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Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

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Ovine mammary morphology and associations with milk production, T

milkability and animal selection
Aris Pourlis*
Laboratory of Anatomy Histology and Embryology, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, University of Thessaly, Greece


Keywords: In current dairy sheep management, there is a widespread trend to improve the morphology of the udder for
Sheep machine- and hand-milking ability. The purpose of this review is to present the literature regarding udder
Udder morphological traits related to milk production of sheep. The ovine udder consists of two mammary glands.
Teat Various techniques have been employed to appraise the mammary morphology and anatomy. Articles referring
to all these methods are referred to. The typology and the linear scoring of udders and their measurable variables
Quantitative trait loci
are described. Non-invasive methods, e.g., ultrasonography or digital image analysis, are assessed. Relationships
between morphological and production traits are analyzed. Comparative results of quantitative trait loci de-
tection for udder morphology traits in dairy sheep are included. Papers related to milkability are evaluated
within the udder and teat morphological context. Use of mammary morphological traits is recommended in
order to improve the morphology of the udder and, accordingly, the milkability of the sheep. Thus, their in-
clusion in programs of genetic improvement could increase the productivity of the animals.

1. Introduction attached, must have vertical teats of medium size and low cistern
height. Many publication regarding sheep husbandry have presented
Milk production represents an important sector of agriculture, in many optimum values for the various udder traits. The majority of the
which, several ruminant species are used for the production of milk and values is similar and applicable to the majority of the dairy breeds.
dairy products. Among ruminants, sheep dairy production holds an Better knowledge of the morphological variation would allow the
important share. In modern sheep husbandry, overall aim is to achieve identification of those mammary traits most suitable for incorporation
increased productivity ensuring, at the same time, high milk quality and into selection programs.
better working conditions. Machine-milking is a fundamental tech- The objectives of this review were to collect and evaluate the
nology to achieve these goals, and udder morphology, which affects methods of udder appraisal and the results of the studies, which have
milking procedures, is important for optimum adaptation of ewes to the been carried out thusfar. In addition, genetic parameters of udder type
milking environment (Dzidic et al., 2004). Within this context, several traits and especially their relationship with milk yield will be presented
traits have become of interest for dairy sheep genetic selection: ma- and discussed. Modern methods to assess udder morphology and
chine-milking ability and udder morphology, resistance to diseases, milkability in dairy sheep will be surveyed.
milk nutritional value, safety of milk, adaptation to local breeding
conditions, feed efficiency, reproduction traits and lamb meat produc- 2. Structure of the ovine udder
tion (Carta et al., 2009). Among them, udder morphology / anatomy
plays a crucial role. The increase of the use of machine-milking resulted The ovine udder is in the inguinal region and comprises two in-
in the increase of studies, which deal with the relation of the udder with dependent mammary glands, one on each side of the ventral midline.
milk production. Udder morphology is a key factor, which affects the The glands are covered by fibroelastic connective tissue (apparatus
(mainly machine-) milkability of the ewes, because the udder must fit suspensorius mammarum) and separated by a clearly defined and inter-
into the clusters (de la Fuente et al., 1996). mediate wall of connective tissue (ligamentum suspensoris uber). The
The perfect udder for machine milking was called ‘udder machine’ strength of this ligament normally produces the presence of an inter-
(Mikus, 1978). According to Mikus, the ‘udder machine’ must be well mmamary groove (sulcus intermammarius) between the glands, which

Corresponding author.
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Received 17 March 2019; Received in revised form 4 October 2019; Accepted 26 October 2019
Available online 09 November 2019
0921-4488/ © 2019 Elsevier B.V. All rights reserved.
A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

Fig. 1. The anatomy of small ruminant mammary gland and the morphology of alveoli with the characteristic secretory epithelium (adapted and modified from
Barone, 2001).

plays an important role in maintaining the udder tightly attached to the 2004).
ventral abdominal wall. Each half udder (Fig. 1) shows internally a Mammary epithelium and stroma communicate with each other and
typical tubulo-alveolar structure with a big cistern (sinus lactiferus), stromal derived factors influence the activities of mammary epithelium,
divided in two parts: glandular cistern (sinus lactiferous pars glandularis) although it is not known how the connective tissue mediates paracrine
and teat cistern (sinus lactiferous pars papillaris). The cisterns are sepa- effects in secretory cells (Colitti et al., 2005).
rated by a bundle of smooth muscular fibers, traditionally known as the
cricoid fold, important for the milk drainage. This also helps to keep the 3. Methods for evaluating udder morphology
teat and gland morphology divided during machine milking to avoid
the appearance of cluster climbing. Size and form of the gland cistern 3.1. Udder typology
vary according to the breed and milking ability of the sheep, being
greater and plurilocular in high yielding ewes. Another sphincter with The anatomical characteristics of the mammary gland of ewes are
smooth muscular fibers is present around the streak canal (ductus pa- important for milk production and the aptitude of the udder to milking.
pilaris) in the distal part of the teat, connected to the exterior by a In order to study the udder traits of the sheep, numerous relevant
unique orifice (ostium papilare) (Turner, 1952; Ruberte et al., 1994; Caja studies have been performed (Supplementary Material 1). Two main
et al., 2000; Rovai et al., 2004). modes to appraise the external udder morphology can be distinguished:
The mammary gland consists of two main histological structures: measurements or scoring. However, in dairy research, these procedures
the parenchyma and the stroma (Lérias et al., 2013). The ultimate have been evolved and adopted mainly to machine milking. Both have
mammary gland structures in the parenchyma are the secretory lobes, been employed in combination or individually.
consisting of much branched intralobular ducts and alveoli (Suarez and The relationship between udder type and milkability was estimated
Morujo, 1982). The alveolus is the secretory unit of the mammary in an experimental flock of Assaf (Awassi × East Friesian) breed ewes
gland; it consists of specialised cubic epithelial cells (lactocytes) with a by Sagi and Morag (1974). The authors established the first outlines of
cavity (the lumen), into which the milk is stored after secretion (Fig. 1). ovine udder conformation and introduced the first method of udder
Although Turner (1952) has provided some information on the scoring known as typology. The udders were classified into four types
structure of the epithelia of the cisterns, these were not detailed. The on the basis of external appearance. In type I, the teats were high up
few microscopical studies of the ovine mammary gland have been and showed no differentiation between left and right glands. In type II,
confined to the alveolar secretory tissue. In the teat and lactiferous si- the teats were at a similar height but with a slight differentiation be-
nuses of the ovine mammary gland, most of the epithelial lining is tween the glands. In type III, the teats were lower and the glands were
composed of a double layer of non-secretory cells (Brooker, 1984). The clearly divided. In type IV, the teats pointed downwards and the glands
basal layer consisted of flattened cells, whereas, in the superficial layer, were clearly divided (Sagi and Morag, 1974). Later, Jatsch and Sagi
the cells were cuboidal or columnar in shape, depending on the state of (1979) described an additional type (V) characterized by non-symme-
distension of the sinus. Macrophages and lymphocytes are present in trical udder halves (Fig. 2).
both layers of the epithelium. A marked feature of some non-secretory Gootwine et al. (1980) adopted a different methodology. The udder
cells in the lactiferous cistern and large ducts was a single cilium up to conformation of Assaf breed was characterized by four sub-traits, spe-
4 μm long. The presence of such large numbers of ciliated cells is found cifically udder shape, teat location, teat length and teat thickness. Each
only in ewes. Ciliated cells were also present in the teat cistern, but in sub-trait was rated with four scores; a comparison of these typologies is
small numbers. In addition to non-secretory cells, the epithelial lining in Fig. 2.
of the lactiferous cistern and large ducts contained large numbers of Labussière et al. (1981) provided an extensive set of qualitative and
cells, of which the ultrastructural features were identical to those of quantitative data on the udder morphology of Lacaune ewes. In parti-
nearby secretory cells forming the alveoli of the mammary gland cular, the authors recorded the position of the teats with five scores and
proper. The ability of sheep mammary glands to produce milk is de- measured udder depth, udder volume, back surface of the udder, teat
termined by the number of cells secreting milk and their level of ac- length and width (diameter), cistern height and teat inclination (Fig. 3).
tivity. Changes in the number of cells in the udder occur during the This was the first assessment of udder morphology using the combi-
lactation period. During early and mid-lactation, there was an incre- nation of measurements and scoring.
ment of alveolar numbers, size and differentiation, as well as the pre- An important advancement of the study of udder morphology in
sence of epithelial cells with a columnar shape and secretory vesicles. It relation to milkability was accomplished in an extensive project for the
has been shown that mammary cells proliferate during this process, evaluation of the udder in Mediterranean sheep breeds. The metho-
while other cells die through apoptosis. The decline in milk production dology used was that of Labussière (1981). In this context, the udder
after peak lactation appears to be due to a gradual reduction in the morphology of Lacaune, Sarde, Manchega, Tsigaya, Churra, Serra de
number of milk-secreting cells, either through cell death or by the Estalla and Karagouniko breed was assessed (Labussière, 1988). Further
abrasion of epithelial cells during milk ejection (Boutinaud et al., methodologies for morphological evaluation of ewes udder were

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

Fig. 2. Udder typology of various sheep breeds (adapted from Rovai et al., 2004).

applied by Mavrogenis et al. (1988); Portolano et al. (1999) and France, based on already existing models (Fig. 4). Two relevant ap-
Milerski et al. (2006) (Fig. 3). praisal tables, both based on 9 point scales per trait, were similar with
only slight differences (Marie-Etancelin et al., 2001).
3.2. Udder linear scoring In the French model, distance of udder lower surface from hocks
(which takes into account differences in animal size), teat position (TP)
Application of a system for morphological appraisal of the udder (which considers the right teat angle from the vertical line), udder cleft
using a linear scale has been proposed for dairy ewes, as an alternative (UC) degree of separation of the two halves, appraised as combination
to the classification by types and the Labussière methodology (de la of the angle and the height of the cleft, expression of the strength of the
Fuente et al., 1996). The evaluation method proposed has been based suspensory ligament. Udder Attachment (UA) ratio between the width
on scoring four basic udder traits and a fifth trait that globally defines and the depth of the udder.
udder morphology, on a nine-point linear scale (Fig. 4). The five traits The Italian model (Casu et al., 2006) takes into account four udder
have been associated with aptitude for machine-milking. Scores for traits (Fig. 4), each scored on a 9-point linear scale: teat placement (TP),
udder depth, udder attachment, teat position-placement, teat size and udder depth (UD), degree of separation of the two halves (DS) and
udder shape were assigned at the same time as those for the linear body degree of suspension of the udder (SU). For teat placement, the distance
conformation traits. The first four udder traits are single linear traits, between the teats and the lower surafce of the udder is taken into ac-
and the last, udder shape, is a composite trait defined as the morpho- count. Scores range from 1, for teats placed on the lowest part of the
logical adaptation of the entire udder for mechanical milking. The udder, to 9, for teats located above the area with the maximum radius
maximum score for this composite trait was 9 (de la Fuente et al., of curvature.
2011). Udder depth is the distance between the udder cleft and the ab-
Udder depth was defined by the distance between rear attachment dominal wall, taking as a reference point the line joining the hocks. It is
and the udder floor, using as a reference the hock. Udders with ex- scored from 1, for deep udders in contact to the ground to 5, for clefts at
cessive depth (below the hock) usually reflect deficiencies in the sus- the hock level, to 9, for shallow udders close to the abdominal wall.
pensory ligament. Udder attachment was determined by the perimeter The SU is the ratio between the udder attachment width and udder
of the insertion to the abdominal wall of the ewe. The maximum in- height. Is is scored from 1, for udders with an attachment width much
sertion base (score = 9) is considered optimum. Teat placement is de- smaller than the UD, to 7, for square udders, to 9, for udders with at-
fined by teat angle. The optimum is completely vertical teats tachment width much larger than the UD. In a Spanish model (de la
(score = 9), directed towards the ground, that coincide with minimum Fuente et al., 1996), the SU is not scored directly, but may be calculated
cistern height. Teat size is determined by length. Udder shape measures by combining the udder attachment score (i.e., the perimeter of udder
the morphology of the udder relative to the optimum for machine insertion on the abdominal wall) and the UD score.
milking (score = 9) and corresponds to the ‘udder machine’ described Finally, DS scores the strength of the median ligament, from 1, with
by Mikus (1978). no separation between the left and right glands, to 9, for udders clearly
The method of de la Fuente et al. (1996) is the Spanish version of divided into two halves.
linear scoring of the sheep udder and applied to Spanish breeds
(Fernández, Baro et al., 1997; Serrano et al., 2002; Legarra and Ugarte,
2005). Later, two more scoring approaches have developed in Italy and

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

Fig. 3. Chart for performing linear measure-

ments in ewes’ udder (Labussière et al., 1981;
Portolano et al., 1999; Milerski et al., 2006).
Labussière et al. (1981): P = udder depth.
Portolano et al. (1999): c at = circumference
at the site of attachment, c max = maximum
circumference, hm = udder height, lm= udder
width, lnt = teat length, lgt = teat diameter, αd
= teat angle, hc = cistern height, prof = udder
depth, Jar = distance between the teat and the
hock, Isc = distance between the ischium and
the site of udder attachment.
Milerski et al. (2006): A = udder length, B =
udder width, C = rear udder depth, D = cis-
tern depth, E = teat length, a = teat angle.

3.3. Ultrasonographic evaluation (Nudda et al., 2000). Ultrasonographic examination has been used to
evaluate cisternal size changes when different milking intervals have
The ultrasonography of the ovine udder has been reviewed by been performed in dairy ewes (Castillo et al., 2008). The objective of
Barbagianni et al. (2017). Bruckmaier and Blum (1992) have first in- another study was to analyze differences in milk partitioning, between
troduced udder ultrasonographic evaluation in ewes. Later, Ruberte the udder compartments (cisternal and alveolar) of two dairy sheep
et al. (1994) have employed ultrasonographic evaluation to study the breeds (Manchega and Lacaune), of different genetic merit and milk
principal internal structures of the entire ovine udder. Ruberte et al. yield to understand the differences observed in daily milk secretion and
(1994) have thus examined the udders of Ripolessa ewes. Mammary milking ability (Rovai et al., 2008). Makovicky et al. (2015a, 2015b)
cistern anatomy derived from ultrasonographic measurements and studied the size of mammary cistern in ewes of nine genotypes.
milking characteristics with and without manual pre-stimulation in
early (2nd – 4th month) or late (5th – 8th month) lactation period were 3.4. Digital image analysis
described in Lacaune and East Friesian dairy ewes (Bruckmaier et al.,
1997). The use of linear measurements taken directly from ultrasono- New perspectives to appraise traits related to the milkability of
graphic images to estimate cistern size in dairy Sarda ewes was assessed dairy ewes, in particular udder morphology and the kinetics of milk

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

Fig. 4. Linear scoring scales of ovine udder.

Fig. 5. Use of digital pictures to obtain udder measurements (Adapted from Marie-Etancelin et al., 2003).

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

emission, were employed using digital pictures and software of image An additional measurement with some ability for predicting production
analysis (Marie-Etancelin et al., 2003). The implementation of digital traits was cistern height although this negatively correlated with milk
picture analysis for the measurements of udder morphology allows the yield on d 70. Measurements that displayed low correlations with milk
extraction and calculation of measurements from a digital picture. yield and other production traits included udder height, udder length,
Three pictures of the udder were analysed: fore and lateral views of the and teat length, making them unsuitable for predicting milk production
whole udder and a particular view of the right teat. An issue with the performance (Iñiquez et al., 2009).
method is the necessity to include a set of many different measurements Positive correlations (P < 0.05, P < 0.001) were observed be-
(Fig. 5). tween all udder traits and daily milk yield in Bafra ewes. Conversely,
negative correlations were obtained between teat-floor distance and
4. Associations of the udder morphological traits daily milk yield. Teat traits did not show any significant correlation
with daily milk yield except between teat distance and daily milk yield
4.1. Associations with milk production within the range of 0.302-0.605 (P < 0.05). Length and diameter of
teats were not significantly correlated with milk flow rate (MFR) and
Supplementary Material 2 and 3 summarize the linear measure- milking duration (MD) (P > 0.05), while udder depths were sig-
ments of udder and teat traits in various ovine breeds. The linear nificantly correlated with MFR (Ünal et al., 2008).
scoring of udders can be found in Supplementary Material 4. Indicative Positive and significant correlations (P < 0.01) were observed be-
correlations of udder traits with milk yield are depicted in tween udder circumference and udder width and daily milk yield in
Supplementary Material 5. Bandirma sheep. Therefore selection to improve any one of these traits
Positive and significant correlations were observed between milk might lead to an improvement of the others (Sezenler et al., 2016).
yield and udder volume in Sicilo-Sarde dairy sheep (Ayadi et al., 2011). Correlation between cisternal area and cisternal milk volume was
Correlation between cisternal milk and cisternal area was positive but r = 0.79 (P < 0.05), and breed differences (Lacaune versus Manchega)
moderate, as was the correlation between cisternal area and estimated were reported. The lower correlation coefficient observed for Lacaune
daily milk yield. According to the authors, the Sicilo-Sarde breed ewes, whose volume of cisternal milk was significantly greater, was
showed adequate udder morphology for machine milking (Ayadi et al., probably due to the size limitations for visualizing the entire cisternal
2011). Milk yield in Najdi sheep was positively correlated with udder area when using a 5-MHz ultrasound transducer. The positive re-
depth, width, circumference and distance between teats (Ayadi et al., lationship found between the area of udder cisterns by ultrasonography
2014). In the Australian Merinos (Bencini and Purvis, 1990), udder and the amount of milk produced in both breeds leads to consider this
volume and milk yield in the first nine weeks of lactation were sig- method as a useful tool for evaluating the capacity of the sheep udder
nificantly correlated. (Rovai et al., 2008). Correlations between morphological udder traits
In both genotypes (Awassi, East Friesian X Awassi) phenotypic re- and milk yield were positive and significant (r = 0.44–0.65; P < 0.05)
lations between UH (udder height from ground), TD (teat distance), UV in both breeds, showing that milk yield was related to udder size (Rovai
(udder volume) and 60, 90, l20-day milk yields and total milk yield was et al., 2008).
relatively high and significant (Şeker et al., 2004). Correlation between Teat length of Istrian dairy crossbreed ewes did not show any cor-
UH and milk yield was negative while it was positive between TD, UV relation either with other milking or morphological characteristics.
and milk yields. In Awassi ewes, significant phenotypic relations were Positive and significant correlations were also observed between udder
determined between UD (udder depth) of day 120 and l20 day milk volume and all milking characteristics. Teat angle was also negatively
yield, UD of day 90 and day I20 and total milk yield. In crossbreeds, UD and significantly correlated with milk yield and milking time (Dzidic
values measured on days 90 and 120 were correlated to total milk yield. et al., 2004).
Significant phenotypic correlations were found in Awassi ewes between In the Mehraban breed, the largest correlation coefficient was found
udder circumference (UC) of day 60 and 60-day milk yield, and be- between udder circumference at two weeks post-weaning with lactation
tween those of 60 and I20 days and total rnilk yield. No significant yield. In Ghezel, correlation coefficients of lactation yield with udder
relationship was found between right teat length (RTL) and milk yields measurements at two weeks post-weaning were not significant
in Awassi. However, in crossbreeds, phenotypic correlations were sig- (Izadifard and Zamiri, 1997). However, at two weeks postpartum,
nificant between RTL of days 60 and 60 day milk yield, RTL of day 90 several udder measurements were highly correlated with the lactation
and l20 day and total milk yield. Significant phenotypic relations be- yield; the largest correlation coefficients were noted with the right
tween the diameter of the right teat (DRT) of day 60 and 60-day milk udder depth and udder circumference. The results of the present ex-
yield were found in Awassi ewes. These correlations were observed in periment showed that milk potential of mature Ghezel ewes can be
crossbreed ewes between DRT of day 60 and 60 day milk yield and DRT estimated with reasonable accuracy by measuring udder depth and
of day 60 and day 90 and 90-day milk yield. In this study, a negative length around peak of lactation. While udder depth and length at two
correlation between UH and milk yield at various periods of the lac- weeks postpartum accounted for 72% of the variation in milk yield of
tation and positive correlation between TD, UD, UV and milk yield at Ghezel ewes, udder circumference at two weeks after weaning ex-
various days of the lactation were found. Those udder-teat traits have a plained about 46% of the variation in milk yield of the Mehraban breed.
potential to be employed for selection of breeder animals for milk The accuracy was greatest when the amount of harvested milk during
production in either Awassi or crossbreed ewes (Şeker et al., 2004). the suckling period was included as a parameter of yield estimation. For
Iñiquez et al. (2009) performed a study in two Awassi sheep genotypes practical purposes, Izadifard and Zamiri suggested udder measurements
and their crosses in order to assess the values of different udder mea- around peak of lactation in Ghezel, and the harvested milk during the
surements for predicting milk production traits. Udder circumference last month of the 15-week suckling period for estimation of the milk
and width and teat width and position had greater correlations with potential in both breeds (Izadifard and Zamiri, 1997).
milk yield on d 70 and total milk yield (r = 0.49 to 0.80) than did other A significant correlation between all udder linear scores of Lori
measurements. Udder circumference and teat width have been shown Bakhtiari ewes with daily milk yield was found; udder depth was highly
to be significantly correlated with total milk yield. Correlation was correlated with daily milk (Sadeghi et al., 2013).
strong and significant between udder circumference and width Chios ewes with udders classified as ‘defined halving’ and ‘too flat’
(r = 0.96). Thus, udder circumference and teat width appear to be the produced significantly more milk than ewes with ‘broken’ or asym-
most useful of the udder measurements taken for predicting total milk metric udders (Mavrogenis et al., 1988). Moderate to high were the
yield of Awassi sheep. A medium to strong correlation was found be- correlations of udder depth with udder floor, udder quality, udder
tween average teat position score with milk yield on d 70 of lactation. circumference and milk production. Udder circumference before

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

milking was positively and highly correlated with test-day, 90-day and ducts empty. The second important compartment of the udder, located
total milk yield. Teat length was highly correlated with teat diameter, more medially, is the alveolar region that is rich with milk secreting
but relationships between teat measures and milk production were epithelium and small interlobular ducts (Marnet and McKusick, 2001).
generally low, while those between teat measures and qualitative and Sheep have proportionally larger cisterns (40–80% of the total volume).
quantitative udder characteristics were low to moderate (Mavrogenis These larger cisterns play an important role in storage of milk between
et al., 1988). Phenotypic correlations among udder floor, udder quality, milkings and can greatly affect the removal of milk at the time of
milking ease and other traits were variable in sign, but were all very milking (Marnet and McKusick, 2001). Therefore, the partitioning of
low and insignificant. Udder circumference was positively correlated milk within the mammary gland, in particular the proportion of cis-
with udder depth and milk production (Mavrogenis et al., 1988). ternal milk volume, relative to the total volume obtained after a normal
McKusick et al. (1999) studied the effects of udder morphology on milk ejection reflex, would appear to be perhaps a better indicator of
commercial milk production of East Friesian crossbred ewes. It was the adaptation of the animal to machine milking.
estimated that for each cm increase in udder circumference and udder Sagi and Morag (1974) were the first to suggest that the pattern of
height, there was a relative increase of 0.06 and 0.11 litres respectively milk fractions could be related to udder conformation: indeed, they
of daily commercial milk yield. In the same experiment, for each cm found a higher percentage of machine produced milk in the udder with
increase in cistern height there was a relative increase of 0.12% units of teats pointed downwards and glands clearly divided, compared to
milk fat. udder with teats implanted high and no differentiation between the two
At 2 weeks post-partum, the correlation of milk yield of Kermani fat halves. In the Sarda ewes, Casu et al. (1983) found positive correlations
tail sheep with udder circumference and udder width was significant for the volumes of machine- or hand-strippings with height of the cis-
(Kahtuei et al., 2008). tern (0.53 and 0.58), inclination of teats respect to the vertical axis
(0.50 and 0.52) and teat position with respect to the fore-rear axis (0.47
4.2. Associations in animal selection and 0.58). Milk fractions collected during milking (machine milk and
stripping milk), residual milk (obtained after oxytocin injection) and
Supplementary Material 5 and 6 show the repeatabilities and her- milk flow curves during machine milking were used to evaluate ma-
itabilities of udder traits, respectively in various breeds. The repeat- chine milking ability in dairy sheep (Labussière, 1988; Caja et al.,
ability and heritability of morphological charactersistcs of the udder 2000). Moreover, milk partitioning between cisternal and alveolar
and their releations with milk production and milking time are essential compartments may influence milk secretion and milk yield response to
in programs of improvement of animals in terms of udder morphology extended milking intervals (Castillo et al., 2008). Large differences
(Rovai et al., 2004). The values of linear scores calculated by between breeds exist with regard to the proportion of total milk that
Fernández, Baro et al. (1997) in Churra ewes were found to be re- can be stored within the cisternal compartment (Bruckmaier and Blum,
peatable (r = 0.48–0.64) and showed low heritability values 1992). In sheep, high variation in cisternal milk was reported, ranging
(h2 = 0.16–0.24). All heritability estimates were moderate to high from < 30% for meat-type breeds (Caja et al., 1999) to > 50% for dairy
(0.27 to 0.83), except for udder floor (0.18) in Chios ewes (Mavrogenis breeds (Caja et al., 2000; Nudda et al., 2000; McKusick et al., 2002),
et al., 1988). Heritabilities of udder traits reported in Assaf (h2 = 0.23 suggesting that selection for greater milk yield also resulted in larger
to 0.42) (Gootwine et al., 1980) were moderate. The same general cisternal udders to accommodate the greater milk volumes secreted
findings appeared in Sarda ewes (h2 = 0.27 to 0.37) (Carta et al., 2001; (Rovai et al., 2008).
Casu et al., 2006). However, increased heritability values were obtained Sheep breeds differ in udder conformation and this makes the de-
from Sarda × Lacaune backcross ewes and daughters and grand- velopment of optimal mechanical milking equipment more difficult. In
daughters sired by Sarda rams (Casu et al., 2010). The values of udder machine-milked sheep, a relatively larger proportion of milk yield is
measurements were generally highly repeatable in Awassi, Chios and obtained as ‘stripping’ milk (Labussière, 1988) and in milking parlours
Churra ewes. Also, high repeatabilities were shown from the linear this can result in a 42% reduction in the number of animals milked per
udder traits of various dairy breeds (r = 0.41–0.73) (Table 5). How- hour (Fernández et al., 1989). Some of the machine-milking problems
ever, in Manchega breed, the linear udder traits were the smallest are actually due to the fact that the design of the systems is based on
(r = 0.26–0.47) (Serrano et al., 2002). Lacaune breed characteristics. Lacaune ewes have more narrow
The traits of Churra ewes related to udder size (depth, width, cir- (15 mm) teats than Churra (16 mm), Karagouniko (17.7 mm), Man-
cumference) were significantly influenced by lactation month, flock and chega (17.9 mm), Sarda (16 mm), Serra da Estrela (17 mm) and Tsigay
milk yield and showed low repeatability (0.17 – 0.18). The traits related (16.3 mm) ewes (Labussière, 1988). Also in Lacaune ewes, by esti-
to cistern morphology (cistern height, teat position, angle) were sig- mating high phenotypic correlations between total stripping (machine-
nificantly influenced by flock and parity number. These traits, together and hand-strippings) and scoring of udder depth (-0.75) and teat im-
with teat length and width, had high repeatabilities (0.45 - 0.77) plantation (0.57), confirmed that its volume increases in long udder
(Fernández et al., 1995). With regard to linear udder traits of Churra with high implanted teats (Casu et al, 2000).
ewes, the highest heritability values were obtained for udder depth
(0.26) and teat placement (0.22) and the lowest for udder attachment 4.4. Associations with mammary health
(0.09); udder shape and teat length had values of 0.15 and 0.16 re-
spectively (de la Fuente et al., 2011). According to Legara and Ugarte (2005) the udders must have good
attachment in order to produce enough milk without functional pro-
4.3. Associations with milkability blems. Big udder depth creates difficulties during milking and presents
bigger probability of injuries (Legara and Ugarte, 2005). Udder shape,
Machine-milkability is normally estimated by fractional miking or is a composite trait defined as the morphological adaptation of the
by analysis of milk emission curves obtained during machnine- milking entire udder for mechanical milking. The appraisal of udder shape is
without extrastimulation of the mammary gland (Caja et al., 2000; not necessary because this trait is the combination of other traits and
Marie-Etancelin et al., 2001). there are high genetic correlations among teat position, udder attach-
Before proceeding with aspects of udder morphology and milk- ment and udder shape (Fernández, Baro et al., 1997; Fernández,
ability, notice should be taken to some anatomical peculiarities of the Requena et al., 1997; Serrano et al., 2002). This indicates that the
sheep. Within the most ventral (and to some degree, lateral) aspect of general and subjective trait is associated with the view of teat position
the udder, lies a compartment known as the gland cistern, that in- and udder attachment but not with udder depth and teat size and
corporates a tortuous system of cavities into which the large lactiferous consequently does not reflect the global picture of the udder. Teat

A. Pourlis Small Ruminant Research 184 (2020) 106009

position is important for the application of milking cups because the information are not homogenous in order to compare and extrapolate
horizontal teats are bending due to the weight of the cups and their fall. easy and definite deductions. The studies which employed measure-
The milking cups have good fit in teats of medium size but not in big or ments did not allow authors to compare breeds and to estimate genetic
small (Legarra and Ugarte, 2005). The appraisal of udder depth and teat parameters due to small amount of ewes often measured in different
size is considered very important because these traits contribute to a environments. However, some authors estimated average to high her-
great extent to the seamless implementation of machine milking. itabilities of some morphological udder and teat traits. When these
Fernández, Baro et al. (1997) reported that the phenotypic correlations traits are related to milk yield the greatest effects are observed for the
between the morphological udder traits and the logarithm of somatic udder width and height (also called depth). Main effects of teat traits
cells indicate that the operations during milking cause possible infec- are related to milk emission during milking.
tions in the udders which have big depth and big teats. In the majority The typology of the udders despite the small scale implementation,
of the studies, the teat placement was the trait with the largest genetic showed a close relationship with milkability. Typology is recommended
variability, which could be useful in breeding programmes in order to as a useful tool for the screening of animals, for example, in order to
improve udder suitability to machine -milking (Serrano et al., 2002; standardize groups for machine milking.
Marie-Etancelin et al., 2005). Oget et al. (2019) summarized few stu- The linear scoring has been used widely in large scale researches.
dies in dairy and meat-producing sheep which dealt with estimating The values of linear scores were sufficiently repeatable and showed
genetic correlations between udder-type and mastitis-related traits. The intermediate heritability. Nevertheless, udder shape showed high and
hypothesis of the mammary epithelial cell-producing antibacterial positive genetic correlation with udder attachment and teat placement,
proteins has been surveyed by Katsafadou et al. (2019). The authors as a result of the main role of these traits in the definition of udder
have noted the significant involvement of ewes’ mammary glands’ shape. Consequently, the use of the first four linear udder traits will be
structural units in the defensive process against mastitis-causing bac- sufficient to improve programs of udder morphology. Phenotypic and
teria. genetic correlations showed that selection for milk yield will produce a
worse udder morphology, mainly in udder height and teat placement,
5. Genome scanning - quantitative trait loci giving as a result baggy udders which are inadequate for machine-
Genome scanning for detection of quantitative trait loci (QTL) is an Mammary ultrasonography is an efficient method to evaluate the
efficient approach to identify loci that influence the phenotypic var- size and the productive capacity of the ovine udder. Cistern height and
iance of economically interesting traits. Recent studies on the mam- teat position, angle, length and width determine the morphological
mary gland related to morphology, refer to the identification of quan- aptitude of the udder to mechanical milking and, moreover show high
titative trait loci (QTL) affecting udder traits in dairy sheep (Casu et al., repeatability. Thus, these traits may be suitable selection markers to
2003). These authors have been working in QTL detection with the improve milking ability.
hypothesis of the presence of different alleles controlling udder mor- In order to obtain a seamless implementation of mechanical
phology on a population of F1 crossbred Lacaune and Sarda ewes (Carta milking, the udders must be uniform and must bear the characteristics
et al., 2002). Several QTL affecting udder morphology traits were de- of the “perfect udder”. The assessment of the morphological udder traits
tected for the first time through methods consisting of extracting ob- during milking is important for a positive progression in genetic im-
jective measurements from digital pictures and repeated udder scoring. provement related to the ability and adaptability in the mechanical
QTL for udder traits have been reported in the Sarda × Lacaune po- milking of dairy ewes. Due to the fact that the morphological and
pulation, the Lacaune - Manech families (Barillet et al., 2006) and in anatomical traits of the udder are considered important both for the
Churra ewes (Gutiérrez-Gil et al., 2008). milk production and the milkability of the animals, the research must
In the Sarda × Lacaune population, a detailed study of udder mor- continue. The research should be performed with an integrated and
phology traits was performed, with digital picture measures being re- uniform methodology. The advancement of research should focus at the
corded in the cross-bred animals and a large list of udder morphology relation of the udder morphology with the milk kinetics, composition
related traits being analysed for QTL detection. Genome-wise sig- and hygiene. The problem of correlation between mammary gland
nificant QTL were detected in Ovis aries chromosome (OAR): OAR3, morphology and mammary gland health has not received much atten-
OAR4, OAR9, OAR14, OAR16, OAR20, OAR22 and OAR26. In the tion in sheep breeding, as indicated by the lack of literature on this
Lacaune-Manech population, genome-wise suggestive QTL were iden- subject.
tified in OAR6 and OAR17 chromosomes for udder cleft (Barillet et al., In this way, the investigations could approach the ultimate target:
2006). In the same population, QTL were also detected for traits related proper and uniform udders, very good milkability and superior milk
to the kinetics of milk emission, which are directly related to the ma- quality.
chine-milking ability of the ewes. The difficulties to measure these traits
in commercial populations make such analyses of great value for the Conflict of interest
sheep research community. Genome-wise suggestive QTL for these
traits were detected on OAR9, OAR11, OAR15, OAR17 and OAR20, The Author does not have any conflict of interest
with the most significant QTL influencing maximum milk emission flow
on OAR11. In the commercial population of Spanish Churra sheep, a Appendix A. Supplementary data
genome scan for udder morphology traits assessed according to the 9-
point linear scale described by de la Fuente et al. (1996) identified Supplementary material related to this article can be found, in the
chromosome-wise significant QTL on OAR7, OAR14, OAR15, OAR20 online version, at doi:
and OAR26. The most significant of these QTL was that identified in the 010.
proximal end of OAR7 for teat placement (Gutiérrez-Gil et al., 2008).
6. Concluding remarks
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tions with milk production. Despite the wealth of data, these their relationship with milk yield in najdi sheep. Span, J. Agric. Res. 12, 1061–1070.

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