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Human Sexuality Development 3

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Bellringer Questions
T F 1. All females have menstrual cramps during their period.

T F 2. Sperm and semen are the same thing.

T F 3. A boy’s breasts can get bigger and become sore during puberty.

T F 4. The hormone testosterone causes a boy’s voice to deepen.

T F 5. You cannot go swimming when a female has her period.

T F 6. Boys undergo puberty at the same time as girls?

T F 7. The testicles will shrink in cold water.

T F 8. A female cannot get pregnant before she has her first period.

T F 9. A male’s sperm lives less than one day inside a women.

T F 10. All methods of birth control protect against STDs.

T F 11. All male’s have nocturnal emissions.

T F 12. Females are more emotional during their period.

T F 13. It is possible for semen and urine to mix together and pass
through the body at the same time.

T F 14. A female is most likely or easiest to get pregnant just before

her period.

T F 15. Circumcision is an operation that removes the foreskin of the


T F 16. An episiotomy is a surgical incision from the females vagina

to anus.

T F 17. The size of a male’s penis determines how masculine he will


T F 18. The uterus in females is where the eggs are produced.

T F 19. A female cannot get pregnant the first time she has sex?

T F 20. During sexual intercourse, if the man withdraws before

ejaculation, the female cannot become pregnant.
Male reproductive system
Concerns for Males
 Prostate Cancer- One of the most
common cancers among men in
America. 8 of 10 Men diagnosed are
over 65.
 Hernia- Part of intestine bulge through
abdominal wall.
– Inguinal Hernia-“turn your head and cough”
 Sterility- Oligospermia “Mumps”
Female Reproductive System
Concerns for Females

 Sterility- Unable to conceive and give birth.

 Breast Cancer- First-degree relatives, over
50, no pregnancies.
 “PMS”- Over 150 symptoms over 40 million at
a time or experiencing PMS.
 Toxic Shock Syndrome (TSS)- Flu like
symptoms. Staphylococcus aureus = staff
Male Reproductive System

 Testosterone  Seminal Vesicles

 Sperm  Prostate Gland
 Seminiferous  Cowper's Gland
 Urethra
 Testes
 Penis
 Scrotum
 Epididymis  Ejaculation
 Vas Deferens
Female Reproductive System

 Ova  Uterus
 Ovaries  Endometrium
 Progesterone  Cervix
 Estrogen  Vagina
 Ovulation  Labia Minora
 Fallopian Tubes  Labia Majora
The Four Phases
 PhaseOne: Day 1 to end of
– The breakdown of the lining in the uterus
– Around 4-7 days
– Follicle stimulating hormone (FSH) causes
The Four Phases Continued…

 PhaseTwo: From the end of

Menstruation to Ovulation
– FSH secretes estrogen causing the lining
in the uterus to grow.
– Ova starts to mature in a follicle in the
The Four Phases Continued…
 Phase Three: Ovulation Occurs
– Release of a mature egg.
– Travels through the fallopian tube.
– Egg survives 24-48 hours (2 days)
– Occurs around day 14.
The Four Phases Continued…

 Phase Four: Endometrium Thickens/

Traveling Egg
– LH hormone causes a Corpus Luteum.
– Corpus Leteum prepare for the reception of
the egg and secretes Progesterone.
– Progesterone nourishes the fallopian tubes
and works with estrogen to cause the
endometrium to thicken.
– If the egg is not fertilized it will drop.
Menstrual Cycle
28 Day Cycle
2-3 Tablespoon Blood
40-50 = Menapause
Conception & Implantation
Fertilization-union of a male sperm and female’s egg.
Zygote-as soon as the ovum is fertilized. Protective
membrane. (Day 1-4)
Blastocyst-cluster of cells characterized by hallow
center. (Day 4-6)
Embryo-cluster of cells that develop between 3-8
weeks following implantation.
Baby is a size of a dot.
Embryonic Growth
Amniotic sac- thin
membrane around the
embryo. “Bag of Water”
Umbilical cord- a ropelike
structure that connects
the embryo and mother.
(20 in)
Placenta- thick blood-rich
tissue that line the walls
of the uterus.
Nourishes embryo acts
like a filter.
Fetal Development

 6 days after fertilization it plants in uterus and
know is called embryo.
 Buds, eyes develop
 Mother may experience morning sickness
frequent urination.
 By month 3 you have teeth, finger prints, 3”
long and weighs 1oz.
 After 8 weeks is called a fetus!
2nd Trimester

 By month 4 gain about 1 pound week.

 Brain cells increase
 Baby can start to hear.
 If mother is older may perform an
amniosthesis. Check for Down’s Syndrome.
 At the end of this trimester feel kicking,
flutters, etc and the baby weighs1 ½ pounds
and is 11-14 inches long.

 During the 7 and 8th month baby has rapid

weight gain.
 Expected parent’s begin to take Birth Classes.
Lamaze Method is the most common.
 By the 9th month baby places pressure up on
diaphragm and down on the bladder.
 Uterus lowers, the baby descends (called
 Nesting instincts take over.
Dilation, contractions begin. Uterus contracts causing
cervix to dilate. Water breaks.


Passage through the birth canal. Cervix is fully dilated.

Contractions continue and delivery of afterbirth
 Caesarean- Surgical incision through the abdomen.
 Breech Birth- Baby comes out of uterus buttocks first
 Rh Factor- most are Rh+ problems occur when Rh’s are different.
 Ectopic-when the zygote implants in the fallopian tube.
 Preclampsia-toxemia prevents the placenta from getting enough
blood. Signs are high blood pressure and swelling.
 Gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM)
GDM , or carbohydrate intolerance, is first diagnosed during pregnancy
through an oral glucose tolerance test. Between 5.5 and 8.8% of
pregnant women develop GDM in Australia. Risk factors for GDM
include a family history of diabetes, increasing maternal age, obesity
and being a member of a community or ethnic group with a high risk of
developing type 2 diabetes. While the carbohydrate intolerance usually
returns to normal after the birth, the mother has a significant risk of
developing permanent diabetes while the baby is more likely to develop
obesity and impaired glucose tolerance and/or diabetes later in life.
Self-care and dietary changes are essential in treatment.
Permanent Prevention

 Tubal ligation: “Tubes Tied” Getting the

fallopian tubes tied.
 Hysterectomy: Uterus is removed.

 Vasectomy: “Tubes Cut” Cutting the
vas deferens in the male reproductive
The Day I Was Born……
I was born on (date)_________
I weighed_______
I was___inches long
My parents named me (first middle and last)_________
Other information about my labor and delivery I’d like to
How long was your mom in labor?
Are you the 1st, 2nd, 3rd child?
Any complications during birth…cesarean, RH factor, breech birth,
Anything unique?



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