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FDA Pesticides in Food Compliance Guide

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PROGRAM 7304.004



June 27, 2011
INDUSTRY CODES: 02-41; 45-47; 50; 52; 54
04004A Pesticides and Industrial
Chemicals in Domestic and
Imported Foods

04004D Dioxin and furans

DO NOT report activities relating

to Drug Residues in fish against
these PACs. Separate
assignments and reporting have
been issued for these activities.

Note: Material that is not releasable under the Freedom of Information

Act (FOIA) has been redacted/deleted from this electronic version of
the program. Deletions are marked as follows: (#) denotes one or more
words were deleted; (&) denotes one or more paragraphs were deleted;
and (%) denotes an entire attachment was deleted.


A. End of Year Summary of Accomplishments

Program information is still needed by headquarter units for planning and evaluation of the pesticides.
Each district/region is requested to submit a summary report covering their prior year’s pesticide plan.
This summary will be due October 31 after the conclusion of the fiscal year. Submit the summary to
Program Monitor, Shannon Ingram, HFS-615.

The Summary Report should cover the following types of information:

1. A summary of the import and domestic district/regional plan accomplishments including:

results of district initiated surveys; a summary of actionable samples; significant State and

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State/District joint activities and accomplishments; and other program-related highlights or

special issues encountered during the year;

2. Recommendations for improving future regional/district plans and suggested modifications

that can be incorporated into the guidance contained in the compliance program; and

3. Other data and information the districts/regions would like to include that relates to their
pesticide plan/program and/or the compliance program.

Note: CFSAN’s Office of Food Safety produces an annual pesticides report and utilizes detailed data
retrieved from FACTS to develop the report. The information requested above is used to supplement
the FACTS data and is meant to be narrative, highlighting important activities and accomplishments
by individual districts, regions, and the field in general. Specific detailed sample data available in
FACTS is not needed in the report.

B. Domestic and Imported Foods:

U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA)/Agricultural Marketing Service (AMS), which coordinates

the Pesticide Data Program (PDP) activities, has agreed that they will provide information on
instances in which they have found “Presumptive Tolerance Violations” to the CFSAN program
contact for further follow-up by FDA. The PDP contracts states to perform pesticide residue surveys
to support Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) tolerance reviews. All districts are requested to
report a summary (including sample numbers) of all follow-ups as appropriate to CFSAN, Office of
Food Safety, HFS-317, Attn: Chris Sack.

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Pesticides are subject to the requirements of the Federal Insecticide, Fungicide, and Rodenticide Act
(FIFRA) and the Federal Food, Drug and Cosmetic Act (FFDCA). The Environmental Protection
Agency (EPA) is responsible under FIFRA for the registration of pesticides and setting tolerances if use
of a particular pesticide may result in residues in or on food. The tolerances established by the EPA apply
equally to domestic food and to imported food. With the exception of meat and poultry, for which the
U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) is responsible, FDA is charged with enforcing tolerances in
imported and in domestic foods shipped in interstate commerce. FDA also carries out incidence and level
monitoring to increase FDA’s knowledge about particular pesticide/commodity combinations.

The goal of the monitoring program is to carry out selective monitoring to achieve an adequate level of
consumer protection. FDA, therefore, remains committed to developing surveillance data on an ongoing
basis. The program is conducted under the general guidance of the Center for Food Safety and Applied
Nutrition’s (CFSAN) Office of Food Safety. The focus of the monitoring is on the raw agricultural foods
of dietary importance (i.e. foods that comprise the greater part of the U.S. diet and can most contribute to
pesticide exposure) and foods consumed in large amounts by infants and young children.

A summary and detailed analysis of the residue data obtained from the compliance program are prepared
annually by the Office of Food Safety and are made available to the public at CFSAN’s website. This
information is widely used inside and outside the agency including EPA, USDA, Congress, consumers,


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• To enforce pesticide residue tolerances in foods established by the U.S.

Environmental Protection Agency

• To determine the incidence and level of pesticide residues in domestic and

imported foods


Domestic Foods:

The Agency's approach to this program is regulatory in nature with emphasis on intelligence gathering,
selective sampling, and aggressive compliance follow-ups. In addition, this program will maintain
surveillance sampling to cover gaps in intelligence information, but emphasize finding residues of
significance and taking appropriate follow-up to control the immediate problem and deter future

Consistent with the sampling guidance in this program, and based upon the district’s past experience,
identify farmers or growing areas (including bodies of water) for sampling of products that have been
associated with residue problems in the past involving foods of dietary significance.

Imported Foods:

The residue monitoring data developed by this program are important since they provide information on
the overall incidence and level of pesticide residues in imported foods. Districts should design their
individual import monitoring consistent with the sampling guidance in this program and by reviewing the

Sampling guidance in this program and issued periodically by CFSAN,

• Data from OASIS or other sources concerning the volume and types of foods imported
from various countries;

• Import Alerts and Bulletins:

IA 99-05 (Automatic Detention of Raw Agricultural Products for Pesticides)

IA 99-08 (Detention Without Physical Examination of Processed Foods for Pesticides)

IA 99-14 (Countrywide Automatic Detention of Raw Agricultural Products for


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IA 99-15 (Countrywide Detention Without Physical Examination of Processed Products

for Pesticides)

Import Bulletins – various, review as needed.


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Collect sample commodities of dietary importance identified in Attachment B. Do not collect surveillance
samples of spices, minor crops, or multi-ingredient foods not included in Attachment B or part of a
CFSAN sample schedule or field assignment. Processed foods that are primarily a single ingredient food
may be represented. It is recommended that sampling of such products be limited to those situations
where there is suspicion that the food may contain an illegal pesticide residue (i.e., not authorized for any
of the individual ingredients).

Headquarters-initiated sampling schedules and field assignments related to emerging problems, or other
needs, may be issued during the year.

Note that coverage of pesticide residues in foods consumed by infants and children will again be
emphasized. These include apples, apple juice, pears, bananas, carrots, green beans, oats/oatmeal,
oranges/orange juice, peaches, peas, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and wheat products (e.g., farina).
If possible, districts should direct at least 50% each of their imported and domestic pesticide sampling
resources toward these products.

In addition, unless specifically approved by Headquarters, do not sample raw agricultural commodities
that undergo extensive processing which either eliminates or significantly reduces pesticide residues
before the final food is ready to eat. Examples are coffee beans and hops. FDA monitoring of these types
of foods will be in the form of sample schedules or headquarters initiated surveys. Medicinal herb
formulations should not be sampled at this time. This does not include ginseng which is classified as
a root crop by EPA and noted as a food targeted for monitoring in Attachment B. CFSAN will
issue assignments for herb formulations as needed.

Do not sample foods labeled or marketed as organic foods unless there is suspicion that the food
contains residues that violate EPA’s pesticide tolerances. Criteria that qualifies foods as organic
is covered in a USDA regulation, and resources from this program should not be used to
determine compliance with the USDA regulation.

1. Domestic Sample Collections

Samples may be official or investigational. Compliance samples should be official. Strict adherence to
IOM requirements is necessary when sampling products for anticipated compliance actions. Collect
samples at or after harvest; EPA pesticide tolerances and FDA Action Levels do not apply to pre-
harvest field samples.

Develop district sampling plans based upon the criteria below:

• Commodities of local origin are preferred for surveillance sampling;

• Base coverage on past violative samples, current analytical findings, information

obtained through intelligence gathering activities, and on available current pesticide


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usage information. Investigations Operations Manual (IOM) subchapter 5.8

provides information concerning pesticide intelligence gathering operations;

• Guidance provided by CFSAN regarding recently reported USDA Pesticide

Data Program violations;

• Cover the use of pesticides (particularly fungicides) on crops produced in indoor

areas such as greenhouses, hydroponic facilities, and mushroom beds;

• Coordinate with state/EPA offices to cover pesticides applied under experimental

or emergency use as warranted. Districts should not ordinarily extend sampling
coverage to commodities subject to an experimental use permit;

• Develop information not available from previous years with respect to specific
pesticides and commodities; and

• Collect surveillance samples of fruits or vegetables at growers or packing sheds,

which are the preferred collection sites for these items. Retail samples can be
collected but only if the district is unable to meet its sampling obligation at the
preferred collection sites AND grower information is known so appropriate follow-
up can occur if violations are found.

• Do not collect domestic-import samples to satisfy domestic collection obligation.

Each district should:

• Collect at least 3 samples each of locally produced shell eggs and milk or cheese
from each state considered to be a major producer of these foods (districts are to
make this judgment). Collect additional samples if the findings or district
intelligence indicate there is a pesticide usage problem with these products or if the
state lacks a viable pesticide program covering these commodities; and

Give dairy products that are made from pasteurized milk a higher sampling priority
than other dairy items. Collect milk and cheese, if not packaged, in clean quart
(standard screw-top ring closure) glass jars. Use special Teflon 70mm diameter lid
liners to prevent the jar lid from contaminating the samples. If the Teflon liners are
temporarily not available, use double layers of contaminant-free aluminum foil.
Lid sealing material must not contact the sample. Ensure that milk samples are
refrigerated or frozen, since spoilage adversely affects analysis for some analytes.

Based upon local usage, collect and analyze raw agricultural products for:

• Carbamates with emphasis on aldicarb and carbofuran

• Synthetic pyrethroids
• Benomyl and thiophanate-methyl (where post-harvest application of the Fungicides
is indicated)
• Neonicitinoid pesticides (acetamiprid, clothianidin, dinotefuran, etc.)


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• Chlorophenoxy acids (2,3,4,6-tetrachlorophenol, 2,3,6-TBA, 2,4,5-T, etc.)

• Substituted urea pesticides (chlorobromuron, chloroxuron, diuron, etc.)

The residues of interest will be adjusted for select commodities over the course of the program.
The FDA field labs will be validating new analytical methods that will significantly increase
residue coverage when brought on-line.

Note that if analysis of potentially high residue-containing animal feed components (e.g., apple
pomace, cannery wastes) under the Center for Veterinary Medicine's program 7371.003 reveals
illegal residues, sample the milk and eggs (if any) from herds/flocks which consumed such feed.
Residues of persistent pesticides (e.g., dieldrin, heptachlor) present in food processing by-products
utilized in animal feed may result in illegal residues in milk/eggs.

Collect fresh produce samples at the early stages of the harvesting season to facilitate compliance
follow-up sampling if pesticide residues of significance are found. Sample the products of various
growers unless previous experience suggests the need to resample at a particular grower.

2. Import Sample Collections

The program must be flexible in order that the emphasis of district import coverage can be changed
to cover problems identified through the Import Bulletins, Alerts and monitoring results.

Pesticide coverage should be based on available pesticide usage information on the

commodity in the country of origin. CFSAN will be issuing annual import sampling
guidance based on available foreign pesticide usage, recent FDA findings, published
findings from other sources, and requests from other federal agencies such as EPA.
Because the post-harvest use of pesticides may also result in food pesticide residues,
consider monitoring pesticides commonly used during the transportation and storage of
imported foods.”

As pre-assigned servicing labs for individual collecting districts are no longer employed for
this program, it is important for the collecting district to be knowledgeable of the results of
analyses of their pesticide sample collections, and to use this information to help guide
future sampling. For example, reduce sampling of products and countries of origin shown
to have a high compliance rate, and further emphasize sampling of like-commodities and
from countries shown to have higher than usual violation rates (average import foods
violation rate has been between 5-7%). Do not continue to sample identical foods from a
particular grower (or manufacturer) and country; imported foods with illegal residues
should be placed on Import Alert for DWPE. If a country-wide problem is evident, please
consult with CFSAN’s compliance contact for a strategy to develop the necessary data to
support a country-wide DWPE recommendation.”

Develop sampling plans based on the criteria below:

• Attempt to sample a commodity from all countries offering that particular

emphasized product for entry into the district’s entry points;

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• Imported foods found in the previous season to contain pesticide residues of

significance must be sampled in the subsequent year to make certain that the
violation is not being repeated;

• Collect samples from those countries for which there is little or no information
from previous years sampling activities; and

• Other criteria deemed appropriate by the collecting district.

Please avoid sampling low dollar value entries (< $ 5,000) on a surveillance basis.

3. Seafood Sample Collections

The ORA Field Workplan target levels of import and domestic seafood sampling within this
program. Utilize those resources consistent with the sampling guidance below.

a. Domestic Seafood:

All Districts assigned specific seafood collections in the current ORA Field Workplan should
collect species of fish and/or shellfish locally produced (as close to their origin as possible) of
commercial significance. Locally produced seafood, especially non-migratory bottom feeders that
may be affected by local pollution, should be targeted. Species harvested close to shore, pollution
sources, prior problems, or areas where states have issued advisories due to pesticide pollution,
should also be considered.

Choose fresh forms of fish and shellfish, if available.

The following should be used as additional considerations:

• # should collect samples of Chesapeake finfish (e.g. striped bass, crab, bluefish,
flounder, shad)

• # should collect samples of Gulf Coast seafood (e.g. grouper, mullet)

• # should each collect samples of commercial finfish harvested from the Great

• # should collect samples of Gulf Coast finfish;

• # should collect samples of locally produced California marine finfish (e.g.,

croaker, sablefish, rockfish - sebastes species, and sole);

• # should collect samples of Gulf Coast finfish and aquacultured catfish, sand sea
trout, silver sea trout, and spot;

• # should collect samples of locally harvested marine species (e.g., striped bass,
flounder, hake, bluefish, snapper);


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• # should collect samples of Pacific salmon

b. Imported Seafood:

Priority should be given to all species of fresh-water fish and select aquacultured seafood
(see below). Monitoring data have shown limited pesticide residues in many ocean fish
(e.g., sea bass, cod, flounder, fluke, grouper, halibut, ocean perch, pollock, snapper, sole,
swordfish, tuna, and whiting), so limited monitoring of these species is called for.
Districts should emphasize import seafood sampling of the following commodities for

• Aquacultured tilapia, catfish and crayfish, especially from #

• Aquacultured shrimp from #
• Fresh water species from # which may have originated from the Great Lakes
(including chubs, perch yellow, lake trout, pike, salmon, whitefish and lake carp);
• Salmon from #
Shellfish, crustacean, and ocean fish, IF specific concerns exist about pesticide


IOM Sample Schedule Chart 3 lists minimum sample sizes. Refer to IOM subchapter 4.5 for sample
handling details.

NOTE: Districts have the option to collect 1 intact shipping case or a total of 20 lbs. from one or more
large containers of fresh produce from packing sheds or large produce warehouses. This "one case" option
may be used on domestic Pesticide Surveillance Samples; if the collector can be assured that the "one
case" collected is representative of the lot or field. If the collector is not assured of this, collect the
sample as indicated in IOM Sample Schedule Chart 3. This “one case” sampling does not apply to large
items such as melons.

If “one case” option is used for surveillance samples of domestic produce, describe in the Remarks
Section of the CR, the basis for determining that the sample is representative of the lot or field.

All surveillance samples of fresh imported produce, except grapes for sulfites, should consist of one case,
bag, bale, box, etc.

Collect and pack samples in container(s) the dealer uses to package the product. If dealer packaging is not
available, package samples into containers that best maintain sample integrity, e.g., plastic bags, boxes,
coolers, etc. Avoid the use paper containers (bags, boxes, etc.) to package high moisture commodities that
may leak moisture and compromise the integrity of the package.

DO NOT maintain the identity of individual subs for other surveillance or compliance samples except
when samples are collected from crops growing in the field to document pesticide drift.


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Submit samples to your Pesticide Servicing Lab except where otherwise instructed in Part IV. Refer to
IOM subchapter 4.5.5 for sample shipment details.

Be sure to annotate in the “Remarks Section” of the collection report (CR), the specific pesticide(s) for
which the sample is to be analyzed as indicated in the assignment, special survey, or compliance program.

Samples collected under this program, which are related to a particular incident, grower, etc. are to be
identified with an episode number. Refer to IOM Section for additional guidance.


Report resources utilized for pesticides into the FACTS as appropriate using the following Problem Area
Flags (PAF) and PACs:

PAC PAF PAF Description

04004A PES Pesticide analysis

04004D DIO Dioxin analysis

Note: PAC 04016 is no longer to be used for import pesticide samples; it had been deactivated for FY 03
and beyond. Use PAC 04004A for all general domestic and import pesticide samples.

Flag “Sample Basis” in FACTS either “Pesticide Surveillance” or “Pesticide Compliance”.

Surveillance Sampling: “Pesticide Surveillance” samples are collected on an objective basis where there
is no evidence or suspicion of pesticide misuse on a food or feed commodity. All routine sampling
should be flagged as surveillance samples.

Compliance Sampling: “Pesticide Compliance” samples are collected on a selective basis as a result of
inspectional or other evidence of suspected misuse of a pesticide on a food or feed commodity or as a
follow-up to a pesticide “Surveillance Sample” that was found to contain actionable levels of pesticides
residues. Compliance samples are considered to be “for cause” samples for purpose of CFSAN data

Reporting Instructions for Domestic Foods:

• List names and address of the grower/processor if different from the shipper;

• Report information regarding which crops were grown and pesticides used in fields
adjacent to the field, which produced the sampled food;

• For selective samples collected from crops growing in the field only to document
drift, diagram the field location of each sub on the FDA-464 or FDA-464a form;


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• For compliance samples collected because of suspected industrial chemical

contaminants, report where the commodity was produced with respect to the
suspected contaminant source. It is imperative that the FDA-464 lists what chemicals
or chemical classes are suspected;

• When assigned to collect a soil sample, report what pesticides or other chemical
contaminants are suspected. DO NOT routinely collect soil samples;

• In accordance with Field Management Directive No. 129 (based on an MOU between
FDA and EPA), FDA districts are to notify the EPA regional offices when FDA
investigations or sample analyses reveal pesticide misuse. Please also advise the
CFSAN program contact when evidence of intentional misuse is apparent. Consider
the need to collect additional samples or other evidence documenting pesticide
misuses when violative residues are encountered. Include information concerning
whether misuse has occurred or the potential for drift exists in the "Remarks" section
of the FDA-464; and

• Report episode number. Refer to IOM, Section for additional


Reporting Instructions for Imported Foods:

Time expended on the following activities should be reported as Operation 14, Import

• Developing, coordinating, and monitoring district or regional import plans;

• Use of intelligence concerning foreign pesticide usage information;

• Examining import records (entry review);

• Investigation of shipping/warehousing/handling practices to uncover potential

routes of contamination; and

• Contact with U.S. Customs Agents, USDA/APHIS (PPQ-280’s and imported

commodities forecast), commodity brokers, shippers, and importers.


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Domestic and Imported Foods

Analyzing Laboratories

Ship samples per National Sample Distributor (NSD). Follow IOM for detail

A. Procedural Requirements

1. All analytical packages to support significant residue findings, samples must follow the
"Guidance for the Analysis and Documentation to Support Regulatory Action On Pesticide
Residues" (For detail information, please see (#)

2. In the initial stages of product/area coverage, examine pesticide surveillance samples for as
many classes of chemicals as is practicable. At a minimum, examine the sample for
organohalogen and organophosphorus residues. Consider using two or more multi-residue and
single residue methods to provide broader coverage for pesticide residues.

3. Analyze samples for chemicals applied under emergency exemptions, as appropriate.

4. For the pesticides listed in Attachment D, "Pesticide Reanalysis Criteria," a finding by

multiresidue methodology at or above the specified percentage of the tolerance requires
reanalysis by a method (such as PAM II) for "total" residues or for complete recoveries.

5. Prepare and analyze raw agricultural commodities on a whole product basis except where
impractical (e.g., removal of pits or stones from fruits). Follow the "raw agricultural
commodity" definitions and guidance in PAM I, 102. Conduct analyses as soon after collection
as practical to minimize the potential for residue deterioration and loss.

6. Use the list of pesticide chemicals subject to Codex maximum residue limits (MRLs),
(“international tolerances”), and the Canadian Compilation of MRLs as guide to possible
residues on import products.

7. Refer to PAM I, 3rd Edition, for all PAM references. Multi-residue methods should continue to
be used for the majority of pesticide samples. Single residue methods (e.g., PAM II, Laboratory
Information Bulletins, and other suitable methods), however, must be used when a food is
suspected of containing a pesticide not detectable by multi-residue methods or for selective

B. Methodology

In cases involving a residue level exceeding an official tolerance (40CFR180), an official method
must be used for sample analysis when available and appropriate for both the commodity and


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residue. Methods in Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC International and Pesticide
Analytical Manual, Volumes I & II are official.

1. Organohalogen, Organophosphorus & PCB Residues

When multi-residue GLC methods are used, determine the pesticides and PCB residues by GLC
with element and mass selective detection, refer to PAM I, 302 for determination. Refer to
PAM I, 105 for determining limits of quantitation for pesticides and PCBs.

(a) Use PAM I, 302 for fresh fruits and vegetables.

(b) Use PAM I, 303 E3 or 302 E4 for low moisture-low fat products.

(c) For fish and shellfish samples, refer to PAM I, 303 and 304. Report residue
findings in finfish and mollusks on the edible portion basis. Residue findings in
prawns/shrimp should be reported on the whole product basis.

(d) Evaluate chromatograms of all samples for PCBs and pesticides. If presence of
PCBs is indicated, complete analysis using the necessary treatment of extract prior
to GLC determination. See PAM I, 304 C3 or C4.

(e) Analyze all milk, milk products, and shell eggs for chlorinated hydrocarbons using
PAM I, 304.

2. Carbamate Residues

Carbamate residues amenable to gas chromatography can be determined by PAM I, 302

(PAM I, 302 DG4, DG5, and DG17. PAM I tables 302a and 302b lists compounds recovered
by these methods.

N-methylcarbamate residues in fruit and vegetable samples may be determined by the PAM I,
401, or 302 (E1-E3 plus C3 or C4 and DL1)

N-methylcarbamate analyses must be conducted on a minimum of 10% of all fresh fruits and
vegetables and on 25-50% of all potato/sweet potato and Florida citrus samples.

3. Benomyl and Thiophanate-methyl

Where application on fruits/vegetables is indicated, analyze for the common degradate,

carbendazim (methyl 2-benzimidazole carbamate) using PAM I, 404. Consider coverage of
produce for post-harvest application of benomyl.

4. Malathion

Examine grains, peanuts and soybeans using the 50% Florisil elution or elute 3 described in
PAM I, 303 C1 or C2 when section 303 extractions and cleanup methods are used.

5. Ethylenebisdithiocarbamates (EBDCs) and Ethylenethiourea (ETU)

Analyze for EBDCs using JAOAC 54, 528 (1977) (CS2 evolution method), and for ETU
using JAOAC 72, 975 (1989).

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When residues of EBDCs exceed an established tolerance, in addition to the check analysis,
the laboratory must determine the presence of ETU. Other permitted dithiocarbamates may
be erroneously reported as EBDCs without an ETU confirmation.

6. Phenylurea Herbicides

Use PAM I, 403.

7. Sulfite Residues (Grapes)

Appropriate screening techniques may be used to determine residual sulfites. However, since
all screening techniques may not give results equivalent to the Modified Monier-Williams
method, contact the ORA scientific contact for approval before use.

Conduct check analysis on any samples containing 10 ppm sulfur dioxide or greater using the
Modified Monier-Williams method, Fed. Reg., Vol 51, No. 131, p. 25017-20, dated 7/9/86,

C. Lab Classification/Data Reporting

Some confusion concerning classification of pesticide samples has existed in the past. Be
guided by the examples below for pesticides and PCBs.

Lab Class "1": The sample contains no residue or contains residues that are within the limits of
an established tolerance or guideline.

Lab Class "2": The sample contains a confirmed residue for which no tolerance or guideline in
the sampled food has been established, but the residue level is such that it requires no follow-up
(e.g. residue found at trace level).

Lab Class "3": The sample contains a confirmed residue that exceeds a tolerance or guideline or
contains a residue at a significant level for which no tolerance in the sample food has been

NOTE: For samples coded as Class 3, each residue meeting the criteria for Lab Class 3 must
have the appropriate code entered into the violative residue field (i.e., "X" for exceeds
tolerance, "N" for no tolerance, or "A" for at or above action level). The code must be entered
into the data records for both the original and check analyses.

For samples analyzed under a special emphasis survey, the residue code for each pesticide of
interest in the survey must be entered, regardless of whether or not the pesticide was found.

Samples which contain other industrial chemical contaminants (confirmed) above the trace
level should be coded "2".

Report all analytical results for pesticides and industrial chemicals in imported and domestic
foods into the FACTS as appropriate using the following Problem Area Flags (PAF) and PACs:


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PAC PAF PAF Description

04004A PES Pesticide analysis

04004D DIO Dioxin analysis

NOTE: PAC 04016, previously used for pesticides and industrial chemicals in imported foods
has been deactivated for FY 03 and beyond.


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The published Compliance Policy Guide (CPG) 7141.01, section 575.100, which outlines FDA’s
enforcement policy for pesticides in human foods and animal feeds, is currently under revision (August,
2006) to reflect the amendments in the Food Quality Protection Act (FQPA). For detailed information on
the following issues, review the revised CPG, when issued:

A. “Channels of Trade” Provision

B. Charge for Illegal Pesticides in Food
C. Section 18 of FIFRA
D. Unavoidable Pesticide Chemical Residues

Direct Reference Authority for Regulatory Actions:

Districts have direct reference authority for seizure in cases of domestic foods, and detention and the
corresponding detention without physical examination (DWPE) in cases of imported foods, without
prior consultation from CFSAN, when the required criteria are met. The criteria for direct reference
authority for regulatory actions involving pesticide residue violations are in Attachment E. Please
refer to this document for specific information when processing enforcement actions for domestic and
imported foods.

Domestic Foods:

The most effective way to remove food adulterated with pesticides from domestic channels has
been through voluntary recalls. Where voluntary corrective actions are not effective, consider
seizure if there is a seizable size lot under embargo or voluntary hold. Otherwise, the District
should consider follow-up on each sample classified as "Lab Class 3", either by meeting with the
grower/shipper to discuss corrective action, or considering issuing of a Warning Letter.

Preliminary injunctions should be considered only as a last resort because the time required to
process such cases usually exceeds the shelf life of the product. Consider injunctions only when
the firm has a large inventory of the adulterated food for sale over a few months.

NOTE: Compliance Achievement Reporting System (CARS) should be updated if the

firm voluntarily corrects the problem.

Immediately notify the regional EPA office when investigation reveals possible misuse of
pesticides. See Memorandum of Understanding, CPG 7155b.04 and FMD 129.

The final disposition of each violative shipment and the action taken MUST BE REPORTED on
the compliance screen in FACTS for all Lab Class 3 samples.

Imported Foods:

Recommendations for detention and detention without physical examination involving pesticide
residues should be forwarded to CFSAN’s Division of Enforcement, Import Branch, HFS-606
and DIOP, HFC-172. The recommendations should be made using the form provided as
Attachment F.


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Attachment A - FDA-State Cooperation in the Pesticides and Chemical Contaminants Program

Attachment B - Domestic and Imported Foods for FDA Monitoring

Attachment C - Destination Point Sampling

Attachment D - Pesticide Reanalysis Criteria

Attachment E - Criteria for Direct Reference Seizure or Detention Involving Pesticide Residues

Attachment F – Recommendation for Detention Without Physical Examination

Attachment G - Dioxin, Furans and PCBs in Food


1. USDA, Weekly Summary Shipments-Unloads, Fresh Fruit and Vegetable Market News.

2. USDA, Usual Planting and Harvesting Dates for Fresh Market and Processing Vegetables
(Agriculture Handbook No. 507).

3. USDA, Pesticide Review.

4. USDA, Domestic Pesticide Usage Data (NASS)

5. Code of Federal Regulations, Title 40, Part 180 and 185.

6. Investigations Operations Manual, Sample Schedule

7. Regulatory Procedures Manual

8. Compliance Policy Guide 7141.01

9. Pesticide Analytical Manual, Volume I & II



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Compliance Program Inquiries:

Shannon Ingram, CFSAN/OC, Division of Field Programs and Guidance,

Program Assignment and Monitoring Branch, HFS-615,
Phone: 240-402-4885.

Domestic and Imported Food

Regulatory Action Inquiries:

Standra Purnell, CFSAN/OC, Division of Enforcement,

Product Adulteration Branch, HFS-606, Phone: 240-402-1613,

Center Program Coordinator:


HFS-317, Phone: 240-402-2464

Center Analytical/Methods/Method and Residue Code Inquiries:

Alex Krynitsky, CFSAN/OCD/ORS/DBC/BMB,

HFS-717, Phone: 240-402-2098



HFS-706, Phone: 240-402-1893

ORA Scientific Inquiries:

Selen Stromgren, ORO/Division of Field Science,

HFC-141, Phone: 301-796-6550

ORA Investigations Inquiries:

Norman Fogg, Investigations Branch, HFC-132,

Phone: 301-796-5448


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ORO/DIOP Import Contact:

Ted Poplawski, ORO/DIOP

HFC-172, Phone: 301-796-6674

Stella Notzon, ORO/DIOP

HFC-172, Phone: 301-796-6678

Data Input Inquiries:


HFS-615, Phone: 240-402-1910


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The Office of Food Safety will prepare an annual report for web publication of the findings of
this program. Existing reports may be accessed @

The Center for Food Safety and Applied Nutrition and the Center for Veterinary Medicine have
designated individuals to coordinate exchange of residue data and other appropriate information,
since residue findings in feeds and in foods derived from animals is often interrelated.


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To provide guidance to FDA field offices for the establishment of cooperative FDA-State pesticides and
chemical contaminants programs. Such programs enhance FDA and state monitoring and enforcement
activities, achieve optimal coverage of human foods and animal feeds, and provide for the most efficient
use of available resources.


The FDA has a long history of cooperation with state agencies on a variety of food and feed safety issues.
As part of this relationship, we routinely share information and are involved in cooperative programs or
partnerships with states in the area of pesticide and other chemical residues in food and feeds. This
guidance provides the groundwork for each district to establish FDA/State cooperative programs or


This document provides a fairly comprehensive matrix for FDA/State cooperative programs or
partnerships in the pesticide area, including a step-by-step procedure from initial contact with State
agencies through actual joint planning, work sharing, and data exchanging. While all field offices have
progressed beyond the initial stages, it is useful to periodically consider whether some of the first steps
need repeating as personnel turnover occurs.

It is imperative that FDA districts establish and maintain close, mutually beneficial working relationships
with their state counterparts. Viable, comprehensive FDA/State cooperative programs or partnerships
should be the goal for each district. At the very least, districts should establish with each State within
district boundaries, a system of communication and information exchange on domestic food monitoring
and, if appropriate, imported foods

A. General

1. Make contact with agencies or organizations in a state that are involved in monitoring food
and/or feed commodities for pesticides and industrial chemicals or regulate pesticides or
industrial chemicals. These state agencies or organizations may include: health,
environmental protection, agriculture, fisheries and university or college extension services.

2. Obtain information on each agency's responsibilities regarding pesticides and industrial

chemicals and their applicable state laws and regulations. Describe the FDA's responsibility
and how a cooperative program can benefit all organizations and ultimately improve
consumer protection.

3. Follow-up meetings and contacts should be scheduled to formulate the program with those
state agencies that have expressed an interest in this cooperative effort. It may be appropriate
at this point to include regional EPA and USDA personnel in these meetings.


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4. Prepare a listing of contact persons from each of these involved agencies and the FDA that
include address, work and home telephone numbers. Copy all agencies.

5. Use meetings, newsletters and committees of AFDO regional associations, (e.g., CASA and
AFDOSS), and AAFCO, to publicize FDA/State cooperative programs or partnerships and to
encourage participation of states not yet involved. Seminars, workshops and committees of
these associations can be effective tools for information and data sharing, laboratory methods
discussions, etc.

6. Request and acquire pesticide usage reports from state contacts.

7. Provide assistance as may be requested by state and USDA personnel who are participating in
the recently initiated USDA Pesticide Data Program (PDP).

B. Joint Planning

1. Schedule at least one planning meeting annually with the involved agencies. The following
information should be considered each year in formulating FDA/State monitoring of
domestically produced foods and feeds:

a. Pesticide usage information, both historic and recommendations for the coming
year, including possible experimental uses and emergency exemptions (county
extension offices may be a useful source of this information);

b. Predicted insect and other pest problems;

c. Crop production data, including approximate harvest times;

d. How to handle specific types of operations, e.g., hot house and hydroponic
facilities, aquaculture, etc.

e. Landfills and hazardous waste sites that may affect crops, foods;

f. Animal grazing areas or commercial fishing or other FDA regulated operation;

f. Special surveys to be done by the state and/or FDA;

g. Coordination with State/USDA programs; and

h. Seafood consumption advisories.

2. Utilize joint planning for maximum coverage of commodities (i.e. foods and feeds for food
producing animals) and pesticides. Do not ignore foods or feeds that have not had a past
problem. Consider both short and long-term planning to assure comprehensive coverage.

3. Ensure that sampling procedures and analytical methods are as consistent as feasible. A
laboratory quality assurance program is an excellent way to assure consistency among
laboratories. This can be accomplished by agreeing to split one or more samples collected


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each year for analysis by different laboratories using the same method. Joint FDA and state
sampling can be one method to obtain consistency in sampling procedures.

4. Use imaginative approaches to make the best use of available state and FDA resources. For
example, states that do not have laboratory facilities to analyze samples of food or feed may
be willing to collect samples for FDA analysis with the results shared with those states. Or,
state labs may have the capability of conducting certain types of pesticide analyses but not
others. In this situation analytical work could be shared.

5. An FDA district/state-sampling plan should be formulated using all available information and
incorporating all aspects of agreed upon cooperation. This plan should be in writing and
include the reason behind the selection of foods or feeds for sampling.

6. Establish a system for exchange of information during the year such as information on
violative samples (including actions taken), periodic feedback on non-violative results, new
regulations or policies, emergency situations, i.e., drift reports, spills, etc.

C. Program Monitoring and Coordination

The district's pesticide coordination team (PCT) (described in Field Management Directive 134)
serves as the focal point for the district's pesticide sampling and analytical activities, including
primary contact with state, county and local government agencies.

The pesticide coordination team should be responsible for the day-to-day monitoring and
coordination for the district's FDA/state pesticide sampling cooperative program. This responsibility
may include but is not limited to the following:

1. Ensuring that the joint sampling plan is being followed or appropriate revisions are being

2. If changes are made in the sampling plan, assuring that the changes are justified and have
been discussed with cooperating state agencies;

3. Coordinating follow up investigations to samples with significant residue findings.

4. Tracking accomplishments, including analytical and inspection results, compliance and other

5. Planning and scheduling meetings as necessary;

6. Coordinating training; and

7. Providing the region with district/state sampling plan information.

D. Compliance Activities

Regulatory activities of each agency will be in accordance with each agency's statutory authority and
regulatory policies. Actions taken by one agency do not preclude another agency from taking action.
The following items should be considered:

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1. If possible and appropriate establishes a system whereby inspection and/or analytical results
can be used to eliminate or minimize duplicative efforts;

2. Establish a system that provides for the immediate notification of cooperating agencies when
a sample is found to contain residues of significance. Coordinate follow-ups to remove the
commodity from the market, determine if other shipments or food or feed producers are
affected, and obtain evidence for possible action against the producer;

3. Regulatory action will not always be available to the FDA because of lack of interstate
movement or some other reason. However, action can often be taken by state agencies; and

4. Keep in mind that there may be agencies other than a state health or agricultural department
that can take an appropriate action (e.g., a state agency that regulates pesticides has the
authority to fine producers or removes a pesticide applicator's license).

In addition to FDA and state regulatory action, alternative means to promote compliance should be
considered using the cooperative program.

The following examples can be used to, among other things, inform growers and applicators of the
FDA/state regulatory action taken against violators:

1. Bulletin or newsletter issued by state agriculture agencies or county agents;

2. Training sessions given by extension services; and

3. Food and feed producer meetings.

E. Training

Cooperative training programs have a number of benefits and should be considered as a part of the
overall cooperative FDA/state programs. When necessary and resources and personnel are available,
training can be given or received by the FDA or state personnel such as:

1. Training courses on pesticides and industrial chemicals;

2. Sampling and inspection procedures; and

3. Methods of analysis and laboratory techniques.

The FDA’s Division of Human Resource Development (DHRD) can conduct training identified in the
annual training need survey. The FDA regional or district offices and the states through the regional
affiliates of AFDO or AAFCO may meet other training needs through development of local courses.

F. Data Exchanges

1. In those cases where states log their program findings by computer, the states should be
encouraged to have compatible information fields with the FDA's data fields so that data can
be extracted from one system and coded into another.

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2. FDA and state analytical data should be freely exchanged among cooperating agencies on a
routine basis.

3. Actions taken by the FDA or a state as follow-up to a violative sample must be tracked and
recorded under the Shipment Disposition Data System.


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Except when advised otherwise by headquarters, the FDA's sampling of domestic and imported foods for
pesticide residues on a surveillance basis should be directed toward the following food commodities list
(list is not in priority order). Samples should primarily consist of the raw agricultural commodity.
Limited sampling of these foods in a processed, primarily single ingredient form is acceptable.

Please remember that this program emphasizes foods consumed in large amounts by infants and children.
These commodities include apples, apple juice, pears, bananas, carrots, green beans, oats/oatmeal,
oranges/orange juice, peaches, peas, rice, potatoes, sweet potatoes, corn and wheat products (e.g., farina):

Root and Tuber Vegetables: beets (garden and sugar), carrots, potatoes, radishes, sweet
potatoes, yams, rutabagas, turnips, artichokes and cassava (bitter
or sweet), taro (dasheen) and ginseng (all forms including root,
teas, and dietary supplements).

Bulb Vegetables: water chestnuts.

Leaf & Stem Vegetables: bok choy, celery, lettuce (all varieties), cilantro, cress, endive,
and spinach.

Brassica Vegetables: broccoli, cauliflower, collards, mustard greens and kale.

Legume Vegetables: succulent and dried form of beans and peas (all varieties).

Fruiting Vegetables: eggplant, peppers (hot and sweet), okra (including Chinese okra
and luffa), tomatillos and tomatoes.

Cucurbit Vegetables: cucumbers, pumpkins, squash (summer and winter).

Citrus Fruits: grapefruit, lemons, limes, oranges, tangeloes, clementines and


Pome fruits: apples, pears.

Stone Fruits: apricots, cherries (sweet and sour), nectarines, peaches, plums,
and prunes.

Small Fruits and Berries: blackberries, blueberries, boysenberries, cranberries, grapes,

raspberries, and strawberries.

Tropical/Subtropical Fruits: avocadoes, mangoes, olives, pepinos, pineapples, papayas,

guavas, bananas, kiwi fruit.

Vine Fruits (melons): bitter melons, cantaloupes, honeydew melons, muskmelons,

watermelon and others.


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Tree Nuts: almonds, pecans, and walnuts (black and English), pistachios,
peanuts, cashews. (Analyze primarily for post harvest

Cereal Grains: barley, corn, oats, rice, wheat, rye, wild rice, and farina.

Oilseeds: soybeans, peanuts and cottonseed.

Refined Vegetable Oils: shipped in bulk and examined primarily for industrial chemicals
due to contamination during transit.

Fish and Shellfish: locally produced seafood of commercial significance especially

fresh-water species. See Part III; item 2 “Seafood Samples

Aquaculture Products: Domestic - Commercially significant species (e.g., catfish,

crawfish, trout) from aquaculture producers throughout the
district's geographical area.

Imports - Aquacultured tilapia, catfish and crayfish,

especially from (#); Aquacultured shrimp from (#).

Milk Products: milk, cheese, dried milk, dried whey.

Miscellaneous: mushrooms


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These procedures are designed to insure the effective and efficient handling of regulatory actions against
foods bearing illegal pesticide residues that may degrade rapidly. "Destination point sampling" is not
required for pesticide residues for which there is no tolerance or when misuse is documented. (These
procedures apply only when the origin district collects the official sample that is used as the basis for the
seizure recommendation.)

The originating district is responsible for recommending the seizure action to Chief, Domestic Branch
(DB), HFS-607, and for alerting DB when the recommendation is being prepared for submission. Where
DB assistance is required other than during normal working hours, contact DB as indicated in the
emergency procedures.

Once the originating district decides to recommend seizure, they will request the destination point district
to collect and analyze a sample of the lot to corroborate the original findings while the seizure
recommendation is being processed.

Seizure recommendations should include all the necessary documents, such as the investigational findings
and a complete analytical package for the official sample collected at the origin.

DB will process the seizure recommendation and transmit the seizure documents to the Office of
Enforcement (HFC-200) if tentative approval is granted. The tentative approval will be conveyed by
telephone. HFC-200 and OCC will process the seizure recommendation on the basis of the tentative
approval. The seizure will be transmitted to the destination district for filing after DB grants final
approval, which will be based on analytical results, obtained for the destination sample.

The servicing laboratory for the destination point district is responsible for conducting a single analysis
(no check analysis necessary) to corroborate the initial findings and for providing the analytical results
directly to DB, first by telephone, and then by submission of the analytical package for Center review.

DB will notify the destination and originating districts and HFC-200 of the final decision based on the
analytical results for the destination point sample.


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A. For various reasons, certain pesticides are only partially recovered using commonly employed
multiresidue methodology. As a general guideline, when the residue level determined by the
multiresidue method exceeds # of the tolerance level, the sample should be reanalyzed using
alternate elution systems, higher or lower column temperatures or other methods such as those in
PAM II, which give acceptable recoveries.

Because of their frequent occurrence, or toxicological concern, the above guideline applies
particularly to the following pesticides:

PAM I Methods
Used Initially Pesticide

303, 304 linuron


304 dialifor
hexacholorobenzene (HCB)

303 captafol

302 methamidophos

B. Metabolites of the following pesticides are of significant toxicological concern, are expected to
constitute major portions of the total residues covered by the tolerance, and are only partially
recovered (or are not recovered) by commonly used multiresidue methodology. Perform
reanalysis by a method for "total residues" such as that given in PAM II whenever the pesticide or
any one of its metabolites is found at the indicated percentage of tolerance. (This list is restricted
to those pesticides of most concern, and does not include all pesticides posing the problem of
incomplete determination of regulated metabolites.)

Pesticide Metabolites % of Tolerance

pronamide those which can be converted #

to methyl-3,5 dichlorobenzoate
using acid reflux

phorate sulfoxide; sulfone; O-analog; #

O-analog sulfoxide; O-analog

disulfoton sulfoxide; sulfone; demeton-S #

(O-analog of disulfoton);

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demeton-S sulfoxide; demeton-S sulfone

Pesticide Metabolites % of Tolerance

demeton -O sulfoxide; demeton-O #

sulfone; demeton-O; O-analog;
demeton-S sulfoxide; demeton-S

fenamiphos sulfoxide; sulfone #

terbufos sulfoxide; sulfone; O-analog; #

O-analog sulfoxide; O-analog

nitrofen metabolites containing the #

diphenylether moiety

alachlor metabolites containing the #

2,6-diethylaniline moiety

diuron those which can be converted #

to 3,4-dichloroaniline by
alkaline hydrolysis

linuron those which can be converted #

to 3,4-dichloroaniline by
alkaline hydrolysis

U.S. registration of nitrofen has been canceled. Foreign use is believed to be still extensive.


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Districts have direct reference authority for seizure in cases of domestic foods, and detention and the
corresponding detention without physical examination (DWPE) in cases of imported foods, without prior
consultation from CFSAN, when the following required criteria are met.

Note: Direct Reference Authority does not apply to cases based on “Action Levels”. Action Levels
represent levels at which FDA will consider whether it should exercise enforcement discretion. All
domestic and import regulatory actions based on Action Levels must be submitted to CFSAN, Division of
Enforcement, for review and concurrence consideration.

A. General Requirements

1. The sample of food was collected in accordance with all instructions provided in the
Investigations Operations Manual, Sample Schedule, Chart 3; or other CFSAN guidance
documents, i.e. assignment/Compliance Programs (CP).

2. The portion of food commodity analyzed was in accordance with PAM I.

3. A confirmatory or check analysis of a second test portion that demonstrates the presence of
the residue of interest was performed.

4. In cases involving a residue level exceeding an official tolerance (40CFR180), an official

method must be used for either the original or check analysis when available and appropriate
for both the commodity and residue. Methods in Official Methods of Analysis of the AOAC
International and Pesticide Analytical Manual, Volumes I & II are official. Miniaturized
versions of these methods are considered equivalent to the official version.

In cases where a residue is present for which there is no established tolerance, a non-official
method may be used. However, use of an official method is preferred.

5. In situations, where the pesticide residue exceeds a tolerance, the residue amount determined
in both the original and check analyses agree within 30%.

6. The pesticide residue was measured and the level was calculated in accordance with the
residue expression (the appropriate parent compounds and metabolites) found at the
applicable tolerance regulation or action level citation in the CPG.

7. The amount was calculated following the calculation criteria specified in PAM.

8. The analytical work and work sheets must conform to the Criteria for Analytical Packages
outlined in attachment F.

9. The district must provide CFSAN’s Division of Enforcement, Domestic Branch (HFS-607,
with a copy of each direct reference Warning Letter as it issues and courtesy copies of seizure
documents for all direct reference cases as they are recommended to OCC. In cases of

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PROGRAM 7304.004

imported products, the district must provide CFSAN’s Import Branch (HFS-606) with a copy
of recommendation for Detention Without Physical Examination Pesticide Sample Worksheet
(see Attachment F) for all direct reference import cases as soon as action is taken.

B. Tolerance Exists for a Particular Pesticide/Commodity Combination.

In addition to the General Requirements, a direct reference is authorized only when the lower of the
residue amounts determined by either the original or check analysis exceed the established tolerance by a
least 15%.

NOTE: For cases where a tolerance is exceeded, but the criteria for direct reference seizure
authority has not been met, e.g., a finding less than 15% above the tolerance refer the case to
Division of Enforcement, Domestic Branch for consultation and approval. Enclose the
complete analytical worksheets and other pertinent documentation.

Recommendation for detention without physical examination due to pesticide residues for which there is
an established tolerance should be submitted directly to DIOP.

C. No Tolerance, Tolerance Exemption, Emergency Exemption Exists

Direct reference is authorized only when the districts make the following determinations:

• Determine whether the food belongs to a particular crop grouping (refer to Title 40
CFR 180.1, 180.34 and 180.41).

• The district must also determine that no Section 18 tolerance is in effect for the use of
the pesticide (see in the food. If a Section 18
tolerance is or has been in effect, and the residue found exceeds EPA’s tolerance, refer
the case to Division of Enforcement, Product Adulteration Branch.

For all other instructions follow ORA-LAB.10 at


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DATE: _________________
FROM: District/Mail Code_________________________________
Case Contact _______________________________
Phone _________________ FAX________
TO:Chief, PAB (HFS-606), FAX : 240-402-2716
DIOP/OPB. FAX: 301-595-7939
SUBJECT: Recommendation for Detention Without Physical Examination
____ Import Alert 99-05, (Raw Agricultural Products)
____ Import Alert 99-08, (Processed Foods)
_____ This recommendation is being sent to CFSAN for concurrence OR
_____ This sample meets the criteria for direct reference
Sample Number: _________________ Entry Number: _________________
Product:________________________ Product Code:_________________
Grower/Shipper: _________________________________________________
Street Address:__________________________________________________
City:___________________________ Country:______________________
FEI #:__________________________
Findings: _______ppm original analysis ______ppm check analysis
_______exceeds tolerance OR ______no tolerance
Analyzing Lab:________
Note: CFSAN decision is not required for direct reference actions
________ Approved _________ Disapproved
DOE Signature_________________________
Date DIOP notified_____________________


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To obtain more comprehensive data on background levels of dioxin in a wide variety of foods so that the
Agency can more accurately estimate dioxin exposure and better determine how to reduce dietary dioxin
levels to protect the public health.


Environmental dioxins occur in many animal foods and feeds. Because dioxins accumulate in food-
producing animals, consumption of animal-derived foods (e.g., meat, poultry, eggs, fish, dairy products)
is considered to be the major route of human exposure. The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA)
has been concerned about dioxins in foods for more than 30 years and has been monitoring certain foods
with the goal of identifying ways to reduce dietary exposure.

In the past, the FDA's monitoring program for dioxins (a group of compounds known as
dioxins/furans/coplanar polychlorinated biphenyls or PCBs) has consisted of determining background
levels in certain foods. These foods have been identified as potential pathways of dietary dioxins. The
FDA has also investigated individual events of unusual levels of dioxins, such as ball-clay, with naturally
high levels of dioxin used as a feed ingredient. Because dioxin analysis is costly and time consuming,
data on background levels in foods are limited. For many foods, the Agency has no data. With limited
data, it has been difficult to determine how dioxin levels in foods can be further reduced. The purpose of
the dioxin-monitoring program is to obtain more comprehensive data on background levels of dioxin in a
wide variety of foods so that the Agency can more accurately estimate exposure and better determine how
to reduce dietary dioxin levels to protect the public health. The FDA will use the data on background
levels to:

1. Identify unusual levels of dioxin in more foods. Currently, it is difficult to determine

unusual levels of dioxin in foods because the Agency has limited information on typical
background levels;

2. Ascertain how to reduce exposure of unusual levels of dioxin by:

a. Determining the source of contamination through trace-back investigations;

b. Determining whether a health hazard exists that may warrant appropriate
enforcement action. This will be done on a case-by-case basis.

3. Improve exposure assessments of dioxin by providing better information on:

a. Exposure trends over time;

b. Average levels in foods that provide a large portion of dioxin exposure;
c. Regional variability;
d. Various diets.


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A. Investigational

1. Collecting districts: All except SJN. For district sampling obligation, please refer to the
appropriate quarterly Sampling Instructions and Collection Schedule developed jointly by
CFSAN (Office of Plant and Dairy Foods and Office of Compliance; Division of Field
Programs) and ORA (Division of Field Science). The Sampling Instructions and Collection
Schedule are issued by CFSAN/Division of Field Programs, Compliance Programs Branch,
HFS-636 and lists monthly district sampling obligations.

2. Priority should be given to collecting aquaculture fish samples (catfish, salmon and striped
bass) with associated finished feed samples for all aquaculture fish samples. These samples
should be collected as soon as they become available. DO NOT collect aquaculture fish
samples if the associated finished feed samples are unavailable.

3. A unique sample number must be assigned to all aquaculture finished feed samples.
FACTS does not allow for multi-subsample reporting of lab results.

4. ALL domestic products, including produce items, should be collected at retail

establishments, except aquaculture fish, corresponding finished feed samples and
requested feed components. Aquaculture fish and corresponding finished feed samples
must be collected at the grower. Additionally, feed components, as requested in the
quarterly Sampling Instructions and Collection Schedule, must be collected at feed mills.

5. DO NOT sample products of import origin (i.e., cashews) while in import status.
Products should be collected in commerce after they have been released from
import status. Shipments should be released via OASIS after location of goods is
determined to allow sample collection. The Collection Report should include
reference to the entry/line number.

6. Each fiscal year KAN-DO laboratory will send a portion of approximately 232 food items
from the Total Diet Study market basket collection to the Arkansas Regional Laboratory for
dioxin analysis. These samples will have been cooked, processed or otherwise prepared as
appropriate for Total Diet Study pesticide analysis. The composite portions will be
dispensed into dioxin-free jars.

7. Samples are to be collected and analyzed for 17 dioxin/furan congeners and 3 PCB
congeners (as methods become available) when analyzed by high resolution mass
spectrometry (HRMS), for 15 dioxin/furan congeners and 3 PCB congeners (as methods
become available) when analyzed by ion trap mass spectrometry (ITMS).

Sampling Instructions:

For specific sampling instructions, see the appropriate Sampling Instructions and Collection Schedule.

Where applicable, refer to IOM, Sample Schedule, Chart 3, Part 1, for sample size of domestic and
domestic-import foods that have no specialized sampling instructions indicated.


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Sample Shipment:



Follow directions as provided in the Sampling Instructions and Collection Schedule as to which
lab(s) samples should be submitted to.

Mark the outside of each parcel PERISHABLE except for canned and packaged dry foods. Ship
samples packed in ice by overnight service. Refer to IOM for instructions on shipping
frozen samples and IOM for instructions on shipping refrigerated samples.

Do not ship on Fridays.

For samples destined for ARL, ship to:

Arkansas Regional Laboratory, HFR-SW500

Attn: Mr. William “Kirk” Wilkes, Sample Custodian (Phone: 870-543-4012)
3900 NCTR Rd., Building 26
Jefferson, AR 72079-9502.

Please Note: FedEx will add a sur- charge to shipments that are sent to the old building
(building 14).

For samples destined for KAN-DO, ship to:

FDA, KAN-DO District Laboratory HFR-SW360

Attn: Lloyd Ingram, Sample Custodian – Dioxins (Phone: 913-752-2483)
11510 West 80th Street
Lenexa, KS 66214

B. Analytical

Analyzing Laboratories:

• Arkansas Regional Laboratory (HRMS and ITMS)

• KAN-DO (only ITMS capability)

The fat content of all whole milk samples should be determined.

The following is the list of dioxin, furan, and coplanar-PCB congeners of interest. The PCB congeners
should be reported as methods are developed and implemented into routine procedures.

Dibenzodioxins “Non-ortho” PCBs

2,3,7,8-TCDD 3,3’,4,4’-TCB (PCB #77)
1,2,3,7,8-PeCDD 3,3,’4,4’,5-PeCB (PCB #126)
1,2,3,4,7,8-HxCDD 3,3’,4,4’,5,5’-HxCB (PCB #169)

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CDD = chlorinated dibenzodioxin

CDF = chlorinated dibenzofuran
CB = chlorinated biphenyl


All samples, except aquaculture finished feed samples, will be prepared and analyzed for 2,3,7,8-
substituted dioxins and furans using either the ion trap methodology (ITMS) (LIB 4084 or 4203),
or high-resolution mass spectrometry (HRMS) methodology (EPA Method 1613, LIBs 3981,
3990, or 4084 as appropriate) as directed in the quarterly Sampling Instructions and Collection

Fat determination should be performed on all whole milk samples. The following fat
determination method should be used in conjunction with LIB 4084: On page 9, paragraph 1,
LIB 4084 states: “the eluting solvent flows to waste collection flask.” Fat content in the
analytical portion can be determined by collecting this material and reducing to constant weight:
To determine fat content in milk samples, collect all eluting solvent and washings (before
toluene elution) from the carbon column in a weighed, clean, dry 1000 mL 24/40 short-necked
round bottom flask or turbo-evaporator tube. Reduce combined solvent and washings to dryness
by rotary vacuum under vacuum or by using a turbo-evaporator. When the flask has reached
constant weight, determine weight of fat by difference. Use this fat weight as the denominator
for all dioxin calculations for lipid adjusted values.

Fish samples must be prepared consistently. Fish samples must be skinless, headless fillets prior
to developing composites.

ITMS analysis should be confirmed by random selection and re-analysis of 10% of samples by

Analyze all samples including all aquaculture finished feed samples.


FORM FDA 2438 g (10/91)

PROGRAM 7304.004


No regulatory action is anticipated under FY’ 03 Attachment G, etc. However, CFSAN will
evaluate sample results from this program to determine if further follow-up investigation is
necessary. CFSAN will develop and with ORA concurrence issue follow-up assignments as


General Assignment Contacts (CFSAN):

Shannon Ingram, CFSAN/OC, DFPG/PAMB,

HFS-615, Phone: 240-402-4885.

Analytical Methods Contacts (CFSAN):

Alex Krynitsky, CFSAN/OCD/ORS/DBC/BMB,

HFS-717, Phone: 240-402-2098
Doug Hayward, ORS/DAC/MDB, HFS-712, Phone: (301) 436-1654

Regulatory Policy Contacts (CFSAN):

Paul South, OFS/DPDFS/PPB, HFS-317, Phone: 240- 402-1640

Henry Kim, OFS/DPDFS/PPB, HFS-317, Phone: 240 -402-2023

CVM Contact

Randall Lovell, OSC/DAF, HFV-222, Phone: 240-453-6857

DFS Analytical Contact:

Selen Stromgren, ORA/DFS, HFC-141, Phone: 301-796-6550

DFI Contact:

Norman Fogg, ORA/DFI, HFC-130, Phone: 301-796-5448

Field Laboratory Contact:

Arkansas Regional Laboratory:

Himansu Vyas, Director Chemistry Branch, ARL

(870) 543-4023

Paula Barnes, Dioxin Supervisor

(870) 543-4056


FORM FDA 2438 g (10/91)

PROGRAM 7304.004

Vincent Litman, Dioxin Supervisor

(870) 543-4025

Jeff Archer, Dioxin Team Leader

(870) 543-4076

Sina Shojaee, Lead Chemist

(870) 543-4616

KAN-DO Laboratory

Ann Adams, Supervisory Chemist,



Report all samples collection time and analytical time and results in FACTS under PAC 04004D
and PAF = DIO.


All sample collections should be completed within the time frames established by the Sampling
Instructions and Collection Schedule. All analysis should be completed within 60 days of receipt
of sample.


FORM FDA 2438 g (10/91)

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