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Natural Gums of Plant Origin As Edible Coatings For Food Industry Applications

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Critical Reviews in Biotechnology

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Natural gums of plant origin as edible coatings for

food industry applications

Anuradha Saha, Shvetambri Tyagi, Rajinder K. Gupta & Yogesh K. Tyagi

To cite this article: Anuradha Saha, Shvetambri Tyagi, Rajinder K. Gupta & Yogesh K. Tyagi
(2017) Natural gums of plant origin as edible coatings for food industry applications, Critical
Reviews in Biotechnology, 37:8, 959-973, DOI: 10.1080/07388551.2017.1286449

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VOL. 37, NO. 8, 959–973


Natural gums of plant origin as edible coatings for food industry

Anuradha Sahaa, Shvetambri Tyagib, Rajinder K. Guptac and Yogesh K. Tyagia
University School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi, India;
Bhaskarcharya College of Applied Sciences, University of Delhi, Delhi, India; cUniversity School of Biotechnology, Guru Gobind Singh
Indraprastha University, Dwarka, New Delhi, India


Natural plant-based gums and their derivatives are widely utilized in food industries, however, Received 6 July 2016
their applications as edible coatings to extend fresh fruits and vegetable shelf-life has been Revised 11 November 2016
explored recently. These natural polymeric polysaccharides have many advantages as compared Accepted 11 November 2016
to synthetic polymers, because they are biodegradable, nontoxic, economical and easily available
in the environment. Natural gums can also be semi synthetically modified to produce derivatives, KEYWORDS
which can easily compete with the synthetic preservatives available on the food market. In this Natural gums; edible
review, the recent developments in the use of natural gums and their derivatives as edible coat- coatings; shelf life;
ings have been explored and discussed. polysaccharides;

Introduction exudates and tuber/roots. Several plants produced

these gums in response to a protection mechanism
The name “gum” is commonly known to represent a
against mechanical or microbial injury [1,6].
class of naturally occurring polysaccharides that have
Gums have particularly three noteworthy characteris-
the ability to either form gels or viscous solutions with
tics: (a) Remarkable ability to attract and bind water,
water or stabilize the emulsion system [1,2]. Natural
gums are polysaccharides composed of sugars other forming a viscous solution, (b) Limited caloric contribu-
than glucose, capable of causing an increment in a sol- tion due to very limited digestion and absorption in the
ution’s viscosity even at smaller concentrations. They body, notable in the large intestine (act as a fiber), (c)
are chemically inert, less expensive, biocompatible, non- Film-forming ability. The film-forming properties of nat-
toxic, odorless and widely available. As these gums are ural gums involve intermolecular forces such as cross-
water soluble, they are also known as hydrocolloids. linking, electrostatic, hydrophobic, ionic interactions or
First, they serve as sources of reserve nutrients, struc- intermolecular/intramolecular hydrogen bonding [2].
tural entities, and water-binding moieties. Second, they Sometimes, natural polymers are chemically modified
fulfill functions in food as moieties that govern the which include cross-linking of functional group and
influence of shape, texture, water-binding and sensory hydrolysis of polysaccharides [7,8].
properties. Finally, polysaccharides act as nutrients and In recent years, natural gums have become a source
dietary fiber sources [3]. Due to these properties, gums of interest in edible coating applications for fruits and
have many industrial applications. They are used as gel- vegetables. It has been reported that in low relative
ling agents, thickening agents, emulsifying agents and humidity conditions, most of the polysaccharides have
stabilizers. Such properties are due to their water bind- good barrier characteristics [5]. The structure of gums
ing capacity, rheological properties, capacity to form contains a large number of hydrophilic moieties such as
films or gels and to encapsulate different compounds hydroxyl functional groups and other polar groups in
such as flavors, aromas and nutraceutical compounds their structure which forms hydrogen bonds that play
[4,5]. Most often, plant-based gums are found in the important roles on its film formation [9]. Their uniform
woody elements of plants or inside the seed coatings. distribution throughout the polymer chain increases the
Sometimes, they are found in plant cell walls, tree coating’s ability to form hydrogen bonds and their

CONTACT Yogesh K. Tyagi University School of Basic and Applied Sciences, Guru Gobind Singh Indraprastha University, Sector
16C, Dwarka, New Delhi 110078, India
ß 2017 Informa UK Limited, trading as Taylor & Francis Group
960 A. SAHA ET AL.

participation in ionic interactions. Generally, polysac- improves certain properties of the edible films. Fruits
charide forms coatings by breaking down interactions and vegetables are subjected to edible coating by dip-
among long-chain polymer segments, thereby forming ping, spraying or brushing to coat the upper surface of
new intermolecular hydrogen and hydrophilic bonds the food commodity [9]. Certain properties of edible
upon solvent evaporation to create a coating matrix coatings such as mechanical, barrier, rheological, light
[9]. High molecular weight polymers contain large- transmission properties are studied to evaluate its per-
chain polymeric structures, which are required for creat- formance and durability [12]. Rheological properties of
ing polymer matrices having the suitable cohesive polysaccharide gums are affected by its molecular size,
strength that provides mechanical strength to the shape, conformation, orientation, water binding prop-
coating [10]. erty, concentration, degree of solubility and viscosity of
Edible coatings represent a thin layer of edible the dispersing medium [14].
material which forms a protective film/cover/layer on Natural gum-based polysaccharides are of growing
the surface of the fresh fruits and vegetables to extend interest to produce environmentally safe and bio-
their post-harvest quality and shelf life. It is simple, con- degradable packaging materials in addition to edible
venient, economical, environmentally favorable and films and coatings [15]. Plant-derived gums are available
relatively inexpensive technology to reduce deterior- throughout the world and two or more gums can blend
ation of stored fruits and vegetables due to which, it is together as a coating to provide synergistic effects due
relatively more accepted by consumers over other pres- to polymer–polymer interaction [16]. Due to these
ervation methods like synthetic chemical preservatives unique attributes, natural gums have emerged as useful
or irradiation [11]. Several additives when incorporated materials for edible coatings and films (Table 1). This
into edible coatings maximize their beneficial effects on review summarized mainly the plant-based natural
quality maintenance of fresh produce. This approach gums from vegetable origin and their applications as
can be used to supplement refrigeration. Increasing edible coatings.
consumer demand for safe, good quality food products,
and edible coatings are of interest both in food indus-
Mechanism of action of edible coatings
tries and researchers. The suitability of natural polymers
in edible films and coatings has also been reported by Edible coatings act on the surface by creating a semi-
Dhall [12] and Baldwin et al. [5]. The development of permeable barrier around the surface of food commod-
edible films has been classified into wet and dry proc- ities. This barrier restricts gas and moisture exchange
esses. The wet process requires a suitable solvent to that modifies the internal atmosphere of the fruit, which
uniformly spread the polymer which is followed by dry- in turn controls various metabolic changes in fruits such
ing in controlled conditions for solvent removal and for- as color, firmness, sensory quality, total phenolics and
mation of an edible film to coat the food product. This antioxidant properties, which can lead to shelf life
process is not popular for industrial use as it requires extension. In apples, the production and consumption
high energy input. The development of edible coatings of oxygen and carbon dioxide was around 50% lower in
by a dry method involves extrusion, blow-molding and the gum-based coatings which suggested that coatings
heat pressing process which is suitable for industrial can reduce gas-transfer, which can be utilized as a use-
use [13]. Addition of suitable plasticizers, surfactants ful tool for shelf-life extension of these fruits [23].
and emulsifiers are added to offer flexibility and Most of the studied edible coatings dealt with drying of

Table 1. Advantages and applications of plant gum-based edible coatings.

No. Advantages Coated food Components of coating Reference
1. Control transfer of moisture & oxygen, better Seriguela, acerola, caja, Gum obtained from C. pulcherrima and A. [17–19]
wet ability mango and pitanga fruits pavonima with glycerol
2. Reduces weight loss, color changes and gas Cake, cheese Galactomannan, glycerol, oil [17–19]
transfer rate
3. Reduce microbial growth, increased shelf life Cheese and cheese product Galactomannan extracted from G. triacanthos [20]
with nisin
4. Improved appearance, shelf life extended Fortune mandarin Locust bean gum combined with beeswax [21]
and glycerol
5. Improved firmness, crispness, juiciness Golden delicious apple Locust bean gum in combination with lipid/ [22]
6. Protect against mechanical injury, decrease Apple, mango Gum obtained from C. pulcherrima and A. [23]
respiration rate pavonima with collagen protein
7. Improvement of quality, texture Citrus fruits Guar gum, locust gum combined with wax [24]

the coating solution in which the food was dipped. The industrial applications [8]. The gum properties can be
process of coating involves first wetting of the fresh altered by an interaction with other polymers, due to
produce by the coating solution followed by a possible the presence of numerous hydroxyl groups in galacto-
adhesion between the two components [14]. The coat- mannan structure, which interacts synergistically with
ing of a fresh produce skin by an edible coating film other polymers [8].
forming solution involves a process that could hypo- Seed gums are economically viable as these seeds
thetically involve four successive steps. Dipping of the are from annual plants with a normal growing season
fresh produce in an edible coating solution could take and are grown by normal methods. Polysaccharides are
between 1–2 min to gain a complete coating which divided into a linear branched polysaccharide and neu-
depends on the wettability, the composition and the tral branched polysaccharides. Due to their strong
viscosity of the hydrocolloid solution, as well as on the powers for adsorption, linear neutral polysaccharides
surface property of fruit/vegetable [14]. The second are good coating agents for textiles and paper. In gen-
stage in coating depends on the concentration and eral, neutral polysaccharides are not tacky. Branched
temperature of the cross-linking agent if added and polysaccharide leads to the formation of a gel. Some
the thickness of edible coating (hydrocolloid) solution. polysaccharides are long chains with numerous short
The third stage of coating involves strengthening of the branches. These polysaccharides have the properties of
coating layer which is usually accomplished at con- both linear and highly branched molecules. Guar gum
trolled environmental condition. This is conducted to and locust bean gum are some of the examples. Many
avoid excessive loss of moisture and to achieve different plant seeds contain non-starch food reserves that have
levels of mechanical strength. The fourth stage, namely hydrocolloid properties, and when isolated, can be used
drying of the coating, could result in different film tex- like gums. While many of these seed gums have been
tures and structures [14]. studied and have been tested, only a few of them are
used in food industries. Traditionally, seed gums such
Classification of plant-based natural gums as locust bean gum and guar gum have been used for
many industrial applications in which food applications
Natural plant-based gums can be classified according to such as edible coatings have been reported [21,27–30].
their origin and chemical structures. Gums are mainly Psyllium and quince have been utilized to some extent
distributed in the following four groups: (a) Gums which commercially; however, they still find their extensive
are derived from the endosperm of some seeds (guar use in related cosmetic and pharmaceutical industries.
gum, locust bean gum), (b) Plant exudate gums (gum The commercial importance of seed gums is also due to
tragacanth), (c) Tree or shrub exudates (e.g. gum arabic, the reasons that the raw materials (locust bean, guar
gum karaya), (d) Microbial fermentation gums (xanthan gum, tara gum, flaxseed, fenugreek, tamarind etc.) have
gum, gellan gum). There are many gums known, but interesting properties, and much less expensive than
only few gums are important for the food industry. In other hydrocolloids such as carrageenan, gelatin, chito-
this review, we have mainly focused on plant-based san and agar and found suitable in various food appli-
gums of vegetable origin, which includes seed gums cations [8].
and exudate gums. Locust bean gum and guar gum are two major types
of seed-based gum polysaccharides in which the man-
Seed gums nan is rendered soluble by the presence of single unit
galactose side chains, which make them galacto-
Seed gums are a galactomannan which come under
mannans [31,32]. Guar gum is highly substituted with
the class of hydrocolloids to strengthen the matrix
galactose units than locust bean gum due to which,
structures, widely distributed in nature. They act as a
guar gum is an efficient water binder [2,7,32]. Locust
reserve polysaccharide extracted from the seeds. The
bean gum and guar gum when combined with carra-
structure of galactomannan differs by the mannose/gal-
geenan and xanthan, a synergistic interaction takes
actose ratio and the proportion of galactose residues in
place among polymers due to intermolecular
the main chain [17–19,25]. It has been found that the
variation in mannose/galactose ratio causes significant
changes in galactomannan property and its interactions
Guar gum
with other polysaccharides. Generally, galactomannans
with greater galactose content like guar gum are read- Guar gum is a galactomannan that belongs to the
ily dissolved in water [26]. The variable properties of Leguminosae family and is derived from the seed of the
these gums make them indispensable for many plant Cyamopsis tetragonolobus. The seeds of this pod
962 A. SAHA ET AL.

Table 2. Chemical composition of gums.

Gum Mol. Wt (KDa) Viscosity (cps) Monosaccharide present Main chain References
Larch gum 100–120 – Arabinose, galactose Arabinogalactan [33]
Guar gum 220–250 3000–6000 Mannose, galactose Galactomannan [34,35]
Locust bean gum 310 2000–3500 Mannose, galactose Galactomannan [36,35]
Tara gum 500 4000–5000 Mannose, galactose Galactomannan [37]
Cashew gum 180 100–300 Mannose, galactose, glucuronic acid Galactan [37,38]
Fenugreek seed gum 30 286 Mannose, galactose Mannan [39,40]
Tamarind gum 52.4 31.27–55.53 Glucose, galactose, xylose Glucan [41,42]
Flaxseed gum 285 – Glucose, xylose, galactose, rhamnose, Xylan [43]
Quince seed gum 150 – Galactose, arabinose, xylose Galactan [33,44]
Gum arabic 600 3.179–3.249 Galactose, arabinose, rhamnose, glucur- Galactan [34]
onic acid, 4-O-methylglucuronic acid
Gum karaya 9500 – D-Galactose, L-rhamnose, D-galacturonic Galactan [36]
Gum tragacanth 840 100–3800 D-Galactose, L-fucose, D-xylose, Galactan [37]
L-arabinose, L-rhamnose
Gum ghatti 12,000 30–400 L-Arabinose, D-galactose, D-mannose, Galactan [37,45]
D-xylose, D-glucuronic acid
Corn fiber Gum 278–394 400–1200 D-xylose, L-arabinose, galactose, glucose, Xylan [39]
D-glucuronic acid
Sesbania gum 241.5–357 – Mannose, galactose Galactomannan [39,46]
Cassia tora gum 200–300 3000–12000 Mannose, galactose Galactomannan [47]

bearing, nitrogen fixing legume are made of the germ further processed as gum. It is a white powder with the
(43.47%), hull (14.17%), and the endosperm (35.42%). In following composition: galactomannan (88%), pentosan
the manufacture of guar gum, the endosperm should (34%), protein (56%), cellulose (14%) and ash (1%). Its
be separated from the hull and germ after which it is structure somewhat resembles guar gum, the difference
grounded to a fine particle size and sold commercially is the level of D-galactose side chain (lesser number of
as guar gum [32]. galactose unit). The structure is composed of a linear
Chemical composition: The structure of guar consists b-(1,4)-D-mannose units linked to C1–C4 with regular
of backbone chain of D-mannopyranose units with a branching on every fourth mannose unit substituted
sideward branching unit of D-galactopyranose on every with a small side chain of a 1,6 linked a-galactose sugar
other unit that is it contained b-D-(1–4)-linked mannose (Table 2) [32]. Locust bean gum (LBG) is partially soluble
backbone which is linked to a-D-galactose unit in in water, it requires heat to have an optimum viscosity,
6-O-position of specific D-mannose units (Table 2). and it acts as a thickener. When combined with guar
The presence of intensive branching in guar structure is gum, locust bean gum shows a synergistic effect. Like
important for its easier hydration and formation of guar gum, the viscosity and stability are very less influ-
hydrogen bonding with other polymers [32]. enced by pH changes.
Guar gum, like other hydrocolloids, is used as a thick- Rojas-Argudo et al. [21] reported that locust bean
ening agent, binder, emulsifier in food industries due to gum, when combined with lipid, can enhance postharv-
its viscosity producing property at lower concentrations. est quality, appearance and shelf life of “Fortune” man-
Ghosh et al. [29], Saha et al. [28] and Saha et al. [27] darins. The quality and shelf life of apples (cv. Golden
have investigated the use of guar gum as edible coat- Delicious) coated with locust bean gum/lipid has been
ings on tomato, Japanese persimmon and cucumber reported to be enhanced. It resulted in reduced gas
respectively, and they found that tomatoes ripening exchange, maintained firmness and quality during the
process has been delayed and persimmon and cucum- storage period when compared with uncoated apples
ber shelf life has been increased due to the application [5,22,66,67] (Table 3).
of guar gum as coatings (Table 3). Bozdemir and Tutas [30] blended locust bean gum
with stearoptene and beeswax and water vapor perme-
Locust bean gum ability was estimated to evaluate the film transport
The locust or carob, tree (Ceratonia siliqua L.) belongs to properties. It has been found that the film transport
the leguminosae family. It is an ancient plant which is property has been improved when used in combination
mostly found near East and Mediterranean regions. The with lipid (hydrophobic substances). In another study,
endosperm of locust bean contains the gum, which is Martins et al. [50] reported that locust bean gum when
of commercial interest. The manufacturing of commer- combined with kappa-carageenan showed a synergistic
cial locust bean gum involves the separation of the effect in respect to good intermolecular interactions,
endosperm from the germ and the seed-coat which is miscibility, cost and compatibility of the two polymers

Table 3. Application of plant-based gums as edible coatings in fruits and vegetables.

Edible gums Botanical name Properties Edible coating applications in food Reference
Gum arabic Acacia arabica Excellent emulsifier, soluble in cold Tomatoes, cucumber, bananas, lemon [48,65,109–112]
Tragacanth gum Astragalus gummifer Acid resistant, suspending agent, Tomato, Button mushroom [11,49]
demulcent, emulsifying property,
thickener, provides texture
Locust bean gum Ceratonia siliqua L. Binder, viscosity builder, barrier Fortune mandarin [21,30,50]
Guar gum Cyamompsis tetraganolobus Binder, emulsifier, stabilizing agent, Cucumbers, tomatoes, prickly pear, [29,51–53]
thickener, film forming property pumpkin
Almond gum Amygdalus communis L. Thickener, stabilizer, emulsifier. Tomato, sweet cherry [54,55]
Tara gum Caesalpinia spinosa Thickening agent, stabilizer Peaches [56]
Psyllium gum Plantago ovata Thickening agent, emulsifier Papaya, strawberry [57,58]
Basil seed gum Ocimum basilicum L. Stabilizer, fat replacer, emulsifier Cheese, shrimp [59,60]
Mesquite seed gum Prosopis juliflora Emulsifier, microencapsulating agent, Persian lime, guava [61,62]
film forming property
Fenugreek gum Trigonella foenum-graecum L. Surfactant, emulsifying agent Common Fig [113]
Cordia gum Cordia myxa Emulsifying agent, binder Chilgoza (pine nuts), peanuts [63,64]
Soybean gum Glycine max Thickening agent, encapsulating Apple [65]

when blended together. Their combination of 60/40 Cerqueira et al. [17–19] evaluated novel sources of
ratio showed the best barrier and mechanical proper- galactomannans from two different species, Caesalpinia
ties, thereby showing improvement in their functional- pulcherrrima and Adenanthera pavonina for use as
ity. Results have reported that locust bean gum films edible coatings on tropical fruits. The authors described
with two lipids presents lower water vapor permeability a method to optimize the coating composition by opti-
values when compared with other edible films. These mizing its wettability, permeability and mechanical
coatings can encapsulate antioxidants due to which properties. Lima et al. [23] also successfully developed
antioxidant capacity, permeability and color changes of the composite coatings of above two galactomannans
the edible films have been increased [68]. with two different compositions of collagen protein and
glycerol. The coatings were standardized in terms of
Gum obtained from Gleditsia triacanthos and wettability, transport and mechanical properties. These
Sophora japonica seed coatings were successfully applied on mangoes and
apples to evaluate its shelf life [66,67]. Galactomannans-
Some galactomannan seed gums belongs to the
based coatings also act as encapsulating agent when
Leguminosae family are obtained from nontraditional
nisin was added to it, and showed good performances
sources which can be an important substitute to con-
in decreasing surface contamination of cheese products
ventional galactomannan sources to be used in food
during storage [20].
industries, such as that obtained from the endosperm
of the seed G. triacanthos and S. japonica [69]. The pres-
Mesquite seed gum
ence of gums in these seeds has been published by
Mazzini and Cerezo [70]. They are mainly found in Prosopis genus is a leguminous plant, that corresponds
America, middle Europe and the Mediterranean area to the Mimosoideae family. This gum is obtained from
[70]. Their mannose/galactose ratio resembles tara gum, mesquite pods. It contains a high sugar and protein
popularly used as a thickening agent and stabilizer in content [1]. This gum is proteinaceous in nature and its
food industries [17–19,71]. Bourbon et al. [69] reported structure is similar to that of arabinogalactan due to
its rheological study, that galactomannan obtained which its property and composition resembles gum
from S. japonica forms a more elastic solution, com- arabic but it has lower viscosity than gum arabic [72].
pared to other studied galactomannans due to which it However, Rodrigues et al. [73] reported in their study
can be used as a thickening agent. The gum obtained that mesquite seed gum is a galactomannan with gal-
from the seed extracts of G. triacanthos can be used in actose/mannose ratio of 1:1.1. It has been used com-
edible packaging films for food preservation and can be mercially as wheat flour, dough substitute,
combined with antioxidant compounds for the prepar- confectionery products, microencapsulation, emulsifier
ation of other value added food applications and binder [1,74]. Mesquite gum has also been explored
[17–19,66,67,71]. Cerqueira et al. [17–19] further in the edible coatings of fruits. Tomas et al. [62]
reported that these gums have a synergistic effect reported the application of mesquite gum in combin-
when combined with other polysaccharides. ation with candelilla wax and white mineral oil as the
964 A. SAHA ET AL.

lipid phase on the guava fruits extended the postharv- quite similar to guar gum [77]. The sesbania gum is a
est life of guava fruits at 20  C by delaying its softening, white powder, soluble in water but insoluble in other
weight loss, ripening and maintained natural shine of organic solvents. Unlike locust bean gum, the sesbania
the fruits. Oses et al. [75] developed a mesquite gum gum powder can easily dissolve in water to form a vis-
and whey protein-based composite edible film in which cous solution. The viscosity of sesbania gum powder is
the authors found enhanced mechanical and water higher than other gums. It is also a commercial galacto-
vapor permeability properties than whey protein only mannan with a galactose/mannose ratio of 2.2:1.2. It
film. Mesquite gum-based emulsion coatings were also has been used as a replacement for gum arabic in some
set up to be successful in bringing down the decay loss food applications. It is used in food industries as a sus-
of Persian lime and thereby extending its shelf life [61]. pending agent, thickener and stabilizer. It is also stable
Mesquite seed gum in combination with palm oil, at a wide range of temperatures [77].
edible films have been prepared and its properties were
evaluated [73]. The authors suggested that the above Fenugreek seed gum
combination has a potential for food applications as an The galactomannan derived from the fenugreek seed
edible coating, it can provide a good moisture barrier consists of galactose and mannose in a ratio of 5:6
and can provide a glossy appearance to yellow and [8,78]. The polysaccharide was completely methylated
orange fruits (Table 3). and hydrolyzed [8]. It is a highly branched seed galacto-
mannan. Its main chain is made of b-D-(1–4) mannose
Tara gum units with a-D-galactose residues attached at various
Tara gum is also a seed gum derived from the seed intervals to the O-atoms of C-6 of mannose. The man-
endosperm of the tara tree. It is also a type of galacto- nose to galactose ratio is approximately 1:1 [8,79].
mannan. Galactose: mannose is in the ratio of 3:1. It is Galactomannan substitution renders fenugreek soluble
more viscous than guar gum at the same ratio. It is in water, and it hydrates well in cold water like other
gums. However, higher galactose substitution weakens
used as a good thickening and stabilizing agent, but
intermolecular bonding among polymer chains. Thus, it
due to lower galactose ratio in its structure, it has low
is not able to form stable films, due to which it has less
mechanical and moisture barrier properties which
application in food industries as compared to other
serves as a major limitation in its use as an edible coat-
seed gums (Table 3). Fenugreek paste is sometimes
ing [76]. He further reported that the mechanical, phys-
used as edible coating material in meat products [79].
ical and antimicrobial properties have been improved
by incorporating chitosan nanoparticles in tara gum Cassia gum
film which in turn showed improved functionality for its
use in food industries. Cassia gum is extracted from the endosperm of Cassia
obtusifolia and belongs to the Leguminosae family. This
Tamarind gum gum is extracted by the wet method from whole seed
powder which involves aqueous ethanol solvent extrac-
Tamarind gum is obtained from Tamarindus indica tion methods. Cassia seeds are much larger compared
seeds that belong to the Leguminosae family. It is a to guar and fenugreek seeds. The mannose: galactose
derivative of galactoxyloglucan, isolated from its seed ratio is close to 3:1 like that of tara gum. Similar to other
kernel. Tamarind seed gum is a highly branched poly- gums, it also shows synergistic properties. It has a lower
saccharide consisting of glucose, galactose and xylose galactose substitution unlike fenugreek, lower solubility
in the molar ratio of 3:2:1 [1]. It is mainly used as a sta- than locust bean gum and lower water solubility com-
bilizer, thickener, binder and gelling agent in the food pared to other seed gums. Some of the properties of
and pharmaceutical industries. It is partly dissolved in cassia gum resembles locust bean gum. However, they
water, however, it swells to form a sticky solution on are not readily available like guar and locust bean gum,
heating. It has been widely used in drug delivery sys- as the cost of production is relatively high. It is not used
tems [1]. extensively commercially, but is sometimes used as a
thickener and gelling agent in food industries [79].
Sesbania gum
Psyllium seed gum
Sesbania seed gum is derived from the endosperm of
sesbania seeds, it also belongs to family Leguminosae. It It is a novel mucilaginous gum derived from the seeds
contains high molecular weight polysaccharides com- of the Plantago ovata (psyllium seed). Currently, it is
posed of galactan and mannan units. The structure is used as a stabilizer or a gelling agent and has many

medicinal uses. Chemically, psyllium gum is a non- galactose, arabinose and rhamnose in the ratio of
starch polysaccharide which contains highly branched 1:1.1:1.01 with a molecular weight of 16.2 KDa. This
acidic arabinoxylan. It is reported that psyllium polysac- gum is slightly acidic in nature due to the presence of
charide contains L-arabinose, D-xylose, D-glucuronic acid uronic acid, which contains a relatively lower concentra-
and D-galacturonic acid in the ratio of 4:10.8:3.3:0.7 and tion than that in flaxseed gum [85]. However, infra-red
a molecular weight of 1.5 million. Ahmadi et al. [80] spectroscopic studies have shown that the structural
studied the physical, thermal and mechanical properties property of this gum matches with that of gum arabic
of this hydrocolloid and it was found that it has good [85]. Malva nut gum can be used as a substitute for
potential to be used as edible films. Banasaz et al. [81] other seed gums like guar gums and locust bean gum.
studied the use of psyllium seed gum as edible coatings It is not commonly used in food industries.
in red delicious apple in three different concentrations
(0.05, 0.1, and 0.2%) and its effect has been compared Sage seed gum
with chitosan. The authors found that psyllium gum
Wild sage seed gum is a new hydrocolloid obtained
(0.2%) showed similar effect as that of chitosan in pre-
from Salvia macrosiphon seed. Razavi et al. [86] and
venting enzymatic browning and maintenance of the
Razavi et al. [15] found that the sage seed gum is a gal-
texture of apples.
actomannan where the mannose-galactose ratio is
1.78–1.93:1 containing 28.2–32.2% uronic acids which
Other seed gums show stronger viscosity, pseudoplasticity and elasticity
Durian seed gum compared with other galactomannans. Razavi et al.
[87,88] also reported that sage seed gum can be used
Durian seed gum is a non-starch galactomannan poly- as a stabilizer, thickener and for its emulsifying proper-
saccharide, derived from the durian fruit seed obtained ties. Razavi et al. [15] also studied its physicochemical,
as an agricultural biomass. It has a polysaccharide- mechanical, surface and thermal properties in combin-
protein structure and its chemical composition is ation with different proportions of plasticizers and they
D-galactose, glucose, arabinose and xylose. Mirhosseini found that sage seed gum is a possible source of edible
and Amid [82] evaluated its functional properties like coating for food applications.
flow characteristics, solubility, water and oil holding
capacities and they found that it has good characteris- Cress seed gum
tics, which can be utilized as biodegradable film
packaging. Cress seed mucilage (Lepidium sativum L.) is a hydrocol-
loid substitute, that can be used for food applications.
Epsina corona gum It belongs to the Cruciferae family, and grows widely in
the Middle East, Europe and US. It becomes viscous
Epsina corona gum (ECG) is extracted from Gleditsia
when combined with water to give thickening and gel-
amorphoides seeds and is used as an additive in the
ling effects. It showed lower viscosity than other food
food industries. Its chemical structure is similar to that
grade gums but has desirable rheological and emulsify-
of a galactomannan. Perduca et al. [83] compared ECG
ing properties. The viscosity of cress seed gum is
with guar gum and several properties such as rheo-
increased by heat treatment. Consequently, the gum
logical properties, viscoelastic behavior, effect of salt
properties could be used as a good choice for heat
addition, temperature and stability found similar which
treated food, or for its edible coatings application in
indicates that this kind of gum can also be used as pro-
high temperature storage conditions [89].
tective films as an edible coating for fruits and vegeta-
bles [84]. Spotti et al. [84] combined whey protein with
epsina corona gum and found that addition of epsina Chia gum
corona gum improves the mechanical and color proper- Chia gum has been extracted from chia seeds (Salvia
ties of whey protein films. hispanica L.) which belong to the Lamiaceae or Labiatae
family. It has great potential for industrial use
Malva nut gum
especially for food industries because of its slimy and
Malva nut fruit belongs to the Sterculiaceae family. The mucilaginous nature at low concentration [90]. Chia
seed of this fruit contains large amounts of mucilagi- gum consists of b-D-xylopyranosyl, a-D-glucopyranosyl,
nous substances and have been used as a medicine in and 4-O-methyl-D-glucopyranosyluronic acid unit in the
South-East Asia. It can be extracted by chemical meth- ratio 2:1:1 [91]. The polysaccharide seems to consist of a
ods using different organic solvents. It consists of repeating unit.
966 A. SAHA ET AL.

Flaxseed gum glycuronoglycans. It readily hydrates in water to form a

highly viscous solution so much that at concentrations
Flaxseed gum also called linseed gum is a white, pow-
higher than 2%, it is difficult to disperse. Quince seed
dery material that hydrates slowly to form a milky dis-
gum is primarily utilized in cosmetic and pharmaceut-
persion of relatively low viscosity at lower
ical formulations and has few applications in the nutri-
concentration. So far it is not used in foods, but it has
ent industry.
commercial importance in pharmaceutical industries
due to its demulcent and emollient effects. Flaxseed
Corn gum
gum contains L-arabinose, D-xylose and D-galactose in a
proportion of 3.5:6.2:1.0 [92] and L-rhamnose, L-fucose, Corn gum is a type of hemi-cellulose gum with proper-
L-galactose and D-galacturonic acid in a molar ratio of ties similar to exudate gums. It is completely water sol-
2.6:1.0:1.4:1.7 [90,92]. It is found to be arabinoxylan with uble and has uniform composition. Because of its
terminal arabino-pyranosyl units. The acidic fraction thickening, emulsifying, and stabilizing properties, it has
contains flaxseed gum that can be used in the food been used in foods, cosmetics and pharmaceutical
preservation as an edible coating. Flaxseed gum-based industries. It contains xylose, galactose, arabinose, and
edible film has been prepared and analyzed by Wang glucuronic acid [37].
et al. [93] and Chen et al. [94]. Li et al. [95] reported that
the addition of flaxseed gum improved the mechanical Marigold flower gum
properties of starch edible films. The gum is extracted from marigold seed petals by hot
water and contains arabinose, galactose and glucose in
Basil seed gum
the ratio 15:3:7. It has emulsifying properties but rela-
Basil (Ocimum basilium L.) is an aromatic, flowering tively lower than gum arabic [98].
herb popularly grown in India and Iran and derived
from various species of herbs and shrubs. Basil seed Soybean gum polysaccharide
gum is traditionally used to cure health ailments. The
Soybean gum is extracted and refined from soybean. It
extract of this gum has been found to consist of glu-
is a water-soluble polysaccharide that contains galact-
cose/mannose in a ratio of 10:2, glucomannan (43%),
ose, arabinose, rhamnose and galacturonic acid and 9%
1–4 linked xylan (24.29%) and minor fraction of glucan
protein components. Its property is similar to that of
(2.31%) [96,97]. Basil seed gum contains highly
gum arabic. It is used mainly for encapsulation [99]. It is
branched arabinogalactan. Khazaei et al. [96] reported
also a possible source of edible coating applications
that this gum has great potential to be utilized as bio-
(Table 3).
degradable films, stabilizing and thickening ingredient
in food systems. Investigations regarding its rheological
Grewia gum
and mechanical properties showed that this gum dem-
onstrates a non-Newtonian pseudo-plastic behavior Grewia gum polysaccharide is derived from the inner
and good mechanical properties. Like other gums, this stem bark of the plant Gewia mollis, Juss. Its structure
gum also has a low production cost, biocompatible, consists of glucose, rhamnose, arabinose, xylose and
hydrophilic and film forming properties. They further galactose and galacturonic acid [100]. This gum can be
concluded that basil seed gum can produce good an alternative to other gums, polysaccharide or other
edible films and coatings with excellent moisture bar- synthetic gums for its use in food industries [100].
rier properties, physical properties and mechanical
properties. Moreover, when it is combined with plasti- Lepidium perfoliatum seed gum
cizers, it becomes flexible and its properties improved. Lepidium belongs to the Cruciferae family and is popu-
This gum can be used as an alternative for synthetic larly found in Egypt, Arabia, Iraq, Iran and Pakistan.
packaging [96,97]. Locally, it is called Qodume shahri [101]. Gum extracted
from the seeds of Lepidium perfoliatum seeds was inves-
Quince seed gum
tigated as an alternative source of hydrocolloid for
This gum is derived from the seed of Quince fruits applications in the food industry. It can be utilized as
which is native to central Asia and is found abundantly potential thickening, viscosity builder and stabilizing
in Northern Iran. Chemically, quince seed gum is com- agent [102,103]. Viscosity and solubility of this seed
posed of a combination of cellulose component and gum is lower than guar, almost similar to xanthan gum
readily hydrolyzable polysaccharide composed of and higher than locust bean gum [101]. Fatty acids like

stearic and palmitic acids when added into this seed thickening agent, emulsifier in food industry and has
gum improve its moisture, physical and barrier proper- varied use in the pharmaceutical industry. Gum arabic is
ties which make it suitable for application as edible a branched-chain polysaccharide that exists as a cal-
films and coatings [104]. This seed gum has a synergis- cium magnesium or potassium salt of arabic acid. The
tic effect when used in combination with pea protein backbone and side chain of gum arabic is composed of
isolate to produce compatible composite films which 1, 3-linked b-D-galactopyranosyl units, joined to the
improves its mechanical, water barrier and physical main chain by 1, 6-linkages. Idris et al. [108] reported
properties [105]. that gum arabic comprised of 39–42% galactose,
24–27% arabinose, 12–16% rhamnose, 15–16% glucur-
Plant exudate gums onic acid, 1.5–2.6% protein, 0.22–0.39% nitrogen and
12.5–16.0% moisture which varies according to the
Plant exudate gums are released from bark, branch, and
source, climatic conditions and age of the tree.
fruit of trees in response to protect the trees against
Properties: Gum arabic (GA) has film forming proper-
mechanical damages or microbial attacks. Exudates
ties and is also a good emulsifier due to which it is suc-
gums are the oldest types which are usually used as
cessfully used as edible coatings. Its emulsification
thickener, stabilizer, rheology modifier, dietary fiber and
power comes from the existence of hydrophobic
fat replacers.
regions in its structure [5] which also give rise to flavors
Karaya gum and aroma encapsulation [5]. Gum arabic (10%) has
been successfully used as an edible coating on toma-
Karaya gum is produced as an exudate from the toes at ambient storage conditions which had delayed
Sterculia urens tree. The gum composition depends on the ripening process and prolonged the shelf life of
the species from which it is derived. Chemically, karaya tomatoes by twenty days while maintaining their anti-
gum is an acid polysaccharide composed of the galact- oxidant activity and other quality characteristics [48].
ose, rhamnose and galacturonic acid (Table 2). It is used Maqbool et al. [109] studied the composite combination
as both a thickener and laxative. Its property is similar of gum arabic with chitosan on the quality of banana
to that of gum tragacanth. Gum karaya has low solubil- fruits and they found that 10% gum arabic and 1% chi-
ity due to which it is not much useful for edible coat- tosan was an effective edible coating that can be used
ings. Due to its emulsifying property, this gum can be commercially for extending the storage life of banana
used in dairy products, bakery industries and pharma- fruits for up to 33 days at 13 ± 1  C and 80 ± 3% relative
ceutical industries. It can also be used as thickeners in humidity [109]. The combination of gum arabic (10%)
textile industries [1]. and chitosan (1%) has also been found to act as bio-
fungicide as it controls the anthracnose (a fungal dis-
Cashew gum ease) in banana and papaya fruits during cold storage
Cashew gum is obtained from the cashew tree for 28 days [110]. El-Anany et al. [65] studied the arabic
(Anacardium occidentale L). Addition of plasticizer and gum in combination with soybean gum on “Anna”
surfactants to cashew gum coating solution decreases apples which showed that the shelf life and quality of
its surface tension, opacity and improves wettability apples has been improved by edible coatings at cold
due to which it has been made suitable to apply for storage (Table 3). Arabic gum has also been used in
minimally processed fruits like golden apples due to combination with lipid such as olive oil in sweet lemon
which compatibility between the coating solution and fruit [111]. Al-Juhaimi et al. [112] reported that arabic
fruit skin surface increased [106]. Edible coatings based gum coating extend the storage life of cucumber up to
on cashew gums have been applied to mango 16 days while maintaining its sensory characteristics at
(Magnifera indica var. Tommy Atkins) due to which the both 10 and 25  C.
shelf life of mango had increased [107]. Chemical com-
position of cashew gum is mentioned in Table 2. Almond gum
Almond gum is also a type of gum exudates extracted
Arabic gum
from the trunk of almond tree (Prunus dulcis). This gum
Gum arabic is an edible, dried exudate derived from the exudate contains 2.45% protein, 0.85% fats and 92.36%
plant Acacia senegal and Acacia seyal [2]. The terms carbohydrates. It also contains arabinose, xylitol, galact-
gum arabic and gum acacia have been conventionally ose and uronic acid (46.8:10.9:35.5:6.0 mass ratio) with
used as synonyms, derived from same above sources. traces of rhamnose, mannose and glucose [113]. It is
Gum arabic has been widely used as a stabilizer, likewise applied in food industries as emulsifier.
968 A. SAHA ET AL.

Mahfoudhi and Hamdi, [55] reported that almond gum of its films, it finds less use as edible coatings in food
when used as edible coatings delays the ripening of industry [5].
sweet cherries and prolonged its shelf life by 15 days at
2  C without spoilage or off-flavour. It reduces the gas Persian gum
exchange and ethylene production. Almond coating
It is a type of exudate gum which secretes from the
has also been found to enhance the post-harvest shelf
bark or branches of almond trees. Currently, it is poten-
life of tomatoes [54] (Table 3). It can also be used as a
tially used in foods, pharmaceuticals and other indus-
natural, edible coating substitute for synthetic
tries as suspending or emulsifying agents in
combination with other gum exudates like arabic gum
or gum tragacanth in edible coatings and other com-
Cordia gum
mercial uses [114].
Cordia myxa is a deciduous tree which grows all over
the Indo-Pak subcontinent. Gum cordia is derived as an Larch gum
extract from C. myxa tree. It has emerged as novel Larch gum is an arabinogalactan obtained from the
edible coatings when used in combination with a nat- wood of the plant Larix occidentalis. Like other tree exu-
ural antioxidant such as vitamin E. It has been found to dates, larch gum exists as densely branched polysac-
increase the shelf life of Chilgoza (Pinus gerardiana) and charide with a molecular weight ranging from 10 to
it was found better when compared with carboxy- 120 KDa [79]. Due to its properties, it is not of significant
methyl cellulose as edible coatings on these fruits [63]. use in food industries. However, these newly derived
Moreover, cordia gum coatings has been reported to gums are being widely explored for their use as edible
prevent peanut oxidation [64]. coatings [1].

Tragacanth gum
Effect of gum structure on its properties
Gum tragacanth (GT) is a dried exudate derived from
the stems of Asiatic species of Astragalus leguminosae. The structure of gum significantly affects its mechanical,
Its chemical composition is described in Table 2. GT thermal, rheological, optical and film forming proper-
swells rapidly in both cold and hot water. In industries, ties. Changes in the sugar composition (mannose to
it is commercially used as a natural emulsifier and thick- galactose ratio), distribution, presence/absence of
ener in drug and allied industries due to its stability in a branching, functional group changes the solubility, vis-
wide range of temperature and pH like that of gum cosity, interaction with other polymers, mechanical and
arabic and its effectiveness as an emulsifier [49,11]. It thermal properties which in turn play an important role
also displays unusual stability towards microbial attack, in its application as edible coatings [26,68]. The man-
has thickening properties and it acts as an emulsion sta- nose to galactose ratio depends upon the gum source
bilizer. Because of these attributes, it is widely applied [115]. Stronger and flexible films are required to coat
in food industries. Gum tragacanth when used in com- the food commodity that can protect and preserve the
bination with aloe-vera enhanced the shelf life of the food which can be obtained by varying the degree of
button mushroom in cold storage conditions [11]. substitution of galactose, mannose and degree of poly-
merization. Mikkonen et al. [115] enzymatically modified
Ghatti gum guar and locust bean gum and compared the mechan-
ical properties based on the degree of enzymatic
Gum ghatti is a translucent exudate containing a com- hydrolysis. The authors further reported that galacto-
plex polysaccharide derived from the plant Anogeissus mannan with a lower degree of substitution of galact-
latifolia, a deciduous tree of Combretaceae family which ose (2 galactose) has greater water content, more
is mainly found in India [5]. This gum is partially soluble stronger and flexible than galactomannan with higher
in water, but swells to form dispersions due to which it degree of substitution of galactose (6 galactose).
is not as useful in food industries as other gums. Removal of the galactose substituent in the galacto-
Moreover, its film is brittle in nature. However, it is used mannan structure and the addition of plasticizers in film
in drug delivery. Gum ghatti closely resembles gum forming solution increased its mechanical properties
arabic in viscosity and emulsifying properties. However, such as tensile strength and elongation at break.
its viscosity is lower than that of gum karaya. Reduction of the degrees of polymerization and substi-
Gum ghatti is compatible with other plant hydrocol- tution also improves the mechanical properties by
loids, however, due to the low solubility and brittleness increasing the film’s elongation at break and its thermal

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