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Complex Coacervation - Encapsulation and Controlled Release of A

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LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

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Complex coacervation: Encapsulation and controlled release of active agents T

in food systems
Noushin Eghbala, Ruplal Choudharyb,∗
Department of Food Science, Engineering and Technology, University College of Agriculture and Natural Resources, University of Tehran, PO Box 4111, Karaj 31587-
77871, Iran
Department of Plant, Soil and Agricultural Systems, Southern Illinois University, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA


Keywords: Complex coacervation is a liquid-liquid phase separation phenomenon occurring between oppositely charged
Complex coacervation biopolymers through electrostatic interaction. Coacervates are generally produced from proteins and poly-
Microencapsulation saccharides thus they can have a wide range of functionality in various food products. Different factors such as
Rheological property pH, polymer concentration, polymer mixing ratio, ionic strength and thermal treatments have significant effect
Controlled release
on the formation of complex coacervates. Practical application of coacervates depends on their viscoelastic
Food systems
properties which has been discussed in this review. Microencapsulation by complex coacervation method is
increasingly being utilized in food industry as a result of high encapsulation efficiency and mild processing
conditions. This review focused on discussing the most recent studies on the optimization of complex coa-
cervation of different charged biopolymers, microencapsulation of various compounds by complex coacervation
and controlled release of agents in food and edible ingredients from coacervates.

1. Introduction hydrophobic interactions establishing during coacervation process

which are most likely both biopolymer and solvent dependent (Liu,
The separation of colloidal systems into two liquid phases is known Shim, Wang, & Reaney, 2015:; Liu, Low, & Nickerson, 2009; Weinbreck,
as coacervation. Coacervate refers to the phase which is more con- de Vries, Schrooyen, & de Kruif, 2003). Tiebackx (1911) was first who
centrated in component and equilibrium solution refers to other phase discussed about the coacervation but originally Bungenberg de Jong
(de Kruif, Weinbreck, & de Vries, 2004). Coacervates are made up of and Kruyt (1929) investigated complex coacervation process in pro-
oppositely charged species like colloids, proteins and surfactants which tein/polysaccharide system (gelatin/gum arabic). Overbeek and Voorn
are assembling in an aqueous solution. Two phases including polymer- (1957) developed a first successful theoretical model of complex coa-
poor and polymer rich phases are produced upon liquid-liquid phase cervation. In this relation, the modern theory of polymeric complex
separation (Singh et al., 2016). It is possible to bring a macromolecular coacervation was reviewed recently by Sing (2017).
solute to coacervation phase separation through mixing various ratios Despite being miscible in the solvent, coacervates are formed
of water and alcohols for the coacervation equilibrium. Separation of through the solute electrostatic interactions. However, more in-
water soluble macromolecule into two phases at a special water/alcohol vestigations should be carried out for better understanding of the
ratio results in formation of one phase with a high concentration of complex mechanisms of interactions occurring between different bio-
macromolecule in equilibrium with second phase containing a higher polymers leading to production of coacervates. Complex coacervation
water concentration. This phenomenon is known as “simple coacerva- can be used for encapsulation, biomimetic systems, formation of
tion”. But the term complex coacervation refers to the system having packaging films and production of food emulsions or gels. The formed
two charged macromolecules in a single solvent demixing into two or coacervates are also used as encapsulants, additives, emulsifiers and
more phases that each phase have both polymers (Veis, 2011). Complex viscosity modifiers in food industry (Sing, 2017).
coacervation usually occurs when electrostatic interactions are estab- Encapsulation can be defined as a process of packaging active agents
lished between oppositely charged biopolymers in aqueous media and within a carrier material to improve delivery of active compounds into
there is an electrostatic equilibrium in the concentrated phase. How- food products. Different natural food components such as enzymes,
ever, less is known about secondary hydrogen bonding and carotenoids, vitamins, polyphenols and volatile essential oils are

Corresponding author. 1205 Lincoln Drive Room 176, Carbondale, IL 62901, USA.
E-mail address: (R. Choudhary).
Received 18 May 2017; Received in revised form 26 October 2017; Accepted 13 December 2017
Available online 14 December 2017
0023-6438/ © 2017 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

entrapped in biopolymer microparticles and nanoparticles for main- Nickerson, 2012; Liu et al., 2009). Protein/polysaccharide coacervates
taining their main characteristics unchanged. There are many reasons can dissociate into soluble complexes reducing pH down to the third
for applying encapsulation in food industry: (i) protection of entrapped critical pH (pHφ2) (Wang, Lee, Wang, & Huang, 2007).
active agent against nutritional value losses and interacting with Charge balance between proteins and polysaccharides depends on
harmful environmental factors (e.g. heat, light, air and moisture); (ii) the biopolymer ratio, which significantly influences the intensity of
decreasing evaporation and transfer rate of the core agent to the out- complex formation (Ye, 2008). The most critical point in the complex
side; (iii) physical properties of original substances can be modified like coacervation process is defining optimum conditions. Table 1 shows the
converting liquid ones to a dry solid system for easy handling; (iv) re- optimum conditions such as pH and biopolymer ratio for complex
lease of core material can be controlled as delayed (time) or long-acting coacervation of some oppositely charged biopolymers. Chang, Gupta,
(sustained) release; (v) masking unpleasant organoleptic properties like Timilsena, and Adhikari (2016) studied protein to polysaccharide ratio,
odor and taste of some compounds; (vi) prevention of the incompat- pH and strength of electrostatic interactions for optimization of the
ibility between components of entrapped mixture; (vii) encapsulated complex coacervation between canola protein isolate (CPI) and chit-
agent can be diluted when a very small amount is required (Narsaiah, osan. CPI/chitosan ratio of 16:1 and pH range of 5.8–6.2 were found as
Jha, Wilson, Mandge, & Manikantan, 2014). the optimum conditions for complex coacervation between studied
In this review, we mainly focused on the various parameters influ- protein and polysaccharide. The thermal stability of CPI in complexed
encing the formation of complex coacervates, microstructural, rheolo- form with chitosan was higher than free CPI shown by the higher peak
gical properties of coacervates, microencapsulation of different active denaturation temperature (Td) and the denaturation enthalpy (ΔHd)
agents via complex coacervation and controlled release of active agents (Td = 92.3 °C, ΔHd = −7.1 mW/g and Td = 77 °C, ΔHd = −3.8 mW/g,
from fabricated coacervates. An attempt was made to understand and respectively). Also, crosslinking of the complex coacervates with
discuss the most recent research works which have been done in the transglutaminase could increase the thermal stability of coacervates.
field of complex coacervation with the possible application in the food Liu et al. (2015) investigated the effects of pH (6.0–1.4), biopolymer
industry. mixing ratio (1:15 to 15:1 w/w) and destabilizing agents (NaCl and
urea) on the formation of complex coacervates between bovine serum
2. Factors influencing complex coacervation albumin (BSA) and whole flaxseed gum (FG) (Linum usitatissum L). In
spite of carrying negative charges at pHc 5.4 > pI of BSA = 4.9, so-
Two approaches are mostly used for the optimization of the complex luble complexes of two biopolymers were formed as a result of inter-
coacervation process between charged macromolecules namely, surface actions between positive patches of BSA and carboxyl groups of FG
charge density (zeta potential) and turbidity as a function of pH and molecules. Turbidity increased at pHφ1 4.8 illustrating the formation of
polymer ratio. Surface electrical properties of biopolymers is an im- insoluble complexes between oppositely charged macromolecules. The
portant parameter for verifying complexation and stability of formed highest amount of insoluble complexes were formed at pHmax 3.4 above
coacervates (Eghbal et al., 2016; Wang, Adhikari, & Barrow, 2014). which dissociation occurred due to progressive protonation of the FG
Using UV-Vis spectrophotometer for measuring the turbidity of polymer carboxyl groups. The ratio of protein to polysaccharide (R) with con-
mixtures can also show the formation of complex coacervates. The stant total biopolymer concentration played an important role in coa-
turbidity of clear initial solution containing one type of biopolymer cervation thus turbidity and zeta-potential increased with increasing of
increases by addition of another biopolymer solution or by adjusting pH BSA portion. R had positive correlation with pHφ1, pHmax and pHφ2 but
due to the production of complex particles. However, reaching a pla- did not significantly affect pHc. Authors illustrated that independence
teau of turbidity value may indicate electrostatically interaction of all of pHc to R was observed by Vinayahan, Williams, and Phillips (2010)
possible negative and positive charges of examined biopolymers re- for BSA/gum arabic mixtures, as soluble complexes could be formed
sulting in coalescence of all complex coacervates and formation of between a single polysaccharide and given amount of protein (∼10
visible insoluble coacervate phase (Eghbal et al., 2016). According to BSA molecules per gum arabic molecule). Addition of NaCl to BSA/FG
Timilsena, Wang, Adhikari, and Adhikari (2017), this step of com- media decreased pHc, pHφ1 and pHmax due to its disruptive effect on
plexation is called as macro-coacervation consisting of coacervate phase electrostatic interactions between biopolymers. Turbidity analysis
(polymer-rich phase) and equilibrium phase (polymer-dilute phase). showed that the amount of complex coacervates were lowered in the
Different parameters have significant effect on the process of complex presence of 150 mM urea which can break hydrogen bonds indicating
coacervation including material properties like biopolymer molecular stabilizing effect of hydrogen bonds on formed complexes. In conclu-
weight, total biopolymer concentration, biopolymer mixing weight sion, insoluble complexes with highest electrostatic interactions were
ratio, biopolymer charge density/biopolymer flexibility along with formed when the electrical charge of biopolymer mixtures were neu-
process parameters like pH, pressure/stirring, temperature and ionic tralized. In consistent with results obtained by Liu et al. (2015), the
strength as showed in Fig. 1 (Weinbreck et al., 2003). values of pHc were independent of initial protein/polysaccharide ratio
for the coacervation between whey proteins and carrageenan
2.1. pH, biopolymer ratio and ionic strength (Weinbreck, Wientjes, Nieuwenhuijse, Robijn, & de Kruif, 2004). In
another study, the effect of pH (acidification with glucono-δ-lactone
Generally, gums and some of the natural polysaccharides like pectin (GDL)), ionic strength and protein to polysaccharide ratio on complex
and alginate carry net negative charge in a wide spectrum of pH and coacervation of puka gum (extracted from the Meryta sinclaii tree) with
charge of proteins depends on the pH of solution (having positive whey protein isolate was studied by Wee et al. (2014). Increase in
charge at pH value below its isoelectric point (pI)). So, pH is considered turbidity indicated that soluble complexes were formed at pHc 5.7
as a significant factor for the complexation of biopolymers because the which is above the pI of whey protein (5.1) because of interactions
optimum complexation can be obtained at pH value where both of the between positive patches of WPI and negatively charged carboxyl
macromolecules are oppositely charged. Binding of protein molecules groups on puka gum. Sharp increase in particle size as well as turbidity
on polysaccharide chains at the first critical pH (pHc) lead to the for- at pHφ 4.7 explained association of soluble complexes due to presence
mation of the primary soluble complexes, and subsequently the formed of more positively charged protein molecules interacting with puka
protein/polysaccharide complexes begin to aggregate into insoluble gum and neutralizing the complexes. So, as a consequence below pHφ,
complexes at the second critical pH (pHφ1). At this pH, macroscopic zeta potential of the mixtures showed rapid increase toward neutrality.
changes in turbidity occurs until achieving a maximum (at pHopt or On the other hand, increasing ratio of protein to polysaccharide re-
pHmax), where neutral complexes are formed because oppositely sulted in increasing of pHφ as a result of presence of more positively
charged biopolymers reach an electrical equivalence (Ayree & charged protein molecules. They found that addition of high salt

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

Fig. 1. Physicochemical factors influencing complex coacervation

process (Schmitt & Turgeon, 2011).

Table 1
Formation of complex coacervates under optimum pH and polymer mixing ratio.

Biopolymers pH range Optimum conditions References

Cationic biopolymers Anionic biopolymers pH Biopolymer ratio

PPI Gum arabic 1.5–6.0 3.5 2:1 Liu et al., 2010

LPI Gum arabic 1.5–8.0 3.5 1:1 Ayree & Nickerson, 2012
CPI Carrageenan 1.5–7.5 5.0 15:1–20:1 Stone et al., 2013
β-lg Carrageenan 0.5–7.0 1.0–2.0 2:1 Hosseini et al., 2013
WPI Puka gum 3.4–7.0 3.6 2:1 Wee et al., 2014
WPI Acacia gum 2.5–5.0 3.1–3.4 1:1 Ach et al., 2015
3.1–4.0 2:1 and 4:1
FPI FG 1.5–8.0 3.1 3:1 Kaushik, Dowling, Barrow, & Adhikar, 2015
OVA Gum arabic 1.5–6.5 3.71 2:1 Niu et al., 2015
BSA FG 1.4–6.0 3.4 2:1 Liu et al., 2015
PL Gum arabic 1.0–12.0 4.0 – Gulao et al., 2016
Chitosan CPI 4.0–8.0 6.0 1:16 Chang et al., 2016

CPI: canola protein isolate, PL: polypeptide leucine, CSG: chia seed gum, WPI: whey protein isolate, FPI: flaxseed protein isolate, FG: flaxseed gum, OVA: ovalbumin, BSA: bovine serum
albumin, β-lg: β-lactoglobulin, LPI: lentil protein isolate, PPI: pea protein isolate.

concentration (≥60 mM NaCl) contributed to absolute prevention of to the formation of complex coacervates thus resulting in decreasing of
complex coacervation. Also, it was reported by Wang et al. (2007) that protein concentration, was R dependent. It was shown that β-lg con-
high concentration of salt (CNaCl > 0.21 M) significantly reduced real centration reduced in high extent to that of α-lac as a result of estab-
β-lg/pectin ratio in coacervates. However, it is worth mentioned that lishing stronger interactions with polysaccharide originating from its
addition of low salt concentration can have positive effect on the for- higher molar mass and pI. Pure α-lac could form complex coacervates at
mation of protein polysaccharide complex coacervates through over- lower pH (3.4) than that of pure β-lg (pH 4.5) with AG due to more
coming short-range repulsions between macromolecules and leading to acidic pI of α-lac. In another study, Weinbreck et al. (2003) investigated
exposure of more available sites on proteins like whey protein for in- the effect of different parameters influencing complex coacervation of
teractions (Schmitt, Aberkane, & Sanchez, 2009, pp. 420–476:; Wee whey proteins/gum arabic. It was seen that for pH range between pHc
et al., 2014). and pHφ1, the radius of formed complexes decreased significantly
Recently, complex coacervation of chia seed protein isolate (CPI) comparing to the blank of gum arabic while scattering intensity in-
and chia seed gum (CSG) as a function of pH and protein/poly- creased which can be due to increase in molar mass of particles. Pro-
saccharide ratio has been reported (Timilsena, Wang, Adhikari, & duced particles within mentioned pH range had net negative charge
Adhikari, 2016). The highest amount of complex coacervates were consequently were soluble in the solvent. However, by decreasing pH
formed at pHopt 2.7 and CPI to CSG ratio of 6:1 mainly by electrostatic below pHφ1, phase separation occurred as explained by high increase in
interactions. Based on differential scanning calorimetry (DSC) results, scattering intensity, turbidity and particle size. For whey protein/gum
thermal stability of protein increased in coacervates and addition of arabic complexation, β-lg was predominant regarding pHφ1 of 4.7 for
transglutaminase as a crosslinking agent had positive effect on their the coacervation process and pI of β-lg 5.2 and 4.1 for α-la. Increasing
thermal stability properties. Ach et al. (2015) investigated complex of ionic strength reduced the pH at which interactions were established
coacervation of WPI with acacia gum (AG) and compared with coa- between macromolecules as a result of screened charges of polymers by
cervation of pure β-lg/AG and α-lac/AG. Based on results obtained by microions. A high salt concentration (> 54 mM) was defined as the
capillary gel electrophoresis for WPI/AG mixtures at different protein/ point of salt resistance which refers to the amount of salt necessary for
polysaccharide ratios, the concentration of β-lg and α-lac reached to prevention of coacervation. They found that stable values of pHc for
minimum at pH 3.5 relating to formation of maximum coacervates. different biopolymer concentrations (Cp) could illustrate the theory
However, at acidic pH (< 2.3), protein concentration increased in su- that formation of soluble complexes is independent of Cp. Also, in-
pernatant indicating dissociation of complexes. The pH, corresponding creasing the total biopolymer concentrations had no significant effect

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

on the shift of pHφ1 values. Liu et al. (2010) used turbidimetric analysis ovalbumin (OVA)/gum arabic coacervation as well as OVA structural
for investigating the nature of Coulombic and non-Coulombic interac- changes by spectroscopic techniques. Decreasing pH from pHc 4.6 to
tions of pea protein isolate (PPI)/gum arabic complexation in the pre- pHφ1 4.2, increased the turbidity value and charge neutralization oc-
sence of destabilizing agents (NaCl and urea) as a function of pH curred at pH 3.7. Macromolecules carried net opposite charges in the
(4.3–2.4). Addition of NaCl disrupted electrostatic interactions between pH range of 2.5–4.0 thus strong electrostatic interactions established
charged macromolecules consequently preventing formation of com- resulted in sharp increase of mean particle diameter at pH 4.0 that
plexes due to action of Na+ and Cl− ions on screening charges of decreased above and below mentioned pH range. Analysis of mean
macromolecules. But for urea, critical pH values (pHc 4.2, pHφ1 3.7 and particle diameter versus time showed that size of complexes increased
pHopt 3.6) decreased to lower values, which is known that urea disturbs rapidly during first 12 min at pH 3.7 indicating importance of the
both hydrogen and hydrophobic bonds of formed complexes. strength of the electrostatic interactions between OVA/gum arabic on
The effect of pH and biopolymer mixing ratio on the formation of phase separation. Increasing protein/polysaccharide ratio from 1:1 to
soluble and insoluble canola protein isolate (CPI)/carrageenan (CG) 24:1 shifted turbidity curve to higher pH values and turbidity value
complexes as well as their functional properties compared to protein reached maximum for 2:1 mixing ratio which corresponded the highest
were studied by Stone, Cheung, Chang, and Nickerson (2013). CPI/CPI amount of coacervate formation. It was observed that addition of MgCl2
aggregations were suppressed by addition of CG as shown by decreased and BaCl2 downshifted pHopt and reduced coacervation yield more than
optical density (OD) of mixed solution due to the presence of strong NaCl due to incorporation of divalent cations in the complexes and
electrostatic forces induced by the sulfate groups of free CG molecules. neutralization by gum arabic reactive groups. According to results ob-
According to electrophoretic mobility measurements, isoelectric point tained by second-derivative UV spectrum, addition of polysaccharide to
of CPI was 5.78 at which OD reached to its peak and by addition of OVA solution unfolded its tertiary structure that at pH 4.0 more tyr-
polysaccharide the net neutrality pH of protein was shifted to more osine residues were at the exposer of solvent. Fluorescence intensity of
acidic pH values. It was observed that increasing mixing ratios resulted biopolymer mixtures decreased and showed blue shift confirming
in formation of soluble and insoluble complexes at pH values above changes in tertiary structure of protein resulted in sheltering some
protein pI where negatively charged CG molecules interacted with tryptophan residues in hydrophobic environment during structure un-
positively charged patches on protein surface. Solubility, foaming ca- folding. Burova et al. (2007) studied the influence of complexation with
pacity and emulsion capacity of protein decreased significantly through bovine β-casein on conformational changes of ι and κ-carrageenans. The
complexation with CG at two pH values of 6.7 and 5.0 corresponding to highest rate of protein aggregation was obtained at about pH 4.2 while
formation of soluble and insoluble complexes, respectively. But addi- the light scattering intensity of protein solution decreased upon addi-
tion of polysaccharide had no negative effect or even increased foaming tion of polysaccharide as a result of enlarging the solubility pH range of
stability and emulsion stability of the CPI alone. protein lower region. Complexation with β-casein resulted in carra-
The influence of pH, protein/polysaccharide ratio and total biopo- geenans conformational changes by reducing the helicity of carragee-
lymer concentrations on flaxseed protein isolate (FPI)/flaxseed gum nans as function of pH and increased content of protein in formed
(FG) complexation along with structural changes of protein upon acidic complexes. At the same ionic strength (0.15 M) ι-carrageenan had
titration were determined by Kaushik, Dowling, Barrow, and Adhikari higher binding constant than κ-carrageenan because of containing
(2015). It was observed that secondary structure of flaxseed protein higher charge density illustrating electrostatic nature of complex for-
underwent a significant change through decreasing pH from 8.0 to 3.0 mation. However, κ-carrageenan showed higher binding constant as the
as β-sheets and random coils were formed at high rate while helix ionic strength decreased (from 0.15 M to 0.03 M) indicating that release
structure were dissociated. Turbidity values of mixed solutions were of counterions during protein/polysaccharide complexation is the main
higher than protein alone indicating formation of complexes which driving force.
started at pHc 6.0 (above pI of protein 4.2). According to the results, Recently, Gulao, de Souza, Andrade, and Garcia-Rojas (2016) in-
increasing protein/polysaccharide ratio from 1:1 to 15:1 increased OD vestigated the effect of pH, polysaccharide concentrations and ionic
values. However, there was no significant difference between OD values strength on the formation of polypeptide leucine (PL) and gum arabic
of protein/polysaccharide from 3:1 to 15:1 illustrating complexation of complex coacervates. The results showed that the highest amount of
all FG negative charges with FP positive sites at optimum rate of 3:1. complex coacervates with largest particle size were formed at 0.03%
Despite carrying negative charges, insoluble complex coacervates were gum arabic concentration at which the ζ-potential value was close to
formed at pHφ1 4.5 and complexation between oppositely charged zero. Increasing polysaccharide concentration decreased particle size
macromolecules increased at lower pH values than protein pI thus indicating dissociation of insoluble complexes and formation of soluble
reached to maximum at pHopt 3.1. The effect of pH and FPI to FG ratio complexes. The electrostatic interactions between biopolymers estab-
on complex coacervation was exhibited by phase diagram indicating lished at pHφ1 4.0 (close to pI of polypeptide) which was confirmed by
dependency of pH1 and pHopt to the mixing ratios. Ayree and Nickerson increase in turbidity and particle size. At pHφ2 2.0, which is the pKa of
(2012) studied the effect of pH and biopolymer mixing ratio on the gum arabic, turbidity decreased significantly due to the electrostatic
formation of soluble and insoluble lentil protein isolates (LPI)/gum repulsion and formation of soluble complexes. At the same biopolymer
arabic complexes. Formation of soluble complexes between LPI and concentration, the addition of salt (NaCl) resulted in decreasing of
gum arabic occurred at pH 5.8 as OD increased slightly and insoluble turbidity as well as particle size. The morphology studies of formed
complexes were formed at pH 3.6 confirmed by sharp increase of tur- complex coacervates by X-ray diffraction exhibited crystalline regions
bidity value. Due to protonation of carboxyl functional groups on gum which have lower solubility compared to amorphous structure.
arabic backbone at low pH values (pH < pHopt), formed complexes
began to dissociate resulted in reduction of OD value. Gum arabic 2.2. Thermal treatment
molecules interacted with all positive charges of lentil proteins at the
mixing ratio of 1:1 LPI/gum arabic (zeta potential: 0 mV) above which The effect of thermal treatment and pH on the properties of soy
excess amount of protein in the solution contributed to LPI/LPI ag- protein isolate-pectin complexes was investigated by Jaramillo,
gregation rather than complexation. It was seen that complexation with Roberts, and Coupland (2011). Formation of complexes occurred at pH
dehulled lentil protein turned the critical pH values to higher ones 3.0 (below protein pI (pH 4.0 and 5.0)) which was confirmed by de-
which can be related to both presence of hydrophobic interactions and creased ζ-potential value of protein solution upon addition of poly-
removal of polyphenols, tannins and fiber from the flour during de- saccharide. Solubility of protein moderately decreased in the presence
hulling. of pectin at higher pH values (6.0–7.0) because of non-adsorbed pectin
Niu et al. (2015) investigated the effect of mixing ratios and salt on which led to depletion interaction between proteins. Applying thermal

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

treatment (30 min, 90 °C) to formed SPI/pectin complexes increased 3. Microstructural and rheological properties of coacervates
solubility around pI of protein while decreased at pH 3.0 compared
with unchanged profile of protein solubility upon raising temperature. One of the crucial parameters in practical application of coacervates
Authors concluded that SPI/pectin complexes are heat resistant and is their viscoelastic property. Rheological properties of various complex
underwent structural modifications through thermal treatment which coacervates formed by fish gelatin/gum arabic (Anvari, Pan, Yoon, &
affect their solubility. Souza, Garcia Rojas, Melo, and Lins (2013), Chung, 2015), gum arabic/chitosan (Espinosa-Andrews, Sandoval-
studied the effect of temperature, pH, and polysaccharide types (pectin, Castilla, Vazequez-Torres, Vernon-Carter, & Lobato-Calleros, 2010),
xanthan gum, carrageenan and carboxymethylcellulose (CMC)) on the agar/gelatin (Singh, Aswal, & Bohidar, 2007), β-lactoglobulin/pectin
formation of egg yolk lipoprotein complex coacervates. Regarding pI of (Wang et al., 2007), BSA/pectin (Ru, Wang, Lee, Ding, & Huang, 2012)
yolk protein (4.5 or 4.7), turbidity values for all three studied masses and peptide leucin/gum arabic (Gulao et al., 2016) have been in-
(0.025, 0.033 and 0.050 g) were low in pH range of 3.0–4.0. Increasing vestigated. It has been reported that viscoelasticity of phase separated
of temperature and/or pH resulted in slight increase in turbidity of complexes has positive correlation with the strength of the electrostatic
mixtures from pH 6.5 and temperature 30 °C. Increasing in turbidity interaction between biopolymers like coacervates obtained by whey
was attributed to two main reasons. As temperature increases, hydro- protein/gum arabic (Weinbreck et al., 2004), chitosan/gum arabic
phobic interactions are reinforced by weakening hydrogen bonds con- (Espinosa-Andrews et al., 2010) and sodium caseinate/gum tragacanth
tributing to the increase of entropy. Secondly, electrostatic repulsion systems (Gorji, Gorji, Mohammadifar, & Zargaraan, 2014). In this case,
becomes strong between negatively charged macromolecules away complex coacervates produced by the strongest electrostatic interaction
from their pI and pKa through increasing pH. Lower pKa value of car- exhibited the highest storage (elastic) (G′) and loss (viscous) modulus
rageenan (2.0) compared to pKa values of xanthan gum (2.9), CMC (G″). In conclusion, the parameters that have significant effect on the
(4.3) and pectin (3.5) resulted in establishing high electrostatic inter- strength of electrostatic interactions between charged biopolymers in-
actions between macromolecules due to containing high proportion of cluding pH, biopolymer ratio, phase separation temperature and ionic
negative charges within mentioned pH range. strength affect the rheological properties of coacervates. The viscosity
An attempt was made by Ayree and Nickerson (2012) to understand and viscoelastic modulus of chitosan/soy protein isolate (SPI)/coa-
the nature of 1:1 LPI (with hull)/gum arabic interactions during a pH cervates with three mixing ratios of 0.067, 0.125 and 0.2 g/g were
acid titration at room temperature and increased temperature (60 °C). evaluated at pH 6.0. The coacervates produced at mixing ratio of
Elevating temperature downshifted critical pH values (pHφ1, pHopt, 0.125 g/g showed the highest viscosity due to the establishment of the
pHφ2) also decreased turbidity value at pHopt illustrating important role stronger electrostatic interactions between SPI/chitosan. Strain sweep
of hydrogen bonding in formation and stability of complexes. It is experiments were utilized for the measurement of viscoelastic modulus.
known that elevating temperature disrupts hydrogen bonds and re- A typical shear thinning behavior of a pseudoplastic fluid was observed
inforces hydrophobic interactions between charged biopolymers. Si- for SPI/chitosan coacervates. G′ value of three mixing ratios was higher
milar results were obtained by Liu et al. (2010) for studying the nature than G″ value for the all frequency range with the maximum values
of interactions between PPI and gum arabic biopolymers at different obtained for the coacervates formed at polysaccharide/protein mixing
temperature (6–60 °C). Increasing temperature downshifted turbidity ratio of 0.125 g/g. Like the viscosity, the highest viscoelastic modulus
profile and critical pH values because of reduced hydrogen bonding were achieved for coacervates prepared at ratio where charge neu-
which destabilized the complexes. But turbidity and critical pH values tralization happened (Yuan, Kong, Sun, Zeng, & Yang, 2017). However,
upshifted by decreasing temperature from 23 to 6 °C as a result of en- according to Huang, Duo, Xiao, & Wang (2017) the viscoelasticity of
hanced complex stability through increased hydrogen bonding. complex coacervates (N, O-carboxymethyl chitosan (NOCC)/gum
arabic) does not only depend on the strength of electrostatic interaction
determined by coacervate yield. Coacervates of NOCC/gum arabic
2.3. Polysaccharide depolymerization formed at pH 6.0 showed the highest modulus values than those ob-
tained at pH 3.0 with the strongest interactions.
The effect of polysaccharide depolymerization through high in- Anvari et al. (2015) studied the effect of phase separation tem-
tensity ultrasound on complex coacervation between k-carrageenan perature on structural and rheological properties of fish gelatin/gum
(KC) and β-lactoglobulin (β-lg) was studied by Hosseini et al. (2013). arabic complex coacervates. Volume fraction of coacervate phase and
Increasing time and amplitude of the ultrasonication process decreased total biopolymer concentration, especially gum arabic molecules in the
the viscosity of polysaccharide solution by producing smaller poly- coacervate phase increased by reducing phase separation temperature.
saccharide chains. As a result, solutions of sonicated k-carrageenan and Fourier transform infrared (FTIR) spectroscopy showed that at 10 °C
protein complexes exhibited lower turbidity than untreated ones. The high partition of biopolymers in coacervate phase can be related to
affinity constant between protein/polysaccharide was significantly re- establishment of stronger hydrogen bonds in fish gelatin/gum arabic
duced at pH 4.2 by the sonication according to isothermal titration coacervate phase. The coacervate phase exhibited more shear-thinning
calorimetry (ITC) results. Sonochemical interactions decreased the behavior as the temperature decreased. At the same time gum arabic
charge density of ultrasonicated (US) KC which was observed by lower concentration increased which is known that polysaccharide relaxation
zeta potential value of (US) KC/β-lg nanoparticles than intact KC/β-lg have significant effect on shear-thinning behavior. Compared to bio-
nanoparticles. Also, lower turbidity value of (US) KC/β-lg solutions polymers alone, complexes were at the exposure of structural and
than intact ones was related to the formation of smaller polysaccharide conformational changes especially at lower temperatures at which hy-
chains after sonication. Sonication had positive effect on the homo- drogen bonds become stronger. Contrary to high temperatures (40 and
genization of nanoparticles present in the mixture. Soluble complexes 30 °C), the storage modulus of coacervates (G′) at 10 °C increased at any
were formed at pHc (∼5.3–5.5) above pI of β-lg (∼4.7–5.2) and critical tested frequency without decreasing due to reduced molecular mobility,
pHφ1 (∼4.8) was reached at lower pH values due to nucleation and increased structuration, reinforced hydrogen bonds along with in-
growth. The highest amount of interactions between β-lg and KC were creased polysaccharide concentration. Liquid-like viscous behavior of
established at pH 1.0–2.0 according to obtained maximum optical the coacervate phases was verified by the higher G″ values than G′
density. The dissociation of complexes did not happen even at lower pH values at all studied temperatures.
values. ITC measurements showed exothermic sequence for interactions Microstructure and rheological properties of the gum arabic/chit-
of β-lg with KC which is associated with electrostatic neutralization of osan complex coacervates were determined by Espinosa-Andrews et al.
biopolymers. (2010). Regardless of pH, the loss modulus (G″) of all coacervates was
higher than storage modulus (G′) over the whole frequency range

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

Fig. 2. Principle of complex coacervation process (Madene, Jacquot, Scher, & Desobry, 2006).

showing liquid viscoelastic behavior. However, gum arabic/chitosan polysaccharide chain network which is produced from the aggregation
complexes exhibited the highest viscoelastic property at pH 4.5 due to of protein/polysaccharide complexes while linkers are bound proteins.
charge balance between two macromolecules. According to SEM mi- So, increasing protein/polysaccharide ratio contributed to an increase
crographs, produced coacervates had a sponge-like microstructure with in protein molecules bound to polysaccharide chains and reaching to
homogeneously distributed small size agglomerated particles and het- charge neutrality which led to formation of coacervates with higher G′
erogeneous sized vacuoles which interspaced the formed structure. It values.
was obvious that pH had significant effect on microstructure of coa- It was seen that PL (0.2%)/gum arabic (0.03%) complex coacervates
cervates that smaller coacervates were formed at pH 4.5 than 3.0 and showed viscoelastic behavior at low frequencies. The values of G′ in-
6.0. Increased relative density of the coacervates at pH 4.5 resulted in creased independently of G″ values as frequency increased, verifying
reduction of the number of the vacuoles and increasing their viscoe- complexation of PL and gum arabic with electrostatic interactions
lastic moduli values. Singh et al. (2007) reported that agar/gelatin (Gulao et al., 2016). Elastic behavior of PL/gum arabic relates the
coacervates showed non-newtonian and shear thinning behavior. It is electrostatic interactions between the peptide and polysaccharide
clear that different parameters such as pH, ionic strength, temperature chain.
and the amount of polyanions and cations have significant effect on the
visco-elastic nature of the coacervates. Storage modulus G′(w) of agar/ 4. Encapsulation by complex coacervation
gelatin coacervates was significantly higher than their loss modulus G″
(w) indicating viscous nature of formed coacervates. In another study, Entrapment of small solid particles, liquid droplets or gases inside a
the effect of salt concentration and initial protein/polysaccharide ratio thin layer of coating material (shell) is known as microencapsulation.
on the rheological properties of β-lactoglobulin and pectin coacervates Generally, polymers like proteins and polysaccharides (combined or
were studied by Wang et al. (2007). Based on dynamic rheological alone) are used in microencapsulation of food ingredients. Successful
measurements, coacervates (formed at protein/polysaccharide ratio of encapsulating process depends on the stability of active agents (core),
5:1 and CNaCl 0.02 M) showed shear thinning behavior as the complex the properties of coating materials as well as suitability of the delivery
viscosity reduced linearly with frequency. The storage modulus (G′) of system (microcapsules) for its application (Nazzaro, Orlando, Fratianni,
coacervates were significantly higher than the loss modulus (G″), il- & Coppola, 2012). Encapsulation of enzymes, essential oils, poly-
lustrating interconnected gel-like structure of coacervates. Β-lactoglo- phenols, antimicrobial peptides and bacteria can overcome the dis-
bulin/pectin coacervates with stronger structure and higher G′ values advantages of direct addition of such agents into food matrix by con-
formed at increased salt concentration from 0.01 to 0.21 M. It is worth trolling release of agents, increasing shelf life, inhibiting partial
mentioned that self-aggregation of β-lactoglobulin enhanced at higher inactivation upon interacting with different components. Coacervation
salt concentrations (from 0.21 to 0.41) which reduced interactions of encapsulation (simple and complex) is the phase separation of one or
protein with polysaccharide resulted in formation of coacervates with many hydrocolloids from the initial solution with prepared coacervates
loose structure and low G′ values. They found that increasing protein/ as a layer and suspended or emulsified active agents as the core (Fig. 2).
polysaccharide ratio enhanced the amount of pectin in formed coa- Microencapsulation process by complex coacervation involves four
cervates leading to the production of more compact coacervates with main steps of emulsification, coacervation, gelation and hardening
higher elasticity. Also, Ru et al. (2012) studied the effect of added salt (Dong et al., 2008). The structure of coacervate microcapsules depends
concentrations and the initial protein/polysaccharide ratio on the on the homogenization rate during emulsification process. Mono-
rheological properties of BSA/pectin coacervates. In consistent with the nuclear microcapsules are formed at low homogenization rate and
results obtained by Wang et al. (2007), BSA/pectin coacervates had gel- multinuclear microcapsules are prepared at high homogenization rate
like network structure with G′ values higher than G″ values, exhibiting (Dong et al., 2011). It is worth mentioned that the size and morphology
shear thinning behavior. The G′ values of the formed coacervates had of prepared coacervate microcapsules significantly depend on the pro-
negative correlation with added different salt concentrations. In- cessing conditions (Lemetter, Meeuse, & Zuidam, 2009). Also, nano-
creasing salt concentration resulted in reduction of biopolymers content particles with a lipid core can be produced by complex coacervation
in coacervates forming watery structure. According to the results, the process (Aloys et al., 2016).
coacervates of protein/polysaccharide can be known as a High oxidative stability was achieved for yogurts formulated with

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

gelatin/gum arabic coacervates modified by Maillard reaction con- (collagen/alginate and collagen/pectin), drying methods (freeze and
taining stearidonic acid soybean oil during 14 days of storage at 4 °C spray drying) and core dispersion systems (water in oil emulsion or in
illustrating preservation of its antioxidant properties (Ifeduba & Akoh, suspension) were investigated for microencapsulation of nisin with an
2015). Applying mild heating, desolvation or crosslinking might be avocado antioxidant extract by complex coacervation by Calderón-
needed with the purpose of increasing the mechanical and thermal Oliver, Pedroza-Islas, Escalona-Buendía, Pedraza-Chaverri, and Ponce-
stability of the formed microcapsules (Timilsena et al., 2016). The best Alquicira (2017). Combining spray drying with emulsified core led to
method for the encapsulation of heat sensitive compounds is complex higher encapsulation efficiency and yield indicating the importance of
coacervation as the thermal treatment is not applied during the process. drying method and the core incorporation. Collagen/alginate with ratio
Crosslinking of the complex coacervates can be achieved by using of 1:1 showed the highest encapsulation efficiency 82.14 ± 1.18 and
glutaraldehyde, tannic acid, gallic acid and transglutaminase. But for 81.36 ± 1.27% for nisin and avocado extract respectively at pH 3.0
the case of food application, glutaraldehyde is not appropriate choice (combined emulsified core with spray drying method). Collagen/pectin
because of its toxic nature. The main advantages of microcapsules ob- with ratio of 4:1 showed the highest encapsulation efficiency
tained by coacervation technology are high encapsulation efficiency 84.66 ± 1.20 and 82.96 ± 1.25% for nisin and avocado extract re-
(up to 99%) and the excellent controlled release properties based on spectively at pH 3.0 (combined emulsified core with spray drying
mechanical stress, temperature or sustained release (Gouin, 2004). It is method). Application of non-emulsified core incorporation along with
known that complex coacervation is used mainly for encapsulation of freeze drying method resulted in the highest loading values of the two
hydrophobic compounds and contains some limitations for en- used components. However, lower loading values of active agents can
capsulating hydrophilic substances. Applying some modifications in the lead to more protection as the degradation and release of agent to the
method like adding double emulsion step at the beginning of process environment is fast for the case of higher loading values because the
can lead to encapsulation of hydrophilic compounds (Mendanha et al., core material is near to the surface of capsule (Oxley, 2014). Despite
2009). Complex coacervation has been used for microencapsulation of having various health-promoting effect, astaxanthin is used as a food
various active agents shown in Table 2. colorant (owning intense red color). Oxidation reactions with the pos-
Algal oil is rich in polyunsaturated fatty acids making it sensitive sibility of increasing during thermal treatment and storage can lead to
against oxygen and temperature. Yuan et al. (2017) studied micro- the degradation of astaxanthin. For eliminating mentioned problems,
encapsulation of algal oil by soy protein isolate (SPI)/chitosan complex astaxanthin-containing lipid extracts from shrimp waste was en-
coacervation. The highest coacervation was obtained at pH 6.0 and capsulated through complex coacervation of gelatin/cashew gum and
chitosan/SPI ratio of 0.125 g/g according to the ζ-potential and coa- the microcapsules were freeze dried. Polymer concentration, ratio, pH
cervation yield results. The microencapsulation of algal oil within SPI/ and ionic strength were investigated as the parameters influencing
chitosan complex coacervates contributed to the higher encapsulation coacervation of gelatin/cashew gum. Biopolymers could produce
efficiency (97.31 ± 1.16% with added transglutaminase) and oxida- complex coacervates at pH range of 4.0–4.5. The optimum conditions
tive stability than encapsulation by SPI alone (75.4 ± 2.8%). There for complex coacervation were found at protein/polysaccharide ratio of
was no significant difference between oxidative stability of micro- 1:2.5 and pH 4.1. The encapsulation efficiency of astaxanthin was
capsules containing algal oil prepared from different protein/poly- 59.9 ± 0.01% and the stability of lipid extract was enhanced by en-
saccharide ratios but crosslinked microcapsules with TG displayed the capsulation (43 days/36 ± 1 °C/80% relative humidity). Encapsulated
lowest hydroperoxides during storage. Monitoring the lipid hydroper- astaxanthin resulted in the improvement in coloring capacity in yoghurt
oxides (primary oxidation product) and volatile hexanal (secondary without any changes in odor of the food compared with non-en-
oxidation product) during storage with thermal acceleration were the capsulated agent (Gomez-Estaca, Comunian, Montero, Ferro-Furtado, &
parameters for investigating the oxidative stability of algal oil micro- Favaro-Trindade, 2016).
capsules. Hardening of microcapsules by transglutaminase improved Sensitive probiotic cultures can be protected by encapsulation
the oxidative stability of SPI/chitosan microcapsules. Antioxidant method consequently resulting in improving their stability and viability
properties of chitosan along with the enhancement of protection against in food products. Stability of encapsulated lactic acid bacteria (LAB)
oxidation through creation of oxygen barrier after complex coacerva- have been shown to increase in dairy products during storage time
tion and crosslinking are the main reasons for increased oxidative sta- (Aloys et al., 2016). In this relation, Eratte et al. (2015) have co-en-
bility of microcapsules. Recently, the effect of matrix-wall systems capsulated tuna oil (rich in Omega-3 fatty acids) and Lactobacillus casei

Table 2
Microencapsulation of various active compounds via complex coacervation.

Biopolymers Active agent EE (%) Polymer ratio Opt pH Drying method References

SPI/pectin Casein hydrosylate 91.62 ± 0.63 1:1 4.4 Freeze drying Mendanha et al., 2009
SPI/gum arabic Sweet orange oil ∼80 1:1 4.0 Spray drying Jun-xia et al., 2011
SPI/pectin Propolis 66–72 – 4.0 Lyophilization Nori et al., 2011
Gelatin/pectin Lycopene 93.2 ± 2.1 1:1 3.0 Freeze drying Silva et al., 2012
Gelatin/gum arabic Ascorbic acid ∼98 1:1 4.4 Freeze drying Comunian et al., 2013
Gelatin/gum arabic Aspartame 45–71 1:1 4.0 Freeze drying Rocha-Selmi et al.,
Gum arabic/ Miglyol – 0.25 3.6 – Butstraen & Salaün,
chitosan 2014
WPI/gum arabic Tuna oil and probiotic Lactobacillus 93.35 ± 3.01 for SD WPI-P-O-GA – 3.75 Spray drying and freeze Eratte et al., 2015
casei 431 drying
Gelatin/cashew gum Astaxanthin 59.9 ± 0.01% 1:2.5 4.1 Freeze drying Gomez-Estaca et al.,
Collagen/alginate Nisin (n) and an avocado 82.14 ± 1.18(n) 1:1 3.0 Spray drying and freeze Colderon-Oliver et al.,
Collagen/pectin Antioxidant extract (a) 81.36 ± 1.27(a) 1:1 3.0 drying 2017
84.66 ± 1.20(n)
82.96 ± 1.25(a)
Chitosan/SPI Algal oil 97.31 ± 1.16 0.125 g/g 6.0 – Yuan et al., 2017

SPI: soy protein isolate, WPI: whey protein isolate, SD: spray dried, P: probiotic, O: oil.

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

431 in whey protein isolate (WPI)/gum arabic complex coacervates was obtained for microcapsules produced with higher wall material
which turned into powder by spray drying and freeze drying. According concentration. It was shown that moisture equilibrium results of as-
to the results, the viability of probiotic cells (P) improved in the pre- partame microcapsules were low for all water activities indicating their
sence of oil compared with WPI/P/gum arabic microcapsules. Also, high stability, storage and application.
drying method had significant effect on viability of bacteria. Due to Nori et al. (2011) microencapsulated propolis through complex
higher inlet and outlet temperatures as well as stresses induced by coacervation of soy protein isolate and pectin. According to achieved
thermal and dehydration steps, spray drying contributed to lower via- results, increasing of colloid and core concentrations in solutions de-
bility of L. casei cells compared with freeze drying. On the other hand, creased encapsulation efficiency of propolis indicating that lower in-
the authors found that oxidative stability of oil (O) was higher in spray teractions established between them. However, on the other hand,
dried WPI/P/O/gum arabic microcapsules as a result of containing formed microcapsules with high polymer concentrations were a little
lower surface oil. In another study, Mendanha et al. (2009) used fixed more stable than others due to having higher Tg. Finally, authors found
ratio of soy protein isolate and pectin concentrations (1:1) adjusted at that both antioxidant and antimicrobial activities of propolis were not
pH 4.4 as wall materials to microencapsulate casein hydrosylate by significantly changed after applying coacervation and freeze drying
complex coacervation. Formed coacervate microcapsules exhibited low processes. Genipin, a β-glycosidase hydrolysis product of geniposide is a
solubility in water resulting in controlled release of core agent. By in- natural water soluble cross-linker agent. Limitations in the application
creasing casein hydrosylate concentration, the encapsulation efficiency of non-toxic cross-linking agents like transglutaminase and tannic acid
decreased and solubility rate increased. It was noticed that micro- in food industry are related to the high price and strange taste, re-
encapsulation by coacervation reduced hygroscopicity and bitter taste spectively. In a research work, mustard (Sinapis alba) seed essential oil
of casein hydrosylate with best results obtained for sample containing (containing many glucosinolates, the precursors of the isothiocyanates)
50% core agent than 100% and 150% concentrations (encapsulation was microencapsulated in gelatin-gum arabic complex coacervates
efficiency: 91.62 ± 0.63, 87.92 ± 0.72 and 78.80 ± 90%, respec- hardened by genipin. Based on the results of the thermogravimetric
tively). Jun-xia, Hai-yan, and Jian (2011) microencapsulated sweet analysis (TGA), the optimum crosslinking time for hardening micro-
orange oil by complex coacervation with different SPI/gum arabic ra- capsules was 8 h contributing to higher structural stability. Using ge-
tios and converted to powder by spray drying. The highest degree of latin as a substrate, genipin showed the highest activity at pH 10.0 led
coacervation occurred at pH 4.0 which was the electrical equivalence to hardening of microcapsules with long chains of cross-link bridges. By
point (EEP) of the SPI/gum arabic system and at SPI/gum arabic ratio increasing the concentration of genipin up to 0.075 g/g gelatin, thermo-
1:1. It was shown that core material load had significant effect on mi- stable microcapsules were produced due to the formation of amide
croencapsulation yield (MEY) which decreased by increasing of core bonds between genipin ester group and gelatin amino group (Peng
load. Among studied micromolecules such as sucrose, maltodextrin, et al., 2014).
polyethylene glycol (PEG) 2000 and PEG 4000 for their effect on Lycopene was microencapsulated within gelatin/pectin complex
complex coacervation, only sucrose resulted in increasing of MEY. Both coacervates by Silva, Favaro-Trindade, Rocha, and Thomazini (2012).
microencapsulation efficiency and yield reached to the highest values at Spherical microcapsules with a defined wall and core structure were
sucrose/SPI ratios of 1:1. Finally, well retention of D-limonen (major formed at pH 3.0 resulting in encapsulation of lycopene. However,
component of sweet orange oil) was an indication for its successful drying of microcapsules by freezing or lyophilization processes had
encapsulation by complex coacervation. In another study, Dong et al. negative effect on stability of coacervates through breaking electro-
(2008) studied the effect of different crosslinking parameters on pro- static bonds indicating unsuitability of microcapsules for preserving
duction of transglutaminase-hardened spherical multinuclear gelatin/ lycopene during storage. Butstraen and Salaün (2014) micro-
gum arabic microcapsules containing peppermint oil through complex encapsulated commercially available blend of triglycerides (Miglyol
coacervation. It was shown that increasing crosslinking time (6 h) and 812 N) in gum arabic/chitosan complex coacervates which were
temperature (15 °C) contributed to increased microcapsule stability due strengthened by the sodium tripolyphosphate as crosslinking agent.
to enhanced intermolecular crosslink density in gelatin which led to low Formation of complexes through electrostatic interactions depends on
oil release. The most structurally stable microcapsules were formed at the pH of the two solutions and weight ratio of chitosan/gum arabic
pH 6.0 at which transglutaminase showed the highest enzymatic ac- mixtures. The optimum pH for coacervation was 3.6 by considering the
tivity in the case of using gelatin as substrate. Also low amount of oil high charge of chitosan at pH 2.8–4.0 and negatively charged of gum
released from microcapsules hardened by high concentration of trans- arabic above pH 2.2. High biopolymer ratio (opt = weight ratio of
glutaminase (15 U g−1 of gelatin). chitosan to gum arabic of 0.25) increased conductivity of the solution
Comunian et al. (2013) used double emulsion method followed by thus resulting in maximum coacervation through neutralization of io-
complex coacervation with gelatin/gum arabic for microencapsulation nized groups of biopolymers at pH 3.6. It was shown that increasing of
of ascorbic acid (AA) known as an efficient antioxidant but unstable the biopolymer volume ratio (r) reduced the mean size of formed par-
agent. The high encapsulation efficiency (between 97.33 ± 0.81 and ticles with r = 0.10 for microencapsulation process and emulsion time
99.57 ± 0.32%) was an illustration for successfulness of applied of 15 min at 11000 rpm as optimum conditions. The calculated work of
method in microencapsulation of AA. Low water activities below 0.6 for adhesion showed the suitability of formed coacervate particles for en-
all formed microcapsules indicated their microbial stability. The trapment of core solution due to stronger interactions between gum
highest amount of retained AA at both 20 and 37 °C was for micro- arabic/chitosan coacervate microparticles and continuous phase than
capsules of gelatin/gum arabic/AA at ratios of 1:1:0.75 with 0.025 g/ between gum arabic/chitosan coacervate and core solution.
mL polymer because of having larger mean diameters resulting in lower Intensity of electrostatic interactions has important effect on the
exposure of AA surface. Also in another work, Rocha-Selmi, Bozza, formation of soluble or insoluble complexes contributing to the pro-
Thomazini, Bolini, and Favaro-Trindade (2013) used double emulsion duction of nanoparticles and microparticles. For the preparation of
method followed by complex coacervation for microencapsulation of nanoparticles much stricter conditions are required than the micro-
aspartame with gelatin and gum arabic polymers as wall materials. particles. Strongly negatively charged polysaccharides are not suitable
According to physicochemical analysis, microcapsules prepared with for the fabrication of the nanoparticles because of forming the insoluble
greater amount of wall material polymers had slightly smaller mean complexes or precipitated coacervates. Nanoparticles which are more
particle size. Low moisture content of microcapsules had two positive functional can be formed by mixing proteins and polysaccharides with
effect: 1. Prevented agglomeration thus increasing retention of active moderated charge density (Lv, Yang, Li, Zhang, & Abbas, 2014). Ac-
agent, 2. Decreased plasticizer action of water resulted in preservation cording to Jones, Decker, and McClements (2009), globular proteins
of microcapsules glass transition temperature. High encapsulation yield and polysaccharides have the potential to produce nanoparticles by

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

applying the controlled release process. Complex coacervation method agents can protect them and processing has different effects on each
was applied for the production of heat resistant gelatin/gum arabic type of microcapsules.
nanocapsules for entrapment of jasmine essential oil by Lv et al., 2014. The effect of different factors including temperature, core/wall
It is known that soluble complexes can lead to the formation of nano- ratio, crosslinking agent on the release of various compounds en-
particles. Nanoparticles were formed at pH 4.8 and gelatin/gum arabic capsulated in gelatin/gum arabic complex coacervates have been stu-
ratio of 1:1 w/w. The pHc corresponding to the onset of soluble com- died (Dong et al., 2011; Peng et al., 2014; Prata, Zanin, Re, & Grosso,
plexes formation was defined as the turbidity value (600 nm) changed 2008; Qv, Zeng, & Jiang, 2011; Rocha-Selmi et al., 2013; Yeo, Bellas,
from 0 to 0.001 upon acidification by GDL and was constant for all Firestone, Langer, & Kohane, 2005; Zhang, Zhang, Hu, Bao, & Huang,
mixing ratios. At pHφ1 which downshifted as the mixing ratio de- 2012). Spectroscopic method was used to study the controlled release of
creased, the formation of soluble complexes was ended. Particle size bake flavor oil from gelatin and gum arabic complex coacervates pro-
distribution analysis revealed that broad polydispersed shape of com- duced without adding chemical crosslinking agents. Raising tempera-
plexes turned to relatively narrow distribution and then shifted to wide ture up to 100 °C led to significant release of oil from microcapsules.
distribution again as the pH decreased. Nanoparticles were prepared But more heat resistant large multivesicular microcapsules having
from the complexes with narrow size distribution centered at approxi- many small oil cores were produced at higher homogenization rates
mately 100 nm. The nanoparticles containing jasmine essential oil were (9000 rpm). While low homogenization rates (3000 rpm) resulted in
formed by applying sufficient amount of surfactant coupled with high formation of less heat resistant univesicular microcapsules containing a
shear dispersion processing resulted in formation of system with more single large oil core. On the other hand, at lower concentrations of
homogeneous nanoparticles. Hardening of formed nanoparticles with polyions, microcapsules with high resistance to release conditions were
transglutaminase resulted in a slight size reduction also just structural produced due to hardly breaking down of formed big agglomerates of
changes of gum arabic at applied high temperature (80 °C) influenced oil droplets. Evaluation of microcapsule stability revealed that integrity
the size transition of cross-linked nanoparticles. The volatile com- of uncross-linked capsules did not undergo any changes during storage
pounds of jasmine essential oil could be retained better within nano- at 4 or -20 °C for 4 weeks (Yeo et al., 2005).
capsules hardened at pH 7.0 during first hour of heating at 80 °C. Increasing concentration of glutaraldehyde as a cross-linker agent
However, after 5 h of heating more than 50% of compounds decreased. enhanced the cross-linking degree of polymerization resulted in de-
They found that nanocapsule size increased through increasing thermal creasing of the oil release rate along with permeability coefficient
treatment duration which led to formation of larger pores on the wall (Bachtsi & Kiparissides, 1996). In this relation, changing the con-
surface and release of compounds. It has been mentioned that fabri- centration of transglutaminase (TG, a cross-linker enzyme) and factors
cation of nanoparticles has attracted great attention as a result of their affecting crosslinking process such as hardening time, pH and time have
high applicability in food, pharmaceutical and biomaterials. been suggested to be effective on the release rate of oil from micro-
capsules. Microcapsules containing microalgal oil were synthesized by
5. Complex coacervates for controlled release of agents complex coacervation of gelatin/gum arabic and the release rate of the
oil was studied as a function of TG crosslinking parameters. Sodium
Developing effective delivery systems of bioactives is one of the dodecyl sulfate (SDS) was used as a release medium. The lowest release
main challenges for food producers as the shelf life and the sensorial rate of oil was achieved for the microcapsules produced under optimum
quality of enriched foods should not be affected adversely (Moschakis & conditions: hardening time 6 h, temperature 15 °C, pH 6.0 and TG
Biliaderis, 2017). Microcapsules containing various active compounds concentration 15 U/g gelatin. TG showed the highest enzymatic activity
are incorporated in different food products for their antimicrobial and at pH 6.0 contributed to the most hardened microcapsules than those
antioxidant activities, modifying texture and color or masking flavor. produced at pH 5.0 and 7.0. Some sustained release of oil was obtained
There are few studies relating to the application of microcapsules in after the first hour but it displayed a higher rate at the beginning
food such as palm oil microcapsules in bread and yoghurt (prepared by (Zhang et al., 2012). Dong et al. (2011) investigated the effect of the
complex coacervation) (Rutz et al., 2017), linseed oil microencapsula- core/wall ratio on peppermint oil release from transglutaminase har-
tion in bread by spray drying method (Gallardo et al., 2013) and ly- dened gelatin/gum arabic coacervate microcapsules within different
copene microcapsules in cakes (prepared by spray drying method) dispersing medium. Larger coacervate microcapsules were formed at
(Rocha, Favaro-Trindade, & Grosso, 2012). It is possible to control the high core/wall ratio resulting in decreased microcapsules membrane
release of encapsulated substances within complex coacervates by pH thickness which led to higher release rate in the initial phase. On the
which directly influences the stability of coacervates and has similarity other hand, increased diffusing distance of oil in big particles lowered
to the reactions that happen in the gastrointestinal tract of human body. its release rate in the later phase of release. It was found that dispersing
However, besides pH, different parameters such as particle size, struc- medium played an important role on release behavior of oil from mi-
ture, the loading value, the cross-linking degree, temperature and dis- crocapsules. Peppermint oil was slowly released from wet coacervate
persing medium affect the controlling release property of coacervate microcapsules in hot water through concentration difference between
microcapsules (Nordby, Kjoniksen, Nyström, & Roots, 2003; Rutz et al., inside and outside of microcapsules and followed first order release
2017). Recently, palm oil (containing high amount of bioactive agents kinetics model. But oil was released quickly from dried microcapsules
especially carotenoids), has been encapsulated by complex coacerva- in the oven by vapor pressure difference between both sides of micro-
tion method using chitosan/pectin (CP) and chitosan/xanthan gum capsules and followed zero order release kinetics model. Also, storage
(CX) as wall materials and different drying methods by Rutz et al. stability of coacervate microcapsules were excellent because the release
(2017). Higher encapsulation yield along with lower carotenoid loses of core material from cocervates was very slow in cold water with no
during encapsulation process were obtained for microparticles dried via significant effect of different core/wall ratios on it.
lyophilization. Release behaviors of both types of microcapsules were Peng et al. (2014) studied the effect of relative humidity and tem-
different in simulated gastrointestinal fluid (GFS) and food. In the perature on the release rate of mustard essential oil from gelatin/gum
human body, small amount of encapsulated substances can be released arabic coacervate microcapsules. Remarkable controlled release prop-
in gastric conditions but the release profile is gradual and complete erty of round shaped microcapsules could be attributed to multi-
under intestinal conditions. In GFS fluid the release rate of active agent nucleated structure of emulsion droplets with defined walls. In the low
from CP microparticles was higher than CX ones but when applied in relative humidity environment, microcapsules showed significant re-
yogurt CX particles had higher release rate and the degradation of re- duction in oil release however at high humidity rate, they could also
leased compounds did not happen in food matrix unlike GFS fluid. retain high amount of core material compared with non-micro-
Authors demonstrated that interaction of food matrices with bioactive encapsulated one. According to the obtained results, formed

N. Eghbal, R. Choudhary LWT - Food Science and Technology 90 (2018) 254–264

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