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1. Dewi Murni C1B020040

2. Cindhy Nurkolifah C1B020005
3. Nomy Andila C1B020010
4. Peri Jayadi C1B020037
5. Dhevan Wira Andika C1B020058


A. Service description ( TikTok Shop)

Tiktok is a short video-based social media application that is popular in various parts of the
world, including in Indonesia. The large number of tik tok users has made this application think
about launching a new feature that its users will definitely like. This feature is the Tiktok Shop.

TikTok Shop is a social commerce feature that allows users and creators to promote and sell
their products through TikTok. This feature is available to TikTok users with business accounts.
Since September 2021, this feature is available for business account users in various countries
such as the United States, United Kingdom, Canada and Indonesia. This shopping feature is
present on TikTok as a response to the increase in sales of various products after brands have
promoted through the social media platform. According to an Adweek-Morning Consult survey
summarized by Deseret News, 49% of users will buy a product or service after seeing an
advertisement, promotion or review on TikTok.

The Tiktok company makes Tiktok Shop a solution, features, and also a tool that can provide
business opportunities for anyone who wants to focus on selling online. You can find this feature
in the profile section of your Tiktok account, with a shopping bag icon. Through Tik Tok Shop,
people can shop online like through e-commerce in general. They can also make payments by
transfer method or via COD (cash on delivery).

How to use the TikTok Shop:

As mentioned before, you must first have a business account to be able to use this feature. If you
already have a business account, you can follow these steps:
 Open the Tiktok Shop application.
 A “Become Seller” pop-up will appear. Sign up with a TikTok account or with a phone
number and email.
 Fill in some necessary personal data information such as telephone number, email, and
other required data.
 Fill in the Seller Center TikTok Shop profile according to what you want, such as the
name of the shop to the type of business you are running.
 Click “Continue”.

If all data has been confirmed, then your Tiktok Shop Seller Center can be used to make
online sales. You can market products to all followers and other TikTok users. Apart from that,
you can also create ads to be directed directly to the product page that you are selling.

Then, how do you buy a product on TikTok? Similar to other popular e-commerce apps. Here are
the steps you can take to shop at the TikTok Shop.

 Open the TikTok application on your smartphone.

 Visit the store or merchant account that you want to buy the product from. You can also
use the hashtag #tiktokshop to find the product you want.
 After visiting the store account, select the shop icon as circled below. There, you can see
a variety of products provided by that account.
B. Research purposes

The purpose of our research is to find out or measure consumer perceptions of the TikTok
Shop Platform service based on indicators, namely to find out statements in the reliability
dimension, in the Responsiveness dimension, Assurance dimension, Empathy dimension, and
finally to find out statements in the tangibles dimension.

C. Method
 How to Make a Questionnaire
We created a questionnaire using the Google Form by filling in the fields
provided with the questions you want to include. We use closed questions by displaying a
tick column, after all questions are entered we pass them on.
 Online Sampling Method
we do the sampling method online by distributing questionnaires, which use
samples from respondents where they are young people in the city of Bengkulu and
surrounding, here we distribute a questionnaire where we make a sample of more than
100 respondents, this means that if there is invalid data then you can use other
questionnaire contents. the dominant age in our respondents this is between 20-30 years,
namely as much as 52.3%. For the dominant sex, it is female, as much as 53.3%.
Meanwhile, for those who use this media platform a lot are students / students. of all the
respondents who are above the average they have already shopped at the tiktok shop
platform, while what they buy is mostly from fashion and makeup/skinker, and on
average they shop at this tiktok shop at least 1 time a week, and for reasons why they
want to shop here because the prices are relatively cheap, easy and follow the trend.
 How to distribute the Questionnaire
We distributed the questionnaire through our respective social media accounts
such as WA, Instagram, Facebook. We post it on status so that many people can see and
fill it in, and share it with existing groups, we don't only distribute it in the city of
Bengkulu, even outside the city of Bengkulu. In distributing this questionnaire, we give 4
to 5 days or even more to fill it out so that we can reach more than 100 respondents. here
we get 106 respondents who have filled out our questionnaire
D. Survey Results
after we distributed the questionnaires, we got 106 respondents who filled out our
questionnaires. The questionnaire contained demographics/profiles of respondents, 4
questions about consumer consumption behavior, and 21 questions based on indicators.
Following are the results of data analysis of each question.
 Demografi/Profil Respondent
Tabel 1.1 Characteristics of The Respondents Based On Gander
Gender Frequency Percentage
Women 57 53,8%
Man 49 46,2%
Total 106 100%
In table 1.1 above it can be seen that those who filled out the questionnaire were
more dominant with women, totaling 57 respondents, while there were 49 male

Tabel 1.2 Characteristics of The Respondents Based On Age

Age Group Frequency Percentage
10-20 years old 47 44,3%
21-30 years old 55 51,9%
31-40 years old 4 3,8%
Total 106 100%

In table 1.2 above, it can be seen that those who filled out the questionnaire or
used the Tiktok shop platform were seen based on the highest frequency and percentage,
namely those aged 21-30 years, totaling 55 respondents (51.9%), the second highest
being 10-20 years, totaling 47 respondents (44.3%), and the lowest aged 31-40 totaling 4
respondents (3.8%).
Tabel 1.3 Characteristics of The Respondents Based On Jobs
Type of work Frequency Percentage
PNS 9 8,5%
Karyawan Swasta 6 5,7%
Karyawan BUMN 4 3,8%
Wiraswasta 5 4,7%
Ibu Rumah Tangga 2 1,9%
Pelajar/Mahasiswa 74 69,8%
Lain-lain 6 5,7%
Total 106 100%

In table 1.3 above it can be seen that those who filled out the questionnaire or those
who used the Tiktok shop platform were seen based on the highest frequency or percentage,
namely students, totaling 74 respondents (69.8%).
 Questions regarding Consumer Consumption Behavior
1. Have you ever shopped on Tiktok?
Question Frequency Percentage
Have you ever shopped on Tiktok? Yes Never Yes Never

102 4 96,2% 3,8%

Total 106 100%

It can be seen from the table of questions above from the 106 respondents who filled
in, that there were 102 people who had shopped on the Tiktok shop platform, while there
were 4 people who had never shopped on the Tiktok shop platform. It can be concluded
that now very many people choose to shop on the Tiktok shop platform.
2. What items do you usually buy??
Type Frequency Percentage
Fashion 67 63,2%
Skincare/makeup 24 22,6%
household appliances 11 10,4%
Bodycare 4 3,8%
Total 106 100

It can be seen from the table above that of the 106 respondents, there were the
most answers, namely 67 respondents who used the Tiktok shop platform to buy
Fashion, 24 respondents to buy Skincare/makeup, 11 respondents to buy home
appliances, and 4 people to buy Bodycare. It can be concluded that respondents use
the Tiktok shop platform dominantly to buy various types of fashion.
3. How many times a week do you shop at the Tiktok shop?
Purchase time Frequency Percentage
1 time 74 69,8%
2-3 times 27 25,5%
Every day 5 4,7%
Total 106 100%

It can be seen from the table above that of the 106 respondents, there were the
most answers, namely 74 respondents who made purchases 1 time a week, 27
respondents made purchases 2-3 times a week, and 5 respondents made purchases
every day of the week.
4. Why do you prefer to shop on Tiktok store?
Reason to shop Frequency Percentage
Cheaper 71 67%
Easy to use 22 20,8%
follow the trend 13 12,3%
Total 106 100%

It can be seen from the table above that of the 106 respondents, there were the
most answers, namely 71 respondents chose to shop on the Tiktok shop platform
because it was cheaper, 22 respondents shopped on the Tiktok shop platform because
it was easy to use, and 13 respondents shopped on the Tiktok shop platform because
they followed Trends.
 Tabel Questions based on 21 Indicators
No Statement SD D N A SA
A. Perceptions Statement in Reability Dimension
1 When the Tiktok shop platform promises to do 7 5 14 61 19
something at a certain time, it does
2 The Tiktok shop platform performs the service 3 4 13 52 34
correctly the first time you use it
3 The Tiktok shop platform provides its services at 3 5 10 60 28
the time it promises
4 The Tiktok store platform demands an error free 6 8 22 47 23
B. Perceptions Statement in Responsivinees Dimension
1 Does the Tiktok shop platform notify customers 4 3 16 59 24
when the service will be performed
2 Does the Tiktok shop platform provide fast service 2 5 14 58 27
3 The Tiktok shop platform is always willing to help 4 4 20 51 27
4 The Tiktok shop platform is never too busy to 2 10 22 52 20
respond to your requests
C. Perceptions Statement in Assurance Dimension
1 The behavior of the owner or reseller instills trust in 4 4 17 57 24
2 You feel safe in making transactions on the Tiktok 2 5 13 58 28
shop platform
3 Owners or resellers on the Tiktok shop platform are 4 4 10 60 28
always polite with you
4 The owners on the Tiktok shop platform have the 4 5 16 53 28
knowledge to answer your questions
D. Perceptions Statement in Empathy Dimension
1 The Tiktok shop platform gives you individual 6 6 25 49 20
2 The Tiktok shop platform gives personal attention 7 5 25 46 23
to you
3 The Tiktok store platform puts your interests first 3 2 18 62 21
4 The Tiktok shop Platform employees understand 2 7 16 59 22
your specific needs
5 The Tiktok shop platform has comfortable 2 3 13 64 24
operating hours for all of its customers
E. Perceptions Statement in Tangibles Dimension
1 The Tiktok shop platform has modern looking 3 3 12 60 28
2 The physical facilities of the Tiktok shop platform 3 6 11 59 27
are visually appealing
3 Tiktok shop platform employees look neat 3 3 23 54 23
4 Service-related materials (such as pamphlets or 2 3 12 61 28
statements) are visually appealing on the Tiktok
shop Platform
Total Frequency 76 100 342 1182 526

SD : Strongly Disagree (1) A : Agree (4)

D : Disagree (2) SA : Strongly Agree (5)
N :Neither nor disagree (3)
E. Descriptive Statistics

The table below is a Descriptive Statistics of the Results of Data Processing in SPSS,
based on the results of the respondents answers to 21 questions based on indicators.

N Range Minimum Maximum Mean Std. Deviation Variance

Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Statistic Error Statistic Statistic
p1 106 4 1 5 3,75 ,099 1,022 1,044
p2 106 4 1 5 4,04 ,090 ,925 ,856
p3 106 4 1 5 3,99 ,087 ,900 ,809
p4 106 4 1 5 3,69 ,104 1,072 1,150
p5 106 4 1 5 3,91 ,088 ,911 ,829
p6 106 4 1 5 3,97 ,084 ,867 ,752
p7 106 4 1 5 3,88 ,094 ,963 ,928
p8 106 4 1 5 3,74 ,091 ,939 ,882
p9 106 4 1 5 3,88 ,091 ,933 ,871
p10 106 4 1 5 3,99 ,084 ,867 ,752
p11 106 4 1 5 3,98 ,090 ,926 ,857
p12 106 4 1 5 3,91 ,094 ,971 ,943
p13 106 4 1 5 3,67 ,100 1,030 1,061
p14 106 4 1 5 3,69 ,104 1,072 1,150
p15 106 4 1 5 3,91 ,081 ,834 ,696
p16 106 4 1 5 3,87 ,086 ,885 ,782
p17 106 4 1 5 3,99 ,078 ,799 ,638
p18 106 4 1 5 4,01 ,084 ,867 ,752
p19 106 4 1 5 3,95 ,089 ,919 ,845
p20 106 4 1 5 3,86 ,086 ,888 ,789
p21 106 4 1 5 4,04 ,079 ,816 ,665
Valid N
F. Kesimpulan

In distributing the questionnaire, it can be concluded that the results of the 106
respondents who filled out the questionnaire were more dominant to women, totaling 57
respondents, and the dominant age of 21-30 years was 55 respondents. Judging from the
occupational group, the dominant ones were students, totaling 74 respondents. Of the 106
respondents who had shopped on the Tiktok shop platform, there were 102 respondents, and
from the most answers, namely 67 respondents, they used the Tiktok shop platform to buy
their fashion, they shopped once a week on average, and their reasons for choosing to shop
on the Tiktok shop platform because the prices given are cheaper.

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