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GCE Advanced Level Worked Solution

9647 Higher 2 Chemistry 2015

Paper 1 (Multiple Choice Questions)

















MCQ worked solutions


Answer: B
Group IV elements have electronic configuration of ns2 np2. Hence the answer is 2s2 2p2.

Answer: B
Sigma bond is formed by a head-on overlap by either s or p orbitals. Pi bond is formed by
sideways overlap by p orbitals and not be s orbitals.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Answer: C
For OH- , number of electrons = 8 +1 + 1 = 10
Number of neutrons = 8

Answer: C
Calcium has a higher melting point than sodium as the melting point of metals is dependent on
the charge density of the cation (charge/ ionic radius). Ca2+ has a higher charge than Na+.

Answer: B
The amino acid has the bond angles 109.5o, 107o and 120o.
The zwitterion has the bond angles 109.5o and 120o.

Answer: D
The definition of lattice energy of sodium oxide is the enthalpy change when one mole of
solid sodium oxide is formed from the separate gaseous sodium ions and oxide ions
under standard conditions.
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Answer: B
NaOH + HCl NaCl + H2O
Number of moles of NaOH =


x 0.0500= 6.25 x 104 mol (limiting reagent)


Number of moles of HCl = 1000 x 0.100 = 2.50 x 103 mol

Number of moles of HCl remaining = 2.50 x 103 6.25 x 104 =1.875 x 103 mol
1.875 x 103
Concentration of HCl remaining =
= 0.0500 mol dm3

Answer: C
10CH4 + 39/2O2 9CO2 + 1CO + 20H2O
Mol ratio of CH4 : O2 = 10 : 19.5
Volume ratio of CH4 : O2 = 1 : 1.95

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Answer: A
The product CO2 in solution forms hydrogen bonds with water molecules. Bond formation
would result in H being exothermic (-ve).
There is lesser number of particles for products in comparison to the reactants, hence this
would result in more orderly arrangement S=-ve.


Answer: B
Students are expected to know the standard conditions for electrode potentials.
Standard conditions for concentration of solutions used are 1 mol dm-3 and for 1 mol dm-3 for
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015



Answer: D
Ka = [CH3CO2-][H+]/[CH3COOH]
= (C)2 / (1 )C
= 2 / (1 )

Answer: C
Students are expected to do well in this question.
Applying Le Chateliers Principle, to increase the product methanol, the disturbance that would
shift POE to the right are to increase the pressure and to decrease the temperature.
Reason is there is lesser number of molecules of gases in comparison with reactant

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


Answer: D
H2O(g) + CO (g)

H2(g) + CO2(g)

Let the change in number of moles of H2O and CO be a mol and forming a mol of H2 and CO2
Total number moles of gas at eqm = 1-a + (1-a) + a +a = 2
Hence 33.3% of H2 in resulting mixture is a/2 = 33.3/100
a = 0.666
Kc = [H2] [ CO2] / [H2O] [CO]
= (a)(a )/ (1-a) (1-a)
= (0.666)2 / (1-0.666)2
= 3.97


Answer: B
Given that rate = k[H2][NO]2
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Using the values when [H2] kept constant and [NO] is doubled, rate of reaction would be 4 times,
hence x= 6/4 =1.5
Using the values when [NO] is kept constant and [H2] is doubled, rate of reaction would be 2 times,
hence y = x (2) = 1.5 x 2 = 3
Using the values when [H2] kept constant, rate of reaction y=3 compared to 0.75 is 4 times, hence
conclusion [NO] = 1.0 mol dm-3 is double that of value of z, hence z = 0.5 mol dm-3

Answer: D
A is incorrect as ionic radius of M2+ would increase down Group II, hence charge density would
B is incorrect as atomic radius of elements would increase down Group II, hence electronegativity
would decrease
C is incorrect as the number valence electrons in Group II is always 2
D is correct as the cationic size of M2+ would increase down Group II, hence its charge density and
polarizing power would decrease. Hence less able to distort the electron cloud of large nitrate
anion and weakening the covalent bonds between N and O atoms, hence thermal decomposition
would take place at a higher temperature, leading to thermal stability of the nitrate

Answer: D
A is not true as S also gives 2 acidic oxides SO2 and SO3
B is not as Ne has the highest 1st IE in period 3
C is not true there are chlorides of Mg, Si and S that gives acidic solutions
D is true as P forms P4 molecule with 4 atoms

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Answer: A
Cu+ is colourless due to d10 electronic configuration.
Copper (II) hydroxide is a blue precipitate.


Answer: C
Atomic radii decreases across the Period 3 due to increasing nuclear charge while shielding
effect remains effectively constant (because in the same period). Effective nuclear charge
increases and thus atomic radii of P < Si < Al < Mg
Across Period 3, melting point increases from Mg to Al (due to increasing metallic bond), with
Si having the highest melting point (due to strong covalent bonds between Si atoms), then
drop significantly for P4 (which exists as simple molecular structure with weak id-id between
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015



Answer: B
Oxidation state of Cr changes from +6 to +3. Dichromate (VI) ions acts as an oxidizing agent for
Y. This reaction takes place in acidic medium. If it is in alkaline medium, Cr 2O3 maybe formed
Ketone, tertiary alcohol and carboxylic acids cannot be oxidised.
Y must be either primary or secondary alcohol or aldehyde.


Answer: A
PCl5 only eacts with either alcohol or carboxylic acid via nucleophilic substitution.


Answer: B
Alkynes have cabon-carbon triple bonds. There are two positional isomers and 1 branched
isomer, giving a total of 3 possible structural isomers.
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Answer: D
sp2 carbons are those with one pi bond.


Answer: B
NaBH4 can reduce aldehyde to primary alcohol and ketone to secondary alcohol only.

Answer: A
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

There are already 6 carbons in citric acid. Therefore, the reagent added has to be 3 carbon
only. There are 3 carboxylic acids functional groups and 1 alcohol functional group present in
citric acid. There is only an increase of one oxygen atom in the final organic product. Therefore,
the reagent added has to be a carboxylic acid, which reacts with 1 alcohol group in citric acid to
form an ester (with a removal of one water molecule).

Answer: D
Ease of C-Cl bond breaking

Ethanoyl chloride is an acid chloride and hence the bond breaks the fastest, giving rise to the
white ppt in the shortest amount of time.

Answer: D
As question did not provide students with the pKa values of the different groups, they need to
know that the generic pKa of the various groups.
pKa: -acid ~2-3, -amine ~9 R-acid ~4

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So at pH 11, all groups will have pH>pKa and be deprotonated.


Answer: D
Approach to this question is to do the conversion on the functional group and count the number
of atoms which have been lost or gained.
Conversion from aldehyde to ketone not possible so B is out.

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Answer: C
Recall the relative acidities of phenol and alcohols and their reaction with NaOH.
Phenols will be deprotonated while alcohols will not.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Answer: B
Recognise that a multi-substitution on the ring has taken place due to the presence of the
phenol group and hence Br2(aq) is the reagent used.

Recall mechanism of electrophilic addition of Br2(aq)
Alkene is symmetrical hence need to take note of the following two points.
1) Br is inserted before OH
2) Generation of the carbocation intermediate

For each of the questions in this section, one or more of the three numbered statements 1 to 3 may
be correct.
Decide whether each of the statements is or is not correct (you may find it helpful to put a tick
against the statements that you consider to be correct).
The responses A to D should be selected on the basis of

1, 2 and 3 are correct

1 and 2 only are


2 and 3 only are


1 only is correct

No other combination of statements is used as a correct response.

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Answer: D
Draw out e configuration for ions
Mn2+: 3d5 no paired 3d
Fe2+: 3d6 has paired 3d
Co3+:3d6 has paired 3d

Answer: A
SiCl4 is covalent and replacing the two Cl with methyl groups would make it covalent still and
hence a low b.p. is expected.
Ge is in group 4 and just below Si and hence GeCl4 would be covalent and have a low b.p.
AlBr3 is expected to be covalent compound since Br is below Cl and AlCl3 is a covalent


Answer: C
Assumptions of the Kinetic Theory for Ideal Gas:
(i) The gas particles are in a constant state of random motion. (Statement 2)
(ii) The volume occupied by the gas particles is negligible as compared to the volume
occupied by the gas. (Statement 3)
(iii) There is negligible intermolecular forces of attraction between the gas particles.

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Answer: A
[RECALL: Reduction reactions are favoured for positive Eored values, while oxidation reactions
are favoured for negative Eored values]
Statement (1): Based on Eored values, NH4+(aq) will undergo reduction, while Zn(s) will undergo
oxidation, therefore, Eocell = Eored (Reduction Half-Cell) - Eored (Oxidation Half-Cell)
= (+0.74) (-0.76) = +1.50 V
Statement (2): Overall cell reaction: 2NH4+(aq) + Zn(s) Zn2+(aq) + 2NH3(g) + H2(g)
Statement (3): Zinc casing will hence become thinner as Zn(s) is oxidized to form Zn2+(aq).

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Answer: B

[RECALL: Based on Arhennius Equation, rate constant = ]

Statement (1): Addition of catalyst will provide an alternative reaction pathway with a lower
activation energy (Ea). The Ea for both the forward & the backward reactions will be hence be
lower, thus the rate constant will be increased for both kf & kb.]
Statement (2): A change in temperature will affect the rate constant value. An increase in
temperature will hence increase the rate constant value.
Statement (3): A change in concentration of the reactants will affect the rate of reaction, but
not the rate constant.

Answer: A
Statement (1): Methanal (HCHO) is a planar molecule. The shape about the central C-atom is
trigonal planar (i.e. 3 bond pairs & 0 lone pair).

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Statement (2): Oxidation number of C = 0 - (2)(+1) - (-2) = 0

Statement (3): HCHO(g) + O2(g) CO2(g) + H2O(l)


Answer: C
[RECALL: Initiation Step of Free-Radical Substitution Homolytic fission of X-X bond]

Statement (1) & (2): Radicals have only one lone electron (or unpaired electron) and not a
lone pair of electrons.
Statement (3): Homolytic fission of a covalent bond is defined as the chemical dissociation/
cleaving of a bond in a molecules, whereby each of the atoms (involved in the bond) retains
one of the original bonded electrons.

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Answer: C

Statement (1):

is not a geometric isomer.

Statement (2):
atom Y is not H-atom.

is a geometric isomer, because

Statement (3):
atom Y is not H-atom.

is a geometric isomer, because

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HINT: As long as atom Y is not H-atom, the compound will be a geometric isomer.


Answer: A
Thinking Point: Although the question did not specify the reaction conditions, students are
required to consider all positive reaction conditions (i.e. room temperature or heat etc.)
Statement (1): When heated, CH3-group will be oxidized with alkaline aqueous KMnO4 to form
CHO group.
Statement (2): At room temperature, phenol will undergo condensation with ethanoyl chloride
to form an ester.
Statement (3) At room temperature, phenol will undergo redox (acid-metal) reaction with

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Answer: B
[RECALL: For a molecule to optically active, it should have a chiral centre (i.e. carbon bonded
to 4 different functional groups) with no plane of symmetry]
Molecule (3) is the only molecule with a plane of symmetry, hence it is not optically active.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

2015 A-Level Paper 2 Question 1 Planning

Common Mistake: The equation to represent the reaction between propanoic acid and methanol
was generally well known. Some candidates had difficulty in expressing the ester as a displayed
formula. The use of the incorrect carboxylic acid and omission of water as a product were seen.
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Thinking Point: Student should be mindful of reversibility and displayed formula of ester.

Standardisation of HCl(aq)
Part 1: Prepare 250 cm3 Standard HCl(aq)
1. Measure out 40.00 cm3 HCl(aq) from 50.00 cm3 burette into 250 cm3 standard flask.
2. Top up to 250 cm3 mark with DI water using dropper.
3. Stopper flask, and invert it a few times to obtain a homogeneous solution.
4. Pipette 25.0 cm3 from this 250 cm3 solution into 250 cm3 conical flask.
5. Add one drop of phenolphthalein into solution.
6. Titrate with 1.00M NaOH(aq) from 50.00 cm3 burette.
7. Add dropwise near endpoint.
8. Stop titration when solution changes from colourless to pink.
9. This is the titre volume.
10. Repeat Step 4 to 9 until at least two consistent results are obtained.

Why measure out 40.00 cm3 HCl(aq)? Assume that it is 3.00 M HCl(aq), then the titre value
would be about 12.00 cm3. This allows 50.00 12.00 = 38.00 cm3 of NaOH(aq) to be used
for titrating equilibrium mixture later on. If 0.03 mole of CH3CH2COOH is used in Mixture 1
(shown later), then maximum another 30.00 cm3 of NaOH(aq) will be used. This is feasible.
H+ is a catalyst. It is not used up in the reaction.
Assume it is 3.00 M HCl(aq).
Amount of H+(aq) in 40.00 cm3 = (0.040)(3) = 0.120 mol

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Amount of H+(aq) in 250 cm3 diluted solution = 0.120 mol

[HCl(aq)] in 250 cm3 diluted solution = 0.120 / 0.250 = 0.48 M
pH of solution in conical flask before adding NaOH(aq) = log(0.48) = 0.32
Amount of NaOH(aq) needed = 0.0120 mol
Volume of NaOH(aq) needed = 12.00 cm3
Total Volume at endpoint = 25.00 + 12.00 = 37.00 cm3
One extra drop about 0.05 cm3
Amount of NaOH in 0.05 cm3 = (0.05 / 1000)(1) = 0.00005 mol
[OH] = 0.00005 / 0.037 = 0.00135 M
pOH = 2.87 or
pH = 14 2.87 = 11.1
pH of solution in conical flask after last drop of NaOH(aq) added = 11.1
pH of solution in conical flask before last drop of NaOH(aq) will be less than 7 because any
drop of NaOH added will be neutralised by excess HCl.
Endpoint colour change of solution would be from colourless to pink.

Part 2: To obtain Equilibrium Mixtures

Do not use excess of CH3CH2COOH or CH3OH relative to each other. If not, it will not show
up in the Kc value. Use similar concentrations. Guide: If A is 10 times of B, then A is in
a) How much of CH3CH2COOH and CH3OH to use for each mixture?
Amount of CH3CH2COOH in 10 gram = 10 / 74.0 = 0.135 mol
Amount of CH3OH in 10 gram = 10 / 32.0 = 0.3125 mol
Propose the following mixtures:
Mixture 1:
0.06 mol (or 4.44 gram)
0.04 mol (or 1.28 gram)
Mixture 2:
0.04 mol (or 2.96 gram)
0.06 mol (or 1.92 gram)
Both liquids are soluble in water.
Ester is also a liquid soluble in water.
All 3 liquids have some volume. Assume all liquids dissolve completely in water and their
individual volumes do not add to the volume of HCl(aq). Hence we are just looking at
Volume of Water or HCl(aq) ONLY.
b) How much of standardised 0.48M HCl(aq) to use in preparing the mixtures?
We need to measure out exact volume of 0.48M HCl(aq). If not, we will not know the exact
initial [CH3CH2COOH] and [CH3OH].
Since we use a stoppered flask, we assume that evaporation is not a problem.
HCl(aq) will help to dissolve the organic molecules. Hence they will not be so volatile.
We need to measure out at least two mixture samples for titration with 1.00 M NaOH(aq).
Assume that we only have 25.0 cm3 pipette in the lab. Then we need to use 50.00 cm3
burette to measure out 0.48M HCl(aq) to prepare the
equilibrium mixtures.
[Limitation: However the second sample may not be exactly 25.0 cm3. We do not have
additional samples as well, if there is a need. Consider using a 10.0 cm3 pipette.]
c) Procedure to Prepare Equilibrium Mixtures
1. Using a thermometer, measure initial temperature of 0.48M HCl(aq).
2. Using a 50.00 cm3 burette, measure out 50.00 cm3 HCl(aq) into a 250 cm3 conical flask.
3. Using a weighing balance and weighing bottle, measure out 4.44g CH3CH2COOH and
1.28g CH3OH into a 250 cm3 conical flask.
4. Stopper the flask tightly. Place it in a fume cupboard.
5. Start magnetic stirrer stirring for one week.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

6. Repeat Step 2 to Step 6 for another mixture of 2.96g CH3CH2COOH, 1.92g CH3OH and
50.00cm3 HCl(aq).

Given that the mixture is left for one week for completion. This necessitates the use of
stoppered flask. If not there will be problems of evaporation and oxidation of methanol by
O2 in air.
There is no need for water bath. Enthalpy change of esterification is about zero, based on
the estimation of bonds broken and bond formed. Hence there will be no large temperature
changes in mixture. Mixture is also expected to be at room temperature of 25C. One week
is given for completion. Enough time is given for mixture to equilibrate to the surrounding
room temperature
d) Titration Procedure on Equilibrium Mixture after ONE week
1. Using a thermometer, measure the temperature of mixture. It should be the same as
previous temperature.
2. Pipette out 25.0 cm3 mixture into another 250 cm3 conical flask.
3. Add one drop of thymol blue (pH indicator) into conical flask.
4. Add 1M NaOH(aq) from 50.00 cm3 burette into mixture.
5. Add dropwise near endpoint.
6. Stop when mixture changes from red to orange.
7. Record this endpoint volume. [Compare the endpoint in Part 1.]
8. Add one drop of phenolphthalein to mixture.
9. Continue adding 1M NaOH(aq) to mixture.
10. Add dropwise near endpoint.
11. Stop when mixture changes from yellow to orange.
12. Record this endpoint volume.
Question: Why use Thymol Blue, not Methyl Orange?
Answer: pH of solution at first endpoint is about 2.4. Working pH range of Thymol Blue from 1.2
(Blue) to 2.8 (Yellow), while that of methyl orange from 3.1 (Red) to 4.4 (Yellow).

e) Calculations for Mixture 1

Step 1: To find [CH3CH2COOH]eqm
Amount of NaOH reacted with CH3CH2COOH = 1000 x 1.00 mol
Amount of CH3CH2COOH = =
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[CH3CH2COOH]eqm = 1000 0.025 = 25.0 mol dm-3

Step 2: To find equilibrium amount of CH3OH and ester
CH3CH2COOH(aq) +
Initial / mol
0.06 2 = 0.03
0.04 2 = 0.02

Change / mol (. )
(. )

Eqm / mol

Step 3: To find Kc for Mixture 1

[CH3OH]eqm = [






CH3CH2COOCH3(aq) +

+(. )

0.01 ] 0.025 mol dm-3

[CH3CH2COOCH3]eqm = [ . ] 0.025 mol dm-3

[H2O]eqm = 55.6 mol dm-3
It is assumed that [H2O] does not change because it is a solvent (ie. present in large excess). But
for rigorous treatment, you may calculate actual [H2O]eqm with contribution from the reaction.
Step 4: Repeat Step 1 to Step 3 for Mixture 2. Calculate the average Kc value.
Safety Precautions
No naked flame because methanol is flammable.
Wear gloves because propanoic acid is corrosive.
Common Mistake:
There was a huge range in the level of detail in responses to the planning question. This
included no responses and part attempts, with either an explanation of how to standardise
the acid or how to make up the reaction mixture. Many responses included relevant safety

Ignoring the information provided when outlining experimental plans resulted in a lack of
appropriate experimental detail. Use of measuring cylinders to accurately measure volume
was common when a pipette or burette would have been more appropriate. Explanations of
how to process the results in order to solve the problem proved to be demanding. For
those candidates who included the processing of results, there was evidence of clear and
logical explanations. The relevance of water in the original amount of hydrochloric acid was
rarely recognised.

Thinking Point:

Must read given information carefully.

Measuring cylinder is not an accurate instrument to measure out volume. Pipette and
burette are accurate instruments.
Need to explain how to process the results.
Need to recognise the relevance of water in the original amount of hydrochloric acid.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015



Answer: Standard enthalpy change of combustion is the energy release when 1

mole of substance is completely burnt in excess oxygen under standard
(Standard condition in syllabus 9647: 298 K 1 atm)
(Standard condition in syllabus 9729: 293 K 1 bar)
Thinking points: The definition is well known. But students need to be mindful of
the standard condition in the new syllabus is different. 2 marks are awarded for
a straightforward definition!
Common mistakes made: Vague definition such as reacting in oxygen instead of
excess oxygen.

Answer: Petrol is a mixture of hydrocarbon. Hence, its enthalpy change of

combustion cannot be accurately determined.
Thinking points: Is the composition of the different hydrocarbon in the mixture for
petrol always constant?
Common mistakes made: inability of petrol to combust or it is dangerous to find
the enthalpy change of combustion of petrol.


Answer: Using the data from the table, 0.0358 MJ of energy is released per dm 3
of methane at 25 oC and 101 kPa.
101 kPa - 0.0358 MJ
24.8 MPa 8.79 MJ
Thinking points: Remember to express answer in appropriate units.
Common mistakes made: Many students did not use the data in the table. They
used the Ideal Gas Equation.
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Answer: The combustion of hydrogen produces water, whereas the combustion

of methane produces carbon dioxide which is a greenhouse gas.
Thinking points: Comment on the nature of the products of the fuel.
Common mistakes made: Students gave vague answers such as combustion of
hydrogen is not detrimental to the environment. They did not elaborate what
happen when hydrogen is burnt.

Answer: The Mr of methanol is twice that of methane. Hence methanol has a

much more polarisable electron cloud and stronger instantaneous dipoleinduced dipole interaction. However, Methanol is a polar molecule whereas
methane is a non-polar molecule. Therefore, the boiling point of methanol is
much higher due to the presence of the stronger hydrogen bonds between the
methanol molecules.
Thinking points: Students need to give two reasons to explain the higher boiling
point in methanol than methane.


CH3OH (l)
-726 kJ mol-1

2H2 (g) + CO (g)

kJ mol-1

-283 kJ mol-1

CO2 (g) + 2H2O (l)


H rxn = -726 [2(-286) + (-283)] = +129 kJ mol-1

Thinking points: How to construct and use appropriate energy cycle.
Common mistakes made: Many students described the reverse process for the
enthalpy change or did not use the stoichiometry of the equation. Some
students used the wrong bond energy data.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

G = H -TS
For a spontaneous reaction, G < 0.
H -TS < 0
+129 T ( 1000 ) < 0

-T < +129 (
T > 388 K
The minimum temperature is 389 K.
Thinking points: When G = 0, the reaction is at equilibrium. Students need to
be mindful in solving equation involving inequality sign.
Common mistakes made: Many students did not convert to the correct units and
made rounding errors or did not express the answer in correct number of
significant figures.

Answer: Carbon monoxide is a stronger ligand than oxygen. Carbon monoxide

binds irreversibly to haemoglobin by dative covalent bond. Thus, oxygen will no
longer be able to bond with the iron in haemoglobin.
Thinking points: Compare oxygen and carbon monoxides strength of bonding to
iron within haemoglobin.
Common mistakes made: Many students focused their answers on the action of
carbon monoxide in the blood



Enthalpy change = 244 + 436 2(431)
= -182 kJ mol-1

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[1] for each correct arrow

Thinking points:
Must recognise the relative spacing in the energy level diagram to label
each level accordingly.
1st change involves bond breaking of Cl2 (with an upward arrow),
2nd change involves bond breaking of H2 (with an upward arrow)
Common mistakes made: Formation of hydrogen and chloride ions is incorrect.

Bright light provides sufficient energy to overcome the high activation energy
barrier to form chlorine radicals. [1]
Thinking points:
Must allude to the presence of activation energy barrier and not just bond
breaking of Cl2 as endothermic
Common mistakes made: Not including the fact that light provided energy for the
formation of chlorine radicals.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Free radical Substitution [1]
Cl2 2Cl
Thinking points:
Requires some inference and transfer of learning skills from organic
The brief exposure to light generates the radicals required for the propagation
step which no longer requires the light energy. [1]
Moreover, since the initiation stage is the energy requiring step whilst the
propagation step is nett exothermic resulting in an increase in temperature, the
rate of the reaction increases. [1]
Thinking points:
Two terms to be explained explicitly as they are in bold print.
Common mistakes made: Not realising that the exothermic nature of the
reaction and thus the increase in temperature resulted in an increase in rate.
Although the BE of Br2 (+193 kJ mol-1) is less than that of Cl2
(+244 kJ mol-1), less energy required for bond breaking for Br 2, the BE of HBr (366 kJ mol-1) is also relatively lower than HCl (-431kJ mol-1), less energy given
This results in the reaction having an enthalpy change of -103 kJ mol-1, which is
less exothermic than the reaction between Cl2 and H2 (-182 kJ mol-1). Thus Br2
reacts with hydrogen less reactively.
For 3 mks,

Compare BE of Br-Br < Cl-Cl

Compare BE of H-Br < H-Cl
Compare energy change for both reactions in terms of

Thinking points:
What does the term less reactive really allude to?
Common mistakes made: Unnecessary answers on electrode potential data or
discussions as to why H-Br bond is weaker.


NaCl (s) + H2SO4 (l) NaHSO4 (s) + HCl (g)

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


2HBr (g) + H2SO4 (l) Br2 (g) + 2H2O (l) + SO2(g) [1]
HBr is a stronger reducing agent as compared to HCl and hence is able to
reduce H2SO4 to SO2.
Common mistakes made: Need to be clear on which is the reducing agent.

Add Cl2 (aq) to separate samples of HX (aq).
For HBr (aq), reddish-brown solution of aqueous Br2 will be formed. For HCl
(aq), the solution remains colourless.
Cl2 + 2Br Br2 + 2Cl
Thinking points:
Use of oxidising agent such as acidified hydrogen peroxide or acidified
chlorate(I) or (III)
Observations to be made
3 mks what could be the last point?
Common mistakes made: Concentrated sulfuric acid is not suitable because
starting point is an aqueous solution.


Displayed formula to have all bonds drawn

All partial charges involved in the hydrogen bonding must be shown.
Show hydrogen bond formed between +H and lone pair of e.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

[1] hydrogen bond

[1] displayed formula
Common mistakes made: students did not show the partial charges responsible for
the formation of hydrogen bond.


To show positively charged intermediate after transition state followed by

abstraction of proton by either amine/I.

[1] amine attack + C with lone pair of e, bond breaking of C-I bond.
[1] pentavalent transition state with correct charge separation
[1] formation of positively charge species with abstraction of proton
[1] other products (dependent on base used to abstract proton)
Common mistakes made: Not draw the positively charged intermediate along
with the relevant bond breaking to produce the products.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Methyl iodide is a primary alkyl halide with little steric hindrance [1] due to only H
attached to the C [1].
Methyl iodide will form an unstable CH3+ carbocation [1] due to lack of e
donating groups attached if it were to undergo SN1 reaction [1].
Reason plus explanation to get full 2 marks


[1] for correct structure

Step 1 :HCN, trace NaCN, 10-20oC [1]
Step 2: LiAlH4, dry ether, reflux [1]
The intermediate product in the reaction above will be formed as a racemic
mixture as the carbonyl carbon on 3,4-dihydroxybenzaldehyde is planar and
CN can approach it from top and bottom with equal chance. [1]
As only one of the isomer is able to fit into the receptor of the human body,
hence only 50% of the synthesised drug will be inactive. [1]
Common mistakes made: to restate the qn or that the production of a racemic
mixture cancelled out the optical activity of the drug.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


Ag2O + 2H+ + 2e 2Ag + H2O

Should construct using Ag2O rather than Ag+
Additional question to think about, what is the organic product after the

n C9H13NO3 = 50/1000 x 3.0 x 10-3 = 1.50 x 10-4 mol

C9H13NO3 + 2Ag2O C9H9NO3 + 4Ag + 2H2O
nAg2O = 1.50 x 10-4 x 2 = 3.00 x 10-4 mol
mass of Ag2O required = 3.00 x 10-4 x (2x108 + 16) = 0.0696g
take note of the formula for silver(I) oxide is Ag2O and not AgO.


This results indicates that the compounds are aryl chlorides [1] as they did
not undergo a nucleophilic substitution reaction as expected with alkyl
chlorides. Aryl chlorides do not undergo nucleophilic substitution because the
lone pair of electrons on Cl can delocalise into the aromatic benzene ring and
this leads to a partial C Cl double bond character which strengthens the
bond,[1] and leads to a lower reactivity towards nucleophilic substitution.
Common mistake: to focus on what the compounds identity could not be
rather than what it actually was.



H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

% by mass
% mass

= 4.08

= 2.70

= 1.36

empirical formula of X is C3H2Cl


Assuming ideal gas behaviour (pV = nRT), where n =

Mr =


(101 000) (87.4 10-6 )

= 147


Let the molecular formula of X be C3nH2nCln

n(12.0 x 3 + 1.0 x 2 + 35.5) = 147


molecular formula of X is C6H4Cl2.



[] for each structure, [] for each name.

Comments: Some students would have struggled with the naming of the
compounds using the IUPAC convention. A common mistake was to
draw the same structure with a different orientation to pass it off as a
different compound.

[1] for Y and [1] for equation.

Comments: For mononitration of compound Y to give only one
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

compound, it must possess a high degree of symmetry and only one

possible chemical environment for the substitution of the nitro group.
Common mistake: Answer produced a detailed description of the
mechanism instead of an equation which showed the reaction with the
reagent given.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015




ROH + Na RONa + H2
Amount of menthol = 2 x 1.32 x 102 = 2.64 x 102 mol
Mass of menthol = 2.64 x 102 x 156 = 4.118 g
% by mass of menthol in peppermint =
x 100 % = 41.2 %
Students need to recognise mole ratio = 1 menthol : H2 and not 1:1.
Chiral centres: 3
Number of optical isomers = 23 = 8
General formula for number of stereoisomers = 2n where n is the number of
chiral centre or double bonds with different R groups. Common mistakes are
to create six isomers (3 x 2) or nine isomers (32).

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015



Nickel catalysed

Energy / kJ mol1
Ea = +42 kJ


Platinum catalysed

Menthone +

H = 80 kJ mol1

Reaction pathway
The Maxwell Boltzmann distribution diagram is different from the energy
profile diagram.
Reaction is exothermic (H = - 80 kJmol1)
Reagents and products are to be labelled on diagram
As the mechanism is not given, the reaction pathway will be assumed to be
a single step. Hence there will be one hump.
Common mistake: to draw an endothermic reaction or draw a Boltzmann
distribution curve or not name the reactants and products or mix up the reactant
and product.

1. Diffusion of reactants towards catalyst
Hydrogen gas and methone diffuse towards the nickel catalyst
2. Adsorption
Adsorption of hydrogen and menthone onto the catalyst surface
weakens the HH bond in H2 and the C = O bond in menthone
3. Reaction
CH and OH bonds form while HH bond in H2 and C = O bond
4. Desorption
Menthol diffuses away from the nickel surface.
Question requires a description of how a heterogeneous catalyst works.
Question is not about how the role of a catalyst increases the rate of
reaction by reducing Ea.
Palladium is lower in the group than Ni and it has a similar electronic
configuration as Ni and Pt. So it is expected to behave in a similar mechanism
as Ni and Pt.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Students need to explain their choice of element.

All 3 gave orange ppt with 2,4DNPH but none reduces

Fehlings solution
Treatment with H2 with platinum
gave menthol.
Treatment of isomers with hot








H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

All 3 isomers react with Br2 (aq)

Alkene functional group present
in all 3 isomers
Electrophilic addition
Ketone functional group present
in all 3 isomers
Condensation reaction
Reduction of carbonyl and
alkene functional groups.
Oxidative cleavage of alkene
functional groups

Common mistake:
Not comment on the use of hot KMnO4 or to think that the decolourisation of
bromine imply the presence of benzene.

Answer: All three exist as non-polar molecules; all possess instantaneous-dipole
induced-dipole (idid) interactions. As the size of the polarisable electron cloud
increases down Group VII, the idid gets stronger. More energy is required to
vaporise it hence the volatility decreases down Group VII.
Thinking points: What influences the volatility of a substance?
Common mistakes made: Students cannot link volatility to intermolecular forces of
attraction. Some students link the trend to bond energies or to relative molecular
6NaOH (aq) + 3Cl2 (aq) NaClO3 (aq) + 3H2O (l) + 5NaCl (aq) [1]
The oxidation state of chlorine started off as zero and ended up as +5 in NaClO3 and
-1 in NaCl. [1]
Thinking points:
Keyword is hot, so the chlorine-containing product is chlorate(V) rather than
Best to include state symbols because question itself included it for NaOH.
Common mistake: unbalanced equation or did not mention changes in oxidation
number of chlorine.


The bond energy of the H-F bond (+ 562 kJ mol-1) is the strongest out of the
four H-X bonds (+ 431, + 366, + 299 kJ mol-1). As a result while HCl, HBr and
HI dissociate completely, HF only dissociates partially.
Common mistakes made:
Failing to quote the bond energy values from the Data Booklet.
Some overzealous students might even write about extent of orbital overlap as
we go down Group VII. Not needed based on the context!

pH of HCl = - log (0.50) = 0.0301
pH of HF = - log (0.50 * 5.6 * 10^-4) = 2 log (2.8) = 1.776
Common mistakes made:
Failing to realise that HF is a weak acid, as implied by the Ka value provided.
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


On the addition of aqueous silver nitrate, a white precipitate (AgCl) and a pale yellow
precipitate (AgI) is formed, in the case of chloride and iodide ions respectively. On
adding excess aqueous ammonia, the precipitate dissolves to give a colorless
solution in the case of chloride but not iodide. The compound that caused AgCl to
dissolve in excess ammonia is Ag(NH3)2Cl.
Common mistakes made:
Since the question mentioned products, it is safer to write Ag(NH3)2Cl than just
write the formula of the silver diammine complex ion.
Students did not identify the ppt or gave the wrong colour or did not identify or
mention the silver complex.


The value of PV is fixed at all temperatures.
V = 0.4 x 8.31 x 300 / 12 x 105 = 8.31 x 10-4 m3= 831 cm3
Thinking points:
Rather straight-forward calculation. No unit conversion required.

pV = 9.26 x10^5.
pV = 8.88 x 10^5.
Thinking points:
Also does not involve unit conversion but not as obvious as (ii). Look carefully
at the units in the third column.
Assuming that there is a linear relationship and interpolating from the given
PV = (8.88 x105) + (0.6 x 0.38 x 105) = 9.108 x 105
V = (9.108 x105) / (12 x 105) = 0.759 dm3

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

The volume in (iii) is less than the one in (ii) because HCl is a polar molecule
with relatively strong permanent dipole permanent dipole interactions between
molecules. [1] These interactions cause the actual volume of the gas (iii) to be
smaller than the ideal volume (ii). [1]
Thinking points:
Your answer must include the comparison between your answers in (ii) and (iii)
and the link with the appropriate property of HCl.


S = + 16.8 / 188 = + 0.0893 kJ mol-1 K-1 [1]
The positive entropy change is due to an increase in the number of
gaseous molecules on vapourisation and there are more ways to arrange
the particles hence greater disorder. [1]
Thinking points:
It is expected of you to know that is G is zero for phase changes (the
examiner is not obliged to tell you so).
No need for unit conversion because the temperature is already in Kelvins and
the energy units of H and S are compatible.
Common mistakes:
Failing to insert the positive sign. Mix up the J and KJ units.
G = + 16.8 298(0.0893)= - 9.811 kJ mol-1
The negative sign of G indicates that the reaction is spontaneous.
Thinking points:
No need for unit conversion because the temperature is already in Kelvins and
the energy units of H and S are compatible.
There would be ECF, based on your answer to (i).



Magnesium burns readily with dazzling white flame and greyish white solid of
MgO is formed.
Mg(s) + 1/2O2(g) MgO(s)
Ca(s) + 1/2O2(g) CaO(s)
Calcium burns reluctantly with intense white flame with red tinge/brick red flame
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

to form a white solid of CaO.

Thinking points: Students have not observed how calcium burns in air in the lab.
Common mistakes made: Not many knew the colour of the flame is brick red.
Descriptions with equations must be included. Solid is referred as precipitate.
MgO is insoluble in water.
CaO dissolves quickly in water with a crackle sound to form a colourless
solution. Large amount of heat is released.
CaO (s) + H2O (l)
Ca(OH)2 (s)
Ca2+ (aq) + 2OH (aq)
Common mistakes made: Many students did not know the observations.
Thinking points: Students need to observe the reactions in the lab.


Solubility = 0.205 mol dm-3

Thinking points: The value needs to be between calcium hydroxide and barium
[Ca(OH)2] = 2.5 x 10-2
[OH-] = 2 x 2.5 x 10-2 = 5 x 10-2 mol dm-3
[H+] = 10-14/5 x 10-2 = 2 x 10-13 mol dm-3
pH= -log[H+] = 12.7
Common mistakes made: Common mistake is 12.4 as the [OH- ] was wrongly
calculated as 2.5 x 10-2

Ksp = [Mg2+][OH-]2
= 1.6 x 10-4 x (2 x 1.6 x 10-4)2 = 1.64 x 10-11 mol3 dm-9
Common mistakes made: Some omit the negative and positive signs on the
ions. Some did not use the correct [OH-]
As the total volume is doubled, the concentration of barium ions and magnesium
ions would be halved. However the concentration of hydroxide would need to
consider the total concentration of hydroxide from both Mg(OH) 2 and Ba(OH)2.
Based on calculation, magnesium hydroxide would be precipitated while barium
hydroxide would not precipitate.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

[OH-] = (3.2 x 10-4) + (8.2 x 10-1) = 0.41016 mol dm-3

[Mg2+] = 8 x 10-5 mol dm-3
[Ba2+] = 2.05 x 10-1 mol dm-3
Ksp of Mg(OH)2 = 1.6 x 10-4 x (2 x 1.6 x 10-4)2 = 1.64 x 10-11 mol3 dm-9
Ksp of Ba(OH)2 = 4.1 x 10-1 x (2 x 4.1 x 10-1)2 = 0.275684 mol3 dm-9
IP of Ba(OH)2 = 2.05 x 10-1 x (0.41016)2 = 0.0345 < Ksp of Ba(OH)2
IP of Mg(OH)2 = 8 x10-5 x (0.41016)2 = 1.35 x 10-5 > Ksp of Mg(OH)2
Common mistakes made: Many students do not understand common ion effect
well and observations were not well done.
Thinking Point: Be mindful of mutual dilution. Students need to read question
carefully and be aware of that Ksp value needs to be calculated based on

Asp, Glu (anions)

Ca2+ would bind with R group using ionic bonds.
Common mistakes made: Lys (cation) is included.

The bonding is hydrogen bonds between the N-H bond of 1 amino acid and the
C=O bond of the 4th amino acid per turn.
Common mistakes made: Students need to indicate where the hydrogen bond is
Thinking point: Given is 2m, students should be more precise in their answer.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

6M acid solution and heat for several hours OR moderately concentrated NaOH
solution and heat for several hours.
Common mistakes made: The word dilute, aq or solution are omitted
Thinking point: Peptide bond is strong and hence needs to use appropriate
solutions of suitable concentration.

hexa-peptide =.> 6 peptides join together in a chain


Common mistakes made: H is written as ClCH2CH(OH)CN and J is written as

Step 4: excess ethanolic ammonia, heat in sealed tube
Step 5: Dilute HCl, heat under reflux. With careful neutralisation of NH3+ with
aq NaOH.
Common mistakes made: For Step 5, some include KMnO4 while others did not
H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

indicate the presence of acid, alkali or heat or just wrote water.


Answer: Step I Hydrolysis ; Step II Elimination ; Step III Reduction

Thinking points: Students can derive the answer by considering the information found
in the synthetic route.
Step I indicates that cellulose reacts with water to form glucose.
In Step II, comparing the structural formula of glucose and HMF shows that the
compound has increased of degree of unsaturation.
In Step III, comparing the molecular formula of HMF and DMF shows that there is gain
of H atoms and loss of O atoms.
Common mistake: To think that for step III, the reaction is nucleophilic substitution or


(l) +


6CO2(g) + 4H2O(l)

= 3BE(CC) + 8BE(CH) + 2BE(C=C) + 2BE(CO) + 2 BE(O=O) 12BE(C=O)
= 3(350) + 8(410) + 2(610) + 2(360) + 2 (496) 12(805) 8(460)
= -3350 kJ mol-1 (correct to 3 s.f.)
Common mistake: unbalanced equation or omission of some relevant bond energies
in their calculations or careless mistakes.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


q = 200 g 4.18 JK-1g-1 32K = 26752 J
Heat released by burning 1.00 g of DMF = 26752 J


= 33440 J

n(DMF) in 1.00g = 1.00 [6(12.0) + 8(1.0) + 16.0] = 0.0142 mol

Hc(DMF) = -33440 0.01042 = -3210 kJ mol-1 (correct to 3 s.f.)
The answer in (b) did not account for Hvap of DMF as it was liquid DMF that
Data Booklet bond energies are average values.


Common mistake: using the 80% and calculating the Mr was not easy for some


H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

Common mistake: SN 2 reacting with Cl- in the rate determining step or ionizing
the alcohol to RO- in the first step
Answer: K2Cr2O7, dilute H2SO4, heat under reflux
(Do not accept KMnO4, dilute H2SO4, heat under reflux because it will cleave
C=C bonds)


Answer: Ester
Answer: CH2(OH)CH2(OH)
(Accept condensed formula, structural formula, or skeletal formula)
Answer: Concentrated H2SO4, heat under reflux.
Common mistake: to write conc H2SO4 (aq) which contradicts

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015



R-CH3 + Cl

R-CH2 + Cl2


UV light


R-CH2 + HCl

R-CH2Cl + Cl


Cl + Cl


R-CH2 + Cl

R-CH2 + CH2-R
Common mistake: to produce H in the propagation steps



Answer: Proton number refers to the number of protons in the nucleus of an

atom. Nucleon number refers to the total number of protons and neutrons
present in the nucleus of an atom.
Common mistakes made: Writing nucleons instead of writing neutrons

Let % of 6Li be x

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

(100 x)
7.016 6.942
1.001x 694.2 701.6
%6Li = 7.39%
%7Li = 92.61%
[1] for each relative percentage abundance
Take note that answer is to be given to 2 d.p. as stated in question and not 3
sig figures.

X: 3He
Y: 7Li
Students should show the nucleon number in their answer.
Should include the charge on 7Li to account for the conservation of charge.
Both charge and mass of compounds on both sides of equation must be
Must identify the element as asked in the question and not leave answer in
terms of X and Y.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


Metallic bond. Both lithium and carbon atoms are held together by a sea of
delocalised electrons.
Must make reference to the delocalised e in graphite.

Before: +4
After: +3

Making use of dot and cross diagram to show the bonding pairs.
4 bond pair of bonding e, no lone pairs of e hence tetrahedral shape.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

cold alkaline KMnO4 or cold KMnO4 and aq NaOH

Common mistake: use K2Cr2O7 or that the reagents should be heated


2Li2O2 + CO2 Li2CO3 + 1/2O2

Common mistake: students did not write the correct formula for lithium
carbonate or lithium peroxide and wrote LiCO3 or LiO2.

Li+ has a small ionic radius and hence its charge density is high enough to
distort the electron cloud of CO32, weakening the CO bonds and
allowing it to decompose thermally.
NOTE: Need to be clear that it was the C-O bond in the carbonate ion that
was polarised and that the cation has high charge density.


H2 Chemistry 9647 2015


Common mistake: not relating the position of the OH group to the number of
carbon atoms in each of the starting compounds and using RLi as one of the
reagents instead of RBr.

Heat all three with acidified K2Cr2O7 in a test tube.

The one that remains orange is R.
The other two will turn the orange K2Cr2O7 to green.
Test the oxidised product with 2,4-dinitrophenylhydrazine.
The one that produces orange ppt is Q and the one without ppt is P.
Common mistake: Used KMnO4 to oxidise the alcohols. Colour change is
purple to colourless. Did not heat the acidified K2Cr2O7. Use tri-iodomethane
test to identify R.
NOTE: need to isolate oxidised product before testing for it such as heating the
alcohol with acidified oxidant with produce CO2 due to the presence of acid.

H2 Chemistry 9647 2015

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