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Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130

Resveratrol sensitization of DU145 prostate cancer cells

to ionizing radiation is associated to ceramide increase
Francesca Scarlatti a, Giusy Sala a, Clara Ricci a, Claudio Maioli b,
Franco Milani b, Marco Minella c, Marco Botturi d, Riccardo Ghidoni a,*

Laboratory of Biochemistry & Mol Biology, San Paolo Medical School, University of Milan, Italy
Institute of Radiological Sciences, University of Milan, Italy
Servizio di Fisica Sanitaria, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy
Radiotherapy Service, Niguarda Hospital, Milan, Italy

Received 29 November 2006; received in revised form 18 January 2007; accepted 19 January 2007


Radiotherapy is an established therapeutic modality for prostate cancer. Since it is well known that radiotherapy is lim-
ited due to its severe toxicity towards normal cells at high dose and minimal effect at low dose, the search for biological
compounds that increase the sensitivity of tumors cells to radiation may improve the efficacy of therapy. Resveratrol, a
natural antioxidant, was shown to inhibit carcinogenesis in animal models, and to block the process of tumor initiation
and progression. The purpose of this study was to examine whether or not resveratrol can sensitize DU145, an andro-
gen-independent human prostate cancer cell line, to ionizing radiation. We report here that DU145 cells are resistant to
ionizing radiation-induced cell death, but pretreatment with resveratrol significantly enhances cell death. Resveratrol acts
synergistically with ionizing radiation to inhibit cell survival in vitro. Resveratrol also potentiates ionizing radiation-
induced ceramide accumulation, by promoting its de novo biosynthesis. This confirms ceramide as an effective mediator
of the anticancer potential induced by resveratrol.
Ó 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.

Keywords: Radioresistance; Sphingolipid signaling; Synergism

1. Introduction impairs the efficacy of tumor radiotherapy. Prostate

cancer is regarded as relatively resistant to radia-
Ionizing radiation is used as a primary treatment tions [2,3]. Consistent with this notion, androgen-
for all stages of locally confined prostate cancer and independent DU145 human prostate cancer cells
is frequently used as a treatment for the palliation manifest resistance to radiation-induced apoptotic
of distant disease [1]. Radioresistance markedly death [4–6].
Resveratrol (3,5,4 0 -trans-trihydroxystilbene), a
Corresponding author. Tel.: +39 0250323250; fax: +39
natural product from grapes and present in red
0250323245. wine, is known to affect a broad range of intracellu-
E-mail address: (R. Ghidoni). lar mediators involved in the initiation, promotion

0304-3835/$ - see front matter Ó 2007 Elsevier Ireland Ltd. All rights reserved.
F. Scarlatti et al. / Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130 125

and progression of cancer [7–9]. Exposure of modified Eagle’s medium, supplemented with 5% fetal
DU145 cells to resveratrol resulted in a dose-depen- bovine serum and 100 ng/ml each of penicillin and
dent growth inhibition [10] and apoptosis [11–13] streptomycin.
caused by down-regulation of cyclin E and cyclin- DU145 cells were seeded in 24-well tissue culture at
104 cells/well in triplicate and allowed to adhere for
dependent kinase 2 kinase activities [14], and inhibi-
24 h. Then cells were treated with increasing doses of res-
tion of DNA synthesis [15].
veratrol or 0.05% of ethanol (as vehicle) for 72 h. The cul-
In some forms of radiation-induced cell death, ture medium was replaced with fresh medium and cells
primary lesions to DNA trigger the apoptotic were irradiated as described below. Following ionizing
response [16,17]. Nevertheless exposure to ionizing radiation, cells were returned to the incubator overnight
radiation leads to damage of several cellular targets, and cell viability and ceramide levels were evaluated.
but how signals from different targets are integrated
to determine the cell fate is not clear. Ceramide, has
2.3. Irradiation protocol
been proposed as a mediator of apoptosis and the
cellular response to stress [18], including exposure Cells were irradiated (0.5–2.0 Gy/day) for three con-
to ionizing radiation [19–26]. secutive days with a Pantak Therapax DXT 300RX
We have previously demonstrated that resvera- machine operating at 300 kV, 10 mA, 3.6 mm Cu half-
trol has a ceramide-mediated antiproliferative and value-layer (HVL) and at dose rate of 0.63 Gy/min.
proapoptotic effect in highly metastatic breast [27] Dosimetry was performed on a regular basis with a
and prostate cancer cells [28]. We reported that 0.3 cm3 ionization chamber (PTW 23332), which was con-
apoptotic cell death was dependent upon raised cel- nected to an electrometer (PTW Unidos). The chamber
lular ceramide levels caused by its increased de novo was placed in parallel to the irradiated cell flasks. Dose
synthesis. For this reason, we hypothesize that res- homogeneity was evaluated as being within 2%. Control
veratrol reverses radioresistance of DU145 cells by cultures were not irradiated but otherwise treated like
the irradiated cultures.
increasing the production of de novo ceramide
thereby causing cell death. Thus, the purpose of this
study was to investigate whether or not resveratrol 2.4. Cell viability assay
can potentiate the response of DU145 prostate can-
cer cells to radiation and whether or not this poten- Cell viability was determined using a trypan blue
tiation is associated with an increase in cellular exclusion test after the final dose of radiation [29]. Cells
ceramide levels. were harvested using trypsin, stained with 0.4% trypan
blue and trypan blue-negative cells were counted using a
phase contrast microscope.
2. Materials and methods

2.1. Reagents 2.5. Clonogenicity assay

Resveratrol from Cayman Chemical Company, Ann Cell survival was determined by clonogenic assay after
Arbor, Michigan, was dissolved in ethanol before use. the final radiation dose [29]. Cells were trypsinized under
Trypan blue and myriocin were from Sigma–Aldrich, St. sterile conditions and plated into 6-well tissue culture
Louis, Missouri, reference lipids from Avanti Polar Lip- plates at 103 cells/well in triplicate for each condition.
ids, Alabaster, AL. [c32-P]ATP (3 Ci/lmol) was from Per- Cells were allowed to grow for an additional 7–10 days
kin–Elmer Life and Analytical Sciences, Wellesley, MA; and then were fixed with absolute methanol, air-dried
cell culture media and fetal calf serum were from Euro- for 2 h, stained with Giemsa (1:10 in water by vol), and
Clone Life Science Division, Milan, Italy; penicillin and counted by Gel-Doc Quantity-One software, Bio-Rad
streptomycin were from Invitrogen, Carlsbad, California; Laboratories, Hercules, CA. Groups of 50 or more cells
Giemsa was from Merck S.p.A. Darmstadt, Germany; were counted as colonies.
diacylglycerol kinase (2.69 U/mg protein) was from Cal-
biochem, San Diego, CA.
2.6. Analysis of the multiple drug effects

2.2. Cell lines and treatment The combination effects of resveratrol and radiation
were analyzed according to the computerized method of
The human prostate cancer cell line DU145 from Chou and Talalay [30] using CalcuSyn software (Biosoft,
American Type Culture Collection (ATCC), Manassas, Inc., Cambridge, United Kingdom). This analysis of drug
VA was maintained at 37 °C in 5% CO2 in Dulbecco’s interactions is based on the median effect principle (31).
126 F. Scarlatti et al. / Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130

The analysis involves plotting dose–effect curves for each confirm the radioresistance of DU145 cells. To evaluate
agent and for multiple diluted, fixed ratio combinations of whether or not DU145 cells are sensitive to the natural
agents using the median effect equation: chemotherapeutic resveratrol we tested cell survival and
cell death after treatment with increasing doses of this
fa =fu ¼ ðD=Dm Þm
agent. Exposure of DU145 cells to resveratrol for 72 h
where D is the dose, Dm is the dose required to reach a affected cell survival in a dose-dependent manner
50% effect (e.g. 50% inhibition of cell growth), fa is the (Fig. 1, middle left panel) and induced a striking
fraction affected by D (e.g. 0.9 if cell growth is inhibited increase in cell death even at a concentration of 2 lM
by 90%), fu is the unaffected fraction (1  fa), and m is (Fig. 1, middle right panel). The IC50 values of ionizing
the coefficient of sigmoidicity of the dose–effect curve. radiation and resveratrol in DU145 cells were estimated
to be 2.17 Gy and 2.15 lM, respectively (Table 1). To
2.7. Endogenous ceramide assay investigate whether resveratrol sensitized the response
of DU145 cells to radiation, we evaluated the cell death
Cells were harvested in methanol and lipids were and clonogenic survival after pretreatment of cells with
extracted according to Bligh and Dyer [31]. Total endog- resveratrol and subsequent treatment with ionizing radi-
enous ceramide levels were measured using the diacylglyc- ation. The combined treatment with resveratrol and
erol kinase assay as described previously [32]. Briefly, radiation dramatically reduced cell survival and number
30 nmol of extracted lipids, determined as inorganic phos- of viable cells compared to ionizing radiation treatment
phate [33] were incubated at room temperature for 45 min alone (Fig. 1, lower panel). When the resveratrol and
in the presence of 20 ll b-octylglucoside/ dioleoylphos- radiation were used in combination, the IC50 value for
phatidylglycerol, 4/1, by vol mixed micelles, 2 mM dithio- ionizing radiation was reduced to 1.0 Gy (Table 1).
threitol, 6 lg of diacylglycerol kinase containing These data indicate that pretreatment with resveratrol
membranes, 1 mM ATP and 1.3 lCi of [32P]ATP in a final results in greater susceptibility of DU145 cells to ioniz-
volume of 100 ll. At the end of reaction, lipids were ing radiation-induced cytotoxicity. In order to quantita-
extracted and separated by TLC, with chloroform/ace- tively evaluate the effect of the combination of
tone/methanol/acetic acid/water (10/4/3/2/1, by vol). resveratrol with ionizing radiation, the dose reduction
Radioactive ceramide phosphate spots were visualized index (DRI) and combination index (CI) were calcu-
by autoradiography, scraped and counted in a scintillator lated from the data in Table 1 using a Calcusyn soft-
counter. Ceramide levels were compared to the level of ware programme at 50%, 60%, 75%, 90%, and 95%
total phospholipids. inhibition levels of cell viability [34,35]. DRI values
indicate that the synergic combination caused 2.2–7.8-
fold reduction of the ionizing radiation dose and 4.0–
2.8. Statistical analysis
40.1-fold reduction of resveratrol dose (Table 2). The
values of the CI suggest that the combination of ioniz-
Data for cell viability, clonogenicity assays, and cera-
ing radiation and resveratrol was additive at 50% and
mide are presented as means of three experiments ± SD.
60% inhibition, synergistic at 75% and 90%, and
Differences between groups were analyzed using the Stu-
strongly synergistic at 95% (Table 2). Accordingly, res-
dent’s t-test and a value of p < 0.05 was considered
veratrol acted synergistically with radiation at when cell
inhibition was greater than 60%.

3. Results
3.2. Endogenous ceramide increases after combined
3.1. Resveratrol acts synergistically with ionizing radiations treatment in DU145 cells
to induce cell death in DU145 cells
To investigate whether an increase of intracellular
To investigate whether DU145 cells are resistant to ceramide is associated with increased radio-sensitivity
ionizing radiation treatment we tested cell survival and of DU145 prostate cancer cells acquired after pretreat-
cell death in response to increasing doses of radiation. ment with resveratrol, we evaluated the level of this
The treatment with multifractionated radiation was lipid using the diacylglycerol kinase assay (Fig. 2, upper
unable to markedly reduce the clonogenic activity of panel) and the corresponding cell viability (Fig. 2, lower
DU145 cells assessed by the colony formation assay. panel). Endogenous ceramide increased 2.3-fold after
The percent of colonies remaining with ionizing radia- combined treatment compared to untreated cells and
tion was only 20% less compared to untreated control 1.6- and 2.0-fold, respectively, during separate radiation
cells (Fig. 1, upper left panel). After 3 days exposure and resveratrol treatments. Concurrently, cell viability
of DU145 cells to multifractionated radiation, cell via- was 10% after combined treatment compared to
bility was affected significantly only at the maximal dose untreated cells, and 83% and 22%, respectively, during
(2 Gy per day) (Fig. 1, upper right panel). These results separate radiation and resveratrol treatments. Thus,
F. Scarlatti et al. / Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130 127

Fig. 1. Biological effects of ionizing radiation or resveratrol on DU145 prostate cancer cells. Upper panel: Cells were treated with
increasing doses of radiation (0.5–2.0 Gy every day) for three consecutive days and the colonies (left) and cell viability (right) were
evaluated as described in Section 2. Values are the means ± SD of three independent experiments. Middle panel: Cells were treated with
increasing doses of resveratrol (0.5–32 lM) for 72 h and the colonies (left) and cell viability (right) were evaluated as described in Section 2.
Vehicle treatment was identical to untreated cells. Values are the means ± SD of three independent experiments. Data are expressed as
percentage of cell colonies or viability vs untreated cells. *p < 0.05 (Student’s t-test). Lower panel: Cells were pretreated with increasing
doses of resveratrol (0.5–2 lM) or 0.05% ethanol (as vehicle) for 72 h and then exposed to multifractionated ionizing radiation (0.5–2.0 Gy
every day) for three consecutive days and then cell survival (left) and cell viability (right) were estimated as described in Section 2. Values
are normalized to untreated cells.

we suggest that the increase of ceramide observed in 4. Discussion

cells treated with the both agents is correlated to resve-
ratrol-induced sensitivity of DU145 cells. To clarify the Most prostate cancers are androgen-dependent
mechanism of ceramide generation, we incubated cells at their early stages; nevertheless, they will
with myriocin, an inhibitor of serine palmitoyl transfer-
ultimately become androgen-independent and
ase, the rate-limiting enzyme of de novo ceramide bio-
refractory to most available therapies. Although
synthesis. Myriocin was able to reverses ceramide
generation after both resveratrol alone treatment and multiple reasons cause cancer disease recurrence, a
combined treatments (Fig. 2, upper panel), concurrent major factor may be the existence of tumor cell pop-
with a dramatic decrease in cell death (Fig. 2, lower ulations that are unable to undergo apoptotic cell
panel). death and thus become resistant to chemotherapy
128 F. Scarlatti et al. / Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130

Table 1
Dose–effect relationship parameters of single and combined
treatments on growth of DU145 cellsa
Drug dose Fa b Dmb
Radiation (Gy/day) Res (lM)
0.5 0.05 2.17 (Gy)
1 0.41
1.5 0.18
2 0.50
0.5 0.26 2.15 (lM)
2 0.55
4 0.58
16 0.76
Radiation (Gy/day)+ Res (lM)
0.5 0.5 0.16 1.0 (Gy)
1 2 0.55
1.5 4 0.79
2 16 0.97
Radiobiological parameters calculated from cell viability assay of
Fig. 1 (lower right panel), based on linear-quadratic model.
Method of cytotoxicity assay is described in Section 2.
The parameters Fa and Dm, are the fractional inhibition and
dose at 50% inhibition (equivalent to IC50 value).

Table 2
Computer simulated CI and DRI values for ionizing radiation
and resveratrola
Inhibition CIb DRIc DRIc Fig. 2. Stimulatory effect of resveratrol and ionizing radiation on
Radiation Resveratrol cellular ceramide production in DU145 cells and reversion by
(%) myriocin. DU145 cells were treated with vehicles (0.05% ethanol
50 1.05 (additive) 2.47 1.55 and/or methanol), 16 lM resveratrol, 50 nM myriocin and
60 1.05 (additive) 5.66 1.15 multifractionated ionizing radiation 1.0 Gy every day for three
75 0.71 (synergism) 2.18 3.99 days as described in Section 2. After treatments, ceramide levels
90 0.42 (synergism) 4.91 4.55 (upper panel) and cell viability (lower panel) were evaluated.
95 0.15 (strong synergism) 7.88 40.11 Vehicle treatments were identical to untreated cells. Data are
normalized to control = 100% for cell viability and control = 1
The synergism analysis of resveratrol with radiation was per-
for ceramide analysis. Values are the means ± SD of three
formed with Chou–Talalay’s combination index and multiple
independent experiments. **p < 0.01; *p < 0.05 (Student’s t-test).
drug-dose effect analysis method as described in Section 2.
The values were determined using computer program from
the data presented in Table 1. obstacle to the curative potential of radiation ther-
Combination index (CI, 95% confidence intervals). CI < 1,
=1, and >1 indicates synergism, additive effect, and antagonism,
apy. Thus, any agent that may expand the effects
respectively. of ionizing radiation and overcome cell resistance
Dose reduction index: fold of dose reduction for each drug in would be very attractive. Among these agents we
combination, for a given degree of inhibition, when compared observed that resveratrol, at different doses,
with the dose of each drug alone for the same degree of strongly decreased both cell survival and viable cells
in DU145 cells. The use of a combined treatment
with both agents (resveratrol and ionizing radiation)
or radiotherapy. Generally those cells that survive decreased the number of colonies and cell viability
the initial ionizing radiation are those that are com- in DU145 cells compared to radiation treatment
petent to repopulate the irradiated area and to alone. Resveratrol is a radiosensitizing agent in dif-
metastasize. ferent cancer cell lines, and at high concentrations it
In agreement with a previous study [5], we con- has been shown to enhance radiation toxicity in
firm here that DU145 cells are notably resistant to HeLa, K-562, IM-9 [36], and EOL-1 [37] tumor cell
treatment with increasing doses of multifractioned lines by preventing repopulation, as well as by
ionizing radiation. Since radioresistance is still an repairing radiation damage. Moreover, in HeLa
F. Scarlatti et al. / Cancer Letters 253 (2007) 124–130 129

cells, resveratrol, enhanced the response to ionizing The addition of resveratrol might lead to sus-
radiation by inducing a cell cycle checkpoint at S tained ceramide accumulation in cancer cells, sensi-
phase and COX-1 inhibition [38]. tizing them to radiation-induced cell death and
We also quantified resveratrol and radiation growth inhibition. Therefore we speculate that irra-
interaction by median-effect analysis software (Cal- diated-DU145 cells become sensitive to cell death
cuSyn). For therapeutic improvement against can- and growth inhibition as a result of an increased
cer a synergistic combination must pursue a dose production of resveratrol-induced apoptotic de novo
reduction factor for the component drugs [34]. ceramide. In conclusion, pretreatment with resvera-
The combination index (CI) can be considered as trol enhanced tumor cell killing and inhibited the
an algebric expression of the isobologram [39] and clonogenic survival in resistant irradiated-DU145
determines the degree and the nature of the interac- cells. Interaction analysis of the combined treatment
tion of drugs, e.g. CI < 1, CI = 1, and CI > 1 are showed that resveratrol affected synergistically the
indicative of synergistic, additive, and antagonistic cellular response to ionizing radiation and that this
effects, respectively [35,39]. The dose reduction event may be mediated by an increase in cellular
index (DRI), at a given degree of effect, serves as de novo ceramide levels.
an important index for the determination of dose
reduction, which may consequently lead to less tox- Acknowledgments
icity and improvement of therapeutic efficacy. In
our experiments dose reduction values indicated This study was supported by intramural grants
that the combination of the two treatments (resvera- from of University of Milan. We are indebted to
trol and radiation) caused 2.2–7.8-fold reduction in Dr. Stuart Moore for English style and grammar
the dose of ionizing radiation and 4.0–40.1-fold in revision used in this paper.
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