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Literary Aptitude: C) William Shakespeare

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Q1. Who is the national poet of England?

a) William Wordsworth
b) John Keats
c) William Shakespeare
d) T.S Eliot
Q2. Which one is a female detective character of Agatha Christie‟s novel?
a) Anna Karenina
b) Jane Eyre
c) Miss Marple
d) Daisy Miller
Q3. Which two cities is Charles Dickens‟s novel „The Tale of Two Cities‟ set in?
a) London and Rome
b) Rome and Paris
c) London and Paris
d) None of the above
Q4. How many chapters are there in Qur‟an?
a) 114
b) 62
c) 76
d) 120
Q5. Which is the first tragedy play by Shakespeare?
a) Julius Caesar
b) Romeo and Juliet
c) Hamlet
d) Titus Andronicus
Q6. Which one is the first science fiction novel?
a) Dracula
b) The Time Machine
c) Frankenstein
d) Fahrenheit 451
Q7. In which city is the play Romeo and Juliet set in?
a) Milan
b) Edinburgh
c) Verona
d) Turin
Q8. What is the total number of plays that Shakespeare has written?
a) 14
b) 28
c) 37
d) 52
Q9. Who is the author of „Alice‟s Adventures in Wonderland‟?
a) Rudyard Kipling
b) John Keats
c) Lewis Carroll

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d) H.G. Wells
Q10. “Where ignorance is bliss, it is folly to be wise”. These lines are attributed to which writer?
a) Robert Browining
b) Karl Marx
c) William Shakespeare
d) Samuel Taylor Coleridge
Q11. Which book is the fourth book of the Harry Potter Series?
a) Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince
b) Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban
c) Harry Potter and the Order of Phoenix
d) Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire
Q12. Jane Eyre was written by which one of the following Bronte sisters?
a) Anne
b) Charlotte
c) Emily
d) Both (a) and (b)
Q13. Who is the author of the famous novel „Gulliver‟s Travels‟?
a) Jonathan Swift
b) Jane Austen
c) Alexander Dumas
d) R.L Stevenson
Q14. Who is also known as the Bard of Avon?
a) John Milton
b) John Byron
c) William Shakespeare
d) James Joyce
Q15. Who is the author of the novel „God of Small Things‟?
a) Arundhati Roy
b) Kamala Das
c) Amritha Preetham
d) R.K. Narayan
Q16. Who is the protagonist of The Great Expectations?
a) Clara Peggotty
b) Pip
c) Uriah Heep
d) Top
Q17. In Gulliver‟s Travels, where are the residents extremely small?
a) Brobdingnag
b) Lilliput
c) Laputa
d) Yahoo
Q18. What is the nationality of Franz Kafka?
a) Polish
b) Russian

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c) Czech
d) French
Q19. “Whoosh!” Identify the Figure of Speech.
a) Oxymoron
b) Onomatopoeia
c) Euphemism
d) Alliteration
Q20. What kind of book is a Nebula Award given for?
a) Science fiction
b) Poetry
c) Romance
d) Drama
Q21. Which of these writers often deals with the experiences of Indian immigrants in the United States?
a) Salman Rushdie
b) Zadie Smith
c) Jhumpa Lahri
d) Khaled Husseini
Q22. What is the name of record of a period in a person‟s life?
a) Short Story
b) Fiction
c) Dairy
d) Volume
Q23. Which historical event does Charles Dickens‟s novel A Tale of Two Cities concern with?
a) The French Revolution
b) The American Revolution
c) The Chinese Revolution
d) The Russian Revolution
Q24. Which novel is a combination of letters?
a) Epic
b) Poem
c) Sermon
d) Epistolary
Q25. What is the name of Shakespeare‟s Merchant of Venice?
a) Shylock
b) Bassanio
c) Lancelot Gobbo
d) Antonio
Q26. Estella is a character in which of the following novels?
a) A Tale of Two Cities
b) Great Expectations
c) Madame Bovary
d) Beloved
Q27. Who wrote the novel Animal Farm?
a) George Orwell

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b) Ernest Hemingway
c) William Faulkner
d) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
Q28. Which of these is not a cult film?
a) Hugo
b) Enter the Dragon
c) Star Wars
d) The Godfather
Q29. Which of these is not a writer of Detective novels?
a) P.D James
b) Arthur Conan Doyle
c) Henning Mankell
d) P.G. Wodehouse
Q30. Which of these authors is not known as a poet?
a) Gabriel Garcia Marquez
b) Sarojini naidu
c) G.M. Mukhtibodh
d) Pablo Neruda
Q31. Who was the famous poet who was deeply affected by Tagore‟s Gitanjali?
a) T.S. Eliot
b) W.H. Auden
c) W.B. Yeats
d) Ezra Pound
Q32. Which one is not an Epic?
a) Beowulf
b) Iliad
c) Ramayana
d) Canterbury Tales
Q33. In the Harry Potter series, what is the name of Harry‟s pet owl?
a) Hedwig
b) Errol
c) Pigwidgeon
d) None of the above
Q34. In Shakespeare‟s Romeo and Juliet, whose last name is Montague?
a) Romeo
b) Juliet
c) Benvolio
d) Mercutio
Q35. Who wrote „The Great Gatsby‟?
a) William Faulkner
b) F. Scott Fitzegerald
c) Mark Twain
d) Ernest Hemingway
Q36. In the children‟s books about a 25 foot tall red dog, what is the name of the dog?

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a) Henry
b) Robert
c) Duke
d) Clifford
Q37.What is unique about the film „Adi Shankara‟?
a) It has won national Awards
b) It is the first Bengali Film
c) It is the first Sanskrit Film
d) It has no female characters
Q38. „Crime and Punishment‟ is written by:
a) Fyodor Dostoyevsky
b) Vladimir Nabokov
c) Lewis Carroll
d) Aleksander Solzhenitsyn
Q39. Lal Lajpat Rai is the author of which of the following books?
a) Divided India
b) Unhappy India
c) Hind Swaraj
d) Mother India
Q40. „In Custody‟ is a book written by which author?
a) Anita Desai
b) Shoba De
c) V.S Naipaul
d) Vikram Seth
Q41. Who wrote the book „The Prince‟?
a) Bernard Shaw
b) Niccolò Machiavelli
c) V.S Sharma
d) Emile Zola
Q42. Who has written the book „The daughter of the East‟?
a) Ms. Taslim Nazreen
b) Ms. Aung Sang Suu Kyi
c) Ms. Sirimavo Bandaranaike
d) Ms. Benazir Bhutto
Q43. Which one of the following combinations is not correct?
a) Prithvi Raj Raso : Chand Bardai
b) Sunil Gavaskar : Idols
c) A. Sanderson : Midnight’s Children
d) Kalidas : Meghdoot
Q44. Who is the author of the book „Waiting for the Mahatma‟?
a) R.K Narayan
b) N.A Palkhiwala
c) Amrita Pritam
d) Manohar Malgonkar

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Q45. Who is the author of the book „India wins Freedom‟?

a) Dominique Lapierre
b) Maulana Abdul Kalam Azad
c) Khan Abdul Gaffar Khan
d) Jawaharlal Nehru
Q46. „The man who knew infinity‟ by Robert Kanigel is the biography of which of the following?
a) Srinivasa Ramanujan
b) Sir. C.V Raman
c) Homi Bhabha
d) Vikram Sarabhai
Q47. Who is the author of „Betrayal of the Defence Forces‟?
a) Tarun Tejpal
b) George Fernandes
c) Jaswant Singh
d) Vishnu Bhagwat
Q48. David Copperfield is a:
a) Novel
b) Famous actor
c) Poem
d) Writer
Q49. Who said the following line? „I disapprove what you say, but I will defend to death your right to say
a) George Bernard Shaw
b) Lenin
c) Evelyn Beatrice Hall (in Voltaire’s biography)
d) Mahatma Gandhi
Q50. „The Godfather‟ is authored by?
a) Harold Robbins
b) John Milton
c) Victor Hugo
d) Mario Puzo
Q51. Which of the following books is written by Rabindranath Tagore?
a) Raktakarabi
b) Chidambara
c) Anand Math
d) Durgesh Nandini
Q52. Who directed the film „Little Buddha‟?
a) Richard Attenborough
b) Bernardo Bertolucci
c) Ben Johnson
d) Mani Kaul
Q53. The controversial documentary „Hell‟s Angel‟ is based on who among the following?
a) Joseph Stalin
b) Adolf Hitler

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c) Mother Teresa
d) Saddam Hussein
Q54. Who is the author of „The Adventures of Mark Twain‟?
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Mark Twain
c) John Ruskin
d) William Shakespeare
Q55. Who is the author of „The Future of Freedom‟?
a) Richard Wolfee
b) Peter Hudson
c) Tamara Lipper
d) Fareed Zakaria
Q56. What is the original name of „Mahabharat‟?
a) Katha Saritsagar
b) Jai Samhita
c) Vrahat Katha
d) Rajatarangini
Q57. Who said the following line, „Man without society is either beast or God‟ ?
a) Plato
b) Gandhi
c) Aristotle
d) Henry Maine
Q58. Who has written „Mankind and Mother Earth‟?
a) Arnold Toynbee
b) Leo Tolstoy
c) John Ruskin
d) Bertrand Russel
Q59. Who was the Jnanpith Award for her book for her book „Yama‟?
a) Maheswari Devi
b) Asha Poorna Devi
c) Amrita Preetam
d) Mahadevi Verma
Q60. Which one of the following newspapers is published in Bengali?
a) Lok Satta
b) Pratap
c) Din Mani
d) Jugantar
Q61. Who is the author of the novel „Les Miserables‟?
a) Victor Hugo
b) Alium Tofler
c) G. Wynne
d) Fedrick
Q62. Who won the Jnanpith Award 2019?
a) M.T Vasudevan Nair

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b) G. Sankara Kurup
c) Akkitham Achuthan Namboothri
d) Edasseri Govindan Nair
Q64. “Farewell to arms‟ was written by?
a) Charles Dickens
b) Ernest Hemingway
c) Thomas Hardy
d) Huxley
Q65. Who wrote „Satanic Verses‟?
a) Gunnar Myrdal
b) William Golding
c) Salman Rushdie
d) Agatha Christie
Q66. “Nature never did betray the heart that loved her” are the lines by?
a) W. Wordsworth
b) J. Byron
c) P. B Shelley
d) Keats
Q67. „We the people‟ is written by?
a) T N Kaul
b) J R D Tata
c) Khushwant Singh
d) Nanabhoy Palkhivala
Q68. Who wrote the book, „1984‟?
a) Thomas Hardy
b) George Orwell
c) Emile Zola
d) Walter Scott
Q69. Which of the following is NOT written by Munshi Premchand?
a) Gabaan
b) Godaan
c) Guide
d) Manasarovar
Q70. Who wrote „Forbidden Verses‟?
a) Salman Rushdie
b) Abu Nuwas
c) Ms. Taslim Nasrin
d) D.H Lawrence
Q71. Which book has been written by Vikram Seth?
a) My Dog died young
b) Islamic Bomb
c) Look Back in Anger
d) A Suitable Boy
Q72. Whose lines are these, “A thing of beauty is a joy forever”?

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a) John Keats
b) Robert Browning
c) P B Shelley
d) William Wordsworth
Q73. Who wrote the book „To live or not to live”?
a) V S Naipaul
b) Alexandra Dumas
c) George Elliot
d) Nirad C Chaudhuri
Q74. Who wrote „A Voice of Freedom‟?
a) Corazon Aquino
b) Nayantara Sehgal
c) Aung San Suu Kyi
d) Benazir Bhutto
Q75. Who is the father of English Poetry?
a) Milton
b) Wordworth
c) Chaucer
d) Keats
Q76. Who wrote „War and Peace‟?
a) Leo Tolstoy
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Charles Dickens
d) Kipling
Q77. Who wrote the book „Mrchchhakatika‟?
a) Kalidas
b) Banabhatta
c) Sudraka
d) Vikramaditya
Q78. Who authored the famous book „Anand Math‟?
a) Sarojini Naidu
b) Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay
c) Sri Aurobindo
d) Rabindranath Tagore
Q79. “That government is the best which governs the least”. Who said the following lines?
a) Herbert Spencer
b) Harold Laski
c) Alexis de Tocqueville
d) Henry David Thoreau
Q80. Who wrote the first History book?
a) Euclid
b) Herodotus
c) Aristotle
d) Plato

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Q81. Who said, “I therefore want freedom immediately every night before dawn if it can be had”?
a) Jawaharlal Nehru
b) Mahatma Gandhi
c) Rajendra Prasad
d) Nelson Mandela
Q82. Who wrote the famous book, “Anna Karenina”?
a) Boris Pasternak
b) Victor Hugo
c) Lewiss Carroll
d) Leo Tolstoy
Q83. Who is the creator of Sherlock Holmes?
a) Arthur Conan Doyle
b) Agatha Christie
c) Jeffrey Archer
d) Dr. Watson
Q84. The book „three decades in parliament‟ is a collection of speeches by
a) N G Ranga
b) L K Advani
c) A B Vajpayee
d) Somnath Chatterjee
Q85 Who said “ man is a political animal”?
a) Dante
b) Aristotle
c) Socrates
d) Plato

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