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Perfectoid Space

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Perfectoid spaces


Erlangung des Doktorgrades (Dr. rer. nat.)
Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen Fakultät
Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

vorgelegt von
Peter Scholze

Bonn 2011
Angefertigt mit Genehmigung der Mathematisch-Naturwissenschaftlichen
Fakultät der Rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn

1. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Michael Rapoport

2. Gutachter: Prof. Dr. Gerd Faltings
Tag der Promotion: 26.01.2012

Erscheinungsjahr: 2012


Abstract. We introduce a certain class of so-called perfectoid rings and spaces, which
give a natural framework for Faltings’ almost purity theorem, and for which there
is a natural tilting operation which exchanges characteristic 0 and characteristic p.
We deduce the weight-monodromy conjecture in certain cases by reduction to equal

1. Introduction 2
2. Adic spaces 7
3. Perfectoid fields 15
4. Almost mathematics 18
5. Perfectoid algebras 21
6. Perfectoid spaces: Analytic topology 30
7. Perfectoid spaces: Etale topology 39
8. An example: Toric varieties 44
9. The weight-monodromy conjecture 47
References 50

Date: November 19, 2011.


1. Introduction
In commutative algebra and algebraic geometry, some of the most subtle problems
arise in the context of mixed characteristic, i.e. over local fields such as Qp which are
of characteristic 0, but whose residue field Fp is of characteristic p. The aim of this
paper is to establish a general framework for reducing certain problems about mixed
characteristic rings to problems about rings in characteristic p. We will use this frame-
work to establish a generalization of Faltings’s almost purity theorem, and new results
on Deligne’s weight-monodromy conjecture.
The basic result which we want to put into a larger context is the following canonical
isomorphism of Galois groups, due to Fontaine and Wintenberger, [13]. A special case
is the following result.

Theorem 1.1. The absolute Galois groups of Qp (p1/p ) and Fp ((t)) are canonically
In other words, after adjoining all p-power roots of p to a mixed characteristic field,
it looks like an equal characteristic ring in some way. Let us first explain how one can

prove this theorem. Let K be the completion of Qp (p1/p ) and let K [ be the completion

of Fp ((t))(t1/p ); it is enough to prove that the absolute Galois groups of K and K [ are
isomorphic. Let us first explain the relation between K and K [ , which in vague terms
consists in replacing the prime number p by a formal variable t. Let K ◦ and K [◦ be the
subrings of integral elements. Then

∼ Fp [t1/p∞ ]/t = K [◦ /t ,
K ◦ /p = Zp [p1/p ]/p =
n n
where the middle isomorphism sends p1/p to t1/p . Using it, one can define a continuous
multiplicative, but nonadditive, map K [ → K, x 7→ x] , which sends t to p. On K [◦ , it
n n
is given by sending x to limn→∞ ynp , where yn ∈ K ◦ is any lift of the image of x1/p in
K [◦ /t = K ◦ /p. Then one has an identification
K [ = lim K , x 7→ (x] , (x1/p )] , . . .) .

In order to prove the theorem, one has to construct a canonical finite extension L] of
K for any finite extension L of K [ . There is the following description. Say L is the
splitting field of a polynomial X d + ad−1 X d−1 + . . . + a0 , which is also the splitting field
1/pn 1/pn
of X d + ad−1 X d−1 + . . . + a0 for all n ≥ 0. Then L] can be defined as the splitting
1/pn 1/pn
field of X d + (ad−1 )] X d−1 + . . . + (a0 )] for n large enough: these fields stabilize as
n → ∞.
In fact, the same ideas work in greater generality.
Definition 1.2. A perfectoid field is a complete topological field K whose topology is
induced by a nondiscrete valuation of rank 1, such that the Frobenius Φ is surjective on
K ◦ /p.
Here K ◦ ⊂ K denotes the set of powerbounded elements. Generalizing the example
above, a construction of Fontaine associates to any perfectoid field K another perfectoid
field K [ of characteristic p, whose underlying multiplicative monoid can be described as
K [ = lim K .
The theorem above generalizes to the following result.
Theorem 1.3. The absolute Galois groups of K and K [ are canonically isomorphic.
Our aim is to generalize this to a comparison of geometric objects over K with geo-
metric objects over K [ . The basic claim is the following.

Claim 1.4. The affine line A1K [ ‘is equal to’ the inverse limit limT 7→T p A1K , where T is
the coordinate on A1 .
One way in which this is correct is the observation that it is true on K [ -, resp. K-,
valued points. Moreover, for any finite extension L of K corresponding to an extension
L[ of K [ , we have the same relation
L[ = lim L .
Looking at the example above, we see that the explicit description of the map between
A1K [ and limT 7→T p A1K involves a limit procedure. For this reason, a formalization of this
isomorphism has to be of an analytic nature, and we have to use some kind of rigid-
analytic geometry over K. We choose to work with Huber’s language of adic spaces,
which reinterprets rigid-analytic varieties as certain locally ringed topological spaces. In
particular, any variety X over K has an associated adic space X ad over K, which in
turn has an underlying topological space |X ad |.
Theorem 1.5. There is a homeomorphism of topological spaces
|(A1K [ )ad | ∼
= lim |(A1K )ad | .
←− p
T 7→T

Note that both sides of this isomorphism can be regarded as locally ringed topological
spaces. It is natural to ask whether one can compare the structure sheaves on both sides.
There is the obvious obstacle that the left-hand side has a sheaf of characteristic p rings,
whereas the right-hand side has a sheaf of characteristic 0 rings. Fontaine’s functors
make it possible to translate between the two worlds. There is the following result.
Definition 1.6. Let K be a perfectoid field. A perfectoid K-algebra is a Banach K-
algebra R such that the set of powerbounded elements R◦ ⊂ R is bounded, and such that
the Frobenius Φ is surjective on R◦ /p.
Theorem 1.7. There is natural equivalence of categories, called the tilting equivalence,
between the category of perfectoid K-algebras and the category of perfectoid K [ -algebras.
Here a perfectoid K-algebra R is sent to the perfectoid K [ -algebra
R[ = lim R .

We note in particular that for perfectoid K-algebras R, we still have a map R[ → R,

f 7→ f ] . An example of a perfectoid K-algebra is the algebra R = KhT 1/p i for
∞ ∞
which R◦ = K ◦ hT 1/p i is the p-adic completion of K[T 1/p ]. This is the completion
of an algebra that appears on the right-hand side of Theorem 1.5. Its tilt is given by

R[ = K [ hT 1/p i, which is the completed perfection of an algebra that appears on the
left-hand side of Theorem 1.5.
Now an affinoid perfectoid space is associated to a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, which
is a pair (R, R+ ), where R is a perfectoid K-algebra, and R+ ⊂ R◦ is open and integrally
closed (and often R+ = R◦ ). There is a natural way to form the tilt (R[ , R[+ ). To such
a pair (R, R+ ), Huber, [18], associates a space X = Spa(R, R+ ) of equivalence classes of
continuous valuations R → Γ ∪ {0}, f 7→ |f (x)|, which are ≤ 1 on R+ . The topology on
this space is generated by so-called rational subsets. Moreover, Huber defines presheaves
OX and OX on X, whose global sections are R, resp. R+ .
Theorem 1.8. Let (R, R+ ) be a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, and let X = Spa(R, R+ ),
X [ = Spa(R[ , R[+ ).
(i) There is a homeomorphism X ∼ = X [ , given by mapping x ∈ X to the valuation x[ ∈ X [
[ ]
defined by |f (x )| = |f (x)|. This homeomorphism identifies rational subsets.

(ii) For any rational subset U ⊂ X with tilt U [ ⊂ X [ , the pair (OX (U ), OX (U )) is a
[ + [
perfectoid affinoid K-algebra with tilt (OX [ (U ), OX [ (U )).
(iii) The presheaves OX , OX are sheaves.
(iv) The cohomology group H i (X, OX ) is m-torsion for i > 0.
Here m ⊂ K ◦ is the subset of topologically nilpotent elements. Part (iv) implies
that H i (X, OX ) = 0 for i > 0, which gives Tate’s acyclicity theorem in the context of
perfectoid spaces. However, it says that this statement about the generic fibre extends
almost to the integral level, in the language of Faltings’s so-called almost mathematics.
In fact, this is a general property of perfectoid objects: Many statements that are true
on the generic fibre are automatically almost true on the integral level.
Using the theorem, one can define general perfectoid spaces by gluing affinoid perfec-
toid spaces X = Spa(R, R+ ). We arrive at the following theorem.
Theorem 1.9. The category of perfectoid spaces over K and the category of perfectoid
spaces over K [ are equivalent.
We denote the tilting functor by X 7→ X [ . Our next aim is to define an étale topos of
perfectoid spaces. This necessitates a generalization of Faltings’s almost purity theorem,
cf. [11], [12].
Theorem 1.10. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra. Let S/R be finite étale. Then S is a
perfectoid K-algebra, and S ◦ is almost finite étale over R◦ .
In fact, as for perfectoid fields, it is easy to construct a fully faithful functor from the
category of finite étale R[ -algebras to finite étale R-algebras, and the problem becomes
to show that this functor is essentially surjective. But locally on X = Spa(R, R+ ), the
functor is essentially surjective by the result for perfectoid fields; one deduces the general
case by a gluing argument.
Using this theorem, one proves the following theorem. Here, Xét denotes the étale
site of a perfectoid space X, and we denote by Xét ∼ the associated topos.

Theorem 1.11. Let X be a perfectoid space over K with tilt X [ over K [ . Then tilting
induces an equivalence of sites Xét ∼ [ .
= Xét
As a concrete application of this theorem, we have the following result. Here, we use
the étale topoi of adic spaces, which are the same as the étale topoi of the corresponding
rigid-analytic variety. In particular, the same theorem holds for rigid-analytic varieties.
Theorem 1.12. The étale topos (Pn,ad )∼ is equivalent to the inverse limit limϕ (Pn,ad ∼
K )ét .
K [ ét ←−
Here, one has to interpret the latter as the inverse limit of a fibred topos in an obvious
way, and ϕ is the map given on coordinates by ϕ(x0 : . . . : xn ) = (xp0 : . . . : xpn ). The
same theorem stays true for proper toric varieties without change. We note that the
theorem gives rise to a projection map
π : PnK [ → PnK
defined on topological spaces and étale topoi of adic spaces, and which is given on
coordinates by π(x0 : . . . : xn ) = (x]0 : . . . : x]n ). In particular, we see again that this
isomorphism is of a deeply analytic and transcendental nature.
We note that (PnK [ )ad is itself not a perfectoid space, but limϕ (PnK [ )ad is, where ϕ :
PnK [ → PnK [ denotes again the p-th power map on coordinates. However, ϕ is purely
inseparable and hence induces an isomorphism on topological spaces and étale topoi,
which is the reason that we have not written this inverse limit in Theorem 1.5 and
Theorem 1.12.

Finally, we apply these results to the weight-monodromy conjecture. Let us recall its
formulation. Let k be a local field whose residue field is of characteristic p, let Gk =
Gal(k̄/k), and let q be the cardinality of the residue field of k. For any finite-dimensional
Q̄` -representation V of Gk , we have the monodromy operator N : V → V (−1) induced
from the action of the `-adic inertia subgroup. It induces the monodromy filtration
FilN N N
i V ⊂ V , i ∈ Z, characterized by the property that N (Fili V ) ⊂ Fili−2 V (−1) for all
i ∈ Z and gri V ∼
N N i
= gr−i V (−i) via N for all i ≥ 0.
Conjecture 1.13 (Deligne, [9]). Let X be a proper smooth variety over k, and let
V = H i (Xk̄ , Q̄` ). Then for all j ∈ Z and for any geometric Frobenius Φ ∈ Gk , all
eigenvalues of Φ on grN j V are Weil numbers of weight i + j, i.e. algebraic numbers α
such that |α| = q (i+j)/2 for all complex absolute values.
Deligne, [10], proved this conjecture if k is of characteristic p, and the situation is
already defined over a curve. The general weight-monodromy conjecture over fields k of
characteristic p can be deduced from this case, as done by Terasoma, [33], and by Ito,
In mixed characteristic, the conjecture is wide open. Introducing what is now called
the Rapoport-Zink spectral sequence, Rapoport and Zink, [29], have proved the conjec-
ture when X has dimension at most 2 and X has semistable reduction. They also show
that in general it would follow from a suitable form of the standard conjectures, the
main point being that a certain linear pairing on cohomology groups should be nonde-
generate. Using de Jong’s alterations, [8], one can reduce the general case to the case of
semistable reduction, and in particular the case of dimension at most 2 follows. Apart
from that, other special cases are known. Notably, the case of varieties which admit
p-adic uniformization by Drinfeld’s upper half-space is proved by Ito, [25], by pushing
through the argument of Rapoport-Zink in this special case, making use of the special
nature of the components of the special fibre, which are explicit rational varieties.
On the other hand, there is a large amount of activity that uses automorphic ar-
guments to prove results in cases of certain Shimura varieties, notably those of type
U (1, n − 1) used in the book of Harris-Taylor [15]. Let us only mention the work of
Taylor and Yoshida, [32], later completed by Shin, [30], and Caraiani, [6], as well as the
independent work of Boyer, [4], [5]. Boyer’s results were used by Dat, [7], to handle the
case of varieties which admit uniformization by a covering of Drinfeld’s upper half-space,
thereby generalizing Ito’s result.
Our last main theorem is the following.
Theorem 1.14. Let k be a local field of characteristic 0. Let X be a geometrically con-
nected proper smooth variety over k such that X is a set-theoretic complete intersection
in a projective smooth toric variety. Then the weight-monodromy conjecture is true for
Let us give a short sketch of the proof for a smooth hypersurface in X ⊂ Pn , which
is already a new result. We have the projection
π : PnK [ → PnK ,
and we can look at the preimage π −1 (X). One has an injective map H i (X) → H i (π −1 (X)),
and if π −1 (X) were an algebraic variety, then one could deduce the result from Deligne’s
theorem in equal characteristic. However, the map π is highly transcendental, and
π −1 (X) will not be given by equations. In general, it will look like some sort of fractal,
have infinite-dimensional cohomology, and will have infinite degree in the sense that it
will meet a line in infinitely many points. As an easy example, let
X = {x0 + x1 + x2 = 0} ⊂ (P2K )ad .

Then the homeomorphism

|(P2K [ )ad | ∼
= lim |(P2 )ad |
←− K

means that π −1 (X) is topologically the inverse limit of the subvarieties

n n n
Xn = {xp0 + xp1 + xp2 = 0} ⊂ (P2K )ad .

However, we have the following crucial approximation lemma.

Lemma 1.15. Let X̃ ⊂ (PnK )ad be a small open neighborhood of the hypersurface X.
Then there is a hypersurface Y ⊂ π −1 (X̃).

The proof of this lemma is by an explicit approximation algorithm for the homo-
geneous polynomial defining X, and is the reason that we have to restrict to complete
intersections. Using a result of Huber, one finds some X̃ such that H i (X) = H i (X̃), and
hence gets a map H i (X) = H i (X̃) → H i (Y ). As before, one checks that it is injective
and concludes.
After the results of this paper were first announced, Kiran Kedlaya informed us that
he had obtained related results in joint work with Ruochuan Liu, [27]. In particular,
in our terminology, they prove that for any perfectoid K-algebra R with tilt R[ , there
is an equivalence between the finite étale R-algebras and the finite étale R[ -algebras.
However, the tilting equivalence, the generalization of Faltings’s almost purity theorem
and the application to the weight-monodromy conjecture were not observed by them.
This led to an exchange of ideas, with the following two influences on this paper. In the
first version of this work, Theorem 1.3 was proved using a version of Faltings’s almost
purity theorem for fields, proved in [14], Chapter 6, using ramification theory. Kedlaya
observed that one could instead reduce to the case where K [ is algebraically closed,
which gives a more elementary proof of the theorem. We include both arguments here.
Secondly, a certain finiteness condition on the perfectoid K-algebra was imposed at
some places in the first version, a condition close to the notion of p-finiteness introduced
below; in most applications known to the author, this condition is satisfied. Kedlaya
made us aware of the possibility to deduce the general case by a simple limit argument.
Acknowledgments. First, I want to express my deep gratitude to my advisor M.
Rapoport, who suggested that I should think about the weight-monodromy conjecture,
and in particular suggested that it might be possible to reduce it to the case of equal
characteristic after a highly ramified base change. Next, I want to thank Gerd Faltings
for a crucial remark on a first version of this paper. Moreover, I wish to thank all
participants of the ARGOS seminar on perfectoid spaces at the University of Bonn in
the summer term 2011, for working through an early version of this manuscript and the
large number of suggestions for improvements. The same applies to Lorenzo Ramero,
whom I also want to thank for his very careful reading of the manuscript. Moreover, I
thank Roland Huber for answering my questions on adic spaces. Further thanks go to
Ahmed Abbes, Bhargav Bhatt, Pierre Colmez, Laurent Fargues, Jean-Marc Fontaine,
Ofer Gabber, Luc Illusie, Adrian Iovita, Kiran Kedlaya, Gerard Laumon, Ruochuan Liu,
Wieslawa Niziol, Arthur Ogus, Martin Olsson, Bernd Sturmfels and Jared Weinstein
for helpful discussions. Finally, I want to heartily thank the organizers of the CAGA
lecture series at the IHES for their invitation. This work is the author’s PhD thesis at
the University of Bonn, which was supported by the Hausdorff Center for Mathematics,
and the thesis was finished while the author was a Clay Research Fellow. He wants
to thank both institutions for their support. Moreover, parts of it were written while
visiting Harvard University, the Université Paris-Sud at Orsay, and the IHES, and the
author wants to thank these institutions for their hospitality.

2. Adic spaces
Throughout this paper, we make use of Huber’s theory of adic spaces. For this reason,
we recall some basic definitions and statements about adic spaces over nonarchimedean
local fields. We also compare Huber’s theory to the more classical language of rigid-
analytic geometry, and to the theory of Berkovich’s analytic spaces. The material of
this section can be found in [20], [19] and [18].
Definition 2.1. A nonarchimedean field is a topological field k whose topology is induced
by a nontrivial valuation of rank 1.
In particular, k admits a norm | · | : k → R≥0 , and it is easy to see that | · | is unique
up to automorphisms x 7→ xα , 0 < α < ∞, of R≥0 .
Throughout, we fix a nonarchimedean field k. Replacing k by its completion will not
change the theory, so we may and do assume that k is complete.
The idea of rigid-analytic geometry, and the closely related theories of Berkovich’s
analytic spaces and Huber’s adic spaces, is to have a nonarchimedean analogue of the
notion of complex analytic spaces over C. In particular, there should be a functor
{varieties/k} → {adic spaces/k} : X 7→ X ad ,
sending any variety over k to its analytification X ad . Moreover, it should be possible to
define subspaces of X ad by inequalities: For any f ∈ Γ(X, OX ), the subset
{x ∈ X ad | |f (x)| ≤ 1}
should make sense. In particular, any point x ∈ X ad should give rise to a valuation
function f 7→ |f (x)|. In classical rigid-analytic geometry, one considers only the max-
imal points of the scheme X. Each of them gives a map Γ(X, OX ) → k 0 for some
finite extension k 0 of k; composing with the unique extension of the absolute value of k
to k 0 gives a valuation on Γ(X, OX ). In Berkovich’s theory, one considers norm maps
Γ(X, OX ) → R≥0 inducing a fixed norm map on k. Equivalently, one considers valu-
ations of rank 1 on Γ(X, OX ). In Huber’s theory, one allows also valuations of higher
Definition 2.2. Let R be some ring. A valuation on R is given by a multiplicative map
| · | : R → Γ ∪ {0}, where Γ is some totally ordered abelian group, written multiplicatively,
such that |0| = 0, |1| = 1 and |x + y| ≤ max(|x|, |y|) for all x, y ∈ R.
If R is a topological ring, then a valuation | · | on R is said to be continuous if for all
γ ∈ Γ, the subset {x ∈ R | |x| < γ} ⊂ R is open.
Remark 2.3. The term valuation is somewhat unfortunate: If Γ = R>0 , then this would
usually be called a seminorm, and the term valuation would be used for (a constant
multiple of) the map x 7→ − log |x|. On the other hand, the term higher-rank norm is
much less commonly used than the term higher-rank valuation. For this reason, we stick
with Huber’s terminology.
Remark 2.4. Recall that a valuation ring is an integral domain R such that for any x 6= 0
in the fraction field K of R, at least one of x and x−1 is in R. Any valuation | · | on a
field K gives rise to the valuation subring R = {x | |x| ≤ 1}. Conversely, a valuation
ring R gives rise to a valuation on K with values in Γ = K × /R× , ordered by saying
that x ≤ y if x = yz for some z ∈ R. With respect to a suitable notion of equivalence
of valuations defined below, this induces a bijective correspondence between valuation
subrings of K and valuations on K.
If | · | : R → Γ ∪ {0} is a valuation on R, let Γ|·| ⊂ Γ denote the subgroup generated by
all |x|, x ∈ R, which are nonzero. The set supp(| · |) = {x ∈ R | |x| = 0} is a prime ideal
of R called the support of | · |. Let K be the quotient field of R/ supp(| · |). Then the

valuation factors as a composite R → K → Γ ∪ {0}. Let R(| · |) ⊂ K be the valuation

subring, i.e. R(| · |) = {x ∈ K | |x| ≤ 1}.
Definition 2.5. Two valuations | · |, | · |0 are called equivalent if the following equivalent
conditions are satisfied.
(i) There is an isomorphism of totally ordered groups α : Γ|·| ∼= Γ|·|0 such that |·|0 = α◦|·|.
(ii) The supports supp(| · |) = supp(| · |0 ) and valuation rings R(| · |) = R(| · |0 ) agree.
(iii) For all a, b ∈ R, |a| ≥ |b| if and only if |a|0 ≥ |b|0 .
In [18], Huber defines spaces of (continuous) valuations in great generality. Let us
specialize to the case of interest to us.
Definition 2.6. (i) A Tate k-algebra is a topological k-algebra R for which there exists
a subring R0 ⊂ R such that aR0 , a ∈ k × , forms a basis of open neighborhoods of 0. A
subset M ⊂ R is called bounded if M ⊂ aR0 for some a ∈ k × . An element x ∈ R is
called power-bounded if {xn | n ≥ 0} ⊂ R is bounded. Let R◦ ⊂ R denote the subring of
powerbounded elements.
(ii) An affinoid k-algebra is a pair (R, R+ ) consisting of a Tate k-algebra R and an open
and integrally closed subring R+ ⊂ R◦ .
(iii) An affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ) is said to be of topologically finite type (tft for short)
if R is a quotient of khT1 , . . . , Tn i for some n, and R+ = R◦ .
khT1 , . . . , Tn i = { xi1 ,...,in T1i1 · · · Tnin | xi1 ,...,in ∈ k, xi1 ,...,in → 0}
i1 ,...,in ≥0

is the ring of convergent power series on the ball given by |T1 |, . . . , |Tn | ≤ 1. Often, only
affinoid k-algebras of tft are considered; however, this paper will show that other classes
of affinoid k-algebras are of interest as well. We also note that any Tate k-algebra R,
resp. affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ), admits the completion R̂, resp. (R̂, R̂+ ), which is again
a Tate, resp. affinoid, k-algebra. Everything depends only on the completion, so one
may assume that (R, R+ ) is complete in the following.
Definition 2.7. Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra. Let
X = Spa(R, R+ ) = {| · | : R → Γ ∪ {0} continuous valuation | ∀f ∈ R+ : |f | ≤ 1}/ ∼
= .
For any x ∈ X, write f 7→ |f (x)| for the corresponding valuation on R. We equip X
with the topology which has the open subsets
f1 , . . . , fn
U( ) = {x ∈ X | ∀i : |fi (x)| ≤ |g(x)|} ,
called rational subsets, as basis for the topology, where f1 , . . . , fn ∈ R generate R as an
ideal and g ∈ R.
Remark 2.8. Let $ ∈ k be topologically nilpotent, i.e. |$| < 1. Then to f1 , . . . , fn one
can add fn+1 = $N for some big integer N withoutP changing the rational subspace.
Indeed, there are elements h1 , . . . , hn ∈ R such that hi fi = 1. Multiplying by $N
N + +
for N sufficiently large, we have $ hi ∈ R , as R ⊂ R is open. Now for any x ∈
U ( f1 ,...,f
), we have
|$N (x)| = | ($N hi )(x)fi (x)| ≤ max |($N hi )(x)||fi (x)| ≤ |g(x)| ,
as desired. In particular, we see that on rational subsets, |g(x)| is nonzero, and bounded
from below.

The topological spaces Spa(R, R+ ) have some special properties reminiscent of the
properties of Spec(A) for a ring A. In fact, let us recall the following result of Hochster,
Definition/Proposition 2.9. A topological space X is called spectral if it satisfies the
following equivalent properties.
(i) There is some ring A such that X ∼ = Spec(A).
(ii) One can write X as an inverse limit of finite T0 spaces.
(iii) The space X is quasicompact, has a basis of quasicompact open subsets stable under
finite intersections, and every irreducible closed subset has a unique generic point.
In particular, spectral spaces are quasicompact, quasiseparated and T0 . Recall that
a topological space X is called quasiseparated if the intersection of any two quasicom-
pact open subsets is again quasicompact. In the following we will often abbreviate
quasicompact, resp. quasiseparated, as qc, resp. qs.
Proposition 2.10 ([18, Theorem 3.5]). For any affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ), the space
Spa(R, R+ ) is spectral. The rational subsets form a basis of quasicompact open subsets
stable under finite intersections.
Proposition 2.11 ([18, Proposition 3.9]). Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra with
completion (R̂, R̂+ ). Then Spa(R, R+ ) ∼
= Spa(R̂, R̂+ ), identifying rational subsets.
Moreover, the space Spa(R, R+ ) is large enough to capture important properties.
Proposition 2.12. Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra, X = Spa(R, R+ ).
(i) If X = ∅, then R̂ = 0.
(ii) Let f ∈ R be such that |f (x)| =
6 0 for all x ∈ X. If R is complete, then f is invertible.
(iii) Let f ∈ R be such that |f (x)| ≤ 1 for all x ∈ X. Then f ∈ R+ .
Proof. Part (i) is [18], Proposition 3.6 (i). Part (ii) is [19], Lemma 1.4, and part (iii)
follows from [18], Lemma 3.3 (i). 
We want to endow X = Spa(R, R+ ) with a structure sheaf OX . The construction is
as follows.
Definition 2.13. Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra, and let U = U ( f1 ,...,f g
+ ×
Spa(R, R ) be a rational subset. Choose some R0 ⊂ R such that aR0 , a ∈ k , is a basis
of open neighborhoods of 0 in R. Consider the subalgebra R[ fg1 , . . . , fgn ] of R[g −1 ], and
equip it with the topology making aR0 [ fg1 , . . . , fgn ], a ∈ k × , a basis of open neighborhoods
of 0. Let B ⊂ R[ fg1 , . . . , fgn ] be the integral closure of R+ [ fg1 , . . . , fgn ] in R[ fg1 , . . . , fgn ].
Then (R[ fg1 , . . . , fgn ], B) is an affinoid k-algebra. Let (Rh fg1 , . . . , fgn i, B̂) be its completion.
f1 fn
, . . . , i, B̂) → Spa(R, R+ )
g g
factors over the open subset U ⊂ X.
Proposition 2.14 ([19, Proposition 1.3]). In the situation of the definition, the follow-
ing universal property is satisfied. For every complete affinoid k-algebra (S, S + ) with a
map (R, R+ ) → (S, S + ) such that the induced map Spa(S, S + ) → Spa(R, R+ ) factors
over U , there is a unique map
f1 fn
(Rh , . . . , i, B̂) → (S, S + )
g g
making the obvious diagram commute.

In particular, (Rh fg1 , . . . , fgn i, B̂) depends only on U . Define

+ f1 fn
(OX (U ), OX (U )) = (Rh , . . . , i, B̂) .
g g
For example, (OX (X), OX (X)) is the completion of (R, R+ ).
The idea is that since f1 , . . . , fn generate R, not all |fi (x)| = 0 for x ∈ U ; in particular,
|g(x)| 6= 0 for all x ∈ U . This implies that g is invertible in S in the situation of the
proposition. Moreover, |( fgi )(x)| ≤ 1 for all x ∈ U , which means that fgi ∈ S + .
We define presheaves OX and OX on X as above on rational subsets, and for general
open U ⊂ X by requiring
OX (W ) = lim OX (U ) ,
U ⊂W rational
and similarly for OX .
Proposition 2.15 ([19, Lemma 1.5, Proposition 1.6]). For any x ∈ X, the valuation
f 7→ |f (x)| extends to the stalk OX,x , and
OX,x = {f ∈ OX,x | |f (x)| ≤ 1} .
The ring OX,x is a local ring with maximal ideal given by {f | |f (x)| = 0}. The ring
OX,x is a local ring with maximal ideal given by {f | |f (x)| < 1}. Moreover, for any
open subset U ⊂ X,
OX (U ) = {f ∈ OX (U ) | ∀x ∈ U : |f (x)| ≤ 1} .
If U ⊂ X is rational, then U ∼= Spa(OX (U ), OX+
(U )) compatible with rational subsets,
the presheaves OX and OX , and the valuations at all x ∈ U .
Unfortunately, it is not in general known1 that OX is sheaf. We note that the propo-
sition ensures that OX is a sheaf if OX is. The basic problem is that completion behaves
in general badly for nonnoetherian rings.
Definition 2.16. A Tate k-algebra R is called strongly noetherian if
RhT1 , . . . , Tn i = { xi1 ,...,in T1i1 · · · Tnin | xi1 ,...,in ∈ R̂, xi1 ,...,in → 0}
i1 ,...,in ≥0
is noetherian for all n ≥ 0.
For example, if R is of tft, then R is strongly noetherian.
Theorem 2.17 ([19, Theorem 2.2]). If (R, R+ ) is an affinoid k-algebra such that R is
strongly noetherian, then OX is a sheaf.
Later, we will show that this theorem is true under the assumption that R is a
perfectoid k-algebra. We define perfectoid k-algebras later; let us only remark that
except for trivial examples, they are huge and in particular not strongly noetherian.
Finally, we can define the category of adic spaces over k. Namely, consider the
category (V ) of triples (X, OX , (|·(x)| | x ∈ X)) consisting of a locally ringed topological
space (X, OX ), where OX is a sheaf of complete topological k-algebras, and a continuous
valuation f 7→ |f (x)| on OX,x for every x ∈ X. Morphisms are given by morphisms of
locally ringed topological spaces which are continuous k-algebra morphisms on OX , and
compatible with the valuations in the obvious sense.
Any affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ) for which OX is a sheaf gives rise to such a triple
(X, OX , (| · (x)| | x ∈ X)). Call an object of (V ) isomorphic to such a triple an affinoid
adic space.
1and probably not true

Definition 2.18. An adic space over k is an object (X, OX , (| · (x)| | x ∈ X)) of (V )

that is locally on X an affinoid adic space.
Proposition 2.19 ([19, Proposition 2.1 (ii)]). For any affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ) with
X = Spa(R, R+ ) such that OX is a sheaf, and any adic space Y over k, we have
Hom(Y, X) = Hom((R̂, R̂+ ), (OY (Y ), OY+ (Y ))) .
Here, the latter set denotes the set of continuous k-algebra morphisms R̂ → OY (Y ) such
that R̂+ is mapped into OY+ (Y ).
In particular, the category of complete affinoid k-algebras for which the structure
presheaf is a sheaf is equivalent to the category of affinoid adic spaces over k.
For the rest of this section, let us discuss an example, and explain the relation to
rigid-analytic varieties, [31], and Berkovich’s analytic spaces, [1].
Example 2.20. Assume that k is complete and algebraically closed. Let R = khT i,
R+ = R◦ = k ◦ hT i the subspace of power series with coefficients in k ◦ . Then (R, R+ ) is
an affinoid k-algebra of tft. We want to describe the topological space X = Spa(R, R+ ).
For convenience, let us fix the norm | · | : k → R≥0 . Then there are in general points of
5 different types, of which the first four are already present in Berkovich’s theory.

(1) The classical points: Let x ∈ k ◦ , i.e. x ∈ k P

with |x| ≤ 1.
P Then for any f ∈ khT i, we
can evaluate f at x to get a map R → k, f = an T n 7→ an xn . Composing with the
norm on k, one gets a valuation f 7→ |f (x)| on R, which is obviously continuous and
≤ 1 for all f ∈ R+ .
(2), (3) The rays of the tree: Let 0 ≤ r ≤ 1 be some real number, and x ∈ k ◦ . Then
f= an (T − x)n 7→ sup |an |rn = sup |f (y)|
y∈k◦ :|y−x|≤r

defines another continuous valuation on R which is ≤ 1 for all f ∈ R+ . It depends only

on the disk D(x, r) = {y ∈ k ◦ | |y − x| ≤ r}. If r = 0, then it agrees with the classical
point corresponding to x. For r = 1, the disk D(x, 1) is independent of x ∈ k ◦ , and the
corresponding valuation is called the Gaußpoint.
If r ∈ |k × |, then the point is said to be of type (2), otherwise of type (3). Note that
a branching occurs at a point corresponding to the disk D(x, r) if and only if r ∈ |k × |,
i.e. a branching occurs precisely at the points of type (2).
(4) Dead ends of the tree: Let D1 ⊃ D2 ⊃ . . . be a sequence of disks with Di = ∅.
Such families exist if k is not spherically complete, e.g. if k = Cp . Then
f 7→ inf sup |f (x)|
i x∈Di

defines a valuation on R, which again is ≤ 1 for all f ∈ R+ .

(5) Finally, there are some valuations of rank 2 which are only seen in the adic space. Let
us first give an example, before giving the general classification. Consider the totally
ordered abelian group Γ = R>0 × γ Z , where we require that r < γ < 1 for all real
numbers r < 1. It is easily seen that there is a unique such ordering. Then
f= an (T − x)n 7→ max |an |γ n
defines a rank-2-valuation on R. This is similar to cases (2), (3), but with the variable
r infinitesimally close to 1. One may check that this point only depends on the disc
D(x, < 1) = {y ∈ k ◦ | |y − x| < 1}.
Similarly, take any x ∈ k ◦ , some real number 0 < r < 1 and choose a sign ? ∈ {<, >}.
Consider the totally ordered abelian group Γ?r = R>0 × γ Z , where r0 < γ < r for all real
numbers r0 < r if ? =<, and r0 > γ > r for all real numbers r0 > r if ? =>. Then
f= an (T − x)n 7→ max |an |γ n
defines a rank 2-valuation on R. If ? =<, then it depends only on D(x, < r) = {y ∈ k ◦ |
|y − x| < r}. If ? =>, then it depends only on D(x, r).
One checks that if r 6∈ |k × |, then these points are all equivalent to the corresponding
point of type (3). However, at each branching point, i.e. point of type (2), this gives
exactly one additional point for each ray starting from this point.
All points except those of type (2) are closed. Let κ be the residue field of k. Then
the closure of the Gaußpoint is exactly the Gaußpoint together with the points of type
(5) around it, and is homeomorphic to A1κ , with the Gaußpoint as the generic point. At
the other points of type (2), one gets P1κ .
We note that in case (5), one could define a similar valuation
f= an T n 7→ max |an |γ n ,
with γ having the property that r > γ > 1 for all r > 1. This valuation would still be
continuous, but it takes the value γ > 1 on T ∈ R+ . This shows the relevance of the
requirement |f (x)| ≤ 1 for all f ∈ R+ , which is automatic for rank-1-valuations.
Theorem 2.21 ([20, (1.1.11)]). There is a fully faithful functor
r : {rigid − analytic varieties/k} → {adic spaces/k} : X 7→ X ad
sending Sp(R) to Spa(R, R+ ) for any affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ) of tft. It induces an
{qs rigid − analytic varieties/k} ∼
= {qs adic spaces locally of finite type/k} ,
where an adic space over k is called locally of finite type if it is locally of the form
Spa(R, R+ ), where (R, R+ ) is of tft. Let X be a rigid-analytic variety over k with
corresponding adic space X ad . As any classical point defines an adic point, we have
X ⊂ X ad . If X is quasiseparated, then mapping a quasicompact open subset U ⊂ X ad
to U ∩ X defines a bijection
{qc admissible opens in X} ∼
= {qc opens in X ad } ,
the inverse of which is denoted U 7→ Ũ . Under this bijection a family of quasicompact
admissible opens Ui ⊂ X forms an admissible cover if and only if the corresponding
subsets Ũi ⊂ X ad cover X ad .
In particular, for any rigid-analytic variety X, the topos of sheaves on the Grothendieck
site associated to X is equivalent to the category of sheaves on the sober topological space
X ad .

We recall that for abstract reasons, there is up to equivalence at most one sober
topological space with the last property in the theorem. This gives the topological
space underlying the adic space a natural interpretation.
In the example X = Sp(khT i) discussed above, a typical example of a non-admissible
cover is the cover of {x | |x| ≤ 1} as
{x | |x| ≤ 1} = {x | |x| = 1} ∪ {x | |x| ≤ r} .
In the adic world, one can see this non-admissibility as being caused by the point of
type (5) which gives |x| a value γ < 1 bigger than any r < 1.

Moreover, adic spaces behave well with respect to formal models. In fact, one can
define adic spaces in greater generality so as to include locally noetherian formal schemes
as a full subcategory, but we will not need this more general theory here.
Theorem 2.22. Let X be some admissible formal scheme over k ◦ , let X be its generic
fibre in the sense of Raynaud, and let X ad be the associated adic space. Then there is a
continuous specialization map
sp : X ad → X ,
extending to a morphism of locally ringed topological spaces (X ad , OX ad ) → (X, OX ).
Now assume that X is a fixed quasicompact quasiseparated adic space locally of finite
type over k. By Raynaud, there exist formal models X for X, unique up to admissible
blowup. Then there is a homeomorphism
X∼ = lim X,
where X runs over formal models of X, extending to an isomorphism of locally ringed
+ ∼
topological spaces (X, OX ) = limX (X, OX ), where the right-hand side is the inverse limit
in the category of locally ringed topological spaces.
Proof. It is an easy exercise to deduce this from the previous theorem and the results
of [3], Section 4, and [19], Section 4. 
In the example, one can start with X = Spf(k ◦ hT i) as a formal model; this gives A1κ
as underlying topological space. After that, one can perform iterated blowups at closed
points. This introduces additional P1κ ’s; the strict transform of each component survives
in the inverse limit and gives the closure of a point of type (2). Note that the point of
type (2) is given as the preimage of the generic point of the component in the formal
We note that in order to get continuity of sp, it is necessary to use nonstrict equalities
in the definition of open subsets.
Now, let us state the following theorem about the comparison of Berkovich’s analytic
spaces and Huber’s adic spaces. For this, we need to recall the following definition:
Definition 2.23. An adic space X over k is called taut if it is quasiseparated and for
every quasicompact open subset U ⊂ X, the closure U of U in X is still quasicompact.

Most natural adic spaces are taut, e.g. all affinoid adic spaces, or more generally all
qcqs adic spaces, and also all adic spaces associated to separated schemes of finite type
over k. However, in recent work of Hellmann, [16], studying an analogue of Rapoport-
Zink period domains in the context of deformations of Galois representations, it was
found that the weakly admissible locus is in general a nontaut adic space.
We note that one can also define taut rigid-analytic varieties, and that one gets an
equivalence of categories between the category of taut rigid-analytic varieties over k and
taut adic spaces locally of finite type over k. Hence the first equivalence in the following
theorem could be stated without reference to adic spaces.
Theorem 2.24 ([20, Proposition 8.3.1, Lemma 8.1.8]). There is an equivalence of cat-
{hausdorff strictly k−analytic Berkovich spaces}

= {taut adic spaces locally of finite type/k} ,

sending M(R) to Spa(R, R+ ) for any affinoid k-algebra (R, R+ ) of tft.

Let X Berk map to X ad under this equivalence. Then there is an injective map of sets
X Berk → X ad , whose image is precisely the subset of rank-1-valuations. This map is in
general not continuous. It admits a continuous retraction X ad → X Berk , which identifies
X Berk with the maximal hausdorff quotient of X ad .
In the example above, the image of the map X Berk → X ad consists of the points of
type (1) - (4). The retraction X ad → X Berk contracts each point of type (2) with all
points of type (5) around it, mapping them to the corresponding point of type (2) in
X Berk . For any map from X ad to a hausdorff topological space, any point of type (2)
will have the same image as the points of type (5) around it, as they lie in its topological
closure, which verifies the last assertion of the theorem in this case.
Let us end this section by describing in more detail the fibres of the map X ad → X Berk .
In fact, this discussion is valid even for adic spaces which are not related to Berkovich
spaces. As the following discussion is local, we restrict to the affinoid case.
Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra, and let X = Spa(R, R+ ). We need not assume
that OX is a sheaf in the following. For any x ∈ X, we let k(x) be the residue field of
OX,x , and k(x)+ ⊂ k(x) be the image of OX,x . We have the following crucial property,
surprising at first sight.
Proposition 2.25. Let $ ∈ k be topologically nilpotent. Then the $-adic completion
d + of k(x)+ .
of O+ is equal to the $-adic completion k(x)

Proof. It is enough to note that kernel of the map OX,x → k(x)+ , which is also the
kernel of the map OX,x → k(x), is $-divisible. 
Definition 2.26. An affinoid field is pair (K, K + ) consisting of a nonarchimedean field
K and an open valuation subring K + ⊂ K ◦ .
In other words, an affinoid field is given by a nonarchimedean field K equipped with
a continuous valuation (up to equivalence). In the situation above, (k(x), k(x)+ ) is an
affinoid field. The completion of an affinoid field is again an affinoid field. Also note
that affinoid fields for which k ⊂ K are affinoid k-algebras. The following description of
points is immediate.
Proposition 2.27. Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra. The points of Spa(R, R+ ) are
in bijection with maps (R, R+ ) → (K, K + ) to complete affinoid fields (K, K + ) such that
the quotient field of the image of R in K is dense.

Definition 2.28. For two points x, y in some topological space X, we say that x spe-
cializes to y (or y generalizes to x), written x  y (or y ≺ x), if y lies in the closure
{x} of x.
Proposition 2.29 ([20, (1.1.6) - (1.1.10)]). Let (R, R+ ) be an affinoid k-algebra, and
let x, y ∈ X = Spa(R, R+ ) correspond to maps (R, R+ ) → (K, K + ), resp. (R, R+ ) →
(L, L+ ). Then x  y if and only if K ∼= L as topological R-algebras and L+ ⊂ K + .
For any point y ∈ X, the set {x | x  y} of generalizations of y is a totally ordered
chain of length exactly the rank of the valuation corresponding to y.
Note that in particular, for a given complete nonarchimedean field K with a map
R → K, there is the point x0 corresponding to (K, K ◦ ). This corresponds to the unique
continuous rank-1-valuation on K. The point x0 specializes to any other point for the
same K.

3. Perfectoid fields
Definition 3.1. A perfectoid field is a complete nonarchimedean field K of residue
characteristic p > 0 whose associated rank-1-valuation is nondiscrete, such that the
Frobenius is surjective on K ◦ /p.
We note that the requirement that the valuation is nondiscrete is needed to exclude
unramified extensions of Qp . It has the following consequence.
Lemma 3.2. Let |·| : K → Γ∪{0} be the unique rank-1-valuation on K, where Γ = |K × |
is chosen minimal. Then Γ is p-divisible.
Proof. As Γ 6= |p|Z , the group Γ is generated by the set of all |x| for x ∈ K with
|p| < |x| ≤ 1. For such x, choose some y such that |x − y p | ≤ |p|. Then |y|p = |y p | = |x|,
as desired. 
The class of perfectoid fields naturally separates into the fields of characteristic 0 and
those of characteristic p. In characteristic p, a perfectoid field is the same as a complete
perfect nonarchimedean field.
Remark 3.3. The notion of a perfectoid field is closely related to the notion of a deeply
ramified field. Taking the definition of deeply ramified fields given in [14], we remark
that Proposition 6.6.6 of [14] says that a perfectoid field K is deeply ramified, and
conversely, a complete deeply ramified field with valuation of rank 1 is a perfectoid field.
Now we describe the process of tilting for perfectoid fields, which is a functor from
the category of all perfectoid fields to the category of perfectoid fields in characteristic
For its first description, choose some element $ ∈ K × such that |p| ≤ |$| < 1. Now
lim K ◦ /$ ,
where Φ denotes the Frobenius morphism x 7→ xp . This gives a perfect ring of charac-
teristic p. We equip it with the inverse limit topology; note that each K ◦ /$ naturally
has the discrete topology.
Lemma 3.4. (i) There is a multiplicative homeomorphism

lim K ◦ → lim K ◦ /$ ,
←−p ←−
x7→x Φ
given by projection. In particular, the right-hand side is independent of $. Moreover,
we get a map
lim K ◦ /$ → K ◦ : x 7→ x] .

(ii) There is an element $[ ∈ limΦ K ◦ /$ with |($[ )] | = |$|. Define

K [ = (lim K ◦ /$)[($[ )−1 ] .
(iii) There is a multiplicative homeomorphism
K [ = lim K .

In particular, there is a map K[

→ K, x 7→ x] . Then K [ is a perfectoid field of
characteristic p,
K [◦ = lim K ◦ ∼
= lim K ◦ /$ ,
←−p ←−
x7→x Φ
and the rank-1-valuation on can be defined by |x|K [ = |x] |K . We have |K [× | = |K × |.
K [◦ /$[ ∼
= K ◦ /$ , K [◦ /m[ = K ◦ /m ,
where m, resp. m[ , is the maximal ideal of K ◦ , resp. K [◦ .
(iv) If K is of characteristic p, then K [ = K.
We call K [ the tilt of K.
Remark 3.5. Obviously, $[ in (ii) is not unique. As it is not harmful to replace $ with
an element of the same norm, we will usually redefine $ = ($[ )] , which comes equipped
with a compatible system
n n
$1/p = (($[ )1/p )]
of pn -th roots. Conversely, $ together with such a choice of pn -th roots gives an element
$[ of
K [ = lim K .

Proof. (i) We begin by constructing a multiplicative continuous map

lim K ◦ /$ → K ◦ : x 7→ x] .
Let (x0 , x1 , . . .) ∈ limΦ K ◦ /$. Choose any lift xn ∈ K ◦ of xn . Then we claim that the
x] = lim xpn
exists and is independent of all choices. For this, it is enough to see that xpn gives a
well-defined element of K ◦ /$n+1 . But if x0n is a second lift, then xn − x0n is divisible by
$. One checks by induction on i = 0, 1, . . . , n that
i i i−1 i−1 i−1 i
(x0n )p − xpn = (xpn + ((x0n )p − xpn ))p − xpn
gives a well-defined element of K ◦ /$i+1 , using that $|p.
It is clear from the definition that x 7→ x] is multiplicative and continuous. Now the
map limΦ K ◦ /$ → limx7→xp K ◦ given by x 7→ (x] , (x1/p )] , . . .) gives an inverse to the
←− ←−
obvious projection map.
(ii) Pick some element $1 with |$1 |p = |$|. Then $1 defines a nonzero element of
K ◦ /$. Choose any sequence
$[ = (0, $1 , . . .) ∈ lim K ◦ /$ ;

this is possible by surjectivity of Φ on K ◦ /$. By the proof of part (i), we have |($[ )] −
$1p | ≤ |$|2 . This gives |($[ )] | = |$|, as desired.

(iii) As x 7→ x] is multiplicative, it extends to a map

K [ → lim K .

One easily checks that it is a homeomorphism; in particular K [ is a field. One also

checks that the topology on limΦ K ◦ /$ is induced by the norm x 7→ |x] |. Hence the
topology on K [ is induced by the rank-1-valuation x 7→ |x] |. Clearly, K [ is perfect and
complete, so K [ is a perfectoid field of characteristic p. One easily deduces all other
(iv) This is clear since K [ ∼
= lim K.

Recall that when working with adic spaces, it is important to understand the contin-
uous valuations on K. Under the process of tilting, we have the following equivalence.
Proposition 3.6. Let K be a perfectoid field with tilt K [ . Then the continuous valu-
ations | · | of K (up to equivalence) are mapped bijectively to the continuous valuations
| · |[ of K [ (up to equivalence) via |x|[ = |x] |.
Proof. First, we check that the map | · | 7→ | · |[ maps valuations to valuations. All prop-
erties except |x+y|[ ≤ max(|x|[ , |y|[ ) are immediate, using that x 7→ x] is multiplicative.
But n n n
|x + y|[ = lim |(x1/p )] + (y 1/p )] |p
n n n n
≤ max( lim |(x1/p )] |p , lim |(y 1/p )] |p ) = max(|x] |, |y ] |) .
n→∞ n→∞
It is clear that continuity is preserved.
On the other hand, continuous valuations are in bijection with open valuation subrings
K + ⊂ K ◦ . They necessarily contain the topologically nilpotent elements m. We see
that open valuation subrings K + ⊂ K ◦ are in bijection with valuation subrings in
K ◦ /m = K [◦ /m[ . This implies that one gets a bijection with continuous valuations of
K and continuous valuations of K [ which is easily seen to be the one described. 
The main theorem about tilting for perfectoid fields is the following theorem. For
many fields, this was known by the classical work of Fontaine-Wintenberger.
Theorem 3.7. Let K be a perfectoid field.
(i) Let L be a finite extension of K. Then L (with its natural topology as a finite-
dimensional K-vector space) is a perfectoid field.
(ii) Let K [ be the tilt of K. Then the tilting functor L 7→ L[ induces an equivalence
of categories between the category of finite extensions of K and the category of finite
extensions of K [ . This equivalence preserves degrees.
It turns out that many of the arguments will generalize directly to the context of
perfectoid K-algebras introduced later. For this reason, we defer the proof of this
theorem. Let us only prove the following special case here.
Proposition 3.8. Let K be a perfectoid field with tilt K [ . If K [ is algebraically closed,
then K is algebraically closed.
Proof. Let P (X) = X d + ad−1 X d−1 + . . . + a0 ∈ K ◦ [X] be any monic irreducible poly-
nomial of positive degree d. Then the Newton polygon of P is a line. Moreover, we may
assume that the constant term of P has absolute value |a0 | = 1, as |K × | = |K [× | is a
Q-vector space.
Now let Q(X) = X d + bd−1 X d−1 + . . . + b0 ∈ K [◦ [X] be any polynomial such that P
and Q have the same image in K ◦ /$[X] = K [◦ /$[ [X], and let y ∈ K [◦ be a root of Q.

Considering P (X + y ] ), we see that the constant term P (y ] ) is divisible by $. As

it is still irreducible, its Newton polygon is a line and hence the polynomial P1 (X) =
c−d P (cX + y ] ) has integral coefficients again, where |c|d = |P (y ] )| ≤ |$|. Repeating the
arguments gives an algorithm converging to a root of P . 
Our proof of Theorem 3.7 will make use of Faltings’s almost mathematics. For this
reason, we recall some necessary background in the next section.

4. Almost mathematics
We will use the book of Gabber-Ramero, [14], as our basic reference.
Fix a perfectoid field K. Let m = K ◦◦ ⊂ K ◦ be the subset of topologically nilpotent
elements; it is also the set {x ∈ K | |x| < 1}, and the unique maximal ideal of K ◦ . The
basic idea of almost mathematics is that one neglects m-torsion everywhere.
Definition 4.1. Let M be a K ◦ -module. An element x ∈ M is almost zero if mx = 0.
The module M is almost zero if all of its elements are almost zero; equivalently, mM = 0.
Lemma 4.2. The full subcategory of almost zero objects in K ◦ − mod is thick.
Proof. The only nontrivial part is to show that it is stable under extensions, so let
0 → M 0 → M → M 00 → 0
be a short exact sequence of K ◦ -modules, with mM 0 = mM 00 = 0. In general, one gets
that m2 M = 0. But in our situation, m2 = m, so M is almost zero. 
We note that there is a sequence of localization functors
K ◦ − mod → K ◦ − mod/(m − torsion) → K − mod .
Their composite is the functor of passing from an integral structure to its generic fibre.
In this sense, the category in the middle can be seen as a slightly generic fibre, or as
an almost integral structure. It will turn out that in perfectoid situations, properties
and objects over the generic fibre will extend automatically to the slightly generic fibre,
in other words the generic fibre almost determines the integral level. It will be easy
to justify this philosophy if K has characteristic p, by using the following argument.
Assume that some statement is true over K. By using some finiteness property, it
follows that there is some big N such that it is true up to $N -torsion. But Frobenius is
bijective, hence the property stays true up to $N/p -torsion. Now iterate this argument
to see that it is true up to $N/p -torsion for all m, i.e. almost true.
Following these ideas, our proof of Theorem 3.7 will proceed as follows, using the
subscript fét to denote categories of finite étale (almost) algebras.
Kfét ∼
= K ◦a ∼
= (K ◦a /$)fét = (K [◦a /$[ )fét ∼
fét = K [◦a ∼
fét = K[ .
Our principal aim in this section is to define all intermediate categories.
Definition 4.3. Define the category of almost K ◦ -modules as
K ◦a − mod = K ◦ − mod/(m − torsion) .
In particular, there is a localization functor M 7→ M a from K ◦ − mod to K ◦a − mod,
whose kernel is exactly the thick subcategory of almost zero modules.
Proposition 4.4 ([14, §2.2.2]). Let M , N be two K ◦ -modules. Then
HomK ◦a (M a , N a ) = HomK ◦ (m ⊗ M, N ) .
In particular, HomK ◦a (X, Y ) has a natural structure of K ◦ -module for any two K ◦a -
modules X and Y . The module HomK ◦a (X, Y ) has no almost zero elements.
For two K ◦a -modules M , N , we define alHom(X, Y ) = Hom(X, Y )a .

Proposition 4.5 ([14, §2.2.6, §2.2.12]). The category K ◦a − mod is an abelian ten-
sor category, where we define kernels, cokernels and tensor products in the unique way
compatible with their definition in K ◦ − mod, e.g.
M a ⊗ N a = (M ⊗ N )a
for any two K ◦ -modules M , N . For any three K ◦a -modules L, M, N , there is a functorial
Hom(L, alHom(M, N )) = Hom(L ⊗ M, N ) .
This means that K ◦a − mod has all abstract properties of the category of modules
over a ring. In particular, one can define in the usual abstract way the notion of a
K ◦a -algebra. For any K ◦a -algebra A, one also has the notion of an A-module. Any K ◦ -
algebra R defines a K ◦a -algebra Ra , as the tensor products are compatible. Moreover,
localization also gives a functor from R-modules to Ra -modules. For example, K ◦
gives the K ◦a -algebra A = K ◦a , and then A-modules are K ◦a -modules, so that the
terminology is consistent.
Proposition 4.6 ([14, Proposition 2.2.14]). There is a right adjoint
K ◦a − mod → K ◦ − mod : M 7→ M∗
to the localization functor M 7→ M a , given by the functor of almost elements
M∗ = HomK ◦a (K ◦a , M ) .
The adjunction morphism (M∗ )a → M is an isomorphism. If M is a K ◦ -module, then
(M a )∗ = Hom(m, M ).
If A is a K ◦a -algebra, then A∗ has a natural structure as K ◦ -algebra and Aa∗ = A.
In particular, any K ◦a -algebra comes via localization from a K ◦ -algebra. Moreover, the
functor M 7→ M∗ induces a functor from A-modules to A∗ -modules, and one sees that
also all A-modules come via localization from A∗ -modules. We note that the category
of A-modules is again an abelian tensor category, and all properties about the category
of K ◦a -modules stay true for the category of A-modules. We also note that one can
equivalently define A-algebras as algebras over the category of A-modules, or as K ◦a -
algebras B with an algebra morphism A → B.
Finally, we need to extend some notions from commutative algebra to the almost
Definition/Proposition 4.7. Let A be any K ◦a -algebra.
(i) An A-module M is flat if the functor X 7→ M ⊗A X on A-modules is exact. If R is a
K ◦ -algebra and N is an R-module, then the Ra -module N a is flat if and only if for all
R-modules X and all i > 0, the module TorR i (N, X) is almost zero.
(ii) An A-module M is almost projective if the functor X 7→ alHomA (M, X) on A-
modules is exact. If R is a K ◦ -algebra and N is an R-module, then N a is almost pro-
jective over Ra if and only if for all R-modules X and all i > 0, the module ExtiR (N, X)
is almost zero.
(iii) If R is a K ◦ -algebra and N is an R-module, then M = N a is said to be an almost
finitely generated (resp. almost finitely presented) Ra -module if and only if for all  ∈
m, there is some finitely generated (resp. finitely presented) R-module N with a map
f : N → N such that the kernel and cokernel of f are annihilated by . We say that
M is uniformly almost finitely generated if there is some integer n such that N can be
chosen to be generated by n elements, for all .
Proof. For parts (i) and (ii), cf. [14], Definition 2.4.4, §2.4.10 and Remark 2.4.12 (i).
For part (iii), cf. [14], Definition 2.3.8, Remark 2.3.9 (i) and Corollary 2.3.13. 

Remark 4.8. In (iii), we make the implicit statement that this property depends only
on the Ra -module N a . There is also the categorical notion of projectivity saying that
the functor X 7→ Hom(M, X) is exact, but not even K ◦a itself is projective in general:
One can check that the map
K ◦ = Hom(K ◦a , K ◦a ) → Hom(K ◦a , K ◦a /$) = Hom(m, K ◦ /$)
is in general not surjective, as the latter group contains sums of the form
$1−1/p xi

for arbitrary xi ∈ K ◦ /$.

Example 4.9. As an example of an almost finitely presented module, consider the case

that K is the p-adic completion of Qp (p1/p ), p 6= 2. Consider the extension L =
K(p1/2 ). Then L◦a is an almost finitely presented K ◦a -module. Indeed, for any n ≥ 1,
we have injective maps
K ◦ ⊕ p1/2p K ◦ → L◦
whose cokernel is killed by p1/2p . In fact, in this example L◦a is even uniformly almost
finitely generated.
Proposition 4.10 ([14, Proposition 2.4.18]). Let A be a K ◦a -algebra. Then an A-
module M is flat and almost finitely presented if and only if it is almost projective and
almost finitely generated.
By abuse of notation, we call such A-modules M finite projective in the following, a
terminology not used in [14]. If additionally, M is uniformly almost finitely generated,
we say that M is uniformly finite projective.
For uniformly finite projective modules, there is a good notion of rank.
Theorem 4.11 ([14, Proposition 4.3.27, Remark 4.3.10 (i)]). Let A be a K ◦a -algebra,
and let M be a uniformly finite projective A-module. Then there is a unique decomposi-
tion A = A0 ×A1 ×· · ·×A V0, . . . , k, the Ai -module Mi = M ⊗A Ai
V k such that for each i =
has the property that i Mi is invertible, and i+1 Mi = 0. Here, an A-module L is
called invertible if L ⊗A alHomA (L, A) = A.
Finally, we need the notion of étale morphisms.
Definition 4.12. Let A be a K ◦a -algebra, and let B be an A-algebra. Let µ : B ⊗A B →
B denote the multiplication morphism.
(i) The morphism A → B is said to be unramified if there is some element e ∈ (B ⊗A B)∗
such that e2 = e, µ(e) = 1 and xe = 0 for all x ∈ ker(µ)∗ .
(ii) The morphism A → B is said to be étale if it is unramified and B is a flat A-module.
We note that the definition of unramified morphisms basically says that the diagonal
morphism µ : B ⊗A B → B is a closed immersion in the geometric picture.
In the following, we will be particularly interested in almost finitely presented étale
Definition 4.13. A morphism A → B of K ◦a -algebras is said to be finite étale if it
is étale and B is an almost finitely presented A-module. Write Afét for the category of
finite étale A-algebras.
We note that in this case B is a finite projective A-module. Also, this terminology
is not used in [14], but we feel that it is the appropriate almost analogue of finite étale
There is an equivalent characterization of finite étale morphisms in terms of trace
morphisms. If A is any K ◦a -algebra, and P is some finite projective A-module, we define

P ∗ = alHom(P, A), which is a finite projective A-module again. Moreover, P ∗∗ ∼

= P
canonically, and there is an isomorphism
End(P )a = P ⊗A P ∗ .
In particular, one gets a trace morphism trP/A : End(P )a → A.
Definition 4.14. Let A be a K ◦a -algebra, and let B be an A-algebra such that B is a
finite projective A-module. Then we define the trace form as the bilinear form
tB/A : B ⊗A B → A
given by the composition of µ : B ⊗A B → B and the map B → A sending any b ∈ B to
the trace of the endomorphism b0 7→ bb0 of B.
Remark 4.15. We should remark that the latter definition does not literally make sense,
as one can not talk about an element b of some almost object B: There is no underlying
set. However, one can define a map B∗ → EndA∗ (B∗ ) in the way described, and we are
considering the corresponding map of almost objects B → EndA∗ (B∗ )a = EndA (B)a .
Theorem 4.16 ([14, Theorem 4.1.14]). In the situation of the definition, the morphism
A → B is finite étale if and only if the trace map is a perfect pairing, i.e. induces an
isomorphism B ∼= B∗.
An important property is that finite étale covers lift uniquely over nilpotents.
Theorem 4.17. Let A be a K ◦a -algebra. Assume that A is flat over K ◦a and $-adically
complete, i.e.
A∼ = lim A/$n .
Then the functor B 7→ B ⊗A A/$ induces an equivalence of categories Afét ∼ = (A/$)fét .
Any B ∈ Afét is again flat over K and $-adically complete. Moreover, B is a uni-
formly finite projective A-module if and only if B ⊗A A/$ is a uniformly finite projective
Proof. The first part follows from [14], Theorem 5.3.27. The rest is easy. 
Recall that we wanted to prove the string of equivalences
Kfét ∼ ◦a ∼
= Kfét = (K ◦a /$)fét = (K [◦a /$[ )fét ∼ [◦a ∼
= Kfét [
= Kfét .
The identification in the middle is tautological as K ◦ /$ = K [◦ /$[ , and the correspond-
ing almost settings agree. The previous theorem shows that the inner two functors are
equivalences. For the other two equivalences, we feel that it is more convenient to study
them in the more general setup of perfectoid K-algebras.

5. Perfectoid algebras
Fix a perfectoid field K.
Definition 5.1. (i) A perfectoid K-algebra is a Banach K-algebra R such that the subset
R◦ ⊂ R of powerbounded elements is open and bounded, and the Frobenius morphism
Φ : R◦ /$ → R◦ /$ is surjective. Morphisms between perfectoid K-algebras are the
continuous morphisms of K-algebras.
(ii) A perfectoid K ◦a -algebra is a $-adically complete flat K ◦a -algebra A on which Frobe-
nius induces an isomorphism
Φ : A/$ p ∼= A/$ .
Morphisms between perfectoid K ◦a -algebras are the morphisms of K ◦a -algebras.

(iii) A perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra is a flat K ◦a /$-algebra A on which Frobenius induces

an isomorphism
Φ : A/$ p = ∼A.
Morphisms are the morphisms of K ◦a /$-algebras.
Let K−Perf denote the category of perfectoid K-algebras, and similarly for K ◦a −Perf,
... . Let K [ be the tilt of K. Then the main theorem of this section is the following.
Theorem 5.2. The categories of perfectoid K-algebras and perfectoid K [ -algebras are
equivalent. In fact, we have the following series of equivalences of categories.
K −Perf ∼
= K ◦a −Perf ∼
= (K ◦a /$)−Perf = (K [◦a /$[ )−Perf ∼
= K [◦a −Perf ∼
= K [ −Perf
In other words, a perfectoid K-algebra, which is an object over the generic fibre,
has a canonical extension to the almost integral level as a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra, and
perfectoid K ◦a -algebras are determined by their reduction modulo $.
The following lemma expresses the conditions imposed on a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra
in terms of classical commutative algebra.
Lemma 5.3. Let M be a K ◦a -module.
(i) The module M is flat over K ◦a if and only if M∗ is flat over K ◦ if and only if M∗
has no $-torsion.
(ii) If N is a flat K ◦ -module and M = N a , then M is flat over K ◦a and we have
M∗ = {x ∈ N [ $ ] | ∀ ∈ m : x ∈ N }.
(iii) If M is flat over K ◦a , then for all x ∈ K ◦ , we have (xM )∗ = xM∗ . Moreover,
M∗ /xM∗ ⊂ (M/xM )∗ , and for all  ∈ m the image of (M/xM )∗ in (M/xM )∗ is equal
to M∗ /xM∗ .
(iv) If M is flat over K ◦a , then M is $-adically complete if and only if M∗ is $-adically
Remark 5.4. The non-surjectivity in (iii) is due to elements as in Remark 4.8.

Proof. (i) By definition, M is a flat K ◦a -module if and only if all TorK i (M∗ , N ) are
almost zero for all i > 0 and all K ◦ -modules N . Hence if M∗ is a flat K ◦ -module, then
M is a flat K ◦a -module. Conversely, choosing N = K ◦ /$ and i = 1, we find that the
kernel of multiplication by $ on M∗ is almost zero. But
M∗ = HomK ◦a (K ◦a , M ) = HomK ◦ (m, M∗ )
does not have nontrivial almost zero elements, hence has no $-torsion. But a K ◦ -module
N is flat if and only if it has no $-torsion.
(ii) We have
M∗ = HomK ◦a (K ◦a , M ) = HomK ◦ (m, N ) .
As N is flat over K ◦ , we can write the last term as the subset of those x ∈ HomK (K, N [ $
]) =
N [ $ ] satisfying the condition that for all  ∈ m, we have x ∈ N .
(iii) Note that (xM∗ )a = xM , and xM∗ is a flat K ◦ -module. Hence
(xM )∗ = Hom(m, xM∗ ) = {y ∈ M∗ [ ] | ∀ ∈ m : y ∈ xM∗ } = xM∗ .
Now using that ∗ is left-exact (since right-adjoint to M 7→ M a ), we get the inclusion
M∗ /xM∗ ⊂ (M/xM )∗ . If m ∈ (M/xM )∗ lifts to m̃ ∈ (M/xM )∗ , then evaluate m̃ ∈
Hom(m, M∗ /xM∗ ) on . This gives an element n = m̃() ∈ M∗ /xM∗ , which we lift to
ñ ∈ M∗ . One checks that ñ is divisible by : It suffices to check that δñ is divisible by
 for any δ ∈ m. But δn = δ m̃() = m̃(δ) lies in M∗ /xM∗ , hence δñ ∈ M∗ .

Then m1 = ñ ∈ M∗ is the desired lift of m ∈ (M/xM )∗ : Multiplication by  induces

an injection (M/xM )∗ → (M/xM )∗ , because ∗ is left-exact, and the images agree: ñ
maps to m = m̃() = n in (M/xM )∗ .
(iv) The functors M 7→ M∗ and N 7→ N a between the category of K ◦a -modules and the
category of K ◦ -modules admit left adjoints, given by N 7→ N a and M 7→ M! = m ⊗ M∗ ,
respectively, and hence commute with inverse limits. Now if M is $-adically complete,
M∗ = (lim M/$n M )∗ = lim(M/$n M )∗ = lim M∗ /$n M∗ ,
←− ←− ←−
using part (iii) in the last equality, hence M∗ is $-adically complete. Conversely, if M∗
is $-adically complete, then
M = (M∗ )a = (lim M∗ /$n M∗ )a = lim(M∗ /$n M∗ )a = lim M/$n M .
←− ←− ←−

Proposition 5.5. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra. Then Φ induces an isomorphism
R◦ /$1/p ∼
= R◦ /$, and A = R◦a is a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra.
Proof. By assumption, Φ is surjective. Injectivity is clear: If x ∈ R◦ is such that xp /$
is powerbounded, then x/$1/p is powerbounded. Obviously, R◦ is $-adically complete
and flat over K ◦ ; now the previous lemma shows that R◦a is $-adically complete and
flat over K ◦a . 
Lemma 5.6. Let A be a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra, and let R = A∗ [$−1 ]. Equip R with
the Banach K-algebra structure making A∗ open and bounded. Then A∗ = R◦ is the set
of power-bounded elements, R is perfectoid, and
Φ : A∗ /$1/p ∼= A∗ /$ .
Proof. By definition, Φ is an isomorphism A/$1/p ∼= A/$, hence Φ is an almost isomor-
phism A∗ /$ 1/p → A∗ /$. It is injective: If x ∈ A∗ and xp ∈ $A∗ , then for all  ∈ m,
x ∈ $ A∗ by almost injectivity, hence x ∈ ($1/p A)∗ = $1/p A∗ .

Lemma 5.7. Assume that x ∈ R satisfies xp ∈ A∗ . Then x ∈ A∗ .

Proof. Injectivity of Φ says that if y ∈ A∗ satisfies y p ∈ $A∗ , then y ∈ $ p A∗ . There is
some positive integer k such that y = $ p x ∈ A∗ , and as long as k ≥ 1, y p ∈ $A∗ , so
1 k−1
that y ∈ $ p A∗ . Because A∗ has no $-torsion, we get $ p x ∈ A∗ . By induction, we
get the result. 
Obviously, A∗ consists of power-bounded elements. Now assume that x ∈ R is power-
bounded. Then x is topologically nilpotent for all  ∈ m. In particular, (x)p ∈ A∗ for
N sufficiently large. By the last lemma, this implies x ∈ A∗ . This is true for all  ∈ m,
so that by Lemma 5.3 (ii), we have x ∈ A∗ .
Next, Φ is surjective: It is almost surjective, hence it suffices to show that the com-
position A∗ /$1/p → A∗ /$ → A∗ /m is surjective. Let x ∈ A∗ . By almost surjectivity,
$1/p x ≡ y p modulo $A∗ , for some y ∈ A∗ . Let z = 1/p p
2 . This implies z ≡ x modulo
$(p−1)/p A∗ , in particular z p ∈ A∗ . By the lemma, also z ∈ A∗ . As x ≡ z p modulo
$(p−1)/p A∗ , in particular modulo mA∗ , this gives the desired surjectivity.
Finally, we see that R is Banach K-algebra such that R◦ = A∗ is open and bounded,
and such that Φ is surjective on R◦ /$ = A∗ /$. This means that R is perfectoid, as
◦a ∼
In particular, we get the desired equivalence K − Perf = K − Perf. Let us note
some further propositions.
Proposition 5.8. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra. Then R is reduced.

Proof. Assume 0 6= x ∈ R is nilpotent. Then Kx ⊂ R◦ , contradicting the condition that

R◦ is bounded. 

If K has characteristic p, being perfectoid is basically the same as being perfect.

Proposition 5.9. Let K be of characteristic p, and let R be a Banach K-algebra such
that the set of powerbounded elements R◦ ⊂ R is open and bounded. Then R is perfectoid
if and only if R is perfect.
Proof. Assume R is perfect. Then also R◦ is perfect, as an element x is powerbounded
if and only if xp is powerbounded. In particular, Φ : R◦ /$ → R◦ /$ is surjective.
Now assume that R is perfectoid, hence by Proposition 5.5, Φ induces an isomorphism
R /$ p ∼

= R◦ /$. By successive approximation, we see that R◦ is perfect, and then that
R is perfect. 

In order to finish the proof of Theorem 5.2, it suffices to prove the following result.
Theorem 5.10. The functor A 7→ A = A/$ induces an equivalence of categories
K ◦a − Perf ∼
= (K ◦a /$) − Perf.
In other words, we have to prove that a perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra admits a unique
deformation to K ◦a . For this, we will use the theory of the cotangent complex. Let us
briefly recall it here.
In classical commutative algebra, the definition of the cotangent complex is due to
Quillen, [28], and its theory was globalized on toposes and applied to deformation prob-
lems by Illusie, [22], [23]. To any morphism R → S of rings, one associates a complex
LS/R ∈ D≤0 (S), where D(S) is the derived category of the category of S-modules, and
D≤0 (S) ⊂ D(S) denotes the full subcategory of objects which have trivial cohomology
in positive degrees. The cohomology in degree 0 of LS/R is given by Ω1S/R , and for any
morphisms R → S → T of rings, there is a triangle in D(T ):
T ⊗LS LS/R → LT /R → LT /S → ,
extending the short exact sequence
T ⊗S Ω1S/R → Ω1T /R → Ω1T /S → 0 .
Let us briefly recall the construction. First, one uses the Dold-Kan equivalence to
reinterpret D≤0 (S) as the category of simplicial S-modules modulo weak equivalence.
Now one takes a simplicial resolution S• of the R-algebra S by free R-algebras. Then one
defines LS/R as the object of D≤0 (S) associated to the simplicial S-module Ω1S• /R ⊗S• S.
Just as under certain favorable assumptions, one can describe many deformation
problems in terms of tangent or normal bundles, it turns out that in complete generality,
one can describe them via the cotangent complex. In special cases, this gives back the
classical results, as e.g. if R → S is a smooth morphism, then LS/R is concentrated in
degree 0, and is given by the cotangent bundle.
Specifically, we will need the following results. Fix some ring R with an ideal I ⊂ R
such that I 2 = 0. Moreover, fix a flat R0 = R/I-algebra S0 . We are interested in the
obstruction towards deforming S0 to a flat R-algebra S.
Theorem 5.11 ([22, III.], [14, Proposition 3.2.9]). There is an obstruction class
in Ext2 (LS0 /R0 , S0 ⊗R0 I) which vanishes precisely when there exists a flat R-algebra
S such that S ⊗R R0 = S0 . If there exists such a deformation, then the set of all
isomorphism classes of such deformations forms a torsor under Ext1 (LS0 /R0 , S0 ⊗R0 I),
and every deformation has automorphism group Hom(LS0 /R0 , S0 ⊗R0 I).

Here, a deformation comes with the isomorphism S ⊗R R0 ∼ = S0 , and isomorphisms

of deformations are required to act trivially on S ⊗R R0 = S0 .
Now assume that one has two flat R-algebras S, S 0 with reduction S0 , S00 to R0 , and a
morphism f0 : S0 → S00 . We are interested in the obstruction to lifting f0 to a morphism
f : S → S0.
Theorem 5.12 ([22, III.2.2.2], [14, Proposition 3.2.16]). There is an obstruction class
in Ext1 (LS0 /R0 , S00 ⊗R0 I) which vanishes precisely when there exists an extension of f0
to f : S → S 0 . If there exists such a lift, then the set of all lifts forms a torsor under
Hom(LS0 /R0 , S00 ⊗R0 I).
We will need the following criterion for the vanishing of the cotangent complex. This
appears as Lemma 6.5.13 i) in [14].
Proposition 5.13. (i) Let R be a perfect Fp -algebra. Then LR/F ∼ = 0.

(ii) Let R → S be a morphism of Fp -algebras. Let R(Φ) be the ring R with the R-algebra
structure via Φ : R → R, and define S(Φ) similarly. Assume that the relative Frobenius
ΦS/R induces an isomorphism
R(Φ) ⊗LR S → S(Φ)
in D(R). Then LS/R ∼
= 0.
Remark 5.14. Of course, (i) is a special case of (ii), and we will only need part (ii).
However, we feel that (i) is an interesting statement that does not seem to be very
well-known. It allows one to define the ring of Witt vectors W (R) of R simply by saying
that it is the unique deformation of R to a flat p-adically complete Zp -algebra. Also
note that it is clear that Ω1R/Fp = 0 in part (i): Any x ∈ R can be written as y p , and
then dx = dy p = py p−1 dy = 0. This identity is at the heart of this proposition.
Proof. We sketch the proof of part (ii), cf. proof of Lemma 6.5.13 i) in [14]. Let S • be
a simplicial resolution of S by free R-algebras. We have the relative Frobenius map
ΦS • /R : R(Φ) ⊗R S • → S(Φ)

Note that identifying S k with a polynomial algebra R[X1 , X2 , . . .], the relative Frobenius
map ΦS k /R is given by the R(Φ) -algebra map sending Xi 7→ Xip .
The assumption says that ΦS • /R induces a quasiisomorphism of simplicial R(Φ) -
algebras. This implies that ΦS • /R gives an isomorphism
R(Φ) ⊗LR LS/R ∼
= LS(Φ) /R(Φ) .
On the other hand, the explicit description shows that the map induced by ΦS k /R on
differentials will map dXi to dXip = 0, and hence is the zero map. This shows that
LS(Φ) /R(Φ) ∼
= 0, and we may identify this with LS/R . 
In their book [14], Gabber and Ramero generalize the theory of the cotangent complex
to the almost context. Specifically, they show that if R → S is a morphism of K ◦ -
algebras, then LaS/R as an element of D(S a ), the derived category of S a -modules, depends
only the morphism Ra → S a of almost K ◦ -algebras. This allows one to define LaB/A ∈
D≤0 (B) for any morphism A → B of K ◦a -algebras. With this modification, the previous
theorems stay true in the almost world without change.
Remark 5.15. In fact, the cotangent complex LB/A is defined as an object of a derived
category of modules over an actual ring in [14], but for our purposes it is enough to
consider its almost version LaB/A .

Corollary 5.16. Let A be a perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra. Then LaA/(K ◦a /$) ∼

= 0.

Proof. This follows from the almost version of Proposition 5.13, which can be proved
in the same way. Alternatively, argue with B = (A × K ◦a /$)!! , which is a flat K ◦ /$-
algebra such that B/$1/p ∼ = B via Φ. Here, we use the functor C 7→ C!! from [14],

Now we can prove Theorem 5.10.

Proof. (of Theorem 5.10) Let A be a perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra. We see inductively

that all obstructions and ambiguities in lifting inductively to a flat (K ◦ /$n )a -algebra
An vanish: All groups occuring can be expressed in terms of the cotangent complex by
the theorems above, so that it suffices to show that LA ◦ n a = 0. But by Theorem
n /(K /$ )
2.5.36 of [14], the short exact sequence
0 → A → An → An−1 → 0
induces after tensoring with LAn /(K ◦ /$n )a a triangle

LaA/(K ◦ /$)a → LA
◦ /$ n )a → LaA ◦ /$ n−1 )a →,
n /(K n−1 /(K

and the claim follows by induction.

This gives a unique system of flat (K ◦ /$n )a -algebras An with isomorphisms
An /$n−1 ∼
= An−1 .
Let A be their inverse limit. Then A is $-adically complete with A/$n A = An . This
shows that A is perfectoid, and we get an equivalence between perfectoid K ◦a -algebras
and perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebras, as desired. 

In particular, we also arrive at the tilting equivalence, K − Perf ∼

= K [ − Perf. We
want to compare this with Fontaine’s construction. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra,
with A = R◦a . Define
A[ = lim A/$ ,

which we regard as a K [◦a -algebra via

K [◦a = (lim K ◦ /$)a = lim(K ◦ /$)a = lim K ◦a /$ ,
←− ←− ←−

and set R[ = A[∗ [($[ )−1 ].

Proposition 5.17. This defines a perfectoid K [ -algebra R[ with corresponding perfec-

toid K [◦a -algebra A[ , and R[ is the tilt of R. Moreover,
R[ = lim R , A[∗ = lim A∗ , A[∗ /$[ ∼
= A∗ /$ .
←−p ←−p
x7→x x7→x

In particular, we have a continuous multiplicative map R[ → R, x 7→ x] .

Remark 5.18. It follows that the tilting functor is independent of the choice of $ and
$[ . We note that this explicit description comes from the fact that the lifting from
perfectoid K [◦a /$[ -algebras to perfectoid K [◦a -algebras can be made explicit by means
of the inverse limit over the Frobenius.
Proof. First, we have
A[∗ = (lim A/$)∗ = lim(A/$)∗ = lim A∗ /$ ,
←− ←− ←−

because ∗ commutes with inverse limits and using Lemma 5.3 (iii). Note that the image
of Φ : (A/$)∗ → (A/$)∗ is A∗ /$, because it factors over (A/$1/p )∗ , and the image of
the projection (A/$)∗ → (A/$1/p )∗ is A∗ /$1/p . But
lim A∗ /$ = lim A∗ ,
←− ←−p
Φ x7→x

as in the proof of Lemma 3.4 (i).

This shows that A[∗ is a $[ -adically complete flat K [◦ -algebra. Moreover, the projec-
tion x 7→ x] of A[∗ onto the first component x] ∈ A∗ induces an isomorphism
A[∗ /$[ ∼
= A∗ /$ ,
because of Lemma 5.6. Therefore A[ is a perfectoid K [◦a -algebra.
To see that R[ is the tilt of R, we go through all equivalences. Indeed, R has cor-
responding perfectoid K ◦a -algebra A, which reduces to the perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra
A/$, which is the same as the perfectoid K [◦a /$[ -algebra A[ /$[ , which lifts to the
perfectoid K [◦a -algebra A[ , which in turn gives rise to R[ . 
Remark 5.19. In fact, one can write down the functors in both directions. From char-
acteristic 0 to characteristic p, we have already given the explicit functor. The converse
functor is given by R = W (R[◦ ) ⊗W (K [◦ ) K, using the usual map θ : W (K [◦ ) → K.
We leave it as an exercise to the reader to give a direct proof of the theorem via this
description, cf. [27]. This avoids the use of almost mathematics in the proof of the
tilting equivalence. We stress however that in our proof we never need to talk about big
rings like W (R[◦ ), and that the point of view of the given proof will be useful in later
Let us give a prototypical example for the tilting process.
Proposition 5.20. Let
1/p∞ ∞ 1/p∞
\ 1/p∞
R = KhT1 , . . . , Tn1/p i = K ◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn ][$−1 ] .
1/p∞ 1/p∞
Then R is a perfectoid K-algebra, and its tilt R[ is given by K [ hT1 , . . . , Tn i.
\ 1/p∞
Proof. One checks that R◦ = K ◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn ], which is $-adically complete and
1/p∞ 1/p∞
flat over K . Moreover, it reduces to R /$ = K ◦ /$[T1
◦ ◦ , . . . , Tn ], on which
Frobenius is surjective. This shows that R is a perfectoid K-algebra.
To see that its tilt has the desired form, we only have to check that R◦ /$ = R[◦ /$[ ,
by the proof of the tilting equivalence. But this is obvious. 
We note that under the process of tilting, perfectoid fields are identified.
Lemma 5.21. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra with tilt R[ . Then R is a perfectoid field
if and only if R[ is a perfectoid field.
Proof. Note that R is a perfectoid field if and only if it is a nonarchimedean field, i.e.
its topology is induced by a rank-1-valuation. This valuation is necessarily given by the
spectral norm
||x||R = inf{|t|−1 | t ∈ K × , tx ∈ R◦ }
on R. It is easy to check that for x ∈ R[ , we have ||x||R[ = ||x] ||R . In particular, if
|| · ||R is multiplicative, then so is || · ||R[ , i.e. if R is a perfectoid field, then so is R[ .
Conversely, assume that R[ is a perfectoid field. We have to check that the spectral
norm || · ||R on R is multiplicative. Let x, y ∈ R; after multiplication by elements of K,
we may assume x, y ∈ R◦ , but not in $1/p R◦ . We want to see that ||x||R ||y||R = ||xy||R .

But we can find x[ , y [ ∈ R[◦ with x − (x[ )] , y − (y [ )] ∈ $R◦ . Then ||x||R = ||x[ ||R[ ,
||y||R = ||y [ ||R[ and ||xy||R = ||x[ y [ ||R[ , and we get the claim.
To see that R is a field, choose x such that x ∈ R◦ , but not in $R◦ , and take x[ as
before. Then by multiplicativity of || · ||R , ||1 − (xx[ )] ||R < 1, and hence (xx[ )] is invertible,
and then also x. 
Finally, let us discuss finite étale covers of perfectoid algebras, and finish the proof of
Theorem 3.7.
Proposition 5.22. Let A be a perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra, and let B be a finite étale
A-algebra. Then B is a perfectoid K ◦a /$-algebra.
Proof. Obviously, B is flat. The statement about Frobenius follows from Theorem 3.5.13
ii) of [14]. 
In particular, Theorem 4.17 provides us with the following commutative diagram,
where R, A, A, A[ and R[ form a sequence of rings under the tilting procedure.
∼ ∼
Rfét o / Afét o / R[
= =
Afét A[fét fét

∼  ∼  ∼
K − Perf o / (K ◦a /$) − Perf o = / K [ − Perf
= = =
K ◦a − Perf K [◦a − Perf
It follows from this diagram that the functors Afét → Rfét and A[fét → Rfét [ are
fully faithful. A main theorem is that both of them are equivalences: This amounts to
Faltings’s almost purity theorem. At this point, we will prove this only in characteristic
Proposition 5.23. Let K be of characteristic p, let R be a perfectoid K-algebra, and
let S/R be finite étale. Then S is perfectoid and S ◦a is finite étale over R◦a . Moreover,
S ◦a is a uniformly finite projective R◦a -module.
Remark 5.24. We need to define the topology on S here. Recall that if A is any ring with
t ∈ A not a zero-divisor, then any finitely generated A[t−1 ]-module M carries a canonical
topology, which gives any finitely generated A-submodule of M the t-adic topology. Any
morphism of finitely generated A[t−1 ]-modules is continuous for this topology, cf. [14],
Definition 5.4.10 and 5.4.11. If A is complete and M is projective, then M is complete,
as one checks by writing M as a direct summand of a finitely generated free A-module.
In particular, if R is a perfectoid K-algebra and S/R a finite étale cover, then S has a
canonical topology for which it is complete.
Proof. This follows from Theorem 3.5.28 of [14]. Let us recall the argument. Note that
S is a perfect Banach K-algebra. We claim that it is perfectoid. Let S0 ⊂ S be some
finitely generated R◦ -subalgebra with S0 ⊗ K = S. Let S0⊥ ⊂ S be defined as the set of
all x ∈ S such that tS/R (x, S0 ) ⊂ R◦ , using the perfect trace form pairing
tS/R : S ⊗R S → R ;
then S0 and S0⊥ are open and bounded. Let Y be the integral closure of R◦ in S. Then
S0 ⊂ Y ⊂ S0⊥ : Indeed, the elements of S0 are clearly integral over R◦ , and we have
tS/R (Y, Y ) ⊂ R◦ . It follows that Y is open and bounded. As S ◦a = Y a , it follows that
S ◦ is open and bounded, as desired.
Next, we want to check that S ◦a is a uniformly finite projective R◦a -module. For
this, it is enough to prove that there is some n such that for any  ∈ m, there are maps
S ◦ → R◦n and R◦n → S ◦ whose composite is multiplication by .
Let e ∈ S ⊗R S be the idempotent showing that S is unramified over N
◦ ◦ N
PnR. Then $ e
is in the image of S ⊗R◦ S in S ⊗R S for some N . Write $ e = i=1 xi ⊗ yi . As

N/pm e =
Pn 1/pm 1/pm
Frobenius is bijective, we have $P i=1 xi ⊗ yi for all m. In particular,
for any  ∈ m, we can write e = ni=1 ai ⊗ bi for certain ai , bi ∈ S ◦ , depending on .
We get the map S ◦ → R◦n ,
s 7→ (tS/R (s, b1 ), . . . , tS/R (s, bn )) ,
and the map R◦n → S ◦ ,
(r1 , . . . , rn ) 7→ ai ri .
One easily checks that their composite is multiplication by , giving the claim.
It remains to see that S ◦a is an unramified R◦a -algebra. But this follows from the
previous arguments, which show that e defines an almost element of S ◦a ⊗R◦a S ◦a with
the desired properties. 

It follows that the diagram above extends as follows.

∼ ∼ ∼
Rfét o / Afét o / R[
= = =
Afét A[fét fét

∼  ∼  ∼

K − Perf o / (K ◦a /$) − Perf o = / K [ − Perf
= = =
K ◦a − Perf K [◦a − Perf

Moreover, using Theorem 4.17, it follows that all finite étale algebras over A, A or A[
are uniformly almost finitely presented. Let us summarize the discussion.
Theorem 5.25. Let R be a perfectoid K-algebra with tilt R[ . There is a fully faithful
functor from Rfét to Rfét inverse to the tilting functor. The essential image of this
functor consists of the finite étale covers S of R, for which S (with its natural topology)
is perfectoid and S ◦a is finite étale over R◦a . In this case, S ◦a is a uniformly finite
projective R◦a -module.
[ ,→ R
In particular, we see that the fully faithful functor Rfét fét preserves degrees. We
will later prove that this is an equivalence in general. For now, we prove that it is an
equivalence for perfectoid fields, i.e. we finish the proof of Theorem 3.7.

Proof. (of Theorem 3.7) Let K be a perfectoid field with tilt K [ . Using the previous
theorem, it is enough to show that the fully faithful functor Kfét[ → K
fét is an equiva-
Proof using ramification theory. Proposition 6.6.2 (cf. its proof) and Proposition
6.6.6 of [14] show that for any finite extension L of K, the extension L◦a /K ◦a is étale.
Moreover, it is finite projective by Proposition 6.3.6 of [14], giving the desired result.
Proof reducing to the case where K [ is algebraically closed. Let M = K [ be the
completion of an algebraic closure of K [ . Clearly, M is complete and perfect, i.e. M
is perfectoid. Let M ] be the untilt of M . Then by Lemma 5.21 and Proposition 3.8,
M ] is an algebraically closed perfectoid field containing K. Any finite extension L ⊂ M
of K [ gives Sthe untilt L] ⊂ M ] , a finite extension of K. It is easy to see that the
union N = L L] ⊂ M ] is a dense subfield. Now Krasner’s lemma implies that N is
algebraically closed. Hence any finite extension F of K is contained in N ; this means
that there is some Galois extension L of K [ such that F is contained in L] . Note that
L] is still Galois, as the functor L 7→ L] preserves degrees and automorphisms. In
particular, F is given by some subgroup H of Gal(L] /K) = Gal(L/K [ ), which gives the
desired finite extension F [ = LH of K [ that untilts to F : The equivalence of categories
shows that (F [ )] ⊂ (L] )H = F , and as they have the same degree, they are equal. 

6. Perfectoid spaces: Analytic topology

In the following, we are interested in the adic spaces associated to perfectoid algebras.
Specifically, note that perfectoid K-algebras are Tate, and we will look at the following
type of affinoid K-algebras.
Definition 6.1. A perfectoid affinoid K-algebra is an affinoid K-algebra (R, R+ ) such
that R is a perfectoid K-algebra.
We note that in this case mR◦ ⊂ R+ ⊂ R◦ , because all topologically nilpotent ele-
ments lie in R+ , as R+ is integrally closed. In particular, R+ is almost equal to R◦ .
Lemma 6.2. The categories of perfectoid affinoid K-algebras and perfectoid affinoid
K [ -algebras are equivalent. If (R, R+ ) maps to (R[ , R[+ ) under this equivalence, then
x 7→ x] induces an isomorphism R[+ /$[ ∼ = R+ /$. Also R[+ = ← limx7→xp R+ .

Proof. Giving an open integrally closed subring of R is equivalent to giving an integrally
closed subring of R◦ /m. This description is compatible with tilting. One easily checks
the last identities. 
It turns out that also in this case, the presheaf OX is a sheaf. In fact, the main
theorem of this section is the following.
Theorem 6.3. Let (R, R+ ) be a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, and let X = Spa(R, R+ )
with associated presheaves OX , OX . Also, let (R[ , R[+ ) be the tilt given by Lemma 6.2,
and let X [ = Spa(R[ , R[+ ) etc. .
(i) We have a homeomorphism X ∼ = X [ , given by mapping x ∈ X to the valuation
x[ ∈ X [ defined by |f (x[ )| = |f ] (x)|. This homeomorphism identifies rational subsets.
(ii) For any rational subset U ⊂ X with tilt U [ ⊂ X [ , the complete affinoid K-algebra
+ +
(OX (U ), OX (U )) is perfectoid, with tilt (OX [ (U [ ), OX [
[ (U )).

(iii) The presheaves OX , OX [ are sheaves.

(iv) The cohomology group H i (X, OX ) is m-torsion for i > 0.
We remark that we did not assume that R+ is a K ◦ -algebra, although this is satisfied
in all examples of interest to us. For this reason, it does not literally make sense to use
the language of almost mathematics in the context of OX . In the following, the reader
+ ◦
may safely assume that R is a K -algebra, which avoids some small extra twists.
Let us give an outline of the proof. First, we show that the map X → X [ is continuous.
Next, we prove a slightly weaker version of (ii), and give an explicit description of
the perfectoid K ◦a -algebra associated to OX (U ). This will be used to prove a crucial
approximation lemma, dealing with the problem that the map g 7→ g ] is far from being
surjective. Nonetheless, it turns out that one can approximate any function f ∈ R by
a function of the form g ] such that the maps x 7→ |f (x)| and x 7→ |g ] (x)| are identical
except maybe at points x where both of them are very small. It is then easy to deduce
part (i), and also part (ii). We note that the same approximation lemma will be used
later in the proof of the weight-monodromy conjecture for complete intersections.
It remains to prove that OX is a sheaf with vanishing higher cohomology, and that
the vanishing even extends to the almost integral level. The proof proceeds in several
steps. First, we prove it in the case that K is of characteristic p and (R, R+ ) is the
completed perfection of an affinoid K-algebra of tft. In that case, it is easy to deduce
the result from Tate’s acyclicity theorem. Again, the direct limit over the Frobenius
extends the vanishing of cohomology to the almost integral level. Next, we do the general
characteristic p case by writing an arbitrary perfectoid affinoid K-algebra (R, R+ ) as
the completed direct limit of algebras of the previous form. Finally, we deduce the case

where K has characteristic 0 by using the result in characteristic p, making use of parts
(i) and (ii) already proved.
Proof. First, we check that the map X → X [ is well-defined and continuous: To check
welldefinedness, we have to see that it maps valuations to valuations. This was already
verified in the proof of Proposition 3.6.
Moreover, the map X → X [ is continuous, because the preimage of the rational subset
f1] ,...,fn]
U ( f1 ,...,f
) is given by U ( g]
), assuming as in Remark 2.8 that fn is a power of $[
to ensure that f1] , . . . , fn] still generate R.
We have the following description of OX .
Lemma 6.4. Let U = U ( f1 ,...,f
) ⊂ Spa(R[ , R[+ ) be rational, with preimage U ] ⊂
Spa(R, R+ ). Assume that all fi , g ∈ R[◦ and that fn = $[N for some N ; this is always
possible without changing the rational subspace.
(i) Consider the $-adic completion
! ∞ ! ∞
] 1/p ] 1/p
f fn
R◦ h 1] ,..., i
g g]
of the subring
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
◦ fn] 1
R [ 1] ,..., ] ⊂ R[ ].
g g] g]
 1/p∞ 1/p∞
f1] fn]

Then R◦ h g]
,..., g]
ia is a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra.

(ii) The algebra OX (U ] ) is a perfectoid K-algebra, with associated perfectoid K ◦a -algebra

! ∞ ! ∞
] 1/p ] 1/p
f fn
OX (U ] )◦a = R◦ h 1] ,..., ia .
g g]

(iii) The tilt of OX (U ] ) is given by OX [ (U ).

Proof. (i), (K of characteristic p) Assume that K has characteristic p, and identify K [ =
K; the general case is dealt with below. We see from the definition that
 1/p∞  1/p∞
◦ f1 fn
R h ,..., i
g g
is flat over K ◦ and $-adically complete.
We want to show that modulo $, Frobenius is almost surjective with kernel almost
generated by $1/p . We have a surjection
 1/p∞  1/p∞
◦ 1/p

1/p∞ ◦ f1 fn
R [T1 , . . . , Tn ]→R [ ,..., ].
g g
1/pm m 1/pm
Its kernel contains the ideal I generated by all Ti g 1/p − fi . We claim that the
induced morphism
 1/p∞  1/p∞
1/p∞ ∞ f1 fn
R◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn1/p ]/I → R◦ [ ,..., ]
g g
is an almost isomorphism. Indeed, it is an isomorphism after inverting $, because this
also inverts g. If f lies in the kernel of this map, there is some k with $k f ∈ I. But
m m m
then ($k/p f )p ∈ I, and because I is perfect, also $k/p f ∈ I. This gives the desired

Reducing modulo $, we have an almost isomorphism

 1/p∞  1/p∞
1/p∞ ∞ f1 fn
R◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn1/p ]/(I, $) → R◦ h ,..., i/$ .
g g
From the definition of I, it is immediate that Frobenius gives an isomorphism
1/p∞ ∞ 1/p∞ ∞
R◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn1/p ]/(I, $1/p ) ∼
= R◦ [T1 , . . . , Tn1/p ]/(I, $) .
This finally shows that
 1/p∞  1/p∞
◦ f1 fn
R h ,..., ia
g g
is a perfectoid K ◦a -algebra, giving part (i) in characteristic p.
(i)⇒(ii), (General K) We show that in general, (i) implies (ii). Note that R◦ ⊂ R is open
and bounded, hence we may choose R0 = R◦ in Definition 2.13. We have the inclusions
! ∞ ! ∞
] ] ] 1/p ] 1/p
f fn f fn 1
R◦ [ 1] , . . . , ] ] ⊂ R◦ [ 1] ,..., ]
] ⊂ R[ ] ] .
g g g g g
Moreover, we claim that
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
◦ f] fn] f1] fn]
$ nN
R [ 1] ,..., ] ⊂ R◦ [ , . . . , ] :
g g] g] g]
Indeed, g1] = $−N fgn] , and any element on the left-hand side can be written as a sum of
terms on the right-hand side with coefficients in (g]1)n R◦ .
Now we may pass to the $-adic completion and get inclusions
! ∞ ! ∞
] ] ] 1/p ] 1/p
f fn f fn f1] fn]
R◦ h 1] , . . . , ] i ⊂ R◦ h 1] ,..., i ⊂ Rh , . . . , i = OX (U ).
g g g g] g] g]
Thus it follows from part (i) that
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
f] ◦ fn]
OX (U ) = R h 1] ,..., i[$−1 ]
g g]
is perfectoid, with corresponding perfectoid K ◦a -algebra.
(i), (iii), (General K) Again, we see from the definition that
! ∞ ! ∞
] 1/p ] 1/p
f fn
R◦ h 1] ,..., i
g g]
is flat over K ◦ and $-adically complete. We have to show that modulo $, Frobenius is
almost surjective with kernel almost generated by $1/p . We still have the map
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
◦ 1/p

1/p∞ ◦ f1] fn]
R [T1 , . . . , Tn ]/I → R [ ] ,..., ],
g g]
1/pm m 1/pm
where I is the ideal generated by all Ti (g 1/p )] − (fi )] . Also, we may apply
our results for the tilted situation. In particular, we know that (OX [ (U ), OX [ (U )) is a
[ + +
perfectoid affinoid K -algebra. Let (S, S ) be its tilt. Then Spa(S, S ) → X factors
over U ] , and hence we get a map (OX (U ] ), OX (U ] )) → (S, S + ). The composite map
! ∞ ! ∞
] 1/p ] 1/p
1/p ∞ ∞ f fn
R◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p ia → R◦ h 1] ,..., ia → OX (U ] )◦a → S ◦a
g g]

is a map of perfectoid K ◦a -algebras, which is the tilt of the composite map

1/p∞ ∞ 1/p∞ ∞
R[◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p ia → R[◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p ia /I [ → OX [ (U )◦a ,
where I [ is the corresponding ideal which occurs in the tilted situation. Note that
1/p∞ ∞ 1/p∞ ∞
R[◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p i/(I [ , $[ ) = R◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p i/(I, $)
from the explicit description. Since
1/p∞ ∞
R[◦ hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p ia /(I [ , $[ ) → OX [ (U )◦a /$[
is an isomorphism, so is the composite map
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
◦ 1/p∞ ∞ ◦f1] fn]
R hT1 , . . . , Tn1/p ia /(I, $) →R h ] ,..., ia /$ → S ◦a /$ ,
g g]
as it identifies with the previous map under tilting. The first map being surjective, it
follows that both maps are isomorphisms. In particular,
!1/p∞ !1/p∞
◦ f1] fn] ∼ S ◦a /$ .
R h ] ,..., ia /$ =
g g]
This gives part (i), and hence part (ii), and then the latter isomorphism gives part (iii).

We need an approximation lemma.
1/p∞ 1/p∞
Lemma 6.5. Let R = KhT0 , . . . , Tn i. Let f ∈ R◦ be a homogeneous element of
degree d ∈ Z[ p ]. Then for any rational number c ≥ 0 and any  > 0, there exists an
1/p∞ ∞
gc, ∈ R[◦ = K [◦ hT0 , . . . , Tn1/p i
homogeneous of degree d such that for all x ∈ X = Spa(R, R◦ ), we have
|f (x) − gc, (x)| ≤ |$|1− max(|f (x)|, |$|c ) .
Remark 6.6. Note that for  < 1, the given estimate says in particular that for all
x ∈ X = Spa(R, R◦ ), we have
max(|f (x)|, |$|c ) = max(|gc,
(x)|, |$|c ) .
Proof. We fix  > 0, and assume  < 1 and  ∈ Z[ p1 ]. We also fix f . Then we prove
inductively that for any c one can find some (c) > 0 and some
1/p∞ ∞
gc ∈ R[◦ = K [◦ hT0 , . . . , Tn1/p i
homogeneous of degree d such that for all x ∈ X = Spa(R, R◦ ), we have
|f (x) − gc] (x)| ≤ |$|1−+(c) max(|f (x)|, |$|c ) .
We will need (c), as each induction step will lose some small constant because of some
almost mathematics involved. Now we argue by induction, increasing from c to c0 = c+a,
where 0 < a <  is some fixed rational number in Z[ p1 ]. The case c = 0 is obvious: One
may take (0) = . We are free to replace (c) by something smaller, so without loss of
generality, we assume (c) ≤  − a and (c) ∈ Z[ p1 ].
1/p∞ 1/p∞
Let X = Spa(R, R+ ), where R+ = R◦ = K ◦ hT0 , . . . , Tn i. Let Uc ⊂ X [ =
Spa(R[ , R[+ ) be the rational subset given by |gc (x)| ≤ |$[ |c . Its preimage Uc] ⊂ X is
given by |f (x)| ≤ |$|c . The condition implies that
h = f − gc] ∈ $c+1−+(c) OX (Uc] ) .

The previous lemma shows that

* ! 1 +a
OX (Uc] )◦a = R◦ .
But h is a homogeneous element, so that h lies almost in the $-adic completion of
M g c ◦
$c+1−+(c) c
Rdeg=d−di .
i∈Z[ p ],0≤i≤1

This shows that we can find elements ri ∈ R+ homogeneous of degree d − di, such that
ri → 0, with
X 0 g c
h= $c+1−+(c ) ri ,
i∈Z[ p ],0≤i≤1

where we choose some 0 < (c0 ) < (c), (c0 ) ∈ Z[ p1 ]. Choose si ∈ R[+ homogeneous of
degree d − di, si → 0, such that $ divides ri − s]i . Now set
[ c+1−+(c0 ) gc
gc = gc +
0 ($ ) si .
($[ )c
i∈Z[ p ],0≤i≤1

We claim that for all x ∈ X, we have

0 0
|f (x) − gc]0 (x)| ≤ |$|1−+(c ) max(|f (x)|, |$|c ) .
Assume first that |f (x)| > |$|c . Then we have |gc] (x)| = |f (x)| > |$|c . It is enough to
show that
 i !]
($[ )c+1−+(c0 )
gc ≤ |$|1−+(c0 ) |f (x)| .

[ c
s i (x)

($ )

Neglecting |s]i (x)| ≤ 1, the left-hand side is maximal when i = 1, in which case it
evaluates to the right-hand side, so that we get the desired estimate.
Now we are left with the case |f (x)| ≤ |$|c . We claim that in fact
0 0
|f (x) − gc]0 (x)| ≤ |$|c +1−+(c )
in this case, which is clearly enough. For this, it is enough to see that f − gc]0 is an
element of $c+1 OX (Uc] )◦ , because c + 1 > c0 + 1 −  + (c0 ). But we have
gc0 gc X
[ 1−+(c0 ) gc
= + ($ ) si ,
($[ )c ($[ )c i
($[ )c
with all terms being in OX [ (Uc )◦ . Hence we get that
gc]0 gc] X 0 gc]
= c
+ $1−+(c ) ri
$ $ $c

in OX (Uc] )◦ , modulo $. Multiplying by $c , this rewrites as

f − gc]0 = f − gc] − h = 0
modulo $c+1 . This gives the desired estimate. 
Corollary 6.7. Let (R, R+ ) be a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, with tilt (R[ , R[+ ), and
let X = Spa(R, R+ ), X [ = Spa(R[ , R[+ ).

(i) For any f ∈ R and any c ≥ 0,  > 0, there exists gc, ∈ R[ such that for all x ∈ X,
we have
|f (x) − gc, (x)| ≤ |$|1− max(|f (x)|, |$|c ) .
(ii) For any x ∈ X, the completed residue field k(x)
d is a perfectoid field.
(iii) The morphism X → X [ induces a homeomorphism, identifying rational subsets.
Proof. (i) As any maximal point of Spa(R, R+ ) is contained in Spa(R, R◦ ), and it is
enough to check the inequality at maximal points after increasing  slightly, it is enough
to prove this if R+ = R◦ . At the expense of enlarging c, we may assume that f ∈ R◦ ,
and also assume that c is an integer. Further, we can write f = g0] + $g1] + . . . + $c gc] +
$c+1 fc+1 for certain g0 , . . . , gc ∈ R[◦ and fc+1 ∈ R◦ . We can assume fc+1 = 0. Now we
have the map
1/p∞ ∞
KhT0 , . . . , Tc1/p i → R
1/pm 1/pm
sending Ti to (gi )] , and f is the image of T0 + $T1 + . . . + $c Tc , to which we
may apply Lemma 6.5.
(ii), (K of characteristic p) In this case, we know that OX (U )◦a is perfectoid for any
rational subset U . It follows that the $-adic completion of OX,x ◦a is a perfectoid K ◦a -

algebra, hence k(x)

d is a perfectoid K-algebra. As it is also a nonarchimedean field, the
result follows.
(iii) First, part (i) immediately implies that any rational subset of X is the preimage of
a rational subset of X [ . Because X is T0 , this implies that the map is injective. Now
any x ∈ X [ factors as a composite R[ → k(x)d → Γ ∪ {0}. As k(x)d is perfectoid, we may
untilt to a perfectoid field over K, and we may also untilt the valuation by Proposition
3.6. This shows that the map is surjective, giving part (iii). Now part (ii) follows in
general with the same proof.

For any subset M ⊂ X, we write M [ ⊂ X [ for the corresponding subset of X [ .
Corollary 6.8. Let (R, R+ ) be a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, with tilt (R[ , R[+ ), and
let X = Spa(R, R+ ), X [ = Spa(R[ , R[+ ). Then for all rational U ⊂ X, the pair
+ +
(OX (U ), OX (U )) is a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra with tilt (OX [ (U [ ), OX [
[ (U )).

Proof. Corollary 6.7 (iii) and Lemma 6.4 (ii) show that (OX (U ), OX (U )) is a perfectoid
affinoid K-algebra. It can be characterized by the universal property of Proposition 2.14
among all perfectoid affinoid K-algebras, and tilting this universal property shows that
its tilt has the analogous universal property characterizing (OX [ (U [ ), OX [
[ (U )) among

all perfectoid affinoid K [ -algebras. 

At this point, we have proved parts (i) and (ii) of Theorem 6.3.
To prove the sheaf properties, we start in characteristic p, with a certain class of
perfectoid rings which are particularly easy to access.
Definition 6.9. Assume K is of characteristic p. Then a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra
(R, R+ ) is said to be p-finite if there exists a reduced affinoid K-algebra (S, S + ) of
topologically finite type such that (R, R+ ) is the completed perfection of (S, S + ), i.e. R+
is the $-adic completion of limΦ S + and R = R+ [$−1 ].
At this point, let us recall some facts about reduced affinoid K-algebras of topologi-
cally finite type.
Proposition 6.10. Let (S, S + ) be a reduced affinoid K-algebra of topologically finite
type, and let X = Spa(S, S + ).

(i) The subset S + = S ◦ ⊂ S is open and bounded.

(ii) For any rational subset U ⊂ X, the affinoid K-algebra (OX (U ), OX (U )) is reduced
and of topologically finite type.
(iii) For any covering X = Ui by finitely many rational subsets Ui ⊂ X, each cohomol-
ogy group of the complex
0 → OX (X)◦ → OX (Ui )◦ → OX (Ui ∩ Uj )◦ → . . .
i i,j

is annihilated by some power of $.

Proof. Using [19], Proposition 4.3 and its proof, one sees that all statements are readily
translated into the classical language of rigid geometry, and we use results from the
book of Bosch-Güntzer-Remmert, [2]. Part (i) is precisely their 6.2.4 Theorem 1, and
part (ii) is 7.3.2 Corollary 10.
Moreover, Tate’s acyclicity theorem, 8.2.1 Theorem 1 in [2], says that
d d d
0 → OX (X) →0 OX (Ui ) →1 OX (Ui ∩ Uj ) →2 . . .
i i,j

is exact. Then ker di is a closed subspace of a K-Banach space, hence itself a K-Banach
space, and di−1 is a surjection onto ker di . By Banach’s open mapping theorem, the
map di−1 is an open map to ker di . This says that the subspace and quotient topologies
on ker di = im di−1 coincide. Now consider the sequence
d◦ Y d◦ Y d◦
0 → OX (X)◦ →0 OX (Ui )◦ →1 OX (Ui ∩ Uj )◦ →2 . . . .
i i,j

By parts (i) and (ii), the quotient topology on im di−1 has $n im d◦i−1 , n ∈ Z, as a basis
of open neighborhoods of 0, and the subspace topology of ker di has $n kerd◦i , n ∈ Z, as
a basis of open neighborhoods of 0. That they agree precisely amounts to saying that
the cohomology group is annihilated by some power of $. 
Proposition 6.11. Assume that K is of characteristic p, and that (R, R+ ) is p-finite,
given as the completed perfection of a reduced affinoid K-algebra (S, S + ) of topologically
finite type.
(i) The map X = Spa(R, R+ ) ∼ = Y = Spa(S, S + ) is a homeomorphism identifying ratio-
nal subspaces.
(ii) For any U ⊂ X rational, corresponding to V ⊂ Y , the perfectoid affinoid K-algebra
(OX (U ), OX (U )) is equal to the completed perfection of (OY (V ), OY+ (V )).
(iii) For any covering X = i Ui by rational subsets, the sequence
0 → OX (X)◦a → OX (Ui )◦a → OX (Ui ∩ Uj )◦a → . . .
i i,j
◦a ) = 0 for i > 0.
is exact. In particular, OX is a sheaf, and H i (X, OX
Remark 6.12. The last assertion is equivalent to the assertion that H i (X, OX ) is anni-
hilated by m.
Proof. (i) Going to the perfection does not change the associated adic space and rational
subspaces, and going to the completion does not by Proposition 2.11.
(ii) The completed perfection of (OY (V ), OY+ (V )) is a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra. It
has the universal property defining (OX (U ), OX (U )) among all perfectoid affinoid K-

(iii) Note that the corresponding sequence for Y is exact up to some $-power. Hence
after taking the perfection, it is almost exact, and stays so after completion.

Lemma 6.13. Assume K is of characteristic p.
(i) Any perfectoid affinoid K-algebra (R, R+ ) for which R+ is a K ◦ -algebra is the com-
pletion of a filtered direct limit of p-finite perfectoid affinoid K-algebras (Ri , Ri+ ).
(ii) This induces a homeomorphism Spa(R, R+ ) ∼ = lim Spa(Ri , Ri+ ), and each rational
← −
U ⊂ X = Spa(R, R+ ) comes as the preimage of some rational Ui ⊂ Xi = Spa(Ri , Ri+ ).
(iii) In this case (OX (U ), OX (U )) is equal to the completion of the filtered direct limit of
the (OXj (Uj ), OXj (Uj )), where Uj is the preimage of Ui in Xj for j ≥ i.
(iv) If Ui ⊂ Xi is some quasicompact open subset containing the image of X, then there
is some j such that the image of Xj is contained in Ui .
Proof. (i) For any finite subset I ⊂ R+ , we have the K-subalgebra SI ⊂ R given as the
image of KhTi |i ∈ Ii → R. Then SI is a reduced quotient of KhTi |i ∈ Ii, and we give SI
the quotient topology. Let SI+ ⊂ SI be the set of power-bounded elements; it is also the
set of elements integral over K ◦ hTi |i ∈ Ii by [31], Theorem 5.2. In particular, SI+ ⊂ R+ .
We caution the reader that SI+ is in general not the preimage of R+ in SI .
Now let (RI , RI+ ) be the completed perfection of (SI , SI+ ), i.e. RI+ is the $-adic com-
pletion of limΦ SI+ , and RI = RI+ [$−1 ]. We get an induced map (RI , RI+ ) → (R, R+ ),
and (RI , RI+ ) is a p-finite perfectoid affinoid K-algebra. We claim that R+ /$n =
limI RI+ /$n . Indeed, the map is clearly surjective. It is also injective, since if f1 , f2 ∈ RI+
satisfy f1 − f2 = $n g for some g ∈ R+ , then for some larger J ⊃ I containing g, also
f1 − f2 ∈ $n RJ+ . This shows that R+ is the completed direct limit of the RI+ , i.e.
(R, R+ ) is the completed direct limit of the (RI , RI+ ).
(ii) Let (L, L+ ) be the direct limit of the (RI , RI+ ), equipped with the $-adic topology.
Then one checks by hand that Spa(L, L+ ) ∼ = lim Spa(Ri , Ri+ ), compatible with ratio-
nal subspaces. But then the same thing holds true for the completed direct limit by
Proposition 2.11.
(iii) The completion of the direct limit of the (OXj (Uj ), OX j
(Uj )) is a perfectoid affinoid
K-algebra, and it satisfies the universal property describing (OX (U ), OX (U )).
(iv) This is an abstract property of spectral spaces and spectral maps. Let Ai be the
closed complement of Ui , and for any j ≥ i, let Aj be the preimage of Ai in Xj . Then
the Aj are constructible subsets of Xj , hence spectral, and the transition maps between
the Aj are spectral. If one gives the Aj the constructible topology, they are compact
topological spaces, and the transition maps are continuous. If their inverse limit is zero,
then one of them has to be zero.

Proposition 6.14. Let K be of any characteristic, and let (R, +
S R ) be a perfectoid
affinoid K-algebra, X = Spa(R, R ). For any covering X = i Ui by finitely many
rational subsets, the sequence
0 → OX (X)◦a → OX (Ui )◦a → OX (Ui ∩ Uj )◦a → . . .
i i,j
◦a ) = 0 for i > 0.
is exact. In particular, OX is a sheaf, and H i (X, OX
Proof. Assume first that K has characteristic p. We may replace K by a perfectoid

subfield, such as the $-adic completion of Fp (($))($1/p ); this ensures that for any
perfectoid affinoid K-algebra (R, R+ ), the ring R+ is a K ◦ -algebra. Then use Lemma

6.13 to write X = Spa(R, R+ ) ∼ = lim X = Spa(Ri , Ri+ ) as an inverse limit, with (Ri , Ri+ )
←− i
p-finite. Any rational subspace comes from a finite level, and a cover by finitely many
rational subspaces is the pullback of a cover by finitely many rational subspaces on a
finite level. Hence the almost exactness of the sequence follows by taking the completion
of the direct limit of the corresponding statement for Xi , which is given by Proposition
6.11. The rest follows as before.
In characteristic 0, first use the exactness of the tilted sequence, then reduce modulo
$[ (which is still exact by flatness), and then remark that this is just the original
sequence reduced modulo $. As this is exact, the original sequence is exact, by flatness
and completeness. Again, we also get the other statements. 

This finishes the proof of Theorem 6.3. 

We see that to any perfectoid affinoid K-algebra (R, R+ ), we have associated an

affinoid adic space X = Spa(R, R+ ). We call these spaces affinoid perfectoid spaces.

Definition 6.15. A perfectoid space is an adic space over K that is locally isomorphic
to an affinoid perfectoid space. Morphisms between perfectoid spaces are the morphisms
of adic spaces.

The process of tilting glues.

Definition 6.16. We say that a perfectoid space X [ over K [ is the tilt of a perfec-
toid space X over K if there is a functorial isomorphism Hom(Spa(R[ , R[+ ), X [ ) =
Hom(Spa(R, R+ ), X) for all perfectoid affinoid K-algebras (R, R+ ) with tilt (R[ , R[+ ).

Proposition 6.17. Any perfectoid space X over K admits a tilt X [ , unique up to unique
isomorphism. This induces an equivalence between the category of perfectoid spaces over
K and the category of perfectoid spaces over K [ . The underlying topological spaces of X
and X [ are naturally identified. A perfectoid space X is affinoid perfectoid if and only if
its tilt X [ is affinoid perfectoid. Finally, for any affinoid perfectoid subspace U ⊂ X, the
+ +
pair (OX (U ), OX (U )) is a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra with tilt (OX [ (U [ ), OX [
[ (U )).

Proof. This is a formal consequence of Theorem 5.2, Theorem 6.3 and Proposition
2.19. Note that to any open U ⊂ X, one gets an associated perfectoid space with
underlying topological space U by restricting the structure sheaf and valuations to
U , and hence its global sections are (OX (U ), OX (U )), so that if U is affinoid, then
U = Spa(OX (U ), OX (U )). This gives the last part of the proposition. 

Let us finish this section by noting one way in which perfectoid spaces behave better
than adic spaces (cf. Proposition 1.2.2 of [20]).

Proposition 6.18. If X → Y ← Z are perfectoid spaces over K, then the fibre product
X ×Y Z exists in the category of adic spaces over K, and is a perfectoid space.

Proof. As usual, one reduces to the affine case, X = Spa(A, A+ ), Y = Spa(B, B + )

and Z = Spa(C, C + ), and we want to construct W = X ×Y Z. This is given by
W = Spa(D, D+ ), where D is the completion of A ⊗B C, and D+ is the completion
of the integral closure of the image of A+ ⊗B + C + in D. Note that A◦a \ ⊗B ◦a C ◦a is a
perfectoid K -algebra: It is enough to check that A ⊗B ◦a C /$ is flat over K ◦a /$,
◦a ◦a ◦a

hence one reduces to characteristic p. Here, it is enough to check that A◦a ⊗B ◦a C ◦a

is $-torsion free; but if $f = 0, then $1/p f 1/p = 0 by perfectness, hence $1/p f = 0.
Continuing gives the result. In particular, (D, D+ ) is a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra.
One immediately checks that it satisfies the desired universal property. 

7. Perfectoid spaces: Etale topology

In this section, we use the term locally noetherian adic space over k for the adic
spaces over k considered in [20], i.e. they are locally of the form Spa(A, A+ ), were
A is a strongly noetherian Tate k-algebra. If additionally, they are quasicompact and
quasiseparated, we call them noetherian adic spaces.
Although perfectoid rings are always reduced, and hence a definition involving lifting
of nilpotents is not possible, there is a good notion of étale morphisms. In the following
definition, k can be an arbitrary nonarchimedean field.
Definition 7.1. (i) A morphism (R, R+ ) → (S, S + ) of affinoid k-algebras is called finite
étale if S is a finite étale R-algebra with the induced topology, and S + is the integral
closure of R+ in S.
(ii) A morphism f : X → Y of adic spaces over k is called finite étale if there is a cover
of Y by open affinoids V ⊂ Y such that the preimage U = f −1 (V ) is affinoid, and the
associated morphism of affinoid k-algebras
(OY (V ), OY+ (V )) → (OX (U ), OX
(U ))
is finite étale.
(iii) A morphism f : X → Y of adic spaces over k is called étale if for any point x ∈ X
there are open neighborhoods U and V of x and f (x) and a commutative diagram
U /W
f |U 
where j is an open embedding and p is finite étale.
For locally noetherian adic spaces over k, this recovers the usual notions, by Example
1.6.6 ii) and Lemma 2.2.8 of [20], respectively. We will see that these notions are
useful in the case of perfectoid spaces, and will not use them otherwise. However, we
will temporarily need a stronger notion of étale morphisms for perfectoid spaces. After
proving the almost purity theorem, we will see that there is no difference. In the following
let K be a perfectoid field again.
Definition 7.2. (i) A morphism (R, R+ ) → (S, S + ) of perfectoid affinoid K-algebras
is called strongly finite étale if it is finite étale and additionally S ◦a is a finite étale
R◦a -algebra.
(ii) A morphism f : X → Y of perfectoid spaces over K is called strongly finite étale
if there is a cover of Y by open affinoid perfectoids V ⊂ Y such that the preimage
U = f −1 (V ) is affinoid perfectoid, and the associated morphism of perfectoid affinoid
(OY (V ), OY+ (V )) → (OX (U ), OX +
(U ))
is strongly finite étale.
(iii) A morphism f : X → Y of perfectoid spaces over K is called strongly étale if for any
point x ∈ X there are open neighborhoods U and V of x and f (x) and a commutative
U /W
f |U 
where j is an open embedding and p is strongly finite étale.

From the definitions, Proposition 6.17, and Theorem 5.25, we see that f : X → Y is
strongly finite étale, resp. strongly étale, if and only if the tilt f [ : X [ → Y [ is strongly
finite étale, resp. strongly étale. Moreover, in characteristic p, anything (finite) étale is
also strongly (finite) étale.
Lemma 7.3. (i) Let f : X → Y be a strongly finite étale, resp. strongly étale, morphism
of perfectoid spaces and let g : Z → Y be an arbitrary morphism of perfectoid spaces.
Then X ×Y Z → Z is a strongly finite étale, resp. strongly étale, morphism of perfectoid
spaces. Moreover, the map of underlying topological spaces |X ×Z Y | → |X| ×|Z| |Y | is
(ii) If in (i), all spaces X = Spa(A, A+ ), Y = Spa(B, B + ) and Z = Spa(C, C + ) are
affinoid, with (A, A+ ) strongly finite étale over (B, B + ), then X ×Y Z = Spa(D, D+ ),
where D = A ⊗B C and D+ is the integral closure of C + in D, and (D, D+ ) is strongly
finite étale over (C, C + ).
(iii) Assume that K is of characteristic p. If f : X → Y is a finite étale, resp. étale,
morphism of adic spaces over k and g : Z → Y is a map from a perfectoid space Z
to Y , then the fibre product X ×Y Z exists in the category of adic spaces over K, is a
perfectoid space, and the projection X ×Y Z → Z is finite étale, resp. étale. Moreover,
the map of underlying topological spaces |X ×Z Y | → |X| ×|Z| |Y | is surjective.
(iv) Assume that in the situation of (iii), all spaces X = Spa(A, A+ ), Y = Spa(B, B + )
and Z = Spa(C, C + ) are affinoid, with (A, A+ ) finite étale over (B, B + ), then X ×Y Z =
Spa(D, D+ ), where D = A ⊗B C, D+ is the integral closure of C + in D and (D, D+ ) is
finite étale over (C, C + ).
Proof. (ii) As A⊗B C is finite projective over C, it is already complete. One easily deduces
the universal property. Also, D◦a is finite étale over C ◦a , as base-change preserves finite
étale morphisms.
(i) Applying the definition of a strongly finite étale map, one reduces the statement about
strongly finite étale maps to the situation handled in part (ii). Now the statement for
strongly étale maps follows, because fibre products obviously preserve open embeddings.
The surjectivity statement follows from the argument of [19], proof of Lemma 3.9 (i).
(iv) Proposition 5.23 shows that D = A ⊗B C is perfectoid. Therefore Spa(D, D+ ) is a
perfectoid space. One easily checks the universal property.
(iii) The finite étale case reduces to the situation considered in part (iv). Again, it is
trivial to handle open embeddings, giving also the étale case. Surjectivity is proved as

Let us recall the following statement about henselian rings.
Proposition 7.4. Let A be a flat K ◦ -algebra such that A is henselian along ($). Then
the categories of finite étale A[$−1 ] and finite étale Â[$−1 ]-algebras are equivalent,
where  is the $-adic completion of A.
Proof. See e.g. [14], Proposition 5.4.53. 
We recall that $-adically complete algebras A are henselian along ($), and that if Ai
is a direct system of K ◦ -algebras henselian along ($), then so is the direct limit lim Ai .
In particular, we get the following lemma.
Lemma 7.5. (i) Let Ai be a filtered direct system of complete flat K ◦ -algebras, and let
A be the completion of the direct limit, which is again a complete flat K ◦ -algebra. Then
we have an equivalence of categories
A[$−1 ]fét ∼
= 2 − lim A [$−1 ]fét .
−→ i

In particular, if Ri is a filtered direct system of perfectoid K-algebras and R is the

completion of their direct limit, then Rfét ∼
= 2 − lim (R ) .
−→ i fét
(ii) Assume that K has characteristic p, and let (R, R+ ) be a p-finite perfectoid affinoid
K-algebra, given as the completed perfection of the reduced affinoid K-algebra (S, S + )
of topologically finite type. Then Rfét ∼
= Sfét .
Proof. (i) Because finite étale covers, and morphisms between these, are finitely presented
objects, we have
(lim Ai [$−1 ])fét ∼
= 2 − lim A [$−1 ]fét .
−→ −→ i
On the other hand, lim Ai is henselian along ($), hence the left-hand side agrees with
A[$−1 ]fét by Proposition 7.4.
(ii) From part (i), we know that
1/p n
Rfét ∼
= 2 − lim S .
−→ fét
But the categories Sfét are all equivalent to Sfét .

Proposition 7.6. If f : X → Y is a strongly finite étale morphism of perfectoid spaces,
then for any open affinoid perfectoid V ⊂ Y , its preimage U is affinoid perfectoid, and
(OY (V ), OY+ (V )) → (OX (U ), OX (U ))
is strongly finite étale.
Proof. Tilting the situation and using Theorem 5.25, we immediately reduce to the case
that K is of characteristic p. Again, we replace K by a perfectoid subfield to ensure
that R+ is a K ◦ -algebra in all cases.
We may assume Y = V = Spa(R, R+ ) is affinoid. Writing (R, R+ ) as the completion
of the direct limit of p-finite perfectoid affinoid K-algebras (Ri , Ri+ ) as in Lemma 6.13,
we see that Y is already defined as a finite étale cover of some Yi = Spa(Ri , Ri+ ): Indeed,
there are finitely many rational subsets of Y over which we have a finite étale cover; by
Lemma 7.5 (i), these are defined over a finite level, and because Y is quasi-separated,
also the gluing data over intersections (as well as the cocycle condition) are defined over
a finite level.
Hence by Lemma 7.3 (ii), we are reduced to the case that (R, R+ ) is p-finite, given
as the completed perfection of (S, S + ). But then X is already defined as a finite étale
cover of Z = Spa(S, S + ) by similar reasoning using Lemma 7.5 (ii), and we conclude
by using the result for locally noetherian adic spaces, cf. [20], Example 1.6.6 (ii), and
Lemma 7.3 (iv). 

Using Proposition 5.23, this shows that if K is of characteristic p, then the finite étale
covers of an affinoid perfectoid space X = Spa(R, R+ ) are the same as the finite étale
covers of R.
The same method also proves the following proposition.
Proposition 7.7. Assume that K is of characteristic p. Let f : X → Y be an étale map
of perfectoid spaces. Then for any x ∈ X, there exist affinoid perfectoid neighborhoods
x ∈ U ⊂ X, f (U ) ⊂ V ⊂ Y , and an étale morphism of affinoid noetherian adic spaces
U 0 → V 0 over K, such that U = U 0 ×V 0 V .
Proof. We may assume that X and Y affinoid perfectoid, and that X is a rational
subdomain of a finite étale cover of Y . Then one reduces to the p-finite case by the
same argument as above, and hence to noetherian adic spaces. 

Corollary 7.8. Strongly étale maps of perfectoid spaces are open. If f : X → Y and
g : Y → Z are strongly (finite) étale morphisms of perfectoid spaces, then the composite
g ◦ f is strongly (finite) étale.
Proof. We may assume that K has characteristic p. The first part follows directly from
the previous proposition and the result for locally noetherian adic spaces, cf. [20], Propo-
sition 1.7.8. For the second part, argue as in the previous proposition for both f and
g to reduce to the analogous result for locally noetherian adic spaces, [20], Proposition
1.6.7 (ii). 

The following theorem gives a strong form of Faltings’s almost purity theorem.
Theorem 7.9. Let (R, R+ ) be a perfectoid affinoid K-algebra, and let X = Spa(R, R+ )
with tilt X [ .
(i) For any open affinoid perfectoid subspace U ⊂ X, we have a fully faithful functor from
the category of strongly finite étale covers of U to the category of finite étale covers of
OX (U ), given by taking global sections.
(ii) For any U , this functor is an equivalence of categories.
(iii) For any finite étale cover S/R, S is perfectoid and S ◦a is finite étale over R◦a .
Moreover, S ◦a is a uniformly almost finitely generated R◦a -module.
Proof. (i) By Proposition 7.6 and Theorem 5.25, the perfectoid spaces strongly finite étale
over U are the same as the finite étale OX (U )◦a -algebras, which are a full subcategory
of the finite étale OX (U )-algebras.
(ii) We may assume that U = X. Fix a finite étale R-algebra S. First we check that for
any x ∈ X, we can find an affinoid perfectoid neighborhood x ∈ U ⊂ X and a strongly
finite étale cover V → U which gives via (i) the finite étale algebra OX (U ) ⊗R S over
OX (U ).
As a first step, note that we have an equivalence of categories between the direct limit
of the category of finite étale OX (U )-algebras over all affinoid perfectoid neighborhoods
U of x and the category of finite étale covers of the completion k(x)d of the residue field
at x, by Lemma 7.5 (i). The latter is a perfectoid field.
By Theorem 3.7, the categories k(x)
d [
and k(x
[) are equivalent, where k(x[ ) is the
residue field of X [ at the point x[ corresponding to x. Combining, we see that
2 − lim (OX (U ))fét ∼
= 2 − lim (O (U [ ))fét .
−→ −→ X [
x∈U x∈U

In particular, we can find V finite étale over U [ for some U such that the pullbacks of

d resp. of the global sections of V [ to k(x

S to k(x) [ [ ) are tilts; but then, they are already

identified over some smaller neighborhood. Shrinking U , we untilt to get the desired
strongly finite étale V → U . S
This shows that there is a cover X = Ui by finitely many rational subsets and
strongly finite étale maps Vi → Ui such that the global sections of Vi are Si = OX (Ui )⊗R
S. Let Si+ be the integral closure of OX +
(Ui ) in Si ; then Vi = Spa(Si , Si+ ).
By Lemma 7.3 (ii), the pullback of Vi to some affinoid perfectoid U 0 ⊂ Ui has the same
description, involving OX (U 0 ) ⊗R S, and hence the Vi glue to some perfectoid space Y
over X, and Y → X is strongly finite étale. By Proposition 7.6, Y is affinoid perfectoid,
i.e. Y = Spa(A, A+ ), with (A, A+ ) an affinoid perfectoid K-algebra. It suffices to show
that A = S. But the sheaf property of OY gives us an exact sequence
0→A→ OX (Ui ) ⊗R S → OX (Ui ∩ Uj ) ⊗R S .
i i,j

On the other hand, the sheaf property for OX gives an exact sequence
0→R→ OX (Ui ) → OX (Ui ∩ Uj ) .
i i,j

Because S is flat over R, tensoring is exact, and the first sequence is identified with the
second sequence after ⊗R S. Therefore A = S, as desired.
(iii) This is a formal consequence of part (ii), Proposition 7.6 and Theorem 5.25.

We see in particular that any (finite) étale morphism of perfectoid spaces is strongly
(finite) étale. Now one can also pullback étale maps between adic spaces in characteristic
Proposition 7.10. Parts (iii) and (iv) of Lemma 7.3 stay true in characteristic 0.
Proof. The same proof as for Lemma 7.3 works, using Theorem 7.9 (iii). 
Finally, we can define the étale site of a perfectoid space.
Definition 7.11. Let X be a perfectoid space. Then the étale site of X is the category
Xét of perfectoid spaces which are étale over X, and coverings are given by topological
coverings. The associated topos is denoted Xét∼.

The previous results show that all conditions on a site are satisfied, and that a mor-
phism f : X → Y of perfectoid spaces induces a morphism of sites Xét → Yét . Also, a
morphism f : X → Y from a perfectoid space X to a locally noetherian adic space Y
induces a morphism of sites Xét → Yét .
After these preparations, we get the technical main result.
Theorem 7.12. Let X be a perfectoid space over K with tilt X [ over K [ . Then the
tilting operation induces an isomorphism of sites Xét ∼ [ . This isomorphism is func-
= Xét
torial in X.
Proof. This is immediate. 
The almost vanishing of cohomology proved in Proposition 6.14 extends to the étale
Proposition 7.13. For any perfectoid space X over K, the sheaf U 7→ OU (U ) is a
◦a ) = 0 for i > 0 if X is affinoid perfectoid.
sheaf OX on Xét , and H i (Xét , OX
Proof. It suffices to check exactness of
0 → OX (X)◦a → OUi (Ui )◦a → OUi ×X Uj (Ui ×X Uj )◦a → . . .
i i,j

for any covering of an affinoid perfectoid X by finitely many étale Ui → X given as

rational subsets of finite étale maps to rational subsets of X. Under tilting, this reduces
to the assertion in characteristic p, and then to the assertion for p-finite (R, R+ ). In
that case, one uses that the analogous sequence for noetherian adic spaces is exact up
to a bounded $-power, and hence after taking the perfection almost exact. 
To make use of the étale site of a perfectoid space, we have to compare the étale sites
of perfectoid spaces with those of locally noetherian adic spaces. This is possible under
a certain assumption, cf. Section 2.4 of [20] for an analogous result.
Definition 7.14. Let X be a perfectoid space. Further, let Xi , i ∈ I, be a filtered inverse
system of noetherian adic spaces over K, and let ϕi : X → Xi , i ∈ I, be a map to the
inverse system.

Then we write X ∼ lim Xi if the mapping of underlying topological spaces |X| →

lim |Xi | is a homeomorphism, and for any x ∈ X with images xi ∈ Xi , the map of
residue fields
lim k(xi ) → k(x)
has dense image.
Remark 7.15. We recall that by assumption all Xi are qcqs. If X ∼ lim Xi , then |X| is
an inverse limit of spectral spaces with spectral transition maps, hence spectral, and in
particular qcqs again.
Proposition 7.16. Let the situation be as in Definition 7.14, and let Y → Xi be an
étale morphism of noetherian adic spaces. Then Y ×Xi X ∼ limj≥i Y ×Xi Xj .
Proof. The same proof as for Remark 2.4.3 of [20] works. In particular, we note that
in Definition 7.14, if |X| → lim |Xi | is bijective and the condition on residue fields is
satisfied, then already X ∼ lim Xi , i.e. |X| → lim |Xi | is a homeomorphism. 
←− ←−
With this definition, we have the following analogue of Proposition 2.4.4 of [20].
∼ is a projective
Theorem 7.17. Let the situation be as in Definition 7.14. Then Xét

limit of the fibred topos (Xi,ét )i .
Proof. The same proof as for Proposition 2.4.4 of [20] works, except that one uses that
any étale morphism factors locally as the composite of an open immersion and a finite
étale map instead of appealing to Corollary 1.7.3 of [20] on the top of page 128. The
latter kind of morphisms can be descended to a finite level because of Lemma 7.5. 
As in [20], Corollary 2.4.6, this gives the following corollary.
Corollary 7.18. Let the situation be as in Definition 7.14, and let Fi be a sheaf of
abelian groups on Xi,ét , with preimages Fj on Xj,ét for j ≥ i and F on Xét . Then the
natural mapping
lim H n (Xj,ét , Fj ) → H n (Xét , F )
is bijective for all n ≥ 0. 
In some cases, one can even say more.
Corollary 7.19. Assume that in the situation of Definition 7.14 all transition maps
Xj → Xi induce purely inseparable extensions on completed residue fields and homeo-
∼ is equivalent to X ∼ for any i.
morphisms |Xj | → |Xi |. Then Xét i,ét

Proof. Use the remark after Proposition 2.3.7 of [20]. 

8. An example: Toric varieties

Let us recall the definition of a toric variety, valid over any field k.
Definition 8.1. A toric variety over k is a normal separated scheme X of finite type
over k with an action of a split torus T ∼ = Gkm on X and a point x ∈ X(k) with trivial
stabilizer in T , such that the T -orbit T ∼
= T x = U ⊂ X of x is open and dense.
We recall that toric varieties may be described in terms of fans.
Definition 8.2. Let N be a free abelian group of finite rank.
(i) A strongly convex polyhedral cone σ in N ⊗ R is a subset of the form σ = R≥0 x1 +
. . . + R≥0 xn for certain x1 , . . . , xn ∈ N , subject to the condition that σ contains no line
through the origin.

(ii) A fan Σ in N ⊗ R is a nonempty finite collection of strongly convex polyhedral cones

stable under taking faces, and such that the intersection of any two cones in Σ is a face
of both of them.
Let M = Hom(N, Z) be the dual lattice. To any strongly convex polyhedral cone
σ ⊂ N ⊗ R, one gets the dual σ ∨ ⊂ M ⊗ R, and we associate to σ the variety
Uσ = Spec k[σ ∨ ∩ M ] .
We denote the function on Uσ corresponding to u ∈ σ ∨ ∩ M by χu . If τ is a face of σ,
then σ ∨ ⊂ τ ∨ , inducing an open immersion Uτ → Uσ . These maps allow us to glue a
variety XΣ associated to any fan Σ. Note that T = U{0} = Spec k[M ] is a torus, which
acts on XΣ with open dense orbit U{0} ⊂ XΣ . Also T has the base point 1 ∈ T , giving
a point x ∈ X(k), making XΣ a toric variety. Let us recall the classification of toric
Theorem 8.3. Any toric variety over k is canonically isomorphic to XΣ for a unique
fan Σ in X∗ (T ) ⊗ R.
We also need to recall some statements about divisors on toric varieties.
Definition/Proposition 8.4. Let {τi } ⊂ Σ be the 1-dimensional cones, and fix a
generator vi ∈ τi ∩ N of τi ∩ N . Each τi gives rise to Uτi ∼ = A1 × Gk−1m , giving rise to a
T -invariant Weil divisor Di = D(τi ) on XΣ , defined L as the closure of {0} × Gk−1
m .
A T -Weil divisor is by definitionPan element of i ZDi . Every Weil divisor is equiv-
alent to a T -Weil divisor. If D = ai Di is a T -Weil divisor, then
H 0 (XΣ , O(D)) = kχu .
hu,vi i≥−ai

Now we adapt these definitions to the world of usual adic spaces, and to the world
of perfectoid spaces. Assume first that k is a complete nonarchimedean field, and let Σ
be a fan as above. Then we can associate to Σ the adic space XΣad of finite type over k
which is glued out of
Uσad = Spa(khσ ∨ ∩ M i, k ◦ hσ ∨ ∩ M i) .
We note that this is not in general the adic space XΣad over k associated to the variety
XΣ : For example, if XΣ is just affine space, then XΣad will be a closed unit ball. In
general, let XΣ,k◦ be the toric scheme over k ◦ associated to Σ. Let X̂Σ,k◦ be the formal
completion of XΣ,k◦ along its special fibre, which is an admissible formal scheme over
k ◦ . Then XΣad is the generic fibre X̂Σ,k ad
◦ associated to X̂Σ,k ◦ . In particular, if XΣ is
proper, then XΣ = XΣ . ad

Similarly, if K is a perfectoid field, we can associate a perfectoid space XΣperf over K

to Σ, which is glued out of
Uσperf = Spa(Khσ ∨ ∩ M [p−1 ]i, K ◦ hσ ∨ ∩ M [p−1 ]i) .
Note that on XΣperf , we have a sheaf O(D) for any D ∈ Z[p−1 ]Di . Moreover,

H 0 (XΣperf , O(D)) is the free Banach-K-vector space with basis given by {χu }, where u
ranges over u ∈ M [p−1 ] with hu, vi i ≥ −ai .
We have the following comparison statements. Note that any toric variety XΣ comes
with a map ϕ : XΣ → XΣ induced from multiplication by p on M ; the same applies to
XΣad , etc. . For clarity, we use subscripts to denote the field over which we consider the
toric variety.
Theorem 8.5. Let K be a perfectoid field with tilt K [ .

perf perf
(i) The perfectoid space XΣ,K tilts to XΣ,K [.

(ii) The perfectoid space XΣ,K can be written as
perf ad
XΣ,K ∼ lim XΣ,K .

(iii) There is a homeomorphism of topological spaces

|XΣ,K ∼ ad
[ | = lim |XΣ,K | .

(iv) There is an isomorphism of étale topoi

ad ∼ ∼ ad ∼
(XΣ,K [ )ét = lim(XΣ,K )ét .

(v) For any open subset U ⊂ ad

XΣ,K ad , we have a morphism of
with preimage V ⊂ XΣ,K [

étale topoi Vét∼ → Uét

∼ , giving a commutative diagram

Vét∼  / (X ad )∼
Σ,K [ ét

∼  / (X ad )∼
Uét Σ,K ét

Proof. This is an immediate consequence of our previous results: Part (i) can be checked
on affinoid pieces, where it is an immediate generalization of Proposition 5.20. Part (ii)
can be checked one affinoid pieces again, where it is easy. Then parts (iii) and (iv) follow
from Theorem 7.17, Corollary 7.19 and the preservation of topological spaces and étale
topoi under tilting. Finally, part (v) follows from Proposition 7.16, using the previous
Let us denote by π : XΣ,K ad ad
[ → XΣ,K the projection, which exists on topological

spaces and étale topoi. In the following, we restrict to proper smooth toric varieties for
Proposition 8.6. Let XΣ be a proper smooth toric variety. Let ` 6= p be prime. Assume
that K, and hence K [ , is algebraically closed. Then for all i ∈ Z, the projection map π
induces an isomorphism
H i (X ad , Z/`m Z) ∼
Σ,K,ét = H i (X ad [ , Z/`m Z) .
Σ,K ,ét

Proof. This follows from part (iv) of the previous theorem combined with the observation
ad → X ad induces an isomorphism on cohomology with Z/`m Z-coefficients.
that ϕ : XΣ,K Σ,K
Using proper base change, this can be checked on XΣ,κ , where κ is the residue field of K.
But here, ϕ is purely inseparable, and hence induces an equivalence of étale topoi. 
We need the following approximation property.
Proposition 8.7. Assume that XΣ,K is proper smooth. Let Y ⊂ XΣ,K be a hypersur-
ad be a small open neighborhood of Y . Then there exists a hypersurface
face. Let Ỹ ⊂ XΣ,K
Z ⊂ XΣ,K [ such that Z ad ⊂ π −1 (Ỹ ). One can assume that Z is defined over a given
dense subfield of K [ .
ai Di be a T -Weil divisor representing Y . Let f ∈ H 0 (XΣ,K , O(D))
Proof. Let D =
be the equation with zero locus Y . Consider the graded ring
H 0 (XΣ,K , O(jD)) = u
u∈M [p−1 ] Kχ ,
j∈Z[p−1 ] j∈Z[p−1 ] hu,vi i≥−jai

and let R be its completion (with respect to the obvious K ◦ -submodule). Here c
denotes the Banach space direct sum. Then as in Proposition 5.20, R is a perfectoid
K-algebra whose tilt is given by the similar construction over K [ . Note that D is given
combinatorially and hence transfers to K [ .
We may assume that Ỹ is given by
Ỹ = {x ∈ XΣ,K | |f (x)| ≤ } ,
for some . In order to make sense of the inequality |f (x)| ≤ , note that XΣ,K and
O(D) have a tautological integral model over K ◦ (by applying the toric constructions
over K ◦ ), which is enough to talk about absolute values: Trivialize the line bundle O(D)
locally on the integral model to interpret f as a function; any two different choices differ
by a unit of K ◦ , and hence give the same absolute value.
Now the analogue of Lemma 6.5 holds true for R, with the same proof. This implies
that we can find g ∈ H 0 (XΣ,K [ , O(D)) such that

π −1 (Ỹ ) = {x ∈ XΣ,K [ | |g(x)| ≤ } .

Let k ⊂ K [ be a dense subfield. Changing g slightly, we can assume that

g∈ kχu .
u∈M [p−1 ]
hu,vi i≥−jai

Replacing g by a large p-power gives a regular function h on XΣ,K [ , such that its zero
locus Z ⊂ XΣ,K [ is contained in π −1 (Ỹ ), as desired. 

By intersecting several hypersurfaces, one arrives at the following corollary.

Corollary 8.8. Assume that XΣ,K is projective and smooth. Let Y ⊂ XΣ,K be a
set-theoretic complete intersection, i.e. Y is set-theoretically equal to an intersection
Y1 ∩. . .∩Yc of hypersurfaces Yi ⊂ XΣ,K , where c is the codimension of Y . Let Ỹ ⊂ XΣ,K
be a small open neighborhood of Y . Then there exists a closed subvariety Z ⊂ XΣ,K [
such that Z ad ⊂ π −1 (Ỹ ) with dim Z = dim Y . One can assume that Z is defined over a
given dense subfield of K [ .
Proof. The only nontrivial point is to check that the intersection over K [ will be
nonempty; if the dimension was too large, one can also just cut by further hypersur-
faces. For nonemptiness, choose an ample line bundle to define a notion of degree of
subvarieties; then the degree of a complete intersection is determined combinatorially.
As Y has positive degree, so has the corresponding complete intersection over K [ , and
in particular is nonempty. 

9. The weight-monodromy conjecture

We first recall some facts about `-adic representations of the absolute Galois group
Gk = Gal(k̄/k) of a local field k of residue characteristic p, cf. [24]. Let q be the
cardinality of the residue field of k. Recall that the maximal pro-`-quotient of the
inertia subgroup Ik ⊂ Gk is given by the quotient t` : Ik → Z` (1), which is the inverse
limit of the homomorphisms t`,n : Ik → µ`n defined by choosing a system of `n -th roots
$1/` of a uniformizer $ of k, and requiring
n n
σ($1/` ) = t`,n (σ)$1/`
for all σ ∈ Ik . Now recall Grothendieck’s quasi-unipotence theorem.

Proposition 9.1. Let V be a finite-dimensional Q̄` -representation of Gk , given by a

map ρ : Gk → GL(V ). Then there is an open subgroup I1 ⊂ Ik such that for all σ ∈ I1 ,
the element ρ(σ) ∈ GL(V ) is unipotent, and in this case there is a unique nilpotent
morphism N : V → V (−1) such that for all σ ∈ I1 ,
ρ(σ) = exp(N t` (g)) .
We fix an isomorphism Q` (1) ∼ = Q` in order to consider N as a nilpotent endomor-
phism of V . Changing the choice of isomorphism Q` (1) ∼ = Q` replaces N by a scalar
multiple, which will have no effect on the following discussion. From uniqueness of N ,
it follows that for any geometric Frobenius element Φ ∈ Gk , we have N Φ = qΦN .
Also recall the general monodromy filtration.
Definition/Proposition 9.2. Let V be a finite-dimensional vector space over any field,
and let N : V → V be a nilpotent morphism. Then there is a unique separated and
exhaustive increasing filtration FilNi V ⊂ V , i ∈ Z, called the monodromy filtration, such
that N (FilN ⊂ N
∈ Z and grN ∼ N i
i V ) Fili−2 V for all i i V = gr−i V via N for all i ≥ 0.

In fact, we have the formula

i V = ker N i1 +1 ∩ im N i2
i1 −i2 =i
for the monodromy filtration. Now we can formulate the weight-monodromy conjecture.
Conjecture 9.3 (Deligne, [9]). Let X be a proper smooth variety over k, and let V =
H i (Xk̄ , Q̄` ). Then for all j ∈ Z and for any geometric Frobenius Φ ∈ Gk , all eigenvalues
of Φ on grN j V are Weil numbers of weight i + j, i.e. algebraic numbers α such that
|α| = q (i+j)/2 for all complex absolute values.
We note that in order to prove this conjecture, one is allowed to replace k by a finite
extension. Using the formalism of ζ- and L-functions, the conjecture has the following
interpretation. Let K be a global field, and let X/K be a proper smooth variety. Choose
some integer i. Recall that the L-function associated to the i-th `-adic cohomology
group H i (X) = H i (XK̄ , Q̄` ) of X is defined as a product
L(H i (X), s) = Lv (H i (X), s) ,
where the product runs over all places v of K. Let us recall the definition of the local
factor at a finite prime v not dividing `, whose local field is k:
Lv (H i (X), s) = det(1 − q −s Φ|H i (X)Ik )−1 .
At primes of good reduction, the Weil conjectures imply that all poles of this expression
have real part 2i . Moreover, one checks in the usual way that hence the product defining
L(H i (X), s) is absolutely convergent when the real part of s is greater than 2i +1, except
possibly for finitely many factors. The weight-monodromy conjecture implies that all
other local factors will not have any poles of real part greater than 2i .
Over equal characteristic local fields, Deligne, [10], turned this argument into a proof:
Theorem 9.4. Let C be a curve over Fq , x ∈ C(Fq ), such that k is the local field of
C at x. Let X be a proper smooth scheme over C \ {x}. Then the weight-monodromy
conjecture holds true for Xk = X ×C\{x} Spec k.
Let us give a brief summary of the proof. Let f : X → C \ {x} be the proper smooth
morphism. Possibly replacing C by a finite cover, we may assume that the action of Ik
on V = H i (Xk̄ , Q̄` ) is unipotent. One considers the local system Ri f∗ Q̄` on C \ {x}. By
the Weil conjectures, this sheaf is pure of weight i. From the formalism of L-functions
for sheaves over curves, one deduces semicontinuity of weights, which in this situation

means that on the invariants V Ik of V = H i (Xk̄ , Q̄` ), all occuring weights are ≤ i. A
similar property holds true for all tensor powers of V , and for all tensor powers of the
dual V ∨ . Then one applies the following lemma from linear algebra, which applies for
all local fields k.
Lemma 9.5. Let V be an `-adic representation of Gk , on which Ik acts unipotently.
Then grNj V is pure of weight i + j for all j ∈ Z if and only if for all j ≥ 0, all weights
on (V ⊗j )Ik are at most ij, and all weights on ((V ∨ )⊗j )Ik are at most −ij.
Our main theorem is the following.
Theorem 9.6. Let k be a local field of characteristic 0. Let Y be a geometrically con-
nected proper smooth variety over k such that Y is a set-theoretic complete intersection
in a projective smooth toric variety XΣ . Then the weight-monodromy conjecture is true
for Y .

Proof. Let $ ∈ k be a uniformizer, and let K be the completion of k($1/p ); then K
is perfectoid. Let K [ be its tilt. Then K [ is the completed perfection of k 0 = Fq ((t)),
where t = $[ . This gives an isomorphism between the absolute Galois groups of K
and k 0 . The notion of weights and the monodromy operator N is compatible with this
isomorphism of Galois groups.
By Theorem 3.6 a) of [21], there is some open neighborhood Ỹ of YKad in XΣ,K ad such

that ỸCp and YCadp

have the same Z/`Z-cohomology. By induction, they have the same
Z/` Z-cohomology for all m ≥ 1. Also recall the following comparison theorem.
Theorem 9.7 ([20, Theorem 3.8.1]). Let X be an algebraic variety over an algebraically
closed nonarchimedean field k, with associated adic space X ad . Then
H i (Xét , Z/`m Z) ∼
= H i (X ad , Z/`m Z) .

By Corollary 8.8, there is some closed subvariety Z ⊂ XΣ,K [ such that Z ad ⊂ π −1 (Ỹ )
and dim Z = dim Y . Moreover, we can assume that Z is defined over a global field
and geometrically irreducible. Let Z 0 be a projective smooth alteration of Z. We get a
commutative diagram of étale topoi of adic spaces
ad )∼
π / (X ad )∼
[ ét Σ,Cp ét
O p O

? ?
(π −1 (Ỹ )C[p )ét
∼ / (ỸC )∼
p ét

(ZC0ad ∼
[ )ét (YCad )∼ .
p ét

There is a canonical action of the absolute Galois group G = GK = GK [ on this diagram

such that all morphisms are G-equivariant. Using the comparison theorem, this induces
a G-equivariant map
f ∗ : H i (YCp ,ét , Z/`m Z) = H i (ỸCp ,ét , Z/`m Z) → H i (ZC0 [ ,ét , Z/`m Z) ,

compatible with the cup product. Formally taking the inverse limit and tensoring with
Q̄` , it follows that we get a G-equivariant map
H i (YCp ,ét , Q̄` ) → H i (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` ) .

Lemma 9.8. For i = 2 dim Y , this is an isomorphism.


Proof. For all m, we have a commutative diagram

H 2 dim Y (XΣ,C[p ,ét , Z/`m Z) o
H 2 dim Y (XΣ,Cp ,ét , Z/`m Z)

H 2 dim Y (π −1 (Ỹ )C[p ,ét , Z/`m Z) o H 2 dim Y (ỸCp ,ét , Z/`m Z)

H 2 dim Y (ZC0 [ ,ét , Z/`m Z) H 2 dim Y (YCp ,ét , Z/`m Z)

The isomorphism in the top row is from Proposition 8.6. We can pass to the inverse
limit over m and tensor with Q̄` . If
H 2 dim Y (YCp ,ét , Q̄` ) → H 2 dim Y (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` ) .

is not an isomorphism, it is the zero map, and hence the diagram implies that the
restriction map
H 2 dim Y (XΣ,C[p ,ét , Q̄` ) → H 2 dim Y (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` )

is the zero map as well. But the dim Y -th power of the first Chern class of an ample
line bundle on XΣ,C[p will have nonzero image in H 2 dim Y (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` ). 

Now the Poincaré duality pairing implies that H i (YCp ,ét , Q̄` ) is a direct summand of
H i (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` ). By Deligne’s theorem, H i (ZC0 [ ,ét , Q̄` ) satisfies the weight-monodromy
p p
conjecture, and hence so does its direct summand H i (YCp ,ét , Q̄` ). 

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