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Clinical Oncology (2007) 19: 397e417



Chemical Radiosensitizers for Use in Radiotherapy*

P. Wardman
University of Oxford, Gray Cancer Institute, PO Box 100, Mount Vernon Hospital, Northwood HA6 2JR, UK

Radiosensitizers are intended to enhance tumour cell killing while having much less effect on normal tissues. Some
drugs target different physiological characteristics of the tumour, particularly hypoxia associated with radioresistance.
Oxygen is the definitive hypoxic cell radiosensitizer, the large differential radiosensitivity of oxic vs hypoxic cells
being an attractive factor. The combination of nicotinamide to reduce acute hypoxia with normobaric carbogen
breathing is showing clinical promise. ‘Electron-affinic’ chemicals that react with DNA free radicals have the potential
for universal activity to combat hypoxia-associated radioresistance; a nitroimidazole, nimorazole, is clinically
effective at tolerable doses. Hypoxia-specific cytotoxins, such as tirapazamine, are valuable adjuncts to radiotherapy.
Nitric oxide is a potent hypoxic cell radiosensitizer; variations in endogenous levels might have prognostic significance,
and routes to deliver nitric oxide specifically to tumours are being developed. In principle, many drugs can be delivered
selectively to hypoxic tumours using either reductase enzymes or radiation-produced free radicals to activate drug
release from electron-affinic prodrugs. A redox-active agent based on a gadolinium chelate is being evaluated clinically.
Pyrimidines substituted with bromine or iodine are incorporated into DNA and enhance free radical damage;
fluoropyrimidines act by different mechanisms. A wide variety of drugs that influence the nature or repair of DNA
damage are being evaluated in conjunction with radiation; it is often difficult to define the mechanisms underlying
chemoradiation regimens. Drugs being evaluated include topoisomerase inhibitors (e.g. camptothecin, topotecan), and
the hypoxia-activated anthraquinone AQ4N; alkylating agents include temozolomide. Drugs involved in DNA repair
pathways being investigated include the potent poly(ADP ribose)polymerase inhibitor, AG14361. Proteins involved
in cell signalling, such as the Ras family, are attractive targets linked to radioresistance, as are epidermal growth
factor receptors and linked kinases (drugs including vandetanib [ZD6474], cetuximab and gefitinib), and cyclo-
oxygenase-2 (celecoxib). The suppression of radioprotective thiols seems to offer more potential with alkylating
agents than with radiotherapy, although it remains a strategy worthy of exploration. Wardman, P. (2007). Clinical
Oncology 19, 397e417
ª 2007 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

Key words: Chemoradiation, DNA, hypoxia, nitroimidazoles, oxygen, radiosensitizers

Introduction an example d can react with these free radicals and

modify response. Differences in radiosensitivity might
In the present context, the measures of radiosensitivity of reflect variations in the levels or activity of proteins
most interest are the clonogenic survival of tumour cells, involved in the repair of damage to DNA, linked in turn to
and the survival of cells in, or functionality of, normal gene expression: chemicals that inactivate such proteins
tissues, after doses of radiation delivered with therapeutic might be radiosensitizers. As cells progress (or not) through
intent. Variations in these measures of radiosensitivity the cell cycle, checkpoints and signalling events may vary
reflect many factors. Differences in response with radiation in their efficiencies, and can be modified by drugs.
quality might arise from different distributions of the initial We consider here only the modulation of radiosensitivity
ionization events, leading to differences in the nature, by low molecular weight chemicals. These can be both
yields and/or spatial distribution (especially clustering) of endogenous substances, such as oxygen, nitric oxide, thiols
damage from the free radicals that are the ultimate cause and ascorbate (the levels of all of which can both vary and
of cell death or pathological change. Chemicals d oxygen is be modulated), and xenobiotic chemicals, which interact
with radiation damage in some way. They can be further
separated into substances that react with short-lived free
The chemical structures of many of the drugs referred to in radicals and need to be present at the instant of irradiation
this overview are shown in Fig. 1; these are asterisked on first (e.g. oxygen), and those that target radiation effects more
mention. indirectly, such as by binding to DNA repair enzymes or cell

0936-6555/07/190397þ21 $35.00/0 ª 2007 The Royal College of Radiologists. Published by Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.

signalling proteins to render them ineffective. Radiation Types of Chemical Radiosensitizer

therapy is often given in conjunction with a course of
chemotherapy; in some instances this includes regimens in An early pioneer in this field, G. E. Adams, divided
which therapeutic gain is sought by exploiting synergy radiosensitizers into five categories [15,16]:
between radiation and drug effects. An example would be
the combination of drugs that kill radioresistant hypoxic  ‘Suppression of intracellular-SH [thiols] or other endo-
cells with a radiotherapy course. Although the planning of genous radioprotective substances.
such a regimen would consider the two treatments in  Radiation-induced formation of cytotoxic substances
concert because the target cell population varies during the from the radiolysis of the sensitizer.
radiotherapy course because of differential radiosensitivity  Inhibitors of post-irradiation cellular repair processes.
of hypoxic vs oxic cells, the effects are in principle  Sensitization by structural incorporation of thymine
independent, and this topic is not discussed here. However, analogues into intracellular DNA.
some drugs may both kill hypoxic cells and react with short-  Oxygen-mimetic sensitizers, for example the electron-
lived, radiation-produced free radicals; these are discussed affinic drugs .’.
below. Furthermore, the independence of action is often
a grey area: if one defines radiation effects to include All these types of radiosensitizer are discussed below,
a long post-irradiation period, it may be unclear whether although the order and emphasis is changed, and there is
any effects of chemotherapy given any time after irradia- new interest in cell signalling processes and growth factors
tion are truly independent of radiobiological effects. The so that post-irradiation pathways of interest extend beyond
terminology in discussing the interaction of cytotoxic DNA repair.
chemotherapy with radiation has long been a problem Another leader in this area, E. J. Hall, in discussing
[1,2], yet ‘our understanding of the specific mechanisms of radiosensitizers, stressed the importance of a differential
interaction between radiation and chemotherapy is still effect between tumours and normal tissue, and with this
evolving’ [3]. The present overview cannot hope to ‘all important criterion’ suggested in the fifth edition of his
encompass all aspects of the interaction of radiation with standard text [17] ‘only two types of sensitizers have found
drugs; a recent review [4] set out the general principles of practical use in clinical radiotherapy:
the ‘concurrent chemoradiation paradigm’, and previous
papers have discussed the biological basis for combining  The halogenated pyrimidines . based on the premise
drugs with radiation [3] and reviewed many trials of that tumor cells cycle faster and, therefore, incorpo-
combined radiation/drug treatment [5]. A comprehensive rate more drug than the surrounding normal tissues.
overview of both radiation sensitizers and protectors  Hypoxic cell sensitizers increase the sensitivity of cells
showed the breadth of the topic [6]; new and emerging deficient in molecular oxygen . based on the premise
radiosensitizers and radioprotectors have been reviewed that hypoxic cells occur only in tumors and not in
recently [7], focusing on the newer chemoradiation normal tissues.’
modalities. A report of a meeting to advise the International
Atomic Energy Agency on radiosensitizers meriting further This focus now seems too narrow to the present author, or
development also described the newer approaches [8]. at least ‘hypoxic cell sensitizers’ can now be broadened
Chemical radioprotectors are, of course, the reverse of as a term far beyond the original concept. Taking up the
radiosensitizers: the aim is to decrease radiosensitivity, latter premise presented by Hall (recognising that the
especially of normal tissues. Clinical gain can be either by issue is not clear-cut, with a spectrum of oxygen tensions
a reduction in morbidity if the effects are confined to normal across both tumours and normal tissues), it is pertinent
tissues, or by exploiting the hoped-for reduced radiosensi- to note recent progress in oxygen-sensitive drug delivery.
tivity of normal tissues to deliver higher radiation doses and, In principle, many drugs can be specifically released only
thus, enhanced tumour cell kill, the latter strategy obviously in cells of low, defined oxygen tension, exploiting the
not without risk. The best-known radioprotector is the thiol ‘trigger-effector’ concept, developed especially by the
prodrug, amifostine* (WR-2721). Activity in this field has group of W. A. Denny and W. R. Wilson [18], and now
been included in other reviews [6,7,9e12] and is not attracting wider attention [19,20]. This approach, illus-
discussed in detail here. The importance of chemical radio- trated in Fig. 2, involves constructing prodrugs comprising
protectors is that their existence illustrates the competition a bioreducible ‘trigger’ (often nitroaromatic moieties
between the enhancement of damage (e.g. by oxygen or drugs) based on experience with ‘electron-affinic’ radiosensi-
and ‘repair’ in the specific example involving the reaction tizers), which when reduced by cellular enzymes (donating
of short-lived free radicals with thiols, or thiol drugs [6,9]. an electron to form a radical anion), fragments to release
As key discoveries in the 1970s relevant to this area are active drug. This release can be made selective to hypoxia
becoming less well known with time (an example is the because the intermediate prodrug radical is oxygen
millisecond timescale of the ‘oxygen effect’ [13,14]), some reactive; oxygen inhibits drug release via a fast, free
early landmark advances are noted, along with a brief radical (electron transfer) reaction. Profiling drug release
overview of the current status. The field is too large for to oxygen tensions involves matching the rates (chemical
a comprehensive survey in this overview, and only kinetics) of the reactions involved [21]. A recent illustra-
illustrative references are given. tion from the author’s institute shows significant

H 2N P O CH3 N
Cl O N N
amifostine OH clofibrate efaproxiral CH3 O pentoxifylline
H NO2 HN N(CH3)2
O 2N CH3 NO2 N O2N
metronidazole misonidazole nimorazole sanazole NO2 N
etanidazole pimonidazole O nitracrine
Br F CH3
+ N N
O– O N N
tirapazamine O CH3 N
RSU1069 RB6145 OH O HN CH3 N N
N N+ CH3
OH O CH3 O capecitabine N
N camptothecin O H2N
F Br N
gemcitabine H3C HO O
lisofylline CH3 CF3

AG14361 N(CH3)2
H3CO N H3C celecoxib
L778,123 vandetanib gefitinib F buthionine sulfoximine NH2

Fig. 1 e Some of the drugs discussed in the text (those asterisked at first mention).

progress in designing prodrugs having the desired charac- Radiotherapy is Free Radical Therapy: the
teristics [22].
Hence, it is, in principle, possible to deliver any drug that
Basis for Oxygen and ‘Oxygen-mimetic’
enhances cellular radiosensitivity to tissues having low Hypoxic Cell Radiosensitizers
oxygen tensions. The inclusion by Adams in his 1973 With developments in cell biology, effort in radiobiology
classification of ‘Inhibitors of post-irradiation cellular repair research has shifted down the radiation effects’ timeline:
processes’ is especially relevant today because of the one review a few years ago entitled ‘How does radiation kill
vastly increased understanding of DNA repair and cell cells?’ does not refer to free radicals at all [23], reflecting
signalling, and the development of potent inhibitors of interest in targeting cell signalling pathways as an emerging
these pathways. Such inhibitors need not focus on a funda- and attractive therapeutic strategy. However, most insight
mental differential between pathways in tumours vs normal into the use of arguably the most important class of chemical
tissues if drug delivery can be made tumour specific, e.g. by radiosensitizers can be gained by recognising that short-lived
hypoxia-controlled targeting via oxygen-sensitive prodrug free radicals are obligate intermediates in the complex
fragmentation. Of course, the pharmacological and phar- pathways leading ultimately to cell kill after radiation:
macodynamic characteristics of prodrug and drug need to be ‘ionizing radiation’ implies free radical production d ionisa-
such that desirable ‘bystander’ effects in oxygenated tion is loss of an electron and free radicals are species with
tumour cells are obtained without systemic redistribution unpaired electrons. Oxygen, the prototypical radiosensitizer
of drug thwarting initially specific delivery. There is in many respects, is itself a free radical, but unusual in
obvious scope to apply this approach to drugs that have having two unpaired electrons and rapidly adding to many
been used in conjunction with radiotherapy and that other free radicals, producing new, reactive radicals.
modulate DNA repair or cell signalling pathways.

prodrug amount
effector of active
trigger drug
0 0.5 1
% oxygen
reductase enzymes or
radicals from radiation

radical fragments radical reacts

if O2 is low (hypoxic with O2 in
tumour cells) normal tissues
free radical

‘trigger’ active drug prodrug
residue released recycled detoxified

Fig. 2 e Illustration of how drugs can be delivered to hypoxic tissues using the ‘triggereeffector’ concept. Inactive prodrugs can be reduced
either by cellular enzymes or by radiation-produced radicals, the resulting free radical then fragmenting to release active drug or reacting
with oxygen to recycle the prodrug. The competition between the two pathways is controlled by the kinetics of the reactions and oxygen
tension. Chemical groups (‘modifiers’) on the linking moiety can change the profile of active drug release to suit the desired oxygen tension

Oxygen: the Definitive Hypoxic Cell Although there has been much work in the last decade in
Radiosensitizer characterising the form of radiation survival curves at
clinically relevant (!5 Gy) doses using in vitro models [30],
The links between tumour hypoxia and prognosis after not always translating to corresponding effects in vivo [31],
radiotherapy, as well as with tumour proliferation, sensi- almost all of the data refer to air-equilibrated cells (which
tivity to some chemotherapy regimens, and the malignant incidentally all lack ascorbate, a key ‘radical sink’). There
phenotype, are now well established [24]. Two recent is evidence that oxygen is less efficient in radiosensitizing
reviews discussing hypoxia in head and neck cancer [25,26], cells at therapeutic compared with higher radiation
and a commentary providing a brief overview of the current doses [32e34], but again studies generally compare air-
understanding of tumour hypoxia [27] illustrate both the equilibrated cells with anoxia and not the response at
diversity of hypoxia-associated phenomena and progress physiologically relevant (much lower) oxygen tensions. An
towards patient profiling using diagnostic probes. The illustration of the response measured at clinically relevant
simplest representation of the role of oxygen in influencing doses and oxygen tensions in one in vitro model in a recent
radiosensitivity, and thiols in ‘repairing’ radiation damage, study in the author’s institute [35] is shown in Fig. 3. In

is often seen in equations such as: ‘R þ O2 / damage spite of the historical data being based on high radiation

fixation’, in competition with: ‘R þ thiol / damage repair’, doses, it is clear that many common tumours include

where R represents an unspecified free radical. These a significant fraction of cells with intracellular oxygen
correctly suggest a competing scenario between oxygen and concentrations in the steeply rising radiosensitivity re-
thiols, but tell us nothing about both the mechanisms sponse/concentration region, such that any method to
involved (‘fixing’ damage is particularly uninformative and improve tumour oxygenation should result in an increase in
misleading) and the efficacy of oxygen, in concentration radiosensitivity of hypoxic subpopulations. The potential
terms, as a chemical radiosensitizer. The latter is not easy gain of radiosensitizing hypoxic cells is large: severely
to measure, even in vitro, because of cellular respiration hypoxic cells typically require two to three times
and inefficient gas/liquid equilibration [28], although higher radiation doses to kill them compared with well-
appropriate techniques have been developed [29]. oxygenated cells [17], a factor independent of absolute
The oxygen concentration giving a response midway radiosensitivity across organisms differing in radiosensitiv-
between well-oxygenated and anoxic cells (with a typical ity by orders of magnitude.
maximum differential radiosensitivity of about a factor The most direct, and perhaps the earliest, treatment for
2.5e3) is equivalent to around 0.4% v/v oxygen (gas phase) raising tumour oxygen levels is hyperbaric oxygen: clinical
or 0.4 kPa (3 mm Hg) partial pressure (pO2) [17], but most trials have been well documented, most benefit being seen
early measurements involved much higher radiation doses with few/large fraction radiation regimens [36,37]. The
than are commonly given in fractionated radiotherapy. method is cumbersome and with some increase in morbidity

1 mice [46], but clinical studies are awaited. Recombinant

0.9 N2
human erythropoietin has been evaluated clinically in some
N2 detail as a means to correct haemoglobin levels [43], but its
0.8 50 ppm many functions have been noted, including its angiogenic
Surviving fraction

0.7 and mitogenic potential [42]. Reviewing published studies,

40 ppm Kaanders et al. [47] concluded that ‘The potential of
0.6 erythropoietin to promote tumor growth must be further
100 investigated, but it is too early to withdraw erythropoietin
0.5 1000 ppm
80 ppm
from the clinic for this reason’. Indeed, a recent evaluation
[48] suggested: ‘Most studies suggest that erythropoietic
Oxygen Nitric oxide
therapy either improves survival or has no negative effect
on survival when used to treat anaemia in patients with
cancer . When used according to its licensed indications,
0 1 2 3 4 5 0 1 2 3 4 5
it is likely that erythropoietic therapy has no negative
Dose / Gy
effect on survival.’
Fig. 3 e Radiosensitization of hypoxic Chinese hamster V79-379A Clofibrate* is an anti-lipidaemic drug that reduces the
fibroblast-like cells in vitro by either oxygen or nitric oxide at very affinity of haemoglobin for oxygen and thus acts as
low concentrations (gas phase ppm v/v) and low radiation doses;
a radiosensitizer [49], but clinical studies in this context
clonogenic survival data from [35]. Anoxic (N2) (open circle);
50 ppm O2 (solid circle); 100 ppm O2 (solid square); 1000 ppm O2
do not appear to have been carried out. Efaproxiral*
(solid up triangle); 40 ppm nitric oxide (solid down triangle); (RSR13) also interacts with haemoglobin in a non-covalent
80 ppm nitric oxide (solid diamond). Lines are drawn to guide the and allosteric manner to lower the oxygen-binding affinity,
eye; the dashed line is the response in anoxia (data points are and increase pO2 [50e52]. A number of clinical trials are in
omitted from the left-hand panel for clarity). Although cellular progress or have been completed [46,53e55]. A phase III
consumption might cause the efficacy of oxygen to be under- trial of efaproxiral, involving 515 patients treated with
estimated, nitric oxide seems to be more potent than oxygen (NB whole-brain radiotherapy for brain metastases, showed
nitric oxide is w50% more soluble in media than oxygen for the a significant increase in response rate for the efaproxiral
same partial pressure). arm at 3 and 6 months, with evidence that patients with
breast primary tumours responded better [55].
Pentoxifylline* has been reported to improve tumour
in some sites [36]. Although hyperbaric oxygen is not in use oxygenation and improve radiation response if given before
today with radiation, its use to treat late radiation damage irradiation in several animal studies (e.g. [56]); its modes of
is attracting attention [38]. Oxygen carriers, mainly based action include increased red cell deformability, reduced
on enhanced solubility parameters of perfluorocarbons blood viscosity as a result of decreasing platelet aggrega-
compared with blood plasma, have been evaluated, with tion, and vasodilation. Reviewing the evidence, however,
mixed results; thus one recent animal study [39] found Nieder et al. [57] considered ‘. these findings have not
benefit only when the perfluorocarbon was combined with translated into positive clinical studies to date. None of
carbogen breathing (carbogen is usually 95e98% O2 þ 5e2% three published clinical trials attempting to enhance the
CO2 v/v). However, newer approaches are being developed, effectiveness of radiotherapy with Ptx [pentoxifylline] had
exploiting advances in nanotechnology [40], and there are a satisfactory design’.
reasonable prospects for the development of new oxygen Nicotinamide was originally evaluated in radiobiology as
carriers that might have value in radiotherapy. an inhibitor of DNA repair via its interaction with poly(ADP
Other approaches to increase the oxygen supply to the ribose) polymerase (PARP), as an analogue of known PARP
tumour have been attempted; strategies to modify oxygen inhibitors, but has found more value as a vasoactive agent.
transport via haemoglobin binding look particularly in- It showed good activity in combination with carbogen or
teresting. The effect of anaemia on radiation therapy has normobaric oxygen with fractionated irradiation in animal
been recently reviewed [41e43]; a comparison with animal models [58], where it was shown to eliminate acute hypoxia
studies has been made [44]. Although the ‘literature . is (intermittent closure of blood vessels) [59]. The possibility
overwhelmingly of its importance as a prognostic factor’ of repair inhibition in normal tissues in vivo does not seem to
[36], both the most recent [43] and an earlier discussion be a problem [60], and although it was suggested that small
[36] noted the difficulty in defining optimal haemoglobin dose reductions might be needed because of some normal
levels. Transfusion with red blood cells often seems to tissue sensitization [61], several promising clinical studies
be limited to cases of severe anaemia [43]; it may be have been reported. These mainly involve the combination
detrimental in some instances because of immunosuppres- of nicotinamide with normobaric carbogen (to overcome
sion [42,43]. A paper [45] discussed the interrelationships diffusion-limited or chronic hypoxia), often with acceler-
of low haemoglobin levels, hypoxia, tumour angiogenesis ated radiotherapy to inhibit repopulation (the ‘ARCON’
and survival. Derivatising haemoglobin with polyethylene regimen: accelerated radiotherapy with carbogen and
glycol to improve the biocompatibility of bovine haemo- nicotinamide) [36,62,63]. A phase II study of bladder
globin was found to be useful in animal models involving cancer found no difference in bowel and bladder morbidity
fractionated radiation, particularly in carbogen-breathing at 12 weeks, although there were problems with patients

completing daily nicotinamide at 80 mg/kg over 20 frac- in desmethylmisonidazole (Ro 05-9963) and etanidazole*
tions/4 weeks [64]; another study discussed possible re- (SR2508) were not as successful as hoped [9,82]. Pimonida-
lationships between tolerance and pharmacokinetics [65], zole* (Ro 03-8799 [83]) showed enhanced efficacy in vitro in
and daily doses of 60 mg/kg became normal. Acute and late (extracellular media) concentration terms compared with
morbidity in the treatment of advanced bladder carcinoma misonidazole without correspondingly enhanced cytotoxicity
with the ARCON regimen was assessed again more recently [83], but this may have reflected pH gradients between
[66], concluding that ‘Although, for some endpoints, the culture media and intracellular milieu [84], or between
incidence of late sequelae was higher than expected, overall intracellular organelles [85] (the compound is a fairly strong
morbidity was no worse than reported by others. The data base with pKa w 8.7 compared with nimorazole’s pKa w 5.0).
indicated that ARCON could achieve a therapeutic gain in Despite good tumour uptake [86], pimonidazole, too, was not
patients with advanced bladder carcinoma’. Reviewing found to be effective in trials [36], but it was ‘reborn’ as
ARCON in 2002, Kaanders et al. [67] considered ‘In particular a useful diagnostic probe for hypoxia [87].
in cancers of the head and neck and bladder, the local However, drugs were revisited that had been ‘passed by’
tumour-control rates are higher than in other studies .’; because of, with hindsight, over-optimistic expectation of
another review [47] confirmed this conclusion, although in realising high dose-modifying effects. There is evidence from
unselected groups of patients in a phase I/II study there was the redox dependence of radiosensitization efficiency with
no significant difference in tumour response and local electron affinity, which varies with the level of response
control with carbogen and nicotinamide added to conven- analysed [80], that there is more than one mechanism of
tional radiotherapy [68]. ARCON treatment reduced the radiosensitization. Compounds with low, but still significant,
prognostic significance of haemoglobin in squamous cell efficacy in vivo could be tolerated to very high doses. In
carcinoma of the head and neck [69]. The outcome of phase particular, the 5-nitroimidazole, nimorazole* was shown to
III trials is awaited with interest. be effective in several clinical trials [37,79], and it has been
in routine use in the treatment of head and neck cancer in
Denmark. It is most unfortunate that its ‘orphan drug’ status
seems to inhibit its wider use despite (or because of?) the
‘Electron-affinic’ Radiosensitizers: the
cheapness of the treatment. It is clear that the better
Nitroimidazoles and Related Drugs
selection of patients for inclusion in trials involving treat-
In the 1960s, comparison of the chemical properties of ments aimed at hypoxic cells would be beneficial. In the
chemicals that radiosensitized anoxic cells with their context of nimorazole, for example, high concentrations of
reactivity towards radiation-produced free radicals led to osteopontin in plasma were related to the response seen with
the identification of an important class of ‘electron-affinic’ nimorazole in the Danish DAHANCA 5 trial [88].
radiosensitizers [15,16,70]. Early prototypes were nitro- Numerous alternative nitroaromatic structures were
benzenes [71,72], but practical drugs based on nitro- evaluated as alternatives to misonidazole and its nitro-
imidazoles, such as metronidazole*, already in clinical use imidazole analogues [89], of which the nitrotriazole,
as trichomonacidal agents, soon emerged [73]. The best sanazole* (AK-2123), is the most enduring [90]. A large
known of these as radiosensitizers is misonidazole* (Ro 07- (462 patients) phase III clinical trial of sanazole in the
0582), which had activity in all solid murine tumour models treatment of squamous cell carcinoma of the uterine cervix
tested (to the author’s knowledge): a compilation in 1981 showed an increase in local tumour control and survival
listed almost 50 studies [74], involving end points such as without the addition of any major toxicity [91]. (A criticism
local control, regrowth delay and cell survival. No sensiti- of many of the early nitroimidazole trials was that they
zation of normal tissues was generally found, but mild were too small.) An interesting development of nitro-
hypoxia (i.e. sensitization) in skin [75] and effects in mouse aromatic chemistry involving sanazole is its evaluation as
tail tissue were shown [76]. It was expected [16], and found a possible radiopharmaceutical agent designed for therapy
[74,77], that efficacy was reduced (but not eliminated) in rather than imaging: a derivative of sanazole linked to
multi-fractionated treatments because of re-oxygenation a chelating agent complexed with 177Lu has been described
between treatments. Cells at intermediate oxygen tensions [92]. (Nitroaromatic compounds bind selectively to hypoxic
are especially critical in defining the effects of hypoxic cell cells via complex reductive chemistry involving an in-
radiosensitizers [78]. termediate, oxygen-sensitive radical: numerous studies aimed
However, in the event, toxicity in humans was dose at diagnosing hypoxia and involving immunohistochemical
limiting: the efficacy of misonidazole as a radiosensitizer [87,93,94] or radiopharmaceutical [95] detection have
was not proven after numerous trials [36], although a meta- been carried out with nitroimidazoles.) Doranidazole (PR-
analysis involving trials including over 7000 patients indicated 350) is a nitroimidazole very similar to misonidazole but
significant benefit of locoregional control after radiotherapy with greater hydrophilicity; a phase III trial, involving
given with nitroimidazole radiosensitizers [79]. Toxicity in only 48 patients, of doranidazole combined with intra-
vitro paralleled radiosensitization efficacy, because the same operative radiotherapy in advanced pancreatic cancer,
property d electron affinity or reduction potential d dom- did not show significant gain [96].
inated the structureeactivity relationship [80,81]. Attempts The nitroimidazoles and related compounds are often
to improve the therapeutic ratio in vivo by increasing termed ‘oxygen-mimetic’ radiosensitizers. There are some
hydrophilicity (to decrease peripheral neuropathy), as parallels in their reactivity towards DNA base radicals that

might justify this description. Fig. 4 shows possible [101]. Examples include nitroimidazole/intercalator conju-
mechanisms by which both oxygen and nitroimidazoles gates [102,103], nitroacridines (e.g. nitracrine*) and nitro-
and related compounds might enhance DNA strand breaks, quinoline intercalators [104], minor groove binders [105],
based on many radiationechemical studies [97e100]. A and polyamine conjugates [106]. Even pimonidazole was
key, but now often overlooked, set of experiments was shown to be ‘concentrated’ near DNA relative to misonida-
carried out in the 1970s, which showed that both types of zole [107,108]. However, diffusion-limited hypoxic cells are
radiosensitizer had to be present at the instant of distant from capillaries, so free diffusion unimpeded by
irradiation: adding either a few milliseconds after irradia- binding to cells nearest capillaries is a desirable property,
tion was ineffective [13,14]. This supports a free radical and this targeting approach does not appear to have been
mechanism and should steer investigators away from more useful clinically to date. On the issue of diffusion of drug
‘modern’ explanations involving effects of hypoxia on cell from the vasculature to distant hypoxic cells, it is notable
signalling pathways, which seem unlikely to be able to be that significant advances in understanding the processes
‘switched’ on or off on this timescale. An important influencing drug delivery and distribution in tumours have
property of the ‘electron-affinic’ class is that they appear been made as a result of interest in this issue with
to radiosensitize hypoxic cells but have no measurable radiosensitizers and hypoxic cell toxins [109e112]. This
effect in well-oxygenated cells, at least in vitro (any small experience is highly relevant to cancer treatment by drugs
effects on normal tissues [75] probably reflect tissue in its widest sense.
oxygen levels much lower than those commonly encoun-
tered in in vitro models). This is probably not because of
some remarkable inherent property, but because of simple Aromatic N-oxides: Alternatives to
kinetic competition between oxygen and nitroimidazole (or
Nitroaromatic Compounds with Most
analogue) for reaction with key DNA base radicals. The
competition is characterised by the product of reactivity Value as Hypoxic-specific Cytotoxins
(chemical rate constant) and concentration: the high Some aromatic N-oxides, especially the benzotriazine di-N-
reactivity of oxygen ensures it out-competes the radio- oxide, tirapazamine* (SR4233), have attracted considerable
sensitizer. This begs the question as to the probable attention, including several clinical trials, because of
competition if drugs are designed to bind to DNA, e.g. by selective cytotoxicity towards hypoxic cells in the absence
intercalation or electrostatic interaction. The topic of DNA of radiation [24,113,114]. This is a property also shared
targeted radiosensitizing drugs has attracted attention with nitro compounds d metronidazole is prototypical

NH2 NH2 • NH2 + NH2
H H H H H • H
OH N OH N OH N strand OH N
break -

1 H H 3 H H 4 H H 5 H H

NH2 NH2 • NH2 + NH2
H H H H H • H
OH N OH N OH N strand OH N
H H O H OH break H OH
• •
O O N H O O N O N O O N O N O- O N O N
P O P O Ar P O Ar P O Ar

2 H H 6 H H 7 H H 8 H H

Fig. 4 e Possible pathways by which hydroxyl radicals ( OH) can add to the 5,6-double bond of pyrimidines (1) to form a carbon-centred radical
(2) that can either add oxygen to form a peroxyl radical (3) or add to the oxygen atom in the nitro moiety of a nitroaromatic radiosensitizer
(ArNO2) to form a radical adduct (6). In either case the intermediate radical (3) or (6) might abstract hydrogen from a neighbouring sugar CeH
bond (50 in this example, although 30 -abstraction may occur) to transfer radical damage from base to sugar (4) or (7), leading to a strand break
(5) or (8). Based mainly on a scheme by Bamatraf et al. [100] and extensive studies by other workers described by von Sonntag [97,98]. Only
part of the overall mechanism of strand break formation is shown; for further details see [98].

[115], if inefficient d but to a less marked degree. Both alkylating function. Clearly, this will also occur to some
types of compound rely for their selectivity as hypoxia- extent even if, for example the drug adds to radiation-
specific cytotoxins on the fast reaction between drug produced DNA base radicals to form a radical adduct (cf.
radicals and oxygen [116,117]. However, whether benzo- Fig. 4) (the pKa of the piperidine nitrogen in pimonidazole
triazine-N-oxides, for example, can also act as hypoxic cell increases from w8.7 to w9.2 even in the radical anion
radiosensitizers in a similar manner to oxygen or nitro- [120]). Hence, the possibility of radiation-induced cross-
imidazoles (either phenomenologically or mechanistically) linking of DNA as a mechanism needs to be considered, as
is less certain, although it seems probable. The only well as ‘simple’ potentiation by enzyme-catalysed re-
unambiguous method to answer this point would be to duction. A recent pre-clinical study [128] compared the
conduct rapid-mix experiments where both pre- and post- efficacy of tirapazamine and RB6145 in reducing metastatic
irradiation exposure are so short that any effects arising dissemination after treatment of the primary tumour with
from hypoxic metabolism to reactive radicals can be radiation and drug in a fractionated regimen, providing
discounted: oxygen and nitroimidazoles do act on a very evidence that targeting hypoxic cells in primary tumours is
short exposure timescale [13,14]. There is absolutely no a valuable strategy to reduce disseminated disease.
question that tirapazamine potentiates cell killing with
fractionated irradiation, but activity can be measured if
tirapazamine is given after radiation and the data ‘can be
Nitric Oxide: the Born-again Radiosensitizer
largely accounted for by complementary cytotoxicity of the Nitric oxide is included here as ‘oxygen mimetic’ as it
two agents’ (drug and radiation) [118]. Notwithstanding the shares with oxygen its properties of being a free radical in
fact the chemical mechanisms of radiosensitization by the ‘stable’ form and highly reactive towards many other
nitroaromatics, let alone N-oxides, are not well estab- free radicals. However, the similarity ends there. Although
lished, if sensitizer efficiency for the N-oxides followed the it reacts rapidly with hydrated electrons produced when
same relationship between electron affinity as does nitro- water is irradiated (along with many other chemicals)
aromatics [80], then tirapazamine would be intermediate in [129], it has a low electron affinity on the same scale of
efficiency between misonidazole and metronidazole, as its measuring oxygen or the nitroimidazoles (reduction poten-
reduction potential is close to midway between these tial e0.55 V at pH 7 [130], lower than that of metronidazole
nitroimidazoles [119]. Certainly another chemical property [e0.50 V]). More importantly, the unpaired electron is able
that might be suggestive d the reactivity of the drug to pair up with that in, for example DNA base radicals,
radical anions towards oxygen d puts the aromatic N- forming, unlike DNA base peroxyl radicals from oxygen,
oxides firmly on the same redox ‘line’ as nitroaromatics a non-radical species. This is unable, for example, to
[120]. As such, considerably higher concentrations of perform the hydrogen abstraction from a sugar, which can
tirapazamine might be needed to show significant ‘conven- lead to strand breaks as shown for oxygen and nitro-
tional’ radiosensitization than used in most experiments, imidazoles in Fig. 4. A stable adduct can be separated by
because of the high potency as a hypoxic cytotoxin. Aerobic high performance liquid chromatography in irradiated
radiosensitization after hypoxic pre-incubation is clearly solutions of uracil and nitric oxide [35]. In spite of this
linked to drug metabolic activation [121,122]. Descriptions key difference, nitric oxide enhances the yields of DNA
of related N-oxides as ‘hypoxic cell radiosensitizers’ are double-strand breaks in irradiated cells [35], as do oxygen
being made [123], but should be viewed in the context of and nitroimidazoles [131] (but note: there is not always
these difficulties in interpretation. These comments should correlation between double-strand breaks and clonogenic
not detract from the potential value of N-oxides as hypoxic survival [132]). The mechanism in the case of nitric oxide is
cytotoxins, which are obvious and of clinical importance. not at all clear, but might involve, for example, excision of
the damaged base (which could perhaps be proven using
cells deficient in base excision repair proteins); the repair
Radiosensitizers that are both times in the popular g-H2AX assay seemed longer for cells
irradiated in nitric oxide compared with cells irradiated in
‘Electron-affinic’ and Efficient
air or anoxia [35], although further work is needed to verify
Hypoxia-specific Cytotoxins
‘Dual-function’ radiosensitizers, where the drugs can act The most remarkable property of nitric oxide as a hypoxic
like misonidazole in modifying free radical damage, and cell radiosensitizer is its efficiency. It was shown to be an
also include a second cytotoxic functionality such as active radiosensitizer 50 years ago [133,134], but resur-
alkylating or binding, activated metabolically (and possibly rected by Mitchell et al. [135e137] in timely work after the
radiolytically), are another class of agent where the basis discovery of its other remarkable property in the mainte-
for activity is not always easy to separate. The best known nance of vascular tone [138]. Recent studies by the author’s
of these are the 2-nitroimidazoles with an aziridine moiety colleagues, illustrated in Fig. 3, have shown the effects on
on the sidechain, such as RSU1069*, or the prodrug for this cell survival in vitro using clinically relevant radiation
compound activated hydrolytically, RB6145* (CI-1010) doses, of only 40 ppm v/v nitric oxide (w70 nM), similar to
[124e127]. Enzyme-catalysed reduction of the nitro group that used in inhaled nitric oxide therapy for respiratory
in hypoxic cells positively shifts the pKa of the aziridine conditions [35]. In this study, at low radiation doses, nitric
nitrogen in the sidechain of RSU1069 to activate the oxide seemed to be significantly more efficient than oxygen

as a hypoxic cell radiosensitizer. The rapid removal of nitric activation of the interferon-g pathway and induction of
oxide by reaction with red blood cells maintains a low nitric oxide synthase [158].
steady-state concentration in vivo. However, the potential
for radiosensitization by nitric oxide by elevating its
synthesis or delivery in vivo has been shown in a series Radiation-induced Delivery of Cytotoxic
of studies involving gene therapy [139e143], and others Substances
using a chemical source of nitric oxide [144] or physical
stimulus [145]. This approach to radiosensitization exploits the increasingly
Measurements of nitric oxide levels in human tumours sophisticated targeting of radiation delivery in a most
are lacking d clinical measurements of tumour oxygena- direct manner, using radiationechemical reactions to de-
tion became available only decades after the discovery of liver cytotoxins to the irradiated volume. It has received
its importance d but one study using a microelectrode in limited attention. One problem is that the bulk of the
the B16 melanoma model [146] suggested levels much radiation energy is absorbed in the bulk of the material
higher than shown to enhance anoxic cell radiosensitivity comprising the cell (water), generating initially less than
in vitro in our recent work. This raises two hypotheses 0.3 mM reducing radicals per gray dose (mainly hydrated
worthy of addressing: first, variations between individual electrons) and the same amount of oxidizing radicals
patients in levels of nitric oxide in tumours have clinical, (mainly hydroxyl radicals). Both species are promiscuous
prognostic significance in radiotherapy; second, giving in their reactivity and it is difficult to intercept their
nitric oxide by inhalation could be useful in the radiother- reactions, except by, often, unrealistically high concentra-
apy of lung tumours. tions of drugs (‘scavengers’). Hence, if, for example, the
There could be an immediate obstacle to developing approach is to use radiation to liberate a cytotoxin from
nitric oxide delivery, or in situ generation by either giving a prodrug in the same manner as the ‘triggereeffector’
prodrugs for nitric oxide or enhancing nitric oxide synthase concept successfully applied in hypoxia-selective, enzyme-
using gene therapy or other protocols. This is the existence activated prodrug fragmentation (see above), then the
of the ‘steal effect’, by which systemic blood pressure cytotoxin must be very potent indeed. Nonetheless, there
reduction can make the tumour more hypoxic, reported in could be some selectivity to hypoxic cells if reductive
studies of the effects of a nitric oxide prodrug in rat activation is considered, via electrons directly or reducing
tumours [147], and discussed in a recent review of nitric radicals formed on reaction with hydroxyl radicals with
oxide in the context of tumour biology [148]. However, amino acids (for example), as oxygen reacts rapidly with
there are two counter-claims. First, in the case of inhaled both [97,98]. As with ‘electron-affinic’ radiosensitizers,
nitric oxide, there are reports of the selectivity of redox properties are critical as superoxide radicals can be
vasodilation to the lung [149]; systemic vascular resistance reducing.
was not reduced in mice [150]. Second, nitric oxide One group has carried out quite extensive studies, mainly
enhancement by gene therapy actually works in a murine in vitro, involving two types of redox switch. The first
tumour model of fractionated radiotherapy [143]. approach seeks to exploit the well-known rapid fragmen-
Notwithstanding the ‘steal effect’, one might have tation of nitroaromatic radical anions substituted with
considered nitric oxide therapy as a route to improve oxygen ‘leaving groups’, the simplest of which is halogen [159], the
delivery for radiosensitization, via effects on vascular tone. practical examples in this instance being a quaternary
Paradoxically, a recent clinical study [151] showed that the nitrogen centre in conjugates of nitroaromatics and
inhibition of nitric oxide synthase by pharmacological nitrogen mustards [160]. The chemistry proved rather
intervention resulted in a reduction in tumour blood volume complex, with great sensitivity to the nitroarene ‘trigger’
that could have therapeutic significance: there is much [161]. The second approach explores the potential of
current interest in targeting the tumour vasculature cobalt(III) as the redox target for radiation-produced
[152,153]. Whether such approaches have their main role reducing radicals, exploiting the known rapid fragmenta-
in chemotherapy rather than radiotherapy remains to be tion of cobalt(II) complexes [162,163]. In the latter study,
seen; Denekamp [154] commented on the limited role of the drug released on radiolytic activation was a potent DNA
vascular-mediated injury in tumour response to radiother- minor groove alkylating agent, a ring-opened analogue of
apy, but this pre-dates recent observations of substantial CC-1065. Although both approaches are well-founded
and selective damage to tumour vasculature with some mechanistically, exemplification in vivo is crucial.
treatments. There are several possible effects of nitric Another group evaluated the application of radical
oxide on treatment and prognosis in cancer fragmentation after capturing radiation-produced reducing
[148,151,155,156], and this is an area meriting further equivalents, using conjugates of indolequinones and 5-
study. Effects can be indirect; thus, radiosensitization by fluoro-20 -deoxyuridine [164], or the latter bearing a 2-oxo-
insulin treatment was ascribed to an increase in tumour alkyl substituent as an electron-attracting centre [165].
pO2, not caused by increased tumour blood flow but Significant effects of the latter approach were not shown
ascribed to a decrease in oxygen consumption caused by in vivo using a regrowth delay assay. The very low electron
nitric oxide [157]. OM-174, a synthetic analogue of Lipid affinity of an oxo-alkyl centre (cf. acetone or acetophe-
A, the endotoxic principle of lipopolysaccharides, was none) means that the latter type of prodrug has to rely on
shown to radiosensitize EMT-6 tumour cells in vitro via capturing electrons for activation; whereas all the other

studies also seem to focus on (hydrated) electron capture, have been investigated as radiosensitizers (including
this emphasis is probably misplaced, as a wide variety of clinical trials), although the basis for these is controversial
reducing radicals formed via oxidative damage can reduce [174,175]. The lead compound is motexafin gadolinium
nitroarenes, cobalt(III) complexes, or indolequinones. (PCI-0120). The complexes are reactive towards reducing
Other redox metals have been considered as radio- radicals, electrochemical studies revealing a reduction
sensitizers. Copper(II) complexes were first studied many potential of we0.08 V on the same scale as other radio-
years ago [166,167], and interest recently resumed [168]. sensitizers [174,176]. This value seems on the high side for
The use of such redox-active complexes is paved with redox cycling (reducing oxygen to superoxide/hydrogen
difficulties to investigate in vitro because of the well- peroxide) [177], as the corresponding reduction potential
known artefacts that can arise from reactions of the metal for oxygen (1 M) to superoxide is e0.18 V [178,179]. In any
with hydrogen peroxide produced in the irradiated media, case, the suggestion [177,180] that sensitization to radia-
or with thiols in the media as well as in the cells, and the tion by motexafin gadolinium arises from increasing
diverse roles of copper in redox biology [169,170]. Although oxidative stress via redox cycling should be viewed with
copper complexes are feasible drugs [171], until there is caution. Other ‘electron-affinic’ radiosensitizers redox
clear in vivo exemplification, this approach seems a long cycle rather efficiently, but the process is clearly not
way from clinical interest. responsible for their efficacy; more probably, some
A problem generally in this area is that most in vitro pathological responses are linked to the phenomenon
models involve irradiating cells in a large volume excess of [21]. It was noted elsewhere that cells normally generate
medium, usually containing drug unless intracellular: as much oxidative stress (superoxide) in about 20 s as is
extracellular concentration gradients are very high. produced by 1 Gy irradiation [181] d although, of course,
Radiationechemical events in the medium may produce mitochondrial production is highly compartmentalized,
a large excess of released drug that can diffuse into cells whereas radiolytic generation is not. The reaction of
and amplify damage, a scenario that cannot be extended to motexafin gadolinium with cellular reductants, including
anything like the same extent in vivo. This lesson is also ascorbate and glutathione [177], which will be accompa-
pertinent to radiosensitizer (and general drug) research in nied by superoxide formation (copper(II) behaves simi-
a wider sense. Early experience with thiol-reactive nitro- larly), should be viewed in the context of the potential
imidazoles [172] showed the artefacts in extrapolation that difficulties noted above in extrapolation of phenomena
can arise when a huge molar excess of reagent compared seen in vitro. Ascorbate was shown to be an important
with target (e.g. cellular thiols) is involved in in vitro enhancer of effects in vitro [182], including DNA damage
models. Indeed, this author suggested that neglect of this [183]. The absence of ascorbate might explain in part the
factor d which he termed ‘simple arithmetic’ as it can be negative results in some studies [175], but some effect on
done on the back of a postage stamp, let alone an envelope tumour regrowth delay with combined gadolinium/radia-
[173] d may be responsible for many false leads in drug tion treatment has been reported [184]. It is not clear
research. The principle of this arithmetic test for the whether this effect arises from ‘direct’ radiosensitization
potential lack of translation of effects in vitro to reality in or enhancement in tumour oxygenation [185]. A recent
vivo is illustrated in Table 1. Basically, adding very low review suggests ‘the molecular target . appears to be
concentrations of (in this example) a thiol-reactive chem- thioredoxin reductase’ [186]. Clinical trials with motexafin
ical to cells in dishes wipes out all the protective thiols, gadolinium have been summarized [54,186,187], most
while still leaving plenty of drug to radiosensitize, but the involving the treatment of brain metastases [188]. In phase
effect will never be realisable in vivo because the III studies, an improved time to neurological progression in
arithmetic does not add up: the moles of drug cannot patients with brain metastases receiving whole brain
compete with the moles of endogenous thiol. radiotherapy with gadolinium has been reported. Overall,
Gadolinium(III) is a redox metal used as a contrast agent the mechanistic basis for the action of gadolinium
in magnetic resonance imaging. Porphyrin-like complexes complexes as radiosensitizers is not entirely clear d it
(‘texaphyrins’) of gadolinium(III) localise in tumours, and seems doubtful whether it should indeed be classified under
this section as delivering cytotoxic substances d and
Table 1 e Thiol depletion in vitro and in vivo after systemic further studies are required to demonstrate the potential
administration of 1 mM or up to 3 g, respectively, of a thiol- of this approach.
reactive chemical with molecular weight 200 [173]
Porphyrins have long been used as photosensitizers in
photodynamic therapy [189], but also have radiosensitizing
In vitro In vivo
(e.g. fibroblasts) (e.g. humans) properties; limited clinical trials with radiotherapy are
being conducted [190e192]. The most extensively studied
example in photodynamic therapy is probably Photofrin II,
Cell density w104e105/cm3 w5  108/cm3
a complex mixture of porphyrins concentrated in, or
Free thiols w5 fmol/cell w2e5 mmol/kg
Thiol-reactive reagent w1 nmol/cm3 media ! 3g retained by, some tumours relative to some normal tissues.
administered (example) w100e10 fmol/cell !0.2 mmol/kg Their efficacy as radiosensitizers, even in vitro, is quite
Thiol depleted 100% !10% dependent on the tumour cell line [191], in contrast to
Reagent depleted w5e50% 100% radiosensitizers such as misonidazole. The mechanism
underlying radiosensitization is completely unknown, but

in view of the established use of these agents in photo- recent review [200] updates these. Discussing possible
medicine, further work is certainly justified. mechanisms, McGinn and Lawrence [197] noted that ‘In-
corporation of . BrUrd and IdUrd into DNA has been
associated with increased induction and decreased rate of
Radiosensitization by Halogenated repair of radiation-induced DNA damage. Studies using
Pyrimidines similar techniques have found no effect on radiation-
induced DNA damage or repair after exposure to gemcitabine
This approach can be divided into two distinct categories, under conditions known to produce radiosensitization. . In
essentially distinguished by halogen: bromine/iodine vs contrast, data tend to support the hypothesis that gemcita-
fluorine. First, cells undergoing DNA synthesis cannot bine-mediated radiosensitization is related to concurrent
distinguish efficiently between thymidine and halogenated disruption of deoxyribonucleotide pools and redistribution of
analogues such as bromo- or iodo-deoxyuridine (UdR) (the cells into S phase of the cell cycle’. (Cells are usually most
methyl group of thymine is about the same size as bromine radiosensitive close to mitosis, and most radioresistant in
or iodine atoms). If cells are treated with BrUdR or IUdR late S phase [17].) Gemcitabineeradiation interactions are
for a sufficiently long period before irradiation, significant complex: reviewing pre-clinical data and clinical trials, it
incorporation into DNA occurs. The halogen moieties act as was noted [201] that ‘the mechanism of radiosensitization by
electron ‘sinks’ on irradiation, the carbonehalogen bond gemcitabine is still not fully elucidated, and the optimal
breaking on electron attachment to liberate free halide treatment schedule still has to be defined’. The need for
and form a carbon-centred free radical. This can add phase II trials of radiation with gemcitabine was stressed [8].
oxygen to form a peroxyl radical and carry out similar A succinct but comprehensive survey of the mechanistic
strand-breaking reactions as the DNA base/hydroxyl radical basis for the use of both 5-FU and analogues, and
adduct illustrated in Fig. 4. There is a correlation between gemcitabine, stressed the importance of inappropriate
BrUdR incorporation, DNA strand breaks and clonogenic progression of cells into S phase [3].
survival after irradiation [193]. Skin phototoxicity is A review of radiosensitizing nucleosides [196] included
a problem with BUdR, but not with IUdR. Although success a summary of experience with hydroxyurea as a radiation
in phase III clinical trials has been elusive, the potential sensitizer because its primary mechanism of cytotoxicity is
application of this approach in (low dose rate) brachy- related to the inhibition of ribonucleotide reductase. A
therapy is of particular interest; a review of the laboratory number of clinical trials, with mixed results, were
and clinical studies to 2001 summarised both positive and summarized. Hydroxyurea can also modulate both fluoro-
negative results [6]. More recent clinical attention has pyrimidine- and IUdR-mediated radiosensitization.
focused on the iodinated analogue, and particularly on
a prodrug, 5-iodo-2-pyrimidinone-20 -deoxyribose, which is
converted to IUdR by an aldehyde oxidase in the liver Radiosensitizers that Influence the
[194]. It was suggested that this approach is suitable for Nature or Repair of DNA Damage
drug-resistant, DNA-mismatch repair-deficient (as well as
repair-proficient) tumours; IUdR and BrUdR accumulated Categorising radiosensitizers into well-defined types is
at much higher levels in mismatch repair-deficient cells [195]. particularly difficult when some chemicals have dual
More recent approaches to the use of radiosensitizing effects. Nitroimidazoles with sidechain alkylating function-
nucleosides have focused on fluorine analogues, especially ality (e.g. RSU1069) are a simple example (see above). The
5-fluorouracil (5-FU), 5-FUdR, gemcitabine* (20 ,20 -difluoro- use of redox metals with possible dual functionality
20 deoxycytidine), and a rationally designed prodrug of discussed above (copper, gadolinium) is another; platinum
5-FU, capecitabine* [196,197]. The latter exploits the a third. Cisplatin and carboplatin have been studied in
differential activity of thymidine phosphorylase in tumour some detail in combined treatments with radiation, with
compared with normal tissue in the final of three steps in activity apparently as ‘conventional’ electron-affinic hyp-
converting prodrug to active 5-FU; it was suggested [198] oxic cell radiosensitizers and as inhibiting post-irradiation
that capecitabine ‘has the potential to replace bolus or repair [202,203]. There was a time-dependent increase in
continuous infusion of 5-FU as the standard treatment [in the extent of DNA double-strand breaks after irradiation of
chemoradiotherapy] for rectal cancer’ (oral 5-FU has un- several cell lines in vitro with high concentrations of
predictable bioavailability [197]). Another paper reviewed carboplatin [204]. Dual-function platinum/nitroimidazole
the use of capecitabine and other agents as radiosensitizers complexes have also been evaluated [205], extended to
in rectal cancer [199]. The mechanisms of the radiosensitiz- non-platinum analogues [206,207]. A recent detailed
ing effects of the fluorinated analogues are clearly com- discussion clearly set out the several mechanisms that
pletely different to the bromo- and iodo-nucleosides, might be involved in the interaction of platinum complexes
presumably reflecting at least in part the different ‘leav- with radiation [3]. Numerous clinical trials have been
ing-group’ abilities of the halogens and van der Waals’ radii reported involving cisplatin or carboplatin and radiother-
(atomic size), as well as (of course) differences from apy, often with additional cytotoxins and usually involving
substitution of halogen in base or sugar. The October 1997 drug treatment with a few of the radiation fractions
issue of Seminars in Radiation Oncology includes 10 papers because of toxicity. An illustrative, recent review of the
discussing relevant aspects of fluoropyrimidines; a more chemoradiation paradigm in the context of non-small cell

lung cancer [208] summarised the position as ‘The use of the specificity and activity in vivo to enhance radiotherapy
single-agent cisplatin has already demonstrated major [218]. Treatment with AG14361* before irradiation signifi-
radiosensitizing effects whereas the radiosensitizing cantly increased the sensitivity to radiation therapy of mice
properties of concurrent application of the single agent bearing LoVo xenografts: irradiation alone (2 Gy daily for
carboplatin have not been observed in controlled trials’. 5 days) caused a 19-day tumour growth delay, extended to
Another review [209] focused on squamous cell carcinomas a 37-day delay in mice treated with AG14361 before
of the head and neck and oesophageal carcinomas, irradiation.
concluding with respect to the former site that concomi- The ataxia telangiectasia mutated (ATM) protein kinase
tant chemo- and radiotherapy with platinum-based drugs plays a critical role in regulating cell cycle arrest and DNA
does provide a small survival gain compared with radiation repair, linked to dramatically enhanced radiation sensitiv-
alone, and for the latter site that preoperative, cisplatin ity, and is attracting attention as a target for radio-
chemoradiotherapy modestly improves outcome over sensitizers [219]. Inhibitors of the ATM kinase, such as
surgery alone, but with additional morbidity. Early trials wortmannin and caffeine, sensitize cells in vitro; the
involving radiation with a newer analogue, oxaliplatin, have former is very reactive towards proteins non-specifically,
been summarised [7]. including effects on enzymes catalysing non-homologous
b-Lapachone is a naturally occurring 1,2-naphthoquinone end-joining (an important DNA repair mechanism in normal
and as such might be considered an electron-affinic radio- cells), and the latter is active only at undesirably high
sensitizer. However, it was shown to inhibit topoisomerase I concentrations (around 0.2 mM). Pentoxifylline is a drug
and radiosensitize human malignant melanoma cells in vitro related to caffeine that has also been shown to have
when added after irradiation [210]. Other DNA topoisomer- vasoactive properties and to modify tumour oxygenation as
ase I-targeted drugs have been described as radiation described above [56,57]; studies of both caffeine and
sensitizers effective when given before, but not after, pentoxifylline in the context of ATM as a target have been
radiation, including derivatives of camptothecin* [211]. reviewed [219]; neither appeared clinically useful, al-
Although the mechanism of topoisomerase I-mediated though a more recent overview [8] was more optimistic.
radiosensitization ‘remains [in 2004] largely unknown’ However, there are some interesting points. Caffeine is
[211], a role for Ku86, important in the non-homologous more effective as a radiosensitizer in cells that lack normal
end-joining pathway in DNA repair, has since been shown p53 function, by a factor of 1.4e2.8-fold, and another
[212]. Topotecan is a derivative of camptothecin, which methyl xanthine, lisofylline*, radiosensitizes cells lacking
inhibits topoisomerase I in S phase cells; it has been p53 at clinically tolerable concentrations [220].
suggested that it may be effective in the treatment of brain
metastases by radiation [213]. AQ4 is an anthraquinone
that is a DNA intercalator and topoisomerase II poison; the Radiosensitizers Targeting Proteins
di-N-oxide prodrug, AQ4N*, is activated selectively in Involved in Cell Signalling, and
hypoxic cells, and when combined with radiation greatly Growth Factors
enhances growth delay in murine tumours [214]. In related
work, intratumour injection of an activating cytochrome This family of radiosensitizers is the newest to be
CYP2B6 vector showed further enhancement over AQ4 N investigated, although why they are often termed ‘molec-
and radiation [215]. The agent is currently in phase ular agents’ or the targets ‘molecular’ is unclear: misoni-
I/II clinical trial in combination with radiotherapy and dazole and DNA are molecules too. Three recent reviews
temozolomide in patients with glioblastoma multiforme. focusing on this area illustrate the diversity of approaches
Temozolomide* is a prodrug for an alkylating agent that [7,221,222]. Proteins involved in cell signalling and growth
methylates guanine at O-6; clinical trials of temozolomide factor receptors are the main categories of target. In the
plus radiation in malignant glioma have recently been former, the proteins most studied in the context of
summarised [216]. In a large phase III European study, the radiation therapy are probably the Ras family, which is of
2-year progression-free survival was increased from w2 to wider interest in cancer therapy because they control
11% by the inclusion of temozolomide with radiotherapy, signalling pathways that are key regulators of cell growth
and overall survival at 2 years from w10 to 27%, ‘one of and transformation [223]. There is substantial evidence
the most significant improvements in survival found in linking Ras proteins to radioresistance [23,224]. The
any phase III clinical study in newly diagnosed GBM functionality of Ras is in turn linked to the addition of
[glioblastoma multiforme] patients within the past several a farnesyl isoprenoid moiety, and farnesyl transferase
decades’ [216]. inhibitors such as L-778,123* have been evaluated as
PARP is a nuclear enzyme facilitating DNA base excision radiosensitizers [225]. Pre-clinical studies showed that such
repair; the therapeutic potential of PARP inhibitors in inhibitors can reverse radioresistance in human tumour
a broad context has been reviewed [217]. Whereas the xenografts expressing the mutant Ras oncogene, and phase
paper noted the early work with nicotinamide in this I/II clinical trials recently commenced. In one study,
context, emphasising its low activity as a PARP inhibitor and L-778,123 was used with concurrent radiotherapy to treat
thus reinforcing the assignment of effects on tumour patients with locally advanced pancreatic cancer. The data
oxygenation to other mechanisms (see above), a recent confirmed pre-clinical observations that there was no
study described a much more potent PARP inhibitor that has increase in radiation-induced normal tissue damage, and

therefore the approach has the potential to increase the [236e239]. Some agents were both electronic-affinic and
therapeutic index. depleted thiols, and attention has been drawn in the above
There is intense activity in the area of epidermal growth discussion (and in Table 1) to the artefacts that can arise in
factor receptor (EGFR) inhibitors, which might mediate cell testing these chemicals in vitro because reaction binds or
growth, differentiation and survival [3,8,226]. The poten- oxidises all the cellular thiols while leaving a large fraction
tial mechanisms of radiosensitization by EGFR are complex of reagent unchanged. This gives rise to an elevated
[226]. Enhanced anti-tumour activity with vandetanib* expectation of efficacy impossible to achieve in vivo. In
(ZD6474) and radiation was reported in a pre-clinical study addition to the nitroimidazoles where thiols displace
[227] using a model previously found to be unresponsive to halogen or other ‘leaving groups’ [172], powerful electron-
one selective EGFR tyrosine kinase inhibitor. However, withdrawing substituents, such as eCHO, can activate the
scheduling of ZD6474 relative to radiotherapy had a pro- nitro substituent in 2-nitroimidazoles to displacement by
found effect on the enhancement: sequential, chronic thiol, catalysed by glutathione-S-transferases [240].
administration of ZD6474 after the radiation treatment A much more sophisticated and controllable approach to
significantly enhanced growth delay. In contrast, the depleting intracellular thiols is the inhibition of steps in
response after concurrent treatment with ZD6474 and their biosynthesis: the application of L-S-buthionine sul-
radiotherapy revealed no significant interaction between phoximine* (BSO) was a major advance [241]. A significant
the two modalities. A positive phase II trial evaluating an enhancement in the radiosensitizing efficiency of misoni-
anti-EGFR antibody, cetuximab, and radiotherapy, involving dazole in vitro was seen on pre-incubation with BSO to
424 patients with advanced head and neck cancer, has been deplete cellular glutathione (GSH) [242]. However, this was
reported [228]. At w54 months, the median duration of not generally translated to in vivo models to anything like
overall survival was 49 months for combined therapy and the same extent, despite protocols showing good depletion
w29 months for radiotherapy alone, but an editorial of average tumour GSH levels [243e246]. An explanation
expressed caveats [229]. Harari and Huang [230] reviewed might have been the poor diffusion of the rather polar BSO
the use of cetuximab and other EGFR inhibitors, including molecule to hypoxic cells distant from the vasculature; this
gefitinib* (Iressa), noting the highly promising pre-clinical seems not to be the case, although heterogeneity of GSH
data, but concluding that ‘the overall clinical gains to date levels in tumours was indicated [247]. Microregional
. are modest for the global cancer population’. heterogeneity of GSH in cervical carcinoma, with higher
Cyclooxygenase (COX)-2 is often over-expressed in GSH levels more susceptible to BSO-initiated depletion in
cancer and is linked to resistance to cytotoxic agents. hypoxic areas, has been reported [248,249].
The inhibition of COX-2 has been found to enhance the BSO has been evaluated in several clinical trials, mostly
tumour response to radiation in pre-clinical studies, and in the context of chemotherapy regimens where GSH is
COX-2 expression has been linked to tumour radioresistance protective, for example with melphalan [250,251], which
[8]. An example being evaluated clinically in the radiother- have shown the clinical feasibility of depleting tumour GSH
apy of lung cancer is celecoxib* [231], which was shown in levels. There do not seem to have been recent studies
recent mechanistic studies [232] to down-regulate the involving BSO and radiotherapy, although there remains
expression of Ku70 protein and to inhibit the kinase activity active interest in alternative approaches to deplete GSH in
of DNA-PKcs, important in repairing double-strand DNA tissues [252], and new strategies to confer tumour
breaks. It was also suggested that NFkB may play a role in selectivity would have obvious application in both radio-
mediating the effects of celecoxib [232]. therapy and chemotherapy. It should be born in mind that
Finally, other targets that are attracting attention in the GSH is not the only cellular thiol: levels of both cysteine
context of radiation therapy include anti-angiogenesis [253,254] and protein thiols [255] must also be considered
inhibitors [233]; a sulphoglycolipid has been identified as in this context. GSH is not the only antioxidant, either:
a candidate radiosensitizer [234]. The molecular target is ascorbate is highly reactive towards oxidizing DNA base
unknown, although the agents are inhibitors of DNA poly- radicals [256], and competitive radiation dose modification
merases. The potential use of inhibitors of the hypoxia- by ascorbate and misonidazole in thiol-depleted cells has
inducible factor HIF-1 has been discussed [54]. Vascular been reported [257].
endothelial growth factor and Rad51 enzymes (catalysing
DNA double-strand break repair) are other new targets for
radiosensitization, discussed in a recent review [200]. Conclusions
Membrane targeted drugs have been reviewed as putative
radiosensitizers [235]. There are a wide variety of routes by which chemicals can
interact in some way with radiation damage to offer
potential therapeutic gain. The levels of early chemical
Suppression of Radioprotective damage such as DNA strand breaks can be enhanced, as
Substances with oxygen, ‘electron-affinic’ compounds and nitric oxide.
The tumour microenvironment can be modified to reduce
Depletion of intracellular thiols is the obvious approach to acute hypoxia, as with carbogen and nicotinamide. Radio-
take in this context [9]. Indeed, thiol-reactive chemicals resistant subpopulations of cells can be targeted, such as
were among the first radiosensitizers to be studied hypoxic cells with tirapazamine. The efficiency of DNA

repair can be inhibited, with the potential to exploit In conclusion, there are several new approaches in the
hypoxia to deliver the new generation of potent repair field of chemical radiosensitizers that show promise, but
inhibitors (or other ‘molecularly targeted’ drug) selectively their mechanistic basis is poorly researched. Some almost-
to tumours via the ‘triggereeffector’ concept, or as forgotten radiosensitizing chemicals, such as nitric oxide,
directly hypoxia-activated prodrugs. Tumour proliferation are presenting exciting new possibilities, and there is still
can be exploited by S phase-specific uptake of halopyr- life left in the ‘old dog’, oxygen. However, it is no use
imidines, which can act as dissociative electron ‘sinks’ to focusing on 21st-century cell biology while neglecting even
enhance radical damage when incorporated into DNA or 1950s’ chemistry, or indeed seeking to test sophisticated
affect nucleoside and nucleotide metabolism. Enzymes chemistry using inappropriate biological models.
involved in signal transduction pathways, cell cycle
checkpoints, growth factors, etc. . can all be targeted. Acknowledgements. This work was supported by Cancer Re-
To change the status of radiosensitizing chemicals into search UK Programme Grant C134/A7428. The author gratefully
clinically useful drugs raises many questions. Coleman and acknowledges the help and stimulus of all his present and former
Mitchell [258] summarised these (selecting and paraphras- colleagues at the Gray Laboratory and Mount Vernon Hospital.
ing some key points or illustrations in brackets) as: Under the leadership in the laboratory of Ged Adams, Juliana
Denekamp, Jack Fowler, and Barry Michael, and in the clinic of
 ‘What is the target of the modifier? [DNA, transcription Stanley Dische, Peter Hoskin, and Michele Saunders, chemical
factor, enzymes, receptor, signalling molecule . ] radiosensitizers were translated from chemical curiosity into
 Is the target stable? [cell cycle variation, heterogene- radiotherapeutic reality with extraordinary rapidity. This environ-
ment of seamless multidisciplinary science in a clinical setting, and
ity, resistance . ]
these individuals, defined what translational research should be
 Can the target be reached? [pharmacology, distribution like; it was a privilege to play a small part.
(macro/microscopic) . ]
 What is the optimal schedule? [pharmacokinetics, cell Author for correspondence: P. Wardman, University of Oxford,
cycle perturbation . ] Gray Cancer Institute, PO Box 100, Mount Vernon Hospital,
 Can the radiation modifier be used throughout a course Northwood, Middlesex HA6 2JR, UK. E-mail:
of fractionated radiation therapy? [drug toxicity, every
treatment or selected; if latter, when? . ] Received 27 February 2007; accepted 13 March 2007
 Selectivity: tumor versus normal tissue? [is modifier
plus radiation better than more radiation . ]
 What is the design of the clinical trial?’ [choice of end References
point, sufficiently large study . ].
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