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Hormesis Theory

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Less Can Be More: The Hormesis Theory of Stress Adaptation
in the Global Biosphere and Its Implications
Volker Schirrmacher

Immune-Oncological Center Cologne (IOZK), D-50674 Cologne, Germany;

Abstract: A dose-response relationship to stressors, according to the hormesis theory, is characterized

by low-dose stimulation and high-dose inhibition. It is non-linear with a low-dose optimum. Stress
responses by cells lead to adapted vitality and fitness. Physical stress can be exerted through heat,
radiation, or physical exercise. Chemical stressors include reactive species from oxygen (ROS),
nitrogen (RNS), and carbon (RCS), carcinogens, elements, such as lithium (Li) and silicon (Si), and
metals, such as silver (Ag), cadmium (Cd), and lead (Pb). Anthropogenic chemicals are agrochem-
icals (phytotoxins, herbicides), industrial chemicals, and pharmaceuticals. Biochemical stress can
be exerted through toxins, medical drugs (e.g., cytostatics, psychopharmaceuticals, non-steroidal
inhibitors of inflammation), and through fasting (dietary restriction). Key-lock interactions between
enzymes and substrates, antigens and antibodies, antigen-presenting cells, and cognate T cells are
the basics of biology, biochemistry, and immunology. Their rules do not obey linear dose-response
relationships. The review provides examples of biologic stressors: oncolytic viruses (e.g., immuno-
virotherapy of cancer) and hormones (e.g., melatonin, stress hormones). Molecular mechanisms of
cellular stress adaptation involve the protein quality control system (PQS) and homeostasis of protea-
some, endoplasmic reticulum, and mitochondria. Important components are transcription factors

 (e.g., Nrf2), micro-RNAs, heat shock proteins, ionic calcium, and enzymes (e.g., glutathion redox
Citation: Schirrmacher, V. Less Can enzymes, DNA methyltransferases, and DNA repair enzymes). Cellular growth control, intercellular
Be More: The Hormesis Theory of communication, and resistance to stress from microbial infections involve growth factors, cytokines,
Stress Adaptation in the Global chemokines, interferons, and their respective receptors. The effects of hormesis during evolution are
Biosphere and Its Implications. multifarious: cell protection and survival, evolutionary flexibility, and epigenetic memory. According
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293. https:// to the hormesis theory, this is true for the entire biosphere, e.g., archaia, bacteria, fungi, plants, and the animal kingdoms.

Academic Editor: Letizia Polito Keywords: oxidative stress; low-dose radiation; metabolic switch; homeostasis; epigenetic memory;
warburg effect; memory T cells; bone marrow; Nrf2; oncolysis; immunogenic cell death
Received: 4 January 2021
Accepted: 10 March 2021
Published: 13 March 2021

1. Introduction
Publisher’s Note: MDPI stays neutral
with regard to jurisdictional claims in Hormesis describes a dose-response relationship to stressors with a low-dose stimula-
published maps and institutional affil- tion and high-dose inhibition. The effect of the carcinogen dioxin on the development of
iations. breast cancer in rats serves as an example. In a low dose region, the frequency of tumors is
greatly reduced when compared to no dioxin or to a high dose [1]. When testing the dose-
response curve of chemotherapeutics, antibiotics, non-steroidal inhibitors of inflammation
(NSAIDs), or toxins, a U-curve is seen with a reduction of toxic side effects at the nadir [2].
Copyright: © 2021 by the author.
Hormesis is an evolutionary ancient biphasic dose-response of cells and it is a highly
Licensee MDPI, Basel, Switzerland.
generalizable phenomenon [2]. A hormesis database from 2005 contains 5600 dose-response
This article is an open access article
relationships over about 900 broadly diversified chemicals and physical agents [3]. Even hy-
distributed under the terms and drocarbons induce hormesis in biota at doses up to 100 times smaller than the toxicological
conditions of the Creative Commons threshold [4].
Attribution (CC BY) license (https:// The linear non-threshold model (LNTM) extrapolates the late effects of high-dose exposure to ionizing radiation to the low-dose range and it is actually the cornerstone of

Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293.

Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 2 of 30

current radiation protection policies. Advances in molecular and evolutionary biology, can-
cer immunology, epidemiological, and animal studies have cast serious doubts regarding
the validity and reliability of LNTM [5]. Hormesis has emerged as a central concept of risk
assessment for carcinogens and non-carcinogens. It has significant implications for clinical
medicine [6].
This review, similar to a previous review on mitochondria [7], starts with evolution of
this phenomenon on earth. Hormesis effects are described and explained in biochemical
and molecular terms with special attention to the immune system. Clinical implications
are exemplified in the fields of psychiatry, neurodegenerative diseases, cardiovascular
diseases, metabolic syndrome, autoimmune diseases, and cancer. Hormesis effects are also
described in plant cells with implications for agriculture. This review sheds light on the
archaic origin of the adaptive stress response and elucidates its global validity.

2. Evolutionary Origin
2.1. The Beginnings
During billions of years, life on earth had to adapt to the changing environmental
conditions. The anaerobic atmosphere gradually became enriched with oxygen (O2 ) due to
the invention of photosynthesis by cyanobacteria. Thus, an antioxidant network evolved in
bacteria to cope with the toxic effects of this new element in the atmosphere. The glutathion
(GSH) system can exemplify this. After several hours of oxygen exposition of bacteria, a
hormetic response can be seen at the transcriptional level by up-regulating nuclear factor
erythroid 2-related factor (Nrf2)-mediated expression of the enzymes involved in GSH
synthesis. In phototrophic bacteria, adaptations also eventually occurred at the epigenetic
and genetic level [8].
A chemo defense system. A chemo defense system has been proposed to have evolved
very early protecting organisms against toxic substances. Mechanisms that are involved, for
example, lipophilic compounds, hydrophilic compounds, oxidants, acidosics, genotoxics,
and metals. By analogy with the later evolving immune defense system, the chemo defense
system can be characterized, as follows: partial immaturity of the young, inducibility,
non-specificity, and specificity [9].
Hormesis via quorum sensing (QS) receptors. The hydrogen ion concentration (H+ or
H3 O ) of an aqueous solution (logarithmic measure via pH)) was demonstrated to affect
the hormesis response of bacteria. The pH profiles of certain compounds affected the
luminescence response of the Vibrio qinghaiensis sp.-Q67 [10]. The compounds display-
ing hormesis bound more easily to the α subunit of luciferase than to the ß subunit [10].
Luminescence in Allivibrio fischeri bacteria was studied to investigate hormetic mecha-
nism of sulfonamides (SAs) on bacterial QS cell-cell communication. It was suggested
that SAs acted on quorum sensing LitR proteins to change their active forms. This then
induced hormetic effects on luxR (QS signal receptor, [11]), and thereby affected the lumi-
nescence [12]. SAs triggered time-dependent hormetic effects on growth of Escherichia
(E. coli) bacteria over a time span of 24 h. It was reported that SAs bind with adenylate
cyclase at a low dose and with dihydropteroate synthase at a high dose. New insights
revealed a role of energy source in this hormesis system [13].
Protection against UV light. The protective effects of the monoterpenes camphor,
eucalyptol, and thujone were studied in E. coli K12 bacteria. The results were consistent
with a hormesis response. At a low dose, the agents protected the bacteria against UV-
induced mutagenesis and carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide (4NQO)-induced DNA
strand breaks. Similar effects were seen with DNA repair proficient mammalian Vero
cells [14].
Ionizing radiation hormesis. Radiation hormesis and toxicity were investigated with
luminous marine bacteria. Bioluminescence intensity was used as physiologic parameter
to study the effects of exposure to alpha- and beta-emitting radionuclides (americium-241,
uranium-235 + 238, and tritium). Three successive stages of response were detected: (1) the
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 3 of 30

absence of effects (stress recognition); (2) activation (adaptive response); and, (3) Inhibition
(suppression of physiological function, i.e., radiation toxicity) [15].
Glycohormesis. Experiments with cells from yeast strains revealed that hormesis en-
ables the cells to handle accumulating toxic metabolites during increased energy flux [16].
Reactive carbonyl (RCS) and reactive oxygen (ROS) species caused cellular damage through
the production of advanced glycation endproducts (AGEs) and oxidative stress. Precondi-
tioning with methylglyoxal (MG) led to changes in metabolism and activated the protein
quality control system (PQS). It was concluded that, next to mitohormesis, there also exists
glycohormesis. A direct link between metabolic and proteotoxic stress was suggested.
Specific therapeutic interventions, e.g., the manipulation of chaperone systems, might open
new fields for drug development and the treatment of diseases involving increased RCS
and ROS levels, such as diabetes mellitus (DM) and neurodegenerative diseases [16].
Fasting stress and differentiation induction. Dietary restriction stress can induce the
reproduction cycle in slime molds. Slime molds (Dictyostelium) belong to a branch that
separated from archaea before the fungus kingdom Mycota. A proteome-based eukaryotic
phylogenetic tree from 2005 is based on six archaebacterial proteomes: Malaria parasite
(Plasmodium faciparum), green alga (Clamydomonas reinhardtii), rice (Oryza sativa), maize
(Zea mays), fish (Fugus rubripes), and mosquito (Anopheles gambiae). It revealed that slime
molds belong to a branch that is designated as Amoebozoan [16]. Dictyostelim discoideum
is an important source of structural and functional information. In the case of dietary
restriction stress, single cells aggregate and induce stalk-cell differentiation via polyketide
differentiation-inducing factor-1. On top of the stalk, in the fruit body, further differentia-
tion steps occur [17]. Thus, fasting induced signals for the reproduction cycle, including a
change from a unicellular to a multicellular organism.
Fasting-induced autophagy. The aim of another investigation was to test an anti-
oxidative cellular protection effect of fasting-induced autophagy as a mechanism for
hormesis. Marine snails (Common periwinkle, Littoria littoria) were used as an animal
model. These snails were deprived of algal food for seven days to induce an augmented
autophagic response in their hepatopancreatic digestive cells (analogues of hepatocytes).
Fasting significantly increased cellular health in terms of lysosomal membrane stability,
reduced lipid peroxidation, and lysosomal/cellular triglyceride. It reduced potentially
harmful lipofuscin, an age-pigment of proteinaceous aggregates [18].
Fasting, endoplasmatic reticulum (ER) stress, and proteostasis. Studies in worms, such as
Caenorhabditis (C. elegans), demonstrated that dietary restriction improved proteostasis
and increased the life span. The mechanism worked through ER hormesis. The unfolded
protein response (UPR) of the ER helped to maintain proteostasis in the cell [19].
Responses to environmental stress. In C. elegans, environmental stresses were shown to
induce inheritable survival advantages via germline-to-soma communication. Animals
that were subjected to various stressors during developmental stages exhibited increased
resistance to oxidative stress and proteotoxicity. The increased resistance was transmitted
to the subsequent generations that were grown under unstressed conditions through
epigenetic alterations. In the parental somatic cells the insulin/insulin-like growth factor
(IGF) signaling effector DAF-16/FOXO and the heat-shock factor HSF-1 mediated the
formation of epigenetic memory. This was maintained through the histone H3 lysine
4 trimethylase complex in the germline across generations. The elicitation of memory
required the transcription factor (TF) SKN-1 (homology of mammalian Nrf2) in somatic
tissues [20].
The positive effects of mild stress on ageing and lifespan have been mainly studied and
documented in cells from worms (C. elegans) and insects (Drosophila melanogaster) [21]. Mild
stress, including hypergravity [22] and mild cold stress [23], protects and improves animal
performance. Hormesis is known by multiple names: preconditioning, conditioning, pre-
treatment, cross tolerance, and adaptive homeostasis [24]. Dietary restriction (DR), fasting
(FA), and cold exposure (CE) are hormetic stress models [25]. Rapid stress hardening (RCH)
is the fastest acclimatory response to low temperature known and it is a key adaptation for
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 4 of 30

coping with thermal variability, especially for ectotherms such as crustaceans, terrestrial
arthropods, amphibians, and reptiles. It was originally reported in 1987 in a Science paper.
When the flesh fly Sarcophaga crassipalpis was exposed to cold shock at −10 ◦ C for 2 h,
this caused >80% mortality. However, when only 30 min. of exposure to 0 ◦ C preceded
the same cold shock, mortality decreased to <50% [26]. Molecular mechanisms that were
associated with RCH across species revealed biological processes, such as allelic variation,
transcription (e.g., heat shock proteins, cryoprotectant synthesis), translation (e.g., calcium
signaling, redox balance), post-translational modifications (e.g., p38/MAP kinase, mRNA
surveillance), and biochemical changes (e.g., cryoprotectant accumulation and membrane
fluidity) [26].
Over time, hormesis has become recognized as a fundamental concept in biology. It
affects, for example, toxicology, microbiology, medicine, public health, and agriculture [27].
Table 1 provides an overview of the main features, mechanisms, and effects of part II.

Table 1. Evolutionary aspects of hormesis.

Stress Feature Mol Mechanism Effect
Oxidative stress Glutathion system (M) TF Nrf2 Homeostasis
Chemodefence Metals, genotoxics (I) inducibility Protection
Sulfonamides (I)
pH Adenyl cyclase Energy
QS luxR (M)
UV light Monoterpens (M) 4NQO UV protection
Luminous marine
Radiation 3 response levels Adaptive response
bacteria (T)
RCS and ROS PQS of yeast (M) Protection
Unicellular to multicellular Polyketide
Fasting transformation by differentiation
Dictyostelium (M) Inducing factor 1
Reduction of
Marine snails (T) Autophagy
Fasting lipofuscin
Caenorhabditis (worm) (T) SNK-1/Nrf
Epigenetic memory
Hormesis is an evolutionary ancient biphasic dose-response of cells and a highly generalizable phenomenon.
I = Inducer; M = Modulator; T = Target; RCS = Reactive carbon species; ROS = Reactive oxygen species;
QS luxR = Quorum sensing signal receptor; PQS = Protein quality control system; TF = Transcription factor;
Nrf2 = Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor; 4NQO = Carcinogen 4-nitroquinoline-1-oxide; SNK-1 = Homology
to mammalian Nrf2.

2.2. Nrf2 and Its Role in Anti-Oxidative and Anti-Inflammatory Cellular Responses
A protein that is homologous to the transcription factor Nrf2 already existed in the
worm C. elegans. The Nrf2 signaling pathway in mammals plays a pivotal role in controlling
the expression of antioxidant genes and exerts anti-inflammatory functions. Molecular
details have recently been elucidated [28]. Under normal homeostatic conditions, in the
cytosol of mammalian cells, Kelch-like ECH-associated protein 1 (Keap1) homodimerizes
with an E3 ligase. This complex (Keap1-Cul3-RBX1) interacts with the Keap1 binding
domain of Nrf2 and it leads to Nrf2 ubiquitination and degradation [28].
Certain cystein residues of Keap1 are highly reactive and susceptible to covalent
modifications by ROS, RNS, H2 S, and other electrophiles and by ER stress. S-sulfenylation,
S-nitrosylation and S-sulfhydration of these critical cysteins causes conformational changes
of Keap1. This, together with phosphorylation of Nrf2 by protein kinases, promotes the
dissociation of Nrf2 and its stabilization. This is followed by Nrf2 nuclear translocation,
heterodimerization with small Maf proteins (sMaf), and binding to the anti-oxidant re-
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 5 of 30

sponse elements (AREs), leading to the transcription of ARE-driven genes, such as heme
oxygenase-1 (HO-1) [28].
In addition to this Nrf2 signaling pathway, Nrf2 interferes with the nuclear factor
kappa-light-chain-enhancer of activated B (NFκB) pathway that initiates inflammation.
Inflammation is a response to a variety of biological threats, such as infection by pathogens
and tissue injury. The first step is the detection of an infection signal and/or damaged tissue
signal. Such signals are mediated by pathogen-associated molecular patterns (PAMPs)
and damage-associated molecular patterns (DAMPs). These exogenous and endogenous
molecular patterns are recognized via pattern recognition receptors (PRRs), which are
expressed by immune cells. Toll-like receptors (TLRs) or inflammosomes activate specific
immune signaling pathways result in the activation of NFκB.
The response to TLR activation starts with the phosphorylation of the NFκB/IkB
complex and the dissociation of NFκB from IκB. This is followed by the translocation
of NFκB to the nucleus and the induction and transcription of genes coding for pro-
inflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin-1-beta (Il-1ß), IL-6, tumor necrosis factor-alpha
(TNF-α), and others. These cytokines then recruit immune cells, such as monocytes
and neutrophils, at the site of infection or tissue damage. Their activation leads to the
generation of reactive oxygen and nitrogen species (ROS, RNS), which cause damage
of macromolecules, such as proteins and DNA. Under normal physiological conditions,
such as wound healing, restoration blocks any further neutrophil recruitment and then
re-establishes tissue homeostasis.
However, in chronic “inflammation”, the risk of cellular damage is multifold. Sustained
inflammatory response causes tissue injury. The release of chemokines and prostaglandins
recruits further inflammatory cells, resulting in a respiratory burst and elevated oxidative
stress. The activation of transcription factors, such as NFκB and Nrf2, are key components
of inflammation signaling cascades and oxidative stress responses. The above described
Nrf2/HO-1 axis, activated by ROS, can interfere with NFκB in inflammation. This includes
the inhibition of NFκB activation, blocking the degradation of IκB-α, degradation of NFκB,
and inhibition of NFκB nuclear translocation. The latest insights into these complex
regulatory interactions have recently been excellently reviewed [28]. Table 2 provides an
overview of Nfr2 and its role in anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory cellular responses.

Table 2. Nrf2 and its role in anti-oxidative and anti-inflammatory cellular responses.

Stressor Response (Part A) Response (Part B) Effect

1. Nrf2 phosphorylation and release from 3. Heterodimerization with cMaf,

ROS, ER Keap complex 4. Binding to ARE Anti-oxidation
2. Nrf2-P translocation to nucleus 5. Transcription of HO-1, NQO1, GCLM

4. Induction of HO-1 expression via Nrf2

1. NFκB phosphorylation and release from
5. Inhibition of NFκB activation via Nrf2
IKK complex
TLR 6. Blocking degradation of IkB-a Anti-inflammation
2. Translocation of NFκB to nucleus
7. Degradation of NFκB via Nrf2
3. Induction of proinflammatory cytokines
8. Inhibition of nuclear translocation via Nrf2
Nrf2 plays a pivotal role controlling the expression of antioxidant genes that ultimately exert anti-inflammatory functions. Nrf2 = Nu-
clear factor erythroid 2-related factor; Keap = Keap1-Cul3-RBX1 complex; ROS = Reactive oxygen species; ER = Endoplasmic Retic-
ulum; TLR = Toll-like receptor; cMaf = small Maf proteins; HO-1 = Heme oxygenase-1; NQO1 = NADPH quinone oxidoreductase I;
GCLM = Glutamate-cystein ligase modifier subunit; NFκB = Nuclear factor kappa B (p50/p65). IKK = Complex between IκB and NFκB;
IκB = ankirin repeats-containing NFκB regulatory proteins.

3. Low-Dose Radiation (LDR) Mediated Hormesis Effect in the Immune System

High-dose radiation (HDR) usually results in immune suppression. In contrast, low-
dose radiation (LDR) modulates a variety of immune responses and reveals properties of
immune hormesis. Hormetic effects include cells of innate immunity and cells of adaptive
immunity [29].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 6 of 30

3.1. LDR and Innate Immunity

LDR can enhance the activity of NK cells by stimulating cell proliferation and pro-
moting their cytotoxic function [30]. This was associated with the p38/MAPK (mitogen-
activated protein kinase) signaling pathway [30]. It was documented that LDR programs
macrophage differentiation towards M1 polarization. The cells were positive for inducible
nitric oxide synthase (iNOS) and they could orchestrate effective T cell immunotherapy [31].
LDR was also described to affect oxidative burst in stimulated macrophages [32]. Reports
on the effects of LDR on dendritic cells (DCs) are conflicting. The irradiation of DC pre-
cursors with 0.5 Gy in vitro did not influence lipopolysaccharide (LPS) induced surface
marker expression or cytokine profile [33]. In contrast, it was reported from another study
that 0.05 Gy pre-treated DCs exhibited the highest proliferation-inducing capacity on T
cells, and then augmented the production of interleukin (IL)-2, IL-12, and IFN-γ [34].

3.2. LDR and Adaptive Immunity

LDR was reported to enhance the response of CD4+ helper T cells, in vitro and
in vivo [35]. Similarly, an enhanced CD8+ cytotoxic T cell (CTL) response was reported
following LDR treatment [36]. The molecular mechanisms likely involve activated sur-
vival/signaling proteins (e.g., NFκB, p38/MAPK, and c-Jun N-terminal kinase (JNK)) [37].
LDR also led to an increase in production of immune enhancing cytokines (IL-2 and IL-4)
and a decrease in the production of a major immunosuppressive cytokine (transforming
growth factor-ß1 (TGF-ß1)) [37]. Furthermore, CD markers (e.g., CD3, CD2, CD4, and CD28)
became upregulated by LDR [38]. With regard to regulatory T cells (Tregs), some studies
showed that they were markedly decreased in mice or rats following LDR [39]. IL-10, the
most relevant cytokine mediating Treg suppressor activity, was also downregulated by
LDR [40].
LDR can also affect many aspects of B cell behavior. It can modulate B cell differ-
entiation through the activation of NFκB and the induction of the cell differentiation
molecule CD23 [41]. LDR can increase global genomic DNA methylation [42] and promote
a metabolic shift from oxidative phosphorylation (OXPHOS) to aerobic glycolysis. This
leads to increased radiation resistance in human B cells [43].
In conclusion, low-dose therapeutic irradiation, as well as background irradiations
(e.g., radon spas), is beneficial rather than destructive from an immunological point of
view [43].

4. Other Hormetic Effects in the Immune System

The immune system is continuously influenced by hormetic effects of environmental
compounds (e.g., chemicals), physical influences (background irradiations, major change
of temperature), or medical (drugs) and food interactions [44]. Low-level ROS activates
the main cellular antioxidant pathways (e.g., thioredoxin (TRX) and GSH) as well as their
transcriptional regulator Nrf2 [45].
A hormesis effect that was elicited by a carcinogen (dioxin) was described in 2003 [46].
The experiment tested the effect of dioxin on the development of breast cancer in rats.
Figure 1 illustrates the results. In a low-dose region, the frequency of tumors was greatly
reduced when compared to no dioxin or to a 100-fold higher dose of the carcinogen. The
shape of the curve is described as U or J or inverted bell. The mechanisms behind this effect
have not been elucidated. The activation of the immune system in the low-dose region is
one possibility.
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 7 of 30

Figure 1. Example of a hormesis effect. The effect of dioxin on the development of breast cancer in
rats. In a low dose (0.001 mm/kg/day) the incidence of tumors is strongly reduced. According to
Kaiser, J. [46].

4.1. Protection by Immunological Memory

Immunological memory is a cardinal feature of the adaptive immune system. Body-
wide immune surveillance is based on circulating cells, including central, effector, and
peripheral memory T cells (MTCs). Local immune surveillance is based on tissue resi-
dent MTCs. At steady state, MTC homeostasis is under the control of various cytokines,
transcription factors, and metabolic fuels [47].
Mammals evolved in the face of fluctuating food availability. The effects of transient
dietary restriction (DR) on the immune system have been studied in mice. Under DR,
MTCs collapsed in secondary lymphoid organs and accumulated in the bone marrow (BM).
Glucocorticoids coordinated the BM response It involved profound remodeling while
adopting a state of energy conservation involving adipogenesis. Interactions of CXCR4
chemokine receptor with its ligand CXCL12 and BM trophic factors contributed to T cell
accumulation. In this way, the BM protected and optimized immunological memory. MTC
homing to BM under DR was associated with enhanced protection against infections and
tumors [47].

4.2. Increase of Longevity and Tissue Protection by Macrophages as Hormesis Effects against
Biological Threats
A study with fruit flies (Drosophila melanogaster) reported that pathogenic fungus
spore challenge increases the longevity and fecundity, but results in reduced anti-fungal
immune function [48]. Thus, the beneficial effects of low level exposure to toxins and other
stressors may not necessarily, and under all conditions, help the immune system [48].
Another study demonstrated a hormesis mediated dose-sensitive shift in macrophage
activation patterns. The activation or polarization of macrophages to pro- or anti-
inflammatory states evolved as an adaptation to protect against biological threats. The
study demonstrated: (1) many pharmacological, chemical, and physical agents can mediate
a shift between pro- and anti-inflammatory activation states; and, (2) these shifts display
biphasic dose-response relationships that are characteristic of hormesis. The study also
revealed that preconditioning similarly mediates tissue protection by the polarization of
macrophages. However, in this case, the direction was towards an anti-inflammatory
phenotype [49].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 8 of 30

The microbiome also influences hormesis. A review of the literature revealed influ-
ences on oncogenesis and therapy. Microorganisms were documented to have the ability to
perturb risks of cancer and enhance hormesis after irradiation [50].

4.3. Hormetic Effects on the Immune System by Sportive Exercise

Sportive exercise can affect the innate/inflammatory responses. Such effects are
primarily mediated by the sympathetic nervous system (SNS) and/or by the hypothalamic-
pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis. Stress hormones from the adrenal glands (catecholamines
and glucocortioides) play an important role [51]. Table 3 provides an overview of the main
features, mechanisms, and effects of parts III and IV.

Table 3. Hormetic effects in the immune system.

Stressor Mol Mechanism Effect
LDR NK cells (S) p38/MAPK cytotoxicity
iNOS, Orchestration of T cell
LDR Macrophages, M1 (S)
oxidative burst immunotherapy
Cytokine secretion,
CD4 and CD8 T cells (S) NFκB,
LDR CTL activity
T regulatory cells (S) JNK
IL-10 down
OXPHOS shift to
LDR B cells (S) NFκB, CD23
aerobic glycosylation
Increased longevity
and fecundity;
Fungus spore toxin Drosophila (T)
decreased immune
Biological threats,
Macrophages (S) M1/M2 shift Tissue protection
infection by microbes
Memory T cells (M),
Transient dietary CXCR4/CXCL12 Enhanced protective
conservation in bone
restriction (DR) adipogenesis function
The immune system is continuously influenced by hormetic effects of environmental compounds, physical
influences and drug and food interactions. S = Sensor, M = Modulator, T = Target; LDR = Low dose radiation;
MAPK = Mitogen-activated protein kinase; iNOS = Inducible nitric oxide synthase; NFκB = Nuclear factor kappa
B; JNK = c-Jun N-terminal kinase; CXCR4 = Chemokine receptor; CXCL12 = chemokine; OXPHOS = Oxidative

5. Clinical Implications
5.1. Low Stimulatory Effects of Toxic Compounds
Formaldehyde (FA) is the first example. This is an indoor environmental pollutant,
classified as a carcinogen. Human K562 leukemia cells and human 16HBE brochial ep-
ithelial cells were exposed to different concentrations of FA. At low concentrations, FA
promoted proliferation of both cell types by inducing key molecules of cell division like
CyclinD-cdk4 (cyclin-dependent kinase 4) and E2F1 (E2F transcription factor 1). In addi-
tion, key molecules of the Warburg effect were increased: pyruvate kinase isozyme M2
(PKM2), glucose, glucose transporter 1 (GLUT1), lactic acid, and lactate dehydrogenase A
(LDHA) [52].
The second example is hydrogen peroxide. LDR (<100 mGy) mediates nanomolar
release of hydrogen peroxide (H2 O2 ) as a stable product of water radiolysis. H2 O2 has
recently been recognized as a central redox signaling molecule. LDR utilizes known
molecular master switches, such as Nrf2/Keap1 or NFκB, to promote adaptive resistance.
It has been proposed that LDR mediates its hormetic effects via H2 O2 signaling [53].
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5.2. Psychiatry
Lithium (Li) is one compound with a hormetic effect in psychiatry. Salts of Li are
-carbonate, -acetate, -sulfate, -citrate, -orotate, and -gluconate. They are used as medicines
in psychiatry to treat manic episodes and depressions, therapy resistant schizophrenia, and
other indications. New studies in the fruit fly Drosophila suggest that Li promotes longevity.
The life-extending mechanism that is involved the inhibition of glycogen synthase kinase-3
(GSK-3) and activation of the transcription factor Nrf-2. High levels of Nrf-2 activation
conferred stress resistance, while low levels additionally promoted longevity [54].

5.3. Neurodegenerative Diseases

It is now accepted that neuroinflammation is a common feature of neurological dis-
eases. Cytosolic inflammasomes are multiprotein complexes. They are part of the innate
immune system. They activate proinflammatory caspases, thereby leading to the activation
of proinflammatory cytokines (e.g., interleukin (IL)-1b, IL-18 and Il-33). These cytokines
promote neuroinflammation and brain pathologies. The best characterized receptor family
in Alzheimer’s disease (AD) is the nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like recep-
tor family, pyrin domain-containing-3 (NLRP3) inflammasome. A recent review introduced
the concept of hormesis and presented possible mechanisms and applications to neuropro-
tection. It proposed the potential utility of the nutritional antioxidants sulforaphane and
hydroxytyrosol [55].
The neuropeptide receptor pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor
1 (PAC1-R) mediates neuroprotective activity. It was reported recently that H2 O2 exerts a
hormesis effect on the promoter activity of this receptor [3]. PAC1-R mediates well-known
neuroprotective, neurotrophic, and neurogenesis effects and is an important drug target
for neurodegenerative diseases. The study might help to further clarify the physiological
effect of low-dose ROS on the nervous system [56].
Curcumin, a polyphenol compound from the rhizome of Curcuma longa Linn, is
another neuroprotective antioxidant hormetin. It is commonly used as a spice to color and
flavor food. The common denominator for its potential protective role in neurodegenerative
disorders is the enhancement of the cell stress response, mainly due to the heme oxygenase-
1 system [57]. Curcumin mediates an intricate crosstalk between mitochondrial turnover,
autophagy, and apoptosis [58]. Curcumin was recently reported to regulate ROS hormesis
by favoring mitochondrial fusion/elongation, biogenesis, and improved function in rodent
muscle cells [57]. The curcumin safety profile imposes a careful analysis of the risk/benefit
balance prior to proposing chronic supplementation. Similar conclusions can be drawn
from the proposed hormesis via Ginseng to achieve neuroprotective effects [59].
Isoliquiritigenin (IsoLQ) is a flavonoid with antioxidant properties and is an in-
ducer of ER stress. It was shown that IsoLQ pretreatment of a kidney cell line induced
ER stress-mediated hormesis [60]. Other agents inducing a hormetic dose response are
chloroquine [61] and green tea with its principal constituent (-)-epigallocatechin-3-gallate
(EGCG) [62]. Both of the agents have been demonstrated to enhance a spectrum of neuro-
protective responses.
Neurological injury is a frequent cause of morbidity and mortality from general
anesthesia and related surgical procedures. Cold-preconditioning is a procedure for neu-
roprotection. One study used hippocampal slice cultures to investigate neural immune
signaling via cytokines that are derived from microglia [63].
Transcranial brain stimulation with low-level light/laser therapy (LLLT) is another
strategy to modulate neurobiological function in a nondestructive and non-thermal manner.
The mechanism of action of LLLT is based on photon energy absorption by cytochrome
oxidase, the terminal enzyme in the mitochondrial respiratory chain. LLLT can provide
neuroprotection and cognitive enhancement by facilitating mitochondrial respiration, with
hormetic dose-response effects and brain region activational specificity [64].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 10 of 30

5.4. Cardiovascular Diseases (CVD)

Low levels of ROS were shown to decrease the susceptibility of neonatal rat ventricular
myocytes to anoxia/reoxygenation injury and it also caused profound protection in an
in vivo mouse model of ischemia/reperfusion. Higher levels of ROS resulted in a pro-
gressive alteration of intracellular Ca2+ homeostasis and mitochondrial function in vitro,
leading to dysfunction and death. ROS levels were regulated by the mitochondria-targeted
redox cycler MitoParaquat (MitoPQ). The data support a hormetic model, in which low
levels of ROS are cardioprotective, while higher levels are cardiotoxic [65].
A recent study investigated the role of NLRP3 inflammasomes in cardiac aging by
comparing NLRP3 -knockout and wild-type mice. The absence of NLRP3 prevented age-
related mitochondrial dynamic alterations in cardiac muscle. In wild-type mice, melatonin
supplementation had an anti-apoptotic action in addition to restoring Nrf2-antioxidant
capacity and improving mitochondria ultrastructure altered by aging [66].

5.5. Metabolic Syndrom

Metabolic syndrom (MetS) includes obesity, insulin resistance, hypertension, and
atherogenic dyslipidemia. It is associated with an increased risk of type 2 diabetes mellitus
(T2DM), myocardial infarction, and stroke. MetS have been estimated to affect 20–30%
of adults worldwide [7]. T2DM confers an excessive risk for CVD. It is preceded by dys-
function in vascular reactivity. (-)-Epicatechin (EPICAT), a plant compound and known
vasodilator, modulates mitochondrial redox levels in vascular models of oxidative stress.
The data showed that EPICAT acts in a dose-dependent manner, demonstrating horme-
sis [67].
Intermittent metabolic switching (IMS) has been proposed by Mark Mattson to main-
tain neuroplasticity and brain health [68]. Based on animal model studies, he suggested
that switching between time periods of negative energy balance (short fasts and/or ex-
ercise) and positive energy balance (eating and resting) can optimize general health and
brain health. ß-hydroxybutyrate (BHB) is a ketone, generated from fatty acids during
fasting and extended exercise, which functions as a cellular energy source. As the sig-
naling molecule BHB induces the expression of brain-derived neurotrophic factors. The
mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) is a serine/threonine protein kinase that plays
a pivotal role in stimulating cellular protein synthesis and suppressing autophagy when
nutrients (glucose and amino acids) are plentiful [57]. Biochemical pathways that are
involved in the metabolic switch connect the organs liver, gut, and brain, and the cells
hepatocytes, adipocytes, neurons, and astrocytes. Fasting and exercise lead to a glucose-to-
ketone switch (bioenergetic challenge) and cellular stress resistance (molecular recycling
and repair pathways). Eating, resting, and sleeping lead to a ketone-to-glucose switch
(recovery period) and to cell growth and plasticity pathways (mitochondrial biogenesis,
synaptogenesis, and neurogenesis) [68].
A hormetic response of mitochondria (mitohormetic response) has been proposed
as part of the cytoprotection mechanism of berberine (Ber). This is a major bioactive
compound that is extracted from plants (Coptis chinensis), which has anti-diabetic effects.
Ber mainly accumulates in mitochondria. It targets enzymes and other proteins that are
associated with the electron transfer chain (ETC) or with mitochondrial DNA (mtDNA)
to disrupt energy homeostasis and induce translation stress. This stress can induce mito-
hormetic responses via: (1) ROS-mediated redox pathway; (2) AMP/ATP-induced AMPK
pathway; (3) NAD+/NADH-mediated Sirtuins pathway; and, (4) the UPRmt pathway to
regulate and maintain mitochondria homeostasis for the ability of cells to adapt to adverse
circumstances [69].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 11 of 30

5.6. Autoimmune Diseases

Autoimmune diseases result from a hyperactive immune system attacking normal
tissue. The regulatory effect of LDR on the immune system seems to depend on the im-
mune microenvironment of the body. Repeated LDR was reported to significantly inhibit
the osteoclastic activity in patients with rheumatoid arthritis [70]. The anti-inflammatory
effect of LDR was suggested to be an important mechanism by which LDR affects autoim-
mune disease [71]. UV irradiation also affected the immune system and occurrence of
autoimmune diseases [72]. LDR inhibited the expression of proinflammatory cytokines,
upregulated the proportion of Tregs, and reduced the production of autoantibodies [73].
In autoimmune situations, LDR inhibited the transformation of immature DCs (imDCs)
into mature DCs (mDCs) and induced the differentiation/polarization of macrophages
into M2. Altogether, LDR seems to be capable of regulating the negative effects of immune
dysregulation in autoimmune diseases [29].

5.7. Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome (ARDS)

Because LDR can induce an anti-inflammatory phenotype, it has been suggested
as a possible treatment option for COVID-19-induced acute respiratory distress syn-
drome [74]. The two-phase immune responses that are induced by this new virus have
been explained [75]. The lessons learned from SARS and MERS epidemics have been
summarized [76]. Lessons from other pathogenic viruses have also been described [77].
The Front Line COVID-19 Critical Care Alliance (FLCCC), a clinical expert panel,
developed a treatment protocol based on the core therapies methylprednisolone, ascorbic
acid, thiamine, heparin, and co-interventions (MATH+) for hospitalized patients [78]. Re-
cently, ivermectin, an anti-parasitic medicine with potent anti-viral and anti-inflammatory
properties against COVID-19 was added to the list. An update from Dec. 18, 2020, reviews
the emerging evidence demonstrating the efficacy of ivermectin in the prophylaxis and
treatment of COVID-19 [79].

5.8. Multidrug Interaction

In elderly patients with chronic diseases, each organ often affected is treated by one or
several different drugs. This is because clinical education is organ oriented and prioritized
by pharmacotherapy. Polypharmacotherapy is clinically manifested by a reduction in the
effectiveness of pharmacotherapy. Perhaps, interventions that are based on dysregulated
mitochondria could help to reduce multidrug usage [7].
A high consumption of drugs, combined with their presence in the environment (e.g.,
antibiotica in meat), raises concerns regarding consequences. A recent study analyzed
individual and drug mixture acute toxicity. It tested the pharmaceuticals diazepam, met-
formin, omeprazole, and simvastatin. The test organism was the bacterium Allivibrio fischeri.
In terms of individual toxicity, omeprazole was the most toxic agent. When the toxicity
of mixtures was tested, synergisms, antagonisms, and hormesis effects were observed,
most probably due to byproduct formation. This work points to the urgent need for more
studies that involve mixtures, since chemicals are subject to interactions and modifications,
can mix, and potentiate or nullify, the toxic effect of each other [80]. Table 4 provides an
overview of the main features, mechanisms, and effects of part V.
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 12 of 30

Table 4. Clinical implications.

Stressor Mol Mechanism Effect
Target S/M/T
Stress resistance
Toxic compound Li Psychiatry (S) GSK-3, Nrf-2
Ag-Nanoparticles (Ag-NPs) Astroglioma cells (T) MuD and p38/ERK Beneficial
Formaldehyde Bronchial epithelial cells (T) CyclinD-cdk4, E2F1 Warburg effect
LDR H2 O2 signaling (M) Nrf2/Keap1, NFkB Redox signaling
Neurodegenerative disorders (S),
Mitochondria, autophagy,
ROS Curcumin (M) Protection
Inflammasomes (T)
Upregulation of Treg
LDR Autoimmune diseases (S) Regulation of negative effects
Inhibition of cytokines
H2 O2 NLRP3 inflammasome (T) PAC1-R neurotrophic and
neurogenesis effects
Cardiovascular diseases (S), Ca2+ homeostasis,
ROS Cardioprotection
MitoPQ (M) mitochondrial homeostasis
Vascular cells (T), Mitochondrial redox
ROS Vasodilation
EPICAT (M) regulation
Exampels of hormetic inducers in a variety of clinical syndroms. Syndrome = Field of clinical implication; M = Modulator; T = Tar-
get; LDR = Low dose radiation; NLRP3 = Nucleotide-binding oligomerization domain-like receptor family, pyrin domain-containing
inflammasome; ROS = Reactive oxygen species; GSK-3 = Glycogen synthase kinase-3; Nrf-2 = Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor;
MuD = Mushroom body defect, a microtubule-associated protein that contributes to mitotic spindle function; ERK = Extracellular-regulated
protein kinase; CyclinD-cdk4 = CyclinD-cyclin-dependent kinase 4; E2F1 = E2F transcription factor 1; Keap1 = Kelch-like ECH-associated
protein 1; PAC1-R = Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor 1; EPICAT = (-)-Epicatechin.

6. Is Less More in Cancer Therapy?

6.1. Historic Aspects
The development of cancer therapies has gone a long way: from surgery to adjuvant
radiotherapy, chemotherapy, and hormone therapy. Many dogmas dominated in certain
time periods and were then proven wrong. Examples include: (1) the dogma of radical,
ultra-radical, and supra-radical surgery that dominated from 1891 to 1981 [81]; and, (2) the
dogma of aggressive high-dose chemotherapy (CT) that dominated the years 1980 to
2000 [82,83].
An example where less aggressive therapies are possible: early-stage breast cancer
patients are treated by surgery plus adjuvant CT. In 2016, Cardoso et al. published a
paper in the New England Journal of Medicine regarding a new 70-gene signature test
(MammaPrint) to determine a genomic risk as an aid to treatment decisions in early-stage
breast cancer [83]. A randomized Phase III study enrolled 6693 women with early-stage
breast cancer and determined their genomic risk and their clinical risk. Women with high
clinical risk and low genomic risk of recurrence based on Mammaprint received no CT.
Their five-year survival rate without distant metastases was similar to that of patients
treated with CT. It was concluded that approximately 46% of women with early-stage
breast cancer who are at high clinical risk might not require CT [84]. This is an example
where less aggressive therapies are possible, at least in patients with a low genomic risk.
There is growing evidence that a radical re-evaluation of the mode of action of
chemotherapeutic agents and ionizing radiation is required in light of advances in im-
munology and hormesis research. The concept of hormesis that was applied to cancer
therapy suggests that different modes of action of therapeutic modalities exist at different
doses. Thus, a change of paradigm would be necessary. In the case of CT, this may mean
changing from the maximum tolerated dose concept to low intermittent (e.g., metronomic)
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 13 of 30

therapy. In radiation therapy, lower doses and accurate stereotactic targeting might enable
antigen-releasing (immunogenic) doses of radiation to be delivered to the tumor with
a sparing of surrounding normal tissue. Coupled with emerging immunotherapies, the
future of cancer treatment may consist in more localized debulking surgery, repositioned
CT, and radiotherapy in combination with immunotherapy and targeted therapies [85].

6.2. Hormetic Aspects of Targeted Therapies, Oncolytic Viruses and Cancer Vaccines
6.2.1. Hormetic Aspects of Small Molecule Inhibitors (SMIs)
The mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) regulates, among others, aerobic gly-
colysis in carcinomas. It regulates the metabolism of glucose, amino acids, fatty acids,
lipids, and nucleotides. Small molecule inhibitors (SMIs) might be suited to target cancer-
associated molecules that are associated with mTOR and glycolysis [86]. SMIs must
optimally fit into an enzyme’s active site to inhibit its functional (e.g., tyrosine kinase)
activity. This means that the dose-response relationship is non-linear and it has an optimum
at a molecular enzyme to inhibitor ratio of 1:1.

6.2.2. Hormetic Aspects of Antigen Recognition by the Immune System

Antigen–antibody interactions, as studied by Paul Ehrlich’s toxin-anti-toxin precipita-
tion studies, revealed, at the equivalence point, a molecular key to lock ratio of 1:1. Similar
rules guide cognate T cell interactions with antigen. There are three participants in the
molecular recognition of antigen by T cells: an antigenic fragment (1. peptide) that forms a
complex with a presenter molecule (2. MHC protein), and this complex is recognized by
a recognition molecule, the antigen-specific T cell receptor (3. TCR). Only an optimal fit
between an antigenic peptide-MHC (pMHC) complex and the corresponding TCR, in the
presence of costimulatory signals, initiates a T cell response.
That the dose-response to vaccines is not linear has also to do with cell–cell interactions.
The initiation of a T cell response requires T cell interaction with a professional antigen-
presenting cell (APC), such as a DC. Only cognate interactions lead to a response. Cognate
T-APC interactions occur when a T cell with a TCR for an antigen (e.g., A) finds an APC
expressing A. Such interactions can occur in vaccination-site draining lymph nodes, in the
spleen and in the BM [87,88]. Cognate interactions between memory T cells from the BM
and tumor antigen (TA)-presenting DCs revealed bi-directional cell stimulation, survival,
and antitumor activity in vivo [89].

6.2.3. Hormetic Aspects of Oncolytic Viruses and Cancer Vaccines.

The roles of hormesis seem to also apply to the mechanisms of oncolytic virus (OV)
therapy. Systematic research on oncolysis, the selective destruction of tumor cells by viruses,
began in the 1960s. Using ascites tumor cells growing in the peritoneal cavity of mice, it
was found that neither low nor high virus doses were effective. Only an intermediate dose
caused macroscopically visible oncolysate. The dose-response curve was bell-shaped, like
in hormesis [90].
In the following, the focus will be on oncolytic Newcastle disease virus (NDV). The
author studied this avian paramyxovirus since the 1980s. The goal was not oncolysis, but
anti-tumor vaccination. The first impressive findings were obtained in the aggressive ESb
mouse lymphoma model in 1985. (1). Post-operative vaccination with irradiated ESb cells
caused no protective effect against micrometastatic disease, so that all mice died within
2–3 weeks. In contrast, post-operative vaccination with NDV-infected irradiated ESb cells
(ESb-NDV vaccine) caused approximately 50% long-term survival. Like with oncolysis,
an intermediate dose of virus had to be used to obtain an immunogenic vaccine [91]. (2).
Further research revealed that ESb-NDV vaccine caused in vitro an augmented tumor-
specific CD8+ mediated CTL response in ESb-immune spleen cells in comparison to
stimulation with uninfected ESb vaccine [92]. Similar augmented effects were obtained
when analyzing a CD4+ mediated T helper cell response [93]. When titrating the virus to
tumor cell ratio, it was found that an optimal response required approximately 10 virus
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 14 of 30

particles per tumor cell [94]. (3). In the years between 1990 and 2008 (the time-point of
the authors retirement at the German Cancer Research Center in Heidelberg, Germany),
translational research allowed for creating a human virus-modified vaccine homologous
to ESb-NDV. It was designated as Autologous Tumor cell Vaccine that was modified by
NDV infection (ATV-NDV) [95]. Delayed-type hypersensitivity (DTH) skin reactivity was
used as first immunogenicity assay in Phase I studies in cancer patients. These studies
revealed that an optimal virus to tumor cell ratio was seen at about 10 virus particles per
tumor cell [96]. Findings (1)–(3). can be well interpreted as a hormesis effect. Similar dose
responses existed for mice and human.
The results that were obtained with the vaccine ATV-NDV were true for the lentogenic
NDV strain Ulster, which has only monocyclic replication capacity in tumor cells. In the
DC-based vaccine IO-VACR [97,98] that is being used since 2015 at the Immune-Oncological
Center Cologne (IOZK) Germany, the patient-derived NDV oncolysate is obtained with a
mesogenic NDV strain that shows multicyclic replication capacity. In this case, the virus to
tumor cell ratio can be titrated down to 1 or 0.1 virus particles per tumor cell. More than
one million tumor cells are normally used in a tumor cell-based (ATV-NDV) or DC-based
(IO-VACR ) vaccine.
The concept of individualized, multimodal immunotherapy (IMI), which was devel-
oped at IOZK, combines immunogenic cell death (ICD) treatment via NDV with modulated
electrohyperthermia (mEHT) and IO-VACR DC vaccination. A recent data analysis of 70
treated adult patients that were from Glioblastoma multiforme (GBM) revealed that IMI,
in combination with maintenance chemotherapy, provides a strategy towards improving
the overall survival rate [99]. In the same review, the concept of randomized controlled
immunotherapy clinical trials for GBM has been questioned and challenged [99].
The Rho GTPase Rac1 plays an important role in GBM cell migration and invasion.
Interestingly, Rac1 is also a target of NDV infection. It is involved in viral entry, during
syncytium induction, and upon actin reorganization [100,101]. NDV-induced syncytium
formation triggers autophagy, which is mediated through the activation of the AMPK
(energy-sensing AMP-activated protein kinase)-mTORC1-ULK1 (autophagy-initiating pro-
tein kinase) pathway [102]. This network plays a role in autophagy and in maintaining
cellular energy and nutrient homeostasis.
Solid tumor microenvironments contain regions of hypoxia, in which a distinct tran-
scription factor (i.e., hypoxia inducible factor (HIF)) is active. A velogenic NDV strain
was applied in order to compare the oncolytic effect against a clear cell carcinoma line
under normoxic and hypoxic conditions. It was found that NDV could break resistance to
hypoxia. Hypoxia even augmented oncolytic activity, regardless of the HIF levels in the
cells [103].
Resistance to therapy is a major obstacle to cancer treatment. NDV was reported
to have the potential to break resistance not only to hypoxia, but also to chemo- and
radiotherapy, to apoptosis, to tumor-necrosis-factor-related apoptosis-inducing ligand
(TRAIL), and to immune checkpoint blockade [104].
NDV pre-treatment of cancer patients before vaccination has an immune conditioning
effect. Immune cells are primed towards a type I interferon response via signaling through
cytoplasmic RIG-I receptor and through plasma membrane expressed type I interferon
receptor [105]. Upon NDV infection in vitro, human DCs become programmed within
18 hrs. into DC1 polarization. A sophisticated study revealed that the antiviral response
of human DCs to NDV infection is highly reproducible and dictated by a choreographed
cascade of 24 transcription factors leading to the upregulation of 779 genes [106].
The dose-response to vaccines is not linear, as mentioned above. A determination of
maximally tolerable dose, as required from toxicology, is meaningless in immunology. With
regard to the vaccine ATV-NDV, the first study of post-operative vaccination of breast cancer
patients defined a dose above one million cells and below five million cells and cell viability
of the irradiated cells above 50% as high quality parameters, based on patient survival [94].
Competence and polarization of the patient’s immune system are other parameters of
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 15 of 30

importance, and possible negative effects of combinatorial treatments. Future optimizations

should investigate vaccination schedules, delivery routes, and biomarkers. The side effects
of systemic cancer therapies is another important point. A recent comparative analysis
revealed that cancer vaccines and oncolytic viruses exert profoundly lower side effects in
cancer patients than other systemic therapies [107].
Further evidence for a hormetic response by the NDV infection of tumor cells was
obtained in 2002 with a paper entitled: “Dendritic cells pulsed with viral oncolysate
potently stimulate autologous T cells from cancer patients” [108]. The paper reports
that primary operated breast cancer patients contain in their BM cancer-reactive memory
T cells (MTCs). These were stimulated in vitro with DCs that were pulsed with lysate
from the breast carcinoma cell line MCF-7 or with lysates from NDV-infected MCF-7
cells. An ELISPOT test revealed that the latter in comparison to the former induced a
significantly increased interferon gamma (IFN-γ) response. The supernatants from such
cultures contained increased titers of interferon alpha (IFN-α) and interleukin 15 (IL-15).
Further danger signals apart from foreign viral RNA in the cytoplasm of the tumor cells,
MALDI mass spectrometry, Western blots, FACS cytometry, and ELISA tests were employed
to analyze potential. NDV infection of MCF-7 cells resulted in a number of differences in
protein expression by Western blots. MALDI mass spectrometry of prominent proteins
revealed a heat-shock protein (HSP), which, upon NDV infection, became phosphorylated:
HSP27 [108].
As molecular chaperones, HSPs constitute a large family of conserved proteins that
play a key role in intracellular protein homeostasis. They are involved in protection against
various stress factors. Members of different HSP families also become localized on the
plasma membrane of cancer cells and they could become interesting new targets for cancer
therapy [109].
A new study from 2020 revealed that expression of human HSP27 in yeast cells extends
replicative lifespan and uncovers a hormetic response. HSP27 is a small heat shock protein
that modulates the ability of cells to respond to heat shock and oxidative stress. It functions
as a chaperone independent of ATP, and it participates in the proteasomal degradation of
proteins. In cancer cells, it confers resistance to CT, in neurons, HSP27 has a positive effect
on neuronal viability in models of Alzheimers’s and Parkinsons’s disease [110].

6.3. Low-Dose T Cell Triggering and Cytotoxic Effector Function

Upon APC contact, the mobile T cells scan the APC’s cell surface for the presence of
exactly fitting pMHC complexes. This scanning for maximal key-lock fits might explain the
low-dose detection limit for T cell triggering. Four pMHCs per TCR cluster are sufficient
for triggering. The vast majority of the about 10,000 peptides of an APC in vivo are normal
self peptides that do not elicit a response [88].
Nature has invented mechanisms of tolerance to limit anti-self peptide auto-immune
reactivity. During the maturation of T cells in the thymus, negative and positive selection
steps lead to central tolerance. This ensures that only those mature T cells leave this organ,
whose TCRs recognize self MHC molecules in association with non-self peptides [111].
The interactions of a CTL specific for a given antigen A with a tumor target cell
expressing A depend on the CTL to target cell ratio and they can be quantified in vitro in
respective cytotoxicity assays. Such titration curves are not linear. Cognate interactions
between CD4+ T helper cells and CD8+ CTL precursor cells are important for the generation
of a long-lasting protective immune response. Therefore, CD8+ peptide vaccines, including
T helper cell epitopes, are superior to those without helper epitopes [112].

6.3.1. mRNA-Based Vaccines

mRNA-based vaccines against COVID-19 have been developed in 2020 within less
than a year by several start-ups in cooperation with large pharma companies. The principles
have been worked out already 20 years ago [113,114]. Two studies used RNA coding for
ß-galactosidase (ß-gal) as model TA. One study demonstrated that polycationic peptide
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 16 of 30

protamine-protected RNA and naked RNA can be used in vivo in mice to elicit specific
CTLs and antibodies [113]. The other study [114] introduced an additional two innovative
procedures for further optimization of RNA vaccination. (1) Use of the mouse ear pinna as
vaccination site and (2) the use of self-replicating infectious RNA. The mouse ear pinna
had been shown before to be a vaccination site superior to other commonly used sites [115].
The self-replicating RNA vaccine made use of the Semliki Forest virus replicase to drive
RNA expression of the lacZ gene coding for ß-gal. A 100-fold lower dose of polynucleotide
was sufficient in comparison to a lacZ DNA vector for achieving a protective response
against lacZ-transfected tumor cells with self-replicating RNA [114].
Thus, mRNA-based vaccines are not new. One of the two studies from 20 years ago
was performed in Tübingen (Germany) in the laboratories of Hans-Georg Rammensee,
the other study was performed in Heidelberg (Germany) at the German Cancer Research
Center in the laboratories of the author of this review.

6.3.2. Peptide-Based Vaccines

It has been reported that peptide vaccination can lead to enhanced tumor growth
through specific T-cell tolerance induction [116]. Additionally, combinatorial cancer thera-
pies might negatively impact T cell responses, as shown in a phase III peptide vaccination
study combined with the tyrosine kinase inhibitor sunitinib [117]. Such results demonstrate
that considerable knowledge and care are needed to find optimal conditions for eliciting T
cell responses against cancer by peptide-based vaccines.
A recent review discusses relevant issues to be solved before the implementation
of peptide vaccinations in the standard treatment of tumor patients, e.g., target antigen
selection, adjuvant choice, vaccination schedule, and delivery routes. In addition, the
clinical treatment concepts must be clarified. Three different strategies are being discussed:
(1) stratification; (2) warehouse-based personalization; and, (3) individualization [118].

6.4. Mitohormesis, Macrophages and Case Reports

Adverse factors, such as genetic mutations, hypoxia, nutritional deficiencies, and
drug toxicity, result in the accumulation of unfolded proteins in the ER, causing ER stress.
To survive, cancer cells trigger the unfolded protein response UPR. Non-coding RNAs
(ncRNAs) play important roles in regulating protein translation and adaptation to adverse
environments [119]. Mitochondria also are capable of exerting a UPR response (UPR
mt). A recent paper discussed the role of the UPRmt in maintaining cancer cells in the
mitohormetic zone to provide selective adaptation to stress [120].
Methylglyoxal and advanced glycation end products. Metabolic reprogramming towards
aerobic glycolysis in cancer cells favors the production of MG and AGEs. It was reported
that MG exerts a hormetic effect that is defined by a low dose stimulation and a high dose
inhibition of tumour growth. The use of MG scavengers could switch tumors from growth
to death [121].
Many chemotherapeutic treatments induce cell death by increasing intracellular ROS
concentration. Persistent drug stimulation leads tumor cells to stimulate a hormetic process,
by which the cells exhibit a biphasic response to the drugs used. In this framework, ß3-
adrenoreceptors (ß3-Ars) fit with an antioxidant role in cancer. Selective ß3-AR antagonists,
such as SR59230A, lead cancer cells to increase ROS concentrations, thus inducing cell
death [122].
A hormetic relationship to outcome has been reported with regard to tumor-associated
macrophages in classical Hodgkin lymphoma (HL). Seventy-six samples of HL were sub-
jected to immunohistochemical double staining using CD68 or CD163 macrophage specific
monoclonal antibodies. Because the MYC oncogene is supposed to control expression of
M2-specific genes in macrophages, the immunohistochemistry also involved a reagent
to detect MYC. Cases with highest numbers of macrophages usually showed the worst
Disease-free Survival (DFS) and Overall Survival (OS). In most of the samples, intermediate
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 17 of 30

numbers of macrophages were associated with a better outcome than very low or very
high numbers [123].
A high expression of Nrf2 was found to be associated with increased tumor-infiltrating
lymphocytes and cancer immunity in ER-positive/HER2-negative breast cancer. This
was based on in silico analyses in 5443 breast cancer patients from several large patient
cohorts. High Nrf2 tumors were highly infiltrated by immune cells (CD8+, CD4+, and
DCs) and stromal cells (adipocytes, fibroblasts, and keratinocytes [124]. In contrast, the
negative effects of Nrf2 expression have been reported for glioblastoma [125] and lung
adenocarcinoma [126]. Tumor entities presenting oncogenic activation of Nrf2 were found
to be associated with drug resistance and immune evasion [125,126].
The chapter will be finished with two case reports from Shuji Kojima and colleagues
from the Department of Radiation Biosciences, Tokyo University of Science, Chiba, Japan.
The first deals with treatment of cancer and inflammation (ulcerative colitis) by low-dose
ionizing radiation. The three case reports support the clinical efficacy of low dose radiation
hormesis in patients with these diseases [127]. The second publication reports four cases of
radon therapy as a primary or an adjuvant treatment for different types of cancer [128]. It
is recommended to perform clinical trials to determine the best radon concentration for the
treatment of different types of cancers and in different stages of progression [128]. Table 5
provides an overview of the main features, mechanisms, and effects of part VI.

Table 5. Implications for cancer.

Feature Mol Mechanism Effect
mTOR (T): Metabolism of Targeted inhibition
Small molecule Aerobic glycolysis, glucose, amino acids, by SMIs
inhibitor (SMI) Truncated TCA cycle, fatty acids, lipids, of carcinoma growth,
MG production (M) nucleotides MG as hormetin
NDV (I): HSP27 Oncolysis,
low-dose optimum for phosphorylation, Immunogenic cell
Oncolytic virus
oncolysis, CTL induction proteasomal protein death (ICD),
and DTH reactivity degradation immune stimulation
Increase of ROS Hormetic low-dose
SR59230A ß3-adrenoreceptor (M)
and cancer cell death anti-cancer effect
Tumor infiltrating
Hodgkin lymphoma (T) CD68+, CD163 numbers associated
with better prognosis
Cancer and Three case reports of
LDR Radiation hormesis
ulceratice colitis (T) positve effects
Cancer (T),
Four case reports of
Radon primary or adjuvant Radiation hormesis
positive effects
Examples of hormetic inducers in cancer therapy. mTOR = Mammalian target of rapamycin; I = Inducer;
M = Modulator; T = Target; NDV = Newcastle disease virus; LDR = Low-dose radiation; OXPHOS = Oxida-
tive phosphorylation; TCA = Tricarbonic acid cycle; MG = methylglyoxal; CTL = Cytotoxic T lymphocyte;
DTH = Delayed-type hypersensitivity; HSP27 = Heat-shock protein 27.

7. Hormesis Effects in Plants

Hormesis is a well-known phenomenon not only in the animal kingdoms, but also in
plants. The mechanisms involved are still poorly understood. A recent study investigated
the role of oxidative stress, auxins (plant hormones), and photosynthesis in corn that was
treated with cadmium (Cd) or lead (Pb). In corn seedlings, the gas exchange and the
chlorophyll α fluorescence, as well as the content of chlorophyll, flavonol, auxin, and H2 O2 ,
were measured. The common features of the hormetic stimulation of shoot growth by
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 18 of 30

heavy metals were an increase in the auxin and flavonol content and the maintenance of
H2 O2 at the same level as the control plants [129].
Nanoparticle silver (AgNP) treatment of maize has a beneficial, possibly hormetic,
effect on the plants roots. However, a recent analysis of the maize rhizospere revealed
significant multiple unintended effects of nanosilver use on corn. Specifically, the microbial
rhizome community structure and expressed genes of both prokaryotic and eukaryotic
microorganisms was studied. Diversity analysis indicated a significant decrease in richness.
Among the phylum bacteria, some groups (e.g., Chloroflexi and Planctomycetes) decreased
significantly, while other groups (e.g., Acidobacteria, Bacteroidetes, and Proteobacteria
(Alpha and Gamma)) were increased in response to nanosilver exposure. Among the phy-
lum fungi, an increase in abundance was observed, including potentially phytopathogenic
groups. Certain species from the genus Diplodia are causal agents of stalk and ear rot
in maize, and this genus showed a 5.5 fold increase under nanosilver exposure. It was
concluded that the disruption of natural biocontrol could cause phytopathogen increase.
Compromised nitrogen cycling, possible phytopathogen selection, and plant hormesis
effects were detected via metatranscriptome analysis. In the long term, this could turn out
to be negative to crop productivity and ecosystem health [130].
Additionally, some herbicides, like glyphosate, 2,4-D and paraquat, at low dose,
exert a hormetic response. When ROS are produced, H2 O2 acts as a signaling molecule
that promotes cell walls malleability, allowing for inward water transport causing cell
expansion [131,132].
Silicon (Si) is a beneficial element that has been proven to influence plant responses,
including growth, development, and metabolism in a hormetic manner. After oxygen,
Si is the second most abundant element in the Earth’s crust. It covers up to 32% of the
litosphere. It is found as silicates and Si minerals, combined with oxygen or elements, like
aluminum (Al), manganese (Mg), calcium (Ca), sodium (Na), iron (Fe), and potassium (K).
In plants, Si can only be absorbed as monosialic acid (Si(OH)4 ). It is then transported and
mainly deposited in the cell apoplast. Si concentrations in plants fluctuate between 0.1%
and 10% of the total dry mass. Seven of the 10 most produced crops in the world are Si
accumulators, and these respond positively to Si applications. These crops include rice,
wheat, barley, sugarcane, soybean, and sugar beet [133].
A recent study [133], performed with pepper plants (Capsicum annuum L.) revealed
hormetic dose-response effects of Si on growth and concentrations of chlorophyll, amino
acids, and sugars during the early developmental stage. Si was supplied as calcium silicate
(CaSiO3 ) in the nutrient solution. It was applied at four levels: 0, 60, 125, and 250 mg L−1 .
Si differentially affected plant growth and metabolism, depending on the concentration
applied. Si might act as a signal to promote amino acid remobilization to support the
increased demand of nitrogen during grain development. Si interacts with key components
of plant signaling systems. This includes binding to the hydroxyl groups of proteins
involved in cell signaling. It can also act as a signaling modulator by interacting with
cationic co-factors of enzymes influencing stress responses.
As sessile organisms, plants have evolved unique mechanisms that enable them to
face the complexity of environmental changes. Future recommendations to agronomists
will include Si applications to fields that are deficient in the element. The rapid pace of
global climate change leads to new challenges for agriculture and food production [133].
Table 6 provides an overview of the main features, mechanisms, and effects of part VII.
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 19 of 30

Table 6. Herbicid hermetic effects in plants.

Herbicid Mol Mechanism Effect
Increase in auxin Hormetic stimulation
Metal: Cd or Pb ROS (M)
andflavonol of shoot growth
Positive effect on plants Negative effect on
Metal: Ag-NP Maize (T)
roots rhizome
Increased water
Glyphosate, 2,4-D, H2 O2 as signaling
ROS (M) transport causing cell
Paraquat molecule
Si accumulators: rize,
Si binding to hydroxyl Hormetic effect on
wheat, barley,
Silicon (Si) groups of proteins growth, chlorophyll,
sugarcane, soybean,
involved in signaling amino acids and sugars
sugarbeet (T)
Examples of herbicides with hormetic effects. M = Modulator; T = Target; Cd = cadmium; Pb = lead;
Ag-NP = silver-nanoparticles; ROS = Reactive oxygen species; H2 O2 = Hydrogenperoxide.

8. Archaic Environmental Stress Response as an Example of Hormesis

The environmental stress response (ESR) was originally identified in yeast. It is char-
acterized by a rapid and transient transcriptional response composed of large, oppositely
regulated gene clusters. In a global program, such as the ESR, a large fraction of the
transcriptome is rapidly and transiently reprogrammed in response to stress. The ESR is in-
duced in response to a variety of stressful conditions, which suggests a core transcriptional
response [134].
Characteristics of a core stress response, such as cross-stress protection and adaptation,
are observed among eucaryotes and bacteria. Cross-stress protection has been reported in
response to temperature and osmotic stress in bacterial model organisms, such as Bacillus
subtilis, Listeria monocytogenes, and Escherichia coli. Adaptive responses to stress have been
reported across fungal species. Recent phylogenetic evidence suggests that eukaryotes may
have originated from within the archaeal branch of the tree of life [135]. Therefore, it was
of great interest to find out whether archaea can also exert an ESR.
The basal transcriptional machinery in archaea, like that of eukaryotes, consists of
the general transcription factor (TF) B (homologous to TFIIB), TATA binding protein,
and an RNA-polymerase (Pol) to initiate transcription. Stress-responsive TFs in archaea
resemble those of bacteria. Such TFs can bind directly to a signaling ligand (e.g., metal,
sugar, and metabolite) to activate or repress transcription. A recent study analyzed global
transcriptional programs in archaea [135]. Halobacterium (Hbt. salinarum) served as an
archaeal model organism. It was found that this archaeal species exhibits a eukaryote-like
ESR. This fulfilled the typical four criteria [135].
1. Global, stereotypical transcriptional reprogramming. In yeast (S. cerevisiae) cells
that served for comparison, 868 genes were involved in the ESR, comprising more than
14% of the genome. Of those genes, 283 were induced and 585 repressed (iESR and rESR,
respectively). In cells of Hbt. salinarum, the iESR contained 724 genes and the rESR 276
genes. This suggests that, like in eukaryotes, large-scale transcriptional coordination of
seemingly disparate cellular processes may also be active in archaea.
2. Induced and repressed genes that are enriched for distinct functions. In yeast,
iESR encode a variety of protective and damage repair processes, including carbohydrate
metabolism, protein folding and degradation, defense against oxidative stress, intracellular
signaling and others. rESR genes of yeast are enriched for functions that are associated with
optimal growth, including translation (e.g., ribosome synthesis and processing) and RNA
Pol I-and III-dependent transcription. For iESR genes in Hbt. salinarum cells, only genes
without a functional classification were significantly enriched, which suggested a need for
further research. The cituation was clearer for rESR genes in these cells. Repressed genes
were enriched for functions involved in large and small ribosome subunit biogenesis and
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 20 of 30

assembly, peptide biosynthesis, metabolic processes, ATP metabolic process, and regulation
of translation. The repression of genes that are involved in ribosome biosynthesis and
translation was shared between the two cell types.
3. The duration and magnitude of the transcriptional response dependent on the
intensity of stress. In yeast cells, extreme heat shock (25 ◦ C to 37 ◦ C) elicited a greater
transcriptional response than lower heat shock. In Hbt. salinarum cells the duration and
magnitude of response was tested with regard to oxidative stress. This was exerted by the
redox cycling agent paraquat. Low concentrations were 0.25 mM, high concentrations 4 mM.
HhHigh-dose treatment mounted a higher magnitude change when compared to low-dose.
Gene expression returned to nearly pre-treatment levels after 150 min of exposure.
4. The induction of the transcriptional response specific to stress exposure. In yeast
cells, a reciprocal environmental shift (37 ◦ C to 25 ◦ C) caused a rapid transition to basal
expression levels without the peak seen under the condition of 3. Similarly, Hbt. salinarum
cultures recovering from oxidative stress returned rapidly to basal expression levels without
exhibiting ESR-like transcriptional characteristics. Similar, non-reciprocal dynamics were
observed upon treatment with hydrogen peroxide.
In conclusion, upon sensing changes in the surrounding environment, Hbt. salinarum
exhibits transient transcriptional dynamics that are characterized by the induction and
repression of large portions of the genome (criteria 1 and 2). This response is specific to
stressful conditions and sensitive to the magnitude of stress (criteria 3 and 4). It was further
suggested that TrmB family proteins are candidate regulators of the ESR in archaea [134].
Stressors that were tested across archaeal species were specific to the respective niche
of the extremophile of interest, including hypo-osmotic shock for halophiles, temperature
extremes for hyperthermophiles, and others. A common trend was that genes encoding
core cellular processes required for rapid growth are repressed during stress. In particular,
the repression of translation has been reported across species and stress conditions. Thus,
it is appropriate to talk about global genome-wide transcriptional programs as conserved
features of the ESR. Table 7 provides an overview of the main features, mechanisms, and
effects of part VIII.

Table 7. Archaic environmental stress response.

Environmental Stressor Species/Genes/Transcription Response Criterium

Halobacterium salinarum 1. Global, stereotypical
Heat shock
iESR: 724 genes transcripttional
25 ◦ C to 37 ◦ C
rESR: 276 genes reprogramming
H. salinarum
2. Induced and repressed
Heat shock Repression of genes involved in
genes enriched for distinct
25 ◦ C to 37 ◦ C ribosome biosynthesis and
H. salinarum 3. Duration and magnitude of
4 mM caused higher response the transcriptional response
Redox cycling agent
than 0.25 mM dendent on intensity of stress
H. salinarum
Reciprocal environmental 4. Induction of the
Rapid recovery from stress
shift transcriptional response
without ESR-like transcriptional
37 ◦ C to 25 ◦ C specific to stress exposure
iESR = Induced environmental stress response; rESR = Repressed environmental stress response.

9. Global Aspects
Oxygen, approximately two billion years ago, a waste product of photosynthetic
cyanobacteria, induced oxidative stress. Gradually, the production of ROS became a
driver of physiological and pathological processes. Low-level ROS play an important
role as redox-signaling molecules in a wide spectrum of pathways that are involved in
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 21 of 30

the maintenance of cellular homeostasis and regulating key transcription factors (e.g.,
Nrf2/Keap1, NFκB/IκB, AP-1, p53, and HIF-1) [132].
Melatonin, in coordination with the circadian rhythms, is involved in stress adap-
tive responses [136]. This hormone is produced in animals by the pineal gland and in
plants under stress. Substantial evidence was provided of a melatonin-induced biphasic
dose-response relationship. This showed similarities to those of broad toxicological and
pharmacological hormesis literature. This example from chronobiology means, for instance,
for medicine, that finding the right dose is not all, the right time point for drug application
is also important.
Melatonin may act as a conditioning agent protecting organisms against subsequent
health threats within a hormetic framework. The incorporation of melatonin-induced
hormesis in research protocols has the potential to enhance the treatment of neuropsychi-
atric diseases and cancers. It may also help in the protection against environmental stress
in plants and to increase plant productivity [136].
Hormesis has been suggested to promote evolutionary change and the rescue of
phenotypic plasticity [137]. Genetic recombination, nonlethal mutations, activity of trans-
posable elements, or gene expression are some of the molecular mechanisms through which
hormesis might enable organisms to maintain, or even increase, evolutionary fitness in
stressful environments. These mechanisms span the tree of life from plants to vertebrates.
The inheritance of epigenetic memory provides the offspring with survival advantages [20].
Three complex biochemical systems operate for cellular homeostasis and they are in-
volved in hormesis: the proteasome (P), the endoplasmic reticulum (ER), and mitochondria
(M). These components have been united in the PERM hypothesis [138]. The PERM hypoth-
esis can explain via hormesis the beneficial role of many xenobiotics, either trace metals or
phytochemicals, which are spread in the human environment and dietary habits. These
exert their actions on the mechanisms that underlie cell survival (apoptosis, autophagy, cell
cycle regulation, DNA repair, and turnover) and stress response. They act on the energy
balance, redox system, and macromolecular turnover. If PERM-mediated control is offline,
impaired, or dysregulated, reactive species (RCS, ROS, RNS) and stressors could have a
negative effect. That seems to be the case in metabolic syndrome, degenerative disorders,
chronic inflammation, and cancer [7]. Ionized calcium might play a role in maintaining the
correct rhythm of PERM modulation [138].
Another recent review emphasizes that environmental, physical, and nutritional
hormetins lead to the stimulation and strengthening of the maintenance and repair systems
in cells and tissues. Exercise, extreme temperature (heat or frost), and irradiation are
examples of physical hormetins. The molecular mechanisms of the hormetic response
include modulation of: (1) transcription factor Nrf2 activating the synthesis of glutathione
and the subsequent protection of the cell; (2) DNA methylation and epigenetics; and, (3)
microRNA [139].
Rewriting the history of toxicology and pharmacology is an appeal to change of
paradigm. This is due to the fundamental biological basis of environmental hormesis.
Low doses of environmental agents have recently been reported to induce autophagy, a
critical adaptive response that essentially protects all cell types. Hormesis can also be
transgenerational via epigenetics. The reviewer appeals to stakeholders in toxicology and
pharmacology to re-examine the process of risk assessment, with the goal of optimizing
public health, rather than simply avoiding harm [140]. Table 8 provides an overview of the
main features, mechanisms, and effects of part IX.
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 22 of 30

Table 8. Stress adaptation in the global biosphere.

Stress Type Example Mol Mechanism Effect

Cell protection
Temperature (heat, Nrf2, glutathion
Apoptosis, autophagy,
Physical frost), radiation, DNA methylation,
cell cycle regulation,
exercise microRNA
DNA repair and turnover
ROS, Li, Si, Ag, Cd, Pb Proteasome, Cell survival
Chemical Monoterpenes endoplasmic reticulum, Epigenetic memory
Methylglyoxal PQS, mitochondria Evolutionary flexibility
Dietary restriction, Glucose-ketone switch Metabolic switching
Pharmacological drugs PAC1-R Neuroprotection
Adaptation to circardian
Hormone: melatonin Calcium rhythm
Oncolytic virus: NDV HSP27, Type I IFN Oncolysis, Immunogenic
cell death
NDV = Newcastle disease virus; Nrf2 = Nuclear factor erythroid 2-related factor; PQS = Protein quality control
system; PAC1-R = Pituitary adenylate cyclase-activating polypeptide receptor 1; HSP27 = Heat-shock protein 27;
IFN = Type I interferon.

10. Discussion
Hormesis is a theory of non-linear dose-response relationship. It can explain many,
but not all, phenomena about how cells respond to low-dose exposure of stressors. Not all
responses are beneficial to host survival. One example should elucidate this. Tumor dor-
mancy is an important, but not yet well understood, phenomenon in cancer research. Using
dormancy models of lung and ovarian cancer, it was recently described that modified lipids
that are derived from stress-activated neutrophils lead to reactivation of dormant tumor
cells. Stress hormones cause rapid release of proinflammatory S100A8/A9 proteins by
neutrophils. These induce the activation of myeloperoxidase, resulting in the accumulation
of oxidized lipids. Upon release from neutrophiles, these lipids upregulate the fibroblast
growth factor pathway. This causes tumor cell exit from dormancy and the formation of
new tumor lesions [141]. Thus, stress factors can also exert detrimental effects.
The developing immune system serves as a novel target for disruption by environ-
mental chemicals and drugs. The effects can significantly influence later-life health risks.
Optimal mitochondrial function is critical during embryonic development. Mitochondria
play a key role in early signaling cascades and epigenetic programming [142]. The right nu-
trition is very important in the perinatal period because of epigenetic imprinting. Neonatal
brain injury has been linked to an iron-dependent form of cell death (ferroptosis) that is
characterized by enhanced lipid peroxidation [143].
Mitochondria are sensitive targets of environmental toxins, potentially even at levels
that are considered to be safe under current regulatory limits. Twenty-four anthropogenic
chemicals were recently tested for their effects on embryonic oxygen consumption rate
(eOCR). Each chemical, depending upon the concentration, resulted in a unique eORC
response profile. Non-monotonic dose response effects and mitochondrial hormesis were
detected with some chemicals. The authors conclude that mitochondrial responses to
chemicals are highly dynamic and warrant careful consideration when determining the
mitochondrial toxicity of a given chemical [144].
The range of postnatal health risks linked to developmental immunotoxicity (DIT)
is influenced by the natural progression of prenatal to neonatal development. Pregnancy
imposes a Th2-bias in utero. This produces a delay in the acquisition of Th1 functional
capacity in the newborn. Because hormesis has been shown to be an important factor
in the modulation of the adult immune system, more research is required to understand
potentially opposing the dose-response effects of xenobiotics for the immune system of the
fetus, neonate, and juvenile. A direct linkage between immune dysfunction and chronic
disease has become abundantly apparent in recent years [145].
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 23 of 30

This review has reported the positive hormetic effects of transient dietary restriction
(DR) and intermittent metabolic switching (IMS). This is in contrast to the permanent stress
of starvation and malnutrition worldwide. In 1989, 23 leading hunger experts in their
Bellagio Declaration defined four achievable goals to overcome hunger: eliminate famine
death; end hunger in half of the world’s poorest households; reduce by half malnutrition of
mothers and small children; and, eradicate iodine and vitamin A deficiencies [146]. In 2009,
the WHO and UNICEF recommended a transition to WHO growth standards to identify
wasting for children aged from six to under 60 months. This has led to the evolution of
a worldwide logistic system to provide emergency food aid. Malnutrition worldwide
includes a spectrum of nutrient-related disorders that are major public health problems:
intrauterine growth retardation, protein–energy malnutrition, iodine deficiency disorders,
vitamin A deficiency, iron deficiency anemia, and overweight and obesity [147]. Infants
aged under six months are often excluded from nutrition surveys. However, the fact is that,
in developing countries, large numbers of infants under six months are wasted. A data
analysis from 2011, using WHO standards, revealed that about three million infants under
six months were severely wasted and 2.5 million moderately wasted worldwide [148].
The principles of hormesis have entered the field of physical exercise and athletic
performance training. The effects of exercise on the innate immune system are influenced,
among others, by stress proteins, such as HSP72. Regular exercise can induce immuno-
neuroendocrine stabilization in persons with deregulated inflammatory and stress feedback
by reducing the presence of stress hormones and inflammatory cytokines. Nevertheless,
biomedical side effects of exercise need to be considered [149]. According to evolutionary
biology, organisms may exhibit growth under stress, a phenomenon that is designated
as antifragility. For coaches and their athletes, a key question is how to design training
conditions to help athletes develop the kinds of physical, physiological, and behavioral
adaptations underlying antifragility. A recent review discusses how to determine opti-
mal stress loads for antifragility in climbing. It includes individualized load-response
profiles [149].
Recent developments in low-dose effects research provide a novel means in environ-
mental toxicology and ecotoxicology to improve the quality of hazard and risk assess-
ment [150]. Herbicide hormesis is commonly observed at subtoxic doses of herbicides and
other phytotoxins. However, it can cause undesired effects in which weeds are uninten-
tionally exposed to hormetic doses in adjacent fields [151]. There may also be stimulatory
effects of low concentrations of herbicides as environmental contaminants spread over
estuaries and lakes. One example are the phytoplankton blooms. A recent hormetic re-
search on Microcystis aeruginosa and Selenastrum capricornutum suggests that the blooms
were triggered by herbicides and involved cytochrome b559 , ROS, and NO [152]. It was
recommended that, in environmental toxicology and ecotoxicology, rethinking is necessary
to provide more reliable estimates of risk assessment and optimize health [150].
Homeostasis describes a system of balance of a cell with respect to energy and envi-
ronment. Mitochondria play an important role in maintaining homeostasis [7]. Hormesis,
which should not be mixed-up with homeopathy, describes the biochemical mechanisms
of a cell’s adaptation to low-dose stress.

11. Summary and Conclusions

Only few people have heard about the hormesis theory. Nevertheless, hormesis is
an important principle in the global biosphere with implications in many fields. This
review provides many examples of low-dose stress adaptation in different types of cells.
Stressors induce signals in target cells, which are then modulated by cellular response
mechanisms to maintain homeostasis and cell survival. One transcription factor (i.e., Nrf2)
plays an important role in the modulation of stressors, such as ROS, heat, LDR, Li, and
fasting. A protein quality control system involves proteasomes (P), endoplasmic reticulum
(ER), and mitochondria (M) (i.e., PERK). Similar control systems exist to protect DNA,
RNA, organelles and biomembranes with their lipids. The immune system is another level
Biomedicines 2021, 9, 293 24 of 30

of protection in multicellular organisms. It protects against infection by microbes and

contributes to general homeostasis. Key-lock interactions between ligands and receptors
obey rules that are different from linear dose-response relationships.
Without an environmental stress response, archaebacteria from billions of years ago
could possibly not have survived the extreme conditions and their manifold changes during
evolution. Environmental stress responses fulfil typical criteria, such as stereotypical
transcriptional reprogramming and the selection of induced and repressed genes for
distinct functions. They also involve epigenetic mechanisms and imprinting, leading to
epigenetic memory. This contributes to evolutionary flexibility.
An understanding of hormetic responses and their implications should lead to a shift
of paradigm in many fields, for example, radiation biology, toxicology, pharmacology,
medicine, marine biology, and agriculture.
Living cells can react to signals from the environment and, thereby, change the rules
of linear relationships. The best example is possibly exposure to irradiation. Low doses
cause stimulation, for instance, of the immune system, while high doses cause inhibition.
The hormesis theory of stress adaptation tries to explain the non-linear dose-response
relationship in the global biosphere.
Less can be more. This conclusion holds true for the hormesis effect. With regard
to cancer therapy, this statement can also be applied to the development of standard
treatments, such as surgery, radio-, and chemotherapy. The dogma of radical, ultra-radical,
and supra-radical surgery became replaced by local surgery combined with adjuvant
therapy. Aggressive high-dose chemotherapy became transformed, in some instances, into
low-dose metronomic application. High-dose radiation apparently works differently to
low-dose radiation. The former inhibits while the latter stimulates the immune system. The
consequences of this hormesis effect have not yet been implemented into clinical practice.
The review described hormetic effects not only of low-dose radiation but also of targeted
therapies, oncolytic viruses, and cancer vaccines.
These examples should suffice to change dogmas and paradigms of oncologists. When
cancer therapy creates serious adverse events (e.g., of WHO grades 3 to 4), the biological
system signals that something goes wrong. When in chronic diseases with multi-organ
morbidity, each organ is treated by respective pharmacotherapy, again something goes
wrong and creates problems with unpredictable results from multidrug interactions.
The theory of hormesis is still a theory [153,154]. Considerable further research is
required to prove, disprove, or modify it. In any case, the theory is important, not only in
medicine, but also with regard to the topics agriculture, energy, and environment of our
planet [7].

Funding: This research received no external funding.

Acknowledgments: The author is grateful for the support by IOZK, Cologne, Germany.
Conflicts of Interest: The author has intellectual property (IP) related to Newcasle disease virus
(NDV) and is affiliated with Immunological and Oncological Center Cologne (IOZK). The IOZK
played no role in this paper. The author has no other affiliations of financial involvement with any
organization or entity with a financial interest in or financial conflict with the subject matter in the

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