct answer is (B). (If it Verbals, page 77.
rains). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
16. The correct answer is (B). (fill out
Conditionals, page 73.
completely). See Chapter 3, “Modifi-
7. The correct answer is (B). (familiar ers”—Split Infinitives, page 29.
with). See Chapter 7, “Style”—
17. The correct answer is (B). (must
Prepositions in Combinations, page
have eaten). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
Past Participles, page 81.
8. The correct answer is (A). (sort of
18. The correct answer is (C). (had
man). See Chapter 7, “Style”—
them close). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
Substandard, page 139.
Verbals, page 77.
9. The correct answer is (A). (to
whoever has). Chapter 5, “Pronouns”—
See Who/Whom, page 95.
Chapter 2: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 21

19. The correct answer is (B). (a good 33. The correct answer is (A). (Robert
pair). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— finishes). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
Articles, page 53. Time Clauses, page 69.
20. The correct answer is (A). (carefully 34. The correct answer is (B). (opposed
worded). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— to using). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
Adjective/Adverb Confusion, page 32. Verbals, page 77.
21. The correct answer is (D). (Alaska 35. The correct answer is (C). (grand-
better). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— mother had aged). See Chapter 6,
Comparatives, page 46. “Basic Patterns”—Double Subjects,
page 120.
22. The correct answer is (B). (an exact
count). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— 36. The correct answer is (C). (Diana
Articles, page 53. and I). See Chapter 5, “Pronouns”—
Personal Pronouns—Case, page 93.
23. The correct answer is (C). (much
like the one). See Chapter 3, “Modifi- 37. The correct answer is (B). (beauti-
ers”—Sameness and Similarity, ful enough). See Chapter 3, “Modifi-
page 44. ers”—Too, Very, and Enough, page 55.
24. The correct answer is (A). (much 38. The correct answer is (D). (better
news). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— than Bob’s). See Chapter 3, “Modifi-
Few, Little, Much and Many, page 39. ers”—Comparatives, page 46.
25. The correct answer is (A). (John, 39. The correct answer is (B). (perform
Bob, and Tom). See Chapter 7, ”Style”— OR performing). See Chapter 4,
Correlative Conjunctions, page 157. “Verbs”—Verbals, page 77.
26. The correct answer is (C). (anyone 40. The correct answer is (A). (is raised).
else). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— See Chapter 7, “Style”—Usage, page

diagnostic test
Comparatives, page 46. 142.
27. The correct answer is (B). (he or she 41. The correct answer is (C). (and
should be). See Chapter 5, “Pronouns”— refinished). See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—
Person, page 102. Tense, page 67. See also Chapter 7,
“Style”—Parallelism, page 133.
28. The correct answer is (B). (with its
widespread). Chapter 5, “Pronouns”— 42. The correct answer is (D). (reminds
See Number, page 104. me of). See Chapter 7, “Style”—
Prepositions in Combinations, page
29. The correct answer is (A). (such a
warm welcome). Chapter 3, “Modifi-
ers”—See Cause and Result, page 50. 43. The correct answer is (B). (to visit).
See Chapter 7, “Style”—Parallelism,
30. The correct answer is (B). (wrote a
page 133.
letter to his parents) OR (wrote his
parents a letter). See Chapter 6, “Basic 44. The correct answer is (A). (is never).
Patterns”—Indirect Objects, page 111. See Chapter 6, “Basic Patterns”—
Order of Adverbs, page 113.
31. The correct answer is (D). (statio-
nery). See Chapter 7, “Style”—Words 45. The correct answer is (C). (stay off).
Often Confused, Group III, page 154. See Chapter 4, “Verbs”—Verbs of “De-
mand,” page 70.
32. The correct answer is (C). (loan to
buy) OR (loan for a new car). See 46. The correct answer is (D). (why he
Chapter 6, “Basic Patterns”—To/For was). See Chapter 6, “Basic Patterns”—
(Purpose), page 118. Embedded Questions, page 116.
22 PART II: Diagnosing Strengths and Weaknesses

47. The correct answer is (B). (his 52. The correct answer is (A). (no
ticket). See Chapter 5, “Pronouns”— longer). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—
Number, page 104. Negation, page 57.
48. The correct answer is (A). (feels 53. The correct answer is (A). (In
very bad). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— chapter one). See Chapter 3, “Modifi-
Adjectives after Verbs of Sensation, ers”—Cardinal and Ordinal Numbers,
page 34. page 42.
49. The correct answer is (A). (Those who 54. The correct answer is (B). (was
are). See Chapter 5, “Pronouns”— supposed). See Chapter 7, “Style”—
Those Modified, page 107. Subject/Verb Agreement, page 159.
50. The correct answer is (C). (door 55. The correct answer is (D). (the
knob). See Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— umbrella OR the table). See Chapter 5,
Noun Adjectives, page 35. “Pronouns”—Faulty Reference, page
51. The correct answer is (A). (had only
a five-dollar bill). See Chapter 3,
“Modifiers”—Adverbs Like Only,
page 28.

Sentence Completion

56. C 58. A 60. B 62. B 64. A

57. B 59. C 61. C 63. B 65. B

56. The correct answer is (C). Choice 59. The correct answer is (C). Choice
(A), see Chapter 3, “Modifiers”— (A), see Chapter 4, “Verbs”—Present
Dangling Modifiers, page 30. Choice and Perfect Participles and Infinitives,
(B), see Chapter 4, “Verbs”—Past Par- page 84. Choice (B), see Chapter 4,
ticiples, page 81. Choice (D), see “Verbs”—Past Participles, page 81.
Chapter 7, “Style”—Prepositions (Gen- Choice (D), see Chapter 7, “Style”—
eral Use), page 164. Wordiness, page 136.
57. The correct answer is (B). Choice 60. The correct answer is (B). Choice
(A), see Chapter 5, “Pronouns”— (A), see Chapter 5, “Pronouns”—
Relative Pronouns, page 91. Choice Possessives, page 98. Choice (C), see
(C), see Chapter 5, “Pronouns”—Who/ Chapter 7, “Style”—Voice, page 129.
Whom, page 95. Choice (D), see Chap- Choice (D), see Chapter 7, “Style”—
ter 5, “Pronouns”—Relative Pronouns, Prepositions (General Use), page 164.
page 91.
61. The correct answer is (C). Choice
58. The correct answer is (A). Choice (A), see Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—
(B), see Chapter 7, “Style”—Wordiness, Adjective/Adverb Confusion, page 32.
page 136. Choice (C), see Chapter 7, Choice (B), see Chapter 3, “Modifiers”—
“Style”—Usage, page 142. Choice (D), Sameness and Similarity, page 44.
see Chapter 7, “Style”—Wordiness, Choice (D), See Chapter 3, “Modifi-
page 136. ers”—Sameness and Similarity,
page 44.
62. The correct answer is (B). Choices
(A), (C), and (D), see Chapter 3,
“Modifiers”—Superlatives, page 48.
Chapter 2: Practice Test 1: Diagnostic 23

63. The correct answer is (B). Choices 65. The correct answer is (B). Choices
(A), (C), and (D), see Chapter 6, “Basic (A), (C), and (D), see Chapter 7,
Patterns”—Clauses, page 121. “Style”—Wordiness, page 136. See also
Chapter 7, “Style”—Voice, page 129.
64. The correct answer is (A). Choices
(B), (C), and (D), See Chapter 7,
“Style”—Prepositions in Combina-
tions, page 167.

diagnostic test

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