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V,- $
With an Introduction by


Copyright, 1938, by


Printed in the United States of America






The Author wishes to extend credit to Mr. Herman Fehst for

information from his book, Bolshevismus und Judentum, used in
compiling this work
Introduction by
William Dudley Pelley

CONSIDER this book to be one of the most

damning indictments of a people ever penned.
With each month that passes, a hundred man-
uscripts arrive in my printing house with re-
quests that they be read for possible publica-
tion. Nine tenths of them concern what some
individual merely thinks about this or that.
Of a day in November the manuscript that is the text of this
volume came to hand in the mail.
Its author, I knew, was a zealous young German American who
had given good testimony to his integrity and intestinal vigor in
combatting the advocates of Jewish Communism during the
Conference of Christian Ministers here in my home city in

1936 when the Jewish rabbis insisted they be allowed to partici-
pate or the conference would not be "allowed.”
I started to read what he had written in an attitude of criticism.

I have gone into this question of Jewish sponsorship for Com-

munism so deeply that when a contemporary
writes upon the sub-
ject, I am upon a sort of defensive. "Does this
cast perforce
would-be author know more about the subject than I think 7

do?” is the standard I set up and the first ten pages have to
indicate to me that he does, or the manuscript is returned to him
with regrets. I would ultimately do a better job myself. I had
this book
not read five pages of Ernest Elmhurst’s manuscript before I
had forgotten my critical attitude. I forgot as well that I was
reading a manuscript submitted to my printing house for na-
tional publication.
Ernest Elmhurst had done the thing that I had
hoped to find
time to do—sooner or later—myself. He had assembled and
produced the data in a readable story, which showed irrefutably
that Communism was not merely a crackpot
program for un-
dermining the Christian governments of the world with
able socialistic theories carried into practice.
The young man had scoured up the data in enthralling biograph-
ical form, attesting that Communism was world Jewry in action!

IV OW I pride myself that I know something about Jews and

Communism. In 1918 I found myself, by a trick of Fate,
in Siberian Russia. I was a Red Triangle Secretary with the
Japanese and Czechoslovakian troops. I traveled 7,000 versts
in that stricken country while Communism was
"coming in” and
thereby engaging the world’s attention.
I came back from the Far East in 1919, feeling that no one
could tell me anything about the practical effects of Yiddisher
Bolshevism. I had been on the ground and seen what I had
seen. I knew the bloodglut from having smelled it!
Privately I knew that the whole dastardly mess was a Yiddisher
scheme to subdue the world’s Gentiles and put the Jews as a race
in commanding position throughout the earth.
After coming home from Russia I had spent a succeeding five
years in the fleshpots of Hollywood, making moving pictures
shoulder to shoulder with Jews. I knew that Jews as a race
were no more capable of assuming charge of Christian civiliza-
tion than a crowd of drunken Lithuanian sailors. They had
no executive ability. They knew the price of everything and
the value of nothing.

I suspected, however, ten to fifteen years in
the past, that they
were financing and sponsoring Communism because its evil and
vindictive cohorts gave them an aggressive arm for
Gentiles but chalking up responsibility to the world’s
privileged, seeking to win their "rights” . .

After working five years in the picture business in Hollywood,

I felt Iknew Mr. Jew down to the ground.” I had served a stiff
apprenticeship in Jewish psychology and temperament.
When Herbert Hoover was rejected politically and the Roose-
velt Administration came
in, I had sources for knowing in ad-
New Deal nonsense was Yiddisher in origin,
vance that the whole
that an attempt was being made to actualize in my beloved
United States much that I had seen transpire with my own eyes
in Russia. I wrote in my publications and expostulated.
I knew that it would take a matter of years to arouse America
and make her believe that she faced any peril. But when I could
find no one to tackle this job of arousing her, equipped with the
experience and the knowledge which I felt I possessed, I launched
The Silver Legion!
I was determined to stop these apostate Jews from
in America, an unhallowed thing.
In 1934, some Jews of Manhattan got together a fund of
so the story is current in Asheville — to finance a crackdown
that should closemy institution and put me behind bars to
silence my
writings on this most perilous of all menaces which the
United States confronts. For seven months I had to fight for

my liberty all for the dubious privilege of telling America that
the Rooseveltian New Deal was a farce from top to bottom,
aimed at instigating Jewish Bolshevism by Relief Legislation.
Well, I won my and returned to my avocation of reveal-
ing to the nation what Jews had every aspect of conspiring to
do against us.
I launched The Christian Party. I refounded my printing house.
I went into Northwest and night after night faced big
audiences in the public parks, declaring by word of mouth
that the time was not far distant when the Roosevelt New Deal
would be exposed as a Machiavellian Conspiracy to reduce our
United States to the status of Jewish Russia.
But underneath it all, was this fraught thought: How might
I get it across to Gentile America —
asleep in its own tractability
— that Communism was but World Jewry in action, planning to
seize control of Christian civilization and dominate in the in-
terests of anti-Christian Judah, reducing all Christians to the
status of stricken kulaks?
Can you, therefore, in the light of the foregoing, understand
my sudden exultation that this chap Ernest Elmhurst, one of
my most loyal Manhattan associates, had suddenly placed a
complete book manuscript in my hands that irrefutably tied up
Judah with the Communist’s world-wide program?

L RANKLY, I read the complete manuscript of The World

A Hoax in one evening — at it took me
one —though
far into the night. Repeatedly my me in
dear lady called to
my study, demanding to know why I did not come to bed?
You know how wives are! I read Elmhurst’s submitted book
because it held my interest, convincingly, unflaggingly, till the
last page had been reached.
This fine-principled young German —and his co-helper, Miss
Theresa Holm had — scoured the libraries of the world, the recent
publications of bothand Judah, and compiled
therefrom the devasting data out of the mouths of the Sons
of Jacob themselves, that they were the instigators of this

economic-politico curse whichhad come upon the world, and

that on the whole they were somewhat proud of it.
Moreover, Elmhurst and Miss Holm had presented their ma-
terial in the pattern of mighty readable short biography telling —
the life stories of those outstanding Jews who have been so
proudly responsible for this Gentile bloodglut that I had wit-
nessed a fragment of, twenty years in the past, in disintegrating
Russia. It was three o’clock in the morning before I reached
my bed. Would I publish it? 1 would!
And now you, reader, are slated for the same scouring expose
and revelation that came
have in your hands an irrefutable
to me on that November night you —
bit of historico-biographical
literature, inexhaustively —
documented proving to you what a
lot of us have known from the first but could not get the badly

hoodwinked public to accredit: There is no such thing as Com-

munism! there is only Judah bestirring the world’s lower brack-
ets to pull her racial chestnuts out of the economic fires, that
Judah may become triumphant over Christian culture and Chris-
tian civilization!

L ROM New Year’s to Christmas over the past five years I

4 fiave had to stand up against the blistering castigation of
being an American Nazi, an un-Christian Jew-Baiter, a promotor
of race hatred, a sponsor of tumult and religious persecution.
All along I knew what my critics did not that the Jews had —
an unhallowed Plan up their sleeves which they were subtly in-
flicting on Americans for the ruin of Christian civilization
but —
the audacity and inhumanity of it was too much to ask the
good natured citizen to accredit. Could I "lie down and keep
silent,” knowing this murderous thing was in process of con-

Was it un-Christian to make a doughty fight for the Right
against the hordes of strategizing anti-Christ? I had Christ, the
Carpenter of Galilee, to point me an example.
Christ stood upon the street comers of Jerusalem and called
these same Jews, murderers and —and the sons of murderers
and —
liars to their faces!
Good Christians seem to forget that Christ was the world’s out-
standing Jew-Baiter and that the sons of Jacob slew him for His
Why do not these maudlin condemners of Jew-Baiters in the
name of modern Christianity, repudiate Christ and have done
with the whole of it?
I went to my printing-house next day and wrote Elmhurst and
Miss Holm that I would publish their book. And the chief
reason why I would publish it was, that there was something
haunting about the story they had revealed. Its atmosphere
would not leave me. I felt a weird impatience to have the
book out and in the hands of this disquieted Gentile public. It
so happened that a fine group of men came down from War-
ren, O., the next day to see me. They were some of those
whom the Sons of Jacob in our midst
sterling Christian patriots

contemptuously refer to as "Pelley Stooges” men who see this
national issue in the same way that I do, who had played no
small part in organizing the citizens of Warren to halt the
scarlet sit-downers in the recent steel strike.
"Practically all the leaders in the sit-down steel strike were Jews,”
these men declared. "The people of Ohio are commencing to
notice it.”
I found myself telling them about The World Hoax. "I’ve
got just the piece of literature 'coming up’,” I informed them,
"that at last will reveal the direct hook-ups between these dis-
turbant elements and World Jewry!”
They wanted to put in orders for such an invaluable piece of
literature on the spot! On my description of it! Thus hungry
are angered Gentiles for trustworthy attestment on this Gargant-

uan world crime that certain of Judah’s inhuman megalomaniacs
are thus caught in perpetrating.

D UT I warn you, reader, your views on Communism, Jews,

Sit-Down Strikes, Tumult in Industry, the Nazi reaction
to Judah, are slated to undergo considerable change by the time
you have finished the final chapter in this volume. To many
persons, getting the information contained herein for the first
time, the world will never seem quite the same again —
until tu-
mult-working Hebrews in this western hemisphere are summar-
ily and despair they have caused
dealt with, for the suffering
a trusting people. We formerly gave them hospitality under
the hoodwinking on Judah’s part that they were God’s Chosen
People. "We, the Jews, invented the myth of God’s Chosen
People,” now confesses Dr. Oscar Levy of London.
An honest Jew admits that this part of the Old Testament is a
gigantic piece of chichane, hatched and promoted by Jews them-
selves, to gain special favors from Gentiles in the name of
I put this volume in the hands of perplexed and bedeviled fellow

countrymen, therefore, in fullest sense of the responsibilities in-

But I my own Gentile countrymen suffer long enough,
have seen
so that the maudlin appeals from Jewry for "tolerance” fall on
mine gone deaf.
I give you The World Hoax as the first work of Ernest Elm-
hurst, knowing that he feels as I do: that no price is too great
to pay personally, to see this pestilence of Jewry forever extermi-
nated from a Christian United States!

RY an experiment! Walk up to the average
American today and ask him to tell you what
Communism is.

"Everybody knows what Communism is!” he

responds, surprised and not a little nettled at
having a question so childish put to him.
"Well, what is it?”
"It’s a world-wide political party, originating in Russia, that’s
lighting by revolutionary methods to destroy predatory Capital-
ism. It invites the workers of the world to enjoy the same rights
that have always been enjoyed by the aristocratic classes with
influence and money!”
"No more?”
"Whatta you mean, more?”
"But where do the Jews come in?”
"What Jews?”
"All Jews! All over the world. You know that Communism
with its ghastly bloodglut, wherever you find it, is confessedly
Jewish, don’t you?”
"That’s Jew-baiting Naziism —and I dou t believe in Naziism. I

believe every race has the right to worship God as it pleases.”

"What’s worshipping God got to do with it?”
"Well, Jews are persecuted because of the way they worship God,
aren’t they? And that’s against the Constitution. It’s un-Ameri-
can. Besides, it’s race prejudice.”
"But from what you’ve seen of Communism here in the United
States, you’ll agree it’s mostly Jew-financed and Jew-led, won’t

"Well, the Jews have always been downtrodden and persecuted
for their religion —
just like the downtrodden in mass production.
It’s not to be wondered at, that as a race they make common
cause with all enemies of Gentile capitalism.”
"Then you up for Jews, regardless of whether
believe in sticking
or not they are making 'common cause’ with a 'political party’
that is seeking to overthrow all governments by violence?”
Your average American suddenly becomes disgruntled then and
warily angry. "Well, they’re God’s Chosen People, aren’t they?
The Bible says so.”
"The Bible’s been rewritten about seven times since the Ascension
of Christ. How much investigating have you done, to find out
whether the Jews are God’s Chosen People or not or whether —
that’s something they’ve put forward themselves to gain a re-
ligiousedge over Christians?”
"I see. You are one of them Nazis!”
"What’s being a Nazi got to do with the facts behind this busi-
ness of bogus claims by Jews, so they have an excuse to overthrow
all governments by violence?”
"I dunno. And I don’t care. But I’m an American and against
race prejudice. You asked me what Communism is, and I
answered you.”
"No, you didn’t answer me. You said Communism was merely
a political party.”
"Well. What else is it?”
"Karl Mordecai didn’t say so. And he should have known.”
"Who’s Karl Mordecai?”
"The person you know Marx. Marx wasn’t his real
as Karl
name, you understand. It was only an alias he used to cover up

the fact that he was a Jew the same as this 'Russian’ Finklestein
gets himself accepted under the bogus name of Litvinoff.”
"I never knew Marx’s real name was Mordecai. What of it?”
"Mordecai —or —never claimed that
Marx Communism was
political. He had other ideas and said so frankly.”
"What did he say?”
He said that his Theory of 'Scientific’ Socialism —that later be-
came Communism in practice —
was simply a means for smashing
all Gentile governments so that the Jews might become 'emanci-
pated’ — and supreme over Gentiles.”
"Marx said that!”
"It was the premise of his whole career. It resulted in Com-
munism as you know it.”
"The newspapers never put it so. I don’t find it anywhere in the
Communist literature.”
"So you’re familiar with Communist literature?”
"I try to keep up with what’s going on.”
"Then why haven’t you kept up with what’s going on in Ger-
many? If you keep up with what’s going on, and read Com-
munist literature, why don’t you read a bit of 'Nazi’ literature
balance up and give you both sides?”
"I told you before, I’m against race prejudice.”
"You believe in class prejudice!”
"Who said I did?”
"Well, you don’t express the same angry opinion about the
munists setting class against class. You don’t say that
is un-
"I didn’t aim to start no argument. You asked
me to tell you
what I understood by Communism. I let you have it, and
you try to sell me on becoming a Nazi. Well, I couldn’t be one

if I thought you were right. I do business with Jews, and I owe

ent a lot o’ money. The Jews get sore if you don’t fall
in with
this panning of Hitler. And besides, I’ve got two boys and a
brother on PWA. If the Administration heard I was
it might make my relatives a lotta


And determined to put a halt to your "Nazi Jew-Baiting,” Mr.
Average Citizen stalks off and will have no more to do with you.
His colossal ignorance about what is going on is not only tragic.
It is heartbreakingly pathetic.
All that he has expressed in this conversation is a parroting of
what he has had dinned into his ears so long and so insistently by
America’s kept press, tinctured with its "progressive” doctrines of
"liberalism,” that he actually believes he has been expressing his

honest convictions that on the whole you were disposed to sell
him on substituting some Fascist form of government for Con-
Henceforth he recalls you as an exceedingly dangerous person to
have running around loose in the Body Politic. Jews in the
aforesaid kept press have contrived to create that conviction in
him also.
To agitate for the overthrow of Constitutionalism by violence
or even through New-Deal legislation in the name of "liberalism”
—makes no one But to imply that inter-
particularly dangerous.
national Judah may have picked up and promoted the anti-
Gentile system of Karl Mordecai, alias Marx, in order to pull
down Christian culture and substitute the Jewish, exempting itself
from any possible retributions by charging up the whole bloody
business to the proletariat of the world fighting for its "rights,”
converts you into a Public Enemy Number One. And the La-
Follette Committee in the Senate, or the Dickstein
Committee in
the House of Representatives, should "investigate” you pronto.
You are engaged in preaching Fascism in this nation, and Fascism
— holy horrors! —
might succeed Constitutionalism!

— —

OW America
N —whose
Naziism, is
is filled

with millions of the foregoing average
on Communism,
dictated by the fact that they do business with Jews
Fascism, and

daily, or owe them money, or concede that this current Admin-

istrationis Yiddisher else a possible losing of their jobs on PWA
would not be the implied penalty for talking against Jews openly.
The nation is likewise filled with other millions of more erudite
Gentiles, not beholden to PWA
for any jobs, who are commenc-
ing to note the Jewishness of Communism, the Jewishness of our
Federal government and its crack-pot schemes for rescuing the
country, and the well-nigh disgusting Jewishness of the repre-
sentative daily press. These two classes are clashing hourly, with
growing bellicosity, in every section of the public domain. Sooner
or later this sort of thing is heard
"You say Communism is Jewish?” challenges the Liberal-Minded
"I certainly do!” the wiser man affirms.
"Well, how can you prove it, aside from the fact that great num-
bers of persecuted Jews flock into it to get them their rights the
same as the workingman?”
In nine cases out of ten, the more educated Gentile is imme-

diately nettled and at a slight loss. He knows that there are a

hundred instances where Jews themselves have boasted of the
Jewish character of Communism and its sponsorship, but where
and how to put his hands on such statements, or fetch forth

documentary proof to support his contentions, is at the instant

beyond him.
Truth to tell, he actually must search the press of the nation
and perhaps the politico-economic literature of the last generation
— for the devastating weapons to show his scouring correctness
in position.
Well, the tim<» has come when such plight may be remedied.

"Why has no one written a book to date,” exclaims the sincere
of Communistic Jewry, "presenting the admitted hook-ups

between Judah and Bolshevism?”

The demand is a fair one.
In response to its persistence, this volume in your hand has found
literal expression!

Communism, as you will now be shown, was hatched by a Jew

and a particularly disgusting one at that —kept alive by Jews,
financed by them at the close of the world war, is staffed by
them, installed by them in every country wherein it has taken its
blood-toll, and at the present moment is being promoted to a
lecherous "victory” in our Christian land by certain especially
rapacious Sons of Judah, whilst thousands of other Jews brag
openly of its "success” and readily concede its Jewish character

and purpose from hide to marrow.

The only way to convince the Gentile gullible that such state-
ments are by no means Fascist propaganda, birthed in race preju-
dice or serving the execrations of religious persecution, is to give

him the simple but devastating life-stories of the Jewish gentle-

men who have been Communism’s patrons from the first.
Who was Karl Mordecai Marx and how did he come to project
Communism at the start? Who was Lenin, Trotsky, Bela Kun,
the whole devil’s spawn of apostate Jews 276 of them from —
New —
York’s East Side who swarmed into Russia at the birth of
the Bolsheviki and clapped machineguns to the heads of White
Russian Christians? What hook-ups has Stalin, the present Red
Dictator, with officious world Jewry as we behold it today?
This volume puts the whole documented narrative into your
hands at last, for instant reference henceforth when the en-
lightened non-Jew is challenged by his critics.

Endorse it or don’t endorse it, as you prefer, but the Jew or non-
Jew is not alive today who can refute the ensuing facts!

HE JEW who originated Communism —Karl
Heinrich Mordecai who — later changed his
name to Marx, was born May 5th, 1818, in
Treves, Rhenish Prussia, of Jewish parents. His
father, a banker, whose forefathers had been
rabbis for 300 years, adopted Protestantism for
business when young Marx was six
years old. Marx’s profession of Chrisitianity was nothing more
than a gesture, a mere admission ticket to society. At heart he re-
mained a thorough Jew, and from his earliest childhood his most
ardent concern was his domination of the Gentiles but called by —
him the emancipation of the Jews. For in spite of being a Neo-
Protestant, he considered his
—new religion —and religion in gener-
al, the Jewish law excluded "an opium for the mind,” thus sub-
scribing to the doctrine of the Illuminati, founded in 1776 by
Adam Weishaupt, which secret society took a most prominent
part in the French Revolution. Marx professed no allegiance to
any concept of Christianity or Christian institutions, Christian so-
ciety, or to any nation built on Christian principles.
Always boastful and of a violent temper, his persistant slogan
was: "Whatever Is, is Worth Destroying!”. As a pretend-
ed German, when traveling in Holland he was ashamed of his
nationality. In a like manner, when he wrote of Germans in
his letters from London, he always referred to them as dogs.
On the other hand, it may be safely concluded that he would
have spoken similarly of any other nationals among which he
might have happened to find himself, just as he did of the lib-
eral French. He was twice expelled from France on account of
uncouth conduct, and particularly because of his typical Jewish
behavior —always full of objections and contradictions, always at
odds with the world.
The Prussian government lifted its restrictive censorship con-
siderably in the year 1841, and Marx, realizing the new press
liberty as a spring-board for the
dreams of his race, did not hesi-
tate to take the broadest advantage of the new liberalism. He
edited the Rhenish Gazette for some months, until the auth-
orities were forced to put a stop to his outrageous writing, for
he knew no decency in the use of language. His efforts to
make an impression on his contemporaries turned out to be too
provocative for the Germans, and he was ousted from his posi-
tion in 1842. The next year he went to France, where he edi-
ted a couple of numbers of his German-French Diary, until the
French government in its turn put an end to his literary activi- ‘

ties. It was then that his true psychology became known through
the formulation of the nucleus of his Scientific Socialism. In this
he revealed the fundamental fact, that his "scientific” doctrines
of Socialism, on which he was then working, were the basic re-
quisite for a potentialdomination by the Jewish race. For he
was aware of the needed the assistance of the work-
fact that he
ing masses in order to accomplish this Jewish control, while out-
wardly he professed to have at heart the workers’ welfare.
In order to win the support of the non-Jewish working masses,
it was necessary to begin making an impression upon them.
This could best be accomplished by making them dissatisfied
with their present living conditions, and by feeding them with
theories of their alleged lifelong class struggle, with the inten-
tion of finally centering their entire thinking around this point.
Therefore the idea of creating dissension among the non-Jewish
population was Marx’s most essential concern. To build a wall
of separation between worker and employer, by utilizing and en-
couraging every imaginable sign and shade of discord that

might possibly exist or could be created in relation to one an-

other and to use any real or imagined grounds for causing a
breach between Gentile authorities and Gentile subordinates,
these were the first principles around which he formulated his
doctrines of "scientific” Socialism. Ultimately, Marx conclud-
ed, having all the
working masses under the control of firm be-
planned Jewish theories, it would then
lievers in his specifically
be easy to work out a system, under which Jewish domination
would become an accomplished and enduring fact. For Marx
himself emphasized that his proposed doctrines were intended
to serve the Jewish race first, and, as is proven, thereafter the

non-Jewish masses. As before mentioned, he had openly made

the vicious statement that "the Jews must emancipate them-
selves first, before they can emancipate the 'others’,” —
that is,
the Gentiles, and this has been the pivotal point of Commun-
ism throughout its whole history everywhere ! He never had
a thought of emancipating the Gentiles —nor can one recall any
instance throughout history that Gentiles ever pleaded to the
Jews to solve social problems within Gentile countries.
The conspicuous result of all this might be observed in the fact
that wherever in the world Marx’s doctrines have been accepted,
whether as Socialism or Communism, they have always worked
profits for the Jews, but not for the Gentiles. Those same
doctrines then, in the making, have proved themselves possible of
application only in strongly Jew-penetrated or Jew-influenced
communities, and have served members of that race and their
agents, exclusively, while their sponsors are even now promising
to carry other masses of would-be Gentile "beneficiaries” toward
a tragic fate!
When Marx thus laid the foundation of his "Scientific Socialism”
he cunningly withheld from the broad non-Jewish masses the
true purpose of his theories, through which, if applied according
to his instructions, would come the desired "liberation” of all


Gentile workers, after the Jews had first recorded their own
" emancipation
Disregarding all principles of Nationalism, Marx’s socialistic

doctrines were based upon Internationalism, because the Jews

were internationalists and belonged to no land in particular, or
rather to every land as implied in their plan for world-domina-
tion. In Lenin’s pamphlet On the Jewish Question issued by the
Communist Party in New York, it is stated on page 17:
"Marxism is irreconcilable with Nationalism,” and, further,
"Marxism puts forward Internationalism to replace all forms of
Marx’s expulsion from France in 1845 led him to Brussels where,
in collaboration with his fellow- Jews, Moses Hess and Friedrich
Engels, he drew up the basic lines of the Communist Manifesto
which appeared in 1848. This, therefore, may properly be re-

garded as the composite expression of the leading Jewish minds

of the time.
Since, as has been shown, the complete control of the non-Jewish
masses had to be Marx’s first step toward his ultimate objective
complete Jewish state control — it was essential to create a litera-

ture with the sole purpose of instilling and fomenting dissatis-

faction with existing Gentile institutions and dissension and class
hatred between workers and employers, as well as disrespect for
and aversion to their governments. Marx’s sets of "class litera-
ture,” inwhich he also embodied various doctrines contributed
by extreme labor leaders in Germany, France, Belgium and Eng-
land, fulfilled this purpose.
Taken all in all, the whole burden of Marx’s message may be
summed up in the statement that only if the workers of the whole
world unite under the absolute leadership of revolutionaries of
the calibre of Marx himself and his associates, can their "eman-
cipation” be assured. Thus he was cleverly hiding from them
the knowledge that their combined cooperation would primarily
cause the Jews’ domination over the non-Jews themselves — in fact
that the Jews could obtain such domination only through their
leadership of the non-Jewish workers. These facts concerning
the ultimate objective of the Jews, constitute a point about which
the Jew, Marx, and his followers until this very day, have re-
mained conspicuously silent, and in very truth embody the most
gigantic swindle ever perpetrated, because it is done on a world-
wide scale.
Any student of revolutionary movements must have noticed with
no small wonder that during, and particularly after, each period
of socialistic turmoil, Jews always have been the beneficiaries in

one way or another, just as it has been a demonstrable fact that

Gentiles always have been the losers. The Sigilla Veri Bodung, —
Verlag, Erfurt, Germany — that remarkably inclusive Who’s
Who in world Jewry, says pointedly that if the Marxists within
the Communist and Socialist working toward the
Parties are
long-announced world revolution, this obviously must mean "the
removal of all Aryan authorities, princes and churches, and their
substitution by Jewish powers, Jewish princes and rabbis. The
Marxist movement,” it concludes summarily, "never had anything
to do with the liberation of any oppressed party be it that of any
vocation, nor that of the bourgeoisie nor that of the workers or
the proletariat in general.”
It cannot be denied that Marx, since he camouflaged his ulterior
Je wish-domination objective so cleverly with his theories of
"Socialization,” even at that time attracted considerable atten-
tion, although he himself was very well aware of the consummate
rape that is implied in his Scientific Socialism. In spite of being
a baptized Protestant, and having married the race-ignoring
daughter of a German aristocrat, also of the Protestant faith, his
race consciousness came to be a literal obsession with him and
he remained at heart a Jew until his death, like other Jews
whether they got baptized or became Mohammedans. At a
miners’ congress at Lille, France, in 1873, he introduced his il-
legitimate daughter, Eleanor, to the audience as a Jewess. All
his life-work was devoted solely to the advancement of his race

in so far as its members still shared the disabilities of the sub-

ordinated masses, and so he rent the air again and again with his
symposia of hatred toward the non-Jewish people, whether the
Gentile ruling classes or the more indifferent bourgeois. In fact
in this latter group he correctly recognized the particular and
most formidable obstacle to his schemes.
The Gentile world was not intended to learn that the broadly
planned revolutions to be propagated from one country to an-
other, were meant to serve only the interests of the Jewish race.
Outwardly, however, Marx proclaimed as his objective the libera-
tion of the working masses of the world from the alleged yoke
under which they were laboring, though he himself never chanced
sharing the lot of a hard-working man who has to toil with his
hands for his daily bread. On the contrary, while in London
and occupied with his larger literary works, Marx subsisted

sumptuously, year after year, on the generosity of his wealthy

"angel,” Friedrich Engels, who covered his daily bills as well as
his seasonal trips todomestic and the more fashionable foreign
spas. Marx, theoretically fighting the capitalists, was by no
means ashamed to accept his subsistence from the capitalist
Engels, who had inherited a cotton mill in Manchester, England,
from his father. Moreover, in this very cotton mill of Ermen &
Engels from the profits of which Marx drew up to three hundred
fifty pounds Sterling a year as well as his extra expenditures

such as trips and doctors’ bills, child labor was extensively em-
ployed! It might not be out of place here to throw a sidelight
on the total —
ignorance or the consummate deceit of the —
present-day American press as to the true nature of this pair’s
alleged emancipation program: for the American weekly, Time,
of May 11, 1936, refers to Marx’s collaborator Engels as follows:
"He made such a success of the English mill at Manchester that
he was eventually made a partner in spite of his regrettable
politics. ...”
At all events it was the basic point of understanding between
Marx and his fellow-Jews at the time, that through the spread-
ing of his class literature for the conquest of the proletariat of
the world, the Jew should become the principal beneficiary; for
ifJews were to lead the "proletarian slaves” out of their alleged
bondage, it could be not unreasonably taken for granted that
they would not overlook the ample opportunities for their own
racial advancement.
Therefore all this made it imperative that the Jews in all political
activities became, and remained, the actual leaders. It may be

recalled that during an anarchists’ congress in Paris in 1872,

Marx withdrew his support when it became apparent that its
leadership would be Gentile and that the viewpoint of the Jews
would therefore become of secondary importance. It was then
the Gentiles who were plotting a coup d’etat. Hence, no radical
movement in which the Jews did not take the lead could result
in what Marx had in mind when compounding his doctrines of

Socialism the real name for which should have been, "Doctrines
for the Domination by the Jewish Race.” Marx’s refusal to
participate further in the Anarchists’ Congress in 1872 was
therefore clearly motivated.
At Marx, Engels and the before-mentioned Moses
the side of
Hess — the Jewish purpose in their "Socialism”
all stressing was —
Ferdinand Lassalle, the son of Chaim Wolfsohn,
at that time also
in Germany. A letter which Lassalle’s father wrote to young
Ferdinand on December 7, 1806, contains this: "Don’t give up

writing in the language and letters of our people the Jews as — —
well as in that of the others —
the Germans.”
Marx, companion, Lassalle, was well pleased with
as well as his
the idea of posing as the Messiah of the Gentile masses. Un-
doubtedly these words spoken in 1860 by the founder of the
Alliance Israelite Universelle in Paris, Adolphe Cremieux, "The
some day cover the entire world,” must
doctrines of the Jews will
have made a deep impression on these Jews. They not only
knew nothing of the Gentile workers’ aims and desires but were
even estranged from them to such an extent that Ferdinand
Lassalle, who became the founder of the Social-Democratic Party
in Germany, expressly objected to shaking hands with any "dirty
worker,” — whose class he was to "liberate” from its capitalistic
oppressors! On the other hand, as reported in the Sigilla Veri,
this Jew, Lassalle, succeeded in impressing Gentile workers to
such an extent that their wives even taught their children prayers
in which Lassalle was elevated to divinity! It is recorded that a
certain worker’s child, of Berlin, when asked to say a nice
prayer, repeated the following lines:

"Ich bin klein, mein Herz ist rein,

soil niemand drin wohnen, wie Lassalle allein!”

"My heart is pure, though I am small,

none others shall live therein but only Lassalle!”

However that same "Messiah” Lassalle, as he boasted in a letter

to Marx, in 1859 made attempts to incite a war between France
and Prussia for the sole purpose of creating revolutionary chaos
in Prussia through which he expected to actualize his plans for
seizing power by means of an uprising of the German workers
whom he then believed he had well under control.
Marx’s Communist Manifesto was compiled and written "to or-
der” in 1847 by command of the international secret society then
known as the League of Communists, so as to have at hand class
literature for use in the coming years’ revolutions which were
planned by this group of Jewish "intellectuals” for the sole
purpose of destroying bourgeois and capitalistic Gentile society.
It actually created in the minds of superficial readers the effect
of a real devaluation of everything existing in so far as it was
not created by or under the control of the Marxists. The new
"common enemies” of the Gentile worker, according to Marx,
were the Gentile state, Gentile capitalism and the Christian
During 1848 Marx was the leader of the insurrection in Ger-
many, from which country he, not being as successful as he had
expected, was finally ousted, only to attempt some similar revo-
lutionary enterprises in France the following year. After being
turned out of France also, he took a last refuge in England,
where this "workers’ leader” who himself could do no manual
work, became absorbed in his writings, the essence of which
is now known to the world as Marxism.

The first international roll call of workersof the world, known

as the "First International,” was arranged by Marx and held
in St. James Hall, London, in 1864. The second "Communist
International” was held in Paris in 1889.
Marx’s basic preoccupation throughout his whole life was the
relentless preaching of class-hatred among the Christian workers,
against their Christian authorities. Indeed, he frankly states
in his Communist Manifesto”: "The Communists refrain from
keeping their views and intentions secret. They openly
that their goal can only be achieved by a forcible
of all existing orders of society. The ruling classes
shall tremble
before the Communist revolution.”

How superficially this program of Jewish domination through
Marx’s doctrines has been studied by the great masses of Chris-
tian workers, is shown by the fact that in most countries where
the seeds of Marx’s "Scientific Socialism” have been sown, these
doctrines have been most trustingly accepted at their face value
and hardly one person out of a thousand has taken the trouble
to investigate why the Jew, Marx, should so passionately want
to "help” the Christian worker.
In general, it may be stated that these doctrines, superficially
considered, are apt to please those who lack any but the most
materialistic conceptions of life. Furthermore, it is noteworthy
that Marx’s racial kinsmen, including the Jewish capitalists,
neither during his lifetime nor afterwards, displayed much in-
terest in his theories as such. Neither did the Jews or Jew-

mates care particularly to live up to them see Engels and Las-
sale, for instance. On the contrary their general aim was to
obtain material and political advantage of others not of their
race, and in particular of those who by nature happened to be
less aggressive.
In brief, Marx’s teachings like most other Jewish products man-
ufactured for the use of Gentiles, have proven, curiously enough,
of very little practical value when followed by the Jews them-

Marx’s frivolity towards those of his followers who were naive

enough to believe in the sincerity of his "Scientific Socialism”
has been adequately recorded in the case of one of his co-social-
ists, a certain Wilhelm Weitling, who was jailed in Switzerland
for dispensing Marxian views. A London Democrat, after
interviewing Marx in connection with his Gentile co-fighter’s
arrest, pictured — —
him Marx as follows: "He is laughing about
these fools who echo his proletarian catechism. I am convinced
that the most dangerous ambition
—power-drunkenness—has con-
sumed everything in him, and that the purpose of his
is motivated in nothing but personal power.”— Der
brief, Berlin, July, 1937, page 262.
The indisputable fact remains that his teachings were
and adapted for the exclusive purpose of deceiving the Gentile
worker, who was unequipped to analyze the real scheme
his strategies. Says James Guillaume in his Karl Marx, pan-
Germanist , His Marx s plan from the first day was to make
the great workers’ organizations the instruments
of his personal
views, i.e., to enforce the emancipation of the
Jewish race.”
Jewish interest in furthering all left-wing activities is shown
a quotation from the Juedisches Volksblatt, Vienna,
July, 1900:
Let us promote the Social Democrats wherever possible; but let
us be careful that the broad masses do not notice that
they are
just outposts for the Jews.”
That Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism in reality are
links in the plan of world-embracing Judaism, with its
final pur-
pose of forcing the entire world under Jewish domination, has not
only been recognized by far-seeing, race-conscious Gentiles all
over the world, but it is today being quietly admitted by even
some of the least educated workers in many nations. Not in-
appropriately, Julius Streicher, one of Europe’s foremost students
of the race problem and editor of the Stuermer, has said, "Only
a few know of their— the Jews’— last plans. If the Gentile
Marxists throughout the world had a suspicion of what ultimate
end they are serving, they would assuredly tear all Jewish agents
and functionaries to pieces!”
The following letter written to Karl Marx by his fellow Jew,
Baruch Levy, as quoted in World Service, Erfurt, Germany, on
September 15, 1935, should prove also of exceptional interest at
this point: "The Jewish people as a whole will be its own Mes-
siah. It will attain world dominion by the dissolution of other
races, by the abolition of frontiers, by the annihilation of mon-

archy which has always been the support of individualism, and
by the establishment of a world republic in which the Jews will
everywhere exercise the privilege of citizenship. In this new
world order the Children of Israel, who are scattered over the
world, will furnish all the leaders without encountering opposi-
tion; and more particularly be the case if they succeed
this will
in getting the working masses under their control. The govern-
ments of the different peoples forming the world republic will,
through the victory of the proletariat, fall without difficulty into
the hands of the Jews. It will then be possible for the Jewish
rulers to abolish private property, and everywhere to make use
of the resources of the state. Thus will the promise of the Tal-
mud be fulfilled, in which it is said, that when the Messianic
time has come, the Jews will have the property of the whole world
in their hands. Marx was expelled from France for the second
time in 1845, and from Belgium in 1848. When in 1849 he re-
turned to Germany and made preparations to publish a new
Rhenish Gazette, the Prussian government ousted him for
good. On again going to France he was for the third time de-
ported as an undesirable. London finally became his haven of
refuge, and he died there on March 14, 1883.
One may safely take for granted that the Jews would not support
any revolutionary movement unless their own gain and
ment thereby were assured, or at least considered before that of
others. It is solely for this reason that most radical
are Jewish-inspired, since Judaism and Bolshevism run on parallel
tracks —the oneis like the other. From the earliest days of the
inception ofCommunism it has been recognized by a certain few,
that this a cunningly camouflaged stratagem for the domination

by the Jewish minority at the expense and for the

oppression of the hypnotized” non-Jewish majority. In antici-
pation of what the Jews, as promoters of Communism, may ex-
pea in the United States when the truth shall have become
sufficiently recognized, James W. Gerard, former United States
Ambassador to Germany, and who as a Tammany politician
is personally familiar with American psychology, may be quoted.
According to the New York Times of October 8, 1934, Mr.
Gerard said, "As a friend of the Jewish race I want to state
that if ever the American nation gets the idea that the Jewish
race and Communism are synonymous, there is the possibility of
a pogram in the United States that will make those of the Czars
look like a small parade!”
It is our purpose to provide further proofs of the assertion that
Judaism, and Communism in all its phases, actually are synony-
mous. Communism has at present become the most powerful
weapon of the Jews for the furthering of their program for
world domination, which means the literal and complete subjuga-
tion of the Gentile races of the world.

ENIN—whose true name was Vladimir Ilyich
Ulyanov —was the world’s most active prop-
agator of the Marxian doctrines. He was
born, according to one source, the son of a
merchant whose wife was of German-Polish

ft ESS* descent. For a long time attempts were made

to prove him a Russian, although his widow,
N. Kroupskaya, was always known to be a Jewess. Yiddish was
always spoken in their home, and Lenin always issued his official
orders in that idiom. Dr. Gerald Winrod of Wichita, Kansas,
reports advices from a former general in the Czar’s army, now
living in Paris, that D. Petrovsky in his hook, on page 86, states
that Lenin as a boy of seven was left in Simbirsk by a convoy
of prisoners going to Siberia, and was brought up by a gentle-
man named Oulinoff. Years after, a letter came from a Jew,
Uko Troul Goldman, in a Siberian prison, asking about this boy,
his son. This information tallies with that from another source,
which adds that he was circumcised as Chaim Goldman.
With all probability of truth it can be stated that "Vladimir
Ulyanov” was bom April 21, 1870. As a student of 17 he par-
ticipated in anarchistic activities against the government of Czar
Alexander III, and the story went that a brother of his who took
part in the plot to kill the Russian Imperial ruler, was sentenced
to death.
Lenin then for a time took a more theoretical attitude toward

the Marxian doctrines never, however, losing sight of their
final aim, the destruction of the existing Czaristic government.
But gradually he drifted into continuous attempts to organize
terroristic movements, as he came to realize the futility of the

mere dogmatic following of the teachings of Marx, Engels and
In 1895 Lenin went abroad to contact other radical groups. Thus
in Germany, Switzerland and England, his ideas of immediate
violence for the overthrow of the existing governments became
transplanted into the minds of the hitherto more temperate ad-
herents of Marxian Socialism.
After Lenin’s return to St. Petersburg his extreme propaganda
of anarchism attracted the attention of the government officials,

and he was arrested and exiled to East Siberia for a term of

three years.Returning to Russia in 1899, he started ofiF anew
for Germany and for a while edited his radical paper Iskra in
Munich. This publication later, with the assistance of Trotsky,
was transferred to London.
During a convention of radical leaders of Central Europe which
was held in Brussels in 1903, Lenin promulgated his plans for a
still more radical and more anarchistic system of government

which he termed "Bolshevism,” the central idea of which was

nothing less than the direct overthrow by violence of all gov-
ernments and their traditional institutions. January 22, 1905,
was the date set for Lenin and his associates to render proof of
their theories, and their plans consisted of brutally wresting socio-
political control from the hands of the Czaristic government
in St. Petersburg, then the capital of Russia. Subsequently a
crowd of tens of thousands pressed towards the Czar’s palace,
led by a number of vociferous Jews who were prepared to an-
nounce the "claims of the proletariat” before the Russian ruler
in which connection, consider the similarity of present-day
marches on Washington or on our city halls. The Czar made
known that the Duma was presently due to convene and that this
national assembly would take up their grievances. However this
did not satisfy the Jewish spokesmen, who demanded an im-
mediate hearing. When this was refused they incited the mob
to furious rioting and an attempt to storm the palace. Troops
were ordered to fire,and after frightful bloodshed the mob was
forced to disperse. History recalls the massacre thus staged,
as "Bloody Sunday.”
British Government reports have attested that Lenin was financed
in large part in his attempts to crush the
Czar’s government, by
the American-Jewish banker, Jacob H. Schiff
of the banking
house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company, in New York
thus definitely indicating that the Bolshevist program
was not a
plan intended to benefit the Gentile worker, but
only interna-•

tional Jewry, which is exactly a fulfillment

of Edouard Drum-
mond’s prediction in hisbook The End of the World published
in 1882 in Paris: "At a given hour Jewish finance will be let
loose at the ruin of the world in order to erect
on the remnants
of the Aryan nations the Jewish world power.”
While the anarchist groups in Russia at that time, however,
not strong enough to accomplish their objective, it
should never-
theless be recalled that even the then existing
tions were Jewish in their nuclei. The first Jewish socialistic
workers’ union was founded in the city of Vilna
as far back
as 1888. In 1897 there had been organized a "Jewish
Union for Russiaand Poland,” which was generally referred to
as the "Bund.” Its first congress was held in 1898 in
the city
of Minsk under the sponsorship of the Jew, Dimanstein,
goal it was to create, under the cloak of socialistic
activities, a
Jewish-national state with the principal object of furthering
ish interests and preserving Jewish traditions— F.
O. H. Schulz:
Jude and Arbeiter, Berlin and Leipzig, 1934. After this, some
other proletarian and even bourgeois unions, became
ed with the Jewish "Bund,” mistakenly expecting to find
bodied in this "Bund,” principles identical with those of their
wholly Gentile organizations. Thus it was that the fairly well de-

veloped Russian Gentile organizations blindly came to accept
the outlines of Jewish socialistic theories along with the latter’s
concealed program of Jewish advancement. It was only for
this reason of course, that Jacob Schiflf by his financial support
made possible the "Bloody Sunday” revolt, for he correctly rec-
ognized in this anarchistic plot a specified Jewish aggression with

Jewish principles embodied throughout.

This was the first time in modern history that Gentile organiza-
tions were trapped by Jewish elements and directly led out to
battle for the Jews’ purpose of founding a state
of their own.
To allappearances, however, the Marxian doctrines of the work-
ers’ "emancipation” were worshipped and adhered to. But in
reality the Jewish "Bund” had been cunningly fanning and ex-
ploiting any incipient discontent on the part of these mostly Rus-
sian workers in order to make use of them for the Jews’ own
The final result of this united revolutionarymovement as we
shall see later, came to be the Communistic Union of Socialist
Soviet Republics of today, where now, at the expense of the over-
whelming Gentile majority, the 1.7 per cent, alien-Jewish mi-
nority is enforcing its racial domination through revolting ter-

rorism. The putsch of January 22, 1905, was distinguished

by the fact that the rioting Jewish element set aside all pretense,
overnight, and reverted to the most outrageous barbarities. The
obvious lesson here, should be marked and never forgotten.
Lenin, after his defeat in the "Bloody Sunday” coup d’etat,
soon made off for London. So as to strengthen the lines of or-
ganized workers, for his purposes, he began that same year, 1905,
to propagandize for the unification of industrial and rural work-
ers. This proposition seemed to appeal, theoretically at least,
to the great mass of industrial workers, for it would increase
their fighting ranks by untold numbers. It was then that the


Communistic emblem, the hammer for industry and sickle —
for agriculture —
came into being. In 1907 Lenin carried to
France and Switzerland also, this idea of uniting factory and
farm workers under that common emblem of Communism, or
rather Bolshevism. It was in this way that the present formula
of class struggle was first established. History, however, fully
proved within the next decade, that the process of turning the
Marxian principles into practice in a peaceful way, was not ex-
actly what the Jewish leaders wanted; for the period following
close upon the revolutionary years has by no means disclosed a
gradual transformation of Russia from a capitalistic state into a
"government of the workers.” On the contrary, there has been

abundant evidence of Russia’s being gradually but nevertheless
forcibly and inexorably —
changed from a Christian country, into
a Judaized state under the absolute and ruthless dictatorship of
the Jewish overlords.

L OR the purpose of impressing further the theories of Marx

and Lenin on the minds of Socialistic and Communistic
European countries, a congress, which in
leaders in the various
become extremely significant, was held in Copen-
retrospect has
hagen in August and September of 1910. Under the guise of
being merely an "Oddfellows’ Congress,” many delegates, who
later came to be outstanding representatives of radical thought in
the various European countries, met there to outline and unify
their left-wing programs on a world scale. The radicals Lieb-
knecht, Ebert, Scheidemann and the Jewess Rosa Luxembourg
came from Germany, Jew Trotsky as confidence man represented
Russia, Clemenceau as delegate from France, Ramsay MacDon-
ald from the United Kingdom, the then "red” Mussolini as rep-
resentative of Italy, Vandervelde (alias Jew Epstein) from Bel-
gium, Branting from Sweden, and Stauning in his native Den-
mark, all played their parts in mapping out the future form

of government in their respective countries in accordance with
the gospel of Marx and Lenin. The disproportionate part taken
by Jews in this Congress was another indication of the consum-
ing interest which these Asiatics had in destroying the old order,
so that they could replace it by a state regimentation extending
to the world’s Jewry all the material advantages to satisfy its

"old racial dreams.”

It was the purpose of this Congress, that the next indication
of discontent on the part of the mass of Gentile workers should
be the signal for general uprisings, through which revolutionary
Jewry could destroy entirely the existing Gentile states, and re-
place them by an order of purely Marxian planning. The
"workers’ paradise” was thus to be established under rulers, who
either were Jews, or their mere tools. Clearly, in this Con-
gress were sown the seeds now matured into the condition of
spiritual and economic upheaval, in which the world finds itself

I N 1911 Lenin kept his headquarters in Switzerland, from where

—with the assistance of such Jews as Zinovieff (Apfelbaum)
Kamenev —
(Rosenfeld) and Radomiolski his Bolshevistic theories
were spread over Europe through local agencies, for the greater
part manned by Jewish scum. After that, their next center of
activity was in Prague, where Lenin during an anarchist conven-
tion, urged his undercover terror gangs to employ still more
violent measures against the existing governments, although this
cost him the support of the more moderate Socialists. During
1912-13 Cracow, Galicia, was his next base of operations. His
orders to all affiliated groups always were to spare no means
of destruction whatever against the existing governments.
At the outbreak of the war in 1914, Lenin was interned by the
Austrian government in the capital of Galicia, then a part of
the Austrian empire. However, certain influential Jews inter-

vened in his behalf, and he was granted refuge in Switzerland,
where he opened up new headquarters in the city of Berne;
Zinovieff was then, and remained until 1916, his right hand. At
this time, the before mentioned radical paper Iskra was
their main instrument of further corrupting more or less dis-
contented labor groups in Central Europe.

L? UT Lenin’s effective work during the war was done among

t—* German workers and soldiers. By means of urging sabotage
within the German industrial centers on one hand, combined
with ideas of insubordination and desertion on the other, Lenin
contributed considerably toward the demoralization of the Cen-
tral governments’ fighting units.
His far-reaching was fully
influence in radical circles in Russia
recognized by the German Social Democrats and the Centrist
Party with its Lenin became at this
politics Catholically colored.
time intimately connected with the immensely wealthy Russian
Jew Parvus (Helphand), who, by means of passports of five
different countries, acted as the food supply agent-general for
Germany. This man suggested to the German left-wing parties,
that Lenin, with his crowd of anarchists, be sent to Russia so as
to demoralize further the already crumbling and partly de-

serting Russian fighting forces. The then almighty Jew of Ger-

many — as almighty as Baruch was in the United States Wal- —
ter Rathenau, approved this idea, and through his influence the
German government granted Lenin and his gang of known
Jewish revolutionaries admittance into Russia via Germany and
Sweden. Parvus had formerly become known through his radical
writings, which in pre-war days had earned him a jail-term in
Siberia. At the outbreak of the war he had offered his services
to the government of Turkey, where as that nation’s oil-pur-
chasing agent he had accumulated his huge fortune. Because
of this acquired wealth, as well as through his being Germany’s

all-powerful provision agent during the war blockade, his political
influence with the Social Democrats was very great. It was
through intervention of these groups that the, then, Jewish-con-
trolled German government made it possible for Parvus to finance
Lenin, with his 33 anarchists, who, all in a sealed railroad car,
crossed Germany from Zurich and Berne to Stockholm, Sweden,
on April 9, 1917, for the express purpose of overthrowing the
then existing regime of Adler-Kerensky, the latter being the head
of the Mensheviki government, after the Czar Nicholas II had
been forced to abdicate. Influential Jews in Germany had stressed
the point to the German military authorities, that Lenin would
be the very type of man capable of seizing power in Russia, with
his bands of organized radicals, plus the liberal financial support
of international Jewish bankers.

f ERMANY, conversely, as a counter action to America’s entry

into the war, consented to Lenin’s crossing the country be-
cause of the prospect of his being able to break up the remainder
of the Russian forces. This step, the Jewish advisers of the
German government cunningly pointed out, would therefore auto-
an enemy, and the German troops
matically eliminate Russia as
thus released from the Eastern front could be diverted to the
West. It should not be difficult to comprehend the tremendous
appeal of this prospect to harassed and encircled Germany.
All this coincided with Trotsky, who had been mysteriously lib-
erated from a jail at Halifax, Nova Scotia, also reaching Petro-
grad with large financial support from Jewish banking firms of
the U. S. A., Germany and Sweden.
Lenin, arriving in Russia, and first having assured himself of the
fullest cooperation of all Jewish revolutionary elements, imme-
diately introduced a bill prohibiting all anti-Jewish activities on
penalty of death. All Jewish criminal and political prisoners were
then freed by his order, every Russian jail opened, all exiles in
Siberia granted amnesty, and all these lawless elements combined
in creating a reign of terror of the most gruesome kind. The
massacre of everyone who offered opposition to these liberated
convicts, of whom a considerable number were Jewish, brought
the pandemonium to a ghastly climax. The odds turned tempo-
rarily against Lenin,and in July 1917 he had to flee to Finland.
But he soon returned to resume his work of destruction, and
gradually every Gentile opposition was suppressed. The Jew
Sverdlov, Chief of the Executive Committee of the Communist
Party, gave orders for the assassination of the Czar and his
family, "and this order was carried out in the little town of Eka-
terinburg, Siberia, on July 17, 1918, by the Jews, Yourovsky,
Goloschchekin, Syromolotov, Safarov and Voikov.” Gerald B. —
Winrod: The Truth About the Protocols, Wichita, Kansas, 1935,
page 49. "The extermination of the entire Imperial house of the
Romanoffs was the culmination of an age-old grudge on the part

of the Jews.” Cherep-Spirodovitch: The Hidden World Govern-
ment, New York, 1926. It was intended as absolute deterrent
against any counter-revolutionary attempts. It was the Jew,

Jankel Sverdlov, as President of the Executive Committee of the

Communist Party, who approved the Czar’s assassination by the
hands of his co-racialists. The town of Ekaterinberg, in honor
of the above-mentioned Jews’ verdict against the Romanovs, has
been renamed Sverdlovsk.
A proof that after the Czar’s assassination by Jews, the German
Kaiser was listed to be the next victim of Jewish politico-ritual
murder, is shown by a piece of Jewish poetry from the pen of
the Jew, Dr. Wilhelm Eckstein, a former Munich lawyer who
and under the pen name, Siegfried Balder,
deserted to the French
produced the Ghetto verses of which an appropriate translation
is given thus:

"We’ll swear by God’s eternal name
all Hohenzollerns’ death.
There’ll be no peace till from the frame
will roll their bloody head.
"Don’t go to work, vacate the shop
till they are 'liquidated.’
Soon you will find that castle’s top
with a red flag decorated.
"All culture, liberty and luck
Be yours through courage bold.
Give us your oath —yours is the flag
we’ll make from black-red-gold.”
From Muenchmeyer: Marxisten als Moerder, page 133.
The struggle for power from 1917 to 1919 between the Kerensky
government —equivalent to the Socialists of today —and the Bolsh-
evik Party of Lenin was eagerly watched by Russia’s Jewry. It
was observed, that with any shift of power the support of the
Jews was generally transferred to whichever side seemed likely to
gain the upper hand in the situation. Thus after Kerensky was
defeated in November 1917, the Jews increasingly became the
driving force within the newly established regime of Lenin.
Therefore this new and self-made ruler of Russia necessarily had
to cement his authority by favoring Jews for all types of key
positions. Entirely Jewish in his sentiments as well as in his
he realized that only among Russia’s Jewry would
political views,

he be able to find co-workers with the natural instinct for crush-

ing all civilization not of Jewish origin and structure. An inter-
esting note on this point is to be found in the Jew Basil Matthews’
book, The Jew and World Foment, page 117: "A nation like
the Jews, that produces a surplus of intellectuals, from the point
of view of earning a living, automatically provides through its un-
employed intelligentsia a leadership for revolution.”

Until 1919, the remainder of the Mensheviki Party still offered
resistance to Lenin’s regime. And the battle for supremacy in
the war that smoldered until late in 1919 between the White

forces and the Bolshevik regime was amply aided by Jewish con-
spirators during its whole course. Thus, for instance, the White
troops of the Mensheviki were handicapped by a sabotaged arh-
munition supply, as well as being subjected to extensive espionage.,
which factors were mainly responsible for the party’s ultimate de - ;

feat long after Kerensky had abdicated. Thus Lenin’s Jewish

Bolsheviki finally gained the upper hand.
Marx’s Jewish revolutionary program of 1848 became, a reality in
the Soviet regime under the leadership, through 1918 and 191,9,
of the trio Lenin, Stalin, and Sverdlov. A Jewish state was in

the making one of the Zionists’ dreams had come true,. The
Jewish five-pointed red star of Zion was adopted as the insignia
of the Jewish Soviets, and has since been made the national
emblem. And according to Marx’s precepts, in the newly created
state Jews were given all opportunities for advancement before the
Gentiles’ interests were even so much as thought of. The Gentile
majority, in fact, came to be regarded as "the dull beast, the
public,”an expression used by Louise Bryant, the widow of the
Communist poet John Reed, and the divorced wife of Former
U. S. Soviet ambassador William C. Bullitt.
On March 28, 1919, Lenin sent 100 million Hungarian crowns—

according to New York Times’ report -to the Hungarian Jew
Bela Kun with the order to form an army for use against Austria;
Third International had been called on the 6th of the
after the
same month by the Jew Manuilsky. •'< :<•••

The chief figures at this congress were the Jews Zinovieff, Felix
Kohn, and Karl Radek-Sobelsohn, and it was at this time that the
Jewsectia —the Jewish section of the Comintern —was formed.
The favoring of the Jews with primary rights and privileges,

(whenever possible, was then stipulated in the Soviet, and
forth the Central Committee of the Communist Party was
mitted to enforcing all laws tending to grant the Jews state pref-
erences, to which no other race or religious sect should be entitled.
Therefore the Russian revolution was a strictly Jewish revolution,
and in no sense a workers’ revolt. Says a report from the "Jew-
sectia” of 1919: "In the course of developments during the
25 years in the Western District (Poland and West Russia) the
Jewish worker constituted the only revolutionary element. The
Jewish worker expanded his activities during the revolutionary
epoch into almost every town and borough.”
Accordingly, Lenin’s first step after the revolution was the ap-
pointment of Jews to practically all important government posi-
tions. Out of the 276 Jews, who emigrated from the lower East
Side in New York with Leon Trotsky in 1917, no less than 170
were reported to have been made legal officials immediately upon
their arrival in Russia, though most of them could not even speak
the Russian language. R. B. Dennis, a former functionary of the
Y. M. C. A. in Russia, testified before the Overman Congres-
sionalCommittee in 1918: "Our general opinion in Moscow was,
that anywhere from 20 to 25 percent of the Communists in Soviet
Russia had lived in America.”
The all-important authority of enforcing the new Soviet laws, by
which the Jewish revolutionaries were to interpret their concepts
of social order, during the following transitional period, was
placed in the hands of a military cabinet of eight, of which five
were Jews, with Trotsky at the head. The following detailed list
further discloses some of the principal appointments of Jews dur-
ing the regime of Lenin:



Latchevitch as Commissar of the Siberian District.
Poser as Commander of the North Front.
Zinovieff in the same capacity in Petrograd.
Kamenev as Military Chief of Moscow.
Sokolnokov as War Councillor of the Civil Front.
Serebroski as Chief of the Artillery Plants.
Messing as Chief Councillor for Labor Defense.
Jurenev as Military Commissar of the Army and Navy.
Pjatnitzki as Chief of the General Staff of the World Revolution.

From authentic sources it has been stated, that in the Central

Committee of the Communist Party in Russia before Lenin, from
1903 to 1917, Jews constituted 29.5 percent, from August
October, 1917, 40 percent, in 1918, 34.8 percent, in
1919, 22.2
percent, in 1920, 25.8 percent, in 1921
25 percent, and during
Lenin’s last year, in 1922, 23.9 percent. (Herman Fehst: Bol-
schewismus und Judentum, Berlin and Leipzig, 1934.)
In the Politbureau, the strongest government department under
Lenin, Jews numbered 8 times their strength in proportion to their
membership in the Communist Party, while in the party itself
they only averaged 5 percent of the total membership. The Polit-
bureau was 40 percent Jewish in 1919, 28.6 percent in 1920,
while their strength increased to 42.9 percent in 1922.
The chief positions in the Press Bureau were likewise held by
Jews, Radolsky being the appointed censor of all Soviet journal-
istic activities during the whole of Lenin’s regime. Thus the
Aryan, and other non-Jewish races, were supplied with Jewish-
filtered news and views exclusively. All the Jewish-Marxian am-
bitions were amply satisfied under Lenin’s oligarchy, while the
submerged non-Jewish population of 98.3 percent — think of it!

ever since that time has been deprived of all opportunities of

journalistic as well as political —
representation! The proletarian
revolution, for which the Russian worker had been so deceitfully
urged to fight, never became a reality. Instead, he has witnessed
a Jewish domination from the very first day of the revolution.
The nationalization of all Russian property was started under
Lenin with the simultaneous confiscation of all private bank de-

posits, jewelry, gold and silver and all other articles of value, for
instance, art and stamp collections, books and so on. This en-
actment at one stroke enabled the Jewish underworld to strip
Gentile Russia bare of all its portable valuables. The marplots
thereby were given full opportunity of looting all the nation’s
monetary resources. Thus, two Russian Jews, Levy and Samuel,
were arrested on November 12, 1920, by the French Surete, when
they arrived in Paris by way of Constantinople with trunks loaded
with gold to the amount of 72 million rubles (36 million dol-
lars). As an example of the honesty of Jewish officialdom
"World Service” of Erfurt, Germany, on December 1, 1936, cites
the Russian paper Russ of Buenos Aires to the effect, that two
women had been claiming at a Paris Rothschild bank the (stolen)
fortune of the supposedly executed "comrade” Zinovieff (Apfel-
baum) whose bank deposits in France had been around 10 mil-
lion gold francs.

This corresponds with a confidential statement made by a Rus-

sian Jew (now living in Washington, D. C.) to the author, that
he went to Russia in 1934 to ascertain, whether his buried gold,
"confiscated” during the revolution of 1917-18, was still safe in
its hiding place, so that it could be found, when conditions ulti-

mately should become safe for the Jews in Soviet Russia. They
are safe!
During 1920, the Central Council of Commissaries consisted of
20 members, of which 17 were Jews and only 3 Russians. The
Commissariat of War then consisted of 43 members, of which
34 were Jews. In the Commissariat for Foreign Affairs, out of
17 .members 14 were Jews, while in the Commissariat of the
Provinces, 21 out of 23 were of the same race, as were 45 out of
the 55 members of the Commissariat of the Interior. In the De-
partment of the "Fourth Estate,” the Press, out of 42 members
41 were Jewish, the only exception being the "shabes goy”—

Gentile front Maxim Gorky. Altogether the precentage of
Jews in the Commissariats, the highest offices of the land, was
during the regime of Lenin as follows:
In 1917-18, of 316 Commissars 300 were Jews
In 1920, of 457 Commissars 322 were Jews
In 1921, of 550 Commissars 447 were Jews
In 1922, of 525 Commissars 445 were Jews
Even under the Gentile Stalin’s regime this ratio has not changed
materially, as will be seen in the chapter Stalin.
The nationalization of the industries remained during Lenin’s
regime largely a theoretical point in Russia’s Judaization program.
And the first attempt to collectivize the farms and their products
was met by the farmers with a flat refusal, when it became ap-
parent that the agents appointed by Lenin for that purpose were
Asiatic Jews exclusively — this discovery coming as a great shock

to rural Russia in 1920.

A great factors were responsible for the general farmers’
swept Russia in 1921. The former farm owner was
strike that
being made just a hired hand, with Jewish overseers and Jewish
Commissars to collect his crop. So in that year the farmers re-
fused to sow, in a nationwide protest against the Jewish regime,
and the terrible famine of the following winter and spring, which,
according to the Soviet statistician Oganovsky, took a toll of 5,-
200,000 lives, was the tragic outcome. The problems of the
Russian proletariat have indeed been a great deal farther from
their solution since the Jewish usurpation than has been the case
in any previous period, including the regime of the most despotic
Czar who ever ruled Russia.
Mr. R. Wilton, Russian correspondent of the London Times, as

quoted from the Fascist, London, wrote in September 1920:
"The Jewish domination is supported by certain Russians. They
are mere screens and dummies, behind which the Sverdlovs and

the thousand-and-one Jews of Sovdepia meaning Soviet official-

dom continue their work of destruction.” This conclusion is
supported by the following statement by the Jew, M. Cohen, in
The Communist under date of April 12, 1919: "Without
exaggeration, it may be said that the great Russian Revolution

was indeed accomplished by the hands of the Jews.” Clare Sheri-

dan, traveler and lecturer, confirmed this in an interview which
appeared in the New York World of December 15, 1923: "The
Communists are Jews, and Russia is entirely administered by
The destruction or desecration of the Christian churches, as well
as the dispersion or annihilation of the congregations —
all this
too was included in the program indispensible for the assurance of
permanent Jewish success. In Lenin’s Socialism and Religion
he declares: "Communist propaganda necessarily includes the
propaganda of Atheism.” Therefore the national persecution of
all Christian worshipers has been made legal under a regime that

is and has been Jew-controlled throughout. While the Com-

munist Party already, from 1919, had a Jewish section, no
Catholic or Protestant or Mohammadan section ever was estab-
lished though the adherents of any of these religions outnumbered
by many times those of the Jewish faith.
The following report from the early revolutionary days is ex-
tremely significant, coming from Victor Marsden, Russian cor-
respondent of the London Morning Post: "At present (1918)
allBolshevik Commissaries are Jews. All the agitation for the
'glorious revolution’ both in 1905 and in 1917 was worked out
by Jews. These Jews have stripped Russia bare of all portable
property. The Jews today are the only people in Petrograd able
to walk steadily; they have food, no one else has. Indeed, the

Jews have all along been well fed, and never was a Jew seen in
the queues for food. Yet they come in ever-increasing numbers

from all parts of Russia —and even from England and America
—and all are well-fed.”
With such an incredible state of affairs inevitably fomenting
violent retribution on the part of the deceived and despoiled Rus-
sian Gentiles, no lessthan 1,236 pogroms were recorded through-
out Russia during Lenin’s time, with casualties numbering over
31,000. The Russian workers and farmers had learned their
lesson well,and now all of Russia knows that Communism is a
plot of theJews to enforce their own racial world domination.
There is in existence a circular letter, which throws a sharp light
on these Jewish aspirations, and also is singularly revealing re-
garding the whole Russian situation. It was printed in Hebrew
and found in the pocket of the dead Jew Zunder, Commander of
the 1 1th Sharpshooters Battalion of the Bolshevik Army. Printed
in the Russian paper Prizyv in Berlin, on February 5, 1920, it
was addressed to the representatives of all branches of the Israel-
ite International League, and read as follows:

"Sons of Israel! The hour of our ultimate victory is near. We

stand on the threshhold of command of the world! That which
we could only dream of before, is about to be realized. Only
quite recently feeble and powerless, we can now —
thanks to the
world’s catastrophe raise our heads with pride!

"We must, however, be careful. It can surely be prophesied that

after we have marched over ruined and broken altars and thrones,
we shall advance further on the same indicated path.
— —
"The authority of the to us alien religions and doctrines of
faith, we have through successful propaganda subjected to a
merciless criticism and mockery. We have brought the culture,
civilization, traditions and thrones of the Christian nations to
stagger. We have done everything to bring the Russian people
under the yoke of the Jewish power, and ultimately compelled

them to fall on their knees before us. We have nearly completed
all this, but we must all the same be very cautious, because op-
pressed Russia is our arch-enemy.
" Our victory over Russia, gained through our intellectual super-
eriority, may in a future generation be turned against us!
"Russia is Conquered and brought to the ground. Russia is in
the agony of death under our heel, but do not forget not even
for a moment that we must be careful! The holy care for our
safety does not allow us to show either pity or mercy. At last

we have been allowed to behold the bitter need of the Russian

people, and to see it shed tears! By taking from them their
property and gold we have reduced this people to utter slavery!
Be cautious and silent! We ought to have no mercy for our
enemy. We must make an end of the best and leading elements
of the Russian people so that this vanquished Russia may
find any leader! Thereby every possibility will vanish for them
to resist our power. We
must excite hatred and disputes be-
tween workers and peasants. War and class-struggle will de-
stroy all treasures and culture created by the Christian people.
But be Sons of Israel! Our victory is near because our
political and economic power and influence upon the masses are
in rapid progress. We buy up government loans and gold, and
thereby we have controlling power over the world’s exchanges.

The power is in our hands, but be careful place no faith in
traitorous shady powers!
"Bronstein (Trotsky), Apfelbaum (Zinovieff), Rosen fe!d

(Kamenev), Steinberg all of them are like unto thousands of
other true sons of Israel. Our power in Russia is unlimited. In
the towns, the Commissariats and Commissions of Food, House
Commissions, etc., are dominated by our people. Be careful,
cautious, because no one excepting ourselves will protect us!
"Remember we cannot rely upon the Red Army, which one day
may turn it's weapons of warfare upon ourselves.
Sons of Israel! The hour for our long-cherished victory over
Russia is near; close up
solid your ranks! Make known our
people’s national policy! Fight for eternal ideals! Keep holy the
old laws, which history has bequeathed to us! May our intel-
lect, our genius, protect and lead us!
"Signed, The Central Committee of the Petersburg Branch of
the Israelite International League.”
No other testimony than this could better confirm the Jews’
insolent scheme of incessantly fomenting workers’ insurrections
against their employers and all civil authority, for the sole pur-
pose of obtaining control of Russia as a first step toward their
ultimate objective: world control. And within Russia, for decades,
Jews have been found undermining the old structure of Chris-
tian civilization, under every imaginable pretext.
Another quotation, bearing even more directly upon the labor
question, should not be omitted here. It is a statement, asserted
by the 'Russian’ newspaper in Paris, Vosroschdenje, of Feb-
ruary 2, 1931, to have been made in 1919 by the author, Karl
Radek (Sobelsohn) to his fellow-Jew Walter Rathenau, then
at the height of his power in the German government: "We
Bolshevists will know how to force the Russian worker into sub-
jugation, and we will know how to check any objections to our

orders with machine guns. The worker who enjoys liberty soon
becomes arrogant and undisciplined; the deprived worker, being
driven by hunger, works all day for a miserable piece of bread,
that he will receive at night; the worker stripped of all civil
rights, who is afraid to be shot at the least opposition —that
is the obedient worker.”
Plain speaking, is it not?
Up to now, the Jewish world-wide press control has prevented
the American public from learning but very few of these facts.
Today, however, the American worker shall be given the truthful
statement, that Communism and Judaism are synonymous terms,
and that one of these concepts without the other is impossible.
The American worker shall learn to understand, that Commun-
ism is a purely Jewish scheme and never was intended
to help
the Christian worker, but on the contrary, planned solely to
form a step toward the world domination by the Jewish race,
at the expense of all Christians.
The rosters of Red officials in
Russia during the regimes of both Lenin and Stalin constitute
irrefutable proof of this statement.
Lenin died on January 21, 1924, in an advanced stage of syph-

ilis causing total paralysis. "During his last days he crawled
on the floor like a helpless child, imploring forgiveness of each
piece of furniture for his misdeeds,” says the Evangelican-Luther-
an Gemeindeblatt, Milwaukee, Wis. His embalmed body, in a
glass coffin, is placed in a monument in the center of Red Square,
Moscow, under a constant guard of 16 sentries. The worshiping
crowds of misled Russians do not know Lenin’s life history.
Through the perversion of Jewish teachers and press agents, the
new generation of Russians is having Lenin pictured as a national
saint. For had he not labored, as no one else ever had, for the
holy cause of Jewish world domination?
Ironically enough, one of Lenin’s many, allegedly, self-composed
"The Self-Determination of
literary efforts bears the title: the
People.” It is of this, precisely, that the great masses of the
Russian people have been deprived. The only group that has
been granted the right of self-determination in the Soviet, and
this by the blood and sweat of the other groups, is the 1.7 per-
cent, Jewish minority. The Bolshevist dictatorship has plunged
the non-Jewish majority there into a state of slavery unequaled
in all times, while the Jews are gloating over the creation of their
Jewish state, exactly as planned in 1888 by the first Jewish
Workers’ organization, the "Bund.”

N THE rise of modern Communism, the Jew
Laiber Davidovitch Bronstein, later to be
known as Leon Trotsky, has played a part
second in importance only to Lenin’s murder-
ous and destructive career. Trotsky was bom
October 5, 1877, in Kherson, near Elisabet-
grad; his father was a miller. At the age
of 15, Trotsky was expelled from school because of his violent
temper. Following this discharge he went to a university for a
brief period, but there also his objectionable personality, as well
as his subversive activities, put an end to the course of his edu-
cation. But it was continued in other fields.
Next, his association with the South Russian Workers’ League
led to his arrest in the year 1898. A year later he was exiled
to East Siberia, whence, however, he managed to escape during
the third year of his term. As Bronstein he then went to Lon-
don on a forged passport, henceforth using the name Trotsky.
In England he collaborated with his red comrades, Lenin and
Litvinoff, on the radical newspaper Spark.
At the side of Lenin the present-day Leon Trotsky became one
of the ringleaders of the anarchistic plot directed against the
government in January, 1905. He was arrested in the
"Bloody Sunday” rioting and again exiled to Siberia the next
year, his sentence this time calling for a life term. But he
escaped in 1907, and thereafter for a time remained in hiding
in various continental cities, making Vienna and Paris the chief
bases for his inflammatory activities. Besides writing for work-
ers’ papers in Central Europe, he also at this period contributed
to the Jewish Russian paper Pravda. But writing for workers’
newspapers at that time was not an occupation sufficiently lucra-
tive to warrant Trotsky his daily expenses.
So it came to pass
that for once in his life for a short time he actually went into
a chemical factory in Vienna in the capacity of common laborer
when his wealthy co-racialist, Dr. Herzenstein —who had largely
financed Trotsky’s printing enterprises —began to discontinue his
money support.
The Jewish world conspiracy became an acknowledged fact
through the Oddfellows’ Congress held in 1910 in Copenhagen.
In this Congress he participated, along with delegates from the
Social Democratic Parties in the various European countries,
as described in the chapter preceding.
During the period of Balkan unrest in 1912-1913, Trotsky acted
as correspondent for a group of left-wing newspapers. Another
equally important purpose of his sojourn in the Balkan states
at this time was that of Bolshevizing the armed forces through
his organizing efforts among the working classes.
Leaving Constantinople, Turkey, in 1914, he went to Austria,
Switzerland and Germany, and, like Lenin, engaged in revolu-
tionary propaganda within the armies of the warring countries,
with the aid of his racial and spiritual co-workers. An eight-
months’ term of imprisonment in Germany was once the result
of his agitations. In 1915 he arranged an International Wo-
men’s Conference in Berne, urging the women to redouble their
anti-war propaganda for the purpose of assisting the Jews in
seizing power through sabotage and strikes.
During 1916 Trotsky advocated the idea of a United States of
Europe, a proposal to which he neglected to add: under —
Jewish control!”
Having failed in his efforts to interfere with the programs of
Austria and Germany at that time, he proceeded to France in

1916 with the purpose of continuing the same propaganda of
sabotage and refusal to render patriotic service to one’s country;
and his affiliations with the Russian military units at the French-
German front resulted in numerous cases of mutiny, with the
ultimate effect that the FrenchHigh Command ordered the whole
Russian detachment to be returned to its native country. The
French authorities, who soon became aware of Trotsky’s activities,
subsequently deported him. On crossing the border to Spain
he was again arrested, but later released on producing proof that
he merely intended to take a steamer from a Spanish port to the
United States. This trip was made in January, 1917, when he
arrived in New York over the Cuban route. There his racial
kinsmen, proletarians as well as Jewish high financiers, who had
been anxiously awaiting him, received him with music and flowers.
The condition of Russia, long on the brink of demoralization and
collapse, now seemed ripe for the final Jewish onslaught, for
which the last preparations were to be made in New York. In-
tensely preoccupied with this, Trotsky nevertheless was in close
touch at the same time with both the scum of the New York
Ghetto, and prominent Wall Street Jews.
He published at this time some highly inflammatory articles in
the Jewish paper Novy Mir, and occasionally delivered soap-box
orations in Yiddish to the rebellious crowds of the lower East
Side. "His last speech in New York in March, 1917, on the eve
of his departure for Russia, contained the following order: 'I

want you people to organize, and keep on organizing, in order

that you may be able to overthrow this dirty, rotten government
of the United States. I am going back to Russia to overthrow
the government there and stop this war with Germany.’ ” Rev. —
W. E. Biederwolf, Poinciana Chapel, Palm Beach, Fla., in a
radio sermon on January 26, 1936. This was all the more as-
tonishing, since the leading Jewish daily in the U. S. A., the


New York Times, on January 15, 1917, had contained the
information, that Trotsky had arrived in the U. S. after hav-
ing been expelled from European countries for his "Pacifist

Trotsky’s all-important purpose in coming to New York, how-

ever, was to seek from wealthy Jews, sufficient financial support
to carry through the final break-up of the Russian empire and
make of it a Jewish state. "And
was for the main part,

Jacob H. Schiff of the banking house of Kuhn, Loeb & Company,

New York, who finally furnished Trotsky with the required
capital.” —
Col. Sanctuary: Are These Things So?, pages 216
and 362. "This was the same Schiff who had financed the in-

surrection that culminated in the 'Bloody Sunday’ massacre in St.

Petersburg on January 22, 1905.” —L. Fry: Waters Flowing
Eastward, page 61.
On March 28, 1917, Trotsky embarked for Europe with a gang
of 276 East Side anarchists, many of them Jewish-Russian in
origin. But the British-Canadian authorities detained the expedi-
tion Halifax and interned Trotsky at the Amherst Prison
Camp; had been well-informed
for the Allied Secret Service there
of the subversive purposes of the expedition. It was due to the
intervention of a group of Washington Jews, high in the coun-
sels of President Wilson and the Democratic War Administra-

tion, that our State Department prevailed upon the Canadian

authorities to release Trotsky’s gang. After one month’s delay,
the journey to Russia was resumed by way of Stockholm; for also
the provisional government of Kerensky had agreed to Trotsky’s
return —not suspecting its ulterior purpose.
Besides the confessed financial support from certain heads of the
Jewish banking house of Kuhn, Loeb St Company, of which Felix
M. Warburg and —
Otto H. Kahn both born in Germany
Mortimer Schiff, Jerome H. Hanauer, and Guggenheim then

were responsible directors, Trotsky received further capital from
Jewish firms in Europe such as Nya Banken in Stockholm, the
Rheinische-Westfaelische Syndikat in Germany and Max War-

burg, Hamburg banker a brother of our Felix Warburg — so as
to assure ample success for his subversive undertaking.

Upon arriving in Russia, Trotsky immediately took the initial

steps by ordering his gang of 276 Ghetto radicals to occupy
within the police, judicial, federal and municipal bodies through-
out the whole of Russia the — official chairs, with the view of is-

suing new laws in order to make the entire Gentile populace

obedient to Jewish-Bolshevik was from all Russia’s prin-
fiats. It
cipal cities that the Trotsky terrorists, composed of New York
Ghetto Jews exclusively, penetrated the rural population, inflict-
ing upon them laws and orders to suit the needs of assuring to
that Jewish minority the success of their domination-plot as the
major step in acquiring the means of making the entire world sur-
render to the plans of their racial subjugation. As the head of
the Cheka, Trotsky placed at least one Jew in every military de-
tachment to do the spy work and to report every deviation that
might be considered derogatory to Jewish plutocratic aims.
The immediate dissolution of the Russian White Army and
Navy, after two years of civil warfare, was, then, directly due to
Lenin’s and Trotsky’s organized efforts, the final success of which
was now in sight —
because of these vast sums of Jewish money,
pooled solely for the destruction of the Imperial Russian regime.
All of the revolutionary groups as well as the liberated criminals
couldnow be bribed and armed so as to crush, also, the Kerensky-
Mensheviki regime which had succeeded the Czaristic govern-
ment. This regime, as outlined before, still clung to some
small sort of order, as prescribed by Marx. But Marxian Social-
istic doctrines were declared out of date, and it was adherents of
anarchistic-Bolsheviki theories who confronted the disintegrating

— —

remainder of the Imperial Russian forces. The Red terror group
finally gained the ground, due to its relentless and fiendish
methods of murder and destruction, so that finally the outward
symbols of Russian-Christian civilization were wiped out. Thus
came the gradual collapse of the opposition to Kerensky and the
White Russian Mensheviki army. When finally Trotsky’s mur-
derous gang from the ghetto of New York City was gaining
political ground by way of looting and ransacking Gentile Russia,
Schiff was alleged "strutting up and down Wall Street like a
proud peacock, saying, 'Mein leetel Russian Revolution has suc-

ceeded at last.’ ” Col. E. N. Sanctuary: Are These Things So?,
page 362.

EON TROTZKY then, besides heading the Department of

* J
Railroads and the Foreign Ministry, also was made War
Minister. It was he, too, who organized the Red terror police
the Cheka, later called OGPU—the Jew Uritzky with fellow-
Jews filling up the ranks of new
police force fifty percent,
so as to create that state of terroristic despotism so necessary for
the maintenance of the Jews’ newly acquired power. The Jew
Jagoda later succeeded Uritzky as head of the Cheka. Through-
out the whole country Jews were appointed as district chiefs of
such as Umschlicht, Messing, Mogilevsky,
this terrorist police,
Artusov, Katzenelson, Trillisser, Kogan, Breslau, Goloschtschekin,

Yourvsky the murderer of the Czar and his family Safarov, —
Kohn, Lander, Nachimson, Weinberg, Lariss, Schwartz, Finkle-
stein, Ehlenkrieg, Gruenstein, Schulman, and finally the monster
Bela Kun, who after his failure in Hungary was made chief of
the Cheka in the Crimean peninsula and South Russia.
Henceforth was the Jews who represented the Great Russian

Union in practically all phases of public life. Russia became in

very fact a Jewish state, the Gentiles subsiding into the role of
subordinates only, who had to carry out Jewish orders.

Trotsky, being the War Minister, was appointed with three
other Jews — Joffe, later the first Soviet Ambassador to Germany,
Kamenev, and Sokolnikov — to represent
Russia in the peace
negotiations at Brest-Litowsk with the Central powers. Of the
final peace delegation on January 9, 1918, consisting of fourteen

members, six were Jews, five non-Jews, while the racial origin of
the remaining three could not be ascertained. The signing of
the peace treaty with the Central powers on March 3, 1918, was
done by a delegation of five, of which two were Jews. In other
words, with a Jewish population in Russia of less than two per-
cent, the signing of the peace was carried out by a Jewish repre-
sentation of forty percent! It is unnecessary to stress further
that all of the new councils, such as the all-powerful Revolu-
tionary Military Commission, and
offices of lesser rank, were

staffed with Jews. In Trotsky’s office as War Lord, his chief

Jew Ephraim Sklyansky. The program of Jewish
adviser was the
world domination thus made swift headway, while the over-
whelming Gentile majority was being robbed of its right to self-
government in its own native country!
During the years from 1917 to 1922 conditions in Russia con-
stituted a chaos of the worst imaginable kind. The fiendish per-
sonality of Trotsky time and again showed up conspicuously. His
Satanic gloating over the fall of the former regime was shown by
an act of specific Jewish barbarism, for he ordered the heads
of the murdered Czar and Czarina to be brought to Moscow
where they were featured as public exhibits in alcohol-filled glass
jars, to the power-mad promulgators of anarchism, and finally

were burned in public under his personal supervision.

Quite in accord with this Jewish barbarism, a la Queen Esther,
Trotsky’s inhumanity towards the Russian bourgeoisie is re-
corded in a statement, which appeared in the Red Gazette on
September 1, 1918. This "People’s Commissar” expressed him-
self as follows: "We will harden our hearts into iron. will We

temper them in the fires of endurance, and in the blood of the
enemies of liberty (!). We
will be cruel, hard, pitiless, until we
feel no pity and are unmoved by the sight of our enemies’ blood.
We will open wide all the outlets of sentiment. Without pity,
sparing nothing, we will massacre our enemies by the hundreds.
We will drown them by thousands in their own blood. For the
blood of Lenin, Zinovieff, and Voladarsky, let us shed torrents
of bourgeois blood, more blood, more blood!”
So as to secure further the results of the revolution according to
such Jewish ethics, Trotsky made large promises to the Red
soldiers, as well as to his hired mercenaries, who, thus bribed,
became willing tools of his terror system of suppressing every
bourgeois activity not inits final aim an addition to Jewish

strength and power. Chinese mercenaries and other semi-savages

were put into Russian military uniforms, so as to carry out
Trotsky’s orders for the massacre of the hundreds and thousands

of Christian Russians, who were to be "liquidated” the Soviet
expression for murdering Christians daring to object to any form
of Jewish rule. over the world are said to worship their
Jews all

kinsman Trotsky, for was it not he, who had taken revenge for
allthe "sufferings” they were supposed to have endured through-
out the centuries? Whoever offered resistaiffce to the kind of
government, which this one and seven-tenths percent Asiatic
minority was forcing upon the ninety-eight percent Gentile ma-
jority, could expect either to be exiled to the remotest labor camp
or mine in Siberia, or be summarily slaughtered by order of these
newly-empowered Jewish overlords. And still it is the Jews
in Russia and elsewhere, who have proven themselves the most
cruel oppressors of humanity, who have inflicted infinitely greater
suffering on their fellow human beings than has been recorded

during any other period in history who are constantly and in-
cessantly, in the press of every country of the world and in per-
sonal contact, crying about themselves being persecuted! Samuel
— —

Roth, a Jew, says in his book Jews Must Live: "We come to

you prating of persecution we, the most deadly persecutors in
the history of mankind!”
Trotsky, during the regime of Lenin, was held to be directly re-
sponsible for the slaughter of more than three million human
beings! " 'Trotsky did this butchering just for the fun of it,’ re-
ported one of his Gentile Commissars who then happened to be
subordinate to that Jewish ritual murderer.” Defender:
"There are volumes of reports on these happenings, by eye-wit-
nesses,” says A. D. Fredex in his Soviet America. "The . . .

details are in the main of such frightful nature that it is impos-

sible to describe them.”
For the carrying-through of their plans toward Jewish world
domination, these barbaric Asiatics did not refrain from any act
of terrorism, if offered resistance, during their criminal capture
of Russia. And the financing of the Jew, Trotsky, by interna-
tional financiers of his own race, yields overwhelming evidence
of their common determination to subjugate or even annihilate
allnon-Jewish society. Quite fittingly for a Talmudic Jew who
had subjugated the Gentiles under his overlordship, Trotsky him-
self in his autobiography Leon Trotsky, Berlin, 1930, on page
39, delights in naming his Gentile loyal Red soldiers "monkeys
without a tail.”

The irresponsibility and dishonesty of the Jewish leaders in finan-

cial matters had been reported ever since they first set foot on
Russian soil. Trotsky as War Minister, and his aide, Stecklow,
through their purchases of war materials and ammunition
mainly from the Greek Jew, Basil Zaharoff — robbed the Russian
people of millions of gold roubles, part of which Trotsky is said
to be still using for initiating new, and fomenting old, radical
movements in other countries since he was "ousted” by Dictator
Stalin. The Jews, Trotsky and Stecklow, are known to have

become Russia’s wealthiest men, in spite) of the widely advertised
introduction of a "proletarian regime” within the Soviet Union
where all class distinction is supposedly wiped out! Since the en-
tire press in Russia is Jewish, it has been possible to keep such

"details” from common knowledge, but they have long been

known to insiders. Today the formerly so-credulous Russian
worker is aware of the truth behind the facts— that
he rendered
aid for the overthrow of the Imperial government, only to see
now the lowest of all yellow tribes overrun his country at their
barbaric pleasure.

Ih ORthe special purpose of furthering Communistic propa-

ganda in the Ruhr district, during the French occupation,
Trotsky, furthermore, reportedly robbed the devastated Russian
nation, in 1923, of four million gold marks —
one million dollars!
In 1924, two years after the ending of Lenin’s regime, and after
a length period of wrangling between Stalin and Trotsky over
the dictatorship in the Soviet Union, Stalin finally "disposed of”
Trotsky by first giving him a "furlough” until 1927. Trotsky
then went to Turkey to investigate the chances of Bolshevizing
the Dardanelle states. His familiarity with the Turkish Reds
from pre-war days might now be used to good advantage.
Returning to Russia in 1929, Trotsky was "expelled” by Dictator
Stalin for good. Secret information, however, disclosed that
Trotsky at that time was "removed” so as to justify his remain-
ing abroad; for a passionate Red Jew of the calibre of Leon
Trotsky could be used to even better advantage abroad than at
home. He then first turned to Turkestan, where the ground
already had been well prepared by itinerant Jewish agitators.
Later, he went to Turkey.
Eye-witnesses are testifying that Trotsky was, with Stalin’s con-
sent, given the privilege of using the late Czar’s private train, for
carrying the Trotskys and their huge bulk of baggage, contain-

mg an uncounted fortune of treasures and money, to
There the Steamship Iljitsch, taken off her regular
schedule be-
tween Odessa and Constantinople, was waiting
to carry the
"exile,” Trotsky—
with his loot—to Turkey. The removal of
this ransacking Jew, who allegedly came to
Russia for the pur-
pose of "liberating” the Russian workers from their
"yoke” of
Imperialistic Czardom, resembled the departure of a most power-
ful world-potentate.

Stalin s pretense for "exiling” Trotsky, his rival-comrade,

was the
too great deviation to the left.” For, while Stalin deter-
mined to make Russia an approximately eighty percent
domain, it was Trotsky who insisted that
a one hundred percent
Jewish state control was his undisputed goal. The thus-arisen
differences of opinions and rulership tactics ultimately
in the most considerately arranged "deportation” of this

No enemy of Bolshevism has ever left the Soviet Union alive!

Perhaps the Stalin oligarchy, or some Trotskyites, will explain
why, if Trotsky allegedly is such an enemy of Bolshevism, his
departure from Russia was honored with such a truly imperial

While he enjoyed host rights in France at the spa Royat, near

Paris, in the fall of 1933, he was visited by Comrade Litvinoff
who then was on his way to the United States in order to have
his Jew-domain recognized by F. D. Roosevelt. Mysteriously
enough, by the way, his co-racialist, Bernard M. Baruch, was
reported in the American press as suddenly taking a "water treat-
ment” at the French spa Vichy, nearby. One wonders at such a
coincidence! When Trotsky later changed his domicile to the
suburb, Fontainebleau, the police guarded this anarchist’s head-
quarters with the utmost sagacity, until the French authorities
urged his departure for the reason that the political safety of the

French Republic was at stake following Trotsky’s anti-national

Trotsky’s further "exiles” included Spain and it is said the — —

United States, entering the latter country in 1934 through a
Western port, disguised as an employee of a Paris Rothschild
bank. Refused admission to several other countries, he was
finally granted sanctuary in Norway, on his pledge not to engage
in Communistic activities while there. However, Premier Blum
of France, in June, 1936, accused him of conspiring to turn the
French general strike into a nation-wide revolution; and the
New York Evening Journal of August 3, 1936, reported him
as taking a personal and active part in the current Spanish revo-
lution. Lewton describes him on page 493 of The Russian
Revolution, rather too charitably, it would seem, as follows:
"Like all Bolsheviks, he has a flexible mind and does not believe
that a promise exacted is a promise given.”

Trotsky’s insistent projection of the "Fourth International”

that is, what he calls the principle of perpetual world revolution
through which the press has caused him to appear as accusing
Stalin of "nationalizing” Jewish Communism in Russia, and to

brand him a traitor to the world ideal has furnished Jewry the
opportunity to perpetuate another hoax upon the world, namely
the "Trotsky trials” in Russia. Similar trials took place in 1928,
in 1934, in 1936, and the Radek (Sobelsohn) ,
et al. trial is the
Jewry, realizing the paramount necessity of keeping Russia free
of leaders opposed to the Jewish regime, is staging these trials,
with a nucleus of old-time Bolsheviki as bait, and has thereby
uncovered hundreds and thousands of Russians, unwilling to en-
dure longer Stalin’s outrageous rule. After these — as far as the
old Bolshevik Jews went —completely farcial affairs, the Russians
were ruthlessly betrayed and shot. But Jews were never
While Trotsky vehemently protested his innocence, a search of
his home on August 7, 1936, by the Norwegian group "Nasjonal
Samling” yielded a mass of damaging proof that he was betray-
ing his pledged world. He had maintained a complete revolu-
tionary central of his own, extensively staffed, had received each
week on an average half a dozen couriers from all parts of the
world, and kept up connections with revolutionary centrals in all
countries, particularly with the chief world-revolutionary one in
Paris. Trotsky was nonplussed —he stood completely unmasked
before the world. To save his face, the imposing farce of a third
"Trotsky trial” was immediately staged in Moscow, this time with
the further objective of disarming the Gentile nations against
him by representing him as an arch-enemy of the Stalin regime

All these disclosures caused such a storm of indignation in Nor-

way, that the labor government was forced to make Trotsky
virtually a prisoner until the expiration of his permit to stay,
after which he was placed on board a ship bound for Mexico. It
is at present a matter of speculation, with what consequences the

residence on this continent of "the world’s greatest, most experi-

enced, and bloodiest revolutionary” will be attended.
Since Trotsky left Russia, Jewish-Marxistic programs have been,
more or less openly, introduced in various countries —conspicu-
ously France, England, and the United States —by his ubiquitous

Jewish co-workers. So far, it is only in Germany and in Finland,

that Communism and communistic propaganda are definitely
outlawed. Unfortunately it is still within the bounds of the law
in most countries to continue beguiling the trusting workers with
hopes and promises never intended to be kept, thus obtaining
their help towards the enslavement of the white races under the
yoke of Judah.
Trotsky seems to have taken as his own the words of his grand
master of world-destruction, the Kalmuck Jew Lenin: "We Bolshe-
vists will bring the revolution to Europe as well as
to America.
It will comesystematically, step by step. The struggle will be
long, cruel, and sanguinary. But what does the loss of ninety
percent mean, if ten percent communists are still
left to con-
tinue the revolution.” And on another occasion Lenin made it
still plainer: "The dictatorship of the proletariat is nothing else
than power based upon force and limited by nothing
and no rule.”
no law

It is in large part this Wandering

— —
Jew Trotsky who is spread-
ing and tending the seeds of this gigantic hoax
Countries harboring people of his kind are guilty of fostering
the international world danger inherent in the continuance
of the
Jews’ destructive action on the body of Christian civilization. In
Norway, Trotsky s one and only subject in his lengthy telephone
conversations with countries like France and Belgium,
where he
had his own
financed groups, was incitement to civil war, and
explicit directions forsuch warfare.
As an international wire-puller this Jew probably stands without
an equal in the world. Whythe various nations have not before
taken steps to protect themselves permanently against this kind
of world pest, as well as against the mass of deception, which is
Communism, remains a problem, with which the entire Gentile
civilization, in the interest of its actual self-preservation, very
will be forced to occupy itself. This lies in the interest of the
United States the more; as since early in 1937 , Mexico, with
her Red regime, gave willing help by harboring this arch-plotter;
thus providing him with opportunity to contact, and once more
penetrate, the radical ghettoes of New York City and possibly

prepare for the annihilation of another empire the country that
up to ten years bygone was the proud and prosperous United

ELA KUN, whose real name is Benjamin
Cohen, is another of the notorious mass-mur-
derers, gangsters and conspirators who stand
Moscow and of World
high in the service of
Jewry.His father was a notary public in
Hungary, where Bela Kun was bom
February 20, 1886. After leaving school, he
studied law for a brief period but soon turned toward journalism.
In the employment of a workers’ printing house, he became
identified with the local branch of the Socialist Party, subse-
quently being entrusted, as treasurer, with the funds of the
Workers’ Cooperative Insurance Bank of Klausenburg, Hungary.
But shortly after his promotion to the banking department of this
primarily Gentile organization, he abused the confidence placed
in him, and lost the position on account of his embezzlement of
the workers’ savings.
His reputation thus spoiled within the labor organizations, he
next obtained a position with a bourgeois newspaper in Budapest
but soon was dismissed for incompetence.
Soon after the outbreak of the world war in 1914 he was taken
prisoner by the Russians and sent to Siberia. By 1918 he had
so Bolshevized his fellow prisoners with the Red doctrines of
Lenin, that he formed a small army, with which he planned to
sovietize all Hungary as soon as hostilities should cease. It was
none less than Lenin himself, who, for this purpose, financed
Bela Kun, when he returned from his internment in Siberia.
Naturally, Lenin greatly appreciated having an agent in Hungary,
since one never could know when things there might take the
same course as they had in Russia.


So in November 1918 Lenin furnished Bela Kun with a forged
doctor’s passport pretending connection with the International Red
Cross, so as to facilitate his crossing the various borders incidental
to the pursuit of his subversive schemes. On
arriving in Hun-
gary* his first step was to merge the different groups of revolu-

tionists,joining with these his own group recruited in Siberia from

amongst the Hungarian prisoners of war, for the immediate pur-
pose of overthrowing the Karolyi government with its legally
recognized Soldiers’ and Workers’ Council. While this Council
functioned as a semi-official body immediately after the signing of
the armistice in 1918, Bela Kun’s purpose soon became apparent.
No cooperation with any national government was compatible

with his intentions which were, to establish the same kind of
Jewish-Bolshevik state in Hungary as had been inaugurated in
Russia under Lenin and associates. Bela Kun even called his own
political gangs the "Lenin Boys,” their aim being to copy Lenin
and his terrorists in every respect. However, in this work of or-
ganizing his groups Bela Kun came in conflict with the police
early in 1919 and was jailed, when his anarchistic plot was
As in every other European country, so also in Hungary the
Jews formed only a small minority of the total population

about 4.5 percent and still this minority, of Asiatic origin, laid
an impertinent claim to running the country according to its own
racial conceits.
Bela Kun’s imprisonment, however, did not seem to make much
difference to his radical gangs, who, little by little, kept on,
secretly building up the revolutionary army with which, on March
22, 1919, they finally succeeded in overthrowing the Karolyi gov-
ernment. Bela Kun, while still in jail, was proclaimed by his
fellow-Jews as the dictator of Hungary.
At large, Bela Kun immediately usurped, besides this office, those
of the country’s Premier, as well as of its Foreign Minister. To
insure Hungary’s rapid Judaization, all the leading offices were
at once staffed with Jews. A
Jew was made Governor of Buda-
pest; another, the city’s Chief of Police. To control the public
funds of Hungary’s overwhelmingly Gentile population, a Jew
was made Minister of Finance. For the proper protection of the
Jewish and pro- Jewish gangsters who were in control of the
country, Bela Kun assigned a Jewish Minister of Justice, who
could be depended on to further their racial preference at all
times. AJew also was made Generalissimo of Hungary’s new
army. The Minister of Public Instruction, obviously, also had to
be a Jew. Although the Jewish minority in Hungary in those
days numbered only 900,000 out of a total population of over 20
million, Bela Kun appointed 22 out of 32 of his chief advisers,
of his own race. As officials of secondary importance he assigned
Freemasons of reputed standing.
The details of hisJewish government were copied exactly from
those imposed upon Soviet Russia by Lenin. Thus, he ordered
the seizure of allprivate property, and especially the confiscation
of all gold, jewelry, precious metals, and stones. He actually
went so far in individual control, that he allowed no one to own
more than two pairs of shoes, four pairs of socks or stockings,
two suits of clothes, or dresses, and so on.
So as to break down potential resistance by the inactive, and up
to then more or less neutral, Gentile population, Bela Kun and
his gang of "Lenin Boys” considered the disintegration of the
morals of the people as pre-eminently vital to their plans of se-
curing a firm hold on Hungary, which had become much weak-
ened by several years of war and privation. To this end he
ordered the baths in all private homes throughout Hungary,
opened to the public on Saturday nights. To make conditions
conform closer to the revolutionary conception of the new liberty,
he also ordered the nationalization of all women. In girls’ board-
ing schools, for instance, his ordinances permitted male Jewish
instructors to sleep in the girls’ dormitories.
In true Soviet fashion, priests and all other clergy, also owners of

small businesses, were classed as lunatics and deprived of suffrage.
Furthermore, Bela Kun ordered coined and printed, an entirely
new set of currency, declaring all earlier issues of monetary scrips,
bills and coin as void —
after he had wasted more than two billion
crowns of the funds of the State Bank of Hungary.
With this kind of preliminaries he started to "socialize” all in-
dustries and commercial developments where twenty or more
workers were employed, and as a matter of course placed Jews at
the head of all such enterprises —
as prescribed by Marx and
Le Fascist Canadien of Montreal, Canada, quotes from French
sources in its February, 1937, issue, the interesting fact that dur-

ing this period in 1919, a certain Jewish banker of New York

"the same who financed the Russian revolution” was seen sitting
with Bela Kun at a dinner table in Budapest, rejoicing with him
over the presumably successful Jewish usurpation of another
Bela Kun’s efforts to sovietize all Central Europe simultaneously
became apparent through his expeditions into Roumania and
Czechoslovakia. Being under the constant order of Lenin who —
at that time was kept busy in Russia with a chaotic civil war
Bela Kun’s attention was also focused on Austria, as a part of this
purpose. That country, however, wisely offered resistance to his
agents, as had Czechoslovakia and Roumania before, so that all
of his three putsches within the Danube states failed.
Gentile Hungary, too, soon came to realize what the grave con-
sequences would be, of thus allowing a Jewish gangster to play
fast and loose with the country. Not in one single instance did
Bela Kun show any intention of even remotely living up to the
standards of law and order that had prevailed in Hungary before
the Jewish-Communistic curse of lawlessness befell that country,
and the Gentiles presently refused to submit further to the Jew-
ish dictatorship. A counter-revolutionary movement to eradicate
entirely, all Communistic influence, was soon under way. As a
last means of intimidating the people, Bela Kun then set up
terror chambers, like railroad cars, in
which Christians were tor-

tured to death or they were hanged on telegraph poles by the —
"Lenin Boys,” for any expression of disapproval of the "govern-
ment’s” methods.
When Bela Kun became fully aware that the people were recog-
nizing his regime as nothingmore nor less than a Jewish seizure
he proceeded to make the best of the situation. Accordingly,
the Jewish Mrs. Bela Kun packed trunk after trunk with the

most valuable part of the jewelry "confiscated” from the Gen-

tile citizens and entrained, with all this baggage, for Italy. But
she was stopped at the Austrian border, July 6, 1919, and all the
stolen valuables were seized as state property and returned to
Hungary. The lady continued on her way, however, and was
received with open arms in Bologna, Italy, by the Socialist Party,
at the — —
head of which naturally were more Jews.
Before Budapest, Hungary’s capital, was taken back by the re-
organized national forces, with gunboats from the River Danube,
Bela Kun succeeded in demonstrating some more traits of Jewish
barbarism. Thus, a group of Ukranian officers, whom he had im-
prisoned, were tied to millstones and drowned in the Danube.
Other were dragged nude from their homes, and after
first horribly stabbing them, the "Lenin
Boys” threw these too in-
to the river. A
certain Pastor Wohlgemuth was hung with six
peasants by these Communists, on returning from a service of
thanksgiving for the approaching liberation from Bela Kun’s
reign of terror.
Hungary’s awakened population had been made Jew-wise and
Communism-wise, and had experienced to its sorrow that Com-
munism was just gangster despotism which had been mistakenly
supported by the dissatisfied Gentile elements. The "famous”
systems of Communism and Socialism had, in an incredibly short
time, turned Hungary into such a state of chaos that the Gen-
tile population could not help openly recognizing the Jewish

conspiracy behind them. According to a statement in Cecile
Tormay’s An
Outlaw’s Diary, Bela Kun made a murder-record
of 30,000 Christians during his three-months’ regime in Hungary.
At the end of his rope, Bela Kun departed for Vienna on Aug-
ust 1st, 1919, accompanied by a score of Reds, and with them
went cases and cases full of gold. But of these, some five mil-
lion Hungarian gold crowns were recaptured at the Austrian
border and returned to Hungary’s treasury.
The characteristic Jewish system of combining murder and
robbery with politics, had been demonstrated once more. But
the "emancipation” program, as described by Marx and Lenin,
had failed to work in Hungary.
On Bela Kun’s arrival in Vienna, Austrian- Jewish doctors

with the help of his medical passport had him concealed in an
insane asylum, while the Viennese authorities were taking steps
to return him to Hungary to do penance for his monstrous crimes.
But before such steps could be taken, he was spirited away by
wealthy Viennese Jews, and carried in an airplane to Russia.
There he was warmly "welcomed home” by Lenin and Trotsky,
and the next year he was given high command over the Red
Army in the Crimean peninsular. He acted as chief of the
Cheka, the terrorist police, and had orders from Lenin and Trot-
sky to stamp out every possible sign of opposition to the Jewish-
Communist oligarchy. It was reported that Bela Kun’s brutal-
ity even astonished Szijovsky, one of the Jewish instigators of
the Cheka. During the insurrection of the farmers in the town
of Tambow, Bela Kun ordered his Red artillery to destroy scores
of villages, the inhabitants of which had made some form of re-
sistance to the subjugation methods of the Bolsheviki.
About 75,000 soldiers of the former White Army had been left
in camps in the Crimean peninsula, and after Kim’s arrival more
than 40,000 of these were shot on the mere pretext of their non-
violent objection to the overlordship of a Hungarian Jew. On
one occasion, in the town of Alupka, some 270 wounded Russian

soldierswere carried out of the city’s hospital and shot with ma-
chine-guns, on Bela Kun’s order, simply because they belonged
to a Russian-Gentile group that had opposed the idea of estab-
lishing Jewish-Communist dictatorship in Christian Russia.
Under number of Jews were given command
his regime, a large
as Cheka South Russia, such as
executives in various sections of
Kohn in the Charkow district, Lander in North Caucasus,
Schwartz in the Ukraine, and Schulman, Finklestein, Ehlenkrieg,
and Greenstein in Kief.
The monthly Nation and Race, Clermont, Florida, in the issue
of August, 1936, reprints in an article, The Mystery of Red Rus-
sia the following gruesome account from this period, extracted
in part from the Report of the United States Rohrberg Commis-
sion of Inquiry, as follows
"The whole cement floor of the great garage of the Department
Cheka of Kief was flooded with blood, brains, pieces of skull,
tufts of hair All the walls, riddled by thous-
and other remains.
ands of bullets, were bespattered with blood. Pieces of brains
and of scalps were sticking to them. A
gutter, twenty-five centi-
meters wide, twenty-five centimeters deep, and about ten meters
long, ran from the center of the garage to a subterranean drain.
The gutter, along its full length, was filled with blood.
"Usually, as soon as a massacre had taken place, the bodies were
conveyed out of town in motor lorries and buried; in shallow
trench-graves. We
found in another corner of the garage, an-
other grave which was older and which contained about eighty
bodies. On them we discovered traces of cruelties and mutila-
tions the most horrid and unimaginable. Some were literally
hacked to pieces. Some had their eyes put out, and the heads,
faces, necks and trunks covered with deep wounds. Further on
we found a corpse with a wedge driven into its chest. In the
corner of the grave we found a quantity of arms and legs be-
longing to no bodies that we could locate.” The report adds
significantly enough: "Similar conditions have existed at one


time or another throughout most of Russia.” Jewry in action!
Sharing the responsibility for these monstrous outrages in the
Kief Cheka district with the aforementioned Jews, Bela Kun
also enforced his authority over the police. He was considered
accountable for the barbarous butchering of more than 120,000
Christians in the Crimean peninsula —
the one intention of these
outrages being, to terrorize the Christian population into absol-
ute submission to the Jews’ every command.
Whereas the report last mentioned gives us a glimpse of a place
where such Jewish slaughtering had occurred, the Russian writer
Ramon Gul, in his book DzershinskJ, Paris, 1936, describes on
pages 35 to 38 the Jewish methods of political-ritual murder as
sanctioned in Soviet Russia under the Jews’ racial predominance.
Thus the eye-witness, Nilostonski, referring to the Jewish com-
missars Laziss and Schwartz,, reveals the Jewish fashion of ex-
terminating Gentile society. This is what he writes in part —
from translation:
"The butchering of the victims generally took place after wild
drinking parties in these slaughter-houses as the culmination of
their fun in their state of intoxication. This crowd of criminal
merrymakers, either singly or in groups, would descend the stairs
to the courtyard where the slaughtering was done. Often the
victims were tortured for hours. On some of them they inflic-
ted wounds, others were stabbed with all kinds of torture instru-
ments, others had their tongues or more private parts of their
bodies torn out. The real killing only took place after the mur-
derers were unable to stand longer on their feet following the
coholic feast and after their orgy was over. In the courtyard
the house, 5 Szadawaya, Kief, as in all other slaughter-houses,

and at the Mountain Tschreswytschaika Tschreswytschaikas are
Russian amusement halls, night-clubs or cabarets
thousands upon thousands of empty wine bottles of the most ex-
—we found

pensive kinds.
"In Kief I saw an unfortunate mother whose only son, an offi-

cer, was murdered in the slaughter-house, 5 Szadawaya. A few
days after the killing, two sailors stopped with their car before
the house of the murdered one in order to get the sister, nine-
teen years old and the only surviving daughter, in order to be
brought to the drinking orgy of the henchmen. Here the same
murderers who a few days before had killed her brother, gave
her orders to dance. It was impossible for her to do so, and
when she began to stumble she was given a glass of champagne
to drink. In the moment when she brought the glass to her lips
she dumped its contents and broke the top of the goblet on the
edge of the table, attempting to cut her neck-veins. Immediately
a Jewish woman fell upon her, and in order to punish her for
that bit of sabotage, took the glass from her and slashed her face
with it, stomped upon her, tore her hair out, until she was fin-

ally brought unconscious to the slaughter-house. There she lay

till that gang of murderers was sufficiently drunken to actually
slaughter her —thus transferring the unfortunate girl to her
'counter-revolutionary’ brother.

"This happening was reported by the mother of the de-

ceased and also two young ladies of the society who had to dance
that night at the Tschreswytschaika and were made to watch the
entire performance. They happened to get off with some nag-
aika beating for having covered their faces with their hands dur-
ing that horrible period. After it ended, they became uncon-
scious. To invite young girls of the society to such orgies in all
Tschreswytschaikas became an everyday occurrence in order to
permit the Soviet sadists to expend their satanical revenge also
upon these innocent creatures.

"It may be said in general that in Kief, also in Odessa, Charkow,

Poltawa, and other places, Jewish women and girls found de-
light in occupying themselves with torturing and butchering; and
their number was considerable.. When the professional Chin-
ese torturers refused to torment a gray head, or when their
methods of torturing appeared to be too weak, Jewish girls al-

ways rushed with a raging delight upon the victims, grabbing the
white aged, be it man or woman, and before finishing them, in-
flicting the most atrocious agonies upon them, in their devilish
Regarding another Jewish commissar of the Cheka at Tiflis, one
— —
Schulman, the same writer Ramon Gul in the aforementioned
book, gives that Jew’s method of practicing political-ritual mur-
der in the twentieth-century manner. On pages 90 and 91 we
read: "During one of the dark nights the Cheka commander,
Schulman, made his appearance in the stony subterranean cor-
ridors of the jail, his sabre rattling, followedby some Red soldier
henchmen. These went to open the cells of the condemned.
Automatically these pitiful half-dressed unfortunates would obey
the commands of the henchmen. Schulman showed signs of a
forced excitement when ordering the condemned to be treated
more brutally. One hundred and eighteen men whose death
sentences had been pronounced, were led outside. Then they
were brought to the Cheka yard, waiting for trucks. With hab-
itual swiftness the victims were robbed of the remnants of their
clothes by the henchmen, who then chained their hands and
threw them naked upon the wagons. Then the trucks went out.
At a certain place the Cheka had dug some trenches for these
sentenced-to-death. All the condemned were placed in rows.
Schulman and his assistants stepped along the lines, a revolver in
his hand, shooting each prisoner in the forehead. Now and then
they would stop in order to reload their pistols. Not every pri-
soner, however, kept his head still. Many hit back and attempt-
ed to recede, wept, prayed for mercy. Whenever Schulman’s
bullets only wounded them, the Chekists ended their lives with
swords or the bayonet. Then the dead were thrown into the
trenches. Such orgies of butchering human beings lasted not less
than three hours.”
Col. E. N. Sanctuary, New York, in his book Roosevelt Warm-
ing the Serpent, on page 10, refers to a Chekist Jewess—Rosa

Schwartz from Kief who, after having taken cocaine, had the
prisoners brought before her, completely naked. She then pro-
ceeded to kill them with a revolver, or to burn their eyes out with
her lighted cigarette.
And a Jewish judge of our United States Supreme Court, when
reminded of these things, is alleged to have remarked: "What
of it? T hey were only Christians!”

A FTER 1926, Bela Kun was engaged in organizing the var-

ious branches of the
orders, at the
Comintern in Moscow under Stalin’s
same time following up his subversive propaganda
in Central Europe, according to his original plan of sovietizing
all these countries at the same time. During the following three
years he traveled about for this purpose under five different
aliases. When Jewish-Communist literature
finally the flood of
pouring into Hungary over the Austrian border proved so form-
idable that Hungary again demanded Bela Kun’s extradition,
the Judaized government of Austria, as a diplomatic gesture,
formally held him prisoner for three months. But again through
the intervention of Jewish high officials in Vienna, he was re-
leased and sent to Germany, whence his fellow Jews succeeded
in persuading him to return to Moscow, since Germany’s gov-
ernment at that time already had its full share of Communist
plots to cope with.
Then with his fellow Jews —Rafes,
Manuilsky, and Clara Zet-
kin —funtioning committee of the Moscow
as the official central
Comintern, Bela Kim on a bogus pass-
traveled to Berlin in 1930
port. Holland likewise had the questionable honor of harboring
him for a time, until his nefarious schemes were discovered and
his expulsion effected. During the summer of 1934, curiously
enough, he was permitted to travel unhindered in Sweden, Nor-
way, and Denmark, as representing the Soviet tourist agency,
"Intourist” of Leningrad. In reality he was secretly directing
and developing the radical movements in those countries. But
in die fall of that year he was caught in Denmark, in the
act of
precipitating a revolution there, for which he was promptly ex-
pelled. In 1935 the entire English police force was on the look-
out for him, since it had been reported that he was on his way
to England to promote identical schemes.
As a delegate of the Moscow Executive Committee of the Com-
intern, in February of 1936 he arrived in Spain. There as in
France, a merger of the Socialist and Communist parties in the
Popular Front” was being legally established through strong
preliminary financing, by Moscow, of the Spanish workers’ press
as well asby extensive Soviet bribery of candidates, false elec-
tion promisesand other forms of corruption. A
small surprise
majority had thus been gained for the Popular Front without
any comprehension on the part of the Spanish voting majority of
the nature of their commitment. With the sum of one million
pesetas which Bela Kun brought as a "gift” from Moscow, the
plans for organized revolt in Spain were perfected.
The so-called duly elected Popular Front Government of Spain
actually had a few less votes recorded, than the opposition. The
former, however, won in a majority of the election districts. The
Nationalists suffered a defeat in spite of comprising a larger
number of voters. Thus the larger number of voters in nation-
alist Spain "rebelled” against the victorious electorate. So, the
latter’s "victory” was merely a representation of the district lead-
ers but not of the actual number of voters.
In the meantime Bela Kun was discovered in April, 1936 shortly —
after the Jew Leon Blum’s election as Premier of France
ing as adviser to the Communists in the French town of Sete,

which time too the Russian steamer Yereck was reported as near-
ing the Mediterranean coast with a cargo of arms and ammuni-
tion for the Communists in a planned French revolution.
At the same time the plans of the Popular Front leaders to
change the Spanish government from a Marxian one into a Bol-
shevist dictatorship, went swiftly forward under Bela Kun’s

ister leadership. Another two million pesetas from Moscow
were then placed at his disposal, with orders to crush not only
the left-wing regime, but also its foremost adversary, the Church.
As a starting signal for the revolution, two of Spain’s most
beautiful cathedrals, the St. Ignaz and the St. Louis, in Madrid,

were set afire by the Reds just as the firing of the German
Reichstag building in Berlin in January, 1933, was the signal for
a planned revolution in Germany.
Here it is worthy of note, that the center of Communist activities
in Madrid is at 12 Calle del Principe, which palatial edifice also
houses the principal synagogue and the Jewish Masonic lodges.

I HROUGH a general amnesty, more than 30,000 political

and pillaging of whole towns and
prisoners were released
commenced. As the signal for national rioting was given,
Bela Kun, at a rally in Granada, demanded the ruthless exterm-
ination of all right-wing organizations, and, accordingly, all

church treasuries were seized and all industrial plants in dis-

tricts held by the Popular Front sequestered as State property.

The defrauded Nationalists thereupon took prompt and ener-

getic steps to save their country from the lawless regime of Jew-
ish Bolshevism. With the "government” forces goaded by di-
rect continuous orders from Moscow, and under the expert per-
sonal direction of the monster Kun, the ensuing warfare in
Spain has been chacacterized by a ferocity and an inhumanity
unequalled in modern times. But the Jewish official organ

Pravda, in Moscow has been exulting over each specific act of
barbarism and destruction as promising final success for the Jew-
ish cause and for the swiftly approaching downfall of Christian
Says the Jew Maurice Samuel, in his book You Gentiles, page
155: "We Jews, we, the destroyers, will remain the destroyers
forever. Nothing that you will do, will meet our needs and de-
mands. We
will destroy because we need a world of our own.”

\X/ HILE the Spanish conflict, even at the date of this writ-
ing —December, —
1937 has not reached a definite con-
clusion, the success of the "rebel” Nationalist forces is almost an
accomplished fact. Their splendid courage in routing the bar-
barous guerrilla hordes of the atheistic, anarchistic, "loyalist”
government —
loyal to Jewish Moscow ! — clearly proves the Span-
ish people’s will to self-preservation, rather than succumbing
the Jewish world control. By the end of November, 1936, this
fratricidal, Jew-instigatedwarfare had cost Spain the loss of more
than 600,000 lives and the demolition of hundreds of churches
and hundreds of thousands of other buildings. In the chapter
of the present work, Communism as a World Movement, further
details of the Spanish civil war will be given.
With signs of the ultimate defeat of the Je wish-Communist
cause in Spain steadily multiplying, Bela Kun left the country.
Newspapers reported him as being enroute for Brazil, whereas
in fact he went to resume contact with the Reds in Portugal and
thence to Czechoslovakia, with plans to repeat there, if possible,
outrages identical with those of Spain.
The vital question now facing America is whether we shall
tinue to permit these purveyors of hate, the Bolshevistic
Jews, to
fill the ranks of the Communist! Party, so as to
enable them to
make of our America a second Spa.n.
Shall our country and our race, too, become final prey to Jewish
greed and Jewish sadism, because Jews think they need a world
of their own?
Shall we permit the feverishly-organizing American Bela-Kuns
to murder our population in cold blood if we refuse to surrender
to them our cherished and lawful possessions?
The press of America consistently suppresses evidence of
Jewish-Marxian plot, and even brands and ridicules the defen-
ders of Aryan Christianity as Fascists and Nazis. This happens
because the press dares not print anything "against the
and because Communism is so Jewish, any aggressive attack
Communism soon be calling forth the costly denunciations
of the rabbis or such Jewish organizations as The League Against

War and Fascism. With the press thus according to the con-

tinuous boasting of Jewry itself almost completely under Jewish
control, it is difficult for warning voices to break through the
walls of public and official corruption, venery, apathy, skepti-

cism, or downright willful and, therefore, criminal ignorance.

HROUGH the tyrannical reign of Lenin’s suc-

cessor Stalin —Jewish Communism, or Bol-
shevism, has demonstrated to the world its true
character over a period of years.
Joseph Stalin, whose father was a shoemaker,
was born December 8, 1879, in Georgia, South
Russia, as Joseph Vissarievitch Djugashvili.
In the years of his earliest Communistic activities he made use
of such aliases as Ivanovitch, Tchichikov, Nishiradse and Koba.
In the course of his schooling, Stalin was sent to a theological
seminary in Tiflis, from which, however, he was soon expelled
because of his subversive tendencies. Having been imbued with
the teachings of Karl Marx, he then found congenial surround-
ings among a group of anarchists, who in those days went by
the name of "activists” but were just a gang of common crim-
inals, an outlaw organization which existed mainly by theft and
pillage. The Caucasian communities were greatly menaced by
these bands, as were the population and the travelers in Sicily
in former decades when, under the name of the "maffia,” hordes
of gangsters existed there by means of plunder and robbery.
In their underground-propaganda work, these "activists” adapted
and distributed revolutionary literature advocating the annihila-
tion of the existing system of government. Owing to his connec-
tion with these outlaw groups, Stalin was arrested and later ex-
iled to Siberia, from where, however, he soon made his escape.
In 1901 Stalin formed the Social Democratic Workers’ Party in
Tiflis, which, as early as 1903, discarded the more moderate
theories of Marxian Socialism —
upheld as the gospel of this

party and joined Lenin’s group of Reds, who in that year adopt-
ed the name, "Bolsheviki.” Becoming Lenin’s intimate co-work-
er in 1906, from then on he openly advocated the overthrow of
all existing governments by violence and their replacement by

the Bolshevism professed by this group of anarchists who had —

subsisted for the greater part on the proceeds of criminal activi-
ties. Bolshevism, translated, means "those who want more!”
To obtain the necessary working capital for such extensive plan-
ning, Joseph Stalin, with his new associate, Litvinoff—Finkel-
stein — at present Soviet Russia’s Foreign Minister and President
of theCouncil of the Jew-sponsored League of Nations at

Geneva then staged a coup d’etat on a vaster scale as com-
pared with his usual exploits of merely waylaying and robbing
bourgeois travelers. After having taken part in the outrages of
the "Bloody Sunday” revolt of 1905 in St. Petersburg, their
subsequent acts of violence seemed easy; and so, on June 13,
1906, a government money truck on its way to the Imperial
Russian Bank in Tiflis chanced to be their objective. The pres-
ent dictator of the Soviet Union and His Excellency, Litvinoff,
threw a bomb at this vehicle, and carried off the sum of 250,000
roubles, in 500-rouble notes. It was to the Stalin-Litvinoff brig-
ands merely a trifling coincidence that this crime cost the lives
of 30 innocent people, while they themselves escaped all injury.
Litvinoff forwarded part of the stolen money to Lenin, then in

Switzerland, and the rest to Paris which was intended to be
their new propaganda center. Stalin, however, as a result of
several more burglaries, thereaftermanaged to get himself ar-
rested five times, but somehow always found a means of escap-
ing from jail. His lastimprisonment, though, lasted from 1913
to 1917.
One of Stalin’s literary products, a treatise on anarchism pub-
lished in 1907, is interesting at this point. He states in this, the
following: "The Socialist revolution is not an unexpected blow
of short duration —
it is a long and enduring action undertaken

by the proletarian masses, to smash the positions of the bourge-

oisie and then occupy them. And since the victory of the pro-
letariat will at the same time become a rule over the conquered
bourgeoisie, and since in the course of the conflict of classes the
defeat of the one part means the supremacy of the
other, the
first step in the Socialist revolution will
be the political rule by
the Proletariat over the Bourgeoisie.”
Obviously, Stalin must, already at that time, either have
his role as a Gentile front to promote the
Jewish hoax, or else
he merely projected this as his "burglar’s creed.” At any rate,
events proved, only a decade after it was written,
that the first
step in the Socialist revolution became the political
rule of the
Jews over the Gentiles, and emphatically not that of the pro-
letariat over the bourgeoisie!
This is corroborated by the Russian writer, Boris Brasol, who,
his book, The World at the Crossroads, Boston,
1921, on 109 p.
quotes the Jewish Daily Forward, New York, as saying: "We
feel, that this the revolution— a great triumph for the Jews’
cause. The anti-Jewish element in Russia has always
been identi-
fied with the anti-revolutionary party.
Jews having always sat
high in the councils of the revolutionists, all of our
race became
inseparably linked with the opponents of the government
in the
official mind!”
The American Hebrew of September 10, 1920, makes a sim-
ilaradmission: —
"That achievement the Russian- Jewish revolu-
tion-destined to figure in history as the overshadowing result
the World War, was largely the outcome of Jewish thinking,
of Jewish discontent, of Jewish effort to reconstruct.”
Returning to Russia from his Siberian exile in the fall of
Stalin took a leading part in the events which
led to the over-
throw of Kerensky’s moderate Marxistic government
and his
Menshevik party. He became the nominal editor of the Com-
munist Party s official organ, Pravda, with the cooperation
under the direction—of the Jews, Kuhn, Lurie, Diamant,
or —
perovitch, and Stecklow (Nachamkes). It may therefore be
clearly seen, that even from these earliest days the viewpoint of
Soviet journalism has not been in any sense Russian, but out-
and-out Jewish.
In a short time Stalin was also re-appointed secretary of the Com-

munist Party an office he had previously held in 1912, as well
as between his various terms of exile or confinement —
and, as
such, becoming the most influential figure in the Bolshevik gov-
ernment, after Lenin. Then, as now, the more circumspect
group of Jews realized the strategical advisability of parading
subservient and ambitious Gentiles as heads of their organizations,

and Stalin, as such a "Gentile front,” has served their purpose

During Lenin’s illness in 1921 and 1922, Stalin, however, had a

strong rival in Leon Trotsky, who then occupied the three of-
ficial and War Minister. Since Lenin,
posts of Railroad, Foreign,
in one of his last comparatively lucid periods, had expressed the
desirability of removing Stalin from the secretaryship of the
Communist Party, Trotsky considered himself entitled to be-
come the successor of Lenin, with whom he had directly brought
about the downfall of the old regime. But so as to establish
his own eligibility beyond question, Stalin proceeded to outdo
Trotsky in methods of cruelty; so that there came to be in Rus-
sia no despot capable of employing grimmer discipline and more
ruthless means of punishment than Stalin. At this time his
associates happened to be the Jews, Kamenev —
Rosenfeld, and

Zinovieff Apfelbaum, Trotsky’s personal friends, who, together,

were the leaders of the Politbureau the most active political
body in the first chaos of the Soviet Union, next to the Central
Committee of the Communist Party. The brutal measures with
which Stalin enforced his orders, made him the most dreaded ex-
ecutive in the government, so that finally he gained the ascend-
ancy over Trotsky, who was kept busy with his three offices as —
well as with the accumulation of a fortune for his own use.
The Communist Party in Russia, at Lenin’s death, had about
75,000 members. While the Jewish population in the year 1926

comprised 1.77 per cent of the total, Jews have, since 1922, been
three times as strongly represented in the Communist Party
Gentiles. —
However, as members and candidates for the presi-

dency of the main political body in the Soviet Union, the
Central Committee of the Communist Party, Jews were repre-
sented in 1923 with 42.8 percent, in 1924 with 37.8 percent, in
1925 with 29.6 percent, in 1926 with 31.1 percent as reported
during the sessions of the 12th, 13th, 14th, and 15th Party Days
of those years, respectively.
Stalin, as Secretary-General of the Communist Party in the
Soviet Union, has, since Trotsky’s "exile,” become generally
known as the "Red Czar.” If the reports of the cruelty of the
Czars have been true, and not— as has been the boast of Jewry
due to long and far-reaching Jewish propaganda, this title fits
him exactly, for he has far surpassed all previous Russian rulers
in harsh and barbaric treatment of subordinates. It is trite to
say, thatit is far more through their fear of him, than
any adept statesmanship of his own, that Stalin has been able
to hold his position up to
this time. The following is an exam-
ple of his tactics:Whenever he wishes to adopt some new polit-
ical measure, he proceeds to find fault with some unimportant
whose alleged acts have given him the idea of a certain

change to be made. Thus the hapless scapegoat would be drawn

to account for a crime or misdemeanor he never committed,
generally in such a case thisman would be ousted from his posi-
tion, and eventually sent to a remote part of the country, where
his influence would amount to nothing. It is Stalin’s habit to
remove, unconditionally, any of his subordinates who do not
instantly comply with his sudden impulses, and the poor victims
will generallynever again be heard of. The number of Gentile
Russians thus exiled to forced labor in Siberia is estimated at
eight millions! It is by such methods that Stalin has been gain-
ing his unenviable fame as an almighty overlord. Merely
through the people’s fear of "liquidation” or exile, is the omni-
present bitter opposition to the Bolshevik dictatorship being kept
suppressed for the time being —outwardly at least. The de-
struction of the giant airplane "Maxim Gorky,” in the fall of
1935, in which Stalin had been scheduled to be a passenger,
sufficiently indicates that even among his outwardly loyal sub-
jects, such as the pilot, Nikolai Blagin —who sent the "Maxim

Gorky” to the ground there may smolder a deadly hatred to-
ward the Soviet’s "Red Czar.” Stalin’s savage line of action has
made his name synonymous with Red horror. For in the name of
the "proletarian revolution,” in reality nothing but a grotesque
Jewish usurpation, he not only has killed the political and econ-
omic freedom of Gentile Russia, but also crippled its spiritual
and mental life to such a point of puerile servitude, that it bor-
ders on semi-civilization.
It might be of interest to quote here a statement by the well-
known anarchist, Emma Goldman, published in the New York
Evening Journal of April 11, 1935: "Many more have been
sent to die in Siberia under Stalin than under the Czars — in
fact, the Stalin government is the most cruel, the most brutal
class government, that the world has ever known.”
Stalin’s great unpopularity is an outstanding fact. The farm-
ers’ strike in 1923, when the Kulaks refused to sow and to give

up the small crops they had raised for themselves, was followed
by a famine identical with that of 1921. For the Russian farmer
— as any farmer in any other country —
never did, and never will
be able to see any advantage in a Communistic farm collective,
but, on the contrary, only the entire loss of his individual rights
and his personal freedom. Emma Goldman, in the same inter-
view as quoted above, asserts: "Today the peasantry of Russia
is entirely dispossessed of the land. The Sovkhozi are govern-
ment farms on which the peasant works as a hired man, just as
the man in the factory.” Under the Communistic system of
collectivization he is being reduced to virtual slavery, with Jews
dictating to him even in the smallest matters. Statistics have re-

ported that only 8 percent of all Jews living in Soviet Russia
have turned to agriculture, while on the other hand the Jewish
Chronicle of January 6, 1933, states that over one-third, or ap-
proximately 40 percent, of the Jews in Russia have been made

A great proportion of the remaining Jews are owners or manag-

ers of the luxury stores. Lawton, in his The Russian Revolu-
tion,has this to say, on p. 291: "Only the Jews can live; only
they are clever enough to dodge the inspectors, who are on the
doorsteps day and night. They fill their shops with things smug-
gled over the frontiers. When it is too hot for a Jew„ he rhinK
nothing of liquidating his business and opening up somewhere
else, or painting up another name over his shop and
putting the
business in the name of some relative.” Tourists, returning
from the Soviet Union, are reporting that many Jews there, too,
are engaged in their old trade of money-changing, frequently
even accosting foreigners on the streets to ask for non-Russian

Since also in the United States the press is under Jewish con-
trol, very little if any, publicity has been given to the
fact that
in 1933 an attempt was made on Stalin’s life. For his own
safety, he hasnow had constructed a private automobile high-
way from the Kremlin to his country home, a distance of about
18 miles. All buildings or other structures within a belt of three
miles on each side of this road are being razed, and the public
is prohibited from entering this six-mile "safety belt.”
In order to hold his position, Stalin has had to favor the
to such an extent that now even Russian school children
ofit. But the Jewish oppression of many millions of white Rus-
sians —
who as a consequence are forced into a life of intolerable
bondage—cannot and will not leave the rest of the Gentile world
indifferent,and sooner or later a reaction in the form of world-
wide anti- Judaism is inevitable. Russia, at the present time,
actually has become the huge prison of over 140 millions of white

people who have become working slaves for life and are not per-
mitted to leave the country. Their general lack of currency also
would prevent it. In contrast, consider current conditions under
National Socialism in Germany, where the workers are given
yearly vacations with pay and the privilege of trips to foreign
countries at extremely low fares, on steamers specially chartered
through the organization "Kraft durch Freude.”
Stalin has, during his fourteen years of subservience to the Jew-
ish interests, become the chief official Gentile front, and thereby
the most cruel tool for the Soviet Union’s state capitalism
which Bolshevism is. And yet the Jews are not even satisfied
with Stalin’s government. The Jewish Chronicle, London,
declared, on April 4, 1919: "There is much in the fact of
Bolshevism itself, in the fact that so many Jews are Bolshevists,
in the fact that the ideals of Bolshevism at many points are con-
sonant with the finest ideals lo/ Judaism.”
Statistics of Stalin’s administration clearly demonstrate the racial
character of the Soviet rule, for, in 1927, out of 525 Commis-
sars, 445 were Jews; and in 1932, out of 503, 406 were Jews
which means, that a 1.7 percent minority was holding 80 percent
of the highest political offices. Even though, in the course of
time, changes among these officials became necessary or expediti-
ous, Jews were nevertheless consistently appointed to the rep-
resentative positions. The Jewish Question, published in Paris
in 1931, gives this survey of the Judaized government of Soviet
Number Jewish
of members Jews percent
Council of Commissars of the Peopl e 22 17 72.2
Commissars of War 43 33 76.6
Commissars of Finance 30 24 80
Commissars of Foreign Affairs 16 13 81.2
Commissars of Justice 21 20 95.2
Commissars of Public Instruction 53 42 79.2
Commissars of Social Assistance 6 6 100
Commissars of Work 8 7 87.5
Red Cross Delegates to Berlin, Vienna
Warsaw, Bucharest and Copenhagen 8 8 100
Journalists 41 41 100
In assigning mainly Jews to these key offices, the appointive
bodies apparently considered technical qualifications of far less
importance than typically racial characteristics; from the mem-
bers of the "Bund,” which still existed as such, outside of the
Communist Party, officials, too, were selected on a purely racial
Lorenz Kamphausen’s book Under Arbeitern und Bauern in der
UDSSR, on page 14, names Jews to prove that not only in the
principal cities, the chief officials were chosen from among the
Jews, but even in small provincial towns such as Halbstadt in the
Ukraine. He adds, that wherever there is an opportunity for
easy money, Jews are sure to be found there. The following list
speaks for itself:
Grenischenko, as Secretary of the Party Committee.
Sapochnikov, as OGPU
Finklestein, as Head of Finance.
Samoilowitch, for Unionism.
Kobakov, for Food Supply.
Huebner, as head of Secret Service.
Golod, as Head of the Cooperatives.
Kretschmann, Supply Agent for the "Responsible Comrades.”
Kleinholz, as Director at the Machine and Tractor Station.
Rabkin, as Secretary of the Communist Youth Movement.
Dauer, as Editor of the paper Deutscher Kollektivist.
Paltschik, in the Department for Cattle Raising.
Weritson, as Head of the Tractor School.
Dombrovskaja, as Leader of the Womens’ Department.
Aranovskaja, in Charge of the Book Shop.
Rosenbaum, for Apothecaries.
Blumstein, as Head of the Plan Commission.
Bliskin, in Charge of the Meat Supply.
Ginsburg, Sterlin and Tschuwyrin, for the "Party Cleanings
Floer, Mosienko, Goldberg, Blum, Chefetz Brothers, Goldstein,
Pismenny, Baratsch, Hanne, Klausner and Goldmann, as Chiefs
in the Board of Village Counsellors.
Lorenz Kamphausen, a former German Communist, who ex-
perienced Jewish Bolshevism in Soviet Judea during the sixteen
years before he could manage his escape, states, on page 42 of
his book Unter Arbeitern und Bauern in der UDSSR, that the
leadership of the OGPU
is 98 percent in the hands of Jews.

Frequently, also, the duration of membership in the Communist

Party was the deciding factor in awarding an important ap-
pointment. Thus, for instance, a Jew by the name of Aronstam,
whose past had not been traceable, became the leader of the
political department of the Red Army in Siberia. Another Jew,
Goldberg, formerly a barber, was made directing chief of hun-
dreds of generals. Stalin’s former mistress, the Jewess, R. M.
Kavanovitch, is now his wife, after the mysterious suicide of his
first wife; and her father, a former cobbler, is the acting dictator
of the Soviet whenever Stalin is absent. There are six members
of this Kaganovitch family who are now holding between them
not less than 22 high political offices, the most important part
of the Kremlin government, including the key positions in in-
dustry and foreign trade.
Thus Stalin, who, like Lenin in his time, only speaks Yiddish at
home, is entirely surrounded with a Jewish, or rather Yiddish
"brain trust,” which is furnishing him with ideas and sugges-
tions for directing the nation’s business, consistently, in the in-
terest of the Jewish minority.
The Russian paper Nowoje Slovo No. 43, of October 27,
1935, quoted by World Service, Erfurt, Germany, states, as a
further proof of the Judaization of the Soviet regime under
Stalin, that of the governors of the 40 districts and sub-dis-
tricts of
Russia, 34 were Jews, 4 Russians, 2 Armenians, 1
Georgian and 1 Buriat.
It would lead too far to give here an account of all, or even of
only the most prominent Jews, in high political positions under
the Stalin regime. But a few more facts may be mentioned.
Moscow, the present acpital, which in pre-revolutionary days
had a Jewish population of only 45,000, now harbors over
ten times that number, and 62 percent of those Moscow Jews
are known to be state employees. Of the 19 principal export
agents of the Soviet Union, 13 are Jews. The Soviet trade
representatives in Washington, New York, Tokio, Berlin, Rome,
Paris and Riga, are Jews. The personnel of the presidency of
the State Commission is over 50 percent Jewish. The Soviet
ambassadors abroad are almost exclusively Jewish, as for in-
stance Turkish Suritz in Paris, Maiski in London, Rosenberg
in Madrid, Karahkannin in Istanbul, Kobetsky in Athens, Rou-
binine in Brussels, Petrovski in Vienna, Slavutski in Tokio,

Karski in Kovnow, Yakubovitch in Oslo, Minkin until ejected
— in Montevideo, Kollontai — —
a Jewess in Stockholm, Stein in
Helsinki, Jurenev in Berlin, Brodovski in Riga, Shutzkeff in
Mongolia, Alexandrovsky in Prague; while Antonow-Owsejenko
in Warsaw, as well as Troyanovsky in Washington are mar-
ried to Jewesses.
Since 1932, the Jews, Fuschmann and Frumkin, are functioning
respectively as Commissars for the Light Industry and Foreign
Trade. As a member of the Finance Ministry, the Jew, Boga-
tin,took office, too, in 1932, as well as the Jew, Borodin, in the
Ministry for Public Works. The presidency in the department
for Civil Aviation was given to the Jew, Holtzmann, while the
State Plan Commission in 1931 had 16 Jews in its membership
of 24. The Jew, Ruchimovitch, then became Traffic Commis-
sar. The People’s Commissar for Agriculture since 1929 has
been the Jew, Jakowlev —who boasts of having executed tens
of thousands of Russian peasants. The Jew, Kalmanovitch, has
been the head of the State Bank since 1930. As Commissar
of Economics, the Jew, Rosenholtz, has been active since 1930;
as has the Jew, Finkelstein-Litvinoif, in the capacity of Com-
missar for Foreign Affairs.
The staff of the State Medical Institute in Moscow is 42 per-
cent Jewish. Practically all of the principals of the following
institutions of learning are, too, of that race: The State Mining
Institute, the International Agrar Institute, the Institute for
Traffic, the Institute for Forestry, the Military Medical Academy,
the Military Technical Academy, the Marine Academy, and the
Bronstein Laboratory.
Imperskig Klitsch, the Russian emigrant paper of Paris, adds
to this: "In the Roentgen Institute in Leningrad 10 percent
of the instructors and 80 percent of the students are Jewish,
as are 75 percent of the students in the Physio-Therapeutic In-
Leningrad. The University there is 50 percent
stitute, also in
Jewish, throughout the faculty as well as the student body.
Contrary to the widely and purposely disseminated misinforma-
tion to the effect that in Soviet Russia it is the children of the
— —
workers the "proletariat” who get the best educational ad-
vantages, Stalin’s constant efforts have been to extend any priv-
ileges in this field to the Jewish population. Thus, with their
1.7 percent of the population, some of the High Schools show
the following Jewish attendance:
Industrial and Technical High Schools 12.2 percent
Agricultural High Schools 12.7 percent
Pedagogical High Schools 10.1 percent
Medical High Schools 9.4 percent
High School for Social Economy 16.9 percent
High School for Art 26.3 percent
A recent report in the Polish-Jewish paper Nasz Przeglad of
November, 1936, states, that in
1936, 26 percent of Russia’s
High School students were Jewish, and the faculties of these
schools, 17.8 percent Jewish.The percentage of Jewish students
in the lowergrade public schools was only 4.3, while it was 17.3
in the higher type of public schools. The New York paper,
Deutscher Wf.ckruf und Beobachter of December 10, 1936,
contains the statement that in Russia during 1935, 90 percent
of all applications for positions in the technical trades were made
by Jews, such positions being among the best paid in the Soviet
Also, 70 percent of all students receiving state scholarships have

been of the Jewish race. With such a large proportion of Jews

employed on the faculties of the educational institutions, it
should be no surprise to learn that prizes in the various school
contests are awarded to Jewish students almost exclusively.
All this curiously elucidates the statements in various books be-
ing published here from time to time, in which Jewish writers
extol the "success” of the Bolshevik revolution. George Putnum
St Sons of New York recently issued a list of such books. Sig-
nificantly, the publishers state in such catalogue: " Each book
has been written by a Soviet official carefully chosen and spec-
ially commissioned for the work,” making no mention, of course,
of the authors’ racial origin. One may, indeed, speculate as to
the factual value of such books!
Thus the "Russian,” P. A. Markov, writes on "The Soviet
Theater”; the "Russian,” N. A. Semashko, discusses "Health
Protection in the U. S. S. —
R” although "protection” of those
hundreds of abandoned and diseased children, hereinafter men-
tioned, who were "cured” by machine guns, is probably not in-
cluded in such treatise, the children being non-Jews; Prof. A.
Pinkevitch, also a "Russian,” writes on "Science and Education
in the U. S. S. R.,” while another "expert” of the same race,
W. A. Nodel, names his book: "Supply and Trade in the
U. S. S. R.”
With the Soviet Union thus in process of thorough and effective
Judaization, Stalin considered it unnecessary, as well as unwise,

—— — —

to maintain a Jewish section of the Communist Party, and there-
fore dissolved the "Jewsectia” in large part in 1929; also be-
cause of the increasing anti-Jewish sentiment among the Gentile
Communists. It is because of this act, that the Jewish world press
has given Stalin the reputation of being anti-Jewish.
Trotzky, who found himself supplanted by Stalin as Lenin’s suc-
cessor, and violently resented the leadership of Gentile Russia
becoming less than 100 percent Jewish, conspired with several of
the old Bolshevik Jews who were of the same mind, to sabotage
Stalin’s regime in every possible way. It is to this internal feud
among the Jewish leaders, no less than to the ever-present re-
sistance to the Communistic collectivization on the part of the
Russian Gentile population, that Russia’s slow progress toward
any form of stabilization may largely be ascribed.
Proofs of the steadily increasing Jewish power within the regime
of Stalin, in spite of his alleged Jewish "purge,” may be seen
from the following items taken from H. Greife’s book Die
Klassenkampf Politik de Sowjetregierung, Berlin and Leip-
zig, 1937:
"In February, 1935, the commissar for public education, Epstein,
named 18 new professors of his own race. The Soviet book cata-
logue of 1936 features overwhelmingly Jewish names.
"The Peoples’ Commissar for Food formed a new committee with
not less than 28 Jews in it. Isvestia, February 29, 1936.
"In April, 1936, the Central Committee of the Communistic
Youth Movement, Camsomol, was taken under the leadership of
one dozen new Jewish appointees. Pravda April 22, 1936.
"A new committee for foreign trade was formed. It revealed 30
Jewish names.
"On the same day the committee for interior trade received a list
of 42 newly appointed Jews. Isvestia, May 9, 1936.
"50 Jews received decoration from the Soviet Government.
Pravda, August 2, 1936.
Wholly reasserting the above, "Haint, a Yiddish paper of War-

saw, of June 15, 1937, expressly says that amongst the executed
Bolshevists there were almost no Jews. However, in the mean-
time a considerable number of Jews were raised to high political
But the figures given in the above brief excerpts nevertheless go
to show that the Jews have followed Marx’s directions to the
letter, and have, directly or indirectly, established themselves first

of all.

The largest army and the most formidable air force in the world
being possessed by Soviet Russia, this huge apparatus of military
strategy is intended to serve one purpose and one only: the pro-
tection and aggressive expansion of Jewish world power. World
Service of March 6, 1935, pointedly remarks: "Since practically
all high military posts are occupied by Jews . . the Red army

is nothing else but an arm of Judah. The( Bolshevist revolution,

for which it is to fight, is not, however, the ulterior objective.
The final goal is the setting-up of Jewish world domination.”
Here it is of interest to note that the Soviet Union Information
Bureau in its 1929 Year Book, classes the Jews as a nation
which, for purposes of conquest, they elsewhere are consistently
So as to prove the utter savagery with which this Judaization of
Russia was initiated, the Third International, a Moscow
periodical, shall here be quoted. In this, the Jews themselves
have recorded the following death toll of persons resisting the
revolution beginning:

One —
Imperial family seven innocent persons.
28 Bishops and Archbishops.
6,775 Priests.

6,575 Teachers.
8,800 Doctors.
54,850 Officers.
260.000 Soldiers.
150.000 Police Officers.
48.000 Gendarmes —State Troopers and Detectives.
355,250 Intellectuals.
198.000 Workers.
915.000 Peasants.

This record does not include the millions of tragedies of those

unfortunates who have been sent into exile in Siberian labor
camps, quarries and mines, for no greater crime than having
expressed criticism in some form or other, of the Jewish Com-
munistic chaos, introduced by means of such ghastly terror and
wholesale massacre.
As said before, Stalin’s rule has been, marked by an unsurpassed
brutality in forcing the Russian Christians into Jewish-Com-
munistic "industrialization” and "collectivization.” The Five-
Year Plan, needless to say, was a Jewish invention, suggested
tohim by his Yiddish "brain trust” so as to hasten the Jewish
So as to cement Soviet Russia’s Jewry into practically every pos-
sible public office and wherever a controlling hand becomes of
major importance, since Stalin’s farcical "purge” of Jewish offi-
cials more Jews have been elected to political leadership. Anti-
Comintern of July 1, 1937, states that recently twenty new
Jewish party-members have been placed in controlling rank as
first secretaries, while the number of second and third secretaries

in the U. S. S. R. is legion. The Politburo for the Ukraine has,

out of 16 members, in 1937, seven Jews, or 44 percent. In the
Orgburo of that section likewise, the Jewish percentage is 44 per-
cent for out of nine members four are Jewish. The fact that a
large number of Stalin’s highest officials and military heads are
married to Jewesses, indicates that the controlling power of the
Jews is indeed far higher than ordinarily assumed. Recent ap-
pointments from among the Jews show that of late the Jews’
position within the Bolsheviki regime has rather been strength-
ened, than weakened.
During the period from 1928 to 1932 the spiritual censorship over
the Russian Gentile was enforced with more severity than in
other epoch, and besides the Jewish writers, the Gentile writer
and lecturer, Maxim Gorky, has untiringly served the Jewish
government in Russia by betraying his own people and trying to
dupe the contemporary world concerning the laws involving im-
morality and Jewish corruption, adopted since the advent of
Bolshevism. The destruction of all non- Jewish institutions, such
as churches and monasteries, constituted a significant and all- 1

important part of the revolution, which, in spite of having origi-

nated in Jewish minds, nevertheless found certain supporters
among Russian Gentiles, Maxim Gorky being the most notorious

of these.
The Godless Movement has Stalin’s full support, as any extreme
measure has had during' his rule, and in 1926 every 13th Jew in

Russia was a of this movement. One of the first steps

toward the collapse of the Christian churches was Stalin’s order
to refuse food cards to the clergy. To effect the closing of a
church it was merely necessary for the members of the
1 local cell

in the Godless movement to meet and start a discussion, and after

branding the churches as "reactionary” it was generally an easy
matter to discover reasons for closing that particular church or

Christian institution. A report from Odessa runs as follows,

however: "A certain 'cell’ of the movement had its weekly meet-
ing. A young Jew got up and suggested the removal of
of the few churches still remaining. At first no counter-motion
was made. Finally a Gentile Russian broke the silence with the
suggestion that for each Christian church to be demolished, also
one synagogue should be razed. 'Whereupon the Jew in question
silently left the hall. ...”
The Atheistic movement in Russia has progressed so far under
Stalin, that the approximate prediction has been made that, by

May 1,1937, not one Christian church shall be left on Russian
soil. But the Jewish synagogues have never been molested, on
the other hand; for the powerful Kaganovitch family, among
which Stalin practically lives, has made itself the sponsors for
everything pertaining to Orthodox Jewry. In St. Petersburg

today’s Leningrad were 445 Catholic priests in their edifices
prior to the revolution; in 1937 there are but two left —
one of
whom Frenchman and the other a Pole. The August, 1936,
is a
number of the French monthly Le Droite de Vivre contains the
statement, that of Moscow’s 400 Christian churches in 1917, now
only 12 are left, while the number of synagogues there, has in-
creased from a mere 15 in 1917 to not less than 250 in 1936!
Adolph Ziegler, in his book Die Russiasche Gottlosenbewe-
gung points out that the Minister for Public Education has spon-
sored various films, of which not one was of an anti-Jewish
tendency but that two such films were directed against Lamaism,
five against the Catholic Church and sixteen against Islam. A
report from Anti-Comintern, of January 28, 1935, stated that
22 mosques had been converted into movie-houses, warehouses
and clubs, in the large community of Dschengutoi.
Supporting the anti-religious drive of Jewry, the Soviet news-
paper, Besboshnik, No. 32, V. II, says: "Therefore one must
clear the schools absolutely of the believing teachers, and even of
such who stand on friendly terms with religion. ...”
In 1936, according to statistical figures, 48 bishops, 3,700 clergy-
men, and 8,000 monks and nuns, were still in jail. Anti-Com-
intern of August 11, 1936, reported that the Russian paper,
Voskresnoye Chteniye, No. 7, revealed, from official data re-
ceived from the Commissariat of the Interior of the U. S. S. R.,
that during the eighteen years of Soviet government in Russia,
42,000 members of the clergy have died in the concentration
camps of Soloviki, Narym, Turkestan and other localities. Also,
that in all of the U. S. S. R., there are at present left only about
1,200 members of the clergy, of which number, only a few have
remained with their parishes. No statistics prevail on the rabbis!
A radio broadcast from Moscow, on November 27, 1932, was
picked up by a private German station, its title being: "Fifteen
Years of Godlessness.” In this, the following sentences are sig-
nificant: "For the first time in its history the people of the U. S.
S. R. have moved away from religion. The influence of the
Church in the schools has disappeared entirely, without having
left a single trace, and hence the peasants and workers have
broken every contact with religious ties of former times. The
education of the children is therefore a different one. ... In the
last ten years, 770 anti-religious pamphlets and books, in 40 mil-
lion copies, have appeared. In 1931 alone, 313 books, in twelve
million copies, went into circulation. The number of anti-re-
ligious periodicals is not far behind this number. . . .

"The Union of 'Godless Fighters’ is active in 108 nationalities,

of which 98 are in the U. S. S. R. The Godless shock troops
have thrown themselves into the fight with true heroism on in-
numerable occasions. Also in the country, they are advancing.
The great masses have become convinced of the counter-revolu-
tionary character of religion. More and more it is being resolved
to close the churches, to lay off the priests, and not to observe
religious holidaysany longer.
"The influence of social Fascists upon the Godless groups has
been considered disintegrating, for they are trying to corrupt
the international 'proletarian freethinkers’ in such a way as to
make them give up their revolutionary character. The growth of
Godlessness in the United States of America, and in many other
countries, must be considered a sign of the decay of capitalism.
Soon the clerics of the whole world will try to adjust themselves
to the 'new order’ of social reform, and will even find it necessary
to flirt with socialistic theories. The mighty arm of fighting
atheists will in the future make greater advances within the realm
of religion and the Church. ...”
The process of corrupting the minds of the Russian Christians

and disorganizing their conceptions of Christian Divinity, has
even gone so far as ordering the atheists in many districts to in-
vade the homes of Christians and remove their ikons, so as to
place in the empty niches and corners, busts of Communists
Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin! Concerning this matter, Rabbi
Louis Browne mockingly stated, in an assembly of Jews in the
Hotel Astor in New York on January 9, 1927, that "Russia has
turned from orthodox Christianity to orthodox Communism,
. . .

and the former Christian ikons are now being replaced with
Communist ikons. ...”
The leader of the Militant Atheists, the Jew Jaroslawski Gubel-
man —gives the Bolshevik attitude toward the Church, in the
following words: "It is our duty to destroy every religious world-
concept. If the destruction of ten million human beings — as

happened in the last war should be necessary for the triumph

of one definite class meaning, of course, the Jews then that —
must be done and will be done.’
The Christian holidays, therefore, have been abolished, and com-
memoration days of specific Je wish-Communistic character have
been adopted in their place. On August 26, 1929, the seven-day
week was changed for a five-day week. Soviet Russia’s prin-
cipal holidays are now January 22, the Day of Lenin’s death;
May 1, the Day of the International; August 15, the Day of
Collectivization; and November 7-8, Days of the "Proletarian
Revolution.” On these days, members of the Communist Party
hoist and lower flags for the decoration of not only public build-
ings, but private dwellings as well.
The question is being frequently asked: Are there elections in
Russia? The procedure is around the set time a certain
this, that
same communistic brand,
ticket of candidates, all of course of the
is recommended by the Jewish government. On Election day the
farce is enacted, that just a few hours before the actual balloting
these names of Red Bolsheviki appear on a list, and it will make
very little difference whether a Moses, Solomon, Levinovitch, or
any other Hebrew is elected. The continued subjugation of the
Russian Christian is guaranteed in any case.
Throughout the Soviet Union, anti-Jewish sentiment is smolder-
ing continuously, although, of course, no Gentile public opinion
can be expressed openly unless approved by the Jewish govern-
ment. Since practically all the wealth of Russia is in Jewish

hands in Moscow, for instance, they own almost all the private

automobiles to be seen on the streets the Gentiles are being
given constant and glaring evidence that the Jewish domination
has been bought with the destruction of everything valuable in
the culture of Christian Russia. The penalty for anti-Jewism,
which in Lenin’s time had been death uncompromisingly, has
been "modified” by Stalin to jail terms, exile to Siberia, or con-

finement for life to a labor camp so as to curry some degree of
favor with the Gentile population. But with the older and
greedier Bolshevik Jews, this gesture on the part of Stalin has
added fuel to resentment against him, and become the
motive of their plot to assassinate him.
Enough accounts of Stalin’s barbarity in enforcing the Marxian
laws have leaked out, to cause international horror and un-
qualified condemnation. It has become axiomatic in Russia that
for every item of adverse criticism of governmental procedure,
meted out to the particular, foolhardy citizen,
strict retribution is

and, that, having been caught in the widespread net of OGPU

espionage, the hapless victim will usually be removed from his
family, never again to be heard of. The huge army of exiles
that was used in the construction of the Baltic-White Sea Canal
during the past years, consisted mostly of such unfortunates; and
it is estimated, that, on the whole, some 6 millions of Gentiles

have been thus condemned to forced labor, mostly under unbe-

lievably shocking conditions. An Italian writer and traveler,
A. M. Zecco, in his book, Come e Diretta Oggi la Russia
(How Russia is Ruled Today), says, on p. 302:
"The Bolshevik government boasts of the construction of the
Leningrad-White Sea Canal as a marvel of skill and speed. It
is 226 kilometers long, and was constructed in
1% years. But
it must also be branded as a Triumph
of Crime, for out of the
150,000 exiled used in the work, only 10,000 were alive after its
"Thus 140,000 humans were sacrificed for this construction.
They had to work from 12 to 14 hours a day. They were driven
to work with lashings by their overseers. Often they had to work
in a temperature of 30 to 40 degrees below zero. They were
peasants, landowners and intellectuals, who had been condemned
to forced labor by the barbaric, governmental system of Bolshe-
vistic Russia. A devilish triumph, against which our non-Jewish
consciences revolt!”
It noteworthy, that in the administration of 37 supervisors of

this construction, the most important ones were Jews. Anti-

Comintern named the following as having occupied the control-
ling positions: Jagoda, chief of the OGPU, Berman, Kogan,
Kohn, Firin, Rappoport, Frenkel, Afanasjev, Kwasnizkij, Rotten-
berg, Ginsbury, Brodski, Berensohn, Dorfman, Kagner, Angert,
etc. These Jews decided not to allow the exiles to use any ma-
chinery whatever, for the whole canal construction. Therefore all
excavation was done by hand, as was also the removal of the mil-
lions of tons of rock, stone, and soil necessary. Men and women
alike were used for this slave work, to which they had generally
been condemned for no greater crime than having expressed some
trifling adverse criticism of their Judaized Soviet government.
Wholesale starvation is of common occurrence in Russia. A
respondent of the Christian Science Monitor, Boston, as
stated in that paper on June asked Stalin how long this
4, 1934,
reign of murder was to be kept up, to which he coolly replied:
"As long as I consider it necessary.”
In order to sustain the many false statements of preferment for
the worker as being the accepted order in Russia, the government
proudly exhibits to visiting seamen, for instance, the Seamen's

Home in Leningrad. This is a new building with approximately
the same conveniences as have most Y. M. C. A.’s in America.
Favored tourists, too, occasionally are allowed to see one of the
model prison camps, which are on a par with convalescent homes
here, more or less. Such camps are situated near the main rail-
road lines, so that the foreign tourists may be properly impressed
with the treatment of the "preferred comrades” who may get
themselves interned for some minor transgression. These camps
usually have their own gardens, athletic fields, pool rooms, shower
baths, libraries, and even visitors’ lounges.
The inhuman and arbitrary exile of hundreds of thousands of
Russian parents, accounts for the often-reported hordes of home-
less and orphaned children, who have become semi-savages be-

cause of their plight. —

Such homeless children besprisornije
have been roaming around ever since the Jewish revolution re-
placed the former order in Russia. Clad only in rags, these
wretched youngsters became a plague in almost every town and
city. The condition of their morals added further to the menace,
for in a country where the nationalization of women is being
decreed or sanctioned, promiscuity soon infects the younger gen-
eration with social disease. A missionary who was stationed at
the Russian border, reported the following in The Christian
Alliance Weekly:
"In Moscow the police made a street drive, bringing all the home-
less children and young people together. They were inspected
by medical men as to their condition. Out of this mass, from
1200 to 1400 were singled out and by means of a good sub-
stantial 'meal and other favors, they were induced to march with
soldiers on horseback, out of Moscow into the open country. At
last they 'halted. The soldiers were on the outside of the young
people’s group, driving them into a huddle tight together. A
word of command. Hidden machine guns began a weird song of
death. In a few minutes the whole bunch of humanity was a
mass of dead and dying. The machine guns were silent. Soldiers
came was left. Why all this?
to bury everything that . From . .

1200 1400 young people, living on the streets of Moscow, had

become so diseased, that the government knew of no other way
to get rid of the plague.”
Says the Jewish Talmud, Baba Mecia, 114, 6: "You meaning —

the Jews are human beings, but the nations of the world are not
human beings, but beasts.” This, with many other similar Tal-
mudic statements, only proves that Communism and Bolshevism,
twin products of Jewish thought and mind, are totally foreign to
all Christian ethics, and destructive to all Christian civilization.
While, therefore, the Jewish government of Moscow recognized
no moral obligation to care for this mass of disease-ravaged Gen-
tile children, this same government, on the other hand, is most

considerate of the welfare of the Jewish population. The colony

Biro-Bidjan in East Siberia, is an outstanding example of the
Marxian preoccupation with the interests of a Jewish minority in
a Communistic state. This settlement has been established for
Jews who prefer to live among themselves, and Gentile exiles were
used for the first breaking of the ground there. But although the
settlement was intended to accommodate 40,000 Jews, by the fall
of 1936 only 15,000 had seen fit to take advantage of it, accord-
ing to George Gordon Battle, the well known "Shabes Goy”
lawyer of New York; "Shabes Goy,” incidentally, is a Jewish
designation, originally applying to a Gentile who performs the
work of an orthodox Jew on the Hebrew holidays. In customary
usage it now designates a Gentile front for the Jews — Stalin him-
self being the most conspicuous example.
State money, of course, has been used to pay for the Biro-Bidjan
development, as well as for similar colonies in the Crimean penin-
sula and in the Volga region. For this latter, much farm land
was taken away from the German colonists of long-standing there,
who had developed the former barren soil into a fertile tract.
After having established the community of Biro-Bidjan and
granting a loan of 2 million roubles to the settlers there, the

Jewish government in October, 1934, generously cancelled this

loan from the State Treasury funds actually belonging to the

Gentile majority. The latest report confirming Stalin’s defer-
ence to Judah’s wishes, while Gentile Russia is being bled white—
is to the effect that 67 million gold roubles have been poured into
Biro-Bidjan in 1936, for the improvement of the farmland and
for the benefit of local civic centers.
Such is the outrageously selfish and deceptive attitude of this

Yiddisher Soviet government which could not find the means to
care for the 1400 pitiful, diseased Russian workers’ children,
has ample funds for the Jewish settlement of Biro-Bidjan!
These facts should open the eyes of the entire world, but first of
all, awaken the Gentiles of the Communist Party in the United
States, who blindly support Jews in their criminal purpose of
overthrowing the United States government, and setting up a
government of their own, not at all proletarian in its principle, as
pretended, but Jewish throughout, both in its prime inception,
and in its final goal. With the whole of Gentile Russia in a
state of abject physical, as well as spiritual slavery, Americans
still allowing Soviet agents to agitate openly for
a Communist
United States!
For those American workers who are interested in learning some-
thing of the kind of morals sanctioned by the keepers of this
"workers' paradise,” a few paragraphs from World Service,
Vol. Ill, No. 1, should prove enlightening: "Anyone who did
not know that Bolshevism is a purely Jewish affair, should at once
recognize the fact from the disgraceful manner in which the
honor of Russian women in sexual matters is treated, and the
diabolical thoroughness with which the soul of the Russian child
is poisoned. Only all-destructive Jewry is capable of such
atrocities as are reported in the Belgian paper Voix des Nations,
Bruxelles Centre, Boite Postale 834, of November I, 1936. This
anti-Communistic paper brings, in the number mentioned, an ex-
tract from the Bolshevik paper Outchit Gazeta, properly

Gazeta Outchitelya —Teachers’ Gazette—of October 10,
1929. This paper, which is edited by the Jewess, N. Kroupskaya,
Lenin’s widow, says amongst other things: 'The socialization of
women has not as yet been legislated for by the Soviets, but this
idea must become a reality and must permeate public opinion.
To resist rape as an act of opposition to the Communist October

As an evidence of the satanic cunning, with which the mind and
morals of the Russian youth are being systematically poisoned,
World Service then quotes, from the same sources, a question-
naire which is being distributed to the immature male youth of
the Russian peasant class. This questionnaire, in intimate detail,
and with the most indecency, openly reveals the Jews’
deliberate purpose of creating from the Russian people a nation
of sex perverts. A large part of this document was even so atro-
cious, that the Belgian paper refused to reproduce it.
As a proof that from the very beginning of the Soviet regime,
revolutionaries of the type of Kroupskaya have been actively at
work in undermining and debasing the moral standards of the
Aryan races, may be quoted an ordinance which was introduced
by the anarchists of the city of Saratov. This ordinance reads,
in part, as follows:
"1. From March 1, 1918, the right to possess women having
reached the age of 17 and not more than 32, is abolished.
3. The decree does not affect women having five children.
4. The former owners may retain the right of using their wives
without waiting for their turn.
5. In case of the husbands’ resisting, they shall forfeit the rights
given them in the last paragraph.
6. All women from the date of this decree are exempted from
private ownership and are proclaimed to be the property of the
whole nation.
14. All women proclaimed by the decree to be national property
will receive from the funds an allowance of 238 roubles a month.

15. All women who become pregnant are released from direct
duties for four months, three months before and one month after
16. Children born are given to an institution for training until
they are 17 years old, at the cost of the Public Funds.”
This is conclusive proof of the definite intention of the Jews to
disrupt the Gentile family, the basic foundation of the nation.
The Youngstown Jewish Times, September 18, 1937, on page
51 — after Jewry has successfully crushed Gentile society and Gen-
tile civilization in today’s Russia —
through murder and wholesale
robbery — delights in telling the world: "The picture which the
Soviet Union presents today is one that should bring rejoicing to
world Jewry.”
Stalin has indeed multiplied his inheritance from his mentally and
physically degenerate predecessor, Lenin. He now proposes to
construct in Moscow the largest and tallest building in the world.
And on its principal tower is to be placed a gigantic istatue of
Lenin, as a symbol of the all-dominant position which Com-
munism is intended to occupy in the world of the future!

HEN the Bolshevik bank robber, Maximovitch
Litvinoff — real name Meier Polyanski most —
solemnly attended the state funeral of King
George Vof England, the entire Jew-wise
world stood aghast at this brazen act of hypo-
critical insolence on the part of the representa-
tive of Soviet Russia —of a government openly
conniving to destroy every "capitalistic” state and its ruling
powers.Indeed the crowning act of mocking insult, for this man
who was directly responsible for the unspeakably brutal murder
of the entire Russian Imperial family —
first cousins of the de-

ceased English king was to be allowed to even show his face in
England at such a time.
and President
Litvinoff, present Foreign Minister of Soviet Russia
of the Jew-sponsored League of Nations at Geneva, Switzer-
land, was born as Meier Polyanski in Bialystock, Russia, July 17,
1876. Of the many aliases which this notorious Jew has used for
may be mentioned here:
easily conceivable reasons, the following
Finklestein,Dehtiarick, Borrissonk, Wallach, Meier Meer, —
Hinoch, Graf, Buchmann, Harrison, Nitz, Papasha and Maxit-
It is being stated that the entire Litvinoff family, now living
under five different surnames, has a crime 'record of its own. A
brother of the present "Excellency” by the name of Salomon, as
an employee of the Paris branch of the Soviet Commercial
Agency, forged checks to the amount of several million francs.
Litvinoff’s youngest brother, who went by the name of Julius
Weinberg, was connected with a large bank in Petrograd in 1917.
It was he who took the 'receipt for the issuance of five million

roubles from a foreign group for part of the financing of the
revolution. In order to keep the name of the foreign financier
Weinberg” was ordered to return the receipt for
secret, "Julius
thisblood money. He denied the possession of such a receipt,
whereupon he was promptly shot. And the present-day "Lit-
vinoff” blandly denied the fact that the deceased "Julius Wein-

berg” was his brother as stated by Sigilli Veri in Bodung
Verlag, Erfurt, Germany.
At the age of 17, when in the army, Meier Polyanski-Litvinoff
had already absorbed enough of Marx’s doctrines to earn a dis-
honorable discharge, his presence being considered detrimental to
the morale of his company since he was continually attempting to
and aversion to the government. At large, he
inspire distrust of
became one of the leaders of the Social Democratic Party while
working for a time in a cord and twine factory. Here he in-
creased his radical activities with the consequence that he soon
found himself in jail, and it was during this term of confinement
that he made the acquaintance of the two equally radical Jews,

Rosenfeld the later Kamenev, and Apfelbaum the later Zino- —
vieff. After having made his escape during a prison revolt, Lit-
vinoff was enabled by reason of an ensuing amnesty, to resume his
lawless career.
Through the efforts of the Jewish owner of a sugar factory, one
Ginsberg, Litvinoff was given a lucrative position as manager of
the refinery. But in this capacity he supplied his Socialist
friends too freely with money pilfered from the till, and so he

went to jail again for a period of about one year. Leaving Russia
in 1901, his career assumed still another character —such changes
being typical of the opportunistic Jew and similar to that of any
Bolshevik official of Soviet Russia today. His financing of the
radical movement with funds collected from Gentile workers,
represents, too, a typical trait, for which then, as now, Jewish
Communists were noted.
During 1902 and 1903, Litvinoff’s activities through the anarchist
groups in Berlin became known to the local authorities, and in
1903 he found it advisable to join the Bolshevik colony then
active in Switzerland. But later in the same year he returned to
his native Russia— —
without a proper passport his one objective
being, as always, to incite to riot there. He found Lenin and
Trotsky —with some other Jews who became post-war Soviet

Social Registerites busily engaged in plotting what became the

before-mentioned revolt and massacre in St. Petersburg on Janu-

ary 22, 1905, and he eagerly joined them in this conspiracy. For
a while, part of his work consisted in editing the radical paper
Nowaya —
Shisnj in Moscow until the government stopped him.
Also in 1903 he took part, with Lenin, Trotsky and Stalin, in the

London revolutionary Congress on a forged passport and under
the name of Ludwig Wilhelmovitch Nitz.
While in Great Britain, Litvinoff succeeded in negotiating for a
quantity of arms and ammunition, to be used by the Reds in the
planned St. Petersburg insurrection. He had considerable diffi-

culty in finding a safe place for the unloading of this dangerous

cargo, but finally decided on the little island of Nargo in the
Baltic Sea, this spot being within easy reach of St. Petersburg
and therefore suitable both as a depot and as a base of operations.
This plan, however, suffered collapse through the shipwreck of
the steamer John Grafton, and the entire cargo was lost. Lit-

vinoff’s partner in this particular affair was "comrade” Lenin.

The revolutionary role of Litvinoff as a smuggler of war material
in those days, is all the more striking, in view of his posing today
as an angel of peace in the capacity of President of the League
of Nations!
Having thus failed in his first attempt at wholesale smuggling of
arms, Litvinoff made another, this time in Hamburg. Garbed in
the trappings of an Ecuadorian army officer, and with the help of
a Danish officer, he succeeded, in 1906, in negotiating for another
shipment of arms from Belgium and Germany, and the cargo
was chartered for his newly acquired yacht, which was awaiting
orders at Fiume, in the Adriatic Sea. After taking on the cargo,
the yacht left for a Southern port. However, for a second time
Litvinoff’s adventure in the smuggling of arms suffered ship-
wreck, this time with the foundering of the yacht near the Rou-
manian coast. The mystery of the second shipwreck has never
been cleared up.
With an ever-widening scope of revolutionary activities, Litvinoff
and Stalin were constantly evolving new schemes for obtaining
funds, and on June 13, 1906, they staged the before-mentioned
bombing of an Imperial Russian bank truck in the town of Tiflis,
in Caucasus, causing the loss of 30 lives.
The culprits, who had
thrown the bomb from a nearby roof, escaped unhurt, with a loot
of some 250,000 roubles, and Litvinoff then took part of this
money with him to France, while the rest was sent to Lenin in
Although at this time Litvinoff tried to hide his identity
the aliases, Meier —Meer—and Wallach, suspicion rested upon
him nevertheless, and on January 18, 1908, he was arrested, with
his mistress, Fanny Yanpolska, at the North Station in
Some of the stolen Russian money was found on his person and
in his apartment, and so Mr. Meer— Wallach—Litvinoff
had to
go to jail once more.
Again at liberty, he needed fresh funds for the continuance of
foreign revolutionary propaganda on behalf of Jewish Bolshevism,
and after various attempts to obtain such funds by means other
than actual work and which resulted in his re-arrest, the French
authorities ordered his deportation from the Sante Prison, where
he had been placed in "protective custody.” A further charge
against him, of being implicated in a bomb-throwing episode
Vincennes, necessitated his removal "en grande vitesse,” in the
autumn of 1910.
Soon after the outbreak of the late war, Litvinoff was to be found
in England. One might be at a loss to understand why
with her intensified wartime passport control, allowed a criminal


with LitvinofPs record to enter by way of any of her ports; but
this puzzle is solved by the Jew, Landman, who on p. 14 in
Zionism, a booklet published by the Militant Christian Patriots,
London, is quoted as saying: "Passport or travel difficulties did
not exist, when a man was recommended by our the Zionists’ —
Litvinoff acted in England as a spy for the then Jew-controlled
Germany, which caused the eyes of the British Secret Service to
be constantly focused upon him. Also, he and his secretary,
Fineberg, soon became known as distributors to workers, of sedi-
tious literature, supplied them by another Jew, Holtzmann. Lit-

vinofPs definite purpose was to establish a vanguard of revolu-

tionaries in Great Britain, so as to mature the country as soon as
possible for a national revolution.
About time Litvinoff became a British subject, after his mar-
riage to the wealthy Ivy Low, a niece of Sir Sydney Low
originally Loewe —
a Polish-Jew who became a writer and news-
paperman in England. Ostensibly, LitvinofPs occupation then,
was that of a "commercial traveler” for a London firm. At ap-
proximately the time when the Russian Imperial government
seemed near its disintegration, he was instrumental in calling a

conference in the industrial center of Leeds in order to call the
attention of the British workers to the dawn of a "new age,” in
— —
which the worker was told by the Jews he would soon obtain
his deliverance from the "capitalistic yoke.” It was Ramsay
MacDonald, who had long been notorious for his ghetto men-
tality, who arranged the details of the Leeds Conference.
This was the period that was to offer Litvinoff his long-awaited
opportunity to become a political headliner through the soon-to-
be-created Soviet Union which was then being plotted for Great
Britain. Before he left England to assume his duties in the Soviet
diplomatic service, Litvinoff perfected the organization there, of
the Soldiers’ and Workers’ Councils, after the Soviet pattern, so
as to consolidate the results of his work and insure their perma-


nency. Fie was, of course, actuated by the fervent expectation
that the same chaos might soon come to pass in Great Britain as
in Russia; and the Leeds Conference established
the basic funda-
mentals for the proposed British Soviet Union.
An incident which illustrates Litvinoff’s peculiar psychology a

mixture of brazenness and cowardice may be related here. It
occurred at Wembley, where the former King Edward VIII, then
Prince of Wales, had just attended a football match. group A
of ex-soldiers, led by a man of Jewish appearance, pressed for-
ward, and, in front of Flis Royal Flighness, this self-appointed
leader burst forth in a tirade against British capitalists, and con-
tinued until the measure of patience of almost every Englishman
present appeared to be full. The Prince at last inquired as to
what regiment the excited individual had belonged. Ignoring the
Prince’s question, the Jew, Litvinoff —
for it was none other—
merely continued his harangue. When the Prince insisted upon
an answer, the ex-soldiers, whom Litvinoff had pretended to
represent, then demanded the courtesy of a reply to the Prince’s
question—whereupon Litvinoff found it safest and most con-
venient to disappear in the crowd.
In December, 1917, Litvinoff applied for a passport to Soviet
Russia, which was gladly granted to him, with a "No-Retum-
Permit” added, notwithstanding his British citizenship. Arrived
in Petrograd, he was at once appointed by Lenin, Trotsky
Chicherin, as the Bolshevik ambassador to England, but on
his return there in1918 the British government refused to accept
his credentials, and
his appeal to the British workers to intervene
in his behalf was of no avail. On his return voyage to Russia
in 1919, in passing through Denmark he even
had to submit to
the indignity of being refused hotel accommodation in
As Bolshevik propagandist, while still in England, he had pub-
lished, through the British Socialist Party, a pamphlet. The
Bolshevist Revolution, Its Development and Importance.
The purpose of this literary misrepresentation was to "explain”
and "justify” the change of government in Russia as being the

foundation for the real "labor paradise” the real facts as to its
ulterior Jewish objective, of course, being cunningly concealed.
The issuing of this seditious piece of literature caused Litvinoff
to be arrested again. Upon returning to Russia after his release,
he was given temporary credentials as ambassador to Esthonia.
When England in 1920 decided to open trade relations with
Soviet Russia, "Ambassador” Litvinoff was declared unacceptable
for the necessary negotiations, and Krassin went to London in-
stead. Litvinoff then acted as middleman, in Copenhagen, in-
the capacity of Deputy Foreign Commissar, thus effecting trade
resumption between the Soviet Union and England, as well as
between the Scandinavian countries and Bolshevik Russia.
Of particular interest at that time were the circumstances that
revealed the establishment in London of a pro-Bolshevik paper,
intended as a mouthpiece of the Jewish-Soviet government. It
was rumored that Litvinoff was the power behind the Daily
Herald; and to prevent the proof of this from being established
was a difficult problem, both for himself and for his colleagues;
Krassin and Kamenev, the latter two men then being the officially
appointed Soviet trade delegates in London. The British Secret
Service finally obtained conclusive evidence proving that the
Daily Herald was being directly financed by the Soviet govern-
ment—the sum of 75,000 Pounds Sterling having been trans-
mitted from Russia at one time and it appearing that another
item of 23,750 Pounds covered the paper’s running expenses for
but six months.

As in most cases abroad, so also, in London, the Jewish Soviet

government had organized its foreign trade delegation in con- —
nection with its official —
legation to serve as a depot for furnish-
ing the sinews of class war in the country of their assignation;
and the Communist agitations in Great Britain, moreover, were
definitely traced as having been financed, for years, by such ofii-

cial agencies of the Soviet Union. Direct accusations to this
effect were! generally answered by a flat denial, until incontro-
vertible proof was presented. But finally, the anti-British ac-
tivitieson the part of these Soviet officials, having been carried to
such a point that British national security was seriously jeopard-
ized, the British government ordered the Soviet Trade Exchange,

— —
the Arcos blouse, closed on May 12, 1927 after the Bolshevik
spy net had been exposed several times, and full proof obtained.
The further evidence that two Russian banks had transmitted
large sums of money to British revolutionaries, for the purpose
of fomenting in the British Isles a revolt identical with the
Russian debacle ten years before, made the British decision final,
according to Col. E. N. Sanctuary, in Are These Things So?
In the meantime Litvinoff had been proved to be an official Soviet
propagandist in other countries besides England, and so, in 1924,
he was rejected as Soviet ambassador there, for the second time.
It was not until 1930, that the English government relented
ciently to allow him to meet Mr. Anthony Eden in Moscow;
Litvinoff then being the Russian Foreign Commissar.
Events have proved, beyond a doubt, that World Jewry is
definitely committed to the plan of having the Jewish govern-
ment of Russia extended to all other countries in the world. The
American FIebrew of September 10, 1920, made this statement:
"What Jewish idealism and Jewish discontent have so powerfully
contributed to accomplish in Russia, the same historic qualities
of the Jewish heart and mind are tending to promote in other
Then British colonial possessions became points of Soviet attack
as soon as Jewry had risen to power in Russia, under the usual
idealistic pretense of striving to build "workers’ governments,” to
be created "for and by the workers” themselves. With such an
avowedly international intention, the Soviet created for Litvinoff

an office novel in the annals of diplomacy that of Foreign Com-
missar-at-Large. And in spite of this man’s entire preoccupation
with incitement to class war and international revolution, it was

nevertheless he the bank robber, murderer, and civil-war-agitator
—who represented the Soviet Union the Genoa Economic Con-
ference 1922. In the year 1925 he—the former smuggler of
war material — headed the Disarmament Conference Moscow, in
and he also acted in similar capacity at the Geneva Conference
for Disarmament in 1927 and 1932!
Though outwardly pretending to work for peace even to the ex-
tent of initiating and subsidizing peace movements in most
countries, the Soviet Union not only possesses the world’s most
formidable land and air force but this Je wish-Communistic gov-
ernment is also at work in practically every country in the world

inciting to civil war and Red revolution to the end that ultimately
the whole world may be \brought under the same Communistic
rule, with Jews 'and their paid toolsionly, at the head of every
Gentile nation.
Being wholly unscruplous as well as past masters in hypocrisy,
Litvinoff and most other Jewish diplomats have but one goal in
mind, namely, the duping of credulous Gentiles who have so —
far appeared unable to grasp the Jewish intrigue behind every
measure which on the surface appears to favor a "workers’ re-
gime.” Invariably the seeds of Communism develop into one
universal kind of plant which bears as its only fruit the Jews’
own racial preferment, while for the credulous Gentile there is
left just as much of a crop as the chaff that falls off the grain.
In perfect expectation of the final outcome of Jew-fostered Com-
munistic movements in nearly every country, Jewish high finance
has consistently, though secretly, affiliated itself with the Jewish
revolutionaries in their common aim of promoting the ascendancy

of the Jewish race, which purpose today is and apparently not
illegally—accomplished by fomenting the Red movement among
the Gentile malcontents who embrace the creed of Marx and
It was a case of such community of interests when Litvinoff on an

mission in France in 1933, had a secret meeting with his

fellow Jew, Trotsky, the banker, Rothschild, of Paris, and the

Jew-sympathizer, Raymond Moley, from America. Another al-
— further adding the mass of evidence of the
leged contact to
existence ofwhat Disraeli described a Jewish World-Super-
Government —was press-reported Paris May, 1934,
in in
Bernard M. Baruch—"adviser” of
as be-
tween the Jews, Litvinoff,
American presidents—Baron Maurice de Rothschild, the Paris
banker, and Leon Trotsky, the man whom no country wants. If
correct, for what purpose?
The recognition of the Soviet government by the United States
—through D. Roosevelt and the Jews for whom he
acts effected with Litvinoff acting as the Soviet Union’s
Foreign Commissar. Since the American people are purposely
misinformed as to the kind of government they indirectly agreed
to recognize, it is all the more the solemn and pressing duty of
the informed and race-conscious Gentiles in this country to insist
upon full exposure of the details of both the outrageous accession
to power, and the present shameful administration, of the Soviet
regime. Flow many of our American citizens are aware that this
—through the arch-criminal Litvinoff—
act of recognition virtually
means our countenancing and treating on equal —nay, favored
terms, a regime the very of which means the
existence en- total
slavement— every sense—of Russian Christians by a power-mad
Satanic minority? Does—or does not — that of recognition
act ex-
press sanction of a system whichis equivalent to the abject bond-

age of more than 160 million white people and fellow Christians?
The broad responsibility undertaken by a country which officially
effects the recognition of a government composed of such a
clique of criminals as the Moscow regime, cannot properly be
estimated by the uninformed and indifferent American citizen.
That act of recognition of November 18, 1933, by Franklin D.
Roosevelt, was most emphatically not an expression of the in-
formed and honest conviction of the 80-percent-Aryan population
in the United States. It was certainly not sanctioned by the
majority of confessed Christians living within our borders, from
whom the actual truth concerning the Russia of today has been
systematically, cunningly, and effectively withheld, and who for
the most part are totally unaware of the actual conditions in that
country, where Chritianity has now been almost entirely abolished.
That recognition was not an act understood by honest Aryans,
in so far as thereby was sanctioned the total eclipse of a large
majority of our own white race, only to raise to a dizzy pinnacle
a bloodthirsty minority, which moreover, by scientific blood test
belongs to the yellow Asiatics.
In this connection, the following pitiful appeal was published in
a pamphlet issued from Geneva, "Religious Persecutions in
Russia,” by The Permanent Bureau of the International Entente
against the Third International, 13, Corraterie, Geneva,
"In Russia, Christians are being persecuted and killed for their
faith, as in the early days of the Christian Church. Are there
really still Christians beyond the frontier? Is it really possible,

that our brothers abroad know our situation and do not come
to our aid?”
Moreover, that American citizens were to enjoy full freedom of
worship in Russia, was one of the explicit conditions for Amer-
ican recognition. How flagrantly this condition has been violated,
along with the others, may be seen from a report from the
American representative of the Universal Christian Church, stat-
ing that on an American church planned to be built in Moscow,
at a total expense of $4000, the Jewish government had decided
to levy an annual tax of $100,000! As a typical example of
racial duplicity, this recalls the notorious statement of the Jew,
Menjinsky, widely published about the time of the Russian recog-
nition by the United States: "As long as there are idiots to take
our signature seriously and to put their trust in it, we must promise
everything that is being asked and as much as we like, if we can

only get something tangible in return!” According to recent news-
paper reports, Litvinoff has been made Honorary President of the
Russian Godless Movement.
In private life, Mr. and Mrs. Litvinoff do not mingle with the
proletariat. On the contrary, only the wealthiest Jewish families
in Europe and America are deemed worthy of their social recog-
nition. —
Their household is run on a most luxurious scale a fact
not very consistent with any honest and sincere championship of
the cause of abused and downtrodden labor.
During his three weeks’ vacation at Marienbad in October, 1936
— as stated by the monthly, Hammer, Vienna, of April, 1937
sum of 54,000 Czechoslovakian crowns,
Litvinoff spent the trifling
or about $100.00 a day, as a representative of the Soviet "class-
less” society —
held up as an achieved ideal before the workers of
the world!

Communism- A Jewish Stratagem
VERYWHERE the general public is beginning
to realize that the Jews, because of their race-
consciousness and their world-wide distribution,
can have no allegiance to any specific country,
and, as a matter of fact, practically consider
themselves as transients everywhere. That
"there are no English, French, German or
American Jews, but only Jews living in England, France, Ger-
many or America,” was stated by the Jew, Chaim Weizmann,
Zionist leader, on August 29, 1897, at the First Zionist Congress
at Basle, Switzerland.
This fact alone would motivate the Jew’s urge to accumulate
whatever is within his range of possibility. He is the original
opportunist, always ready to take advantage of any situation that
may arise in any country where he happens to find himself, and
as such he justifies to himself his characteristic instinct for ex-
ploitation which with him literally amounts to a religion. He will
be found in any field where his fertile imagination senses an
opportunity for profit.
The morals and laws of any country in which he resides are to
him wholly non-existent. It is because of this undying nomad
instinct, regarding himself as always being "on the road, that

he considers himself accountable to no Gentile authority for his

doings seeTHE Eternal Road, by Max Reinhardt Goldmann. —
This includes his methods of trading, his un-morality, and his

playing at politics in a questionable manner.

Predatory acts either on a minor scale or as enterprises of huge
proportions, are lawful for him as a Talmudic Jew, for as such
he has been taught to regard his racial and religious laws as
superseding the Gentile laws of any country. An act of rape is


thus in fact, permitted the Talmudic Jew, if it is committed
against a Gentile woman. In practice therefore, the Gentile public
is coming to be fairly well aware of the Jew’s not recognizing any
religious or moral obligation to respect the laws of any country.
In the political field the Jew always, as a
Jew, strives to obtain
power and influence over his hosts. Upon his appointment to
office in a Gentile community he of course
pledges loyalty to that
respective community or office in the usual way. And when the
Jewish candidate is seeking the confidence of the Gentile, the
latter is made to believe that the
Jew would remain faithful to
this oath of he himself would do in such position. But
office as
history discloses a mass of evidence to prove that because of the
peculiarity of his race and character the Jew can not, or will not,
remain faithful to the promises he may make to any constituted
Gentile authority. In national politics the Jew has been proven
again and again, the greatest traitor to his solemn oath of office.
Therefore by merely following his own Talmudic laws the
automatically becomes a destructive element within any Gentile

community even though he may have bound himself over to
carry out his office faithfully. This is attested in the Yom Kippur
prayer: Kol Nidre.
Again, consider Russia. The Russian workers whom the Jewish-
Communist leaders had promised to liberate from their alleged
Czarist yoke, learned through ghastly experience unfortunately,
that the Jews did not in the least fulfil their pledges to free them;
they only utilized the state of decay of former Imperial Russia

for which they had long conspired as a golden opportunity
elevate their own race on an immense scale. Even in the days of
the Czars the Jews had not been satisfied with adjusting them-
selves to the laws of the Gentiles then in power. Even then the
Jewish four percent minority insisted on the right to enforce their
Talmudic conceptions on the 96 percent Gentile majority! In
this connection, during the time of the Czars, Poland,
with a
Jewish population of about ten percent, was a part of Imperial
Russia, as were Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia and Finland.
The many and varied attempts on the part of the Jews to
inborn will
fere with the then existing order, amply proved their

to destroy. The inevitable Russian reaction is admitted as such

by the Jewish Bolshevik, M. Rafes, who, in his Otscherki Jew*

reiskogo rabotschego dwishenija Sketch of the Jewish

Workers’ Movement Moscow and Leningrad, 1929, on page 23,
in Czaristic times hatred of the Russians for
says: "Even
recognized, even as
Jews was justified, since the government had
early as in the 1860’s, Jews as the most active
members in all
revolutionary groups.”
And even the Jew-sympathizer, Count Leo Tolstoy, admitted
reports of the persecution of the Jews under the Czars

"somewhat exaggerated.” Autobiography of Andrew Dickson
White, II, p. 77. It was always the Jewish preoccupation
in an
seeking to create disorder in Gentile countries, that reacted
for these nomads who, with typical
intense feeling of dislike
"en passant, whether
irresponsibility, considered themselves just
in Russia or any other country. .

As before mentioned, exploiting material advantages in
countries during times of unrest and strife has
always been the

Jews’ best opportunity. Indeed, such conditions have most

usually been created by them for this express purpose.
of quiet and order offer the Jewish speculator far less
tunities for reaping large profits, than do conditions
of abrupt -

and extensive change. Professor Werner Sombart confirms this

by the statement that "Wars are the Jews’ harvests.”
part in
This being the case, the Jew is all too eagerly doing his
this end, it
creating such social and economic disturbances and, to
unrest and
has become his chief ambition to carry the seeds of
discord into every country. In the political field he has long

the stupendous opportunities open to the shrewd exploiter

and 1

for this reason he is busily engaged through the
promotion of
"democracy” and universal suffrage— in planting the germs of
Bolshevism everywhere, for the sole purpose
of advancing his own
rC e haS t0<lay become one of bis main pursuits;
a '
J, and his
affectedly superior salesmanship— based on his money control—
and his fluent vocabulary, are aiding him materially in his exten-
sive sponsoring of left-wing politics with
the objective of advanc-
ing unscrupulous Jews to positions of former
dynasties or indivi-
dual Gentile incumbents.
After such economic or spiritual crises—which
usually appear
together—have been of such severity as to destroy the
morale of
the Gentile population, the Jew is ready
to pursue his opportunity
and openly shows interest in Gentile affairs. For
he affects per-
fect ease
under the most chaotic conditions another
which has proved to be a most valuable asset in

working his
plan, to invade and control other nations. Since the Jew has
managed in his own way to secure control of financial and
politicalpower, of course it is not difficult for him to
assume an
attitude of superiority toward his victims—
whether nations or in-
dividuals; but his character is disclosed by his wails of
persecution” whenever he faces the prospect of
Gentile reprisals
for his oppressive and immoral tactics.
The Jew thoroughly enjoys posing before the uneducated
or half-
educated, as their savior, by impressing them
with an assumed
mental and spiritual superiority so as to substantiate his claim to
leadership. Thus for instance the idea of creating a
society as taught by Marx and Lenin is one of the many
baits withl which the middle-class
Gentile is being caught and
confused by the Jewish orator or writer. But
the professed "wel-
fare of the Gentile worker still remains the
favorite topic of
Communist argument and as a rule the Jew does
not withdraw
until he is sure of having the unsuspicious
Gentile entirely in his
power. This outward pretense of aiming
to "liberate” the "op-
pressed” and "mistreated” workers being the
Jews’ smoke screen
as it were, their main objective is and always has been to ensnare
the Gentile s mind so as to be able to use him for their own pur-
poses. And any attempt to escape Jewish influence will imme-
diately be decried by them as an act of "persecution,” for they
have the meglomaniacal Messiah-conception of themselves as be-
ing divinely appointed as leaders of the Gentiles. Their Talmudic
writings as instilled in them from earliest childhood by their
teachers and rabbis are directly responsible for this hostile

superiority complex of the Jews, for these teachings expressly

emphasize that Gentiles are not even inferior humans but actually
beasts, thus fixing the idea of "superiority” definitely in the sub-
conscious mind of every Jew.
The American author, Gilbert F. Stevenson, wrote in his book
The Cuttlefish in 1933, page 79: "What amazes the student
of the Jewish question in the United States is the stupidity which
permitted Jewish Bolshevism to flaunt itself so openly during the
past years. The only explanation is that the Jews never dreamed
that the American people would become sufficiently awake to
challenge them.” And on pages 73-74 of the same book Mr.
Stevenson states: "In most Gentiles is latent fear and hysteria
like the potential stampede in cattle. This flourishes in the minds
of inexperienced people who have gone through our American
system of schools and never learned to think for themselves but
accept ready-made thoughts of a Jewish-controlled press in toto.
The former Jewish publisher, Haldeman- Julius of Girard,
Kansas, in one of his Little Blue Books dealing with the Jewish
race, illustrates the typically Jewish conceit by his statement:
"Albany —New —
York’s state capital and Washington may dis-
appear, but the New York Ghetto will remain.” This expresses
how the Jews of the world expect to penetrate and subject if not
annihilate any and all Gentile nations and communities and at
the same time keep themselves and their ghettoes unchanged.
We also read in the Biblical scriptures, Numbers 24:8, "... he
shall eat up the nations ...” which of course is interpreted by
the Jews as guaranteeing that the Gentile nations shall disappear
but that the Jews will remain.


History discloses that Israel and its progeny actually hare eaten
up nations and subjugated their non-Jewish population, and
today’s continuation of this program is partly due to the Marxian
procedure of appealing to discontented groups of workers with
the promise of guiding them into circumstances of peace and
plenty. The Jews are employing all their skill of oratory and
trickery to induce workers to surrender to Jewish
"socialistic” leadership; and gradually the workers actually come
to believe in the Jew as the philanthropist he presents himself to
be and trust him to keep his pledges. But to the Jew this only
means the fulfilment of Genesis 27, 29: "Let people serve thee,
and nations bow down to thee.”
But after the Communistic Jews have used the Gentile dupes to
accomplish their objective of Jewish national control, their in-
terest in the "workers’ welfare” is no longer paramount as is —
proven in Soviet Russia. The Jews are only acting in accordance
with the Biblical promise as given in the Jewish Psalm 4, 3: "He
shall subdue the people under us, and the nations under our
No wonder, that the international Jewish troublemakers are at
present so feverishly engaged in trying to turn the world-wide
turmoil into such a complete chaos that it will be impossible for
any human being or group to re-establish anything resembling
law and order! The plan of the Jews then will be, chiefly under
make a great show of leading the
the pretense of nationalism, to
exhausted and utterly bewildered Gentile nations "out of the
chaos.” For this purpose they will display apparent evidence of
great political skill in any emergency however formidable. With
cunning phrases they will know how to pose as the only de-
pendable liberators of the desperate people. But it will be noted
by the keen observer that through all their pretense and all their
flowery promises, only one specific point will be consistently main-
tained —the furthering of their own cause, and, temporarily, that
of those politicians who are placed as a protective guard —or
Gentile front —
for the particular Jewish leader of the moment.
All the current penetrations of Bolshevism into various Gentile
countries are being effected through similar tactics.
An interesting statement was made by the Jewish investment
broker, Maurice Wertheim, of New York, and owner of the
weekly, The Nation, on his return from Russia in 1935. This

man, who as a prominent capitalist supposedly should have no

reason at for favoring such a "proletarian” state as Russia

is pictured to the American worker, expressed

himself as highly
pleased with conditions there, as he had observed them as re- —
ported by the New York World Telegram, November 4, 1935.

And the truly royal given the Jewish New York

banker, Felix M. Warburg, when he visited Russia with his
retinue in 1927, and Mrs. Otto Kahn in 1931, afford further
proof that the reversion of Russia to an openly Jew-controlled
country had been due to the collaboration of Jewish radicals and
Jewish financiers, and sustains the contentions herein made. In
further confirmation, Jewish periodicals and dailies keep on say-
ing that "no other government has done so much for Jewry as the
Soviet government.”
Even the notorious German Communist, Max Hoelz, now living

in Leningrad — at last realizing that the Communistic doctrines as

materialized in Soviet Russia were only created for the ultimate

benefit of the Jewish race —
when questioned by some of his Ger-
man Communistic friends regarding the success of Communism
in Russia, ironically condensed his verdict as follows: "Everything
is fine here ... it is —
a big, filthy mess eine grosse Schweinerei
... it is plain racketeering — die reine Bonzokratie,” according to
the New York Staatszeitung, July 4, 1935. Such a criticism
of the infamous Jewish bureaucracy, was eventually the cause of
his being "liquidated” in 1937.
The world-renowned Jewish anarchist, Emma Goldman, too, cor-
roborates the information culled from various sources concerning
the "first proletarian country of the world.” She said, in an in-
tervicw reported in the New York Evening Journal of April
11, 1935: "There are more classes in Soviet Russia today than in
1917, more than in most other countries of the world. The Bol-
sheviki have created a vast bureaucracy enjoying special privileges
and almost unlimited authority over the masses, industrial and
agricultural. Above that bureaucracy is the still more privi-
leged class of 'responsible comrades,’ the new Soviet 'aristoc-
” Miss Goldman also added in the same interview: "Soviet
Russia, it must now be obvious, is an obsolute despotism politic-

ally,and the crassest form of state capitalism, economically.”

As another qualified authority on Communism, let us cite Leon
Trotsky himself. In a pamphlet published in New York in 1934
by the Communist Party’s Trotsky-followers, on the Kirov assas-
sination, he describes the success of seventeen years of Bolshevism
thus: 'The economic achievements keep lagging far behind and
the overwhelming majority of the population continues to lead a
poverty-stricken existence”; which fully corresponds with the
statement of Max Hoelz.
Equally emphatic, is the testimony of numerous foreign-born
Communists of former days. Many of these were put to work
in collectives in Soviet Russia, and their disappointment was
coupled with the painful realization that they dared not return
to their native lands because of fear of being condemned to fife
terms in prison there. This has been the case with a group of
Communists from Hungary who had held power during Bela
Kun’s short-lived reign there and had afterwards come with him
to Russia where they had been put to work, as were all other
Gentiles. Being thus reduced to the status of mere working
— —
animals with Jews as their masters such practical application
of Bolshevism did not conform with their ideas of "a workers’
paradise.” Moreover these Hungarian Reds were given long
terms of hard labor for merely protesting against the methods of
the identical Communistic system that they themselves had helped
to bring into existence!

It sohappens that these former associates of Bela Kun are being
closely watched,and most certainly will not be permitted to return
to Hungary
as they might then reveal to all the world the horrible
Jewish Communism at work. They are reduced to just
details of
the kind of slaves that Jervry needs for supplying the requisites
for its life of ease. In the Ukraine, the farmers rightly name
their system ofwork under Jewish supervision, "statute labor.”
As has been stated before in these pages, the entire tragedy of
the enslavement of the white population of Russia began when
Lenin from Switzerland and Trotsky from the United States,
subdued Moscow and Petrograd in Russia with their gangster
hordes in 1917. The Sisson Report, prepared by Edgar Sisson,
President Wilson’s official observer in Petrograd, during his three
months’ stay in Russia in 1919, at the time when the actual
cataclysm was in first and most violent stage, gives a very

significant, first-hand
account of this period of anarchy. Ameri-
can Jews, determined to conceal the truth from the American
public, at once acquired the sole right of reproduction of Sisson’s
book, 100 Red Days, Yale University Press, New Haven, Conn.
This book contains a mass of authentic information regarding the
part played by the Jews in the earliest revolutionary epoch.
The Fascist, London, sums up the status of the Jews in Russia
as follows:

(1) They avoid physical work and rather stick to trading.

(2) No Jews are seen in theemployment agencies looking for
(3) Jews are displaying luxuries in a provoking fashion.
(4) In High Schools Jews are overwhelming.
(5) They are not serving in the Red Army, except in command-
ing positions.
(6) Moscow is their metropolis of activity.
Decades ago the Jew, Alfred Roth, declared in his book Die Sit-
tenlehre der Juden: "The time will come when every Jew will
have 1000 slaves.” It would seem as if, at least in Russia, this

has already come true. Communism, as yet outlawed in only a
very few countries, has served as the chief medium.
It remains a piece of typical and colossal insolence, to demand
acquiescence of every other country in the world in the monstrous
crime of robbing the nationals of one-sixth part of the globe, of
the sovereignty over their own country. On the other hand this

act is not without parallel, for in the Old Testament certain pas-
sages record the depredations of the Jews in Egypt. Exodus
11:7, curiously enough, describes how news of the Jews’ slaughter-
ing and robbing of the Egyptians was silenced, in much the same
way as information of the rape of Russia has been suppressed by
the Jew-controlled press of our days. Says this Bible record:
"But against any of the children of Israel shall not a dog move
his tongue against man or beast; that ye may know how that the
Lord doth put a difference between the Egyptians and Israel.”
Accordingly, any widespread knowledge of the millions of mur-
ders, as well as of the mass of other atrocities committed by the
Jews in inducting and enforcing Communism in Russia has, in-
credibly enough, been effectively suppressed during all these years
through a tight, world-press censorship.
It is now being acknowledged all over the world, that the Jews’

hue and cry about the 30 members of their race who were
punished for attempting to break up the German government, is
in reality a smoke screen to hide their own gigantic crime of the
— —
murder by massacre, torture or starvation of at least 30 million
Gentiles in Russia. Identical Jewish tactics were observed in the
Hungarian revolution just as they are being observed on an in-
ternational scale today. In James True’s Industrial Control
Report of August 22, 1936, he says: "Lenin repeatedly advised
his followers to accuse their opponents of the crimes they them-
selves were planning, in order to protect themselves and confuse
the public.” Therefore the Jew-controlled press of the world has
been mobilized against the "White Terror,” which in fact has
consisted of nothing but urgently necessary measures for Gentile
self-preservation, against the everywhere-present forms of Jewish
depredation. Indeed, the Talmud says: "The best of the Gentiles
— kill!” —Abraham L. Reiskind in My Conception of God,
New York, 1931.
In this day of world-wide racial awakening however, even the
Jew-dominated world press will be unable to still the aroused
conscience of the Christian world, to whose attention the Jewish
murder of many millions of Christians in the Soviet Union
finally has come. And, differently from the accounts of the rape
of old Egypt, our voices shall not be silenced for it is our own
— —
White Race that has been and always is victimized by the Jew-
ish stratagem, Communism. The world’s Jewry will be called to
account for the barbarism through which it has acquired and is —
sustaining —
its power over the Soviet Union, as well as for its

methods of international treachery in all other parts of the

As the world is steadily becoming more aware of, and averse to,
the onward march of Bolshevism, it has become imperative for
the arch-plotters to devise different tactics so as to keep their real
objective concealed. Dr. Joseph Goebbels said in a speech at
Nuremberg on September 10, 1936: "Lenin, the founder of the
Bolshevik Revolution, stated frankly, that falsehoods are not only
justified but have proved to be the most effective tools in the
Bolshevik struggle.”
Consequently the notorious Communist, George Dimitroff,
present director of the Comintern, in a speech delivered on the
Vllth Communistic Party Day in Moscow in August, 1935,
directed that the Party become more cunning in its methods by

employing the so-called "Trojan Horse” tactics that is, intrud-
ing as imperceptibly as possible into trade unions, religious bodies
and social groups. He recommended as more effective for the
Party, to lay aside for the time being, the blood and thunder
methods, and instead mask their Communistic, anti-religious
activities under the guise of Socialism, Liberalism, Modernism,
— —


New Dealism, etc., etc. Pravda, Moscow, August 6, 1935.
Accordingly the American scene is today flooded with a multi-
tude of new organizations, most of them with beautiful, idealistic-

sounding names so as to trap the unwary "bourgeois” Americans
who would not by any chance consider any cooperation with the
Communist Party if they were aware of it. Mrs. Elizabeth Dill-
ing, Kenilworth, Illinois, in The Red Network, 1934, and in
later editions, lists over 600 such organizations with an estimated

membership of 12 millions which all stem back to the mother
organization, the Communist Party of Moscovite Jews.
Some Communist leaders, however, still scorn such camouflage,
among them being Rabbi Stephen S. Wise. In a radio broadcast,
also published in his own monthly, Opinion, and commented
upon in the American Bulletin of May 15, 1935, he openly
stated: "Some call it Marxism I call it Judaism.” The identi-
cal opinion is also current on the other side of the Atlantic; for
it was stated May 12, 1936, in the Jewish periodical of France,
Le Droite de Vivre, that "Jewry is the mother of Marxism.”
Vicomte Poncins, in his book The Secret Forces Behind Revo-
lution, page 158, quotes a similar statement by the Jew, Alfred
Nossig: "Socialism and the Mosaic code are not at all in opposi-
tion ... all Jewish groups have a vital interest in the vic-
. . .

tory of Socialism; they must exact it not only on principle, not

only because of its identity with the Mosaic doctrine, but also on
tactical grounds.”
Another equally outspoken Jewish leader is Moissaye
J. Olgin,
editor of The Day, New York City. In a report on the "Con-
ference of Jewish Communists,” appearing in the issue of Septem-
ber 28, 1936, the following astonishing admission was made:
"The delegates, flesh and bone of the Jewish masses, have been
engaged in a great variety of work intended to improve the life of
the Jewish people. He who has heard about 'sinister motives’ of
Communists, about their 'boring from within,’ about their sacri-
ficing everything to the 'special interests’ of the Communist Party,
— —


would have been astonished to discover that all these Jewish Com-
munists, were repotting about and discussing activities for the
protection and improvement of the situation of the Jewish people.
For this is what the Communist Party strives for, not only in the
Jewish field but also on a nation-wide scale.”
The Israelitische Wochenblatt, Leipsiz, January 15, 1926, is
somewhat more explicit in regard to the Jews’ nation-wide scale
conception, in admitting: "Our fight goes on, not only for our
existence, but for the preservation and the development of our
whole Jewish being our All-World Domination which was taken
away from us 2000 years ago.”
All signs point to the United States as having been designated for
early capture by these same Jewish-Communistic gangsters and
their supporters within Jewish high finance. In the battle with
this foe in our own midst, it is not our best strategy to focus our
artillery on individual and perhaps newly-hired representatives of
the Communist Party, but upon the originators of the entire con-
spiracy international Jewry. In spite of all the efforts made by
the controlled publicity agencies to conceal the facts, it is quite
evident that the time is very close at hand when the whole issue
will be —
exposed in the press thus leaving the verdict to the judg-
ment of a thoroughly aroused world.


Communism a World Movement

HE task of tracing within the small scope of

this book even the briefest outline of the rami-
fications of the Jewish-Bolshevistic subversive
apparatus, obviously is an impossibility. There-
fore only a few of its most conspicuous phases
may here be brought to the attention of the
public. TheJewish coup d’etat in Hungary
has been sketched roughly in the chapter on Bela Kun, and
some of Soviet Russia’s efforts to Bolshevize England have been
recounted in the chapter on Litvinoff. Even more pointed and
detailed, however, were the subversive, Jewish activities prepara-
tory to bringing Germany under open Jewish control after the
breakdown of Russia in 1917, for the utter collapse of Germany
had indeed been long and carefully prepared for. A
Jew, Salomon Kosmanovski, alias Kurt Eisner, offered himself as
the willing tool for the task of Bolshevizing Germany, so as to
bring about the end of the war by fomenting revolutionary ac-
tivities within the ranks of the German soldiery and home

workers. Photostatic evidence from the hand of this wandering

Jew from Galicia, of his having issued a total of 3,103 checks
during the period of September 25 to November 16, 1918,
amounting to not less than 164,727,028 gold-marks, or about 40
million dollars, was reproduced in the Sueddeutsche Monat-
shefte, May, 1924. Incidentally, this sum corresponds with the
special credit of 25 million pounds which England’s then Prime
Minister, Lloyd George, asked, for "secret purposes,” February 16,
1917. As Germany allegedly could not be beaten by force of
arms, that country’s destruction from within was considered the

only alternative; and the nationless or rather anti-national
Jew, as usual, proved to be the accepted medium for the world-
Jewish hierarchy and advanced his own racial "emancipation” by
utilizing the betrayed Gentile worker.
Statistics from Germany have revealed positively that
while these
preparations for her military and economic ruin came to a head
in 1918, or were under way, Jews had been eagerly watching
such opportunity to insinuate themselves into the highest
tions in the country. In anticipation of the final collapse of the
German Empire, Jews were ready, like vultures, to swoop down
upon and grasp for themselves what was left of Germany’s great-
ness after October, 1918.
According to a statement by Muenchmeyer in Marxisten
Moerder, page 185, Prince Friedrich Leopold of Prussia, a high-
degree Mason, willingly hoisted the red flag atop his own
at Klein Glienicke near Potsdam on November
7, 1918, in ad-
vance of the actual outbreak of the German revolution.
He, in
common with practically all Freemasons, readily served as a
mediating link and subtle interpreter between the
Jewish left-
wing movements including the Freemasons, and the vested
ities, in order to stress the views, wishes and demands of the
Hidden Government. One month prior to the revolution the
Jew, Kappus, invited Prince Leopold and the secretary of the
Social-Democratic Party to a conference in Darmstadt, and
suggested thenceforth the capital of Germany should
be Frank-
fort-on-the-Main, in deference to the Jews in Frankfort.
Soviet Russia s intention to Bolshevize Germany
through a na-
tional revolution was shown by the statement
of the Jew, Dr.
Oskar Cohn then a member of the Reichstag from the
pendent Communist bloc, to the effect that on November 5, 1918,
four days before the revolution, he had received
from the Soviet
ambassador to Germany, Joffe— alias Zaphet, the sum of
4 million
roubles —
2 million dollars for the overthrow of the German
Government. Confronted with the further evidence that he
used his special official train from Leningrad for the
transfer of


revolutionary literature to Germany, Soviet Ambassador Joffe was
forced to leave Berlin, November 6, 1918.
So as to carry out in detail the secret orders of the Soviet gov-
ernment, Dr. Oskar Cohn then suggested to the first President
of the new German republic, Ebert, on November 9, 1918, that
he make room in his cabinet for the Communist, Karl Liebknecht.
This latter as well as another notorious Communist leader, the
Jewess, Rosa Luxembourg, had, while both were in prison, already
received from Soviet Russia through Ambassador Joffe, ample
funds for use in revolutionary activities as soon as their jail terms
expired in October, 1918. At the same time the Jew, Jogisches,
who later called himself Tyschko, also received huge financial
support through Joffe. With all this money these three sud-
denly burst upon the political scene in Germany as sponsors of a
new party, the Spartacus Bund —a new alias for the Communist
groups. And the Russian-Jewish writer, Radek-Sobelsohn, speak-
ing as Soviet representative in Berlin on December 29, 1918, duly
sanctioned this new, party, launching it as a German political
party of Jewish-Soviet planning. The entire Jewish-controlled
press in Germany, of course, immediately favored this Jewish
party, dealing with it almost as if it were an old national insti-
tution of, by, and for the people.
Remarkable, too, was the fact that while the revolution in Ger-
many began on November 9, 1918, already the following day,
November 10, the Jewish secret government appointed Jews al-
most exclusively as the new leaders of the Reich: the Marxist and
Freemason, Ebert, as President, the Jews, Dr. Kurt Rosenfeld
who is now in the United States agitating for anarchism, as
Minister of Justice, Hirsch as Minister of the Interior, Hugo
Simon as Minister of Finance, Eugene Schiffer as Secretary of
the Treasury, Kurt Eisner —
alias Salomon Kosmanovski as head —
of the Bavarian government, Thalheimer as Premier of Bruns-
wick; while in the former kingdoms of Wurttemberg and
Saxony, Jews were haggling over the premierships. The Jew,
— — .


Ernst, took office as Police Commissioner of Berlin. Also, on
November 10, 1918, Haase and Landsberg, both Jews, formed
the "Council of Six Representatives of the People.” With the
German armies still in the field, Jews also took over the army
command, on November 10, 1918, the day before the armistice.
Thus, the Jew, Georg Meier, was named Chief of the just-formed
Soldiers’ Council on the East Front, while another Jew, Lewin,
received the same appointment on the Western Front. Felix
Stoessinger was unexpectedly made Propaganda Chief, and the
newly formed Central Bureau of the People’s Executive Council
was headed by James Broh, both of these men being Jews.
Another Jew, Siegfried Merck, represented the "A” Army,
while still another, Nathan Moses, became the official head of
"B” Army. In the area of the Ukraine, Jacob Riesenfeld acted
as highest in command of the German troops, and Dr. Simon had
himself appointed Chief-of-Staff in Northwest Russia (Kurland)
Ludwig Lewinsohn in the 4th Army Corps, Leo Muffelmann

now a 33rd degree Mason in the 6th Army Corps, Hodenberg
in the 8th and Otto Rosenberg in the 11th, completed the list of
these newly appointed Hebrew army leaders. So as not to allow
the Gentile masses in Germany to stray from the proper Jewish
viewpoint, the Jews, Cohen-Reuss and Dr. Hilferding, were the
main lecturers at the "General Congress of the Workers’ and
Soldiers’ Soviets in Germany,” on Dec. 6, 1918, as reported by
F. O. H. Schulz in Jude und Arbeiter, Berlin and Leipzig, 1934.
As a public avowal of Jewish designs on what had once been
Imperial Germany, Karl Liebknecht, on November 9, 1918, raised
the Red flag over the former Kaiser’s palace; and the flag of the
international Jewish organization, the Independent Order of
B’nai B’rith —
protected by machine guns —
was hoisted over the
center arch of the Brandenburg Tor, the internationally famous
gateway which had been traditionally reserved for the exclusive
use of the Kaiser and his entourage. Judenkenner, No. 17,

While all these details may not be of great importance, of tre-
mendous significance is the fact that all these appointments were
made the day after the start of the Revolution, showing long-
range and thorough planning on the part of world-Jewry. It is
no more than reasonable to accredit evidence that similarly de-
tailed plans have already been worked out for the United States.
And such plans are, moreover, undoubtedly in existence for dis-
placing most other orderly governments as well, for the Jewish
problem is rapidly reaching its climax throughout the whole
Germany’s literary and journalistic activities after the collapse of
the Empire were likewise in the hands of the Jews. Thus, Max
Cohen-Reuss, Gustav Hoch-Hanau, Edward Bernstein, Rudolf
Hilferding, Ernst Hamburger and a host of others shared honors
in supplying the German people with news and literature ap-
proved by the "Chosen People” and furthering their peculiar
plans, while the viewpoint and interest of the German nationals
were either entirely left out of consideration or treated hypo-
and perfunctorily.
In Germany, as elsewhere, the whole metropolitan press was
owned and controlled by Jews. For example the Berliner Tage-
blatt and Ullstein Press were owned by Theodor Wolff; the
important Vossische and Frankfurter Zeitung were also
owned and controlled by Jews, and in addition the workers’ press,
with the Vorwaerts of Berlin in the lead, not to mention the
Communistic Rote Falme and a score of minor Jewish-edited
dailies, weeklies and monthlies many of which were camouflaged
as magazines of art, literature and criticism.
Since Judaism and Bolshevism have been running on parallel
tracks it is not to be wondered at, that the Jew, Goldschmidt, of
the powerful Darmstaedter Bank in Berlin during the war gave
a "loan” to the social-democratic daily Vorwaerts of Berlin at
the head of which paper, needless to say, was likewise a Jew,
Singer by name. This financial help for the purpose of leading


the social- democratic German
Gentile workers surely along Jewish
dotted lines, amounted
800,000 gold-marks or $200,000.00.—
From Marxisten als Moerder, by Muenchmeyer.
It was frequently suggested by the Communists that
the provin-
cial press which in many cases was still in
non- Jewish hands,
should be abolished; for a most essential part of the plans of the
Jewish oligarchy was to establish in Germany a tight, Jewish,
press dictatorship so as to effect a complete mental
over the 99 percent, German-Aryan majority, by the one percent,
Jewish minority.
Anyone familiar with Jewish press tactics, realizes that the
ridiculeswhat he fears. The treatment meted out to the distin-
guished educator, Dr. William Wirt, of Gary, Indiana, by the
whole Jew-controlled press in America after his disclosures
1934, affords an outstanding example of this, as also the per-
of the late Senator Huey P. Long. The same
sistent ridiculing

treatment was accorded Hitler’s movement then only in its first
stages— by the weekly Die Aktion which served as a sort of
literary clearing house for a considerable number of Jewish

Franz Pfemfert, referred to Munich where
Its editor,
Hitler s —
viewpoint had first taken root as the "dumbest town
in the But the extent to which the Jews even then
and hated Hitler’s National Socialism— which was
actually feared

based upon Aryan conceptions as opposing Jewish ascendancy
was shown by their shocking murder, on April 30, 1919, of ten
members of a society for disseminating Aryan Science, among
them, one woman. This mass murder was committed by mem-
bers of revolutionary groups including the
Jews, Levine-Nissen
and Axelrod, in the courtyard of the Luitpold Gymnasium in
Munich; and the victims were robbed, disrobed and mutilated
almost beyond recognition. It was later ascertained that most
the assassins were members of the "Independent Order
of B’nai
B’rith.” —
From Huber: Freimaurerei, Stuttgart, Germany.
Another outstanding figure in the process of Judaizing post-war
Germany was Albert Einstein, who, under the pretense of "Social
Service” instituted his "Internationale Arbeiterhilfe.” This huge
propaganda apparatus, built on Marxian principles, naturally had
exclusive, Jewish leadership —the Jews, Arthur Holitscher, Maxi-
milian Harden- Witkowski, Professor Eltzbacher, Dr. Alfons
Goldschmidt, Prof. Paul Oestreich, and Leonard Frank, being
Einstein’s closest associates in the organization. The Karl Marx
School was another hotbed of Communism, under the noble
pretense of "educating” the German workers. By the way,
should not the everywhere conspicuous zeal of the Jews— and
their Gentile dupes —
for "adult education” programs be a cause
for serious inquiry?
How completelyJudaized Germany’s officialdom had become,
may be easily estimated by the huge Jewish bureaucracy that as-
sumed power in the Reich after ousting its former government.
And with a Jewish population of only 1 percent as mentioned
before, the Jewish delegates to the Reichstag from the Socialist
Party in 1925 increased to 22 percent. In 1932, the Jewish
proportion in the Communist Party was 14.5 percent, and in the
Socialist Party 17 percent. A
huge army of Jewish writers was
at work demolishing the Christian ideals of Aryan Germany, and
for a long period the Russian-Jew, Karl Radek-Sobelsohn re-
mained the most influential literary figure there. Willi Muen-
zenberg, a Jew, member of the Reichstag, and editor of three
radical papers, did his full share towards inspiring Germany with
the Marxian ideals. A
most comprehensive account of the all
but complete Jewish control of the spiritual and mental life in
post-war Germany may be found in Schulz’ book Jude und
The London Daily Mail of July 20, 1933, asserted, that dur-
ing the last epoch before Hitler rose to power, there were 20 times
as many Jewish officials in the German government as com-
pared with pre-war times. And not only the political offices had
changed hands, but also many of the civic chairs and appoint-
ments. A communication of the Fichte Bund, Hamburg, re-
vealed, that in 1933, when Hitler became Chancellor, of 263
physicians employed by the Berlin Municipal Welfare Board, no
less than 183 were Jews.
A considerable duty of Germany’s pre-Hitler doctors consisted
in the creation of a new morale code after the Soviet pattern.
Thus a Jew, Prof. Felix Halle, published in 1931, a Jewish-
Soviet designed morale code under the title "Geschlechtsleben
und Strafrecht.” The following suggestion reflected specifically
upon its Jewish origin, p. 62: "Abolishment of punishment for
Sodomy according to the Soviet law!” The Soviet law in sexual
matters maintains: " .that sexual intercourse with animals is

no deed which shall be considered punishable by the govern-

ment. ...” The above "reform law” under the Hebrew author
falls under the chapter of "Sexual Revolution.”
It is entirely relevant here to recall the fact, that the leading
press organs in Germany, in referring to the revolution that had
swept the country, simply called it "a change of government,” so
as to prevent the average citizen from realizing, that it actually
had been a total racial displacement of ownership of Germany,
and a change of control of its cultural values, which had oc-
curred. The German Aryans had, all unknowingly, become dis-
possessed of the natural rights of ownership and administration
of their own country.
Besides all this, at that time Germany, as well as Hungary and

Austria, were inundated by a continuous flood of Soviet Jews,

intent upon carrying through in these countries what had already
been so successfully accomplished in Russia. The Jewish writer,
E. L. Cohn, now writing as Emil Ludwig, then in Germany, and
now in the United States under contract with the Hearst press,
summed up the common aim of the Jewish literary and political
intelligentsia at work in those days in these words: "The break-

down of the old structures of the three powers Russia, Austria,

and Germany means a considerable convenience to the
leaders of
Jewish politics.” —
Weltbuchure, No. 33, 1921.
Since then has become a matter of international observation,

that the Jews, by means of left-wing politics, have learned how

to acquire control of the immense power inherent within the
working masses, and use this power for their own racial benefit,
Russia especially presenting the unparalleled example of Jewish
imperialism gone mad. But the utmost care is always being
taken to disguise this aim under the pretense of extreme solicitude
for the poor, oppressed workers!
The Communistic propaganda machinery organized and financed
by the Communist International in Moscow, usually referred to
as the"Comintern,” since its inception in 1918 has succeeded in
most usually
establishing agencies in every country in the world,
through a subsidiary of the Soviet’s foreign trade departments,
or even the local Soviet ambassadors themselves directing the flood
of Communist propaganda now pouring as a Red Sea over the
nations of the world. Generally these Soviet agencies, too, at
strategical moments organize and transmit financial support from
The determined fanaticism, with which the
Communistic Jews
and their Gentile dupes insist upon stamping Communism upon
the rest of the world is reflected in an address made on the oc-
casion of the Vllth World Congress of the Communist Inter-
national in Moscow in July-August of 1935, when the Soviet
dictator was given the following assurance: "In the name of the
army of the millions of fighters of the proletarian revolution,
in the name of the laboring masses of all countries, we turn to
thee, comrade Stalin, our leader and faithful follower of the work

of Marx, Engels and Lenin, to thee, who together with Lenin
has welded a new kind of party, the party of the Bolsheviki.
. . The Vllth World Congress of the Communist International

assures thee, comrade Stalin, in the name of the 65 communist

parties, that the Communists always and everywhere, to the end
will stand faithful to the unconquered emblem of Marx, Engels,

Lenin and Stalin. Under this banner Communism will conquer
the whole world.”
Another proof, that the Communist movement is not a movement
of and for the workers, but a determined and age-old fight on
the part of the Jewish minority for control of the Gentile
majority of the world, appeared in a sentence from the Jewish
Pravda, of Moscow, on September 9, 1928: "Our program tosses
an open war declaration for life and death against the entire
world.” Since the overwhelming majority of the workers of the
world are Gentiles, this declaration of war against the whole
world, therefore, must include automatically, all the Gentile
workers. And Communism actually is such a war declaration,
for events in Russia have Tragically and abundantly proven, that
it is, in very fact, directed against the workers themselves. It is
— —
only the Jew, who can and does in the long run benefit by the
anti-Aryan, or rather anti-Gentile, systems of Jewish Socialism,
Communism, and Bolshevism. This combination, as enforced by
Stalin and his mentors, is of such a decompository nature, that
even the socialist Jew, Kerensky-Adler, who succeeded the late
Czar as dictator of Russia, said after his deposition: "The
present dictatorship of Stalin possesses no precedent, even in the
middle ages. The Bolsheviki have thrust Russia into a bottomless
abyss of destitution. Foreigners, who back the Soviet regime,
resemble the lunatics, who gave willing help to Nero in the
burning of Rome.”
From the overwhelming proof here presented it should be evident,
that the workers of the world, who unite under the Communistic
banner, in very fact are as the lunatics, who aid their own execu-
tioners, the racially foreign Jews, who, banded tightly together,
are committed to the destruction of all Christian civilization, of
which the workers themselves are such an all-important and in-
dispensable part.

After the Communistic or more correctly communizing Jews

gained their objective in Russia, and since Lenin’s epoch, the
identical forces are atwork with the preliminaries to the culmina-
tion of their huge world-domination program, using to full ad-
vantage the already more or less strongly established socialistic
and communistic movements, which lead directly, throughout the
whole world, to their central station, Moscow. In every in-
stance their Russian-Jewish origin can be traced. In Japan, too,
the agitators being arrested at frequent intervals, are admitting,
that they work by order of Moscow. The Communist Party,
and all otherCommunist activities, are outlawed in Japan.
The primary task of expanding Communism on a world-wide
scale —andfirst into adjacent countries —
has in many cases, if
not in most, been made obligatory with the deluded workers, who
usually all too willingly, even enthusiastically, have aided in this
labor towards their own destruction. Never for a single moment
have the Jewish tacticians swerved in their determination to
dominate the whole world!
Labor agitations on an extensive scale have long been penetrating
Outer Mongolia, China, India, and East Turkestan, where, too,
shown Jewish agitators to be
the history of the past decades has
work of instilling
at the bottom, in almost every instance, of the
the ideas of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin into the minds of
the workers. Abundant funds from the Soviet Union have been
poured into every country, where the ground already had been
prepared by the Red agitators. The financing of the Ruhr up-
heaval by Trotsky, with a million dollars during the French
occupation in 1923 has been mentioned before, and during his
stay in France he also freely aided the Communist movement
with funds stolen from the toiling workers of Soviet Russia, so
as to prepare for the political pact since effected between these
two countries. The gradual Judaization of France, therefore, is

responsible for its striking change towards the left. Through a

largely augmented Jewish bureaucracy, plus a thoroughly Juda-
ized press, France has finally arrived at the point, where the
Socialists and Communists no longer are termed rebels, but
loyalists — exactly as has been the case in the news treatment of
events in desperate Spain!
One has to be fairly familiar with the facts — the almost com-
plete Judaization of the world press first of —
all to realize, that
the Jew now actually considers himself in such indisputable
possession, that he dares terml as "rebels” the nationalists, the
patriots of any country, who stand for law and order, and not
for Communistic chaos. To the uninformed, of course, it is all

thoroughly unintelligible and confusing as it is expressly in-
tended to be.
The Moscow government has funds to enlarge the
French paper L’Humanite, so as to enable it to handle the in-
creased propaganda, which the eventually sovietized France will
have to unleash as the chief ally of Jewish Soviet Russia. So as
to stamp out all political opposition, the present "French” govern-
ment has also ordered the disbandment of all nationalistic or-
ganizations, such as the "Action Francaise” —
and the quite power-
ful "Croix de Feu.” President Blum has gone a step further in
proposing to the Aryan majority a law, which would make anti-
Jewism a punishable crime! And on February 2, 1936, the leftist
L’Ami du Peuple even advocated the formation of a proletarian
militia because of the increased Judaization of the government,
the purpose of this militia to be, of course, the protection of the
"French” government from being ousted by the Aryan majority!
Further proofs of how Jewish Soviet rules are Bolshevizing
On August 1, 1936, during a meeting at the office of the Jewish-
Socialistic paper L’Humanite it was decided to demand that
members of the French "Popular Front” be allowed to pass the
French-Spanish border without any frontier or passport obliga-
A leader in the Bolshevising of France, has been the synthetic
Jew, Piatnitzky, whose earlier missions with Borodin included —
Communizing Shanghai, Indochina, Estland, etc. It was only
Red comrades had passed the French-Swiss border
after one of his
with a forged passport, likewise, that his plans became known.
Some of the orders that were found in the possession of these
two agents from Moscow included the following essential -and —
for the —
Communist Party of France binding points:
(1) All decisions of the Central Committee of the Communist
Party in Moscow issued by the Comintern— Communist Interna-
tional —are obligatory for every Communistic branch.
(3) An extraordinary congress may only take place by orders
and permission of the Comintern.
(5) It will be the exclusive right of the Comintern to issue
orders to the party (by direct elusion of the respective countries’
laws) which under all circumstances and without any change
must be obeyed. Refusal to follow these orders will be dealt
with appropriately.
On October 3, 1936, Stalin, Dimitroff, Swerdnik, Kosinen, etc.,
held a special session for fostering their program in France.
Hence the various pro-Soviet organizations were urged to use
high-pressure tactics to get all French workers into the Popular
Front. For the supervision of all Moscow orders these three
agents were sent to Paris: Karpoff, Somoff, with the Jew Gold-
schild as leader, and political strikes were organized anew with
strike committee subdivisions in all principal cities. The "factory-
Sovietization” and within the farming districts "revolutionary
brigades,” so-called "moutons,” were the newly initiated names
to the astonishment of both the French factory workers and the
peasants of rural France. Hidden armories for the Communists
were furthermore provided through shipments of weapons from
Russia. The Communist youth movements received motorized
equipment and the "Red Pathfinders” received instruction how
to act as storm troops, and special groups were advised how to
seize and occupy factories. In order to camouflage such terror
acts these Communists sent one of their delegates to the French
Cabinet in order to protest against similar steps taken by op-


position groups, as some of the latter —the nationalists — consid-
ered the seizing of the plants for the defense of the nation. . . .
Any counter movements to the Jewish-Communistic terrorization
plans immediately were decried by the Jewish and Communistic
press agents as the "approaching terrorization of Hitlerizing
France.” . . .

While the Soviet agents in Russia, and in former days also in

Hungary, outlawed the small shop keepers as being those trade
systems contrary to the laws of a Communistic proletarian state;
in France, however, these Communistic agents even tried cun-
ningly to persuade the small store owners to support the Popular
Front "as such a regime freely would aid the little trader.” . . .
The Jewish lodge "Grand Orient of France” even went so far
as to aid the Jewish dominated "Popular Front” and to demand
a law for their racial press monopolists, not to permit the Aryan —

majority opposition to take advantage of the press freedom.
Furthermore it was decided by this very same Jewish lodge to
launch a petition that the radio and the political newsreel be

supervised by the forces in power the Jewish initiated Popular
Front and its subsidiaries. But this same "Grand Orient of
France” event admitted that the weapons sent to Bolshevistic
Spain were to be considered as their shipments. Muenchmeyer: —
Marxisten als Moerder, p. 228 .

Another lodge, the "Grand Lodge of France,” whose member-

ship consists, in its bulk, of Jews, demanded formally
that the
officers of the French Republic be sworn before a special com-
mittee, which, of course, shall consist of members of their
Jewish —lodge and a demand shall be made that the superiors of
the army and navy remain loyal to the country— in the event that
the Popular Front becomes victorious for it is Freemasonry —
alone who allegedly is fighting for the noble aims of humanity
according to the Jews, for the Aryans are being considered by
Jews and Jew-serfs as mere beasts.
This all-but-complete Judaization of France is thus gloated over
in Bluemchen’s book, Le Droite de la Race Supieure.
"At the Jewish people is master of France.
last Any attempt
at rebellionwould be futile. Frenchmen have no press of their
own; they have access only to newspapers and magazines edited
by Jews. The law courts are entirely controlled by the Superior
Race. Millions of Frenchmen are obliged to fight, whenever in-
ternational speculation demands it.”

In Belgium, the Communist Party was subsidized by a "gift” of

half a million francs, brought by the Soviet ambassador Rubinine
to Brussels on his arrival there in the spring of 1936.
According to an Anti-Comintern report of August 1, 1936, the
Soviet government donated, during the month of June, 1936,
the sum of 750,000 gold roubles to the Communist Party in
The principle of reinforcing any possible weak points in the en-
circlement of the new national-socialistic Germany had been ob-
served already in 1934, when Moscow sent $40,000 to the Com-
munist Party in Holland. It is the slave-labor of the Gentiles
in Russia, that is supplying all these millions spent solely for the
eventual glorification of Judah.
In Poland, probably more than anywhere else, the authorities
have been keen enough to recognize the disintegrating influence
of Communism not only on the state but also on the individual.
The Warsaw Police Commissioner, Landebzrski, reported in
March, 1935, that 98 percent of all Communist agitators arrested
in Poland were Jews.
Greece, before the recent establishment of a nationalistic dicta-
torship there, almost suffered total disruption by Jewish Moscow,
after it took the fatal step of recognizing the Soviet Union dip-
lomatically. The Soviet embassy in Athens was the central
bureau, from which were staged all of the Communistic riots re-
corded in that country. The reportedly strong leaning toward
Communism in Greece could largely be accounted for by the fact
that out of a total of 320 newspapers, 47 were directly promul-
gating Communism, while 80 showed decided Communistic ten-
dencies. The unlearned worker in Greece, as in other countries,
knew little or nothing of the interrelation of Communism and

Jewry or of the Jewish conspiracy as a whole. Detection and

confiscation of Communistic literature in the Athens Soviet em-
bassy was a matter of common occurrence, and every one of the
frequent raids on the embassy with the subsequent arrest of mem-
bers of the Soviet diplomacy, unearthed much conclusive and
damning evidence.
The 5th Party Day of the Communists in Greece in March,
1934, was the occasion for the issuance of a protocol which was
sanctioned by the Moscow representative of the Comintern,
Wiegler. In this the following lines from the final chapter are
significant: "In factories and workshops as well as among ships’
crews, a more intensive propaganda for the goals of the Com-
munist Party of Greece must be initiated. In conservative or-
ganizations and unions, revolutionary cells have to be formed in
order to plant the germ for their Bolshevization. For the pur-
pose of conquering the population of the country for our cause,
some traveling lecturers have to be sent out. For the education
of revolutionary leaders, schools are to be established by the
Central Committee. In case the Communist Party of Greece
should be outlawed, measures have to be taken to enable the
work to go on without cessation. In the latter case some special
leaders are to be educated.
In 1932 alone, the Communist Party of Greece received a finan-
cial contribution from Moscow of 20 million drachmen or about
$125,000. Within the Greek military units the increased Com-
munistic agitation resulted, in 1933, in 56 cases of mutiny, and
all disturbances were without exception directly traceable to Com-

munist agitators. —Adolf Ehrt: Der Weltbolschewismus,

Berlin and Leipzig, 1936.
The continuous concentration of Soviet agents upon the popula-
tion of China ever since the Russian Soviet was established, has
made North China a battlefield for years. To incite to civil war
—thus —
weakening the country and seize the reins of govern-
ment at the opportune moment, is, in China, too, the unfailing
method of the agents of Moscow and their bandit-soldiery. In
the province Kiang-tse alone, this warfare was responsible for the
loss of not less than 186,000 lives. An estimated 2,100,000
refugees had to abandon their homes on the farm land, and more
than 100,000 buildings were wrecked in the period from 1927 to
1931 with an estimated loss of over 300 million dollars. In 1934
the Chinese marshal Chiang Kai Chek issued a statement to the
effect that in the province Kiang-tse one million people had lost
their lives; and over 6 million had been deprived of their pos-
sessions in the civil war instigated by Moscow. The Jew,
Borodin-Grusenberg, is the organizer of the Communist Party in
China, and currency issued by the Red invaders and put into cir-
culation in the Red-occupied territory in China, bears the pic-
tures of Marx and Lenin. On March 5, 1933, the population of
the cities of Canton and Honan protested to their government
against the reopening of the Soviet consulates there, since experi-
ence had taught them to regard each member of such staffs as a
Communist agitator.
Other countries Far East have been similarly disrupted by
in the
Communist agents from Moscow. Freely financed by these, the
rebellious elements are causing violent disorders everywhere, with
the final prospect of civil war. East Turkestan, Outer Mon-
golia, Manchukuo, India, and Dutch India, as well as Australia,
are among the countries most seriously affected.
In South American states, too, the hand of Moscow has been
severely felt. As early as 1919, the Jew, Salomon Jaselmanns,
incited a Communistic uprising in Argentina in which accord- —
ing to an Anti-Comintern report of November 20, 1937 800 —
persons were killed and several thousands wounded. Brazil,
Chile, Argentine and Uraguay have frequently been "taken for
a ride” as a result of showing too much "tolerance” towards those



"officials”from Soviet Russia who supposedly were preoccupied
with trade or "diplomatic” affairs. For instance the Soviet trade
agency in Buenos Aires, known as the "Yhuzamtorg” and led by
a former fur dealer —the Jew Alexander Minkin—had in its em-
ploy 1,506 such "officials” during the period 1926-1930, and all
of these were known Communists whose sole purpose in going
half around the globe was to spread the doctrines of Jewish
Bolshevism in South America. The ensuing and abnormal in-
flux ofJews was represented to the South American governments
as —
an asset a point which Chile, at least, refused to concede.
For on becoming aware of the mass immigration of Jewish refu-
gees from Germany and elsewhere the Chilean Foreign Office, on
April 5, 1934, instructed all its consuls abroad not to visa any
more passports who might be identified
to prospective immigrants
as —
Jews since the Chilean supply of Hebrews "who of course
are all ambitious people” —
was already more than sufficient.
Anti-Comintern, Berlin.
Endeavors of Communistic Jews to dispossess Gentiles of their
property and nationalize it in the Judeo-Bolshevik sense, have
been observed in Venezuela, where during 1935 and 1936 the
seeds of Communism were carried to the native tribes. Workers
employed in the oil fields of the American Gulf Refining Com-
pany then approached their employer with demands for wages of
$250 per month, annual vacations of one month with pay and a
free trip to Europe each year. The latter demand was the more
amusing and merely reflects upon the originators of these de-
tailed requests as those native workers were mostly illiterates who
neither knew where Europe was located nor what countries it
comprised, not to mention what languages might be spoken there.
This showed that the agents of organized Jewry under the em-
blem of the hammer and sickle were at work to accomplish even
in such a small country as Venezuela the devastating results
Jewish aggrandizement has executed thus far in the land that
was once the great Russian Empire.
The police authorities of practically all of the South American
countries have become thoroughly familiar with the Red activities
of Moscow, and the notorious career of Alexander Minkin reads
like a dime detective story. In his capacity as Soviet Trade
Agent General in Buenos Aires, Argentine and at Montevideo,
Uruguay, he was, as early as 1926, in constant conflict with the
police on account of his incendiary activities. The exceptional
size of his staff, combined with his extremely large drawing ac-
counts in various South American banks, furnished sufficient
proof of the plans of the Moscow Soviet for the South American
countries— most of which countries have now definitely refused
to become further infected by the Je wish-Communistic virus.
In intimate connection with this Jew Minkin, was an organiza-
tion known as the Procor — as reported by Keller and Andersen
in Der Jude als Verbrecher, page 137 — an outfit set up to
provide for the settlement of Jews from the Soviet Union and
whose members were also known to the South American police
authorities as being associated with an organization named "Zwi
Migdol” and engaged in white slave traffic. Thus while dis-
seminating the Marxian-Bolshevik doctrine under the authori-
tative "Excellency” Minkin, the other side of their derogatory
mission was the lucrative business of selling Gentile women in the

South American countries in keeping with the immoral char-
acter of Jewish megalomania.
After various raids on his offices in both Argentine and Uruguay
"His Excellency” Alexander Minkin, in December of 1935 was
politely but firmly requested to let the "emancipation of the pro-
letariat” in theSouth American countries rest and to depart for
good for his native Russia. It was a stinging rebuke which he
and his perverted fellow Jews should long remember.
A report under date of April 7, 1936, from Anti-Comintern,
Berlin, reveals that among the effects of the Russian agent,
Harry Berger —
then in Montevideo— were found circulars in the
Portuguese language, ostensibly purporting to be nationalistic
leaflets but actually inciting tbe working class to simultaneous
revolution in all the South American countries. Mixed in with
much papers it was em-
tactical advice to the organizers, in these
phasized for them to grant special protection to the Jews of these
South American countries in event of a political upheaval. Is
any better proof than this required to establish that Communism
is a Jewish plot?
So it happened that the last of the South American republics

severed diplomatic relations with the Jewish government of Soviet

Russia, after the Brazilian revolts —
which in 1935 alone caused
the deaths of not less than 150 persons and the wounding of 400
others, and which were traced) directly to the activities of the

Jew, Minkin whose preparations for still further rebellions were
thus definitely interrupted by the awakening of the South Amer-
ican governments to such Jewish menace race-conscious South—
Americans say, "for good.” The background of the "proletarian
emancipation” had, in the South American republic, been un-
covered in its reality as the cleverly camouflaged Jewish con-
spiracy it actually is.

Mr. Delgass, former Amtorg

president of the Soviet Union’s
Trading Corporation in New York made a statement which
may be interesting at this point — on November 30,
in a speech
1931 — as follows: "In Countries which have recognized The
Union of Soviet Socialist Republics, subversive activities are cen-
United States and other
tralized in the embassies, while in the
countries where the Soviet government is not officially recog-
nized the general manager of the Amtorg usually is the chief of
the spy system.” With a statement like this on record, why was
the Soviet government ever recognized by the United States?
In no less degree have Cuba and Mexico been harassed by the
Red invasion. Both of these territories have their "Red Books,”
with accounts of many deliberately planned attempts to break up
existing institutions and conditions. Most of these staged riots
have been directly linked to the activities of the Reds in the
United States, including their sympathizers in the ranks of Jewish
financiers, and as such, form a story complete in itself.
In the present Spanish cataclysm which is still holding the hor-
rified attention of the whole world, the hand of Moscow is openly
shown. The arrival in Spain of the Jewish fiend, Bela Kun, was
as mentioned before, celebrated by the looting and burning of
two priceless cathedrals. In the insurrection of October, 1934,
the Spanish Reds had shown their unspeakable bestiality by hang-
ing the nude bodies of murdered Catholic priests on branches of
trees— with signs attached: "Pork for Sale.” Such practices re-
semble the acts of butchering for which Bela Kun became exe-
crated in Hungary and conform closely with the spirit of the
Jewish "religious” scriptures.
Of no less significance has been the transfer of Soviet Russia’s

former peace delegate at Geneva the Jew, Moses Israelsohn-
Rosenberg, with his staff of 140 members, to the office of am-

bassador to Spain, in August of 1936 the execution of Jewish
Moscow’s war orders against Nationalistic Spain, being his
primary task. In fact this former "peace delegate” in Geneva
has become known to be Red Spain’s actual war-lord. As aids-
de-camp to Rosenberg-Israelsohn, the Jews, Companys, Prieto
and Dr. Maranon, and Margarete Nelken, a Jewess from Ger-
many, are taking the most prominent parts.
From 1492 to 1931, Jews were disfranchised in Spain. After King
Alfonso’s deposition the Socialist government re-admitted them;
and with the simultaneous reopening of the synagogues the radi-
cal activities against the government rapidly assumed huge pro-
portions. Anti-Comintern reported that in November of 1934
a Jewish "Lord” from Great Britain was expelled from Spain for
Communistic agitation. But the direct influence of Moscow
steadily increased, and soon became pointedly directed against the
Church as well as against the existing Spanish Government.
The outbreak of the 1934 revolution was triumphantly hailed by
the Moscow Pravda in a two-and-a-half page article as an
achievement of the proletariat.” An outstanding "achievement”

of these Spanish Reds during a twelve-day campaign that cost
over 1200 lives in Catalonia was the following: — "Twenty
orphans arrived in Madrid with their eyes gouged out. These
were the children of policemen, who had been slaughtered by
Communists. ...” Scores of similar stories could be added at
will. But the Pravda was rejoicing!
The Spanish Communist paper Trabajo said on January 1,
1936, in an article entitled, "And Moscow Supplies the Money”:
"On August 20, 1935, Spain was offered 2 million pesetas, which
sum the Red Aid is to transfer”; while Bela Kun, as mentioned
before, added 3 million pesetas. The Communist Party in Spain
received, regularly, 45,000 pesetas per month from Moscow, be-
sides many special donations. The Spanish weekly, Worker’s
World, was converted into a daily, at the expenditure by Spanish
Moscow of $10,000, while the expansion of the daily Europa-
America cost an estimated 200,000 pesetas. The Spanish edition
of the International Correspondence required an additional
50,000 pesetas; while finally 25,000 pesetas were granted for the
financing of the "League of Revolutionary Atheists.”
The German weekly Der Arbeitsmann of August 15, 1936,
carried the following account as a further indication of the active
participation of the Jewish Soviet in the Spanish civil war: "On
August 3, 1936, a grand parade of civilians and soldiers was held
in the Red Square Moscow, and Swerdnik, president of the
Heavy Industries, asked for contributions for the Spanish Marx-
ists. Orders were issued under which each worker, besides volun-
tary donations, was forced to yield one-half percent of his yearly
salary to the fund. By August 10th there was deposited in the
Moscow Soviet Bank, under Account No. 159783, over 36 mil-
lion francs for the Spanish "Popular Front.” Besides this, the
Comintern gave an extra donation of 1 million English pounds.
The Spanish Marxists therefore have received from Russia over
50 million gold francs for the continuation of the civil war.”
This report covers the item published by the Associated Press
during the first week in August of 1936, that 22 million dollars
had been sent from the Soviet Union to the Red regime of
Additional indications of direct participation of Moscow in the
Spanish "civil” war was given by the New York American of
October 27, 1936, in an article stating that 60 percent of the Red
fighters in Spain were foreign Communists chiefly from Russia,
Germany, France and Italy. This report states further that on
the bodies of virtually all such that were killed in battle were
found cards of membership in the Third International, and that
most of them, in particular the officers, had pockets full of Rus-
sian gold piecesand English bank notes.
While the conflict is still raging in Spain, the stiff campaign of
the Christian, Nationalist-"rebel” forces against the atheistic,
"loyalist” troops, clearly shows the former’s determined will to
fight succumb to the deadly
for self-preservation rather than
Jewish world-tyranny. By the end of November, 1936, this war-
fare had cost Spain the loss of over 600,000 lives, and the de-
struction of thousands of churches and other national shrines be-
sides hundreds of thousands of homes.
The London Daily Mail gave still further evidence of Soviet
control in the Spanish imbroglio by recounting how directions for
had been intercepted in a broadcast from Moscow
street fighting
to Spain. "Show no mercy,” were these directions, in effect. And
Moscow not only admits these accusations but in its propaganda
literature even boasts openly of its evil proficiency. Likewise, the
Comintern proudly claims credit for having organized and ini-

tiated every important strike and civil uprising in practically

every country in recent years!
For instance the Moscow Reds boast of the following revolutions
and disorders as their work exclusively: October, 1917, in Russia;
the Spartacus uprising in 1919 in Germany; the Bela Kun revo-
lution in 1919 in Hungary; the insurrection instigated by Max


Hoelz in Saxony, in 1920; the riots in central Germany in
and the Ruhr upheaval in 1923; the Reval street battles in
and 1926; the civil war in North China beginning in
1927; the
general strike on the Pacific Coast in the United States
in July,
1934; the October uprising in Spain in 1934; the riots of April,
1935, in Cuba, and those of May, 1935, in the Philippines.
Another result of the Marxistic reasoning seems to be the wanton
and deliberate destruction of symbols and landmarks of Christian
and Gentile civilization. Thus —by order of the Soviet govern-

ment the world-renowned Cathedral in Sofia, Bulgaria was
wrecked on April 16, 1925, with the loss of some 216 lives and
the injury of about 200 persons; in
July, 1927, the Palace of
Justice in Vienna was set afire by Reds, this destruction being ac-
companied by the killing of a hundred persons and wounding of
a thousand more; during the celebration of the Lenin Festival
on February 22, 1930, the ancient SiminofiF Monastery in Mos-
cow was ordered demolished; and the burning of the German
Reichstag building, January 26-28, 1933, was instigated by these
same Communistic conspirators. Agreat many churches in
Mexico have been destroyed during the last several decades, as
has also been the case in Spain, times too numerous to recount.
A detailed compilation of activities of the world-wide Jewish-
Communistic network over several decades may be found in a
huge volume with hundreds of authentic illustrations. Der
Weltbolschewismus, Nibelungen Verlag, Berlin and Leip-
zig, 1936.
The sinister threat of world-Bolshevism has been recognized by
discerning minds for a considerable period. One such was Mr.
Oudendyk, Netherlands Minister in Petrograd during the Bol-
shevik revolution. This gentleman submitted a report to the
British Minister in Norway, Sir M. Findlay, who in turn
warded the same to Mr. Arthur
J. Balfour of the British govern-
ment on September 18, 1918. Part of this report read as follows:
"I consider that the immediate suppression of Bolshevism
is the
greatest issue now before the world —
not even excluding the war,

which is still raging and unless as above stated, Bolshevism is
nipped in the bud immediately, it is bound to spread in one form
or another over Europe and the whole world; as it is organized
and worked by Jews, who have no nationality and whose one ob-
ject is own ends the existing order of things.”
to destroy for their
A leaflet which was circulated among the Germans in post-war
days and reprinted in the Jewish World of January 15, 1919,
contained the following eloquent appeal:

"The international Jews drove the nations into the great War, in
order that they themselves might make billions of money on war
supplies. The Jews have undermined the strength and bravery
of our glorious army by systematic agitation; they haved egged
the German people on to revolution, so that they might be able,
in the general chaos, to get hold of some more millions of Ger-
man The Jews want to rule the German people, so as
to be able toplunder them still more. The German republic is
being fettered by Jews. It is no German republic, but a Jew
which Germans are graciously permitted to work for
republic, in
the Jews. Hirsch, Ledebour, Eisner, Haase, Lansberg, Kohn,
Nathan, and whatever the other leaders of the republic are called,
are all Jews.
"German Soldiers! Save the Fatherland. Save the German peo-
ple from its worst and most pitiless enemies —
the Jews!”

Little by little, the German people became sufficiently informed

and encouraged to take matters into their own hands, and so
actually saved the Fatherland from the Oriental scourge so that, —
in very fact, Germany has become the first bulwark in the de-
fense of the White Man’s civilization.
During an Anti-Communistic Conference at Asheville, N. C., in
August, 1936, a Gentile who had been living in Palestine made
the following statement: "I have had several discussions with
leading Palestine Jews regarding the future of Zionism. They


uniformly seemed to agree that it had already failed and that,
accordingly, there was nothing else for the Jews to do but to es-
tablish Communism in every Gentile country, so as to make it
possible for the Jews to 'emancipate’ themselves according to their
own racial conceptions.”
This is indeed giving fair warning to the nations, of what they
may expect. But even as far back as April, 1919, George Pitter-
Wilson made this significant statement in the London Globe:
"Bolshevism is in possession of the Christian nations of the world
to such an extent that no capital will remain in the hands of the
Christians, that all Jews may jointly hold the world in their
hands and reign, wherever they choose.”
This grim prophecy seems rapidly nearing its realization, notwith-
standing the constant ridiculing — in the Jew-controlled press of
the awakened Jew-wise elements among Christian Americans. For
instance, a columnist in the New York Herald-Tribune of
July 23, 1936, who appears unpardonably ignorant of world con-
ditions, referred to those informed groups who are aware of the
world danger inherent in the Jewish question, as people who
"have lunatic ideas about saving our culture and religion.” Or
on the other hand, is there just a chance that an expression coined
by the New York weekly, Time, a year or two ago, "kept men
the press,” might account for this particular case as well as a host
of others?
It will have appeared from the foregoing that what is generally
understood by the word "Communism” is merely a part al- —
though at the present stage the most essential one of the huge
world program being rentlessly pursued by Jewry. Another most

significant point concerns the means by which they propose
stabilize the power to be usurped through Communistic
The controlled press called one such measure their "resettlement

program” as is in evidence under the New Deal.
The Jews from time to time admit that they fear nothing so much
as resurgent Gentile individualism and initiative. Wherever they

have usurped autocratic power, therefore, their treatment of
groups in which such qualities might be inherent and therefore
dangerous to them, has been especially barbarous. For, realizing
perfectly that race and soil have been the chief factors in the de-
velopment of such individualism, they are committing the ulti-
mate crime of "resettling” whole national groups, deliberately
and on an extensive scale, for the express purpose of effacing
totally, such national characteristics.Dr. Joseph Goebbels said in
his speech at Nuremberg on September 10, 1936:
"In Ingria the Finnish population is being systematically stamped
out. From 1929 to 1931, 18,000 Finns were banished to Siberia,
and in the spring of 1935, 9,000 were forced to undergo the same
fate. Only two months ago the government of the Soviet Union
decided to drive out another 28,000 from their native land.
"In the Polish-Soviet frontier district 18,000 peasants of German
stock 'had their settlement transferred’ during the spring of this
year. From 80 to 90 persons were packed into cattle trucks and
sent to Siberia.
"Last year 4,000 Carelians were sent in banishment to Central
Asia and 3,000 to the Ural, where more than 50 percent of them
succumbed to the inhuman conditions of life and work.”
It would seem as if mad inhumanity could go no further than
thus to uproot whole communities of people from the soil that
had been owned and tilled by their forefathers for hundreds,
even thousands of years, and carry them into abject slavery in
foreign countries. But in Soviet Russia it goes still further, for.
Dr. Goebbels continues:
"In August, 1927, the Communist propaganda apparatus drum-
med into the ears of the world, proclamations against the execu-
tion of Sacco and Vanzetti. In millions of leaflets and news-
papers the Communists carried on their campaign in foreign
countries for the revocation of the death sentence. Yet what hap-
pens in the Soviet Union itself? In one paragraph alone, of the
Criminal Code, fourteen different kinds of acts are laid down
which are punishable with death. By the law
of April 7, 1935,
the death penalty was introduced even for
"Starving children in an educational institution
had often told
how good the conditions were, that prevailed there
in former
times. This fact alone was enough to. bring them
within the
terms of paragraph 58. Ten children were
in the presence of their comrades.
shot by the OGPU
In a newspaper article the
Soviet Prosecuting Attorney, Wischinsky,
recalls 'with content
and pleasure’ the first anniversary of the day on
which the death
penalty for children was established by law.”
Further comment should be superfluous
and will not here be

What Communism Would Mean

to United States

burning question of the day everywhere,
Why are the Jews taking such a dispro-

large part in the fomenting of

social unrest, and why do they work so ossidu-
ously for the overthrow of all traditional gov-
ernments so as to replace them with Com-
munism? Observing the various Communistic
"achievements” to which Jewish radicals "point with pride”

such as the Russian "experiment” Gentiles in the United States
would do well to investigate the true reason why the Jew is such
a passionate votary of Communism. The answer lies in the char-
acter of Judaism itself.

Someone said recently that if the Jews in the United States

should be put to work in "farm collectives,” factories, mines and
quarries —
like the mass of the Gentiles in Soviet Russia today

under Stalin would these Jews call such a procedure Com-
munism? Obviously, they would not, but on the contrary would
proclaim to all and sundry that such application of Communism
— as designed by their own race —
was the most horrible form of
Therefore in the last analysis the term "Communism” is a de-
liberate misnomer, for the form of government that is practiced
in Russia today is in every sense nothing short of the most abso-

lute and cruel Jewish plutocracy that could by any stretch of

imagination be conceived.
Communism — to its Jewish propagators — serves as a form of gov-
ernment which primarily assures to Jews the mastery and admin-
istration of all affairs of the Gentile population so that the non-
Jewish citizen automatically and unavoidably
becomes subordi-
nate to the Jew and has to submit completely
to all conditions
imposed upon him by members of the "Chosen
race” who have
managed to obtain control of his national government.
The Gentiles of Soviet Russia have long been aware of the
acter of this despotism. Lawton, in his
book The Russian Revo-
lution, p. 487, mentions the racial awakening that has taken
place even among the least enlightened Russian peasants
and col-
lective-workers, reporting young Gentile Communists as saying,
as far back as 1926: "Our party is a national party; there is no
place in it for Jews!”
At this time, therefore, it
becomes more important than ever to
hold up before the American worker the
conspiracy of Com-
munism for what it actually is. Commonsense tells
us that those
who have nothing are unable to give anything.
As homeless
gypsies live by getting something out of people
for telling glitter-
ing 'fortunes” to fascinated listeners, in just
the same way the
Jewish agitators are picturing the "Communist
paradise” that
they are going to create for the American
workers after these
same workers have helped the Jews to overthrow

the United
States government and our Christian institutions.
It is deplor-
ably true that, so far, only a few of these
workers are aware of
the conspiracy behind all this
propaganda for that workers’
Utopia, a future Soviet America, and it is for
this reason that
it is so urgently necessary
to spread the understanding of
aims of that ubiquitous and nomadic tribe
that is so unceasingly
promulgating the theories and practices of
Communism. Has a
gypsy anything to give away, or can he honestly
promise any-
thing to anyone living under orderly conditions?
No! Neither

have the Jewish radicals as most of the Communist
leaders are
—anything to promise, except what may be obtained
by whole-
sale robbery and theft during a terror
regime of lawlessness such
as has prevailed in Russia commencing
with 1917.
As to the character and achievements of outstanding labor
leaders, let us take the example of the late Samuel Gompers

Most of the strikes instigated by this Jew were lost battles for the

American union worker who had faithfully paid his fees and
dues; the term "Gomperism” was on every worker’s tongue for

a time meaning the "settling” of a strike to the satisfaction of

either —
or rather neither party. It was only to be expected,
that this Jewish labor leader, who was born in England, passed
away in 1924 as a threefold millionaire after having "settled”
strikes for some 30 years as president of the American Federation
of Labor. So as to sustain the confidence in this alleged repre-
sentative of the American working class, it became a routine with
the Jewish newspaper publishers in the United States to em-
phasize intermittently that Gompers in his noble task of promot-
ing the welfare of the American industrial workers, was himself
working without any salary! The best that can be said of him
as a leader is, that he successfully elevated himself from a poor
tobacco factory worker to a capitalist, continuously deceiving the
American workers by misinforming them of the true prospects
in each strike period. The fact, that a monument was erected
to him in the American capital, is just another indication of the
extent of Jewish propaganda in this country.

All the evidence to date shows that unionism with Jews as

leaders means either the financial "emancipation” of those
Hebrew leaders, or that such Jews are taking advantage of union-
ism and using it as a step-ladder by which to climb to economic

and political power for the sole purpose of furthering their own
racial schemes for world-domination including enslavement of
the Gentiles by Jewry.
Let us take an example typical of the tactics for the capture of
the dissatisfied American worker. After having fomented a
strike and caused a walkout, the agitator makes a point of ap-
proaching the men out of work, for their minds are naturally
susceptible at such stage, to the Communists’ promises of better
and more stable living conditions. "Socialism” is the formula
generally employed first for getting the workers into an organi-
zation, and to acquaint them with the theories of a Marxian-


socialistic state therefore
becomes the first and elementary lesson.
1hen, adrift between ideas of a
Marxian-socialistic society and
those of an outright Communistic regime,
our young American
worker may cling to the former for a while.
Although strikes generally are being called by
the Socialist fac-
tion of the left-wingers, the American Federation of Labor, the
Committee for Industrial Organization, or other
similar body—
which naturally boasts Jewish organizers —
numbers of other Jews
5, ? Communist section are admitted as speakers at the
. ,
Socialists meetings; and so the Benjamin Gitlows, the Israel
Amters, the Robert Minors and other Russian
Jews, keep dinning
into the ears of the American
workers their doctrines of the
world-wide class struggle”— always, of course,
cunningly with-
holding the ultimate intention of their efforts.
For the average
American Communist, it is no longer a question of
striking for
higher wages and better working conditions—
it is " the overthrow
of the U. S government by force,” and the replacement
of all
capitalistic institutions by others of Red planning.
therefore, the idea of forming a Soviet
United States after the
pattern of Russia, becomes the fertile
seed planted in the open
mind of the unsuspicious American worker, who
never before
heard anything definite about Communism and
certainly nothing
of the Jewish wire-pullers who invented the whole scheme.
The worker is next being told that
"the American capitalistic
system is so totally rotten that only a thorough
nay, a total destruction of the present
system—can give the 'ex-
ploited’ American workers any lasting
relief. In fact, the work-
ing-class of the whole world has to be freed
from its 'capitalistic
oppressors,’ its present stage of slavery, and
its economic bond-
age. While these Moscow agents occasionally place upon
rostrum some blond and blue-eyed Communist,
it has become a
truism that behind all such propaganda in
favor of a Soviet re-
gime, stand the Jews.
That Socialist and Communist agitators are working together

intimately for the control of American workers, has long been

an open secret to those who have studied the backstage activities
of both factions. The Socialist Jew, Vandervelde — alias Epstein
—of Belgium, who certainly should be in a position to know their
interrelation, openly states: "The ideal of us all, our ultimate
aim, is Communism.”
William Morris, also noted as a Socialist,
gives the following explanation: "Between complete Socialism
and Communism there is no difference whatever in my mind.
Communism is, in fact, the completion of Socialism. The Paul —
Reveres’ The Rape of the Republic, p. 5. Thus, the official
name of Bolshevik Russia today is the "Union of Socialist Soviet
Republics,” and not —
"Union of Bolshevik or Communist Soviet —
Republics.” The radical Jews employ the two terms, along with
Bolshevism, as suits the occasion. The main requisite is, that the
Jews, in their efforts to control as large a number of Gentile
workers as possible, stay at the head of the labor movements, so
as to make sure that these workers at all times carry out the
planned groundwork for the establishment of a future Jewish
In pleading the Jewish case before the world, Hebrew writers
refer to themselves as a people, a nation, a religious sect, or a
race —
if they do not find it more expedient to pose as a group of

people with minority rights meaning, with privileges. In like
fashion they use the terms Socialism, Communism and Bolshe-
vism, with the sole idea of taking advantage of the uninformed
and befuddled Gentiles who may still be beguiled by the Jewish
manner of formulating language in such a way as to further the
ends of their racial greediness.
Thus our young American worker gets his ear full of Commu-
nist teachings and the most glamorous accounts of the "Soviet
paradise”: "The former Imperial castles are now workers’ clubs
and recreational centers for Communists. For the workers there
have only eight-hour shifts, and two weeks vacation with pay
each year. Free doctors are also available. Just help us to create


a Soviet United States and
you will have all this, with no
capitalistic exploitation’ nor
any other of the social injustices
are encountering today.” you
With such assertions does the Co™
munis tic orator-with his Yiddish accent-try to convert
American youth to his ideas.
Out of a hundred or so Gentile
strikers who may be listening
perhaps ten or fifteen are beginning
to display some real inter!’
t0 n° W £ b lmt fairyland ’ the Socialist Soviet
( p
f ? ™r r:^
tU speaker not sa ? tbat Russia
is a co.,nr°


“ pC ltted ’ witb no ba ™ers what-
With women being nationalized

as public property— with
“ “
library mz; e h 8in * *
And there will be no more priests
to interfere and tell
you what to do and what not to do! What a marvelous country!
And so our potential
warmed Communist is up. Although with-

of hi ° Wn
da nCe that is bemg glven b the

and free '
^ makeS t lC aCq Ua “ tance of a g" 1 rCommunist
l0Ve is sampled as at least one
of the ffulfilments
of the many promises the Reds
had made. And
what a fine place that dance hall
is! Was not the "House of
Abundance on E. 20th Street, in New
York, financed and kept
up by Jewish bankers of Chicago and
New York City? What a
tm ° Sphefe! Fr ee food and dri «ks,
pretty Jewish hostesses,
f ;.
1 f
, .

and plenty of everything! . "This is a land of . .

mixed races. No distinction of race, creed, class or color.”

peo P k ab ke, they are all com-
rade's” . . .
"W^* f
Workers of the World, unite!” "Long . .

E niSt

spoken So * g°« b the
wo rd and by
word, h signs displayed along
the walls.


. "Take some . .
of this literature home,” says his
Jewish dance partner. "It’s
good stuff, I m telling you,” and his new
girl friend hands him
some more for distribution at his rooming
At home a few days later he actually starts
reading such litera-
ture as The Emancipation
of the Workers from Capitalistic


Slavery, Marxism Scientifically Explained, Down with Hitlerism,

The New Masses, Lenin and Stalin on the Jewish Problem, The
Emancipation of the U
. S. Negro. . . And a leaflet tells him

of another rally to be held on Union Square.

He has heard much about Union Square, but finally goes to
satisfy his curiosity. A Negro takes the soap-box. "Funny,”
thinks our young American, .. "does America need Negroes

to solve the American workers’ labor problems?” . . Then he


sees signs carried by hard-faced girls and Negroes: "Defend the

Poor Scottsboro Boys,” "Long Live Soviet Russia,” "Union
Wages for the Unemployed,” "Free Rent, Light and Gas for
the Unemployed,” "Down with the Constitution,” "Make this
a Soviet America,” "Raise the Red Flag,” "On with the World
Revolution,” "March to City Hall next Saturday 1 p.m.,” etc.

Still,without paying any membership fee, our young American

worker-on-strike actually becomes a disciple of the Marxian mes-
sage of Communism, even though he has not so far been at all
attracted by its promulgators. "Just come and hang around,”
is the invitation from a curly-haired and hook-nosed short,
fellow —
with an accent he has heard only once before, in one of
the second-hand shops where he bought a pair of trousers.
Another young Jew suggests to him to bring his friends along
"to help fight Capitalism,” he throws after him.
Somebody takes him to the office of he Daily Worker which he
has heard called "the only workingman’s paper in the United
States.” In the dark and dingy hallway, he is being told that
last year, inone month alone, four million pieces of Communist
literature were distributed in the United States. He learns,
furthermore, that over 700 branches of the Communist Party are
already in existence in this country, that more than 300 maga-
zines and newspapers with Communist tendencies are being pub-
lished here. —
"Just have patience he is being told the Com- —
munist Party is growing. Soon there will be a Soviet United
States with no more unemployment.” Another dark-skinned
fellow, intimates that Moscow spends over six million gold dollars
year “ fhe United States for the communist
Koosevelt likes Communism, and so does Mrs. Roosevelt—
even if
they don t show it ” whispers one
shady figure. "The number of
Communist schools is increasing,” he hears from another, who
jostleshim in the hallway. "Do you want to make money?”
finally asks the party worker who had wanted to take him
headquarters. Sure, our American youth answers.
right, you are gomg to sell papers tonight.”
And so he calls out, as he runs through
the subway cars: "Read
the Daily W° r ker, the only workingman’s paper in
the United
States, Hear the leader speak,” "New
Attack on the French
Government, Hitlers Government is Crumbling,” "Read
About Hearst, the Liar,’ ’"Daily Worker
just out,” and so on.
He does not know what it is all about, but his new friend
at the
officeon East 12th Street had told him what
to cry out when
gomg through the trains. "Even if nobody buys, just keep on
telling what we want the world
to know.” And so he does,
or less half-heartedly, what he is
told to do. But he feels like a
gambler, and one adrift. He did not
make any money at all, for
hardly one man m
a ten-car subway train ever bought
the Daily
orker or the "Dirty Worker,” as
someone called after him.
Just for the thrill of it he tried it once,
but he had no con-
fidence m job he was told to do. Nor did .this
seem a prospect to make him happy or to
safeguard his future.
Nevertheless he went to hear the leader speak in
Madison Square
Carden. The iorces that have created a Soviet Russia, will
create a similar government in Germany, and in the United
States, he heard.
No w, what were those forces, and who were they,
that had
brought about the Soviet government in
Russia? Were they of
tfie same calibre as those repellent ones that
our young factory
worker had met in Union Square, or at the
office of the Daily
Worker? Or even as those sitting all around him
right there


in Madison Square Garden? What was it that all these foreign-

looking people wanted to make, out of the United States? A
Soviet United States? What does "Soviet” mean, anyway?
"Knishes (meaning fried potato balls, a Jewish tidbit) five cents
a bag,” someone was yelling beside him, and he looked shyly
at the creature. Even that ugly vender cried out: "Workers
of the world, unite!”
Unite with whom? Would he unite and associate with gypsies
— even now, when he was "broke” and out of work, borrowing
from all the friendswho still had something? What’s that? . . .

"A telegram from Mayor LaGuardia, and one from Rabbi

Wise.” "So they also associate with Communists,” was his first
"Moscow Daily News/” another dusky foreigner shrieked. . .

"What have we to do with Moscow, here in the United States?”

our young American asked himself, wondering what part that
paper could play in solving his problem of unemployment, and
how he would get his next decent meal. "Smash the bourgeoisie
and the capitalistic system! — to-hell with Washington,” shouted
another brash-looking foreigner. "World revolution,”
"World revolution,”
—"World .

. .

. . .

Would these politicians bring him relief from the troubles in

which he was now involved? What, indeed, was meant by these
"forces that have created a Soviet Russia will create a similar —
government in the United States?”
. . .

Are there really forces in existence, which at will can change

a government without asking the people, and without legislation?
Right there somebody out of the crowd flashed the answer: "To
hell with legislation!” . . . "World revolution!” replied another
fellow back of him. . . . "Dictatorship of the proletariat!”
criedsomeone else with a pair of weird-looking eyes.
"Does the United States have to ape Russia anyway, or any
other country?” he wanted to ask.
"Morning Freiheit just out,” . . . "Camp Nitgedaiget folder

free!” he was told during the intermission

by a young Tew, in
that babel of alien gibberish.
He had never before heard so many foreign words, nor seen
strange faces, nor had he ever been approached
by such a horde
of 'comrades” —
of whom he almost felt afraid.
"What was Communism, anyway? What was behind all the
excitement of those Communist leaders and of those who fan-
cied themselves as belonging to the front ranks?
Could anyone
Would the outcome — if this country should actually turn to-
wards Communism—be identical with what has happened in
What would the transition stage be like, after the Communists
as he —
had seen and heard them started to run this country?
And how would those American citizens who were opposed to
that foreign Communism, react under a regime
that had been
actualized not only without their consent but in
spite of their
most strenuous opposition?
What would it look like when the Communists—as in Russia-
had seized the United States government and abolished
all the
constitutional rights as yet enjoyed by American
The world does, indeed, owe the young American worker an ex-
planation, and a full account of how the change of government
actually did take place in Russia and of what the "change” has
done to the Russian people —including the workers.
Since the Communist leader is the front for the
Jewish con-
spiracy both in this country and throughout the
world, his state-
ments cannot be dismissed as mere idle talk. It is
entirely reasonable to suppose that measures
identical with those
taken in Russia would be duplicated here, and the American
entitled to every possible enlightenment as to what
lic is
may be
expected, if and when this"change” takes place. few aspects A
of what may actually happen, will be given in the following
pages: . . .



Even to a greater extentthan at present, Jews of foreign birth

—financed by American and European International bankers
would invade the country. The first active step would be to seek
to bribe the executives of the army and navy, and then to con-
fiscate all the industries and the private property of the Ameri-
can Aryans. In this connection it will be remembered that inti-

mate details pertaining to all businesses and industries in this

country were obtained by the "Code Authorities” established
under the National Industrial Recovery Act back in 1933, and
made available for Jews and others in position to profit by them.
Seizure of jewels and all precious metals would follow. Those
who way would be murdered by hordes
offered opposition in any
of bandits —bribed
by the Jewish bankers and camouflaged by
Army uniforms. Any
objectors to the usurpation of such out-
rageous power by these criminal Jews would immediately be im-
prisoned without a hearing.
In line with the new and the new "standard of social
order,” the nationalization of women would become the sensa-
tional new "thrill.”American Christians might become per-
. . .

sonal witness to acts of rape —

which would be given "legal”
sanction throughout the "United Soviet of America” for the sat-
isfaction of Jews and their Negro dupes to whom Jewish Com-
munists have long made promises of this kind.
In girls’ boarding schools one would find self-appointed Jewish,
male teachers sleeping in the dormitories where the honor of —
one’s sister would be no safer than that of an outcast on the
The American clergy would be starved to death. The Jewish
commissars responsible for the adoption of the new "Talmudic
laws” would brand the entire Christian clergy as madmen who
as "reactionaries” besides —
must be eliminated. Since these same
Commissars would administer the distribution of all food cards,
and no food would be available except that locked up in "govern-
ment” warehouses or for sale at exhorbitant prices in luxury

storesfor the

comrades,” the Chirstian clergy being refused
food cards would be worst-off of all.

There would be a certain number of "luxury” stores for those
Soviet officials who could afford to buy there. These
would be
seen making their daily purchases in these stores established
the privileged class in a supposedly classless society
honest, toiling Americans would have to stand in line
while the —
and wait
for the rations allowed them by "law.” And what starvation
rations they would be!
Out of a hundred officials in key positions it) the Soviet United
States, at least eighty would be Jews. Under Bolshevism all the
Christian office-holders would be disposed of, for
only Jews or
their obedient sycophants would be "fit” to run
the country ac-
cording to the Jewish pattern. For did not Marx
stipulate that
Jews would have to "free” themselves, before they could "free”
All Christians and lesser Jews would be placed in
under Jewish authorities, since all industries as well as
all farm-
ing would be "nationalized.” The distribution
of all foodstuffs
would be rationed so that the Jewish overlords could
control the
entire dispensation of all available food, as well
as all means of
The national emblem The and Stripes would be replaced
by the Red rag with the Hammer and Sickle, and the
six-pointed star of David would adorn all of our official
as it is already being used by some
of our government de-
Americans— always fond of traveling—would have to adjust
themselves to staying at home, for traveling to foreign
would be prohibited for non-Jews. It would be only one kind of

people the group of Commissars and other "loyal” folk of
race— who would be allowed to travel in foreign lands. For
Americans of Christian stock the borders would be closed, like
the gates of a —
jail as is the case in Soviet Russia — for the Chris-

tians in America would be closely confined to their "collectives,”

mines, or labor camps, as the case might be. To own an auto-
mobile would also be the almost exclusive privilege of members
of the "Chosen race.”
One of the first acts of the new "United States Soviet govern-
ment” would be the establishing of a terror-police whose foremost
duty it would be to "protect” the Jew in every way.
In this country —which has frequently been called "the cradle of
liberty” —every expression act displeasing to the "Chosen
race,” would call down retribution of the most ruthless
kind. To this end an immense government spy net would be
established, so that even in the bosom of his family the white
American would have to scrupulously watch his words and
In her book Red Virtue, Ella Winter cites two cases of Jewish
sensibility in Russia. In one instance a man was immediately ar-
rested for having made the remark: "... that is a Jewish
name . .and in the other case she states: "A man was im-

prisoned for making an anti-Semitic joke.”

The procedure in such cases might be as it has been in Soviet —

Russia that parents would be taken out of the home at night,
leaving young children to go on the streets, and the home closed
by order of the "U. S. Soviet government.” . . The parents .

would be interned, or "liquidated” the new term for "killing,”
coined by the Jews in Russia. . . These American children

would be homeless, and forced to exist in the same manner as do

stray cats and dogs. It would then be a mere matter of time
until these children would become infected and liable to carry
any kind of disease, since they would be living in unsanitary
places, seeking shelter in any covered spot such as hallways,
under the arches of bridges, in railroad tunnels, and so on.
If it should happen that the number of such dissipated and dis-
eased American children should reach a formidable figure so that
the state and city hospitals simply could not accommodate them,

there would be a precedent for the remedy: The machine gun.

These young American children would be taken out of the city
under the pretense of being taken on a picnic, and when seated
nicely on the ground, destroyed by hidden machine guns.
This procedure would appeal to the "U. S. Soviet” officials as far
preferable to the tedious, troublesome and expensive hospitaliza-
tion of such children. And it would have the advantage of be-

ing in perfect accord with "Talmudic law” the new official law
of the "U. S. Soviet government,” and which states, in Baba
Mecia, 114, 6: "You (Jews) are human beings, but the nations
of the world are not human beings, but beasts.” So, if "beasts”
in such numbers happened to be afflicted with disease, our Jewish
masters would not bother wasting money and time on such
While mentioning machine-guns, it might also happen, that some
few hundred former American officers who had been wounded
in the fracas which had arisen incident to the establishment of
the Soviet in America, and hospitalized, would be taken outside
on stretchers and "liquidated” in the same quick and efficient
manner. Why not?
This has been the procedure of the Jews in Russia and in Spain
— since 1917! So what else could American Christians expect?
The right of free speech would belong exclusively to the "U. S.
Soviet” officials, to their race and their obedient servants.
It might happen that some millions of American farmers who
had not agreed with the Jewish idea of wholesale government
farming but who had nevertheless been forced to turn their entire
harvest over to the Jewish farm Commissars, might die of starva-
tion. For the "U. S. Soviet government” would need all the
grain for export so as to obtain sufficient foreign currency for

propaganda purposes that the doctrines of Jewish Communism
might “bless” every corner of the world. This fact would be
brought to the attention of all the "U. S Soviet” judges who —
would be with scarcely any exception, of the Chosen race for —

whom else could be trusted with the administration of "holy

Talmud justice”? —
Any such judge his name might be Louis D.
Brandeis —might make the observation, that since these millions
of American farmers were only Christians, why should any-
body care?
According to the new Talmud law of the land, this would be
quite all right, and there would be nothing anyone could do
about it. For this same "Honorable” Louis D. Brandeis had a
large share in establishing a united Jewish front, when he urged
in his Zionism, pp. 113-114: "Organize, organize, organize, until
every Jew must stand up and be counted —counted with us, or
prove himself, wittingly or unwittingly, of the few who are
against their own people.”
Since the churches and all their affiliated institutions would be
pronounced "reactionary” by the new "U. S. Soviet government,”
it would become a paramount necessity to cast the American

mentality in a new mold, so as to eradicate permanently the "silly

and sentimental” conceptions with which Christianity the —
"opium of the people,” according to Lenin, the "grand master”
of —
Communism had "drugged” the world. Therefore it would
be necessary to remove from all American homes and prohibit
from sale, all "sentimental” pictures and statutes such as those
of Christ and His followers, and replace them with pictures of
"real” heroes such as Marx, Engels and Lenin.
Let the people pray to these gods, would be the Soviet dictator’s

order for had they not been descendants of the world’s most
"aristocratic” race, and the "liberators” of the "working classes”
Because, therefore, the influence of the Church on the American
character would be considered as diametrically opposed to the
spiritof Judaism, it would be necessary for the new Jewish gov-
ernment to sanction and openly subsidize the Jewish-atheistic,
Godless movement —which is already well under way.

Since the usurpation of material world power is and always has



been the central point of the Jewish "religion,” the Jew has

always felt qualified and even divinely appointed to place hii —
"David’s star” of materialism on anything within his reach.
So as to tempt the taste of those Americans to whom such a
Godless movement might not appeal, the various atheistic move-
ments in which the Jews have played so active a part would also
be continued in full force, and be made semi-official.
All these groups enjoying the favor of the new Soviet govern-
ment would work closely together, and if any Christian church
offered opposition to the ruthless process of Judaization in spite
of all discouragement, then the members of the Godless and
atheistic groups would get together and vote for the razing of
that church or — —
even better have it converted into a warehouse,
a movie theater or a dance hall. In the case of a smaller church,
it might be turned into a Communist club, or a house of prosti-
tution. The Judaized U. S. government would usually sanction
any such suggestion coming from the Communist party, which,
of course, would not bother to consult the church members to
whom the church rightfully belonged.
And thus it might happen, that soon the dictator would issue the
proclamation that after twenty years not a single church would
be allowed to remain on American soil. It would be a matter for
common observation however, that not only would the Jewish
synagogues not be disturbed, but money would even have been
appropriated by the government for the erection of many new
Jewish temples.
All this of course would be causing great consternation among
the Gentile people of the former United States of America
but few of which people had taken any steps whatever to protect
their nation and institutions while the Communist party was still
in its incipiency.
The new "U. S. Soviet government’s” independence of modern
scientific invention might be shown by its method of constructing
some important canal work, for instance. For, as in the days of


the great Solomon, would there not be millions of Gentiles

Christian-American "white collar” convicts — available to blast
the rocks and carry away the dirt? . . . Mere "beasts” who would
be forced to submit to the rule of the "Chosen tribe”? And . . .

of what consequence would be the physical collapse of even

hundreds of thousands of such?
Since it has become a matter of worldwide recognition that no
other race is capable of turning-out newspapers acceptable to

Jewish low moral standards, it is a foregone conclusion that none

but scions of the "Chosen People” would be trusted to control
and dispense any kind of government publicity whatever. And
there would, of course, be no other. As is the case in the "model
state,” Soviet Russia, no dissenting voice whatever would be al-
lowed. Also, for the representative viewpoint and the "proper”
historical valuation of the changing of America to the "new
order,” only Jews would be found to possess the "proper” quali-
fications; none else would be considered capable of recording and
adequately publicizing the "marvelous achievements” for the
"benefit of the people” under the "glorious” regime of Jewish
Communism. For it would be of the first importance, of course,
that the rest of the world should obtain authoritative information
of the "complete success” of the Marxian doctrines, and of how
they had entirely "liberated” the working masses in America. . . .

All the high military posts would at once be taken by Jews. For,
since the Jew assumes that he is born to dominate the weak-
kneed Gentiles, it would be only natural for members of his race
to be in charge of all military establishments throughout the land.
Even in civil aviation Jews would be at the top. Not because
they have ever excelled as aviators — that profession is much too
dangerous to life and limb —but only for the sake of holding
absolute control of a department so vitally essential in our
modern times.
Heavy and light industry, agriculture and finance, mining and
forestry, public construction and mechanical research, interior de-


partments and foreign affairs the key positions in all these
branches would be taken by members of the "Chosen race,” which

had its early home in the Arabian desert! for it would be con-
sidered that hardly any Christian-Americans could be found who
are capable of administering such positions to the "satisfaction”
of the "U. S. Soviet government.”
It goes without saying, that all ambassadors to foreign countries
would have to be full-blooded Jews, so that all the world would
be properly impressed by the "leadership” of their race in the
"U. S. Soviet.”
The "old racial dreams” of dominating all the Gentile world was
going to come true sometime, so why not now —
with Communism
already penetrating the world to such a formidable extent?
So as to make minds of the people would develop
sure that the
along the proper Judaistic lines, it would be of supreme im-
portance, that the children be trained in the orthodox Marxistic
channels, and therefore Jews would be appointed to all presi-
dencies and principalities of the governmental-educational insti-
tutions —
and there would be no others. What trouble and ex-
pense had not the "Soviet American Government” already had,
with re-forming the "misled minds” of these obstinate Christians!
Certainly, it would be seen to that this was totally eliminated, by
training the minds of the children along Marxian lines from the
very start.
None of these things, or worse, can happen in America, if the
Gentile workers do not lend their support through the radical
labor unions to the Communist Party —
of the real nature of which
the mass of American workers know literally nothing.
Would they have given such support as has been given to date,
if they knew that within a few years they would find their sisters
and daughters prey to lewd Jews and negroes?
Advocating "equality of race” and indifference to the sanctity of
family relationship, the Communist Party has consistently spon-
sored the idea that the negro and the Jew should be at perfect

liberty to violateany Aryan-American woman, and red-blooded

Americans have long realized that Jewish lawyers in this country
would be sure to defend negroes caught in the act of spoiling the
blood of white women. Under Communism in actual practice,
women are subject to assault by any beast of a
therefore, white
man who happens to be in the mood; for white people under
Communist rule would have no rights whatever —
being, accord-
ing to the Talmudic text, "mere beasts.” In line with what has
taken place in Communistic Russia, American society women
would probably have to dance for the "entertainment” of im-
moral and semi-savage Jewesses and their sadistical-Bolshevistic
henchmen; and refusal to comply with such beastly require-
ments would simply mean death under indescribable torture.

All these details based on actual happenings in Soviet Russia
and revealed in some cases only through Jewish boasting have —
been cunningly hidden by the Communist agitators, especially
since the recognition of the Communist Party in the United
States legislature.
In a speech in the interests of Zionism, at the New York Hippo-
drome on June 8, 1936, Communist leader Earl Browder fur-
nished obvious indication that he was betraying the "cause” of
the workers when it conflicted with the interests of his Jewish
employers. In discussing the appropriation of land for the Jews
in Palestine, he frankly stated that Jews arriving there should be
allowed to on the land as it could be bought up from the
Arabian owners, adding, however, "But to get hold of this land,
theArab peasants who live and toil on it, have to 6e driven oft.”
This "workers’ leader,” though a Gentile, plainly subscribes to
the Talmudic law —
Baba Batra, 54: "The estates of the Goyim
(Gentiles) are like the wilderness. Whoever first settled had
a right to them ...” and seems to find it perfectly consistent
with his role as workers’ leader, to support the Jews’ Talmudic
first-rights as against the native Arab’s right of ownership.

Senator Gaudin de Villaine of France, in a speech on May 13,


1919, expressed this very plainly in the following words: "The

Russian revolution and the Great War of 1914-18 were only
phases of the supreme mobilization of the cosmopolitan power of
money, and this supreme crusade of gold against the Cross is
nothing more or less than the furious aspiration of the Jew for
the domination of the world.
"It is the high Jew bank, that has fomented in Russia the revo-
lution prepared by the Kerenskys, and finally perpetrated by the
Lenins, Trotskys and Zinovieffs, as was yesterday the Communist
coup d’etat in Hungary, for Bolshevism is nothing but Talmudic
"The Russian revolution was a Jew revolution supported by Ger-
many, the cradle of modern universal Jewry, and the Bolsheviks,
the executioners of the bloody Russian agony, are all, more or
less, of the race of Judas.”
Later events have amply shown Germany’s repudiation of her
role as the "cradle of modem universal Jewry.”

Browder will be unable to hide the fact that the Jews in the
United States are zealously working through him for the over-
throw of the American government by means of thinly-disguised
Communist activities in the ranks of labor and politicians. Just
as the Russian worker has been degraded and enslaved in the
Soviet by these same forces, the American workingmen are being
hoodwinked into supporting unions which are being used for the
destruction of all the rights and privileges which the American
citizen has enjoyed to the present moment.

The Jews are interested only in Jewish supremacy, which is all

that Communism stands for, and in this lies the sole and funda-
mental reason why the Jews so ardently embrace the idea and
program of Communism, for it has been a most effective screen

behind which to work toward their real objective the capturing
of economic and political control in one nation after another
until they can be undisputed masters of the whole world.


In view of Browder’s bald announcement of the coming sovietiza-

tion of the United States, it becomes a life-and-death matter for
the American people to learn exactly who and what those forces
are that have turned the Russias of the Czars into the shambles
now touted as the "workers’ paradise” under the name of the
Union of Socialist Soviet Republics —
and where and how such
forces obtained leave to create such a hell on earth.
The various strike riots as well as other more or less successful
putsches instigated by the Communist Party, have always shown,
that Jews are the main fomenters of all social unrest. Col. E. N.
Sanctuary of New York, stated that in the strike on the Pacific
Coast in 1934 organized by the Australian- Jew, Harry Bridges,
out of 19 Red agitators arrested no less than 11 were Jews. In
other words, 11 Jewish agitators out of a Je wish-claimed popula-
tion of 4,250,000 —
and 8 agitators out of a Gentile population
of 125,000.000. Proving that they miss no chance of at-
tempting to undermine the national stamina, Communist girls

mostly Jewish are using their sex appeal in approaching enlisted
men with Communistic literature so as to demoralize the armed
forces of the country. In their pamphlets, too, much explicit ad-
vice is given for the preparation and carrying out of mutiny.
The fact that even a number of notables in this country, such as
senators, congressmen and executives of a certain standing, are
subscribing to the tenets of Communism, merely testifies to their
total ignorance as to its real nature. When such a well-known
writer as Upton Sinclair joins the group of other misinformed
intellectuals and exclaims in his book Oil, on p. 500: "Where
would the radical movement be without the Jews?” one can only
pity him for his ignorance of the actual facts. The Communist
movement is like the iceberg in that only a tenth appears on the
surface, while its real bulk is temporarily submerged but ready

to swing into action at a —

moment’s notice at the call of its
Jewish masters.
All this irrefutable evidence leads to the definite conclusion, that

the radical movement is entirely in the hands of the Asiatic Jews

and completely controlled by them. Communism IS a foreign
importation, and out-and-out un-American. The National
American Bulletin, New York, of October 8, 1936, records a
New York Communist as having stated, that "the day is not far
away, when we will shoot the rich, as they ride by in their limou-
sines, for,” he continued, "the only way to get rid of the rich is
to eliminate them!”
The Communists’ frequent announcement of the coming violent
overthrow of the United States government, and their openly
stated intention of using terror methods in seizing possession of
all the key institutions and major industries in the country, are
all and therefore anti-national
parts of the incitement to civil war,
throughout. One of the subtle features of this real "American
tragedy”-in-the-making, lies in the fact that the Chief Executive
is so blindly following the dictates of his coteries of Jewish brain-
trusters, who covertly if not openly, sympathize with and give
their — —
not always tacit support to the most dangerous elements
in this country. One might, for instance, recall the suddenly
checked press disclosures of the thoroughly corrupt Minnesota
political machine of the late Floyd B. Olson —
with whom the
Chief Executive expressed himself as being in accord.
It does not seem out of place here to throw some light on one of
who, though himself a Gentile, was assiduously
his late advisers,
promoting the Communistic outrage being prepared by the Jews
here. This man was none other than Rexford Guy Tugwell, late
professor of Economics at Columbia University and also late
Assistant Secretary of the Department of Agriculture in the

and called, by the way in The Saturday
President’s cabinet,
Evening Post of August 1, 1936, "The President’s Idea Man.”
Of what particular value Mr. Tugwell’s ideas may have been to
the President and incidentally to the country, may be concluded
from the following example:
Mr. Tugwell visited Russia in 1927 as member of a trade corn-

mission, and subsequently, along with Stuart Chase and Robert

Dunn, edited the commission’s report "Soviet Russia in the
Second Decade.” Here, in the chapter on "Industry and the
Gosplan” by Stuart Chase, are compared the figures of the
domestic animal stock of the year 1913 with those of 1927, ac-
cording to the Soviet government tabulation as submitted to the
They were for 1913
35.500.000 horses
60.300.000 cattle
20.300.000 hogs
120.800.000 sheep and goats

a total of 236,900,000 head of livestock

and in 1927
29.100.000 horses
64.100.000 cattle
18.100.000 hogs
121.600.000 sheep and goats

232.900.000 head
However, in 1933 another report of livestock in Russia was is-

sued, which the Tugwell commission has failed to submit to the

people of the United States. It appeared in the official Pravda
on December 6, 1933, and sheds a quite different light on Soviet
Russia’s Communistic "experiment”
in collective farming. The
figures in this report arc:
Russia had 113.000.
in 1913
000 horses
000 cattle
000 hogs
000 sheep and goats

000 head of livestock


and in 1933
7,000,000 horses
5.800.000 cattle
2.500.000 hogs
7.400.000 sheep and goats
in other words, only about one-tenth of Russia’s pre-war figures!
Neither before nor after the official recognition of the Soviet
Union by the United States in November, 1933, has the Amer-
ican public received, either from its government or through its
Judaized press, any truthful report of the Communistic de-
velopments in that country. The whole system having totally
failed, the authoritative Tugwell have never seen fit to fur-
et al.
nish any adequate picture of the social and domestic conditions
there, nor have they given the public here, even a belated cor-
rection of their misstatements about Soviet Russia.
Being appointed by the New Deal "braintrust” as a supposedly
expert —
on national-economic matters, Tugwell as growing num-
bers of men in America now perceive from a thoroughly Judaized
angle —evidently considered it sufficient to report the erroneous
data furnished by the irresponsible Soviet government such pre- —
sumably being the orders of those, who appointed the commission.
If this Tugwellian report is which he
typical of the ideas with
furnished the President, is it any wonder, that the Chief Execu-

tive seems to entertain such a favorable opinion of this govern-

ment he let himself be railroaded into recognizing?

The disproportionately large number of Jews now officially and

unofficially connected with the United States government, the
entirely Judaized press as well as the international news exchanges,
such other propaganda agencies as the stage and screen, and the
commercialized radio, are all responsible for the deplorable mis-
information and consequent ignorance of the people as to the true
conditions in Soviet Russia.

And to Soviet Russia, where the Jewish element has totally sub-
merged Christian and Aryan civilization with its anti-Christian
government activities, the President of the United States dis-
patches his "sincere felicitations on this memorable anniversary,”
according to the London Morning Post of November 9, 1935!
Nothing could better testify to the President’s sympathies with
the Jewish revolutionaries who made possible the events of
November 7 and 8, 1917, in Russia, than this telegram to Kalinin.
Jews and Jewish-minded Gentiles in the Roosevelt administration
have actually established definitely Communistic experiments
here, one of which is the Tennessee Valley Authority power pro-
ject. Col. E. N. Sanctuary of New York, quotes in a pamphlet
recently published, the following description of certain conditions
in Norris which is the principal township of that district: "There
is no church or place of worship in the town of Norris, Ten-
nessee, except a Community House built by TV A
as an agency
of the United States Government. There is no Protestant
Church and no Catholic Church in Norris. All property in
Norris is owned by the United States Government. If this does
not mean Federal control over religion, it can mean nothing, for
the simple reason that the Government owns the Community
House in the same way that the Baptists of your city own the
Baptist Church there. The Government-owner of the building
can dictate its use. . Literature published by
. . TVA
shows that
no one is employed unless he be socially-minded. There are no
persons living at Norris except Government employees, and in
order to live in one of the three hundred and fifty residences
there, the tenant must be socially-minded, and employed by the
TVA. . There is no doubt that this scheme brings about a
. .

correlation between State and Religion, though without any

specific church being mixed up in the matter.”
How powerful the Jewish influence had been in that locality for
several years, previously, without being generally recognized, may
be gathered from a record dating back to 1920.

It was in December of that year that an outstanding Russian,

Major-General Count Cherep-Spiridovich arrived from Europe.
This man had compiled an exhaustive collection of data concern-
ing the Jewish rape of Imperial Russia, and was for this reason
detained at Ellis Island by the immigration authorities, until he
made the promise not to engage in anti-Jewish activities here;
that is, not to disclose the actual facts of the treatment meted out
to the Gentile majority in Russia. It was, of course, represented
to the American authorities that such disclosures would be an
unjust exposure of Jewish activities, which might possibly have
its anti-Jewish repercussions here. And it was, of course, "in the
interest of America” that American Jewry brought pressure to
bear on the authorities at Ellis Island to have them exact this
promise from Count Spiridovich. Any disclosure of the facts at
that time might have seriously interfered with the smooth
progress of the Marxistic plans of also establishing here the same
workers’ paradise” that had been so successfully set up in Russia!
As yet only a comparatively few people here seem to realize to
what a Jew-Communists have already acquired
large extent the
control of the working masses, and the awakening of such citi-
zens is due to the discovery and the wide distribution of
in part
the working-plan of Jewry which is universally known as the
"Protocols of The Learned Elders of Zion.” This document, a
copy of which was deposited in the British Museum in 1906, has
come to be recognized as an indispensable key to world events to
such an extent that it has been translated into most of the world’s
languages, and today boasts a circulation second only to that of
the Christian Bible. In spite of the ceaseless efforts of the Jews
to brand this document as a forgery it has been definitely estab-
lished as being part of the secret record of the First Zionist Con-
gress at Basle, Switzerland, in 1897. Even without such verifi-
cation, events throughout the world as well as Jewry’s zealous
participation in every form of Communistic activity, have dis-
pelled any reasonable doubt as to the authenticity of these infa-


mous "Protocols” as the satanically circumspect working-plan for

Jewish world-conquest. In spite of the Jews’ constantly reiter-
ated denials of such an objective, the American Hebrew of
November 30, 1934, went so far as to say: "Even supposing the
authenticity of this book (the Protocols) to be demonstrable,
what bearing can it have upon the matter? It would at most
show that a group of people wished to dominate the world. And
when has there not been a nation which at one time or another
in its history has not wished to dominate the world? Well and
good, let us suppose that certain leaders of Israel have cherished

this idea. Why, indeed, should they not have done so?”
Furthermore, a very large number of leaders of Israel have
openly committed themselves to the plan of Jewish world domi-
nation. As to results, a quite surprising document has lately
come to light in the form of a letter, written in 1925 by the rabbi
Maimon to the late Barthold Lunden, editor of the Swedish
weekly Vidi and published in the National-Socialisten,
Aabenraa, Denmark, of August 22, 1936. In this letter occur
the following passages:
"For reasons egotistical or otherwise, you have seen fit to poke
your nose into the so-called Jewish question and make yourself
the mouthpiece of a whole nation. To judge by your fantasies in
Vidi you want to have the Jewish people expelled not only from
Sweden but from all Europe. What lunacy! You seem to be
totally ignorant of the power and the organiation against which
you go to war. Little dwarf, take care that the mountain does
not collapse and buries you! You are fifty years late with this
'cleaning up.’ Are you really so ignorant, or do you refuse to
see, that we already rule Europe’s greatest people? As an editor,

you surely ought to know that our symbol the star of David
the points of which some time will fly over every single European
capital, already from the old walls of the Kremlin has spread its
influence into the world’s every direction. Is it unknown to you
that the world press, with few exceptions, already is in our hands?

That we direct the trend and thinking, in the development of

the great masses of Europe? That the most exclusive woman’s
world, through our fashion journals, follows our least hint?
Theater, film, and the whole world of amusement are all subser-
vient to us and must follow our dictates. The new art is a work
of our taste and must, too, follow our directions. In the money
market with all its business transactions, we hold undisputed
"Empires, Kingdoms, Republics, Cities, Communities, and Indi-
viduals are our debtors. According to the covenant made by our
forefathers, Industry and Commerce are bound to fall into our
Does not this letter tell the whole story? Could words be plainer?
Is there still room for doubt?
And still, thanks to the controlled press, the legend about the
"poor, persecuted Jews” goes on and on. An item on the Church
page of the supposedly Christian New
York World Telegram
on July 3, 1937, states that in at least 2500 temples and syna-
gogues of the Union of Orthodox Jewish Congregations, the
sesqui-centennial of the American Constitution would be cele-
brated both on July 3 and 4, and adds: "The exercises will not
be restricted to an act of thanksgiving for the benefits a free gov-
ernment has brought to an oppressed people, but will include
prayers for the continuance of such idealism.”
Witness Lenin’s orders to the Communists in Russia: "We must
be ready for any and every sacrifice, and even if necessary to
practicetrickery, to employ cunning, and to resort to illegal
methods — sometimes even overlook and conceal the truth all
to —
for the sake of penetrating into the Trade Unions, to stay there
and by every and all means carry on the work of Communism.”
And here a quotation from Protocol 3 seems quite to the point:
"The aristocracy, which enjoyed by law the labor of the workers,
was interested in seeing that the workers were well fed, healthy
and strong. We
are i-terested in just the opposite —
in the di-

minution, in the killing out of the Goyim (Gentiles) Our power


is in the chronic shortness of food and physical weakness of the

worker, because by all that this implies he is made the slave of

our will. ...”
There is no exaggeration whatever in the statement, that when

the full light of pitiless publicity shall have been shed on the
Judaistic plan with the world, the whole diabolical scheme of
which Communism is but a part, cannot but fall to pieces.
Although Jewry’s plan of obtaining control of the state through
labor’s voting power is obvious, it is frequently and openly advo-
cated by the Jewish leaders, not to wait for such development
but to overthrow the present government by violence, at the con-
venient moment. Such seizure, according to the Communist
leader’s statement, would mean nothing short of open civil war.
The identity of the forces that Sovietized Russia has been clearly
revealed in the chapters on Lenin and Trotsky, by ample his-
torical documentation, and it is the now quite open and undis-
guised plan of this Jewish Capitalist-Communist combine, to
capture the United States —
as they did Russia —
at the earliest

possible moment. The Jewish daily, The Day, New York, of

April 9, 1936, contained the following open defiance: "The
Jews of America, because of their numbers, interest, and ability,
constitute a great political force. They have not usurped this
power; it belongs to them as of right! They are going to exer-
cise it as they see fit. What are you going to do about it?”
According to the Daily Jewish Bulletin of February 1, 1935,
the Jewish population of the United States numbered 4,250,000,
representing less than 4 percent of the total population. And yet
this minority appears to possess the power and influence today to
enforce its desires over large numbers of the Christian citizenry,

especially in New York where freedom of speech and press seems

to belong to the Jews exclusively.
The American writer James Russell Lowell was a case in point,

according to his biographer, Horace Elisha Scudder. In his


Biography, II, p. 305, Mr. Scudder writes of having asked him:

"When the Jews have got absolute control of finance, the army
and navy, the press, diplomacy, society titles, the government, and
the earth’s surface, what do you suppose they will do with us?”
"That,” Lowell answered, "is the question which eventually will
drive me mad.”
At the present time, conditions in Russia are such that the sur-
viving Christian population literally has been driven to the edge
of desperation, being held in abject slavery and deprived of all
power and influence in their own country.
What would become of our national holidays and our patriotic
and Christian sanctuaries in general, if the future of our Chris-
tian-Aryan country were left to our Asiatic minority from the
ghettos,might be conjected upon reading the statement of the
Jew Zamen Yoffeh in the Jewish Menorah Journal, New
York, December, 1929, p. 272: "New Year’s Day, Lincoln’s and
Washington’s Birthdays, Memorial Day, Thanksgiving Day,

Christmas meant for us a day or so off from school. Our real
holidays were those of the Jewish calendar.”
Communism in the United States would mean a duplication of
the that has been rampant in Soviet Russia for these
civil strife

last twenty years. It would mean the total abolishment of per-

sonal and national freedom in favor of the most vicious group of
humans that has ever held power in the world’s whole history.
The "class struggle” with which the American workers have been
hoodwinked is nothing but a cunningly Jew-devised slogan to
create and sustain strife between artificially and arbitrarily created
classes. All these facts should be broadcast to every home, and
every workshop „ factory and farm in this country where Com-
munist agents are at work-
Since the Aryans in America constitute 80 percent of the total
population, there is every reason in the world why the less-than-
5 percent Je wish-minority could and should be drastically pre-
vented from further deceiving the white workers of this country

into a conspiracy directed ultimately against all Christians.

But how sure of their victory here the Communist overlords
already are, may be gathered from a report which appeared in
the London Saturday Review of July 25, 1936: "In a speech
made by a Jewish Communist in France not very long ago, the
following words were greeted with tremendous applause: 'We
are the supreme masters of peace and war. So far we have suc-
ceeded in overthrowing most of the thrones of Europe; the rest
will follow in the near future. Russia has already worshipped
our rule. France with her masonic government is under our
thumb. Spain and Mexico are toys in our hands. Many other
countries, including the United States of America, have already
fallen before our scheme.’

Jews throughout the world seem to be well aware of the satanical

nature of the plots and schemes with which they are accomplish-
ing a penetration which bears promise of ultimate domination of
Gentile society. The Jewish Menorah Journal, New York,
for November-December, 1930, page 197, states: "The whole
existence of theJew is insane. . Why shouldn’t we
. . have an
insane scheme?” Socialism, Communism and Bolshevism as
planned and practiced by the Asiatic-Jewish minority are simply
camouflaged expressions of Jewish insanity. The "liberation” of
the allegedly oppressed Gentile workers is merely a cunning pre-
tense on the part of the originators of these "socialistic” doctrines.
The real goal of Jewry is the domination of the Gentile nations,
through the medium of the radical, left-wing movements at
present in evidence.
In reading and following up the material issued by Jews, half-
Jews, and their spiritual relatives, the "synthetic” Jews, or Gentile
fronts, it should be remembered, that whenever the term "people”
is being used in their literature or speeches, it tacitly and unex-

ceptionally implies the Jewish people, and most emphatically not

the Aryan majority or the Gentiles in general. Hence, any
reference to "the people,” or "the workers,” made by members of

the Jewish race or their tools, automatically means people or

workers of the Jewish race and by no means those of the Aryan
Identical abuses of the logical meaning of words in every day
language can be noticed in innumerable terms and expressions, as
for instance, "progressive,” "reactionary,” "liberty,” "democracy,”
etc., etc. Thus if Jewish, or pro-Jewish, orators and publications
employ these terms, they essentially mean Jewish "progressive-
ness,” Jewish-conceivei "reactionary” ideas, "liberty” for further-
ing Jewish subversive schemes, "democracy” where Jews have
their say in an unproportional measure and weightiness. Simul-
taneously it should be understood and recalled, that "progressive”
schemes for Jews and their serfs always imply exactly the op-
posite to the Gentile world. For that identical reason Gentile
constructiveness is termed "reactionary” on the part of the
"Liberty,” as desired by the adherents of Judasim or Marxism,
and advocated by the Jewish element and their Gentile befuddled
followers is exactly synonymous with restriction and enslavement
of the Gentiles and their world. Much the same can be said
about "democracy.” This term, as defined by members of the
chosen tribe, ultimately has lost its original meaning of freedom
of action for the nation as a whole. Moreover, today this term
merely indicates a kind of elbow freedom within which Jews last —
but not least, due to the totally Judaized journalistic penetration
in this country and the world over —
have subverted the true char-
acter of this word whenever their peculiar racial aggressiveness
finds it suitable.
Today the term "democracy” gradually has been captured by
Jewry, and itis the latter that has given it a significance within

which Judah is granted penetration, aggrandisement and even

privileged usurpation, though the latter scheme, as a rule, is cun-

ningly hidden and camouflaged and wisely kept secret from the
public mind. Many more examples could be added proving

Jewry s treachery in continuously perverting the true and

meaning of the words, as for instance in "human being,”
kind, humanity” and so on. Such terms, if spoken and used
by Jews, only refer to the Jewish minority, and not to the
The Jew Sir Charles Henry, former Commissioner of London’s
Police Headquarters, Scotland Yard, at various
occasions has
given explicit definitions of Jewry’s psychology,
commonly re-
ferred to as Judaism. How the adherents of Judasim have
exactly the contrary in mind, whenever they have
any dealings
with people not belonging to their race, has thus
been given a
memorable testimony by this prominent leader of Jewry. Ac-
cording to the Chicago Israelite, the Jewish Examiner
other Jewish publications he confesses: "...
Judaism is not
merely a religion, Judaism is a mode of living, a philosophy
life, ... a diametrically opposite way
of looking at things.”
Unsuspicious people knowing nothing of the interrelation of
Marxism and Judaism, even less realizing the thorough deception
employed by the insincere interpretation of words by the propa-
gators of Jewish Communism, will ultimately discover the com-
plexity of diametrically opposite results, if Communism is actual-
ized. For the fate that the Gentile is awaiting in the "paradise”
of Jewish Communism, is not liberation from the alleged yoke of
Gentile capitalism, but, on the contrary, he is entering a life term
of slavery under the whip of Asiatic Jews the very — Jews who
promulgated Communism as a weapon for securing their own
racial domination. Look at Russia of today!
Is the great American-Aryan majority going to persist in its tradi-
tional indifference and neglect to inform itself of this vast
spiracy, which the Jewish minority has been slyly engaged
working-out in America these many years?
Must America fall before this gigantic World Hoax, Com-


Is C O I the Opening Wedge ?

UT one point remains to be discussed: What

tacit progress has Jewry -in-action made, here
in our United States, to bring about the con-
ditions on this side of the Atlantic so fulsomely
in these chapters you have read?
terrible financial Depression which this
country has suffered since 1929 has been a rich
harvest-ground, of course, for the fruition of Marx’s program
quite as rich a harvest-ground as the world-war aftermath was,
in the countries whose recent histories we have been examining.
Nevertheless, remedial
financial legislation could swiftly have
cured the of the stock-market crash, had constitutionally-
minded Gentiles remained in charge of our government. So to
take full advantage of the evils of the Depression and turn them
permanently into revolutionary channels, two things had to be
done: A bureaucratic Administration
had to be installed in
Washington that should secretly be insympathy with such revo-
lutionary measures, without revealing too suddenly its unhallowed

objectives; second, a nation-wide radical labor movement had to

be thrown together, overnight so to speak, to bring about a con-
dition in industry where the former Red-minded bureaucracy
could assume dictatorial charge as a "natural” and without un-
duly arousing the Gentile masses to repudiate and oust it.
By 1932, Herbert Hoover and the Republican Party were so emas-
culated in bringing economic relief to America’s impoverished
millions, that it was a comparatively easy matter to introduce
the quasi-invalid Roosevelt to the nation as the Man of the
Hour who would "fix everything” if given the chance as the Chief
The Jewish-kept American press found matters to its advantage
to encourage this selection. The Jewish-controlled American
radio yowled its static into twenty million Gentile homes that
the Democratic Party had the cure-all, personified in the then-
governor of the State of New York.
No mention was made of the curiosa that while this Roosevelt-
Can-Save-the-Country campaign was being waged, returned trav-
elers from Russia were reporting that Bolshevia was plastered
with portraits of Governor Roosevelt, under which showed the
highly interesting caption: The First Communist President
the United States.
At any rate, Roosevelt was elected, and his program to save the
country was embodied in the now-defimct NRA.
Various authorships for NRA —
have been ascribed to Justice
Louis D. Brandeis, Judge Samuel Rosenman of New York, Felix
Frankfurter, and Stuart Chase. The origin is unimportant. We
do know that Stuart Chase had written a book on Controlled
Production for the United States, and in one of the chapters of
the first edition he made the bad slip of including this observa-

tion: In Russia, such things could be effected by fiat, but in

America they must be introduced by the traditional method of
legislation. Those were Chase’s words in substance, all copies
of that edition for literal quoting having long since disap-

peared. In subsequent editions, the observation was deleted.

Smart non-Jews had noted that fecund statement and brought it

to annoying Gentile attention.

At any rate, a vast machinery of Relief was set up under Roose-
velt, which in effect was a gigantic public dole to the jobless, the

funds for the same coming from the sale of New-Deal bonds or
confiscatory taxes levied on the nation’s propertied gentry. The
national debt was run up to the unprecedented total of almost
forty billion dollars. Banks and corporations were denuded of
their resources. The country throughout the entire Roosevelt
administration continued to slide into the "red” —both literally
and figuratively — at the rate of over a million a day.
This "Relief” money was put out in such a way that it would do
no real good in permanently reestablishing the buying power of
the masses; it merely kept the masses in tawdry food and shelter
till the industrial spoliation was complete. At all costs, the Jew-
ish bureaucracy installed as NRA
under Roosevelt must have the
appearance of doing its frantic best to salvage the country in all
good faith, else maddened Gentiles might turn on these New-
— —
Deal Jews or Jews everywhere and add America’s first pogrom
to the national history.
Only one incident occurred to seriously interrupt the perfect work-
ing of the Relief Hoax during this period. That was the pay-
ment of the Soldiers’ Bonus.
Politically-minded congressmen and senators, fearing to further
antagonize the ex-soldiers, rode roughshod over the insistences of
the Jewish Treasury-heads to the contrary, and paid directly
into the hands of the veterans the stupendous sum of true relief
amounting to approximately two billion dollars.
This was the sort of relief that relieved. It actually put a pur-
chasing power into the hands of these veterans and their families
that was something more than daily meals and rent. The same
tactics in long-term credits to the public would have wiped out

the Depression in its very first stages if the revolution-makers

had not wanted it otherwise.
Anyhow, industry began to come back. Employment began to
rise. It looked for a time as though Prosperity actually was
just around the corner.
Something had to be done, swiftly and drastically, it appeared, to
thwart and counteract this gradual return to prosperity before
well-fed and satisfied workingmen again laughed the revolution-
makers out of court.
With America on this upward trend, therefore, the Moscow Jews
called a Sixth World Congress of the Communist Internationale
m Moscow
in 1935. Immediately this congress was adjourned,
the United States suddenly witnessed the induction of a
most ec-
centric organization into the ranks of
American labor.
It became known as the Committee
for Industrial Organization,
or the CIO, and its leader was one
John L. Lewis a former —
Lithuanian leader of coal miners who suddenly —
appeared on the
industrial scene equipped with outlandish
sums of money. Its
announced purpose was to supplant the American Federation
Immediately a program of sit-down strikes disastrous to the auto-
mobile and steel industries followed under the sponsorship of this
eccentric body. Strikes, strikes, and more strikes, began to tie
up American industry —which was doing very well, all things con-
sidered the effects from which were to checkmate and
the prosperity accruing from payment of the Soldiers
It has been made of official record in the
Congress of the United
States, that from 1,500,000 to 2,000,000 work hours were
lost to
American workingmen in a single year through the strike-promo-
tion activities of John L. Lewis and his following of


'HAT LEWISISM (CIO) is nothing less than the theory
and tactics of Leninism transferred from the soil of Russia
to the soil of the United States, is plain to everyone who can
read, observe, or think. Just as the Jew Lenin, by his crusade of
class hatred and glittering promises to the masses of
agitate them into class violence against employers and against the
system of the government of Russia, so is it atrociously apparent
that the Lewis CIO "crusade” is being made to "sweep” the
United States today, that Jewry-in-action may attain to its ob-
This past year there has appeared from the press of the Nation-


al Republic Magazine, Washington, D. C., a pamphlet en-
titled Leninism —
Lewisism.. This pamphlet has covered the gene-
sis of the CIO adroitly and remarkably. From it we quote,
Page 10
"As far back as August 7, 1920, the Communist International
adopted doctrines which have a direct bearing on the radical sit-
uation in labor ranks in the United States today. In "Thesis
and Statutes,” published on that date, the Third International
of Moscow, in inaugurating its program of interference with
the peace of other nations, announced that through certain doc-
trines they would strive "towards a single aim: the overthrow of
capitalism; the establishment of the dictatorship of the proletariat
and of the International Soviet Republic, and the realization of
communist society.”
socialism, the first step of the
At this Congress, the world revolutionists established a Trade
Union section to carry on world-wide turmoil in the labor ranks
of every country. In this connection, they stated that their pro-
gram included, "a violent defeat of the bourgeois, the confisca-
tion of its property, the annihilation of the entire bourgeois gov-

ernmental apparatus, parliamentary, judicial, military, bureau-

cratic, administrative, municipal . ., leading the proletariat in

the pitiless, decisive and final struggle against all the forces
of capitalism” and to "stubbornly and mercilessly denounce any
leader in any labor movement who may be manifesting reformist
or center trends.” This declaration also dealt with the establish-

ment of "secret factory committees” within American factories

for the purpose of organizing for spontaneous strikes within in-

dustries, and the inauguration of the "industrial union” plan
within all basic industries. They realized a general strike in all
basic industries could destroy a nation. These committees were
to continuously encroach upon the industry until the union or-
ganizations obtained full recognition as sole bargaining agencies
and complete control over "plant production.” They stressed
the fact that a " constant stream
of struggle” must be inspired by
the factory committees. Communist members of labor unions
were called upon to "strive to create a
battle front of labor
unions. Financial relief in the event of strikes
was planned,
together with labor defense (i. e., federal
relief and labor acts).
They explained that "the mass struggle means
a whole system
of developing demonstrations , growing more acute in form and
logically leading to an uprising against the capitalist order of
By constant strikes (and one industry signed up
by C O
I has had
over 200 since signing up) they hope to carry
out the "Resolu-
tions of the Sixth World Congress
of the Communist Interna-
tional —The Tasks of the Communists,” which urges that: " The
misery and oppression of the masses must be
intensified to an ex-
traordinary degree.”
As soon as strikes are settled, new reasons are manufactured
the reds within the CIO units to incite the workers
to renewed
conflict. As blood is spilled in the streets, communists agitate
for additional blood spilling. They consider misery and blood-
shed as drills for the communist revolution. Russia’s continued
mowing down of its own populace reflects the blood thirst
of its
communist agents in the United States.
With the refusal of Kansas miners to strike, the CIO mowed
down scores of them. It is alleged by Chicago police that only
through their interference in the recent strike riot there that
hundreds were saved from injury by the CIO followers.
The return of workers to their jobs in steel plants in Ohio and
Pennsylvania was accompanied by bombings. Following the re-
turn of workers to their jobs in Johnstown, Pa., the communists
demanded that all CIO members "halt the back-to-work move.”
In both instances the communists called on the CIO to "use every
resource at your command.” They demanded that "all the strik-
ing steel plants” be closed, and "to disarm all vigilantes.” Weap-

ons of every conceivable type have been confiscated from scores
of strikers. Strikes are growing more acute.
The communists have followed their program. They met with
setbacks time after time, but they analyzed each set-back and
continually strengthened their efforts until today their determi-
nation to succeed appears to be bearing fruit in the United States,
the "hardest nut” the bolsheviks had to crack. In addition to
concerning themselves with the building up of communism in this
country, the Moscow reds foresaw other benefits to be derived.
In this connection they stated: "The continued sharpening of
class antagonism compels dll trdde unions to lead in strikes,
which, flown on a broad wave over the entire capitalist nation,
constantly interrupt the process of capitalist production and ex-
change, the basis of all capitalist calculations. ... In this way
the unions become the organs for the annihilation of capitalism.”
In other words, this is a double method which supplies Russia,
the base for world communism, with new market outlets, also
workers to revolution and paves the way for new soviets.

C In pamphlet "Problems of Strike Strategy” published in

1934 by the communists, the following statement is made: "The
problem of building the revolutionary unions, as well as the
problem of building a mass Communist Party in the United
States,is largely a question of a correct strike strategy. With
this is bound up the possibility of destroying the reformist illu-
sions of the A. F. of L. ... It is clear that rve must show the
workers that we know not only how to make a revolution, but
alsohow to lead and direct these movements for partial demands.”
They have pretty well demonstrated this recently.
The "Report of the 8th Convention of the Communist Party”
contains the following declaration: "The revolutionary elements,
directly under our guidance, are established leaders of around
150 locals, with minority opposition groups in about 500 more
local unions. This considerable beginning is of significance be-


cause it emphasizes the enormous
possibilities that exist when we
get a full mobilization of all available forces in the
field.” They
also reported the establishment of 338 shop nuclei
in 68 basic
industries in the United States, and that "it is clear that precisely
at this point we have the key to the future growth of our party
and of the revolutionary trade union.”
The communists continued to progress, for in their "Manifesto
of the Communist Party of the U. S. A.” published April
1934, they report: "From auto, marine and unemployed,” espe-
cially municipals, rising struggles indicate that the working class
of America was ready to fight; that it is rising in numerous bat-
tles; the only thing it needs is organization and
leadership along
revolutionary lines.” At this time the organized effort began
to create turmoil within theA. F. of L. unions, ultimately lead-
ing to the break in the convention held in Atlantic City. The
communists denounced the A. F. of L. for "refusal to accept
communist leadership,” and accused it of being a "reformist” or-
ganization and painted its leaders "strike breakers.”
The reds declared themselves as favoring an "industrial union”
plan which "means combining workers of every industry into large
unions, as against the A. F. of L. craft unions.” They also fav-
ored vigorous and militant strike struggles,” "calling sympathetic
strikes,”and for taking "the revolutionary way out.” These
are the very tactics used by the C.I.O. to build the industrial
A systematic and broad campaign was inaugurated at the Ameri-
can Federation of Labor convention by the communists against
"company unions,” and communists were ordered to "strive to
occupy every eligible post” in all union locals (both A. F. L. and
company) . It ordered the "building of a broad class trade union,
center of all class unions, outside of the A. F. of L., as a part
of a wide revolutionary trade union,” or, as they often call it, "a
broad A. F. of L. opposition.” They pointed at this time to the

noticeable rapidity with which industries in the United States
were surrendering to the results of general strikes.
This, they
contended, encouraged more frequent struggles.
In itscompanion pamphlet, "The Communist Party in Action,”
this statement may be found: "We must build
our revolutionary
unions and the revolutionary oppositions of the A. F. of
L. unions
first of all in the shops. Our slogan is: Every shop must become
a fortress of communism.” The communists further state, in
another pamphlet, "The Manual on Organization”: "The
way of
the final overthrow of the old order, and the establishment
of the
new ‘proletarian dictatorship. These experiences will be
. . .

learned in the day-to-day struggles in strikes for higher

. . .

wages and shorter hours, in struggles for relief, for unemploy-

ment insurance, against eviction .”. . .

"The workers learn through their own experiences that they must
have a Communist Party, which leads them in their struggles

In order to achieve this, every available party member must

the union of his industry, craft or occupation, and
work there in
a real bolshevik manner.”
"The shop unit is trained to work in a conspirative manner, in
order to organize and lead other workers, to safeguard the organi-
zationand to prevent its members from being fired.”
Communists explain their stand in their publication The Way
Out: "It (the Communist Party) must work toward the bring-
ing together the independent and revolutionary trade unions
an independent federation of labor. The building of such a broad
class trade union, center of all class unions which stand
outside of
the American Federation of Labor as part of a wide revolutionary
trade union movement, is an important task
of our party .

The outstanding events of the recent period are a more rapid and
deep- going radicaliiation of the workers, already expressed in the
growth of a militant mass strike movement already embracing
large sections of workers in the basic industries.”

It is interesting to note that as early as July 10, 1933, the com-
munists had high hopes of success in the auto industries. In an
"Open Letter to All Members of the Communist Party,” issued
by the Central Committee of the Communist Party, they claimed
that "the success of the party and of the Automobile Workers’
Union in Detroit shows what can be accomplished by the party
and the revolutionary trade unions in other districts when they
vigorously defend the interests of the workers and carry out the
principles of concentration in the proper way.” The C.I.O. has
continually "concentrated” its efforts, first on auto, secondly on
steel and announces a continued plan of "concentration.”
In the "12th Plenum of the Executive Committee of the Com-
munist International,” "Prepare for Power,” issued in 1934, they
declare: "The revolution, to a certain extent, veils its offensive
operations under the guise of defense. . . . Strikes are mere
dress rehearsals for the revolution.”It is noticeable that the vari-
ous moves of the C.I.O. are painted as "defensive.”
The following quotation is taken from the "11th Plenary Sessions
Report: "Every shop must become a fortress of communism, and
every member of the party an organizer and leader of the daily
struggle of the masses.”

In August, 1935, in "New Steps in the United Front,” the Soviet

agents advocated "united struggles of the workers and unity of
the trade union movement in each countrq,” and ordered the es-
tablishment of "one trade union for each industry; one federation
of trade unions in each country; one international federation of
trade unions in each industry; one general international of all
trade unions based on class struggle.” This apparently is the
C.I.O. plan for its sections are setup mostly if not entirely each
and each are Internationals.
to cover all industries
At this Congress in American section of
1935, the head of the
the the United States reported: "We in the
Communist Party of
United States have already before the Congress in the main
solved the problem of trade union unification ,” believing evi-
dently they had Lewis and his crowd sold on the plan.
Earl Browder, in detailing the proceedings of the Third Interna-
tional to the members of the Communist Party attending its con-
vention in New York City held the same year, called for a greater
intensification of the communist drive for strikes, for industrial
union, cancellation of farmers’ debts and mortgages. He also
urged his followers to fight against the deportation of aliens, and
condemned the Supreme Court, Germany and Japan. Today we
see the C.I.O. drive linked to the fight against the
Supreme Court,
for industrialism and against deportations.
The report of the "Resolutions of the 9th Convention of the
Communist Party of the U. S. A.,” made in 1936, declared that
"the immediate task is to drive forward more energetically on the
issue of organizing in the basic industries, industrial unions, and
following a policy of class struggles. We
must seek to isolate the
reactionaries (in the auto, steel, etc., industries) who stand in the
way of organizing the unorganized, demand that the C.I.O. pass
over from words to deeds to promote the organization of
. . .

the power of the working class for the higher stages of struggles,
for the overthrow of capitalism and the establishment of social-
ism.” It called for the strengthening of "shop units” and for
their increased prestige in the trade unions, to establish additional
units in auto, steel, rubberand key industries, and "to develop
within the A. F. of L. a struggle for industrial unionism.”
"Company Unions Today,” mentioned as the communists’ main
targets in 1935, particularly those unions in the Chrysler, Gen-
eral Motors, Wierton Steel, Fisher Body, Jones and Laughlin,
U. S. Steel, Chevrolet, Nash, Auburn plants and in the rubber,
oiland packing industries. The reds called for strikes and picket-
ing untilall demands were met, and to " reject all efforts at labor

truce” even if made by the Roosevelt government. It demanded

the formation of unions which would "not depend on congres-
sional laws and presidential boards, but rather one capable of
striking and picketing until demands were met.” Certainly these
are C.I.O. tactics today.
As an example of success the communists pointed out that there
were 1,898 strikes, bringing out 1,141,363 workers with
the loss
of 15,641,329 working days in 1935, as compared with 894
in 1931, which had brought out 279,299 workers with the loss of
6,838,183 working days. They bragged over these losses in wages
to the workers as communist successes.
Noteworthy and significant is the fact that the official expulsion
of C.I.O. agents and functionaries from his home district by the
Honorable Mayor Frank Hague of Jersey City, N.
J., in the fall
of 1937 instantly was answered for many months with daily front
page attacks on that courageous city chief by the Jewish U. S.
press, notably the New York Post. If the latter’s Jewish staff of
editors, plus employers of the same race, consider themselves

hurt and hit back whenever C.I.O. activities are objected to, does
it need further proof to convince the American
public that the
originator of this Communistic International Organization in the
U. S. A. is any other than Jewry?

OIL it all down, therefore, and what do we

get? Weget, in short, the unsavory pictures
of psychopathic Judah making a desperate last
stand here in the United States to use this
nation as final arena for the accomplishment of
the aspirations entertained a century bygone by
the German Yiddish Karl Heinrich Morde-
cai-Marx, that the proletarian masses be utilized to make
plans supreme over a world of nationals predominantly Christian.
This is not, of course, the place to argue whether or not all Jews
assent to this objective, believe that it can be successfully achieved,
or give it their blessings as a race. The terrible fact stares all

of us in the face that although individual Jews here and there
profess — —
perhaps sincerely an ignorance as to what their leaders
are about, Jews as a race are making no telling efforts to combat
the menace of Bolshevia, and wherever they join Gentile organi-
zations having such objectives, frustration and emasculation of
those organizations inevitably follow. The Gentile, therefore,
must go back to the stolid principle expressed
by Christ Himself:
"He who is not for me, is against me’!’
Jews as a race, the Jew-
ish rabbinate, the Jewish press, are preponderantly against any
attempt to intervene to save the Gentile world from the same
dastardly fate that has overtaken Russia. The Gentile Christian
therefore, thrown back upon the inevitability of two opposing

philosophies, Judasim with its Bolshevistic basis, and Christianity

with its aggressive Constitutionalism. These two great philoso-
phies must fight out their war. All of it is bigger than the indi-
vidual Jew or the individual Gentile. So long as Jews show no
symptoms of disapproving of Communism as a people, as we
Gentiles oppose Communism as a people, the hapless truth stands
forth that Judah as Judah must be considered and treated as
Communistic and the fate meted out to the one must be the end
that befalls the other.
There are those who still cling to the archaic notion that a whole

people cannot be indicted for the acts of a few. But when the
"few” are the admitted and avowed spokesmen for a race, and
no general protestation of their declarations concerning their
whole people is forthcoming from that people, its organizations,
its clergy, or its press, then the axiom is again just another bit of

brickdust in the eyes of the gullible or unwary. Why else are

leaders recognized or tolerated, unless they speak or act for great
masses of individuals making up a "people”? If they speak and
act without rebuke, then their utterances and behaviors must be
accepted as having the approval of that people. And for such
approval a whole race can be indicted!


It can be indicted in penalty, at least, when vast issues —and
masses —come to blind grips.

THUS is Communism presented, not any movement of

lower-bracket laboring classes to get their rights, but the most
gigantic world hoax ever advanced by a minority to subdue and

subjugate the majority, that human history has recorded.

Happily, in this United States, the Jew as supreme hoaxer of
the Gentile in this regard, is being partially found out in time to
have his Gargantuan game seriously disrupted, exposed, held up
to the opprobrium and reprisals which it so fulsomely deserves.
Matters are not going so good for Jewry in the light of such ex-
posures, therefore, and everywhere throughout Gentile America,
the Jew is "on the spot” . . .

What will be the outcome?

You have read this book. In the light of its attestments, should
the Jew be defranchised and eliminated from civil government
and further economic monopolies, or should he be allowed to con-
duct this country to that status of insufferable devastation that
the Gentile rises up and exterminates him literally?
Dav unto day the decision draws nearer.
Make it irrevocably the awakening masses of American Aryans
What is your decision?
You are a unit in that preponderant Gentile mass whose ultimate
fiat is America’s destiny! It is your fight, my reader, and as you
condemn through your press and your lawmakers this megalo-
mania of Jewry, will that fight succeed or fail.
Success means return to the type of nation which you knew in
your childhood. Failure means the programs of Lenin, Trotsky,
Bela Kun, enacted on your soil. What real choice have vou?
How long then, reader, will you assent to being hoaxed

. . ,

Index of Individuals

A Berger, Harry, 146.

Berman, 97.
Adler (See Kerensky)
Bernstein, Edward, 132.
Afanasjev, 97.
Biederwolf, W. E., 49.
Alexander II.
Blagin, Nicnolai, 81.
Alexander III, 27, 28.
Bliskin, 85.
Alexandrovsky, 86.
Bluemchen, Isaac, 142.
Alfonso, King, 148.
Blum, 85.
Alperovitch, 78.
Blum, Leon (former Premier
Amter, Israel, 159.
of France), 58, 72, 139.
Andersen, 146.
Blumstein, 85.
Angert, 97.
Bogatin, 86.

Antonov Owsejenko, 86. Borodin, 86.
Apfelbaum (See Zinovieff ) Borodin (Grusenberg) 139.
Aronovskaja, 84. Litvinoff )
Borrissonk (See
Aronstam, 85.
Artusov, 52.
Brandeis, Louis, D., 170, 190.
Axelrod, 133.
Branting, 31.
Brasol, Boris, 78.
B Breslau, 52.
Bridges, Harry, 176.
Balder, Siegfried (Dr. Wilhelm Brodovski, 86.
Eckstein), 35. Brodski, 97.
Balfour, Arthur J., 151. Broh, James, 131.
Baratsch, 85. Bronstein, Laiber (See Trot-
Baruch, Bernard Mandel, 33, sky).
57, 112. Browder, Earl, 174, 175, 176,
Battle,George Gordon, 99. 198.
Behrensohn, 97. Browne, Louis, 95.
,, .

Bryant, Louise, 37. Dilling, Mrs. Elizabeth, 126.
Buchmann (See Litvinoff) Dimanstein, 29.
103. Dimitroff, George, 125, 140.
Bullitt, William C., 37. Disraeli, 112.
Djugashvili, Joseph Vissarie-
C vitch (See Stalin).
Dombrovskaja, 84.
Chase, Stuart, 178, 190. Dorfman, 97.
Chefetz Brothers, 85. Drummond, Edouard, 29.
Cherep-Spiridovitch, Count, 35. Dunn, Robert, 178.
Chiang Kai Chek, 144. Dzershinski, 68.
Chicherin, 108.
Christ, 3, 201.
Clemenceau, 31. E
Cohen, Benjamin (See Bela
Kun), 61. Ebert, 31.
Cohen, M., 42. Eckstein, Dr. Wilhelm (Sieg-
Cohen—Reuss, Max, 131, 132. fried Balder) , 35.
Cohn, E. L. (Emil Ludwig) Eden, Anthony, 110.
135. Edward VIII, 108.
Cohn, Dr. Oscar, 129, 130. Ehlenkrieg, 52, 67.
Companys, 148. Ehrt, Adolf, 143.
Cremieux, Adolphe, 21. Einstein, Albert, 134.
Eisner, Kurt (Salomon Kos-

D manovski), 128, 130, 152.

Eleanor (Daughter of Marx),
Dauer, 84. 19.
Dehtiarick (See Litvinoff) Eltzbacher, Prof., 134.
Engels, Friedrich, 17, 19, 20,
Delgass, 147.
23, 95, 136, 138, 170.
Dennis, R. B., 38.
Epstein, 89.
Diamant, 78. Epstein (See Vandervelde)
Dickstein, Samuel, 11.
Ermen, 19.

. ,.

Ernst, 131. Goldberg (Barber-General)
Esther, Queen, 53. 85.
Goldman, Chaim (See Lenin)
F Goldman, Emma, 81, 121, 122.
Goldman, Ilko Troul, 27.
Fehst, Herman, 39.
Goldmann, 85.
Fineberg, 107.
Goldmann (Max Reinhardt)
Findlay, M., 151.
Goldschild, 140.
Finklestein, 52, 67, 84.
Goldschmidt, 132.
(Finklestein), Salomon, 103.
Goldschmidt, Dr. Alfons, 134.
Finklestein (See Litvinoff)
Goldstein, 85.
Firin, 97.
Golod, 84.
Floer, 85.
Goloschchekin, 35, 52.
Frank, Leonhard, 134.
Gompers, Samuel, 157, 158.
Frankfurter, Felix, 190.
Gorky, Maxim, 41, 92.
Fredex, A. D., 55.
Graf (See Litvinoff), 103.
Frenkel, 97.
Greenstein, 52, 67.
Frumkin, 86.
Greife, H., 89.
Fry, L., 50.
Grenischenko, 84.
Fuschmann, 86.
Grusenberg (See Borodin)
Gubelman (See Jaroslavski) -

G Guillaume, James, 24.

Gul, Ramon, 68, 70.
George, Lloyd, 128. Guggenheim, 50.
George V, King, 103.
Gerard, James W., 26. H
Ginsberg, 104.
Ginsburg, 85. Haase, 131, 152.
Ginsburg, 97. Hague, Mayor Frank, 200.
Gitlow, Benjamin, 159. Haldeman —Julius, 119.
Goebbels, Joseph, Dr., 125, Halle, Prof. Felix, 135.
154. Hamburger, Ernst, 132.
Goldberg, 85. Hanauer, Jerome H., 50.
Hanne, 85. Jaroslawski (Gubelman), 95.
Harden, Maximilian (Witkow- Jaselmanns, Salomon, 144.
ski), 134. Joffe, 53, 123, 130.
Harrison (See Litvinoff), 103. Jogisches (See Tyschko).
Hearst, 135, 163.
Helphand (See Parvus).
Henry, Sir Charles, 188.
Hess, Moses, 17, 20.
Kabakov, 84.
Herzenstein, Dr., 48.
Kaganovitch, Family, 85, 93.
Hilferding, Dr. Rudolf, 131, Kaganovitch, R. M., 85.
Kagner, 97.
Hinoch (See Litvinoff) ,
103. Kahn, Otto H., 50.
Hirsch, 130, 152.
Kahn, Mrs. Otto, 121.
Hitler, Adolf, 10, 133, 134, Kalinin, 180.
135, 163.
Kalmanovitch, 87.
Hoch-Hanau, Gustav, 132. Kamenev (Rosenfeld), 32, 39,
Hodenberg, 131.
44, 53, 79, 104, 109.
Hoelz, Max, 121, 122, 151.
Kamphausen, Lorenz, 84, 85.
Hohenzollern, 36.
Kappus, 129.
Holitscher, Arthur, 134.
Karahkannin, 86.
Holtzmann, 86, 107.
Karpoff, 140.
Hoover, Herbert, 3, 189.
Karski, 86.
Huber, 133.
Karolyi, 62.
Huebner, 84.
Katzenelson, 52.
Keller, 146.
I Kerensky (Adler), 34, 36, 37,
50, 51, 52, 78, 137.
Ivanovitch (See Stalin), 76. Kirov, 122.
Klausner, 85.
Kleinholz, 84.
Koba (See Stalin), 76.
Jagoda, 52, 97. Kobetsky 86.
Jakowlev, 86. Kogan, 52, 97.

Kohn (Jew of Russia), 52, 67, nov), 13, 17, 27-46, 47, 51,
97. 54, 59, 60, 61, 63, 64, 66,
Kohn (Jew of Germany), 152. 76, 79, 85, 89, 95, 101, 102,
Kohn, Felix, 37. 105, 111, 118, 123, 124, 136,
Kollontai, 86. 137, 138, 144, 162, 170, 175,
Kosinen, 140. 183, 184, 192, 202.
Kosmanovski, Salomon (See Leopold, Prince Friedrich, 129.
Kurt Eisner). Levy, Dr. Oscar, 7.
Krassin, 109. Levine-Niessen, 133.
Kretschmann, 84. Levy, 40.
Kroupskaya, N. (Widow of Levy, Baruch, 24.
Lenin), 27, 101. Lewin, 131.
Kuhn, 78. Lewis, John L., 192, 198.
Kuhn, Loeb & Co., 29, 50. Lewinsohn, Ludwig, 131.
Kun, Bela (Benjamin Kohn) Liebknecht, Karl, 31, 131.
13, 37, 52, 61-73, 122, 123, Litvinoff (Family) , 103.
128, 148, 149, 150, 202. Litvinoff, Maximovitch (Meier
Kun, Mrs. Bela, 65. Polyanski Finklestein) 9, 47,

Kwasnizkij, 97. 57, 77, 87, 103-114, 128.

Litvinoff, Mrs., 114.
Long, Huey P., 133.
LaFollette, 11. Low, Ivy, 107.
LaGuardia, Fiorello H., 164. Low, Sydney (Loewe) 107. ,

Lander, 52, 67. Lowell, James Russell, 184, 185.

Landebzrski, 142. Ludwig, Emil (See E. L.
Landman, 107. Cohn)
Landsberg, 131, 152. Lunden, Barthold, 182.
Lariss, 52, 68. Lurie, 78.
Lassalle, Ferdinand, 20, 21. Luxembourg, Rosa, 31.
Latchevitch, 39.
Lawton, 58, 82, 157.
Ledebour, 152.
Lenin, Vladimir Ilyich (Ulya- MacDonald, Ramsay, 31, 107.


Maimon, Rabbi, 182. Mussolini, 31.
Maiski, 86.
Manuislsky, 37, 71. N
Maranon, Dr., 148.
Markov, P. A., 88. Nachamkes (See Stecklow).
Marsden, Victor, 42. Nachimson, 52.
Marx, Eleanor, 19. Nathan, 152.
Marx, Karl Heinrich (Morde- Nelken, Margarete, 148.
cai) 9, 11, 14-26, 31, 32, 37,
Nero, 137.

51, 64, 76, 90, 104, 111, 118, Nicholas II, 34.
134, 136, 138, 144, 170. Nilostonski, 68.
Maxitrovitch (See Litvinoff), Nishiradse (See Stalin), 76.
103. Nitz, Ludwig W. (See Lit-
Matthew, Basil, 36. vinoff) , 103, 105.
Meier, Georg, 131. Nodel, W. A., 88.
Meier-Meer (See Litvinoff), Nossig, Alfred, 126.
Men j insky, 113. O
Merck, Siegfried, 131.
Oestreich, Prof. Paul, 134.
Messing, 39, 52.
Oganovsky, 41.
Minkin, Alexander, 86, 145.
Olgin, Moissaye J., 126.
Minor Robert, 159.
Olson, Floyd B., 1 77.
Mogilevsky, 52.
Oudendyk, 151.
Moley, Raymond, 112.
Oulinoff (See Lenin)
Mordecai (See Marx, Karl
Overman, 38.
Morris, William, 160.
Moses, Nathan, 131. P
Mosienko, 85. Paltschik, 84.
Muenchmeyer, 36, 129, 133, Papasha (See Litvonoff) 103. ,

141. Parvus (Helphand) 33. ,

Muenzenberg, Willi, 134. Petrovski, 86.

Muffelmann, Leo, 131. Petrovsky, D., 27.


Pfemfert, Franz, 133. 86, 148.
Pinkevitch, A., 88. Rosenberg, Otto, 131.
Pismenny, 85. Rosenfeld (See Kamenev)
Pitter-Wilson, George, 153. Rosenfeld, Dr. Kurt, 130.
Pjatnitzki, 39, 139. Rosenholtz, 87.
Poncius, Viscomte de, 126. Roseman, Samuel, 190.
Poser, 39. Roth, Alfred, 123.
Prieto, 148. Roth, Samuel, 54-55.
Putnam, George, & Sons, 88. Rothschild (Bank), 40, 58.
Rothschild, Maurice de, 112.
R Rottenberg, 97.
Roubinine, 86, 142.
Rabkin, 84. Ruchimovitch, 86.
Radek, Karl (Sobelsohn) , 37,
45, 58, 130, 134.
Radolski, 39. S
Radomiolski, 32.
Rafes, M„ 71, 117. Sacco, 154.
Rappoport, 97. Safarov, 35, 52.
Rathenau, Walter, 33, 45. Samoilowitch, 84.
Reed, John, 37. Samuel, 40.
Reinhardt (Goldmann), Max, Samuel, Maurice, 73.
115. Sanctuary, Col. E. N., 50, 52,
Reiskind, Abraham L., 125. 70, 110, 176, ISO.
Riesenfeld, Jacob, 131. Sapochnikov, 84.
Rohrberg, 67. Scheidemann, Philipp, 31.
Romanov, 35. Schiff, Jacob H„ 29, 30, 50, 52.
Roosevelt, Franklin D., 3, 57, Schiff, Mortimer, 130.
70, 112, 163, 189, 190, 191, Schiffer, Eugene, 130.
199. Schulman, 52, 67, 70.
Roosevelt, Mrs., 163. Schulz, F. O. H., 29, 131, 134.
Rosenbaum, 84. Schwartz (Jewess), 52, 67, 68,
Rosenberg, Moses Israelsohn, 70-71.


Scudder, Horace Elisha, 184, Swerdnik, 140, 149.
185. Syromolotov, 35.
Semashko, N. A., 88. Szijovsky, 66 .

Serebroski, 39.
Sheridan, Clare, 42.
Shutzkeff, 86.
Simon, Dr. Hugo, 130, 131. Tchichikov (See Stalin), 76.
Sinclair, Upton, 176. Thalheimer, 130.
Singer, 132. Tolstoy, Count Leo, 117.
Sisson, Edgar, 123. Tormay, Cecile.
Sklyanski, Ephraim, 53. Trillisser, 52.
Slavutski, 86. Troyanovsky, 86.
Sobelsohn (See Radek). Trotsky, Leon (Laibar Bron-
Sokolnikov, 39, 53. stein), 13, 28, 31, 34, 37, 44,
Sombart, Werner, 117. 47-60, 66, 79, 80, 105, 112,
Somoff, 140. 122, 123, 175, 184.
Spiridovich, 35, 181. True, James, 124.
Stalin (Joseph Vissarievitch Tschuvvyrin, 85.
Djugashvili) , 13, 37, 41, 46, Tugwell, Rexford Guy, 177,
55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 76-102, 179.
105, 106, 136, 137, 138, 140, Tyschko (Jogisches), 130.
Stauning, 31.
Stecklow (Nachamkes), 55, Ullstein, 132.
78. Ulyanov, Vladimir Ilyich (See
Stein, 86. Lenin)
Steinberg, 44. Umschlicht, 52.
Sterlin, 85. Uritzky, 52.
Stevenson, Gilbert F., 119.
Stoessinger, Felix, 131. V
Streicher, Julius, 24. Vanzetti, 154.
Suritz, 86. Vandervelde, Emile (Epstein),
Sverdlov, Jankel, 35, 37, 42. 31, 160.
, .

Villaine, Gaudin de, 175. Wise, Rabbi Stephen S., 126,
Voikov, 35. 164.
Voladarsky, 54. Witkowski (See Maximilian
W Wohlgemuth, 65.
Wallach (See Litvinoff) ,
103, Wolff, Theodor, 132.
106. Wolfsohn, Chaim (See Las-
Warburg, Felix M., 50, 51, salle) ,
121 .

Warburg, Max, 51. Y

Weinberg, 52. Yanpolska, Fanny, 106.
Weinberg, Julius (Finklestein)
Yakubovitch, 86.
103, 104.
Yoffeh, Zamen, 185.
Weishaupt, Adam, 14.
Yourenev, 39, 86.
Weitling, Wilhelm, 23.
Yourovsky, 35, 52.
Weizmann, Chaim, 115.
Weritson, 84.
Wertheim, Maurice, 121.
White, Andrew Dickson, 117. Zaharoff, Basil, 55.
Wiegler, 143. Zaphet (See Joffe), 129.
Wilson, President Woodrow, Zecco, A. M., 96.
50, 123, 153. Zetkin, Clara, 71.
Wilton, R., 41. Ziegler, Adolf, 93.
Winrod, Dr. Gerald, 27, 35. Zinovieff (Apfelbaum), 32,
Winter, Ella, 168. 33, 37, 39, 40, 44, 54, 79,
Wirt, Dr. William, 133. 104, 175.
Wischinsky, 155. Zunder, 43.

General Index and Bibliography

A Theories, 52.
Anarchists’ Congress, 20.
Aabenraa, 182.
Anti-Aryan, 137.
Activists, The, 76.
Adriatic Sea, 106.
Anti-Comintern, 91, 93, 97,
Airplane "Maxim Gorky,” 81.
Aktion, Die, 133.
Anti-Communist Conference,
Albany, 119
Alliance Israelite Universelle, Anti-Gentile, 137.
21 .
Anti-Jewism, 34, 96.
Allied Secret Service, 50. Arab, 174.
"All-World Domination, Our,” Arabian Desert, 173.
127. Arbeitsmann, Der, 149.
Alupka, 66. Arcos House, 110.
Ambassador, Soviet,
Are These Things So?, 50, 52,
53, 130,
148. 110 .

America (See also United Argentine, 144, 146.

States), 34, 43, 60, 74, 98, Aristocracy, 122, 183.
112, 114, 115, 181, 184, 190. "Aristocratic Race,” 170.
American Bulletin, 126. Armenians, 86.
American Federation of Labor, Armories, 140.
158, 159. Aryan Majority, 185.
American Hebrew, 78, 110, Aryan Science, 133.
182. Asheville, 3, 152.
American Tragedy, 176. Asiatic Minority, 185.
Amherst Prison Camp, 50. Assassination of the Czar’s
Amnesty, 73. Family, 35.
Amtorg, 147. Associated Press, 150.
Anarchistic Bolsheviki Atheists, Militant, 95.

Athens, 86, 142. Besprisornije, 98.
Atlantic, 189. Bialystock, 103.
Atlantic City, 196. Bible, 181.
Auburn, 199. Bible Quotations, 120, 124,
Australia, 144. 201 .

Austria, 37, 48, 135. Biro Bidjan, 99, 100.

Automobile Industry, 192, 198, Black-Red-Gold, 36.
199. Blood, 194.
Automobiles, 168. "Bloody Sunday,” 29, 30, 47,
Automobile Workers’ Union, 50.
B’nai B’rith, Independent Or-
Aviation, 86, 172.
der of, 131, 133.
Boarding Schools, 166.
B Bodung Verlag, 18.
Bologna, 65.

Balkan States, 48.

Bolschewismus und Judentum,
Baltic Sea, 105. 39.

Baltic-White Sea Canal, 96. Bolshevist Revolution, Its De-

Bandits, 166.
velopment and Importance,
Bankers, International, 166. 108.

Baptist Church, 180. Bombings, 194.

Bargaining Agencies, 193. Bonzokratie, 121.
Basle, 115, 181. Book Publications of Soviet
"Beasts,” 37, 99, 169, 172, 174. Russia, 88, 89, 94.
Belgium, 25, 31, 60, 105, 142, Border, Austrian, 65.
160. Boston, 78, 97.
Berlin, 21, 29, 43, 55, 71, 73, Bourgeois Government Appa-
84, 86, 89, 105, 130, 131, ratus, 193.

135, 146, 151. "Brain Trust, Yiddish,” 85, 91.

Berliner Tageblatt, 132. Brandenburger Tor, 131.
Berne, 33, 34, 48. Brazil, 74, 144.
Besboshnik, 93. Brest-Litowsk, 53.

British Government, 29. Central Council of Commis-
British Minister to Norway, saries, 40.
151. Central Committee of the
British Museum, 181. Communist Party, 39, 79, 80,
British Secret Service, 107. 198.
British Soviet Union, 108. Central Europe, 33, 47, 64,
Brunswick, 130. 71.
Brussels, 17, 28, 86, 100, 142. Central Powers, 53.
Bucharest, 84. Centrist Party, 33.
Budapest, 61, 63, 65. Chaff, 111.
Buenos Aires, 40, 145, 146. Charkov, 69.
Bulgaria, 151. Cheka, 51, 52, 66, 67, 68, 70.
"Bund,” The, 29, 30, 46, 84. Chevrolet, 199.
Burglar’s Creed, 78. Chiang Kai Chek, 144.
Buying Power, 191. Chicago, 161, 194.
Chicago Israelite, 188.
C Chief Executive, 176, 189.
Child Labor, 19.
Calendar, Jewish, 185. Chile, 144.
Calle del Principe, No. 12, 73. China, 138, 143, 144.
Canada, 64. "Chosen Race,” The, 157, 168.
Canton, 144. Christian Alliance Weekly,
Capitalism, 162. The, 98.
Carelians, 154. Christian Party, 4.
Castles, Imperial, 160. Christian Science Monitor, 97.
Catalonia, 149. Christmas, 185.
Cathedral, 73. Chrysler, 199.
Catholic Church, 180. Churches, 93, 183.
Cattle, 178, 179. City Hall, 28, 162.
Caucasus, 76, 106. "Classless Society,”114, 118.
Central Asia, 154. "Class Struggle,” 185.
Central Bureau of the People’s Clergy, 166, 167.
Executive Council, 131. Clermont, 67.

Code Authorities, 166. Communist, The, 42.
Coffin, 46. Community House, 180.
Collectives, Farm, 156, 167. Company Unions Today, 199.
Collectivization, 91. Comsomol, 89.
Columbia University, 177. Colonists, German, 99.
Comintern and Communist In- Conception of God, My, 125.
ternational, 22, 37, 71, 72, Conference of Christian Min-
136, 140, 149, 161, 193. isters, 1.

Come e Dirette Oggi la Russia, Conference of Jewish Com-

96. munists, 126.
Commissariats, 44. Congress, 192.
Commissars, 39, 41, 53, 83-87, Congressmen, 191.
167. Constantinople, 40, 48, 57.
Committee for Industrial Or- Constitution, 162.
ganization (CIO), 159, 192- Constitutionalism, 200.
194, 196, 198-200. Copenhagen, 31, 48, 84, 109.
Communist International Or- "Council of Six Representa-
ganization (CIO), 200. tives of the People,” 131.
Communist Manifesto, 17, 22. Cracow, 32.
Communist Party, 142. Craddle, 175.
—of France, 140. Crimean Peninsula, 52, 66.
—of New York, 17. Criminal Code of the Soviets,
—of Russia, 38. 154.
—of Spain, 149. "Croix du Feu,” 139.
—of U. S. A., 162, 195, Cuba, 147.
198. Cuttlefish, The, 119.
Communist Party in Action, Czar, 27, 28, 29, 34, 35, 41, 52,
The, 197. 53, 56, 81, 117, 137.
Communists from America, 38. Czarina, 53.
Communist Society, 193. Czechoslovakia, 64, 74.

D tariat,” 164, 193.
"Disarmament” Conference,
Daily Herald, 109. 111 .

Daily Jewish Bulletin, 184. Doctors, 160.

Daily Jewish Forward, 78. dodge, to, 82.
Daily Mail, London, 134, 150. Dole, 190.
Daily Worker, 162, 163. Domination Plot, 43, 45, 51.
Danube River, 65. Dormitories, 63, 166.
Danube States, 64. Dreams, 32, 37.
Darmstadt, 129. "Dress Rehearsal,” 198.
Darmstaedter Bank, 132. Drills for Communists, 194.
Dardanelle States, 56. Droite de la Race Superieure,

David’s Star, 171. Le, 142.

Day, The, 126, 184. Droite de Virre, Le, 93, 126.
Death Penalty, 34, 96, 155.
Dschengutoi, 93.
Debt, National, 190. Duma, 28.

Debtors, 183. Dupes, 166.

Deception, 188. Dutch India, 144.

Defender, Wichita, Kansas, 55.

Dwarf, 182.
Democrat of London, 23.
Democratic Party, 190. E
Denmark, 31, 71, 72, 108, 182.
Department of Agriculture, East Siberia, 28, 47, 99.
177. East Side Anarchists, 50.
East Turkestan, 138, 144.
Depression, 189, 191.
Egypt, 124, 125.
Detectives, 91.
Ekaterinburg, 35.
Detroit, 198.
Elections, 95, 96.
Deutscher Weckruf und Beo-
Elisabetgrad, 47.
bachter, New York, 88.
Ellis Island, 181.
"Deviation to the Left,” 57. Embassy, Athens’ Soviet, 143.
"diametrically opposite,” 188. Embassy, Soviet, 143, 147.
"Dictatorship of the Prole- End of the World, The, 29.


England, 22, 43, 47, 59, 106- Fichtebund, 135.
109, 115, 158. Fifth Party Day of the Comin
Erfurt, 18, 24, 40, 85. tern, 143.
Esthonia, 109, 117. Film, 93, 183.
Estland, 139. Finland, 35, 59, 117.
Eternal Road, The, 115. Finnish Population, 154.
Europa-America, 149. First Communist President of
Europe, 114, 145, 152, 180, the United States, 190.
183. First International, 22.
Evangelisch-Lutherische Ge- First Zionist Congress, 181.
meindeblatt, 46. Fisher Body, 199.
Every Shop Must Become a Fiume, 106.
Fortress of Communism, 197, Five-day Week, 95.
198. Five Year Plan, The, 91.
Executed Gentiles, 90, 91. Flesh, 126.
Executive Committee of the Florida, 67.
Communist Party, 72. "Foreign Commissar-at-Large,”
Exodus 11:7 124. 110 .

"Experiment,” The Russian, Foreign Trade Department,

156. Soviet’s, 136.
Expulsion, 200. Fontainebleau, 57.
"Fourth Estate,” 41.
Fourth International, 58.
F France, 14, 17, 21, 22, 25, 31,
40, 48, 57-60, 72, 112, 115,
Factories, 156. 126, 138-141, 150, 175.
"Factory-Sovietization,” 140. Frankfort on the Main, 129.
Far East, 144. Frankfurter Zeitung, 132.
"Fascism,” 156. Freemason (ry), 63, 129, 130,
Fascist Canadien, Le, 64. 141.
Fascists, 94. Freimaurerei, 133.
Fascist, The, London, 42, 123. French-German Front, 49.
Fatherland, 152. French Government, 49, 163.
French Revolution, 14. Ghetto, 35, 49, 51, 119.
French-Spanish Border, 139. Geschlechtsleben und Straf-
French-Swiss Border, 140. recht, 135.
Front Page Attack, 200. Ghotto, 35, 49, 51, 119.
Girard, Kansas, 119.
Globe, London, 153.
G Goats, 178, 179.
Godless Movement, 92, 94,
Galicia, 32, 128. 114, 170, 171.
Gangster Despotism, 65. Gomperism, 158.
Gargantuan Game, 202. Gosplan, 178.
Gary, Indiana, 133. Gottlosenbewegung, Die Rus-
Gazeta Outchitelya, 101. sische, 93.
"General Congress of the Goyim, 184.
Workers’ and Soldiers’ So- Granada, 73.
viets,” 131. Grand Lodge of France, 141.
General Motors, 199. Grand Orient of France, 141.
Genesis, 27, 29. Great Britain, 105, 107, 108,
Geneva, 77, 111, 113, 148. 109, 148.
Genoa Economic Conference, Great War, 175.
111 . Greece, 142, 143.
Gentile Christians, 200. Greek Jew, 55.
Gentile Front, 41, 78, 79. Gulf Refining Company, Am-
Gentiles, 125, 157, 158, 184. erican, 145.
Georgia, 76. Gypsy, 157.
Georgian, 86.
German-French Diary, 15.
German Government, 33, 34.
Germany, 25, 28, 31, 33, 34, 40,
48, 49, 53, 59, 71, 83, 85, Haint, 89.
105, 107, 115, 128, 129, 135, Halbstadt, 84.
142, 150, 151, 152, 163, 175, Halifax, 34, 50.
199. Hamburg, 105, 135.

Hammer (Magazine), 114. Independent Communistic
Hammer and Sickle, 31, 145. Bloc, 129.
Hebrew Army Leaders ,131. India, 138, 144.
Hebrew Author, 135. Indiana, 133.
Hell, 162. Indochina, 139.
Helsinki, 86. Industrial Control Reports,
Hidden World Government, 124.
The, 35. Industrialization, 91.
High School Ratio of Jews, Industrial Union, 193.
87, 88. Industry, American, 192.
Hippodrome, New York, 174. Information Bureau, Soviet
Hogs, 178, 179. Union, 90.
Holidays in Russia, 95. Insanity, Jewish, 186.
Holland, 14, 71, 142. Inspectors, 82.
Homeless Children, 98. Institutions of Soviet Russia,
Horses, 178, 179. 87.
Hotel Astor, 94. Insurrection in Germany, 22.
Household, 114.
International Correspondence,
"House of Abundance,” 161. 149.
L’Humanite, 139.
Internationale Arbeiterhilfe,
Honan, 144.
Hungary, 61-66, 71, 122, 123,
International Soviet Republic,
128, 135, 148, 150, 175.
International Women’s Con-
I ference in Berne, 48.
Intourist, 71.
Iceberg, 176. Iskra, 28, 33.
Ikons, 95. Islam, 93.
Illuminati, 14. Israelite International League,
Ilyitsch, steamship, 57. 45.
Imperial Russian Regime, 51. Israelitische Wochenblatt, 127.
Imperskig Klitsch, 87. Istanbul, 86.



Isvestia, 89. Juedisches Volksblatt, 24.
Italy, 31, 65, 150.
J Kaiser, 35.
Kalmuck Jew, 59.
Japan, 138, 199. Kansas, 119, 194.
Jersey City, N. J.,
Karl Marx, Pan-Germaniste
Jerusalem, 6.
Jewelry, 40, 63, 65, 166. Karl Marx School, 134.
Jewish Chronicle, 82, 83. Kenilworth, Illinois, 126.
Jewish Examiner, 188. Key Industries, 199.
Jewish Question, On the (Len- Kherson, 47.
in) ,
17. Kiang-ste, 144.
Jewish Question, The, 83. Kief, 67, 68, 69, 71.
Jewish State, 46, 50. Klassenkampfpolitik der Sov
Jewish Worker’s Union, 29. jetregierung, Die, 89.
Jewish World, 152. Klausenburg, 61.
Jews and World Ferment, The, Klein Glienecke, 129.
36. Knishes, 164.
Jewsectia, 37, 89. Kol Nidre, 116.
Jews Must Live, 55. Kraft durch Freude, 83.
John Grafton, steamship, 105. Kremlin, 82, 85, 182.
Johnstown, 194. Kulaks, 81.
Joke, anti-Semitic, 168. Kurland, 131.
Jones and Laughlin, 199.
Judah, 59. L
Judaism, 24, 25, 26, 126, 170.
Judas, 175. Lamaism, 93.
Jude als Verbrecher, Der, 146. Law, Soviet, 135.
Judenkenner, 131. Leader, Hebrew, 158.
Jude und Arbeiter, 29, 131, League against War and Fas
134. cism, 75.

Judges, 169. League of Communists, 22.

League of Nations, Jewish, 77, Machine Gun, 45, 67, 98, 169.
103, 105. Madison Square Garden, 163,
League of Revolutionary Athe- 164.
ists, 149. Madrid, 73, 86, 149.
Leeds Conference, 107, 108. Maffia, 76.
Legislation, 164, 189. Malcontents, 111.
Leipzig, 29, 89, 127, 143, 151. Manchester, 19, 20.
"Lenin Boys,” 62, 63, 65. Manchukuo, 144.
Leningrad, 71, 87, 98, 117, Manifesto of the Communist
129. Party of U. S. A., 196.
Leningrad-White Sea Canal, Man-of-the-Hour, 189.
97. Marienbad, 114.
Leninism, 192, 193. Marxism, 17, 51, 96, 126, 172.
Lewisism, 192, 193. Marxisten als Moerder, 36,
Lille, 19. 129, 133, 141.
Lincoln’s Birthday, 185. Mediterranean Coast, 72.
"Liquidated,” 36, 121, 168, Membership of Communist
169. Party, 79.
Lithuania, 117. Menorah Journal, 185, 186.
Luthuanian, 192. Mensheviki, 34, 37, 51.
Locals, 195. Mercenaries, Chinese, 54.
London, 14, 19, 25, 30, 38, 83, Messiah, 21, 24.
86, 105, 107, 109, 188. Messianic Time, 25.
London Saturday Revue, 186. Mexico, 147, 151, 186.
London Times, 41. Militant Christian Patriots,
"Lord,” a Jewish, 148. 107.
"Loyalist,” 74. Milwaukee, Wisconsin, 46.
Luitpold Gymnasium, 133. Miners’ Conference, 19.
"Lunatic” Ideas, 153. Minnesota, 177.
Luxury Stores, 82, 167. Minsk, 29.
Mongolia, 86.
M Monks, 93.
Machiavellian Conspiracy, 4. Montevideo, 146.


Montreal, 64. National Socialisten, 182.
Morning Freiheit, 164. National Socialism, 83.
Morning Post London, 42. Nationalization of Russian In-
Mosaic Doctrine, 126. dustry, 41.
Moscow, 38, 39, 46, 53, 59, Nation and Race, 67.
60, 71-73, 86, 90, 96, 98, Negro, 162, 166, 173.
102, 104, 105, 110-113, 117, Neo-Protestant, 14.
123, 126, 136-140, 142-146, Netherland’s Minister, 151.
148, 150, 151, 159, 163, 193. New Deal, 3, 153, 190.
Moscow Daily News, 164. New Dealism, 126.
Moscow Jews, 191. New-Deal Jews ,191.
Moscow Reds, 195. New Haven, Conn., 123.
" Moscow Supplies the Money,” New Rhenish Gazette, 25.
149. New Steps in the United
"Moutons,” 140. Front, 198.
Munich, 28, 133, 134. New Year’s Day 185.
Municipal Welfare Board, 135. New York City, 35, 38, 49, 52,
Mystery of Russid, The, 67. 60, 64, 70, 78, 86, 88, 95, 99,
119, 121, 122, 125, 147, 153,
N 161, 176, 179, 184, 199.

Nargo, Island of, 105.

New York American, 150.

Narym, 93.
New York Evening Journal,
58, 81, 122.
Nash, 199.
Nasjonal Samling, 59.
New York Herald-Tribune,. .

Nasz Przeglad, 87.
Nation, The, 121. New York Post, 200.
National American Bulletin, New York Staatszeitung, 121.
176. New York Times, 26, 37, 50.
National Industrial Recovery New York World-Telegram,
Act (NRA) 166, 190, 191. 42, 121, 183.

National Republic Magazine, Nibelungen Verlag, 151.

192, 193.
Non-Jews in Soviet Russia, 39.

Norris, 180. chego Dwishenija, 117.
North China, 144, 151. Outer Mongolia, 138, 144.
North Front, 39. Outlaw’s Diary, An, 66.
Norway, 58-60, 71, 151. Overman Congressional Com-
Notion, Archaic, 201. mittee, 38.
Nova Scotia, 34.
Novy Mir, 49. P
Nowaya Shisny, 105.
Pacific Coast, 151.
Nowoje Slovo, 85.
Packing Industry, 199.
Numbers 24:8, 119.
Palace of Justice, 151.
Nuns, 93.
Palestine, 152, 174.
Nuremberg Speech, 125, 154.
Parade, 26.
Nya Banken, 51.
Paradise, Communist, 157, 188.
O Paris, 27, 29, 40, 45, 47,
58, 59,
68, 77, 83, 86, 103, 106,
"Oddfellow’s Congress,” 31 '
112, 140.
"Party Cleaning Commission,”
Odessa, 57, 69, 92.
Officers,Ukrainian, 65. Party Day of Russian Com-
OGPU, 52, 96, 155.
munists, 80.
Ohio, 6, 194.
Pathfinders, Red, 140.
Oil, 176.
"Paul Reveres, The,” 160.
Oktober Revolution, 101.
"Peace Delegate,” 148.
Old Testament, 7, 119, 120, Peasants, German, 154.
Pennsylvania, 194.
Opinion, 126.
"People’s Commissar,” 53.
"Opium for the People,” 170.
Periodicals, anti-religious, 95.
Orgbureau, 91.
Petrograd, 34, 39, 103, 108,
Orthodox Jewish Congrega-
S 123, 151.
Philippines, 151.
Oslo, 86.
Plant Production, 193.
Otscherki Jewreiskogo Rabots-
Plenum, 198.
Plutocracy, Jewish, 156. Procor, 146.
Pogroms, 26, 43, 191. Production, Controlled, 190.
Poinciana Chapel, 49. Proletarian Catechism, 23.
Poland, 38, 142. Promiscuity, 98.
Policeman’s Children, 149. Propaganda Chief, 131.
Polish-Soviet Frontier, 154. Prosecuting Attorney, 155.
Politbureau, 39, 79, 91. Prosperity, 191.
Poltawa, 69. Protestant Church, 180.
"Popular Front,” 72, 73, 139, Protocols of the Learned Elders
140, 141, 149. of Zion, 181, 182 ,183.
Population, Aryan, 39, 82-83, Prussia, 21.
133, 135, 184. Psalms 4:3, 120.
Population, Gentile, 39, 53, 63, Psychology of Jews, 188.
65. Putsch, 30.
Population, Jewish, 62, 63, 80, PWA, 10, 12.
82, 83, 85, 87, 88, 133, 134,
"Pork for Sale,” 148. Rabbis, 1, 14, 18, 75, 182.
Portugal, 74. Race Equality, 173.
Potsdam, 129. Race, White, 125.
Prague, 32, 86. Racketeering, 121.
Prarda, 48, 73, 89, 148, 149. Radio Broadcast, 94.
"Preferred Comrades,” 98. Radio, The Jewish-Controlled,
Prepare for Power, 198. 190.
"President’s Idea Man, The,” Rape, 101.
177. Rape of the Republic, The,
Press Bureau, USSR, 39. 160.
Priests, 90, 94, 148, 161, 164. Reactionary, 166, 170, 187.
Prison, Sante, 106. "Rebels,” 74, 139, 150.
Prizvy, 43. Red Aid, 149.
Problems of Strike Strategy, Red Army, 44.
195. Red Cross Delegates, 84.

Red Cross, International, 62. Rhenish Gazette, 15.
"Red” Czar, 80, 81. Riga, 86.
Red Flag, 131, 167. Ritual Murder, Political, 68,
Red Gazette, 53. 70.
Red Network, The, 126. Rohrberg Commission Report,
"Red Sea,” 136.
Red Square, 46, 149.
Rome, 86, 137.
Red Star of Zion, 37.
Roosevelt Administration, 3.
Red Terror Police, 52.
Roosevelt Warming the Ser-
Red Virtue, 168.
pent, 70.
"Reform Law,” 135.
Reichstag, 73, 129, 1.34, 151. Rote Fahne, 132.
Relief, 189, 190, 191, 197. Roumania, 64.
Relief Hoax, 191. Royal Reception, 121.
Relief Money, 191. Royat, 57.
Report of the 8th Convention Rubber Industry, 199.
of the Communist Party, Ruhr, 56, 138, 151.
195. Russ, 40.
Republican Party, 189. Russia (See also Soviet Un-
Republic, German, 130. ion), 53, 54, 56, 57, 58, 59,

"Resettling” of Nations, 154. 61, 64, 66, 68, 86, 88, 92,

"Responsible Comrades,” 122. 93, 97, 102-104, 108-110,

Reval, 151. 117, 121, 123, 124, 128, 135-
Revolution in Spain, 49, 58, 137, 140, 141, 150, 157, 163-

72-74, 139, 141, 148, 169. 165, 169, 174, 177, 181, 183,
Revolutionary Congress, Lon- 188, 190, 192, 195.
don, 105. Russian Empire, 29, 31, 33, 34,
Revolutionary Military Com- 40, 41, 43, 44, 46, 49, 50, 51.
mission, 53. Russians, 86.
Revolutionary Unions, 195. Russian Revolution, The, by
Rheinisch-Westphaelische Syn- Lawton, 58, 82, 157.
dikat, 51. Russian Union, 52.

S Sheep, 178, 179.
Shop Nuclei, 196.
Sadism, 70, 74, 174. Siberia, 2, 33, 34, 35, 39, 47,
Saratov, 101. 54, 61, 76, 80, 81, 85, 96,
Satanic Minority, 112. 154.
Saturday Evening Post, 177. Sigilla Veri, 18, 21, 104.
Saxony, 151. Simbirsk, 27.
Saxony, Kingdom of, 130. "Sinister Motives,” 126.
Scapegoat, 80. Sisson Report, 123.
Scotland Yard, 188. Sittenlehre der Juden, Die,
Schulungsbrief , Der, 24. 123.
Scottsboro, 162. SixthWorld Congress of the
Scudder, 185. Communist International,
Seamen’s Home, 97. 192, 194.
Second International, 22. Slogan, 197.
Secret Factory Committees, Social Democratic Party, 21,
193. 48.
Secret Forces behind Revolu- Social Democratic Workers’
tion, The, 126. Party, 76.
Self-Determination of the Social Democrats, German, 33,
People, The, 46. 34.
Senators, 191. Socialist Party, 65.
Sete, 72. "Social Service,” 134.
Seventh Communist Party Sodomy, 135.
Day, 125. Sofia Cathedral, 151.
Seventh World Congress of Soldiers’ and Workers’ Coun-
the Communist Interna- cil, 62.
tional, 136. Soldiers’ Bonus, 191, 192.
"Sexual Revolution,” 135. Soldiers, German, 128, 152.
Shabes Goy, 41, 92, 99. Soldiers, White Army, 66.
Shanghai, 139. Soloviki, 93.
Sharpshooters’ Battalion, 43. Sons of Israel, 44.

South America, 144-148. Statue of Lenin, 102.
South Russia, 52, 67. Statute Labor, 123.
South Russian Workers’ Steel Industry, 192, 198, 199.
League, 47. Steel Plants, 194, 195.
Soviet Agents, 129, 130, 134, St. Ignaz Cathedral, 73.
136, 139-150, 198. St. James’ Hall, 22.
Soviet America, 55. St. Louis Cathedral, 73.

Soviet United States, 157, 159, Stockholm, 34, 50, 51, 86.
162, 164, 167, 168, 173. St. Petersburg, 28, 77, 93, 105.

Soviet Commercial Agency, Strike Promotion, 192.

103. Strikes, 158, 159, 192-195, 197,

Soviet Union, 38, 56, 57, 82, 198, 200.

Stuermer, 24.
87, 90, 96, 102, 104, 109,
Stuttgart, 133.
110, 111, 120, 121, 122, 125,
Sueddeutsche Monatshefte,
128, 129, 130, 138, 142, 145,
146, 150, 157, 160, 163, 167,
Supreme Court, United States,
71, 199.
Soviet Judea, 85.
Sverdlovsk, 35.
Soviet Social Registrites, 105.
Sweden, 31, 33, 34, 71, 182.
Soviet Trade Exchange, 110.
Switzerland, 23, 28, 30, 32, 33,
Sovdepia, 42.
48, 49, 77, 105, 106, 113,
Sovkhozi, 81.
115, 123.
Spain, 49, 58, 72, 73, 74, 139,
Synagogues, 92, 93.
141, 148, 169, 186.
Syncophants, 167.
Spark, 47.
Synonymous, 24.
Spartacus, 130, 150.
"Synthetic” Jews, 186.
Speculation, International, 142.
Szilagyez, 61.
Star, 37, 167, 171.
Stars and Stripes, 167. T
Starvation, 97. Talmud, References of the, 25,
State Bank of Hungary, 64. 55, 99, 115, 116, 125, 166,
State Troopers, 91. 169, 170, 174, 175.

Tambow, 66. Turkestan, 56, 93.
Tammany Politician, 26. Turkey, 33, 48, 56.
Teachers, 90, 93, 101.
Telegram of Roosevelt, 180.
Temples, 171.
Tennessee Valley Authority, Ukraine, 67, 84, 91, 123, 131.
180. Ullstein Press, 132.
Thanksgiving Day, 185. Union of Godless Fighters, 94.
Theater, 88, 183. Union of Socialist Soviet Re-
Thesis and Statutes, 193. publics, 160.
Third International, The, 37, Union Square, 162, 163.
90, 199. United Kingdom, 31.
Tiflis, 70, 76, 77, 106. United States, 26, 33, 44, 57,
Time, 20, 153. 58, 59, 60, 94, 100, 113, 123,
Tokio, 86. 127, 130, 135, 147, 148. 151,
Torturers, Chinese, 69. 156, 157, 158, 162, 163, 164,
Tourist Agency, Soviet, 71. 165, 171, 175, 176, 184, 189,
Trabajo, 149. 190, 192, 193, 195, 196, 198,
Trade Unions, 183, 193, 195- 200 .

198. "United States of Europe,” 48.

Train of the Czar, 56. Universal Christian Church,
Treasury Heads, 191. 113.
Treves, 14. Unter Arbeitern und Bauern
Triumph of Crime, 97. in der UDSSR, 84, 85.
Trojan Horse, 125. Upheaval, Talmudic, 175.
Trotsky Expedition, 50. Ural, 154.
Trotskyites, 57. Uruguay, 144, 146.
Trotsky Speech, 49. U. S. Soviet, 166, 168, 171,
Trotsky Trials, 58. 173.
Truth About the Protocols, U. S. S. R., 93, 94.
The, 35. U. S. Steel, 199.
Tschreswytschaika, 68, 69. Utopia, 157.

V Weltbuehne, Die, 136.
Wembley, 108.
Venezuela, 145.
West Russia, 38.
Vichy, 57.
White Russian Army and
Vidi, 182.
Navy, 37, 51, 52, 66.
Vienna, 24, 47, 48, 84, 86, 114,
"White Terror,” 124.
Wichita, Kansas, 27, 35.
Village Counsellors, 85.
Wierton Steel, 199.
Vilna, 29.
Women, Nationalization of,
Vincennes, 106.
Socialization of, 63, 101.
Voix des Nations, 100.
Workers’ Cooperative Insur-
Volga, 99.
ance Bank, 61.
Vorwaerts, 132.
Workers’ Paradise, 122.
Voskresnoye Chteniye, 93.
Worker’s World, 149.
Vosroschdenje, 45. The,
World at the Crossroads,
Vossische Z.eitung, 132.
W World Domination, Jewish,
Wages, Losess in, 200. "World Revolution,” 164.
Wall Street, 49, 52. World Service, 24, 85, 90, 100,
Wandering Jew, 60.
101 .

War Lord, 148.

Words, Misinterpretation of,
War Minister, 53, 55.
Warren, Ohio, 6. World-Super-Government, 112.
Warsaw, 84, 86, 89, 142. Wuerttemberg, Kingdom of,
Washington, D. C., 28, 40, 50,
86, 119, 189, 193.
Washington’s Birthday, 185.
Waters Flowing Eastward, 50.
Way Out, The, 197. Yale University Press, 123.
Wedge, 67. Yearbook of the Soviet Union,
Weltbolschewismus, Der, 143, 90.
151. Yereck, Steamship, 72.
Yhuzamtorg, 145. v
Y. M. C. A., 38, 98. Zionism, by L. D. Brandeis,
Yom Kippur, 116. 170.
You Gentiles, 73. Zionism, 107, 115, 152, 174.
Youngstown Jewish Times, Zionist Congress, First, 115.
102 .
Zion, Star of, 37.
Youth Movement, Communist, Zuerich, 34.
89. Zwi Migdol, 146.

Index of Individuals

Contents Page : Bolshevismus: should be
Page 5 Line 11: inexhaustively: should be
” 26 " 8: pogram: should be
" 58 " 13: Lewton: should be
" 59 " 4: world: should be
" 81 " 22: 1923: should be
" 86 " 16: Delete the word Turkish
" 88 " 16: Putnum: should be
" 102 " 8: 1937: should be
132 " 26: Falme: should be

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