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Fibre digestion by rumen microbiota – a review of recent metagenomic and

metatranscriptomic studies

Running title: Terry et al. – Fibre digestion by rumen microbiota

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Stephanie A. Terry1,2#, Ajay Badhan2#, Yuxi Wang2, Alexandre V. Chaves1 and Tim A.


1School of Life and Environmental Sciences, Faculty of Science, University of Sydney, NSW,


2Agriculture and Agri-Food Canada, Lethbridge Research and Development Centre, 5403 1st

Ave South, Lethbridge, Alberta, Canada T1J 4B1

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

#These two authors contributed equally to this manuscript.

*Corresponding author: Tim McAllister ( Phone # 1-403-317-2240

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Plant biomass is the most abundant renewable resource on the planet and the biopolymers of

lignocellulose are the foundation of ruminant production systems. Optimizing the

saccharification of lignocellulosic feeds is a crucial step in their bioconversion to ruminant

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protein. Plant cell walls are chemically heterogeneous structures that have evolved to provide

structural support and protection to the plant. Ruminants are the most efficient digesters of

lignocellulose owing to a rich array of bacteria, archaea, fungi and protozoa within the rumen

and lower digestive tract. Metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies have enhanced the

current understanding of the composition, diversity and function of the rumen microbiome.

There is particular interest in identifying the carbohydrate active enzymes responsible for the

ruminal degradation of plant biomass. Understanding the roles of cellulosomes and

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polysaccharide utilising loci in ruminal fibre degradation could provide insight into strategies to

enhance forage utilisation by ruminants. Despite advancements in ‘omics’ technology, the

majority of rumen microorganisms are still uncharacterised, and their ability to act

synergistically is still not understood. By advancing our current knowledge of rumen fibre

digestion, there may be opportunity to further improve the productive performance of ruminants

fed forage diets.

Key words: metagenomics, metatranscriptomics, CAZymes, fibre digestion, rumen

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The sustainable and efficient conversion of lignocellulose by ruminants into protein (meat, milk

and fibre) is unparalleled. The ability of ruminants to utilise these forages plays an important

role in preserving permanent pastures as well as utilising feeds which do not compete for human
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consumption (Kim and Dale, 2004). Low quality forages like crop residues and grasses consist

mainly of lignocellulosic polysaccharides. Despite the efficiency at which ruminants can obtain

nutrients from lignocellulosic biomass, less than 50% of energy in low quality forages is

digestible by cattle (McCartney et al. 2006), and as a result cattle are often fed cereal grains

during finishing. To further improve the conversion of low quality forage into energy, a complex

understanding of the rumen microbiota and its role in fibre digestion is required using advanced

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The development of molecular approaches including metagenomics and metatranscriptomics has

considerably enhanced our understanding of the rumen microbiome. Global initiatives including

the Hungate1000 project ( and the Rumen Global

Census (, have vastly improved the

current understanding of the rumen microbiome. For example, understanding the core

microbiome of the rumen across a range of host species could provide insight into management

strategies that could result in broad-based improvements in rumen function.

Forage structure and rumen enzymatic activity

Forages consist of complex structural polysaccharides including cellulose, hemicellulose, lignin

and pectin (Ribeiro et al. 2016). These components make up the plant cell wall providing

structural integrity and enabling plants to resist physical or microbial damage. Lignin and

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cellulose have been identified as the major resistant cell wall components due to their cross

linkages with esterified xylan. Xylans have specific structural chemistry and their side-group

substitutions are interspersed, intertwined and covalently linked at various points with the

overlying sheath of lignin. This produces a coat around underlying strands of cellulose via
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hydrogen bonding (Joseleau et al. 1992). The xylan layer, with its covalent linkage to lignin and

its non-covalent interaction with cellulose maintains the integrity of cellulose in situ and protects

it from degradation by cellulases (Badhan et al. 2016).

Though complex, ruminants possess the unique ability to naturally degrade and obtain nutrients

from these structures. Mastication during eating and rumination mechanically damages plant

fibres, exposing inner structures and facilitating microbial colonisation (Beauchemin, 1992).

Subsequent enzyme activity is required to degrade plant cell walls, but lignocellulose is often
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remarkably recalcitrant towards enzymatic saccharification (Badhan et al. 2014a, 2014b).

Specific enzymatic arrays of functionally diverse glycosyl hydrolases (GHs) are produced by the

rumen microbiota and are required to successfully degrade lignocellulosic biomass (Fig. 1).

Breakdown of cellulose involves the synergistic action of three classes of cellulolytic enzymes

including endo-β-1, 4-glucanase (EC; Glycosyl hydrolase family GH 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 44, 45,

48), cellobiohydrolase (EC; GH 5, 6, 9, 48) and β-glucosidase (EC; GH 5, 9).

Hemicellulose degradation, with its variable structure, is far more complex than that of cellulose

and requires enzymes capable of depolymerizing the hemicellulose backbone including

endoxylanase (EC; GH 5, 7, 8, 10, 11, 43), β-xylosidase (EC; GH 3, 39, 43, 52,

54), and glucuronoxylan hydrolases (EC;GH 30). Enzymes α-L-arabinofuranosidases

(EC; GH 3, 10, 43, 51, 54, 62), acetyl xylan esterases (EC; CE1, 2, 4, 7),

feruloyl esterases (EC; CE 1), and α-glucuronidases (EC; GH 67,115) are also

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essential in plant cell wall degradation as they act to remove the side chains on the xylan

backbone. Efficient digestion of the complex structural components within the plant cell wall

requires the coordinated interaction of all these enzymes, and an understanding of the microbes

involved in this process may enable the dynamics of plant cell wall degradation to be optimised.
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Metagenomics and Metatranscriptomics

Given the ability of the rumen ecosystem to successfully digest plant cell walls, it is an ideal

natural environment from which to identify and mine novel proteins with the potential to

hydrolyse lignocellulose. Most rumen metagenomic studies are amplicon-based, including

sequencing regions of 16S rRNA, mcrA, 18S RNA or ITS-1 to describe populations of both

bacteria and archaea, archaea, protozoa and fungal communities, respectively. Metagenomics
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involves the sequencing of DNA extracted from a sample and can describe the composition of

the rumen microbial community, and convey the relative abundance of individuals within

microbial communities. However, it does not reflect the functional potential of a rumen

microbial community as the abundance of a gene does not necessarily coincide with its metabolic

role (Ribeiro et al. 2016). Metatranscriptomics, in addition to providing the compositional data,

can highlight the activity or the expressions of genes thus allowing for their association with a

metabolic function (Table 1).

The Global Rumen Census and the Hungate1000 project are global initiatives which aim to

define the rumen microbial community. The Global Rumen Census collected a total of 742

samples from over 32 different species of rumen and hind-gut fermenters across 35 countries

(Henderson et al., 2015). This study largely found that the microbial community of the

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herbivory-adapted forestomach was similar worldwide, with diet being the primary factor

responsible for compositional variation.

The Hungate1000 sought to produce a large scale reference set of rumen microbial genome

sequences from cultivated rumen bacteria, methanogens, anaerobic fungi and ciliate protozoa
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(Seshadri et al. 2018). Creevey et al. (2014) conducted a meta-analysis to focus the Hungate1000

project using information from culture collections, the scientific literature, and NCBI and RDP

databases, as well as 16S rRNA gene based surveys that further characterized the rumen bacterial

microbiome. Although the major taxonomic groups known to play key roles within the rumen

microbiome have been identified, the collection still does not represent the full diversity of the

rumen community (Seshadri et al. 2018). This is primarily due to the low sequence similarity

between 16S rRNA genes from rumen microbes to known isolates, with at least 77% of rumen
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microorganisms having < 97% identity with 16S rRNA sequences of known bacteria (Koike et

al. 2010).

As these studies were based on amplicon-based methods, they only described the composition of

the rumen microbial community and consequently convey little information of the mechanisms

by which enzymes achieve the extraordinary high levels of ruminal fibre digestion. The recent

introduction of massively parallel sequencing technologies has enabled shotgun sequencing of

herbivore gut microbiomes, leading to the identification of several novel cellulolytic enzymes.

Though this shotgun sequencing approach lacks data related to gene expression, it can identify

microbes present and provide information on the functional and metabolic capabilities of the

microbial community (Huws et al. 2018). Therefore, it is important that a combined

metagenomic and metatranscriptomic approach be utilised not only to define the composition of

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microbial communities, but to also gain a deeper understanding of the complex interactions

between diet, microbes and the enzymes they produce.


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Ruminants do not produce the enzymes involved in fibre digestion, but harbour rich and dense

microbial consortia which produce an array of enzymes that digest complex plant

polysaccharides. The volatile fatty acids (VFA) produced as result of microbial fermentation of

feed, are the principal energy source utilised by the host. Despite intense research efforts to

understand fibre degradation in the rumen, much still remains unknown. Most of the information

gathered is based on genomic sequencing of culturable bacteria (e.g., Fibrobacter succinogenes,

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Ruminococcus albus, Ruminococcus flavefaciens, Prevotella spp., Butyrivibrio spp.; Morgavi et

al. 2013) with the contribution of non-cultured microorganisms to fibre digestion being largely

unknown. Whilst there has been recent comprehensive insight into the composition of the rumen

microbiota (Table 2) and the effect that diet, geographic location and host contribute (Henderson

et al., 2015), there is incomplete understanding of the mechanisms used for fibre digestion by

these microorganisms. Enhanced knowledge of all microbial involvement in fibre digestion

could contribute to the development of strategies to manipulate fibre digestion within ruminants,

perhaps improving forage utilisation.

Microbial composition within the rumen

Fosmid and bacterial artificial chromosome (BAC) libraries can provide insight into rumen

microbial composition; but these methods are based on functional enrichment and not microbial

activity. Fosmid library based metagenomic analysis of a cow fed Timothy hay identified

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Firmicutes as the predominant phylum with major genera including Clostridium, Ruminococcus,

Butyrivibrio, and unclassified Lachnospiraceae (Wang et al. 2013). Metagenomic analysis of

BAC clones from yaks fed wheat straw revealed Bacteroidetes as the predominant phylum (Dai

et al. 2012). Bacteroidetes has been proposed to be the primary degrader of complex soluble
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polysaccharides in plant cell walls, as members of this phylum have a high diversity of GHs and

polysaccharide lyases (PLs) (Kaoutari et al. 2013; Naas et al. 2014). Polysaccharide lyases are a

class of enzymes that act to cleave active glycosidic linkages present in acidic polysaccharides.

Several studies have investigated the establishment of the rumen microbiome using amplicon-

based sequencing methods. Wu et al. (2012) described a core rumen microbiome that comprised

8 phyla (Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Spirochaetes, Fibrobacteres,

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Verrucomicrobia, Synergistetes and Actinobacteria), 11 classes and 15 families accounting for

approximately 99% of 16S rRNA sequences. Li et al. (2015) compared microbial populations

among bovine, caprine and ovine hosts and found that whilst the rumen harboured a similar core

microbiome, there was significant variation in the abundance of the 15 families that comprised of

the core microbiome (Li et al. 2015).

The Global Rumen Census found that despite differences in feeding strategies and diets, a

similar core rumen microbiome was found across ruminants over a wide geographical range

(Henderson et al., 2015). The most abundant genera within the rumen were Prevotella

(Bacteroidetes), Butyrivibrio (Firmicutes) and Ruminococcus (Firmicutes). Furthermore, in all

forage-fed animals an abundance of Bacteroidales (Bacteroidetes) and the family

Ruminococcaceae (Firmicutes) were observed. Likewise Fibrobacter (Fibrobacteres), a known

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cellulose degrader, was abundant in forage fed cattle, whereas microbiota from concentrate fed

animals exhibited an abundance of Prevotella (Bacteroidetes) and Succinivibrionaceae.

Seshadri et al. (2018) overlaid 16S rRNA gene sequences from the 501 Hungate1000 genomes
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onto the 16S rRNA gene amplicon data set of the Global Rumen Census project. The Hungate

collection comprised 9 phyla, 48 families and 82 genera, and is the most comprehensive

collection of rumen bacterial genome sequences to date. In agreement with Henderson et al.

(2015), Firmicutes and Bacteroidetes accounted for the majority of the Hungate 1000 genome


Stewart et al. (2018) presented 913 draft bacterial and archaeal genomes assembled from over

800 Gb of rumen metagenomic sequence data using both metagenomic binning and Hi-C- based
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proximity guided assemblies. It was estimated that genomic read classification was improved by

five-fold as compared to other publicly available rumen databases, likely due to the use of

metagenomic binning which improved the classification rate without the need to culture. Hess et

al. (2011) sequenced and analysed 268 Gb of metagenomic DNA from fibre adherent microbes.

They also assembled 15 uncultured microbial genomes, which were validated by single cell

genome sequencing. Similarly, Pope et al. (2012), Svartström et al. (2017) and Gharechahi and

Salekdeh (2018) used metagenomics to identify the microbiome within the rumen contents of

reindeer, moose and camels, respectively. They reported that like the cow rumen, Bacteroidetes

and Firmicutes were the dominant phyla. However, unlike in cows, pectin digesting Spirochaetes

were the dominant phyla within the rumen of moose and camels (Svartström et al. 2017).

Although not a true ruminant, the camel microbiome was likely similar to the moose as a result

of both consuming a high lignocellulosic diet.

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With recent advancement in bioinformatics techniques like metagenomic binning and Hi-C-

based proximity guided assembly, near complete microbial genomes have been assembled

directly from rumen metagenomic sequencing data (Hess et al. 2011, Svartström et al. 2017,

Parks et al. 2017, Stewart et al. 2018). Additionally, inclusion of rumen uncultured genomes and
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Hungate 1000 genomes have substantially improved the coverage of rumen specific microbial

genomes in these public databases (Svartström et al. 2017). This full representation of the rumen

microbiome can allow for the association of feed efficiency, methane production and other

production attributes with particular microbial community structures. It can also provoke focus

on particular microbial niches that may be altered for improved ruminal fibre degradation.

Understanding fibre digestion through the composition of the microbiome

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The composition of the rumen microbiome and the role it plays in fibre digestion can be better

described using metatranscriptomics, as this technique reflects the expression of genes that

encode fibrolytic enzymes. Metatranscriptomic analysis of samples collected from a cow fed

corn stover (Dai et al. 2015) reported Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria,

Actinobacteria and Fibrobacteres as the most abundant bacterial phyla and Prevotella,

Ruminococcus, Clostridium, Butyrivibrio, Eubacterium, Bacteroides, Treponema, Blautia and

Roseburia as the most abundant genera (Fig. 2). Comtet-Marre et al. (2017) found that bacteria

represented 77.5% of rumen ssu rRNA reads with Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Fibrobacteres,

Proteobacteria, Spirochaetae and Lentisphaerae representing the only phyla with abundances

>1%. Interestingly, the majority of the total cellulose targeted GHs identified reads belonging to

the genera Ruminococcus (Firmicutes) with a high proportion of cellulase reads associated with

Fibrobacter (Fibrobacteres) (Fig. 2B; Dai et al. 2015; Comtet-Marre et al. 2017). Despite its

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high overall abundance Bacteroidetes was found to not play a dominant role in cellulose

degradation (Fig. 2; Dai et al. 2015). Shinkai et al. (2017) obtained a metatranscriptomic

assembly from fibre associating microbiota in Holstein cows fed timothy hay. Transcripts of GH

families were assigned to phyla Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, and Fibrobacteres and families
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Prevotellaceae, Fibrobacteraceae, Bacteroidacae, Lachnospiraceae and Clostridiacae. Most

fibrolytic gene transcripts were assigned to Fibrobacter succinogenes.

Whilst most metagenomic and metatranscriptomic studies have focused on bacterial populations,

protozoa and fungi are both significant contributors to ruminal fibre digestion. Anaerobic fungi

have been shown to act synergistically with bacteria, disrupting the plant cell wall via invasive

rhizoidal growth followed by enzymatic activity (Gruninger et al. 2014; Ribeiro et al. 2016).
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Comtet-Marre et al. (2017) found that archaea and eukaryota represented 0.7 and 21.8% of total

ssu reads, respectively (Comtet-Marre et al. 2017). Dai et al. (2015) also found significant

eukaryal reads associated with protozoa (3-6% total non-rRNA reads) and fungi (0.6-1% of total

non-rRNA reads). Fungal cellulases accounted for ~ 9% of the total GH cellulases in the rumen

with Piromyces and Neocallimastix accounting for the largest proportion of fungal cellulases

(Dai et al. 2015; Comtet-Marre et al. 2017). Interestingly, Neocallimastigaceae produced the

largest share of cellulose transcripts of all organisms as reported by Sollinger et al. (2017).

Contrasting information exists regarding the contribution of protozoa to fibre degradation, but is

clear that they possess the functional GHs required for plant cell wall degradation (Findley et al.

2011). Protozoa (most of reads associated with Epidinium and Polyplastron) also contributed

significantly to the cellulase pool in a study by Dai et al. (2015; Fig. 2A), where the majority of

hemicellulases were found to be associated with Firmicutes (Ruminococcus) and Bacteroidetes

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(Prevotella). Fibrobacter also contributed significantly towards hemicellulase related reads (Fig.

2C; Dai et al. 2015; Comtet-Marre et al. 2017). Bacteria, fungi and protozoa that contributed

significantly to the pool of cellulases and hemicellulases were found to make a minor

contribution towards the gene pool involved in the degradation of oligosaccharides (Fig. 2D; Dai
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et al. 2015). Sollinger et al. (2018) reported that eukaryotes accounted for 25.1% of ssu reads,

with >70% of these being associated with ciliates. Ciliates produced both hemicellulose and

cellulose transcripts in abundance and those associated with the degradation of starch to a lesser

degree. Using combined metatranscriptomics and metabolomics, Sollinger et al. (2018) found

that the microbiome was unexpectedly stable during feed digestion, with an increase in overall

microbial abundance rather than a change in population. Most cellulase transcripts stemmed

from the bacterial families Fibrobacter and Clostridiales, with the eukaryotic families
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Neocallimastigaceae and Ciliophora, producing the majority of cellulase transcripts (Sollinger et

al. 2018).

By examining both the microbial composition and the enzymes they produce, we can associate

specific species of bacteria, archaea, fungi and protozoa with their possible role in the

degradation of fibre. Recently metagenomics has been applied to link microbiome and host

phenotypes. Relative abundance of microbial genes data from metagenomic analysis has been

used to predict methane emissions (Ross et al. 2013; Shi et al. 2014; Kamke et al. 2016; Zhang et

al. 2016; Roehe et al.2016) and feed conversion efficiencies (Shabat et al. 2016; Li and Guan

2017). Application of metagenomics and metatranscriptomics helped to better understand the

rumen microbiome, microbial fermentation and how these correlate to host phenotype variation

(Li et al. 2017). However, despite the diverse range of microbial studies it should be recognised

that estimation of relevant species abundance may not reflect the true microbial diversity within

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the rumen as the databases that define phylogeny are still incomplete. As these databases

continue to become more robust, the function of unidentified members of the rumen community

will become clearer.

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To understand the role of the rumen microbiota in fibre digestion, it is important to identify

carbohydrate-active enzymes (CAZymes) produced by these microorganisms. CAZymes are

enzymes involved in the synthesis, degradation and recognition of complex carbohydrates. Types

of CAZymes include GHs, glycosyltransferases (GTs), polysaccharide lyases (PLs),

carbohydrate esterases (CEs), enzymes with auxiliary activities (AAs) and carbohydrate-binding

modules (CBMs). The GHs are the most diverse enzymes within the rumen microbiome and a
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comparison of GH families identified by various ruminal metagenomic and metatranscriptomic

studies is shown in Table 3. However, it must be kept in mind that these are based on sequence

comparisons and not by isolation of proteins or the characterisation of enzyme activity. It is well

documented that post-translational processing of expressed fibrolytic enzymes can have a

significant impact on enzyme activity (Singh 2015).

Identification of CAZymes from metagenomics

Among the 501 bacteria in the Hungate catalogue, GH13, GH43, GH3 and GH2 families were

reported as the most abundant CAZymes. Families GH5 and GH9 have been reported to be the

most diverse and predominant family of cellulases in the rumen (Brulc et al. 2009; Dai et al.

2012; Hess et al. 2011; Wang et al. 2013). In the moose (Svartström et al. 2017) and Indian dairy

cows (Jose et al. 2017), GH9 was underrepresented as compared to other ruminant species.

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Interestingly, all rumen metagenome studies have found a scarcity of the GH48 family

(cellobiohydrolase), despite reports suggesting this family are among the most important for the

hydrolysis of crystalline cellulose (Zhang et al. 2010). Within bovine rumen metagenome

studies, family GH6 (a family associated with endoglucanase activity) was only reported in
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metagenomic studies by Wang et al. (2013) and Ciric et al. (2014) and not in earlier

metagenomic studies.

Endoxylanases (GH10 and GH11) were the most abundant families among hemicellulases. The

yak rumen microbiome (Dai et al.. 2012) was reported to be rich in GH67s including α-

glucuronidase (EC and xylan α-1,2-glucuronidase (EC, while the bovine

rumen microbiome lacked GH67 CAZymes in some earlier metagenomic studies (Brulc et al.
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2009; Wang et al. 2013). Enzymes in the GH67 family are involved in the breakdown of

glucoronoarabinoxylans, one of the major components of hemicellulose (Montella et al. 2017).

The GH78 family, primarily represented by α-L-rhamnosidase (EC, catalyse the

hydrolysis of α-L-rhamnosyl-linkages in L-rhamnosides (Montella et al. 2017) and exhibited

greater relative abundance in the bovine and reindeer rumen microbiome as compared to the yak

rumen. Among oligosaccharidases, GH2, GH3 and GH43 have been reported to be most

abundant in rumen metagenome studies.

Close interaction between hydrolytic enzymes and target insoluble substrates is required for

effective saccharification. Cellulose binding modules (CBM) exhibit a high affinity for cellulose

enabling definite association of catalytic hydrolases with insoluble polysaccharides, enhancing

their degradation (Badhan et al. 2007a). Rumen metagenomic studies have shown an under

representation of CBMs, which may reflect the inability of pyrosequencing to detect the smaller

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modules within short reads (Brulc et al. 2009). However, GH genes recovered from BAC clones

generated from yak rumen contents were also reported to lack CBMs. Furthermore, none of the

GH family proteins retrieved from active yak BAC clones (Dai et al. 2012) or the bovine

metagenome (Hess et al. 2011) showed dockerin or cohesion modules. Likewise, in spite of
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extensive metagenomic sequencing, very little information about the eukaryotic components of

rumen microbiome has been generated. A small fraction of the genes coding for GH families

were attributed to eukaryotes, even though it is widely assumed that rumen fungi and protozoa

act synergistically with bacteria to digest fibre (Qi et al. 2011; Dai et al. 2015).

The low abundance of eukaryotic DNA in the rumen metagenome, inefficient sample preparation

methods and the biased bioinformatics analysis for annotation of novel eukaryotic gene
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sequences in rumen databases are a few of the factors that likely contribute to the lack of

information about anaerobic eukaryotes within rumen metagenomes. The low GC content DNA

from fungi, protozoa and the frequent occurrence of microsatellites often leads to fragmented

assembly, thereby avoiding detection when using the Illumina short read data (Ross et al. 2013;

Edwards et al. 2017). The long-read sequence technology, Single Molecule Real Time (SMRT)

on PacBio, is capable of sequencing low GC content genomes and delivering non-fragmented

final assemblies with low contig number and superior scaffold length (Edwards et al. 2017).

Long sequencing technology in combination with improved high molecular weight DNA

(>10kb) isolation has been successfully implemented most recently to sequence the genome of

the fungal species N. californiae, Pir. Finnis and A. robustus (Youssef et al. 2013; Lam et al.

2015; Haitjema et al. 2017).

Understanding CAZymes from metatranscriptomics

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Metatranscriptomic analysis of eukaryotic mRNA identified GH from a wide range of CAZy

families (Qi et al. 2011; Sollinger et al. 2017) including a large number of novel putative GH6,

GH48 and swollenin genes. Metatranscriptomic studies suggested that exoglucanases are highly

expressed by rumen eukaryotic microbes that participate in the efficient degradation of

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crystalline cellulose (Qi et al. 2011). Similarly, Dai et al. (2015) undertook pyrosequencing of

total (prokaryotic and eukaryotic) rumen cDNA libraries from the bovine rumen and reported

robust transcription of genes involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Members of GH5, GH6,

GH9 and GH48 families were the predominant cellulases produced by rumen anaerobic fungi

and protozoa (Dai et al. 2015; Sollinger et al. 2017). Interestingly the GH48 family, which was

reported to be of low abundance in the rumen by earlier metagenomics studies, was found to be

abundant when examined from a metatranscriptomic perspective (Qi et al. 2011; Dai et al. 2015;
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Comtet-Marre et al. 2017; Li and Guan. 2017). Most of the GH48 enzymes were associated with

Ruminococcus spp., anaerobic fungi and uncultured microorganisms, emphasizing the

importance of both fungi and bacteria in the saccharification of crystalline cellulose (Dai et al.

2015). The family GH6 was not detected in most metagenomic studies, however it was found in

both low and high abundance through metatranscriptomic studies.

Transcripts targeting xylan, mannan and pectin degradation were also reported with GH8, GH10,

GH11, GH26, GH28, GH51, GH53, GH67 and GH78 being the prominent hemicellulose

degrading families. Transcripts responsible for oligosaccharide degradation (GH1, GH2, GH3,

GH29, GH35, GH38, GH39, GH42, GH43 and GH94 family) were also abundant. Although the

rumen has been shown to possess a rich and diverse repertoire of GH families,

metatranscriptomic and metagenome studies to date suggest a scarcity of GH7, GH44 (cellulase),

GH12, GH52 and GH62 (xyloglucanase and arabinofuranosidase). Moreover, the total tract

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indigestible residues obtained from bovine faeces were shown to be rich in undigested esterified

arabinoxylan, suggesting ruminal arabinofuranosidase and acetyl xylan esterase as rate limiting

activities (Badhan et al. 2015). Similarly, supplementing rumen mixed enzymes with exogenous

aerobic GH7, acetyl xylan esterase and arabinofuranosidase activity has been shown to enhance
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the saccharification efficiency of mixed rumen enzymes (Badhan et al. 2014a, 2014b).

The metatranscriptome from muskoxen (Qi et al. 2011) and the bovine rumen (Dai et al. 2015;

Shinkai et al. 2016) identified several multiple domain enzymes with CBMs being most

predominant. A eukaryotic gene expression study in muskoxen identified CBM10 as the most

abundant accessory module associated with many rumen fungal glycoside hydrolases, while

CBM1, CBM6, CBM13 and CBM18 were other major cellulose binding modules found in the
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eukaryotic transcriptome. Shinkai et al. (2016) identified CBM6 as the most abundant in the

bovine rumen, followed by CBM4, CBM9, CBM11, and CBM2. Dai et al. (2015) identified a

greater diversity of CBM families including CBM2, CBM3, CBM4/9/16/22, CBM6, CBM10,

CBM11, and CBM13 associated with plant cell wall degrading catalytic domains of both

eukaryotic as well as prokaryote rumen microorganisms. Moreover, polysaccharide utilisation

loci (PULs) (i.e., SusC, SusD, SusD-like, SusD-like_2, or SusD-like_3) linked with fibrolytic

genes were also reported in metatranscriptomic analyses. PULs are genomic regions which

encode for the binding, transport and depolymerisation of specific glycan structures (Seshadri et

al. 2018).

Metagenomic sequencing tends to favour the most numerically abundant genes with gene

abundance not necessarily reflecting the degree of gene expression. The fact that the gene pool

observed in the metagenome reflects the most abundant genes is evident from the comparative

Page 18 of 42

GH profile analysis reported by Qi et al. (2011). The GH profile of the rumen metagenome

studies clustered closely to the GH profile of Prevotella ruminicola, one of the most predominant

bacterial species within the rumen, with no known active role in the degradation of recalcitrant

cellulose (Qi et al. 2011). In contrast, the GH profile of the metatranscriptome, clustered closely
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with the GH profile of cellulolytic bacteria and fungi (Qi et al. 2011).

Whilst these studies revealed differences in abundance of some GH classes in different ruminant

species, these noted differences are most likely a result of differences in diet composition.

Experimental differences must also be taken into account when evaluating this collation of

research results where detection of particular domains and motifs may depend on the methods of

DNA / RNA extraction, sequencing method and depth, data processing procedures and the types
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

of databases screened. Therefore, the combined use of metagenomics and metatranscriptomics

can provide a more in depth understanding of the gut microbiome and the mechanisms that

contribute to the efficiency of ruminal fibre digestion. Gene expression analysis to study

CAZymes is critical for enzyme discovery and improved understanding of the rate limiting

enzymes involved in fibre degradation within the rumen. Such information is vital for

development of efficient enzyme technologies for enhanced utilisation of low quality forage fibre

in the rumen than can improve the cost effectiveness and sustainability of cattle production.




Page 19 of 42

Cellulosomes are cell associated systems in which a small module (dockerin) attached to glycan-

cleaving enzymes gathers various catalytic units onto a cognate cohesion of repeats found on

large scaffolding proteins (Seshadri et al. 2018). Most of the cellulase and xylanase activity of

rumen bacteria use these systems (Miyazaki et al. 1997), however cellulosomes have only been
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reported in a small number of bacterial species, specifically within the family Ruminococcaceae.

However, the abundance of CBM domains associated with anaerobic fungi suggests that

cellulosomes play a predominant role in enabling these eukaryotes to digest fibre (Gruninger et

al. 2018).

Recently Bensoussan et al. (2017), adopted bioinformatics screening for cellulosome modules

within ultra-deep rumen metagenome database to explore abundance and distribution of

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

cellulosome components across different taxonomical lines in rumen. This study suggested broad

phylogeny of cellulosome components in the bovine rumen microbiome. Cellulosome

components were more prevalent in Firmicutes as compared to the Bacteroidetes phylum.

Interestingly dockerin-containing proteins from Bacteroidetes specifically for the Prevotella and

Bacterioides genera were also identified, as previous studies underrepresented cellulosome

components in this phylum. They also identified 15 rumen uncultured genomes that potentially

encode mechanisms to produce cellulosomes.

Divergent fibre degradation strategies were described by comparative genome-wide analysis

involving six Ruminococcal strains (Ruminococcus flavefaciens (strain FD-1, 007c and 17),

Ruminococcus albus (strain 7,8 and SY3) and Fibrobacter succinogenes (Dassa et al. 2014).

Genetic elements for elaborate cellulosome systems with multiple cohesion and dockerin

containing proteins were observed in genomes of all strains of R. flavefaciens, with all three

Page 20 of 42

strains of R. albus presenting as cohesion-deficient and to encode mainly dockerins and a unique

family of cell anchoring CBM37.

Considering the absence of multiple cohesin-bearing scaffoldins and many CAZymes with
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dockerins in R. albus, an alternative mechanism involving collaborative usage of cohesins and

dockerin between R. flavifaciens and R. albus to produce a putative hybrid cellulosome has been

proposed (Dassa et al., 2014). Similarly a global transcriptomic analysis (Christopherson et al.,

2014) suggested utilisation of a CBM37 by R. albus as a tool for a coordinated response to fibre

degradation instead of cellulosomes. Likewise a possible role of CBM37 for cell-surfaced

anchoring of cellulolytic and associated enzymes has been suggested based on 1) a high copy

number for CBM-37 in R. albus, 2) the ability of CBM37 to attach enzymes directly to the
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

bacterial cell surface (Ezer et al. 2008), 3) the distribution of CBM37 in many R. albus enzymes;

orthologues for these CAZymes in R. flavefacins were observed to contain dockerins and 4) all

critically important cellulolytic and hemicellulases in R. albus were observed to append to

CBM37 (Dassa et al. 2014). Interestingly Fibrobacter succinogenes, another dominant fibrolytic

bacteria, lacks cellulosomes, but rather exclusively encodes for some GH families like GH45

(endoglucanase), GH54 (α-L-arabinofuranosidase and β-xylosidase), GH57 (α-amylase), and

GH116 (β-glucosidase and β-xylosidase, PL-14, CE-6 and CMB), which appear to be absent in

R. flavefaciens and R. albus strains (Dassa et al. 2014). Contributing exclusive families of

CAZymes by microbes likely confers a competitive advantage to the bacterium along with

increasing the efficiency of fibre digestion (Dassa et al. 2014).

Polysaccharide utilisation loci

Page 21 of 42

A PUL is a set of physically-linked genes expressing cell bond enzyme activities that enable a

bacterium to respond to a specific glycan by binding to it, degrading it and importing the

released oligosaccharides. Polysaccharide utilisation loci provide an evolutionary advantage to

bacterial species by orchestrating the breakdown of complex glycans by synergistic activities of

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encoded CAZymes. Rumen metagenomic and metatranscriptome studies have frequently

reported putative PUL-encoded carbohydrate active enzymes (Pope et al. 2010; Hess et al. 2011;

Qi et al. 2011; Dai et al. 2015; Seshadri et al. 2018). Specifically starch utilisation systems (Sus),

a name given to a single gene cluster consisting of eight genes responsible for a multiprotein

carbohydrate degrading system, play an integral role in lignocellulose degradation by

Bacteroidetes and Firmicutes (Wang et al. 2013; Dai et al. 2012).

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Seshadri et al. (2018), recently deposited PULs derived from 64 Bacteroidetes genomes from

Hungate catalogue to PULDB database. Similarly Stewart et al. (2018), predicted 1743 putative

PUL from the Prevotellaceae family. Sequencing of longer contigs revealed that plant cell wall

degrading genes from Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes and Prevotella often cluster together, suggesting

that these genes are co-expressed and function synergistically (Dai et al. 2012; Wang et al.

2013). Furthermore, SusD (starch utilisation system) and SusC-like (which encode an integral-

membrane protein) genes were observed to be located upstream of cellulolytic gene clusters in

Bacteroidetes. SusC/SusD-like genes code for proteins that play a role in transporting

oligosaccharides released during cellulolysis into the bacterial cell.

The PUL reported by Wang et al. (2013) and Dai et al. (2012) included transcriptional regulators

(from family LacI, AraC, MerR and XRE.), nutrient or ion transporters (ABC transporters and

binding-protein-depending transport systems), environmental sensors (two component histidine

Page 22 of 42

kinase/response regulators) and other proteins involved in carbohydrate metabolism. Likewise,

functional screening of a fosmid library generated from DNA derived from rumen microbiota

(enriched on Rhodes grass) identified several unique Sus-like PULs from Bacteroidetes (Pope et

al. 2010; Rosewarne et al. 2014). These PULs included a putative SusC-like protein homolog of
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TonB-dependent receptor family and a protein similar to those of the SusD-like family. A

somewhat different genomic organization has been reported for Firmicutes, as GH gene clusters

lack the SusC/SusD-like system and ABC transporters (ATP binding), or the PTSII genes

(phosphotransferase gene) located adjacent to GH genes. This suggests the presence of an

alternative sugar transport system and differences in the preferred oligosaccharides of Firmicutes

and Bacteroidetes (Dai et al. 2012).

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

A highly conserved and xylan specific inducible gene cluster (Xus; xylan utilisation system) of

xylanolytic Bacteroidetes has been described by Dodd et al. (2011). The predicted model for

Xus in Prevotella bryantii B14 included two tandem repeats of SusC/SusD homologues (XusA,

XusB, XusC, XusD), followed by an outer membrane bound XusE, encoding a hypothetical

protein and a xyn10C gene encoding an endoxylanase. The model predicted that XusE, Xyl10C

and XusB/D proteins bind to extracellular xylan and degrade it to oligosaccharides through

endoxylanase activity of Xyl10C. The xylo-oligomers produced are in turn transported across the

outer membrane by a XusB/D protein into the periplasm through the TonB-dependent receptor of

XusA and XusC. With internalization of the xylo-oligomer, an unknown signalling cascade

results in the induction of xylan utilisation genes including members of the GH3, GH5, GH 8,

GH10, GH43, GH51 and GH67 families (Miyazaki et al. 2005; Dodd et al. 2011).

Page 23 of 42

Interestingly, a similar model for transcriptional regulation of hemicellulolytic and cellulolytic

genes has been reported in aerobic fungi as high molecular weight polymeric forms of cell wall

components like xylan and cellulose are unable to directly enter the fungal cell. Researchers have

suggested that low molecular-weight hydrolysis products of xylan and cellulose produced as
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result of constitutively expressed activity, enter the cell and induce the expression of hydrolytic

enzymes which synergistically achieve saccharification (Haltrich et al. 1996; Badhan et al.


A better understanding of the saccharification strategies adopted by rumen microbes and their

transcriptional regulation in anaerobic bacteria and fungi could help develop strategies to

enhance the conversion of recalcitrant plant cell walls This knowledge gap will undoubtedly
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

continue to shrink with the growing number of whole genome sequences, enabling comparative

analysis of cellulosome, PULs and regulatory mechanisms, as well as the taxa from which they

are generated.


Fibre digestion by the rumen microbiome is of current research interest. Improved understanding

of the microbial communities and the strategies they employ to degrade recalcitrant feed has

many applications for ruminant production. This includes improving feed utilisation, the

sustainability of production, animal health and performance. Currently, research into using

exogenous enzymes to improve fibre digestibility in the rumen have been largely unsuccessful.

An improved understanding of the dynamics of the rumen microbial population and their

synergistic interactions for effective fibre degradation is essential for developing strategies to

enhance ruminal feed conversion. Enzyme discovery with meta-omic approaches targeted at

Page 24 of 42

detecting high Vmax or rate limiting enzyme activities within the rumen could lead to the

development of effective enzyme formulations with the potential to enhance the digestion of low

quality forage. Likewise developing fibrolytic enzyme formulations involving exogenous

enzyme activities that act synergistically with the hydrolases of rumen microbial communities
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could also potentially improve fibre utilisation within the rumen. Future advancement in various

omics approaches can extensively improve our understanding about the mode of nutrient

utilisation by rumen microbes from low quality forages. Due to posttranscriptional modification

and regulations, the correlation between transcriptomic and proteomics are often low and

variable (Greenbaum et al. 2003; Csardi et al. 2015). Development of direct methods to quantify

and characterise translational processes like metaRibo-Seq (Ribosome profiling) hold promise.

Similarly, data integration from metagenomic, metatranscriptomic, metaproteomics and

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

metabolomics analysis into models that describe microbial activity at all levels, could improve

our understanding of microbial metabolic potential.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no competing interests.


Authors wish to acknowledge the support of Alberta Agriculture and Forestry, Genome Canada,

Genome Alberta, and Genome Quebec for their generous support. Stephanie A Terry

acknowledges the financial support of Meat and Livestock Australia (MLA) during her PhD

candidacy. We also kindly acknowledge Mohammad Marami Miliani for his assistance with


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Figure Captions

Figure 1. Plant cell wall structural complexity and the enzymes involved in its deconstruction.

Structural components are a representation only and do not reflect precise anatomical locations.
Downloaded from by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 08/09/19. For personal use only.

Figure 2. Profile of dominant taxa encoding putative cellulase, hemicellulase and

oligosaccharide degrading enzymes as reported by Dai et al 2015. Relative proportion to

cellulase (A) hemicellulase (B) oligosaccharide degrading enzyme (C) read in total non-rRNA.

Relative proportion in percentage of putative cellulase/hemicellulase/oligosaccharide related

reads contributed by a given species out of total cellulase/hemicellulase/oligosaccharide related

reads respectively (D).

Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Page 36 of 42

Table 1. Advantages and disadvantages of the use of metagenomics and metatranscriptomics in rumen
microbial profiling

Advantages Disadvantages
Metagenomics Composition of microbial Does not reflect gene
DNA based approach community expression
Functional potential of Does not account for post-
microbial community transcriptional and post-
Downloaded from by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 08/09/19. For personal use only.

translational modifications
Can sequence whole genome Low sequence similarity
or segmented regions
DNA stability Under representation of
eukaryotic DNA and CBMs
Favours numerically abundant

Metatranscriptomics Composition of microbial RNA is less stable than DNA

RNA based approach community
Functional potential of Does not account for post-
microbial community translational modifications
Accounts for transcript gene
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Accounts for post-
transcriptional changes
Page 37 of 42

Table 2. Summary of the most abundant genera from various metagenome (MG) and metatranscriptome (MT) analysis
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Analysis Sample Most abundant phylum in order Most abundant genera in order
MG Yak, bovine (Dai et al. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fibrobacteres Information not available
Reindeer, cervid (Pope et Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes Information not available
al. 2012)
Dairy cows (Wu et al. Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria , Information not available
2012) Fibrobacteres, Spirochaetes
Jersey, bovine (Wang et al. Information not available Clostridium, Ruminococcus, Butyrivibrio, unclassified
2013) Lachnospiraceae
Bovines, caprids, cervids, Information not available Prevotella, Butyrivibrio, Ruminococcus,
camelids (Henderson et al. Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae, Bacteroidales,
2015) Clostridiales
Cattle, goats, sheep (Li et Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Proteobacteria, Spirochaetes, Prevotellaceae, Lachnospiraceae, Ruminococcaceae,
al. 2015) Fibrobacteres, Verrucomicrobia, Synergistetes,, Veillonellaceae, Acidaminococcaceae
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Moose, cervid (Svartström Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Information not available
et al. 2017) Actinobacteria
Camel, camelid Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Information not available
(Gharechahi et al. 2018) Verrucomicrobia
All ruminants (Seshadri et Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Lachnospiraceae Information not available
al. 2018)
MT Holstein, bovine (Dai et al. Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Proteobacteria, Prevotella, Ruminococcus, Clostridium, Butyrivibrio,
2015) Actinobacteria, Fibrobacteres Eubacterium, Bacteroides, Treponema, Blautia,
Holstein, bovine (Shinkai Bacteroidetes, Firmicutes, Fibrobacteres Prevotellaceae, Fibrobacteraceae, Bacteroidacae,
et al. 2016) Lachnospiraceae, Clostridiacae
Dairy, bovine (Comtet- Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Fibrobacteres, Information not available
Marre et al. 2017) Proteobacteria, Spirochaetae and Lentisphaerae
Beef steers, bovine (Li et Proteobacteria, Firmicutes, Bacteroidetes, Spirochaetes, Succinivibrionaceae, Prevotellaceae, Ruminococcaceae,
al. 2017) Cyanobacteria, Synergistetes Lachnospiraceae, Veillonellaceae, Spirochaetaceae,
Dethiosulfovibrionaceae, and Mogibacteriaceae
Page 38 of 42

Table 3. Comparison of CAZy genes identified in various rumen metagenome (MG) and metatranscriptome (MT) analysis
Downloaded from by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 08/09/19. For personal use only.

Analysisa Sample Cellulasesb

% of
GH5 GH6 GH7 GH9 GH44 GH45 GH48
total GH
MG Angus, bovine (Brulc et
** ND ND ** ND ND * 2.25
al. 2009)
Guernsey, bovine (Hess et
**** ND ND *** ND * * 18.63
al. 2011)
Yak, bovine (Dai et al.
*** ND ND ** ND * * 10.83
Reindeer, cervid (Pope et
**** ND ND ** * ND * 7.87
al. 2012)
Jersey, bovine (Wang et
**** * ND ** ND ND ND 14.54
al. 2013)
Friesian, bovine (Ciric et
** * ND ** * * * 5.80
al. 2014)
Indian Holstein Friesian,
** ND ND * * * * 6.58
bovine (Jose et al. 2017)
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Moose, cervid
** ND ND * * * * 4.82
(Svartström et al. 2017)
Camel, camelid
** ND ND ** * * * 6.41
(Gharechahi et al. 2018)
All ruminants
** * ND ** * * * 3.16
(Seshadri et al. 2018)
MT Muskoxen, bovine (Qi et
**** *** NDa *** ND *** *** 48.2
al. 2011)
Holstein, bovine (Dai et
*** * ND **** * ** *** 35.4
al. 2015)
Holstein, bovine (Shinkai
** * ND *** * * * 10.34
et al. 2016)
Dairy, bovine (Comtet-
** * ND ** * ** ** 13.70
Marre et al. 2017)
Crossbred steers, bovine
**** * ND **** * ** ** 29.28
(Li et al. 2017)
Hemicellulase and debranching enzymes
% of
GH8 GH10 GH11 GH12 GH26 GH28 GH51 GH53 GH54 GH62 GH67 GH78
total GH
MG Angus, bovine (Brulc et
* * * ND * * ND ** * ND ND *** 12.11
al. 2009)
Page 39 of 42

Guernsey, bovine (Hess et

** *** * ND ** ** ND ND ND * * **** 29.46
Downloaded from by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 08/09/19. For personal use only.

al. 2011)
Yak, bovine (Dai et al.
* **** * ND ** * ND *** * ND *** ** 33.57
Reindeer, cervid (Pope et
* ** * ND ** ** *** ** * ND ** *** 29.63
al. 2012)
Jersey, bovine (Wang et
ND **** ND * * ND ND *** ND ND ND *** 29.96
al. 2013)
Friesian, bovine (Ciric et
* ** * * ** ** ** ** * * ** ** 13.68
al. 2014)
Indian Holstein Friesian,
* ** * * * * * *** * ND * ** 12.86
bovine (Jose et al. 2017)
Moose, cervid
* ** * * ** ** ** ** ** ND * ** 13.39
(Svartström et al. 2017)
Camel, camelid
* ** * * ** ** ** ** * ND * ** 14.48
(Gharechahi et al. 2018)
All ruminants
* ** * * * * ** * * * * * 6.12
(Seshadri et al. 2018)
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

MT Muskoxen, bovine (Qi et

* **** *** ND ** * * * ND ND * * 28.1
al. 2011)
Holstein, bovine (Dai et
* *** ** ND ** * * * * ND * * 24.41
al. 2015)
Holstein, bovine (Shinkai
** ** * ND * ** ** * * ND * ** 16.01
et al. 2016)
Dairy, bovine (Comtet-
** ** ** ND ** ** * ** * ND * ** 17.99
Marre et al. 2017)
Crossbred steers, bovine
* ** ** * ** * * * ND * * * 9.32
(Li et al. 2017)
Oligosaccharide-degrading enzymes
% of
GH1 GH2 GH3 GH29 GH35 GH38 GH39 GH42 GH43 GH52 GH94
total GH
MG Angus, bovine (Brulc et
** ***** ***** ** ** ** * ** **** ND ND 85.64
al. 2009)
Guernsey, bovine (Hess et
* **** ***** *** * ** ** ** ND ND ND 51.91
al. 2011)
Yak, bovine (Dai et al.
* ** ***** ** ** * * * **** ND ND 55.6
Reindeer, cervid (Pope et
** **** ***** *** * ** ** ** ***** * ND 59.40
al. 2012)
Page 40 of 42

Jersey, bovine (Wang et

** *** ***** * * * *** ND **** ND ND 55.51
Downloaded from by RUTGERS UNIVERSITY on 08/09/19. For personal use only.

al. 2013)
Friesian, bovine (Ciric et
* *** *** ** * * * * *** * ** 29.66
al. 2014)
Indian Holstein Friesian,
** *** *** * * ** ** * ** ND * 28.94
bovine (Jose et al. 2017)
Moose, cervid
** *** *** ** ** * * * *** ND ** 28.46
(Svartström et al. 2017)
Camel, camelid
* *** *** ** ** * * * *** ND ** 28.06
(Gharechahi et al. 2018)
All ruminants
** ** ** * * * * * ** * * 16.70
(Seshadri et al. 2018)
MT Muskoxen, bovine (Qi et
** * *** ND ND * ND ND **** ND * 27.7
al. 2011)
Holstein, bovine (Dai et
*** *** **** * * * * * *** ND ** 40.19
al. 2015)
Holstein, bovine (Shinkai
* ***** **** ** * * * * **** ND ND 44.26
et al. 2016)
Can. J. Anim. Sci.

Dairy, bovine (Comtet-

* *** ** * * * * * ** ND *** 25.35
Marre et al. 2017)
Crossbred steers, bovine
* ** ** * * * * ND ** ND ** 10.12
(Li et al. 2017)
aMG: Metagenomic, MT: Metatranscriptomic

bND: not detected, *: 0<n<1, **: 1<n<5, ***: 5<n<10, ****:10<n<15, *****: n>15 where n is the relative percentage of the GH domain to the total number of
GH domain.
Can. J. Anim. Sci.
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