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Oral Hygiene

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Oral Hygiene

aid - допоміжний засіб, пристрій, прилад
avoid - уникати, ухилятися
bristle - щетинка
cancer - рак
canker - виразка на слизовій ротової порожнини; афта
check-up - огляд, перевірка
cold sore - герпетичне висипання на слизовій ротової порожнини
deposit - відкладення
emergency - невідкладна допомога, критичний стан, крайня необхідність
firm – твердий
floss - зубна нитка
fluoride - фторид
gums – ясна
hygiene - гігієна
maintain - підтримувати, дотримуватись
plaque - бляшка, пляма, наліт
raw – сирий
remnants, debris – залишки
rinse - полоскати, засіб для ополіскування
stagnation – застій (їжі), стагнація
stick - приклеюватися, прилипати
substitute – замінник
supplement - добавка
thrush - кандидозний стоматит

Ex.1. Read and translate the text:

Oral Hygiene
Good dental or oral care maintains not only healthy teeth, gums and tongue,
but also the whole body. Oral problems, including bad breath, dry mouth, canker
or cold sores, tooth decay, or thrush are all preventable with proper care.
Most dental disorders arise directly and indirectly from two basic diseases of
teeth and their supporting tissues – caries and periodontal disease. Prevention of
dental disease therefore entails elimination of food stagnation, as this is the
primary cause of caries and periodontal disease. Food stagnation causes plaque
formation; which in turn leads to acid production, in the case of caries; and to
bacterial irritation and calculus in periodontal disease. The methods of prevention
are oral hygiene.
It includes brushing the teeth, flossing, cleaning the tongue, and visiting the
dentist regularly. Maintaining good oral hygiene is one of the most important
things you can do for your teeth and gums. Healthy teeth not only enable you to
look and feel good, they make it possible to eat and speak properly. Good oral
health is important to your overall well-being. It is recommended that you see your
dentist and dental hygienist at least twice a year however the dental care that you
provide on your own in-house is an integral part of maintaining good oral health. A
good in-house regimen supplemented by regular dentist check-ups and cleanings is
the best way to prevent dental emergencies.
Brushing with fluoride toothpaste is recommended at least twice a day to
remove plaque and the remnants of food and drink from our teeth and gums.
Flossing once a day is an essential practice to avoid gum disease and preventing
tooth decay. An oral rinse also helps promote good oral hygiene as it will reduce
oral discomfort, provide moisture to oral tissues and help with bad breath.
Good oral hygiene helps to prevent dental problems - mainly plaque and
calculus which are the main causes of gum disease and caries (tooth decay). Dental
plaque is a soft whitish deposit that forms on the surface of teeth. It forms when
bacteria combine with food and saliva. Plaque contains many types of bacteria.
You can remove plaque by good oral hygiene. Calculus, sometimes called tartar, is
hardened calcified plaque. It sticks firmly to teeth. Generally, it can only be
removed with special instruments by a dentist or dental hygienist.
Practicing the oral hygiene habits are great ways to maintain proper oral
health however good habits alone will not remove all the plaque that builds up over
time. This is why it is necessary to see your dentist and dental hygienist regularly
to remove the plaque to lower your risk of toothaches, cavities, periodontal disease
or even the loss of all your teeth. By removing plaque you reduce your chances of
needing root canals, tooth extractions, dental bridges, crowns and more. Your
dentist and dental hygienist will ensure that you will receive the necessary
treatment to maintain good oral health of your teeth, mouth and gums and keep
you smiling.
Good oral hygiene results in a mouth that looks and smells healthy. This
 your teeth are clean and free of debris;
 gums are pink and do not hurt or bleed when you brush or floss;
 bad breath is not a constant problem.

Ex.2. Translate the following words and word-combinations into English:

Карієс, зубний камінь, мікробна бляшка, невід’ємна частина, запобігти,
видалення зубів, регулярний огляд, залишки їжі, поверхня зубів, раз на день,
двічі на день, чищення зубів за допомогою зубної нитки, зменшити
дискомфорт, неприємний запах з рота, звичка, ясна, втрата всіх зубів,
отримати необхідне лікування, зубний біль.

Ex.3. Answer the following questions:

1. What does dental hygiene include? 2. How often is it recommended to see
the dentist and dental hygienist? 3. What is the best way to prevent dental
emergencies? 4. What is the purpose of brushing with fluoride toothpaste? 5. Why
is flossing recommended? 6. What is the benefit of oral rinse? 7. What dental
problems can good oral hygiene help to prevent?

Ex.4. Complete the following sentences with the words given below:
The practise of _____ hygiene is important because it ________ the build up
of dental ______. Plaque causes the two most common ________ found in the
mouth, dental decay and ____ disease. The longer dental plaque is permitted to
_____ to the teeth, the greater is the risk of dental disease. To prevent and _____
these diseases, dental plaque must be removed every day, by thorough _________
and flossing.

(brushing, stick, diseases, prevents, oral, plaque, gum, treat)

Ex.5. Read the following abstract and translate it:

Some common dental problems related to poor oral hygiene include caries
(tooth decay), gum diseases, tooth erosion. Caries is when holes form in parts of
the enamel of a tooth. A main cause of caries is due to a build-up of plaque. If you
have tooth decay you may need fillings, crowns or inlays. Gum disease means
infection or inflammation of the tissues that surround the teeth. Most cases of gum
disease are plaque-related. Plaque contains many different types of bacteria and a
build-up of some types of bacteria is associated with developing gum disease.
Tooth erosion is a common problem. It is the gradual erosion of tooth enamel by
the action of acid on the teeth. This is different to damage caused by bacteria
resulting in tooth decay and caries. Tooth erosion affects the entire surface of the

Ex.6. Make up the sentences using the following words and word-
1. day /teeth/ your/ fluoride/ every/ with/ a/ Brush/ toothpaste.
2. Clean/ day/ floss/ between/ teeth/ every/ with/ your.
3. Tobacco/chew/ Don't/ or/ smoke.
4. your/ health/ dentist/ regularly/ See/ or/ oral/ professional.
5. Fluoride/ a/ Rinse / daily/ mouthwash/ with.

Ex.7. Translate into English

1. Будь-яка профілактика включає комплекс заходів, що запобігають
виникненню несприятливих факторів, що спричинюють захворювання. 2.
Стоматологічні захворювання виникають в результаті дії етіологічних
факторів. 3. Гігієна ротової порожнини є складовою частиною запобігання
всіх стоматологічних захворювань. 4. Профілактика карієсу можу бути
здійснена комплексом заходів, спрямованих на усунення карієсогенної
ситуації в порожнині рота та на підвищення резистентності тканин зуба. 5.
Важливе значення в профілактиці захворювань пародонта має своєчасне та
ретельне видалення зубних відкладень.

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