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English 2 Module 2

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(A PAREF-Assisted Foundation for Education)

Sitio Kamanggahan, Pook, 5600
Kalibo, Aklan


In this activity module, you will learn to:
 identify the words described through clues;
 recognize different kinds of sentences;
 use the appropriate punctuation mark for different kinds of sentences; and
 give the correct sequence of events.

[DAY 1]
Do you know how to introduce yourself to other people? Draw a star inside the
box if the picture shows the correct way of introducing oneself and x if it is not.


Activity 1

Read the poem, “Little Boy Blue”-please refer to the content in

our Google classroom.
Checking Your Understanding
Activity 2
Answer the following questions based from the poem you have read.

1. What are the things that the speaker in the poem shared about himself?
2. How is he called by his friends?
3. Why is he called “Little Boy Blue”?
4. How do you describe yourself to your friends?

Activity 3
Fill in the boxes with correct letters and find out the other meaning of the
underlined word.

1. I stare in the mirror for ten seconds.

l k
2. My little sister has an adorable face. c t

3. A baby has tiny fingers. s a l

4. My clothes look very neat. c e a

5. I wear a beautiful dress.

p e y

Read the poem, “The King and the Shirt”-please refer to the content in our Google classroom
Activity 4
Answer the following questions based on the story The King and the Shirt

1. What was the king’s reward to anyone who would cure him?
2. What was the cure to the king’s illness according to the one of the wise men?
3. How did the messengers find the happy man?
4. Why do you think the poor man was happy?
5. Do you think the story was a happy ending? Why?


There are four kinds of sentences.

1. A declarative sentence is the most common kind of sentence. It makes a statement and
ends with a period (.).

Examples: A king once fell ill.

The messengers searched for the happy man.

2. An interrogative sentence asks questions and ends with a question mark (?).

Example: What would cure the king?

3. An imperative sentence gives orders or makes requests. It also ends with a period (.)

Example: Go and find a happy man.

4. An exclamatory sentence tells strong or exciting feeling and ends in exclamation point

Examples: Oh, I feel blessed!

Long live the king!

Activity 5
Write D if the sentence is Declarative, Im for Imperative, In for Interrogative and E for

________1. My mother cooks food for me every day.

________2. My dog wagged its tail when I walked toward it.
________3. How far is the mall from here?
________4. Can you hold on to my hand?
________5. Congratulations on your achievement!
________6. Put your papers aside and get your book out.
________7. Hurry, daddy is coming!
________8. I always share my toys to my siblings.
________9. Can you help me tie my shoe laces?
________10. Oh no! The flower vase fell.
Activity 6
Rewrite each sentence. Begin each sentence with a capitalized letter and end it with a
punctuation mark.

1. i am very excited to go to school

2. that is amazing

3. how are you today

4. kindly pass the food

5. i studied my lessons yesterday

Sequencing is a form of understanding a story or a situation. This covers the
beginning, middle part, and ending of the story.

Activity 7
Write the number inside the small box to sequence the story (1-5)
Compiled/ Prepared by: KAISER C. NABOR
Subject Teacher

Cajili, R.A.(2019) English Edge Integrated Language Arts Series
Gadiano,H.G.& Babas C.A.(209) English Basics and Beyond Integrated Reading and

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