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Grid Aquagen Pro Manual en

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Assembly and operating manual


grid | AquaGen pro

grid | AquaGen pro max

Dear customer,
Thank you very much for choosing a product of our company.
Before carrying out any work in connection with the AquaGen systems, please read this documentation obser-
vingly and carefully. It contains important information on the safe and correct storage, installation, commissio-
ning, operation and maintenance of AquaGen systems.
We reserve changes to the content of this documentation. HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG does not
assume liability for possible errors in this documentation. Our products are permanently subject to further
development. Therefore, there might be differences between the images in this documentation and the product
you purchased.
Please keep this documentation at a place where it is always available to all persons carrying out work in
connection with the batteries.

Postal address:
HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG
P.O. Box 11 40
D-59914 Brilon

Address of the headquarters:

HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG
Bontkirchener Straße 1
D-59929 Brilon
Service phone +49(0)800 2467732
Fax +49(0)2963 61-449

Assembly and operating manual


Composition, design, print: PRIOTEX Medien GmbH, 59929 Brilon

© 2013 HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG

P.O. Box 1140
D-59914 Brilon

All rights reserved, also for patent and use pattern registrations.
The distribution and reproduction of this documentation, as well as the use or disclosure of its content are
forbidden unless expressly authorised in writing by HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG. Contraventions obli-
gate to compensation.

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0 Symbols and Safety Instructions Used in this Documentation Rinse off acid spatters in the eye or on the skin with plenty of clear water. Afterwards, consult a
doctor immediately.
The following safety instructions must be observed. The listed safety symbols are repeatedly used for safety- Wash acid-contaminated clothes with water.
relevant instructions in this documentation:

Danger to the health of persons, to the battery (batteries) or to the environment. Recycling.
Non-compliance with these hazard warnings can cause severe or fatal injuries.
Danger! Lead acid batteries which are not given to recycling have to be disposed of as hazardous waste
Danger to the battery (batteries), objects or environment. Danger to persons is unlikely. Non- in compliance with all regulations.
compliance can cause failures of and damages to the battery (batteries). Moreover, material Pb
damage and environmental damage might occur.
Danger! General instruction or instruction for the better understanding and the optimum use of the battery
Danger due to explosion, shock waves, hot or molten flying substances.
Risk of explosion and fire, avoid short circuits!
Electrostatic charges or discharges/sparks must be avoided!
Non-compliance with these hazard warnings can cause severe or fatal injuries.

Risk of chemical burns due to leaking electrolyte.

Electrolyte is highly corrosive!

Danger to the life and health of persons due to electrical potential.

Attention! Metal parts of the battery cells/blocks are always energized.
Therefore, do not deposit foreign items or tools on the battery.
Non-compliance with such hazard warnings can cause severe or fatal injuries.

Warning against danger due to batteries.

No smoking!
No open flame, embers or sparks near the battery: risk of explosion and fire!

General prohibition.

Observe operating instructions and install them clearly visible in the battery room! Work on batte-
ries may only be carried out after instruction by specialist personnel.

Wear safety goggles and protective clothing when working with batteries!
Observe the accident prevention guidelines as well as IEC 62485-2 and DIN EN 50110-1!

Wear conductive footwear.

General prohibition.

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0.1 General Safety Instructions 0.2 Safety Instructions for the Work with Lead Acid Batteries

The improper use of the products described here can lead to personal or material damage. There might be danger due to battery voltage. In case of a short circuit, extremely high cur-
In case of improper use, HOPPECKE assumes neither responsibility nor liability for direct or rents can flow.
indirect personal and material damage caused by the handling of the products described herein.
Risk of explosion and fire, avoid short circuits! Risk of explosion and fire due to oxyhydrogen.
Attention! Metal parts of the battery (batteries) are always energized. Therefore, do not deposit Filled lead acid batteries contain explosive oxyhydrogen (hydrogen/air mixture). Never smoke,
items or tools on the battery (batteries)! handle open flames or create sparks in the direct vicinity of batteries. Avoid electrostatic
discharges at all cost; therefore, wear cotton clothes and ground yourself if necessary.

Electrolyte is highly corrosive! During normal operation, contact with the electrolyte is impossi-
ble. If the housing is destroyed, the released bonded electrolyte is just as corrosive as liquid
electrolyte. Take off watches, rings, necklaces, jewellery and other metal items when working with batteries.
Leaking electrolyte is harmful to eyes and skin!

Without proper and regular maintenance of the batteries by HOPPECKE specialist personnel (or Use only insulated tools.
personnel authorised by HOPPECKE), the safety and reliability of the power supply might not be Wear suitable protective clothes and safety boots (also see chap. 1.3).
ensured in case of emergency.

Work on batteries, in particular their installation and maintenance, may only be carried out by Never deposit tools or metal parts on batteries!
trained HOPPECKE specialists (or personnel authorised by HOPPECKE) who are familiar with the
handling of batteries and who know the required precautions. Danger!
You have to wear protective goggles when working with batteries! Wear the provided personal
Never clean batteries using a duster or dry cloth made of synthetic fibre. Risk of electrostatic protective equipment when working with batteries!
charging and oxyhydrogen explosion! For cleaning, we recommend wet cotton cloths (without
plastic components).

Never clean batteries using a duster or dry cloth made of synthetic fibre. Risk of electrostatic
charging and oxyhydrogen explosion! For cleaning, we recommend water-dampened cotton cloths
(without plastic components).

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Table of Contents 1 General Information
0 Symbols and Safety Instructions Used in this Documentation................................................................. 4 1.1 Service
0.1 General Safety Instructions......................................................................................................... 6
0.2 Safety Instructions for the Work with Lead Acid Batteries............................................................. 7 HOPPECKE has a worldwide service network you should use. The HOPPECKE service is at your disposal if you
need help with the installation of your battery system, if you need parts or accessories, or if maintenance work
has to be carried out on the system. Ask us or your local HOPPECKE representative.
1 General Information............................................................................................................................... 9
1.1 Service...................................................................................................................................... 9 How to contact HOPPECKE:
1.2 Disposal/Recycling.................................................................................................................... 9 Phone +49(0)800 2467732
1.3 Personal Protective Equipment, Safety Clothing, Equipment.......................................................... 9 Fax +49(0)2963 61-481
1.4 Safety Precautions................................................................................................................... 10 Email
1.4.1 Sulphuric Acid.......................................................................................................................... 10
1.4.2 Explosive Gases...................................................................................................................... 10 1.2 Disposal/Recycling
1.4.3 Electrostatic Discharges........................................................................................................... 11
HOPPECKE offers its customers its own return system for lead batteries. In compliance with
2 Functional Principle of the AquaGen.................................................................................................... 12 - the recycling management and waste management act,
- the battery ordinance,
- the transport permit ordinance
3 Assembly of the AquaGen.................................................................................................................... 12
- as well as the guidelines of the general environment protection rules and our company guideli-
3.1 Removing the labyrinth insert using disassembly tools............................................................... 12 nes, we are recycling all lead batteries at the secondary lead works at the location of Hoppecke.
3.2 Inserting the AquaGen.............................................................................................................. 13
For the disposal of AquaGen recombination systems, please contact your local HOPPECKE repre-
4 Removing the AquaGen....................................................................................................................... 14 sentative.
4.1 Maintenance............................................................................................................................ 14
AquaGen recombination systems must not be disposed of as domestic waste.
4.2 Disposal.................................................................................................................................. 15
5 Capacity and Service Life.................................................................................................................... 16
1.3 Personal Protective Equipment, Safety Clothing, Equipment
Annex – List of Figures........................................................................................................................... 16
When handling lead acid batteries, at least the following equipment must be available,
Whereas the list is not intended to be exhaustive:
- Insulated tools
- Suitable protective gloves
- Safety goggles
- Safety boots
- Fire extinguishers
- Emergency eyewash (recommended).

To prevent electrostatic charges when handling batteries, a surface resistivity of <108 ohm
and an insulation resistance of >105 ohm are required for textiles, safety boots and gloves (see
IEC 62485-2 and DIN EN ISO 20345:2011 personal protective equipment – safety boots).
Danger! If possible, wear so-called ESD shoes.

When working with batteries, take off watches, rings, necklaces, jewellery and other metal
Never smoke, handle open flames or generate sparks in the direct vicinity of batteries.
Danger! Never deposit tools or metal parts on batteries!

In case of an accident, the use of proper tools and correct protective equipment can prevent injuries or soften
the consequences of injuries.

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1.4 Safety Precautions 1.4.3 Electrostatic Discharges

1.4.1 Sulphuric Acid All lead acid batteries develop hydrogen and oxygen gas, known as oxyhydrogen, during operation but mainly
during charging. These gases are escaping from the batteries into the surroundings of the battery. For the natu-
Sulphuric acid can cause severe chemical burns and injuries. ral or technically supported ventilation which always has to be provided, you have to assume that an ignitable
hydrogen-oxygen gas mixture is only present in the vicinity of the battery cell openings.
First aid measures An ignitable hydrogen-oxygen gas mixture is always present inside the battery housing itself. This applies inde-
Electrolyte on the skin: pendent of the battery technology, design or manufacturer and is typical for all lead acid batteries.
Dab off the acid using a cotton or paper towel, do not rub it off. Rinse the affected parts under run- The energy which is required for the ignition of oxyhydrogen is very low and can, for example, be released or
ning water for a longer time. Remove soaked pieces of clothing beforehand. In doing so, preferably introduced as follows:
avoid contact with body parts that are not affected. After rinsing, wash thoroughly using soap. Open flames or fire, smouldering sparks or flying sparks during grinding work, electrical sparks due to switches
or fuses, temperature > 300 °C and – an often underestimated cause – electrostatic discharges.
Electrolyte in the eye:
Rinse the eye under running water or use the eyewash bottle. Avoid excessive water pressure. Measures to prevent oxyhydrogen ignitions due to electrostatic discharges
Consult an ophthalmologist immediately. The development of electrostatic discharges on the battery or on your body or your clothing can be prevented
if you observe the following:
Electrolyte in the body:
Immediately consult a doctor or go to a hospital. Until the doctor arrives: depending on degree  o not wipe the battery with a dry cloth, in particular cloth made of synthetic materials!
and location of the chemical burn, rinse with magnesium oxide suspension, or drink it. If available, Rubbing on plastic surfaces (battery housings are usually made of plastic) generates electrostatic
also use water with dissolved bicarbonate (sodium carbonate). charges.

Also see ZVEI leaflet “Safety data sheet for battery acid (diluted sulphuric acid)” in the annex.  lean the battery surfaces only with cotton cloths which are moistened with water. No charges
develop when wiping with a damp cotton cloth.

1.4.2 Explosive Gases When working on batteries, you must prevent your clothes (e.g. made of wool) from rubbing on
the battery. This could cause the development of electrostatic charges on the battery housing or
An explosive mixture of hydrogen/oxygen can escape from lead acid batteries. In case of an your body or clothes.
explosion of the mixture, severe personal injuries can occur.
- Always wear the prescribed protective clothing (safety goggles, suitable protective gloves and  ear suitable shoes and clothes which prevent the occurrence of electrostatic charges due to
safety boots, see chapter 1.3). their special surface resistivity. This can prevent the development of electrostatic charges on
- Use proper tools only (not “striking sparks”, with insulated handles etc.). your body or clothes.
- Prevent any ignition sources such as sparks, flames, and electric arcs.
-P  revent electrostatic discharge, wear cotton clothes and ground yourself if necessary if you  o not remove labels on the battery without special safety precautions. Pulling or tearing plastic
are working directly on the batteries. labels off plastic surfaces can cause electrostatic charges which can ignite oxyhydrogen when
In case of fire, only use water or CO2 to extinguish it!
Switch off the battery charging voltage first!
Danger! Before removing the label, wipe the battery with a wet cloth.
During extinguishing work, use a respirator with independent breathing air supply.
Do not point the fire extinguisher directly on the battery (batteries) to be extinguished. There is a
risk that the battery housing will crack due to thermal tension.
According to IEC 62485-2, the following requirements apply to the battery room:
Moreover, there is a risk of explosion due to possible static charges on the battery surface. The floor area in which a person is within arm’s reach to the battery must be conductive in such a way that
electrostatic charging is avoided. The leak resistance to a grounded point measured according to IEC 61340-
In order to minimise electrostatic charges on the battery surface, extinguish at short intervals. 4-1 must be less than 10 Mohm. On the other hand, the floor must be sufficiently insulated for the protection
There is a risk of explosions due to possible static charges on the battery surface. of persons. Therefore, the leak resistance of the floor against a grounded point measured according to IEC
61340-4-1 must be:
Toxic gases might occur when plastic materials are combusting. In this case, leave the fire ground For battery voltages ≤ 500 V: 50 kohm ≤ R ≤ 10 Mohm;
as soon as possible if you are not wearing a respirator. For battery voltages > 500 V: 100 kohm ≤ R ≤ 10 Mohm.

When using extinguishing water/foam, there is a risk of a short circuit.

When using extinguishing water, there is a risk of reactions with the electrolyte and, as a conse-
quence, severe squirting. Therefore, wear acid-proof protective clothing.

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2 Functional Principle of the AquaGen 3.2 Inserting the AquaGen

When using the AquaGen recombination system, the oxyhydrogen mixture which develops during the water If the AquaGen is mounted on older batteries, it is necessary to replace the old battery plugs
decomposition in the battery is led to the AquaGen recombinator. This gas is recombined by means of an inte- with a bayonet plug.
grated catalyst with water vapour developing during the process. The water vapour condenses at the walls of
the AquaGen recombinator. The developing water drops flow down and are returned to the battery. Depending
on the conditions, the efficiency of this recombination is up to 99%. This effectively reduces the efforts for the AquaGen products with visible damages caused by falling, collisions or similar must not be used.
refilling of water. We recommend a visual inspection of the electrolyte level at least twice per year.
Due to the recombination of the developing gases, the ventilation requirements according to IEC 62485-2 can
be reduced significantly.
The AquaGen is vertically inserted into the correspondingly prepared bayonet plug (Figure 1), and is pressed into
For battery cells/ blocks with a capacity of max. 500 Ah C10 or when using NiCd-battery cells at the bayonet plug until reaching the stop by means of slight rotary movements (Figure 2).
a capacitiy of max. 450 Ah C5, it is possible to use the grid | AquaGen pro. For higher capacities Now, the AquaGen is fully mounted (Figure 3).
the grid | AquaGen pro max is the right choise.

AquaGen recombinators may only be operated with HOPPECKE batteries (closed construction/

3 Assembly of the AquaGen

Before starting to work in the battery room, you must ensure that the ventilation is operative. In
case of technical ventilation, it must be switched on while working on the batteries.
Observe all aforementioned safety instructions and safety precautions, in particular with regards
to the leak resistances of gloves and safety boots (see chap. 1.3) as well as the floor area in the
battery room (see chap. 1.4.3).
Danger! Figure 1: Inserting the AquaGen I Figure 2: Inserting the AquaGen II

Before attaching the AquaGen recombinator, and if the electrolyte level has fallen to the “min.”
mark during the operation of the battery system, the electrolyte level has to be restored by refilling
cleaned/desalinated water (DIN 43530 part 4/IEC 60993-1). Overfilling beyond the “max.” mark
Danger! must be avoided.

3.1 Removing the labyrinth insert using screwdriver

In order to loosen the labyrinth insert from the bayonet plug, a screwdriver gets inserted between the labyrinth
insert and the bayonet plug and pulled off towards the top while pressing on the bottom edge. After the labyrinth
insert is loosen from the bayonet plug, it can be picked up with the hand.

Attention, there might be electrolyte residues on the labyrinth insert. The labyrinth inserts should
be placed and later stored in a suitable container.

Attention! Figure 3: Assembly of AquaGen

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4 Removing the AquaGen If the bayonet plug is not directly accessible (e. g. power.bloc OPzS, OGi bloc 12V) the AquaGen
recombinator can be lifted with a dedicated lifting tool Mat.-No. 7149004000.
If the AquaGen has to be removed, e.g. for disposal, you have to proceed in accordance with the Note: The AquaGen needs to be removed from the battery opening immediately after loosening.
instructions in this chapter.

After loosening, the AquaGen must be removed from the battery opening immediately.
If the battery is supposed to be operated without the AquaGen recombination system for a longer
time than necessary for maintenance purposes, the ventilation has to be shifted from the possibly Danger!
reduced air volume flow to the air volume flow required by IEC 62485-2.
Danger! Deposit the AquaGen together with its bayonet plugs into a suitable container in order to collect electrolyte
In case of boost charges with high currents, the surface of the AquaGen recombination system
can heat up strongly. Avoid touching the AquaGen recombination system in this operating phase
– risk of injuries! Moreover, dark deposits might develop on the walls in case of boost charges. The AquaGen must be stored in a vertical position so that remaining fluids can drain off without
These deposits do not impair the functionality of the AquaGen recombination system. obstructions, and the active material in the AquaGen remains dry.
Danger! Attention!

4.1 Maintenance
During maintenance work, the AquaGen must never be placed loosely in the (battery) cell opening!
Normally, the AquaGen recombination system does not have to be removed from the batte- Danger!
ry cells for maintenance purposes. All current HOPPECKE lead acid battery cells in closed/
VLA design are equipped with a so-called service opening (except block batteries e. g. OGi bloc
or power.bloc OPzS), via which it is possible to measure the temperature and acid density, as Always carry out cleaning work before or after the replacement using only cotton cloths (without
well as to refill water. Contact your local HOPPECKE representative if you need further information synthetic components) which were moistened with water.
about accessory products.

Before the disassembly, ensure that most of the fluid collected in the recombinator drains off downwards by
slightly knocking on the housing of the AquaGen. For the subsequent assembly, please proceed according to chap. 3.2 “Inserting the AquaGen”.
In order to remove the AquaGen from the battery, the AquaGen – together with its bayonet plugs – is loosened
by turning it counter-clockwise and then lifted off from the cell.
4.2 Disposal

Dispose of the AquaGen according to chapter 4.1. At first, deposit the AquaGen in a cardboard box with an
open top. Do not close the box! Because the AquaGen might contain acid residues, the legal provisions on the
disposal which are applicable in the country of destination must be observed. Please also observe the recom-
mendations regarding disposal and handling in the safety data sheet on sulphuric acid. Please contact your
local HOPPECKE representative if you want HOPPECKE to dispose of the AquaGen recombinator.

In general, do not use plastic sacks or bags in the vicinity of the battery.


Figure 4: Loosening AquaGen Figure 5: Lifting off AquaGen

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5 Capacity and Service Life Notes:
AquaGen recombinators are overload-proof, i.e. there is no risk of the plastic materials of
the AquaGen recombinator or the battery being damaged due to overheating for voltages up to
2.7 V/cell (boost or equalisation charges with I const). The function of the recombiner will be
not restricted in this case. The AquaGen recombiner is designed for a working range up to 2.4
V charging voltage.

For cyclic applications, we therefore recommend the use of the HOPPECKE electrolyte-circulating
pump sun.air instead of the AquaGen recombinator. When using the aforementioned pump, it is
also possible to reduce the water consumption significantly.

Boost charges and equalisation charges: charges with I/U curve, voltage limitation at max.
2.4 V/cell in the constant voltage phase.

An initial charge is also a boost charge. It is realised with an I/U curve with a max. voltage of
2.4 V/cell. As an alternative, it is also possible to charge with an I- (constant current) or a
W- (constant power) curve. In doing so, charging voltages of up to 2.6 V/cell are reached.

When charging with higher currents over a corresponding period of time, condensation of water
vapour outside the AquaGen recombinator might occur. The water drops which will develop in this
case are not an indicator of a fault or a leakage in the system.

If AquaGen recombinators are, for whatever reason, removed from the cells/blocks, the AquaGen
recombinators must be deposited in a vertical position by analogy with the operating position (do
not place recombinators on the side). A corresponding tray “AquaGen Stand” is included in the
Attention! scope of delivery.

If the ambient air temperature at the installation location of the battery can drop below 5 °C,
AquaGen recombinators must not be assembled or operated. Otherwise openings inside the
AquaGen might freeze and hence gas can not escape from the cell anymore. In consequence the
Attention! battery cell jar might be damaged due to excess pressure.

Annex – List of Figures

Figure 1: Inserting the AquaGen I.............................................................................................................. 13

Figure 2: Inserting the AquaGen II............................................................................................................. 13
Figure 3: Assembly of AquaGen................................................................................................................ 13
Figure 4: Loosening AquaGen................................................................................................................... 14
Figure 5: Lifting off AquaGen.................................................................................................................... 14

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Notes: Notes:

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Assembly and operating manual

All details in this brochure are based on state-of-the-art technology. Our products are subject to constant development. We therefore reserve the right to make changes.
Printed in Germany
7149029926 EN/03.22

HOPPECKE Batterien GmbH & Co. KG

P.O. Box 1140 · D-59914 Brilon · Germany Phone +49(0)2963 61-0 Email
Bontkirchener Straße 1 · D-59929 Brilon Fax +49(0)2963 61-270

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