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Quarter 2, LAS 2

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NAME:_____________________________________ SECTION:__________ SCORE:________

SUBJECT:__________________TEACHER: Mrs. Christine Jane J. Balase DATE:_______

Learning Activity Sheet No. 2

Lesson/ Topic: Transcode information from linear to nonlinear texts and vice-versa.
Learning Target(s): 1. Define an idiomatic expression.
3. Give the meaning of an idiomatic expression.
Reference(s) : English 8, Quarter 2, Module 1, English for the 21st Century Learners
Value Emphasis:

Review activity: What is an idiomatic expression?

Directions: Fill in the blanks with the correct word.  Using language in a nonliteral and metaphorical
 Is a group of words that may have a definition
unique to a particular culture or context
OUTLINE SENTENCE DECIMAL  You need to use context clues to understand
TOPIC ALPHANUMERIC idiomatic expressions.
1. A ________________ text is read from beginning to
end. Example:
2. A _______________ text has multiple and non-
sequential reading paths. 1. Hit the hay- go to bed
3. Flow charts and graphs are examples of I now hit the hay after doing my homework.
_____________ text.
4. News, poems and short stories are examples of 2. Call it a day- stop or finish working
_________________ text.
5. A _____________ is an example of a non-linear text We’ve done a lot. Let’s call it a day.
which shows similarities and differences.
3. On cloud nine-very happy
I got a high grade. I’m on cloud nine.
Activity 1
4. Hang in there- be patient
Study each of the underlined idioms in each sentence. Then I know you’re struggling but just hang in there.
use context clues to give its meaning.
5. Take a rain check- politely declining an invitation
1. Marcus wanted to go to the party with his friends, I might not attend the party, I need to a take a rain check.
but blood is thicker than water; hence he went
with his sister, Chin , instead.

2. Evelyn and Mark love each other very much. Last

night, they announced that they wanted to tie the
3. Siblings sometimes fight like cat and dogs. It is
part of growing up.
4. I find it hard to resist someone who is my own
flesh and blood.
5. The doting father said to his sleeping son, “ I
hope you follow in my footsteps.
Activity 3

Directions: Based on the given example below. Differentiate a linear from a non-linear text based on the given examples. Answer
in a COMPLETE sentence.

1. What non-linear text is presented in the example below? (table, chart, graph)
2. What is being talked about the two types of text?
3. What are the fruits presented on both text?
4. What vitamins do fruits contain?
5. What is considered to be the nicest fruit and the most liked by people?
6. What is considered t be the least liked fruit?

Activity 4

Here is a graph showing the sales of used cars at the Salamander Autos.

Directions: Use the graph to answer the questions about the data.

1. How many cars were sold during May?

2. How many cars were sold in the first three months of the year?
3. Which month had 26 car sales?
4. How many more cars were sold in July than May?

Activity 2. Match the sentence hakves together that contains well-known Wnglish idioms in bold.
1. I didn’t buy the Ferrari. It ____________ a. was a piece of cake
2. I don’t know how he is. We only b. Kill two birds with one stone
3. I knew all the answers in the exam. It_________ c. To hit the sack
4. I don’t think I’ll go to the film with you. d. Had butterflies in my stomach
5. Before the interview, I__________ e. It’s raining cats and dogs
6. There are so many things I want to do before f. I caught him red handed
7. I was furious with him when I realised g. I was feeling under the weather
8. I know it was Joe who stole the cookies. h. Not my cup of tea
9. I’m absolutely exhausted, so I’m going __ i. Costs an arm and a leg
10. I didn’t go to work because ________ j. I kick the bucket
11. There’s no way I’m going outside_______ k. He’d let tge cat out of the bag
12. I’ll go to the bank on my way to the shop, l. Him once in a blue moon

Activity 3

Directions: Guess the meaning of the idioms from the sentences in Activity 3 and match them with their correct defintions.

1. Unwell a. Once in a blue moon

2. Happening very rarely b. let the cat out of the dog
3. Catch someone doing something bad c. a piece of cake
4. Go to bed d. not your cup of tea
5. Feel nervous e. cost an arm and a leg
6. Reveal a secret f. under the weather
7. Really experience g. catch someone red handed
8. Not to your taste h. raining cats and dogs
9. Really easy i. Kill two birds with one stone
10. Raining very heavily j. hit the sack
11. Do to things at the same time k.kick the bucket
m. Have butterflies in your stomack

Activity 4

Directions: Construct a sentence using the given idiomatic expressions.

Break a leg- Goodluck or wishing someone luck

As easy as pie- very easy

Through thick and thin- by each other’s side no matter what




Directions: Read the paragraph. Complete the topic outline below.

Plants are vital in our lives in our lives. Man, and other form of animals can’t live without plants. The food we
eat, the medicine that we take, the books and pencils we use in schools come from plants. They also give oxygen that
we need in order to breathe.
People eat a large number of plants very day. Most animals, like us, depend on plants for their foods too.
Fortunately, the earth doesn’t run out of plants because plants are able to reproduce.

I. Importance of Plants

A. Man

2. __________________________________
Gives oxygen
3. __________________________________

B. Animals

1. _________________________________
For food
2. __________________________________
English 8 Activity

Topic: Context Clues

Name:_______________________________ Score:__________
Grade and Section:_______________ Date:____________

Answer the activities in a ½ crosswise.

Activity 1
Directions: Choose the correct meaning of the underlined word and the type of context clue. Write the letter of your answer.

1. Our baseball team’s pitcher has a few eccentric habits, such as throwing exactly thirteen warm-up pitches and never
wearing socks.
a. Normal b. strange c. messy
2. After the heavy rains, the stream became murky; in fact, the water was so cloudy you couldn’t see the bottom.
a. Cloudy b. bottomless c. clear
3. The debris on the stadium floor included numerous paper cups, ticket stubs, and cigarette butts.
a. Products b. papers c. trash
4. The coach takes every opportunity to censure his players, yet he ignores every opportunity to praise them.
a. Approve of b. criticize c. choose
5. The newlyweds agreed to be very frugal in their shopping because they wanted to save enough money to buy a house.
a. Economical b. wasteful interested
6. Although Alex usually looks unkempt, he had a very neat appearance at his job interview.
a. Orderly b. handsome d. messy

In the sentences below, which type of context clue is provided for the underlined word?
7. I’m looking for a unique gift for my mother; she appreciates unusual things.
a. Example b. synonym c. antonym/contrast
8. Expecting that his license would be renewed, the pilot was surprised when it was revoked instead.
a. Example b. synonym c. antonym/contrast

Activity 2
Directions: Choose the meaning of the underlined words from the given choices below. Write the letter of your choice.

a. Rain
b. award for outstanding achievement
c. Acting or speaking in a rude manner
d. putting the needs and welfare of others
e. dislikes intensely
f. main point
g. well-educated; well read

1. Because there was so little precipitation this year, the crops dried up and died.
2. Although I was unable to understand all of the details of the presentation, I did get the gist of it.
3. At a special ceremony, the police chief gave the officer a commendation for bravery.
4. One brother is an erudite professor; the other brother, however, has never shown any interest in books or learning.
5. Night is the time when many animals forage or search for food.
6. The store specializes in cutlery, such as forks and knives, that has unique designs.
7. The waiter was so brusque that we left only a small tip. He was impolite and impatient, and seemed annoyed whenever
we asked for something.

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