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P545/2 Chemistry Paper 2: Uganda Certificate of Education Page 1

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Uganda Certificate of Education Page 1

Section A (30marks)

Answer all questions in this section.

1. Lead (II) carbonate was heated in a boiling tube until there was
no further change.

(a) State what was observed. (1 ½ marks)

(b) Write equation for the reaction that took place. (1 ½ marks)

(c) Excess dilute nitric acid was added to the residue,

followed by dilute hydrochloric acid. The resultant mixture was
heated and allowed to cool to room temperature. State What was
observed. (2marks)

Uganda Certificate of Education Page 2

2. 416g of anhydrous barium chloride was obtained when 488g
of the hydrated salt was heated. (formula of the hydrated salt is

(a) Write equation for the reaction which took place when the salt
was heated. (1 ½ marks)

(b) Calculate the value of n in BaCl 2.nH2O (Ba=137, Cl=35.5, H=l,

O=16) (3 ½ marks)

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3. The composition of compound A is: magnesium 9.8%, sulphur
13%, Oxygen 26%, water of crystallization 51.2%.

(Mg =24, S=32, O=16, H2O=18)

(a) Calculate the simplest formula of A. (2 ½ marks)

(b) To an aqueous solution of A was added barium nitrate solution.

(i) State what was observed. (1mark)

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(ii) Write an ionic equation for the reaction that took place.
(1 ½ marks)

4. Gas B constitutes the greatest proportion of biogas.

(a) Identify B. (1mark)

(b) Name two other gases present in biogas small quantities


(c) Write equation for the complete combustion of B is air.

(1 ½ marks)

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(d) The enthalpy of combustion of B is 890kJmol-1. Calculate the
volume of B that burns to produce 3,560kJ of energy at s.t.p (one
mole of a gas at s.t.p occupies 22.4dm 3. (1 ½ marks)

5. Hot concentrated sulphuric acid reacts with carbon, copper,

sulphur and glucose.

(a) Write equations for the reactions of hot concentrated sulphuric

acid with

i. Carbon. (1 ½ marks)

ii. Sulphur. (1 ½ marks)

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(b) Name one substance, from those listed above with which
concentrated sulphuric acid reacts as a dehydrating agent.
(½ mark)

(c) Write equation for the reaction that takes place in (b).
(1 ½ marks)

6. To an aqueous solution of salt E was added silver nitrate solution

followed by ammonia solution. In this reaction, a White precipitate
formed dissolved in ammonia solution and formed a colourless

(a) Identify the anion in E. (1mark)

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(b) Write an ionic equation for the reaction between the solution of
E and silver nitrate solution. (1 ½ marks)

(c) Ammonia solution was separately added drop-wise until in

excess to aqueous solutions of

(i) zinc nitrate

(ii) lead (II) nitrate.

State the observations made in (i) and (ii).

(i) (1 ½ marks)

(ii). (1mark)

7. A piece of copper metal was heated strongly in air.

(a) State what was observed. (1 mark)

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(b) Write equation for the reaction that took place. (1 ½ marks)

(c) Excess dilute sulphuric acid was added to the product formed,
followed by dilute sodium hydroxide. Write ionic equations for the
reactions that took place. (3marks)

8. (a) Define the term enthalpy of combustion of a substance

(1 ½ marks)

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(b) When O.7Og of ethanol, C2H50H was completely burnt in oxygen,
the heat evolved raised the temperature of 200g of water by 25°C.
(C2H50H =46 specific heat capacity of water =4.2 Jg -10c-1) Calculate
the enthalpy of combustion of ethanol in kJmol-1

9. (a) What is meant by the term hard water? (1mark)

(b) Name one substance that causes temporary hardness in water.

(½ mark)

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(C) State how the substance you have named in (b) is formed
(1 ½ marks)

(d) Name one method that can be used to remove temporary

hardness in Water. (1 mark)

(e) State one disadvantage associated with the use of hard water.

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10. (a) Write the formulae of the oxides of nitrogen. (½ marks)

(b) State the chemical nature of each of the oxides of nitrogen

(1 ½ marks)

(c) Name one oxide of nitrogen which forms two acids when
reacted with Water. (½ mark)

(d) Write equation for the reaction that takes place in (c).
(1 ½ marks)

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Section B (30 marks)

Answer any two questions from this section.

11. (a) Briefly describe the extraction of sugar crystals from sugar
cane. (7 marks)

(b) State two uses of sugar. (1mark)

(c) Concentrated sulphuric acid was added to sugar in a beaker.

(i) State what was observed. (1mark)

(ii) State the term that describes this type of reaction. (1mark)

12. (a) What is sewage? (2marks)

(b) Describe briefly the process of sewage treatment. (7marks)

(c) Distinguish between a slugde and an effluent in relation to

sewage treatment. (2marks)

(d) State two uses of sewage sludge. (2marks)

(e) Name two substances that can cause water pollution. (2marks)

13. (a) Name one reagent that can be used to distinguish between
each of the following pairs, and in each case state what would be
observed if the reagent is separately reacted with each member of
the pair. .
Uganda Certificate of Education Page 13
(i) Pb2+(aq) and Mg2+(aq) . (3marks)

(ii) Zn2+(aq) and Al3+(aq) (3marks)

(iii) Fe2+(aq; and Fe3+(aq) (3marks)

(lV) S032-(aq) and SO42-(aq) (3marks)

(b) You are provided with solution H which is suspected to contain

chloride ions. Describe briefly, an experiment you would carry out
on H to confirm the presence of chloride ions. (3marks)

14. (a) Distinguish between the terms, normal salt and acid salt,
and give an example in each case to illustrate your answer.

(b) Describe how a dry sample of 1ead(II) sulphate can be prepared

in in the laboratory using lead (II) nitrate as one of the starting
materials. (6marks)

(c) Calculate the volume in cm 3, of 0.5M solution of lead (lI) nitrate

that must be used in (b) to produce 3.03g of lead (II) sulphate.

(Pb=207, S=32, O=l6) (4marks)

(d) Name two other salts that can be prepared by the same method
as described for lead (II) sulphate. (1mark)

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